Voices of the Light: Codadka Iftiinka

2023, Maandeeq Publishing

SOMALI: Qasiiddooyinka buuggan ku jira waxaa intooda badan la daabacay 1993 waxaana lagu daabacay Nairobi, Kenya. Waxaa qasiiddooyinkaas daabacay English Press waxaana loo daabacay Codka Nolosha Cusub. Qasiiddooyinkan iyo kuwo kale oo qiima badanba waxaa laga heli karaa mareegta Nolosha Cusub, Nolosha Cusub. Qasiiddooyinkan waxaa alifay halkaraanno Soomaaliyeed oo caan ka ah kiniisadda Soomaaliyeed sida Aadan Jimaacle Faarax. Qofka keliya ee qasiiddoyahanka ah ee aan Soomaaliga ahayni waa H. Warren Modricker (1907 - 1998) oo ka mid ah aabbayaasha kiniisadda Soomaaliyeed. Ma sahlana in la turjumo suugaan sideedaba waayo waxaa lumaya in badan oo ka mid ah nuxurka iyo macaanka maansadaas. In luqad kale lagu turjumo maanso waxay u dhigantaa cusbo la dhaqay oo kale oo tiro iyo tayaba hoos u dhac ku yimaad. Si kastaba ha ahaatee waxaan sameeyay dadaal intii aan awooday. Sida ka muuqata buuggan, uma turjumin qasiiddooyinkan si toos ah (literal) balse waxaan u turjumay si macnaha dhowrta (dynamic). ENGLISH: Most of the hymns in this book were first published in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1993 by English Press. They were published for Codka Nolosha Cusub (Voice of the New Life). These and many other valuable hymns are available at the Nolosha Cusub website, Nolosha Cusub. The hymns were composed by talented Somali hymnists recognized in the Somali church. These hymnographers include Aadan Jimcaale Faarax. The only non-Somali hymnist in this book is H. Warren Modricker (1907 - 1998), who is one of the fathers of the Somali church. Translating poetry is not easy because it loses its rhyme and beauty. Translating poetry is akin to washing salt, compromising its quality and quantity. However, I have done my best. As you can see in the book, the translation is not literal but dynamic.

CODADKA IFTIINKA Voices of the Light Qasiiddooyin Eebbe Ammaan Ah Somali Christian Hymns Aweis A. Ali Translator ⅰ CODADKA IFTIINKA Voices of the Light Qasiiddooyin Eebbe Ammaan Ah Somali Christian Hymns First Edition, 2023 Aweis A. Ali Translator Jigjiga, Ethiopia ⅱ This hymnal has been published under the auspices of the Somali Bible Society. Mogadishu, Somalia. ISBN 978-99990-995-2-3 First Edition, 2023 HYMNAL Copyright © Rev. Aweis A. Ali, PhD Book cover design: Aweis A. Ali Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Kitaabka Quduuska Ah. Bible Society of Kenya, 1979. Revised by SIM in 2008 Translated by: Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † Assisted by: Yuusuf Nuur Ciise & Yuusuf Salaad †† Facilitated by: Warren & Dorothy Modricker †† ⅲ TUSMADA BUUGGA TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO HAYE AAN AMMAANNO …………………………... LET US PRAISE HIM ………………………………...…. 1 DUCEEYA ……………………………………………... PRAY ……………………………………………………... 2 CIISE WUU IMANAYAA ……………………………... JESUS IS COMING …………………………………….... 3 ILAAH AAN BAAHANE ……………………………... THE GOD WHO HAS NO NEED ……………………….. 4 ILAAHAY WAA RAXIIM …………………………….. GOD IS MERCIFUL …………………………………….. 5 KAALAYA AAN AMMAANNEE ……………………. COME, LET US MAGNIFY HIM ………………………. 5 BAAQIGA EEBBOW …………………………………. THE IMMORTAL GOD …………………………………. 6 QORAALKU SIDII UU YIDHI ……………………….. AS THE SCRIPTURES SAY …………………………..… 7 GACMAHAAGA NOO FIDI ………………………….. STRETCH OUT YOUR HANDS TO US ………..……… 8 WAXAAN AHAY DEMBIILE ………………………… I AM A SINNER …………………………………….…… 8 TOOBADDA RABBI ………………………………….. REPENT TO THE LORD ……………………………...… 9 GUULLOW ILAAHOW ………………………………. VICTORIOUS GOD ………………………………..……. 9 XALAY BAAN MASIIXII ARKOO ………………….. I SAW THE MESSIAH LAST NIGHT ……...………….. 10 CIISE WAA MASIIX …………………………………. JESUS IS THE MESSIAH ………………………….…… 11 NUURKII ADDUUNKA ……………………………… THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD …………………………. 11 AABBOW HANA DAYRIN …………………………... DO NOT FORSAKE US, FATHER ………………………12 BASHIIROW MASIIXII ………………………………. THE GOOD NEWS MESSIAH …………………………..13 BARYADA RABBIGA ………………………………... THE LORD’S PRAYER …………………………………..14 MAANTA NOO MICIIN ……………………………… HELP US TODAY ………………………………………...14 MARYAMOO ………………………………………….. MARY ……………………………………………………..15 QALBIGAYGAA KU DOORTAY ……………………... MY HEART CHOSE YOU ……………………………….16 INTUU BOQORKU SOO NOQON ……………………. BEFORE THE KING COMES BACK ……………….…..16 AAN AMMAANNO RABBIGA ………………………. LET US PRAISE THE LORD ………………………….…17 AANNU MADIIXNO ………………………………….. LET US GLORIFY HIM ……………………………….…18 ADIGAA IFTIINKAYGA ……………………………… YOU ARE MY LIGHT …………………………………...19 CIISE KIRISTOOS …………………………………….. JESUS CHRIST …………………………………………...19 GABANKII EEBBE …………………………………… THE SON OF GOD …………………………………...…..21 RABBIGA AAMMINOO ……………………………… BELIEVE IN THE LORD ………………………………..21 ⅳ HIBEYN Buuggan qasiiddooyinka ah waxaa loo hibeeyay shahiid Soomaali Masiixi caan ah, Prof. Xaaji Maxamed Xuseen Axmed (01 Janaayo 1951 – 03 Abriil 1996). Xaaji waa la afduubay, la jir dilay kadibna lagu toogtay Xamar sababo la xiriira caqiidadiisa Masiixiyadda ah. Xaaji waxaa uu ka qalin jebiyay Jaamacadda Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Kanada. Waxaa uu bare ka ahaa Jaamacadda Lafoole oo qayb ka ah Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Markii uu shahiidayay waxaa uu dib u dhis ku samaynayay nidaamka waxbarasho ee Soomaaliya. Waxaa aad loogu xusuustaa Xaaji maskaxdiisa cilmiyeed ee qotada dheer, howlkarnimadiisa iyo degganaantiisa. DEDICATION This hymnal is dedicated to a prominent Somali Christian martyr, Prof. Haji Mohamed Hussein Ahmed (01 January 1951 – 03 April 1996). Haji, as he was better known, was kidnapped, tortured, and then executed for his Christian faith in Mogadishu, Somalia. Haji, a graduate of Saskatchewan University, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, taught at Lafoole College, which is part of the Somali National University. At the time of his martyrdom, Haji was rebuilding the education system in Somalia. He is best remembered for his keen academic mind, work ethic, and humility. v QASIIDDOOYINKA & QORAYAASHA 1. Haye Aan Ammaanno Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † HYMNS & COMPOSERS 1. Let Us Praise Him Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 2. Duceeya Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 2. Pray Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 3. Ciise Wuu Imanayaa Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 3. Jesus is Coming Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 4. Ilaah Aan Baahane Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 4. The God Who Has No Need Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 5. Ilaahay Waa Raxiim Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 5. God is Merciful Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 6. Kaalaya Aan Ammaannee Cali Ibraahim Axmed † 6. Come, Let Us Magnify Him Cali Ibraahim Axmed † 7. Baaqiga Eebbow Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 7. The Immortal God Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 8. Qoraalku Sidii Uu Yidhi Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 8. As the Scriptures Say Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 9. Gacmahaaga Noo Fidi Amin Cabdulqaadir Axmed 9. Stretch Out Your Hands to Us Amin Cabdulqaadir Axmed 10. Waxaan Ahay Dembiile Maxamed Bile “Islow” 10. I Am a Sinner Maxamed Bile “Islow” 11. Toobadda Rabbi Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 11. Repent to the Lord Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 12. Guullow Ilaahow Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 12. Victorious God Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 13. Xalay Baan Masiixii Arkoo Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 13. I Saw the Messiah Last Night Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 14. Ciise Waa Masiix Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 14. Jesus is the Messiah Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 15. Nuurkii Adduunka Cali Ibraahim Axmed † 15. The Light of the World Cali Ibraahim Axmed † 16. Aabbow Hana Dayrin Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 16. Do Not Forsake Us, Father Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 17. Bashiirow Masiixii Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 