Modelling credit risk of portfolio of consumer loans

2010, Journal of The Operational Research Society

Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans Modeling Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans Madhur Malik* and Lyn Thomas School of Management, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, SO17 1BJ One of the issues that the Basel Accord highlighted was that though techniques for estimating the probability of default and hence the credit risk of loans to individual consumers are well established, there were no models for the credit risk of portfolios of such loans. Motivated by the reduced form models for credit risk in corporate lending, we will seek to exploit the obvious parallels between behavioural scores and the ratings ascribed to corporate bonds to build consumer lending equivalents. We incorporate both consumer specific ratings and macroeconomic factors in the framework of Cox Proportional Hazard models. Our results show that default intensities of consumers are significantly influenced by macro factors. Such models then can be used as the basis for simulation approaches to estimate the credit risk of portfolios of consumer loans. Keywords: Finance, Credit Risk, Survival Analysis, Credit Scoring. Introduction In credit scoring the main interest is in developing a scoring system which can correctly rank the customers in terms of their relative default risk so that the customers above some cut-off score are more or less riskier than those who are below. Credit scoring models can broadly be classified into two types, application scoring and behavioural scoring. The objective of both is to classify whether a customer will default (Bad) or not default (Good) in a given time period, which leads to estimates of probability of default (PD) of the customer in that period. Application scores are used to predict customers’ default risk, say 12 months in future, at the time of application made for the loan. In application scoring, past customers are classified as Good or Bad based on whether they defaulted, which usually means 90+ days delinquent, during the first 12 months of the starting of the loan. The information available at the time of application in the form of application variables and credit bureau records is then used to estimate the probability of being good/bad in the given time period. Behavioural scoring is similar in principal to application scoring except that in behavioural scores we observe the recent, say last one year, payment and purchase behaviour of customers who have been granted loan and use this information in addition to the information available for application scoring to predict the probability of default in next twelve months or some other fixed time horizon. As the name suggests in behavioural scoring the individuals behaviour with a particular lender * E-mail: 1 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans and on a specific product is considered in addition to the information the lender has through credit bureaus. The above estimates of default probabilities are then transformed into scores, which are used as a basis to accept or reject a customer for credit, depending on the cut-off decided by the banks for application scorecards or to make lending decisions on current customers, like increasing/decreasing credit limit, offering new financial products, offering new interest rates, based on behavioural scores. Lenders update their behavioural scores monthly by using the most recent information on their customers. With the advent of the Basel II banking regulation (BCBS, 2004) it is not just enough to correctly rank customers according to their default risk but also one needs to measure accurately the PD, as the predicted PDs are used to calculate the minimum capital needed to set aside for the portfolio of consumer loans. Moreover PD has to be predicted not just at an individual level but also for segments of the loan portfolio) The limitation of the above approach of developing scorecards is that it uses a snapshot of customers who joined say during certain months in calendar time (for application score) or who are on books during certain months in calendar time (for behavioural scores), which does not take care of the changes in economic conditions and the quality of loans over time. Motivated by the reduced form models for portfolio credit risk in corporate lending (Lando, 1994; Duffie, Saita and Wang, 2007) we will seek to exploit the obvious parallels between behavioural scores and the ratings ascribed to corporate bonds to build consumer lending equivalents. Similar recent studies conducted in corporate credit risk include (Duffie, Saita, and Wang, 2007) who studied multi-period corporate default prediction with time varying covariates. They exploit the time-series dynamics of the macroeconomic and firm-specific covariates and combine these with a short-horizon default model to estimate the likelihood of default over several future periods. (Campbell, Hilscher, and Szilagyi, 2007) in their recent study do not model the time-series evolution of the predictor variables but instead estimate separate logit models for firm default probabilities at short and long horizons. (Figlewski, Frydman and Liang, 