Building the Evidence on Forced Displacement
This report is dedicated to our World Bank colleague Aaka Pande. Her
passion for giving voice to the voiceless was the driving force behind
our work. Aaka unexpectedly passed away in July 2018. However, her
commitment to ensuring the voiceless were afforded both dignity and
access to justice lives on in these pages.
List of Acronyms
Executive Summary
Methodology and Research Instruments
Chapter 1: Understanding Demographic and Epidemiologic Profiles Among Host and
Displaced Populations
1.1 Availability and utility of demographic and epidemiologic data
1.2 Examining epidemiologic profiles, health needs, and system gaps
1.2.1 Preventive health services
1.2.2 Infectious disease management
1.2.3 Trauma and emergency care
1.2.4 Probing health systems gaps
1.2.5 Chronic disease management
1.2.6 Specialized services
1.2.7 Mental health services
Chapter 2: Response and Integration of Health Systems Affected by Displacement
2.1. Organization of the health response
2.1.1 The role of policies on legal status and encampment
2.1.2 Informal and private health sectors
2.2 Evaluation of health systems and challenges
2.2.1 Availability
2.2.2 Accessibility
2.2.3 Approachability
2.2.4 Acceptability
2.2.5 Quality
2.3 Transitioning to integrated health systems
2.2.1 Linking decisions about integration to context
2.4 Coordination between humanitarian, government, and development actors
Chapter 3: Human Resources for the Health Response
3.1. Deployment of health workforce: linking availability, acceptability, and quality59
3.1.1 Workforce availability and accessibility
3.1.2 Workforce acceptability and perceived quality of care
3.1.3 Increasing quality of care through healthcare workforce training and
3.2 Engagement of displaced health workers
3.2.1 The right to work
3.2.2 Task shifting to support availability and acceptability
Chapter 4: Health Information Systems for the Health Response
4.1 Analysis of HIS across country sites
4.1.1 Bangladesh
4.1.2 Jordan
4.1.3 The DRC
4.1.4 Colombia
4.2 Data quality
4.2.1 Impacts of over-reliance on service provision and utilization data
4.2.2 Impacts of under-registration of displaced communities on data collection and
data-based decision-making
4.2.3 Data representativeness and integration across settings and health sectors 78
4.3 The use of health information systems for data-based decision-making
4.3.1 Data use at health facilities
4.3.2 Data use by government officials and international agencies
Chapter 5: Healthcare utilization and costs
5.1 High costs of care and patterns of health service utilization
5.2 Impacts of COVID-19
5.3 Gaps and inequities in referrals, quality, and informal services
Chapter 6: Healthcare financing for the displaced population
6.1 Sources of finance
6.2 Contracting with service providers
6.3 Benefit package design
6.4 Payment to private and informal sectors
6.5 Promising practices and persistent gaps for financing
Conclusion and Recommendations
This report was produced by a research consortium led by Columbia
University. The consortium represents an innovative partnership
between the Program on Forced Migration and Health at Columbia
University; the Schneider Institutes for Health Policy at the Heller School
for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University; Georgetown
University; the Global Health Institute at the American University of
Beirut (AUB); and the School of Government at the Universidad de Los
Andes. This work was part of the program “Building the Evidence on
Protracted Forced Displacement: A Multi-Stakeholder Partnership.” The
program was funded by UK Aid and managed by the World Bank Group
(WBG) in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR). The scope of the program was to expand the global
knowledge on forced displacement by funding quality research and
disseminating results for the use of practitioners and policymakers. This
report does not necessarily reflect the views of UK Aid, the World Bank
Group or UNHCR.
We thank the following consortium members for their invaluable
leadership and contributions to each of the country studies.
Team Lead
Health Systems Team Members
Health Financing Experts
Dr. Claire Greene
(Columbia University)
Tasdik Hasan Dip (Consultant)
Dr. Wu Zeng
(Georgetown University)
Dr. Arturo Harker Roa
(Universidad de Los
Natalia Córdoba, MSc
(Universidad de Los Andes)
Adelaida Boada, MSc
(Universidad de Los Andes)
Dr. Diana M. Bowser (Brandeis
Dr. Donald S. Shepard
(Brandeis University)
Priya Agarwal-Harding
(Brandeis University)
Republic of
the Congo
Dr. Les Roberts
(Columbia University)
Gang Karume
(Rebuild Hope for Africa)
Roland Nyakasane
(Rebuild Hope for Africa)
Katherine McCann
(Columbia University)
Dr. Diana M. Bowser
(Brandeis University)
Dr. Donald S. Shepard
(Brandeis University)
Priya Agarwal-Harding
(Brandeis University)
Dr. Fouad Fouad
(American University of
Dina Muhieddine
(American University of Beirut)
Theresa Farhat
(American University of Beirut)
Dana Nabulsi
(American University of Beirut)
Jasmin Lilian Diab
(American University of Beirut)
Dr. Yousef Khader
Dr. Mohammad Al-Yahya
Dr. Nihaya Al-Sheyab
Dr. Wu Zeng
(Georgetown University)
Dr. Yara Halasa-Rappel
(Brandeis University)
Dr. Eva Jarawan
(Georgetown University)
Expertise and
Monette Zard
(Columbia University)
Dr. Patrick Kachur
(Columbia University)
Dr. Sara Casey
(Columbia University)
Dr. Rachel T. Moresky
(Columbia University)
Dr. Goleen Samari
(Columbia University)
Management and
Dr. Ling San Lau (Columbia University)
Dr. Mhd Nour Audi (Columbia University)
Katherine McCann (Columbia University)
Sarah Guyer (Columbia University)
Christina Kay (Columbia University)
Rocio Rodriguez Casquete (Columbia University)
Sally Beiruti (Columbia University)
Rachel Isaacs (Columbia University)
Sabeen Rokerya (Columbia University)
Serena Tohme (Columbia University)
Jennifer Ostrowski
(Columbia University)
Katherine McCann
(Columbia University)
Monette Zard
(Columbia University)
Priya Agarwal-Harding
(Brandeis University)
Dr. Wu Zeng
(Georgetown University)
General Research
Sarah Guyer (Columbia University)
Christina Kay (Columbia University)
Rocio Rodriguez Casquete (Columbia University)
Sally Beiruti (Columbia University)
Rachel Isaacs (Columbia University)
Sabeen Rokerya (Columbia University)
Serena Tohme (Columbia University)
Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability, and Quality
American University of Beirut
Balanced score card
Community health workers
Coronavirus Disease 2019
Civil society organizations
Directorates General of Health Services
District Health Information Software 2
Demographic and Health Survey
The Democratic Republic of the Congo
Emergency obstetric and newborn care
Early Warning, Alert, and Response System
Fragility, conflict, and violence
Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals
Focus group discussions
Financial Tracking Service
Grupo Interagencial sobre Flujos Migratorios Mixtos (Interagency Group
of Mixed Migratory Flows)
Global Mental Health Lab
Government of Bangladesh
Health attention units
Healthcare workers
Health facility assessments
Health information system
Intensive care units
In-depth interviews
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
Internally displaced persons
International non-governmental organizations
International Organization for Migration
Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud (Institutional Health
Service Providers)
Interpersonal psychotherapy
International Rescue Committee
Inter-Sectoral Coordination Group
Joint Multi-Sector Needs Assessment
Jordan Labor Market Panel Survey
Joint Response Plan
Key informant interviews
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer
Maternal and child health
Multi-Donor Account
Mental health and psychosocial support
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
Ministry of Health / Ministry of Health and Social Protection (Colombia)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders
Non-communicable diseases
Non-governmental organization
United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Performance-based financing
Permit of Permanence
Program on Forced Migration and Health
Plan de Intervenciones Colectivas (Complementary Collective
Reproductive Age Mortality Study
Registro Administrativo de Migrantes Venezolanos (Administrative
Registry of Venezuelan Migrants)
Rebuild Hope for Africa
Registro Individual de Prestación de Servicios de Salud (Registry of
Individual Provision of Services)
Sixth Regional Response Plan
Office of the Refugee Relief & Repatriation Commissioner
Sustainable Development Goals
Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (General Social Security
Systems for Health)
Sistema Integrado de Información de la Protección Social (Social
Protection Information System)
Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia en Salud Pública (National System of
Public Health Surveillance)
Système National d'Information Sanitaire (National Health Information
Bangladesh Health Facility Survey
Sexual and reproductive health
SubREd Intergrada de Servicios de Salud Sur Occidente (South-West
Integrated Health Service Sub-Network)
Temporary Protection Status
United Nations
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Children’s Fund
World Bank Group
World Health Organization
Workload Indicators of Staffing Needs
The influx of large numbers of refugees and internally displaced
persons (IDPs) can pose a significant challenge to health systems,
even in the most developed settings. In contexts which are fragile or
conflict-affected, the strain placed on health systems can be acute. In
the emergency phase of a humanitarian response, global implementing
partners often overcome this challenge by establishing parallel systems
to deliver healthcare to displaced populations. However, in protracted
crises, and where displaced persons settle within established host
communities, the transition from an acute-phase humanitarian response
to development support requires careful coordination with the national
health system to avoid creating inefficiencies and service gaps or
exacerbating inequity.
The Big Questions in Forced Displacement and Health project was
commissioned against a backdrop where more than 78 percent of all
refugees currently live in situations that are characterized as protracted,
defined as displacement that lasts at least five consecutive years
(UNHCR 2021b). The Global Compact on Refugees, endorsed by 181
states in 2018, calls for expanding and enhancing the quality of national
health systems to facilitate access by refugees and host communities,
including building and equipping health facilities and strengthening
services (UN General Assembly 2018). The Big Questions project has
been guided by the need to provide programming and policy guidance
to those national and international actors who are involved in directing
and funding health responses in situations of protracted displacement.
Throughout the research, we have sought to identify optimal
approaches that respond to the health needs of displaced populations
while also strengthening health systems for host populations, supported
by analysis of economic, demographic, and epidemiologic trends.
The project focused on various geographical, social and demographic
contexts in fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) affected countries
facing protracted displacement conditions. The key questions
considered by the project include:
• What are the common trends, similarities and differences in the health
needs of forcibly displaced populations and host communities in
different contexts beyond the initial emergency response?
• What empirical evidence and examples of good practice are available
on optimal ways for host countries and development partners to be
better prepared and to develop mechanisms to systematically identify,
prioritize, plan and deliver health services at all levels of care for both
host communities and displaced populations?
• What are the most cost-efficient mechanisms for financing health
services for forcibly displaced populations and host communities?
The Big Questions project has utilized a mixed methods approach
anchored in research in four country sites - Bangladesh, Colombia, the
DRC, and Jordan. These were chosen to reflect a diversity of contexts
which may influence and shape health service financing and provision,
including: system of delivery (camp, rural, and urban settings), provider
type (non-governmental organization (NGO), local health system), host
country context (active conflict, fragile, post-conflict), income level (lowincome, lower-middle income, upper-middle income), and displacement
type (refugees and IDPs). The selection also consciously reflects a
diversity of geographic regions and differing national policies towards
refugees and the displaced and incorporates considerations of data
availability and feasibility. The research was undertaken by a consortium
of universities led by Columbia University’s Program on Forced Migration
and Health and including the American University of Beirut, Brandeis
University, Georgetown University, and Universidad de los Andes.
Each study comprised a desk-based literature review and analysis of
epidemiologic and demographic datasets from secondary sources.
Research teams in each country conducted focus group discussions
(FGDs) or phone-based in-depth interviews (IDIs) with host and displaced
community members, health facility assessments (HFAs) of purposively
sampled health facilities, and semi-structured key informant interviews
(KIIs). HFAs utilized a standard questionnaire, adapted according to
local contexts, to collect data on indicators about health systems and
costing. Health facilities were selected based on various factors, including
delivery type (primary, secondary, or tertiary care); population served
(host, displaced, or all); and setting (camp, rural, or urban) and logistical
feasibility. The HFAs were not intended to be nationally representative nor
comprehensive; instead, they were intended to provide a snapshot of the
capacity and readiness of facilities across displaced and host population
settings. Similarly, the rural/urban, camp/non-camp, and sex distribution
of FGDs, IDIs, and HFAs varied by country and aimed to capture a
snapshot of key features of the displacement situation in each context.
Due to logistical constraints, HFAs were not conducted in Bangladesh.
Lastly, targeted KIIs aimed to capture a range of perspectives on health
systems and financing from government officials, donors, international
organizations, NGOs, civil society organizations (CSOs), health facility
staff, and community leaders.
To situate the findings of the country studies and identify frameworks
for interpreting results, integrative literature reviews, including academic
and grey literature, were carried out. These reviews focused on the
interplay between humanitarian and national health systems, the health
workforce in humanitarian contexts, and sources of epidemiologic and
demographic information in humanitarian contexts.
The impact of COVID-19
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted both the timeline
for the project and the feasibility of certain research approaches
(for example, curtailing our ability to access some health facilities
and necessitating phone-based IDIs in place of FGDs in Colombia).
In consultation with the World Bank, we decided to retain a focus
on the main research questions that the Big Questions project was
tasked with (with some adaptations to our research tools), while, in
parallel, generating a series of knowledge briefs that examined the
pandemic-specific challenges to health systems and health financing
in humanitarian settings. The knowledge briefs published include: the
prevention and mitigation of indirect health impacts of COVID-19, family
violence prevention in the context of COVID-19, addressing the human
capital dimension of the COVID-19 response in forced displacement
settings, and the impact of the pandemic in Colombia on utilization
of medical services by displaced Venezuelans and Colombian citizens
(Program on Forced Migration and Health n.d.; Roa et al. 2020; Lau et
al. 2020; Audi et al. 2020; Shepard et al. 2021). These briefs are publicly
available on the Program on Forced Migration and Health (PFMH) Action
Hub on COVID-19 and Displacement and the World Bank webpage on
Building Evidence on Forced Displacement.
Key Findings
It is important to note at the outset that a singular or uniform approach
on the part of international and national actors can never hope to
accommodate the diversity of political contexts and capacity constraints
that exist in different hosting communities. However, several key and
salient learnings emerged from across all four sites, and these are
reflected below.
The importance of planning and integration
Humanitarian health practitioners, national governments and
international donors are well advised to begin to plan early for the
possibility that a displacement crisis might become protracted and
require sustainable, long-term solutions – as unpalatable as that might
be politically. Planning should start from the earliest phases of the crisis,
once the immediate imperative to save lives has passed. An integrated
approach to healthcare can provide potential benefits across the board
in terms of planning and sustainability, cost effectiveness, and continuity
of care for both displaced and host populations.
However, not every situation will lend itself to an integrated approach. In
some political contexts – particularly where the government concerned
is a party to conflict – the role of humanitarian NGOs remains critical.
State fragility also complicates and may limit the prospects for
integration, given weak state institutions, corruption, a lack of resources,
and a lack of security, all of which serve to undermine trust and access
to healthcare. This we saw most vividly in our work in the DRC. However,
despite such challenges, health systems strengthening interventions
have proven effective even in some fragile settings (Pal et al. 2019;
Newbrander, Waldman, and Shepherd-Banigan 2011; Valadez et al. 2020;
WHO 2021c)and have an important role to play in advancing healthcare
for both host and displaced populations.
Our findings underscore the importance of a nuanced and
contextualized analysis being undertaken, early in any crisis and on an
ongoing basis, which assesses the prospects for an integrated approach
going forward. Humanitarian leadership is critical, as an integrated
approach requires close consultation, communication and coordination
with national actors, including government, to calibrate and orientate
the humanitarian sector’s response.
Understanding health needs in both the host and
displaced population:
An important consideration in planning any healthcare response is the
availability of accurate and timely demographic and epidemiologic
data to better understand who is in the displaced and host populations
and anticipate and plan for their needs. It is well established that
certain demographic groups (women, children, the elderly, lesbian,
gay, bisexual, trans, or queer people (LGBTQ) and disabled people)
experience added vulnerabilities during displacement (Klugman 2022;
World Bank Group n.d.)research and analysis of the gendered\n
dimensions of displacement have been limited. The Gender\n
Dimensions of Forced Displacement (GDFD. The Big Questions review
found a paucity of demographic and epidemiologic data that was
sufficiently comprehensive in scope and suitably disaggregated by
migration status or a reasonable proxy (i.e. nationality, administrative
area, etc., depending on context), and even less data that allowed for
intersectional analyses for additionally vulnerable displaced and host
community groups.
Colombia provided the most promising efforts in this area, with national
data systems and registries facilitating a variety of comparisons among
host and displaced populations. Although logistical limitations to
registration remain that may lead to significant and important gaps
in our understanding of health needs. In the DRC, population-wide
data sources were incomplete and largely did not differentiate host
and displaced populations, requiring instead geography to be used
as a proxy for migration status. Jordan illustrates how international
and national resources can be combined and leveraged as part of the
response to displacement, with the national Department of Statistics
effectively adapting standard tools, such as Demographic and Health
Surveys (DHS), to collect data from host and displaced populations
in a way that distinguishes camp and non-camp settings. Bangladesh
presented a more classic, fragmented approach with fully separate data
sources for host and displaced populations. This limits the visibility
of Rohingya in national datasets, creating challenges for longitudinal
comparisons and comparisons with the host population.
Ideally, a whole data approach would be taken, including coordination
and collection of comprehensive demographic and epidemiologic
data over time for displaced and host communities, to further inform
population health needs and pathways for comprehensive health
systems responses. However, at a minimum, from the onset of a
humanitarian response it is important to anticipate the ways in which
meaningful categories of disaggregation (age, sex, etc.) vary by context
and can be woven into existing tools for longitudinal data collection,
such as censuses and national surveys (for example, age can serve as
a proxy for possible chronic disease burden). Longitudinal data on sex
differences can provide further essential information on the gendered
effects of protracted displacement. Even in areas where data is available
at a national level, more work is needed to document the experiences of
displaced and host populations over time, particularly those residing in
insecure areas where data collection is often nonexistent.
Of note are the particular data gaps when it comes to IDPs, including
the paucity of longitudinal data. IDPs are largely dependent on the
capacity and political will of the government to count and support
them. Colombia and the DRC again offer up starkly different pictures of
government efforts and capacity to register and account for their IDP
Health gaps
While gaps were identified across all types of health needs, including
in preventive and primary care, in all four countries studied, our
research highlighted three major gaps – chronic disease management,
specialized care, and mental health services – for which few large-scale,
effective interventions have been implemented for host and displaced
populations. While there are ongoing initiatives to begin to address
these needs, further scaling of effective interventions is required, for
which an integrated approach is both necessary and may offer up
distinct benefits for both host and displaced populations (Fine et al.
2022)neurological, and substance use (MNS. It is important to note
that there are gender differences with men and women experiencing
different health needs and response systems for those needs
(Klugman 2022)research and analysis of the gendered\n dimensions of
displacement have been limited. The Gender\n Dimensions of Forced
Displacement (GDFD.
Each of these health gaps raise different challenges for humanitarian
actors, governments and donors. Strategies are required that address
health gaps in a way that reinforces existing health systems and avoids
diverting resources from funding and strengthening preventive and
primary health services. The key challenge for specialized services
is financing and sustaining their availability, including investment in
strengthening referral pathways, as access to timely and affordable
referral processes is particularly tenuous among displaced populations.
Addressing care for chronic diseases requires both financing and
improvements in referral networks to access different levels of care,
as well as continued innovation in programmatic approaches that can
reach populations in humanitarian settings. With respect to mental
health services, there remains a need for more research to verify which
interventions are effective and feasible at scale for both displaced and
host populations. Particular attention should be paid to identifying
programming that can reach vulnerable groups such as women, children,
and the LGBTQ community. Emerging evidence and models for mental
health service delivery in humanitarian settings must also be tailored to
fit the cultural context.
Cost as a barrier for both displaced and host
In all four countries studied, cost – perhaps unsurprisingly – remained
the defining issue determining healthcare access for many displaced
and some host populations. Out-of-pocket medical and direct nonmedical costs, such as transportation to seek care, emerged as the
most significant barriers to accessing healthcare. Even in countries with
facilities that provided free healthcare, lack of availability of care drove
displaced and host populations to private facilities and the informal
sector, where patients incur out-of-pocket spending. The DRC study in
particular illustrates the link between lack of affordable care and low
utilization of health services, to such an extent that barriers related
to quality, availability, and acceptability were rarely mentioned by
respondents in that context.
Yet, cost barriers are also nuanced. They are shaped by the preferences
of users, who may be willing to pay more for services perceived as
more acceptable or of higher quality. Such perceptions of quality of
care were influential in driving many displaced populations to seek
care from private and informal sources across the sites we studied.
Cost is also intimately connected to other factors: the availability of
services, such as distance to health facilities; social determinants, such
as education and income; and legal status, such as official registration
and the right to work. Efforts to reduce costs or make services free to
users must consider these overlapping drivers and be integrated with
comprehensive approaches that can help promote resilience and selfreliance through legal status and access to livelihoods. They must also
include efforts directed towards improving quality of care—both real
and perceived—across public, private, and informal sectors. Better longterm planning, supported by more sustained long-term donor funding,
might also yield savings in terms of cost effectiveness. For example,
in reducing contracting costs, enabling better training schemes and
investments in human capital; and promoting cost-effective approaches,
such as vaccines, preventive medicine and primary care.
Financing structures
Donor financing arrangements can play a crucial role in facilitating
greater integration of health services for both host and displaced
populations. This is a space where we have seen much innovation in
recent years. In Jordan, refugee health has been an integral part of the
country’s joint response multisectoral action plan for the refugee crisis.
Donors’ contributions have been pooled to support the host country
response, and multilateral and some bilateral donors have focused their
support on services provided within national healthcare systems, with
part of the funds going to strengthen the overall healthcare system
in Jordan. However, across all four countries studied, shifting donor
priorities, short-term funding cycles, and a continual misalignment
between host government needs and international funding create a
difficult environment in which to realize the promise of an enhanced
integrated approach. Invariably, host governments, often with local
governments, shoulder a significant part of the cost associated with
the health needs of the displaced populations. In the case of Colombia,
this cost burden also falls on specific health facilities in areas with large
numbers of displaced persons.
