A diabolo, qui est simia dei.
English equivalent: Where god has a church the devil will have his chapel.
"Very seldom does any good thing arise but there comes an ugly phantom of a caricature of it."
Source for meaning of English equivalentː Proverbs of All Nations. W. Kent & Company (late D. Bogue). 1859. p. 130.
Source for proverb: Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 874. ISBN 0415096243.
Abbati, medico, patrono que intima pande.
English equivalent: Conceal not the truth from thy physician and lawyer.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 666. ISBN 0415096243.
Absens haeres non erit.
English equivalent: Out of sight, out of mind.
Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 16. ISBN 0415160502.
Abyssus abyssum invocat.
English equivalent: Deep calls to deep.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 695. ISBN 0415096243.
Acquirit qui tuetur.
English equivalent: Sparing is the first gaining.
Burke (2009). The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time. Heritage Books. p. 710. ISBN 0788437208.
Acta Non Verba.
Translations: Deeds, not words - motto of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, at Kings Point, New York, USA.
Closest English equivalents: Action, not words; A man of words and not of deeds, is like a garden full of weeds; Words are leaves, deeds are fruits.
Fuschetto (2003). Kings Point: Acta Non Verba. Diversified Graphics, Incorporated.
Ancipiti plus ferit ense gula.
Engilsh equivalent: Gluttony kills more than the sword.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 864. ISBN 0415096243.
Aegrescit medendo.
English equivalent: The remedy is often worse than the disease; Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse.
"Action taken to put something right is often more unpleasant or damaging than the original problem."
Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 232. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Cantera Ortiz de Urbina, Jesús (16 November 2005). Refranero Latino. Ediciones AKAL. p. 306. ISBN 978-84-460-1296-2.
Aegroto dum anima est, spes est.
English equivalent: As long as there is life there is hope.
Erasmus, Mynors (1991). Collected Works of Erasmus: Adages II I 1 to II VI 100. University of Toronto Press. p. 467. ISBN 0802059546.
Aeque pars ligni curvi ac recti valet igni.
English equivalent: Crooked logs make straight fires.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 683. ISBN 0415096243.
Age quod agis.
Translation and English equivalent: Do what you do, in the sense of "Do well what you do", "Do well in whatever you do" or "Be serious in what you do"
The Nation. Nation Company. 1884. p. 425.
Age si quid agis.
Translation: "If there is something [quid for aliquid] you do (well), carry on", "If you do something, do it well" see also "Age quod agis"
English equivalent: Bloom where you are planted.
Lindsay (1968). Early Latin verse. Oxford U. P.. p. 21.
Aliis si licet, tibi non licet.
Translation: If others are allowed to, that does not mean you are. (see also quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi)
Patrick (1810). Terence's Comedies. Gilbert and Hodges. p. 345.
An nescis, mi fili, quantilla prudentia mundus regatur? (alternatively: regatur orbis)
Translation: Don't you know, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed?
Axel Oxenstierna (1583 – 1654), 1648 letter to son, who was involved in negotiating the Peace of Westphalia[1]
Sometimes attributed to Cardinal Richelieu. Variant form due to John Selden
Aliquis in omnibus est nullus in singulis.
Translation: Someone in all, is nothing in one.
English equivalent: Jack of all trades, master of none; Jack of all trades begs bread on Sundays.
"Somebody who has a very wide range of abilities or skills usually does not excel at any of them."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 156. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Strauss, Emanuel (1998). Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs (Abbreviated ed.). Routledge. p. 70. ISBN 0415160502.
Arcem ex cloacâ facĕre.
English equivalent: Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
Proverbs of All Nations. W. Kent & Company (late D. Bogue). 1859. p. 58.
Atqui, e lotio est.
Translation: Yet it comes from urine.
Emperor Vespasian to his son Titus, when the latter, complaining about the former's urine tax, acknowledged a coin collected had no odor.
Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius (9 December 2003) [121 CE]. "Divus Vespasianus". University of Chicago. pp. section 23.3, page 317. Retrieved on 2006-09-09.
English translation: "The Life of Vespasian". University of Chicago. 9 December 2003. Retrieved on 2006-09-09.
Auctoritas non veritas facit legem
Translation: Authority, not truth, makes law.
Thomas Hobbes, "Leviathan" II, 26
Audaces fortuna iuvat.
Translation: Fortune favors the brave.(Virgil, Aeneid 10, 284)
English equivalent: Fortune favours the bold.
"Those who act boldly or courageously are most likely to succeed."
Source for meaning: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 94. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Audentes fortuna juvat.
Translation: Fortune favors the bold. (Motto of the 80 Fighter Squardon at Kunsan AB, ROK)
Audi, vide, tace, si tu vis vivere (in pace).
Translation: Hear, see, be silent, if you wish to live (in peace). Roman proverb, according to this.
English equivalent: Rather see than hear.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.
Translation: I'll either find a way or make one.
English equivalent: Where there's a will, there's a way.
"If you are sufficiently determined to achieve something, then you will find a way of doing so."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 299. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge. p. 351
Basio saepe volam, cui plagam diligo solam.
English equivalent: Many kiss the hand they wish cut off.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1084. ISBN 0415096243.
Bellum se ipsum alet.
War will feed on itself.
Roberts (2003). The Age of Liberty: Sweden 1719-1772. Cambridge University Press. p. 19.
Bene diagnoscitur, bene curatur.
English equivalent: A disease known is half cured.
Meyer, Ndura-Ouédraogo (2009). Seeds of new hope: pan-African peace studies for the 21st century. Africa World Press. p. 331. ISBN 1592216625.
Bis dat qui cito dat.
English equivalent: He gives twice, who gives in a trice.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 38.
Brevis oratio penetrat coelos; Longa potatio evacuat scyphos.
English equivalent: Short prayers reach heaven.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 75.
Caaus honoretur, puer ad documenta cidetur.
English equivalent: Gray hairs are honorable.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 35.
Carpe diem.
Translation: "Seize the day." By Horace, Odes I,11,8, to Leuconoe: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero ("take hold of the day, believing as little as possible in the next"). The verb "carpere" has the literal meaning "to pick, pluck," particularly in reference to the picking of fruits and flowers, and was used figuratively by the Roman poets to mean "to enjoy, use, make use of."
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 765. ISBN 0415096243.
Carthago delenda est.
Translation: "Carthage must be destroyed." Actually, ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam ("Apart from that, I conclude that Carthage must be destroyed") Cato the Elder used to end every speech of his to the Senate, on any subject whatsoever, with this phrase. Mentioned to indicate that someone habitually harps on one subject.
Cave ab homine unius libri.
English equivalent: Fear the man of one book.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See (1990)
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 851. ISBN 0415096243.
Cedens in uno cedet in pluribus.
English equivalents: In for a penny, in for a pound; Virtue which parleys is near a surrender.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 957. ISBN 0415096243.
Citius venit malum quam revertitur.
English equivalent: Misfortune comes on horseback and goes away on foot.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 65. ISBN 0415096243.
Cito maturum cito putridum.
English equivalent: Early ripe, early rotten.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 758. ISBN 0415096243.
Cogitationes posteriores sunt saniores.
English equivalent: Second thoughts are best.
Source for proverb: Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 747. ISBN 0415096243.
Consilio, quod respuitur, nullum subest auxilium.
English equivalent: He that will not be counseled cannot be helped.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 964. ISBN 0415096243.
Consuetudinis magna vis est
English equivalent: Old habits die hard.
Cicero, Tusculanae Quaestiones, II.37
Consuetudo altera natura est
English equivalent: Old habits die hard.
Breen (2010). Imagining an English Reading Public, 1150-1400. Cambridge University Press. p. 46. ISBN 0521199220.
Contritium praecedit superbia.
English equivalent: Pride comes before fall.
Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 1148. ISBN 0415096243.
Cor boni concilii statue tecum non est enim tibi aliud pluris illo.
English equivalent: Though thou hast ever so many counsellors, yet do not forsake the counsel of thy own soul.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1044. ISBN 0415096243.
Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges
Translation: The greater the degeneration of the republic, the more of its laws.
(Tacitus) Annals (117)
"Credula est spes improba.
English equivalent: He that lives on hope will die fasting.
"Do not pin all your hopes on something you may not attain, because you could end up with nothing."
Source for meaning of English equivalent:Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 120. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 952. ISBN 0415096243.
Crede quod habes, et habes.
English equivalent: Fake it till you make it.
Hugh Moore (1831). A dictionary of quotations from various authors in ancient and modern languages. p. 61. Retrieved on 14 August 2013.
Cui caput dolet, omnia membra languent.
English equivalent: When the head is sick, the whole body is sick.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1117. ISBN 0415096243.
Cuilibet fatuo placet sua calva.
English equivalentː Every fool is pleased with his own folly.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). "147". Dictionary of European Proverbs. I. Routledge. p. 139. ISBN 978-1-134-86460-7.
Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare. —
Any man can make a mistake; only a fool keeps making the same one.
English equivalent: He wrongfully blames the sea who suffers shipwreck twice.
Marcus Tullius Cicero, Philippica XII, ii, 5
Curae canitiem inducunt.
English equivalent: Fretting cares make grey hairs.
Source for proverb: Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 631. ISBN 0415096243.
Custode et cura natura potentior omni.
English equivalent: Nature is beyond all teaching.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 764. ISBN 0415096243.
De gustibus non est disputandum.
Translation: There is no disputing about tastes.
English equivalent: There is no accounting for taste.
Alternative form:
De gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum.
Translation: "There's no arguing about tastes and colors."
De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum: Dramma Giocoso Per Musica Da Rappresentarsi In Monaco Di Baviera. Vötter. 1759.
H. Z Riley (1866). Dictionary of Latin Quotations Proverbs Maximus and Mottos, Classical and Medieval, Including Law Terms and Phrases. Bell & Daldy. p. 73.
Deus quem punire vult dementat.
English equivalent: Whom God will destroy, he first make mad.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 841. ISBN 0415096243.
Diem vesper commendat.
Translation: Celebrate the day when it is evening.
Meaning: Don't celebrate untill you are 100 % sure there is a reason to do so.; Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.
Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 200. ISBN 0415160502.
Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem.
English equivalent: True love never grows old.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1107. ISBN 0415096243.
Dii facientes adiuvant.
Translation: Gods help those who do.
English equivalent: God helps them that help themselves.
Meaning: "When in trouble first of all every one himself should do his best to improve his condition."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Paczolay, Gyula (1997). European Proverbs in 55 languages. DeProverbio.com. p. 150. ISBN 1-875943-44-7.
Cantera Ortiz de Urbina, Jesús (16 November 2005). "975". Refranero latino. Ediciones Akal. p. 83. ISBN 978-84-460-1296-2.
Dives aut iniquus est, aut iniqui heres.
English equivalent: No one gets rich quickly if he is honest.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 963. ISBN 0415096243.
Dives est qui sibi nihil deesse putat.
Translation: The rich man is the one who thinks to himself that nothing was lacking.
Note: Another way to phrase this is by this quote:
No one – not a single person out of a thousand [elderly interviewed because of their wisdom expertise] – said that to be happy you should try and work as hard as you can to make money to buy the things you want.
No one – not a single person –– said it's important to be at least as wealthy as the people around you, and if you have more than they do it's real success.
No one – not a single person –– said you should choose your work based on your desired future earning power.”
From: Brody, Jane (2011). 30 Lessons for Living. Penguin Group. p. 57. ISBN 1594630844.
English equivalent: Wealth rarely brings happiness.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 670. ISBN 0415096243.
Divide et impera.
Translation: Divide and govern [or conquer]. Attributed to Julius Caesar.
English equivalent: Divide and conquer.
Meaning: "The best way to conquer or control a group of people is by encouraging them to fight among themselves rather than allowing them to unite in opposition to the ruling authority."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 57. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 13 August 2013.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). "823". Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-136-78978-6.
Docendo discimus.
Translation: We learn by teaching. (Seneca)
Vahros (1986). Docendo discimus. University Press.
Duabus ancoris fultus.
English equivalent: Good riding at two anchors, men have told, for if the one fails, the other may hold.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 879. ISBN 0415096243.
Ductus Exemplo
Translation: Lead by Example.
Gray (2009). Embedded: a Marine Corps adviser inside the Iraqi army. Naval Institute Press. p. 74. ISBN 1591143403.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.
Translation: It is sweet and honorable to die for the fatherland. By Horace, Odes III, 2, 13, frequently quoted on war memorials, and notably in the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen, who calls it "the old lie".
Dulce pomum quum abest custos.
Translation: Sweet is the apple when the keeper is away.
English equivalent: Forbidden fruit is sweetest.
Meaning: "Things that you must not have or do are always the most desirable."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 93. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
János Erdélyi (1851). Magyar közmondások könlyve. Nyomatott Kozma Vazulnál. p. 169.
Kelly, Walter Keating (1859). Proverbs of all nations (W. Kent & co. (late D. Bogue) ed.). p. 93.
Dulcior illa sapit caro, quae magis ossibus haeret.
English equivalent: The sweetest flesh is near the bones.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). "1666". Dictionary of European proverbs. II. Routledge. p. 1176. ISBN 0415096243.
Dum canem caedimus, corrosisse dicitur corrium.
Translation: If you want to beat a dog you will easily find a stick.
Meaning: Someone who wants to be mean will find things to be mean about no matter what.
Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 104. ISBN 0415160502.
Dum satur est venter, gaudet caput inde libenter.
Translation: When the belly is full, the head is pleased.
English equivalent: Full stomach, contented heart.
Cantera Ortiz de Urbina, Jesús (16 November 2005). "768". Refranero latino. Ediciones Akal. p. 68. ISBN 978-84-460-1296-2.
Dum spiro, spero.
Translation: "As long as I breathe, I hope." Translated as "While I breathe, I hope" the motto of the State of South Carolina [[1]]
Gunter (2000). Dum Spiro, Spero: While I Breathe, I Hope. In His Steps Publishing. pp. 180. ISBN 1585350192.
English equivalent: As long as there is life there is hope.
Dum vivimus, vivamus!
Translation: While we live, let us live!
Organization) (1972). Dum Vivimus, Vivamus: A Chronicle of the First Century of the Knights of Momus, 1872-1972.
Dum vita est, spes est.
Translation: While there is life, there is hope.
Bretzke (1998). Consecrated Phrases: A Latin Theological Dictionary : Latin Expressions Commonly Found in Theological Writings. Liturgical Press. p. 41. ISBN 1.
Ecce omnis, qui dicit vulgo proverbium, in te assumet illud dicens: Sicut mater, ita et filia ejus.
Translation: Such mother, such daughter.
English equivalent: Like mother, like daughter.
Meaning: "Daughters may look and behave like their mothers. This is due to inheritance and the example observed closely and daily."
Source for meaning and proverbs: Paczolay, Gyula (1997). European Proverbs in 55 languages. DeProverbio.com. p. 137. ISBN 1-875943-44-7.
Effectus sequitir causam.
Translation: Effect follows a reason.
English equivalent: Every why has a wherefore.
Meaning: "Everything has an underlying reason."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 80. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 22 September 2013.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 765. ISBN 0415096243.
Eodem cubito, eadem trutina, pari libra.
Translation: The elbow, the same balance, an equal balance.
English equivalent: Whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1219. ISBN 0415096243.
Ex granis fit acervus.
Translation: A heap is made from grains.
English equivalent: Every little helps.
Meaning: "All contributions, however small, are of use."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 77. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 20 September 2013.
Source for proverbs: Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 26.
Et ipsa scientia potestas est.
Translation: "And knowledge itself, is power" (Francis Bacon, Meditationes sacrae)
Djité (2008). The Sociolinguistics of Development in Africa. Multilingual Matters. p. 53. ISBN 1847690459.
Ex malis moribus bonae leges natae sunt.
Translation: Bad customs have given birth to good laws.
English equivalent: Good laws have sprung from bad customs.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 879. ISBN 0415096243.
Ex nihilo nihil fit.
Translation: "Nothing comes from nothing" (you need to work for something; also the Conservation Law in philosophy and modern science) (Lucretius). This is also a famous Shakespeare quote in King Lear.
"If you would have any thing done for you, you must give aomething, for people will not serve you for nothing."
James Kelly (1818). A Complete Collection of Scottish Proverbs Explained and Made Intelligible to the English Reader. Rodwell and Martin. p. 13.
Campbell, O'Rourke, Silverstein (2007). Causation and Explanation. Mit Press. p. 291. ISBN 0262033631.
Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta.
English equivalent: A guilty conscience needs no accuser.
Meaning: "People who know they have done wrong reveal their guilt by the things they say or the way they interpret what other people say."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 112. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). "243". Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 227. ISBN 978-1-136-78978-6.
Extremis malis extrema remedia.
Translation: Extreme remedies for extreme ills.
English equivalent: Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.
Meaning: "Drastic action is called for – and justified – when you find yourself in a particularly difficult situation."
Source for meaning: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 53. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 10 August 2013.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 688. ISBN 0415096243.
Expecta bos olim herba.
Translation: Waiting for the grass the cow dies.
English equivalent: While the grass grows the steed starves.
Meaning: Dreams or expectations may be realized too late.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1228. ISBN 0415096243.
Facilis descensus Averni.
The descent into hell is easy.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 39.
Factis ut credam facis.
English equivalent: No need of words, trust deeds.
Meaning: "Actions may be, and indeed sometimes are deceptive in a measure though not as much so as words; and accordingly are received in general as more full and satisfactory proofs of the real disposition and character of persons than verbal expressions."
Source for meaning:Porter, William Henry (1845). Proverbs: Arranged in Alphabetical Order .... Munroe and Company. p. 10.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 91. ISBN 0415096243.
Festina lente!
"Make haste slowly" (i.e. proceed quickly but with caution, a motto of Augustus Caesar).
Rochester Institute of Technology (1980). Festina lente.
English equivalent: More speed less haste.
Fides facit fidem.
English equivalent: Confidence begets confidence.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 187. ISBN 0415096243.
Fidite Nemini
Translation: Trust nobody/no one.
"Every time you trust someone you end up getting screwed."
Cinderella, The More Things Change (1991)
Conciones Adventuales: De De Captivitate Petri, Figurante Captivitatem Peccatoris. Verdussen. 1737. p. 113.
Finis originae pende.
English equivalent: Such a beginning, such an end.
Meaning: The outcome of things depends on how they start.
Fortes fortuna iuvat
Translation: Fortune favors the brave. (cf. Audaces fortuna iuvat.) (Terence)
Marchesi (2008). The Art of Pliny's Letters: A Poetics of Allusion in the Private Correspondence. Cambridge University Press. p. 176. ISBN 0521882273.
Frans hominum ad perniciem, et integritas ad salutem, vocat.
English equivalent: Honesty is the best policy.
Meaning: "Being honest or telling the truth is always the wisest course of action."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 128. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. X.
Fronti nulla fides.
English equivalent: Appearances deceive.
Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 124. ISBN 0415160502.
Generosus equus non curat canem latrantem.
English equivalent: The dogs bark but the caravan passes on.
"Everyone's got opinions, but nobody's got the answers" so let the world say what it will.
Cinderella, Somebody Save Me (1987)
Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 340. ISBN 0415160502.
Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci.
English equivalent: Forgive and forget.
Rauschen, Geyer, Albers, Zellinger (1933). Florilegium patristicum. P. Hanstein. p. 58.
Gutta cavat lapidem
A drop hollows out the stone. (Ovid, Epistles)
Gutta cavat lapidem non bis, sed saepe cadendo; sic homo fit sapiens non bis, sed saepe legendo.
A drop hollows out the stone by falling not twice, but many times; so too is a person made wise by reading not two, but many books.
(Giordano Bruno, Il Candelaio)
Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo
A drop hollows out the stone not by force, but falling many times. (original latin proverb).
Historia est vitae magistra.
Translation: "History is the tutor of life.”
Dover, R. and M. S. Goodman Learning from the Secret Past: Cases in British Intelligence History, Georgetown University Press.
Hodie mihi, cras tibi.
Translation: "What's to me today, tomorrow to you.”
English equivalent: The door swings both ways; What goes around comes around.
Ferler, J. (1723). Hodie Mihi, Cras Tibi, Gruber.
Homines quod volunt credunt.
Translation: "Men believe what they want to." (Julius Caesar)
Lautenbach, E. (2002). Latein-Deutsch: Zitaten-Lexikon: Quellennachweise, Lit.
Homo cogitat, Deus iudicat.
Translation: Man proposes but God disposes.
Meaning: Things often don't turn out as you have planned.
Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 103. ISBN 0415160502.
Honor sequitir fugientem.
Translation: Honor follows the fleeing.
English equivalent: Follow glory and it will flee, flee glory and it will follow thee.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 832. ISBN 0415096243.
Hortamur fari, quo sanguine cretus.
English equivalent: Good blood always shows itself.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 34.
Hostium munera, non munera.
Translation: Gifts of enemies are no gifts.
Note: "This advice has its root in the story of the Trojan Horse, the treacherous subterfuge by which the Greeks finally overcame their trojan adversaries at the end of the Trojan War."
English equivalent: Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
Meaning: "Do not trust gifts or favors if they come from an enemy."
Source for meaning: Martin H. Manser; David H. Pickering (2003). The Facts On File Dictionary of Classical and Biblical Allusions. Infobase Publishing. p. 46. ISBN 978-0-8160-4868-7. Retrieved on 1 July 2013.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 855. ISBN 0415096243.
Note: I and J are the same letter in Latin.
Ignavum fortuna repugnat.
Translation: Fortune disdains the lazy.
Meaning: Laziness deceives wisdom.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 601. ISBN 0415096243.
Ignorantia legis non excusat
Translation: Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 287. ISBN 0415160502.
Imperare sibi maximum imperium est.
Translation: To rule yourself is the ultimate power. (Seneca)
Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 915. ISBN 0415096243.
Improbe Neptunum accusat, qui iterum naufragiam facit.
English equivalent: He complains wrongfully at the sea that suffer shipwreck twice.
Meaning: Don't do the same thing again and expect different results.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 898. ISBN 0415096243.
In dubio, abstine.
Translation: When in doubt, abstain.
English equivalent: When in doubt, leave it out.
Meaning: "If you are unsure what to do, it is best to do nothing at all."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 296. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1223. ISBN 0415096243.
In dubio pro reo.
Translation: "When in doubt, in favour of the accused". (Corpus Juris Civilis)
Stree, W. (1962). In dubio pro reo, Mohr.
In iudicando criminosa est celeritas.
Translation: Hasty judgments are criminal.
English equivalent: Hasty judgment leads to repentance.
Meaning: A quick evaluation is a terrible evaluation.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 196. ISBN 0415096243.
In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas
Translation: "In necessary things unity, in doubtful things liberty, in all things charity" (often misattributed to St Augustine).
Bretzke, J. T. (1998). Consecrated Phrases: A Latin Theological Dictionary : Latin Expressions Commonly Found in Theological Writings, Liturgical Press.
In nullum avarus bonus est, in se pessimus.
English equivalent: The covetous man is good to none and worst to himself.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 83. ISBN 0415096243.
In propria causa nemo debet esse iudex.
Translation: No one should be the judge in his own trial.
English equivalent: No one can be the judge in his own case.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1038. ISBN 0415096243.
In risu agnoscitur fatuus.
English equivalent: A fool is ever laughing.
Emanuel Strauss (1994). "137". Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 102. ISBN 978-1-136-78978-6.
In vino veritas.
Translation: There is truth in vine.
English equivalent: In wine there is truth.
Meaning: Alcohol consumed removes the inhibition against telling the truth that occasionally one would like to keep secret.
Source for meaning and proverbs: Paczolay, Gyula (1997). European Proverbs in 55 languages. DeProverbio.com. p. 272. ISBN 1-875943-44-7.
Inimicum quamvis humilem docti est metuere.
Idiomatic and literal translation: There is no little enemy.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 718. ISBN 0415096243.
Literal translation: The wise man must fear a humble enemy.
Innumeras curas secum adferunt liberi.
Translation: Children bring with them countless cares.
English equivalent: Children are uncertain comforts but certain cares.
Meaning: "Children are bound to cause their parents anxiety, and may or may not also bring them joy."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 40. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 2 August 2013.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 654. ISBN 0415096243.
Intemperans adulescentia effetum corpus tradit senectuti.
English equivalent: They who would be young when they are old must be old when they are young.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). "1605". Dictionary of European proverbs. II. Routledge. p. 1151. ISBN 0415096243.
Inter gladium et iugulum.
English equivalent: Don't go between the tree and the bark.
Meaning: Do not interfere when two parts are having an argument.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 729. ISBN 0415096243.
Interdum stultus bene loquitur.'
English equivalent: ”A fool may give a wise man counsel.”
Strauss, Emanuel (1998). Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs (Abbreviated ed.). Routledge. p. 40. ISBN 0415160502.
Ira furor brevis est.
Translation: "Anger is brief insanity" (Horace, epistles I, 2, 62).
Meaning: If you are mad, count to twenty.
Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge.
Iter per praecepta longum, per exempla, breve et efficax.
English equivalent: Example is better than precept.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 28.
Iucundum est narrare sua mala.
English equivalent: A problem shared is a problem halved.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 351. ISBN 0415096243.
The letter "k" was not commonly used in Classical Latin.
"Latet enim veritas, sed nihil pretiosius veritate" Francisco Sanchez de las Brozas (Minerva I, 1, 40, 16).
Translation: "Truth is hidden, but nothing is more beautiful than the truth”
de las Brozas, F. S. (1754). Minerva, sive de causis latinae linguae commentarius.
Lumen soli mutuum das.
Translation: You are lending light to the sun.
Note: Said of persons who affect to explain what is perfectly clear and intelligible.
Source of proverb & meaning: H. T. Riley Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Proverbs, Maxims, and Mottos, &c. (1866), p. 210.
Macte animo! Generose puer sic itur ad astra!
Translation: "Be strong, young man! Through this way one gets to the stars." (Motto of the Brazilian Air Force Academy)
Chateaubriand, F. R. and A. T. de Mattos (1902). The memoirs of François René, vicomte de Chateaubriand, sometime ambassador to England: being a translation by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos of the Mémoires d'outre-tombe, with illustrations from contemporary sources, Freemantle and co.
Mala herba cito crescit
Translation: "Weeds grow fast.”
Bezemer, K. (2005). Pierre de Belleperche: Portrait of a Legal Puritan, Klostermann.
Mala hostibus eveniant.
English equivalent: Shame take him that shame thinketh.
Meaning: Don't think evil of others since they most likely act the way they do because of situational factors: Never attribute something to malice which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. entry 806. ISBN 0415096243.
Mali principii malus finis.
Translation: Bad beginnings lead to bad results.
English equivalent: A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
Meaning: "It is as impossible that a system radically erroneous, once commenced, should end well, as it is that a mathematical problem, commenced wrong, should come out right."
Source for meaning: William Henry Porter (1845). Proverbs: Arranged in Alphabetical Order .... Munroe and Company. p. 202.
Latin proverbs and quotations: With translations and parallel passages and a copious English index. S. Low, son, and Marston. 1869. p. 214.
Malum consilium quod mutari non potest.
Translation: "It is a bad plan that cannot be changed (A plan that cannot be changed is a bad one).”
Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge
Malo nodo malus quaerendus cuneus.
Translation: For a tough knot take a blunt wedge.
English equivalent: Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.
Meaning: "Drastic action is called for – and justified – when you find yourself in a particularly difficult situation."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 53. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 10 August 2013.
Emanuel Strauss (1994). "812". Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 552. ISBN 978-1-136-78978-6. Retrieved on 10 August 2013.
Malum quidem nullum esse sine aliquo bono.
Translation: "There is, to be sure, no evil without something good.”
Watasin, E. The Dark Victorian: Risen, A-Girl Studio.
English equivalent: Every cloud has its silver lining.
Manus manum lavat
Translation: "One hand washes the other.”
Houdt, T. (2002). Self-Presentation and Social Identification: The Rhetoric and Pragmatics of Letter Writing in Early Modern TImes, Leuven University Press.
Mater artium necessitas.
Translation: "Necessity is the mother of invention" (Apuleius)
Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 989. ISBN 0415096243.
Maxima debetur puero reverentia
Translation: "One owes the greatest possible care for the child" (Juvenal)
Tegnér, E. and L. F. C. W. Böttiger (1849). Esaias Tegnérs samlade skrifter.
Medicus curat, natura sanat
Translation: "The doctor cares [for his patient], nature heals [him]." or "Doctor cures, nature saves”
Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 869. ISBN 0415096243.
Melium est nomen bonum quam divitae multae.
English equivalent: A good name is the best of all treasures.
"If a man has good corn, or wood, or boards, or pigs to sell, or can make better chairs or knives, crucibles, or church organs, than anybody else, you will find a broad, hard-beaten road to his house, tho it be in the woods. 'tis certain that the secret can not be kept: the first witness tells it to a second, and men go by fives and tens and fifties to his door."
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Works, Volume VIII. In his Journal. (1855), p. 528. (Ed. 1912)
Strauss, Emanuel (1998). Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs (Abbreviated ed.). Routledge. p. 33. ISBN 0415160502.
Memento mori.
Translation: Remember that you are going to die.
"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."
Steve Jobs, Stanford University commencement address (12 June 2005)
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1151. ISBN 0415096243.
Mendacem memorem esse oportet.
English equivalent: A liar should have a good memory.
Meaning: "Liars must remember the untruths they have told, to avoid contradicting themselves at some later date."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 167. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). "274". Dictionary of European Proverbs. I. Routledge. p. 257. ISBN 978-1-134-86460-7. Retrieved on 24 November 2013.
Mens regnum bona possidet.
English equivalent: His own desire leads every man.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 977. ISBN 0415096243.
Merx ultronea putet.
Translation and English equivalent: Proffered service stinks.
Proverbs, Chiefly Taken from the Adagia of Erasmus with Explanations: And Further Illustrated by Corresponding Examples from the Spanish, Italian, French & English Languages. T. Egerton. 1814. p. 201.
Misera fortuna, qui caret inimico.
Translation: It is a wreteched fate which is absent enemies.
English equivalent: If you have no enemies it is a sign that fortune has forgotten you; People throw stones only at trees with fruit on them.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1008. ISBN 0415096243.
Mobiles ad superstitionem perculsae semel mentes
Translation: "Minds once cowed are prone to superstition."
Tacitus, "Agricola", 1.28
Mulier est hominis confusio.
Translation: "Woman is man's ruin."
"Part of a comic definition of woman" from the Altercatio Hadriani Augusti et Secundi.[2] Famously quoted by Chauntecleer in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales’’.
Multum clamoris, parum lanae.
Translation and English equivalent: Great cry and little wool.
Meaning: "Much ado about nothing."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Keating, Walter (1859). Proverbs of All Nations. W. Kent & Company (late D. Bogue). p. 128.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). "178". Dictionary of European Proverbs. II. Routledge. p. 173. ISBN 978-1-134-86460-7.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Translation: The world desires to be deceived; therefore it is. (Attributed to Petronius)
English equivalent: The world wants to be taken in.
Thompson, J., C. The University of Arizona. Rhetoric, et al. (2008). "A Kind of Thing that Might Be": Toward a Poetics of New Media, University of Arizona.
Ne puero gladium.
Translation: "Do not give a child a sword."
Meaning: Let every person act in his proper sphere of life.
H. T. Riley Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Proverbs, Maxims, and Mottos, &c. (1866), p. 249.
Ne quid expectes amicos, quod tute agere possis.
Translation: Expect nothing from friends, do what you can do yourself.
English equivalent: For what thou canst do thyself, rely not on another.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 600. ISBN 0415096243.
Ne quid nimis
Translation: "Nothing too much", moderation in all thing (Terence)
Kierkegaard, S. (2008). Sickness Unto Death, Wilder Publications.
Swedish equivalent: There must be some moderation.
Ne sutor supra crepidam
Translation: "Shoemaker, not above the sandal", do not talk about things you know nothing of (attributed to Apelles (352-308 BC), the famous Greek painter. He had asked a cobbler to view a painting he was working on to help him (Apelles) paint the sandals correctly. The cobbler explained what was wrong with the sandals, but then began to criticize other aspects of the painting. Apelles stopped him with this famous line, meaning that, while the cobbler was certainly an expert at making shoes, he was not qualified to offer opinions as to anything else---particularly art.)
Carlyle, T., J. Ruskin, et al. (1982). The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and John Ruskin, Stanford University Press.
Nemo regere potest nisi qui et regi.
English equivalent: Who has not served cannot command.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 758. ISBN 0415096243.
Nemo iudex in causa sua.
Translation: "No one is a judge in his own case".
Boczek, B. A. (2005). International Law: A Dictionary, Scarecrow Press.
Nescis quid serus vesper vehat.
Translation: "You know not what night-fall may bring."
H. T. Riley Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Proverbs, Maxims, and Mottos, &c. (1866), p. 261.
In nocte consilium.
The night brings counsel.
English equivalent: Take counsel of one's pillow.
Note: Specified as a Latin proverb in the source.
Kelly, Walter Keating (1859). Proverbs of all nations (W. Kent & co. (late D. Bogue) ed.). p. 63.
Non capiunt lepores tympana rauca leves.
English equivalent: Drumming is not the way to catch a hare.
Meaning: Don't expect anyone to change his ways by scolding him.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 754. ISBN 0415096243.
Nocere facile est, prodesse difficile.
English equivalent: Do not think that one enemy is insignificant, or that a thousand friends are too many.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 718. ISBN 0415096243.
Non nobis solum nati sumus
Translation: "We are not born for ourselves alone”
Meaning: Each one of us carries a responsibility for the whole world.
Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge.
Non olet
Translation: "It [money] doesn't smell" (according to Suetonius, Emperor Vespasian was challenged by his son Titus for taxing the public lavatories, the emperor held up a coin before his son and asked whether it smelled)
Ferlosio, R. S. (2005). Non olet, Destino.
Non opus est follo suspendere tympana collo.
Translation: A fool does not need any bells.
English equivalent: A tongue of a fool carves a piece of his heart to all that sit near him.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 136. ISBN 0415096243.
Non quia difficilia sunt non audemus, sed quia non audemus, difficilia sunt.
Translation: "It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, but because we do not dare, things are difficult." (Seneca, Letter to Lucilius, letter 104, section 26, line 5)
Gresley, W. (1835). Ecclesiastes Anglicanus: being a treatise on preaching, as adapted to a Church of England congregation : in a series of letters to a young clergyman, printed for J. G. F. & J. Rivington.
Non scholae, sed vitae discimus.
Translation: "We learn not for school but for life." (Seneca's original quotation is "Non vitae, sed scholae discimus.”)
Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge.
Non semper erit aestas.
Translation: "It will not always be summer." (be prepared for hard times)
Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge.
Nulla poena sine lege
Translation: "No punishment without a law.”
Nulla Poena Sine Lege. E.j. Brill, Leiden 1934, Brill Archive.
Nulla regula sine exceptione.
Translation: "No rule without exception.”
(1869). Hygiea.
Nulli tacuisse nocet, tutum silentii premium.
English equivalent: Least said, soonest mended.
Meaning: "In private animosities and verbal contentions, where angry passions are apt to rise, and irritating, if not profane expressions are often made use of, as we sometimes see to be the case, not only among neighbors, but in families, between husbands and wives, or parents and children, or the children themselves and other members of the household, - the least said, the better in general. By multiplying words, cases often grow worse instead of better."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Porter, William Henry (1845). Proverbs: Arranged in Alphabetical Order .... Munroe and Company. pp. 125.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 53.
Nullus est liber tam mallus, ut non aliqua parte prosit.
English equivalent: No book was so bad, but some good might be got out of it.
Meaning: You might typically get something good out of an overall faulty book, especially a non fictional one, such as sound advice or anecdotes to tell others.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1104. ISBN 0415096243.
Oblata arripe.
Translation: Seize the offer.
English equivalent: When the pig is proffered, hold up the poke.
Meaning: We should accept the offers that has been given us.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1226. ISBN 0415096243.
Obscuris vera involvens
Translation: Obscurity envelops truth. (Virgil).
English equivalent: Truth gives a short answer, lies go round about.
Putnam, M. C. J. (1995). Virgil's Aeneid: Interpretation and Influence, University of North Carolina Press.
Occidit miseros crambe repetita magistros.
English equivalent: Take heed of enemies reconciled and of meat twice boiled.
Meaning: Your former enemies might cunningly take revenge on you just out of spite.; Trust not a reconciled enemy more than an open foe.
Strauss, Emanuel (1998). Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs (Abbreviated ed.). Routledge. p. 25. ISBN 0415160502.
Oculus animi index.
Translation: Eyes are the index of the mind.
English equivalent: The eye looks but it is the mind that sees.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1175. ISBN 0415096243.
Omnia cum pretio.
Translation: All things (in rome) have their price. original "omnia Romae cum pretio" Juvenal
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1111. ISBN 0415096243.
Omnibus se accomodat rebus, omnia novit.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 4.
Omnium artium medicina nobilissima est.
Translation: Medicine is the noblest of all arts.
Lautenbach, E. (2002). Latein-Deutsch: Zitaten-Lexikon: Quellennachweise, Lit.
Onorate il senno antico.
English equivalent: Grey hairs are honorable.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 35.
Oratores fuint, poetae nascuntur.
English equivalent: Poets are born, but orators are trained.
Meaning: Some things can be improved by training, others require innate talent.
Strauss, Emanuel (1998). Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs (Abbreviated ed.). Routledge. p. 331. ISBN 0415160502.
Optimi natatores saepius submerguntur.
English equivalent: Good swimmers are often drowned.
Meaning: Beware of letting your competence lead you into overconfidence.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 879. ISBN 0415096243.
Optimum medicamentum quies est.
Translation: Rest is the best medicine.
Arnott, J. (1845). Appendix to an essay on therapeutical inquiry, containing the application of plans of treatment noticed therein to the practice of midwifery.
Otia dant vitia.
English equivalent: Idle hands are the devils playthings.
Meaning: If you are bored or idle, start doing some work.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 710. ISBN 0415096243.
Pacta sunt servanda
Translation: "Agreements must be honoured.”
Hasan, A. M. (2005). Pacta sunt servanda: the principle and its application in petroleum production sharing contract, Fikahati Aneska.
Pars est beneficii quod petitur si cito neges.
Translation: A prompt refusal has in part the grace of a favour granted.
Kelly, Walter Keating (1859). Proverbs of all nations (W. Kent & co. (late D. Bogue) ed.). p. 147.
Pax melior est quam iustissimum bellum.
Translation: "Peace is better than the most just war.”
Clure, A. M. Les HazArts Légendaires, Annie Mc Clure.
Pede poena claudo.
Translation: "Punishment comes limping."
English equivalent: Punishment is lame, but it comes.
Valerius, J. D. (1855). Samlade vitterhets-arbeten, Norstedt.
Periculum in mora.
Translation: [There's] danger in delay. (Livy)
English equivalent: Delays are dangerous.
Meaning: "Hesitation or procastination may lead to trouble or disaster."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 53. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 10 August 2013.
Ruder, G. (1766). Om rikets swåra öde, och huru det kan förekommas. Periculum in mora.
Philosophum non facit barba.
Translation: "A beard doesn't make a philosopher." (Plutarch)
Meaning: Mere formal signs of authority does not make one.
Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 117. ISBN 0415160502.
Piscem vorat maior minorem.
Translation: The large fishes eats the small ones.
Meaning: "Small organizations or insignificant people tend to be swallowed up or destroyed by those that are greater and more powerful."
Source for meaning: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 27. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 1 July 2013.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1086. ISBN 0415096243.
Post prandium stabis, post coenam ambulabis.
Translation: "After dinner, rest a while, after supper walk a mile."
Source: Hugh Moore (1831). A Dictionary of Quotations. p. 314.
Potius sero quam numquam
Translation: "Better late then never" (Livy)
Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 166. ISBN 0415160502.
Praemonitus, praemunitus
Translation: "Forewarned (is) forearmed”
Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 563. ISBN 0415160502.
Praesentem mulge, fugientem quid insequeris.
Translation: Milk today, for what you are aiming for is fleeing.
English equivalent: One today is worth two tomorrows.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1137. ISBN 0415096243.
Praestat cautela quam medela.
English equivalent: Prevention is better than cure.
Meaning: Precaution is infinitely better than remedial measures.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 881. ISBN 0415096243.
Praemonitus, praemunitus.
English equivalent: Forewarned, forearmed.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). "401". Dictionary of European Proverbs. I. Routledge. p. 364. ISBN 978-1-134-86460-7.
Publica fama non semper vana.
Translation: Provided common, commonly true.
English equivalent: Common fame is often to blame.
Meaning: A general disrepute is often true.
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 45. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 4 August 2013.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 662. ISBN 0415096243.
Pulverulenta novis bene verritur area scopis.
English equivalent: "New brooms sweep clean."
Meaning: Newcomers are the most ambitious.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1103. ISBN 0415096243.
Qualis rex, talis grex
Translation: Like king, like people.
Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge.
Qualis pagatio, talis laboratio.
Translation: What pay, such work.
English equivalent: You get what you pay for.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 494. ISBN 0415096243.
Quam bene vivas refert, non quam diu.
Translation: How well you live makes a difference, not how long. (Seneca)
Haase, W. and H. Temporini (1983). Aufstieg und Niedergang Der Römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms Im Spiegel Der Neueren Forschung, Walter de Gruyter.
Quantum Satis.
