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Journal article with infographics, 2023
The current study presents facts indicating that the world can no longer withstand further injuries from war and conflict. The present unrest all over the world risks putting most of the countries into a crisis of health, economy, and social safety, which is the biggest threat to human civilization. Shockwaves have been felt all over the world as a result of war, inflation, food shortages, and the COVID-19 pandemic's long tail. Financial markets have been extremely volatile since the start of the conflict, and commodity markets are in disarray. War, conflicts, climate change, and pandemics are all contributing to the crisis's escalation, both directly and indirectly. All of these issues may endanger civilization by resulting in the loss of many basic healthcare facilities such as health system access, vaccination, poison control, coverage health insurance or co-payment policies, health vigilances and surveillances, monitoring of adverse drug reactions, telemedicine support, patient education or awareness programs, newer drug inventions, and allied technological advances and innovations. The security and safety of healthcare facilities, workers, and supply lines remain paramount concerns, along with access to health services, technology, and innovation. In a stable socio-political environment and sound economy, any of these facilities in countries or localities would take longer to develop and necessitate government and other allied authority support, IT innovation and protocol advancements, and public adherence to the health system. The current study represents both direct and indirect effects of armed conflicts on the global health system's sustainability, as well as other perceived or hidden damages caused by pandemics, climate change, and economic disasters. Surprisingly, each of these issues is linked to the other, which is also discussed.
Revista Iberoamericana CTS, 2023
The article argues that most of the debates on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and co-production focus solely on human actors and human agency and, as a result, fail to acknowledge the role of other-than-human agency in fields where it plays a central role, environmental governance being one of them. Two cases are presented and analyzed. In the first, climate scientists and technicians in South America co-produce solutions for an environmental crisis brought about by a drought. The article argues that the drought was what enabled co-production to happen meaningfully. The second contrasts the thinking of Yanomami Indigenous author and shaman Davi Kopenawa about the environment and the agencies involved in shamanistic action with the ontological basis of the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in which the integration of Indigenous knowledge has been a goal for over a decade. Based on the analysis of these cases, it is argued that other-than-human agencies need to be recognized in environmental governance.
Revista Intercontinental de Psicología y …, 2009
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, 2024
The future of work (FOW) is being influenced by emerging technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and predictive analytics. With 89% of businesses adopting digital strategies, experts predict that AI will enhance productivity and proficiency over the next decade. However, concerns about the impact of AI on employment and the workforce remain. The pace of AI development contradicts stakeholder expectations, leading to uncertainty about AI automation, competitiveness in local markets, online disruptions, job and skill redesign, and high pressure on the workforce. AI has shown benefits in automating processes and improving productivity, quality, and reliability. Descriptive analytics tools like Office 365 Delve (O3D) can help reinforce working relationships, improve work-life balance, and support communication. However, there is a gap between organizations and employees when it comes to adopting new technology tools. A case study was conducted at Achievers Point University (APU) to examine the use of O3D, its impacts, and user perceptions. The results showed that non-users do not trust the implementation of O3D, but users who use it effectively view output accuracy as well as input. In terms of well-being and trust, 62% of respondents trust O3D as a tool for improving work performance in time management and capturing work activity data. The findings from this case study can inform C-suite executives, decision-makers, and business leaders about developing strategies to mitigate risks during technology implementations
Foundations, 2024
There is a fundamental subsets–partitions duality that runs through the exact sciences. In more concrete terms, it is the duality between elements of a subset and the distinctions of a partition. In more abstract terms, it is the reverse-the-arrows of category theory that provides a major architectonic of mathematics. The paper first develops the duality between the Boolean logic of subsets and the logic of partitions. Then, probability theory and information theory (as based on logical entropy) are shown to start with the quantitative versions of subsets and partitions. Some basic mapping properties in the category of Sets are developed that explain the abstract duality of category theory. But by far the main application is to the clarification and interpretation of quantum mechanics. Since classical mechanics illustrates the Boolean worldview of full distinctness, it is natural that quantum mechanics would be based on the indefiniteness of its characteristic superposition states, which is modeled at the set level by partitions (or equivalence relations). This approach to interpreting quantum mechanics is not another jury-rigged or ad-hoc attempt at the interpretation of quantum mechanics but is a natural application of the fundamental duality running throughout the exact sciences.
Results of the Yesemek Sculpture Workshop and Islahiye-Nurdağı Survey 2019-2021, 2022
During the archaeological investigations carried out in 2019 and 2020 in Islahiye and Nurdağı districts of Gaziantep province and near Yesemek Sculpture Workshop, 77 archaeological sites from different periods from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Late Ottoman period were identified and investigated. The archaeology of this region, located in the northern Levant corridor, has not yet been sufficiently explored. Among these centres, the Late Bronze Age remains found in the Yesemek Sculpture Workshop and a large hilltop settlement in its immediate vicinity answered crucial questions about the Yesemek Sculpture Workshop, especially the problem of dating. Architectural remains, sculptures and pottery sherds from the Late Bronze Age found on a 3.5 km long natural hill extending in an east-west direction directly east of the workshop provide the dating of the Yesemek sculpture workshop, while the workshop's production purpose has also been uncovered.
The paper presents the investigation aspect of conservation-restoration treatment including non-destructive testing - from simple microscopic inspection to more sofisticated analitical methods. The results obtained give us an insight into basic technological information about the helmet, enabling at the same time more integrated interpretation of the helmet.
Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana, 2018
's new monograph, Rozhdenie gosudarstva. Moskovskaya Rus' XV-XVI vekov 1 , is an ambitious attempt to reconceptualize the problem of the origins of the Muscovite state and to contest the paradigm of Russian exceptionalism, that Muscovy fundamentally differed from contemporary European countries and essentially diverged from the European model of early-modern statehood. Krom makes the case that Muscovy did have a state by tracing the presence of several identifying characteristics of early modern European statehood in Muscovy and further argues that Muscovy fits the European model, although, like all European countries, it had its peculiarities. Although written for a popular audience, Rozhdenie gosudarstva. Moskovskaya Rus' XV-XVI vekov should stimulate lively discussion among specialists in Muscovite history.
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Deleted Journal, 2009
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2018
Annals of Science, 2024
… of human hypertension, 2011
Revista Cientifica General Jose Maria Cordova, 2019
Journal of Bacteriology, 1999
Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2019
International Council for Small Business - 51 ICSB World Conference, Melbourne, Australia 2006 , 2006
Advances in educational technologies and instructional design book series, 2018
Cartographic Perspectives, 2007
Materials and Structures, 2013