Innovations around demand-side arrangements (i.e. voucher
programs) have also been implemented with varying results.
Subsidies for displaced populations to use national health services
can encourage integration and strengthen local economics, but such
programs must be implemented with care to avoid overwhelming
health service capacity. Promoting high-quality service provision
through the use of incentives, such as performance-based financing
(PBF) approaches, have also shown efficacy in some low- and middleincome and conflict-affected settings (Zeng et al. 2013), although here
too, there are important caveats.
As noted above, our findings —both on the formidable barrier that costs
continue to pose for displaced and host populations and the inherent
unpredictability and insufficiency of donor funding — underscore the
vital importance of financial arrangements that are embedded in policies
supporting the longer-term resilience and self-reliance of refugees and
displaced populations, including education and livelihoods strategies.
Social and environmental determinants of health
and legal status
Health is intimately connected to a wide variety of other social and
environmental factors that impact whether a person is able to live a
healthy life – the social determinants of health — such as access to
livelihoods, food security, education, and a clean environment. These
social determinants are shaped by structural barriers around individual
identities related to gender, sexuality, and age. For example, women
have differential access to livelihoods, food security, and safety in
protracted displacement which creates a unique set of vulnerabilities
related to health. Investments in addressing these factors, with particular
attention to the intersection of social determinants and gender, are also
foundational to preventive care and can lead to long-term, sustainable
improvements in health that ultimately decrease the burden on health
systems and health financing. In protracted displacement, it is critical
that our responses incorporate these elements as an integral part of
health care planning and financing.
Our research has also shown how vital a role legal status can play in
ensuring both the ability and willingness to access health services.
The stakes associated with documentation are amplified as national
governments become more involved in the process of delivering
healthcare. It is important to remain mindful of possible tensions
between protection needs and healthcare needs, and to be cognizant of
who is collecting data and for what purpose. Ensuring that appropriate
firewalls are in place to protect sensitive demographic and health
data from being used in immigration enforcement efforts is critical to
ensuring full participation from displaced individuals and communities.
In short, whether someone is a refugee, IDP or member of the host
population, it is important to take a “whole of person” approach to
advancing their health and well-being.
Leveraging human capital
Finally, while the arrival of significant refugee and displaced populations
can strain healthcare capacity in both rural and urban settings,
effectively leveraging human capital can be critical to filling service gaps
for both displaced and host populations. Opportunities for displaced
populations vary significantly by gender and profession. In Bangladesh,
a mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) program utilized
a task shifting1 approach to grow a diverse health workforce linking
community- and facility-based care to provide outreach and service
provision. As occurred in this example, effective task shifting requires
access to appropriate formal or structured on-the-job training, as well
as sustained supportive supervision. Engagement of the displaced
health workforce can also serve to strengthen host health systems and
address barriers to care around language differences and discrimination
1 Task shifting is defined by the WHO as “the rational redistribution of tasks among
health workforce teams. Specific tasks are moved, where appropriate, from
highly qualified health workers to health workers with shorter training and fewer
qualifications in order to make more efficient use of the available human resources for
for displaced populations. However, permission to work, access to
which can vary by gender, and formal recognition of foreign medical
licensure remain barriers to leveraging this group (ILO, n.d.). There are
often entrenched interests at the national level, including professional
associations that oppose greater inclusion of foreign healthcare workers,
that need to be factored into any future policy and advocacy efforts in
this area.
In conclusion, with conflicts showing no signs of abating, and protracted
displacement arguably here to stay, it is critical to think about the
health and well-being of refugees and displaced populations in tandem
with the host populations they live alongside. A singular or uniform
approach on the part of international and national actors can never
hope to accommodate the diversity of political contexts and capacity
constraints that exist in different hosting communities. However, the Big
Questions project underscores the varied and innovative ways in which
the conversation about an integrated approach to health is advancing in
different contexts and offers valuable lessons on how to better prepare
for, and anticipate, the challenges and opportunities that can arise in
contexts of displacement.
Displaced persons and host populations in fragile settings affected
by conflict and violence are often inadequately served by equally
fragile and dysfunctional health systems. These systems are quickly
overwhelmed by the influx of large numbers of refugees and IDPs. In the
acute phase of a humanitarian response, global implementing partners
often navigate this challenge by establishing parallel systems for
preventive and curative health services. In protracted crises, and where
displaced persons settle in the midst of established host communities,
the transition from acute humanitarian response to development
support requires careful coordination to avoid duplication of services,
inefficiency, or increased inequity and service gaps. At each stage,
host country health systems may be present alongside services offered
by non-state actors and private sector providers. It can be especially
difficult for decision-makers to anticipate and respond to health needs
in such complex and pluralistic environments, and harder still for
individuals and families to navigate and meet their health needs.
As the numbers of people displaced remains at historic levels worldwide,
and as protracted crises become the norm, the global community is
challenged as never before to find new solutions to dealing with this
“humanitarian-development” nexus. And yet, this is also a moment
of opportunity. The resounding endorsement by states of the Global
Compact on Refugees and the global commitments to meeting the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and realizing universal health
coverage create an opening to test innovative approaches to addressing
the health needs of displaced populations, alongside those of host
populations. Ensuring that public sector health and development
partners do not overlook the needs of displaced persons in pursuit
of coverage targets, and that humanitarian actors do not destabilize
already fragile government-run health systems, demands cooperation,
collaboration and attention from actors working on both sides of the
“humanitarian-development” equation.
A crucial element in effectively navigating this challenge lies in
addressing the financing of the health response. There is currently a gap
in systematic analysis of the evidence on how donors and multilateral
agencies can best support countries to identify priorities, address
the health needs of displaced populations and host communities,
and optimize investments. Current financing services to meet the
health needs of displaced populations are unpredictable and not well
integrated with the financing system in host countries. This results in
a shortage or mismatch of service provision for these populations and
decreases opportunities to improve health outcomes. There is a critical
need for international donors to work together with host governments
to develop a comprehensive framework for prioritizing interventions
to strengthen the integration of health financing systems for the
displaced populations with that of the host community. This report
synthesizes the results from research across four case study countries
to identify the health challenges in protracted displacement crises. It
also discusses opportunities and highlights strategies for building and
financing resilient health systems that can respond comprehensively
and effectively to the needs of displaced populations alongside those of
host communities.
The project focused on various geographical, social and demographic
contexts in fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) affected countries
facing protracted displacement conditions. The key questions
considered by the project include:
• What are the common trends, similarities and differences in the health
needs of forcibly displaced populations and host communities in
different contexts beyond the initial emergency response?
• What empirical evidence and examples of good practice are available
on optimal ways for host countries and development partners to be
better prepared and to develop mechanisms to systematically identify,
prioritize, plan and deliver health services at all levels of care for both
host communities and displaced populations?
• What are the most cost-efficient mechanisms for financing health
services for forcibly displaced populations and host communities?
A note on terminology
From its inception, the Big Questions study prioritized incorporating
and representing various types of displacement in the study,
including refugees registered with UNHCR, unregistered
internationally displaced individuals, displaced Venezuelans, and
internally displaced persons (IDPs). Throughout this report, the
authors have utilized “displaced populations” inclusively to refer to
any of these communities. Additional clarification and differentiation
regarding type of displacement is made when necessitated by the
data or context.
Case study countries
Bangladesh, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC),
and Jordan were chosen as case studies for this analysis in order to
incorporate and assess a wide variety of contexts which may factor
into health service financing and provision. The selection criteria
included system of delivery (camp, rural, and urban settings), provider
type (NGO, local health system), host country context (active conflict,
fragile, post-conflict), income level (low-income, lower-middle income,
upper-middle income), and displacement type (refugees and IDPs). Our
selection also reflects a diversity of geographic regions and differing
national policies towards refugees and the displaced and incorporates
considerations of data availability and feasibility. For more information
regarding the displacement context by country, see Table 1.
Table 1: Context of displacement and health systems in study countries
Primary Displaced Population(s): Rohingya Refugees (925,380)
Source: UNHCR, April 2022
Access to Health Services for
Displaced Population(s)
Cost to Users of Health Services
for Displaced Population(s)
Financing of Health Services
for Displaced Population(s)
Primary healthcare is available
to refugee and host population
at NGO and international nongovernmental organizations
(INGO)-sponsored facilities in the
camp complex
Primary healthcare services at
NGO and INGO-sponsored camp
facilities are free to users
NGO and INGOs providing health
services at camp facilities are
typically funded by international
Emergency, secondary, and
tertiary healthcare is available at
government facilities. Refugees
require formal referrals and legal
permissions to leave camp
Displaced and host populations
also access care via private
providers, including informal
providers (see section 2.1.2)
Emergency and select secondary
and tertiary care at government
facilities outside camps is available
at no cost to users if referred by
primary facilities, but often incurs
indirect costs (see section 2.2.1)
Fees for informal and private
providers are typically paid outof-pocket, but may allow for more
flexible payments (i.e. in-kind) (see
section 6.4)
UNHCR and International
Organization for Migration
(IOM) provide financial
support for refugees to use
referral services, including
transportation and meals.
Government facilities are
supported by international
donors (see Bangladesh
country report, section 5.3.4)
Private and informal providers
are funded primarily through
user fees
Primary Displaced Population(s): Displaced Venezuelans (2,029,758) IDPs2 (5,235,000)
Source: Migración Colombia, March 2022 Source: Internal Displacement Monitoring
Centre (IDMC), December 2021
Access to Health Services for
Displaced Population(s)
Cost to Users of Health Services
for Displaced Population(s)
Financing of Health Services
for Displaced Population(s)
Emergency health services are
available at public facilities for all
people, regardless of insurance or
immigration status
Emergency services can be
accessed through insurance and
are also provided free of change
to people without insurance, per a
mandate in the constitution
Public facilities must initially
cover the cost of emergency
health services and apply for
reimbursement from the state (see
section 2.2.2)
Preventive health services through
PIC are available to all people free
of charge, regardless of insurance
or immigration status
Preventive health services through
PIC are funded through municipal
and national budgets
Preventive health services are
available for all people through
Plan de Intervenciones Colectivas
(Complementary Collective
Interventions) (PIC); the specific
package of services is determined at
the municipal level (see section 1.2.1)
Access to primary, secondary, and
tertiary health services is available
at public facilities, but limited to
those with insurance or the ability
to pay; 93 percent of IDPs and 35
percent of Venezuelans in Colombia
had health insurance in 2022
Displaced populations can access
services through health attention
units (HAUs) run by INGOs and
NGOs along migration routes (see
section 2.1.1)
Displaced and host populations
also access care via private
providers (see section 2.1.2)
Primary, secondary, and tertiary
health services are available at public
facilities through employment or
government issued health insurance.
Specific services are established in
regulated health plans, sometimes
including co-payments from the
user (see Columbia country report,
section 4.1)
HAUs typically offer services at low
or no cost to users
Fees for private providers are
typically paid out-of-pocket, but
may be covered through insurance
in cases of specialized referrals
(see section 4.2.3)
Health insurance is financed
through direct tax on the
labor contract (contributory
regime), national and regional
budget (subsidized regime)
and independent funding
mechanisms (special regimes)
(see Columbia country report,
Figure 9)
HAUs are typically funded
by national and international
Private providers are funded
through a combination of user
fees and reimbursements from
the national insurance system
2 This study has found that experiences in the health system (in terms of access, quality,
and funding) are not significantly different across IDPs and the host populations but
are significantly different for displaced Venezuelans. As such, the Colombia country
study has a proportionally heavier emphasis on understanding health systems and
financing challenges among displaced Venezuelans. IDIs were conducted with both
groups (IDPs and Venezuelans).
The Democratic Republic of the Congo
Primary Displaced Population(s): IDPs (5,540,000) Registered and unregistered asylum seekers and
Source: IDMC, End of 2021 (Registered refugees: 518,836)
Source: UNHCR, April 2022
Access to Health Services for
Displaced Population(s)
Cost to Users of Health Services
for Displaced Population(s)
Financing of Health Services
for Displaced Population(s)
Emergency, primary, secondary
and tertiary health services are
available at public facilities for
displaced and host populations
Health services at public facilities
are intended to be free or low-cost
for users, but in practice frequent
payment delays and medication
and supply stockouts lead to
increased fees to users
Health services at public
facilities are funded through the
government budget. Some donors’
funding is channeled through the
government to fund public health
Health services from NGOs, INGOs,
and religious organizations are
typically free of charge, but may
vary by organization and over time
Health services from
NGOs, INGOs, and religious
organizations are typically
funded by international donors
and religious institutions
NGOs, INGOs, and religious
organizations provide health
services; the range of services
available varies by organization.
Generally, these services are not
widely available, particularly
outside of camp settings
Displaced and host populations
also access care via private
providers, including informal
providers (see section 2.1.2)
Fees for informal and private
providers are typically paid outof-pocket but may allow for more
flexible payments (i.e. in-kind)
(see section 6.4). In some cases,
care is funded through health
insurance, although there is an
alarming disparity in coverage, with
12 percent of men and 15 percent
of women in the richest quintile
reported having health insurance,
compared to 0.7 percent of men
and 1 percent of women in the
poorest quintile (see the DRC
country report, Chapter 6)
Private and informal providers
are funded primarily through
user fees and, in some cases,
insurance reimbursements
3 Given the large number of IDPs in the DRC, this group is the primary focus of in this
report unless otherwise noted.
Primary Displaced Population(s): Registered and unregistered refugees and asylum
seekers,4primarily Syrians (registered: 674,458), Iraqis, and Palestinians.
Source: UNHCR, April 2022
Access to Health Services for
Displaced Population(s)
Cost to Users of Health Services
for Displaced Population(s)
Financing of Health Services for
Displaced Population(s)
For Syrians living in Azraq and
Zaatari refugee camps, UNHCR
coordinates the provision of
primary, secondary, and tertiary
healthcare, including through
referrals to specialized and
high-level care outside the
camps. Refugees require special
permissions to leave the camps
UNHCR health services are free of
charge to Syrian refugees living in
the camps; UNHCR services are also
free of charge to registered refugees
living outside the camps, but
coverage is limited (UNHCR 2018)
UNHCR health services in the
Zaatari Camp, Azraq Camp, and
in non-camp settings are funded
through international donors
Syrians who reside in non-camp
(primarily urban) settings can
access primary, secondary, and
tertiary healthcare at public
primary healthcare centers and
public hospitals, but access varies
by registration status
Syrians in non-camp settings can
access services at NGOs/INGOs,
though services vary by provider
Syrians also access services
through private providers,
including at private pharmacies
At public providers, fees vary
by registration status.5 Refugees
registered with UNHCR pay a
share of service fees equivalent to
uninsured Jordanians. Unregistered
refugees pay a greater share
of service fees, equivalent to
foreigners. Select services (maternal
and child health (MCH), vaccination,
mental health) are provided free of
charge at public facilities regardless
of immigration or registration status
(World Health Organization (WHO)
and Jordan Ministry of Health 2020)
NGO/INGO services are typically
free or low cost
Health services for refugees
provided through the public health
system are funded through a
combination of the government
budget and donor funds, including
a multi-donor account to support
the Ministry of Health, though
funding policies have fluctuated in
recent years (see section 2.3.1)
NGO/INGO services are typically
funded through international
Private and informal providers
are funded primarily through user
fees and, in some cases, insurance
Fees at private providers, including
pharmacies, vary and are paid
out-of-pocket, and sometimes
via insurance. Health insurance
coverage of any type (public,
private, special arrangements)
is limited, with 68 percent of
Jordanians and 38 percent of nonJordanians covered (Al Emam 2016;
Department of Statistics 2016)
4 Jordan has a robust history of welcoming internationally displaced individuals and
continues to host refugees from many different countries. Given the comparative
size and recency of migration, this report will primarily focus on the experiences of
Syrian refugees in Jordan unless otherwise noted. FGDs were conducted with Syrian
refugees, but not with non-Syrian refugees.
5 According to the 2015 national census, a total of 1,265,514 Syrian nationals were
residing in Jordan. As of April 2022, a total of 674,458 Syrian refugees were registered
with the UNHCR office in Jordan (ACAPS 2021).
Impact of COVID-19
The arrival and persistence of the COVID-19 pandemic created unique
challenges and opportunities in this research. Upon recognizing
that the initial approach to research, including a heavy reliance on
international travel, would need to be addressed, the researchers – in
coordination with the World Bank – determined how the project might
incorporate the substantial impacts of the pandemic on displaced
and host communities, while simultaneously retaining a central focus
on the systemic challenges of health responses in protracted crises.
In response, the primary data collection methodology was adapted
to enable greater localization of collection and analysis, and the
qualitative interview guides and quantitative surveys were rewritten to
incorporate, and clearly differentiate, questions specific to the impact
of the pandemic.
The research team also produced a series of knowledge briefs
incorporating pandemic-specific challenges to health systems and
health financing in humanitarian settings. These included the prevention
and mitigation of indirect health impacts of COVID-19, family violence
prevention in the context of COVID-19, addressing the human capital
dimension of the COVID-19 response in forced displacement settings,
and the impact of the pandemic in Colombia on utilization of medical
services by displaced Venezuelans and Colombian citizens (Program on
Forced Migration and Health n.d.; Roa et al. 2020; Lau et al. 2020; Audi
et al. 2020; Shepard et al. 2021). These briefs are publicly available on
Columbia University’s PFMH Action Hub on COVID-19 and Displacement
and the World Bank webpage on Building Evidence on Forced
The information presented in this report is based on four country
studies, carried out in Bangladesh, Colombia, the DRC, and Jordan from
2019 to 2022. Country studies began with a desk-based literature review
of the forced displacement situation and health systems, followed by an
analysis of demographic and epidemiologic datasets from secondary
sources, including the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), Multiple
Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), and national databases (see Table 2).
The most recent available data and data disaggregated by sex, age, and
location were prioritized. For primary data collection, research teams
in each country conducted focus group discussions (FGDs) with host
and displaced community members (separate focus groups for men
and women), health facility assessments (HFAs) of purposively sampled
health facilities, and semi-structured key informant interviews (KIIs). In
Colombia, due to COVID-19-related restrictions, phone-based in-depth
interviews (IDIs) were conducted in place of FGDs. Both FGDs and
IDIs were constructed to generate information about the experience of
displaced and host populations when using the health system.
HFAs were conducted to collect data about health system readiness
(including availability of basic amenities, equipment, essential medicines,
and diagnostic capacity, as well as the presence of standard precautions
in infection prevention), costing (including costs to households and
actual economic costs), and other health system indicators, which
country research teams adapted to local contexts from a baseline
tool developed by the research consortium for this project. Health
facilities were selected by country research teams based on various
factors, including delivery type (primary, secondary, or tertiary care);
population served (host, displaced, or all); and setting (camp, rural, or
urban). Inclusion in the sample was also shaped by the ability of the
research team to obtain facility consent to participate and whether the
security situation enabled research staff to travel to the facilities for data
collection. The HFAs are not intended to be nationally representative nor
comprehensive; instead, they are intended to provide a snapshot of the
capacity and readiness of facilities across displaced and host population
settings. HFAs were not conducted in Bangladesh.
The rural/urban and camp/non-camp distribution of FGDs, IDIs, and HFAs
varied by country and aimed to capture a snapshot of key features of the
displacement situation in each context, including refugees living in the
camp complex in Bangladesh, rural IDPs and refugees in the DRC, urban
refugees in Jordan, and refugees and IDPs in Colombia. In all countries,
FGDs were stratified by gender and host/displaced population to capture
the different needs of these groups. FGDs with members of the host
community were not conducted in Bangladesh for logistical reasons.
Lastly, key informant interviews (KIIs) aimed to capture a range of
perspectives on health systems and financing from government officials,
donors, international organizations, NGOs, civil society organizations
(CSOs), health facility staff, and community leaders.
To situate the findings of the country studies and identify frameworks
for interpreting results, integrative literature reviews, including academic
and grey literature, were carried out focused on the interplay between
humanitarian and national health systems, the health workforce
in humanitarian contexts, and sources of health and demographic
information in humanitarian contexts.
Table 2: Primary and secondary data sources by country
Primary Data Sources
Secondary Data Sources
- DHS (2017-18)
- MICS (2019)
- RAMOS6 (2018)
- SISPRO7 (Multiple
databases, multiple years)
- DHS (2015)
- DHS (2013-14)
- MICS (2017-18)
- DHS (2017-18)
- JLMPS8 (2016)
DHS, MICS, national
6 Reproductive Age Mortality Study
7 Sistema Integrado de Información de la Protección Social (Social Protection
Information System)
8 Jordan Labor Market Panel Survey
Identifying demographic and epidemiologic profiles among host
and displaced populations enables health systems to anticipate
and respond appropriately to the health needs of each population.
Needs may differ according to demographic profile, including gender,
age, sexual orientation, and disability; living conditions; exposure
to violence; and access to health services before, during, and after
displacement. However, in the four countries studied, demographic
and epidemiologic data was collected by separate sources, incomplete,
and fragmented among displaced and host populations, complicating
efforts to develop a full understanding of health needs. For displaced
populations in particular, data systems do not adequately capture
demographic and epidemiologic information, particularly from
international migrants, and data collection, as well as survey and
registry data, that allows for disaggregation by migration status is
rare. Taking a “whole data” approach that connects demographic
and epidemiologic data among all communities in a country, which
includes both displaced and host populations, has the potential
to support policymakers and program planners in understanding
the health needs and health system requirements for the whole
population. However, such an approach must be balanced with
protection concerns (see Box 3: Protection Concerns around Data) and
requires significant investment across demographic and epidemiologic
systems for data collection and availability, from civil registration to
disease surveillance. These systems currently exhibit major gaps and
often function in isolation from one another.