Translation: As much as needed, enough.
Rundkvist, A. (1968). Quantum satis: så mycket som är tillräckligt ; aforismer, skaldeord och citat från skilda tider om livet och människan, Rundqvists Bokförlag.
Quem di diligunt, adulescens moritur
Translation: "Whom the gods love dies young" (Plautus, Bacchides, IV, 7, 18). In the comic play, a sarcastic servant says this to his aging master. The rest of the sentence reads: dum valet, sentit, sapit, "while he is full of health, perception and judgement.”
Morris, G. (2009). Angel Train, B&H Publishing Group.
Quem dii odere, paedagogum fecere (also Quem dii oderunt, paedagogum fecerunt)
Translation: "Whom the gods hated, they made them pedagogues”
Moritz, K. P. Anton Reiser: Ein Psychologischer Roman, tredition.
Qui dormit non peccat.
Translation: "He who sleeps does not sin”
Archer, P. and L. Archer 500 Foreign Words and Phrases You Should Know to Sound Smart: Terms to Demonstrate Your Savoir Faire, Chutzpah, and Bravado, F+W Media.
Qui habet aures audiendi audiat
Translation: "Those who have ears to hear, hear!" (Vulgate, Matthew 11:15)
English equivalent: Nature gave us two ears and one mouth.
Collins, J. F. (1985). A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin, Catholic University of America Press.
Qui non est hodie, eras minus aptus erit.
English equivalent: He that will not when he may, when he will he may have nay.
Meaning: "Take advantage of an opportunity when it presents itself, even if you do not want or need it at the time, because it may no longer be available when you do."
Source for meaning of English equivalent:Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 120. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Kelly, Walter Keating (1859). Proverbs of all nations. W. Kent & co. (late D. Bogue). p. 41.
Quien me amat, amet et canum meum.
English equivalent: Love me, love my dog.
Meaning: If you love someone, you will virtually like everything about him.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 953. ISBN 0415096243.
Qui audet adipiscitur.
Translation: He who dares wins.
Ekaterina Walter (18 December 2012). Think Like Zuck: The Five Business Secrets of Facebook's Improbably Brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg. McGraw Hill Professional. p. 177. ISBN 978-0-07-180949-8. Retrieved on 14 August 2013.
Qui multum habet, plus cupit.
Translation: He who has much desires more. (Seneca)
Swedish equivalent: Much wants more.
Jones, P. V. and K. C. Sidwell (1986). Reading Latin: Grammar, Vocabulary and Exercises, Cambridge University Press.
Qui nimis capit, parum stringit.
English equivalent: Don't have too many irons in the fire.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 977. ISBN 0415096243.
Qui non proficit, deficit.
Translation: "He who does not go forward, loses ground." or "He who does not accomplish anything, is a failure/has shortcomings.”
English equivalent: He who does not advance goes backwards.
Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge.
Qui pro innocente dicit, satis est eloquens.
Translation: "He who speaks for the innocent is eloquent enough." (Publilius Syrus)
Chambers, P. L. (2007). Latin Alive and Well: An Introductory Text, University of Oklahoma Press.
Qui rogat, non errat.
Translation: "(One) who asks, doesn't err.”
English equivalent: The only stupid question is the one not asked.
Mimbar Altar, Kanisius.
Qui scribit, bis legit.
Translation: "Who writes, reads twice.”
Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge.
Qui tacet consentire videtur, ubi loqui debuit ac potuit.
Translation: "Who is silent, when he ought to and might have spoken, is seen to agree.”
Schlesinger, R. B., P. G. Bonassies, et al. (1968). Formation of contracts: a study of the common core of legal systems, conducted under the auspices of the General principles of law project of the Cornell Law School, Oceana Publications.
Qui transtulit sustinet.
Translation: "He who transplanted still sustains." (motto of Connecticut referring to the transplantation of settlers from England to the New World.)
Caughman, G., J. Devine, et al. (1997). Qui Transtulit Sustinet.
Qui vitulum tollit, taurum subduxerit idem .
English equivalent: He that steals an egg will steal an ox.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 962. ISBN 0415096243.
Qui vult dare parva non debet magna rogare.
Translation: "He who wishes to give little shouldn't ask for much.”
Crawford, G. A. and U. o. M. L. Workshop (1963). Elementary Latin: the basic structures, University of Michigan Press.
Quidquid agis, prudenter agas, et respice finem!
Translation: Whatever you do, may you do it prudently, and look to the end!
English equivalent: Whatever you do, act wisely, and consider the end.
Timmer, M. Van Anima tot Zeus / druk 1: encyclopedie van begrippen uit de mythologie, religie, alchemie, cultuurgeschiedenis en jungiaanse psychologie, Lemniscaat.
Quidquid discis, tibi discis
Translation: "Whatever you learn, you learn it for yourself.”
Arbiter, P. and W. D. Lowe (1905). Petronii Cena Trimalchionis, D. Bell and co.
Quidquid latine dictum, altum videtur.
Translation: "Whatever is said in Latin seems profound."
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 965. ISBN 0415096243.
Quieta non movere
Translation: "Don't move settled things" (i.e. "Don't rock the boat", "Let sleeping dogs lie.”)
McKenna, M. (1996). The Captive Republic: A History of Republicanism in Australia, 1788-1996, Cambridge University Press.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Translation: "Who will watch the watchers themselves?" or "Who will guard the guardians themselves?" (Juvenal)
Brown-John, C. L. (1981). Canadian regulatory agencies: quis custodiet ipsos custodes?, Butterworths.
Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur.
Translation: What is asserted gratuitously may be denied gratuitously.
Variants: What is asserted without evidence/proof/reason, may/can be dismissed/denied without evidence/proof/reason.
Jon R. Stone, The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations (2005), p. 101. Anonymous, widely used since at least the early 19th century (e.g. The Classical Journal , Vol. 40 (1829), p. 312).
Quod nocet, saepe docet
Translation: "That which harms, often teaches”
Meaning: Unpleasant experiences will make you wiser.
English equivalent: What does not kill you makes you stronger.
Hoffmann, K. J. (1836). Doppelte aus dem Klassikern gewählte Beispielsammlung für die Syntax der kleinen und grossen Grammatik von Zumpt: nebst einer Beispielsammlung für die Syntaxis ornata und einem Lesenbuche für Anfänger, Dümmler.
Rapiamus, amici, occasionem de die.
English equivalent: Opportunity knocks only once.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 400. ISBN 0415096243.
Rem tene verba sequentur.
Translation: If you know what you are talking about, then words came along. (Marco Porcio Catón)
Colish, M. L. (1985). The Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages, E.J. Brill.
Repetita iuvant.
Translation: "Repetition is useful", or "Repeating things helps”.
Ghislotti, S. (2008). Repetita iuvant. Mnemotecniche del film narrativo, Sestante.
Repetitio est mater studiorum.
Translation: Repetition is the mother of study.
Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge.
Roma die uno non aedificata est
Translation: Rome wasn't built in a day.
Kudla, H. (2001). Lexikon der lateinischen Zitate: 3500 Originale mit Übersetzungen und Belegstellen, Beck.
Salus aegroti suprema lex.
Translation: The well-being of the patient is the most important law.
Source: Giesen, Dieter (1988). International Medical Malpractice Law: A Comparative Law Study of Civil Liability Arising from Medical Care. BRILL. p. 457. ISBN 3166453229.
Salus populi suprema lex esto.
Translation: Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law. (motto of the U.S. state of Missouri).
Source: Giesen, Dieter (1988). International Medical Malpractice Law: A Comparative Law Study of Civil Liability Arising from Medical Care. BRILL. p. 457. ISBN 3166453229.
Sapere aude.
Translation: Dare to be wise. (Horace) (Motto of the University of New Brunswick)
Zanda, Rubene (2004). Sapere aude!: critical thinking in university studies in Latvia. pp. 135. ISBN 9984770648.
Sapiens dominabitur astris.
Translation: A wise (man) will rule (or possibly, be ruled by) the stars.
Alt. Translation "A Wise Man Is Limited By The Stars"
Glick, Thomas F (2005). Medieval Science, Technology, and Medicine: An Encyclopedia. Routledge. p. 62. ISBN 0415969301.
Sapiens omnia sua secum portat
Translation: A wise man takes everything he owns with himself. (i.e. in his head, his wealth is his wisdom)
Meaning: Material assets are fleeting, but intellectual assets will basically stay with you the rest of your life. Therefore, intellectual assets are much more worth than material ones.
English equivalent: A good mind possess a kingdom.
J. Henle, Robert (1980). Latin Grammar. Loyola Press. p. 195. ISBN 0829401121.
Sapientia abscondita et thesaurus invisus quae utilitas in utrisque.
Translation: The hidden things of wisdom and a treasure that is not seen, what profit is in them both?
English equivalent: Money is there to be spent.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1013. ISBN 0415096243.
Sapientia est potentia.
Translation: Wisdom is power.
Gulsun, Namik (2012). Master of Puppets: Seeds of Fate. AuthorHouse. p. 99. ISBN 1467881694.
Scientia non habet inimicum nisi ignorantem.
Translation: Knowledge has no enemies but the ignorant.
Milton Martin, Richard (1980). Primordiality, Science, and Value. SUNY Press. p. 148. ISBN 0873954432.
Senatores boni viri, senatus autem mala bestia
Translation: Senators are good men, however Senate is a malicious animal
Sedláček, Tomáš (2011). Economics of Good and Evil: The Quest for Economic Meaning from Gilgamesh to Wall Street. Oxford University Press. p. 266. ISBN 0199767203.
Sermo hominum mores et celat et indicat idem.
English equivalent: Men talk only to conceal the mind.
Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 1088. ISBN 0415096243.
Sepem vir calcat ibi plus ubi passio exstat.
English equivalent: Men leap over where the hedge is lower.
Note: Also knows as the Law of least effort.
Meaning: Always do things in a way that requires the absolut least amount of labor.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1087. ISBN 0415096243.
Serpens, nisi serpentem comederit, non fit draco.
Translation: A serpent, if it does not devour a serpent, does not become a dragon.
Francis Bacon, Essays (1612), apparently translating a Greek proverb.[3]
Michael Apostolius, Proverbs (15th century), translates the Greek proverb: Serpens nisi serpentem edat, non fiet draco.[4]
Erasmus, Adages (16th century), translates the Greek proverb: Serpens ni edat serpentem, draco non fiet.[5]
Attributed to Pliny the Elder (Natural History, c. 77-79 AD) by Richard Brathwaite,[6] but Robert Nares believes Brathwaite is mistaken.[3] A search of the text returns many remarks on dragons and serpents, but nothing like this statement.
Si cazares, no te alabes; si no cazares, no te enfades.
English equivalent: If fortune favours, beware of being exalted; if fortune thunders, beware of being overwhelmed.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1001. ISBN 0415096243.
Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more, si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi.
Translation: If you are in Rome, live in the Roman way, if you are somewhere else, live like there. (attributed to Ambrose of Milan)
English equivalent: When in Rome, do as the Romans.
Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 673. ISBN 0415096243.
Si hîc esses, seires qua me vellicent.
English equivalent: No one knows where the shoe pinches, but he who wears it.
Meaning: "Nobody can fully understand another person's hardship or suffering."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 289. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 4.
Sic Parvis Magna.
Translation: "Greatness from Small Beginnings."
Burke, Bernard (1864). The general armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and wales: comprising a registry of armorial bearings from the earliest to the present time. Harrison & sons. p. 299.
Silent leges inter arma.
Translation: "During war, laws are silent." (Cicero)
Walzer, Michael (2006). Just And Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument With Historical Illustrations. Basic Books. p. 3. ISBN 0465037070.
Similia similibus.
English equivalent: Like will to like.
"Every man loves well what is like to himself."
Folk-Etymology. Ardent Media. 1886. p. 216.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 51.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Translation: "If you want peace, prepare for war."
Paraphrase of Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum (Vegetius, Epitoma rei militaris)
Origin of the name parabellum for some ammunition and firearms, e.g. Luger parabellum
Wallerfelt, Bengt (1999). Si VIS Pacem, Para Bellum: Svensk Sakerhetspolitik Och Krigsplanering 1945-1975. Probus. p. X. ISBN 9187184605.
Si vis pacem, para iustitiam.
Translation: "If you want peace, prepare justice."
Keogh, Dermot (2008). Gerald Goldberg: A Tribute. Mercier Press Ltd. p. 169. ISBN 1856355810.
Silent enim leges inter arma
Translation: "Laws are silent in times of war"
Cryer, Friman (2010). An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure. Cambridge University Press. p. 270. ISBN 0521135818.
Simia est simia, etiasmi purpura vestiatur.
English equivalent: "A golden bit does not make the horse any better."
Meaning: An ugly thing will remain ugly even if its appeareance is taken care of.
Strauss, Emanuel (1998). Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs (Abbreviated ed.). Routledge. p. 52. ISBN 0415160502.
Some remedies are worse than the disease.
Note: Specified as a Roman proverb in the source.
Stone (2006). Routledge Dictionary of World Proverbs. Taylor \& Francis. p. 357.
Stultorum est se alienis immiscere negotiis.
English equivalent: Give neither salt nor counsel till you are asked for it.
Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 60.
Summum ius summa inuria.
Translation: "More law, less justice." (Cicero, De officiis I, 10, 33)
Whittaker, Simon (2000). Good Faith in European Contract Law. Cambridge University Press. p. 65. ISBN 0521771900.
Sunt facta verbis difficiliora
Translation: "Works are harder than words."
English equivalent: "Easier said than done."
Shackleton-Bailey, D. R. (2004). Cicero: Epistulae Ad Quintum Fratrem Et M. Brutum. Cambridge University Press. p. 49. ISBN 0521607000.
Sunt pueri pueri pueri puerilia tractant
Translation: "Boys are boys and boys will act like boys."
Stone, Jon R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings Latin for the Illiterati Series. Routledge. p. 115. ISBN 0415969085.
English equivalent: Boys will be boys.
Sutor, ne ultra crepidam!
Translation: "Cobbler, no further than the sandal!" I.e. don't offer your opinion on things that are outside your competence. It is said that the Greek painter Apelles once asked the advice of a cobbler on how to render the sandals of a soldier he was painting. When the cobbler started offering advice on other parts of the painting, Apelles rebuked him with this phrase (but in Greek).
Sutor ne ultra crepidam, oder ein jeder bleib bey seinem Handwerck: In einem mit Nachsetzung seines Handwerks allzu weit über die Schnur hauenden Schmidt, zu einem Faßnacht-Hainzl vorgestellt in Seminario Cler. Saec. In Com. Vir. Zu Ingolstadt. 1740.
Suum cuique Pulchrum.
Translation: To each its own is beautiful.
English equivalent: The bird loves her own nest.
Divers Proverbs, Nathan Bailey, 1721 [2]
Tarde venientibus ossa.
Translation: "For those who come late, only the bones."
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 625. ISBN 0415096243.
Tempora aptari decet.
Translation: Times should be adapted to.
English equivalent: Take things as you find them.
Meaning: Adapt yourself to new surroundings or conditions. For instance, if you are ill, do what you still can instead of waiting to get healthy.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 865. ISBN 0415096243.
Tempori parce!
Translation: "Save time!"
Gottlob Zumpt, Karl (1836). A grammar of the Latin language (4 ed.). B. Fellowes. p. 275.
Tempus fugit.
Translation: "Time flees." (i.e., "time flies"). Originally as Sed fugit interea, fugit irreparabile tempus - translation: "Meanwhile the irreplaceable time flees" (Virgil)
English equivalent: Time and tide waits for none.
Almond, Frank (2002). Tempus Fugit. C&M Online Media. ISBN 0917990501.
Tempus fugit, aeternitas manet.
Translation: "Time flees, eternity dwells."
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volume 1 (illustrerad ed.). p. 625. ISBN 0415096243.
Tempus fugit, amor manet.
Translation: "Time flees, love stays"
(Edith) Nesbit, E (2010). Man and Maid. Echo Library. p. 10. ISBN 1406895598.
Timendi causa est nescire.
Translation: "The cause of fear is ignorance." (Seneca)
R. Stone, Jon (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings (illustrerad ed.). Routledge. p. 118. ISBN 0415969093.
Tres faciunt collegium.
Translation: "Three makes a company."
Berger, Adolf (1953). Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law, Volym 43 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. American Philosophical Society. p. 742. ISBN 0871694328.
Tolle, lege; Tolle, lege!
Translation: "Take up and read; take up and read!" (Augustinus)
J. Teske, Roland (2011). Tolle Lege: Essays on Augustine and on Medieval Philosophy in Honor of Roland J. Teske, Sj Utgåva 73 av Marquette Studies in Philosophy. Marquette University Press. pp. 364. ISBN 0874628075.
Tunc tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet.
Translation: "It also concerns you when the nearest wall is burning."
R. Stone, Jon (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings (illustrerad ed.). Routledge. p. 119. ISBN 0415969093.
Ut salutas (saltus), ita salutaberis oder Malo arboris nodo malus clavus and cuneus infigendus est.
English equivalent: What goes around comes around.
Meaning: Good acts quite often reward themselves. Conversely, bad acts quite often punish themselves.
Lautenbach, Ernst (2002). Latein-Deutsch: Zitaten-Lexikon: Quellennachweise. LIT Verlag Münster. p. 646. ISBN 3825856526.
Ubi bene, ibi patria
Translation: "Where one feels good, there is one's country."
Adeleye, Gabriel (1999). World Dictionary of Foreign Expressions: A Resource for Readers and Writers. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers. p. 389. ISBN 0865164231.
Ubi concordia, ibi victoria.
Translation: "Where there is harmony, there is victory."
Webb, Amy (2006). The Devil's Duty. Lulu.com. pp. 212. ISBN 1411649842.
Ubi dubium, ibi libertas.
Translation: "Where there is doubt, there is freedom." legal, meaning when in doubt the prisoner has to be freed.
Greener, Richard (2006). The Lacey Confession. Llewellyn Worldwide. p. 420. ISBN 0738708704.
Ubi fumus, ibi ignis.
Translation: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."
Meaning: Where there are the signs of something, something is there.
Thomasius, Christian (1715). Cautelae circa doctrinam de praesumptione allodialitatis. p. 29.
Ulula cum lupis, cum quibus esse cupis.
Translation: "Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl."
Meaning: You will become like the people you surround yourself with.
Tournoy, Gilbert (1993). Humanistica Lovaniensia. Leuven University Press. p. 32. ISBN 9061865719.
Uni navi ne committas omnia.
Translation: Do not commit all to one boat.
English equivalent: Don't put all your eggs in the same basket.
Meaning: "Spread your risks or investments so that if one enterprise fails you will not lose everything."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 63. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 18 August 2013.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 715. ISBN 0415096243.
Una hirundo non facit ver
Translation: "One swallow doesn't make spring"
Meaning: A solitary event is no indication that a major change is taking place.
Vergil, Polydore (1663). Polydori Virgilii De Rerum Inventoribus (nytryck ed.). Ayer Publishing. p. xii. ISBN 0833715631.
Unum castigabis, centum emendabis.
Translation: For one reprimand, a hundred corrections."
Lautenbach, Ernst (2002). Latein-Deutsch: Zitaten-Lexikon: Quellennachweise. LIT Verlag Münster. p. 129. ISBN 3825856526.
Usus magister est optimus.
Translation: "Experience is the best teacher." (i.e., "Practice makes perfect.")
Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 698. ISBN 0415096243.
Ut ameris, amabilis esto.
Translation: "Be amiable, then you'll be loved."
Stone, J. R. (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations: The Illiterati's Guide to Latin Maxims, Mottoes, Proverbs and Sayings, Routledge.
Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas
Translation: "Even if the powers are missing, the will deserves praise" (Ovid)
Kirk Rappaport, Pamela (2005). Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Selected Writings. Paulist Press. p. 290. ISBN 0809105306.
Ut sementem feceris, ita metes.
Translation: "You'll reap what you sow." (Cicero, "De oratore"); The Bible Job 4:8; Galatians 6:7.
English equivalent: What you reap is what you sow.
Sloman, Arthur (1928). a grammar of classical latin. CUP Archive. p. 343.
Ut sis nocte levis, sit cena brevis!
Translation: "That your sleeping hour be peaceful, let your dining hour be brief!" (Sis is one hour before sunset.) (modern: Sleep hard, Sleep fast, Sleep well)
Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 818. ISBN 0415096243.
Uxor formosa et vinum sunt dulcia venena.
Translation: "Beautiful women and wine are sweet venom."
Beudel, Paul (1911). Qua ratione Graeci liberos docuerint, papyris, ostracis, tabulis in Aegypto inventis illustratur: commentationem philologicam. E Typographia Aschendorffiana. p. 32.
Varitatio delectat
Translation: Change pleases.
Source: Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 89. ISBN 0415160502.
Vasa vana plurimum sonant
Translation: Empty pots make the most noise.
English equivalent: It is not the hen that cackles the most that lay the most eggs.
Meaning: It is not he who advertises for himself that can achieve the greatest results.
Macdonnel, David Evans (1869). A dictionary of select and popular quotations, which are in daily use: taken from the Latin, French, Greek, Spanish and Italian languages : together with a copious collection of law-maxims and law-terms translated into English, with illustrations historical and idiomatic (6 ed.). Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger. p. 296.
Ventis secundis, tene cursum.
Translation: Go even against the flow.
Mesiah, Leza M. (2007). Recipes for Recovery: How to Heal Loss and a Broken Heart. AuthorHouse. p. 138. ISBN 1425965954.
Verba docent, exempla trahunt.
Translation: Words instruct, illustrations lead.
Rautenberg, Wolfgang (2009). A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logi (3, illustrerad ed.). Springer. p. 58. ISBN 1441912207.
Verba volant, scripta manent.
Translation: Words fly, written stays.
English equivalent: Paper is forbearing.
C. Gerhart, Eugene (1998). Quote It Completely!: World Reference Guide to More Than 5,500 Memorable Quotations from Law and Literature Quote it Completely!: World Reference Guide to More Than 5,500 Memorable Quotations from Law and Literature, Eugene C. Gerhart,. Wm. S. Hein Publishing. p. 1171. ISBN 1575884003.
Verit eo caudam, qua decidit arbore, malum.
English equivalent: The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Meaning: Children observe daily and — in their behaviour — often follow the example of their parents.
Source for proverbs and meaning: Paczolay, Gyula (1997). European Proverbs in 55 languages. DeProverbio.com. p. 259. ISBN 1-875943-44-7.
Veritas odium paret
Translation: Truth creates hatred. (Terence, Andria 68)
Sacul, Snofla (2011). If Only God Used His Brain: Ahead of Time. Xlibris Corporation. p. 149. ISBN 146533565X.
Veritas vos liberabit
Translation: The truth will set you free. (Gospel of John, 8:32)
Sand, Charlene (2012). Veritas Vos Liberabit: An Unauthorized Guide to the Johns Hopkins University. Webster's Digital Services. pp. 148. ISBN 1276154968.
Veritatem dies aperit.
Translation: Time discloses the truth.
Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 1206. ISBN 0415096243.
Vincit omnia veritas.
Translation: Truth conquers all.
Stone, Jon R. (1996). Latin for the Illiterati: Exorcizing the Ghosts of a Dead Language Classics, Language, Reference. Routledge. p. 150. ISBN 0415917751.
Vincit qui patitur. - motto Berea College, Berea, KY
Translation: He who perseveres, conquers.
English equivalent: Persevere and never fear; By perseverance the snail reached the arc.
Olive Emmons, Mary (2009). Moods and Whims. READ BOOKS. p. 53. ISBN 1444678787.
Vipera in verpecula est.
English equivalent: Look before you leap, for snakes among sweet flowers do creep.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1070. ISBN 0415096243.
Vir fugiens et denuo pugnabit.
Translation: The man fled, and he will fight anew.
English equivalent: He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day.
Meaning: "It is wiser to withdraw from a situation that you cannot win than to go on fighting and lose – by a strategic retreat you can return to the battle or argument with renewed energy at a later date."
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 702. ISBN 0415096243.
Viveri bis, vitâ posse priori frui.
Translation: It is to live twice to be able to enjoy the retrospect of your past life.
Hugh Moore (1831). A dictionary of quotations from various authors in ancient and modern languages. p. 137. Retrieved on 14 August 2013.
Vivit post funera virtus.
Translation: Virtue survives the grave.
Henry Thomas Riley (1856). Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Proverbs, Maxims, and Mottos, Classical and Mediaeval. p. 503.
Vulpes pilum mutat, non mores!
Translation: A fox may change its skin but never its character. - Suetonius
English equivalent A leopard won't change its spots.
Lautenbach, Ernst (2002). Latein-Deutsch: Zitaten-Lexikon: Quellennachweise. LIT Verlag Münster. p. 425. ISBN 3825856526.
We receive nothing with so much reluctance as advice.
Note: Specified as a Roman proverb in the source.
English equivalent: Advice most needed is the least heeded.
Stone (2006). Routledge Dictionary of World Proverbs. Taylor \& Francis. p. 8.
See also
Esperanto proverbs
Henry Beard (Latin for All Occasions)
External links
Latin Via Proverbs: 4000 Proverbs, Mottoes and Sayings for Students of Latin
Latin Proverbs Organized by Subject
a bene placito
from one well pleased
Or "at will", "at one's pleasure". This phrase, and its Italian (beneplacito) and Spanish (beneplácito) derivatives, are synonymous with the more common ad libitum (at pleasure).
a caelo usque ad centrum
from the sky to the center
Or "from heaven all the way to the center of the earth". In law, can refer to the obsolete cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos maxim of property ownership ("for whoever owns the soil, it is theirs up to the sky and down to the depths").
a capite ad calcem
from head to heel
From top to bottom; all the way through (colloquially "from head to toe"). Equally a pedibus usque ad caput.
a contrario
from the opposite
Equivalent to "on the contrary" or "au contraire". An argumentum a contrario is an "argument from the contrary", an argument or proof by contrast or direct opposite.
a Deucalione
from or since Deucalion
A long time ago. From Gaius Lucilius (Satires, 6, 284)
a falsis principiis proficisci
to set forth from false principles
Legal term from Cicero's De Finibus 4.53.
a fortiori
from the stronger
Loosely, "even more so" or "with even stronger reason". Often used to lead from a less certain proposition to a more evident corollary.
a mari usque ad mare
from sea to sea
From Psalm 72:8, "Et dominabitur a mari usque ad mare, et a flumine usque ad terminos terrae" (KJV: "He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth"). National motto of Canada.
a pedibus usque ad caput
from feet to head
Completely. Similar to the English expressions "from tip to toe" or "from head to toe". Equally a capite ad calcem. See also ab ovo usque ad mala.
a posse ad esse
from being able to being
"From possibility to actuality" or "from being possible to being actual"
a posteriori
from the latter
Based on observation (i.e., empirical knowledge), the reverse of a priori. Used in mathematics and logic to denote something that is known after a proof has been carried out. In philosophy, used to denote something known from experience.
a priori
from the former
Presupposed independent of experience, the reverse of a posteriori. Used in mathematics and logic to denote something that is known or postulated before a proof has been carried out. In philosophy, used to denote something is supposed without empirical evidence. In everyday speech, it denotes something occurring or being known before the event.
ab absurdo
from the absurd
Said of an argument that seeks to prove a statement's validity by pointing out the absurdity of an opponent's position (cf. appeal to ridicule) or that an assertion is false because of its absurdity. Not to be confused with a reductio ad absurdum, which is usually a valid logical argument.
ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia
an inference from an abuse to a use is not valid
Rights abused are still rights (cf. abusus non tollit usum).
ab aeterno
from the eternal
Literally, "from the everlasting" or "from eternity". Thus, "from time immemorial", "since the beginning of time" or "from an infinitely remote time in the past". In theology, often indicates something, such as the universe, that was created outside of time.
ab antiquo
from the ancient
From ancient times.
ab epistulis
from the letters
Or, having to do with correspondence.
ab extra
from beyond
A legal term meaning "from without". From external sources, rather than from the self or the mind (ab intra).
ab hinc or abhinc
from here on
ab imo pectore
from the deepest chest
Or "from the bottom of my heart", "with deepest affection", "sincerely".. Attributed to Julius Caesar.
ab inconvenienti
from an inconvenient thing
New Latin for "based on unsuitability", "from inconvenience" or "from hardship". An argumentum ab inconvenienti is one based on the difficulties involved in pursuing a line of reasoning, and is thus a form of appeal to consequences; it refers to a rule in law that an argument from inconvenience has great weight.
ab incunabulis
from the cradle
Thus, "from the beginning" or "from infancy". Incunabula is commonly used in English to refer to the earliest stage or origin of something, and especially to copies of books that predate the spread of the printing press around AD 1500.
ab initio
from the beginning
"At the outset", referring to an inquiry or investigation. In literature, refers to a story told from the beginning rather than in medias res (from the middle). In law, refers to something being the case from the start or from the instant of the act, rather than from when the court declared it so. A judicial declaration of the invalidity of a marriage ab initio is a nullity. In science, refers to the first principles. In other contexts, often refers to beginner or training courses. Ab initio mundi means "from the beginning of the world".
ab intestato
from an intestate
From someone who dies with no legal will (cf. ex testamento).
ab intra
from within
From the inside. The opposite of ab extra.
ab irato
from an angry man
By a person who is angry. Used in law to describe a decision or action that is detrimental to those it affects and was made based on hatred or anger, rather than on reason. The form irato is masculine; however, this does not mean it applies only to men, rather 'person' is meant, as the phrase probably elides "homo," not "vir."
ab origine
from the source
From the origin, beginning, source, or commencement—i.e., "originally". The source of the word aboriginal.
ab ovo usque ad mala
from the egg to the apples
From Horace, Satire 1.3. Means "from beginning to end", based on the Roman main meal typically beginning with an egg dish and ending with fruit (cf. the English phrase soup to nuts). Thus, ab ovo means "from the beginning", and can also connote thoroughness.
ab uno disce omnes
from one, learn all
From Virgil's Aeneid. Refers to situations where a single example or observation indicates a general or universal truth. Visible in the court of King Silas in the TV series Kings.
ab urbe condita (a.u.c.)
from the city having been founded
Or "from the founding of Rome", which occurred in 753 BC according to Livy's count. Used as a reference point in ancient Rome for establishing dates, before being supplanted by other systems. Also anno urbis conditae (a.u.c.) (literally "in the year of the founded city").
ab utili
from utility
Used of an argument.
absens haeres non erit
an absent person will not be an heir
In law, refers to the principle that someone who is not present is unlikely to inherit.
absente reo (abs. re.)
[with] the defendant being absent
In the absence of the accused.
absit iniuria verbis (or injuria)
let injury be absent from [these] words
Expresses the wish that no insult or wrong be conveyed by the speaker's words, i.e., "no offence". See also absit invidia.
absit invidia
let ill will be absent
Although similar to the English expression "no offence", absit invidia is not a mere social gesture to avoid causing offense, but also a way to ward off the harm that some people superstitiously believe animosity can cause others. Also extended to absit invidia verbo, meaning "may ill will be absent from the word" (cf. absit iniuria verbis).
absit omen
let an omen be absent
Or "let this not be a bad omen". Expresses the wish that something seemingly ill-boding does not turn out to be an omen for future events, and calls on divine protection against evil.
absolutum dominium
absolute dominion
Total power or sovereignty.
I acquit
A legal term said by a judge acquitting a defendant following a trial. Te absolvo or absolvo te, translated, "I forgive you," said by Roman Catholic priests during the Sacrament of Confession, in Latin prior to the Second Vatican Council and in vernacular thereafter.
abundans cautela non nocet
abundant caution does no harm
Frequently phrased as "one can never be too careful".
abusus non tollit usum
misuse does not remove use
Just because something is misused doesn't mean it can't be used correctly.
abyssus abyssum invocat
deep calleth unto deep
From Psalms 42:7; some translations have 'Sea calls to sea'.
accipe hoc
Take this
Motto of 848 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy.
accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Deo
no one ought to accuse himself except in the Presence of God
A legal maxim denoting that any accused person is entitled to make a plea of not guilty, and also that a witness is not obliged to give a response or submit a document that will incriminate himself. A very similar phrase is nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare "no one is bound to accuse himself". See right to silence.
acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt
mortal actions never deceive the gods
Ovid's Tristia 1.2.97: si tamen acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt, / a culpa facinus scitis abesse mea. "Yet if mortal actions never deceive the gods, / you know that crime was absent from my fault."
acta est fabula plaudite
The play has been performed; applaud!
A common ending to ancient Roman comedies, also claimed by Suetonius in The Twelve Caesars to have been Augustus' last words. Applied by Sibelius to the third movement of his String Quartet no. 2 so that his audience would realize it was the last one, as a fourth would normally be expected.
acta non verba
Deeds, not Words
Motto of the United States Merchant Marine Academy.
acta sanctorum
Deeds of the Saints
Also used in the singular, Acta Sancti (Deeds of the Saint), preceding a specific Saint's name. A common title of works in hagiography.
actus me invito factus non est meus actus
the act done by me against my will is not my act
actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea
The act does not make [a person] guilty unless the mind should be guilty.
A legal term outlining the presumption of mens rea in a crime.
actus reus
guilty act
The actual crime that is committed, rather than the intent or thought process leading up to the crime. Thus, the external elements of a crime, as contrasted with mens rea, the internal elements.
ad absurdum
to the absurd
In logic, to the point of being silly or nonsensical. See also reductio ad absurdum. Not to be confused with ab absurdo (from the absurd).
ad abundantiam
to abundance
In legal language, used when providing additional evidence to an already sufficient collection. Also used commonly, as an equivalent of "as if this wasn't enough".
ad altiora tendo
I strive towards higher things
ad arbitrium
at will, at pleasure
ad acta
to the archives, no longer relevant
ad astra
to the stars
Name or motto (in full or part) of many organizations, publications, etc.
ad astra per aspera
to the stars through difficulties
Motto of Kansas, and other organisations. The phrase is also translated as "A rough road leads to the stars", as on the Launch Complex 34 memorial plaque for the astronauts of Apollo 1.
ad augusta per angusta
to rise to a high position overcoming hardships.
ad captandum vulgus
in order to capture the crowd
To appeal to the masses. Often used of politicians. An argumentum ad captandum is an argument designed to please the crowd.
ad clerum
to the clergy
A formal letter or communication (in the Christian tradition) from a Bishop to the clergy under his direction. An "ad clerum" may be a letter of encouragement at a time of celebration, or a technical explanation of new regulations or canons.
ad eundem
to the same
An ad eundem degree, from the Latin ad eundem gradum (to the same step" or "to the same degree), is a courtesy degree awarded by one university or college to an alumnus of another. It is not an honorary degree, but a recognition of the formal learning that earned the degree at another college.
ad fontes
to the sources
A motto of Renaissance humanism. Also used in the Protestant Reformation.
ad fundum
to the bottom
Said during a generic toast, equivalent to "bottoms up!" In other contexts, generally means "back to the basics".
ad hoc
to this
Generally means "for this", in the sense of improvised on the spot or designed for only a specific, immediate purpose.
ad hominem
to the man
Or "at the man". Typically used in argumentum ad hominem, a logical fallacy consisting of criticizing a person when the subject of debate is the person's ideas or argument, on the mistaken assumption that the soundness of an argument is dependent on the qualities of the proponent.
ad honorem
to the honour
Generally means "for the honour", not seeking any material reward.
ad infinitum
to infinity
Going on forever. Used to designate a property which repeats in all cases in mathematical proof.
ad interim (ad int)
for the meantime
As in the term "chargé d'affaires ad interim" for a diplomatic officer who acts in place of an ambassador.
ad kalendas graecas
at the Greek Calends
Attributed by Suetonius in The Twelve Caesars to Augustus. The Calends were specific days of the Roman calendar, not of the Greek, and so the "Greek Kalends" would never occur. Similar to "when pigs fly".
ad libitum (ad lib)
toward pleasure
Loosely, "according to what pleases" or "as you wish"; libitum comes from the past participle of libere, "to please". It typically indicates in music and theatrical scripts that the performer has the liberty to change or omit something. Ad lib is specifically often used when someone improvises or ignores limitations. Also used by some restaurants in favor of the colloquial "all you can eat or drink".
ad litem
to the lawsuit
A legal term referring to a party appointed by a court to act in a lawsuit on behalf of another party who is deemed incapable of representing himself. An individual who acts in this capacity is called a guardian ad litem.
ad lucem
to the light
Motto of Oxford High School (Oxford), the University of Lisbon, Withington Girls' School and St. Bartholomew's School, Newbury, UK
ad maiorem Dei gloriam or ad majorem Dei gloriam (AMDG)
to the greater glory of God
Motto of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Edward Elgar dedicated his oratorio The Dream of Gerontius "A.M.D.G."
ad meliora
Towards better things
motto of St. Patrick's College, Cavan, Ireland
ad mortem
To death
used in medical contexts as a synonym for death
ad multos annos
to many years!
A wish for a long life. Similar to "Many happy returns!"
ad nauseam
to seasickness
Or "to the point of disgust". Sometimes used as a humorous alternative to ad infinitum. An argumentum ad nauseam is a logical fallacy involving basing one's argument on prolonged repetition, i.e., repeating something so much that people are "sick of it".
ad oculos
to the eyes
Meaning "obvious on sight" or "obvious to anyone that sees it".
ad pedem litterae
to the foot of the letter
Thus, "exactly as it is written". Similar to the phrase "to the letter", meaning "to the last detail".
ad perpetuam memoriam
to the perpetual memory
Generally precedes "of" and a person's name, and is used to wish for someone to be remembered long after death.
ad pondus omnium (ad pond om)
to the weight of all things
More loosely, "considering everything's weight". The abbreviation was historically used by physicians and others to signify that the last prescribed ingredient is to weigh as much as all of the previously mentioned ones.
ad quod damnum
to whatever damage
Meaning "according to the harm" or "in proportion to the harm". The phrase is used in tort law as a measure of damages inflicted, implying that a remedy, if one exists, ought to correspond specifically and only to the damage suffered (cf. damnum absque iniuria).
ad referendum
(ad ref)
to be proposed [before the Senate]
Loosely "subject to reference": provisionally approved, but still needing official approval. Not the same as a referendum.
ad rem
to the matter
Thus, "to the point", without digression.
ad terminum qui praeteriit
for the term which has passed
A legal term for a writ of entry ad terminum qui praeteriit [for the term which has passed].[1]
ad undas
to the waves
Equivalent to "to hell".
ad unum
to one
ad usum Delphini
for the use of the Dauphin
Said of a work that has been expurgated of offensive or improper parts. The phrase originates from editions of Greek and Roman classics which Louis XIV had censored for his heir apparent, the Dauphin. Also rarely in usum Delphini (into the use of the Dauphin).
ad usum proprium (ad us. propr.)
for one's own use
ad utrumque paratus
prepared for either [alternative]
The motto of Lund University, with the implied alternatives being the book (study) and the sword (defending the country in war).
ad valorem
according to value
Used in commerce to refer to ad valorem taxes, taxes based on the assessed value of real estate or personal property.
ad victoriam
to victory
More commonly translated into "for victory" this is a battlecry of the Romans.
ad vitam aeternam
to eternal life
Also "to life everlasting". A common Biblical phrase.
ad vitam aut culpam
for life or until fault
Usually used of a term of office.
thing to be added
An item to be added, especially a supplement to a book. The plural is addenda.
adaequatio intellectus et rei
correspondence of the mind and reality
One of the definitions of the truth. When the mind has the same form as reality, we think truth. Also found as adaequatio rei et intellectus.
adaequatio intellectus nostri cum re
conformity of our minds to the fact
A phrase used in Epistemology regarding the nature of understanding.
I am here
Equivalent to "Present!" or "Here!" The opposite of absum "I am absent".
adversus solem ne loquitor
don't speak against the sun
Or don't argue what's obviously wrong.
advocatus diaboli
devil's advocate
Someone who, given a certain argument, takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree with, for the sake of argument.
aegri somnia
a sick man's dreams
From Horace, Ars Poetica, 7. Loosely, "troubled dreams".
"of age" / "aged" (in the sense of: "age: ...)
Abbreviation of "aetatis"; further abbreviated (and more common): "aet." – e.g.: "aetat" or "aet. 36" = "36 years old".
aetatis suae
of one's own age
Thus, "at the age of". Appeared on portraits, gravestones, etc. Sometimes extended to anno aetatis suae (AAS), "in the year of his age". Sometimes shortened to just aetatis or aetat (aet.).
The tomb reads Anno 1629 Aetatis Suae 46 because she died in 1629 at age 46.
he asserted
A legal term from Medieval Latin referring to a sworn statement. From fides, "faith".
age quod agis
Do what you are doing.