17. The Good New Messiah Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 18. Baryada Rabbiga Abuukar Yuusuf † 18. The Lord’s Prayer Abuukar Yuusuf † 19. Maanta Noo Miciin Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos 19. Help Us Today Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos 20. Maryamoo Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 20. Mary Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 21. Qalbigaygaa Ku Doortay Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 21. My Heart Chose You Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 22. Intuu Boqorku Soo Noqon Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 22. Before the King Comes Back Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 23. Aan Ammaanno Rabbiga Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos 23. Let Us Praise the Lord Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos 24. Aannu Madiixno Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 24. Let Us Glorify Him Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 25. Adigaa Iftiinkayga Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 25. You Are My Light Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 26. Ciise Kiristoos H. Warren Modricker † 26. Jesus Christ H. Warren Modricker † 27. Gabankii Eebbe Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 27. The Son of God Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 28. Rabbiga Aamminoo Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos 28. Believe in the Lord Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos HORDHAC Qasiiddooyinka buuggan ku jira waxaa intooda badan la daabacay 1993 waxaana lagu daabacay Nairobi, Kenya. Waxaa qasiiddooyinkaas daabacay English Press waxaana loo daabacay Codka Nolosha Cusub. Qasiiddooyinkan iyo kuwo kale oo qiima badanba waxaa laga heli karaa mareegta Nolosha Cusub, Nolosha Cusub. Most of the hymns in this book were first published in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1993 by English Press. They were published for Codka Nolosha Cusub (Voice of the New Life). These and many other valuable hymns are available at the Nolosha Cusub website, Nolosha Cusub. Qasiiddooyinkan waxaa alifay halkaraanno Soomaaliyeed oo caan ka ah kiniisadda Soomaaliyeed sida Aadan Jimaacle Faarax. Qofka keliya ee qasiiddoyahanka ah ee aan Soomaaliga ahayni waa H. Warren Modricker (1907 - 1998) oo ka mid ah aabbayaasha kiniisadda Soomaaliyeed. The hymns were composed by talented Somali hymnists recognized in the Somali church. These hymnographers include Aadan Jimcaale Faarax. The only non-Somali hymnist in this book is H. Warren Modricker (1907 - 1998), who is one of the fathers of the Somali church. Ma sahlana in la turjumo suugaan sideedaba waayo waxaa lumaya in badan oo ka mid ah nuxurka iyo macaanka maansadaas. In luqad kale lagu turjumo maanso waxay u dhigantaa cusbo la dhaqay oo kale oo tiro iyo tayaba hoos u dhac ku yimaad. Si kastaba ha ahaatee waxaan sameeyay dadaal intii aan awooday. Sida ka muuqata buuggan, uma turjumin qasiiddooyinkan si toos ah (literal) balse waxaan u turjumay si macnaha dhowrta (dynamic). Translating poetry is not easy because it loses its rhyme and beauty. Translating poetry is akin to washing salt, compromising its quality and quantity. However, I have done my best. As you can see in the book, the translation is not literal but dynamic. Waxaan halkan uga mahadnaqayaa cid walba oo qayb ka gaysatay soo saarista buuggan qiimaha leh. Waxaan si gaar ah ugu mahadnaqayaa Rev. LeCrecia M. Ali oo shaqal tirtay turjumidda afka Ingriiska. Eebbe haka abaalmariyo xoogga iyo xigmadda ay howshan ku bixisay. Wixii habacsanaan ah ee ka yimaad turjumidda waa mid aniga ii gaar ah oo aan cidna ila wadaagin. Nuqul PDF ah waxaad si lacag la’aan ah uga heli kartaa internet-ka. Wixii talo iyo tusaale ah waxaad iigu soo hagaajin kartaan Aweis A. Ali INTRODUCTION I am thankful to everyone who contributed to the production of this great hymnal. Thanks to Rev. LeCrecia M. Ali for editing and proofreading the English translation. May God reward her richly for her effort and wisdom. Any shortcoming in this translation is entirely mine. A soft copy (PDF) of this hymnal is available online for free. Feel free to send me any feedback through Aweis A. Ali QIRASHADA IIMAANKA APOSTLES’ CREED Waxaan rumaysannahay Eebbaha Aabbaha ah Kaas oo ah Qaadirka abuuray samada iyo dhulka Iyo Ciise Masiix oo ah Inankiisa qura iyo Sayidkeenna Kaas oo ka dhashay Ruuxa Qudduuska ah Waxaana dhashay Maryan oo bikra ah Waxaa uu ku hoos silcay Bontiyos Bilaatos Iskutallaabta ayaa lagu qodbay, wuu geeriyooday, lana aasay Wuxuu galay Goobtii Dadka Geeriyooday Kuwii dhintay ayuu ka soo sarakacay maalintii saddexaad Wuxuu aaday samada oo uu ku negaaday isaga oo ku sugan Gacanta midig ee Eebbaha Aabbaha Qaadirka ah Halkaas ayuuna ka iman doonaa si uu u xukumo Kuwa nool iyo kuwa dhintayba. Waxaan rumaysannahay Ruuxa Qudduuska ah Kiniisadda Ciise Masiix ee caalamiga ah Jameecada awliyada ah, cafinta dembiga Sarakicidda jirka iyo nolosha weligeed ah I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. -Somali translation by Aweis A. Ali DUCADA ADEEGAYAASHA EEBBE Eebboow Ilaahow, kuwa aad u yeertay In ay Eraygaaga, Soomaalida u geeyaan Ku adeecay adigee, ammarkaaga raacay Howshu waa mid adagoo, sahal aan ahayne Afka waxay ka doonaan, uurka uga baahdaan Eebboow Allaw sii, adey kuu adeegaan PRAYER FOR MINISTERS O God, the people You called To evangelize the Somalis, Those who obey and evangelize, Their ministry is hard. It is not easy. Anything they want in their hearts, O God, give it to them; they serve You. Agab waxay u baahdaan, yaaney waayin Eebboow Ka ilaali cuduroo, caafimaad adigu sii Cidla yaanay aragoo, abidkood ay ciishoon Ehel iyo asxaab sii, halkii ay tagaanba Afka markay furayaan, hadal adigu oo hag Axadkii maqlaaba, ha raaco Injiilka May they receive anything they need. Protect and keep them healthy. Shield them from loneliness and anguish. Give them family and friends everywhere. Speak through them as they communicate. May anyone who hears them follow You. Kuwa Eraygaaga, raaca oo rumeeya Oo towbad keena, bartana Injiilka Waa xertaadi adigee, garabkood Allow gal Ka xijaab shar oo idil, oo ku xooji Ruuxa Miro badan Allow sii, ku addeeca adigoo Eraygaaga baraya, Soomaali oo idil The people who believe in and follow You, Those who repent and study the Bible, Help them; they are Your disciples. Strengthen them with the Holy Spirit. Give them many converts who obey You Those who teach Somalis about Your Word. Aweis A. Ali Aweis A. Ali BARYADA RABBIGA Matayos 6:9-13 THE LORD’S PRAYER Matthew 6:9-13 (NIV) Aabbahayaga jannada ku jirow, magacaagu quduus ha ahaado. Boqortooyadaadu ha timaado, doonistaada dhulka ha lagu yeelo sida jannada loogu yeelo. Kibis maalin nagu filan, maanta na sii. Oo naga cafi qaamahayaga sidaannu u cafinnay kuwa noo qaamaysan. Oo jirrabaadda ha noo kaxaynin, laakiin sharka naga du. Waayo, boqortooyada iyo xoogga iyo ammaanta adigaa leh weligaa. Aamin. “This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’ SABUURKII NEBI DAA’UUD Sabuur 23:1-6 A PSALM OF DAVID Psalm 23:1-6 Kanu waa sabuur Daa’uud tiriyey. Rabbigu waa adhijirka i jira; waxba u baahan maayo. Wuxuu i fadhiisiyaa doog qoyan dhexdiis, Oo wuxuu ii hoggaamiyaa biyaha deggan dhinacooda. Naftayda wuu soo celiyaa. Oo magiciisa aawadiis wuxuu igu hor kacaa waddooyinka xaqnimada. In kastoo aan ku dhex socdo dooxada hooska dhimashada, Sharna ka baqi maayo, waayo, waad ila jirtaa, Ushaada iyo hangoolkaaga ayaa ii raaxeeya. Cadaawayaashayda hortooda waxaad iigu diyaarisaa miis, Oo saliid baad madaxayga ku subagtaa, koobkayguna waa buuxdhaafaa. Hubaal cimrigayga oo dhan waxaa i raaci doona wanaag iyo naxariis, Oo weligay guriga Rabbiga ayaan degganaan doonaa. The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. TOBANKA AMAR EE NEBI MUUSE Baxniintii 20:3-17 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Exodus 20:3-17 (NIV) Aniga mooyaane ilaahyo kale waa inaanad lahaan. Waa inaanad samaysan sanam xardhan, ama wax u eg waxa samada sare jira, ama waxa dhulka hoose jira, ama waxa biyaha dhulka ka hooseeya ku jira. Waa inaanad iyaga u