2007) fit Cox intensity models for credit events, including defaults or major upgrades and downgrades in credit rating. Their models incorporate both firmspecific factors related to a firm’s credit rating history and a broad range of macroeconomic variables. Their results show that, in addition to being strongly influenced 2 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans by ratings related factors, intensities of occurrence of credit events are significantly affected by macroeconomic factors. (Shumway, 2001) uses a discrete duration model with time dependent covariates and demonstrates that hazard models are statistically superior to static models that do not take into account the fact that a firm is exposed to the risk of a credit event over multiple periods. However there has been no work on building duration models for the credit risk of portfolios of consumer loans. In this paper, we incorporate consumer specific ratings (behavioural score) and macroeconomic factors in the framework of Cox Proportional Hazard to build a model for customer’s default probability in the next twelve months, given all the current information available on an individual along with the values of macroeconomic factors for one year ahead. The results of our analysis show that default intensities of consumers are significantly influenced by macroeconomic factors and the time of origination of the loan. This shows that the information contained in behavioural score, which is developed on the history of loans who started during a certain period in calendar time, could not capture in full the driving force behind the dynamics of default behaviour. Finally, we will demonstrate how our model of individual consumers default risk can be used to simulate the distribution of defaults in a portfolio of consumer loans. The development of our model will not affect the rules governing Basel II but could be expected to have an impact on the way banks segment and stress test their portfolios under its regulations. Such models will also be of considerable use in the segmentation and pricing of portfolios of consumer loans for securitization purposes - an area where the theories of corporate and consumer risk management should, but as yet do not, meet. The idea of employing survival analysis for building credit-scoring models was first introduced by (Narain, 1992) and then developed further by (Thomas et al, 1999 and 2002). Thomas et al. (1999) compared performance of exponential, Weibull and Cox’s nonparametric models with logistic regression and found that survival-analysis methods are competitive with, and sometimes superior to, the traditional logistic-regression approach. 3 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans In the next section, we shall briefly discuss the notion of hazard rate and survival probability, and the theory associated with the Cox proportional hazard rate model. We then develop a hazard rate model to predict future hazard rates of customers conditional on the information on customers available today. These predicted hazards are then combined to predict the probability of default for twelve months ahead. Finally, we discuss the results of the simulations to construct the default distribution of portfolio of loans and draw some conclusions. Preliminaries Let T be nonnegative continuous random variable representing the time to default of an individual from a homogeneous population in which all individuals experience the same probability laws governing their default. In survival analysis the probability distribution of T is described in the following three most popular ways: the survivor function denoted S(t), which gives the probability of surviving beyond time t, the probability density function denoted f(t) and the hazard function (hazard rate) denoted h(t), which is the risk of defaulting at time t, given the person has survived till time t. Mathematically,  P ( t ≤ T < t + δt T ≥ t )  h ( t ) = lim   δt →0  δt  t P ( T ≤ t ) =1− S ( t ) =1− e − ∫ h ( x ) dx 0 The hazard function fully specifies the distribution of T and so determine both the density and the survivor function. Let x(t) denote the time covariate vector at time t and X(t)={x(u): 0 ≤ u < t} specify the path or history of the covariate process up to time t. The components of x(t) may include fixed covariates measured at time 0 as well as measurements of risk factors on an individual or on the environment that varies over time. Given the covariate path up to time t the conditional hazard function is defined as 4 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans  P ( t ≤ T < t + δt X ( t ) ,T ≥ t )  h ( t ; X ( t ) ) = lim   δt →0 δt   In the presence of time dependent covariates the relative risk model (Cox, 1972) describes the hazard rate process as h ( t ; X ( t ) ) = h0 ( t ) exp βT Z ( t )  where Z(t) are functions of X(t) and t and have left-continuous sample paths, and h0(t) is an unknown function (baseline) giving the hazard for the standard set of conditions, when x = 0. From the above, it is easy to observe that the Cox model assumes, at any time t, the ratio of the hazard rates of two different individuals does not involve the baseline hazard. In particular, the ratio of hazard rates stay constant over