More often translated as "Do well whatever you do", this phrase is used as the motto of several Catholic schools. Literally translated, it means "Drive, because you are driven"; figuratively it means "keep going, because you are inspired or dedicated to do so".
things to be done
Originally comparable to a to-do list, an ordered list of things to be done. Now generalized to include any planned course of action. The singular, agendum (thing that must be done), is rarely used.
agere sequitur credere
action follows belief
"We act according to what we believe (ourselves to be)".[2]
agere sequitur (esse)
action follows being
Metaphysical and moral principle that indicates the connection among ontology, obligation and ethics.[2]
Agnus Dei
Lamb of God
Latin translation from John 1:36, where John the Baptist exclaims Ecce Agnus Dei! "Behold the Lamb of God!" upon seeing Jesus, referring both to a lamb's connotations of innocence and to a sacrificial lamb.
alea iacta est
the die has been cast
Or in Greek, ἀνερρίφθω κύβος anerrhíphthō kýbos; said by Julius Caesar upon crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC, according to Suetonius. The original meaning was similar to "the game is afoot", but its modern meaning, like that of the phrase "crossing the Rubicon", denotes passing the point of no return on a momentous decision and entering into a risky endeavor where the outcome is left to chance.
alenda lux ubi orta libertas
Light [is] to be nourished where liberty [has] arisen.
Or "let learning be cherished..." The motto of Davidson College.
at another time, otherwise
An assumed name or pseudonym. Similar to alter ego, but more specifically referring to a name, not to a "second self".
A legal defense where a defendant attempts to show that he was elsewhere at the time a crime was committed.
His alibi is sound; he gave evidence that he was in another city on the night of the murder.
aliquid stat pro aliquo
something stands for something else
A foundational definition for semiotics.
alis aquilae
on an eagle's wings
taken from the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 40. "But those who wait for the Lord shall find their strength renewed, they shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not grow faint."
alis grave nil
nothing [is] heavy with wings
Or "nothing is heavy to those who have wings". Motto of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.
alis volat propriis
she flies with her own wings
State motto of Oregon; adopted in 1987, it replaced "The Union", which was the previous state motto adopted in 1957.
alma mater
nourishing mother
Term used for the university one attends or has attended. Another university term, matriculation, is also derived from mater. The term suggests that the students are "fed" knowledge and taken care of by the university. The term is also used for a university's traditional school anthem.
alter ego
another I
Another self, a second persona or alias. Can be used to describe different facets or identities of a single character, or different characters who seem representations of the same personality. Often used of a fictional character's secret identity.
alterius non sit qui suus esse potest
Let no man be another's who can be his own
Final sentence from Aesop ascribed fable (see also Aesop's Fables) "The Frogs Who Desired a King" as appears in the collection commonly known as the "Anonymus Neveleti" (fable XXIb. De ranis a Iove querentibus regem). Motto of Paracelsus. Usually attributed to Cicero.
alterum non laedere
to not wound another
One of Justinian I's three basic legal precepts.
alumnus or
graduate or former student of a school, college or university
amicus certus in re incerta
A sure friend is seen in an unsure matter
by Ennius as cited by Cicero in Laelius de Amicitia s. 64
amicus curiae
friend of the court
An adviser, or a person who can obtain or grant access to the favour of powerful group, like a Roman Curia. In current U.S. legal usage, an amicus curiae is a third party allowed to submit a legal opinion (in the form of an amicus brief) to the court.
Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas.
Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend.
to value truth higher than friendship; attributed to Aristotle (Ethics, 1096a15) and Roger Bacon (Opus Majus, P. I, ch. v)
amittere legem terrae
to lose the law of the land
An obsolete legal term signifying the forfeiture of the right of swearing in any court or cause, or to become infamous.
Amat victoria curam
Victory favors care
Motto of Baylor School - Chattanooga, Tennessee; Wellesley College Primary School - Eastbourne, New Zealand; Victoria College- St. Helier Parish, Jersey, the Channel Islands.
amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus
love is rich with both honey and venom
amor fati
love of fate
Nietzscheian alternative world view to memento mori ("remember you must die"). Nietzsche believed amor fati to be more life affirming.
amor omnibus idem
love is the same for all
from Virgil's Georgics III.
amor patriae
love of one's country
amor vincit omnia
love conquers all
written on bracelet worn by the Prioress in Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
in English
Used before the anglicized version of a word or name. For example, "Terra Mariae, anglice, Maryland".
anno (an.)
in the year
Also used in such phrases as anno urbis conditae (see ab urbe condita), Anno Domini, and anno regni.
Anno Domini (A.D.)
in the Year of the Lord
Short for Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi (in the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ), the predominantly used system for dating years across the world, used with the Gregorian calendar, and based on the perceived year of the birth of Jesus Christ. The years before Jesus' birth were once marked with a.C.n (Ante Christum Natum, Before Christ was Born), but now use the English abbreviation BC (Before Christ). Example: Augustus Caesar was born in the year 63 BC, and died AD 14.
anno regni
In the year of the reign
Precedes "of" and the current ruler.
annuit cœptis
He nods at things being begun
Or "he approves our undertakings". Motto on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and on the back of the United States one-dollar bill.
annus horribilis
horrible year
A recent pun on annus mirabilis, first used by Queen Elizabeth II to describe what a bad year 1992 had been for her, and subsequently occasionally used to refer to many other years perceived as "horrible". In Classical Latin, this phrase would actually mean "terrifying year". See also annus terribilis.
annus mirabilis
wonderful year
Used particularly to refer to the years 1665–1666, during which Isaac Newton made revolutionary inventions and discoveries in calculus, motion, optics and gravitation. Annus Mirabilis is also the title of a poem by John Dryden written in the same year. It has since been used to refer to other years, especially to 1905, when Albert Einstein made equally revolutionary discoveries concerning the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion and the special theory of relativity. (See Annus Mirabilis papers)
annus terribilis
dreadful year
Used to describe 1348, the year the Black Death began to afflict Europe.
ante bellum
before the war
As in status quo ante bellum, "as it was before the war". Commonly used in the Southern United States as antebellum to refer to the period preceding the American Civil War.
ante cibum (a.c.)
before food
Medical shorthand for "before meals".
ante litteram
before the letter
Said of an expression or term that describes something which existed before the phrase itself was introduced or became common. Example: Alan Turing was a computer scientist ante litteram, since the field of "computer science" was not yet recognized in Turing's day.
ante meridiem (a.m.)
before midday
From midnight to noon (cf. post meridiem).
ante mortem
before death
See post mortem (after death).
ante omnia armari
before all else, be armed
ante prandium (a.p.)
before lunch
Used on pharmaceutical prescriptions to denote "before a meal". Less common is post prandium, "after lunch".
apparatus criticus
tools of a critic
Textual notes. A list of other readings relating to a document, especially in a scholarly edition of a text.
in the writings of
Used in scholarly works to cite a reference at second hand
aqua (aq.)
aqua fortis
strong water
Refers to nitric acid.
aqua pura
pure water
Or "clear water", "clean water".
aqua regia
royal water
refers to a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid, thus called because of its ability to dissolve gold.
aqua vitae
water of life
"Spirit of Wine" in many English texts. Used to refer to various native distilled beverages, such as whisky (uisge beatha) in Scotland and Ireland, gin in Holland, brandy (eau de vie) in France, and akvavit in Scandinavia.
aquila non capit muscas
an eagle doesn't catch flies
A noble or important person doesn't deal with insignificant issues.
arare litus
to plough the seashore
From Gerhard Gerhards' (1466–1536) [better known as Erasmus] collection of annotated Adagia (1508). Wasted labour.
arbiter elegantiarum
judge of tastes
One who prescribes, rules on, or is a recognized authority on matters of social behavior and taste. Said of Petronius. Sometimes found in the singular, arbiter elegantiae (judge of taste).
Arcana imperii
Invisible power
Arcanum boni tenoris animae
The secret behind a good mood
Motto of the Starobrno Brewery in Brno.
arcus senilis
bow of an old person
An opaque circle around the cornea of the eye, often seen in elderly people.
arduus ad solem
Striving towards the sun
Motto of the Victoria University of Manchester.
argentum album
white silver
Also "silver coin". Mentioned in the Domesday Book, signifies bullion, or silver uncoined.
for arguing
For the sake of argument. Said when something is done purely in order to discuss a matter or illustrate a point. Example: Let us assume, arguendo, that your claim is correct.
Or "reasoning", "inference", "appeal", "proof". The plural is argumenta. Commonly used in the names of logical arguments and fallacies, preceding phrases such as a silentio (by silence), ad antiquitatem (to antiquity), ad baculum (to the stick), ad captandum (to capturing), ad consequentiam (to the consequence), ad crumenam (to the purse), ad feminam (to the woman), ad hominem (to the person), ad ignorantiam (to ignorance), ad judicium (to judgment), ad lazarum (to poverty), ad logicam (to logic), ad metum (to fear), ad misericordiam (to pity), ad nauseam (to nausea), ad novitatem (to novelty), ad personam (to the character), ad numerum (to the number), ad odium (to spite), ad populum (to the people), ad temperantiam (to moderation), ad verecundiam (to reverence), ex silentio (from silence), in terrorem (into terror), and e contrario (from/to the opposite).
ars [est] celare artem
art [is] to conceal art
An aesthetic ideal that good art should appear natural rather than contrived. Of medieval origin, but often incorrectly attributed to Ovid.[3]
ars gratia artis
art for art's sake
Translated into Latin from Baudelaire's "L'art pour l'art". Motto of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. This phrasing is a direct translation of 'art for the sake of art.' While very symmetrical for the MGM logo, the better Latin word order is 'Ars artis gratia.'
ars longa, vita brevis
art is long, life is short
The Latin translation by Seneca (De Brevitate Vitae, 1.1) of a phrase from Hippocrates, often used out of context. The "art" referred to in the original aphorism was the craft of medicine, which took a lifetime to acquire.
arte et labore
by art and by labour
motto of Blackburn Rovers F.C.
arte et marte
by skill and valour
motto of the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (EME) Branch of the Canadian Forces.
Artis Bohemiae Amicis
Friends of Czech Arts
Award of the Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic for the promotion of the positive reputation of Czech culture abroad.
asinus ad lyram
an ass to the lyre
From Erasmus's collection of Adages. An awkward or incompetent individual.
asinus asinum fricat
the jackass rubs the jackass
Used to describe two people lavishing excessive praise on one another.
assecuratus non quaerit lucrum sed agit ne in damno sit
the assured does not seek profit but makes [it his profit] that he not be in loss
Refers to the insurance principle that the indemnity cannot be larger than the loss.
Astra inclinant, sed non obligant
The stars incline us, they do not bind us
Refers to the Free will over the astrological determinism.
Auctores Varii
Various Authors
Used in bibliography for books, texts, publications or articles that contain more than three collaborators.
The level of prestige a person had in Roman society.
Auctoritas non veritas facit legem
authority, not truth, makes law
This formula appears in the 1670 Latin translation of the Hobbes' Leviathan, II, 26[4]
audacter calumniare, semper aliquid haeret
slander boldly, something always sticks
from Francis Bacon, De Augmentis Scientiarum (1623)
audax at fidelis
bold but faithful
Motto of Queensland.
let us dare
Motto of Otago University Students' Association, a direct response to the university's motto of sapere aude "dare to be wise". Also Motto of Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont.
audemus jura nostra defendere
we dare to defend our rights
State motto of Alabama, adopted in 1923. Translated into Latin from a paraphrase of the stanza "Men who their duties know / But know their rights, and knowing, dare maintain" from the poem "What Constitutes a State?" by 18th-century author William Jones.
audentes fortuna iuvat
fortune favors the bold
From Virgil, Aeneid X, 284 (where the first word is in the archaic form audentis). Allegedly the last words of Pliny the Elder before he left the docks at Pompeii to rescue people from the eruption of Vesuvius in 79. Often quoted as audaces fortuna iuvat. Also the motto of the Portuguese Army Commandos, and the USS Montpelier (SSN-765) in the latter form.
audere est facere
to dare is to do
motto of Tottenham Hotspur F.C.
audi alteram partem
hear the other side
A legal principle of fairness. Also worded as audiatur et altera pars (let the other side be heard too).
audio hostem
I hear the enemy
Motto of 845 NAS Royal Navy
audi, vide, tace
hear, see, be silent
aurea mediocritas
golden mean
From Horace's Odes II, 10. Refers to the ethical goal of reaching a virtuous middle ground between two sinful extremes. The golden mean concept is common to many philosophers, chiefly Aristotle.
auri sacra fames
accursed hunger for gold
From Virgil, Aeneid 3,57. Later quoted by Seneca as quod non mortalia pectora coges, auri sacra fames "What don't you force mortal hearts [to do], accursed hunger for gold!"
auribus teneo lupum
I hold a wolf by the ears
A common ancient proverb, this version from Terence. Indicates that one is in a dangerous situation where both holding on and letting go could be deadly. A modern version is "To have a tiger by the tail."
aurora australis
southern dawn
The Southern Lights, an aurora that appears in the Southern Hemisphere. It is less well-known than the Northern Lights, or aurorea borealis. The Aurora Australis is also the name of an Antarctic icebreaker ship.
aurora borealis
northern lights
The Northern Lights, an aurora that appears in the Northern Hemisphere.
aurora musis amica
Dawn is a friend to the Muses
Title of a distich by Iohannes Christenius (1599–1672): "Conveniens studiis non est nox, commoda lux est; / Luce labor bonus est et bona nocte quies." (Night is not suitable for studying, daylight is; / working by light is good, as is rest at night.) in Nihus, Barthold (1642). Epigrammata disticha. Johannes Kinckius.
aurum potestas est
gold is power
Motto of the fictional Fowl family in the Artemis Fowl series, written by Eoin Colfer
auspicium melioris aevi
hope/token of a better age
Motto of the Order of St Michael and St George and motto of Raffles Institution, a secondary school in Singapore.
aut Caesar aut nihil
either Caesar or nothing
Indicates that the only valid possibility is to be emperor, or a similarly prominent position. More generally, "all or nothing". Adopted by Cesare Borgia as a personal motto.
aut consiliis aut ense
either by meeting or the sword
Thus, either through reasoned discussion or through war. The first motto of Chile.
aut cum scuto aut in scuto
either with shield or on shield
"Do or die", "no retreat". A Greek expression said by Spartan mothers to their sons as they departed for battle. A hoplite would drop his cumbersome shield in order to flee the battlefield; a slain warrior would be borne home atop his shield.
aut neca aut necare
either kill or be killed
or neca ne neceris (kill lest you be killed)
aut pax aut bellum
either peace or war
The motto of the Gunn Clan.
aut viam inveniam aut faciam
I will either find a way or make one
aut vincere aut mori
either to conquer or to die
A general pledge of victoria aut mors "victory or death". Motto of the Higgenbotham, and Higginbottom families of Cheshire England; participants in the War of the Roses. Also the motto for the 1st Fighter Wing, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia.
ave atque vale
Hail and farewell!
From Catullus, carmen 101, addressed to his deceased brother.
ave Europa nostra vera patria
Hail, Europe, our true Fatherland!
Anthem of Imperium Europa
Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant
Hail, Emperor! Those who are about to die salute you!
From Suetonius' The Twelve Caesars, Claudius 21. A salute and plea for mercy recorded on one occasion by naumachiarii–captives and criminals fated to die fighting during mock naval encounters. Later versions included a variant of "We who are about to die", and this translation is sometimes aided by changing the Latin to nos morituri te salutamus.
Ave Maria
Hail, Mary
Catholic prayer of intercession asking Mary, the mother of Jesus to pray for the petitioner.
barba crescit caput nescit
beard grows, head doesn't grow wiser
barba non facit philosophum
a beard doesn't make one a philosopher
barba tenus sapientes
wise as far as the beard
Or wise only in appearance. From Erasmus's collection of Adages.
Beata Virgo Maria (BVM)
Blessed Virgin Mary
A common name in the Roman Catholic Church for Mary, the mother of Jesus. The genitive, Beatae Mariae Virginis (BMV), occurs often as well, appearing with such words as horae (hours), litaniae (litanies) and officium (office).
beatae memoriae
of blessed memory
See in memoriam.
beati pauperes spiritu
Blessed in spirit [are] the poor.
A Beatitude from Matthew 5:3 in the Vulgate: beati pauperes spiritu, quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum "Blessed in spirit [are] the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens".
beati possidentes
blessed [are] those who possess
Translated from Euripides.
beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
blessed is the man who finds wisdom
from Proverbs 3:13; set to music in a 1577 motet of the same name by Orlando di Lasso.
bella gerant alii
Protesilaus amet!
Others wage war
Protesilaus should love!
Originally from Ovid, Heroides 13.84,[5] where Laodamia is writing to her husband Protesilaus who is at the Trojan War. She begs him to stay out of danger, but he was in fact the first Greek to die at Troy. Also used of the Habsburg marriages of 1477 and 1496, written as bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube (let others wage war; you, happy Austria, marry). Said by King Matthias.
bellum omnium contra omnes
war of all against all
A phrase used by Thomas Hobbes to describe the state of nature.
bellum se ipsum alet
war feeds itself
Biblia pauperum
Paupers' Bible
Tradition of biblical pictures displaying the essential facts of Christian salvation.
bibo ergo sum
I drink, therefore I am
A play on "cogito ergo sum", "I think therefore I am".
bis dat qui cito dat
he gives twice, who gives promptly
A gift given without hesitation is as good as two gifts.
bis in die (bid)
twice in a day
Medical shorthand for "twice a day".
bona fide
in good faith
In other words, "well-intentioned", "fairly". In modern contexts, often has connotations of "genuinely" or "sincerely". Bona fides is not the plural (which would be bonis fidebus), but the nominative, and means simply "good faith". Opposite of mala fide.
bona notabilia
note-worthy goods
In law, if a person dying has goods, or good debts, in another diocese or jurisdiction within that province, besides his goods in the diocese where he dies, amounting to a certain minimum value, he is said to have bona notabilia; in which case, the probat of his will belongs to the archbishop of that province.
bona officia
good services
A nation's offer to mediate in disputes between two other nations.
bona patria
goods of a country
A jury or assize of countrymen, or good neighbors.
bona vacantia
vacant goods
United Kingdom legal term for ownerless property that passes to The Crown.
boni pastoris est tondere pecus non deglubere
it is a good shepherd's [job] to shear his flock, not to flay them
Tiberius reportedly said this to his regional commanders, as a warning against taxing the populace excessively.
bono malum superate
Overcome evil with good
Motto of Westonbirt School.
bonum commune communitatis
common good of the community
Or "general welfare". Refers to what benefits a society, as opposed to bonum commune hominis, which refers to what is good for an individual. In the film Hot Fuzz, this phrase is chanted by an assembled group of people, in which context it is deliberately similar to another phrase that is repeated throughout the film, which is The Greater Good.
bonum commune hominis
common good of a man
Refers to an individual's happiness, which is not "common" in that it serves everyone, but in that individuals tend to be able to find happiness in similar things.
brutum fulmen
harmless (or inert) thunderbolt
Used to indicate either an empty threat, or a judgement at law which has no practical effect.
Pseudo-Latin meaning "baffling puzzle" or "difficult point". John of Cornwall (ca. 1170) was once asked by a scribe what the word meant. It turns out that the original text said in diebus illis magnis plenae (in those days there were plenty of great things), which the scribe misread as indie busillis magnis plenae (in India there were plenty of large busillis).
cacoethes scribendi
insatiable desire to write
Cacoēthes[6] "bad habit", or medically, "malignant disease" is a borrowing of Greek kakóēthes.[7] The phrase is derived from a line in the Satires of Juvenal: Tenet insanabile multos scribendi cacoethes, or "the incurable desire (or itch) for writing affects many". See hypergraphia.
cadavera vero innumera
truly countless bodies
Used by the Romans to describe the aftermath of the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains.
Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.
Kill them all. For the Lord knows those who are his.
Supposed statement by Abbot Arnaud Amalric before the massacre of Béziers during the Albigensian Crusade, recorded 30 years later, according to Caesar of Heisterbach.
Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt
Those who hurry across the sea change the sky [upon them], not their souls or state of mind
Hexameter by Horace (Epistula XI).[8] Seneca shortens it to Animum debes mutare, non caelum (You must change [your] disposition, not [your] sky) in his Letter to Lucilium XXVIII, 1.
Caesar non supra grammaticos
Caesar has no authority over the grammarians
caetera desunt
the rest is missing
Caetera is Medieval Latin spelling for cētera.
calix meus inebrians
my cup making me drunk
camera obscura
dark chamber
An optical device used in drawing, and an ancestor of modern photography. The source of the word camera.
canes pugnaces
war dogs or fighting dogs
canis canem edit
dog eats dog
Refers to a situation where nobody is safe from anybody, each man for himself.
capax Dei
capable of receiving God
From Augustine, De Trinitate XIV, 8.11: Mens eo ipso imago Dei est quo eius capax est,[9] "The mind is the image of God, in that it is capable of Him and can be partaker of Him."
capax infiniti
holding the infinite
A term referring (at least) to some Christian doctrines of the incarnation of the Son of God when it asserts that humanity is capable of housing full divinity within its finite frame. Related to the Docetic heresy and sometimes a counterpoint to the Reformed 'extracalvinisticum.'
caput inter nubila (condit)
(she plunges) [her] head in the clouds
So aggrandized as to be beyond practical (earthly) reach or understanding (from Virgil's Aeneid and the shorter form appears in John Locke's Two Treatises of Government)
caput mortuum
dead head
Originally an alchemical reference to the dead head or worthless residue left over from a reaction. Also used to refer to a freeloader or worthless element.
Caritas Christi
The love of Christ
It implies a command to love as Christ loved. Motto of St. Francis Xavier High School located in West Meadowlark Park, Edmonton.
Caritas in Veritate
Charity in Truth
Pope Benedict XVI's third encyclical.
carpe diem
seize the day
An exhortation to live for today. From Horace, Odes I, 11.8. Carpere refers to plucking of flowers or fruit. The phrase collige virgo rosas has a similar sense.
carpe noctem
seize the night
An exhortation to make good use of the night, often used when carpe diem, q.v., would seem absurd, e.g., when observing a deep-sky object or conducting a Messier marathon or engaging in social activities after sunset.
carpe vinum
seize the wine
Carthago delenda est
Carthage must be destroyed
The Roman senator Cato the Elder ended every speech after the Second Punic War with ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam, literally "For the rest, I am of the opinion that Carthage is to be destroyed." Before the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon in the European Parliament, Daniel Hannan ended all his speeches in a similar way with Pactio Olisipiensis censenda est "The Treaty of Lisbon must be put to a referendum".
castigat ridendo mores
One corrects customs by laughing at them
Or, "[Comedy/Satire] criticises customs through humour", is a phrase coined by French New Latin poet Jean de Santeul (fr) (1630–1697), but sometimes wrongly attributed to his contemporary Molière or to Roman lyric poet Horace.
casus belli
event of war
Refers to an incident that is the justification or case for war.
causa latet, vis est notissima
The cause is hidden, but the result is well known.
Ovid: Metamorphoses IV, 287; motto of Alpha Sigma Phi.
causa mortis
cause of death
especially used by Doctors of Medicine, when they want to warn each other (e.g.: "cave nephrolithiases" in order to warn about side effects of an uricosuric). Spoken aloud in some British public schools by pupils to warn each other of impending authority.
cave canem
Beware of the dog
caveat emptor
let the buyer beware
The purchaser is responsible for checking whether the goods suit his need. Phrases modeled on this one replace emptor with lector, subscriptor, venditor, utilitor: "reader", "signer", "seller", "user".
caveat venditor
let the seller beware
It is a counter to caveat emptor and suggests that sellers can also be deceived in a market transaction. This forces the seller to take responsibility for the product and discourages sellers from selling products of unreasonable quality.
cedant arma togae
let arms yield to the gown
"Let military power yield to civilian power", Cicero, De Officiis I:77. See also Toga
celerius quam asparagi cocuntur
more swiftly than asparagus [stem]s are cooked
Or simply "faster than cooking asparagus". A variant of the Roman phrase velocius quam asparagi coquantur, using a different adverb and an alternative mood and spelling of coquere.
cepi corpus
I have taken the body
In law, it is a return made by the sheriff, upon a capias, or other process to the like purpose; signifying, that he has taken the body of the party. See also habeas corpus.
certum est quod certum reddi potest
it is certain, whatever can be rendered certain
Or "... if it can be rendered certain." Often used in law when something is not known, but can be ascertained (e.g. the purchase price on a sale which is to be determined by a third-party valuer)
cessante ratione legis cessat ipsa lex
when the reason for the law ceases, the law itself ceases
A rule of law becomes ineffective when the reason for its application has ceased to exist or does not correspond to the reality anymore. By Gratian.
cetera desunt
the rest are missing
Also spelled "caetera desunt".
ceteris paribus
all other things being equal
That is, disregarding or eliminating extraneous factors in a situation.
charta pardonationis se defendendo
a paper of pardon to defend oneself
The form of a pardon for killing another man in self-defence (see manslaughter).
charta pardonationis utlagariae
a paper of pardon to the outlaw
The form of a pardon of a man who is outlawed. Also called perdonatio utlagariae.
Christianos ad leones
[Throw the] Christians to the lions!
Christo et Doctrinae
For Christ and Learning
The motto of Furman University.
Christus nos liberavit
Christ has freed us
title of volume I, book 5, chapter XI of Les Misérables by Victor Hugo.
Christus Rex
Christ the King
A Christian title for Jesus.
circa (c.) or (ca.)
In the sense of "approximately" or "about". Usually used of a date.
circulus in probando
circle made in testing [a premise]
Circular reasoning. Similar term to circulus vitiosus.
circulus vitiosus
vicious circle
In logic, begging the question, a fallacy involving the presupposition of a proposition in one of the premises (see petitio principii). In science, a positive feedback loop. In economics, a counterpart to the virtuous circle.
citius altius fortius
faster, higher, stronger
Motto of the modern Olympics.
clamea admittenda in itinere per atturnatum
A writ whereby the king of England could command the justice to admit one's claim by an attorney, who being employed in the king's service, cannot come in person.
clarere audere gaudere
[be] bright, daring, joyful
Motto of the Geal family.
clausum fregit
A legal action for trespass to land; so called, because the writ demands the person summoned to answer wherefore he broke the close (quare clausum fregit), i.e., why he entered the plaintiff's land.
claves Sancti Petri
the keys of Saint Peter
A symbol of the Papacy.
clavis aurea
golden key
The means of discovering hidden or mysterious meanings in texts, particularly applied in theology and alchemy.
clerico admittendo
for being made a clerk
In law, a writ directed to the bishop, for the admitting a clerk to a benefice upon a ne admittas, tried, and found for the party who procures the writ.
clerico capto per statutum mercatorum
In law, a writ for the delivery of a clerk out of prison, who is imprisoned upon the breach of statute merchant.
clerico convicto commisso gaolae in defectu ordinarii deliberando
In law, a writ for the delivery of a clerk to his ordinary, that was formerly convicted of felony; by reason that his ordinary did not challenge him according to the privilege of clerks.
clerico intra sacros ordines constituto non eligendo in officium
In law, a writ directed to the bailiffs, etc., that have thrust a bailiwick or beadleship upon one in holy orders; charging them to release him.
Codex Iuris Canonici
Book of Canon Law
The official code of canon law in the Roman Catholic Church (cf. Corpus Iuris Canonici).
Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur
"No one suffers punishment for mere intent."
A Latin legal phrase. See, State v Taylor, 47 Or 455, 84 P 82.
cogito ergo sum
I think, therefore I am.
A rationalistic argument used by French philosopher René Descartes to attempt to prove his own existence.
coitus interruptus
interrupted congress
Aborting sexual intercourse prior to ejaculation—the only permitted form of birth control in some religions.
coitus more ferarum
congress in the way of beasts
A medical euphemism for the doggy-style sexual position.
collige virgo rosas
pick, girl, the roses
Exhortation to enjoy fully the youth, similar to Carpe diem, from "De rosis nascentibus" (also titled "Idyllium de rosis"), attributed to Ausonius or Virgil.[10]
"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may", 1909, by John William Waterhouse
combinatio nova
new combination
It is frequently abbreviated comb. nov.. It is used in the life sciences literature when a new name is introduced, e.g. Klebsiella granulomatis comb. nov..
communibus annis
in common years
One year with another; on an average. "Common" here does not mean "ordinary", but "common to every situation"
communibus locis
in common places
A term frequently used among philosophical and other writers, implying some medium, or mean relation between several places; one place with another; on a medium. "Common" here does not mean "ordinary", but "common to every situation"
communis opinio
common opinion
prevailing doctrine, generally accepted view (in an academic field), scientific consensus; originally communis opinio doctorum, "common opinion of the doctors"
compos mentis
in control of the mind
Describes someone of sound mind. Sometimes used ironically. Also a legal principle, non compos mentis (not in control of one's faculties), used to describe an insane person.
concordia cum veritate
in harmony with truth
Motto of the University of Waterloo
concordia salus
well-being through harmony
Motto of Montreal. It is also the Bank of Montreal coat of arms and motto.
concordia parvae res crescunt
small things grow in harmony
Motto of Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood
condemnant quod non intellegunt
They condemn what they do not understand or
They condemn because they do not understand
The quod here is ambiguous: it may be the relative pronoun or a conjunction.
condicio sine qua non
condition without which not
A required, indispensable condition. Commonly mistakenly rendered with conditio ("seasoning" or "preserving") in place of condicio ("arrangement" or "condition").
confer (cf.[11][12])
The abbreviation cf. is used in text to suggest a comparison with something else (cf. citation signal).
Confoederatio Helvetica (C.H.)
Helvetian Confederation
The official name of Switzerland, hence the use of "CH" for its ISO country code, ".ch" for its Internet domain, and "CHF" for the ISO three-letter abbreviation of its currency, the Swiss franc.
Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptoris C.Ss.R
Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer
coniunctis viribus
with connected strength
Or "with united powers". Sometimes rendered conjunctis viribus. Motto of Queen Mary, University of London.
with consent
consuetudo pro lege servatur
Custom is held as law.
Where there are no specific laws, the matter should be decided by custom;[13] established customs have the force of laws.[14] Also consuetudo est altera lex (custom is another law) and consuetudo vincit communem legem (custom overrules the common law); see also: Consuetudinary.
consummatum est
It is completed.
The last words of Jesus on the cross in the Latin translation of John 19:30.
contemptus mundi/saeculi
scorn for the world/times
Despising the secular world. The monk or philosopher's rejection of a mundane life and worldly values.
contra bonos mores
against good morals
Offensive to the conscience and to a sense of justice.
contra legem
against the law
Especially in civil law jurisdictions, said of an understanding of a statute that directly contradicts its wording and thus is neither valid by interpretation nor by analogy.
contra proferentem
against the proferror
In contract law, the doctrine of contractual interpretation which provides that an ambiguous term will be construed against the party that imposed its inclusion in the contract – or, more accurately, against the interests of the party who imposed it.
contra spem spero
hope against hope
Title of a poem by Lesya Ukrainka; also used in the Pentateuch with reference to Abraham the Patriarch.
contra vim mortis non crescit herba (or salvia) in hortis
No herb (or sage) grows in the gardens against the power of death
there is no medicine against death; from various medieval medicinal texts
contradictio in terminis
contradiction in terms
A thing or idea that would embody a contradiction, for example, payment for a gift, or a circle with corners. The fallacy of proposing such a thing.
contra principia negantem non est disputandum
there can be no debate with those who deny the foundations
Debate is fruitless when you don't agree on common rules, facts, presuppositions.
contraria contrariis curantur
the opposite is cured with the opposite
First formulated by Hippocrates to suggest that the diseases are cured with contrary remedies. Antonym of similia similibus curantur (the diseases are recovered with similar remedies.)
cor ad cor loquitur
heart speaks to heart
From Augustine's Confessions, referring to a prescribed method of prayer: having a "heart to heart" with God. Commonly used in reference to a later quote by Cardinal John Henry Newman. A motto of Newman Clubs.
cor aut mors
Heart or Death
(Your choice is between) The Heart (Moral Values, Duty, Loyalty) or Death (to no longer matter, to no longer be respected as person of integrity.)
cor meum tibi offero domine prompte et sincere
my heart I offer to you Lord promptly and sincerely
John Calvin's personal motto, also adopted by Calvin College
cor unum
one heart
A popular school motto. Often used as names for religious and other organisations such as the Pontifical Council Cor Unum.
coram Deo
in the Presence of God
A phrase from Christian theology which summarizes the idea of Christians living in the Presence of, under the authority of, and to the honor and glory of God.
coram nobis, coram vobis
in our presence, in your presence
Two kinds of writs of error.
coram populo
in the presence of the people
Thus, openly.
coram publico
in view of the public
Corpus Christi
Body of Christ
The name of a feast in the Roman Catholic Church commemorating the Eucharist. It is also the name of a city in Texas, Corpus Christi, Texas, the name of Colleges at Oxford and Cambridge universities, and a controversial play.
corpus delicti
body of the offence
The fact that a crime has been committed, a necessary factor in convicting someone of having committed that crime; if there was no crime, there can not have been a criminal.
Corpus Iuris Canonici
Body of Canon Law
The official compilation of canon law in the Roman Catholic Church (cf. Codex Iuris Canonici).
Corpus Iuris Civilis
Body of Civil Law
The body of Roman or civil law.
corpus vile
worthless body
A person or thing fit only to be the object of an experiment, as in the phrase 'Fiat experimentum in corpore vili.'
things to be corrected
corruptio optimi pessima
the corruption of the best is the worst
corruptissima re publica plurimae leges
When the republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous
corvus oculum corvi non eruit
a raven will not pick out an eye of another raven
corruptus in extremis
corrupt to the extreme
Motto of the fictional Springfield Mayor Office in The Simpsons TV-Show
cras amet qui nunquam amavit; quique amavit, cras amet
May he love tomorrow who has never loved before; And may he who has loved, love tomorrow as well
The refrain from the 'Pervigilium Veneris', a poem which describes a three day holiday in the cult of Venus, located somewhere in Sicily, involving the whole town in religious festivities joined with a deep sense of nature and Venus as the "procreatrix", the life-giving force behind the natural world.
Cras es Noster
The Future is Ours
Motto of San Jacinto College.
creatio ex nihilo
creation out of nothing
A concept about creation, often used in a theological or philosophical context. Also known as the 'First Cause' argument in Philosophy of Religion. Contrasted with creatio ex materia.
Credo in Unum Deum
I Believe in One God
The first words of the Nicene Creed and the Apostles' Creed.
credo quia absurdum est
I believe it because it is absurd
A very common misquote of Tertullian's et mortuus est Dei Filius prorsus credibile quia ineptum est (and the Son of God is dead: in short, it is credible because it is unfitting), meaning that it is so absurd to say that God's son has died that it would have to be a matter of belief, rather than reason. The misquoted phrase, however, is commonly used to mock the dogmatic beliefs of the religious (see fideism). This phrase is commonly shortened to credo quia absurdum, and is also sometimes rendered credo quia impossibile est (I believe it because it is impossible) or, as Darwin used it in his autobiography, credo quia incredibile.
crescamus in Illo per omnia
May we grow in Him through all things
Motto of Cheverus High School.
crescat scientia vita excolatur
let knowledge grow, let life be enriched
Motto of the University of Chicago.
crescente luce
Light ever increasing
Motto of James Cook University.
crescit cum commercio civitas
Civilization prospers with commerce
Motto of Claremont McKenna College.
crescit eundo
it grows as it goes
State motto of New Mexico, adopted in 1887 as the territory's motto, and kept in 1912 when New Mexico received statehood. Originally from Lucretius' De rerum natura book VI, where it refers in context to the motion of a thunderbolt across the sky, which acquires power and momentum as it goes.
cruci dum spiro fido
while I live, I trust in the cross, Whilst I trust in the Cross I have life
Motto of the Sisters of Loreto (IBVM) and its associated schools.
cucullus non facit monachum
The hood does not make the monk
William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Scene I, Act V 48–50
cui bono
Good for whom?
"Who benefits?" An adage in criminal investigation which suggests that considering who would benefit from an unwelcome event is likely to reveal who is responsible for that event (cf. cui prodest). Also the motto of the Crime Syndicate of America, a fictional supervillain group. The opposite is cui malo (Bad for whom?).
cui prodest
for whom it advances
Short for cui prodest scelus is fecit (for whom the crime advances, he has done it) in Seneca's Medea. Thus, the murderer is often the one who gains by the murder (cf. cui bono).
cuique suum
to each his own
cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos
Whose the land is, all the way to the sky and to the underworld is his.
First coined by Accursius of Bologna in the 13th century. A Roman legal principle of property law that is no longer observed in most situations today. Less literally, "For whosoever owns the soil, it is theirs up to the sky and down to the depths."
cuius regio, eius religio
whose region, his religion
The privilege of a ruler to choose the religion of his subjects. A regional prince's ability to choose his people's religion was established at the Peace of Augsburg in 1555.
cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.
Anyone can err, but only the fool persists in his fault
Cicero, Philippica XII, 5.
Also "blame" or "guilt". In law, an act of neglect. In general, guilt, sin, or a fault. See also mea culpa.
cum gladiis et fustibus
with swords and clubs
From the Bible. Occurs in Matthew 26:47 and Luke 22:52.
cum gladio et sale
with sword and salt
Motto of a well-paid soldier. See salary.
cum grano salis
with a grain of salt
Not to be taken too seriously or as the literal truth.
cum hoc ergo propter hoc
with this, therefore on account of this
Fallacy of assuming that correlation implies causation.
cum laude
with praise
The standard formula for academic Latin honors in the United States. Greater honors include magna cum laude and summa cum laude.
cum mortuis in lingua mortua
with the dead in a dead language
Movement from Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky
cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum
with the exclusive right to print
Copyright notice used in 16th-century England, used for comic effect in The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare
cuncti adsint meritaeque expectent praemia palmae
let all come who by merit deserve the most reward
Motto of University College London.
cupio dissolvi
desire to be dissolved
From the Bible, locution indicating a will to death ("I want to die").
cur Deus Homo
Why the God-Man
The question attributed to Anselm in his work of by this name, wherein he reflects on why the Christ of Christianity must be both fully Divine and fully Human. Often translated "why did God become Man?"
cura personalis
care for the whole person
Motto of Georgetown University School of Medicine and University of Scranton.
cura te ipsum
take care of your own self
An exhortation to physicians, or experts in general, to deal with their own problems before addressing those of others.
curriculum vitae
course of life
An overview of a person's life and qualifications, similar to a résumé.
custos morum
keeper of morals
A censor.
cygnis insignis
distinguished by its swans
Motto of Western Australia.
cygnus inter anates
swan among ducks
Da Deus fortunae
God give happiness or God give luck
Traditional Czech brewer’s greeting.
Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius
Give me the fact(s), I'll give you the law
also: Da mihi facta, dabo tibi ius; legal principle based on Roman law; parties should present the facts of a case while the judge rules on the law. Related to iura novit curia (the court knows the law).
damnant quod non intelligunt
They condemn what they do not understand
Used to describe ignorant people.
damnatio ad bestias
condemnation to [the] beasts
Colloquially "thrown to the lions".
damnatio memoriae
damnation of memory
A Roman custom in which disgraced Romans (particularly former Emperors) were pretended to have never existed.
damnum absque injuria
damage without injury
A loss that results from no one's wrongdoing. In Roman law, a man is not responsible for unintended, consequential injury to another resulting from a lawful act. This protection does not necessarily apply to unintended damage by negligence or folly.
dat deus incrementum or
deus dat incrementum
God gives growth
Motto of several schools
data venia
"with due respect" or "given the excuse"
Used before disagreeing with someone.
datum perficiemus munus
We shall accomplish the mission assigned
Motto of Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE), Rio de Janeiro.
de bene esse
as well done
A de bene esse deposition is used to preserve the testimony of a witness who is expected not to be available to appear at trial and be cross-examined.
de bonis asportatis
carrying goods away
Trespass de bonis asportatis was the traditional name for larceny (wrongful taking of chattels).
decessit sine prole
died without issue
Used in genealogical records, often in the abbreviated form dsp, to indicate a person who died without having had any children
decessit sine prole legitima
died without legitimate issue
Used in genealogical records, often in the abbreviated form dspl, to indicate a person who died without having had any children by a spouse.
decessit sine prole mascula superstite
died without surviving male issue
Used in genealogical records, often in the abbreviated form dspm, to indicate a person who died without having had any male children who lived or outlived them.
decessit sine prole superstite
died without surviving issue
Used in genealogical records, often in the abbreviated form dsps, to indicate a person who died without having had any children who lived or outlived them.
decessit vita matris
died in the lifetime of the mother
Used in genealogical records, often in the abbreviated form dvm, to indicate a person who predeceased their mother.
decessit vita patris
died in the lifetime of the father
Used in genealogical records, often in the abbreviated form dvp, to indicate a person who predeceased their father
de dato
of the date
Used in the context of "As we agreed in the meeting d.d. 26th Mai 2006.
de facto
by deed
Said of something that is the actual state of affairs, in contrast to something's legal or official standing, which is described as de jure. De facto refers to the "way things really are" rather than what is "officially" presented as the fact.
de fideli
with faithfulness
A clerk makes the declaration De fideli on when appointed, promising to do his or her tasks faithfully as a servant of the court.
de futuro
regarding the future
Usually used in the context of "at a future time"
de gustibus non est disputandum
there is no disputing about tastes
Less literally "there's no accounting for taste". Likely of Scholastic origin (see Wiktionary).
de integro
again, a second time
de jure
by law
"Official", in contrast with de facto. Analogous to "in principle", whereas de facto is to "in practice". In other contexts, can mean "according to law", "by right" or "legally". Also commonly written de iure, the classical form.
de lege ferenda
from law to be passed
de lege lata
"from law passed" or "by law in force"
de minimis non curat lex
The law does not bother with the smallest things.
