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The author has analysed and systematised the available hypotheses of the origin of Gothic script in Western European and Russian historiography, and has also provided his view concerning this problem, as the question of origin is important to clarify the local peculiarities, schools and traditions in the further graphic evolution of this type of Latin script.
K. Ziegler's supposition whether Spartacus descended from Thracian's tribe or not doesn't practically have any grounds. Plutarch knew for certain that the greatest chief came from a nomad tribe. More over the name of Spartacus itself, without any doubt, is of Thracian origin. The image of a leader of a supposedly slave's rebellion in ancient Italy is perceived as a famous novel's character. However, the scientific research permits to apprehend some information about Spartacus in a different way. «The revolution» of Spartacus is the final echo of an allied war. It explains the fact that his army didn't have any desire to leave Italy and also explains his attempts to start the negotiations and conclude peace on good terms. Getting a civil status as well as Catilina's conspiracy is the main idea of this movement. Spartacus and Catilina's last supporters died simultaneously long after their leaders' death. Spartacus wasn't a slave. Being a chief at the Roman auxiliary horse military detachment he found himself at gladiator's school where roman warriors were taken to for committing war crimes or defeats. The gladiators were not only the participants of popular roman entertainments but sometimes they could be used as policemen or auxiliary service. Only in the inner discords in Roman Republic they were seldom used as a special detachment. Spartacus started his activity by organizing a military mutiny in Capua then he formed his army with the citizens of Italy who tried to become closer with their status to the citizens of Rome. The Romans defeated the Italics who supported Spartacus and Catilina but in spite of the Romans' victory many of the Italics got the civil status. The Romans remembered Spartacus as a barbarian who wanted to be in contact with them as equal. In the roman's history there were several chiefs of barbarian's auxiliary forces. In the emperor's period the barbarians little by little became the basis of the roman's army. Spartacus was one of the first mercenaries in roman's service, and that's why he was well aware of all the peculiarities of the best army of the world of those times. More over he appeared to be a hereditary mercenary and a professional cavalry man which helped him to find the tactic alternative to the unconquerable roman's infantry. He also knew the theatre of war in Italy not worse than the Romans themselves and that meant a lot. The local inhabitants sympathized with him as his army didn't behave as conquerors. Only the Odryses and the Getae from Thracians tribes had great horse troops, but the Getae lived a nomad life. Marcus Licinius Crassus's grand son was the first from the Romans who broke through the future Moesia. Before the battle in the region of future Ratiaria he was watching the ritual of a horse killing which he executed later before the battle of Brundisium. In that battle Spartacus tried to strike the roman chiefs and kill Crassus but the grand son of a possibly imaginary winner preferred to fight himself and win in a single combat with an enemy chief. The name of Spartacus became the symbol of a barbarian as it was known from Thracia. The first «warrior» emperor of Rome Maximinus Thrax governed in 235–238 AC. He descended from the Getae and reminded to the Romans somewhat of Spartacus. The officer-cavalry man who came from Thracia and descended from a nomad tribe gives us a hint that Spartacus descended from the Getae. За Спартак, един от най-прочутите герои в историята на Стария свят, е писано доста. При това изворовата база за изследването му като личност и обществен деец като че ли не съдържа основания за сериозни промени в разбирането на образа му. Научният свят почти прие популярната научна хипотеза,
Respublica literaria, 2021
The article evaluates the skeptical criticism of Stoic ethics. The author of the article notes some weak points of the Skeptics’ argumentation. Thus, skeptics have questioned that the Thus, Skeptics argued that the Stoics misidentified the good in itself. As evidence, Skeptics pointed to disagreement among dogmatists on this issue. The author of the article argues that such an argument is not decisive and cannot discredit the position of the Stoics. Skeptics could strengthen their criticism by proposing a procedure for verifying the good in itself, but in that case, they themselves would become dogmatists. Another line of skeptical criticism is connected with the thesis about the highest good, as such an object of choice, which should be chosen for its own sake. Skeptics argue that if such an object of choice exists, then it contains a contradiction in itself.
Я довольно долго не мог понять, откуда вся эта дикая истерика по поводу Путина и России? Но недавно всё встало на свои места. For a long time I could not understand where all this wild hysteria about Putin and Russia was. But recently everything fell into place.
