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Divorce or separation characterizes an unstable marriage. Our society which previously demonstrated strong familial institution has now become visibly weak showing an increase in the divorce rates. The rise in divorces cannot be and should not be, attributed to a single factor but rather be seen as a multifaceted issue. The research type was qualitative which used structured questionnaire and in-depth interviews for data collection. The study was conducted in Amar Pura, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, to identify the major variables associated with marital discord. The results strengthen the hypothesis that divorce does not occur for a single reason and that frequently there are number of factors like infidelity, mental harassment, lack of compatibility as well as economic and social issues.
The present study was conducted "The Study of Marriage System and of rise of divorce in India." The aim of research study was to assess the changes of Marriage and systems in India. As we all know Divorce rates have raised very much. As we can say Indian society is becoming too much capitalistic. It is also an important social institution. Marriages in India are between two families, rather two individuals. We, Indians consider it as an auspicious occasion. We celebrate it with pomp and show. There are many rituals and customs in the marriage ceremony which perform according to regions or states. India is a bouquet of different religions and castes so, we have different marriage system. Marriage is a significant occasion in the life of a boy and a girl. Marriage brings a lot of happiness along with a lifelong promise to live together.
Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 2022
Divorce remains one of the most severe social issues in any society because divorce is an integral component of an elementary social institution of the family. Besides, divorce rates are drastically increasing worldwide, including in Pakistan. Therefore, this study is to identify perceived proximate and underlying causes of divorce in the Hazara Division, Pakistan. The pragmatic research approach and snowball sampling were employed to recruit 75 male and female divorcees. Moreover, data was collected through a self-administered questionnaire and analysed using IBM SPSS 25 through descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis. The divorcees recognised prominent proximate causes of divorce, including personality traits of spouses, poverty, spending or handling money carelessly by the spouse, and infertility. In comparison, media addiction, relationship traits, the role of families and friends, infidelity, and domestic violence were identified as distinguished underlying drivers behind the divorce. The logistic regression analysis results indicate that the age and work status of the divorcee or his/her spouse and the number of children significantly impact distinct foundations for divorce. The study concluded that among numerous other causes, media addiction is prominently giving rise to many inconsistencies in married life, leading to divorce.
Sociology and Anthropology, 2018
The family is the fundamental unit of society. It creates tribes, clans, communities, societies and nations. Moreover, family is responsible for the wellbeing, personality development, and progress of the individual. Divorce, on the other hand, produces chaos in the family life and instead of achieving the above cited objective vitally damages the social life of the conjugal partners along with the children and the families of both partners. Divorce is not a desirable act in any religion of the world. Islam is the major religion of the world and dislike divorce that is why there is a considerable difference in the divorce rate in Islam as compared to the other religions of the world. Present study was conducted in Pakistan. Punjab province was selected randomly. Three districts were selected from the Punjab province by simple random sampling technique. A total of two hundred affected persons/informants (130 males and 70 females), and 100 unaffected informants/ persons (50 males and 50 females) (300 in total), were interviewed including. The informants were selected randomly, and no appointment was made prior to the visits. Informant Consensus Factor (ICF), The Fidelity Level (FL), Direct Matrix Ranking, and Preference Ranking (PR) were employed during the data analysis process. As far as the results of this research study are concerned we came to know 9.66 % respondents were of the view that financial problems, 14.83% blamed unemployment, 5.62% pointed out lack of trust, 6. 74% said higher education, 5.17% informed religious conflict, and 5.62 said misunderstanding were the major reasons of their respective divorces. The study concluded that divorce rate in Pakistan is increasing gradually which will be a devastating thing for the survival of family life.
Journal of Evolution of medical and Dental Sciences, 2015
Divorce cases are increasing at an alarming rate in Kerala. Various reasons like Physical, psychological, &sexual abuse, addictions, adjustment problems can lead to divorce. OBJECTIVES: To find out the causes of divorce among the couples attending the family court, Kottayam, Kerala METHODS: A Descriptive study was conducted among 60 couples who have filed for divorce & were attending the counseling section in the Ettumanoor family court of Kottayam district, Kerala. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire & analysis was done using SPSS 16.0 version. RESULTS: Mean age of males & females was [36.18+/-5.3years Vs 28.6+/5.3 years]. Mean duration of marriage was found to be [2.44+/1.8 years]. 79.1% were living in extended families. Majority belonged to middle & upper socioeconomic status. 11.6% of couples had love marriages. In 68.2% of cases wife initiated the divorce process. Issues of Adjustment of spouse with him (22.5%) and his parents (45.2%) were the reasons quote...