time if the covariates are all timeindependent. The Cox regression model is therefore often referred to as the proportional hazards model. In our analysis we employ time-dependent covariates, and hence the ratio of hazard rates of two individuals will change over time. Let t1 < t2 < ... < tn be n distinct default times where the individual who defaults at time ti has characteristics Zi(ti) at default. Let Ri be the set of individuals who are at risk of default just before time ti , 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Then the likelihood function of the observed data is: n L (β ) = ∏ i =1 exp βT Z i ( ti )  ∑ exp β T Zl ( ti )  l ∈Ri In our data, an individual can leave the risk set either due to default or censored event, because the account got closed or reached the end of the sample period. In estimating h(t;X(t)), any event other than default is treated as right-censored. An individual that is censored at time t will contribute to the risk set Ri if ti ≤ t, and will be excluded if t <ti. 5 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans The ith term in the partial likelihood function above is the conditional probability that an individual with covariates Zi(ti) experiences a default event at ti given all individuals in Ri and that exactly one individual default at ti. Cox model assumes that the hazard functions are continuous. However, credit performance data are normally recorded only monthly so that multiple defaults at one time can be observed. These are tied default times, and the likelihood function must be modified because it is now unclear which individuals to include in the risk set at each failure time t1, t2, t3, etc. Let di denote the number of defaults at time ti and Di be the set of individuals defaulted. Let S denote any subset of di individuals drawn from the risk set Ri and let Si be the collection of all these subsets. The generalized version of the likelihood function arising from the Cox’s model is n L (β ) = ∏ i =1  exp βT   ∑Z  j ( ti )  ∑ exp β ∑ Z  T  S ∈Si  j∈Di j∈S j ( ti )   The summation in the denominator is difficult to calculate, so easier approximations were proposed by (Breslow, 1974) and (Efron, 1977). Modelling Methodology In this article we propose to build a hazard rate model for predicting probability of default of a customer in the next twelve months, given all the current information available on a customer along with the values of macroeconomic factors for one year ahead. The results of our analysis will show that default intensities of consumers are significantly influenced by macro factors and by the (calendar) time when the loan started. It will show that the information contained in macro economic variables and the origination quality of loans are major drivers of the dynamics of default probability. 6 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans Data Description The original dataset contains records of customers of a major UK bank who were on the books as of January 2001 together with all those who joined between January 2001 and December 2005. The data set consists of customers monthly behavioural score along with the information on their time to default or censored and default or censored status. We have no information on time to default of those individuals who have joined and defaulted before Jan 2001. Hence, for model fitting purpose we consider approx. 50,000 records of customers behavioural scores for each month from Jan 2001 – Dec 2004, along with information on age of loan and default status. We tested our results using customers performance during 2005 from a holdout sample. In our analysis, individuals who closed the account during the above time period or who got truncated at the end of observation period, i.e., Dec 2004, are considered censored. Anyone, who become 90 days delinquent, charged off or got bankrupt between Jan 2001-Dec 2004 is considered as having defaulted. The time to default/censored is measured in months from the start of the loan. Macro Economic Variables Traditionally behavioural score models are built on customers performance with the bank over a twelve month or some other fixed time performance period, using characteristics like average account balance, number of times 30+ days delinquent, etc. In that sense behavioural score can be considered as capturing the idiosyncratic risk of customers. However, it is observed in corporate credit risk models (Lando, 1994; Duffie et al, 2007), that though idiosyncratic risk is a major risk factor, during economic slowdowns systemic risk factors emerge and have had a substantial effect on the default risk in a portfolio of loans. In context of UK economy, we analyse the following four macro economic variables which have been found to effect the default behaviour of consumers in the consumer finance literature (Tang et al, 2006) and represents the general economic and investment climate. The variables considered are (a) Percentage Change in Consumer Price Index over 12 Months: reflects the inflation felt by customers and high levels may cause rise in customer default rate. 7 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans (b) Monthly average Sterling Inter-bank lending rate: higher values might correspond to general