sujuudin, ama u adeegin, waayo, aniga oo ah Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah waxaan ahay Ilaah masayr, oo xumaantii awowayaasha waxaan soo gaadhsiinayaa carruurtooda tan iyo farcanka saddexaad iyo kan afraad oo kuwa i neceb, oo waxaan u naxariistaa kumanyaal ah kuwa i jecel oo amarradayda xajiya. Waa inaanad magaca Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah si been ah ugu hadal qaadin, waayo, Rabbigu eedlaawe u haysan maayo kii magiciisa si been ah ugu hadal qaada. Xusuuso maalinta sabtida, inaad quduus ka dhigto. Lix maalmood waa inaad hawshootaa, oo aad shuqulkaaga oo dhan qabsataa, laakiinse maalinta toddobaad waa maalin sabti u ah Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah, oo waa inaanad shuqul qaban, adiga, ama wiilkaaga, ama gabadhaada, ama addoonkaaga, ama addoontaada, ama xoolahaaga, ama qariibka irdahaaga ku jira; waayo, Rabbigu lix maalmood buu ku sameeyey samada, iyo dhulka, iyo badda, iyo waxa dhexdooda ku jira oo dhan, kolkaasuu nastay maalintii toddobaad, sidaas daraaddeed ayaa Rabbigu u barakeeyey maalintii sabtida ahayd oo quduus uga dhigay. Aabbahaa iyo hooyadaa maamuus, in cimrigaagu ku dheeraado dhulka Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ahu ku siiyo. Waa inaanad qudh gooyn. Waa inaanad sinaysan. Waa inaanad waxba xadin. Waa inaanad deriskaaga marag been ah ku furin. Waa inaanad damcin guriga deriskaaga, waa inaanad damcin naagta deriskaaga, ama addoonkiisa, ama addoontiisa, ama dibigiisa, ama dameerkiisa, ama waxa deriskaagu leeyahay oo dhan. “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name. “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. “You shall not murder. “You shall not commit adultery. “You shall not steal. “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” ⅺ KITAABKA & MAANSADA THE BIBLE & HYMNS Sabuur 96:1-3 Rabbiga gabay cusub ugu gabya, Dadka dhulka oo dhammow, Rabbiga u gabya. Rabbiga u gabya, oo magiciisa ammaana, Oo badbaadintiisana muujiya maalin ka maalin. Ammaantiisa quruumaha dhexdooda ka sheega, Oo shuqulkiisa yaabka badanna dadyowga oo dhan ka dhex sheega. Psalm 96:1-3 Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. Sabuur 98:1-9 Rabbiga gabay cusub ugu gabya, Waayo, isagu wuxuu sameeyey waxyaalo yaab badan, Gacantiisa midig iyo dhudhunkiisa qudduuska ahuna waxay keeneen badbaado. Rabbigu wuxuu dadka ogeysiiyey badbaadadiisii, Oo xaqnimadiisiina wuxuu bayaan ugu muujiyey quruumaha hortooda. Oo wuxuu soo xusuustay naxariistiisii iyo aaminnimadiisii uu u qabay reerka binu Israa'iil, Dadka dhulka darfihiisa jooga oo dhammu way wada arkeen badbaadinta Ilaaheenna. Inta dhulka joogta oo dhammay, Rabbiga farxad ugu qayliya, Dhawaaqa, oo farxad ku gabya, oo ammaan ku gabya. Rabbiga ammaan ugu gabya idinkoo kataarad haysta, Kataarad iyo codka heeska ugu gabya. Boqorka Rabbiga ah hortiisa farxad kaga dhawaajiya Turumbooyin iyo buunan. Badda iyo waxa ka buuxaaba ha guuxeen, Dunida iyo kuwa dhex deggan oo dhammuna ha dhawaaqeen, Webiyadu ha sacbiyeen, Oo buuruhuna dhammaantood farxad ha kaga gabyeen Rabbiga hortiisa, Waayo, isagu wuxuu u imanayaa inuu dhulka xukumo, Wuxuu dunida ku xukumi doonaa xaqnimo, Dadyowgana caddaalad. Psalm 98:1-9 Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him. The Lord has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations. He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn— shout for joy before the Lord, the King. Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy; let them sing before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity. Ephesians 5:18-19 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, Efesos 5:18b-19 …laakiinse Ruuxu ha idinka buuxsamo. Iskula hadla sabuurro iyo heeso ammaan ah iyo gabayo xagga ruuxa, idinkoo gabyaya oo Rabbiga qalbigiinna ka ammaanaya. ⅻ 1. HAYE AAN AMMAANNO Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 1. LET US PRAISE HIM Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † Haye aan ammaanno Haye aan ammaanno Ilaahii na uuntay Haye aan ammaanno Let us praise Him. Let us praise Him. The God who created us Let us praise Him. 1. Wuu na eegayaayoo Na ilaaliyaayee IIlaahii na uuntay Haye aan ammaanno 1. He is watching us. He is protecting us. The God who created us Let us praise Him. 2. Indhihiiyo dhegaha Iyo afarta addin Isagaa na siiyee Haye aan ammaanno 2. Eyes, ears, And both legs and arms He gave us. Let us praise Him. 3. Waa ayaan wanaagasane Alla noo inshaaree Haye aan ammaanno 3. It is a good day. God has chosen for us. Let us praise Him. 4. “Alxamdulilaahi” Inta aan niraahno Ilaaheenna fiican Haye aan ammaanno 4. Let us say, “Thanks be to God.” Let us praise Him, Our good God. 5. Intii Eraygiisa Addeecdoo rumaysa Wuu abaal gudaaye Haye aan ammaanno 5. Those who believe and obey His Scriptures, He will reward them. Let us praise Him. 6. Intii aammintoo dhan Inamuu ka yeelee Haye aan ammaanno 6. All Those who trust Him, He has made them His children. Let us praise Him. 7. Waa Wankii Ilaahoo Iinna aan lahayne Haye aan ammaanno 7. He is the Lamb of God, Who has no blemish. Let us praise Him. 8. Allabbarigeenna inuu noo ahaado Inan buu na siiyee Haye aan ammaanno 8. Our sacrifice To be made acceptable He gave us His Son. Let us praise Him. 9. Ibliiskiyo jinniga Isagaa ka adagee Haye aan ammaanno 9. Lucifer and his demons He is more powerful than them. Let us praise Him. 1 2. DUCEEYA Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 2. PRAY Maxamed Cabdi Cawad Duceeya, duceeya Dadkiiyow duceeya Duceeya, duceeya Dadkiiyow, duceeya Pray, pray, Believers, pray. Pray, pray, Believers, pray. 1. Deeqlaha ina uumay Inuu dembigeenna innaga wada daayo Dadkiiyow duceeya 1. The God, who created us, To forgive All our sins Believers, pray. 2. Masiixa la doortay Daruurta sideeda U soo degi doonaa Digriga ugu heesaa 2. The chosen Messiah, Who like the cloud, Will descend to Earth, Sing to Him a hymn. 3. Masiixa darteenna Dhammaan dembigeenna Dushiisa ku qaatay Damiirka u sheega 3. Because of us, the Messiah, Who took away all our sins And placed them upon Himself, Tell this to your conscience. 4. Markay deldeleenna Dhiiggiisii u daatay Dadkiisa jacaylka Cadaab ka difaacay 4. When they crucified Him, His blood was shed, For His beloved people. He saved them from hell. 5. Midkii dunidoo dhan Iftiinka ku daaray Dabbaaldeg u muuja Ammaan ugu deeqa 5. The One, who, all over the world, Illuminated with His light, Celebrate Him, And give Him glory. 6. La doona La doona Dadkeenna la doona La doona La doona Dadkeenna la doona 6. Help them. Help them. Help our people. Help them. Help them. Help our people. 7. Kitaabka la doona Injiilka la doona Wanaagga la doona Iftiinka la doona 7. Help them with the Holy Bible. Help them with the Gospel. Help them to get that which is good. Help them with the Light. Duceeya, duceeya Dadkiiyow duceeya Duceeya, duceeya Dadkiiyow, duceeya (3x) Pray, pray, Believers, pray. Pray, pray, Believers, pray. 2 3. CIISE WUU IMANAYAA Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 3. JESUS IS COMING Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 1. Ciise wuu imanayaa Ciise wuu imanayaa Ilaahay baa sheegayoo Ereygu been ma aha oo Inanka kii diidayow Ayaanti way dhowdahoo Ciise wuu imanayaa Ciise wuu imanayaa 1. Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming. God stated this And his Word is not false. Those who reject the Son Their day is near. Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming. 2. Eebbe wuxuu diiday buu Eebbe wuxuu diiday buu Uunka yidhi daaya oo Eebbe wuu nici jiroo Waa ammaan inaan xusnoo Ayaantii way dhowdahoo Ciise wuu imanayaa Ciise wuu imanayaa. 2. What God forbid, What God forbid, And prohibited from people God forbids what is not good. It is good we commemorate Him. The day is near. Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming. 3. Ummadda wuu doonayoo Ummadda wuu doonayoo Wuu asxaan fali jiroo Addimo kaan haysan buu Orod yidhoo socon jiroo Ayaantii way dhowdahoo Ciise wuu imanayaa Ciise wuu imanayaa. 3. He loves the people, He loves the people, He is kind to them. To the physically disabled He said, “Walk!” and they did. The day is near. Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming. 4. Kii indhaha waayey buu Kii indhaha waayey buu Aragtidiisa u furoo Waa Amiirka runta oo Aayado muujiyoo Ayaantii way dhowdahoo Ciise wuu imanayaa Ciise wuu imanayaa 4. To the blind one, To the blind one, He gave back his sight. He is the true Prince Who worked miracles. The day is near. Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming. 5. Waa albaabkii jannada Waa albaabkii jannada Kii muftaaxa u ahoo Kii inkiray baa lumoo Naarta ku asqoobayoo Ayaantii way dhowdahoo Ciise wuu imanayaa Ciise wuu imanayaa 5. He is the way to Heaven He is the way to Heaven. He is the key to Heaven. He, who denies Him, is lost, And he will be lost in hell. The day is near. Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming. 3 4. ILAAH AAN BAAHANE Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 4. THE GOD WHO HAS NO NEED Cabdulqaadir Mursal † Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Adaan ku baahannahaye noo bishaaree The God who has no need but is needed by all, The God who has no need but is needed by all, We need you. Give us good news. 1. Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Ba’a lagu sheegay aakhiro naga badbaadi 1. The God who has no need but is needed by all, The destruction on the last day save us from it. 2. Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Qiyaamaha baaska yaallaa naga badbaadi 2. The God who has no need but is needed by all, The terrible Judgement Day rescue us from it. 3. Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Xisaab ba’an baa la sheegee naga badbaadi 3. The God who has no need but is needed by all, A hard judgment has been foretold. Rescue us from it. 4. Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Adaan boqorow ku barinee naga badbaadi 4. The God who has no need but is needed by all, We beg you, O King, save us from it. 5. Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Belaayada taal aduunyada naga badbaadi 5. God, you have no need but you are needed, The disasters in the world save us from them. 6. Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Inaan baadiyowno Eebbow naga badbaadi 6. The God who has no need but is needed by all, All sorts of misleading, O God, protect us from it. 7. Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Inaan bidciyowno Eebbow naga badbaadi 7. The God who has no need but is needed by all, All heretical teachings, O God, protect us from them. 8. Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Masiix inaan ka baydhnaa naga badbaadi 8. The God who has no need but is needed by all, Rejecting the Messiah, protect us from it. 9. Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Bakhti iyo booli iyo been naga badbaadi 9. The God who has no need but is needed by all, From filth, loot, and lies, save us from them. 10. Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Bushi iyo baahi iyo ceeb naga badbaadi 10. The God who has no need but is needed by all, From sickness, hunger, and shame, save us from them. 11. Ilaah aan baahane loo baahan yahayow Baybalkoo aan ka boodnaa naga badbaadi 11. The God who has no need but is needed by all, Ignoring the Bible, save us from it. 4 5. ILAAHAY WAA RAXIIM Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 5. GOD IS MERCIFUL Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 1. Raxmaankeygaan jecelahay Riyaan ku arkay isaga Rubadku wuu ii farxaa Malaa’igo ruxubo ah baa Raabraabo u soo degoo Runtii bay ku heesayaan Ilaahay waa Raaxim (2x) 1. I love my Merciful One. I saw Him in a dream. My heart rejoices within me, As I see a host of angles Descending in small groups While singing the truth that God is merciful. (2x) 2. Rajaan la farxaa anigu Risiq Eebbaan cunaa Rafaad weligay ma galo oo Jannada rooxada ku taal Ayaan ku riyaaqayoo Raxmad Eebbaan fishaa Ilaahay waa Raaxim (2x) 2. I rejoice in hope And live by God’s provisions. I am protected from misery. The beautiful Heaven Makes me joyful. I expect God’s grace God is merciful. (2x) 3. Ruuxaan ka samaysanahay Rabbuuna xaggii ka yimid Ramaadkiyo doogga baxa Caanaha ramadka ee la dhamo Raaxada hurdada ee la tago Casiiskaa inoo rakibay Ilaahay waa Raxiim (2x) 3. I am made of spirit That came from God. The fresh and green grass, The fresh milk of livestock, And the pleasure of the sleep at night Have been bestowed on me by God. God is merciful. (2x) 6. KAALAYA AAN AMMAANNEE Cali Ibraahim Axmed † 6. COME, LET US MAGNIFY HIM Cali Ibraahim Axmed † 1. Rabbi baa awood leh Aayo iyo khayr badan Ilwaad iyo sharaf leh Kaalaya aan ammaannee 1. The Lord is mighty. He gives grace and blessing. He is generous and honorable. Come, let us magnify Him. 2. Rabbi baa adkaan leh Caqli aan go’ayn iyo Ilays aan damayn leh Kaalaya aan ammaannee 2. The Lord is victorious, Has infinite wisdom And eternal light. Come, let us magnify Him. 3. Adduunkuu badbaadshoo Dembigeennii aawgii Isagaa u iishee Kaalaya aan ammaannee 3. He saved the world. Because of our sins He died on the cross. Come, let us magnify Him. 4. Ibliiskiyo jinniga Aadanaha lumiyaa Isagaa ka adagee Kaalaya aan ammaannee 4. Lucifer and his demons Who lead people astray The Lord is mightier than them. Come, let us magnify Him. 5 5. Ninkii Ruuxa aammina Rabbigiis addeecaa Axdi baa u yaallee Kaalaya aan ammmaannee 5. He who trusts in the Spirit And obeys His Lord, He is in God’s Covenant. Come, let us magnify Him. 6. Kii amarka raacee Ilaahii rumeeyaa Axdi baa u yaallee Kaalaya aan ammaannee 6. He who obeys the Lord And believes in God, He is in divine Covenant. Come, let us magnify Him. 7. Arxankeennii weeyaan Ayaan Eebbe weeyaan Aakhiriyo adduunkee Kaalaya aan ammaannee 7. He is our kind One. It is the day of God Both in Heaven and on earth. Come, let us magnify Him. 7. BAAQIGA EEBBOW Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 7. THE IMMORTAL GOD Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † Baaqiga Eebbow Dunida beeray Ballan kuu sheegay Ka baaqan mayo The immortal God, Who created the world, Gave you a Covenant That will never fail. 1. Buuraha korkooda Haddaan bil joogo Barafku i garaacana Beenbeenin maayo Badbaadshahayga 1. On top of the mountains, If I stay for a month With snow falling on me, I will not deny My Savior. 2. Boqol sano Haddaan ban joogo Beer iyo xooliyo Bilcaanba waayana Beenbeenin maayo Badbaadshahayga 2. For a hundred years, If I stay in the desert, Without a farm, livestock And spouse, I will not deny My Savior. 3. Haddii lay bireeyo Bad laygu tuuro Bur layla dhacana Beenbeenin maayo Badbaadshahayga 3. If I am decapitated, Thrown into the sea, And beaten with a club, I will not deny My Savior. 4. Haddii aan baahdo Beesa aan waayo Beenbeenin maayo Badbaadshahayga 4. If I am hungry And I have no money, I will never deny My Savior. 6 5. Bugtaa i haysa Beerkay xanuunjin Isagaa i baanto Iga bogsiiya Beenbeenin maayo 5. When I am sick And have pain in my liver, He cares for me And heals me from it. I will never deny my Savior. Baaqiga Eebbow Dunida beeray Ballan kuu sheegay Ka baaqan maayo The immortal God, Who created the world, Gave you a Covenant That will never fail. 8. QORAALKU SIDII UU YIDHI Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 8. AS THE SCRIPTURES SAY Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 1. Qoraalku sidii uu yidhi Qoraalku sidii uu yidhi Qiyaas Rabbi baa u dhigan Intaan ifku qaybsamin Qudhiinuna taagan tahay Qayaamuhu aanu dhicin 1. As the Scriptures say, As the Scriptures say: There is a unique, divine time, Before the world is judged, While you are still alive, And Doomsday has not come yet. Ilaahay maad qirtaan? Qawlkiisa rumaysataan? Ilaahay maad qirtaan? Qawlkiisa rumaysataan? Why don’t you believe in God? And believe in His Word? Why don’t you believe in God? And believe in His Word? 2. Quruumaha dunida jira Quruumaha dunida jira Inkastoo quwodo is bidaan Mar baa laga qaban naftoo Dhammaan laga qaadayaa Intaydaan wada qallalin 2. The nations in the world, The nations in the world, Who may think they are mighty, One day they lose their life. They will all die. So before you all die, Ilaahay maad qirtaan? Qawlkiisa rumaysataan? Ilaahay maad qirtaan? Qawlkiisa rumaysataan? Why don’t you believe in God? And believe in His Word? Why don’t you believe in God? And believe in His Word? 3. Qaynuunku