Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 1 (2011) 121–124
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Environmental Innovation and
Societal Transitions
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The dual challenge of sustainability transitions
René Kemp a,∗, Harro van Lente b
ICIS & UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Utrecht University and ICIS & UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 5 December 2010
Received in revised form 30 March 2011
Accepted 4 April 2011
Natural trajectories
a b s t r a c t
In this essay we argue that sustainability transitions include two
challenges: on the one hand a long-term change to various technologies and infrastructures, while on the other hand ensuring that
consumer criteria change in the same move. Transitions that fail
to do so will disappoint in the end. We review two sustainabilityoriented transitions where criteria have changed: the hygienic
transition around 1900 and the waste management transitions at
the end of the 20th century. While in these cases the values, perceptions and criteria of people changed as part of the transition, this
does not seem to apply to sustainable mobility and energy, where
the main target is decarbonisation. What is missing is a reconsideration of individual mobility and conspicuous energy use.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The notion of transitions was introduced as a response to major socio-economic challenges including depletion of natural resources and global warming. The idea is that systems of transportation,
agriculture and energy have to be superseded by other systems. Such encompassing transitions have
occurred in the past, like the shift from sailing boats to steam ships in the 19th century or the change
from coal to natural gas in the 1960s in the Netherlands. And thus, the argument goes, they may
happen again.
Such systemic changes have been studied by evolutionary researchers, historians, and scholars
in the fields of science, technology and society. Frameworks such as the multi-level perspective and
strategic niche management highlight both the persistence of incumbent regimes, as well as their
vulnerability. The general message is that it is possible – based on the understanding of the systemic
and dynamic properties of existing and emerging systems – to guide or actively encourage a transition
from the current to a new system. To do so will be a major challenge that goes well beyond the
capability of government and individual actors.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 433884405.
E-mail addresses: r.kemp@maastrichtuniversity.nl (R. Kemp), h.vanlente@geo.uu.nl (H. van Lente).
2210-4224/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Kemp, H. van Lente / Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 1 (2011) 121–124
In this essay we argue that the cause of sustainability adds an additional challenge. The idea of
sustainability transitions not only includes the challenge of orchestrating a change of systems (transportation, agriculture, energy) but also a change in criteria that actors use to judge the appropriateness
of products, services and systems. In the transitions from sailing ships to steam ships fuelled by coal,
for instance, the criteria for choosing ships did not change dramatically. Both type of ships competed
in terms of tonnage, reliability and speed, as sailing ships had done already for decades, or even centuries. Also, in the transition from coal to gas the basic aspects on which technologies had to compete
did not change dramatically in terms of price, ease and reliability.
For sustainability transitions however criteria need to change dramatically, else transitions run
the risk of not being sustainable due to rebound effects and other impacts. For instance, the transition
from combustion engines to electric vehicles, which is now studied intensively, will only be sustainable
when not only the vehicles change (powered by fossil fuel or electricity, respectively), but also the
way in which they are used. In other words, the criteria and practices of mobility need to change as
well. Today cars are adopted on the basis of speed, range, reliability and ‘image’. In our society it is
normal to own a car and use a car for almost every (non-walking) trip. Looking at alternatives, electric
vehicles address two problems that stem from the intensive use of cars (noise and pollution) but they
do not address problems of congestion and safety, while the intensive use of electricity and batteries
raises additional problems. Moreover, an unanticipated effect of the development of batteries for cars
is their use in bicycles. Unless electric bicycles are used for longer trips, more commonly made by
cars, this represents a negative development, especially if the bicycles are used to make more trips.
Therefore the assumption of individual, material-intensive mobility as well as the need for mobility
has to be reframed.