tightness in the economy and increased difficulty in raising cash to make debt service payments. (c) Annual Return on Log of FTSE 100: gives the yield from stock market and also reflects the fact that a buoyant stock market may encourage purchasing of financial products. (d) GDP Quarter on Quarter Previous Year. A positive sign of the coefficient of a macroeconomic variable in the hazard equation is associated with the increase in risk of default and vice versa. We did try to include unemployment rate in our model but it always entered with a wrong sign and also affected the sign and significance of other macroeconomic covariates. This could be because there is no significant variation in UK’s unemployment rate during 2001 to 2004 so spurious effects are occurring. Therefore we decided to drop unemployment rate from our models. There is a general perception in economics (Figlewski et al, 2007) that change in economic conditions does not have an instantaneous effect on default rate. To allow for this effect we considered lagged values of macroeconomic covariates in the form of weighted average over a six months period with an exponentially declining weight of 0.88. This choice is motivated by a recent study made by (Figlewski et al, 2007). Hazard Rate Models In our analysis, we shall model the hazard rate of customers by incorporating information on: a) Age of Loan b) Behavioural scores c) Macro Economic Variables d) Time Loan Taken Out (Vintage) 8 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans If t is time since loan started, the hazard of default at time t for a person i from Vintagei under current economic conditions EcoVari(t) and having behavioural score BehScri(t) is hi ( t ) = h0 ( t ) e aBehScri ( t )+bEcoVari ( t )+ cVintagei In the above equation h0(t) is the baseline hazard which represents the risk due to the age of loan. On could think of the idiosyncratic risk, systemic risk and the risk due to the vintage quality of loans as being represented by BehScr(t), EcoVar(t), and Vintage, respectively. Vintages correspond to each quarter from 2001 to 2004 and defined as binary variables with a value 1 if an individual starts a loan in a particular vintage otherwise 0. The partial likelihood method, first proposed by Cox (1972), estimates the parameters a, b and c in the hazard function without knowledge of the baseline hazard h0(t). Since in our analysis, we need to predict the probability of default, say, in next twelve months from now, we use Nelson-Aalen form of estimator (Kalbfleisch, 2002), to recover baseline hazard function h0(t) given by dt h0 ( t ) = l exp β ∑ ∈ T Zl ( t ) Rt where dt represents the people defaulted at time t and Rt denotes the risk set at time t. Figure 1 shows the movement of default rate with age of loan for 10 years of duration in our dataset. It is evident from the graph that propensity of default is high during the early stage of a loan. This goes well with the market assumption that default rates are high during the first 12-24 months of the starting of the loan, which is the reason why many banks use 12-24 months of performance window in their scorecards to classify good/bad customers. However, we also notice from the graph that the default rate does not drop immediately after the first year. Instead, it gradually comes down, which is the reason why age of loan should not be ignored as one of the factors while developing credit risk models. 9 Default Rate Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans 9 16 22 29 35 42 48 55 61 67 74 80 87 93 100 106 113 Age of Loan (Months) Fig. 1. Default Rate v Age of Loan Coming to the second and most important factor in our model, behavioural score represents the risk due to the individual’s performance with the bank. Behavioural score is related to the probability of default by a linear relationship. In our dataset behavioural score predicts the probability of default in the next 6 months. Banks use behaviour score to rank their customers and decide on their policies accordingly. One of the problem in using behavioural score as the sole representation of individual’s probability of default is that the relationship of behavioural score to probability of default may change over time. It means that the behavioral score of two individuals in different months or the behavioural score of same individual in different months may not represent the same probability of default. This is the problem of recalibration of scorecards arising from the change in log of odds to score relationship in credit scoring and a major motivation behind introducing macroeconomic and vintage variables in our hazard equation. To understand the relevance of vintage variables and macro economic variables in our model we consider the following example. Suppose two individuals A and B start their loan during different periods in calendar time say the first quarter of 2001 and the first quarter of 2003 respectively. Suppose they both have the same score x after six months into 10 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans the loan. It could be possible that the score x may not represent the same default probability for two customers. Figure 2 shows the default rates of customers based on the year they joined. It seems