2023 SIS Themed Conference
'Affect, Sensation, Emotion'
7-8 September 2023, Selwyn College, Cambridge
This draft version of the programme, current as of 21 July, is subject to change. For queries, contact the organizers at
Registration is now open: https://forms.gle/wqPbPVfRnthXaqAh8.
7 September
Registration (the Auditorium)
Opening remarks (the Auditorium)
Session 1
(the Auditorium)
Session 2
(the Diamond)
Session 3
(the Chadwick Room)
Session 4
(the Walters Room)
Negative Affects: Absence and
Affective Ecology and
Mobile Affects, Mobile Objects,
Mobile People
Affective Communities and
Community Building
1. Jonny Wiles (University of
Cambridge), ‘AAA Cercasi:
Absence, Affect, and Antiquity in
Dante’s Commedia’
1. Alessia Carrai (University of
Cambridge), ‘Affective
Landscapes and Dante’s
“selva antica”’
1. Chiara Giuliani (University
College Cork), ‘Emotional Stuff:
Affect and Material Culture in
Italian Transnational Literature’
1. Michela Sereni (National
University of Ireland, Galway), ‘Il
Risorgimento letterario. La
patria e le emozioni’
2. Frey Kalus (University of
Cambridge / Freie Universität
Berlin), ‘The Politics of Grief in
Dante and Thom Gunn’
2. Francesca Southerden
(University of Oxford),
‘“Sensibil terra”: Affect and
Ecology in Petrarch’s Rvf 22’
3. Rebecca Walker (Trinity
College Dublin), ‘Hard Feelings:
Elena Ferrante and the Feminist
Potential of Negative Emotion’
2. Monica Miscali (Norwegian
University of Science and
Technology), ‘Leaving Alone:
Emotions and Migration of
Italian Women to Norway from
1960 until Today’
3. Marina Spunta (University
of Leicester), ‘Affective
Gardens: Pia Pera’s Garden as 3. Erica Bellia (University of
Material Spirituality’
Cambridge), ‘Affective Labour in
Italian Industrial Literature’
4. Marco Ceravolo (University
College Cork), ‘"Spiriti!
4. Dario Galassini (University
Folletti! Bestioline in pena!". College Cork), ‘Affects,
L’impegno animalista di Dino Subjectivities, and Factory
Buzzati e Anna Maria Ortese
2. Carla Panico (University of
Coimbra), ‘Italianità e alterità.
Per una storia affettiva dei
processi di produzione
dell’identità nazionale’
4. Andrea Sartori (Nankai
University), ‘Il cuore oltre
l’ostacolo. La “via italiana” alla
nuova fenomenologia e una
riconsiderazione di Marino
Moretti (1885-1979)’
3. Noreen Kane (University
College Cork), ‘Trauma,
Sensation, and Affect in the
Work of Igiaba Scego’
4. Patrizia Sambuco (University
of Dundee), ‘Sensing Migration’
tra narrativa e produzione
Work: Vittorio Sereni’s Una
visita in fabbrica’
Tea, coffee, and pastries
Affects and Bodily Languages
Second-hand Emotion
(What’s Love Got to Do with
Negative Affects: Fear
1. Aistė Kiltinavičiūtė
(University of Cambridge /
University College Cork), ‘Fight
1. Nicolas Longinotti (Freie
Universität Berlin), ‘Virtuous or Flight: The Fear of Flying in
and Vulnerable Communities: Dante’s Comedy’
2. Lisi Feng (Nankai University), Petrarch's Love and
‘“Molto porgeranno suo proprio Forgiveness in Francesco
2. George Rayson (University of
movimento d’animo”:
Cambridge), ‘Hair-raising in
Filelfo's and Antonio Da
trasmettere affetti e movimenti Tempo's Quattrocento
nella letteratura artistica
Commentaries on RVF 1’
3. Ylenia Papa (University for
Foreigners of Perugia), ‘Loci on
2. Francesca Santucci
3. Carlotta Paltrinieri (Royal
(Università di Genova), ‘«Mal Fear in Quadriregio by Federico
Holloway, University of London), d’amore Tatjana affligge». Dal Frezzi’
‘“In che modo dal
desiderio amoroso alla
temperamento del corpo si
malattia nell’Onegin tradotto 4. Alessio Panichi (Johns
Hopkins University), ‘Not Just
conoschino gli affetti
da Giovanni Giudici’
Chapter XVII: The Functions of
dell’animo”: An Overlooked
Fear in Niccolò Machiavelli’s The
Manuscript at the Intersection
3. Laura Lucia Rossi
of Natural Philosophy and Art
(University of Leeds), ‘Un