The court does not want to bother with small, trivial things. A case must have importance for the court to hear it. See "de minimis non curat praetor".
de minimis non curat praetor
The commander does not bother with the smallest things.
Also "The chief magistrate does not concern himself with trifles." Trivial matters are no concern of a high official (cf. aquila non capit muscas, the eagle does not catch flies). Sometimes rex (the king) or lex (the law) is used in place of praetor, and de minimis is a legal term referring to things unworthy of the law's attention.
de mortuis aut bene aut nihil
about the dead, either well or nothing
Less literally, "speak well of the dead or not at all" (cf. de mortuis nil nisi bonum).
de mortuis nil nisi bonum
about the dead, nothing unless a good thing
From de mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est, "nothing must be said about the dead except the good", attributed by Diogenes Laërtius to Chilon. In legal contexts, this quotation is used with the opposite meaning, as defaming a deceased person is not a crime. In other contexts, it refers to taboos against criticizing the recently deceased.
de nobis fabula narratur
about us is the story told
Thus, "their story is our story". Originally referred to the end of Rome's dominance. Now often used when comparing any current situation to a past story or historical event.
de novo
from the new
"Anew" or "afresh". In law, a trial de novo is a retrial. In biology, de novo means newly synthesized, and a de novo mutation is a mutation that neither parent possessed or transmitted. In economics, de novo refers to newly founded companies, and de novo banks are state banks that have been in operation for five years or less.
de omni re scibili et quibusdam aliis
about every knowable thing, and even certain other things
The 15th-century Italian scholar Giovanni Pico della Mirandola wrote the De omni re scibili portion (about every knowable thing), and a wag added et quibusdam aliis (and even certain other things).
de omnibus dubitandum
be suspicious of everything, doubt everything
Attributed to René Descartes. Karl Marx's favorite motto and a title of one of Søren Kierkegaard's works De Omnibus Dubitandum Est
de oppresso liber
Free From Having Been Oppressed
Loosely translated as "To Liberate the Oppressed". The motto of the United States Army Special Forces.[15]
de profundis
from the depths
Out of the depths of misery or dejection. From the Latin translation of Psalm 130.
de re
about the matter
In logic, de dicto statements (about the truth of a proposition) are distinguished from de re statements (about the properties of a thing itself).
decus et tutamen
An ornament and a safeguard
Inscription on British one-pound coins. Originally on 17th-century coins, it refers to the inscribed edge as a protection against the clipping of precious metal. The phrase originally comes from Virgil's Aeneid.
defendit numerus
There is safety in numbers
defunctus vivente patre
("dvp") died with his father (still) living. See also vivente rege[16]
Used by genealogists to denote a son who has pre-deceased his father and not lived long enough to inherit his father's title or estate. See also sine prole.
Dei Gratia Regina
By the Grace of God, Queen
Also Dei Gratia Rex (By the Grace of God, King). Abbreviated as D G REG preceding Fidei Defensor (F D) on British pounds, and as D G Regina on Canadian coins.
Dei sub numine viget
under God's Spirit she flourishes
Motto of Princeton University.
delectatio morosa
peevish delight
In Catholic theology, a pleasure taken in sinful thought or imagination, such as brooding on sexual images. It is distinct from actual sexual desire, and involves voluntary and complacent erotic fantasizing, without any attempt to suppress such thoughts.
delirant isti Romani
They are mad, those Romans!
A translation into Latin from René Goscinny's French ils sont fous, ces romains! or Italian Sono pazzi questi Romani (compare SPQR), frequently issued by Obelix in the Asterix comics.
Deo ac veritati
For God and for truth
Motto of Colgate University.
Deo Confidimus
In God we trust
Motto of Somerset College.
Deo domuique
for God and for home
Motto of Methodist Ladies' College, Melbourne.
Deo et patriae
for God and Country
Motto of Regis High School (New York City).
Deo gratias
thanks [be] to God
The semi-Hispanicized form Deogracias is a Philippine first name.
Deo juvante
with God's help
The motto of Monaco and its monarch which appears on the royal arms.
Deo Optimo Maximo (DOM)
To the Best and Greatest God
Derived from the Pagan Iupiter Optimo Maximo (To the best and greatest Jupiter). Printed on bottles of Bénédictine liqueur.
Deo vindice
with God as protector
Motto of the Confederate States of America. An alternate translation is "With an avenging God".
Deo volente
God willing
This was often used in conjunction with a signature at the end of letters. It was used in order to signify that "God willing" this letter will get to you safely, "God willing" the contents of this letter come true. As an abbreviation (simply "D.V.") it is often found in personal letters (in English) of the early 1900s, employed to generally and piously qualify a given statement about a future planned action, that it will be carried out, so long as God wills (see James 4:13-15, which encourages this way of speaking). The motto of Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. See also: Insha'Allah.
descensus in cuniculi cavum
The descent into the cave of the rabbit
Down the Rabbit Hole (see: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland#Famous lines and expressions.
Deus Caritas Est
God is Love
The first encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI; for other meanings, see Deus Caritas Est (disambiguation)
deus ex machina
a god from a machine
From the Greek ἀπὸ μηχανῆς θεός (apò mēchanēs theós). A contrived or artificial solution, usually to a literary plot. Refers to the practice in Greek drama of lowering by crane (the mechanê) an actor playing a god or goddess onto the stage to resolve an insuperable conflict in the plot. The device is most commonly associated with Euripides.
Deus Lux Mea Est
God is my Light
The motto of The Catholic University of America.
Deus meumque jus
God and my right
The principal motto of Scottish Rite Freemasonry; see also Dieu et mon droit.
deus otiosus
God at leisure
Deus spes nostra
God is our hope
The motto of Sir Thomas de Boteler, founder of Boteler Grammar School Warrington in 1526
Deus vult
God wills it!
The principal slogan of the Crusades.Motto of Bergen Catholic High School, NJ
dictatum erat (dict)
as previously stated
Recent academic substitution for the spacious and inconvenient "As previously stated, ...". Literally, has been stated; also translated as "dicta prius" (literally, said previously).
dicto simpliciter
[From] a maxim, simply
I.e. "From a rule without exception." Short for a dicto simpliciter, the a often being dropped by confusion with the English indefinite article. A dicto simpliciter occurs when an acceptable exception is ignored or eliminated. For instance, the appropriateness of using opiates is dependent on the presence of extreme pain. To justify the recreational use of opiates by referring to a cancer patient or to justify arresting said cancer patient by comparing him to the recreational user would be a dicto simpliciter.
dictum factum
what is said is done
Motto of U.S. Navy Fighter Squadron VF-194
dictum meum pactum
my word [is] my bond
Motto of the London Stock Exchange
diem perdidi
I have lost the day
From the Roman Emperor Titus. Passed down in Suetonius's biography of him in Lives of the Twelve Caesars
Dies Irae
Day of Wrath
Refers to the Judgment Day in Christian eschatology. The name of a famous 13th-century Medieval Latin hymn by Tommaso da Celano, used in the Mass for the dead.
dies non juridicum
Day without judiciary
Days under common law (traditionally Sunday) in which no legal process can be served and any judgment is void. This concept was first codified by the English Parliament in the reign of Charles II.
I direct
In Classical Latin, "I arrange". State motto of Maine. Based on a comparison of the state of Maine to the star Polaris.
dis aliter visum
it seemed otherwise to the gods
In other words, the gods have different plans than mortals, and so events do not always play out as people wish them to. Virgil, Aeneid, 2:428.
dis manibus sacrum (D.M.S.)
Sacred to the ghost-gods
Refers to the Manes, Roman spirits of the dead. Loosely "To the memory of". A conventional inscription preceding the name of the deceased on pagan grave markings, often shortened to dis manibus (D.M.), "for the ghost-gods". Preceded in some earlier monuments by hic situs est (H. S. E.), "he lies here".
disce aut discede
Learn or Depart
Motto of Royal College Colombo.
disce quasi semper victurus vive quasi cras moriturus
Learn as if always going to live; live as if tomorrow going to die.
Attributed to St Edmund of Abingdon.
discendo discimus
while teaching we learn
disiecta membra
scattered limbs
That is, "scattered remains". Paraphrased from Horace, Satires, I, 4, 62, where it was written "disiecti membra poetae" (limbs of a scattered poet). Also written as disjecta membra.
ditat Deus
God enriches
State motto of Arizona, adopted in 1911. Probably derived from the Vulgate's translation of Genesis 14:23.
divide et impera
divide and rule
A Roman maxim adopted by Julius Caesar, Louis XI and Machiavelli. Commonly rendered "divide and conquer".
I have spoken
A popular eloquent expression, usually used in the end of a speech. The implied meaning is: "I have said all that I had to say and thus the argument is settled".
["...", ...] dixit
["...", ...] said
Used to attribute a statement or opinion to its author, rather than the speaker.
do ut des
I give that you may give
Often said or written for sacrifices, when one "gives" and expects something back from the gods.
docendo discitur
It is learned by teaching
Also translated "One learns by teaching." Attributed to Seneca the Younger.
docendo disco, scribendo cogito
I learn by teaching, think by writing.
dolus specialis
special intent
"The ... concept is particular to a few civil law systems and cannot sweepingly be equated with the notions of ‘special’ or ‘specific intent’ in common law systems. Of course, the same might equally be said of the concept of ‘specific intent,’ a notion used in the common law almost exclusively within the context of the defense of voluntary intoxication."—Genocide scholar William Schabas[17]
Domine dirige nos
Lord guide us
Motto of the City of London
Dominica in albis [depositis]
Sunday in [Setting Aside the] White Garments
Latin name of the Octave of Easter.
Dominus Illuminatio Mea
the Lord is my light
Motto of the University of Oxford.
Dominus fortitudo nostra
The Lord is our Strength
Motto of the Southland College, Philippines
Dominus vobiscum
Lord be with you
Phrase used during and at the end of Catholic sermons, and a general greeting form among and towards members of Catholic organizations, such as priests and nuns. See also pax vobiscum.
dona nobis pacem
give us peace
Often set to music, either by itself or as part of the Agnus Dei prayer of the Mass. Also an ending in the video game Haunting Ground.
donatio mortis causa
giving in expectation of death
A legal concept where a person in imminent mortal danger need not meet the requisite consideration to create or modify a will.
draco dormiens nunquam titillandus
a sleeping dragon is never to be tickled
Motto of the fictional Hogwarts school in the Harry Potter series; translated more loosely in the books as "never tickle a sleeping dragon".
dramatis personæ
the parts of the play
More literally, "the masks of the drama"; more figuratively, "cast of characters". The characters represented in a dramatic work.
duae tabulae rasae in quibus nihil scriptum est
Two blank slates with nothing written upon them
Stan Laurel, inscription for the fanclub logo of The Sons of the Desert.
We lead
Motto of the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps
Ducit amor patriae
Love of country leads me
Motto of the 51st Battalion, Far North Queensland Regiment
ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt
The fates lead the willing and drag the unwilling
Attributed to Lucius Annaeus Seneca.
ductus exemplo
leadership by example
Motto for the United States Marine Corps' Officer Candidates School located at Marine Corps Base Quantico; Quantico, Virginia.
dulce bellum inexpertis
war is sweet to the inexperienced
War may seem pleasant to those who have never been involved in it, though the more experienced know better. A phrase from Erasmus in the 16th century.
Dulce est desipere in loco
It is sweet on occasion to play the fool.
It is pleasant to relax once in a while. From Horace, Odes IV, 12, 28. Used by George Knapton for Sir Bourchier Wrey, 6th Baronet 1744 portrait.
dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
It is sweet and honorable to die for the fatherland.
From Horace, Odes III, 2, 13. Used by Wilfred Owen for the title of a poem about World War I, Dulce et Decorum est.
dulce et utile
a sweet and useful thing
Horace wrote in his Ars Poetica that poetry must be dulce et utile (pleasant and profitable), both enjoyable and instructive.
dulce periculum
danger is sweet
Horace, Odes III, 25, 16. Motto of the Scottish clan MacAulay.
dulcius ex asperis
sweeter after difficulties
Motto of the Scottish clan Fergusson.[18]
dum Roma deliberat Saguntum perit
while Rome debates, Saguntum is in danger
Used when someone has been asked for urgent help, but responds with no immediate action. Similar to Hannibal ante portas, but referring to a less personal danger.
dum spiro spero
while I breathe, I hope
State motto of South Carolina. From Cicero.
dum vita est, spes est
while there is life, there is hope
dum vivimus servimus
While we live, we serve
motto of Presbyterian College.
dum vivimus, vivamus
While we live, let us live!
An encouragement to embrace life. Motto inscribed on the sword of the main character in the novel Glory Road.
dura lex sed lex
[the] law [is] harsh, but [it is the] law
dura mater
tough mother
outer covering of the brain
durante bene placito
During good pleasure
At the pleasure [of the monarch or other appointing authority]. Mediaeval legal Latin phrase.
durante munere
while in office
For example, the Governor General of Canada is durante munere the Chancellor and Principal Companion of the Order of Canada.
dux bellorum
war leader
Initium Sapientiae Timor Domini
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
e pluribus unum
out of many, one
Literally, out of more (than one), one. Former de facto motto of the United States of America. Used on many U.S. coins and inscribed on the Capitol. Also used as the motto of S.L. Benfica. Less commonly written as ex pluribus unum.
Ecce homo
Behold the man
From the Latin Vulgate Gospel of John 19:5 (Douay-Rheims), where Pontius Pilate speaks these words as he presents Christ, crowned with thorns, to the crowd. It is also the title of Nietzsche's autobiography and of the theme music by Howard Goodall for the ITV comedy Mr. Bean, in which the full sung lyric is Ecce homo qui est faba ("Behold the man who is a bean").
ecce panis angelorum
behold the bread of angels
A phrase occasionally inscribed near the altar in Catholic churches; it makes reference to the Host; the Eucharist; the bread of Heaven; the Body of Christ. See also: Panis Angelicus.
editio princeps
first edition
The first printed edition of a work.
ego te absolvo
I absolve you
Part of the absolution-formula spoken by a priest as part of the sacrament of Penance (cf. absolvo).
ego te provoco
I provoke you
Used as a challenge, "I dare you". Can also be written as te provoco
eheu fugaces labuntur anni
Alas, the fleeting years slip by
From Horace's Odes II, 14.
eluceat omnibus lux
let the light shine out from all
The motto of Sidwell Friends School
Also "worn-out". Retired from office. Often used to denote a position held at the point of retirement, as an honor, such as professor emeritus or provost emeritus. This does not necessarily mean that the honoree is no longer active.
ens causa sui
existing because of oneself
Or "being one's own cause". Traditionally, a being that owes its existence to no other being, hence God or a Supreme Being (cf. Primum Mobile).
ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem
by the sword she seeks a serene repose under liberty
State motto of Massachusetts, adopted in 1775.
entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem
entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity
Occam's Razor or law of parsimony; that is, that arguments which do not introduce extraneous variables are to be preferred in logical argumentation.
entitas ipsa involvit aptitudinem ad extorquendum certum assensum
reality involves a power to compel sure assent
A phrase used in modern Western philosophy on the nature of truth.
eo ipso
by that very (act)
Technical term used in philosophy and the law. Similar to ipso facto. Example: "The fact that I am does not eo ipso mean that I think." From Latin eo ipso, ablative form of id ipsum, "that (thing) itself".
eo nomine
by that name
equo ne credite
do not trust the horse
Virgil, Aeneid, II. 48–49 (Latin)
erga omnes
in relation to everyone
Denotes a logical conclusion (cf. cogito ergo sum).
errare humanum est
to err is human
From Seneca the Younger: Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum, et tertia non datur (To err is human; to persist [in committing such errors] is of the devil, and the third possibility is not given.) Several authors contemplated the idea before Seneca: Livy Venia dignus error is humanus (Storie, VIII, 35) and Cicero: is Cuiusvis errare: insipientis nullius nisi, in errore perseverare (Anyone can err, but only the fool persists in his fault) (Philippicae XII, ii, 5). 300 years later Augustine of Hippo recycled the idea in his Sermones (164, 14): Humanum fuit errare, diabolicum est per animositatem in errore manere.[19]
Or "mistake". Lists of errors in a previous edition of a work are often marked with the plural, errata ("errors").
errantis voluntas nulla est
the will of a mistaken party is void
Roman legal principle formulated by Pomponius in the Digest of the Corpus Juris Civilis, stating that legal actions undertaken by man under the influence of error are ineffective.
eruditio et religio
scholarship and religion
Motto of Duke University
esse est percipi
to be is to be perceived
George Berkeley's motto for his idealist philosophical position that nothing exists independently of its perception by a mind except minds themselves.
esse quam videri
to be, rather than to seem
Truly being something, rather than merely seeming to be something. Motto of many institutions. From chapter 26 of Cicero's De amicitia ('On Friendship'). Earlier than Cicero, the phrase had been used by Sallust in his Bellum Catilinae (54.6), where he wrote that Cato esse quam videri bonus malebat (he preferred to be good, rather than to seem so). Earlier still, Aeschylus used a similar phrase in Seven Against Thebes, line 592, ou gar dokein aristos, all' enai thelei (he wishes not to seem the best, but to be the best); also motto of North Carolina.
est modus in rebus
there is measure in things
there is a middle ground in things, there is a middle way; from Horace's Satires 1.1.106; see also: Golden mean (philosophy). According to Potempski & Galmarini (Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 9471–9489, 2009) the sentence should be translated as: "There is an optimal condition in all things" which in the original text is followed by the sentence: "There are therefore precise boundaries beyond which one cannot find the right thing" (sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum).
esto perpetua
may it be perpetual
Said of Venice by the Venetian historian Fra Paolo Sarpi shortly before his death. Also the state motto of Idaho, adopted in 1867, and of S. Thomas' College, Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka. It is also used as the open motto of Sigma Phi Society, a collegiate Greek Letter Fraternity.
esto quod es
be what you are
Motto of Wells Cathedral School.
et adhuc sub iudice lis est
it is still before the court
Horace, Ars Poetica (The Art of Poetry) 1.78.
et alibi (et al.)
and elsewhere
A less common variant on et cetera used at the end of a list of locations to denote unlisted places.
et alii (et al.)
and others
Used similarly to et cetera ("and the rest"), to stand for a list of names. Alii is actually masculine, so it can be used for men, or groups of men and women; the feminine, et aliae (or et aliæ), is appropriate when the "others" are all female. Et alia is neuter plural and thus properly used only for inanimate, genderless objects, but some use it as a gender-neutral alternative.[20] APA style uses et al. (normal font)[21] if the work cited was written by more than six authors; MLA style uses et al. for more than three authors.
et cetera (etc.) or (&c.)
And the rest
In modern usage, used to mean "and so on" or "and more".
et facta est lux
And light came to be or was made
From Genesis 1:3 "and there was light". Motto of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia.
et hoc genus omne
And all that sort of thing
Abbreviated to e.h.g.o. or ehgo
et in Arcadia ego
and in Arcadia [am] I
In other words, "I, too, am in Arcadia". See memento mori.
et lux in tenebris lucet
And light shines in the darkness
See also Lux in Tenebris; motto for the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
et nunc reges intelligite erudimini qui judicatis terram
And now, O ye kings, understand: receive instruction, you that judge the earth.
From the Book of Psalms, II.x. (Vulgate), 2.10 (Douay-Rheims).
et sequentes (et seq.)
and the following (masc./fem. plural)
Also et sequentia ('and the following things': neut.), abbreviations: et seqq., et seq.., or sqq.
et cum spiritu tuo
And with your spirit
et suppositio nil ponit in esse
and a supposition puts nothing in being
More typically translated as "Sayin' it don't make it so".
et tu, Brute?
And you, Brutus?
Also "Even you, Brutus?" or "You too, Brutus?" Used to indicate a betrayal by someone close. From Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, based on the traditional dying words of Julius Caesar. However, these were almost certainly not Caesar's true last words; Plutarch quotes Caesar as saying, in Greek, the language of Rome's elite at the time, καὶ σὺ τέκνον; (Kaì sù téknon?), in English "You too, (my) child?", quoting from Menander.
et uxor (et ux.)
and wife
A legal term.
et vir
and husband
A legal term.
Etiamsi omnes, ego non
Even if all others... I will never
Peter to Jesus Christ (from Vulgate Matthew 26:33; New King James Version: Matthew 26:33).
etsi deus non daretur
even if God did not exist
Sentence synthesizing a famous concept of Grotius (1625).
ex abundanti cautela
out of an abundance of caution
In law, describes someone taking precautions against a very remote contingency. "One might wear a belt in addition to braces ex abundanti cautela".[22] In banking, a loan in which the collateral is more than the loan itself. Also the basis for the term "an abundance of caution" employed by United States President Barack Obama to explain why his oath of office had to be re-administered by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts and again in reference to terrorist threats.
ex abundantia enim cordis os loquitur
For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
From the Gospel according to St. Matthew, XII.xxxiv (Vulgate), 12.34 (Douay-Rheims) and the Gospel according to St. Luke, VI.xlv (Vulgate), 6.45 (Douay-Rheims). Sometimes rendered without enim ('for').
ex aequo
from the equal
"On equal footing", i.e., "in a tie". Used for those two (seldom more) participants of a competition, that showed exactly the same performance.
ex Africa semper aliquid novi
"(There's) always something new (coming) out of Africa"
Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia 8.42 (unde etiam vulgare Graeciae dictum semper aliquid novi Africam adferre[23]), a translation of the Greek «Ἀεὶ Λιβύη φέρει τι καινόν».
ex animo
from the heart
Thus, "sincerely".
ex ante
from before
"Beforehand", "before the event". Based on prior assumptions. A forecast.
ex astris scientia
From the Stars, Knowledge
The motto of the fictional Starfleet Academy on Star Trek. Adapted from ex luna scientia, which in turn was modeled after ex scientia tridens.
ex cathedra
from the chair
A phrase applied to the declarations or promulgations of the Pope when, in communion with the college of cardinals, preserved from the possibility of error by the action of the Holy Spirit (see Papal infallibility), he solemnly declares or promulgates ("from the chair" that was the ancient symbol of the teacher and of the governor, in this case of the church) a dogmatic teaching on faith or morals as being contained in divine revelation, or at least being intimately connected to divine revelation. Used, by extension, of anyone who is perceived as speaking as though with supreme authority.
ex cultu robur
from culture [comes] strength
The motto of Cranleigh School, Surrey.
ex Deo
from God
ex dolo malo
from fraud
"From harmful deceit"; dolus malus is the Latin legal term for "fraud". The full legal phrase is ex dolo malo non oritur actio ("an action does not arise from fraud"). When an action has its origin in fraud or deceit, it cannot be supported; thus, a court of law will not assist a man who bases his course of action on an immoral or illegal act.
ex facie
from the face
Idiomatically rendered "on the face of it". A legal term typically used to note that a document's explicit terms are defective without further investigation.
ex fide fiducia
from faith [comes] confidence
A motto of St George's College, Harare.
ex fide fortis
from faith [comes] strength
A motto of Loyola School (New York City).
ex glande quercus
from acorn to oak
The motto of the Municipal Borough of Southgate, London.
ex gratia
from kindness
More literally "from grace". Refers to someone voluntarily performing an act purely out of kindness, as opposed to for personal gain or from being forced to do it. In law, an ex gratia payment is one made without recognizing any liability or legal obligation.
ex hypothesi
from the hypothesis
Thus, "by hypothesis".
ex infra (e.i.) cf. ex supra
"from below"
Recent academic notation for "from below in this writing"
ex juvantibus
from that which helps
The medical pitfall in which response to a therapeutic regimen substitutes proper diagnosis.
ex lege
from the law
ex libris
from the books
Precedes a person's name, with the meaning of "from the library of..."; also a bookplate.
ex luna scientia
from the moon, knowledge
The motto of the Apollo 13 moon mission, derived from ex scientia tridens, the motto of Jim Lovell's Alma Mater, the United States Naval Academy.
ex malo bonum
good out of evil
From St. Augustine's "Sermon LXI" where he contradicts Seneca's dictum in Epistulae 87:22: bonum ex malo non fit (good does not come from evil). Also the alias of the Anberlin song, "Miserabile Visu" from their album New Surrender.
ex mea sententia
in my opinion
ex mero motu
out of mere impulse, or of one's own accord.
ex nihilo nihil fit
nothing comes from nothing
From Lucretius, and said earlier by Empedocles. Its original meaning is "work is required to succeed", but its modern meaning is a more general "everything has its origins in something" (cf. causality). It is commonly applied to the conservation laws in philosophy and modern science. Ex nihilo often used in conjunction with the term creation, as in creatio ex nihilo, meaning "creation out of nothing". It is often used in philosophy or theology in connection with the proposition that God created the universe from nothing. It is also mentioned in the final ad-lib of the Monty Python song Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.
ex novo
from new
Said of something that has been built from scratch.
Ex Oblivione
from oblivion
The title of a short story by H. P. Lovecraft.
ex officio
from the office
By virtue of office or position; "by right of office". Often used when someone holds one position by virtue of holding another: for example, the President of France is an ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra. A common misconception is that all ex officio members of a committee or congress may not vote – this may be the case, but it is not guaranteed by that title. In legal terms, ex officio refers to an administrative or judicial office taking action of its own accord, for example to invalidate a patent or prosecute copyright infringers.
ex opere operantis
from the work of the one working
A theological phrase contrasted with ex opere operato, referring to the notion that the validity or promised benefit of a sacrament depends on the person administering it.
ex opere operato
from the work worked
A theological phrase meaning that the act of receiving a sacrament actually confers the promised benefit, such as a baptism actually and literally cleansing one's sins. The Catholic Church affirms that the source of grace is God, not just the actions or disposition of the minister or the recipient of the sacrament.
ex oriente lux
light from the east
Originally refers to the sun rising in the east, but alludes to culture coming from the Eastern world. Motto of several institutions.
ex parte
from a part
A legal term meaning "by one party" or "for one party". Thus, on behalf of one side or party only.
ex pede Herculem
from Hercules' foot
From the measure of Hercules' foot you shall know his size; from a part, the whole.
ex post
from after
"Afterward", "after the event". Based on knowledge of the past. Measure of past performance.
ex post facto
from a thing done afterward
Said of a law with retroactive effect.
ex professo
from one declaring [an art or science]
Or 'with due competence'. Said of the person who perfectly knows his art or science.
ex scientia tridens
from knowledge, sea power.
The United States Naval Academy motto. Refers to knowledge bringing men power over the sea comparable to that of the trident-bearing Greek god Poseidon.
ex scientia vera
from knowledge, truth
The motto of the College of Graduate Studies at Middle Tennessee State University.
ex silentio
from silence
In general, the claim that the absence of something demonstrates the proof of a proposition. An argumentum ex silentio ("argument from silence") is an argument based on the assumption that someone's silence on a matter suggests ("proves" when a logical fallacy) that person's ignorance of the matter or their inability to counterargue validly.
ex situ
out of position
opposite of "in situ"
ex supra (e.s.) cf. ex infra
"from above"
Recent academic notation for "from above in this writing".
ex tempore
from [this moment of] time
"This instant", "right away" or "immediately". Also written extempore.
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
From a dishonorable cause an action does not arise
A legal doctrine which states that a claimant will be unable to pursue a cause of action, if it arises in connection with his own illegal act. Particularly relevant in the law of contract, tort and trusts.
ex umbra in solem
from the shadow into the light
Motto of Federico Santa María Technical University.
ex undis
from the waves [of the sea]
motto in the coat of arms of Eemsmond
ex unitate vires
union is strength, or unity is strength
motto of South Africa.
ex vi termini
from the force of the term
Thus, "by definition".
ex vita discedo, tanquam ex hospitio, non tanquam ex domo
I depart from life as from an inn, not as from home
Cicero, Cato Maior de Senectute (On Old Age) 23
ex vivo
out of or from life
Used in reference to the study or assay of living tissue in an artificial environment outside the living organism.
ex voto
from the vow
Thus, in accordance with a promise. An ex voto is also an offering made in fulfillment of a vow.
ex vulgus scientia
from crowd, knowledge
used to describe social computing, The Wisdom of Crowds
"Ever upward!" The state motto of New York. Also a catch phrase used by Marvel Comics head Stan Lee.
exceptio firmat (or probat) regulam in casibus non exceptis
The exception confirms the rule in cases which are not excepted
A juridical principle which means that the statement of a rule's exception (e.g., "no parking on Sundays") implicitly confirms the rule (i.e., that parking is allowed Monday through Saturday). Often mistranslated as "the exception that proves the rule".
excusatio non petita accusatio manifesta
an excuse that has not been sought [is] an obvious accusation
More loosely, "he who excuses himself, accuses himself"—an unprovoked excuse is a sign of guilt. In French, qui s'excuse, s'accuse.
may he/she leave
A formal leave of absence.
exegi monumentum aere perennius
I have reared a monument more enduring than bronze
Horace, Carmina III:XXX:I
exempli gratia (e.g.)
for the sake of example
Usually shortened in English to "for example" (see citation signal). Often confused with id est (i.e.).[24]
Exempli gratia, "for example", is commonly abbreviated "e.g."; in this usage it is sometimes followed by a comma, depending on style.[25]
exercitus sine duce corpus est sine spiritu
an army without a leader is a body without a spirit
On a plaque at the former military staff building of the Swedish Armed Forces.
they leave
Third-person plural present active indicative of the Latin verb exire; also extended to exeunt omnes, "all leave"; singular: exit.
experientia docet
experience teaches
This term has been used in dermatopathology to express that there is no substitute for experience in dealing with all the numerous variations that may occur with skin conditions.[26] The term has also been used in gastroenterology.[27]
experimentum crucis
experiment of the cross
Or "crucial experiment". A decisive test of a scientific theory.
experto crede
trust the expert
Literally "believe one who has had experience". An author's aside to the reader.
expressio unius est exclusio alterius
the expression of the one is the exclusion of the other
"Mentioning one thing may exclude another thing". A principle of legal statutory interpretation: the explicit presence of a thing implies intention to exclude others; e.g., a reference in the Poor Relief Act 1601 to "lands, houses, tithes and coal mines" was held to exclude mines other than coal mines. Sometimes expressed as expressum facit cessare tacitum (broadly, "the expression of one thing excludes the implication of something else").
extra domum
[placed] outside of the house
Refers to a possible result of Catholic ecclesiastical legal proceedings when the culprit is removed from being part of a group like a monastery.
extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
outside the Church [there is] no salvation
This expression comes from the writings of Saint Cyprian of Carthage, a bishop of the third century. It is often used to summarise the doctrine that the Catholic Church is absolutely necessary for salvation.
extra omnes
outside, all [of you]
It is issued by the Master of the Papal Liturgical Celebrations before a session of the Papal conclave which will elect a new Pope. When spoken, all those who are not Cardinals, or those otherwise mandated to be present at the Conclave, must leave the Sistine Chapel.
extra territorium jus dicenti impune non paretur
he who administers justice outside of his territory is disobeyed with impunity
Refers to extraterritorial jurisdiction. Often cited in law of the sea cases on the high seas.
faber est suae quisque fortunae
every man is the artisan of his own fortune
Appius Claudius Caecus. Motto of Fort Street High School in Petersham, Sydney, Australia.
fac et spera
do and hope
Motto of Clan Matheson.
fac fortia et patere
do brave deeds and endure
Motto of Prince Alfred College in Adelaide, Australia.
fac simile
make a similar thing
Origin of the word facsimile, and, through it, of fax.
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est
I'll do whatever it takes
faciam ut mei memineris
I'll make you remember me
from Plautus, Persa IV.3–24; used by Russian hooligans as tattoo inscription.
facile princeps
easily the first
Said of the acknowledged leader in some field, especially in the arts and humanities.
facilius est multa facere quam diu
It is easier to do many things, than one thing consecutively
Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 1/12:7
facio liberos ex liberis libris libraque
"I make free adults out of children by means of books and a balance."
Motto of St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland, and Santa Fe, New Mexico
facta, non verba
deeds, not words
Frequently used as motto.
factum fieri infectum non potest
It is impossible for a deed to be undone
Terence, Phormio 5/8:45
falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
false in one, false in all
A Roman legal principle indicating that a witness who willfully falsifies one matter is not credible on any matter. The underlying motive for attorneys to impeach opposing witnesses in court: the principle discredits the rest of their testimony if it is without corroboration.
familia supra omnia
family over everything
Frequently used as a family motto.
fas est et ab hoste doceri
It is lawful to be taught even by an enemy
Ovid, Metamorphoses 4:428
feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes
I have done what I could; let those who can do better.
Slight variant ("quod potui feci") found in James Boswell's An Account of Corsica, there described as "a simple beautiful inscription on the front of Palazzo Tolomei at Siena".[28] Later, found in Henry Baerlein's introduction to his translation of The Diwan of Abul ʿAla by Abul ʿAla Al-Maʿarri (973–1057);[29] also in Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters, act I.
NN fecit
NN made (this)
a formula used traditionally in the author's signature by painters, sculptors, artisans, scribes etc. Compare pinxit.
fecisti patriam diversis de gentibus unam
"From differing peoples you have made one native land"
Verse 63 from the poem De reditu suo by Rutilius Claudius Namatianus praising emperor Augustus.[30]
felicior Augusto, melior Traiano
"be more fortunate than Augustus and better than Trajan"
A ritual acclamation delivered to late Roman emperors.
felix culpa
fortunate fault
from "Exsultet" of the Catholic liturgy
felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas
happy is he who can discover the causes of things
Virgil. "Rerum cognoscere causas" is the motto of the London School of Economics and the University of Sheffield.
felo de se
felon from himself
An archaic legal term for one who commits suicide, referring to early English common law punishments, such as land seizure, inflicted on those who killed themselves.
fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt
men generally believe what they want to
People's beliefs are shaped largely by their desires. Julius Caesar, The Gallic War 3.18
festina lente
hurry slowly
An oxymoronic motto of Augustus. It encourages proceeding quickly, but with calm and caution. Equivalent to 'More haste, less speed'. Motto of The Madeira School, McLean, Virginia.
festinare nocet, nocet et cunctatio saepe; tempore quaeque suo qui facit, ille sapit.
it is bad to hurry, and delay is often as bad; the wise person is the one who does everything in its proper time.
fiat iustitia et pereat mundus
let justice be done, though the world shall perish
Motto of Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor.
fiat justitia ruat caelum
let justice be done should the sky fall
Attributed to Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus.
fiat lux
let light be made
Less literally, "let light arise" or "let there be light" (cf. lux sit). From the Latin translation of Genesis, "dixitque Deus fiat lux et facta est lux" ("and God said, 'Let light be made', and light was made."); frequently used as motto for educational institutions.
fiat panis
let there be bread
Motto of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
fiat voluntas Dei
May God's will be done
The motto of Robert May's School
fiat voluntas tua
Thy will be done
The motto of Archbishop Richard Smith of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton.
ficta voluptatis causa sint proxima veris
fictions meant to please should approximate the truth
Horace Ars Poetica (338), advice presumably discounted by the magical realists
Fidei Defensor (Fid Def) or (fd)
Defender of the Faith
A title given to Henry VIII of England by Pope Leo X on October 17, 1521 before Henry became a heresiarch. Still used by the British monarchs, it appears on all British coins, usually abbreviated.
fidem scit
He knows the faith
Sometimes mistranslated to "Keep the faith", when used in contemporary English-language writings of all kinds to convey a light-hearted wish for the reader's well-being.
fides qua creditur
the faith by which it is believed
the personal faith which apprehends, contrasted with fides quae creditur
fides quae creditur
the faith which is believed
the content of "the faith," contrasted with fides qua creditur
fides quaerens intellectum
faith seeking understanding
the motto of Saint Anselm, found in his Proslogion
fidus Achates
faithful Achates
A faithful friend. From the name of Aeneas's faithful companion in Virgil's Aeneid.
filiae nostrae sicvt angvli incisi similitvdine templi
may our daughters be as polished as the corners' of the temple
Motto of Francis Holland School
finis coronat opus
the end crowns the work
the end justifies the means. The motto of St. Mary's Catholic High School in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
finis vitae sed non amoris
the end of life, but not of love
flagellum dei
scourge of god
referred to Attila the Hun, when he led his armies to invade the Western Roman Empire.
flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo
if I cannot move heaven I will raise hell
Virgil's Aeneid, book VII.312
floreat etona
may Eton flourish
Motto of Eton College
floreat nostra schola
may our school flourish
Common school motto
floruit (fl.)
one flourished
Indicates the period when a historical figure whose birth and death dates are unknown was most active.
fluctuat nec mergitur
she wavers and is not immersed
Motto of Paris
fons et origo
the spring and source
"The fountainhead and beginning". The source and origin.
fons sapientiae, verbum Dei
the fount of knowledge is the word of God.
The motto of Bishop Blanchet High School.
formosam resonare doces Amaryllida silvas
teach the woods to re-echo "fair Amaryllis"
From Virgil's Eclogues 1:5
forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit
perhaps even these things will be good to remember one day
From Virgil's Aeneid, book I, line 203.
fortes fortuna adiuvat
Fortune favours the bold
The motto of the 3rd Marine Regiment
fortes in fide
strong in faith
Frequently used as motto.
fortis cadere, cedere non potest
The brave may fall, but cannot yield
Motto of Fahnestock Family Arms.
fortis est veritas
truth is strong
Motto on the coat of arms of Oxford, England.
fortis et liber
strong and free
Motto of Alberta
fortis in arduis
strong in difficulties
Motto of Municipal Borough of Middleton from the Earl of Middleton.
fortiter et fideliter
bravely and faithfully
Frequently used as motto.
fortunae meae, multorum faber
artisan of my fate and that of several others
Motto of Gatineau.
fui quod es, eris quod sum
I once was what you are, you will be what I am
An Epitaph, made to remind the reader of the inevitability of death, saying "Once I was alive like you are, and you will be dead as I am now." As believed, it was carved on a gravestone of some Roman military officers.
fumus boni iuris
presumption of sufficient legal basis
fundamenta inconcussa
unshakable foundation
gaudeamus hodie
let us rejoice today
gaudeamus igitur
therefore let us rejoice
First words of a famous academic anthem used, among other places, in The Student Prince.
gaudete in domino
rejoice in the Lord
Motto of Bishop Allen Academy
gaudium in veritate
joy in truth
Motto of Campion School
generalia specialibus non derogant
general provisions enacted in later legislation do not detract from specific provisions enacted in earlier legislation
A principle of statutory interpretation: If a matter falls under a specific provision in a statute enacted before a general provision enacted in a later statute, it is to be presumed that the legislature did not intend that the earlier specific provision be repealed, and the matter is governed by the earlier specific provision, not the more recent general one.
genius loci
spirit of place
The unique, distinctive aspects or atmosphere of a place, such as those celebrated in art, stories, folk tales, and festivals. Originally, the genius loci was literally the protective spirit of a place, a creature usually depicted as a snake.
generatim discite cultus
Learn each field of study according to its kind. (Virgil, Georgics II.)
Motto of the University of Bath.
gens una sumus
we are one people
Motto of FIDE. Can be traced back to Claudian's poem De consulatu Stilichonis.
gesta non verba
deeds, not words
Motto of James Ruse Agricultural High School.
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Glory to God in the Highest
Often translated "Glory to God on High". The title and beginning of an ancient Roman Catholic doxology, the Greater Doxology. See also ad maiorem Dei gloriam.
Gloria invidiam vicisti
By your fame you have conquered envy
Sallust, Bellum Jugurthum ("Jugurthine War") 10:2.
gloria filiorum patres
The glory of sons is their fathers (Proverbs17:6)
Motto of Eltham College
Gloria Patri
Glory to the Father
The beginning of the Lesser Doxology.
gloriosus et liber
glorious and free
Motto of Manitoba
gradatim ferociter
by degrees, ferociously
Motto of private spaceflight company Blue Origin
gradibus ascendimus
ascending by degrees
Motto of Grey College, Durham
Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit
Conquered Greece in turn defeated its savage conqueror
Horace Epistles 2.1
Graecum est; non legitur
It is Greek (and therefore) it cannot be read.
Most commonly from William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar where Casca couldn't explain to Cassius what Cicero was saying because he was speaking Greek. The more common collloquilism would be: It's all Greek to me.
Grandescunt Aucta Labore
By hard work, all things increase and grow
Motto of McGill University
gratiae veritas naturae
Truth through mercy and nature
Motto of Uppsala University
graviora manent
heavier things remain
Virgil Aeneid 6:84; more severe things await, the worst is yet to come
Gravis Dulcis Immutabilis
serious sweet immutable
Title of a poem by James Elroy Flecker [32]
gutta cavat lapidem [non vi sed saepe cadendo]
a water drop hollows a stone [not by force, but by falling often]
main phrase is from Ovid, Epistulae ex Ponto IV, 10, 5.;[33] expanded in the Middle Ages
habeas corpus
You should have the body
A legal term from the 14th century or earlier. Refers to a number of legal writs to bring a person before a court or judge, most commonly habeas corpus ad subjiciendum (you may have the body to bring up). Commonly used as the general term for a prisoner's legal right to challenge the legality of their detention.
habemus papam
we have a pope
Used after a Catholic Church papal election to announce publicly a successful ballot to elect a new pope.
