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the beach

I’ve had an affinity with the beach since I was young. Every time I had the opportunity to take a vacation, it would almost always be the beach. My younger self would…

biometrics pre, during & post-covid

A couple of weeks ago I received a notification from my apple watch that there were some new health trends from the health app: Obviously this is because I had covid: being…

restarting from scratch

I’d finally tested negative on may 2nd the 13th day of my infection, in time to have a mini celebration with my partner. I am not sure if I overdid it, but…

stability or aliveness with biometrics

[cw: dieting for nutrition, severe PMS] Last week I wondered what is the price of the short bout of aliveness I had in Bangkok – I thought it would be interesting to document some…

what is the price of aliveness

While travelling in bangkok there is a sense of exhaustion as I have a fear of missing out. I felt like I couldn’t rest, because I wanted to do so much and…

new enjoyment in cooking

My partner suddenly developed a histamine intolerance – we only found out by trial and error because she started having stomach upsets after eating, even with the types of food that are…

working with seasons

Jerry Seinfield, apart from being famous for his sitcom, is also well known for popularising the concept of the “habit chain“: you complete one thing you really want to accomplish for the…