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“ugly” drawings from korea

The first couple of days in korea we stumbled into a 3-storey stationery shop called Object. There was a particular section where they sell stationery and stickers by a particular artist with…

gyeongju, the city of beautiful tombs

Spent a few days in gyeongju. I knew there were going to be tombs, but what I didn’t expect was them to be everywhere, not just concentrated in one area. I didn’t…

what we pay for wanting to be healthy

We are in Gyeongju now, a place full of cute hanoks and rolling green hills that are actually tombs which are thousands of years old. The weather has been rather unpredictable: searing…

open-air dining in seoul

It probably sounds obscure to write specifically about dining in open air in seoul, but when I conducted my own research prior to the trip it was challenging for me to find…