Riding skirt (1895) - a digital reconstruction - video

2023, Video

The video presents a 3D model that resulted from a research project. Virtual design of contemporary and historical clothes is a very intensive and developing area of science that can be considered as a bridge between costume heritage and modern way of its presentation by means of CAD. The purpose of the study was to apply 2D and 3D CAD for virtual reconstruction of the very specific kind of women’s clothes such as a side-saddle riding habit used in 1875–1915. The construction of RH was adapted to the aesthetic rules of the mentioned time, ergonomic posture of a woman sitting on a horse, surface of the horse’s body which the woman is sitting on. For the new method, the huge databases were obtained after analyzing the historical pattern manuals and features of pattern blocks used, possible postures of riding, construction of RH and converting it into virtual system “avatar – RH.” To reconstruct the side-saddle RH in virtual reality, the images dated 1887 and authentic pattern blocks were used. The authors developed a new method of virtual reconstruction of RH that is based on automatic consideration of all joining elements such as “shaped” riding skirt, avatar and its ergonomic posture. For further details see Kuzmichev, V., Moskvin, A., Moskvina, M. and Pryor, J. (2018), "Research on 3D reconstruction of late Victorian riding skirts", International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol. 30 No. 6, pp. 790-807. The authors of the video and the 3D model are Aleksei Moskvin ( ) and Mariia Moskvina ( ) (Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design) The authors are immensely grateful to Jane Pryor (“The Side Saddle Association”, The Lodge, Glebe Farm, Broughton Astley, Leicestershire, LE9 6PG, Tel: 01455 208345, for providing systematic informational support to this study and consulting on various aspects of side-saddle riding. The 3D model is available at The video is available at


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