We examined the causes of divorce among Muslims in Kashmir (India) by applying motivating techniques. Parents were intervened tenderly to know their role for the divorce on their children and to reveal the influence of divorce on the social behavior of their divorced children. Islamic laws were revitalized desperately in order to know the ways of divorce. Families of divorced respondent were intervened as to know the blow of divorce on them and the impact of divorce on the society of the couples was also elucidated. The primary data for the study was collected from the district Baramulla of Jammu and Kashmir (India), the district is geographically over 4588 sqkms. An interview schedule of (n=300) divorced respondents comprising of 3-5 point scaling was selected for this proposed research. The data was collected with the help of an interview schedule accordingly.this study is based upon exploratory research design.Our findings revealed different views of divorced respondents which led to different causes of divorce among the Muslims in Kashmir. One of the reasons was the lack of education among respondents by which it was stiff enough for them to know the impact of divorce on their children, family and society. Sometimes the results depicted that misunderstanding between the couple was the reason for divorce. Extramarital affairs, dowry, early marriage, carelessness, improper economic management and bad luck of either spouse were also exposed to be the root cause of divorce. A few of the questions were concerning Eros related, as for the purpose of Physico and some Thanatos related results have been also collected over there.
National Journal of Community Medicine, 2016
Introduction: Marriage is an important social event from which a person starts his/her marital union. In twentieth century there is increased rate of divorce. The past one year has witnessed 43,000 divorces across the country. Objectives:-Objectives of the study was to know the socio demographic profile of the divorced couple. Find out the reasons associated with the divorced among married couple. Materials & Method: - It is record based descriptive study. Previous 2 years data was collected from September 2012 to August 2014 from records maintained by Family court. Results: Maximum divorced couples were from urban area (80.8%) and Hindu religion (92.8%). Majority of wives and husbands were educated up to higher secondary (37.6%) andgraduation (54.4%) respectively. 50.4% of the couple had divorce earlier in 1-4 yrs of marriage. 71.2% couple were having no children. 60.8% divorced female were married between 18-22 yrs of age. Most common reason for divorced of married couple was cruelty and desertion. Conclusion: Most of divorce cases were seen in initial 1-4yrs of marriage and most common reason was cruelty and desertion. Family life education is needed to prevent the divorce.
These course notes offer an introduction to academic writing for non-native students of English. Specifically, the textbook introduces students to the MLA style sheet.
Razon Y Palabra, 2013
Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi è classificata in fascia A per l'Area 11 e per l'Area 10 dall'ANVUR (Agenzia nazionale di valutazione del sistema universitario e della ricerca); e in categoria A e INT1 da ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities). All articles are subject to double-blind peer review process. Gli articoli vanno inviati a:
Una joya en el parque Pereyra Iraola en Berazategui: el árbol de cristal, 2020
En la Provincia de Buenos Aires en Argentina en el Parque Pereyra Iraola, emplazado en los partidos de Berazategui, Florencio Varela, La Plata y Ensenada, se encuentra un extraño ejemplar, único de Sudamérica, de una especie particular: el árbol de cristal. Oriundo de Malasia y Oceanía, fue introducido en 1869 por Pereyra Iraola y de allí, el nombre del parque. La historia narra que a mediados del siglo XIX Leonardo Higinio Pereyra Iraola trajo de sus viajes por el mundo, específicamente del Archipiélago Malayo, doce ejemplares denominados comúnmente árbol de cristal. De aquellos, solo dos alcanzaron su completo desarrollo y la madurez, y únicamente este ejemplar consiguió sobrevivir hasta nuestros días.
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Geological Society of America eBooks, 2015
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Virus Research, 2020
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 2024
IJFAES, Vol (3), No (8), August 2024, 2024
International journal of religion, 2024
Journal of Productivity and Development, 2025
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2021
Biochemical Society Transactions, 2005
International Journal of Medical Students