that customers who joined during 2003 are at higher risk (have higher default rates) than those who joined during 2001-2002. This gives us the intuition to incorporate year of origination of loan to test the dependency of hazard rate on the time the customers joined. To capture this effect we can define binary variables corresponding to whether the loan was started in a specific quarter or not. If these variables come out to be nonzero and significant in the model then it is a clear indication that the hazard rate of two individuals n months into the loan with the same score in month n would depends not only on the score but also on the calendar time during which the individuals started the loan. Similarly, to explain the affect of macro variables on hazard rate consider an individual who has got the same score x during two different months on books. Since the value of economic variable might be different in different months, the hazard rate of an individual at Default Rate the same score level in different months might be different. 2001 2002 2003 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 Age of Loan (Months) Forecasting Multi-Period Hazard Rate and Default Probability To predict the probability of default of customers for one year ahead in calendar time we first predict their hazard rate in time since loan started and then transform it into a 11 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans calendar time for twelve months ahead. This is achieved by developing twelve hazard rate models each with the lagged behavioural score variable in the hazard equation. In particular, for customer i who survived up to t months on books, the hazard rate for k months ahead is given by hi ( t+k ) = h0 ( t+k ) e ak BehScri ( t )+ bk EcoVari ( t + k )+ ck Vintagei . Each hazard model has economic variables taken as a weighted average over the last six months. Take, for example, a customer with behavioural score s in Dec 2003 and who started his loan in Jan 2003. To predict his hazard rate in Feb 2004, based on the score in Dec 2003, we can select parameter estimates from hazard rate model with a behavioural score of lag 2 and use weighted average of the values of economic variables for the six months from Aug 2003-Jan 2004. (If one really were in December 2003 then the January 2004 value in this weighted average would be a forecast of the future economic situations). We can then predict the hazard rate for 14 months into the loan, which gives us the predicted hazard rate for a customer in Feb 2004. We coarse classify the behavioural scores into five bins in order of decreasing risk with people having low behavioural scores, i.e., who are at higher risk of default, in the first bin. We also define one special value bin which represents people who do not currently have a behavioural score which means they have always been inactive or only recently become active. We then define new time varying covariates BehScore-i (i=1,…,5) which are binary (0,1) variables corresponding to the behavioural score bins defined above in terms of worst to best ranking. Table 3 present parameter estimates from the two sets of models Model A and Model B for each month up to twelve months ahead. Model A predicts hazard rate using just behavioural score as a time covariate however, Model B uses time varying macroeconomic variables and time of origination of the loan, which is captured by vintage variables, in addition to the behavioural scores. We employ "stepwise selection" procedure to only keep variables that contribute significantly to the explanatory power of the model. The likelihood ratios and the associated p-values show that incorporating macroeconomic and vintage level information provides a significant improvement across all periods. However, the predictive power of Model B over Model A decrease with the 12 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans increase in prediction horizon. In Model B, the coefficients of behavioural score bins, leaving aside the special value bin, go from high to low for all periods, which agrees with the risk associated with each bin. The prediction power of behavioural score decreases with the increase in prediction horizon which is evident from the decrease in the difference of coefficient values between behavioural score bins with each increasing month. However, similar to what was observed for corporate defaults by (Figlewski et al, 2007), there has been little change in the value of the estimated coefficients for behavioural score bins for each month as we move from Model A to Model B. This means that the information contained in macroeconomic and vintage variables though significant is incremental to that what is captured by the behavioural score alone. This could be possibly because economic conditions remained approximately static during 2001-2004. Three macroeconomic variables namely Interest rate, GDP growth and CPI (rate of inflation) proved significant at various horizons. The sign of the macroeconomic variables remain consistent throughout the twelve models which forecast forward default rates 1, 2, 3 up to 12 months ahead. The sample size decreases as the covariate time lag increases because the minimum period of observation is increasing. Since