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This is the sample of Service Lever Agreement (SLA) for Information Technology (IT) contracts. i wrote this to give general overview for students wishing to know how to write SLA. As a student of institute of finance management class of 2014 computer science i would like to thank all my class mates.
Web service technology has gained more important role in developing distributed applications and systems on the Internet. Rapid growth of published web services makes their discovery more and more difficult. Nowadays, most of web service providers sign Services Level Agreement (SLA) contracts with their clients in order to guarantee the offered functionality of their services. This paper proposes an approach to monitor Quality of Services (QoS) in web service according to Service Level Objectives (SLO) in SLA. Monitoring procedures are introduced to check variations in the pre-agreed metric values of SLAs. Then, the deviation between the actual quality and the acceptable quality level can be identified and analyzed. Finally, the weaknesses of the web service practices can be discovered and solved.
Broadband speed has emerged as the single most commonly cited metric for characterizing the quality of broadband offerings. However speed measurements for the same service can vary significantly. These differences arise from a complex set of factors including different test methodologies and test conditions. For any testing methodology, teasing apart the end-to-end tests and attributing performance bottlenecks to constituent parts is technically challenging. While the broadband access network can be the bottleneck, significant bottlenecks arise in home networks, end users' computers, and server side systems and networks. Consequently, inferences regarding how ISP delivered speeds compare with their advertised speeds need to be undertaken with careful attention to the testing methodologies employed. Many testing methodologies are inappropriate for the purposes of assessing the quality of a broadband network.
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, 2007
Future distributed computing systems will be ubiquitous and provide accesses to a wide range of services at any time, every where, and from a variety of devices. The monitoring and controlling accesses to services are one of the fundamental challenges that must be faced in the context of ubiquitous and pervasive environments. To address services accesses issues, it is necessary to guaranty the user access to utilize the allowed and available services. More precisely, an access control must be granted to services in order to regulate their usage. In this paper, a contract-based approach for monitoring and controlling accesses to services in ubiquitous environments is presented. In this approach, client agents and server agents are bounded by contracts: the server agent expects that the client agent will not attempt to access other services than those it required, and the client agent expects that the server agent will provide the required service.
Cloud computing is emerging as key a technology platform for banking operations globally. In Asia, the progress of cloud application is relatively slow. This paper considers the major factors which influence a bank's decision to contract with a technology service provider to implement a cloud based strategy. This research study identifies the trends in applying cloud computing in global banking with a focus on banks in Thailand. It will analyze the criteria IT executives in banks use to decide on the selection of technology service providers. Banks require the service provider to meet specific requirements for a cloud implementation project in a bank. A survey approach was used to identify the important criteria IT executives in banks use to select an IT technology provider for cloud applications. The sample included 367 bank IT executives and professionals in Thai and international banks based in Bangkok. SEM was used to analyze the data. Interviews were conducted with 21 IT executives for insights into their decision criteria. Service quality which is based on the conventional SERVQUAL indicators strongly influence the decision to choose a technology service provider. This selection is also influenced by the capability of service provider, their technical capability and the cloud application features. There are few studies in the literature on the decision criteria that banks use to select a provider for cloud computing application.
Published for the Office of Government Commerce under licence from the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
Information Management & Computer Security, 2006
Purpose -The aim of this paper is to present the key areas of activity to be used for drafting service level agreements (SLAs) for electronic services and, at the same time, to present best practices and problems that arise from the application of this discipline. Design/methodology/approach -A range of recently published (2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005) works has been reviewed, in order to: a) analyse how an SLA has to be defined and applied b) identify the applicable best practices and c) identify the problem areas.
Future distributed computing systems will be ubiquitous and provide accesses to a wide range of services at any time, every where, and from a variety of devices. The monitoring and controlling services accesses are one of the fundamental challenges that must be faced in the context of ubiquitous and pervasive environments. To address services accesses issues, it is necessary to guaranty the user access to utilize the allowed and available services. More precisely, an access control must be granted to services in order to regulate their usage. In this paper, a contract-based approach for monitoring and controlling services accesses in ubiquitous environments is presented. In this approach, client agents and server agents are bounded by contracts: the server agent expects that the client agent will not attempt to access other services than those it required, and the client agent expects that the server agent will provide the required service.
Revista de Derecho “Librería Jurídica P y M", 2022
El presente trabajo pretende exponer los alcances del control de constitucionalidad en Bolivia, sus presupuestos de procedencia, y los ámbitos en que se desarrolla; asimismo, y en atención a la delimitación temática, nos interesará desarrollar con mayor amplitud, la naturaleza jurídica de la Acción de Inconstitucionalidad, su configuración normativa en la Constitución Política del Estado, y su intenso desarrollo en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional. A partir de ello, surge la siguiente hipótesis de investigación: Existe la necesidad de que los jueces constitucionales en Bolivia, al momento de conocer casos de inconstitucionalidad (abstracta, concreta o por omisión normativa) de disposiciones legales, consulten previamente los precedentes establecidos por el Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional para que dichos casos de presunta inconstitucionalidad, sean resueltos de forma pertinente conforme a las líneas jurisprudenciales vigentes. Respecto a los objetivos de la presente investigación, se pueden señalar básicamente los siguientes: a) Desarrollar los fundamentos jurisprudenciales del modelo de control predominantemente concentrado y plural de constitucionalidad en Bolivia; b) Demostrar la importancia de consultar las principales líneas jurisprudenciales establecidas por el Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional, para cualificar la labor jurisdiccional de los operadores de justicia y jueces constitucionales en la resolución de casos de presunta inconstitucionalidad.
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Coleções de Arte em Portugal e Brasil nos Séculos XIX e XX As academias de belas-artes do rio de janeiro, de lisboa e do porto, 1816-1836: ensino, artistas, mecenas e coleções, 2016
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