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Academia Letters, 2021
Shifting from traditional mode of learning to flexible learning has become the struggle of most higher education institutions (HEIs) in the National Capital Region (NCR) in the Philippines to respond to learning during the pandemic. In the advent of this situation, this study was inspired to describe the frequency and satisfaction level of students to flexible mode of learning. The study identified that the blended mode of learning has the highest frequency of use but, the online mode gives the highest satisfaction to students. The frequency of online and offline learning differs between the private higher education institutions (PHEIs) and local universities and colleges (LUCs). In addition, each group revealed different satisfaction to the online learning mode. Within the three flexible modes of learning, frequency has slight prediction to the satisfaction to the flexible learning modalities. Implications and recommendations to the findings were presented. The coming of Novel Corona Virus Disease 2019 (CoViD 19) in the Philippines has affected the lifestyle of the people and the way they learn. For their own protection, students and teachers can no longer go to the classroom. The National Capital region is the region in the country which was greatly affected by the CoViD 19 pandemic. The region also has the greatest number of higher education institutions
Recht der Werkelijkheid
Het onderzoek voor dit artikel is mogelijk gemaakt door een driejarig PhD-contract van Hesam Université aan de École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Parijs, met een jaar verlengd door financiering van het Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research. De auteur verklaart dat er geen belangenverstrengeling is. De auteur wil graag Danielle Chevalier, Jan Willem Duyvendak, Carole Gayet-Viaud, Cyril Lemieux, Eva van Vugt en de twee anonieme referenten van Recht der Werkelijkheid bedanken voor hun commentaar op eerdere versies van deze tekst. Gedeelten van de analyse in dit artikel zijn eerder gepubliceerd in het Frans: Dekker 2021. 2 Gemeente Amsterdam 2017a, p. 36 en 38. Dit artikel uit Recht der Werkelijkheid is gepubliceerd door Boom juridisch en is bestemd voor anonieme bezoeker De strafbaarstelling van straatintimidatie en het risico van etnisch profileren
Sounding Places: More-than-representational geographies of sound and music, 2019
This chapter is about musical interventions in public space and their role in the visceral politics of collective life. The ubiquitous presence of music across the spaces and situations of everyday life makes it a fruitful terrain for exploring the constitution, maintenance, and regulation of the nature of social situations. The chapter draws on the ongoing conceptualization of a ‘musical cosmopolitanism’ which has been debated considerably across the field of musicology, and puts it in relation with work in human geography which has engaged with music and sound from the perspective of non-representational theory. This results in a rethinking of cosmopolitanism in relation to sound and music, which understands the political potential of music as realized within the mundane goings-on of everyday spaces through the concept of visceral politics, as one way that music might matter in the transformation of social situations.
Il pesce sulla tavola del viaggiatore Chi si muoveva attraverso i territori delle Marche nei secoli dell'età moderna, avendo spesso come meta Roma o la Santa Casa di Loreto, aveva l'opportunità di imboccare vari itinerari 1 , ma, per la verità, i percorsi più battuti coincidevano per lo più con le «strade postali», ovvero quelle arterie supportate dall'impianto di stazioni appositamente attrezzate di servizi (vitto, alloggio, ricovero per gli animali), che garantivano con opportune tappe di affrontare il viaggio in maniera più agevole e sicura. Si prospettavano comunque alternative, potendo percorrere, ad esempio, la Flaminia lauretana e la Flaminia del Furlo. La cosiddetta «via de Romagna», a metà del Cinquecento, mantiene una netta preferenza rispetto all'itinerario che costeggia l'Adriatico. A questo proposito Clemente Fedele scrive: «La presenza di poste sul percorso Rimini-Montefiore-Urbino-Acqualagna-Cantiano qualifica la strada migliore, quella per la velocità, l'asse più attrezzato» 2. Una guida postale del 1562 propone però anche il tratto costiero, ossia le «poste da Rimini in Ancona» con le seguenti stazioni di servizio: Rimini, Cattolica, Pesaro, Fano, Senigallia, Casabruciata, Ancona 3. Quest'ultimo itinerario presentava una peculiarità da non sottovalutare e per questo risulta prescelto da chi viaggiava soprattutto in tempi di quaresima. Un esempio per tutti è dato da Isabella d'Este, in viaggio alla volta di Loreto nel 1494, «per un voto fatto nel parto». Intenzionata inizialmente a raggiungere Urbino «per stare in devozione la septimana sancta» e spostarsi poi a Loreto e Assisi, viene dissuasa a motivo che «in un paese montagnoso come Urbino non avrebbe potuto essere convenientemente onorata la quaresima, per mancanza di pesce» 4. Si delinea perciò un itinerario marittimo: «Posdomane, che serrà li XXi [marzo 1494], anderò al Cesenatico, a li XXII ad Arimine, a li 23 a Pesaro, a li 24 a Senogalia, a li 25 in Ancona, a li 26, che sarà mercore sancto, ad Loreto…» 5. Va detto che in alcune stazioni postali, dotate di osterie 'qualificate', in mancanza di pesce fresco si suppliva con il ricorso al pesce conservato, soprattutto cefali (baldigare), posti sotto sale e stivati in appositi contenitori di legno. Adeguate provviste di questo tipo di conserve ittiche si documentano all'albergo del Leone a Pesaro nel 1528, all'osteria della posta di Cattolica nel 1566.