each vintage represents a quarter between 2001 to 2004, observations from recent vintages will be excluded from the dataset as we increase the forecast horizon. So for example, to estimate 12-month predictive hazard rate model people who joined between 2001-2003 will appear in the dataset. However, it appears that overall the effect of vintages gradually diminish as we increase the forecast horizon. Suppose h(1), h(2), h(3), … h(12) represent the hazard rates of an individual, who has neither defaulted or left till this month, for next one month, two month, three month, etc., respectively in calendar time. From the definition of hazard rate and the law of conditional probability, the probability of default in next 12 months (PD12) can be estimated by PD12 = 1 − Π 12 n =1 ( 1 − h ( n ) ) . We tested our results on a hold out sample for 2005. We considered people who joined between Jan 2002-Dec 2004 and have neither defaulted nor closed their accounts till Dec 2004. We then estimate their PD12 for 2005. The results of our analysis are shown in table 1 below. 13 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans Table 1 Test Sample Actual No. of Expected No. of Model Defaults in 2005 Defaults in 2005 Size Model A 565 14091 Model B 959 1022 Figure 3 shows the ROC curves for 2005 on a holdout sample based on PDs obtained from Model A and Model B. It shows that the risk ranking of customers based on information provided by behavioural score is almost the same as that obtained by adding information on macroeconomic changes and the time of origin. However, from Table 1 above, it is apparent that the actual PD estimates from the two models are not the same and that Model B certainly provides better estimates of expected number of defaults. This shows that the relationship of log (Default : Not Default) to score does vary over time and may be explained by adding extra information on macroeconomic changes and time of origination of the loan. Portfolio Default Distribution In a recent paper Duffie, Saita, and Wang (2007) studied the time series dynamics of the covariate processes in the context of multi-period corporate default prediction. Motivated by this we model interest rate, GDP and CPI as an independent autoregressive time series of order 1 and simulate the default distribution of loans from a holdout sample for the year 2005. We assume that given the value of economic variables for a fixed time period in calendar time, the defaults are conditionally independent. Table 3 shows the parameter estimates for each of the macroeconomic variable in our model which uses the following specification yt − µ = ρ ( yt −1 − µ ) + σet , where is the estimated mean of the series yt and et are independent standard normal errors. 14 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans Table 2 Estimates from and AR(1) Model for Macroeconomic Covariates. Variable Mean ( ) Coefficient (ρ) Interest Rate 5.656389 0.98704 0.209164 GDP 2.925 0.93775 0.212757 CPI 1.465741 0.87823 0.237134 Standard Error (σ) The simulation steps to draw the default distribution of portfolio of loans are explained below. 1) Generate a sample path of the three macroeconomic variables above for twelve months from January 2005 taking initial value Y0 in AR(1) equation from December 2004 and independently drawing twelve random variables corresponding to error terms from standard normal distribution. 2) Calculate the hazard rate and hence PD12 using Model B for each customer in the hold out sample for 2005 using the sample path of macroeconomic values generated in step 1 above. 3) Generate random numbers from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 corresponding to each observation. 4) Define an individual as default (1) if PD12 > Random Value and Non-default (0) if PD12 < Random Value. 5) Calculate the total number of defaults in step 4. 6) Repeat Step 1, 2 ,3 and 4 with random seed values and draw the distribution of proportion of defaults. Figure 4 shows the smoothed default distribution of proportion of defaults for 2005 in a holdout sample of approximately 14,000 customers. The peak of the distribution is at a default rate of approximately 6.5%. The distribution is though somewhat asymmetric with higher probabilities of high default rates. The simulation suggest that there is a 0.1% probability of having default rates above 10%. 15 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans One can use more sophisticated models of the time series dynamics of macroeconomic variables and still apply the above simulation procedure using the hazard rate model we have developed. Our objective here is just to show such simulations can be undertaken since there is a rich literature on such macroeconomic time series models ( ) Conclusions In this article, we build a proportional hazard rate model for customers default probability for up to twelve months ahead using recent information on customers behavioural scores along with the values of general macroeconomic factors. We do not predict customers’ future behavioural scores since we believe the current behavioural score contains the best estimate of future default risk based only on customer specific information. Instead we can use existing models for predicting the time