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Security is the degree of resistance to, or protection from, harm. It applies to any vulnerable and valuable asset, such as a person, dwelling, community, nation, or organization Everywhere in every field we need to be secure or provide security so as to avoid any major losses. This project is based on security that is used to monitor the moving objects and store the images then sending a message to the owner on his/her mobile phone. For this we are making use of BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION METHOD. Background subtraction is a widely used approach for detecting moving objects from static cameras. Background subtraction is the process of separating out foreground objects from the background in a sequence of image frames.
Abstract: This paper presents a technique for motion detection that incorporates several innovative mechanisms. our proposed technique stores, a set of values taken in the past at the same location or in the neighborhood of each pixel. It then compares this set to the current pixel value in order to determine whether that pixel belongs to the background, and adapts the model by choosing randomly which values to substitute from the background model. This approach differs from those based upon the classical belief that the oldest values should be replaced first. In this future enhancement of paper is remotely we are checking and providing the security to our system. So whenever user getting sms from server system, the user can possible to get the images also by using the server system ip address.
proposed method runs rapidly, robustly, exactly and accurate for the concurrent detection.
SpringerBriefs in Computer Science, 2014
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
The visual surveillance system works on a real-time video. The latest technology used for security concerns is motion based detection system which is broadly used in many computer vision tasks like face recognition, observing and tracking humans and understanding their look, activities, and behavior. Different motion detection techniques are Temporal Difference Method, Background Subtraction Method, Optical Flow Method and Spatial Temporal Entropy Method. By using these techniques it is possible to monitor and capture every motion by inch and second of the area of interest. This paper represents recognition of objects causing the motion in a completely motion restricted area using Absolute frame differencing technique.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2013 Intelligent video surveillance systems deals with the monitoring of the real-time environment. It monitors the transient and persistent objects within a specific environment. This is not only designed for security systems and can also be applied for external environmental video surveillance. The basic background subtraction algorithm is used for the detection of moving object. A self-adapting, automatic updating background model is trained to adapt the slow and slight changes of the environment. The foreground object is detected when the subtraction of the current image and the background, which is already trained attains a threshold, the foreground moving object is considered as to be in current view. The mobile phone automatically notifies the control unit through SMS(Short Message Service)or by phone call. Background subtraction technique basically works by feature analysis, pixel differences and so on. Here for feature analysis k-nearest neighbour algorithm (k-nn) is implemented. This proposed system requires little memory and less storage space than the previous. This can be used in implementing mobile based security monitoring system.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2013 The increasing need for intelligent video surveillance in public commercial and family applications makes automated video surveillance systems one of the main current application domains in computer vision. It proposes a low-cost intelligent mobile phone-based video surveillance solution using moving object recognition technology. Intelligent video surveillance systems deal with the real-time monitoring of persistent and transient objects within a specific environment. This can be applied not only to various security systems, but also to environmental surveillance. Firstly, the basic principle of moving object detecting is given by the Background Subtraction algorithm. Then, a self-adaptive background model that can update automatically and timely to adapt to the slow and slight changes of natural environment is detailed. When the subtraction of the current captured image and the background reaches a certain threshold, a moving object is considered to be in the current view, and the mobile phone will automatically notify the central control unit or the user through phone call, SMS (Short Message System) or other means. Proposed solution can be used in constructing mobile security monitoring system with low-cost hardware and equipments.
In a video surveillance system, moving object detection is the most challenging problem especially if the system is applied in complex environments with variable lighting, dynamic and articulate scenes, etc.. Furthermore, a video surveillance system is a real-time application, so discouraging the use of good, but computationally expensive, solutions. This paper presents a set of improvements of a basic background subtraction algorithm that are suitable for video surveillance applications. Besides we present a new evaluation scheme never used in the context of moving object detection algorithms.
In the field of motion estimation for video surveillance many techniques have been used . One of the common approach is to use generic method for background subtraction algorithm. This method has phases like preprocessing the video input file then use backgroungd subtraction algorithm onto it and then go for further operations. In this paper in generic method we have added a new phase called as post processing which will help to remove noise from the output video before it has been sent to display output. Using filters like Kalman filter or enhanced Kalman filter helps to remove noise from the video output file. Background subtraction is the one of the crucial step in detecting the moving object. Many techniques were proposed for detected moving object.
One of the most useful methods in detection of any moving object from the scene and Real-time segmentation of mobile regions in imaging sequences has been background subtraction. Many background models have been introduced to deal with different problems. However, the methods have suffered from slow learning, illumination issues etc. especially in busy environments. In addition, there have been issues of not distinguishing between moving shadows and moving objects. The basic objective is to separate Image background and foreground and then they will be processed and analyzed. The data found from that is then used further to sense motion. This paper presents a description of some of the premier techniques used for background subtraction and also gives a comparative analysis of all the existing mechanisms.
Moving object detection is a task to identify the physical motion of an object in a specific region or area. Over the last few years, moving object detection has received much attention due to its wide range of applications like video surveillance, human motion analysis, robot navigation, event detection, anomaly detection, video conferencing, traffic analysis and security. In this paper, a framework is proposed for the evaluation of object detection algorithms in surveillance applications using background subtraction and Mixture of Gaussian. Experimental results show that our technique achieved promising accuracy.
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An archaeological emotive study through point & click archaeogaming: investigating nostalgia, complex and negative emotions and how they are triggered and/or hidden in archaeological research. Luca Ottonello Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in A..., 2023
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