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biometrics pre, during & post-covid

A couple of weeks ago I received a notification from my apple watch that there were some new health trends from the health app: Obviously this is because I had covid: being…

testing positive

Today is the 9th day of my covid infection. I wanted to write something much earlier, but couldn’t find it in me to do so. I guess after writing several times here…

stability or aliveness with biometrics

[cw: dieting for nutrition, severe PMS] Last week I wondered what is the price of the short bout of aliveness I had in Bangkok – I thought it would be interesting to document some…

what is the price of aliveness

While travelling in bangkok there is a sense of exhaustion as I have a fear of missing out. I felt like I couldn’t rest, because I wanted to do so much and…

new enjoyment in cooking

My partner suddenly developed a histamine intolerance – we only found out by trial and error because she started having stomach upsets after eating, even with the types of food that are…