sidii uu yidhi Qaynuunku sidii uu yidhi Ducada kii aan qadderin Salaaddana qiimo siin Qaadirka uma tegi karoo Kii oon Sayidka u qasdiyin 3. As the Bible says, As the Bible says, The one who values no devotions Nor gives priority to prayers, Will not see the Almighty, If his aim is not the Lord. Ilaahay maad qirtaan? Qawlkiisa rumaysataan? Ilaahay maad qirtaan? Qawlkiisa rumaysataan? Why don’t you believe in God? And believe in His Word. Why don’t you believe in God? And believe in His Word? 7 9. GACMAHAAGA NOO FIDI Amin Cabdulqaadir Axmed 9. STRETCH OUT YOUR HANDS TO US Amin Cabdulqaadir Axmed 1. Dembigaan galeyniyo Waxaan geysannoo idil Giddi waan ka beyrnoo Xaqii baanu garannaye (2x) 1. All the sins we committed And all the evil we have done, We turn away from them all. We understand the truth. (2x) Guullow Allahayow Goor iyo ayaanba Gacmahaaga noo fidi (2x) O victorious God, Every day and every night Stretch out your hands to us. (2x) 2. Golihii Iblayskiyo Gudcurkii inaanan Ugu noqon gadaalbuu Naga yahay go’aankee (2x) 2. Satan’s assembly, And all the past darkness We will not return to them This is our firm decision. (2x) 3. Nimcadaada guud iyo Kuwaan garan Injiilka Inuu Erayga gaaraan U gallaa socdaalkee (2x) 3. That your Prevenient Grace For those who don’t know the Gospel And so that the Word will reach them, We go out to evangelize them. (2x) 4. Gabbalkii dhacay iyo Waagi soo guduutaba Noogu deeq gargaarkiyo Raxmaddaada gaarka ah 4. Every dusk And every dawn, Support us generously. Give us your special grace. (2x) 10. WAXAAN AHAY DEMBIILE Maxamed Bile “Islow” 10. I AM A SINNER Maxamed Bile “Islow” 1. Waxaan ahay dembiile Waxaan ahay dembiile Dunuubtii aan falay baa Dunuubtii aan falay baa Daraaddeed, laguugu qodbay iskutallaabtee Daraaddeed, laguugu qodbay iskutallaabtee 1. I am a sinner. I am a sinner. Because of the sins I have committed, Because of the sins I have committed, You were nailed to the cross, You were nailed to the cross. 2. Waxaan ahay dembiile Waxaan ahay dembiile Dulmigaan samey baa Dulmigaan samey baa Daraaddiis laguugu qodbay iskutallaabtee Daraaddiis laguugu qodbay iskutallaabtee 2. I am a sinner. I am a sinner. Because of the evil I have done, Because of the evil I have done, You were nailed to the cross. You were nailed to the cross. 3. Waxaan helay dembidhaafka Waxaan helay dembidhaafka Nolol daa'ima inaan helo Nolol daa'ima inaan helo Daraaddeed laguugu qodbay iskutallaabtee Daraaddeed laguugu qodbay iskutallaabtee 3. I have received forgiveness. I have received forgiveness. So I could receive eternal life, So I could receive eternal life, You were nailed to the cross. You were nailed to the cross. 8 4. Waxaan ahay adeegahaaga Waxaan ahay adeegahaaga Dembidhaafka inaad i siisaa Dembidhaafka inaad i siisaa Daraaddeed laguugu qodbay iskutallaabtee Daraaddeed laguugu qodbay iskutallaabtee 4. I am Your servant. I am Your servant. So I could receive forgiveness, So I could receive forgiveness, You were nailed to the cross. You were nailed to the cross. 11. TOOBADDA RABBI Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 11. REPENT TO THE LORD Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 1. Haddii dadku ila tashado ee Kuwii oon iga tegayn Tilmaan baan siin lahaayoo Tibaax baan u jeedin lahaayoo Xaqaana tis qaaddi lahaa (2x) 1. If people consulted me, Without ignoring me, I would give them directions And give them a suggestion And righteousness would flourish. [2x] 2. Talada aan odhan lahaa Wax weyn bay tari lahayd Hadday Sayidka u tagaanoo Toobadda Rabbi raacayaan Hadday Sayidka u tagaanoo Toobadda Rabbi raacayaan (2x) 2. The advice I would give, Would be very useful to them, If they follow the Lord, And repent to the Lord. If they follow the Lord, And repent to the Lord. [2x] 3. Haddii dadku uu wax tebo oo Ku taamaan inay helaan Tayey ka rajaynayaan oo Inay tiiraanyadiyo Xanuunkuba kaga tagaan (2x) 3. If people miss something And are eager to find it, They expect it to be of quality To overcome grief and Heal their pain. [2x] 4. Inay tubta roon maraan Wax weyn bay tari lahayd Hadday Sayidka u tagaanoo Toobadda Rabbi raacayaan Hadday Sayidka u tagaanoo Toobadda Rabbi raacayaan (2x) 4. To follow the right path Would be very useful to them, If they follow the Lord And repent to the Lord. If they follow the Lord And repent to the Lord. (2x) 12. GUULLOW ILAAHOW Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 12. VICTORIOUS GOD Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † Guullow Ilaahow Adigaa noo gargaaray Guullow Ilaahow Adigaa noo gargaaray O victorious God, You always help us. O victorious God, You always help us. 1. Galab iyo subaxba Adaa noo garaagay Gelin horiyo gelin dambeba Adaa noo gargaaray 1. Every day and every night You give us assistance. All the time You give us assistance. 9 2. Gagta waaberigaan Gurigaaga galnaa Gacmahoo fidsan baan Ku soo hoos goglaynaa 2. Every early morning We come to your house. With stretched-out hands We pray to you. 3. Gabbalkoo dhacay baan Ku garwaaqsanaynaa Girgir foox ka buuxaan Kuula soo gelaynaa 3. Every evening We worship you. We come to you with A censer full of frankincense 13. XALAY BAAN MASIIXII ARKOO Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 13. I SAW THE MESSIAH LAST NIGHT Cabdulqaadir Mursal † Xalay baan Masiixii arkoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee I saw the Messiah last night. I ought to be thankful to Him. 1. Xumaantaydii buu u dhintoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 1. He died for my transgressions. I ought to be thankful to Him. 2. Xinjirtiisii buu igu dhaqoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 2. He washed me with His blood. I ought to be thankful to Him. 3. Dembigaygii buu xalayoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 3. He washed away my sins. I ought to be thankful to Him. 4. Geeriduu ka xoog badiyoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 4. He defeated death. I ought to be thankful to Him. 5. Xabaashuu ka soo baxayoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 5. He came out of the tomb. I ought to be thankful to Him. 6. Xertiisii ayaa aragtoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 6. His disciples saw Him. I ought to be thankful to Him. 7. Xaqiiqdii ayaan helayoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 7. I found the truth. I ought to be thankful to Him. 8. Ibliiskii ayuu xabbisoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 8. He imprisoned Lucifer. I ought to be thankful to Him. 9. Cadaabtii xor baan ka ahoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 9. I am free from hell. I ought to be thankful to Him. 10. Iimaankaygii baa xasiloo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 10. My faith is strong. I ought to be thankful to Him. 11. Xumaantoo dhan buu iga tiroo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 11. He wiped out all my ills. I ought to be thankful to Him. 12. Kitaabkiisii baan xafidoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 12. I learned his Gospel by heart. I ought to be thankful to Him. 10 13. Xalaal quudataan ahayoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 13. I only eat that which is clean. I ought to be thankful to Him. 14. Xargii ibliiska jaroo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 14. I am disconnected from Satan. I ought to be thankful to Him. 15. Xabiibkii Allaan noqdayoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 15. I became the beloved one of God. I ought to be thankful to Him. 16. Qudduuskay xiriirineyoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 16. The Holy Spirit leads me. I ought to be thankful to Him. 17. Xaakinkaan xusuusanahoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 17. I remember the Judge. I ought to be thankful to Him. 18. Jannadaan la soo xarmadoo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 18. He gave me a tour of Heaven. I ought to be thankful to Him. 19. Lay xisaabin maayo berroo Xamdi baygu waajibayee 19. I shall not be judged tomorrow. I ought to be thankful to Him. 14. CIISE WAA MASIIX Maxamed Cabdi Cawad 14. JESUS IS THE MESSIAH Maxamed Cabdi Cawad Ciise waa Masiix, waa markhaati run ah Maalintuu yimaad inta moog ayaa Murugo iyo dhib qaba Jesus is the Messiah. He is a true witness. When He comes back, those who don’t know Him, Will face trouble and sorrow. 