Habent sua fata libelli
Books have their destiny [according to the capabilities of the reader]
Terentianus Maurus, De Litteris, De Syllabis, De Metris, 1:1286.
hac lege
with this law
haec olim meminisse iuvabit
one day, this will be pleasing to remember
Commonly rendered in English as "One day, we'll look back on this and smile". From Virgil's Aeneid 1.203. Also, motto of the Jefferson Society.
Hannibal ad portas
Hannibal is at the gates
Roman parents would tell their misbehaving children this, invoking their fear of Hannibal.
Hannibal ante portas
Hannibal before the gates
Refers to wasting time while the enemy is already here. Attributed to Cicero.
haud ignota loquor
I speak not of unknown things
Thus, "I say no things that are unknown". From Virgil's Aeneid, 2.91.
hic abundant leones
here lions abound
Written on uncharted territories of old maps; see also: here be dragons.
hic et nunc
here and now
The imperative motto for the satisfaction of desire. "I need it, Here and Now"
hic jacet (HJ)
here lies
Also rendered hic iacet. Written on gravestones or tombs, preceding the name of the deceased. Equivalent to hic sepultus (here is buried), and sometimes combined into hic jacet sepultus (HJS), "here lies buried".
hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
This is the place where death delights in helping life
A motto of many morgues or wards of anatomical pathology.
hic manebimus optime
here we'll stay excellently
According to Titus Livius the phrase was pronounced by Marcus Furius Camillus, addressing the senators who intended to abandon the city, invaded by Gauls, circa 390 BC. It is used today to express the intent to keep one's position even if the circumstances appear adverse.
hic sunt dracones
here there are dragons
Written on uncharted territories of old maps.
hic sunt leones
here there are lions
Written on uncharted territories of old maps.
hinc et inde
from both sides
hinc illae lacrimae
hence those tears
From Terence, Andria, line 125. Originally literal, referring to the tears shed by Pamphilus at the funeral of Chrysis, it came to be used proverbially in the works of later authors, such as Horace (Epistula XIX, 41).
hinc itur ad astra
from here the way leads to the stars
Written on the wall of the old astronomical observatory of Vilnius University, Lithuania, and the university's motto.
hinc robur et securitas
herefore strength and safety
Motto of the Central Bank of Sweden.
historia vitae magistra
history, the teacher of life
From Cicero's De Oratore, II, 9. Also "history is the mistress of life".
hoc age
do this
Motto of Bradford Grammar School, often purposefully mistranslated by pupils as "Just do it!".
hoc est bellum
This is war
hoc est Christum cognoscere, beneficia eius cognoscere
To know Christ is to know his benefits
Famous dictum by the Reformer Melanchthon in his Loci Communes of 1521
hoc est enim corpus meum
For this is my Body
The words of Jesus reiterated in Latin during the Roman Catholic Eucharist. Sometimes simply written as "Hoc est corpus meum" or "This is my body".
hoc genus omne
All that crowd/people
From Horace's Satires, 1/2:2. Refers to the crowd at Tigellio's funeral (c. 40–39 BC). Not to be confused with et hoc genus omne (English: and all that sort of thing).
hodie mihi, cras tibi
Today it's me, tomorrow it will be you
hominem non morbum cura
Treat the Man, not the Disease
Motto of the Far Eastern University – Institute of Nursing
homo bulla
man is a bubble
Varro (116 BC – 27 BC), in the opening line of the first book of Rerum Rusticarum Libri Tres, wrote "quod, ut dicitur, si est homo bulla, eo magis senex" (for if, as they say, man is a bubble, all the more so is an old man)[34] later reintroduced by Erasmus in his Adagia, a collection of sayings published in 1572.
homo homini lupus
man [is a] wolf to man
First attested in Plautus' Asinaria (lupus est homo homini). The sentence was drawn on by Hobbes in Leviathan as a concise expression of his human nature view.
homo praesumitur bonus donec probetur malus
One is innocent until proven guilty
See also: presumption of innocence.
homo sum humani a me nihil alienum puto
I am a human being; nothing human is strange to me
From Terence, Heautontimoroumenos. Originally "strange" or "foreign" (alienum) was used in the sense of "irrelevant", as this line was a response to the speaker being told to mind his own business, but it is now commonly used to advocate respecting different cultures and being humane in general. Puto (I consider) is not translated because it is meaningless outside of the line's context within the play.
homo unius libri (timeo)
(I fear) a man of one book
Attributed to Thomas Aquinas
honestes ante honores
honesty before glory
Motto of King George V school, Hong Kong, China
honor virtutis praemium
esteem is the reward of virtue
Motto of Arnold School, Blackpool, England
honoris causa
for the sake of honor
Said of an honorary title, such as "Doctor of Science honoris causa".
hora fugit
the hour flees
See tempus fugit.
hora somni (h.s.)
at the hour of sleep
Medical shorthand for "at bedtime".
horas non numero nisi serenas
I do not count the hours unless they are sunny
A common inscription on sundials.
horribile dictu
horrible to say
That is, "a horrible thing to relate". Cf. mirabile dictu.
hortus in urbe
A garden in the city
Motto of the Chicago Park District, a playful allusion to the city's motto, urbs in horto, q.v.
hortus siccus
A dry garden
A collection of dry, preserved plants.
hostis humani generis
enemy of the human race
Cicero defined pirates in Roman law as being enemies of humanity in general.
humilitas occidit superbiam
humility conquers pride
hypotheses non fingo
I do not fabricate hypotheses
From Newton, Principia. Less literally, "I do not assert that any hypotheses are true".
ibidem (ibid.)
in the same place
Usually used in bibliographic citations to refer to the last source previously referenced.
id est (i.e.)
that is
"That is (to say)" in the sense of "that means" and "which means", or "in other words", or sometimes "in this case", depending on the context; may be followed by a comma, or not, depending on style (American English and British English respectively).[35] It is sometimes wrongly used to mean "for example" (for which the correct abbreviation is e.g.). There should be a period (.) after both letters, since it is an abbreviation of two words.[36]
id quod plerumque accidit
that which generally happens
A phrase used in legal language to indicate the most probable outcome from an act, fact, event or cause.
idem (dito) (id.)
the same
Used to refer to something that has already been cited. See also ibidem.
idem quod (i.q.)
the same as
Not to be confused with an intelligence quotient.
Idus Martiae
the Ides of March
In the Roman calendar, the Ides of March refers to the 15th day of March. In modern times, the term is best known as the date on which Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC; the term has come to be used as a metaphor for impending doom.
Jesu juva J.J.
Jesus, help!
Used by Johann Sebastian Bach at the beginning of his compositions, which he ended with "S.D.G." (Soli Deo gloria).
Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (INRI)
Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews
From Vulgate; John 19:19. John 19:20 states that this inscription was written in three languages—Aramaic, Latin and Greek—at the top of the cross during the crucifixion of Jesus.
igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
Therefore whoever desires peace, let him prepare for war
Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus, De Re Militari; similar to si vis pacem, para bellum.
igne natura renovatur integra
through fire, nature is reborn whole
An alchemical aphorism invented as an alternate meaning for the acronym INRI.
igni ferroque
with fire and iron
A phrase describing scorched earth tactics. Also rendered as igne atque ferro, ferro ignique, and other variations.
ignis aurum probat
fire tests gold
A phrase referring to the refining of character through difficult circumstances, it is also the motto of the Prometheus Society.
ignis fatuus
foolish fire
ignorantia juris non excusat
(or ignorantia legis non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat) ignorance of the law is no excuse
A legal principle whereby ignorance of a law does not allow one to escape liability.
ignoratio elenchi
ignorance of the issue
The logical fallacy of irrelevant conclusion: making an argument that, while possibly valid, doesn't prove or support the proposition it claims to. An ignoratio elenchi that is an intentional attempt to mislead or confuse the opposing party is known as a red herring. Elenchi is from the Greek elenchos.
ignotum per ignotius
unknown by means of the more unknown
An explanation that is less clear than the thing to be explained. Synonymous with obscurum per obscurius.
ignotus (ign.)
imago Dei
image of God
From the religious concept that man was created in "God's image".
imitatio dei
imitation of a god
A principle, held by several religions, that believers should strive to resemble their god(s).
imperium in imperio
an order within an order
1. A group of people who owe utmost fealty to their leader(s), subordinating the interests of the larger group to the authority of the internal group's leader(s).
2. A "fifth column" organization operating against the organization within which they seemingly reside.
3. "State within a state"
imperium sine fine
an empire without an end
In Virgil's Aeneid, Jupiter ordered Aeneas to found a city (Rome) from which would come an everlasting, never-ending empire, the endless (sine fine) empire.
let it be printed
An authorization to publish, granted by some censoring authority (originally a Catholic Bishop).
in absentia
in the absence
Used in a number of situations, such as in a trial carried out in the absence of the accused.
in absentia luci, tenebrae vincunt
in the absence of light, darkness prevails
in actu
in act
In the very act; in reality.
[Dominica] in albis [depositis]
[Sunday in Setting Aside the] White Garments
Latin name of the Octave of Easter.
in articulo mortis
at the point of death
in camera
in the chamber
In secret. See also camera obscura.
in casu (i.c.)
in the event
In this case.
in cauda venenum
the poison is in the tail
Using the metaphor of a scorpion, this can be said of an account that proceeds gently, but turns vicious towards the end — or more generally waits till the end to reveal an intention or statement that is undesirable in the listener's ears.
in com. Ebor.
In the county of Yorkshire
Eboracum was the Roman name for York and this phrase is used in some Georgian and Victorian books on the genealogy of prominent Yorkshire families.
in Deo speramus
in God we hope
Motto of Brown University.
in dubio pro reo
in doubt, on behalf of the [alleged] culprit
Expresses the judicial principle that in case of doubt the decision must be in favor of the accused (in that anyone is innocent until there is proof to the contrary).
in duplo
in double
In duplicate
in effigie
in the likeness
In (the form of) an image; in effigy (as opposed to "in the flesh" or "in person").
in esse
in existence
In actual existence; as opposed to in posse.
in extenso
in the extended
In full; at full length; complete or unabridged
in extremis
in the furthest reaches
In extremity; in dire straits; also "at the point of death" (cf. in articulo mortis).
in fide scientiam
To our faith add knowledge
Motto of Newington College.
in fidem
into faith
To the verification of faith.
in fieri
in becoming
In progress; pending.
in fine (i.f.)
in the end
At the end. The footnote says "p. 157 in fine": "the end of page 157".
in flagrante delicto
in a blazing wrong, while the crime is blazing
Caught in the act (esp. a crime or in a "compromising position"); equivalent to "caught red-handed" in English idiom.
in flore
in blossom
in foro
in forum
In court (legal term).
in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni
We enter the circle at night and are consumed by fire
A palindrome said to describe the behavior of moths. Also the title of a film by Guy Debord.
in harmonia progressio
progress in harmony
Motto of Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia.
in hoc sensu or in sensu hoc (s.h.)
in this sense
Recent academic abbreviation for "in this sense".
in hoc signo vinces
by this sign you will conquer
Words Constantine the Great claimed to have seen in a vision before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge.
in hunc effectum
for this purpose
Describes a meeting called for a particular stated purpose only.
in ictu oculi
in the blink of an eye
in illo ordine (i.o.)
in that order
Recent academic substitution for the spacious and inconvenient "..., respectively."
in illo tempore
in that time
At that time, found often in Gospel lectures during Masses, used to mark an undetermined time in the past.
in inceptum finis est
lit.: in the beginning is the end
or: the beginning foreshadows the end
in limine
at the outset/threshold
Preliminary, in law, a motion in limine is a motion that is made to the judge before or during trial, often about the admissibility of evidence believed prejudicial.
in loco
in the place, on the spot
That is, 'on site'. "The nearby labs were closed for the weekend, so the water samples were analyzed in loco."
in loco parentis
in the place of a parent
Assuming parental or custodial responsibility and authority (e.g., schoolteachers over students); a legal term.
in luce Tua videmus lucem
in Thy light we see light
Motto of Valparaiso University. The phrase comes from the book of Psalms 36:9 "For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light."
in lumine tuo videbimus lumen
in your light we will see the light
Motto of Columbia University, Presbyterian Boys' Secondary School and Ohio Wesleyan University. Also, it is the motto of the South African University of Fort Hare.
in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum
into your hands I entrust my spirit
According to Luke 23:46, the last words of Jesus on the cross.
in medias res
into the middle of things
From Horace. Refers to the literary technique of beginning a narrative in the middle of, or at a late point in, the story, after much action has already taken place. Examples include the Iliad, the Odyssey, Os Lusíadas, Othello, and Paradise Lost. Compare ab initio.
in memoriam
into the memory
Equivalent to "in the memory of". Refers to remembering or honoring a deceased person.
in necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas
in necessary things unity, in doubtful things liberty, in all things charity
"Charity" (caritas) is being used in the classical sense of "compassion" (cf. agape). Motto of the Cartellverband der katholischen deutschen Studentenverbindungen. Often misattributed to Augustine of Hippo.[citation needed]
in nocte consilium
advice comes over night
I.e., "Tomorrow is a new day." Motto of Birkbeck College, University of London.
in nomine diaboli
in the name of the devil
in nomine Domini
in the name of the Lord
Motto of Trinity College, Perth, Australia; the name of a 1050 papal bull
in nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti
in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
invocation of the Holy Trinity
in nuce
in a nut
in a nutshell; briefly stated; potential; in the embryonic phase
in omnia paratus
Ready for anything.
Motto of the United States Army's 18th Infantry Regiment
in omnibus amare et servire Domino
In everything, love and serve the Lord.
The motto of Ateneo de Iloilo, a university in the Philippines
in omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro
Everywhere I have searched for peace and nowhere found it, except in a corner with a book
Quote by Thomas à Kempis
in ovo
in the egg or in the embryo
An experiment or process performed in an egg or embryo (e.g. in ovo electroporation of chicken embryo).
in pace requiescat
in peace may he rest
Alternate form of requiescat in pace ("let him rest in peace"). Found in this form at the end of The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe.
in partibus infidelium
in the parts of the infidels
"In the land of the infidels"; used to refer to bishoprics that remains as titular sees even after the corresponding territory was conquered by Muslim empires.
in pectore
in the heart
A cardinal named in secret by the pope. See also ab imo pectore.
in personam
into a person
Directed towards a particular person
in posse
in potential
In the state of being possible; as opposed to in esse.
in propria persona
in one's own person
Abbreviated pro per; For one's self; acting on one's own behalf, especially a person representing himself in a legal proceeding; see also litigant in person, pro se legal representation in the United States.
in principio erat Verbum
in the beginning was the Word (Logos)
Beginning of the Gospel of John
in re
in the matter [of]
A legal term used to indicate that a judicial proceeding may not have formally designated adverse parties or is otherwise uncontested. The term is commonly used in case citations of probate proceedings, for example, In re Smith's Estate; it is also used in juvenile courts, as, for instance, In re Gault.
in rebus
in the thing [itself]
Primarily of philosophical use to discuss properties and property exemplification. In philosophy of mathematics, it is typically contrasted with "ante rem" and, more recently, "post res" structuralism. Sometimes in re is used in place of in rebus.
in regione caecorum rex est luscus
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
A quote of Desiderius Erasmus from Adagia (first published 1500, with numerous expanded editions through 1536), III, IV, 96.
in rem
to the thing
Legal term indicating a court's jurisdiction over a piece of property rather than a legal person; contrast with personal (ad personam) jurisdiction. See In rem jurisdiction; Quasi in rem jurisdiction
in rerum natura
in the nature of things
See also Lucretius' De rerum natura (On the Nature of Things).
in retentis
among things held back
Used to describe documents kept separately from the regular records of a court for special reasons.
in saecula (saeculorum), in saeculum saeculi
roughly: down to the times of the times
forever (and ever), liturgical
in saeculo
in the times
In the secular world, esp. outside a monastery, or before death.
in salvo
in safety
in scientia opportunitas
(Dog Latin)
In Knowledge, there is Opportunity
Motto of Edge Hill University.
in silico
(Dog Latin)
in silicon
Coined in the late 1980s for scientific papers. Refers to an experiment or process performed virtually, as a computer simulation. The term is Dog Latin modeled after terms such as in vitro and in vivo. The Latin word for silicon is silicium, so the correct Latinization of "in silicon" would be in silicio, but this form has little usage.
in situ
in the place
In the original place, appropriate position, or natural arrangement.
in somnis veritas
In dreams there is truth
in spe
in hope
"future" (My mother-in-law in spe", i.e., "My future mother-in-law), or "in embryonic form", as in "Locke's theory of government resembles, in spe, Montesquieu's theory of the separation of powers."
in specialibus generalia quaerimus
To seek the general in the specifics
That is, to understand the most general rules through the most detailed analysis.
in statu nascendi
in the state of being born
Just as something is about to begin.
in toto
in all
Totally; entirely; completely.
in triplo
in triple
In triplicate.
in umbra, igitur, pugnabimus
Then we will fight in the shade
in utero
in the womb
in utrumque paratus
Prepared for either (event)
in vacuo
in a void
In a vacuum; isolated from other things.
in varietate concordia
united in diversity
The motto of the European Union and the Council of Europe
in vino veritas
in wine [there is] truth
That is, wine loosens the tongue (referring to alcohol's disinhibitory effects).
in vitro
in glass
An experimental or process methodology performed in a "non-natural" setting (e.g. in a laboratory using a glass test tube or Petri dish), and thus outside of a living organism or cell. Alternative experimental or process methodologies include in vitro, in silico, ex vivo and in vivo.
in vivo
in life" or "in a living thing
An experiment or process performed on a living specimen.
in vivo veritas
in a living thing [there is] truth
An expression used by biologists to express the fact that laboratory findings from testing an organism in vitro are not always reflected when applied to an organism in vivo. A pun on in vino veritas.
incepto ne desistam
May I not shrink from my purpose!
Westville Boys' High School and Westville Girls' High School's motto is taken directly from Virgil. These words, found in Aeneid, Book 1, are used by Juno, queen of heaven who hated the Trojans led by Aeneas. When she saw the fleet of Aeneas on its way to Italy, after the sack of Troy by the Greeks, she planned to scatter it by means of strong winds. In her determination to accomplish her task she cried out "Incepto Ne Desistam!"
incertae sedis
of uncertain position (seat)
A term used to classify a taxonomic group when its broader relationships are unknown or undefined.
incredibile dictu
incredible to say
A variant on mirabile dictu.
Index Librorum Prohibitorum
Index of Prohibited (or, Forbidden) Books
A list of books considered heretical by the Roman Catholic Church.
indigens Deo
being-in-need-of-God, beggar before God
From Augustine, De Civitate Dei XII, 1.3: beatitudinem consequatur nec expleat indigentiam suam, "since it is not satisfied unless it be perfectly blessed."
indivisibiliter ac inseparabiliter
indivisible and inseparable
Motto of Austria-Hungary before it was divided and separated into independent states in 1918.
Infinitus est numerus stultorum.
Infinite is the number of fools.
infirma mundi elegit Deus
God chooses the weak of the world
The motto of Venerable Vital-Justin Grandin, the bishop of the St. Albert Diocese, which is now the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton
infra dignitatem (infra dig)
beneath one's dignity
instante mense (inst.)
in the present month
Formerly used in formal correspondence to refer to the current month, sometimes abbreviated as instant; e.g.: "Thank you for your letter of the 17th inst." — ult. mense = last month, prox. mense = next month.
intaminatis fulget honoribus
Untarnished, she shines with honor
From Horace's Odes (III.2.18). Motto of Wofford College.
integer vitae scelerisque purus
unimpaired by life and clean of wickedness
From Horace. Used as a funeral hymn.
intelligenti pauca
Few words suffice for he who understands
inter alia (i.a.)
among other things
A term used in formal extract minutes to indicate that the minute quoted has been taken from a fuller record of other matters, or when alluding to the parent group after quoting a particular example.
inter alios
among others
Often used to compress lists of parties to legal documents.
inter arma enim silent leges
in a time of war, the law falls silent
Said by Cicero in Pro Milone as a protest against unchecked political mobs that had virtually seized control of Rome in the 60s and 50s BC. Famously quoted in the essay Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau as "The clatter of arms drowns out the voice of the law". This phrase has also been jokingly translated as "In a time of arms, the legs are silent."
inter caetera
among others
Title of a papal bull
inter mutanda constantia
Steadfast in the midst of change
Motto for Rockwell College in Ireland and Francis Libermann Catholic High School in Ontario, Canada.
inter spem et metum
between hope and fear
inter urinas et faeces nascimur
we are born between urine and feces
Attributed to St Augustine.
inter vivos
between the living
Refers to property transfers between living persons, as opposed to a testamentary transfer upon death such as an inheritance; often relevant to tax laws.
intra muros
within the walls
Not public; source of the word intramural. See also Intramuros, Manila.
intra vires
within the powers
Within one's authority
Motto of the English county of Kent.
invictus maneo
I remain unvanquished
Motto of the Armstrong Clan.
Iohannes est nomen eius
John is his name
Motto of the Seal of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
ipsa scientia potestas est
knowledge itself is power
Famous phrase written by Sir Francis Bacon in 1597.
ipse dixit
he himself said it
Commonly said in Medieval debates and referring to Aristotle. Used in general to emphasize that some assertion comes from some authority, i.e., as an argument from authority, and the term ipse-dixitism has come to mean any unsupported rhetorical assertion that lacks a logical argument. A literal translation by Cicero (in his De Natura Deorum 1.10) of the Greek «αὐτὸς ἔφα», an invocation by Pythagoreans when appealing to the pronouncements of the master.
ipsissima verba
the very words themselves
"Strictly word for word" (cf. verbatim). Often used in Biblical Studies to describe the record of Jesus' teaching found in the New Testament (specifically, the four Gospels).
ipsissima voce
in the very 'voice' itself
To approximate the main thrust or message without using the exact words.
ipso facto
by the fact itself
By that very fact
ira deorum
wrath of the gods
Like the vast majority of inhabitants of the ancient world, the ancient Romans practiced pagan rituals, believing it important to achieve a state of pax deorum (peace of the gods) instead of ira deorum (wrath of the gods): earthquakes, floods, famine, etc.
ira furor brevis est
Wrath (anger) is but a brief madness
ita vero
thus indeed
A useful phrase, as the Romans had no word for "yes", preferring to respond to questions with the affirmative or negative of the question (e.g., "Are you hungry?" was answered by "I am hungry" or "I am not hungry", not "Yes" or "No).
ite, missa est
Go, it is the dismissal
Loosely: "You have been dismissed". Concluding words addressed to the people in the Mass of the Roman Rite.[37]
iter legis
The path of the law
The path a law takes from its conception to its implementation.
iugulare mortuos
to cut the throat of corpses
From Gerhard Gerhards' (1466–1536) [better known as Erasmus] collection of annotated Adagia (1508). It can mean attacking the work or personality of deceased person. Alternatively, it can be used to describe criticism of an individual already heavily criticised by others.
iuncta iuvant
together they strive
also spelled juncta juvant; from the legal principle quae non valeant singula, iuncta iuvant ("What is without value on its own, helps when joined")
iura novit curia
the court knows the law
A legal principle in civil law countries of the Roman-German tradition that says that lawyers need not to argue the law, as that is the office of the court. Sometimes miswritten as iura novat curia (the court renews the laws).
iure matris
in right of his mother
Indicates a right exercised by a son on behalf of his mother.
iure uxoris
in right of his wife
Indicates a right exercised by a husband on behalf of his wife.
iuris ignorantia est cum ius nostrum ignoramus
it is ignorance of the law when we do not know our own rights
ius accrescendi
right of accrual
Commonly referred to as "right of survivorship": a rule in property law that surviving joint tenants have rights in equal shares to a decedent's property.
ius ad bellum
law towards war
Refers to the laws that regulate the reasons for going to war. Typically, this would address issues of self-defense or preemptive strikes.
ius cogens
compelling law
Refers to a fundamental principle of international law considered to have acceptance among the international community of states as a whole. Typically, this would address issues not listed or defined by any authoritative body, but arise out of case law and changing social and political attitudes. Generally included are prohibitions on waging aggressive war, crimes against humanity, war crimes, piracy, genocide, slavery, and torture.
ius in bello
law in war
Refers to the "laws" that regulate the conduct of combatants during a conflict. Typically, this would address issues of who or what is a valid target, how to treat prisoners, and what sorts of weapons can be used. The word jus is also commonly spelled ius.
ius primae noctis
law of the first night
The droit de seigneur.
iustitia fundamentum regni
justice is the foundation of a reign
Motto of the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office of the Czech Republic.
iustitia omnibus
justice for all
The motto of Washington, D.C.
iuventuti nil arduum
to the young nothing is difficult
Motto of Canberra Girls' Grammar School.
iuventutis veho fortunas
I bear the fortunes of youth
Motto of Dollar Academy.
labor omnia vincit
Hard work conquers all
Popular as a motto; derived from a phrase in Virgil's Eclogue (X.69: omnia vincit Amor – "Love conquers all"); a similar phrase also occurs in his Georgics I.145. Motto of St. Xavier's Institution, Penang. Motto of Brinkworth Area School, South Australia. Motto of Princes Street Primary School, Tasmania, Australia.[38]
laborare pugnare parati sumus
To work, (or) to fight; we are ready
Motto of the California Maritime Academy
labore et honore
By labour and honour
Motto of several schools
laboremus pro patria
Let us work for the fatherland
Motto of the Carlsberg breweries
laboris gloria Ludi
Games are the glory of work,
Motto of the Camborne School of Mines, Cornwall, UK
lapse, slip, error; involuntary mistake made while writing or speaking
lapsus calami
inadvertent typographical error, slip of the pen
lapsus linguae
inadvertent speech error, slip of the tongue
lapsus memoriae
slip of memory
source of the term memory lapse
laudator temporis acti
praiser of time past
One who is discontent with the present and instead prefers things of the past ("the good old days").
laudetur Jesus Christus
Praise (Be) Jesus Christ
Often used as a salutation, but also used after prayers or the reading of the gospel.
laus Deo
praise be to God
This is written on the East side at the peak of the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. Also is the motto of the Viscount of Arbuthnott and Sydney Grammar School.
lectori salutem
greetings reader
Often abbreviated to L.S., used as opening words for a letter.
lege artis
according to the law of the art
Denotes that a certain intervention is performed in a correct way. Used especially in a medical context. The 'art' referred to in the phrase is medicine.
legem terrae
the law of the land
leges humanae nascuntur, vivunt, et moriuntur
laws of man are born, live and die
leges sine moribus vanae
laws without morals [are] vain
From Horace's Odes: the official motto of the University of Pennsylvania.
legio patria nostra
The Legion is our fatherland
Motto of the French Foreign Legion
legi, intellexi, et condemnavi
I read, understood, and condemned.
In Roman and civil law, a forced share in an estate; the portion of the decedent's estate from which the immediate family cannot be disinherited. From the French héritier legitime (rightful heir).
lex artis
law of the skill
The rules that regulate a professional duty.
lex dei vitae lampas
the law of God is the lamp of life
Motto of the Presbyterian Ladies' College, Melbourne
lex ferenda
the law that should be borne
The law as it ought to be.
lex hac edictali
the law here proclaims
The rule whereby a spouse cannot by deed inter vivos or bequeath by testament to his or her second spouse more than the amount of the smallest portion given or bequeathed to any child.
lex in casu
law in the event
A law that only concerns one particular case. See law of the case.
lex lata
the law that has been borne
The law as it is.
lex loci
law of the place
lex non scripta
law that has not been written
Unwritten law, or common law.
lex orandi, lex credendi
the law of prayer is the law of faith
lex paciferat
the law shall bring peace
Motto of the European Gendarmerie Force
lex parsimoniae
law of succinctness
also known as Occam's Razor.
lex rex
the law [is] king
A principle of government advocating a rule by law rather than by men. The phrase originated as a double entendre in the title of Samuel Rutherford's controversial book Lex, Rex (1644), which espoused a theory of limited government and constitutionalism.
lex scripta
written law
Statutory law. Contrasted with lex non scripta.
lex talionis
the law of retaliation
Retributive justice (i.e., an eye for an eye).
libera te tutemet (ex inferis)
Free yourself (from hell)
Used in the movie Event Horizon (1997), where it is translated as "save yourself (from hell)". It is initially misheard as liberate me (free me), but is later corrected. Libera te is often mistakenly merged into liberate, which would necessitate a plural pronoun instead of the singular tutemet (which is an emphatic form of tu, you).
Libertas Justitia Veritas
Liberty Justice Truth
Motto of the Korea University and Freie Universität Berlin.
Libertas Perfundet Omnia Luce
Freedom will flood all things with light
Motto of the Complutense University of Madrid.
Libertas Quae Sera Tamen
freedom which [is] however late
Liberty even when it comes late; Motto of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Libera Scientia
Free knowledge.
Libertas Securitas Justitia
Liberty Security Justice
Motto of the Frontex.
libra (lb)
balance; scales
Its abbreviation lb is used as a unit of weight, the pound.
loco citato (lc)
in the place cited
More fully written in loco citato. See also opere citato.
locum tenens
place holder
A worker who temporarily takes the place of another with similar qualifications, for example as a doctor or a member of the clergy. Sometimes shortened to locum.
locus classicus
a classic place
The most typical or classic case of something; quotation which most typifies its use.
locus minoris resistentiae
place of less resistance
A medical term to describe a location on or in a body that offers little resistance to infection, damage, or injury. For example, a weakened place that tends to be reinjured.
locus poenitentiae
a place of repentance
A legal term, it is the opportunity of withdrawing from a projected contract, before the parties are finally bound; or of abandoning the intention of committing a crime, before it has been completed.
locus standi
A right to stand
Standing in law (the right to have one's case in court).
lorem ipsum
sorrow itself; pain for its own sake
A mangled fragment from Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (On the Limits of Good and Evil, 45 BC), used as typographer's filler to show fonts (a.k.a. greeking).
luceat lux vestra
Let your light shine
May be found in Matthew Ch. 5 V. 16. Popular as a school motto.
lucem sequimur
We follow the light
Motto of the University of Exeter
luceo non uro
I shine, not burn
Motto of the Highland Scots Clan Mackenzie
luctor et emergo
I struggle and emerge
Motto of the Dutch province of Zeeland to denote its battle against the sea, and the Athol Murray College of Notre Dame.
lucus a non lucendo
[it is] a grove by not being light
From late 4th-century grammarian Honoratus Maurus, who sought to mock implausible word origins such as those proposed by Priscian. A pun based on the word lucus (dark grove) having a similar appearance to the verb lucere (to shine), arguing that the former word is derived from the latter word because of a lack of light in wooded groves. Often used as an example of absurd etymology.
ludemus bene in compania
We play well in groups
Motto of the Barony of Marinus.
lupus in fabula
the wolf in the story
With the meaning "speak of the wolf, and he will come"; from Terence's play Adelphoe.
lupus non mordet lupum
a wolf does not bite a wolf
lupus non timet canem latrantem
a wolf is not afraid of a barking dog
lux aeterna
eternal light
lux et lex
light and law
Motto of the Franklin & Marshall College
lux et veritas
light and truth
A translation of the Hebrew Urim and Thummim. Motto of several institutions.
lux ex tenebris
light from darkness
Motto of the 67th Network Warfare Wing.
lux hominum vita
light the life of man
Motto of the University of New Mexico
lux in Domino
light in the Lord
Motto of the Ateneo de Manila University
lux in tenebris lucet
The light that shines in the darkness
Motto of Columbia University School of General Studies[39]
lux libertas
light, liberty
Motto of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lux mentis Lux orbis
Light of the mind, Light of the world
Motto of Sonoma State University
lux sit
let there be light
A more literal Latinization of the phrase; the most common translation is fiat lux, from Latin Vulgate Bible phrase chosen for the Genesis line "וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים, יְהִי אוֹר; וַיְהִי-אוֹר" (And God said: 'Let there be light.' And there was light). Motto of the University of Washington.
lux tua nos ducat
Your Light Guides Us
Motto of St. Julian's School, Carcavelos, Portugal[40]
lux, veritas, virtus
light, truth, courage
Motto of Northeastern University
Macte animo! Generose puer sic itur ad astra
Young, cheer up! This is the way to the skies.
Motto of Academia da Força Aérea (Air Force Academy) of the Brazilian Air Force
magister dixit
the teacher has said it
Canonical medieval reference to Aristotle, precluding further discussion
magister meus Christus
Christ is my teacher
common Catholic edict and motto of a Catholic private school, Andrean High School in Merrillville, Indiana
Magna Carta
Great Charter
Set of documents from 1215 between Pope Innocent III, King John of England, and English barons.
magna cum laude
with great praise
Common Latin honor, above cum laude and below summa cum laude
magna est vis consuetudinis
great is the power of habit
Magna Europa est patria nostra
Greater Europe is Our Fatherland
Political motto of pan-Europeanists
magno cum gaudio
with great joy
magnum opus
great work
Said of someone's masterpiece
maior e longinquo reverentia
greater reverence from afar
When viewed from a distance, everything is beautiful. Tacitus, Annales 1.47
maiora premunt
greater things are pressing
Used to indicate that it is the moment to address more important, urgent, issues.
mala fide
in bad faith
Said of an act done with knowledge of its illegality, or with intention to defraud or mislead someone. Opposite of bona fide.
Mala Ipsa Nova
Bad News Itself
Motto of the inactive 495th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
mala tempora currunt
bad times are upon us
Also used ironically, e.g.: New teachers know all tricks used by pupils to copy from classmates? Oh, mala tempora currunt!.
male captus bene detentus
wrongly captured, properly detained
An illegal arrest will not prejudice the subsequent detention/trial.
malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium
I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery
attributed to the Count Palatine of Posen before the Diet of Poland, cited in "The Social Contract or Principles of Political Right" by Jean Jacques Rousseau
malum discordiae
apple of discord
Alludes to the apple of Eris in the Judgement of Paris, the mythological cause of the Trojan War. It is also a pun based on the near-homonymous word malum (evil). The word for "apple" has a long ā vowel in Latin and the word for "evil" a short a vowel, but they are normally written the same.
malum in se
wrong in itself
A legal term meaning that something is inherently wrong (cf. malum prohibitum).
malum prohibitum
wrong due to being prohibited
A legal term meaning that something is only wrong because it is against the law.
malum quo communius eo peius
the more common an evil is, the worse it is
manu forte
literally translated means 'with a strong hand', often quoted as 'by strength of hand'
Motto of the Clan McKay
manibus date lilia plenis
give lilies with full hands
A phrase from Virgil's Aeneid, VI.883, mourning the death of Marcellus, Augustus' nephew. Quoted by Dante as he leaves Virgil in Purgatory, XXX.21, echoed by Walt Whitman in Leaves of Grass III, 6.
manu militari
with a military hand
Using armed forces in order to achieve a goal
manu propria (m.p.)
with one's own hand
With the implication of "signed by one's hand". Its abbreviated form is sometimes used at the end of typewritten or printed documents or official notices, directly following the name of the person(s) who "signed" the document exactly in those cases where there isn't an actual handwritten signature.
manus celer Dei
the swift hand of God
Originally used as the name of a ship in the Marathon game series, its usage has spread. In the PlayStation game, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, the phrase was written in blood on the walls of a vampire's feeding room. It is assumed that one of the dying victims wrote it with his fingers. After the game's main character surveys the bloody room, associative logic dictates that the phrase was to deify both the vampire's wrath on shackled, powerless humans and the boundless slaughter of his victims.
manus manum lavat
one hand washes the other
famous quote from The Pumpkinification of Claudius, ascribed to Seneca the Younger.[41] It implies that one situation helps the other.
manus multae cor unum
many hands, one heart
Motto of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity.
mare clausum
closed sea
In law, a sea under the jurisdiction of one nation and closed to all others.
Mare Ditat, Rosa Decorat
The sea enriches, the rose adorns
Motto of Montrose, Angus and HMS Montrose
mare liberum
free sea
In law, a sea open to international shipping navigation.
mare nostrum
our sea
A nickname given to the Mediterranean Sea during the height of the Roman Empire, as it encompassed the entire coastal basin.
Mater Dei
Mother of God
A name given to describe Mary, who gave birth to Jesus, who is also called the Son of God.
mater familias
the mother of the family
The female head of a family. See pater familias.
Mater semper certa est
The mother is always certain
a Roman-law principle which has the power of praesumptio iuris et de iure, meaning that no counter-evidence can be made against this principle (literally: Presumed there is no counter evidence and by the law). Its meaning is that the mother of the child is always known.
materia medica
medical matter
The branch of medical science concerned with the study of drugs used in the treatment of disease. Also, the drugs themselves.
me vexat pede
it annoys me at the foot
Less literally, "my foot itches". Refers to a trivial situation or person that is being a bother, possibly in the sense of wishing to kick that thing away or, such as the commonly used expressions, a "pebble in one's shoe" or "nipping at one's heels".
mea culpa
through my fault
Used in Christian prayers and confession to denote the inherently flawed nature of mankind; can also be extended to mea maxima culpa (through my greatest fault).
mea navis aëricumbens anguillis abundat
My hovercraft is full of eels
A relatively common recent Latinization inspired by the Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook sketch by Monty Python.
media vita in morte sumus
In the midst of our lives we die
A well-known sequence, falsely attributed to Notker during the Middle Ages. It was translated by Cranmer and became a part of the burial service in the funeral rites of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer.
Mediolanum captum est
Milan has been captured
Used erroneously as Mediolanum Capta Est by the black metal band Mayhem as an album title. Mediolanum was an ancient city in present-day Milan, Italy.
better things
Carrying the connotation of "always better". The motto of the University of Rochester.
Melita, domi adsum
Honey, I'm home!
A relatively common recent Latinization from the joke phrasebook Latin for All Occasions. Grammatically correct, but the phrase would be anachronistic in ancient Rome.
memento mori
remember that [you will] die
remember your mortality
memento vivere
remember to live
meminerunt omnia amantes
lovers remember all
memores acti prudentes futuri
mindful of what has been done, aware of what will be
Thus, both remembering the past and foreseeing the future. From the North Hertfordshire District Council coat of arms.
mens agitat molem
the mind moves the mass
From Virgil. Motto of Rossall School, the University of Oregon, the University of Warwick and the Eindhoven University of Technology.
mens et manus
mind and hand
Motto of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and also of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.
mens rea
guilty mind
Also "culprit mind". A term used in discussing the mindset of an accused criminal.
mens sana in corpore sano
a sound mind in a sound body
Or "a sensible mind in a healthy body".
metri causa
for the sake of the metre
Excusing flaws in poetry "for the sake of the metre"
Miles Gloriosus
Glorious Soldier
Or "Boastful Soldier". Miles Gloriosus is the title of a play of Plautus. A stock character in comedy, the braggart soldier. (It is said that at Salamanca, there is a wall, on which graduates inscribe their names, where Francisco Franco had a plaque installed reading "Franciscus Francus Miles Gloriosus".)
minatur innocentibus qui parcit nocentibus
he threatens the innocent who spares the guilty
mirabile dictu
wonderful to tell
mirabile visu
wonderful to see
A Roman phrase used to describe a wonderful event/happening.
miscerique probat populos et foedera jungi
He approves of the mingling of the peoples and their bonds of union
Latin Aeneid of Virgil, Book IV, line 112, "he" referring to the great Roman god, who approved of the settlement of Romans in Africa. Old Motto of Trinidad and Tobago, and used in the novel A Bend in the River by V. S. Naipaul.
misera est servitus ubi jus est aut incognitum aut vagum
miserable is that state of slavery in which the law is unknown or uncertain
Quoted by Samuel Johnson in his paper for James Boswell on Vicious intromission.
miserabile visu
terrible to see
A terrible happening or event.
miserere nobis
have mercy upon us
A phrase within the Gloria in Excelsis Deo and the Agnus Dei, to be used at certain points in Christian religious ceremonies.
Missio Dei
the Mission of God
A theological phrase in the Christian religion.
missit me Dominus
the Lord has sent me
A phrase used by Jesus.
we send
A warrant of commitment to prison, or an instruction for a jailer to hold someone in prison.
mobilis in mobili
"moving in a moving thing" or, poetically, "changing through the changing medium"
The motto of the Nautilus from the Jules Verne novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
modus morons
(Dog Latin)
Dog Latin based on wordplay with modus ponens and modus tollens, referring to the common logical fallacy that if P then Q and not P, then one can conclude not Q (cf. denying the antecedent and contraposition).
modus operandi (M.O.)
method of operating
Usually used to describe a criminal's methods.
modus ponens
method of placing
Loosely "method of affirming", a logical rule of inference stating that from propositions if P then Q and P, then one can conclude Q.
modus tollens
method of removing
Loosely "method of denying", a logical rule of inference stating that from propositions if P then Q and not Q, then one can conclude not P.
modus vivendi
method of living
An accommodation between disagreeing parties to allow life to go on. A practical compromise.
Monasterium sine libris est sicut civitas sine opibus
A monastery without books is like a city without wealth
Used in the Umberto Eco novel The Name of the Rose. Part of a much larger phrase: Monasterium sine libris, est sicut civitas sine opibus, castrum sine numeris, coquina sine suppellectili, mensa sine cibis, hortus sine herbis, pratum sine floribus, arbor sine foliis. Translation: A monastery without books is like a city without wealth, a fortress without soldiers, a kitchen without utensils, a table without food, a garden without plants, a meadow without flowers, a tree without leaves.
montani semper liberi
mountaineers [are] always free
State motto of West Virginia, adopted in 1872.