1.1 Availability and utility of demographic and
epidemiologic data
Epidemiologic and demographic data – such as mortality, age
distributions, and fertility – are critical to understanding and planning
for the health needs of host and displaced populations. To assess the
availability and quality of data used by policymakers, donors, and
others involved in planning for health systems responses to forced
displacement, we reviewed nationally representative demographic
datasets in Bangladesh, Colombia, the DRC, and Jordan. Data was
reanalyzed and, where possible, disaggregated by migration status,
often using nationality or geographic location as proxies (see Table
3). We found that nationally representative datasets allowing for
disaggregation of demographic characteristics by displacement status
or reasonable proxy measures were most readily available in Colombia
and Jordan. In Bangladesh, such data was only available from separate
data sources for host and displaced populations, and in the DRC, it
was essentially nonexistent.
Specifically, our review of secondary data sources yielded four surveys
that allow for the identification of forced migration status: (1) the
2015 DHS in Colombia (using Venezuelan nationality as a proxy), (2)
the 2017 DHS in Jordan (using Syrian nationality as a proxy); (3) the
2018 Reproductive Age Mortality Study (RAMOS) from Cox’s Bazar,
Bangladesh; and (4) the 2016 Jordan Labor Market Panel Survey
(JLMPS). Of these, only the DHS (Jordan and Colombia) and JLMPS
(Jordan) were nationally representative to enable the calculation
and comparison of displaced and host populations. In Bangladesh,
no dataset included data for both host and displaced populations;
RAMOS exclusively sampled Rohingya, while DHS and MICS exclusively
sampled the host population. Comparisons between these various data
sources must account for differences in survey design and timeframe.
In the DRC, no nationally representative datasets that allowed for
disaggregation by migration status were identified. While in some cases
small-scale, cross-sectional surveys of IDP populations, conducted by
humanitarian NGOs, were present, this data can play only a limited
role in the larger demographic and epidemiological analysis due to its
limited region and scope. In Colombia, national registries of displaced
Venezuelans and IDPs, as well as data from Colombia’s Social Protection
Information System (SISPRO), facilitated a variety of comparisons
among host and displaced populations, particularly related to health
service utilization, that were not possible in the other countries studied.
Although these statistics typically only reflect information from
displaced persons who are registered, enrolled in the health insurance
system, or access emergency health services.
While methods of using this data to estimate and compare key
indicators among migrants and host populations can be tailored to
context, significant limitations remain in our ability to understand
differences among host and displaced populations (see Table 3).
For example, in Bangladesh, the 2017-18 DHS and 2019 MICS surveys
allowed for representative estimates of demographic and epidemiologic
indicators among host populations living in Cox’s Bazar district.
However, because the camp complex was not included in the sampling
frame, this data is not reflective of the demographic and epidemiologic
profile of displaced Rohingya. Demographic and epidemiologic data
about displaced Rohingya are available through separate datasets, such
as RAMOS and the Joint Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (J-MSNA). In
contrast, the DHS in Jordan was adapted to draw comparisons between
the Jordanian and Syrian populations by designating refugee camps as
separate sampling strata and collecting data on nationality, which can
be used as a proxy for displacement status among people living in urban
settings. In the DRC, where internally displaced persons are dispersed in
host communities, geographic disaggregation of the DHS and MICS to
administrative areas hosting high numbers of displaced persons, such as
districts of North and South Kivu, may provide a sense of the combined
demographic and health profile of displaced and host populations
relative to neighboring regions or national averages. However, these
surveys largely omit information from people living in insecure areas due
to under sampling. The dearth of demographic and epidemiologic data
in the DRC is further illustrated by the fact that no national census has
been conducted since 1984 and IDPs only infrequently register with local
From the onset of a humanitarian response to forced displacement, it
is important to anticipate the ways in which meaningful categories of
disaggregation vary by context and can be woven into existing tools
for longitudinal data collection, such as censuses and national surveys.
For example, in Colombia and the DRC, assessments should account for
both IDPs and people displaced across borders, meaning that data on
nationality is an insufficient proxy for displacement. Additional levels
of disaggregation to address complex and overlapping displacement
settings, such as the impact of policy change on legal status over time,
the prevalence of internally-displaced ethnic minorities, and specific
technicalities of status (i.e. inheritability) may also require consideration
(Oslender 2016). In Jordan, it is more useful to disaggregate the
Syrian population by residence in camp- and non-camp settings, given
the significant minority (17.3 percent) of Syrians residing in official
camps (Krafft et al. 2018; UNHCR 2021c). It is important to note that
disaggregation itself is not the objective but rather a method by
which decision-makers can improve the strategic inclusion of relevant
groups in policy development and programmatic response (LundkvistHoundoumadi and Samarah 2022). For example, longitudinal data
disaggregated by sex and displacement status can provide essential
information on the gendered effects of protracted displacement. Across
contexts, there is a dearth of longitudinal data about forcibly displaced
populations, limiting researchers’ and policymakers’ abilities to assess
and respond to how migrants’ demographic and epidemiologic profiles
and health needs change over time.
Relative to the other contexts examined in this study, the data rich
environment in Colombia speaks to the importance of strengthening
national statistics and civil registration systems, which can link data
across sectors, provide a source of longitudinal data, and tailor
categories of disaggregation to the national context (Lopez et al. 2007).
The development of Colombia’s national health information systems
is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4 (Health Information Systems).
Where national statistics and civil registration data are less robust or
lack adequate indicators of migration status, international surveys like
DHS and MICS can be adapted to draw useful comparisons between
displaced and host populations (Checchi et al. 2017). This approach
has been applied in Jordan, with respect to the DHS, as noted above.
(Jordan Department of Statistics and DHS Program 2019). However,
in contexts like the DRC, where not even national populations are
adequately counted, the prospect of quantifying displaced populations
and delineating their health needs remains remote, particularly for
people living in insecure areas.
1.2 Examining epidemiologic profiles, health
needs, and system gaps
Demographic and epidemiologic data can be paired with disease
surveillance data and information on demand for, and coverage of,
health services to assess health needs among all people in a country,
including host and displaced communities. Demographic indicators
like socioeconomic status (e.g., income and education) provide
insight regarding determinants of health, such as living conditions,
food security, stress, and the ability to meet the direct and indirect
costs of accessing health services. Furthermore, sex differences in the
prevalence and presentation of disease and health-seeking behavior
further underscore the need of gender-sensitive approaches to data
regarding health needs. Across the four countries analyzed, gaps in data
collection and reporting and lack of alignment among epidemiologic
and demographic data made it difficult to carry out an assessment
of health needs beyond the identification of broad trends. These
trends are discussed below in relation to preventive health services,
infectious disease management, trauma and emergency care (including
emergency obstetric and newborn care, or EmONC), chronic disease
management, access to specialized medical services, and mental health
1.2.1 Preventive health services
Persistent gaps in preventive health services were highlighted in
all four countries, underscoring the importance of ensuring the
sustained provision of affordable preventive services for displaced
persons. Disparities in vaccination rates are an illustrative example:
Syrian children in Jordan have 12 percent lower coverage with nationally
recommended vaccinations compared to Jordanian children, whose rate
of coverage averaged 88 percent, ranging from 64 percent (Ma’an) to
91 percent (Ajloun) (Jordan Department of Statistics and DHS Program
2019). In Bangladesh and the DRC, recent coordination and planning
efforts have yielded gains in routine vaccination coverage, reaching 92
percent among Rohingya refugee children living in the camp complex
in Bangladesh (measles, rubella) and 75 percent among all children in
the DRC (Hepatitis B, polio, measles) (UNICEF 2022; 2020). However,
disruptions to routine vaccination programs and decreases in health
service utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic may slow or reverse
such gains (ISCG 2020; 2021; Hategeka et al. 2021).
The countries in this study illustrate different means of improving access
to preventive health services among displaced populations. For example,
in Colombia, the nationally mandated Complementary Collective
Interventions (PIC) provides vaccinations and other preventive medical
services for free and regardless of migration or legal status, although
implementation and prioritization of such programs is uneven across
decentralized territorial entities. Meanwhile, within the Kutupalong camp
complex, Bangladesh has utilized community health workers (CHWs) to
enhance health education to promote the uptake of preventive services,
particularly vaccination campaigns and COVID-19 safety measures
(see Bangladesh country report, sections 2.1.2 & 5.1). These and other
interventions that focus on primary prevention, rather than treatment,
are often among the most cost-effective means of addressing the
health needs of the population. However, especially when preventive
interventions function outside of health facilities (i.e. vaccination
campaigns, school-based interventions, etc.), special attention is needed
to ensure they are inclusive of displaced populations at the levels of
both policy and service delivery.
1.2.2 Infectious disease management
In countries where displaced populations reside in camp or camp-like
settings, such as Bangladesh and Jordan, several informants in KIIs
and FGDs described how early stages of the response appropriately
focused on infectious diseases and other basic and initial care among
the displaced population (see Bangladesh country report section 1.2.2,
Jordan country report, chapter 3). Infectious diseases have been found
to disproportionately impact migrant mortality ratios, in comparison to
host populations, especially due to camp environments and associated
determinants of health that amplify the likelihood of outbreaks,
where shelters are not well-ventilated, conditions are unsanitary, and
there are issues of overcrowding (Aldridge et al. 2018). Informants
in Bangladesh cited key outbreaks and issues of diphtheria, cholera,
measles, diarrhea, and skin diseases, and frequently referenced them in
relation to overcrowded living conditions. Risks for infectious disease
outbreaks were also found to be increasing in Jordan, where 17.3 percent
of the Syrian displaced population resides in camps (Krafft et al. 2019;
UNHCR 2021c), and were found to be a persistent threat in the DRC,
where malaria and measles outbreaks, and Ebola outbreaks in areas
with large displaced populations, have caused high rates of mortality
in recent years (Emina, Doctor, and Yé 2021; MSF 2021; Severe Malaria
Observatory n.d.).
Investments in disease surveillance and availability and diagnostic
capacity of health services within and outside camps have been tied
to improvements in infectious disease management and, at the same
time, reinforced pathways for uptake of preventive medical services.
For example, in Bangladesh, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted
additional investments in a community-based surveillance system
established by UNHCR (see Bangladesh country report, section 4.1).
Resulting improvements in surveillance were tied to the ability to
quickly identify a dengue outbreak in 2020 and respond with increased
testing and community response. This included bolstering referrals by
CHWs to health facilities and updating the policy to call for CHW visits
every week (as opposed to every two weeks) for all households in the
camp complex.
Infectious disease management provides an ideal lens with which to
highlight the importance of a whole-of-person approach in health
systems strengthening. For example, food security plays a key role in
addressing susceptibility to infectious disease and improving health
outcomes. Displaced populations frequently face high rates of both
acute and chronic malnutrition in comparison to their host community
counterparts (Owoaje et al. 2016). Reviews of the literature across the
four country sites underscored this disparity. In Bangladesh, a 2017
study found nutritional status among Rohingya was poor, likely due
to poor nutritional status in Rakhine State compounded by the multiday journey to Cox’s Bazar. While nutritional status has improved,
limited dietary diversity as a result of reliance on food rations remains
a challenge (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) 2018).
Focus groups in Bangladesh frequently referenced the lack of culturally
appropriate food as a point of contention, in particular highlighting
the impact of poor nutrition on maternal and child health outcomes.
In Colombia, acute malnutrition among children under five was among
the most prevalent health events recorded among Venezuelans in
Colombia’s national epidemiologic surveillance system (SIVIGILA),
making up 2 percent, 4 percent and 8 percent of total events reported
in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively (Migración Colombia 2019). In the
DRC, focus groups consisting of both displaced and host population
frequently referenced food security as a vital issue.
“Pregnant women require some comfort in terms of
living and need to eat healthy food, but they don’t
have access to these in the camp. As a result, they
are being infected with many types of diseases,
including skin diseases.”
Female Focus Group Discussion, Camp 4 Extension,
1.2.3 Trauma and emergency care
Within the country studies, EmONC was used as a proxy for trauma
and emergency care because it requires elements of care universal to
trauma and emergency care, such as access to 24/7 services, necessary
medications (oxygen, anesthesia), appropriate medical supplies, and
robust, timely referral systems. The availability of high-quality EmONC
services can also serve as an indicator of health system capacity to
respond to sex-specific health needs and gender inequality. The DRC
and Bangladesh exhibited the most significant gaps in EmONC services,
despite recent improvements in these areas. In the DRC, maternal
mortality has declined over the last two decades, but remains alarmingly
high, at 473 per 100,000 live births. Areas with large populations of
displaced persons (South Kivu) experience almost double that ratio
due mainly to hemorrhage, anemia, heart disease, and malaria (The
World Bank n.d.; Woolf, Célestin, and Justin N 2018). Two-thirds of
maternal deaths occurred in rural regions, highlighting the importance
of strong and timely referral systems (Woolf, Célestin, and Justin N
2018). In Bangladesh, midwives are a key point of contact in the health
system for many Rohingya refugees living in the camp complex. United
Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)-led efforts to increase facility
deliveries have yielded promising results: as of 2021, 68 percent of
deliveries were conducted in health facilities, compared to 12 percent
in 2018 (see Figure 1). Similar gains were observed in antenatal care
and immunization of children under one year of age (Health Sector
Coordination Team 2021)(UNICEF 2015)(The World Bank n.d.; Woolf,
Célestin, and Justin N 2018). However, there is significant variation by
camp and, among FGD participants in Bangladesh, EmONC care was not
viewed as accessible due to delays in referrals to emergency facilities
outside the camps.
% of Births with Institutional delivery
Figure 1: The utilization of institutional delivery amongst Rohingya in Bangladesh,
Source: Health Sector Coordination Team. Health sector bulletin #15. Geneva: WHO, 2021.
1.2.4 Probing health systems gaps
While gaps were identified across all types of health needs and
effective responses varied by context, our research highlighted three
major gaps across the four countries where few large-scale, effective
interventions exist to meet the health needs of the host and displaced
• (1) access to treatment of chronic diseases as a barrier for migrant
• (2) access to specialized services, including secondary and tertiary
care, especially for
• displaced populations; and
• (3) access to mental healthcare as a gap in services for both host and
displaced populations.
Refugees and migrants face special risks in these areas due to the
extreme stress of migration, reduced financial resources, and drastic and
sudden life changes (WHO 2018). While there are ongoing initiatives to
begin to address these needs, further scaling of effective interventions
is required, for which an integrated approach is both necessary and
may offer up distinct benefits for both host and displaced populations
(Fine et al. 2022)neurological, and substance use (MNS. It is important
to note that even here, there are gender differences with men and
women experiencing different health needs and response systems for
those needs (Klugman 2022)research and analysis of the gendered\n
dimensions of displacement have been limited. The Gender\n
Dimensions of Forced Displacement (GDFD.
1.2.5 Chronic disease management
The Colombia case provides a particularly salient example of the gap
between displaced and host populations in accessing continuous
care to manage chronic health conditions. This often requires longterm engagement with patients, supported by follow-up services, and
frequently, sustained provision of medication. Despite the availability of
free services through the public system, becoming and staying enrolled
in government insurance schemes presents a major barrier to care
for chronic conditions and specialized services among the displaced
Venezuelan population, with displaced Venezuelans reporting being
turned away from care as a result (see sections 2.2.2 and 2.3.1 for more
detailed discussions of discrimination and enrollment in insurance,
respectively). More than 80 percent of services provided to Venezuelans
were found to be provided to individuals that are not enrolled in the
public insurance system, and therefore only eligible for free emergency
care (Shepard et al. 2021). In addition to being a critical barrier to timely
and preventive care, this is an inefficient allocation of resources, as
multiple studies have pointed to the fact that emergency care is much
more costly than treatment for non-urgent conditions in primary care
settings. This focus on emergency care represents a lost opportunity to
invest in the long-term health of the population (Sven Engström, Mats
Foldevi, Lars B 2001; Bozorgmehr and Razum 2015).
Similarly, in Jordan, while we found a high availability of services for
treatment of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in primary and
NGO care facilities assessed (81 percent availability for hypertension
services and 77 percent availability for diabetes management), national
statistics point to a rise in NCDs among the Syrian population in Jordan
since 2011, especially in urban areas (Jordan Department of Statistics
and DHS Program 2019). This includes high rates of hypertension (14
percent) and diabetes (9.2 percent) among Syrians residing in Jordan
that add strain to the public system’s ability to manage both host and
displaced populations’ chronic diseases (see Table 2, Jordan country
report). National data for other types of NCDs, such as cardiovascular
and respiratory conditions, is scarce (Rehr et al. 2018). Likewise, in
Bangladesh, rising chronic diseases in the Rohingya population since
migration were widely reported among Rohingya refugees living in
the camp complex who participated in FGDs (see Bangladesh country
report, section 1.3.2).
1.2.6 Specialized services
In the country studies, discussions of chronic disease frequently
intersected with discussions of limited access to specialized care,
including challenges in establishing and maintaining functional referral
systems to link patients to secondary and tertiary care. Specialized
care is more difficult to access for Syrian refugees than Jordanian
nationals, as compared to primary care (The Higher Health Council
2014), and patients raised issues of diagnostic capacity and the lack
of specialized doctors in public health facilities (see Jordan country
report, Chapter 3 Results). In Bangladesh, camp based Rohingya
refugees shared testimonials about the difficulties of obtaining and
completing referrals for specialized services outside camps, the high
costs of services outside the formal humanitarian health system (i.e.
informal services and/or services outside the camps without a formal
referral), and perceived discrimination when seeking care through the
national system. These challenges can result in delays in specialized
and/or emergency treatment (see Bangladesh country report, section
2.1.3). Additionally, issues were raised around availability of services for
displaced populations who are elderly and/or have a disability; there is
a rising need for these services in both Jordan and Colombia, although
these issues are likely to be present in all countries studied.
1.2.7 Mental health services
There is also a large gap in the availability of mental health services. This
is due to a lack of human resources and a qualified health workforce
to treat these conditions (including specialized mental healthcare
providers, e.g. psychiatrists and psychologists), stigma associated with
seeking care and with working in the mental health profession, and
minimal readiness to supply these services in most public primary health
facilities (see Chapter 3 on Human Capital and Chapter 2 on Health
Systems in this report). Even in Colombia, which has a more integrated
public system for delivering care to both host and migrant populations,
availability of mental health services was lacking. Our health facilities
assessment in Colombia found that only 70 percent of facilities assessed
provided any type of psychosocial support or mental health services
and, among those that did so, readiness to provide services, including
availability of necessary drugs, was low (ranging from 18.2 percent to
63.6 percent readiness score). The implications of low service availability
are particularly concerning among IDPs and displaced Venezuelans
in Colombia, given evidence of a greater burden of mental health
disorders compared to non-displaced individuals, including findings
that lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorders is 50 percent higher
among displaced individuals (15.9 percent) compared to non-displaced
individuals (10.1 percent) (León-Giraldo et al. 2021; Gómez-Restrepo et
al. 2016). In both Bangladesh and Jordan, as with other chronic diseases,
challenges with referral pathways for mental health services outside
of camps and lack of services within camp settings present barriers to
mental healthcare. In Jordan, there have been efforts in recent years to
integrate mental healthcare in primary healthcare settings, as well as to
provide mental health services to all residents (including refugees) at
Ministry of Health (MoH) hospitals free of charge, but barriers persist,
including cost, transportation, and stigma. Findings in the DRC point
to almost no capacity at the rural level to provide such services, with
only six mental health hospitals in the entire country, and most of these
concentrated in Kinshasa.
These three service gaps – chronic diseases, specialized care, and
mental health – raise different challenges for the humanitarian actors,
governments and donors looking to devise effective strategies to
address them. The key challenge for specialized services is financing
and sustaining their availability, including investment in strengthening
referral pathways as access to timely and affordable referral processes
is particularly tenuous among displaced populations. Addressing care
for chronic diseases requires both financing and improvements in
referral networks to access different levels of care, as well as continued
innovation in programmatic approaches that can reach populations
in humanitarian settings to improve access to care and address social
determinants of physical and mental health. With respect to mental
health services, there remains a need for more research to verify which
interventions are effective and feasible at scale for both displaced
and host populations. Additionally, emerging evidence and models for
mental health service delivery in humanitarian settings needs to be
tailored to fit the cultural context. A whole data approach that includes
coordination and collection of comprehensive demographic and
epidemiologic data over time for displaced and host communities would
further inform population health needs and pathways for comprehensive
health systems responses, which are discussed in more depth in
Chapters 2 and 3.
Table 3: Select demographic and epidemiologic indicators to illustrate method of disaggregation, by country
National registries of displaced
persons and national health service
utilization data, disaggregated by
National survey, disaggregated by
nationality and camp/non-camp
National survey of host population only,
disaggregated by geography
Indicator &
<18 years:
Population Population
<18 years:
<18 years:
Year: 2019
Year: 2020 Year: 2020
Único de
15-18: 42
fertility rates
(annual number
of births per
1,000 women in
age group)
19-44: 59
% of population
<18-20 years
Age cutoff and
gender vary by
National survey with
limited coverage
of insecure areas,
disaggregated by
Population Population
<20 years: <20 years:
Population Population
<20 years:
<20 years:
<20 years:
<20 years:
<20 years:
Year: 2017- Year: 20172018
Year: 2017- Year:2019
Year: 2019
15-18: 63
15-19: 26
15-19: 28
15-19: 31
15-19: 91
15-19: 89
15-19: 97
15-19: 111
15-19: 90
19-44: 42
25-29: 169
25-29: 260 25-29: 180
25-29: 120
25-29: 142
25-29: 140
25-29: 274
25-29: 276
Year: 2018
Year: 2019
Year: 2017- Year: 20172018
Year: 2017- Year: 20142018
Year: 20142019
Year: 20142019
Year: 20122016
Year: 20122016
Year: 2018
Year: 2017- Year: 20172018
Year: 2017- Year: 20142018
Year: 20142019
Year: 20142019
Year: 20122016
Year: 20122016
Age ranges vary
Child mortality
mortality rate:
Annual deaths
per 1,000 live
Year: 2018
Limitations of
Registry of Individual Provision of
Services (RIPS) data based on health
service utilization, which differs by
legal status; Data on IDPs in Registro
Único de Víctimas relatively complete,
but variables do not necessarily match
those used in datasets for other
displaced populations
Difficult to draw pre-conflict
comparisons because Syrians in
Jordan are not representative of
Syria’s national population
Largely represents the demographic
profile of the host community, as
clusters were based on the 2011 census
and were not adjusted to include the
2017 influx of people into the camp
Insecure areas
host and displaced
populations cannot be
Other national datasets, beyond
RIPS, could be pulled from SISPRO
databases; Data maintained by IOM
and UNHCR through Interagency
group of Mixed Migration (GIFMM);
DHS (2015)
National census (does not
disaggregate Syrian nationals by
camp/non-camp); UNHCR refugee
registration (misses those who
are unregistered); Sixth Regional
Response Plan (RRP6) inter-sectoral
working groups for the health sector
Camp-based demographic surveys and
registries, such as the J-MNSA (InterSectoral Coordination Group (ISCG)),
Family Counting Exercise (Office of
the Refugee Relief and Repatriation
Commissioner (RRRC)/UNHCR), Needs
and Population Monitoring (IOM),
RAMOS (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention); Camp-based disease
surveillance (Early Warning, Alert, and
Response System (EWARS), Health
sector working groups)
Cross-sectional surveys,
often as part of
outbreak investigations;
Program evaluations
9 Given information constraints, the population denominators used to calculate the age
specific fertility rates for the Venezuelan population are approximations. The new age
groups were constructed based on the assumptions that the age groups reported by
the Colombian Migration Agency (Migración Colombia) had a uniform distribution.