penoso amore. Becoming a
Daughter and Becoming a
Writer in Maria Grazia
1. Jessica Maratsos (University
of Cambridge), ‘Affective
Anatomy and the Early Modern
Across the Five Senses: the
Histories of Sensation and
1. Simon Gilson (University of
Oxford), ‘External and Internal
Senses in Cristoforo Landino’s
Comento sopra la Comedia
2. Gur Zak (The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem),
‘Leonardo Bruni and the
Philology of Emotions’
3. Paola Casella (Universität
Zürich), ‘La retorica degli affetti
nella letteratura: riflessioni
4. Maria Silvia Marini (La
Sapienza University, Rome),
‘Percezione e conoscenza: il caso
della gnoseologia leopardiana
nel contesto intellettuale
Calandrone and Jeanette
Selwyn lunch (Hall; pay-for-yourself)
Troubling Affective Margins
Reworking Medieval Affects
Unveiling the Body
1. Valentina Mele (University of
Leeds), ‘Sighs, Voice, and Poetic
Subjectivity. The Reception of
Medieval Culture in the Poetry
and Poetics of Jack Spicer’
1. Xiying Wang (University of
Manchester), ‘The Iconography
of Nudity in the Commedia and
the Denuded Body in Dante
2. Kristina Landa (Università di
Bologna), ‘La letizia della divina
Sapienza in Dante e nella
letteratura russa del primo
2. Alessandro Toma (Humboldt 2. Laura Di Blasi (University of Novecento’
University of Berlin), ‘Feeling
Melbourne), ‘Rewriting as
Between and Beyond the
3. Chiara Valcelli (University
Discursive Authority: Laura
Margins: Negative and Positive Terracina’s Discorso on
College Cork), ‘A Tale of Two
Affects in the Narrative World- Orlando Furioso’
Cities: An Affective Study of
Model of Elena Ferrante's My
Dante’s Florence and Joyce’s
3. Olivia Santovetti
Brilliant Friend’
(University of Leeds), ‘Books
3. Valentina Serio (University of as “organismi pulsanti”: Elena 4. Domenico Fadda (University
Pisa), ‘Melancholy and Political Ferrante, Goodreads, and the for Foreigners of Perugia), ‘«Che
Dissent in Leon Battista Alberti’s Emotional Experience of
per lei m'inforsava alta paura».
Profugiorum ab Aerumna’
Rewriting Dante's Fear in 19thReading’
century Versions of the Inferno’
4. Camilla Tibaldo (Scuola
Normale Superiore), ‘Le
forme del pathos: «iterazione
2. Daniela Shalom Vagata
(Masaryk University), ‘Heart and
Gestures in Ugo Foscolo’s Inni
alle Grazie and Epistolary’
1a. Nicolò Crisafi (University of
1b. and Giulia Boitani
(University of Cambridge),
‘Troubling Joy: Affective
Disorders of Happiness from
Jaufre Rudel to Dante and
Controlling and Rewriting
1. Annamaria Azzarone
(Sorbonne Université), ‘«Caro
Lardello, Lardelletto,
Lardellucciuccio»: Analysing
Giovan Battista Andreini’s
characters’ Emotions through
3. Vanessa Santoro (University
of Glasgow), ‘Between Anxiety
and Fear: Fashion, Women and
Negative Emotions in Irene
Brin’s Journalism’
4. Davide Messina (University of
Edinburgh), ‘Calvino’s Guizzo: A
Semiotic Passion’
e specularità» nella poesia di
Milo De Angelis’
Tea, coffee, and cake
Final round table (Day 1): Heather Webb, Virginia Cox, Daragh O’Connell, Robert Gordon, Chiara Giuliani
19 for
Conference dinner (Selwyn Hall)
8 September
Session 1
(the Auditorium)
Session 2
(the Diamond)
Session 3
(the Chadwick Room)
Session 4
(the Walters Room)
Affects of the Encounter
Circulation of Affect
Affects in Modern Media
Affects Staged and Performed
1. Elsina Caponetti (University
College Cork), ‘Body and Soul:
Dynamics of Detachment and
Reconjunction in Dante’s
Commedia and in the Medieval
Visionary Tradition’
1. Helena Phillips-Robins
(University of Cambridge),
‘Affect and the Shared
Language of Prayer in Dante
and Clare of Assisi’
1. Joseph Perna (New York
University), ‘Modernist
Melodrama: Ophuls and
Ruttmann in Italy’
1. Serena Laiena (University
College Dublin), ‘Shades of
Madness: Performing the Pazzia
on the Early Modern Stage’
2. Ruoci Song (University of
Cambridge), ‘Dante's
