Yogavani (November 2023)

2023, Yogavani (November)

November 2023 issue of Yogavani, monthly of the Indian Yoga Association

NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 1 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 2 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 06 07 11 24 29 30 CONTENTS Table of Letters to the Editor Editorial Cover Story Headlines Sattvik Recipe Article: - Yoga and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - Meditation Techniques to Relieve Migraine Pain 36 37 38 40 Practice of the Month: Shalabhasana Academics and Accreditation, IYA Personnel Certification Body (PrCB) Upcoming Batches New Members: - Associate Centres - Life Members 3 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Indian Yoga Association Indian Yoga Association is a registered society, Registered under the Society Registration Act of 1860 bearing Registration No: Sl/63761/2008, Dated on 31st October, 2008 Yogrishi Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj was the First Chairman of the Governing Council, Currently Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji is the new Chairman of the Governing Council and Maa Dr. Hansaji Yogendra is the President. Founded under the legendary Yogi Padma Vibhushan Late Dr BKS Iyengar ji, IYA is a maiden attempt to unite all yoga paramparas in a common cause. Indian Yoga Association is committed to promotion and advancement of Yoga and its applications around the world, a policy advocacy body in yoga and is an industry-cum-self-regulatory body to facilitate activities of its member institutions. Aims and Objectives l Promotion and advancement of Yoga and its applications. l Maintaining and promoting the different in the operations of the Yoga Institutions l To conduct experiments and research on emerging trends in Yoga. Indian Yoga traditions. l To develop techniques and approaches l To provide extensive research facilities for carrying out fundamental and clinical research in the discipline of Yoga and its applications keeping in view the socioeconomic needs of all sections of the society. based on the Ancient Yoga Texts and Granthas of Yoga to meet the challenges of the modern era. l Development and dissemination of new approaches to the practice, teaching and research of yoga. l To hold Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Camps and Public meetings to propagate information and knowledge of Yoga, its various techniques and practice in various parts of India as well as abroad. l Accreditation and affiliation of Yoga Institutions including Prescribing of basic requirements for affiliation of Yoga Institutions. l To bring certain amount of self discipline 4 l To prescribe different courses for imparting education and training in Yoga; to prescribe syllabus and curriculum for various Yoga education, Yoga therapy and Yoga training courses and programmes; also to prescribe guidelines to carry out research in Yoga and its applications at various levels. NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 EDITORIAL Chief Editor Smt Kamlesh Barwal Editor Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Associate Editor Shruti Prabhakar ART Designer Deepak Rawat PRODUCTION Production Manager Praveen Prabhakar ADVERTISING, SUBSCRIPTION & CIRCULATIONS # 9999973450 Published by Indian Yoga Association. This publication and its contents are protected by international copyright registered to publisher. Consequently, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form and by means without the prior written permission of Publisher. 5 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Letters to the Editor The recently concluded 3-day International Yoga Summit 2023 at Haridwar conducted by Indian Yoga Association was a well organised and executed programme. The venue, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya is a great place well maintained and with spiritual vibrations. The Yoga Summit had a grand Inaugural ceremony with the leading Yoga gurus gracing the occasion. There were interesting and educative Plenary Sessions, Panel discussions and Workshops by different Traditions and Schools of Yoga. The Summit became a great occasion to take forward the pioneer work of IYA in spreading the message of Yoga and to bring under one roof the vast network of Yoga Traditions, Yoga Institutions, Yoga Universities, Yoga Teachers and Yoga Practitioners. - Yogacharya S Sridharan ji, Vice President, IYA The 1st International Yoga Conference organised by Indian Yoga Association in collaboration with Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya was a great eye opener and enabled us, the associate centers, life members & Yoga enthusiasts alike, to learn the spiritual, therapeutic & research potential as well as deeper aspects of Yoga in a systematic way. Conferences like this helps the Yoga fraternity across the globe to learn from the authentic sources. Special mention to Maa Dr Hansaji Yogendra, Shri Subodh Tiwari ji, Dr Pranav Pandya ji & Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani ji for practically showing us how to conduct such events 6 in a grand & impeccable way. The continued presence of Yogacharya S Sridharan ji & Shri Janakiraman ji from KYM felt as if the great preceptor Sri Krishnanacharya, the Guru Maharaj of both Yogacharya BKS Iyengar & Sri Pattabhi Jois, himself was blessing us. Overall IYC turned out to be a transformative experience. - Shri Krishna Kumar, Srimath Yoga NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 EDITORIAL Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Editor YOGA CHIKTSA A Path to Wholesomeness A ccording to our Guru Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj, ‘Yoga Chikitsa is virtually as old as Yoga itself, indeed, the ‘return of mind that feels separated from the Universe in which it exists’ represents the first Yoga therapy. Yoga Chikitsa could be termed ‘man’s first attempt at unitive understanding of mind-emotions-physical distress and is the oldest wholistic concept and therapy in the world.’ The Nirvana Prakarana of the Laghu Yoga Vashishta, one of the ancient Yoga texts, describes in detail the origin and destruction of mental and bodily diseases. Sage Vashishta teaches Lord Rama that there are two major classifications of disease. Those that are caused by the mind are primary (Adhija Vyadhi, the psychoso- matic stress disorders) while those that afflict the body directly are secondary (Anadhija Vyadhi, infectious disease, accidents etc). The primary disease has two subdivisions. These are the Samanya (ordinary physical diseases) and the Sara (the essential disorder of rebirth that may only be destroyed by Atma Jnana or knowledge of the Divine Self). Samanya diseases are the ones that affect man physically and may be destroyed by the correction of the mind-body disharmony. It is in these psychosomatic disorders that the actual practical application of Yoga practices as a mode of therapy can be very useful. In Yoga Chikitsa it is vital that we take into consideration all of the following aspects that are part of an integrated approach to the problem. These include a healthy life-nourishing diet, a healthy and 7 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 natural environment, a wholistic lifestyle, adequate bodywork through Asanas, Mudras and Kriyas, invigorating breath work through the use of Pranayama and the production of a healthy thought process through the higher practices of Jnana and Raja Yoga. The application of Yoga Chikitsa can be correlated with the Pancha Koshas and various Yoga practices may be used as therapeutic interventions at different levels in this respect. • Annamaya Kosha: Jattis (simple units of movements), Mudras (gestures for energy generation and conservation), Kriyas (structured movements), Asanas (steady and comfortable postures), along with the dietary modifications and control. 8 Kaya Kriya, Tala Kriya, Dridha Kriya are good examples of the Gitananda Yoga techniques that may be used at this level. The Loma Viloma set of practices is also excellent. • Pranamaya Kosha: Shat Karmas (cleansing actions), various Pranayamas, development of breath awareness, working on breath-movement coordination and the energizing and balancing of the Pranic energy. The Hathenas of Gitananda Yoga offer us a wonderful tool to use at this level. • Manomaya Kosha: Trataka (concentrated gaze), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), Japa and Japa-Ajapa practices are useful. Various aspects of concentration such as the Mandala Dharana and other Yoga Drishti techniques are available in Gitananda Yoga for this purpose. NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 • Vijnanamaya Kosha: Swadhyaya (self-analysis), Satsangha (lectures and spiritually uplifting exchange) along with the wonderful Jnana Yoga and Raja Yoga relaxation and concentration practices of Gitananda Yoga. • Anandamaya Kosha: Learning to implement the principles of Karma Yoga (Yoga as skilled action performed without expectation) and following the principle of action in relaxation help us to bring about joy in all our activities. A realization that we live in a blissful universe and that all life is joy is to be brought about in this intervention through use of Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and other aspects like Bhajana, Yogic counseling and Satsangha. The Mantralaya and other Laya Yoga practices of Gitananda Yoga are excellent for producing effects at this universal level as the individual energies are absorbed or reabsorbed into the Divine. Extensive research on Yoga Chikitsa being done all over the world has shown promise with regard to various disorders and diseases that seem to be amiable to Yoga therapy. These include the psychosomatic and stress disorders such as bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, gastro-intestinal ulcer diseases, atherosclerosis, seizure disorder (epilepsy) and headache. It also includes physical disorders such as heart disease, lung disease, and mental retardation. Psychiatric disorders such as anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and substance abuse can also be managed along with other therapies. Musculoskeletal disorders such as lumbago, spondylosis, sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome can be tackled effectively with Yoga practices that offer a lot of hope in metabolic disorders such as thyroid and other endocrine disorders, obesity and the modern metabolic syndrome. I reiterate that the need of the modern age is to have an integrated approach towards therapy and to utilize Yoga therapy in coordination and collaboration with other systems of medicine such as Allopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha and Naturopathy. Physiotherapy and Chiropractic practices may be used with Yoga if needed. Advice on diet and lifestyle is very important, irrespective of the mode of therapy that is employed for a particular patient. 