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chester Evening News (GB) Kleine Zeitung (Ö) Jydske Vestkyst en (DK) Dziennik Zachodni (PL) Total National institutions 69%
Communication and Identity. Canberra: ANZCA, 1994
Central European Journal of Communication, 2019
Professor Péter Bajomi-Lázár was interviewed by Agnieszka Stępińska in May 2018. 1 Now, it is eight years since the new media law was introduced by Victor Orbán's government. Can you say -from that time perspective -which particular changes of the law affected the media system and journalists the most? Or maybe it is the practice of the party in power that influenced the media the most? I think both the law and its implementation were meant to completely retransform Hungary's media system. The new law created a new media authority with new members. All members of the Media Council were delegated by the Fidesz party, while its first chair was nominated by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán himself. (Now the chair is delegated by the President of the Republic who also happens to be a former Fidesz member.) In other words, a new nomenklatura system was created to take over decision-making positions in order to control the redistribution of media resources. Of course, the members are bound to be independent by media law, but can a one-party body ensure the pluralism of voices? Certainly not. The media landscape is totally different now compared to what it was 10 years ago. Before the electoral victory of Fidesz and the Christian Democrats, Hungary was ranked 23rd on the Reporters Without Borders' global list of media freedom, while in 2017 it was ranked 71st, which means that it dropped nearly 50 places in eight years. Hungary used to be a "free press" country according to Freedom House, but now it is listed among the "partly free" countries, along with Bulgaria, Romania, and countries of the Western Balkans. It is probably not a mistake to describe this process as the Balkanization of the media in Hungary.
Russia, one of the most ethno-culturally diverse countries in the world, provides a rich case study on how globalization and associated international trends are disrupting and causing the radical rethinking of approaches to inter-ethnic cohesion. The book highlights the importance of television broadcasting in shaping national discourse and the place of ethno-cultural diversity within it. It argues that television's role here has been reinforced, rather than diminished, by the rise of new media technologies. Through an analysis of a wide range of news and other television programmes, the book shows how the covert meanings of discourse on a particular issue can diverge from the overt significance attributed to it, just as the impact of that discourse may not conform with the original aims of the broadcasters. The book discusses the tension between the imperative to maintain security through centralized government and overall national cohesion that Russia shares with other European states, and the need to remain sensitive to, and to accommodate, the needs and perspectives of ethnic minorities and labour migrants. It compares the increasingly isolationist popular ethno-nationalism in Russia, which harks back to 'old-fashioned' values, with the similar rise of the Tea Party in the United States and the UK Independence Party in Britain. Throughout, this extremely rich, well-argued book complicates and challenges received wisdom on Russia's recent descent into authoritarianism. It points to a regime struggling to negotiate the dilemmas it faces, given its Soviet legacy of ethnic particularism, weak civil society, large native Muslim population and overbearing, yet far from entirely effective, state control of the media.
Özgür Yayınları eBooks, 2023
This research delves into an extensive examination of the influence of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI), exports, tax revenues, domestic savings, and the labor force on the economic growth trajectories of 20 upper-middle-income economies. Spanning the period from 1990 to 2021, data sourced from the World Bank database were meticulously analyzed. Findings indicate that FDI, tax revenues, domestic savings, and the labor force exhibit predominantly positive impacts on economic growth, with FDI emerging as a significant driver due to its role in technology transfer, workforce training, and job creation. Tax revenues contribute to public service financing and economic stability, while domestic savings foster new businesses and infrastructure development. A growing labor force, coupled with enhanced productivity, stimulates innovation and economic growth. Surprisingly, exports display a modestly negative impact on growth, suggesting limited influence from external demand fluctuations. Policy recommendations include improving investment environments, fostering competitiveness in exports, efficient tax policies, incentivizing savings, and investing in education and skill development programs. Tailoring these recommendations to individual country contexts is crucial for sustainable economic growth. The novelty of this study lies in its exploration of these variables as a cohesive set for this group of nations, which has not been previously examined.