There are some socio-technical transitions in which criteria changed dramatically, in ways that align
with sustainability concerns rather than economic benefits. Here we highlight the hygienic transition
and the waste management transition, described in Geels and Kemp (2007). The hygienic transition
concerned a shift from cesspools to integrated sewer systems, motivated by hygienic concerns. In the
Netherlands the transition occurred over a period of 60 years (1870–1930). In the absence of toilets,
most people relieved their bowels in public spaces, dumping urine and excrement on streets and (city)
canals. The middle and upper classes had personal privies in-house, where excrement was collected
in cesspools that were emptied a few times a year. The excrement collected served as fertilizer. The
transition which involved major health and nuisance benefits was a slow process. In the Netherlands, in
contrast to the UK, Germany and France, the sewer option was not used before 1893, because of a battle
between different systems (with sewers competing against a barrel-collection system and the Liernur
pneumatic system). In 1938, 47% of all municipalities in the Netherlands had sewers. Comfort and
convenience were important drivers as well as the new criteria of public hygiene. Costs at first counted
against the sewer system but with growing affluence this became less and less an obstacle. It was not
an easy or obvious transition. Today some criticise the sewer system on environmental grounds for
using drinking water to flush toilets and high energy consumption for waste-water treatment.
The story of the transition in waste management from 1970 to 2000 also shows a change in perceptions, practices and criteria that define what ‘waste’ is and how it should be handled. Before 1970
waste management consisted primarily of landfilling, a task carried out by municipalities. Getting rid
of waste was the primary concern, with waste material also being used to fill up ditches and create land for housing. This changed in the 1970s: waste and the absence of good waste management
practices received increasing attention. Environmentalists criticised governments and business about
how waste was being managed, while local resistance grew with regard to new landfill sites. The 1972
Report to the Club of Rome about limits to growth, together with the oil crisis in 1973, drew attention to the scarcity of raw materials. The important change that we should emphasise is that waste
disposal was increasingly seen as a problem instead of as a solution. Special legislation for waste was
developed and responsibilities were given to provinces to put an end to the (uncontrolled) dumping
on landfills and to benefit from economies of scale for incineration. An important cognitive institution was the famous ‘waste hierarchy’ proposed in the parliamentary motion of Ad Lansink in 1979,
known as Lansink’s Ladder. The waste management hierarchy went from prevention, through re-use
(of products), recycling (of materials) and incineration (with energy-production) to landfilling as the
last option.
R. Kemp, H. van Lente / Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 1 (2011) 121–124
The new criteria for waste were further consolidated when the Dutch government opted for a
differentiated waste-stream approach in which certain types of waste (notably paper and glass) were
singled out for recycling. Despite these intentions for upgrading waste practices, many activities in the
area of waste management only occurred at a small scale and did not result in adequate environmental
protection. Concerns about non-sustainable waste management did not disappear and reached a high
peak in the 1980s, following the discovery of leaking landfills (Vogelmeerpolder) and contaminated
land (Lekkerkerk and Griftpark). Waste scandals often figured as news items in the 1980s. At the end of
the 1980s the Dutch waste management system was in a state of crisis because of capacity problems
stemming from growing waste and reduced capacity. The system was reviewed by a specially created committee (the Landelijke Coördinatie Commissie Afvalbeleid) which concluded that the current
organisation was too fragmented, dispersed and small scale. It argued for the creation of a national
organisation to oversee and manage waste volumes and to keep disposal costs under control. Their
advice resulted in the creation of four waste regions and the Waste Management Council (AOO), which
would play an important role in the modernisation of the waste system.
Thanks to a range of measures (such as the ban of 32 waste streams for landfilling, a packaging
covenant, and higher tariffs for landfilling), the amount of waste being landfilled fell from 14 Mton
in 1990 to 5 Mton in 2002 (a total reduction of 9 Mton). Today, all landfills have advanced systems
of soil protection and systems of methane extraction. In the same period the capacity of incineration
increased gradually, from 2.2 Mton in 1980 to 4.9 Mton in 2000. Recycling increased between 1985
and 2000 from 23.5 Mton to 45.3 Mton.