10 We believe that the indicators for the Venezuelan population are biased due to subreporting on number of deaths and births discriminated by nationality.
11 The lower rate of under-five mortality in North Kivu may reflect the presence of
dedicated NGO efforts to reduce child mortality and/or inaccessibility of the entire
population during the survey as a result of conflict (See Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala et
al., 2014, doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-266)
2.1. Organization of the health response
Early in a humanitarian crisis, national health systems are frequently
overwhelmed by a large influx of displaced persons. This acute phase
of the humanitarian response often sees international actors addressing
urgent needs through provision of services outside the national system
– a “parallel” system of response. As crises extend, transitioning from the
acute phase to the protracted phase of humanitarian response requires
careful coordination with national actors to avoid duplication of services,
inefficiency, increased inequity, and service gaps. The reality is that most
countries experiencing protracted displacement sit somewhere along a
continuum from a fully parallel health response to a fully integrated one.
The four country sites that were the focus of this study each offer up
a different blend of humanitarian and national health service delivery.
This enabled a contextualized and nuanced analysis, guided by health
systems strengthening frameworks, of the benefits and challenges of
integration. The chapter begins with an exploration of two elements that
shape any discussion of integration in healthcare: the role of policy and
legal status, and the role of the private and informal health sectors.
2.1.1 The role of policies on legal status and encampment
National policies regarding the geographic and socioeconomic
integration of displaced and host communities significantly impact
health system response and adaptation to protracted crises. When
displaced communities are physically distinct from host communities,
such as in camps, parallel services set up during the initial response
may be more likely to become long-term service delivery points for
their needs. De facto separation of displaced populations into parallel
systems may shape differences in health service access, quality of
care, and health outcomes relative to host populations, particularly in
light of the impact that disparities in living conditions and other social
and environmental determinants of health have on health needs. For
example, governmental restrictions in movement outside the camps
in Bangladesh lead Rohingya to rely primarily on NGO- and INGOrun healthcare facilities and/or informal healthcare sources within
the camp complex, while access to advanced care at secondary or
tertiary facilities is legally and logistically limited to those with referrals,
approval, and resources to travel. This limitation is exacerbated by
overcrowding in the camp, created by legal restrictions of movement,
which can increase disease burden. Similarly in Jordan, Syrians living in
refugee camps generally receive free healthcare within the camps and
rely on referrals outside of camps for tertiary care, while Syrians in noncamp settings primarily pay out-of-pocket at the uninsured Jordanian
rate to attend Jordanian health facilities or seek out NGOs and private
clinics that may provide lower costs or shorter wait times. Notably in
the DRC, most of those internally displaced were not registered with the
government due to limited opportunities to register, fears regarding fees
associated with registration, and lack of incentives for registration (see
the DRC country report).
Legal status also plays a significant role in the ability of displaced
populations to access the national health system. In Colombia, registered
Venezuelans can enroll in the health insurance system and thereby
access the national healthcare system, while unregistered Venezuelans
maintain access only to emergency services. Despite substantial efforts
from the government to register Venezuelans, bureaucratic hurdles
and processing requirements – such as a valid identification document
and proof of presence in the country on the date of the 2021 resolution
expanding access to regularized status – remain barriers. Public
hospitals have taken on the majority of migrant health needs, creating
challenges related to patient congestion and health facility financing.
However, due to long wait times and complexities within the national
system, some Venezuelans prefer to utilize NGOs’ HAUs, which do not
require documentation and are seen as faster and more agile. HAUs are
largely well-received by migrants and provide comprehensive care. They
are particularly present in areas along the migratory route and near the
border and have the capacity to provide for basic health needs.
“For migrants the biggest barrier is if they did
not enter the country legally. People who enter
the country legally find it relatively easy to obtain
their special permit. But there are many who
entered illegally, so they do not have their passport
stamped, some do not even have a passport, which
is what happened with some patients, they do not
have their identity document, so that is the biggest
barrier for them to be enrolled”.
KIRSO Bogotá
“When you go to the health service, you have to
wait three, four to five hours for them to come out
and they tell you: ‘we can’t attend you because
you don’t have a Permit of Permanence (PEP), you
don’t have a record’”.
Venezuelan Migrant living in Maicao, Colombia
2.1.2 Informal and private health sectors
Informal and private health sectors also play a key role in ensuring
health system access for both host and displaced communities. Interest
in seeking out informal or private healthcare may be driven by factors
such as inaccessibility, unaffordability, or unacceptability of the care
provided by formal health systems, or they may be perceived by users
as a more appropriate first step in addressing a given health need.
The specific combination of factors shaping decisions to seek care in
the informal and private sectors varied by context. In Bangladesh, the
informal sector is the primary source of care for Bangladeshis in rural
areas. Displaced Rohingya also often utilize the informal sector – via
pharmacies or traditional healers – despite the additional cost. This is
due to acceptability concerns, such as language, with respect to formal
care provided at NGO- and INGO-run facilities. Avoiding long waiting
times was an additional reason provided by Rohingya FGD participants,
in common with urban Jordanian and Syrian FGD participants in Jordan
who reported seeking private care despite the higher cost. In contrast, a
2019 needs assessment in Jordan found that Syrian refugees seek care
at pharmacies due to high costs of seeking clinical consultations and
anticipated stockouts of medications in the public sector (Al Rousan et
al. 2018). Similarly, in the DRC, high costs of formal healthcare services
are a motivating factor to seek out informal sectors, including informal
pharmacies and traditional medicine. This is further nuanced by the
ability in the DRC for patients to utilize more flexible forms of payment
(i.e. payment schedules, in-kind payments) for informal services that
would not be available from the formal health system.
2.2 Evaluation of health systems and challenges
As noted above, each country studied in the Big Questions project
presents a different mix of parallel and integrated health service delivery.
This section explores the strengths and weaknesses of the different
approaches adopted, focusing on the provision and equitable reception
of health services among both displaced and host populations.
Our analysis takes as its starting point the Availability, Accessibility,
Acceptability, and Quality (AAAQ) rights-based framework (WHO
2021b; Homer et al. 2018), drawing on adaptations and extensions of the
framework to address additional challenges, such as approachability and
appropriateness (Levesque, Harris, and Russell 2013), as necessary. A
summary of key health systems issues in each of the country studies is
presented in Table 4.
Table 4: Summary of key health systems issues by country
Primary Displaced
Rohingya Refugees
Source: UNHCR, April 2022
Doctors, nurses and midwifery
personnel per 10,000
population (WHO)12: 11.56
Summary: Displaced persons (Rohingya refugees) access primary
health services provided by NGOs and INGOs within the camp
complex; other services (emergency, secondary, tertiary) require a
referral to government health facilities outside the camp. Officially,
many health services are free to users, but often incur costs (i.e.
missed work). Funding is provided mainly through international
Key themes: Camp management, referrals between camp- and
non-camp services, quality of care, differences in language
between host and displaced populations
12 Calculated using WHO Global Health Workforce statistics database (2018-2020)
(sum of Medical Doctors per 10,000 and Nurses and Midwifery Personnel per 10,000)
Primary Displaced
Displaced Venezuelans
Source: Migración
Colombia, March 2022
IDPs13 (5,235,000)
Source: IDMC, December
Doctors, nurses and midwifery
personnel per 10,000
population (WHO)11: 37.83
Primary Displaced
IDPs (5,540,000)
Source: IDMC, End of 2021
Registered and
unregistered asylum
seekers and refugees14
(Registered refugees:
Source: UNHCR, April 2022
Summary: Most IDPs (93 percent), like other Colombians, are
enrolled in the national health insurance system and can access
the full range of health services (emergency, primary, secondary,
tertiary) at public health care facilities. A 2021 presidential order
allows Venezuelans to register for temporary residence/Temporary
Protection Status (TPS), making them eligible to enroll in health
insurance. As of 2022, 35 percent of Venezuelans in Colombia
were enrolled in the national insurance system. The insurance
system is funded through direct taxes on labor, national and
regional budgets, and independent funding mechanisms. All
people, regardless of insurance or immigration status, can access
emergency health services at public facilities at preventive health
services included in PIC (Complementary Collective Interventions).
Key themes: Scale-up of social insurance system, comparing
experiences of IDPs and displaced Venezuelans in the health
Summary: Access to the national health system is the same for
IDPs and the host population, with the greatest barrier among both
groups being cost. The government attempts to cover costs, but
frequent payment delays and stockouts lead to de facto user fees.
In some areas, free services are available from NGOs, INGOs and
religious organizations, which are funded primarily through donors.
Key themes: Disconnect between government policies to cover
costs and high patient fees, poor public finance management,
fragility of public institutions and state infrastructure
Doctors, nurses and midwifery
personnel per 10,000
population (WHO)11: 14.85
13 This study has found that experiences in the health system (in terms of access, quality
and funding) are not significantly different across IDPs and the host population but
are significantly different for displaced Venezuelans. As such, the Colombia country
study has a proportionally heavier emphasis on understanding health systems and
financing challenges among displaced Venezuelans. IDIs were conducted with both
groups (IDPs and Venezuelans).
14 Given the large number of IDPs in the DRC, this group is the primary focus of in
this report unless otherwise noted. FGDs were not conducted with internationally
displaced individuals (refugees).
Primary Displaced
Registered and
unregistered refugees and
asylum seekers 15 primarily
Syrians (registered:
674,458), Iraqis, and
Source: UNHCR, April 2022
Doctors, nurses and midwifery
personnel per 10,000
population (WHO)11: 60.08
Summary: Among Syrian refugees, access to health services differs
depending on registration with UNHCR and residence in camp or
non-camp settings. Refugees residing in camps have access to free
UNHCR-coordinated services in the camps and referrals to additional
services outside the camps. Refugees residing outside the camps
also have access to free UNHCR services, but coverage is more
limited. Fees for Syrians seeking health services at public healthcare
facilities vary by registration status, with registered refugees paying
a lower rate, equivalent to that of uninsured Jordanians. Funding is
provided to the MoH through a multi-donor account, though policies
have fluctuated in recent years (see section 2.3.1).
Key themes: Urban refugees, comparing camp and non-camp
settings, limited referral services, fragmentation of refugee service
delivery, pooled funding mechanisms
2.2.1 Availability
Availability of health services describes the extent to which providers
and facilities have the necessary resources – including adequate staff,
physical space, and necessary medications and supplies – to provide
services (IFHHRO n.d.).
Human resource limitations and frequent medication stockouts were
found across all four sites. None of the countries met World Bank
provider per population indicators (see Chapter 3). In Bangladesh,
despite standard operating procedures specifying that noncommunicable disease medications are provided in monthly courses,
frequent medication stockouts at facilities in the camp complex
contributed to the provision of medications in limited quantities,
necessitating frequent, sometimes costly, repeat visits, especially
among people with chronic disease. While in-camp health services were
free, repeat visits incurred direct non-medical costs (transportation)
and indirect costs (missed work and distributions of essential goods).
Although the ambulance service for official referrals was free of charge,
refugees were sometimes unaware of it and paid out-of-pocket for
transportation to seek care in hospitals (see Bangladesh country
report, section 5.2.4). In the DRC, stockouts were often associated
with increased cost, even if services were free to users, as patients
were required to provide their own medication and medical supplies.
Furthermore, availability of care differed by time of day; in Bangladesh,
15 Jordan has a robust history of welcoming internationally displaced individuals and
continues to host refugees from many different countries. Given the comparative
size and recency of migration, this report will primarily focus on the experiences of
Syrian refugees in Jordan unless otherwise noted. FGDs were conducted with Syrian
refugees, but not with non-Syrian refugees.
health facilities in the camps close overnight, limiting access to
emergency care to those who can obtain transportation and permission
to seek treatment outside the camp.
At a macro level, there are limitations in specific types of care (i.e.
chronic disease management) and levels of care (i.e. tertiary care),
which will be revisited in more depth later in this chapter. In particular,
sustainable treatment of chronic diseases remains a challenge across
the four country sites. Provision of daily medication, particularly for
non-communicable diseases, is limited by stockouts; the experience
in Bangladesh is noted above (see Bangladesh country report, section
2.1.3). In Colombia, Venezuelans who are not yet affiliated with the
insurance system cannot access non-emergency care to manage chronic
conditions. Similarly, across all sites, mental health services are limited,
particularly due to lack of appropriate staff (mental health specialists,
e.g. psychiatrists and psychologists). Although efforts to engage in
task shifting and peer support are present, they do not necessarily
correspond to sufficient availability of services. In Jordan, for example,
mental healthcare is theoretically available for UNHCR-registered
refugees; however, the FGDs showed that availability of mental health
services remains limited for both host and displaced populations.
2.2.2 Accessibility
Accessibility has four overlapping dimensions: nondiscrimination of
access, physical accessibility, economic accessibility (affordability), and
information accessibility, each explored in this secton (IFHHRO n.d.). Of
these, affordability served as the greatest and most frequent barrier
to access for both host and displaced populations in the majority
of our sites, with displaced communities frequently facing especially
steep cost barriers to care. As noted above, cost includes not just direct
payments for health services, health insurance, medications, and medical
supplies, but also direct non-medical costs, such as transportation and
childcare costs, as well as indirect costs, such as missed work. The ability
to meet these costs further links to social determinants of health, such
as livelihood opportunities, gender dynamics around financial decisionmaking, and, in countries affected by international displacement, the
legal right to work, which is discussed further in sections 3.2.1 and 6.5.
Affordability barriers were most prominent in the DRC, where inability
to pay for services combined with fear of punishment for failing to pay
created such a significant barrier that the system’s other limitations
– including limited human resources, limited medication, and lack of
basic amenities such as clean water and electricity in facilities – were
rarely raised in comparison. In Bangladesh, direct non-medical cost
(transportation) and indirect costs (lost wages, missed distributions
of provisions) drove affordability barriers, as noted above. Direct
and indirect costs were also reported as the main obstacle hindering
Jordanians and Syrians from receiving healthcare, particularly for
the 82.7 percent of Syrians living outside of refugee camps who
must pay similar prices to uninsured Jordanians at public hospitals
(see Jordan country report, Chapter 6). Finally, in Colombia, the
government’s approach is largely equitable on paper, given that the
Temporary Protection Status (TPS) provided to Venezuelans by the
2021 presidential order includes access to the national health insurance
system. However, logistical barriers, such as lack of proper paperwork,
continue to hamper regularization through TPS and, by extension,
affiliation with the health insurance system and access to care other
than emergency care. TPS provides ten years of protection for recently
displaced individuals and will cover those who arrive by legal channels
over the next two years, as well. Uncertainty remains regarding what will
occur if and when these benefits are allowed to expire (UNHCR 2021d;
GIFMM 2021; Treisman 2021). Costing barriers and potential solutions are
discussed further in Chapters 5 and 6.
Nondiscrimination of access focuses on the ability of vulnerable groups
to equitably access the health system. (IFHHRO n.d.). Within the four
case study countries, the impact of legal status on access, or lack
thereof, was widespread. In Colombia, public health service providers
must initially cover the cost to serve individuals without health insurance
and apply for reimbursement from the state. This generates a notable,
highly localized burden for facilities that attend to large numbers of
uninsured Venezuelans and may lead to refusal to treat Venezuelans
despite legal requirements to provide emergency care to all. The 2021
TPS decree, along with a mandate from the Ministry of Health and Social
Protection (MoH) that emergency care be made accessible, and triage
is not used as a method for blocking access, are helping to address
these challenges. However, progress has been slowed by bottlenecks in
administrative capacity, compounded by the fact that regularization is
processed at the individual level rather than by family or household. In
Bangladesh, as noted above, the government policy on encampment
limits refugee access to specialized facilities outside the camps and
creates delays in specialized and, in some cases, emergency treatment.
In Jordan, the 82.7 percent of Syrian refugees who reside outside of
camps are required to present their UNHCR card to be eligible for public
health services at uninsured Jordanian rates, per the latest policy change
in 2019. However, with approximately half of Syrians in Jordan remaining
unregistered, this serves as a significant barrier to access (ACAPS 2021).
“When I was already here in Colombia, it was
difficult for me to go to the doctor, to go to have
some tests done, some exams, I couldn’t do it
because I didn’t have IPS (Instituciones Prestadoras
de Servicios de Salud – Institutional Health Service
Providers) but nowadays I do, I really feel good
because I go to my IPS and they take care of me in
the best way possible, I have no complaints about
that IPS… my concern is that my son doesn’t have
an IPS and my mother doesn’t have insurance.” –
Displaced Venezuelan living in Cucuta, Colombia.
Physical access addresses maldistribution of services, poor integration
of referral systems, and inability of patients to safely access facilities
(Homer et al. 2018). In Bangladesh, focus groups reported facilities
were often not wheelchair accessible, and rough terrain made accessing
facilities challenging for elderly persons. While accessing healthcare via
referrals often required additional processing by the government for
legal permissions to leave the camp. In both Bangladesh and the DRC,
long distances to health services, particularly higher-level facilities for
referrals and emergencies, limited access; this was especially relevant for
women and children who may face increased concerns for their safety
while travelling to and from health facilities. Community-based services,
such as CHWs in Bangladesh, and municipal programs to address
the social determinants of health, including education and access to
preventive medicine, in Colombia, provide examples of how to address
challenges related to physical access through community outreach
outside of health facilities.
2.2.3 Approachability
Approachability addresses an additional dimension of healthcare
access: that of transparency, outreach, and health information
(IFHHRO n.d.). In Colombia, accessing the host healthcare system
requires securing legal status, followed by health insurance
registration – a series of lengthy bureaucratic procedures –
which were frequently cited by FGD participants as a barrier to
accessing and affording care. Creating incentives for NGOs and
public hospitals to link emergency aid services to enrollment in
the health insurance system could help improve approachability
and increase Venezuelans’ enrollment in the national health
insurance system (see Box 2). In Jordan, frequent policy changes
around payment and disjointed service provision have left many
refugees unaware of the services and subsidies for which they
are eligible (Shteiwi 2014; IRC 2019). Lack of awareness of the
different services offered decreases the likelihood that refugees
will seek care, a point directly raised in KIIs and FGDs (see Jordan
Report, section 1.2.2).
2.2.4 Acceptability
Acceptability requires us to look at whether care is respectful and
ethically and culturally appropriate, encompassing matters of language,
cultural considerations, and social norms, as well as patient experience,
such as waiting times and perceived discrimination (IFHHRO n.d.).
In the Big Questions country sites, host and displaced communities
largely spoke a shared language, with the exception of Bangladesh. The
Chittigonian dialect of Bangla and the Rohingya language are similar
but distinct languages and, while some cross-communication is possible,
Rohingya interviewees widely reported not being able to understand
or express themselves properly when communicating with Bangladeshi
healthcare workers (HCWs). Due to government regulation, most
healthcare providers are Bangladeshi, and limitations to the legal right
to work constrain the ability of facilities to hire Rohingya translators.
Rohingya FGD participants in the camp complex also reported concerns
regarding the lack of female healthcare providers at health posts, as well
as the conditions women faced when waiting at health facilities, despite
the presence of multiple midwifery training and outreach programs in
the camps (UNFPA Bangladesh 2022).
“And when we go to health posts, we can’t explain
our health issues adequately because we don’t
speak Bengali and the staff there don’t understand
our language.”
Female Focus Group Discussion, Camp 4 Extension,
Displaced populations in need of health services also reported
discrimination by health services staff, often due to assumptions about
their ability to pay for services (Jordan, Colombia). In Jordan, access to
medications for Syrians was seen to rely on the good favor of doctors,
with focus group participants describing seeking out empathetic
doctors or utilizing familial connections in order to obtain services.
Long waiting times were referenced in interviews in Bangladesh, Jordan,
and Colombia. In Bangladesh, long waits were frequently described as
problematic, particularly when accompanied by poor waiting conditions
(no shade, nowhere to sit, crowding for women). In Jordan, long waits
were a concern for both Syrians and Jordanians, leading patients to seek
healthcare from costly private providers. In Colombia, long wait times
and complex systems pushed some Venezuelans, even those who could
access the full range of government health services, to utilize healthcare
from NGOs. Attempts by Colombians and Venezuelans to circumvent
long wait times may contribute to overuse of emergency services,
overburdening emergency care providers, and further diminish access to
health services among unregularized Venezuelans, who can only freely
access the health system through emergency services. Despite evidence
that long waiting times were also present in the DRC, the FGD and KII
participants did not elaborate on this challenge, instead focusing on the
barrier of cost as the predominant concern (Mulinganya et al. 2018).
“For example, one needs an emergency operation
within two days, they book him an appointment
after six to seven months. There was a patient who
has been assigned an appointment in two months…
He died after a week of seeking care... There are
many other similar cases.”