Signum 2, March 2017: 13–18., 2017
I sin senaste bok The Triumph of Faith tar den välkände amerikanske religionssociologen Rodney Stark till storsläggan mot sekulariseringstesen, det vill säga tanken att samhällelig modernisering automatiskt leder till minskad religiositet. Med utgångspunkt i de mycket omfattande data som Gallup World Polls tillhandahåller påstår han i stället att en massiv global religiös väckelse är på gång. Han tillägger dock lite syrligt att dessa data knappast kommer att övertyga de västerländska intellektuella som tror på sekulariseringsprocessernas oundviklighet. Stark är en av de mest vältaliga förespråkarna för tanken på religionens återkomst och att sekulariseringens frammarsch således antingen är en synvilla eller en ideologisk dogm. Den stora utmaningen för en sådan andlig optimism är den låga graden av religiöst engagemang i Europa mätt i kyrkobesök och (kristen) tro. Vid en första anblick är det svårt att urskilja någon väckelse på modernitetens ursprungskontinent. Åtminstone i Västeuropa verkar den religiösa apatin vara utbredd.
NACADA Journal, 2018
During a time of increasing parental engagement in the lives of college-going students, we examined how first-year students' perceived interaction with their parents predicted their academic performance. Data were collected from college students living in residential housing at a diverse and selective public research university in the western United States at two points in time (N = 995). Results revealed the value of quality over quantity of communication on students' academic performance. Notably, students interacted differently with their mothers and fathers, suggesting that when designing programs, administrators should recognize the different ways mothers and fathers contribute to academic performance.
Archeologia Środkowego Nadodrza, t. VII, 2009
Frühmittelalterliche Burgsiedlung (Vorburg?) in Klenica (Abb. 4), Landkreis Zielona Góra. Erarbeitung von Forschungsergebnissen aus 1962 Untersuchungen der Siedlung in Kleinca, Fundstelle 4. , brachten Funde zutage, die sie auf die 2. Hälfte des 9. Jahrhunderts datieren ließen. In Bezug auf Form und Stil konnten zahlreiche Analogien unter den Funden aus der Fundstelle Nr. 1 im nah gelegenen Ort Zawada festgestellt werden. Die Siedlung in Klenica ist heute, mitsamt dem 2007 untersuchten Erdwerk, die am besten dokumentierte Siedlung der Tornow-Klenica-Kultur im Mittleren Oderraum. Schlüsselworte: Keramik vom Typ Tornow–Klenica und Menkendorf, Chronologie 2. Hälfte des 9. Jahrhunderts, Burgsiedlung.
The coin hoard which is the object of a current paper was found in the vicinities of the village of Visoka Polyana, Shumen district. The regional historical museum in Shumen acquired 23 issues. They are of two denominations – silver imitations of tetradrachms and drachms. The coins are copies of the tetradrachms of Philip III Arrhidaeus. It can be assumed that the dating of Philip III Arrhidaeus imitations is around the end of the first third till to the beginning of the last quarter of the 2nd century BC. The area of this coinage was south of the Danube River.
Rethinking Ecology, 2019
SADIE (Spatial Analysis by Distance Indices) is designed specifically to quantify patterns in spatiallyreferenced count-based data. It was developed for dealing with data that can be considered ‘patchy’. Such distributions are commonly found, for example, in insect populations where discrete patches of individuals are often evident. The distributions of such populations have ‘hard edges’, with patches and gaps occurring spatially. In these cases variance of abundance does not vary smoothly, but discontinuously. In this paper we outline the use of SADIE and provide free access to the SADIE software suite, establishing Rethinking Ecology as its permanent home. Finally, we review the use of SADIE and demonstrate its use in a wide variety of sub-disciplines within the general field of ecology.
Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987)
DNS Editor, 2020
Folia Linguistica, 2008
The Greek Review of Social Research, 2025
Phytotaxa, 2014
Scientific reports, 2016
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2019
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2013, 2013
Frontiers in Sociology, 2023
Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, 2025
International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2021