9 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 As the field grows worldwide, it is imperative that we maintain quality. We have to move forward and be cautious as there are many dangers. Though we know that Yoga Chikitsa is useful in bringing about a state of total health it is not a miracle cure for all problems. We need to apply a lot of discrimination both on the part of the therapist as well as the patient. We need to admit that it may not be useful in emergency conditions and that we need to be humble and consult qualified medical doctors when in doubt. Each patient is different and so the therapy has to be moulded to suit the individual needs rather than relying on a specific therapy plan for patients suffering the same medical condition. A very real problem is the differing approaches of the different schools of Yoga to the same condition. It is better to follow 10 any one system that one is conversant with, rather than trying to mix systems in a ‘Yogic Cocktail’. One must also be vigilant as there is a strong presence of numerous quacks pretending to be Yoga therapists and this leads to a bad name for Yoga Chikitsa as well as Yoga in general. When approached with humility and openness, Yoga can help us regain the ease we had lost through dis-ease (as implied by sthirasukhamasanam). It can also produce mental equanimity (samatvam yoga uchyate) where the manifest opposites cease to affect us negatively (tatodwandwaanabhigatha). This enables us to move from a state of illness and disease to one of health and wellbeing that ultimately allows us to move from the lower animal nature to the higher human nature and finally the highest Divine Nature. NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 COVER STORY IYA organizes International Yoga Summit 2023 I at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, Shantikunj ndian Yoga Association in first-ofits-kind of initiative and to bring together all the dimensions and traditions of yoga and for creating an ideal space for sharing of ideas, learnings, open-hearted discussions, and profound philosophical exchanges organized the International Yoga Summit 2023 from November 17-19, 2023 at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Shantikunj, Haridwar. The theme of the Summit was ‘Uniting Minds and Bodies through Yoga’. terpretations of the ancient wisdom. Esteemed Yoga Gurus from across the world graced the event with their divine presence, making it an unparalleled gathering of yogic minds. With participation from around the world, the Summit gave all the opportunity to understand and experience varied in- 11 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Members from more than 20 State Chapter Committees of IYA took part in the Summit. More than 400 people registered for the conference. Day 1 The purity in the air, the holiness that surrounds Shantikunj and warmth of the rising sun as we get to hear the mantras during the early morning aarti of Maa Ganga was a perfect beginning to the most-awaited International Yoga Summit 2023. The first day began with welcoming the Gurus, seeking their blessing and getting all prepped up for the Inauguration. Inauguration Held on November 17, 2023, the inauguration of the International Yoga Summit 2023 was marked by the divine presence of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, *-Chairman, IYA (online), Maa Dr Hansaji Yogendra, President, IYA, Guruji Dr H R Nagendra, Governing Council Member, Shri Pranav Pandya (online), Governing Council Member, Swami Bharat Bhushan, Governing Council Member, Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, Governing Council Member and Shri Ishwar Basavaraddi, Governing Council Member. Shri Subodh Tiwari, Secretary General, IYA and Dr Chinmay Pandya, Vice President, IYA were also present. Inauguration commenced with lamp lighting by the IYA Gurus. All the honorable Governing Council Gurus were felicitated by Dr Chinmay Pandya ji. Swami Bharat Bhushan ji in his opening address said, “Yoga gives us to 12 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 opportunity to come out of mirage. We all should be proud that we are a Yoga Sadhak and we should not lose this identity.” Thereafter, Guruji Dr HR Nagendra started by congratulating IYA and Dr Chinmay Pandya ji for organising International Yoga Summit 2023. In his speech he said, “Yoga is a science of holistic meaning. The aim should be to attain