1. Magaciisa baa dembi maydhiyoo Maamuus runuu ku mutaystay sharaf Waana muran la’aan 1. His name cleanses all sins. He deserves respect and honor. This is without a doubt. 2. Dhakhtar maaddiyoo midhka uu yidhaa Loo maqsuudayoo Ifka oo mugdi ah maalin buu ka dhigay 2. He is a gifted doctor; whatever He says People listen in awe. He turned the dark world into light. 15. NUURKII ADDUUNKA Cali Ibraahim Axmed † 15. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Cali Ibraahim Axmed † 1. Nabar aan dawo lahayn Oo lala nusqaamiyo Naf go’doo oo xabaalani Ooleeyahiiyow Nuurkii adduunkow Naruuradaada qaaligaa Nimcadaada wax naga sii Nimcadaada wax naga sii 1. An incurable wound That greatly weakens The dead who were buried You resurrected them. O the Light of the world, Your blessing is precious. Give us your grace. Give us your grace. 11 2. Markii aan nuglaannee Niyadda naga xumaatee Qalbigu naafo gaaro Naxariistihiiyow Ciise nuurkii dunidow Naruuradaada qaaligaa Nimcadaada wax naga sii Nimcadaada wax naga sii 2. When we are weak, When we are discouraged, When our hearts are broken, You are the merciful One. Jesus, the Light of the world, Your precious provision. Give us your grace. Give us your grace. 3. Adaa nacabka Shayddaan ee Qalbiga nagida ku ahaa Niyadda iiga saaroo Naarta iga xoreeyee Kuwa naca xambaarsanee Aan garan nasteexada Nimcadaada gaarsii Nimcadaada gaarsii 3. Satan is our enemy Who was once in our hearts. You drove him out And rescued me from hell. The hateful people Who do not know you Give them your grace. Give them your grace. 16. AABBOW HANA DAYRIN Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 16. DO NOT FORSAKE US, FATHER Cabdulqaadir Mursal † Allow hana doorin adaa daamiyee Aabbow hana dayrin dadkaagaan nahee O eternal God, do not debase us Do not forsake us, Father 1. Ibliis la dagaala dariiqaan nahee Aabbow hana dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 1. Let us resist Satan as disciples of Christ. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people. 2. Qofkii dulmi doona dab naar ah galyee Aabbow hana dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 2. Transgressors end up in hell. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people. 3. Masiixa qof diiday jinnaa la darsee Aabbow hana dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 3. Anyone who rejects the Messiah is of the devil. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people 4. Qofkii xaqa diiday Ibliis dabaryee Aabbow hana dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 4. Satan misleads anyone who rejects righteousness. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people. 5. Masiixii daraaddeenna loo dilayow Aabbow hana dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 5. The Messiah was killed for our sake. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people. 6. Dariiqii Shayddaanka ka soo durugnee Aabbow hana dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 6. We rejected Satan’s path. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people. 7. Dhiiggaagii la daadshaa na daahiriyee 12 Aabbow ha na dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 7. Your shed blood cleansed us. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people. 8. Dabiibkii nafteenna ayaad noqotee Aabbow ha na dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 8. You are the healer of our souls. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people. 9. Dariiqii xumaatada waan dafirree Aabbow hana dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 9. We rejected the path of unrighteousness. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people. 10. Inaad soo degaysaan diyaar u nahee Aabbow hana dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 10. We are ready for the Parousia. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people. 11. Kolley ma dulloobo qof daacad ahee Aabbow hana dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 11. The righteous ones never become failures. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people. 12. Dib u soo noqod kaaga ma aan dafirree Aabbow hana dayrin Dadkaagaan nahee 12. We do not deny your Second Coming. Do not forsake us, Father, For we are your people 17. BASHIIROW MASIIXII Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 17. THE GOOD NEWS MESSIAH Cabdulqaadir Mursal † Bashiirow Masiixii Kii loo bogaan Barakaysanaynaa Boqorkeenna weyn O Messiah who heralds the Good News You are well-loved. Bless us, our omnipotent King. 1. Marka buunku yeero Laysu soo baxaan Barakaysanaynaa Boqorkeenna weyn 1. On the Day of Judgment When all people are summoned, We seek the blessings Of our omnipotent King. 2. Bannaankii qiyaamaha Marka beeshu joogtaan Barakaysanaynaa Boqorkeenna weyn 2. On the public Day of Judgment When all people are present, We seek the blessing Of our omnipotent King. 3. Marka baaddil suulee Bidci baadiyowbaan Barakaysanaynaa Boqorkeenna weyn 3. When heresies are eliminated, When heretics learn they were lost, We seek the blessing Of our omnipotent King. 4. Baraarkii Ilaahee Darteen loo bireeyey 4. The Lamb of God Slaughtered for our sake. 13 Barakaysanaynaa Boqorkeenna weyn We seek the blessing Of our omnipotent King. 5. Badbaashaha adduunkee Dembi naga badbaadshaan Barakaysanaynaa Boqorkeenna weyn 5. The Savior of the World Who saved us from sin We seek the blessing Of our omnipotent King. 18. BARYADA RABBIGA Abuukar Yuusuf † 18. THE LORD’S PRAYER Abuukar Yuusuf † Eebbow sarreeyow waan kuu salaadnaa Eebbow sarreeyow waan kuu salaadnaa Samaa isinkaaga lahaa suubbanaan Samaa isinkaaga lahaa suubbanaan Sayidnimadaa ha soo degatoo Sayidnimadaa ha soo degatoo Samada say ku tahay dhulkana ka sin Samada say ku tahay dhulkana ka sin Our Father in Heaven, we pray to you. Our Father in Heaven, we pray to you. Hallowed be your good name. Hallowed be your good name. Your Kingdom come Your Kingdom come Manifest it on Earth as it is in Heaven. Manifest it on Earth as it is in Heaven. 1. Na sii cunno iyo waxaan cabnaba Na sii cunno iyo waxaan cabnaba Na sii saaka soortaan u baahan nahay Na sii saaka soortaan u baahan nahay 1. Give us food and water. Give us food and water. Give us today our daily bread. Give us today our daily bread. 2. Waxaannu samayno noo saamax Waxaannu samayno noo saamax Sidaan innaba u saamaxayno Sidaan innaba u saamaxayno 2. Forgive all our sins Forgive all our sins Like we forgive others. Like we forgive others. 3. Ha na saarin miisaankaaga Ha na saarin miisaankaaga Ha nagu sii dayn siriq Shayddaan Ha nagu sii dayn siriq Shayddaan 3. O God, do not judge us. O God, do not judge us. Do not leave us in Satan’s trap. Do not leave us in Satan’s trap. 19. MAANTA NOO MICIIN Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos 19. HELP US TODAY Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos Maanta noo miciin Maanta noo miciin Maanta noo miciin Maanta noo miciin Help us today. Help us today. Help us today. Help us today. 1. Masiixeennii weynaa Mowlaheennu doortow 1. Our great Messiah, God’s chosen One, 2. Maryan kay xambaartow Madigii Ilaahow 2. The One carried by Mary, God’s only begotten Son, 14 3. Midkii noo dhintow Dembigeenna qaadow 3. The One who died for us, The One who took away our sins, 4. Meel kastoo aan joognoo Magacaagaan ammaannaa 4. Wherever we happen to be We praise your name. 5. Murug waa na daysoo Mowd ka baqi maynoo 5. Our sorrow is gone. We do not fear death. 6. Magacaagaa sarreeyoo Meel walba laga ammaanaa 6. Your name is magnificent. It is praised everywhere. 7. Masiixiyiinta oo idil Kii ay mahadiyeenow 7. All your followers Are thankful to you. 8. Mowlihii na uuntaa Magac weyn ku siiyoo Midigtiisa joogtaa 8. The God who created us Gave you a splendid name. You are at His righthand side. 20. MARYAMOO Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 20. MARY Cabdulqaadir Mursal † Maryamoo bikraa baa Masiixii dhashoo Markaasaa la yaaboo mucisey ahayd The Virgin Mary gave birth to the Messiah. People were bewildered. It was a miracle. 