ШУА-ийн Археологийн хүрээлэн Түлхүүр үг: Монголын нууц товчоо, Хятан бага бичиг, Хулгана жил, Наху Хятан бичгийг унших оролдлого 1920-оод оноос эхэлсэн байдаг. Хятад, ОХУ, Япон, Солонгос болон бусад орны судлаачдын нөр их хөдөлмөрийн үр дүнд нэлээд амжилтад хүрээд байгаа юм 1. Өвөр Монголын Их Сургуулийн Монгол хэл бичиг судлах газрын Чингэлтэй, Чэн Найсюн, Хятадын Нийгмийн шинжлэх ухааны хүрээлэнгийн үндэстэн судлах газрын Лю Фэнжү, Юй Баолинь нарын эрдэмтэн судлаачид 1975 онд "Хятан үсэг судлах дугуйлан" байгуулж хятан бичгийг хамтын хүчээр, шинээр боловсруулсан аргазүйн дагуу судалснаар өнөөг хүртэл шавь сургалт нь үргэлжлэн тэлж олон тооны хятан үгийг тэнхрүүлээд байна. Одоогоор 453 махбодыг цахим хайлтын системд оруулаад байгаа бөгөөд их бичгийн дүйцэх үгсийг хадмалаар оруулсан байна. Судлаачдын тайлан уншаад буй 3156 үг, байгаа бөгөөд авиа оноож өгөөд буй 300 тэмдэгт тэнхрүүлээд байна 2. Бид үслэг ан, булга суусрын талаарх монгол болон хөрш зэргэлдээ орны хэлний үгсийн санг шүүрдэн үзэх явцад хятан хэлний арван хоёр жилийн хулгана жилийг тэнхрүүлэх гэж оролдсон юм. Уг үг нь манж хэлний булга (seke) хэмээх үг байж болзошгүй талаар авч үзсэн зүйл бий 3. БНХАУ-ын судлаач Жиши арван хоёр жилийн хулгана жилийг сэргээн уншихдаа [(?)Gu] хэмээх үгийн арын махбод гу, гү-гээр тэнхрээд байгаа бөгөөд тэрээр өмнөх үгийг хятан бага бичгийн (saer) буюу сар хэмээх үгийн махбодын ерөнхий тиг байгаа учир "с" авиагаар тэнхэрч мэдэх юм хэмээгээд "se" хэмээн сэргээжээ. Хятан хэлний арван хоёр жилийн бич, гахай хоёр одоогоор тааралдаагүй байгаа юм. Бусад тайлагдсан жилүүд хулгана жилээс бусад нь бараг монгол хэлээр тайлагдаад байгаа билээ. 1 Р.Мөнхтулга. Монгол улсын нутгаас илэрсэн Хятан бичээсийг тайлан унших нь.-Хятаны өв соёл. Эрдэм шинжилгээний бага хурлын эмхэтгэл.
Scripta manent is a collection produced by the Department of Ancient History, Thracian Studies and Medieval History (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"). It includes articles on ancient and medieval history as a report of the Department's project "In the Footsteps of the Crusaders in Plovdiv and the Region" in Bulgarian.
Iran and Turan cultural phenomenons started with Botai and Tersek archeological facies
The problem of origin lies in the field of what to consider as the base of the tradition: using gold foil as the decoration of clothes or images stamped on the appliques?
До питання атрибуції рукописного збірника “Абу-л-Газі. Родовід тюрків” із зібрання ІР НБУВ НБУВ // Східний світ. - 2021. - №2. - С. 103-144., 2021
This work deals with certain issues of attribution of the handwritten manuscript miscellany “Abu-l-Gazi. Genealogy of the Turks” from the collection of Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadsky (Fund V “Odesa Society of History and Antiquities”, No. 3780). The special attention is paid to the problems of the manuscript da-ting and ascertainment of facts about its owners. The main focus of the work was to study paleographic features and content of the texts of historical works and passages, inscriptions of various contents in the margins, the back sides of binding covers and on manuscript sheets which do not contain the main text. It was found that the manuscript under study is three separate manuscripts combined in one manuscript book, conventionally named according to the content or the alleged place of copying “Nogai”, “Kumyk” (main) and “Kabardian” parts. It is determined that the “Kumyk” part was supposedly copied in the Kumyk lands of Dagestan at the end of the 18th century (after 1792) or at the beginning of the 19th century (after 1800) and at first belonged to a representative of the Kumyk nobility, from which it passed to Muhammad Effendi b. Khota. Apparently, he was that one who bound it into one manuscript together with two handwritten small notebooks around the beginning of the 19th century. It was found that the other two parts of the handwritten manuscript miscellany are dated to the second half of the 18th – early 19th centuries. The manuscript in which the three mentioned parts were combined was in use by Muhammad Effendi b. Khota (and possibly another owner of the manuscript after him as well) between 1804 and 1839. It was confirmed that the authorship of the text of the “Derbend-name” in the manuscript belongs to Mohammed Avabi Aktashi and that it contains an appendix (zeyl). It was found that the second owner of the “Kumyk” part and the first owner of the manuscript in its present form, Muhammad Effendi b. Khota lived among the Nogays, Abazin-Altykeseks and Kabardians in the Beshtau district (Pyatigorye region of the North Caucasus) and that he should probably be identified with Cutel-ogly Muhammad Effendi, a resident of the Sultan village (aul), information about which was transmitted in the notes of W. Glen. It is suggested that the manuscript in question was the protograph for the manuscripts of the “Turkic genealogy” and “Derbend-name” copied by the enlightener of the Kabardian people, Sh. Nogmof.
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