Male Host Community Focus Group Discussion,
Finally, expectations around care may impact its perceived quality
and acceptability. In Bangladesh, being given medications was seen by
FGD participants, who were Rohingya refugees residing in the camp
complex, as an indicator of quality care, regardless of the condition
and the efficacy of medication to address it. Concerns raised by FGD
participants in Bangladesh fell into five main categories: medication
availability, appropriateness, perception of ineffective medications,
equity of medication access, and cost of medications. Not receiving
medications, or receiving paracetamol only, drove dissatisfaction with
care at particular facilities and led patients to seek informal care or
seek medication via private pharmacies, often at a higher cost. While
some interviewees blamed the lack of medication on stigma or facility
stockouts, others referenced the lack of clear communication between
patients and HCWs. Increasing patient understanding through clear
provider-patient communication (via translators, longer time spent with
patients, etc.), clearly posting clinical protocols and health education to
address concerns and misconceptions related to healthcare may address
this challenge.
2.2.5 Quality
High quality care involves scientifically and medically appropriate
approaches to care, complete with the necessary staff training
(discussed in Chapter 3), supplies, and space for care provision. While
the methods for this study cannot assess the quality of care directly,
it is possible to infer structural quality from the availability of essential
supplies, medications, and equipment as to the capacity of facilities to
meet the requirements for trained HCWs to provide care.
Lack of basic instruments and amenities – such as clean water,
electricity, and waste disposal – were marked in lower-level facilities in
Bangladesh and across interviewed facilities in the DRC. In Colombia,
many health facilities lacked diagnostic and treatment capacity for
malaria, measles, tuberculosis (TB), and diabetes. However, in this case,
lack of diagnostic capacity was likely a reflection of the organization
of the health system and HFA methodology, as the sampling approach
utilized did not target facilities specializing in infectious disease
diagnosis and management. Similarly in Jordan, most facilities
had basic amenities but lacked basic equipment and supplies and
diagnostic capacity, though some limitations were reflective of the
tiered organization of the health system and the HFA methodology (i.e.,
centralization of TB testing and diagnosis).
Availability of essential medications also serves as an indicator of quality
care. Bangladesh has a pharmaceutical sector that is well developed and
self-sufficient, but challenges remain regarding the unreliable quality of
medication and frequent stockouts in government-supported facilities,
which may drive patient dissatisfaction with services at public facilities.
In Jordan, the provision of essential medications varied widely across
facilities. In the DRC, questions targeting essential medications were
not included in the HFAs, but some KII participants referenced frequent
medication stockouts.
2.3 Transitioning to integrated health systems
Some key learnings that emerged from our analysis of the experiences
of the four countries in the Big Questions project are discussed below.
2.2.1 Linking decisions about integration to context
Efforts to integrate health services provided by humanitarian
organizations with national health systems should account for political
context, available funding, and the potential for improved health
outcomes and equity among both host and displaced populations.
Where it is feasible to implement, integrating humanitarian and national
health systems from the beginning of a humanitarian response may
support systems strengthening, sustainability, and accountability (Pal
et al. 2019; International Rescue Committee 2021). When displacement
crises become protracted, there is a particular need for long-term
responses that reflect sustained collaboration among humanitarian,
development and government actors to improve the well-being of
host and refugee populations and avoid unintentionally weakening
national health systems through repeated, short-term projects and
funding cycles (P. B. Spiegel 2017). While attention should be paid to
integration from the start of any crisis – as opposed to the creation
and transition of parallel systems – it is important to acknowledge that
in certain situations integration may not be advisable, for example if
the government is party to the conflict or if government engagement
otherwise threatens the well-being of displaced or host populations
(Norwegian Refugee Council 2021).
The level and type of integration between governments and
humanitarian organizations will vary according to political context
and available funding. In settings where political decisions about legal
status prevent displaced populations from accessing public services,
humanitarian organizations may provide the only health services readily
available to displaced persons. Access may vary by type of health
service, as illustrated by the provision of emergency health services
to unregistered displaced Venezuelans in Colombia, and over time, as
illustrated by shifting co-payment requirements for Syrian refugees
accessing MoH services in Jordan. The Jordan case study also illustrates
how insufficient funding can undermine the integrated delivery of
health services. The initial health systems response was relatively
integrated, with registered Syrian refugees accessing public primary
healthcare and hospitals free of charge in 2013-2014 (Karasapan 2022).
However, the response became more fragmented as accumulating costs
overwhelmed the national health system. From 2014 onward, national
policies shifted repeatedly between requiring Syrians to pay the same
rate as non-insured Jordanians (approximately 20 percent co-pay,
2014-2018, 2019-present) and the substantially higher foreigners’ rate
(approximately 80 percent co-pay, 2018-2019) (see Jordan country
report, section 1.5). Concurrent with the shift in policy increasing copays from 20 percent to 80 percent, the percentage of refugees who
reported seeking healthcare when needed dropped from 91 percent in
2016 to 45 percent in 2018 (see Jordan country report, Table 5). This
figure then increased to 84 percent in 2021 after policy shifted back
to 20 percent co-pay (the same co-pay as uninsured Jordanians), a
change that was facilitated in part by the establishment of a multidonor account to support the MoH in providing healthcare to refugees
and vulnerable Jordanians in host communities.16 Additionally, to help
meet the costs of co-pays, UNHCR developed cash transfers for health,
reimbursing patients for care received at the MoH facilities (UNHCR
Jordan 2020). The need for greater integration and coordination of
health systems financing and possible solutions are discussed in more
detail in Chapter 6.
In addition to funding, state fragility has been proposed as a moderator
of health systems integration, according to levels of security and
government resources available to respond to displacement. These
factors were perhaps most apparent in the DRC, where KII respondents
described weak state infrastructure and corruption that led to
delays in payments to HCWs and deliveries of supplies to health
facilities. Ongoing insecurity constrained physical access to health
facilities, was associated with attacks on health facilities and workers,
and limited data collection and reporting. However, despite such
challenges, health systems strengthening interventions have proven
effective in fragile settings and can be implemented as part of the
humanitarian response (Pal et al. 2019; Newbrander, Waldman, and
Shepherd-Banigan 2011; Valadez et al. 2020; WHO 2021c). Donors
and humanitarian organizations’ roles in integrated responses might
include sustained funding, preparedness and contingency planning,
systems strengthening, technical assistance, protection monitoring, and
advocacy, each tailored to the host country’s existing capacity for health
systems and public administration.
In settings where parallel systems of health service delivery exist,
whether during the acute emergency response or later development
phase, integration into national systems can be facilitated by (1)
identifying and leveraging existing national strategies or policies;
(2) planning for how the government should be involved (and at
16 In July 2020, the Government of Jordan expanded this benefit to refugees from other
nationalities registered with UNHCR (UNHCR Jordan 2020).
what level); and (3) developing strategies to sustain cooperation
or complete hand over (Patel et al. 2011). The lack of such planning
is evident in an example from the DRC where an NGO project that
funded free health services at a public facility closed, leaving the
facility to assume responsibility for programming. While trained
staff remained, services could no longer be offered for free to users,
creating an affordability barrier that ultimately led to an 80 percent
decrease in clinic attendance.
In Jordan, the scale-down of NGO programming for NCDs also illustrates
how lack of integration can contribute to gaps in the health system
response in protracted settings. As funding waned, NGOs closed clinical
programs, sometimes abruptly ending care with the presumption that
public facilities or other humanitarian actors could take on their NCD
cohorts (International Rescue Committee 2021). To avoid this situation,
the International Rescue Committee (IRC) incrementally closed clinics
and transitioned clients to publicly run centers, where IRC provides
support through capacity-building and training, medical supplies and
equipment, and infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance.
2.4 Coordination between humanitarian,
government, and development actors
Humanitarian coordination frameworks can play a critical role in
facilitating the integration of health services for refugees, displaced
and host communities. Of the four countries studied, Bangladesh
had the most active health sector that, as of 2022, involved 98 health
sector partners, including local and international NGOs, governmental
agencies, and U.N. agencies (Health Cluster 2022, 18). In Jordan, UNHCR
co-leads the coordination and management in the Zaatari and Azraq
refugee camps, in close coordination with the government. Neither the
health cluster nor the health sector are formally active, but the intersectoral coordination group maintains open communication in monthly
coordination meetings and sector and sub-sector working groups,
including groups focused on health. The DRC and Colombia fell in
the middle, with active cluster systems present but a less centralized
approach than the health sector in Bangladesh.
While coordination between governments and international agencies
has typically been overlooked by the cluster and sector systems,
which focus on coordination among international agencies (Clarke and
Campbell 2018), Bangladesh and Colombia present distinct models for
national involvement. In Colombia, an interagency roundtable for the
response to displaced Venezuelans is co-led by IOM and UNHCR, with
sectoral clusters engaging international humanitarian organizations.
Personnel from international organizations are most involved in
administrative and coordination tasks, while Colombian professionals
are mainly dedicated to the provision of services. Local governments
work with these organizations to facilitate access to services, and KII
participants expressed an interest in including additional actors, such as
insurance companies and registration offices. In Bangladesh, the level
of coordination within the government was flipped; rather than linking
with local governments to provide services, the health sector links with
the national government, which takes an oversight and leadership role
in the camps. In Colombia there is broad engagement of both central
and local government in humanitarian coordination at all levels of the
response, from planning to service provision. In contrast, Bangladesh’s
top-down model of government engagement in coordination signals the
desire to keep the humanitarian infrastructure and funding intact, avoid
committing to a long-term Rohingya refugee presence, and maintain
repatriation of Rohingya refugees as the only acceptable outcome (see
Bangladesh country report, section 1.1.2). The lack of political will to
accept the long-term nature of displacement creates a barrier to greater
integration that is not uncommon among host governments (P. B.
Spiegel 2017; Norwegian Refugee Council 2021).
Much of the recent innovation in humanitarian coordination relates to
funding, including coordination between humanitarian organizations,
donors, and host governments to establish pooled and multi-donor
funds. These financing innovations are discussed in detail in Chapter 6.
3.1. Deployment of health workforce: linking
availability, acceptability, and quality
The healthcare workforce is one of the six WHO health system building
blocks and serves as the backbone of the health system. Ensuring an
adequately trained and supported workforce enables the provision of
high quality, accessible and acceptable care for both host and displaced
populations (WHO 2006). In low- and middle-income and fragile
contexts, a trained health workforce is a particularly scarce resource,
which invariably is placed under pressure by the arrival of displaced
populations needing additional, and sometimes quite specific, care.
At the same time, displaced populations often include health workers
that can help to meet these needs, while the inflow of international
resources can enable opportunities for training and resource provision
that might not otherwise have existed. This chapter explores some of
the opportunities and challenges with respect to managing the health
workforce in situations of protracted displacement. Throughout this
chapter, HCWs will be used inclusively to refer to “all people engaged
in actions whose primary intent is to enhance health,” including doctors
and nurses, ancillary staff, and CHWs (WHO 2006). Our analysis below
of the healthcare workforce challenges draws on the AAAQ framework
described in Chapter 2.
3.1.1 Workforce availability and accessibility
Health workforce availability and accessibility spans challenges related
to the supply of HCWs with a particular reference to matching skills
and competencies to the health needs of both host and displaced
populations based on population size, geographic distribution, and
health needs (WHO 2021b). All four countries in the Big Questions study
faced limited availability of adequately trained HCWs to meet the health
needs of both host and displaced populations, and the large population
influxes associated with displacement have compounded pre-existing
health workforce inadequacies.
Key issues relating to HCW availability and accessibility included
high staff turnover (Bangladesh, Jordan), lack of staff trained to
work in a humanitarian context (Bangladesh), long waiting times to
access the health system (Colombia, Bangladesh), high numbers of
“ghost workers” (the DRC), and lack of clinicians, particularly mental
healthcare providers (e.g. psychiatrists and psychologists), relative to
population size.
Healthcare specialists are largely centered in urban areas which are far
from, or inaccessible to, some displaced populations, thereby limiting
access to care unless strong referral pathways are present. Specialists
hired specifically for serving displaced communities may be recruited via
short-term contracts, increasing the cost and instability of care. In the
DRC, the healthcare workforce was disproportionately absent in rural
and eastern regions, due to the government’s non-systematic process
for managing the health sector’s human resources in combination with
the lack of interest in rural care among HCWs (Michaels-Strasser et al.
2021; Nathe 2016)ICAP at Columbia University (ICAP. In Colombia and
Bangladesh, displacement has driven substantial increases in population
in rural areas, taxing local health systems and requiring the humanitarian
response to relocate health workers. In particular, specialized HCWs
providing emergency, secondary, and tertiary care are limited in these
It is important to note that human resource challenges outside
healthcare may also impact access to care. In Colombia, workforce
availability issues were most acute among non-clinical administrative
staff tasked with registering and enrolling Venezuelans in the national
health insurance system following regularization of their legal status
under TPS. Processing the registration of some two million displaced
Venezuelans has placed a massive administrative burden on local and
municipal staff (Migración Colombia 2021). Without timely access to
registration in TPS and subsequent enrollment in the health insurance
system, uninsured Venezuelans face continued denial of non-emergency
care and discrimination at public health facilities.
3.1.2 Workforce acceptability and perceived quality of care
The WHO defines health workforce acceptability as the “characteristics
and ability (e.g. sex, language, culture, age, etc.) to treat all patients with
dignity, create trust and promote demand for services” (WHO 2021b).
In settings of protracted displacement, the provision of healthcare
services to displaced communities by host communities can create
tension and raise concerns about language and cultural barriers,
stigma and discrimination, both real and perceived.
In Bangladesh, government policies limiting the ability of Rohingya
to work likely contribute to acceptability issues, particularly around
language. Notably, Bangladesh served as the only case study with
significant language barriers between host and displaced communities.
While FGDs with displaced Rohingya suggested a willingness to
provide their own translator when seeking healthcare, this was often
not allowed due to COVID-19 restrictions on the number of individuals
allowed in facilities. Similarly, despite the robust midwifery programs
in Bangladesh, camp based Rohingya refugees participating in FGDs
raised concerns regarding the lack of female healthcare providers
in camp facilities, underscoring the importance of gender as a facet
of healthcare workforce strengthening. In Colombia, acceptability
challenges largely centered on discriminatory treatment of Venezuelans
by health facility staff based on their perceived inability to pay for
services. Furthermore, measuring health facility performance against
key performance indicators based on outcomes may increase incentives
for facilities to deny care to high-risk populations such as recently
displaced Venezuelan communities due to the higher likelihood of poor
health outcomes for those patients. Rather, recommended measures
to improve quality in Colombia include strengthening communities of
practice, supporting more robust health service quality information
systems, strengthening regulatory frameworks and accreditation of
healthcare providers, developing an improved core curriculum to train
health professionals, and using telemedicine to improve healthcare in
rural areas (World Bank and International Finance Corporation 2019).
“Another problem is that some hospitals have only
male doctors, and our daughters cannot discuss
their problems with male doctors.”
Male Focus Group Discussion, Camp 20
In Jordan and the DRC, the themes of stigma and acceptability were
less pronounced. In the DRC, this was likely due in part to similarities in
service provision expectations between host and internally displaced
communities, compounded by cost barriers that prevented community
members from accessing care at all. However, mistrust of the health
system was a major concern for both communities and may have
served to influence the high rate of attacks on healthcare workers
seen in recent years, suggesting a challenge to acceptability that was
not fully brought to light in the study (Insecurity Insight 2020; WHO
2021a). In Jordan, themes relating to discrimination by HCWs were not
as prominent as other barriers, namely long waiting times and high
costs, but were still referenced as reasons for delays or denial of care.
In contrast to the findings from the FGDs with Syrian refugees, key
informants reported no discrimination in treatment between Syrian
refugees and Jordanian nationals and tended to focus more on the
role of socioeconomic status as a determinant of health among both
Syrians and Jordanians. Workforce availability and acceptability issues
intersected to shape users’ perceptions of the quality of health services.
As described in Chapter 2, user perceptions of quality of care are an
important factor in care provision and reception that is distinct from
quality of care itself.
In some cases, dissatisfaction with service quality, including lack of
available staff and poor treatment by HCWs, led people to seek care
outside the usual or default health system. In Colombia, displaced
Venezuelans commented on the quality and comprehensiveness of
health services provided by humanitarian organizations along migration
routes, contrasting their experiences of denial of care and discrimination
by HCWs in the national health system. In Bangladesh, lack of staffing
for health services in the camps at night led people to seek care from
informal providers. Concerns regarding acceptability and quality,
particularly around provision of medications, led some to bypass the
formal health system and seek out treatment from traditional healers
or pharmacy staff. Conversely, care that was seen as acceptable was
reportedly sought out despite barriers such as distance and, in some
cases, cost. In Jordan, both Syrians and Jordanians reported choosing
different health facilities due to shortages of medication and lack of
organization at public facilities.
3.1.3 Increasing quality of care through healthcare workforce training
and supervision
Training and supervision of the health workforce is a primary
method for ensuring high quality care by establishing adequate
skills, competencies, knowledge, and behavior of HCWs according
to professional norms (WHO 2021b). Inputs informing quality include
HCW pre-service training, in-service training, sustainable supportive
supervision, quality task shifting, and the necessary funding to support
these strategies. Effective HCW training and supervision involves
continued opportunities for learning over time and ensure that HCWs
have not just the knowledge but the competencies necessary to
perform their work. Notably, HCW training must also address matters
related to the reception of care, including respect and appropriate
communication strategies.
In Bangladesh, for example, a variety of human resource challenges
were named, including high staff turnover, lack of standardized training
protocols across organizations, and lack of training to work with refugee
populations in national medical training programs. These challenges
often necessitated frequent on-the-job training to address the gaps.
However, early in the response, training was brief and lacked the followup, supervision, adaptation, and evaluation needed to improve the
quality of the health workforce. While the government, INGOs, and
NGOs did attempt to predict future staffing needs and begin early
recruitment, these efforts were insufficient to address the resulting gaps
in workforce quality due to the high staff turnover created by limited
funding amounts and short timeframes of support.
Key issues emerged across all four countries studied related to the
structure and reliability of financing models which often undermined
the ability to invest in health workforce training and development over
the medium and longer term. Planning for training and staffing needs
was a challenge across contexts, though barriers arose at different levels
and through different processes. Notably, fragmented and short-term
(single year) funding impacted the ability for programs to plan for and
address identified structural training and supervision challenges. In
Jordan, for example, despite having a formal WHO Human Resources for
Health Strategy in place, most international organizations rely on annual
funding disbursed on a quarterly basis, limiting the ability for long-term
planning and investments in the healthcare workforce.
Unpredictable funding served not just as a challenge for planning but
for staff supervision and retention as well. In the DRC, delay to the
disbursement of government funds to pay healthcare workers is a
widespread and persistent challenge, increasing reliance on user fees
and leading some clinicians to provide care out of their homes where
supervision is limited.
Across the four country sites, reliance on informal and traditional
HCWs was prevalent due to expectations around healthcare norms,
acceptability, and cost of accessing the formal system. In Bangladesh
for example, cultural expectations and fears around cesarean sections
led some women to avoid health facility deliveries in exchange for home
birth attendants. Given the important role of informal and traditional
HCWs in enabling access to care, incorporating them into the
healthcare system in a more structured way and providing additional
training may grant an opportunity to support access to acceptable care,
while also addressing the variable quality and reliability associated with
informal actors.
Box 1: Case study of MHPSS workforce strengthening in
One key informant representing a U.N. agency in Bangladesh
described a comprehensive mental health and psychosocial
support (MHPSS) program that highlighted several good practices.
The program, developed and implemented by a U.N. agency,
was designed to include both community- and facility-based
services and involved the training, deployment, management, and
supervision of staff and volunteers (IOM 2020; 2021b; 2021a). While
the positionality of the informant – a U.N. staff member reporting
on a U.N. program – is vulnerable to bias, the multi-layered design
and implementation of the program illustrates the application of the
principles of community participation and inclusion as part of the
humanitarian response.
Community-based activities included cultural events, community
support groups, sport and play for children. These communitybased interventions were designed in close partnership with
community members to strengthen informal sources of support
and promote engagement and utilization of facility-based services.
In health facilities, more focused MHPSS services were provided
including assessment, counselling and training, among other
activities. They coordinated services with other health activities and
multisectoral programming to create a continuum of services. The
coordinated care approach necessitated a diverse health workforce
including CHWs and volunteers, training non-MHPSS providers and
specialists in basic principles of MHPSS and engaging psychiatrists
and other mental health specialists (e.g. psychologists) to manage
more complex cases.
Staff, volunteers, and members of the refugee and host community
were engaged in capacity- building activities from the beginning of
the emergency response. The organization worked with partners,
including the government and NGOs, to train their staff and
sensitize them to planned activities to promote consistency and
standardization in MHPSS. They aimed to avoid the model of brief
training with limited follow-up and supervision that characterized
many capacity-building activities happening in the camps. Mental
health specialists provided consultations in health facilities so
non-specialist healthcare providers could observe how cases were
managed. Specialists also provided supportive supervision to
reinforce the skills covered in this training. The program collaborated
with the Department of Clinical Psychology at a local university to
adapt educational curricula to prepare students to work on MHPSS
in humanitarian emergencies.
Community engagement was seen as a core element of the
MHPSS response. Particularly for community health and MHPSS,
the inclusion of refugees in the MHPSS workforce promoted
trust, community connectedness, and the appropriateness and
sustainability of services. The program emphasized the inclusion
of refugees as partners across all phases of a program. Investing
in the training of refugee volunteers is essential for promoting
sustainability. In developing this MHPSS program, the organizations
involved aimed to advocate for more permanent roles for refugees
within the MHPSS workforce.