The transformation of the waste management system is often viewed as the result of policy. Such
a view, although not ‘wrong’ per se, overlooks how policy itself was the result of various changes:
the growing volumes of waste, the waste scandals in the 1980s and early 1990s, and, in particular,
changes in perception in which waste became ‘a waste of resources’. In addition, the waste scandals
helped to close down old incinerators and build better ones.
The AOO as an institution of governance played an important role in the transformation process.
Negotiations between different layers of government and with private waste companies took place
within the AOO, with the actors agreeing on the general direction of creating a modern and efficient
system of waste management with less waste being landfilled. Although officially opposed to incineration, the environmental movement did not focus on this aspect because they understood the bigger
picture: i.e. the high costs of advanced systems of incineration necessitated a high tax for landfilling
for burnable waste, which encouraged waste prevention and recycling. The waste companies were
happy with the greater scale at which they could operate. The reorganisation of the sector was seen
as a blessing by the AOO, as major companies from North America including Waste Management Inc.
and BFI took control of small companies. The large companies were committed to full compliance and
had a strong incentive to respect the law.
In this transformation, new ‘sustainability’ criteria were internalised formally in law and informally in the practices of waste management of companies and consumers separating their waste. The
reorganisation of the waste market suited the interests of big waste companies, and environmentalists were happy with the incentives for prevention and recycling being created through laws and
waste taxes negotiated within the AOO. However the system did not manage to radically alter product
features in terms of design for assembly and re-use. The final waste goal was therefore not achieved
because of opposition from product manufacturers and because consumers did not seek products with
second-life components.
Compared to the transitions of hygiene and waste, the transition to sustainable mobility and sustainable energy can be expected to be much more difficult because the systems of automobility and
fossil-fuel based energy are much deeper embedded. Both car mobility and cheap energy are viewed
as basic rights. The criterion of affordability – so important for users and governments – conflicts with
sustainability because affordable mobility and energy will stimulate mobility and energy use. In this
respect, the low operating costs of electric cars are an undesirable feature, as this will continue to
foster mobility and energy use. Likewise, improved public transport may temporarily decrease the
use of cars but can also be expected to stimulate mobility.
We argue that transitions that do not fundamentally change criteria by which decisions are made
are unlikely to lead to sustainability. In their famous article on the framework of evolutionary eco-
R. Kemp, H. van Lente / Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 1 (2011) 121–124
nomics Nelson and Winter (1977) coined the notion of ‘natural trajectories’ referring to long term
regularities like mechanisation in the 19th century or miniaturisation since the 1960s. Their argument
is that while individual innovations will follow routines and heuristics (within firms), the general tendency of such innovations, e.g. to replace manual labour by machines, is more general, across firms
and decades. Phrased like this, we can delineate the natural trajectory of cars as an increase of volume,
weight, and mileage. This has to change through another appreciation of mobility.
Sustainability therefore has to be taken up in a more consequential way than is seen at present.
Catering to people’s desire for comfort, convenience and low costs may not lead to sustainability
transitions. In our view, sustainability transitions require that people accept constraints and are willing
to live and behave differently. Transitions are always accompanied by changes in values and beliefs,
as shown by the examples of hygiene and waste. Some elements fit with sustainability, while other
elements do not. Thus far, in the case of mobility and energy we do not see fundamental changes in
values and beliefs. A change in consumer criteria and frames of thinking can occur through cultural
change, prices and new and better knowledge. The processes through which such changes occur is a
topic of further analysis and the aim of this essay is to put this topic on the agenda of sustainability
transitions research.
The authors thank the reviewers and the journal editors for their comments and suggestions. We
are grateful to Howard Hudson for stylistic improvement.
Geels, F.W., Kemp, R., 2007. Dynamics in socio-technical systems: typology of change processes and contrasting case studies.
Technology in Society 29 (4), 441–455.
Nelson Richard, R., Winter Sidney, G., 1977. In search of useful theory of innovation. Research Policy 6, 36–76.