Kaivalya as mentioned in Patanjali Yog Sutras. Kaivalya is the state of infinite bliss, infinite power, infinite knowledge and infinite freedom. We feel fortunate enough to be able to attend International Yoga Summit 2023 at Dev Sankskriti Vishwavidyalaya which has been extensively working towards spreading peace with Gayatri Mantra.” He was followed by Dr Chinmay Pandya who explained in detail about the importance of Yoga. He said, “This life can be seen as an opportunity. You can become a higher being or may plunge to behave 13 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 like animals. Scientifically, there is only a difference of .1% in the genome of human and chimpanzees. We all should be thankful to be born on the land where Yoga originated. “Yoga is the method of awakening the Indian essence, our spiritual pride, our awakening. We are born in a country where spiritual aspiration, elemental knowledge, vedanta, sankhya, yoga, tapa, gyan, vigyan, astha, vishwas agreed to flow even when humans were unaware of their identity.” Further, he thanked all the Gurus for marking their divine presence to make the Summit successful. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Chairman, IYA in his online address explained, “It is important to understand that we are one family- Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Yoga Karmasu Kaushalam— we should refine 14 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 our skills for better actions. Amalgamation of Gyan Yoga, Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga is yoga. Yoga is being restricted to asana and pranayama. We should combine Yoga with our spiritual inheritance.” Swami Chidanand Saraswati in his address urged all to act consciously because one action can make someone’s day or can change somebody’s day or may be life. In these time when people have started challenging Sanatan Dharma, they should understand that He requested all the Yoga teachers to retain its authenticity and make efforts to reach every single village to promote and propagate Yoga. Maa Dr Hansaji Yogendra, President, IYA urged all to be careful about our actions, what are we doing, why are we doing it and what is the purpose of our actions. We are all individual personalities. We should all follow Samatvam Yoga Uchyate— Equanimity is Yoga. Take care of yourself, if you are feeling upset or disturbed, it is important you fix that first. Yoga Sashtra is the science of discipline. 15 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 nary Session. The day also witness workshops on various topics including Yoga Nidra, Deeply experiential understanding of Yoga, Yoga Chikitsa: Wholeperson Approach to Health and Healing and Swara Yoga - Importance and Application. Day 2 The second day picked up the momentum with the Yoga workshops on Yoga in Daily Practice for Students, Yoga Anatomy and Yoga for Obesity Management. The Yoga exists because of Sanatana Dharma and peace is because of Sanatana Dharma. Sanatana Dharma declares that as a country India does not require war, it needs yoga. Further remembering Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya and Mata Bhagwati Devi, he also talked about their journey and simplicity. More than 500 people attended the Inauguration. Inauguration concluded with the Shanti Path. Plenary Session and Workshops The first day of the Summit saw Maa Dr Hansaji Yogendra and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Parmarth Niketan in the Ple- 16 day also saw 8th General Body Meeting being held where discussions were held regarding the initiatives being taken by Indian Yoga Association to promote Yoga, activities being held, state chapter committees and others. Thereafter, Panel Discussion was held on Yoga and Mental Health with Yogacharya S Sridharan, Vice President, IYA, Krinamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Joint Secretary, IYA and Institute of Salutogenesis and Complementary Medicine, Pondicherry and Smt Fharzana Siraj, Founder, Orange Ray as the panelist. The discussion was moderated by Dr Hemant Bhargava, NIMHANS. The second Panel Discussion on Applica- NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 tion of Yoga Philosophy and Ethical Values had Dr Ganesh Rao, Director, Standing Academics & Accreditation Committee, IYA, Shri KC Jain, Treasurer, IYA, Acharya Birju Maharaj, Gujarat State Chapter and Shri Rajiv Terwadkar, Indian Council for Cultural Relations on the panel and was moderated by Ganga Nandini, Parmarth Niketan. The third Panel Discussion on the topic ‘Yoga as a therapy: Interdisciplinary approaches’ had Dr Ganesh Rao, Director, Standing Academics & Accreditation Committee, Shri Hiroshi Aikata, Life Member (Foreign), IYA and Co-director – Thai Yoga Institute, Delegates from Japan and Dr Satish Pathak, Kaivalyadhama. The session was moderated by Yogacharya Hemlata Sharma, Yogasthali. The fourth Panel Discussion on ‘Yoga Asana Competition – Pros and Cons had Shri Mayur Karthik, Art of Living, Swami Ulhasa, Isha Foundation and Prof. Elangovan, Tamil Nadu State Chapter. Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Joint Secretary, IYA moderated the session. Paper Presentations and Posters Presentations were as well conducted on the second day under the supervision of Dr Meena Ramanathan, Institute of Salutogenesis and Complementary Medicine 17 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 (ISCM), Pondicherry and Dr Kamta Prasad Sahu, Assistant Professor, Yog Department, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya on the topics including Effects of Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy on Psychophysiological health of Elderly People, Interaction of the Shatchakras with Endocrine Glands for activating 3 Nadis (Ida, Pingla and Sushmana), Yogic Therapy for Fibromyalgia Disease – A case study, Cultivating Yogic Mind, Impact of Various Yoga Therapy Styles on Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain (NCLBP): A Review, Light of Yoga as observed in Bhagwat Geeta, Impact of Yoga on anxiety, stress and sleep quality among health care professionals during public health crisis, Effect of Anahata Nada Yoga Meditation on Stress, Chakra Energy and alignment as assessed by Electro Photonic Imaging technique in oral cancer patient undergoing adjuvant radiotherapy-A single case study, Effect of Yoga on Police Personnel’s Patience and Behavior When Added to Their Fitness Training, Nature of Niyama in Yoga Philosophy, Science in Ancient Yogic Text, Unlocking the Philosophical Insights of Nāthamuni’s Yoga Rahasya: The Hidden Wisdom of a Healthy Pregnancy, Effect of Adjuvant Yoga Therapy on Stress & Quality of Life in Patients with Psoriasis, Yoga as 18 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Medicine and A simple and easy mind body technique for relaxation and rejuvenation and others. Poster Presentations were done under the supervision of Dr Uddham Singh, Assistant Professor, Yoga Department, Gurukul Kangari University. The day concluded with the cultural performance by the students Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya. Plenary Session and Workshops The second Plenary Session saw Yogacharya S Sridharan speaking about ‘Life of Krishnamacharya’ on the dias. Rediscovering Health and Happiness through Yoga, Yoga for Balancing our Life, YIN Yoga, Peace and Health and Essential elements of yoga practice in KYM tradition. Thereafter, the Valedictory ceremony was held to conclude the 3 day Summit. Award Ceremony During the award ceremony on Day 3, Shri Vinay Siddaiah, Smt Geetha K, Acharya Birju Maharaj, Smt Srimathi S, Yogachemmal Dr R Balaji, Yogachemmal G Dayanidy, Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Dr The day also witnessed workshops on various topics including Yoga in Daily Practice, Yoga Anatomy and Yoga for Obesity Manager. Day 3 The last and the final day of the International Yoga Summit commenced with the Yoga workshops on the topics Yogic Sukshma Vyayama: A Better Way to Health, 19 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 hai Bhikhubhai Patel, Shri V Srinivasan and Smt Brindha D were felicitated with Yoga Chikitsa Acharya. During the Summit Yoga Chikitsa Ratna Awards were given to Shri OP Tiwari, Dr Pranav Pandya, Dr HR Nagendra, Dr R Nagaratna, Maa Dr Hansaji Yogendra, Kausthub Desikachar, Prof Dr Meena Ramanathan, Smt Fharzana Siraj, Shri Durgadas Shamba Savant, Smt Neha Abhimanyu Kerure, Dr Karuna Nagarajan, Yogacharya Jnandev Giri, Shri Vinod Joshi, Dr Nisha Thakker, Shri JK Swapna, Smt Bandana Dhirendra Singh, Dr N Ganesh Rao, Dr R Elangovan, Shri Mahesh Natarajan, Smt Nrithya Jagannathan, Shri V M Janakiraman, Dr Nidheesh Kumar Yadav, Dr Shankerb- 20 Swami Bharat Bhushan, Ammaji Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani, Smt Menaka Desikachar, Shri S Sridharan, Dr RL Bijlani, Dr Madanmohan, Dr Latha Satish, Swami Ritawan Bharti, Shri Vishwas Mandlik, Dr Ishwar Basavaraddi, Dr Dilip Sarkar, Dr Stephen Parker (Stomaji) and Dr Ishwar Bharadwaj. The best paper presentation was bagged by Smt Pragya Jain, Smt Radhika Wazalwar and Shri Dayanidy G who presented the paper on Impact of Yoga on anxiety, stress and sleep quality among health care professionals during public health crisis, Effect of Anahata Nada Yoga Meditation on Stress, Chakra Energy and align- NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 ment as assessed by Electro Photonic Imaging technique in oral cancer patient undergoing adjuvant radiotherapy-A single case study and Effect of Adjuvant Yoga Therapy on Stress & Quality of Life in Patients with Psoriasis respectively. Shri Pankaj Sarda got the Best Poster Award for the Poster Presentation on the topic Cohesive, broader, sustainable and scalable impact of Yoga. International Yoga Summit was a grand success and Indian Yoga Association plans to organise many more such events and conferences to take Yoga to every corner of the world. 