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In this paper, Sickle cell anaemia a blood disorder resulting from the abnormalities of red blood cells characterized by presence of abnormal cells like sickle cells, ovalocyte, anisopoikilocyte. Patients suffering from this disease experience acute pain and infection in addition to other chronic conditions like anaemia, cardiac, pulmonary and brain complication. Different digital IMAGE PROCESSING techniques for identification of shape and size of cells present in blood. It has been shown that using MATLAB the image can be processed into different stages as edge detection, segmentation, classification and sickle detection finally leading to a successful outcome.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
The conventional method for detecting blood abnormality is time consuming and lacks the high level of accuracy. In this paper a MATLAB based solution has been suggested to tackle the problem of time consumption and accuracy. Three types of blood abnormality have been covered here, namely, anemia which is characterized by low count of red blood cells (RBCs), Leukemia which is depicted by increasing the number of white blood cells (WBCs), and sickle cell blood disorder which is caused by a deformation in the shape of red cells. The algorithm has been tested on different images of blood smears and noticed to give an acceptable level of accuracy. Image processing techniques has been used here to detect the different types of blood constituents. Unlike many other researches, this research includes the blood sickling disorder which is epidemic in certain regions of the world, and offers a more accuracy than other algorithms through the use of detaching overlapped cells strategy.
for serving as my committee members even during hardship. I also want to thank you for making my defense an enjoyable moment and for your brilliant comments and suggestions. Again, thank you. A special thanks to my husband for his support, who left his job and family and was near me whenever I need him. My sincere thanks also goes to my family-my parents, my brothers and my sisters-for supporting me spiritually throughout the writing of this thesis and my life in general. iv TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF FIGURES .
Background: Thalassemia is a hereditary blood disease in which abnormal red blood cells (RBCs) carry insufficient oxygen throughout the body. Conventional methods of thalassemia detection through a complete blood count (CBC) test and peripheral blood smear image still possess a lot of weaknesses. Methods: This paper proposes a hybrid segmentation method to segment the RBCs. It incorporates adaptive thresholding and canny edge method to segment the RBCs. Morphological operations are performed to clean the leftovers. Shape and texture features are extracted using the segmented masks and the gray level co-occurrence matrix. Data imbalance treatment is used for solving the imbalance cell type class in distribution. In the data resampling layer, the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE), adaptive synthetic sampling (ADASYN), and random over sampling (ROS) are performed and evaluated using the decision tree and logistic regression. In the classification layer, the decision tre...
IRJET, 2020
Sickle Cell Anemia is a blood disorder which results from the abnormalities in red blood cells of humans and shortens the life expectancy to 42 and 48 years for males and females. It also causes pain, jaundice, shortness of breath, etc. Sickle Cell Anemia is characterized by the presence of abnormal cells like sickle cell, ovalocyte, antisopoikilocyte. Sickle cell disease usually presenting in childhood, occurs more commonly in people from parts of tropical and subtropical regions where malaria is or was very common. A healthy RBC is usually round in shape, but sometime it changes its shape to form a sickle cell structure; this is called as sickling of RBC. Majority of the sickle cells whose shape is like crescent moon found are due to low hemoglobin content. An image processing algorithm is to automate the diagnosis of sickle-cells present in thin blood smears is developed. Images are acquired employing a charge coupled device camera connected to a lightweight microscope. Clustering based segmentation techniques are wont to identify erythrocytes (red blood cells) and Sickle-cells present on microscopic slides. Image features supported texture, color and therefore the geometry of the cells are generated, also as features that make use of a priori knowledge of the classification problem and mimic features employed by human technicians. The red blood corpuscle smears were obtained from IG Hospital, Rourkela. Image processing technique based identification of sickle-cells in anemic patient are going to be very helpful for automatic, sleek and effective diagnosis of the disease.