1. Iyadoo rag moog bay malaa’ig salaantoo Markaasay uurowdoo mucjisey ahayd 1. An angel greeted her when no man had touched her. She then became pregnant. It was a miracle. 2. Markuu Yuusuf arkuu ka madluumayoo Markaasay caddeeyeen mucjisey ahayd 2. When Joseph saw the matter, he was saddened. The angel clarified the matter. It was a miracle. 3. Xiddigtii Masiixaa maqaawiir arkeenoo Markaasay caddeeyeen mucjisey ahayd 3. The Magi saw the star of the Messiah. They visited the Messiah. It was a miracle. 4. Boqorkii maqlay baa murugoodayoo Macnuhuu la yaaboo mucjisey ahayd 4. When the king heard this, he was disturbed. He did not know what to do. It was a miracle. 5. Mooradii lo’aad buu mugdigii dhashoo Misbaax baa la moodoo mucjisey ahayd 5. He was born in a stable in the dark of the night. He was like a bright lamp. It was a miracle. 6. Maqaawiirtii markay mudanahan arkeen Meel kalay mareennoo mucjisey ahayd 6. When the Magi had visited the Messiah They went home by another route. It was a miracle. 7. Ari mayracii baa malaa’ig u sheegtoo Markaasay siyaarteen mucjisey ahayd 7. An angel told shepherds about the birth. Then they visited the Messiah. It was a miracle. 8. Masar in la geeyoo muddo jooga baa Malaa’ig inshaartoo mucjisey ahayd 8. He was taken to Egypt to stay there for a while As the angel instructed Joseph. It was a miracle. 15 21. QALBIGAYGAA KU DOORTAY Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 21. MY HEART CHOSE YOU Cabdulqaadir Mursal † Masiixii deeqda badnaayoow Qalbigaygaa ku doortayey O generous Messiah, My heart chose you. 1. Daraadday baa laguu dulmoo Qalbigaygaa ku doortayey 1. You were oppressed for my sake. My heart chose you. 2. Dembigaygaa laguu dilayoo Qalbigaygaa ku doortayey 2. You were killed for my sins. My heart chose you. 3. Diintaadii baan ku diirsadayoo Qalbigaygaa ku doortayey 3. Your Gospel blessed me. My heart chose you. 4. Dembigii wayga daahirisoo Qalbigaygaa ku doortayey 4. You cleansed me from sin. My heart chose you. 5. Dhiiggaagii baygu daahirisoo Qalbigaygaa ku doortayey 5. You purified me with your blood. My heart chose you. 6. Dariiqii jannadaad tahayoo Qalbigaygaa ku doortayey 6. You are the way to Heaven. My heart chose you. 7. Rabbiyoow daacad baan ahayoo Qalbigaygaa ku doortayey 7. I am loyal to you, my Lord. My heart chose you. 8. Xumaantaad naga dabooshayoo Qalbigaygaa ku doortayey 8. You protect us from evil. My heart chose you. 9. Daayinkey baad la nooshahayoo Qalbigaygaa ku doortayey 9. You are with my Father. My heart chose you. 22. INTUU BOQORKU SOO NOQON Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 22. BEFORE THE KING COMES BACK Cabdulqaadir Mursal † Intuu Boqorku soo noqonoo Baabkana la soo xirineey Dad Allow baraaruga ee Before the King comes back, Before this world ends, People, open your eyes. 1. Ballankeennu waa saaseey Ballankii Masiixeennii Dadka baylahshaa ba’ayoo Bartankii cadaabtii bay Ka barooran doonaaneey 1. That is our agreement. The Covenant of our Messiah Those who reject it will perish. In the center of hellfire, There they will groan in pain. 2. Kuwa boobi boolida ee Sinada u bareeraayaa Bartankii cadaabtii bay Ka barooran doonaaneey 2. Those who rob and loot, The partakers of fornication, In the center of hellfire, There they will groan in pain. 16 3. Qofka baaddil ruux ku dilaa Baxsan maayo aakhiro ee Bartankii cadaabtii bay Ka barooran doonaaneey 3. Those who kill unlawfully Will be punished in the afterlife. In the center of hellfire, There they will groan in pain. 4. Ruuxii xumaan u bogoo Xan ku baaramaa ba’ayee Bartankii cadaabtii bay Ka barooran doonaaneey 4. Those who enjoy their sinful life, Who habitually backbite others, In the center of hellfire, There they will groan in pain. 5. Ka Masiixa beeninayiyo Bidci baadi bay noqonoo Bartankii cadaabtii bay Ka barooran doonaaneey 5. Those who reject the Messiah And those misled heretics In the center of hellfire, There they will groan in pain. 6. Xaqa kuwa ka beyrahayaa Ma badbaadi doonaan oo Bartankii cadaabtii bay Ka barooran doonaaneey 6. Those who reject righteousness They will not be saved. In the center of hellfire, There they will groan in pain. 7. Ka Masiixa baal ka maraa Bohol naar ah buu geliyoo Bartankii cadaabtii bay Ka barooran doonaaneey 7. Those who deny the Messiah Will end up in the deepest hell. In the center of hellfire, There they will groan in pain. 23. AAN AMMAANNO RABBIGA Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos 23. LET US PRAISE THE LORD Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos Aan ammaanno Rabbiga Aan ammaanno Rabbiga Let us praise the Lord. Let us praise the Lord. 1. Ilaaheenna weynoo Aadmiga abuuree Eraygiisa weeyee 1. Our great God, Who created mankind, He is the Word of that God. 2. Annagoo itaal daran Oo abid isbixiyeen Asagaa na saamaxay 2. When we were weak And could not save ourselves, He forgave us. 3. Waa Amiirka nabaddee Waa Iftiinka dunidee Allaheenna soo diray 3. He is the Prince of Peace. He is the Light of the world. Our God sent Him. 4. Asagaa awood loo Iin aan lahaynoo Ka adkaaday geerida 4. He is all-powerful. He is without blemish. He defeated death. 5. Arrin weeye farxad loo “Alxamdulillaahi” Inta aan niraahno 5. This is a joyful matter. “Thank you, God.” Let us all say it. 17 24. AANNU MADIIXNO Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 24. LET US GLORIFY HIM Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 1. Aannu madiixno oonu murweeyno Aannu madiixno oonu murweeyno Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye 1. Let us glorify Him; let us honor Him. Let us glorify Him; let us honor Him. It is the birthday of our Messiah. It is the birthday of our Messiah. 2. Aannu mashxaradno oonu maamuusno Aannu mashxaradno oonu maamuusno Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye 2. Let us ululate; let us show respect. Let us ululate; let us show respect. It is the birthday of our Messiah. It is the birthday of our Messiah. 3. Aan marxabbayno oonu mushaaxno Aan marxabbayno oonu mushaaxno Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye 3. Let us serve Him; let us celebrate. Let us serve Him; let us celebrate. It is the birthday of our Messiah. It is the birthday of our Messiah. 4. Inuu mooro jiifoo maro lagu duubay Inuu mooro jiifoo maro lagu duubay Habeen mugdiyaad baa malaa’iigu sheegtay Habeen mugdiyaad baa malaa’iigu sheegtay 4. Born in a stable, wrapped in cloths, Born in a stable, wrapped in cloths, One night an angel announced his birth. One night an angel announced his birth. 5. Asagaa mudane mahad aan u celinno Asagaa mudane mahad aan u celinno Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye 5. He deserves it. Let us thank Him. He deserves it. Let us thank Him. It is the birthday of our Messiah. It is the birthday of our Messiah. 6. Waa la musmaaray wuuna murugooday Waa la musmaaray wuuna murugooday Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye 6. He was nailed and was sorrowful. He was nailed and was sorrowful. It is the birthday of our Messiah. It is the birthday of our Messiah. 7. Maqaawiirtii garatay meeshuu ku dhashay Maqaawiirtii garatay meeshuu ku dhashay Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye 7. The Magi found out where He was born. The Magi found out where He was born. It is the birthday of our Messiah. It is the birthday of our Messiah. 8. Malmal iyo fooxna Maryan loo keenyeye Malmal iyo fooxna Maryan loo keenyeye Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye 8. Mary received frankincense and myrrh. Mary received frankincense and myrrh. It is the birthday of our Messiah. It is the birthday of our Messiah. 9. Aannu madiixno oonu murweeyno Aannu madiixno oonu murweeyno Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye Masiixeennii maalintuu dhashay weeye 9. Let us glorify Him; let us honor Him. Let us glorify Him; let us honor Him. It is the birthday of our Messiah. It is the birthday of our Messiah. 