Montis Insignia Calpe
Badge of the Rock of Gibraltar
more ferarum
like beasts
used to describe any sexual act in the manner of beasts
morior invictus
death before defeat
morituri nolumus mori
we who are about to die don't want to
From Terry Pratchett's The Last Hero
morituri te salutant
those who are about to die salute you
Used once in Suetonius' De Vita Caesarum 5, (Divus Claudius), chapter 21,[42] by the condemned prisoners manning galleys about to take part in a mock naval battle on Lake Fucinus in AD 52. Popular misconception ascribes it as a gladiator's salute. See also: Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant and Naumachia.
mors certa, hora incerta
death is certain, its hour is uncertain
mors omnibus
death to all
Signifies anger and depression.
mors tua, vita mea
your death, my life
From medieval Latin, it indicates that battle for survival, where your defeat is necessary for my victory, survival.
mors vincit omnia
"death conquers all" or "death always wins"
An axiom often found on headstones.
morte magis metuenda senectus
old age should rather be feared than death
from Juvenal in his Satires
mortui vivos docent
The dead teach the living
Used to justify dissections of human cadavers in order to understand the cause of death.
mortuum flagellas
you are flogging a dead
From Gerhard Gerhards' (1466–1536) [better known as Erasmus] collection of annotated Adagia (1508). Criticising one who will not be affected in any way by the criticism.
mos maiorum
the custom of our ancestors
an unwritten code of laws and conduct, of the Romans. It institutionalized cultural traditions, societal mores, and general policies, as distinct from specific laws.
motu proprio
on his own initiative
Or "by his own accord." Identifies a class of papal documents, administrative papal bulls.
mulgere hircum
to milk a male goat
From Gerhard Gerhards' (1466–1536) [better known as Erasmus] collection of annotated Adagia (1508). Attempting the impossible.
mulier est hominis confusio
woman is man's ruin
"Part of a comic definition of woman" from the Altercatio Hadriani Augusti et Secundi.[43] Famously quoted by Chauntecleer in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
multa paucis
Say much in few words
multis e gentibus vires
from many peoples, strength
Motto of Saskatchewan
multitudo sapientium sanitas orbis
a multitude of the wise is the health of the world
From the Vulgate, Wisdom of Solomon 6:24. Motto of the University of Victoria.
multum in parvo
much in little
Conciseness. The term "mipmap" is formed using the phrase's abbreviation "MIP"; motto of Rutland, a county in central England.
Latin phrases are often multum in parvo, conveying much in few words.
mundus senescit
the world grows old
mundus vult decipi
the world wants to be deceived
From James Branch Cabell's 1921 novel Figures of Earth
mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
the world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived
munit haec et altera vincit
this one defends and the other one conquers
Motto of Nova Scotia.
mutatis mutandis
after changing what needed to be changed
"with the appropriate changes"
nanos gigantum humeris insidentes
Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants
First recorded by John of Salisbury in the twelfth century and attributed to Bernard of Chartres. Also commonly known by the letters of Isaac Newton: "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants".
nasciturus pro iam nato habetur, quotiens de commodis eius agitur
The unborn is deemed to have been born to the extent that his own inheritance is concerned
Refers to a situation where an unborn child is deemed to be entitled to certain inheritance rights.
natura abhorret a vacuo
nature abhors vacuum
Pseudo-explanation for why a liquid will climb up a tube to fill a vacuum, often given before the discovery of atmospheric pressure.
natura artis magistra
Nature is the teacher of art
The name of the zoo in the centre of Amsterdam; short: "Artis".
natura nihil frustra facit
nature does nothing in vain
Cf. Leucippus: "Everything that happens does so for a reason and of necessity."
natura non contristatur
nature is not saddened
That is, the natural world is not sentimental or compassionate.
natura non facit saltum ita nec lex
nature does not make a leap, thus neither does the law
Shortened form of "sicut natura nil facit per saltum ita nec lex" (just as nature does nothing by a leap, so neither does the law), referring to both nature and the legal system moving gradually.
natura non facit saltus
nature makes no leaps
A famous aphorism of Carl Linnaeus stating that all organisms bear relationships on all sides, their forms changing gradually from one species to the next. From Philosophia Botanica (1751).
natura valde simplex est et sibi consona
Nature is exceedingly simple and harmonious with itself
Sir Isaac Newton's famous quote, defining foundation of all modern sciences. Can be found in his Unpublished Scientific Papers of Isaac Newton: A selection from the Portsmouth Collection in the University Library, Cambridge, 1978 edition.
naturalia non sunt turpia
What is natural is not dirty
Based on Servius' commentary on Virgil's Georgics (3:96): "turpis non est quia per naturam venit."
naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret.
You may drive out Nature with a pitchfork, yet she still will hurry back
You must take the basic nature of something into account.
- Horace, Epistles, Book I, epistle iv, line 24.
navigare necesse est vivere non est necesse
to sail is necessary; to live is not necessary
Attributed by Plutarch to Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, who, during a severe storm, commanded sailors to bring food from Africa to Rome.
ne plus ultra
nothing more beyond
Also nec plus ultra or non plus ultra. A descriptive phrase meaning the best or most extreme example of something. The Pillars of Hercules, for example, were literally the nec plus ultra of the ancient Mediterranean world. Holy Roman Emperor Charles V's heraldic emblem reversed this idea, using a depiction of this phrase inscribed on the Pillars—as plus ultra, without the negation. The Boston Musical Instrument Company engraved ne plus ultra on its instruments from 1869 to 1928 to signify that none were better.
Nec aspera terrent
They are not terrified of the rough things
They are not afraid of difficulties. Less literally "Difficulties be damned." Motto for 27th Infantry Regiment (United States) and the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment. Nec = not; aspera = rough ones/things; terrent = they terrify / do terrify / are terrifying.
nec dextrorsum, nec sinistrorsum
Neither to the right nor to the left
Do not get distracted. Motto for Bishop Cotton Boys' School and the Bishop Cotton Girls' School, both located in Bangalore, India.
nec spe, nec metu
without hope, without fear
nec tamen consumebatur
and yet it was not consumed
Refers to the Burning Bush of Exodus 3:2. Motto of many Presbyterian churches throughout the world.
nec temere nec timide
neither reckless nor timid
Motto of the Dutch 11th Air Manoeuvre Brigade and the city of Gdańsk, Poland.
nec vi, nec clam, nec precario
Without permission, without secrecy, without interruption
The law of adverse possession.
neca eos omnes, deus suos agnoscet
kill them all, God will know his own
alternate rendition of Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius by Arnaud Amalric.
nemine contradicente (nem. con., N.C.D.)
with no one speaking against
Less literally, "without dissent". Used especially in committees, where a matter may be passed nem. con., or unanimously, or with unanimous consent.
nemo dat quod non habet
no one gives what he does not have
Thus, "none can pass better title than they have".
nemo est supra legis
nobody is above the law
Nemo igitur vir magnus sine aliquo adflatu divino umquam fuit
No great man ever existed who did not enjoy some portion of divine inspiration
From Cicero's De Natura Deorum, Book 2, chapter LXVI, 167[44]
nemo iudex in causa sua
no man shall be a judge in his own cause
Legal principle that no individual can preside over a hearing in which he holds a specific interest or bias.
nemo malus felix
peace visits not the guilty mind
Also translated to "no rest for the wicked." Refers to the inherent psychological issues that plague bad/guilty people.
nemo me impune lacessit
No man may "touch" me with impunity
"No one attacks me with impunity". Motto of the Order of the Thistle, and consequently of Scotland, found stamped on the milled edge of certain British pound sterling coins. It is the motto of the Montressors in the Edgar Allan Poe short story "The Cask of Amontillado". Motto of the San Beda College Beta Sigma Fraternity.
nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit
No mortal is wise at all times
The wisest may make mistakes.
nemo nisi per amicitiam cognoscitur
No one learns except by friendship
Used to imply that one must like a subject in order to study it.
nemo saltat sobrius
Nobody dances sober
The short and more common form of "Nemo enim fere saltat sobrius, nisi forte insanit", "Nobody dances sober, unless he is completely insane."
nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare
no one is bound to accuse himself (the right to silence)
A maxim banning mandatory self-incrimination. Near-synonymous with accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Deo. Similar phrases include: nemo tenetur armare adversarium contra se (no one is bound to arm an opponent against himself), meaning that a defendant is not obligated to in any way assist the prosecutor to his own detriment; nemo tenetur edere instrumenta contra se (no one is bound to produce documents against himself, meaning that a defendant is not obligated to provide materials to be used against himself (this is true in Roman law and has survived in modern criminal law, but no longer applies in modern civil law); and nemo tenere prodere se ipsum (no one is bound to betray himself), meaning that a defendant is not obligated to testify against himself.
nervos belli, pecuniam infinitam
Endless money forms the sinews of war
In war, it is essential to be able to purchase supplies and to pay troops (as Napoleon put it, "An army marches on its stomach").
nihil ad rem
nothing to do with the point
That is, in law, irrelevant and/or inconsequential.
nihil boni sine labore
nothing achieved without hard work
Motto of Palmerston North Boys' High School
nihil dicit
he says nothing
In law, a declination by a defendant to answer charges or put in a plea.
nihil in intellectu nisi prius in sensu
nothing in the intellect unless first in sense
The guiding principle of empiricism, and accepted in some form by Aristotle, Aquinas, Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. Leibniz, however, added nisi intellectus ipse (except the intellect itself).
nihil novi
nothing of the new
Or just "nothing new". The phrase exists in two versions: as nihil novi sub sole (nothing new under the sun), from the Vulgate, and as nihil novi nisi commune consensu (nothing new unless by the common consensus), a 1505 law of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and one of the cornerstones of its Golden Liberty.
nihil obstat
nothing prevents
A notation, usually on a title page, indicating that a Roman Catholic censor has reviewed the book and found nothing objectionable to faith or morals in its content. See also imprimatur.
nihil sine Deo
nothing without God
Motto of the Kingdom of Romania, while ruled by the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen dynasty (1878–1947).
nihil ultra
nothing beyond
Motto of St. Xavier's College, Calcutta
nil admirari
be surprised at nothing
Motto of the Fitzgibbon family. See John FitzGibbon, 1st Earl of Clare
nil desperandum
nothing must be despaired at
That is, "never despair".
Nil igitur mors est ad nos
Death, therefore, is nothing to us
From Lucretius' De rerum natura (On the Nature of Things), III.831
nil mortalibus ardui est
nothing is impossible for humankind
From Horace's Odes. Motto of Rathkeale College, New Zealand and Brunts School, England.
nil nisi bonum
(about the dead say) nothing unless (it is) good
Short for nil nisi bonum de mortuis dicere. That is, "Don't speak ill of anyone who has died". Also "Nil magnum nisi bonum" (nothing is great unless good), motto of St Catherine's School, Toorak, Pennant Hills High School and Petit Seminaire Higher Secondary School.
nil nisi malis terrori
no terror, except to the bad
Motto of The King's School, Macclesfield
nil per os, rarely non per os (n.p.o.)
nothing through the mouth
Medical shorthand indicating that oral foods and fluids should be withheld from the patient.
nil satis nisi optimum
nothing [is] enough unless [it is] the best
Motto of Everton F.C., residents of Goodison Park, Liverpool.
nil sine labore
nothing without labour
Motto of Fitzoy High School,Brisbane Grammar School, Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Greenwich Public School, Victoria School, Victoria Junior College, Baines High School, St Mungo's Academy and Heckmondwike Grammar School
nil sine numine
nothing without the divine will
Or "nothing without providence". State motto of Colorado, adopted in 1861. Probably derived from Virgil's Aeneid Book II, line 777, "non haec sine numine divum eveniunt" (these things do not come to pass without the will of Heaven). See also numen.
nil volentibus arduum
Nothing [is] arduous for the willing
Nothing is impossible for the willing
nisi Dominus frustra
if not the Lord, [it is] in vain
That is, "everything is in vain without God". Summarized from Psalm 127 (126 Vulgate), "nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum in vanum laboraverunt qui aedificant eam nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem frustra vigilavit qui custodit" (unless the Lord builds the house, they work on a useless thing who build it; unless the Lord guards the community, he keeps watch in vain who guards it). Motto of Edinburgh, St Thomas School, Kolkata and St. Stephen's Episcopal School.
nisi prius
unless previously
In England, a direction that a case be brought up to Westminster for trial before a single judge and jury. In the United States, a court where civil actions are tried by a single judge sitting with a jury, as distinguished from an appellate court.
nitimur in vetitum
We strive for the forbidden
From Ovid's Amores, III.4:17. It means that when we are denied of something, we will eagerly pursue the denied thing. Used by Friedrich Nietzsche in his Ecce Homo to indicate that his philosophy pursues what is forbidden to other philosophers.
nolens volens
unwilling, willing
That is, "whether unwillingly or willingly". Sometimes rendered volens nolens, aut nolens aut volens or nolentis volentis. Similar to willy-nilly, though that word is derived from Old English will-he nil-he ([whether] he will or [whether] he will not).
noli me tangere
do not touch me
Commonly translated "touch me not". According to the Gospel of John, this was said by Jesus to Mary Magdalene after his resurrection.
noli turbare circulos meos
Do not disturb my circles!
That is, "Don't upset my calculations!" Said by Archimedes to a Roman soldier who, despite having been given orders not to, killed Archimedes at the conquest of Syracuse, Sicily. The soldier was executed for his act.
"nolite te bastardes carborundorum"
(Dog Latin)
"Don't let the bastards grind you down
From The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood — the protagonist (Offred) finds the phrase inscribed on the inside of her wardrobe. One of many variants of Illegitimi non carborundum.
nolle prosequi
to be unwilling to prosecute
A legal motion by a prosecutor or other plaintiff to drop legal charges, usually in exchange for a diversion program or out-of-court settlement.
nolo contendere
I do not wish to contend
That is, "no contest". A plea that can be entered on behalf of a defendant in a court that states that the accused doesn't admit guilt, but will accept punishment for a crime. Nolo contendere pleas cannot be used as evidence in another trial.
nomen dubium
doubtful name
A scientific name of unknown or doubtful application.
nomen est omen
the name is a sign
Thus, "true to its name".
nomen nescio (N.N.)
I do not know the name
Thus, the name or person in question is unknown.
nomen nudum
naked name
A purported scientific name that does not fulfill the proper formal criteria and therefore cannot be used unless it is subsequently proposed correctly.
non auro, sed ferro, recuperanda est patria
Not gold, but iron redeems the native land
According to some roman this sentence was said by Marcus Furius Camillus to Brennus, the chief of the Gauls, after he demanded more gold from the citizens of the recently sacked Rome in 390 BC.
non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro
liberty is not well sold for all the gold
Motto of Republic of Ragusa, inscribed over the gates of St. Lawrence Fortress. From Gualterus Anglicus's version of Aesop's fable "The Dog and the Wolf".
non bis in idem
not twice in the same thing
A legal principle forbidding double jeopardy.
non causa pro causa
not the cause for the cause
Also known as the "questionable cause" or "false cause". Refers to any logical fallacy where a cause is incorrectly identified.
non compos mentis
not in control of the mind
See compos mentis. Also rendered non compos sui (not in control of himself). Samuel Johnson, author of the first English dictionary, theorized that the word nincompoop may derive from this phrase.
non constat
it is not certain
Used to explain scientific phenomena and religious advocations, for example in medieval history, for rulers to issue a 'Non Constat' decree, banning the worship of a holy figure. In legal context, occasionally a backing for nulling information that was presented by an attorney. Without any tangible proof, Non constat information is difficult to argue for.
non ducor, duco
I am not led; I lead
Motto of São Paulo city, Brazil. See also pro Brasilia fiant eximia.
non extinguetur
shall not be extinguished
Motto of the Society of Antiquaries of London accompanying their Lamp of knowledge emblem
non facias malum ut inde fiat bonum
you should not make evil in order that good may be made from it
More simply, "don't do wrong to do right". The direct opposite of the phrase "the ends justify the means".
non impediti ratione cogitationis
unencumbered by the thought process
motto of radio show Car Talk
non in legendo sed in intelligendo legis consistunt
the laws depend not on being read, but on being understood
non liquet
it is not proven
Also "it is not clear" or "it is not evident". A sometimes controversial decision handed down by a judge when they feel that the law is not complete.
non loqui sed facere
not talk but action
Motto of the University of Western Australia's Engineering faculty student society.
non mihi solum
not for myself alone
Motto of Anderson Junior College, Singapore.
non multa sed multum
not quantity but quality
Motto of the Daniel Pearl Magnet High School
Non nobis Domine
Not to us (oh) Lord
Christian hymn based on psalm 115.
non nobis nati
'Born not for ourselves'
Motto of St Albans School (Hertfordshire)
non nobis solum
not for ourselves alone
Appears in Cicero's De Officiis Book 1:22 in the form non nobis solum nati sumus (we are not born for ourselves alone). Motto of Lower Canada College, Montreal and University College, Durham University, and Willamette University.
non obstante veredicto
not standing in the way of a verdict
A judgment notwithstanding verdict, a legal motion asking the court to reverse the jury's verdict on the grounds that the jury could not have reached such a verdict reasonably.
non olet
it doesn't smell
See pecunia non olet.
non omnis moriar
I shall not all die
"Not all of me will die", a phrase expressing the belief that a part of the speaker will survive beyond death.
non plus ultra
nothing further beyond
the ultimate
non possumus
not possible
non progredi est regredi
to not go forward is to go backward
non prosequitur
he does not proceed
A judgment in favor of a defendant when the plaintiff failed to take the necessary steps in an action within the time allowed.
non scholae sed vitae
[We learn] not for school but for life
An inversion of non vitae sed scholae now used as a school motto
non quis sed quid
not who but what
Used in the sense "what matters is not who says it but what he says" – a warning against ad hominem arguments; frequently used as motto, including that of Southwestern University.
non sequitur
it does not follow
In general, a comment which is absurd due to not making sense in its context (rather than due to being inherently nonsensical or internally inconsistent), often used in humor. As a logical fallacy, a conclusion that does not follow from a premise.
non serviam
I will not serve
Possibly derived from a Vulgate mistranslation of the Book of Jeremiah. Commonly used in literature as Satan's statement of disobedience to God, though in the original context the quote is attributed to Israel, not Satan.
non sibi
Not for self
A slogan used by many schools and universities.
non sibi, sed patriae
Not for self, but for country
Engraved on the doors of the United States Naval Academy chapel; motto of the USS Halyburton (FFG-40).
non sibi, sed suis
Not for one's self but for one's own
A slogan used by many schools and universities.
non sibi, sed omnibus
Not for one's self but for all
A slogan used by many schools and universities.
non sic dormit, sed vigilat
Sleeps not but is awake
Martin Luther on mortality of the soul.
non silba, sed anthar; Deo vindice
Not for self, but for others; God will vindicate
A slogan used by the Ku Klux Klan
non sum qualis eram
I am not such as I was
Or "I am not the kind of person I once was". Expresses a change in the speaker.
non teneas aurum totum quod splendet ut aurum
Do not hold as gold all that shines as gold
Also, "All that glitters is not gold." Shakespeare in The Merchant of Venice.
non timebo mala
I will fear no evil
Printed on the colt in Supernatural.
non vestra sed vos
Not yours but you
Motto of St Chad's College, Durham.
non vitae sed scholae
[We learn] not for life but for schooltime
From a passage of occupatio in Seneca the Younger's moral letters to Lucilius,[45] wherein Lucilius is given the argument that too much literature fails to prepare students for life
non vi, sed verbo
Not by force, but by the word [of God]
From Martin Luther's "Invocavit Sermons" preached in March, 1522, against the Zwickau prophets unrest in Wittenberg;[46] later echoed in the Augsburg Confession as ...sine vi humana, sed Verbo: bishops should act "without human force, but through the Word".[47]
nosce te ipsum
know thyself
From Cicero, based on the Greek γνῶθι σεαυτόν (gnothi seauton), inscribed on the pronaos of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, according to the Greek periegetic writer Pausanias (10.24.1). A non-traditional Latin rendering, temet nosce (thine own self know), is translated in The Matrix as "know thyself".
noster nostri
Literally "Our ours"
Approximately "Our hearts beat as one."
nota bene (n.b.)
mark well
That is, "please note" or "note it well".
novus ordo seclorum
new order of the ages
From Virgil. Motto on the Great Seal of the United States. Similar to Novus Ordo Mundi (New World Order).
nulla dies sine linea
Not a day without a line drawn
Pliny the Elder attributes this maxim to Apelles, an ancient Greek artist.
nulla poena sine lege
no penalty without a law
Refers to the legal principle that one cannot be punished for doing something that is not prohibited by law, and is related to Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali.
nulla tenaci invia est via
For the tenacious, no road is impassable
Motto of the Dutch car builder Spyker.
nullam rem natam
no thing born
That is, "nothing". It has been theorized that this expression is the origin of Italian nulla, French rien, and Spanish and Portuguese nada, all with the same meaning.
nulli secundus
second to none
Motto of the Coldstream Guards and Nine Squadron Royal Australian Corps of Transport and the Pretoria Regiment.
nullius in verba
On the word of no man
Motto of the Royal Society.
nullum crimen, nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali
no crime, no punishment without a previous penal law
Legal principle meaning that one cannot be penalised for doing something that is not prohibited by law; penal law cannot be enacted retroactively.
nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit
There has been no great wisdom without an element of madness
nullus funus sine fidula
No Funeral Without a Fiddle
Motto of the Guild of Funerary Violinists.
numen lumen
God our light
The motto of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The motto of Elon University.
numerus clausus
closed number
A method to limit the number of students who may study at a university.
nunc aut nunquam
now or never
Motto of the Korps Commandotroepen, Dutch elite special forces.
nunc dimittis
now you send
beginning of the Song of Simeon, from the Gospel of Luke.
nunc est bibendum
now is the time to drink
Carpe-Diem-type phrase from the Odes of Horace, Nunc est bibendum, nunc pede libero pulsanda tellus (Now is the time to drink, now the time to dance footloose upon the earth).
nunc pro tunc
now for then
Something that has retroactive effect, is effective from an earlier date.
nunc scio quid sit amor
now I know what love is
From Virgil, Eclogues VIII.
nunquam minus solus quam cum solus
never less alone than when alone
nunquam non paratus
never unprepared, ever ready, always ready
frequently used as motto
O Deus Ego Amo Te
O God I Love You
attributed to Saint Francis Xavier
o homines ad servitutem paratos
Men ready to be slaves!
attributed (in Tacitus, Annales, III, 65) to the Roman Emperor Tiberius, in disgust at the servile attitude of Roman senators; said of those who should be leaders but instead slavishly follow the lead of others
O tempora, o mores!
Oh, the times! Oh, the morals!
also translated "What times! What customs!"; from Cicero, Catilina I, 2
obiit (ob.)
one died
"He/she died", inscription on gravestones; ob. also sometimes stands for obiter (in passing or incidentally)
obit anus, abit onus
The old woman dies, the burden is lifted
Arthur Schopenhauer
obiter dictum
a thing said in passing
in law, an observation by a judge on some point of law not directly relevant to the case before him, and thus neither requiring his decision nor serving as a precedent, but nevertheless of persuasive authority. In general, any comment, remark or observation made in passing
obliti privatorum, publica curate
Forget private affairs, take care of public ones
Roman political saying which reminds that common good should be given priority over private matters for any person having a responsibility in the State
obscuris vera involvens
the truth being enveloped by obscure things
from Virgil
obscurum per obscurius
the obscure by means of the more obscure
An explanation that is less clear than what it tries to explain; synonymous with ignotum per ignotius
obtorto collo
with a twisted neck
oculus dexter (O.D.)
right eye
Ophthalmologist shorthand
oculus sinister (O.S.)
left eye
oderint dum metuant
let them hate, so long as they fear
favorite saying of Caligula, attributed originally to Lucius Accius, Roman tragic poet (170 BC); Motto of the Russian noble family Krasnitsky
odi et amo
I hate and I love
opening of Catullus 85; the entire poem reads, "odi et amo quare id faciam fortasse requiris / nescio sed fieri sentio et excrucior" (I hate and I love. Why do I do this, you perhaps ask. / I do not know, but I feel it happening and am tormented)
odi profanum vulgus et arceo
I hate the unholy rabble and keep them away
from Horace
odium theologicum
theological hatred
name for the special hatred generated in theological disputes
oleum camino
(pour) oil on the fire
from Erasmus' (1466–1536) collection of annotated Adagia
omne ignotum pro magnifico
every unknown thing [is taken] for great
or "everything unknown appears magnificent" The source is Tacitus: Agricola, Book 1, 30 where the sentence ends with 'est'. The quotation is from Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes story 'The Red-Headed League' where the 'est' is missing.
omne initium difficile est
every beginning is difficult
omne vivum ex ovo
every living thing is from an egg
foundational concept of modern biology, opposing the theory of spontaneous generation
Omnes homines sunt asini vel homines et asini sunt asini
All men are donkeys or men and donkeys are donkeys
a sophismata proposed and solved by Albert of Saxony (philosopher)
omnes vulnerant, postuma necat or omnes feriunt, ultima necat
all [the hours] wound, last one kills
usual in clocks, reminding the reader of death
omnia cum deo
all with God
motto for Mount Lilydale Mercy College, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia
omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina
everything said [is] stronger if said in Latin
or "everything sounds more impressive when said in Latin"; a more common phrase with the same meaning is quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur (whatever said in Latin, seems profound)
omnia extares!
Interpreted as "Let it all hang out!", but in fact incorrect Latin construction with no real meaning[48]
motto for The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington, USA[49]
omnia in mensura et numero et pondere disposuisti
Thou hast ordered all things in measure, and number, and weight.
Book of Wisdom, 11:21
omnia mutantur, nihil interit
everything changes, nothing perishes
Ovid (43 BC – 17 AD), Metamorphoses, book XV, line 165
omnia omnibus
all things to all men
1 Corinthians 9:22
si omnia ficta
if all (the words of poets) is fiction
Ovid, Metamorphoses, book XIII, lines 733–4: "si non omnia vates ficta"
omnia vincit amor
love conquers all
Virgil (70 BC – 19 BC), Eclogue X, line 69
omnia munda mundis
everything [is] pure to the pure [men]
from The New Testament
omnia praesumuntur legitime facta donec probetur in contrarium
all things are presumed to be lawfully done, until it is shown [to be] in the reverse
in other words, "innocent until proven guilty"
omnis vir enim sui
Every man for himself!
omnibus idem
the same to all
motto of Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft, usually accompanied by a sun, which shines for (almost) everyone
omnibus locis fit caedes
There is slaughter everywhere (in every place)
Julius Caesar's The Gallic War, 7.67
omnis traductor traditor
every translator is a traitor
every translation is a corruption of the original; the reader should take heed of unavoidable imperfections
omnis vir tigris
everyone a tiger
motto of the 102d Intelligence Wing
omnium gatherum
gathering of all
miscellaneous collection or assortment; "gatherum" is English, and the term is used often used facetiously
onus probandi
burden of proof
onus procedendi
burden of procedure
burden of a party to adduce evidence that a case is an exception to the rule
opera omnia
all works
collected works of an author
opera posthuma
posthumous works
works published after the author's death
operari sequitur esse
act of doing something follows the act of being
scholastic phrase, used to explain that there is no possible act if there is not being: being is absolutely necessary for any other act
opere citato (op. cit.)
in the work that was cited
used in academic works when referring again to the last source mentioned or used
opere et viritate
in action and truth
doing what you believe is morally right through everyday actions
opere laudato (op. laud.)
See opere citato
operibus anteire
leading the way with deeds
to speak with actions instead of words
ophidia in herba
a snake in the grass
any hidden danger or unknown risk
opinio juris sive necessitatis
an opinion of law or necessity
a belief that an action was undertaken because it was a legal necessity; source of customary law
opus anglicanum
English work
fine embroidery, especially used to describe church vestments
Opus Dei
The Work of God
Catholic organisation
ora et labora
pray and work
This principle of the Benedictine monasteries reads in full: "Ora et labora (et lege), Deus adest sine mora." "Pray and work (and read), God is there without delay" (or to keep the rhyme: "Work and pray, and God is there without delay")
ora pro nobis
pray for us
"Sancta Maria, mater Dei, ora pro nobis pecatoribus"
orando laborando
by praying, by working
motto of the Rugby School
oratio directa
direct speech
expressions from Latin grammar
oratio obliqua
indirect speech
orbis non sufficit
the world does not suffice or the world is not enough
from Satires of Juvenal (Book IV/10), referring to Alexander the Great; James Bond's adopted family motto in the novel On Her Majesty's Secret Service; it made a brief appearance in the film adaptation of the same name and was later used as the title of the nineteenth James Bond film, The World Is Not Enough.
orbis unum
one world
seen in The Legend of Zorro
ordo ab chao
out of chaos, comes order
one of the oldest mottos of Craft Freemasonry.[50]
oremus pro invicem
Let us pray, one for the other; let us pray for each other
Popular salutation for Roman Catholic clergy at the beginning or ending of a letter or note. Usually abbreviated OPI.
orta recens quam pura nites
newly risen, how brightly you shine
Motto of New South Wales
"With all due respect to", "with due deference to", "by leave of", or "no offense to". Used to politely acknowledge someone with whom the speaker or writer disagrees.
pace tua
with your peace
Thus, "with your permission".
Pacem in terris
Peace on Earth
pacta sunt servanda
agreements must be kept
Also "contracts must be honoured". Indicates the binding power of treaties.
palma non sine pulvere
no reward without effort
Also "dare to try"; motto of numerous schools.
palmam qui meruit ferat
let he who merited the palm bear it
also "achievement should be rewarded". Attached to the arms of Lord Nelson in 1797. Later attached to the arms of Upper Canada College and its motto. Also motto of the University of Southern California, Nelson, NZ, the Lincoln Academy of Illinois & Bay View High School, Milwaukee, WI.
panem et circenses
bread and circuses
From Juvenal, Satire X, line 81. Originally described all that was needed for emperors to placate the Roman mob. Today used to describe any entertainment used to distract public attention from more important matters.
para bellum
prepare for war
From "Si vis pacem para bellum": if you want peace, prepare for war—if a country is ready for war, its enemies are less likely to attack. Usually used to support a policy of peace through strength (deterrence).
Parare Domino plebem perfectam
To prepare for God a perfect people
The motto of the St. Jean Baptiste High School
parens patriae
parent of the nation
A public policy requiring courts to protect the best interests of any child involved in a lawsuit. See also Pater Patriae.
pari passu
with equal step
Thus, "moving together", "simultaneously", etc.
parva sub ingenti
the small under the huge
Implies that the weak are under the protection of the strong, rather than that they are inferior. Motto of Prince Edward Island.
parvis imbutus tentabis grandia tutus
When you are steeped in little things, you shall safely attempt great things.
Motto of Barnard Castle School, sometimes translated as "Once you have accomplished small things, you may attempt great ones safely".
here and there, everywhere
Less literally, "throughout" or "frequently". Said of a word, fact or notion that occurs several times in a cited text. Also used in proofreading, where it refers to a change that is to be repeated everywhere needed.
pater familias
father of the family
Or "master of the house". The eldest male in a family, who held patria potestas ("paternal power"). In Roman law, a father had enormous power over his children, wife, and slaves, though these rights dwindled over time. Derived from the phrase pater familias, an Old Latin expression preserving the archaic -as ending for the genitive case.
Pater Omnipotens
Father Almighty
A more direct translation would be "omnipotent father".
Pater Patriae
father of the nation
Also rendered with the gender-neutral parens patriae ("parent of the nation").
pater peccavi
father, I have sinned
The traditional beginning of a Roman Catholic confession.
pauca sed bona
few, but good
Similar to "quality over quantity"; though there may be few of something, at least they are of good quality.
pauca sed matura
few, but ripe
Said to be one of Carl Gauss's favorite quotations. Used in The King and I by Rodgers and Hammerstein.
paulatim ergo certe
slowly therefore surely
Former motto of Latymer Upper School in London. The text latim er is concealed in the words.
pax aeterna
eternal peace
A common epitaph.
Pax Americana
American Peace
A euphemism for the United States of America and its sphere of influence. Adapted from Pax Romana.
Pax Britannica
British Peace
A euphemism for the British Empire. Adapted from Pax Romana.
Pax Christi
Peace of Christ
Used as a wish before the Holy Communion in the Catholic Mass, also the name of the peace movement Pax Christi.
pax Dei
peace of God
Used in the Peace and Truce of God movement in 10th-century France.
Pax Deorum
Peace of the gods
Like the vast majority of inhabitants of the ancient world, the Romans practiced pagan rituals, believing it important to achieve a state of Pax Deorum (The Peace of the gods) instead of Ira Deorum (The Wrath of the gods).
Pax Domine
peace, lord
lord or master; used as a form of address when speaking to clergy or educated professionals.
pax et bonum
peace and the good
Motto of St. Francis of Assisi and, consequently, of his monastery in Assisi; understood by Catholics to mean 'Peace and Goodness be with you,' as is similar in the Mass; translated in Italian as pace e bene.
pax et justitia
peace and justice
Motto of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
pax et lux
peace and light
Motto of Tufts University and various schools. Also written as "Pax et Lvx".
Pax Europaea
European peace
A euphemism for Europe after World War II.
Pax Hispanica
Spanish Peace
A euphemism for the Spanish Empire. Specifically can mean the twenty-three years of supreme Spanish dominance in Europe (approximately 1598–1621). Adapted from Pax Romana.
pax in terra
peace on earth
Used to exemplify the desired state of peace on earth.
Pax intrantibus, salus exeuntibus
"Peace to those who enter, health to those who depart."
Used as an inscription over the entrance of buildings (especially homes, monasteries, inns). Often benedicto habitantibus (Blessings on those who abide here) is added.
pax maternum, ergo pax familiarum
peace of mothers, therefore peace of families
If the mother is peaceful, then the family is peaceful. The inverse of the Southern United States saying, "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."
Pax Mongolica
Mongolian Peace
A period of peace and prosperity in Asia during the Mongol Empire.
pax optima rerum
peace is the greatest good
Silius Italicus, Punica (11,595); motto of the university of Kiel
Pax Romana
Roman Peace
A period of relative prosperity and lack of conflict in the early Roman Empire.
Pax Sinica
Chinese Peace
A period of peace in East Asia during times of strong Chinese hegemony.
pax tecum
peace be with you
Pax tibi, Marce, evangelista meus. Hic requiescet corpus tuum.
Peace to you, Mark, my Evangelist. Here will rest your body.
Legend states that when the evangelist went to the lagoon where Venice would later be founded, an angel came and said so.[51] The first part is depicted as the note in the book shown opened by the lion of St Mark's Basilica, Venice; registered trademark of the Assicurazioni Generali, Trieste.[52]
pax vobiscum
peace [be] with you
A common farewell. The "you" is plural ("you all"), so the phrase must be used when speaking to more than one person; pax tecum is the form used when speaking to only one person.
I have sinned
Telegraph message and pun from Charles Napier, British general, upon completely subjugating the Indian province of Sindh in 1842. This is, arguably, the most terse military despatch ever sent. The story is apocryphal.
pecunia non olet
money doesn't smell
According to Suetonius' De vita Caesarum, when Emperor Vespasian was challenged by his son Titus for taxing the public lavatories, the emperor held up a coin before his son and asked whether it smelled or simply said non olet ("it doesn't smell"). From this, the phrase was expanded to pecunia non olet, or rarely aes non olet ("copper doesn't smell").
pecunia, si uti scis, ancilla est; si nescis, domina
if you know how to use money, money is your slave; if you don't, money is your master
Written on an old Latin tablet in downtown Verona (Italy).
pede poena claudo
punishment comes limping
That is, retribution comes slowly but surely. From Horace, Odes, 3, 2, 32.
pendent opera interrupta
the work hangs interrupted
From the Aeneid of Virgil, Book IV.
By, through, by means of
See specific phrases below.
per angusta ad augusta
through difficulties to greatness
Joining sentence of the conspirators in the drama Hernani by Victor Hugo (1830). The motto of numerous educational establishments.
per annum (pa.)
per year
Thus, "yearly"—occurring every year.
per ardua
through adversity
Motto of the British RAF Regiment.
per ardua ad alta
through difficulty to heights
Through hardship, great heights are reached. Motto of University of Birmingham, Methodist Ladies' College, Perth. Also the motto of Clan Hannay.
per ardua ad astra
through adversity to the stars
Motto of the air force of several nations (including the Royal Air Force of the United Kingdom) and of several schools. The phrase is used by Latin Poet Virgil in the Aeneid; also used in H. Rider Haggard's novel The People of the Mist.
per aspera ad astra
through hardships to the stars
From Seneca the Younger. Motto of NASA and the South African Air Force. A common variant, ad astra per aspera ("to the stars through hardships"), is the state motto of Kansas. Ad Astra ("To the Stars") is the title of a magazine published by the National Space Society. De Profundis Ad Astra ("From the depths to the stars.") is the motto of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society.
per capita
by heads
"Per head", i.e., "per person", a ratio by the number of persons. The singular is per caput.
per capsulam
through the small box
That is, "by letter"
per contra
through the contrary
Or "on the contrary" (cf. a contrario)
per crucem vincemus
through the cross we shall conquer
Motto of St John Fisher Catholic High School, Dewsbury
Per Crucem Crescens
through the cross, growth
Motto of Lambda Chi Alpha
per curiam
through the senate
Legal term meaning "by the court", as in a per curiam decision
per definitionem
through the definition
Thus, "by definition"
per diem (pd.)
by day
Thus, "per day". A specific amount of money an organization allows an individual to spend per day, typically for travel expenses.
per fas et nefas
through right or wrong
By fair means or foul
per fidem intrepidus
fearless through faith
per mare per terram
by sea and by land
Motto of the Royal Marines and (with small difference) of Clan Donald and the Compagnies Franches de la Marine.
per mensem (pm.)
by month
Thus, "per month", or "monthly".
per os (p.o.)
through the mouth
Medical shorthand for "by mouth".
per pedes
by feet
Used of a certain place can be traversed or reached by foot, or to indicate that one is travelling by foot as opposed to by a vehicle.
per procura (p.p.) or (per pro)
through the agency
Also rendered per procurationem. Used to indicate that a person is signing a document on behalf of another person. Correctly placed before the name of the person signing, but often placed before the name of the person on whose behalf the document is signed, sometimes through incorrect translation of the alternative abbreviation per pro. as "for and on behalf of".
per quod
by reason of which
In a UK legal context: "by reason of which" (as opposed to per se which requires no reasoning). In American jurisprudence often refers to a spouse's claim for loss of consortium.
per rectum (pr)
through the rectum
Medical shorthand. See also per os.
per rectum ad astra
via rectum to the stars
a modern parody of per aspera ad astra, originating and most commonly used in Russia, meaning that the path to success took you through most undesirable and objectionable places or environments; or that a found solution to a complex problem is extremely convoluted.
per risum multum poteris cognoscire stultum
by excessive laughter one can recognise the fool
per se
through itself
Also "by itself" or "in itself". Without referring to anything else, intrinsically, taken without qualifications etc. A common example is negligence per se. See also malum in se.
per stirpes
through the roots
Used in wills to indicate that each "branch" of the testator's family should inherit equally. Contrasted with per capita.
per unitatem vis
through unity, strength
Motto of Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets.
per veritatem vis
through truth, strength
Motto of Washington University in St. Louis.
per volar sunata[sic]
born to soar
Motto of St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School and St Margaret's Anglican Girls' School The phrase is not from Latin but from Dante's Purgatorio, Canto XII, 95, the Italian phrase "per volar sù nata".
periculum in mora
danger in delay
perinde ac [si] cadaver [essent]
[well-disciplined] like a corpse
Phrase written by St. Ignatius of Loyola in his Constitutiones Societatis Iesu (1954)
perita manus mens exculta
skilled hand, cultivated mind
Motto of RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia.
perge sequar
advance, I follow
from Virgil's Aeneid IV 114; in Vergil's context: "proceed with your plan, I will do my part."
perpetuum mobile
thing in perpetual motion
A musical term. Also used to refer to hypothetical perpetual motion machines.
Perseverantia et Fide in Deo
Perseverance and Faith in God
Motto of Bombay Scottish School, Mahim, India
persona non grata
person not pleasing
An unwelcome, unwanted or undesirable person. In diplomatic contexts, a person rejected by the host government. The reverse, persona grata ("pleasing person"), is less common, and refers to a diplomat acceptable to the government of the country to which he is sent.
petitio principii
request of the beginning
Begging the question, a logical fallacy in which a proposition to be proved is implicitly or explicitly assumed in one of the premises.
it pleases
expression of assent.
pluralis majestatis
plural of majesty
The first-person plural pronoun when used by an important personage to refer to himself or herself; also known as the "royal we".
plus minusve (p.m.v.)
more or less
Frequently found on Roman funerary inscriptions to denote that the age of a decedent is approximate.
plus ultra
further beyond
The national motto of Spain and a number of other institutions. Motto of the Colombian National Armada.
pia desideria
pious longings
Or "dutiful desires".
pia fraus
pious fraud
Or "dutiful deceit". Expression from Ovid. Used to describe deception which serves Church purposes.
pia mater
pious mother
Or "tender mother". Translated into Latin from Arabic. The delicate innermost of the three membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
one painted
Thus, "he painted this" or "she painted this". Formerly used on works of art, next to the artist's name.
piscem natare docem
teach fish to swim
Latin proverb, attributed by Erasmus to Greek origin (Ἰχθὺν νηχέσθαι διδάσκεις); corollary Chinese idiom (班門弄斧)
pollice compresso favor iudicabatur
goodwill decided by compressed thumb
Life was spared with a thumb tucked inside a closed fist, simulating a sheathed weapon. Conversely, a thumb up meant to unsheath your sword.
pollice verso
with a turned thumb
Used by Roman crowds to pass judgment on a defeated gladiator. The type of gesture used is uncertain. Also the name of a famous painting depicting gladiators by Jean-Léon Gérôme.