series dynamics of macroeconomic factors which are the drivers of the dynamics of default behaviour. We estimated twelve hazard rate models for each month up to twelve months ahead by lagging behavioural score covariate. Our major conclusion is that inclusion of macroeconomic factors and time of origination improves the default predictions significantly. However, it does not have a major impact on the discriminating ability of the model beyond that given by the behavioural score. Such models lend themselves to building credit risk estimates of portfolios of consumer loans where the correlations between defaults of different loans are given by changes in the macroeconomic conditions. References: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) (2004). International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital of Capital Standards: a revised framework. Bank of International Settlements, Basel. Breslow N E (1974). Covariance analysis of censored survival data. Biometrics 30: 89-99. Campbell J, Hilscher J and Szilagy J (2007). In Search of Distress Risk. Forthcoming Journal of Finance. Cox D R (1972). Regression models and life-tables (with discussion). 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"- .0 / $ + 1 14.00% 12.00% Probability 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 7.00% 8.00% Proportion of Defaults , $ ! ! ! 18 9.00% 10.00% 11.00% / Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans BehScore Bins BehScorer1 BehScorer2 BehScorer3 BehScorer4 BehScorer5 Special Value MacroEconomic Factors Interest Rate GDP CPI Vintages VintQrt1 VintQrt2 VintQrt3 VintQrt4 VintQrt5 VintQrt6 VintQrt7 VintQrt8 VintQrt9 VintQrt10 Vintage11 Vintage12 Vintage13 Vintage14 VintQrt15 Likelihood Ratio Test: Model B vs Model A p-value 1-Month Predictive Model Parameter Estimates 2-Month Predictive 3-Month Predictive Model Model Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimates 4-Month Predictive 5-Month Predictive 6-Month Predictive Model Model Model Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimates Model A Model B Model A -2.24671 -8.54738 -9.60406 -10.03671 -11.5715 -6.01966 Model B Model A Model B Model A Model B Model A Model B Model A Model B -2.3323 -8.66029 -9.71268 -10.14294 -11.66931 -6.11543 -2.6242 -2.70791 -3.09697 -6.98778 -7.09739 -5.62776 -8.08176 -8.19148 -6.08841 -9.68832 -9.79372 -6.96915 -11.9021 -11.99937 -7.60843 -6.47088 -6.56873 -5.80204 -3.18273 -5.73832 -6.20220 -7.07702 -7.71063 -5.90250 -2.75823 -4.9138 -5.57769 -5.72644 -6.20157 -5.1372 -2.84724 -5.02491 -5.69440 -5.83734 -6.30834 -5.24298 -2.48733 -4.08235 -4.84958 -5.03777 -5.42494 -4.58765 -2.56478 -4.18073 -4.95517 -5.13704 -5.52223 -4.68248 -2.61022 -3.90613 -4.50302 -4.83499 -5.22294 -4.48938 -2.67749 -3.99306 -4.60184 -4.92699 -5.31600 -4.57994 0.26229 -0.42539 0.25069 -0.38256 0.24416 -0.31511 0.22181 -0.24414 0.22013 -0.27600 0.23729 -0.34237 -1.21870 -1.13194 -1.01896 -0.75628 -0.81972 -0.73978 -0.51075 -0.38299 -0.26098 -0.13124 -1.15786 -1.07397 -0.92263 -0.68562 -0.77152 -0.69347 -0.44722 -0.31696 -0.22958 -0.99363 -0.96448 -0.77844 -0.59465 -0.71633 -0.62936 -0.39576 -0.26262 -0.18531 -0.79594 -0.80352 -0.65098 -0.50605 -0.65304 -0.62144 -0.35188 -0.24582 -0.21149 -0.74695 -0.74484 -0.64334 -0.46615 -0.60409 -0.60719 -0.34361 -0.21872 -0.19159 -0.79301 -0.79143 -0.70042 -0.49181 -0.66492 -0.64168 -0.36271 -0.23177 -0.19938 0.19690 0.77901 218.5007 <.0001 1.00105 213.7275 <.0001 19 175.9484 <.0001 139.9434 <.0001 122.2438 <.0001 109.3105 <.0001 Credit Risk of Portfolio of Consumer Loans BehScore Bins BehScorer1 BehScorer2 BehScorer3 BehScorer4 BehScorer5 Special Value MacroEconomic Factors Interest Rate GDP CPI Vintages VintQrt1 VintQrt2 VintQrt3 VintQrt4 VintQrt5 VintQrt6 VintQrt7 VintQrt8 VintQrt9 VintQrt10 Vintage11 Vintage12 Vintage13 Vintage14 VintQrt15 Likelihood Ratio Test: Model B vs Model A p-value 7-Month Predictive Model Parameter Estimates 8-Month Predictive 9-Month Predictive 10-Month Predictive 11-Month Predictive 12-Month Predictive Model Model Model Model Model Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimates Model A Model B Model A Model B Model A Model B Model A Model B Model A Model B Model A Model B -2.3721 -3.60232 -4.13394 -4.36663 -4.85296 -4.1005 -2.43000 -3.67689 -4.21920 -4.44559 -4.93306 -4.17712 -2.45326 -3.54707 -3.94328 -4.35139 -4.81405 -4.06151 -2.49524 -3.60116 -4.00594 -4.40785 -4.87324 -4.11792 -2.4375 -3.44737 -3.94487 -4.27954 -4.71469 -3.99174 -2.48732 -3.50893 -4.0159 -4.34375 -4.78202 -4.05697 -2.42873 -3.33606 -3.78145 -4.05897 -4.61785 -3.89062 -2.48829 -3.40538 -3.85942 -4.13097 -4.69305 -3.96378 -2.33096 -3.25984 -3.59847 -4.05529 -4.46676 -3.78074 -2.38991 -3.32759 -3.67288 -4.12304 -4.54106 -3.85201 -2.26133 -3.12304 -3.51835 -3.9288 -4.32225 -3.66479 -2.32921 -3.19961 -3.60081 -4.00519 -4.40504 -3.74210 0.24696 -0.28462 -0.52755 -0.54694 -0.50450 -0.27505 -0.46768 -0.45223 -0.18336 0.51457 98.2929 <.0001 0.27168 0.26628 0.39202 0.4977 0.33990 -0.10516 0.63936 0.10792 -0.14904 -0.18930 -0.16601 -0.21061 -0.16383 -0.17845 0.24378 -0.29266 0.37177 -0.14673 0.13935 -0.19260 -0.17424 0.32766 0.33385 0.35307 0.51792 0.45821 0.66400 60.3232 <.0001 20 51.8505 <.0001 52.2771 <.0001 59.3396 <.0001 54.3668 <.0001