3.2 Engagement of displaced health workers
Engagement of the displaced health workforce is one potential,
sustainable solution to the challenges of availability, accessibility, and
acceptability described above. Across the four case study countries,
engagement of the displaced health workforce varied. While inclusion
of displaced HCWs was generally regarded as positive – a means of
improving the availability, acceptability, and quality of health services
– it was not always possible due to national policies related to work
authorization and the verification or transfer of training, certifications,
and licenses. The DRC was a notable exception; the engagement of
displaced health workers was not raised in FGDs or KIIs. This could in
part relate to the fact that most of the displaced come from some of the
most rural and poor areas of the country, while work authorization and
credential verification issues would not be a barrier in relation to IDPs.
3.2.1 The right to work
In Jordan and Bangladesh, national policies restricting the right to work
are a key limiting factor in the engagement of healthcare workers. In
Jordan, while Syrian refugees are allowed to work in certain sectors,
healthcare is not one of them. In Bangladesh, the establishment of
a standardized Rohingya volunteer program with daily wages has
allowed for the limited engagement of displaced healthcare workers.
However, pay was generally considered too low for programming to be
sustainable. In contrast, in Colombia, registered Venezuelan migrants are
legally authorized to work in any sector. However, barriers to licensing
and the verification of credentials, including resistance from Colombian
professional organizations, has served to limit the engagement of
Venezuelan healthcare workers.
3.2.2 Task shifting to support availability and acceptability
Task shifting17 may offer up opportunities to enhance the engagement
of communities, including refugee and displaced communities, in
healthcare provision (WHO 2019). In Bangladesh, task shifting of
health services and education to non-physician personnel, including
through the Rohingya volunteer program described above, has been a
key feature of efforts to engage the displaced population and expand
the reach of health services. This model was generally reported by
FGD and KII participants as a good practice that addressed barriers
related to language, respect, and understanding, while better linking
Rohingya community members to health information and care at
health facilities. While it was rarely referenced by participants in the
other country studies, task shifting approaches have been successfully
used in contexts around the world to build local capacity and deliver
health interventions in settings with resource constraints and have
been advocated as “best buy” interventions for these contexts (WHO
2017b; Joshi et al. 2017; UNHCR 2021a). Additionally, the UNHCR Global
Public Health Strategy (2021-2025) endorses task shifting as a means of
engaging displaced communities (UNHCR n.d.).
Task shifting strategies could help to address three of the major gaps
in health services coverage identified across the four country sites,
including access to treatment of chronic diseases, specialized services,
and mental health care (see Chapter 1.2). In addition to building on the
existing quality workforce in these areas and improving health access,
training and providing supportive supervision for non-physician health
workers has been tied to improved screening and treatment, including
dispensing medical prescriptions according to guidelines, for a range
of the most common NCDs, including asthma, cardiovascular disease,
hypertension, and diabetes, in low- and middle-income countries
(Joshi et al. 2017)diabetes, and associated chronic kidney disease.
Self-management of chronic disease care has also been increasingly
recommended due to its ability to overcome barriers to accessing
care through formal settings and its recognition of the essential role
of patient-provider relationships in achieving successful disease
prevention and management (Joshi et al. 2017; Bodenheimer 2002)
diabetes, and associated chronic kidney disease. One example that
17 Task shifting is defined by the WHO as “the rational redistribution of tasks among
health workforce teams. Specific tasks are moved, where appropriate, from
highly qualified health workers to health workers with shorter training and fewer
qualifications in order to make more efficient use of the available human resources for
integrates task shifting and self-management is the MoPoTsyo model
of care in Cambodia, which uses locally-adapted networks of trained
peer educators, who have themselves been diagnosed with diabetes,
to facilitate services and education for people living with diabetes and
hypertension (Joshi et al. 2017; MoPoTsyo 2010). Patients also have
access to a MoPoTsyo revolving drug fund, which dispenses medications
through community pharmacies at below market retail prices. All peer
educators are supervised under a manager, appointed by MoPoTsyo and
the local health authority in the operational district, and peer educator
performance and quality assurance are closely monitored (Joshi et al.
2017; MoPoTsyo 2010)diabetes, and associated chronic kidney disease.
Task shifting and community-based approaches have also been shown
to be effective for expanding coverage of mental health services (see
Box 1) (van Ginneken et al. 2013). In displacement-affected areas of
Bangladesh, Tanzania, and Peru, a partnership between the Global
Mental Health Lab (GMH Lab) at Columbia University and UNHCR has
introduced a simplified version of interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT),
the WHO-recommended first line treatment for depression, that can
be delivered by supervised facilitators who may not have had previous
training in mental health (WHO 2020b). Preliminary results show that
patients with depression report feeling better and see improvements in
their overall functioning in social environments. While mental healthcare
providers have found these approaches useful and well-suited to the
cultural and social strengths of refugee populations and the mental
health challenges they face (UNHCR 2021a; WHO 2016). The UNHCR
has developed an overview of scalable psychological interventions
(requiring minimum investments in training), including the UNHCRColumbia University initiative discussed above, that have been effective
in various contexts, including with displaced populations (see Annex 1).
Incorporating these services into minimum benefit packages would help
improve the availability and utilization of such services.
However, task shifting is not without drawbacks and must be
implemented with care. Effective task shifting requires sustained
supportive supervision, appropriate links to different levels of care,
and government accreditation for HCWs engaged in the task shifting
programs (UNHCR n.d.; Janneck et al. 2009; Abujaber et al., n.d.).
Reliance on task shifting to enable displaced healthcare workers to
join the workforce in a role below their level of training can provide the
semblance of engagement while sustaining ingrained disparities. Further
research should be undertaken to assess whether such interventions
would be cost-effective in each of the countries studied and on a
national scale, including whether and how they should be incorporated
into minimum benefits packages.
Health information systems (HIS) serve as one of the six WHO health
system building blocks, spanning all elements of health systems to
provide a foundation for decision-making through data generation,
compilation, analysis and synthesis, and communication and use (WHO
2010). HIS collect data from both health and relevant non-health sectors;
synthesize and analyze data to ensure overall quality, relevance, and
timeliness; and share data in a manner enabling data-based decisionmaking in service provision, financing, and policy (WHO 2010).
This chapter analyzes and synthesizes learnings across the four country
contexts by considering multiple sources of information (surveys, birth
and death registration, registration of displaced persons, census, health
system resource tracking, health facility reporting, disease surveillance),
each generating different types of data (health outcomes, determinants
of health, health service utilization, inputs and outputs of health systems,
health inequities) and developed by multiple institutions (health
facilities, MoH, international agencies, etc.) (see Figure 2). Notably,
as introduced in Chapter 1, demographic data and vital statistics –
often collected outside the health system through sources such as
registration records, censuses, and nationally representative surveys –
are considered as a distinct but invaluable facet of HIS. More systematic
and substantial links between demographic data and HIS, particularly
epidemiologic data, are needed to effectively identify and plan for the
health needs of host and displaced populations (see Chapter 1).
Figure 2: Sources of data for health information systems
Sources of Data for Empirical Measurement
What measurements?
Health outcomes, determinants
of health, health services utilization,
health inequities, inputs/outputs
and quality of health systems
Routine Sources
Compiled/reported by
Ministry of Health, Ministry
of Statistics, Ministry of
Finance, International
Agencies, Humanitariam
Special Sources
Birth and Death Registration
Registration of Displaced Persons
Health System Resource Tracking
Health Facility Reporting
• PopulationBased Surveys
• Household
• Program-Specifc
• Service Site
Composite Approaches: In-Depth Review and Analysis
Longitudinal and Continuous Capture Sources
Cross-Sectionaland Capture Sources
Adapted from Graham, W., Ahmed, S., Stanton, C. et al. Measuring maternal mortality:
An overview of opportunities and options for developing countries. BMC Med 6, 12 (2008).
Analysis of HIS across country sites
In our four country studies, the level of integration of the HIS generally
reflects the level of integration of the health system as a whole.
4.1.1 Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, the HIS in the camps is primarily a parallel system
maintained by humanitarian organizations and camp leadership. Within
the camps, the Health Sector, co-led by the Government of Bangladesh
(GoB) and WHO, conducts service mappings and health facility
assessments regularly to monitor accessibility, utilization, quality, and other
key indicators in order to inform how resources (facilities, health workers,
etc.) are allocated across the camps. Additionally, UNHCR conducts annual
balanced score card (BSC) assessments on the quality of care in UNHCRsupported facilities in the camps. EWARS is used for disease surveillance,
with 75 percent of health facilities reporting as of November 2019.
CHWs support community-based surveillance, including through regular
household visits. The Health Sector disseminates data via its website,
which links to 4W and EWARS dashboards and a public repository of
reports (Health Sector Cox’s Bazar n.d.). Key informants were familiar
with the dashboards but reported using internal agency data to make
organizational decisions, in part because this data was timelier.
Limited demographic data on Rohingya refugees living in the camps is
collected through the J-MSNA (ISCG), Family Counting Exercise (UNHCR,
RRRC), and Needs and Population Monitoring Site Assessments (IOM).
Beginning in June 2018, UNHCR has worked with the government of
Bangladesh to provide identification cards to all refugees older than
12 years (UNHCR 2019). While registration cards are often required for
Rohingya to participate in activities and receive provisions, this was not
referenced as a barrier to services among interviewees, likely due to the
widespread reach of the identification program.
For the host population, health data is collected by the Government of
Bangladesh through Health Facility Surveys (SPA), a facility registry,
and a workforce summary, published to a Directorates General of
Health Services (DGHS) portal. Demographic and epidemiologic data is
collected through DHS, MICS and the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Sample Vital Registration System. The most recent iterations of MICS
and DHS do not sample from displaced Rohingya living in the camp
complex, though they theoretically include displaced persons living
outside the camps in the sampling frame.
4.1.2 Jordan
In Jordan, UNHCR works closely with the Health Sector to coordinate
HIS for care delivered in the camps. HIS coordination outside the
camps is fragmented, particularly between public and private
sector health facilities. Inside camps, health facilities are required to
report via weekly, electronic reports to UNHCR’s health information
system. Outside the camp, a similar mechanism is run by the MoH
Health Directorate. Passive disease surveillance systems are active
both inside and outside camp settings, and EWARS was utilized
particularly at the start of the Syrian crisis.
Under the UNHCR-led Sixth Regional Response plan (RRP6), six
topical working groups (strategy, NCDs, community health, nutrition,
sexual and reproductive health (SRH), MHPSS) gather and disseminate
information that addresses the health needs of the Syrian and Jordanian
populations. Lack of electronic health information systems, especially in
primary care settings, poses a challenge in Jordan.
Demographic and epidemiologic data on Syrians and Jordanians
is available through the DHS/Jordan Population and Family Health
Survey, which disaggregates by nationality and camp and non-camp
settings. The national census also collects demographic information
disaggregated by nationality. Notably, biometrics (primarily iris scans)
are heavily relied upon for service provision, including cash assistance
distribution, access to food and non-food assistance, renewal of legal
documents, and updating of personal records (i.e., marital status, birth
of child etc.).
4.1.3 The DRC
In the DRC, health facilities report information as required, but access
and utilization of health services is extremely low, leading to an
insensitive surveillance system overall.
Clinics are required to provide data on the number of patients seen
each month. Certain illnesses (including measles and cholera) trigger an
immediate report. Data is aggregated in the national health information
system (SNIS).
KIIs with staff at the seven facilities assessed for this study indicate
monthly reporting is timely, widespread, and linked to decision-making
in facilities. However, surveillance remains insensitive due to low service
utilization. Of the four clinics and three hospitals interviewed, two
hospitals collected service provision data that differentiated host and
displaced populations (regardless of nationality). Source of payment
(healthcare voucher and NGO partnership) was the reason given for
making the distinction, underscoring the heavy reliance on external
funding provided, most frequently, by temporary programs.
Demographic and epidemiologic data is limited for both host and
displaced populations, particularly IDPs. No national census has been
conducted since 1984. Data is available from DHS (2013-2014) but
does not disaggregate by displacement status and under samples
insecure areas.
4.1.4 Colombia
By far the most developed HIS system exists in Colombia, where the HIS
is integrated with national social protection information systems and has
been adapted to better capture the health needs of displaced persons.
However, these information systems remain completely separate from
the information systems of the IOM- and UNHCR-led Interagency Group
of Mixed Migratory Flows (GIFMM).
In 2007, the Social Protection Information System (SISPRO) was legally
constituted to manage information for the entire social protection
sector, including health (see Colombia country report, section 4.2).
Additional systems for health information were incorporated in 2011
to align with the mandate of the newly independent MoH (previously
housed under the Ministry of Social Protection). SISPRO receives and
processes data produced by all government agencies involved in the
social protection system. Health information comes from 38 databases,
35 population studies, and 39 observatories. Service provision data
is based on a legal mandate for providers to report care provided via
the RIPS, a registry of services provided to individuals. In response
to concerns that RIPS was not accurately capturing information on
care provided to migrants, the MoH issued technical guidance in 2017
mandating providers and health secretariats to report an additional
individual registry for foreign persons. This data has been used to
monitor the demand for and utilization of health services by displaced
Venezuelans throughout Colombia, including integration into the
strategic health plans developed by all local governments for 20202023, and for the creation of electronic dashboards of basic frequency
indicators of enrollment to health insurance, service utilization, and
health needs, which can be disaggregated by nationality, year, age,
gender, and administrative area (Minsalud n.d.).
Under SISPRO, the National Epidemiological Surveillance System
(SIVIGILA) monitors health events by condition (malaria, domestic
violence, low birth weight, etc.) and nationality of the affected person.
SISPRO and its components remain separate from the data systems
managed by the 75-member GIFMM, which is co-led by IOM and UNHCR
and includes U.N. agencies, NGOs, and the Red Cross Movement and
contains more detailed individual information including migrant status.
Concern about protecting the identity of users is one reason for this.
Demographic data is available through the 2018 national census.
Demographic data for IDPs is available in the official registry of victims;
given the relatively robust and comprehensive support that IDPs are
legally entitled to, the majority of IDPs appear to be registered (Zulver
2018). Demographic data for displaced Venezuelans is available through
the Official Venezuelan Migrant Registry (RAMV); the number of
Venezuelans registered remains limited however, as discussed below, but
the figure is increasing in response to the availability of TPS.
4.2 Data quality
Data quality can be analyzed by assessing its completeness, consistency,
timeliness, and accuracy (WHO 2017a). Across the four country sites, the
most pervasive quality concerns relate to completeness (the capacity of
the HIS to capture all cases, or a representative sample, and all variables,
including variables related to displacement and migration). Key issues
included reliance on health service provision and utilization data to
assess health needs when utilization by displaced persons is low; underregistration of displaced persons in official registries; weak systems
for gathering data on displaced persons living outside official camp
boundaries; weak systems for gathering data on service provision from
private or informal providers; and limited collection and reporting of
variables that allow for disaggregation by migration status. These issues
are closely related and have implications for linking health information to
decision-making in systems planning and service provision (see Chapter 1).
4.2.1 Impacts of over-reliance on service provision and utilization data
Displaced persons are, in the aggregate, less likely to access services
due to various barriers to care (see Chapter 2). Heavy reliance
on service provision and utilization data therefore is likely to
underrepresent the health needs of displaced communities and can
perpetuate inadequate and inequitable provision of care. In the DRC,
despite accounts of timely reporting from health facilities, surveillance
remains insensitive due to low service utilization fueled in large part by
cost barriers. For example, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) estimates
20 times more measles deaths in 2019 and 2020 than were reported
by the MoH. Given that pharmaceuticals are provided to government
health facilities in the DRC based on previous usage rates, consistent
undercounts of health needs due to underutilization of services can
perpetuate and potentially exacerbate health system deficiencies. In
Colombia, health service utilization data is well integrated into the
national statistics system, but the data is not representative of the
needs of displaced Venezuelans, given lack of access to affordable, nonemergency services among this group.
Colombia has worked to address the limitations of service utilization
data through the provision of additional, targeted studies to manage
blind spots (i.e., among HIV+ migrants). By bolstering routine data
collection with additional cross-sectional collection of specialized data
– such as population-based surveys, active surveillance, censuses, etc. –
health information systems can create a robust and more comprehensive
illustration of the health needs of the population (Graham et al. 2008).
4.2.2 Impacts of under-registration of displaced communities on data
collection and data-based decision-making
Under-registration of displaced persons in official registries creates
discrepancies in data and can contribute to low health service
utilization among displaced persons, as well as poor disaggregation
of data, limiting the capacity for targeted data-based decisionmaking. The benefits of strong formal registration systems can
extend beyond health services to include work permissions, access to
education, and access to other social services programs, but must be
balanced with protection concerns (see Box 2). The Colombian HIS
illustrates how linking registration to meaningful health and protection
benefits can increase registration, improving the completeness of
both registration data and health service utilization data. As of 2018,
only approximately 27,000 Venezuelans were affiliated with the
national health insurance system through the Permit of Permanence
(PEP). Under PEP, Venezuelans could stay, work, and enroll in the
health insurance system in Colombia for up to two years, with no
path to permanent residency. In February 2021, TPS was announced
to “regularize” the status of Venezuelans by providing a path to
residency and, by extension, enrollment in the health insurance system.
Registration has increased since TPS was announced; as of August
2021, 19 percent of the two million Venezuelans residing in Colombia
had regularized and 64 percent were in process of regularizing their
status. The number of Venezuelans affiliated with the national health
insurance system rose as a result, but with a considerable lag; by 2022,
the number of Venezuelans affiliated to the Colombian health insurance
system reached 653,126, corresponding to approximately 40 percent of
Venezuelans with regularized legal status and approximately a third of
all Venezuelans residing in the country (Ministerio de Salud y Protección
Social n.d.). Thus, in addition to increasing demand for registration
among the displaced, Colombia’s experience also highlights the need
to invest in human resources and administrative capacity to minimize
bottlenecks when registering large numbers of people and linking them
to health and other services. Comparatively, health insurance coverage
among IDPs in Colombia is nearly universal (93 percent in 2018), largely
due to special policy mechanisms that have granted IDPs priority access
to the country’s social protection network (see Colombia country report,
Box 2: Case study of Health Insurance Registration Program in
The SubRed Integrada de Servicios de Salud Sur Occidente (SouthWest Integrated Health Service Sub-Network - SWIHSS), an
integrated network of public hospitals in the southwestern region
of Bogotá, has developed programming to connect patients with
irregular migration status to social workers who assist in health
insurance enrollment. The network, which has served more than
500,000 displaced Venezuelans in an irregular situation in recent
years, has developed an internal protocol to identify Venezuelans
who are entitled to permanent residence in Colombia and support
them in the process of formalizing their migration status and
enrolling in health insurance.
After the last wave of social and economic displacement from
Venezuela, the SWIHSS implemented a pilot program aimed at
improving the uptake of care among pregnant Venezuelan women in
Colombia. As part of this initiative, the network provided pregnant
Venezuelan women with prenatal check-ups and medicines,
regardless of their legal status, and connected patients with social
workers to guide them through the regularization of their migration
The local government facilitates this program through health
resource financing support via Bogotá’s special Health-Financing
Fund (Fondo Financiero Distrital de Salud) (Castiblanco 2022).
In the case of emergency care and hospitalization services, the
SWIHSS receives reimbursement of services provided to uninsured
individuals directly from this fund. This enables the hospitals
to continue to make their services accessible to unregistered
Venezuelans and, through the implementation of regularization
support services, ultimately increases registration rates.
Jordan’s experience also exemplifies the challenges of incomplete
registration. According to the 2015 national census, a total of 1,265,514
Syrian nationals were residing in Jordan. As of April 2022, a total of
674,458 refugees were registered with the UNHCR office in Jordan
(UNHCR n.d.). Unregistered refugees are largely unidentified – and not
included – in formal health system data. Civil registration also poses a
problem in Jordan. A substantial minority of Syrian children (16 percent
of children aged 0-5, compared to 2 percent of Jordanian children)
lack birth certificates due to complicated registration procedures and
their parents missing official documentation of nationality and marriage
(UNICEF 2018; World Bank n.d.). Under-registration also has implications
for the amount of financing available for health and other programs
because donors typically cannot finance activities and groups they
cannot verify. In a context where identity documents are missing and/or
difficult to verify, biometric IDs (iris scans) have been used to efficiently
register people with unique IDs for the distribution of cash assistance,
but the use of biometric data is not without its own unique challenges
(See Box 3).
Box 3: Protection concerns around data
Protection concerns arise from the potential for individual data
on refugees and displaced persons to be accessed by states and
applied for initiatives – such as counterterrorism, security, and
migration restriction measures – that may undermine the rights
of displaced persons and compromise their access to protection.
New technologies, such as mobile phones and biometric identifiers
(such as the use of iris scans in Jordan), can facilitate efficient
service delivery, in part addressing the need for unique identifiers
in settings where many people lack identity documents (Molnar
2022). However, these same innovations are vulnerable to state
surveillance. While methods for protecting data, such as limitations
to sharing data across organizations, can limit the ability to validate
and consolidate data (as we have seen in Colombia), that may
be a limitation that is worth accepting in order to enhance trust
in, and use of, these systems. Additionally, data on variables that
facilitate disaggregation by migration status should be collected
and disseminated with care, with robust security and privacy
protections in place, to avoid perpetuating discrimination and
stigma against migrants (Global Migration Group 2017).
Fears over data misuse and privacy breaches are not only
theoretical. A 2021 Human Rights Watch report alleged personal
and biometric information from Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh,
collected by UNHCR, was shared with the government of Myanmar
for repatriation purposes without the individuals’ free and informed
consent (Human Rights Watch 2021; Rahman 2021). UNHCR has
stated that the data was collected and shared with informed
consent; however, the collection of the data was a preliminary step
in obtaining the Smart Cards used to access food, aid, and other
essential services, creating a power dynamic and potential barrier to
receiving truly informed – and optional – consent.