Polonia Restituta
Rebirth of Poland
pons asinorum
bridge of asses
Any obstacle that stupid people find hard to cross. Originally used of Euclid's Fifth Proposition in geometry.
Pontifex Maximus
Greatest High Priest
Or "Supreme Pontiff". Originally an office in the Roman Republic, later a title held by Roman Emperors, and later a traditional epithet of the pope. The pontifices were the most important priestly college of the religion in ancient Rome; their name is usually thought to derive from pons facere ("to make a bridge"), which in turn is usually linked to their religious authority over the bridges of Rome, especially the Pons Sublicius.
posse comitatus
force of the county
[53]Thus, to be able to be made into part of a retinue or force. In common law, a sheriff's right to compel people to assist law enforcement in unusual situations.
post aut propter
after it or by means of it
Causality between two phenomena is not established (cf. post hoc, ergo propter hoc).
post cibum (p.c.)
after food
Medical shorthand for "after meals" (cf. ante cibum).
post coitum
After sex
After sexual intercourse.
post coitum omne animal triste est sive gallus et mulier
After sexual intercourse every animal is sad, except the cock (rooster) and the woman
Or: triste est omne animal post coitum, praeter mulierem gallumque. Attributed to Galen of Pergamum.[54]
post hoc ergo propter hoc
after this, therefore because of this
A logical fallacy where one assumes that one thing happening after another thing means that the first thing caused the second.
post festum
after the feast
Too late, or after the fact.
post meridiem (p.m.)
after midday
The period from noon to midnight (cf. ante meridiem).
post mortem (pm)
after death
Usually rendered postmortem. Not to be confused with post meridiem.
Post mortem auctoris (p.m.a.)
after the author's death
The phrase is used in legal terminology in the context of intellectual property rights, especially copyright, which commonly lasts until a certain number of years after the author's death.
post nubila phoebus
after the clouds, the sun
Motto of the University of Zulia, Venezuela.
post prandial
after “late breakfast”
Refers to the time after any meal. Usually rendered postprandial.
post scriptum (p.s.)
after what has been written
A postscript. Used to mark additions to a letter, after the signature. Can be extended to post post scriptum (p.p.s.), etc.
post tenebras lux, or post tenebras spero lucem
after darkness, [I hope for] light
Motto of the Protestant Reformation inscribed on the Reformation Wall in Geneva from Vulgata, Job 17:12. Former motto of Chile; motto of Robert College of Istanbul.
postera crescam laude
we grow in the esteem of future generations
Motto of the University of Melbourne.
potest solum unum
There can be only one
praemia virtutis honores
honours are the rewards of virtue
praemonitus praemunitus
forewarned is forearmed
praesis ut prosis ne ut imperes
Lead in order to serve, not in order to rule.
Motto of Lancaster Royal Grammar School.
praeter legem
after the law
Legal terminology, international law
Praga Caput Regni
Prague, Head of the Kingdom
Motto of Prague from Middle Ages
Praga Caput Rei publicae
Prague, Head of the Republic
Motto of Prague from 1991
Praga mater urbium
Prague, Mother of Cities
Motto of Prague from 1927
Praga totius Bohemiae domina
Prague, the mistress of the whole of Bohemia
Former motto of Prague
pretiumque et causa laboris
The prize and the cause of our labour
Motto of Burnley Football Club; from Ovid's Metamorphoses, 4.739 (Latin)/English): "The Tale of Perseus and Andromeda": resoluta catenis incedit virgo, pretiumque et causa laboris. ("freed of her chains the virgin approaches, cause and reward of the enterprise.")
prima facie
at first sight
Used to designate evidence in a trial which is suggestive, but not conclusive, of something (e.g., a person's guilt).
prima luce
at dawn
Literally "at first light".
primas sum: primatum nil a me alienum puto
I am a primate; nothing about primates is outside of my bailiwick
A sentence by the American anthropologist Earnest Hooton and the slogan of primatologists and lovers of the primates.
primum mobile
first moving thing
Or "first thing able to be moved". See primum movens.
primum movens
prime mover
Or "first moving one". A common theological term, such as in the cosmological argument, based on the assumption that God was the first entity to "move" or "cause" anything. Aristotle was one of the first philosophers to discuss the "uncaused cause", a hypothetical originator—and violator—of causality.
primum non nocere
first, to not harm
A medical precept. Often falsely attributed to the Hippocratic Oath, though its true source is probably a paraphrase from Hippocrates' Epidemics, where he wrote, "Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future; practice these acts. As to diseases, make a habit of two things: to help, or at least to do no harm."
primus inter pares
first among equals
A title of the Roman Emperors (cf. princeps).
principia probant non probantur
principles prove; they are not proved
Fundamental principles require no proof; they are assumed a priori.
principiis obsta (et respice finem)
resist the beginnings (and consider the end)
Ovid, Remedia Amoris, 91
principium individuationis
psychological term: the self-formation of the personality into a coherent whole
prior tempore potior iure
earlier in time, stronger in law
A legal principle that older laws take precedent over newer ones. Another name for this principle is lex posterior.
pro aris et focis
For God and country
The motto of the Royal Queensland Regiment, and many other regiments.
pro bono publico
for the public good
Often abbreviated pro bono. Work undertaken voluntarily at no expense, such as public services. Often used of a lawyer's work that is not charged for.
pro Brasilia fiant eximia
let exceptional things be made for Brazil
Motto of São Paulo state, Brazil.
pro Deo et Patria
For God and Country
One of the mottos of Lyceum of the Philippines University and many other institutions.
pro domo (sua)
for (one’s own) home or house
serving the interests of a given perspective or for the benefit of a given group.
pro Ecclesia, pro Texana
For Church, For Texas
Motto of Baylor University, a private Christian Baptist university in Waco, Texas.
pro fide et patria
for faith and fatherland
Motto of the originally Irish Muldoon family and of several schools, such as the Diocesan College (Bishops) in Cape Town, South Africa, and All Hallows High School in the Bronx, New York.
pro forma
for form
Or "as a matter of form". Prescribing a set form or procedure, or performed in a set manner.
pro gloria et patria
for glory and fatherland
Motto of Prussia
pro hac vice
for this occasion
Request of a state court to allow an out-of-state lawyer to represent a client.
pro multis
for many
It is part of the Rite of Consecration of the wine in Western Christianity tradition, as part of the Mass.
pro parte
in part
Frequently used in taxonomy to refer to part of a group.
pro patria
for country
Pro Patria Medal: for operational service (minimum 55 days) in defence of the Republic South Africa or in the prevention or suppression of terrorism; issued for the Border War (counter-insurgency operations in South West Africa 1966–89) and for campaigns in Angola (1975–76 and 1987–88). Motto of The Royal Canadian Regiment, Royal South Australia Regiment, Humpybong State School and Hurlstone Agricultural High School.
pro patria vigilans
watchful for the country
Motto of the United States Army Signal Corps.
pro per
for self
to defend oneself in court without counsel; abbreviation of propria persona. See also: pro se.
pro rata
for the rate
i.e., proportionately.
pro re nata (PRN, prn)
for a thing that has been born
Medical shorthand for "as the occasion arises" or "as needed". Also "concerning a matter having come into being". Used to describe a meeting of a special Presbytery or Assembly called to discuss something new, and which was previously unforeseen (literally: "concerning a matter having been born").
pro rege et lege
for king and the law
Found on the Leeds coat of arms.
pro se
for oneself
to defend oneself in court without counsel. Some jurisdictions prefer, "pro per".
pro scientia et patria
for science and nation
Motto of the National University of La Plata.
pro studio et labore
for study and work
pro tanto
for so much
Denotes something that has only been partially fulfilled. A philosophical term indicating the acceptance of a theory or idea without fully accepting the explanation.
pro tempore
for the time
Equivalent to English phrase "for the time being". Denotes a temporary current situation.
probatio pennae
testing of the pen
A Medieval Latin term for breaking in a new pen.
probis pateo
I am open for honest people
Traditionally inscribed above a city gate or above the front entrance of a dwelling or place of learning.
prodesse quam conspici
To Accomplish Rather Than To Be Conspicuous
Motto of Miami University.
propria manu (p.m.)
"by one's own hand".
propter vitam vivendi perdere causas
to destroy the reasons for living for the sake of life
That is, to squander life's purpose just in order to stay alive, and live a meaningless life. From Juvenal, Satyricon VIII, verses 83–84.
provehito in altum
launch forward into the deep
Motto of Memorial University of Newfoundland.
proxime accessit
he came next
The runner-up.
proximo mense (prox.)
in the following month
Formerly used in formal correspondence to refer to the next month. Used with ult. ("last month") and inst. ("this month").
pulchrum est paucorum hominum
Beauty is for the few
From Friedrich Nietzsche's 1895 book The Antichrist, translated by H. L. Mencken as "Few men are noble".
pulvis et umbra sumus
we are dust and shadow
From Horace, Carmina book IV, 7, 16.
punctum saliens
leaping point
Thus, the essential or most notable point. The salient point.
purificatus non consumptus
purified, not consumed
Motto of Washburn University, last charter school in the United States of America, located in Topeka, Kansas.
qua definitione
by virtue of definition
Thus: "by definition"; variant of per definitionem; sometimes used in German-speaking countries. Occasionally misrendered as "qua definitionem".
qua patet orbis
as far as the world extends
Motto of the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps
quae non prosunt singula multa iuvant
what alone is not useful helps when accumulated
Ovid, Remedia amoris
quaecumque sunt vera
whatsoever is true
Mottos of Northwestern University and St. Francis Xavier University. Also motto of the University of Alberta as "quaecumque vera". Taken from Philippians 4:8 of the Bible
quaecumque vera doce me
teach me whatsoever is true
Motto of St. Joseph's College, Edmonton at the University of Alberta.
to seek
Or "you might ask..." Used to suggest doubt or to ask one to consider whether something is correct. Often introduces rhetorical or tangential questions.
quaerite primum regnum Dei
seek ye first the kingdom of God
Also quaerite primo regnum dei. Motto of Newfoundland and Labrador. Motto of Shelford Girls' Grammar, St Columb's College, and Philharmonic Academy of Bologna.
qualis artifex pereo
As what kind of artist do I perish?
Or "What a craftsman dies in me!" Attributed to Nero in Suetonius' De vita Caesarum.
Qualitas potentia nostra
Quality is our might
The motto of Finnish Air Force.
quam bene non quantum
how well, not how much
Motto of Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada
quam bene vivas referre (or refert), non quam diu
it is how well you live that matters, not how long
Seneca, Epistulae morales ad Lucilium CI (101)
quamdiu (se) bene gesserit
as long as he shall have behaved well (legal Latin)
I.e., "[while on] good behavior." So for example the Act of Settlement 1701 stipulated that judges' commissions are valid quamdiu se bene gesserint (during good behaviour). (Notice the different singular, "gesserit", and plural, "gesserint", forms.) It was from this phrase that Frank Herbert extracted the name for the Bene Gesserit sisterhood in the Dune novels.
quantocius quantotius
the sooner, the better
or, as quickly as possible
quantum libet (q.l.)
as much as pleases
Medical shorthand for "as much as you wish".
quantum sufficit (qs)
as much as is enough
Medical shorthand for "as much as needed" or "as much as will suffice".
quaque hora (qh)
every hour
Medical shorthand. Also quaque die (qd), "every day", quaque mane (qm), "every morning", and quaque nocte (qn), "every night".
quare clausum fregit
wherefore he broke the close
An action of trespass; thus called, by reason the writ demands the person summoned to answer to wherefore he broke the close (quare clausum fregit), i.e. why he committed such a trespass.
quater in die (qid)
four times a day
medical shorthand
quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius
Whom the gods would destroy, they first make insane
quem di diligunt adulescens moritur
he whom the gods love dies young
Other translations of diligunt include "prize especially" or "esteem". From Plautus, Bacchides, IV, 7, 18. In this comic play, a sarcastic servant says this to his aging master. The rest of the sentence reads: dum valet sentit sapit ("while he is healthy, perceptive and wise").
questio quid iuris
I ask what law?
From the Summoner's section of Chaucer's General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, line 648.
qui bene cantat bis orat
he who sings well praises twice
From St. Augustine of Hippo's commentary on Psalm 74, 1: Qui enim cantat laudem, non solum laudat, sed etiam hilariter laudat ("He who sings praises, not only praises, but praises joyfully").
qui bono
who with good
Common nonsensical Dog Latin misrendering of the Latin phrase cui bono ("who benefits?").
qui docet in doctrina
he that teacheth, on teaching
Motto of the University of Chester. The more literal translation is "Let those who teach, teach" or "Let the teacher teach".
qui habet aures audiendi audiat
he who has ears to hear shall hear
"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear"; Mark Mark 4:9
qui me tangit, vocem meam audit
who touches me, hears my voice
common inscription on bells
qui tacet consentire videtur
he who is silent is taken to agree
Thus, silence gives consent. Sometimes accompanied by the proviso "ubi loqui debuit ac potuit", that is, "when he ought to have spoken and was able to".
qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur
he who brings an action for the king as well as for himself
Generally known as 'qui tam,' it is the technical legal term for the unique mechanism in the federal False Claims Act that allows persons and entities with evidence of fraud against federal programs or contracts to sue the wrongdoer on behalf of the Government.
qui totum vult totum perdit
he who wants everything loses everything
Attributed to Seneca
qui transtulit sustinet
he who transplanted still sustains
Or "he who brought us across still supports us", meaning God. State motto of Connecticut. Originally written as sustinet qui transtulit in 1639.
quia suam uxorem etiam suspiciore vacare vellet
because he should wish even his wife to be free from suspicion
Attributed to Julius Caesar by Plutarch, Caesar 10. Translated loosely as "because even the wife of Caesar may not be suspected". At the feast of Bona Dea, a sacred festival for females only, which was being held at the Domus Publica, the home of the Pontifex Maximus, Caesar, and hosted by his second wife, Pompeia, the notorious politician Clodius arrived in disguise. Caught by the outraged noblewomen, Clodius fled before they could kill him on the spot for sacrilege. In the ensuing trial, allegations arose that Pompeia and Clodius were having an affair, and while Caesar asserted that this was not the case and no substantial evidence arose suggesting otherwise, he nevertheless divorced, with this quotation as explanation.
quid agis
What is going on?
What's happening? What's going on? What's the news? What's up?
quid est veritas
What is truth?
In the Vulgate translation of John 18:38, Pilate's question to Jesus (Greek: Τί ἐστιν ἀλήθεια;). A possible answer is an anagram of the phrase: est vir qui adest, "it is the man who is here."
quid infantes sumus
What are we, a bunch of babies?
Commonly used by Nocera Clan. synonym - "to throw down ones gauntlet."
quid novi ex Africa
What of the new out of Africa?
Less literally, "What's new from Africa?" Derived from an Aristotle quotation.
quid nunc
What now?
Commonly shortened to quidnunc. As a noun, a quidnunc is a busybody or a gossip. Patrick Campbell worked for The Irish Times under the pseudonym "Quidnunc".
quid pro quo
what for what
Commonly used in English, it is also translated as "this for that" or "a thing for a thing". Signifies a favor exchanged for a favor. The traditional Latin expression for this meaning was do ut des ("I give, so that you may give").
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur
whatever has been said in Latin seems deep
Or "anything said in Latin sounds profound". A recent ironic Latin phrase to poke fun at people who seem to use Latin phrases and quotations only to make themselves sound more important or "educated". Similar to the less common omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina.
quieta non movere
don't move settled things
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Who will guard the guards themselves?
Commonly associated with Plato who in the Republic poses this question; and from Juvenal's On Women, referring to the practice of having eunuchs guard women and beginning with the word sed ("but"). Usually translated less literally, as "Who watches the watchmen?" This translation is a common epigraph, such as of the Tower Commission and Alan Moore's Watchmen comic book series.
quis leget haec?
Who will read this?
quis separabit?
who will separate us?
Motto of the Order of St. Patrick. Motto of Northern Ireland.
quis ut Deus
Who [is] as God?
Usually translated "Who is like unto God?" Questions who would have the audacity to compare himself to a Supreme Being.
quo errat demonstrator
where the prover errs
A pun on ''quod erat demonstrandum''.
quo fata ferunt
where the fates bear us to
Motto of Bermuda.
quousque tandem?
For how much longer?
From Cicero's first speech In Catilinam to the Roman Senate regarding the conspiracy of Catiline: Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? ("For how much longer, Catiline, will you abuse our patience?").
Quo Vadimus?
Where are we going?
Title of the series finale of Aaron Sorkin's TV dramedy Sports Night.
quo vadis?
Where are you going?
According to Vulgate translation of John 13:36, Saint Peter asked Jesus Domine, quo vadis ("Lord, where are you going?"). The King James Version has the translation "Lord, whither goest thou?"
quod abundat non obstat
what is abundant doesn't hinder
It is no problem to have too much of something.
quod erat demonstrandum (Q.E.D.)
what was to be demonstrated
The abbreviation is often written at the bottom of a mathematical proof. Sometimes translated loosely into English as "The Five Ws", W.W.W.W.W., which stands for "Which Was What We Wanted".
quod erat faciendum (Q.E.F)
which was to be done
Or "which was to be constructed". Used in translations of Euclid's Elements when there was nothing to prove, but there was something being constructed, for example a triangle with the same size as a given line.
quod est (q.e.)
which is
quod est necessarium est licitum
what is necessary is lawful
quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur
what is asserted without reason may be denied without reason
If no grounds have been given for an assertion, then there are no grounds needed to reject it.
quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi
what is permitted to Jupiter is not permitted to an ox
If an important person does something, it does not necessarily mean that everyone can do it (cf. double standard). Iovi (also commonly rendered Jovi) is the dative form of Iuppiter ("Jupiter" or "Jove"), the chief god of the Romans.
quod me nutrit me destruit
what nourishes me destroys me
Thought to have originated with Elizabethan playwright Christopher Marlowe. Generally interpreted to mean that that which motivates or drives a person can consume him or her from within. This phrase has become a popular slogan or motto for pro-ana websites, anorexics and bulimics.
quod natura non dat Salmantica non praestat
what nature does not give, Salamanca does not provide
Refers to the Spanish University of Salamanca, meaning that education cannot substitute the lack of brains.
quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt Barberini
What the barbarians did not do, the Barberini did
A well-known satirical lampoon left attached to the ancient "speaking" statue of Pasquino on a corner of the Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy.[55]
quod scripsi, scripsi
What I have written I have written.
Pilate to the chief priests (John 19:22).
quod supplantandum, prius bene sciendum
Whatever you hope to supplant, you will first know thoroughly
i.e. "You must thoroughly understand that which you hope to supplant". A caution against following a doctrine of Naive Analogy when attempting to formulate a scientific hypothesis.
quod vide (q.v.)
which see
Used after a term or phrase that should be looked up elsewhere in the current document or book. For more than one term or phrase, the plural is quae vide (qq.v.).
Quodcumque dixerit vobis, facite.
Whatever He tells you, that you shall do.
More colloquially: "Do whatever He [Jesus] tells you to do." Instructions of Mary to the servants at the Wedding at Cana. (John 2:5).
quomodo vales
How are you?
of whom
The number of members whose presence is required under the rules to make any given meeting constitutional.
quos amor verus tenuit tenebit
Those whom true love has held, it will go on holding
quot capita tot sensus
as many heads, so many opinions
"There are as many opinions as there are heads." – Terence
quot homines tot sententiae
every man had his sentence
Or "there are as many opinions as there are people".how many people, so many opinions
radix malorum est cupiditas
the root of evils is desire
Or "greed is the root of all evil". Theme of the "The Pardoner's Tale" from The Canterbury Tales.
rara avis (Rarissima avis)
rare bird (very rare bird)
An extraordinary or unusual thing. From Juvenal's Satires: rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno ("a rare bird in the lands, and very like a black swan").
rari nantes in gurgite vasto
Rare survivors in the immense sea
Virgil, Aeneid, I, 118
ratio decidendi
reasoning for the decision
The legal, moral, political, and social principles used by a court to compose a judgment's rationale.
ratio legis
reasoning of law
A law's foundation or basis.
ratione personae
because of the person involved
Also "Jurisdiction Ratione Personae" the personal reach of the courts jurisdiction.[56]
ratione soli
by account of the ground
Or "according to the soil". Assigning property rights to a thing based on its presence on a landowner's property.
ratum et consummatum
confirmed and completed
in Canon law, a consummated marriage
ratum tantum
confirmed only
in Canon law, a confirmed but unconsummated marriage (which can be dissolved super rato)
[in] the matter of
More literally, "by the thing". From the ablative of res ("thing" or "circumstance"). It is a common misconception that the "Re:" in correspondence is an abbreviation for regarding or reply; this is not the case for traditional letters. However, when used in an e-mail subject, there is evidence that it functions as an abbreviation of regarding rather than the Latin word for thing. The use of Latin re, in the sense of "about, concerning", is English usage.
rebus sic stantibus
with matters standing thus
The doctrine that treaty obligations hold only as long as the fundamental conditions and expectations that existed at the time of their creation hold.
recte et fideliter
Upright and Faithful
Also "just and faithful" and "accurately and faithfully". Motto of Ruyton Girls' School
reductio ad absurdum
leading back to the absurd
A common debate technique, and a method of proof in mathematics and philosophy, that proves the thesis by showing that its opposite is absurd or logically untenable. In general usage outside mathematics and philosophy, a reductio ad absurdum is a tactic in which the logic of an argument is challenged by reducing the concept to its most absurd extreme. Translated from Aristotle's "ἡ εις άτοπον απαγωγη" (hi eis atopon apagogi, "reduction to the impossible").
reductio ad infinitum
leading back to the infinite
An argument that creates an infinite series of causes that does not seem to have a beginning. As a fallacy, it rests upon Aristotle's notion that all things must have a cause, but that all series of causes must have a sufficient cause, that is, an unmoved mover. An argument which does not seem to have such a beginning becomes difficult to imagine.
regnat populus
the people rule
State motto of Arkansas, adopted in 1907. Originally rendered in 1864 in the plural, regnant populi ("the peoples rule"), but subsequently changed to the singular.
Regnum Mariae Patrona Hungariae
Kingdom of Mary, the Patron of Hungary
Former motto of Hungary.
regressus ad uterum
return to the womb
Concept used in psychoanalysis by Sándor Ferenczi and the Budapest School.
rem acu tetigisti
You have touched the point with a needle
i.e., "You have hit the nail on the head"
repetita juvant
repeating does good
Usually said as a jocular remark to defend the speaker's (or writer's) choice to repeat some important piece of information to ensure reception by the audience.
repetitio est mater studiorum
repetition is the mother of study
requiem aeternam
eternal rest
requiescat in pace (R.I.P.)
let him rest in peace
Or "may he rest in peace". A benediction for the dead. Often inscribed on tombstones or other grave markers. "RIP" is commonly mistranslated as "Rest In Peace", though the two mean essentially the same thing.
rerum cognoscere causas
to learn the causes of things
Motto of the University of Sheffield, the University of Guelph, and London School of Economics.
res firma mitescere nescit
a firm resolve does not know how to weaken
Used in the 1985 film American Flyers where it is colloquially translated as "once you got it up, keep it up".
res gestae
things done
A phrase used in law representing the belief that certain statements are made naturally, spontaneously and without deliberation during the course of an event, they leave little room for misunderstanding/misinterpretation upon hearing by someone else ( i.e. by the witness who will later repeat the statement to the court) and thus the courts believe that such statements carry a high degree of credibility.
res ipsa loquitur
the thing speaks for itself
A phrase from the common law of torts meaning that negligence can be inferred from the fact that such an accident happened, without proof of exactly how. A clause sometimes (informally) added on to the end of this phrase is sed quid in infernos dicit ("but what the hell does it say?"), which serves as a reminder that one must still interpret the significance of events that "speak for themselves".
res judicata
judged thing
A matter which has been decided by a court. Often refers to the legal concept that once a matter has been finally decided by the courts, it cannot be litigated again (cf. non bis in idem and double jeopardy).
res, non verba
"actions speak louder than words", or "deeds, not words"
From rēs ("things, facts") the plural of rēs ("a thing, a fact") + nōn ("not") + verba ("words") the plural of verbum ("a word"). Literally meaning "things, not words" or "facts instead of words" but referring to that "actions be used instead of words".
res nullius
nobody's property
Goods without an owner. Used for things or beings which belong to nobody and are up for grabs, e.g., uninhabited and uncolonized lands, wandering wild animals, etc. (cf. terra nullius, "no man's land").
res publica
Pertaining to the state or public
source of the word republic
respice adspice prospice
look behind, look here, look ahead
i.e., "examine the past, the present and future". Motto of CCNY.
respice finem
look back at the end
i.e., "have regard for the end" or "consider the end". Generally a memento mori, a warning to remember one's death. Motto of Homerton College, Cambridge, Trinity College, Kandy and Turnbull High School, Glasgow
respondeat superior
let the superior respond
Regarded as a legal maxim in agency law, referring to the legal liability of the principal with respect to an employee. Whereas a hired independent contractor acting tortiously may not cause the principal to be legally liable, a hired employee acting tortiously will cause the principal (the employer) to be legally liable, even if the employer did nothing wrong.
restitutio ad (or in) integrum
restoration to original condition
Principle behind the awarding of damages in common law negligence claims
I shall arise
‘I shall rise again’, expressing Christian faith in resurrection at the Last Day. It appears, inter alia, in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, as the epitaph written on Helen Burns's grave; in a poem of Emily Dickinson: Poems (1955) I. 56 ("Arcturus" is his other name), I slew a worm the other day — A ‘Savant’ passing by Murmured ‘Resurgam’ — ‘Centipede’! ‘Oh Lord—how frail are we’!; and in a letter of Vincent van Gogh.[57] The OED gives "1662 J. Trapp Annotations Old & New Testament I. 142 Howbeit he had hope in his death, and might write Resurgam on his grave" as its earliest attribution in the English corpus.
retine vim istam, falsa enim dicam, si coges
Restrain your strength, for if you compel me I will tell lies
An utterance by the Delphic oracle recorded by Eusebius of Caesarea in Praeparatio evangelica, VI-5, translated from the Greek of Porphyry (c.f. E. H. Gifford's translation)[58] and used by William Wordsworth as a subtitle for his ballad "Anecdote for Fathers".
rex regum fidelum et
king even of faithful kings
Latin motto that appears on the crest of the Trinity Broadcasting Network of Paul and Jan Crouch.
rigor mortis
stiffness of death
The rigidity of corpses when chemical reactions cause the limbs to stiffen about 3–4 hours after death. Other signs of death include drop in body temperature (algor mortis, "cold of death") and discoloration (livor mortis, "bluish color of death").
risum teneatis, amici?
Can you help laughing, friends?
An ironic or rueful commentary, appended following a fanciful or unbelievable tale.
risus abundat in ore stultorum
laughter is abundant in the mouth of fools
excessive and inappropriate laughter signifies stupidity; see also LOL
Roma invicta
Unconquerable Rome
Inspirational motto inscribed on the Statue of Rome.
Romanes eunt domus
Romanes go the house
An intentionally garbled Latin phrase from Monty Python's Life of Brian. Its intended meaning is "Romans, go home!", in Latin Romani ite domum.
rorate coeli
drop down ye heavens
aka The Advent Prose
rosa rubicundior, lilio candidior, omnibus formosior, semper in te glorior
redder than the rose, whiter than the lilies, fairer than all things, I do ever glory in thee
From Veni, veni, venias (Carmina Burana).
rus in urbe
A countryside in the city
Generally used to refer to a haven of peace and quiet within an urban setting, often a garden, but can refer to interior decoration.
saltus in demonstrando
leap in explaining
a leap in logic, by which a necessary part of an equation is omitted.
salus in arduis
a stronghold (or refuge) in difficulties
a Roman Silver Age maxim, also the school motto of Wellingborough School.
salus populi suprema lex esto
the welfare of the people is to be the highest law
From Cicero's De Legibus, book III, part III, sub. VIII. Quoted by John Locke in his Second Treatise, On Civil Government, to describe the proper organization of government. Also the state motto of Missouri.
salva veritate
with truth intact
Refers to two expressions that can be interchanged without changing the truth value of the statements in which they occur.
Salvator Mundi
Savior of the World
Christian epithet, usually referring to Jesus. The title of paintings by Albrecht Dürer and Leonardo da Vinci.
salvo errore et omissione (s.e.e.o.)
save for error and omission
Appears on statements of "account currents".
salvo honoris titulo (SHT)
save for title of honor
Sancta Sedes
Holy Chair
literally, "holy seat". Refers to the Papacy or the Holy See.
sancta simplicitas
holy innocence
Or "sacred simplicity".
sancte et sapienter
with holiness and with wisdom
Also sancte sapienter (holiness, wisdom), motto of several institutions.
sanctum sanctorum
Holy of Holies
referring to a more sacred and/or guarded place, within a lesser guarded, yet also holy location.
sapere aude
dare to be wise
From Horace's Epistularum liber primus, Epistle II, line 40. Popularized by its use in Kant's What is Enlightenment? to define the Enlightenment. Frequently used in mottos; also the name of an Australian Heavy Metal band.
sapiens qui prospicit
wise is he who looks ahead
Motto of Malvern College, England
sapienti sat
enough for the wise
From Plautus. Indicates that something can be understood without any need for explanation, as long as the listener has enough wisdom or common sense. Often extended to dictum sapienti sat est ("enough has been said for the wise", commonly translated as "a word to the wise is enough").
sapientia et doctrina
wisdom and learning
Motto of Fordham University, New York.
sapientia et eloquentia
wisdom and eloquence
One of the mottos of the Ateneo schools in the Philippines.[59]
Motto of the Minerva Society
sapientia et veritas
wisdom and truth
Motto of Christchurch Girls' High School, New Zealand.
sapientia et virtus
wisdom and virtue
Motto of The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
sapientia melior auro
wisdom is better than gold
Motto of University of Deusto, Bilbao, San Sebastián, Spain.
sapientia, pax, fraternitas
Wisdom, Peace, Fraternity
Motto of Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, Cholula, Mexico.
sat celeriter fieri quidquid fiat satis bene
That which has been done well has been done quickly enough
One of the two favorite saying of Augustus. The other is "festina lente".[60]
scientia ac labore
knowledge through [hard] work, or: by means of knowledge and hard work, or: through knowledge and [hard] work
Motto of several institutions
scientia, aere perennius
knowledge, more lasting than bronze
unknown origin, probably adapted from Horace's ode III (Exegi monumentum aere perennius).
scientia cum religione
religion and knowledge united
Motto of St Vincent's College, Potts Point
scientiae cedit mare
The sea yields to knowledge
Motto of the United States Coast Guard Academy.
scientiae et patriae
For science and fatherland
Motto of University of Latvia
scientia et sapientia
knowledge and wisdom
motto of Illinois Wesleyan University
scientia imperii decus et tutamen
knowledge is the adornment and protection of the Empire
Motto of Imperial College London
scientia ipsa potentia est
knowledge itself is power
Stated originally by Sir Francis Bacon in Meditationes Sacrae (1597), which in modern times is often paraphrased as scientia est potestas or scientia potentia est (knowledge is power).
scientia vincere tenebras
conquering darkness by science
Motto of several institutions, such as the Free University of Brussels.
scilicet (sc. or ss.)
it is permitted to know
that is to say; to wit; namely; in a legal caption, it provides a statement of venue or refers to a location.
I know
scio me nihil scire
I know that I know nothing
scire quod sciendum
knowledge which is worth having
motto of now defunct publisher Small, Maynard & Company
scribimus indocti doctique poemata passim
Each desperate blockhead dares to write
as translated by Philip Francis. From Horace, Epistularum liber secundus (1, 117)[61] and quoted in Fielding's Tom Jones; lit: "Learned or not, we shall write poems without distinction."
scuto amoris divini
by the shield of God's love
The motto of Skidmore College
seculo seculorum
forever and ever
sed ipse spiritus postulat pro nobis, gemitibus inenarrabilibus
But the same Spirit intercedes incessantly for us, with inexpressible groans
Romans 8:26
sed terrae graviora manent
But on earth, worse things await
Virgil Aeneid 6:84.
sede vacante
with the seat being vacant
The "seat" is the Holy See, and the vacancy refers to the interregnum between two popes.
sedes apostolica
apostolic chair
Synonymous with Sancta Sedes.
sedes incertae
seat (i.e. location) uncertain
Used in biological classification to indicate that there is no agreement as to which higher order grouping a taxon should be placed into. Abbreviated sed. incert.
sedet, aeternumque sedebit
seat, be seated forever
a Virgi's verse, means when you stop trying, then you lose
semel in anno licet insanire
once in a year one is allowed to go crazy
Concept expressed by various authors, such as Seneca, Saint Augustine and Horace. It became proverbial during the Middle ages.
semper ad meliora
always towards better things
Motto of several institutions
semper anticus
always forward
Motto of the 45th Infantry Division (United States) and its successor, the 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (United States)
semper ardens
always burning
Motto of Carl Jacobsen and name of a line of beers by Danish brewery Carlsberg.
semper eadem
ever the same
personal motto of Elizabeth I, appears above her royal coat of arms. Used as motto of Elizabeth College, Guernsey, Channel Islands, which was founded by Elizabeth I, and of Ipswich School, to whom Elizabeth granted a royal charter. Also the motto of the City of Leicester and Prince George's County.
semper excelsius
always higher
Motto of the K.A.V. Lovania Leuven and the House of Wrigley-Pimley-McKerr[62]
semper fidelis
always faithful
Motto of several institutions, e.g. United States Marine Corps
semper fortis
always brave
Unofficial motto of the United States Navy
semper idem
always the same
Motto of Underberg
semper in excretia sumus solim profundum variat
We're always in the manure; only the depth varies.
Lord de Ramsey, House of Lords, 21 January 1998[63]
semper instans
always threatening
Motto of 846 NAS Royal Navy
semper invicta
always invincible
Motto of Warsaw
semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit
the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges
Latin maxim often associated with the burden of proof
semper liber
always free
Motto of the city of Victoria, British Columbia
semper paratus
always prepared
Motto of several institutions, e.g. United States Coast Guard
semper primus
always first
Motto of several US military units
semper progrediens
always progressing
Motto of the island of Sint Maarten, a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and of King City Secondary School in King City, Ontario, Canada
semper reformanda
always in need of being reformed
A phrase deriving from the Nadere Reformatie movement in the seventeenth century Dutch Reformed Church and widely but informally used in Reformed and Presbyterian churches today. It refers to the conviction of certain Reformed Protestant theologians that the church must continually re-examine itself in order to maintain its purity of doctrine and practice. The term first appeared in print in Jodocus van Lodenstein, Beschouwinge van Zion (Contemplation of Zion), Amsterdam, 1674.[64]
semper sursum
always aim high
Motto of Barrow-in-Furness, England. Motto of St. Joseph's College, Allahabad, India. Motto of Palmerston North Girls' High School, Palmerston North, New Zealand
semper vigilans
always vigilant
Motto of several institutions (such as the US Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol). Also the motto of the city of San Diego, California.
semper vigilo
always vigilant
The motto of Scottish Police Forces, Scotland.
Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR)
The Senate and the People of Rome
The official name of the Roman Republic. "SPQR" was carried on battle standards by the Roman legions. In addition to being an ancient Roman motto, it remains the motto of the modern city of Rome.
sensu lato
with the broad, or general, meaning
Less literally, "in the wide sense".
sensu stricto cf. stricto sensu
"with the tight meaning"
Less literally, "in the strict sense".
sensus plenior
in the fuller meaning
In biblical exegesis, the deeper meaning intended by God, not intended by the human author.
sequere pecuniam
follow the money
In an effort to understand why things may be happening contrary to expectations, or even in alignment with them, this idiom suggests that keeping track of where money is going may show the basis for the observed behavior. Similar in spirit to the phrase cui bono (who gains?) or cui prodest (who advances?), but outside those phrases' historically legal context.
sero venientes male sedentes
those who are late are poorly seated
sero venientibus ossa
those who are late get bones
servabo fidem
Keeper of the faith
I will keep the faith.
I will serve
The answer of St. Michael the Archangel to the non serviam, "I will not serve" of Satan, when the angels were tested by God on whether they will serve an inferior being, a man, Jesus, as their Lord.
servus servorum Dei
servant of the servants of God
A title for the Pope.
sesquipedalia verba
words a foot and a half long
From Horace's Ars Poetica, "proicit ampullas et sesquipedalia verba" ("he throws down his high-flown language and his foot-and-a-half-long words"). A self-referential jab at long words and needlessly elaborate language in general.
Si monumentum requiris circumspice
If you seek (his) monument, look around you
from the epitaph on Christopher Wren's tomb in St Paul's Cathedral.
si omnes... ego non
if all ones... not I
si peccasse negamus fallimur et nulla est in nobis veritas
if we deny having made a mistake, we are deceived, and there's no truth in us
From Christopher Marlowe's The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, where the phrase is translated "if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there's no truth in us." (cf. 1 John 1:8 in the New Testament)
si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice
if you seek a delightful peninsula, look around
Said to have been based on the tribute to architect Christopher Wren in St Paul's Cathedral, London: si monumentum requiris, circumspice (see above). State motto of Michigan, adopted in 1835.
si quid novisti rectius istis, candidus imperti; si nil, his utere mecum.
if you can better these principles, tell me; if not, join me in following them
Horace, Epistles I:6, 67–68
si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses
If you had kept your silence, you would have stayed a philosopher
This quote is often attributed to the Latin philosopher Boethius of the late fifth and early sixth centuries. It translates literally as, "If you had been silent, you would have remained a philosopher." The phrase illustrates a common use of the subjunctive verb mood. Among other functions it expresses actions contrary to fact. Sir Humphrey Appleby translated it to the PM as: "If you'd kept your mouth shut we might have thought you were clever."
si vales valeo (SVV)
if you are well, I am well (abbr)
A common beginning for ancient Roman letters. An abbreviation of si vales bene est ego valeo, alternatively written as SVBEEV. The practice fell out of fashion and into obscurity with the decline in Latin literacy.
si vis amari ama
If you want to be loved, love
This is often attributed to the Roman philosopher Seneca, found in the sixth of his letters to Lucilius.
si vis pacem, para bellum
if you want peace, prepare for war
From Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus, De Re Militari. Origin of the name parabellum for some ammunition and firearms, such as the Luger Parabellum. (Similar to igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum)
Or "just so". States that the preceding quoted material appears exactly that way in the source, despite any errors of spelling, grammar, usage, or fact that may be present. Used only for previous quoted text; ita or similar must be used to mean "thus" when referring to something about to be stated.
sic et non
thus and not
More simply, "yes and no".
sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc
we gladly feast on those who would subdue us
Mock-Latin motto of The Addams Family.
sic infit
so it begins
sic itur ad astra
thus you shall go to the stars
From Virgil, Aeneid book IX, line 641. Possibly the source of the ad astra phrases. Motto of several institutions.
sic parvis magna
greatness from small beginnings
Motto of Sir Francis Drake
sic passim
Thus here and there
Used when referencing books; see passim.
sic semper erat, et sic semper erit
Thus has it always been, and thus shall it ever be
sic semper tyrannis
thus always to tyrants
Attributed to Brutus at the time of Julius Caesar's assassination, and to John Wilkes Booth at the time of Abraham Lincoln's assassination; whether it was actually said at either of these events is disputed. Shorter version from original sic semper evello mortem tyrannis ("thus always I pluck death from tyrants"). State motto of Virginia, adopted in 1776.
sic transit gloria mundi
thus passes the glory of the world
A reminder that all things are fleeting. During Papal Coronations, a monk reminds the Pope of his mortality by saying this phrase, preceded by pater sancte ("holy father") while holding before his eyes a burning paper illustrating the passing nature of earthly glories. This is similar to the tradition of a slave in a Roman triumphs whispering memento mori in the ear of the celebrant.
sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas
use [what is] yours so as not to harm [what is] of others
Or "use your property in such a way that you do not damage others'". A legal maxim related to property ownership laws, often shortened to simply sic utere ("use it thus").
sic vita est
thus is life
Or "such is life". Indicates that a circumstance, whether good or bad, is an inherent aspect of living.
sidere mens eadem mutato
Though the constellations change, the mind is universal
Latin motto of the University of Sydney.
signetur (sig) or (S/)
let it be labeled
Medical shorthand
signum fidei
Sign of the Faith
Motto of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
silentium est aureum
silence is golden
Latinization of the English expression "silence is golden". Also Latinized as silentium est aurum ("silence is gold").
similia similibus curantur
similia similibus curentur
similar things take care of similar things
let similar things take care of similar things
"like cures like" and "let like be cured by like"; the first form ("curantur") is indicative, while the second form ("curentur") is subjunctive. The indicative form is found in Paracelsus (16th century), while the subjunctive form is said by Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy, and is known as the law of similars.
similia similibus solvuntur
similar substances will dissolve similar substances
Used as a general rule in chemistry; "like dissolves like" refers to the ability of polar or non polar solvents to dissolve polar or non polar solutes respectively.[65]
simplex sigillum veri
simplicity is the sign of truth
expresses a sentiment akin to Keep It Simple, Stupid
sine anno (s.a.)
without a year
Used in bibliographies to indicate that the date of publication of a document is unknown.
sine die
without a day
Originally from old common law texts, where it indicates that a final, dispositive order has been made in the case. In modern legal context, it means there is nothing left for the court to do, so no date for further proceedings is set, resulting in an "adjournment sine die".
sine ira et studio
without anger and fondness
Thus, impartially. From Tacitus, Annals 1.1.
sine labore non erit panis in ore
without labour there will be no bread in mouth
sine loco (s.l.)
without a place
Used in bibliographies to indicate that the place of publication of a document is unknown.
sine metu
"without fear"
Motto of Jameson Irish Whiskey
sine nomine (s.n.)