Multifaceted Affection for Virgil
Expressed through Appellatives’
2. Emma Barron (University of
2. Charlotte Alton (University Melbourne), ‘45 MOGLIE SU 100
of Cambridge), ‘Rethinking
the Role of Negative Affect in Post-war Market Research and
Decameron Day Four’
3. Giulia Gaimari (University of
Toronto), ‘“Far piangere altrui”:
Empathy and Friendship in
Dante’s Vita Nova’
3. Lorenzo Bartoli
(Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid), ‘Filologia della
colpa: la confessione in
Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio’
3. Stefano Adamo (Banja Luka
University), ‘The Impact of
Emotions on Financial Decisions:
An Exploration through
4. Fabio Simonetti (Brunel
University London), ‘A Sensory
Liberation: The Wartime
Encounter between British
Soldiers and Italian Civilians’
4. Cora Rok (University of
Heidelberg), ‘Shame and
Femininity. A Comparative
Study of 19th-century Italian
and French Female Writers’
4. Francesca Medaglia
(Sapienza Università di Roma),
‘La narrazione delle emozioni
nella complessità seriale tra
Stati Uniti e Italia’
Tea, coffee, and pastries
2. Kate Mitchell (University of
Strathclyde), ‘Beyond the
Female Gaze: The Affective
Force of Matilde Serao’s
Screenwriting and Her Writings
on Screenplays’
3. Maurizio Rebaudengo
(Universität Zürich), ‘Sacra
persona: l’emozione fisica del
sacro in quattro regìe liriche di
Emma Dante e Damiano
Shaping Collective Memory
Transnational Affects
Lexicon of Affect
1. Yam Traiber (The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem), ‘A
Collective Memory without a
Group: The Failure of Empathy
in Natalia Ginzburg’s Writing’
1. Laura Ingallinella
(University of Toronto),
‘Language, Gesture, and
Affective Geographies in
Fazio degli Uberti’s
Dittamondo (c. 1367)’
1. Anne C. Leone (Syracuse
University), ‘Venting and
Expression in Dante and the
Medieval Context’
2. Giovanni Miglianti (Wesleyan
University), ‘Toward an Affective 2. Karin Peters (University of
History of Italian Holocaust
Bonn), ‘Transnational Affect:
Garcilaso de la Vega and the
Neapolitan Vector in Poetry’
3. Mara Josi (University of
Manchester), ‘Hidden Emotions: 3. Gloria Moorman
Holocaust-related Experiences in (University of Manchester),
Occupied Italy’
‘“Quasi in un momento
volando coll’Ingegno”:
4. Elisa Russian (Universität
Cosmography as Visual
Zürich), ‘Race and the Literary
Language of Victory in Venice
Politics of Affective Detachment’ and France’
2. Ester Baldi (Università per
Stranieri di Siena), ‘Da «tenero
amore» a «tenero dell'onore»: il
lessico della tenerezza di
Giovanni Boccaccio’
Skin Deep? Sensation and
Affective Reactions
1. Rebecca Reilly (University of
Cambridge), ‘Affective Devotion
and the Liminality of Touch in
Angela of Foligno’s Liber’
2. Bili Zhong (Sun Yat-sen
University), ‘Tasting Divine in the
Commedia: Bread as a Window
to Affective Piety’
3. Sara Giovine (Scuola
Superiore Meridionale), ‘Lessico
degli affetti e delle emozioni
nelle lettere di nobildonne
italiane del Rinascimento’
3. Rebecca Bowen (University of
Oxford), ‘Movement and
Beatitude in Botticelli’s
Illustrations to the Commedia
4. Céline Powell (LMU
München), ‘Il cuore: lo specchio
di un mondo in cambiamento’
4. Bianca Rita Cataldi (University
College Dublin), ‘Of Sensation
and Affect: Women and
Seductresses in Annie Vivanti’s
Early Fiction’
4. Laura Rorato (Lancaster
University), ‘Travel, Liminality,
and Affect in the Works of
Genni Gunn’
Selwyn lunch (Hall; pay-for-yourself)
Roundtable: ‘Mental Health in PhD and ECR Community’
(organized by SIS Early-Career Academic (ECA) Representatives Federica Coluzzi, Chiara Giuliani, and Paolo Saporito)
Tea, coffee, and cake
Final round table (Day 2): Emma Bond, Jessica Maratsos, Robert Gordon, Aistė Kiltinavičiūtė
Closing drinks reception
Dinner for any remaining participants (pay-for-yourself, in a local restaurant)