CritiCal PersPeCtives on the euroPean MediasPhere lecturer-respondent and the flow-manager, and finally discussed by all participants� At the end of the series of student-workshops, a joint workshop is organised, where the diversity of paradigmatic, theoretical and methodological approaches is discussed, combined with the intellectual lessons learned at the Summer School� In addition, the training workshops are a crucial pedagogical tool for the Summer School� These workshops provided the PhD students with more practical training on issues related to making posters, publishing, abstractwriting, comparative research, literature rewiew, oral presentation skills, communication of scientific topics to non-scientific audiences, interactive teaching to larger groups, interrogating sources, and creative on-line writ-ing� They were combined with a number of lectures, which aimed to deal with specific content, focussing on specific theories or concepts. Finally, the working visits gave the participants more insights in Slovenia's media structures, politics, cultures and histories� 3. The people / The hall of fame
Memories from the Detached Lands. Soviet Forceful Resettlement policy in the Eyes of the Chechens, Ingush and Khevsurs (1940 -50s) lo"1l'jj,:lil'. liI"l r" ""e..uruon , naionar poLry ohard\ dJrreFnr e.rru(irie" ano e.p\ia y ro_(etur rpsetrkrpnr5 arFSpnerauy drlra(rive and popula opics tor -Fseucn rhh papFr tow;vp: fo cuses on ths leseFt(noM cases witiin rhe broader conrut, or U,. "*!", ",,.^ioing ,p"rin."[yir,. l1.j:3 ::::,ll'*l *o:,""ces o, Lhe Kr,"vsu*. ceo,$an noun diree6.,0.h" rowkn;" orc,;,sk. arq mernecnen ar d {ne rngush peopte5. who were depofled ro lne cenrral A.ian r"pubLic. o"tuzJdstan and &agyrsran. While the officiat Sovier discou|se on rcsetu€menr was pr€donhantly propagand_ isuc, this research aims to shed tight on |he nnoftcial Nstori* una ,ntota ,toriu, r., jn "inig"" emtions of fte (hevsus, Chechens and rhe rngxsh sy anat),sing orat hhtortes Ltis researctr presLts expenences or extle of these $oups, unvejung thejr complex generational memories of trama and changs in Ife. xeywords: sovlet 1jme, soviet forceirl rcsettlement, resetrlem€nt haurna, resettlenenr historJl sovjet
IEE proceedings, 1982
After giving details of the World Adminstrative Radio Conference plans for satellite broadcasting, the implications of direct broadcasting from satellites in the UK and the rest of Europe are discussed. The technical parameters of the composite television signals in use at present are considered in relation to their transmission via frequency-modulated satellite channels at 12 GHz, and a completely new transmission system (MAC, or multiplexed analogue components) is suggested. The MAC system is analysed in some detail, and shown to have many advantages over composite signals; ways in which the system could form the basis of a pan-European satellite television system are discussed. It is shown that MAC transmissions, in combination with suitable video signal processing, could eventually provide extended-definition high-quality television pictures with more efficient use of the RF spectrum than other proposed extended-definition television systems.
This course examines nature, scope and purposes of international relations and diplomacy. It explores some of the fundamental concepts, theories and paradigms of international relations such as Power, Balance of Power, Non-Alignment, National Interest and Foreign Policy as well as Realism and Idealism in the study of International Relations. Meaning, nature and principles of Diplomacy; patterns and levels of participation in international Diplomacy; and the challenges of Globalisation to international Diplomacy are to be examined. Thus, the course will enhance understanding and appreciation of events, processes and actions in the international system as they unfold among state and non-state actors in historical times, in the contemporary world and the future.
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Ideas y valores. , 2024, 2019
Advances in economics, business and management research, 2023
derecho procesal civil
Corrosion Science, 2011
Holos Environment, 2022
International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics
The Qualitative Report
Construction and Building Materials, 2014
MedUNAB, 2023