2023, European Chemical Bulletin (ISSN 2063-5346)

Introduction: For the development of the study relates to the Discussion on the Role of Video Games in Childhood Studying the study aims to analyse and discuss the role of video games in the education of children. Additionally, the background and rationality of the study are discussed with research questions and objectives. Literature Review: Past literature was examined that helps to find contradicting opinions of the past researchers. This contributed to the development of an empirical study. Methodology: To discover significant insights from the collected primary data, a quantitative analysis of the data was provided and examined.

DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Masiha Ajmeri Mohammed Department of English, Ad Darb University College, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Dr. Gulnaz Fatma Language Instructor, Department of English, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Dr. Akhila K P (MSW, PhD. Social Work) Assistant Professor, Department of Social work, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Regional Campus Payyannur, Edat P.O Kannur-670 327, Kerala, India. Sana Sarwar Language Instructor, College of Science for Girls, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Abstract Introduction: For the development of the study relates to the Discussion on the Role of Video Games in Childhood Studying the study aims to analyse and discuss the role of video games in the education of children. Additionally, the background and rationality of the study are discussed with research questions and objectives. Literature Review: Past literature was examined that helps to find contradicting opinions of the past researchers. This contributed to the development of an empirical study. Methodology: To discover significant insights from the collected primary data, a quantitative analysis of the data was provided and examined. Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 318 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper Findings: It was found that restricted use of video games can be beneficial for children Conclusion: A detailed analysis of the results is followed by a presentation of the study's main conclusions. Keywords- video games, childhood Studying, cognitive behaviour, children education Introduction Video games have become one of the major industries with the improvement in its related factors. As per the opinion of García-Redondo et al. (2019), the development of different technology parts a pivotal role in the process of improving the video game industry. In addition, children are the primary consumer of video games. Thus, the following study is developed on the process of analysing the role of video games in the improvement of childhood education. According to the suggestion of Barr & Copeland-Stewart (2022), there are positive impacts of limited consumption of video games. Thus, such research provided a relatable background to the empirical study. Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 319 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper Figure 1: Global video game market from 2012 to 2023 (Source: Statista, 2023) Figure 1 of the study highlights the gradual growth of the video game market. It can be seen that in 2012 the market capitalization of the videogame industry was 52.8 billion USD however 2021 videogame industry had a 138.4 billion USD market capitalisation (Statista, 2023). Therefore, it can be assumed that the consumer of video games has increased in numbers. Additionally, 93% of the consumers are under 2 to 17 years of age (Statista, 2023). Thus, such statistical data justify the rationality of the study. Aim The primary aim of the study is to analyse and discuss the role of video games in the education of children. Research objective Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 320 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper RO 1: To analyse the role of video games in children's education. RO 2: To discuss the impact of a restricted consumption of video games in childhood studying RO 3: To elaborate on the impacts of cognitive behaviour of a child is through the restricted consumption of videogame. RO 4: To suggest recommendations that help to improve the role of video games in improving children's education. Research question RQ 1: What is the role of video games in children's education? RQ 2: What are the possible impacts of a restricted consumption of video games in childhood studying? RQ 3: How to elaborate on the impacts of the cognitive behaviour of a child through the restricted consumption of videogame? RQ 4: What are the possible recommendations that help to improve the role of video games in improving children's education? Literature review Videogames implicate the cognitive behaviour of children. In order to develop an empirical study past literature was analysed and it was found that there is s relationship between video games with cognitive behaviour. As per the opinion of Tokac, Novak & Thompson (2019), the cognitive behaviour of children is impacted by regular high consumption of video games. In addition, there is a negative impact on if high consumption of video games. On the other hand, Halbrook O’Donnell &Msetfi (2019) argued that consuming video games in a controlled manner can improve the cognitive ability of children. In addition, with an improved cognitive ability education of children can be improved. Thsuu forms the above discussion it can be Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 321 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper concluded that cognitive ability is an essential aspect which helps in the development of education for a child. Moreover, improvement in cognitive behaviour helps to increase the potential of a child. Figure 2: User cycle of video games (Source: Tokac, Novak & Thompson, 2019) Therefore it can be understood that video games are still a controversial topic. However, the limited uses of video games are becoming more mainstream Pappas&Drigas (2019). Thus, it can be said that the possessive impact of video games on the cognitive behaviour of children is a subjective matter of discussion. Restricted consumption of video games has positive impacts on children Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 322 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper During the time of analysis, past data related to the consumption of video games are analysed. Furthermore, related factors regarding video games were analysed. As commented by Daleet al. (2020), the use of video games not only causes physical damage to children but also shows a detrimental impact on psychological health. Therefore, the use of video games negatively impacts children. On the other hand, Pappas &Drigas (2019) argued that there is some possessive impact of restricted use of video games. Moreover, daily limited use of video games increases the concentration and power of children. Similarly, Li, Wang & Liu (2020) opined that video games increase the creative thinking ability of students. Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be understood that there is a positive impact of the restricted use of video games. Figure 3: Positive impact of video games (Source: Li, Wang & Liu, 2020) Thus, restricted use of video games improves the qualitative ability of children thus helping them in education and in real life. As commented by Li, Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 323 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper Wang & Liu (2020), there are certain benefits in communication and critical thinking ability with limited use of video games. Hence, limited use of video games is proven to benefit the cognitive behaviour of students. Methodology Data collection The data collection method is an essential factor for a study which helps in the development of the study. Thus, in order to develop the study primary data collection method was used. As commented by Pandey & Pandey (2021), primary data collection provides a wider perspective to the collated data. Thus, the primary method of collecting data can provide a better perspective for the study. In addition, fractal information can be collated with the help of secondary data collectable methods (Blumberg et al. 2019). Thus, for observing the relationship between video games and children's education primary data was used in the study. Data analysis Quantitative methods of data analysis were employed to analyse the secondary data collected on the topic. The approach of quantitative analysis aids in the analysis of factual data relevant to the subjects (Mishra & Alok 2022). Moreover, information can be gleaned from the data through quantitative analysis. Thus, the study employed a quantitative way of analysis. Additionally, Liu, Yang & Chen (2020) commented that quantitative methods of analysis help to gather valuable insights for the collected data. Thus, the incorporation of fractal information was possible with the help of the quantitative method of analysis. Findings Demographics Gender Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 324 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper Figure 4: Pie chart associated with the gender of participants Table 1: Table associated with the gender of participants Figure 4 and Table 1 of the study is related to the genders of the participant where 40%was Male and 40% were Female participants. On the other hand, 20% reduced to disclosing their genders in the survey. Age Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 325 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper Figure 5: Pie chart related to Age Table 2: Table of Age Figure 5 and Table 2 are related to the age of participants and the ratio of participants is shown. It can be seen those Below 20 years of age, there were 40% Between 20 to 35 years of age there were 40% participants. Additionally, 20% of participants were Between 35 to 60 years of age. Income Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 326 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper Figure 6: Pie chart related to income Table 3: Table of income Figure 6 and Table 3 are associated with the income of participants and the percentages of different income groups are shown. It can be seen that Below RS 18000 there were 40% participants. Between RS 18000 to 30000 there were 40% participants and 20% participants were from Between RS 30000 to 50000. Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 327 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper Descriptive analysis Table 4: Table of Descriptive Analysis From the above table, it can be seen that the mean value of the descriptive statistics for the dependent and independent variables. It is clear that the mean values for all independent and dependent variables are higher than the standard deviation value. Thus, it is evident that the responses are centred on the mean. Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 328 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper Hypothesis 1: There is a relationship between the controlled use of video games and the education of children Table 5: regression table for Hypothesis 1 Table 5 is related to the regression data of Hypothesis 1. From the above data, it can be seen that the significance value is 0.060 which is higherthan 0.05. 0.05 is considered the benchmark value for regression analysis Halbrook, Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 329 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper O’Donnell &Msetfi (2019). Thus. It can be said that the value hypothesis 1 is not supported with appropriate pieces of evidence. Hypothesis 2: behaviour of children and the restricted use of video games are related Table 6: regression table for Hypothesis 2 Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 330 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper Table 6 is related to the regretting values hypothesis 2 which has a significance value of. Therefore the significance value is lower than 0.05 indicating hypothesis 2 is supported by the research topic Hypothesis 3: Cognitive behaviour of children is impacted by the use of videogames Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 331 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper Table 7: regression table for Hypothesis 3 Table 7 has the regression value of hypothesis 3 which provided a lower significance value of 0.000 Therefore; a low significance value indicated hypothesis 3 is supported with appropriate evidence. Hypothesis 4: Controlled use of video games is beneficial for the creative thinking of children Table 8: regression table for Hypothesis 4 Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 332 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper The regression data of Hypothesis 4 are shown in Table 8. The significance value for the aforementioned data is 0.095, which is - then 0.05, thus a lower value than the standard value for regression analysis indicated a reliable hypothesis De et al. (2021). As a result, it may be concluded that the value hypothesis 1 is properly supported by the available data. Discussion In order to understand the role of video games in children's education the study was conducted. As per the opinion of Johannes, Vuorre & Przybylski (2021), there are certain detrimental impacts of playing video games for students which impact education. On the other hand, Quwaider, Alabed&Duwairi (2019) argued that there are of consuming video games in a restricted amount. Moreover, a possessive impact on the children's education can be observed. Therefore the study aimed toward analysing and discussing the role of video games in the education of children. According to, the opinion of Calvo-Morata et al. (2020), the cognitive behaviour of the study is further impacted by the use of video games in a restricted amount. Therefore, in order to develop a knowledgebase study factors related to the videogames are analysed. Moreover, the implications of a possessive video game are analysed in the study. In order to collect reliable data secondary method of data data analysis was included in the study. On the other hand for analysing the secondary data qualitative method of analysis was incorporated into the study. According to the opinion of Przybylski & Weinstein (2019), qualitative methods of analysis provide a better perspective for the development of the study. Additionally, qualitative methods of analysis provide a better perspective of the collected data. Therefore the secondary qualitative method of analysis is beneficial for the development of the empirical study related to children's education and the impact of video games. Additionally, it was found that the controlled use of video games is beneficial for the education of a child. As per the opinion of Rosyati et al. (2020), in order to improve the behaviour of a student video Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 333 DISCUSSION ON THE ROLE OF VIDEO GAMES IN CHILDHOOD STUDYING Section A-Research Paper games can be helpful. Thus, based on the study it is recommended that the controlled use of video games required to be incorporated into children's life. Moreover, systematic use of video games can improve the focus and attention of children. Conclusion Hence, the above study is based on the role of video games in order to improve children's education. In the study, it was found that the restricted implication of video games has a beneficial impact on the education of children. Moreover, it was found that the cognitive behaviour of children is impacted by the use of video games. 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Improved focus due to video games is an important cognitive behaviour vii. Reducing inaccurate thinking is a positive impact of video games that impacts childhood studying. viii. Cultural behavior is related to video games that positively impact childhood studying. ix. Higher brain activity is a factor which a possessive impact on video games. x. The attention span of children is impacted by limited consumption of videogames xi. The learning capacity of children is impacted by limited consumption of video games xii. Communication is a factor of childhood study that is impacted by video games. xiii. The confidence and morale of a child are boosted with limited consumption of video games. Survey link: MSbwqhaLyXkgJEGOSmNbjsnzVFA/formResponse Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 7), 318-341 341