18 25. ADIGAA IFTIINKAYGA Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 25. YOU ARE MY LIGHT Aadan Jimcaale Faarax † 1. Adigaa iftiinkayga Ciise Masiix La'aantaaduna waa ii gudcuree La'aantaaduna waa ii gudcuree La'aantaaduna waa ii gudcuree La'aantaaduna waa ii gudcuree 1. You are my light, Jesus the Messiah. Without you is a darkness to me. Without you is a darkness to me. Without you is a darkness to me. Without you is a darkness to me. 2. Adigaa i badbaadinaya ee La'aantaaduna waa ii dhimashee La'aantaaduna waa ii dhimashee La'aantaaduna waa ii dhimashee La'aantaaduna waa ii dhimashee 2. You are the One who saves me. I perish without you. I perish without you. I perish without you. I perish without you. 3. Adigaa i hoggaaminaya ee La'aantaaduna waan habaabayaa Habaabayaa, habaabayaa La'aantaaduna waan habaabayaa 3. You are the One who leads me. I will be lost without you. I will be lost. I will be lost. I will be lost without you. 4. Adigaa i gargaarahaya ee La'aantaaduna waan go'ahayaa Go’ahayaa, go’ahayaa La'aantaaduna waan go'ahayaa 4. You are the One who helps me. I will perish without you. I will perish. I will perish. I will perish without you. 5. Adigaa i kaalmaynahaya ee La'aantaaduna waan kufahayaa Kufahayaa, kufahayaa La'aantaaduna waan kufahayaa 5. You are the One who supports. I will fall down without you. I will fall down. I will fall down. I will fall down without you. 6. Adigaa i caawimahaya ee La'aantaaduna waan cidloobayaa Cidloobayaa, cidloobayaa La'aantaaduna waan cidloobayaa 6. You are the One who aids me. I will be lonely without you. I will be lonely. I will be lonely. I will be lonely without you. 26. CIISE KIRISTOOS H. Warren Modricker † 26. JESUS CHRIST H. Warren Modricker † Bixiyahayga Ciise buu yahay Badbaadiyahayga oo fiican Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Jesus is my advocate. He is my good Savior. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. 1. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Magaciisa waan ammaanaa Dhiiggiisana waan aqbalay 1. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. I praise His name. I accept his blood. 2. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Gacmihiisa waa loo qodbay 2. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. His hands were pierced 19 Xumaantaydii aan falay For the sins I committed. 3. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Kii ii dhintay daraaddayda Kii ka kacay kuwii dhintay 3. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. He died for me. He rose from the dead. 4. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Dembidhaafka waan ka helay Carotirka buu yahay 4. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. He forgave me. He became my atonement. 5. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Jacaylkiisa waa i galay Caasinnimo wayga saaray 5. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. His love covers me. It dispelled my disobedience. 6. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Mugdigayga waa dhammaaday Iftiinkiisa waa i gaaray 6. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. I am not in the dark anymore. His light covers me. 7. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Wuu i furay, wayga furay Shakigaygii wayga furay 7. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. He eliminated, He eliminated, He eliminated all my doubts. 8. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Dembigayga wayga saaray Qalbi cusub wuu i siiyey 8. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. He forgave all my sins. He gave me a new heart. 9. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Ballankiisa waan rumeeyey Ruuxiisiina waa i galay 9. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. I accepted His Covenant. He gave me His Holy Spirit. 10. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Wuxuu joogaa qalbigayga Gudihiisa wuu ku jiraa 10. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. He dwells in my heart. He is inside my heart. 11. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Dhimashada ka biqi maayo Sakaraadka ka cabsan maayo 11. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. I neither fear death Nor the pain of its fangs. 12. Ciise Kiristoos waan aamminay Imminka waan raacayaa Waxaan goostay inaan raaco Fakiskayga buu yahay 12. I believe in Jesus Christ. I follow Him daily. I decided to follow Him. He is my Advocate. 20 27. GABANKII EEBBE Cabdulqaadir Mursal † 27. THE SON OF GOD Cabdulqaadir Mursal † Gabankii Eebbe waa kay guushu raacdoo Gabankii Eebbe waa kay guushu raacdoo Gacmahaa loo hoorsanoo waa Guullaheennee The Son of God is victorious. The Son of God is victorious. He is our God. We pray to Him. 1. Gefkii aan galay buu guudka iska saaroo Gacmahaa loo hoorsanoo waa Guullaheennee 1. He placed our sins on Himself. He is our God. We pray to Him. 2. Dembigaan geysanuu u geeriyoodoo Gacmahaa loo hoorsanoo waa Guullaheennee 2. He was nailed on his hands and feet. He is our God. We pray to Him. 3. Gacmaha iyo gundahaba waa laga musmaaroo Gacmahaa loo hoorsanoo waa Guullaheennee 3. Those who do not know Him fail. He is our God. We pray to Him. 4. Qofkii garan waaya uumbaa guuldarraystoo Gacmahaa loo hoorsanoo waa Guullaheennee 4. We must know, love, and praise Him. He is our God. We pray to Him. 5. Waa inaan gacashano, garano, ammaanno Gacmahaa loo hoorsanoo waa Guullaheennee 5. When the Second Coming happens, He is our God. We pray to Him. 6. Goortuu soo laabto oo geyigan yimaado Gacmahaa loo hoorsanoo waa Guullaheennee 6. Those who follow Him are the winners. He is our God. We pray to Him. 7. Kuwa garan doona uunbaa guushu raacdoo Gacmahaa loo hoorsanoo waa Guullaheennee 7. He will be our Solicitor on Judgment Day. He is our God. We pray to Him. 8. Garsoorkii aakhiruu noo noqon Guddoonshoo Gamahaa loo hoorsanoo waa Guullaheennee 8. He will be our Advocate on Judgment Day. He is our God. We pray to Him 28. RABBIGA AAMMINOO Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos 28. BELIEVE IN THE LORD Cabdulqaadir Shaatoos Rabbiga aamminoo addeeca Rabbiga aamminoo addeeca Believe in the Lord and obey Him. Believe in the Lord and obey Him. 1. Dembigeenna isagaa u dhintay Idilkiinba aamminoo addeeca 1. He died for our sins. Believe and obey Him. 2. Isagu waa Amiirka nabaddee Amar oo dhan isaga la siiyey 2. He is the Prince of Peace. He was given all authority. 3. Waa hubaal inuu soo noqonayoo Erayga Ilaah baa caddeeyey 3. The Second Coming is certain. The Bible makes it clear. 4. Soo jeeda si aad ula kulantaan Sacadduna sidaa uma sii fogee 4. Stay watchful so you can meet Him. The Parousia is not far away. 5. Mowlaheenna mahad aan u celinee Masiixiisa isagaa na siiyey 5. Let us thank our God. He gave us his Messiah. 21 ABOUT THE TRANSLATOR Rev. Aweis A. Ali, PhD, is a missiologist and an authority on the persecuted church in the Muslim world with unique expertise on the Somali Church. He became a disciple of Christ in Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1986 through the ministry of SIM. Aweis, the first Somali churchman to earn a ministry-related doctoral degree, is a scholar of Islam and Christianity. He is also an author, editor, lyricist and hymnodist. He is a long-time advocate for ministering to nomadic pastoralists. Aweis was a co-pastor of a house church in Mogadishu, Somalia, in the mid 1990s when 12 of its 14 members were martyred for their faith. Aweis has been ministering in the Muslim world since 1993 he has lived and served in world areas that include the Horn of Africa, East Africa, West Africa and the United States. Aweis earned a BTh degree from the Evangelical Theological College in Addis Ababa an MDiv degree from Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, and a PhD from Africa Nazarene University in Nairobi. Aweis’ PhD thesis is titled “Persecution of Christians and its Effect on Church Growth in Somalia.” Aweis is the author, editor or translator of 12 books and over a dozen articles. He is the founder and the Series Editor of the annual Maansada Masiixa (Anthology of Somali Christian Poetry) as well as the Somali Bible Society Journal, the official biannual journal of the Somali Bible Society. The author’s research interests include the persecution of Christians, church history and church growth in the Muslim world, Waaqism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the Somali peninsula, global paremiology and Somali poetry. Dr. Aweis can be reached at:, Twitter: @DrAweisAli 22 OTHER BOOKS BY DR. AWEIS A. ALI 23 24