The COVID-19 pandemic has further illustrated the far-reaching
implications of data protection concerns, particularly the barriers
tenuous legal status creates for accessing health services. Migrants
in an irregular situation may be unable or unwilling to access
healthcare or provide information on their health status when
they fear or risk detention, deportation and penalties as a result of
their immigration status (OHCHR 2020). Expanded regularization
is a potential solution to ensure that migrants can safely seek
medical assistance, including testing, treatment, and vaccination
for COVID-19. In March 2020, the Portuguese government issued
a forward-looking regulation by which irregular migrants who had
previously started the regularization procedure were temporarily
regularized and thus allowed full access to all social benefits,
including healthcare (Raposo and Violante 2021). Establishing
firewalls when collecting data to ensure clear separation between
data collected for the provision of essential services and
immigration enforcement activities (Crépeau and Hastie 2015)
is vital to establish migrants’ trust and improve access to health
services, including critical COVID-19 response services, without fear
that data will be shared and used for immigration enforcement.
4.2.3 Data representativeness and integration across settings and
health sectors
Information systems divided between national and humanitarian
systems may limit comparability across groups while simultaneously
providing greater capacity for understanding the health needs of
displaced populations. However, even within these more targeted
systems, mechanisms for capturing information on people living
outside of formal camps or accessing services in private or informal
settings are often limited. Additionally, these reporting systems
may not incorporate the private sector, further skewing data as the
demographics of individuals utilizing the private sector, as well as the
health services individuals prefer to seek from the private sector, may
differ substantially from the national or humanitarian systems.
In Bangladesh, the parallel nature of the humanitarian and national
health systems is reflected in the health information systems. UNHCR,
the Office of Refugee and Repatriation Commission (RRRC), and IOM
collect demographic and health data about Rohingya refugees through
the J-MSNA, Family County Exercise, and Needs and Population
Monitoring within the camps, separate from the data collection
managed by the national health system. However, all of these sources
use the block system for sampling, thus excluding refugees living
outside the camp. While the camp-specific data allows for targeted
review and intervention, health services provided outside the camp – for
example, referrals to higher-level national facilities – are systemically
missed, leading to a potential skewing of data that may underreport
severe or complicated health needs. Similarly, in Colombia, patients in
certain regions of the country are often referred to the private sector for
specific specialties, opening the door to data loss because information
from private subcontractors is not necessarily reported to the public
In Jordan, UNHCR coordinates HIS for care delivered in the camps, but
information systems outside the camp are more fragmented, in part
due to the large number of displaced persons accessing services from
private providers.
4.3 The use of health information systems for
data-based decision-making
The use of the health information system for data-based decisionmaking varies within and between countries, but can be broken into
two broad categories: data use at health facilities and data use by
government officials and international agencies (Malaria Policy Advisory
Committee 2020).
4.3.1 Data use at health facilities
At health facilities, staff motivation and capacity to engage in and apply
data from the HIS can support planning and management of care. The
health facilities sampled in the DRC provide an interesting example.
Perhaps in part due to pharmacy restocking schemes reliant on usage
data, staff described proficiency and motivation to collect and use
health facility data. It is also notable that, due to logistical challenges,
interviewed facilities did not include peripheral providers where one
would expect most illness cases to be managed. Respondents reported
frequent use of charts and registers to guide programming and the use
of condition-specific registers to track antenatal care, communicable
diseases of concern, CHWs’ home visits, and medication management.
While a direct link to INGO programming has not been identified
between the high rates of reporting within these facilities, INGOs have
provided health information systems strengthening programs in South
Kivu in recent years.
The Colombia case study illustrates how limited links between data
systems can complicate decisions about the provision of care. In this
case, delayed linkages between the database of enrollees in the health
insurance system and the payment system used by providers can result
in the denial of services to newly registered users (see Colombia country
report, section 5.2). As illustrated by the Bogotá hospital example
described above, health facility staff can contribute to strengthening the
links between data systems and improving services available for patients
by linking them to TPS registration at the point of care. However, the
need to guide patients through the TPS registration process creates a
burden on health facility staff that should be recognized and addressed.
4.3.2 Data use by government officials and international agencies
Government officials and international agency staff can use HIS data
to guide national health strategies, budgets, and human resources
planning. One promising practice is emerging in Jordan, where MoH and
WHO are rolling out a program to make data-driven decisions about
staffing needs using WHO’s Workload Indicators of Staffing Needs
(WISN) tool. This tool has the potential to better strengthen data about
the capacity of the health workforce and to link demographic and health
information to human resources planning.
Officials and high-level agency staff also have influence over
decisions about when, whether, and how to integrate and/or allow
data sharing or transfer among national or regional information
systems. In Bangladesh, data sharing is practiced through health
sector mechanisms such as EWARS, but limited data availability in the
public domain, particularly for disaggregated and raw data, remains
an impediment to coordination between INGOs/NGOs and robust
secondary analyses (see Bangladesh country report, section 1.2). In
Colombia, the separation of social protection information (in SISPRO)
and immigration information (in GIFMM) and lack of interoperability
between the systems, while important for protection considerations,
does limit cross-checking of information, and may ultimately contribute
to duplication of service provision. It also prevents the incorporation of
individual-level information on services provided by GIFMM members
into the design and targeting of health and social protection services
for Venezuelans. There is no process for evaluation on the quality and
biases of administrative data, particularly in regions of Colombia where
service provision and overall institutions are weaker. Despite these
limitations, RIPS data from SISPRO has been used to monitor demand
for and utilization of health services by Venezuelan migrants, including
the incorporation of this data into the 2020-2023 strategic health plans
developed by all local governments.
The decision to roll out technological adaptations to data collection
and processing systems across all four countries has created space for
greater use of data in guiding strategy and planning, while reducing the
burden on staff and improving reporting. District Health Information
Software 2 (DHIS2) is active in both Bangladesh and the DRC, and
it recently began a pilot in Jordan (DHIS2 n.d.); Colombia utilizes a
robust national system with similar capabilities. Utilizing international
systems such as the DHIS2 enables HIS interoperability within and
across countries. The use of technology for data collection and analysis
decreases staff burden and enables timely, automated validation and
presentation of data via dashboards. However, technology does not
serve as a stand-in to training, and data analysis remains a skill that
requires investment and training. Developing human resources can serve
as a bridge between data and action.
Box 4: Impacts of COVID-19 on HIS
COVID-19 has played an important role in driving surveillance
capacity. During lockdowns and at the height of the pandemic,
healthcare utilization for non-COVID-19 needs was widely
diminished. In Jordan, FGD participants described both Syrians and
Jordanians facing barriers to accessing routine healthcare during the
pandemic. In Colombia, COVID-19 restrictions created long delays
for accessing care, particularly from humanitarian organizations. In
the DRC, fear of COVID-19 quarantines and mandatory vaccination
led to people self-medicating and seeking care outside the formal
healthcare system. As patients moved to seek care from informal
sources, health information systems reliant on service provision and
utilization data to identify health needs became less complete.
At the same time, renewed awareness of and investment in
surveillance did occur. In Bangladesh, the COVID-19 pandemic has
reinforced improvements in disease surveillance. Prior to COVID-19,
UNHCR established a new community-based surveillance system
that utilized community health workers to identify and refer
cases of disease within communities. This surveillance system
was instrumental in the enhanced COVID-19 and other disease
surveillance efforts (e.g., detecting dengue outbreaks). One key
informant noted that the increase in funding for health surveillance
that happened as a result of COVID-19-related funding has
accelerated improvements in disease surveillance that are likely
to yield benefits beyond the immediate imperative of tracking
COVID-19 (see Bangladesh country report, section 4.1).
This chapter aims to underscore key patterns and insights on health
service utilization and costs that emerged from this study’s analysis of
Colombia, Jordan, Bangladesh, and the DRC. For the purpose of this
chapter, healthcare costs will be defined as those expenses incurred
by households to pay providers for health services rendered (Xu et al.
2003). Further examination of financing healthcare services from payers
to healthcare providers is included in Chapter 6.
5.1 High costs of care and patterns of health
service utilization
Across the four countries analyzed, similar trends emerged on demand
and availability of health services, with low utilization of publicly
operated health services among displaced populations due to lack of
availability of services, high costs of care, and real and/or perceived
issues around quality of care (see Chapter 2 of this report).
Out-of-pocket medical and direct non-medical (e.g. transportation)
costs associated with seeking medical care, particularly for the most
vulnerable populations due to income and/or legal status, were raised
as the largest barriers to accessibility of care in all four countries. Even
in countries with contracted facilities that provide free care, lack of
availability of care in these facilities is a major driver to seek care in
private facilities, where patients incur out-of-pocket costs. While these
barriers were consistently brought up in interviews in all four country
studies, decreasing health utilization for host and displaced populations
alike, these trends did not impact inpatient services to the same degree
as ambulatory services. In Jordan, while the majority of ambulatory
services occur in the private sector (68 percent), followed by the
public sector and NGO clinics, more specialized and costly inpatient
services predominantly occur in the public sector (69 percent) (Francis
2015). Similar trends were observed in Colombia over the COVID-19
pandemic, where smaller gaps between host and Venezuelan migrant
population were observed in hospitalizations compared with ambulatory
services, suggesting more severely ill patients still sought care through
public hospitals (Shepard et al. 2021). In contrast to the experiences
of displaced Venezuelans, national policies to ensure IDPs access to
the country’s social protection network, such as the Victims and Land
Restitution Law (Law 1448 of 2011) have achieved almost universal
health insurance coverage (93 percent) for all victims of the armed
conflict, including IDPs (see Colombia country report, Introduction).
While patients often expressed preferences for seeking care through the
private sector due to perceptions on quality of care, it is important to
note that these sectors are often unregulated and may frequently prove
to be more costly than the public sector. For example, in Bangladesh,
without mechanisms for health insurance or other means of social
protection, 93 percent of costs incurred in the private sector are covered
through out-of-pocket payments, paid for directly by the patient
(Joarder, Chaudhury, and Mannan 2019)economic, and demographic
parameters. This study explores the existing health policy environment
and current activities to further the progress towards Universal Health
Coverage (UHC. This high burden on patients to cover the costs of care
has impoverishing effects for many households. In Bangladesh, it was
found that approximately 55 percent of Rohingya households reported
taking on financial debt to cover the costs of healthcare (ISCG 2020).
In Jordan, while public sector and NGO fees are covered for refugees
residing within camps, interviewees cited that long delays in receiving
care through the public sector led some families to take out loans to
cover care sought through the private sector. In extreme cases, such as
for dialysis treatment, the unavailability of care through public or NGO
facilities, and the high costs of care through private facilities has even
led some Syrian refugees to return to Syria to receive treatment, where
these services are delivered free-of-charge through the public system
(Jordan country report, chapter 2.3). In Colombia, while migrants have
access to free services through the formal care system, if they are not
enrolled in an insurance scheme, they risk having to pay out-of-pocket
for care and medication at either public or private facilities.
Direct non-medical costs, in the form of travel expenses for the patient
or the patient’s family to accompany them to services, accommodation,
food, and indirect costs tied to the time it takes to seek services, were
also raised across the four countries. In the DRC, for instance, only
approximately 30 percent of the total population is estimated to live
within 5km of the nearest health facility, resulting in patients having to
travel long distances and incur greater travel costs to seek care (United
Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) 2021;
Severe Malaria Observatory n.d.). In Bangladesh, where referral to
specialized services outside of camp settings is the norm for refugee
populations, patients often cited a costly referral cycle, whereby patients
and their caregivers moved from one referral to another in order to
receive adequate treatment, tests, and medications (Bangladesh country
report, section 5.2.5).
High costs of services, as well as real and/or perceived poor quality of
care have also been tied to patients choosing to seek care through suboptimal informal providers (discussed further in Chapter 2). This practice
was the most common in the DRC, where financial fears and distrust in
the formal medical system drive many ill people away from clinical care
and towards utilizing pharmacies or traditional healers as the first line of
treatment (see DRC country report, Chapter 5). This is evident from the
fact that those in the poorest economic quintile are more likely to utilize
informal providers, compared to wealthier quintiles (Laokri, Soelaeman,
and Hotchkiss 2018). In Bangladesh, a large percentage of the refugee
population—21 percent—were also found to seek care primarily through
the informal sector (pharmacies or traditional healers) (ISCG 2020),
as these providers are seen as trusted sources of information in
communities, and due to the lack of formal care settings in camps (see
Bangladesh country report, Chapter 3.2). While utilization of informal
providers was not found to the same degree in data collection from
Jordan, issues around perceived poor quality of care in the public
sector and at INGO/NGO facilities were raised. This included perceived
discrimination against Syrian refugees by healthcare workers and
Jordanian people, manifesting in preferences for providing treatment
to non-refugee populations, and lack of sensitivity to cultural stigmas,
such as those surrounding sexual health issues (see Jordan country
report, Chapter 2.3). Similarly, in Colombia, migrants without insurance
affiliation also described attitudes of health workers as discriminatory
(see Colombia country report, Chapter 4.4). Efforts to enhance the
quality of care are therefore sorely needed. Accreditation, regulation
and monitoring are key entry points for doing so. While user fees are
sometimes floated as a strategy in this respect, it should be noted that
the WHO has advocated abolishing user fees for primary healthcare
services provided by aid agencies and there is no strong evidence that
user fees directly increase quality of care. (IASC 2010; Lagarde and
Palmer 2011; Steinhardt et al. 2013).
5.2 Impacts of COVID-19
While COVID-19 carried many negative impacts on populations and
health systems in the four countries studied, as it did around the
globe, some positive impacts were also found related to the increased
availability of funds for health system strengthening and response.
Across the countries studied, COVID-19 reduced healthcare utilization,
reporting of illness, and availability of care and medications. In both
Colombia and the DRC, declines in health service visits were seen after the
beginning of the pandemic, with an approximate 37 percent decrease in
hospital rates per 100,000 for Colombians and 24 percent for Venezuelans
between 2019 and 2020. Consultation rates also fell by 42 percent and 37
percent, respectively (Shepard et al. 2021). Similarly, in the DRC, outpatient
visits decreased immediately after the start of the pandemic, reaching a
peak disruption of approximately 20 percent in August 2021 (Hategeka,
PENDANT LA PANDEMIE DE COVID-19” 2022). Likewise, in Bangladesh, a
decline in utilization of care in INGO/NGO clinics was offset by an increase
in use of sub-optimal informal care services in 2020 (Bangladesh country
report, section 5.1). These decreases in formal care utilization have been
attributed mainly to fears of contracting COVID-19 and/or increasing
distrust in health systems due to fear of being labeled as having COVID-19,
fear of forced vaccination, myths around the reality of COVID-19, or
increased frustrations with systems due to higher costs of care and delays
in treatment.
However, in some contexts, the influx of spending and donor support
during COVID-19 also carried benefits to the health system and
innovative solutions were developed to respond to pre-pandemic
healthcare deficiencies that could be adopted in the future. For
example, in the DRC, key informants reported that local faith-based
NGOs had been hired to assist in the COVID-19 response, especially
with delivering health information and encouraging vaccination takeup (see DRC country report, Annex 1) (Severe Malaria Observatory
n.d.). These organizations have been identified as community-based
providers of public health and health information that are trusted by
local communities and could expand to play a more prominent role in
general service delivery and social protection in the future. In Jordan,
the continued operation of NGOs in camps despite the pandemic
highlighted the importance of leveraging the strengths of three sectors
(NGOs, private, and public sectors) to improve health services for
refugees (Jordan country report, chapter 6, section 3.5). In Bangladesh,
key informants, including U.N. staff and health services providers,
reported a range of improvements to health infrastructure, health
information systems, and certain health outcomes after the start of the
pandemic. These included increased inpatient capacity and intensive
care units (ICUs) within camps, funding for disease surveillance and
information systems, and improved coordination between donors
and NGOs, and with governments. In some cases, increased health
staff precautions while treating patients within ICUs and quarantine
units within camps due to COVID-19 were perceived by patients to be
inconveniences and poorer quality of care (e.g. more physical distance,
perceptions that they had less time with the provider to explain their
health condition, etc.). While increased spending on refugee populations
residing in camps may have contributed to resentment by the host
community toward the displaced population. However, such investments
in sustainable health system infrastructure were seen by key informants
as an overall positive investment in the health system for the future
(Bangladesh country report, chapter 1.4).
5.3 Gaps and inequities in referrals, quality, and
informal services
To minimize the burden of both medical and direct non-medical costs
of care, and to bolster existing social protection mechanisms within
countries for both host and displaced populations, governments
and donors must work toward building and increasing awareness of
structured referral systems between primary and higher levels of care.
They must also establish and enforce norms and rules around proper
and predictable charging for health services through government
regulations and policies. To ensure the affordability of healthcare, it
is critical to have a better understanding of the cost-sharing among
stakeholders (e.g., donors, host governments, and patients), and take
action to address the underlying reasons, if high out-of-pocket health
expenses exist. Furthermore, efforts are needed to improve quality
of care—both real and perceived—across public, private, and informal
sectors, through formal accreditation standards; improved pre- and
in-service training, including training on cultural sensitivity and issues
of special relevance for treatment of displaced populations; and
quality monitoring processes. Providing avenues to engage informal
providers in formal service delivery within the health system could
also help to improve access and acceptability of care, building trust
in health systems, while also allowing formal quality monitoring and
assessment of services. These mechanisms should seek to minimize the
gaps between host and migrant or refugee populations when seeking
services, due to differences in health seeking pathways, cost-covering
schemes, and/or discrimination associated with legal or migratory status
(see Chapter 2).
This chapter summarizes the common themes on financing of health
services for the displaced population from the four countries included
in the study. To support host countries in reaching universal health
coverage and the inclusion of refugees within their healthcare system,
the World Health Organization introduced the Health Financing Progress
Matrix to assess health financing systems and to measure the extent to
which financial barriers affect population access to healthcare and the
financial hardship faced in the process (WHO 2020a). In this chapter,
we adopted the WHO health financing matrix, to better understand
the financing of refugee health. Our analysis focused on (1) Source of
finance, (2) Contract mechanisms with service providers, (3) Benefit
package design, and (4) Payment to private and informal sectors. At
the end of this chapter, we highlight promising practices to improve
health financing for the displaced population in the four countries,
drawing lessons from other countries. These practices aim not only to
increase financial stability and volume of financial resources for health
services but also to enhance the efficiency of using existing resources.
We understand that improving financial commitments goes beyond
the health sector, requiring multisectoral cooperation and strong
commitments from both governments and development partners.
6.1 Sources of finance
The displaced population included in this report varied by country.
In Bangladesh, Rohingya refugees are considered Forcibly Displaced
Myanmar Nationals (FDMNs), which ensures access to basic
humanitarian assistance, but denies their refugee status and many
of the rights attached to that status (Banerjee 2019). In Colombia,
Venezuelans are considered migrants rather than displaced peoples or
refugees and the focus of the report is on those enrolled in the Sistema
General de Seguridad Social en Salud (General Social Security Systems
for Health) (SGSSS) program. In the DRC, data is lacking regarding the
size of refugee or host communities, and therefore, the report considers
the de facto residents of the DRC. In Jordan, the focus is on Syrian
refugees registered with the UNHCR, who reside in host communities.
We obtained some insights from KIIs about the care provided for those
who reside in camps, but little is known about Syrians who decided, for
various reasons, not to register with UNHCR. Donors face challenges
reaching refugees who are not registered in part because they are
difficult to identify and verify, and donors typically cannot finance
groups that they cannot verify.
Despite the heterogeneous displaced population considered in this
study, external support from donors was the main source of finance for
providing healthcare services for this population group in the majority
of the countries (Bangladesh, the DRC, Jordan), with supplemental
funding from out-of-pocket spending and, in some circumstances, from
the host governments. For example, donor funding accounts for 87.3
percent of healthcare funding for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh,
and 53.5 percent for Syrian refugees in Jordan (Jordan country report,
Table 14). The donor community established health facilities in camps
in Bangladesh and Jordan and provides free care to refugees in the
two countries. In the DRC, some humanitarian healthcare providers
also provide free care to displaced communities. In Colombia,
the international support for displaced Venezuelans was minimal,
accounting for US$31 per refugee per year. Registered Venezuelans have
the right to be insured through a health insurance scheme subsidized by
the Colombian government, as noted earlier in the report.
The external funding comes from a wide range of donors, including
multilateral development partners, such as the World Bank and United
Nations agencies (e.g., UNHCR, UNICEF, and WHO), and bilateral donors,
such as the U.S., Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, and Arab states’
governments. These funds are voluntary contributions and fluctuate
from one year to the next. Donors’ commitment is limited in time and
scope, causing unpredictability and instability in funds, thus hindering
the implementing agencies’ ability to plan for long-term projects and,
in some cases, leading to the interruption of care. The unpredictability
of external funding is one of the major challenges in financing health
services for the displaced population. For example, in Bangladesh, the
funding for health through the Joint Response Plan (JRP) ranged from
US$40 million in 2019 to US$47 million in 2020, although it is important
to note that JRP funding allocations reported by the Financial Tracking
Service (FTS) do not capture unearmarked funding, including US$14.5
million and US$31 million spent by UNHCR on health in 2019 and 2020,
respectively (FTS n.d. b; n.d. a). The variation is much larger in Jordan.
Donor priorities greatly affect their commitments to fund health services
and impacts how funds for health are used. For example, it is likely that
the recent Russia and Ukraine conflict, which has resulted in millions
of Ukrainian refugees, may well divert donors’ attention away from
protracted refugee crises.
Across the four countries, there is a substantial shortage of funding
for providing health services for the target population. The financial
gap between the requested funds and those received is enormous.
For example, in 2021, the government of Jordan requested US$412
million of budget support for the Jordan Response Plan for the Syrian
Crisis but they received only 30.6 percent of the requested funds. In
Bangladesh, the funding received in 2021 was only 31.1 percent of the
requested amount. The health sector has to compete with other sectors,
such as food security, education, and protection, often falling behind
them in securing funding. The shortage of funding impedes healthcare
providers from offering comprehensive care to the displaced population,
although analysis of funding allocations from the FTS may not present
a completely accurate picture of funding for health, in part because
UNHCR assistance for refugees, including health assistance, may be
categorized as multisectoral funding (FTS n.d. c). The scope of services
provided by some donors through national and local NGOs created
vertical systems for different types of patients with a focus on maternal
and child health and adolescent health. This focus might lead to further
fragmentation in the health system and duplication in programs,
reducing the efficiency of donors’ contributions.