— Blood is a connective tissue in which Red blood cells function to transport oxygen and it is normally in disk shape. The inherited disorder of blood includes hemoglobinopathies which are major public health problem in India. Sickle cell disease refers to a group of genetic disorders characterized by presence of sickle hemoglobin, anemia, acute and chronic tissue injury to blockage of blood flow by abnormally shaped red cell. Sickle cell disease is Sickle cell anemia. It is a disorder in which the body makes sickle-shaped red blood cells. " Sickle-shaped means the red blood cells are crescent shaped. Sickle cell anemia is also a serious disorder problem in chhattisgarh state. It is highly prevalent among scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and other back-word class. In Chhattisgarh the highest percentage of sickle cell diseases found in Sahu, Mahar, Gond, Devangan, Kurmi and Halba etc. This paper proposed a method to recognize the sickle shaped red blood cells present in the blood smear by using fractal dimension. Fractal Dimension is used to recognize the shape of the red blood cells and segmentation the sickle shaped red blood cells for shape analysis to find the percentage of sickle cell anemia. Results exhibit the future aspect of the technique, which overcome traditional shape recognition and analysis methods found in various literatures.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Red Blood Corpuscles (RBCs) form the main cellular component of human blood. RBCs in common physiological status has a circular form in the front view and bi-concave form in side view. In case of a person is infected with anemia RBCs form as sickle-shaped cells which drive to blood vessel obstruction joined by painful episodes and even death. Precise and robust cells classification and counting are essential in evaluating the level of anemia disease danger. The classification and counting of red blood cells (normal and abnormal RBC cells) are challenging due to the complex and heterogeneous shapes and overlapped cells. In this paper, we propose a new robust approach to classify red blood cells to two groups: Normal and Abnormal RBC cells based on area and Eccentricity of each cell, then count the total number of normal and abnormal RBC cells individually. For the sake of comparison, we also implement the latest Sickle cell research, which uses circular Hough transform. We compare our approach to circular Hough transform in the same execution environment. Our new approach sets the state-of-the-art performance in term of effectiveness (cell counting) and efficiency (execution time).
Microscopic images of blood smear primarily contains RBCs, WBCs and Platelets, blood count is generally monitored by laboratory test known as CBC i.e. complete blood count, the major cellular component of blood is RBC, which is responsible for gaseous exchange and avails the oxygen for all the organs. In normal physiological conditions, front view and side view of RBC provide circular and biconcave images respectively. In blood borne diseases, generally there is variation in size, shape and in area with respect to normocytic RBCs. Especially in sickle cell anemia which is genetic blood disorder disease, the RBCs after de-oxygenation holds a sickle shape, which as a result causes many diseases. The purpose of this paper; use of Image processing techniques in finding the number of abnormal shaped cell; primary focus is in sickle shaped RBCs in the blood smear image and calculate its percentage and thus highlight the possibility of sickle cell anemia. Early, easy, fast and accurate det...
Marine Biology, 2013
This study aims to assess niche segregation among the five main toothed whales that frequent the NW Iberian Peninsula waters: the common dolphin, the harbour porpoise, the bottlenose dolphin, the striped dolphin and the long-finned pilot whale. We used cadmium (Cd) and stable isotope ratios (δ C and δ 15 N) as ecological tracers to assess degree of segregation in diet/trophic level and in foraging habitat, over various timescales. δ 13 C values highlighted different habitat while Cd concentrations highlighted feeding differences between oceanic and neritic species. Moreover, δ 15 N values suggest different trophic levels of prey targeted within oceanic and neritic species. Hence, results revealed long-term ecological segregation among five toothed whales that coexist in the NWIP and demonstrated the ability of ecological tracers to discriminate ecological niches among closely related species.
In this study, in order to determine OP to Ug mining TD of tabulate deposits, through various states some formulas were concluded. These formulas resulted based on the allowable and overall stripping ratios. For this objective, an analytical procedure was served. The contemplated states are variously combined from the deposits with outcrops or overburden and including maximum or minimum possible pit floor width.
Terahertz Photonics, 2007
Superconducting tunnel junctions, which are also known as superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) junctions, are widely used in coherent detection (heterodyne mixing) of electromagnetic radiation at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths to achieve high spectral resolution (∆ν/ν<10 -6 ). With extremely low dark current and high quantum efficiency, superconducting tunnel junctions are also promising for THz photon detection. Besides the merit of high detection sensitivity, THz photon detectors with superconducting tunnel junctions can be operated at relatively high temperatures (above 0.3 K) and don't need rather complicated filtering systems by simply incorporating a superconducting resonant circuit with superconducting tunnel junctions. This paper mainly investigates the characteristics of THz photon detectors with Nb and NbN-based superconducting tunnel junctions. The MAR effect and associated shot noise are addressed. Some analytical and preliminary experimental results are presented.
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2007
PloS one, 2017
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 2014
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2006
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Cancer Causes & Control, 2012
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Revista Baru - Revista Brasileira de Assuntos Regionais e Urbanos, 2019