"without a name"
Used in bibliographies to indicate that the publisher of a document is unknown.
sine poena nulla lex
Without penalty, there is no law
Refers to the ineffectiveness of a law without the means of enforcement
sine prole
Without offspring
Frequently abbreviated to "s.p." or "d.s.p." (decessit sine prole – "died without offspring") in genealogical works.
sine prole superstite
Without surviving children
Without surviving offspring (even in abstract terms)
sine timore aut favore
Without Fear or Favor
St.George's School, Vancouver, Canada motto
sine qua non
without which not
Used to denote something that is an essential part of the whole. See also condicio sine qua non.
sine remediis medicina debilis est
without remedies medicine is powerless
Inscription on a stained glass in the conference hall of a pharmaceutical mill in Kaunas, Lithuania.
sine scientia ars nihil est
without knowledge, skill is nothing
Motto of The International Diving Society
sisto activitatem
I cease the activity
Phrase, used to cease the activities of the Sejm upon the liberum veto principle
sit nomine digna
may it be worthy of the name
Motto of Rhodesia
sit sine labe decus
let honour stainless be
Motto of the Brisbane Boys' College (Brisbane, Australia).
sit tibi terra levis
may the earth be light to you
Commonly used on gravestones, often contracted as S.T.T.L., the same way as today's R.I.P.
sit venia verbo
may there be forgiveness for the word
Similar to the English idiom "pardon my French".
sol iustitiae illustra nos
sun of justice, shine upon us
Motto of Utrecht University.
sol lucet omnibus
the sun shines on everyone
Petronius, Satyricon Lybri 100.
sol omnia regit
the sun rules over everything
Inscription near the entrance to Frombork Museum
sola fide
by faith alone
The material principle of the Protestant Reformation and one of the five solas, referring to the Protestant claim that the Bible teaches that men are saved by faith even without works.
sola gratia
by grace alone
A motto of the Protestant Reformation and one of the five solas, referring to the Protestant claim that salvation is an unearned gift (cf. ex gratia), not a direct result of merit.
sola lingua bona est lingua mortua
the only good language is a dead language
Example of dog Latin humor.
sola scriptura
by scripture alone
The formal principle of the Protestant Reformation and one of the five solas, referring to the Protestant idea that the Bible alone is the ultimate authority, not the Pope or tradition.
sola nobilitat virtus
virtue alone ennobles
soli Deo gloria (S.D.G.)
glory to God alone
A motto of the Protestant Reformation and one of the five solas, referring to the idea that God is the creator of all good things and deserves all the praise for them. Johann Sebastian Bach often signed his manuscripts with the abbreviation S.D.G. to invoke this phrase, as well as with AMDG (ad maiorem Dei gloriam). The motto of the MasterWorks Festival, an annual Christian performing arts festival.
solus Christus
Christ alone
A motto of the Protestant Reformation and one of the five solas, referring to the Protestant claim that the Bible teaches that Jesus is the only mediator between God and mankind. Also rendered solo Christo ("by Christ alone").
solus ipse
I alone
solvitur ambulando
it is solved by walking
The problem is solved by taking a walk, or by simple experiment.
Spartam nactus es; hanc exorna
your lot is cast in Sparta, be a credit to it
from Euripides's Telephus, Agamemnon to Menelaus.[66]
specialia generalibus derogant
special departs from general
speculum speculorum
mirror of mirrors
spem reduxit
he has restored hope
Motto of New Brunswick.
spero meliora
I hope for better things
spes bona
good hope
Motto of University of Cape Town.
spes vincit thronum
hope conquers (overcomes) the throne
Refers to Revelation 3:21, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." On the John Winthrop family tombstone, Boston, Massachusetts.
spiritus mundi
spirit of the world
From The Second Coming (poem) by William Butler Yeats. Refers to Yeats' belief that each human mind is linked to a single vast intelligence, and that this intelligence causes certain universal symbols to appear in individual minds. The idea is similar to Carl Jung's concept of the collective unconscious.
spiritus ubi vult spirat
the spirit spreads wherever it wants
Refers to The Gospel of Saint John 3:8, where he mentions how Jesus told Nicodemus "The wind blows wherever it wants, and even though you can hear its noise, you don't know where it comes from or where it goes. The same thing happens to whomever has been born of the Spirit." It is the motto of Cayetano Heredia University[67]
splendor sine occasu
brightness without setting
Loosely "splendour without diminishment" or "magnificence without ruin". Motto of British Columbia.
stamus contra malo
we stand against by evil
The motto of the Jungle Patrol in The Phantom. The phrase actually violates Latin grammar because of a mistranslation from English, as the preposition contra takes the accusative case. The correct Latin rendering of "we stand against evil" would be "stamus contra malum".
stante pede
with a standing foot
stare decisis
to stand by the decided things
To uphold previous rulings, recognize precedent.
stat sua cuique dies
There is a day [turn] for everybody
Virgil, Aeneid, X 467
statim (stat)
Medical shorthand used following an urgent request.
status quo
the situation in which
The current condition or situation. Also status quo ante ("the situation in which [things were] before"), referring to the state of affairs prior to some upsetting event (cf. reset button technique).
status quo ante bellum
the state before the war
A common term in peace treaties.
let it stand
Marginal mark in proofreading to indicate that something previously deleted or marked for deletion should be retained.
stet fortuna domus
let the fortune of the house stand
First part of the motto of Harrow School, England, and inscribed upon Ricketts House, at the California Institute of Technology.
stipendium peccati mors est
the reward of sin is death
From Christopher Marlowe's The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus. (See Rom 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.")
strenuis ardua cedunt
the heights yield to endeavour
Motto of The University of Southampton.
stricto sensu cf. sensu stricto
with the tight meaning
Less literally, "in the strict sense".
stupor mundi
the wonder of the world
A title given to Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor. More literally translated "the bewilderment of the world", or, in its original, pre-Medieval sense, "the stupidity of the world".
sua sponte
by its own accord
Legal term when a court takes up a motion on its own initiative, not because any of the parties to the case has made the motion. The regimental motto of the 75th Ranger Regiment of the U.S. Army.
sub anno
under the year
Commonly abbreviated sa, it is used in citing annals, which record events by year.
sub cruce lumen
The Light Under the Cross
Motto of the University of Adelaide, Australia. Refers to the figurative "light of learning" and the Southern Cross constellation, Crux.
sub divo
under the wide open sky
Also, "under the sky", "in the open air", "out in the open" or "outdoors". Ablative "divo" does not distinguish divus, divi, a god, from divum, divi, the sky.
sub finem
toward the end
Used in citations to refer to the end of a book, page, etc., and abbreviated 's.f.' Used after the page number or title. E.g., 'p. 20 s.f. '
sub Iove frigido
under cold Jupiter
At night; from Horace's Odes 1.1:25
sub judice
under a judge
Said of a case that cannot be publicly discussed until it is finished. Also sub iudice.
sub poena
under penalty
Commonly rendered subpoena. Said of a request, usually by a court, that must be complied with on pain of punishment. Examples include subpoena duces tecum ("take with you under penalty"), a court summons to appear and produce tangible evidence, and subpoena ad testificandum ("under penalty to testify"), a summons to appear and give oral testimony.
sub rosa
under the rose
"In secret", "privately", "confidentially", or "covertly". In the Middle Ages, a rose was suspended from the ceiling of a council chamber to indicate that what was said in the "under the rose" was not to be repeated outside. This practice originates in Greek mythology, where Aphrodite gave a rose to her son Eros, and he, in turn, gave it to Harpocrates, the god of silence, to ensure that his mother's indiscretions—or those of the gods in general, in other accounts—were kept under wraps.
sub nomine (sub nom.)
under the name
"in the name of", "under the title of"; used in legal citations to indicate the name under which the litigation continued.
sub silentio
under silence
implied but not expressly stated.
sub specie aeternitatis
under the sight of eternity
Thus, "from eternity's point of view". From Spinoza, Ethics.
sub specie Dei
under the sight of God
"from God's point of view or perspective".
sub tuum praesidium
Beneath thy compassion
Name of the oldest extant hymn to the Theotokos (Blessed Virgin Mary). Also "under your protection". A popular school motto.
Sub umbra floreo
Under the shade I flourish
National Motto of Belize, referring to the shade of the mahogany tree.
sub verbo; sub voce
Under the word or heading, as in a dictionary; abbreviated s.v.
sublimis ab unda
Raised from the waves
Motto of King Edward VII and Queen Mary School, Lytham
subsiste sermonem statim
stop speaking immediately
Sudetia non cantat
One doesn't sing on the Sudeten Mountains
Saying from Hanakia
sui generis
Of its own kind
In a class of its own.
sui iuris
Of one's own right
Capable of responsibility. Has both legal and ecclesiastical use. Commonly rendered sui juris.
sum quod eris
I am what you will be
A gravestone inscription to remind the reader of the inevitability of death (cf. memento mori). Also rendered fui quod sis ("I have been what you are") and tu fui ego eris ("I have been you, you will be I").
sum quod sum
I am what I am
from Augustine's Sermon No. 76.[68]
summa cum laude
with highest praise
summa potestas
sum or totality of power
It refers to the final authority of power in government. For example, power of the Sovereign.
summa summarum
all in all
Literally "sum of sums". When a short conclusion is rounded up at the end of some elaboration.
summum bonum
the supreme good
Literally "highest good". Also summum malum ("the supreme evil").
summum ius, summa iniuria
supreme justice, supreme injustice
From Cicero (De officiis, I, 10, 33). An acritical application of law, without understanding and respect of laws's purposes and without considering the overall circumstances, is often a means of supreme injustice. A similar sentence appears in Terence (Heautontimorumenos, IV, 5): Ius summum saepe summa est malitia ("supreme justice is often out of supreme malice (or wickedness)").
sunt lacrimae rerum
there are tears for things
From Virgil, Aeneid. Followed by et mentem mortalia tangunt ("and mortal things touch my mind"). Aeneas cries as he sees Carthaginian temple murals depicting the deaths of the Trojan War. See also hinc illae lacrimae.
sunt omnes unum
they are all one
sunt pueri pueri, pueri puerilia tractant
Children are children, and children do childish things
anonymous proverb
suo jure
in one's own right
Used in the context of titles of nobility, for instance where a wife may hold a title in her own right rather than through her marriage.
suo motu
upon one's own initiative
Also rendered suo moto. Usually used when a court of law, upon its own initiative, (i.e., no petition has been filed) proceeds against a person or authority that it deems has committed an illegal act. It is used chiefly in South Asia.[citation needed]
suos cultores scientia coronat
Knowledge crowns those who seek her
The motto of Syracuse University, New York.
super fornicam
on the lavatory
Where Thomas More accused the reformer, Martin Luther, of going to celebrate Mass.
superbia in proelia
pride in battle
Motto of Manchester City F.C.
supero omnia
I surpass everything
A declaration that one succeeds above all others.
surdo oppedere
to belch before the deaf
From Erasmus' collection of annotated Adagia (1508): a useless action.
I shall rise
Motto of Columbia University's Philolexian Society.
sursum corda
Lift up your hearts
sutor, ne ultra crepidam
Cobbler, no further than the sandal!
Thus, don't offer your opinion on things that are outside your competence. It is said that the Greek painter Apelles once asked the advice of a cobbler on how to render the sandals of a soldier he was painting. When the cobbler started offering advice on other parts of the painting, Apelles rebuked him with this phrase in Greek, and it subsequently became a popular Latin expression.
suum cuique tribuere
to render to every man his due
One of Justinian I's three basic precepts of law. Also shortened to suum cuique ("to each his own").
Abbreviation for sub verbo or sub voce (see above).
tabula gratulatoria
congratulatory tablet
A list of congratulations.
tabula rasa
scraped tablet
Thus, "blank slate". Romans used to write on wax-covered wooden tablets, which were erased by scraping with the flat end of the stylus. John Locke used the term to describe the human mind at birth, before it had acquired any knowledge.
talis qualis
just as such
"Such as it is" or "as such".
taliter qualiter
talium Dei regnum
for of such (little children) is the kingdom of God
from St Mark's gospel 10:14 "talium (parvuli) est enim regnum Dei"; similar in St Matthew's gospel 19:14 "talium est enim regnum caelorum" ("for of such is the kingdom of heaven"); motto of The Cathedral School, Townsville.
tanquam ex ungue leonem
we know the lion by his claw
Said in 1697 by Johann Bernoulli about Isaac Newton's anonymously submitted solution to Bernoulli's challenge regarding the Brachistochrone curve.
tarde venientibus ossa
To the late are left the bones
Te occidere possunt sed te edere non possunt nefas est
They can kill you, but they cannot eat you, it is against the law.
The motto of the fictional Enfield Tennis Academy in the David Foster Wallace novel Infinite Jest. Translated in the novel as "They can kill you, but the legalities of eating you are quite a bit dicier".
technica impendi nationi
Technology impulses nations
Motto of Technical University of Madrid
temet nosce
know thyself
A reference to the Greek γνῶθι σεαυτόν (gnothi seauton), inscribed on the pronaos of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, according to the Greek periegetic writer Pausanias (10.24.1). Rendered also with nosce te ipsum, temet nosce ("thine own self know") appears in The Matrix translated as "know thyself".
tempora heroica
Heroic Age
Literally "Heroic Times"; refers to the period between the mythological Titanomachy and the (relatively) historical Trojan War.
tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis
the times are changing, and we change in them
Variant of omnia mutantur et nos mutamur in illis, attributed to Lothair I. See entry for details.
tempus edax rerum
time, devourer of all things
Also "time, that devours all things", literally: "time, gluttonous of things", edax: adjectival form of the verb edo to eat. From Ovid, Metamorphoses, 15, 234-236.
tempus fugit
Time flees.
Time flies.
From Vergil's Georgics (Book III, line 284), where it appears as fugit inreparabile tempus. A common sundial motto. See also tempus volat, hora fugit below.
tempus rerum imperator
time, commander of all things
"Tempus Rerum Imperator" has been adopted by the Google Web Accelerator project. It is shown in the "About Google Web Accelerator" page.
tempus vernum
spring time
Name of song by popular Irish singer Enya
tempus volat hora fugit
time flies, the hour flees
teneo te Africa
I hold you, Africa!
Suetonius attributes this to Julius Caesar, from when Caesar was on the African coast.
tentanda via
The way must be tried
motto for York University
ter in die (t.i.d.)
thrice in a day
Medical shorthand for "three times a day".
terminat hora diem; terminat auctor opus.
The hour finishes the day; the author finishes his work.
Phrase concluding Christopher Marlowe's play Doctor Faustus.[69]
terminus ante quem
limit before which
In archaeology or history, refers to the date before which an artifact or feature must have been deposited. Used with terminus post quem ("limit after which"). Similarly, terminus ad quem ("limit to which") may also refer to the latest possible date of a non-punctual event (period, era, etc.), while terminus a quo ("limit from which") may refer to the earliest such date.
terra australis incognita
unknown southern land
First name used to refer to the Australian continent.
terra firma
solid land
Often used to refer to the ground.
terra incognita
unknown land
terra nova
new land
Latin name of Newfoundland (island portion of Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, capital- St. John's), also root of French name of same, Terre-Neuve
terra nullius
land of none
That is, no man's land. A neutral or uninhabited area, or a land not under the sovereignty of any recognized political entity.
terras irradient
let them illuminate the lands
Or "let them give light to the world". An allusion to Isaiah 6.3: plena est omnis terra gloria eius ("the whole earth is full of his glory"). Sometimes mistranslated as "they will illuminate the lands" based on mistaking irradiare for a future indicative third-conjugation verb, whereas it is actually a present subjunctive first-conjugation verb. Motto of Amherst College; the college's original mission was to educate young men to serve God.
tertium non datur
no third (possibility) is given
A logical axiom that a claim is either true or false, with no third option.
tertium quid
a third something
1. Something that cannot be classified into either of two groups considered exhaustive; an intermediate thing or factor. 2. A third person or thing of indeterminate character.
testis unus, testis nullus
one witness is not a witness
A law principle expressing that a single witness is not enough to corroborate a story.
Tibi cordi immaculato concredimus nos ac consecramus
We consecrate to your immaculate heart and entrust to you (Mary) for safekeeping
The inscription found on top of the central door of the Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, otherwise known as the Manila Cathedral in the Philippines
timeo Danaos et dona ferentes
I fear Greeks even if they bring gifts
Danaos being a term for the Greeks. In Virgil's Aeneid, II, 49, the phrase is said by Laocoön when warning his fellow Trojans against accepting the Trojan Horse. The full original quote is quidquid id est timeo Danaos et dona ferentis, quidquid id est meaning "whatever it is" and ferentis being an archaic form of ferentes. Commonly mistranslated "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts".
timidi mater non flet
A coward's mother does not weep
proverb; occasionally appears on loading screens in the game Rome: Total War.
timor mortis conturbat me
the fear of death confounds me
Refrain originating in the response to the seventh lesson in the Office of the Dead. In the Middle Ages, this service was read each day by clerics. As a refrain, it appears also in other poems and can frequently be found inscribed on tombs.
totus tuus
totally yours
Offering one's life in total commitment to another. The motto was adopted by Pope John Paul II to signify his love and servitude to Mary the Mother of Jesus.
tres faciunt collegium
three makes company
It takes three to have a valid group; three is the minimum number of members for an organization or a corporation.
translatio imperii
transfer of rule
Used to express the belief in the transfer of imperial authority from the Roman Empire of antiquity to the Medieval Holy Roman Empire.
treuga Dei
Truce of God
A decree by the medieval Church that all feuds should be cancelled during the Sabbath—effectively from Wednesday or Thursday night until Monday. See also Peace and Truce of God.
tu autem Domine miserere nobis
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us
Phrase said at the end of biblical readings in the liturgy of the medieval church. Also used in brief, "tu autem", as a memento mori epitaph.
tu fui ego eris
I was you; you will be me
Thus, "what you are, I was; what I am, you will be.". A memento mori gravestone inscription to remind the reader that death is unavoidable (cf. sum quod eris).
tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito
you should not give in to evils, but proceed ever more boldly against them
From Virgil, Aeneid, 6, 95.
tu quoque
you too
The logical fallacy of attempting to defend one's position merely by pointing out the same weakness in one's opponent.
I will protect
Found on the Great Seal on the flag of the state of Michigan.
tunica propior est pallio
A tunic is closer to the body than a cape
turris fortis mihi Deus
God is my strong tower
Motto of the Kelly Clan
uberrima fides
most abundant faith
Or "utmost good faith" (cf. bona fide). A legal maxim of insurance contracts requiring all parties to deal in good faith.
ubertas et fidelitas
fertility and faithfulness
Motto of Tasmania.
ubi amor, ibi dolor
where [there is] love, there [is] pain
ubi bene ibi patria
where [it is] well, there [is] the fatherland
Or "Home is where it's good"; see also ubi panis ibi patria.
ubi caritas et amor Deus ibi est
where there is charity and love, God is there
ubi dubium ibi libertas
where [there is] doubt, there [is] freedom
Anonymous proverb.
ubi jus ibi remedium
Where [there is] a right, there [is] a remedy
ubi mel ibi apes
where [there is] honey, there [are] bees
similar to " you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar" .. treat people nicely and they will treat you nice back
ubi libertas ibi patria
where [there is] liberty, there [is] the fatherland
Or "where there is liberty, there is my country". Patriotic motto.
ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis
where you are worth nothing, there you will wish for nothing
From the writings of the Flemish philosopher Arnold Geulincx; also quoted by Samuel Beckett in his first published novel, Murphy.
ubi non accusator ibi non iudex
where [there is] no accuser, there [is] no judge
Thus, there can be no judgment or case if no one charges a defendant with a crime. The phrase is sometimes parodied as "where there are no police, there is no speed limit".
ubi panis ibi patria
where there is bread, there is my country
ubi pus, ibi evacua
where there is pus, there evacuate it
ubi re vera
when, in a true thing
Or "whereas, in reality..." Also rendered ubi revera ("when, in fact" or "when, actually").
ubi societas ibi ius
if there's a society, law will be there
By Cicero.
ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant
They make a desert and call it peace
from a speech by Calgacus reported/constructed by Tacitus, Agricola, ch. 30.
ubi sunt
where are they?
Nostalgic theme of poems yearning for days gone by. From the line ubi sunt qui ante nos fuerunt ("Where are they, those who have gone before us?").
ubique, quo fas et gloria ducunt
everywhere, where right and glory leads
Motto of the Royal Regiment of Artillery and most other Artillery corps within the armies of the British Commonwealth (for example, the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery and Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery).
ultima ratio
last method
the final argument
the last resort (as force)
The last resort. Short form for the metaphor "The Last Resort of Kings and Common Men" referring to the act of declaring war; used in the names the French sniper rifle PGM Ultima Ratio and the fictional Reason weapon system. Louis XIV of France had Ultima Ratio Regum ("last argument of kings") cast on the cannons of his armies; motto of the 1st Battalion 11th Marines; motto of the Artilleriregementet.
ultimo mense (ult.)
in the last month
Formerly used in formal correspondence to refer to the previous month. Used with inst. ("this month") and prox. ("next month").
ultra vires
beyond powers
"Without authority". Used to describe an action done without proper authority, or acting without the rules. The term will most often be used in connection with appeals and petitions.
ultra posse nemo obligatur
No one is obligated beyond what he is able to do.
ululas Athenas
(to send) owls to Athens
From Gerhard Gerhards' (1466–1536) [better known as Erasmus] collection of annotated Adagia (1508). Latin translation of a classical Greek proverb. Generally means putting large effort in a necessarily fruitless enterprise. Compare "selling coal to Newcastle".
una hirundo non facit ver
one swallow does not make summer
A single example of something positive does not necessarily mean that all subsequent similar instances will have the same outcome.
una salus victis nullam sperare salutem
the only safety for the conquered is to hope for no safety
Less literally, "the only safe bet for the vanquished is to expect no safety". Preceded by moriamur et in media arma ruamus ("let us die even as we rush into the midst of battle") in Virgil's Aeneid, book 2, lines 353–354. Used in Tom Clancy's novel Without Remorse, where character John Clark translates it as "the one hope of the doomed is not to hope for safety". It was said several times in "Andromeda" as the motto of the SOF units.
unitas per servitiam
unity through service
Motto for the St. Xavier's Institution Board of Librarians.
uno flatu
in one breath
Used in criticism of inconsistent pleadings, i.e. "one cannot argue uno flatu both that the company does not exist and that it is also responsible for the wrong."
unus multorum
one of many
An average person.
Unus papa Romae, unus portus Anconae, una turris Cremonae, una ceres Raconae
One pope in Rome, one port in Ancona, one tower in Cremona, one beer in Rakovník
Motto of the Czech Brewery in Rakovník.[70]
Urbi et Orbi
to the city and the circle [of the lands]
Meaning "To Rome and the World". A standard opening of Roman proclamations. Also a traditional blessing by the pope.
urbs in horto
city in a garden
Motto of the City of Chicago.
usque ad finem
to the very end
Often used in reference to battle, implying a willingness to keep fighting until you die.
usus est magister optimus
practice is the best teacher.
In other words, practice makes perfect. Also sometimes translated "use makes master."
ut biberent quoniam esse nollent
so that they might drink, since they refused to eat
Also rendered with quando ("when") in place of quoniam. From a book by Suetonius (Vit. Tib., 2.2) and Cicero (De Natura Deorum, 2.3). The phrase was said by Roman admiral Publius Claudius Pulcher right before the battle of Drepana, as he threw overboard the sacred chickens which had refused to eat the grain offered them—an unwelcome omen of bad luck. Thus, the sense is, "if they do not perform as expected, they must suffer the consequences".
ut cognoscant te
so that they may know You.
Motto of Boston College High School.
ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas
though the power be lacking, the will is to be praised all the same
From Ovid, Epistulae ex Ponto (III, 4, 79).
ut dicitur
as has been said; as above
ut incepit fidelis sic permanet
as she began loyal, so she persists
Thus, the state remains as loyal as ever. Motto of Ontario.
ut infra
as below
ut mare quod ut ventus
to sea and into wind
Motto of USNS Washington Chambers
ut prosim
that I may serve
Motto of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
ut proverbium loquitur vetus...
you know what they say...
Lit: As the old proverb says...
ut res magis valeat quam pereat
that the matter may have effect rather than fail[71]
ut retro
as backwards
Or "as on the back side"; thus, "as on the previous page" (cf. ut supra).
ut Roma cadit, sic omnis terra
as Rome falls, so [falls] the whole world
ut sit finis litium
so there might be an end of litigation
A traditional brocard. The full form is Interest reipublicae ut sit finis litium, "it is in the government's interest that there be an end to litigation." Often quoted in the context of statutes of limitation.
ut supra
as above
ut tensio sic vis
as the extension, so the force
Robert Hooke's expression of his discovery of his law of linear elasticity. Also: Motto of École Polytechnique de Montréal. Motto of the British Watch and Clockmaker's Guild.
utilis in ministerium
usefulness in service
Comes from 2 Timothy 4:11. Motto of Camberwell Girls Grammar School.
utraque unum
both into one
Also translated as "that the two may be one." Motto found in 18th century Spanish dollar coins. Motto of Georgetown University.
utrinque paratus
ready for anything
Motto of The British Parachute Regiment. Motto of the Belize National Coast Guard.
vade ad formicam
go to the ant
A Biblical phrase from the Vulgate, Proverbs 6:6. The full quotation translates as "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!"[Pro 6:6]
vade mecum
go with me
A vade-mecum or vademecum is an item one carries around, especially a handbook.
vade retro Satana
Go back, Satan!
An exhortation for Satan to begone, often used in response to temptation. From a popular Medieval Catholic exorcism formula, based on a rebuke by Jesus to Peter in the Vulgate, Mark 8:33: vade retro me Satana ("get behind Me, Satan!").[Mark 8:33] The older phrase vade retro ("go back!") can be found in Terence's Formio I, 4, 203.
vae victis
Woe to the conquered!
Attributed by Livy to Brennus, the chief of the Gauls, while he demanded more gold from the citizens of the recently sacked Rome in 390 BC.
vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas
vanity of vanities; everything [is] vanity
More simply, "vanity, vanity, everything vanity". From the Vulgate, Ecclesiastes 1:2;12:8.
vaticinium ex eventu
prophecy from the event
A prophecy made to look as though it was written before the events it describes, while in fact being written afterwards.
vel non
or not
Summary of alternatives, e.g. "this action turns upon whether the claimant was the deceased's grandson vel non."
velle est posse
"To be willing is to be able." (non-literal: "Where there's a will, there's a way.")
Motto of Hillfield, one of the founding schools of Hillfield Strathallan College.
velocius quam asparagi coquantur
faster than asparagus can be cooked
Or simply "faster than cooking asparagus". Ascribed to Augustus by Suetonius (The Twelve Caesars, Book 2 (Augustus), para. 87). Can refer to anything done very quickly. A very common variant is celerius quam asparagi cocuntur ("faster than asparagus is cooked").
velut arbor aevo
As a tree with the passage of time
Motto of the University of Toronto
veni, vidi, vici
I came, I saw, I conquered
The message supposedly sent by Julius Caesar to the Roman Senate to describe his battle against King Pharnaces II near Zela in 47 BC.
venisti remanebis donec denuo completus sis
From whence you came, you shall remain, until you are complete again
The phrase that the wizard said to the Devil in the film Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny which trapped him in hell as long as he was missing his tooth.
venturis ventis
To the coming winds
Motto of Brasília, capital of Brazil.
vera causa
true cause
verba docent exempla trahunt
Words instruct, illustrations lead
On the relevance to use illustrations for example when preaching.
verba ita sunt intelligenda ut res magis valeat quam pereat
words are to be understood such that the subject matter may be more effective than wasted
When explaining a given subject, it is important to clarify rather than confuse.
verba vana aut risui non loqui
Not to speak words in vain or to start laughter
Rule number 56 of the Rule of Saint Benedict.
verba volant, scripta manent
words fly away, writings remain
From a famous speech of Caius Titus at the Roman senate.
word for word
Refers to perfect transcription or quotation.
verbatim et litteratim
word for word and letter by letter
verbi divini minister
servant of the divine Word
A priest (cf. Verbum Dei).
verbi gratia
(v.gr. or VG)
for example
literally: "for the sake of a word"
Verbum Dei
Word of God
See religious text.
verbum Domini manet in aeternum (VDMA)
The Word of the Lord Endures Forever
Motto of the Lutheran Reformation
verb. sap.,
verbum sap.
A word to the wise is sufficient
The hearer can fill in the rest; enough said. Short for Verbum sapienti sat[is] est.
Motto of many educational institutions, including Bishop Lynch High School.
veritas aequitas
Truth and justice
veritas, bonitas, pulchritudo, sanctitas
Truth, Goodness, Beauty, and Holiness
Current motto of Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
veritas Christo et ecclesiae
Truth for Christ and Church
The de jure motto of Harvard University, dating to its foundation; it is often shortened to Veritas to dispose of its original religious meaning.
veritas curat
truth cures
Motto of Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research
Veritas Dei vincit
God's Truth prevails.
Motto of the Hussites
veritas diaboli manet in aeternum
Devil's truth remain eternally
veritas et fortitudo
Truth and Courage
One of the mottoes of Lyceum of the Philippines University
veritas et virtus
Truth and virtue
Motto of University of Pittsburgh, Methodist University, Mississippi College
veritas, fides, sapientia
Truth, Faith, Wisdom
Current motto of Dowling Catholic High School
veritas in caritate
Truth Through Caring
Motto of Bishop Wordsworth's School and St Munchin's College
Veritas Iustitia Libertas
Truth Justice Liberty
Motto of Free University of Berlin
Veritas Liberabit Vos
Truth Shall Set You Free
Motto of Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan
veritas lux mea
Truth is my light.
A common non-literal translation is "Truth enlightens me." Motto of Seoul National University
veritas numquam perit
Truth never expires
Seneca the Younger
veritas odit moras
Truth hates delay
Seneca the Younger
veritas omnia vincit
Truth conquers all
Motto of Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario; Satyameva Jayate; Triangle Fraternity
veritas unitas caritas
Truth, Unity, Love
Motto of Villanova University
veritas vincit
truth conquers
Motto of the Scottish clan Keith. Used to be motto of Protektorate of Bohemia and Moravia and in Czech translation motto of Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic
Veritas. Virtus. Libertas.
Truth. Courage. Freedom.
Motto of the University of Szeged in Hungary
veritas vitæ magistra
Truth is Life's Teacher.
Another plaussible translation is 'Truth is Life's Mistress'. Unofficial Motto of University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, appearing in its Tower.
veritas vos liberabit
the truth will set you free
Motto of Johns Hopkins University
veritate duce progredi
Advancing (with) Truth Leading.
Motto of University of Arkansas
[in] veritate et caritate
with truth and love
Motto of Catholic Junior College, Singapore; of St Xavier's School, Hazaribagh, India
veritate et virtute
with truth and courage
Motto of Sydney Boys High School. Also "virtute et veritate", motto of Walford Anglican School for Girls.
Virtute duce comite fortuna
Under the guidance of valor, accompanied by good fortune
Motto of Institut d'études politiques de Lyon, also motto of the Accorretti family (it)
veritatem dilexi
I delight in (or, I have chosen) the truth.
Motto of Bryn Mawr College
veritatem fratribus testari
to bear witness to the truth in brotherhood
Motto of Xaverian Brothers High School
vero nihil verius
nothing truer than truth
Motto of Mentone Girls' Grammar School
vero possumus
Yes, we can
A variation of the campaign slogan used by then-Senator Barack Obama on a Great Seal variation during the 2008 US presidential campaign.[72][dead link]
versus (vs) or (v.)
Literally "in the direction". Mistakenly used in English as "against" (probably from "adversus"), particularly to denote two opposing parties, such as in a legal dispute or a sports match.
I forbid
The right to unilaterally stop a certain piece of legislation. Derived from ancient Roman voting practices.
vexilla regis prodeunt inferni
Forth go the banners of the king of hell
Used by Dante in Canto XXXIV of the Inferno, the phrase is an allusion to and play upon the Latin Easter hymn Vexilla Regis, and is itself repeatedly referenced in the works of Walter M. Miller, Jr.
vi coactus
under constraint
used to indicate an agreement signed under duress
vi et animo
With heart and soul
Or "Strength with Courage". Motto of Ascham School and the McCulloch clan crest.
vi veri universum vivus vici
by the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe
Magickal motto of Aleister Crowley.
by the road
"by way of" or "by means of"; e.g. "I'll contact you via e-mail."
via media
middle road
Can refer to the radical center political stance.
via, veritas, vita
The Way, the Truth and the Life
From the words of Jesus in the Gospel of John 14:6; motto of many institutions including Glasgow University.
in place of
"one who acts in place of another"; can be used as a separate word, or as a hyphenated prefix: "Vice President" and "Vice-Chancellor".
vice versa
versa vice
with position turned
For other uses, see vice versa
Thus, "the other way around", "conversely", etc. Historically and in British English, vice is pronounced as two syllables, but in American English the one-syllable pronunciation is extremely common. Classical Latin pronunciation dictates that the letter C can only make a hard sound, like K, thus vee-keh vehr-sah. Morever, it also dictates that the letter V, when consonantal, represents /w/; i.e. in classical times, the V was pronounced like a W; hence wee-keh wehr-sah.[73]
victoria aut mors
Victory or death!
similar to aut vincere aut mori.
victoria concordia crescit
Victory comes from harmony
The official club motto of Arsenal F.C.
victrix causa diis placuit sed victa Catoni
the victorious cause pleased the gods, but the conquered cause pleased Cato
Lucan, Pharsalia 1, 128. Dedication on the south side of the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.
"see" or "refer to"
vide infra (v.i.)
"see below"
vide supra (v.s.)
"see above"
Or "see earlier in this writing". Also shortened to just supra.
videlicet (viz.)
"namely", "that is to say", "as follows"
Contraction of videre licet: "permitted to see".
video et taceo
I see and keep silent
The motto of Queen Elizabeth I of England.
video meliora proboque deteriora sequor
I see and approve of the better, but I follow the worse
From the Metamorphoses VII. 20–21 of Ovid. A summary of the experience of akrasia.
video sed non credo
I see it, but I don't believe it
Caspar Hofmann after being shown proof of the circulatory system by William Harvey.
videre licet
"it is permitted to see", "one may see"
vim promovet insitam
promotes one's innate power
Motto of University of Bristol taken from Horace Ode 4.4.
vince malum bono
Overcome Evil with Good
Partial quotation of Romans 12:21 also used as a motto for Old Swinford Hospital and Bishop Cotton School, Shimla.
vincere scis Hannibal victoria uti nescis
you know [how] to win, Hannibal; you do not know [how] to use victory
According to Livy, a cavalry colonel told Hannibal this after the victory at Cannae in 216 BC, meaning that Hannibal should have marched on Rome directly.
vincit omnia veritas
Truth conquers all
Motto of Augusta State University in Augusta, GA
vincit qui patitur
he conquers who endures
First attributed to Roman scholar and satirst Persius; frequently used as motto.
vincit qui se vincit
he/she conquers who conquers himself/herself
Motto of many educational institutions. Also "bis vincit qui se vincit" ("he/she who prevails over himself/herself is twice victorious"). Also the motto of The Beast in Disney's Beauty and the Beast as seen on the castle's stained glass window near the beginning of the film. It is also the motto of North Sydney Boys High School
vinculum juris
"the chain of the law", i.e. legally binding
"A civil obligation is one which has a binding operation in law, vinculum juris." Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856, "Obligation."
vinum et musica laetificant cor
Wine and music gladden the heart
Asterix and Caesar's Gift; a variation on "vinum bonum laetificat cor hominis".
vir prudens non contra ventum mingit
"[A] wise man does not urinate [up] against the wind"
vir visque vir
"Every man a man"
Motto of the U.S. collegiate fraternity Lambda Chi Alpha.
virile agitur
"The manly thing is being done"
As used in the motto of Knox Grammar School
viriliter agite
"Act in a manly way"
As used in the motto of St Muredach's College
viriliter agite estote fortes
"Quit ye like men, be strong"
As used in the motto of Culford School
virtus et labor
virtue and hard work
The motto of Don Bosco Liluah, India.
virtus et scientia
virtue and knowledge
Frequently used as a motto, preeminently as that of La Salle University of Philadelphia, PA.
virtus in media stat
Virtue stands in the middle.
Idiomatically: Good practice lies in the middle path. There is disagreement as to whether "media" or "medio" is correct.
virtus junxit mors non separabit
that which virtue unites, let not death separate
Masonic (Scottish Rite) motto
virtus sola nobilitas
virtue alone [is] noble
Christian Brothers College, St Kilda's school motto
virtus tentamine gaudet
Strength rejoices in the challenge.
The motto of Hillsdale College.
virtus unita fortior
virtue united [is] stronger
State motto of Andorra.
virtute et armis
by virtue and arms
Or "by manhood and weapons". State motto of Mississippi. Possibly derived from the motto of Lord Gray De Wilton, virtute non armis fido ("I trust in virtue, not in arms"). Also virtute et labore, as by manhood and by work motto of Pretoria Boys High School
vis legis
power of the law
visio dei
Vision of a god
vita ante acta
a life done before
Thus, a previous life, generally due to reincarnation.
vita, dulcedo, spes
[Mary our] life, sweetness, hope
Motto of University of Notre Dame.
vita incerta, mors certissima
Life is uncertain, death is most certain
In simpler English, "The most certain thing in life is death".
vita mutatur, non tollitur
Life is changed, not taken away.
The phrase is in the preface of the first Catholic rite of the Mass for the Dead.
vita patris
During the life of the father
Hence the term "decessit vita patris" (d.v.p) or "died v.p." seen in genealogy works such as Burke's Peerage.
vita summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longam
the shortness of life prevents us from entertaining far-off hopes
A wistful refrain, sometimes used ironically. From the first line of Horace's Ode I; later used as the title of a short poem by Ernest Dowson.
vitai lampada tradunt
They hand on the torch of life
From Lucretius' poem De rerum natura II.77–79; the normal spelling "vitae" (two syllables) had to be changed to "vitaï" (three syllables) to fit the requirements of the poem's dactylic hexameters. Motto of the Sydney Church of England Grammar School and others.
viva voce
living voice
An oral, as opposed to a written, examination of a candidate.
vivat crescat floreat
may it live, grow, and flourish!
vivat rex
May the King live!
Usually translated "Long live the King!" Also Vivat Regina ("Long live the Queen!").
vive memor leti
live remembering death
Persius. Compare with "memento mori"
vive ut vivas
live so that you may live
The phrase suggests that one should live life to the fullest and without fear of possible consequences.
vivere est cogitare
to live is to think
Cicero. Compare with "cogito ergo sum".
vivere est vincere
to live is to conquer
Captain John Smith's personal Motto.
vivere militare est
to live is to fight
Seneca (Epist. 96,5). Compare with the allegory of Miles Christianus based on militia est vita hominis in the Vulgate, Book of Job 7:1.
vocatus atque non vocatus Deus aderit
called and not called, God will be present
or "called and even not called, God approaches"; attributed to the Oracle at Delphi. Used by Carl Jung as a personal motto adorning his home and grave.
volenti non fit injuria
to one willing, no harm is done
or "to him who consents, no harm is done"; used in tort law to delineate the principle that one cannot be held liable for injuries inflicted on an individual who has given his consent to the action that gave rise to the injury.
votum separatum
separate vow
An independent, minority voice.
vox clamantis in deserto
the voice of one shouting in the desert
or traditionally, "the voice of one crying in the wilderness"; from the Vulgate, Isaiah 40:3, and quoted by John the Baptist in the Gospels (Mark 1:3 and John 1:23). It is the motto of Dartmouth College, in Hanover, New Hampshire.
vox nihili
voice of nothing
Applied to a useless or ambiguous phrase or statement.
vox populi
voice of the people
Short non-prearranged interview with an ordinary person (e.g. on the street); sometimes shortened to "vox pop".