The four countries studied in the Big Questions project have different
levels of integration in financing and delivery of health services.
Colombia is more advanced in integrating registered Venezuelans into
its health financing and service delivery systems through the subsidized
health insurance scheme. Once migrants join the health insurance
scheme, this population group is entitled to receive comprehensive
health service coverage, with minimal out-of-pocket spending. However,
the share of registered Venezuelans is low (about 26 percent in either
the subsidized or contributory insurance schemes), and those who are
not registered only have access to emergency care and some public
health services (e.g. vaccination). While national policy mandates basic
health promotion and prevention services must be made available to
all people regardless of insurance status, programming is often carried
out according to the priorities of local authorities and is sometimes
misaligned with population needs. In Jordan, refugee health was an
integral part of the country’s joint response multisectoral action plan
for the refugee crisis, where donors’ contributions were pooled to
support the host countries to mitigate the refugees’ impact on host
communities. Multilateral and some bilateral donors adopted the Global
Compact on Refugees framework and focused their support on services
provided within national healthcare systems, with part of the funds
going to strengthen the overall healthcare system in the host countries.
In Bangladesh, by contrast, there is little integration of financing and
camp-based service delivery for Rohingya refugees into Bangladesh’s
national health system. Due to restrictions on travel outside the camp
complex, Rohingya refugees are limited to camps with most services
offered by INGO/NGO facilities. There is some discussion on having
more government facilities in the camps to provide health services.
As a result, some host countries carry the financial burden associated
with caring for the displaced population. In Colombia, 35 percent of
Venezuelans were covered by the General Social Security Systems, of
which 54 percent enrolled in the national health system as contributors,
and 46 percent enrolled as subsidized members. In Jordan, the DRC,
and Bangladesh, it is estimated that the host government finances 26.7
percent, 21.2 percent, and 12.7 percent of the displaced population’s
healthcare services, respectively.
Some innovative approaches were utilized to support the financing of
healthcare needs for the displaced population. In Bangladesh, there
are various working groups (e.g. epidemiology and case management,
sexual and reproductive health, and community health) that were
utilized to strategically enhance the healthcare for refugees as part
of a multisectoral engagement approach. However, there was some
redundancy in services provided to the refugee population due to the
government regulatory process that donors had the obligation to meet
and the fact that health facilities tend to concentrate in areas with better
access to transportation (Ho et al. 2019). In December 2018, Jordan
established the Multi-Donor Account (MDA) Directorate as a continuum
of the Jordan Response Platform for the Syrian Crisis to streamline
funding from donors to projects and programs needed by the MoH
to meet the healthcare needs of refugees and host communities. The
account enabled the MoH to play an active role and reach out to donors
with specific requests to fund priorities set by the MoH in collaboration
with the donor community and key stakeholders. The fund has
supported infrastructure projects, the purchase of medical equipment,
and invested in human resources by focusing on capacity-building
programs, accelerating progress toward universal health coverage in
Jordan and strengthening the health system to benefit both host and
displaced populations (see Jordan country report, section 5.2.2.).
6.2 Contracting with service providers
Often there are many healthcare providers involved in delivering
health services to displaced populations. Depending on the size of
the displaced population, the number of service providers varies
substantially. In Bangladesh, where about one million Rohingya refugees
live in the camps, there were 31 international NGOs and 21 local NGOs
working in the camps in 2021. Healthcare providers can be mixed,
including government health facilities, international NGO facilities, and
local NGO facilities, along with private facilities or traditional healers.
Contracting with different healthcare providers is an important task
to ensure that funding is used appropriately. Funders are committed
to maximizing value for money and have formal procedures in place
to identify healthcare providers and contract with them. Due to data
limitations, we were unable to compare the cost and quality of health
services provided by different types of health providers, which is a topic
that needs further exploration.
Despite the strong commitment of funders and extensive experience in
contracting with healthcare providers, one of the challenges identified
is that funders are frequently limited by their organizational and
funding structures that only allow short-term contracts with healthcare
providers. Most of the time, healthcare providers receive a one-year
contract – and even shorter in some circumstances – which makes
it very difficult for healthcare providers to make a long-term plan,
particularly in the first year of the project when initial capital investment
(e.g., purchasing medical equipment) is needed. It generally takes a few
months to set up a clinic and leaves little time to implement the project.
Additionally, the short contract period makes health facilities financially
unpredictable and, sometimes, leads to inefficiency in disbursing
funding, contributing to the turnover of health personnel and the
disruption of health service delivery. The disruption and unavailability
of health services are one of the major reasons why the displaced
population may prefer to seek care in private facilities rather than
contracted facilities.
Another common challenge of contracting is a preference for
international NGOs over financing local NGOs in some countries (Zee
2015). As previously mentioned, there is a clear process for selecting
health facilities to contract with, including proposal solicitation,
proposal review, and contracting. Local organizations are often at a
disadvantage in competing with international organizations according
to selection criteria, such as financial management, experience in
clinical management, and reporting. However, local facilities may bring
unique cultural advantages in delivering health services, which has
become increasingly important for displaced populations to determine
where to seek care. The evaluation criteria to select an organization to
contract should take this cultural aspect into consideration as well as the
sustainability of future delivery of health services when displacement
becomes protracted.
6.3 Benefit package design
Contracted health facilities provide a wide range of health services to
displaced populations. All four countries included in the study had a
clear benefits package that extended to displaced populations, with
wide variations between them in terms of coverage. In Colombia,
registered Venezuelan refugees have the most comprehensive
coverage that encompasses almost all health services through a
subsided health insurance scheme. However, the share of registered
Venezuelan refugees is small; about 65 percent of Venezuelans are not
affiliated with any insurance coverage (see Colombia country report,
section 4.1). Services offered to the displaced population in the other
three countries mostly focus on primary healthcare with limited referral
services. Among Rohingya refugees, services offered by INGOs and
NGOs were mostly primary healthcare services that are defined in
the essential minimal healthcare package, with essential life-saving
secondary health services. When needing secondary care or tertiary
care, refugees may have to travel further away from their households.
Along with other health system challenges (e.g., shortage of medicine),
the limited benefits package drives patients away from seeking care in
contracted health facilities.
Countries generally include referrals in the benefit package; however,
the use of the referral system is often constrained by the maturity of
national health systems and the health literacy of displaced populations.
Sometimes, members of the displaced population do not realize that
there is a funded referral program that covers their travel expenses. For
example, in Bangladesh, UNHCR and IOM provide financial support to
refugees for official referral services, including funds for transportation
and meals for patients and caregivers, yet the cost of referrals remained
a concern among FGD participants living in the camps (Bangladesh
country report, Section 5.3.4). In Jordan and Bangladesh, to access
services outside the camps, refugees living in camps need to be referred
by primary healthcare providers within the camp. The health conditions
for referral are limited to life-threatening conditions. As noted above,
despite the presence of financial assistance in some cases, the distance
of referral hospitals and the associated transportation and other direct
non-medical costs often prevent refugees from seeking care.
The main gap in the benefit package design is the management
of mental health and non-communicable diseases. COVID-19 has
exacerbated mental health conditions for many and affected the
delivery of services, particularly during the period of lockdown.
The shortage of mental health specialists, such as psychiatrists and
psychologists, is prevalent in all four humanitarian settings.
6.4 Payment to private and informal sectors
Fee for service payment dominates in private and informal sectors.
Although most services in the NGO or public sectors are free, displaced
populations also seek care in private facilities or through traditional
healers. Fee for service is the most common approach to pay for such
services. In-kind payment is also observed in some circumstances. The
payment to private facilities and informal sectors is often unregulated.
In the DRC, user fees may differ from area to area due to the presence
of externally funded programs that directly finance a variety of local
projects. Unpredictable and unregulated user fees at the health
facility level exacerbate challenges to accessing care and provide a
source of instability for health facilities. In the public sector and NGO
sectors, healthcare providers are often funded through government or
donor budgets, with occasional user fees, if services are not included
in the contract. However, few programs have been implemented to
incentivize healthcare providers to promote better financial and service
6.5 Promising practices and persistent gaps for
Given the shortage and unpredictability of funding, new financing
mechanisms should be explored to enhance the coverage of health
costs for displaced and vulnerable host communities, such as
investment bonds and demand-side financing programs (e.g. cash
transfers, voucher programs) (P. Spiegel, Chanis, and Trujillo 2018). The
approaches to generating financial resources could vary by country. As
an example, in Colombia where the government provides major financial
resources for displaced refugees, priority should be given to expanding
the government’s fiscal space to absorb health service costs incurred
by Venezuelans if they register as a resident. However, in Jordan where
health insurance is well established among Jordanians, donors and the
government of Jordan should leverage the existing health insurance
schemes in the country to support health services for Syrian refugees.
It should be noted that existing health services are mostly donor-
supported from the supply side. Support could also be considered
from the demand side, such as supporting premiums for health
insurance or voucher schemes, although this may incur the upfront
cost of structural investment. Such subsidies provided to the displaced
population can facilitate their integration into national systems, although
implementation of such programs must be managed with care in order
to avoid overwhelming health service capacity or creating disincentives
(i.e. due to untimely reimbursements) to treat the displaced community
(Ahmed and Khan 2011). Thus, development partners could reduce their
management of direct service provision. Instead, they could switch their
focus to strengthening the national capacity to provide services for
refugees and people in the host community. To achieve this, stronger
advocacy among the donor community and with host governments is
needed. More activities to spark stakeholders’ interests and evidence to
support the design and implementation of new financing mechanisms
should be carried out, including engaging potential private foundations
to finance health services for the displaced population.
Depending on the level of integration, the pooling of financial resources
varies among the four countries. Colombia uses either the government
budget or payroll tax to finance health services for Venezuelans
affiliated with health insurance. The key question for Colombia is how to
create additional fiscal space to finance health services if the coverage
of health insurance is further expanded among Venezuelans. In Jordan,
there is limited pooling of the resources to respond to refugees’ health
needs, mainly through the multi-donor account. Compared to the
overall donors’ budget for the refugees’ health response, the amount
included in the multiple donor account is small. There are early-stage
discussions on integrating refugees into existing health insurance
schemes. Strong government commitment and continued donor
support are needed to move this agenda forward. In the DRC, some
donors’ funding is channeled through the government while some
funding directly supports local and international health providers. In
Bangladesh, no resource pooling mechanisms exist for Rohingya’s health
services. However, the Joint Response Plan plays an important role in
coordinating financial resources to respond to Rohingya’s health needs.
Strengthened coordination is needed to avoid duplication of services
and fill in service gaps.
There are some programs using incentives to promote good behaviors
and link contract payments to the performance of healthcare providers.
Performance-based financing (PBF) has been used widely, and often
effectively, in many low- and middle-income and conflict affected
countries (Zeng et al. 2013). However, similarly to subsidy programs, PBF
requires careful implementation and evaluation to avoid challenges such
as data falsification, loss of confidentiality, and provision of unnecessary
services (Turcotte-Tremblay et al. 2017; Turcotte-Tremblay, Gali Gali,
and Ridde 2020; Kalk 2011)in contexts which are exceptionally fragile
or experiencing widespread corruption, PBF may be less likely to be
effective for public service provision. The DRC has implemented PBF
programs with improved quality of care and coverage of select health
services (Soeters et al. 2011). Development partners should continue
to explore the applicability of this approach when contracting with
healthcare providers. Adapting the concept of PBF and using simplified
indicators specifically for displaced populations for contracting may
help improve the effectiveness of PBF programs and the integration of
displaced populations. An effective program would also in turn attract
donors’ support for investing in health for displaced populations.
Moreover, although a minimal package of health services is often
established, the package should be monitored and adjusted based on the
changing health needs of displaced populations. As we have seen, mental
health and chronic disease have become increasingly prominent needs
among displaced populations in protracted settings. Incorporating costeffective interventions to address these health issues should be seriously
considered and integrated into the essential benefit package. Additionally,
to ensure the quality of care, which is one of the major concerns in
the DRC and Bangladesh, development partners should also explore
with host governments the possibility of initiating quality improvement
activities, such as accreditation programs for contracting and ensuring
that the quality of care offered is at a high level.
If possible, development partners, particularly those with multi-year
funds, should also strategically prioritize some existing projects and
provide long-term contracts with service providers that need large
capital investments. They could work with credible health providers to
develop a long-term plan to meet the needs of both host and displaced
populations, as well as to improve the financial management system to
avoid delays in funding disbursement.
Lastly, in places where there is protracted displacement, improving
livelihoods and utilizing and building the capacity of the displaced
population is critical for future financing for health. In the end, displaced
populations need to be more economically independent and engaged
in economic productivity to, at least partially, support their own health
needs, with potential subsidies from donors and the host government.
Programs hiring refugees as paid volunteers to support program
activities to generate incomes are a good start. However, improved
health financing should be accompanied by more active livelihood and
income generation programs.
The Global Compact on Refugees, endorsed by 181 states, in 2018 calls
for expanding and enhancing the quality of national health systems to
facilitate access by refugees and host communities, including building
and equipping health facilitates and strengthening services (U.N.
General Assembly 2018). With conflicts showing no signs of abating,
and protracted displacement arguably here to stay, it is critical to think
about the health and well-being of refugees and displaced populations
in tandem with the host populations they live alongside. A singular
or uniform approach on the part of international and national actors
can never hope to accommodate the diversity of political contexts
and capacity constraints that exist in different hosting communities.
However, the Big Questions project underscores the varied and
innovative ways in which the conversation about an integrated approach
to health is advancing in different contexts and presents valuable
lessons on how to better prepare for and anticipate both the challenges
and opportunities that can arise in contexts of displacement. Some of
these recommendations are shared below:
1. The importance of planning and integration
An integrated approach to healthcare can provide potential
widespread benefits in terms of planning and sustainability, cost
effectiveness, and continuity of care for both displaced and
host populations. Humanitarian health practitioners, national
governments and international donors are well advised to
begin to plan early for the possibility that a displacement
crisis might become protracted and require sustainable, longterm solutions. However, it is important to note that not every
situation will lend itself to an integrated approach. In some political
contexts – particularly where the government concerned is a party
to conflict – the role of humanitarian NGOs remains critical. State
fragility also complicates and may limit the prospects for integration,
given weak state institutions, corruption, a lack of resources, and a
lack of security, all of which serve to undermine trust and access to
healthcare. Key factors for donors and humanitarian and national
actors to consider include political context, available funding, and the
potential for improved health outcomes and equity among both host
and displaced populations.
2. Addressing the affordability barrier
Cost remains the defining issue determining healthcare access for
many displaced, and even some host, populations. Out-of-pocket
medical and direct non-medical costs, such as transportation to
seek care, emerged as the most significant barriers to accessing
healthcare. Even in countries with facilities that provided free care,
lack of availability of care in these facilities drove displaced and host
populations to private facilities and the informal sector, where patients
incur out-of-pocket spending. To minimize this burden for both host
and displaced populations, governments and donors must work toward
building and increasing awareness of structured referral systems
between primary and higher levels of care. They must also establish
and enforce norms and rules around proper and predictable charging
for health services through government regulations and policies.
3. Addressing health gaps
Gaps in care across different types of health needs varied by
country context, with limitations to basic services, such as access to
preventive care, present across all four countries but most severe in
low-resource settings. However, our research highlighted three major
near-universal gaps – chronic disease management, specialized care,
and mental health services – for which few large-scale, effective
interventions have been implemented for host and displaced
populations and for which an integrated approach is both necessary
and may offer up distinct benefits for both populations. While there
are ongoing initiatives to begin to address these gaps, further scaling
of effective interventions is required.
Each of these health gaps raise different challenges for
humanitarian actors, governments and donors. Strategies are
required to address health gaps in a way that reinforces existing
health systems and avoids diverting resources from funding and
strengthening preventive and primary health services. The key
challenge for specialized services is financing and sustaining
their availability, including investment in strengthening referral
pathways, as access to timely and affordable referral processes
is particularly tenuous among displaced populations. Addressing
care for chronic diseases requires both financing and improvements in
referral networks to access different levels of care, as well as continued
innovation in programmatic approaches that can reach populations in
humanitarian settings. With respect to mental health services, there
remains a need for more research to verify which interventions are
effective and feasible at scale for both displaced and host populations.
Emerging evidence and models for mental health service delivery in
humanitarian settings must also be tailored to fit the cultural context.
4. Tackling issues of quality
Efforts to improve quality of care—both real and perceived—
are critical, across public, private, and informal sectors; this can
include formal accreditation standards; improved pre- and inservice training, including training on cultural sensitivity and issues
of special relevance for treatment of displaced populations; and
quality monitoring processes. Providing avenues to engage informal
providers in formal service delivery within the health system could
also help to improve access and acceptability of care, thereby
building trust in health systems while also allowing formal quality
monitoring and assessment of services. These mechanisms should
seek to minimize the gaps between host and displaced populations
when seeking services, due to differences in health seeking
pathways, cost-covering schemes, and/or discrimination associated
with legal or migratory status.
5. The role of financing
Donor financing arrangements can play a crucial role in facilitating
greater integration of health services for both host and displaced
populations. For example, in recent years we have seen innovative
examples of pooled multilateral and bilateral funds being used to
support national health system strengthening for the benefit of both
host and displaced populations. However, across all four countries
studied, financing arrangements can also militate against integration.
Shifting donor priorities, short-term funding cycles, and a continual
misalignment between host government needs and international
funding can undermine efforts towards integration.
Invariably, host governments, often with local governments, shoulder
a significant part of the cost associated with the health needs of
the displaced populations. In the case of Colombia, this cost burden
also falls on specific health facilities in areas with large numbers of
displaced persons.
Innovations around demand-side arrangements (i.e., voucher
programs) have also been implemented with varying results.
Subsidies for displaced populations to use national health services
can encourage integration and strengthen local economics, but such
programs must be implemented with care to avoid overwhelming
health service capacity or excluding vulnerable individuals when the
programs cease.
As noted below, it is vital that financing arrangements are embedded
in policies that support the longer-term resilience and self-reliance
of refugees, including education and livelihoods strategies. This
would require better coordination between the health sector and
other sectors to ensure refugees receive training in specific skills to
contribute to the economy of the host country.
6. A whole of person approach – the social and environmental
determinants of health
Health is intimately connected to a wide variety of other social
and environmental factors that influence whether a person is able
to live a healthy life, such as access to clean water and sanitation,
food, livelihoods and education. These social and environmental
determinants are shaped by structural barriers around individual
identities related to gender, sexuality, and age. For example, women
have differential access to livelihoods, food security, and safety in
protracted displacement which creates a unique set of vulnerabilities
related to health. Investments in addressing these factors, with
particular attention to the intersection of social determinants
and gender, are foundational to preventive care, leading to longterm, sustainable improvements in health that ultimately decrease
the burden on health systems and health financing. In protracted
displacement, it is particularly critical that responses incorporate
these elements, including education and livelihoods strategies, as an
integral part of healthcare planning and financing.
7. The role of legal status in healthcare access
Our research has also illustrated how vital a role legal status can
play in ensuring both the ability and willingness to access health
services. This extends to both the insecurity caused by a lack
of formal documentation of status and onerous governmental
restrictions, such as limitations on travel outside of camps, which
can have far-reaching impacts on the accessibility and availability
of care. The stakes associated with documentation are amplified
as national governments become more involved in the process of
delivering healthcare. It is important to remain mindful of possible
tensions between protection needs and health care needs, and
to be cognizant of who is collecting data and for what purpose.
Ensuring that appropriate firewalls are in place to protect sensitive
demographic and health data from being used in immigration
enforcement efforts is critical to ensuring full participation from
displaced individuals and communities.
8. Building a strong foundation – addressing the demographic and
epidemiological data gap
A whole data approach that includes coordination and collection of
comprehensive demographic and epidemiologic data over time for
displaced and host communities would further inform population health
needs and pathways for comprehensive health systems responses.
Existing sources of data are often incomplete and rarely facilitate the
breakdown of information by displacement status or a reasonable
proxy (i.e., nationality, administrative area, etc., depending on context),
limiting their utility for planning the humanitarian response and health
systems development. In particular, there is a dearth of longitudinal
data about forcibly displaced populations that constrains the ability
of policymakers to assess and anticipate their needs. Irrespective
of conflict or displacement crises, there is a long-term need for
sustained investments in data collection processes that meaningfully
and accurately capture the demographic and health profile of host
populations and refugee and displaced populations over time.
9. Enhancing disease surveillance
Camps and camp-like settings are particularly susceptible to
communicable disease outbreaks. Sustained investments in disease
surveillance, including EWARS, in the availability and diagnostic
capacity of health services within and outside camps, and in
improving health literacy, such as with the use of CHWs, have been
shown to yield dividends in terms of identifying and responding
to outbreaks quickly. Investments in COVID-19 capacity should
be leveraged to deepen and broaden these investments in health
surveillance capacities, with a particular view to ensuring that
surveillance systems are designed to integrate and address the needs
of displaced and mobile populations.
10. Leveraging human capital
While the arrival of significant refugee and displaced populations can
strain healthcare capacity in both rural and urban settings, effectively
leveraging human capital can be critical to filling health service gaps
for both displaced and host populations. A task shifting approach
can be effectively employed to grow a diverse health workforce
linking community- and facility-based care to provide outreach
and service provision. This requires access to appropriate formal
or structured on-the-job training, as well as sustained supportive
supervision. Engagement of the displaced health workforce can
also serve to strengthen host health systems and address barriers to
care around language differences and discrimination for displaced
populations. For example, the report highlights the use of task
shifting to address gaps identified in the areas of mental health,
chronic disease and specialized care. However, permission to work
and formal recognition of foreign medical licensure remain a barrier
to leveraging this group — an issue which can only be addressed
through concerted national government policy and action. It should
be noted that there are often entrenched interests at the national
level, including professional associations that oppose greater
inclusion of foreign healthcare workers that need to be factored into
any future policy and advocacy efforts in this area.
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Building the Evidence on Forced Displacement