21 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 22 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 23 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 HEADLINES J&K SCC conducts Yoga Camp T he Jammu and Kashmir State Chapter Committee of Indian Yoga Association organised a Yoga Camp at Shri Godam Rehal in which various yogasanas were practiced and naturopathy medicines were distributed. Shri RD Sharma Professor, Former Vice Chancellor of Jammu University was present as the chief guest. He was accompanied by Shri Shreyansh Jain, Shri Anil Swaraj as well as Sudha Chandra and Shri Yogaraj ji. Everyone present were given prasad and the event was held successfully. Participants were informed about the naturopathic ways they can use to treat themselves at home. The State Chapter members were extremely thankful to Gaushala Head Shri Suresh ji, Treasurer Shri Abhinandan Khajuria ji, Secretary Anil ji and Gaushala Incharge Joginder ji for their contribution. 24 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 J&K SCC to teach Yoga to Police Personnel In a recent development, Jammu and Kashmir State Chapter Committee of Indian Yoga Association has been engaged officially by Police Training Academy, Jammu and Kashmir to impart yoga practices and wisdom training to Police Personnel and officers on weekly basis. More than five hundred officers and police personnel will be participating in this regular weekly yoga training camp. Shri Shreyansh Jain, Chairperson, Shri Bansi Lal, Senior Vice Chairperson and Shri Anil Swaraj, Secretary and Founder Swaraj Yoga Institute and Smt Sudha Chander, Joint Secretary are appointed as lead yoga trainers for this training program. 25 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 AYG Academy conducts Yoga session at Indian Embassy in Vienna Dr. Nutan Pakhare, Founder, AYG Academy, which is also the Associate Centre of Indian Yoga Association on the occasion of World Mental Health Day was invited to conduct a session offline on Ayurveda for health and holistic well-being at the Indian Embassy of Austria. It is truly a source of pride for us to represent Ayurveda & Yoga on a global stage at such a prestigious venue as the Indian Embassy in Vienna. The session received high appreciation from the 20 participants, who were delighted by the knowledge and wisdom shared during the event. Dr Nutan during her visit was felicitated by H.E. Shri Jaideep Mazumdar, the Ambassador of the Indian Embassy in Austria, Vienna, and his wife, Mrs. Parvati Mazumdar. Ms. Bhumika Gohil and Dhwani at the Insurance Institute of India in Mumbai conducted a corporate yoga session on October 8 and 9, 2023. Participants from across various Indian states attended and immersed themselves in a harmonious blend of yoga asanas and rejuvenating breathing exercises. All participants experienced the pro- 26 found advantages of yoga, which rejuvenated both their bodies and minds. The Academy successfully completed the three-day online workshop on mudra for pregnancy, conducted from October 27th to October 29th in collaboration with Ekrang Yoga Auckland. The workshop garnered immense knowledge and gratitude from all participants, who truly appreciated the innovative nature of the sessions. NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 RVIM organises Yogasana Challenge RV Institute of Management in September 2023 conducted a highly anticipated event, the “Yogasana Challenge - Revitalize with Asanas, CHALLENGE 2023-24 (Let’s Stretch & Relax)”, which brought together participants from three different sections of our MBA batch 2022-24, to celebrate the physical and mental benefits of yoga. This event was a testament to the institute’s commitment to holistic education and promoting a healthy lifestyle among its students and the wider community. The challenge involved demonstrating 1 standing, 1 sitting, 1 supine, 1 proline asana by holding the posture for 2 minutes and transitioning between postures within 1 min. Total 12 minutes were given to complete the demonstration to each participant. The participants were evaluated under wide criteria i.e., attainment of final posture, overall flexibility, stability in final posture, effortlessness throughout the practice and complexity of asanas. The boy and girl winners of three different sections won exciting cash prizes and further compete against each other in the finale round. The Finale round winner (one boy and one girl), were awarded with the title of Mr. Yogi and Ms. Yogi of RVIM, along with exciting cash prizes. The Yogasana Challenge was not just about physical postures but also about building a supportive community. Participants could connect with like-minded individuals, share their yoga journeys, and create long lasting friendships. The Yogasana Challenge at RV Institute of Management had several notable benefits including physical well-being, mental health, education and holistic wellness. 27 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Yoga Vidya Niketan celebrates Golden Jubilee On the occasion of its Golden Jubilee, Yoga Vidya Niketan, Mumbai on 28th October 2023 unveiled the statue of its Founder, Yogacharya Late Padmashri Sadashiv Nimbalkar Guruji at the hands by Yoga Exponent Dr. Shriram Agashe and Founder of Satyam Sumaran Dr. Swami Yoga Pratap Saraswati at Yoga Bhavan, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. Guests of honor present on the occasion were Shri Subodh Tiwari, Secretary General, IYA, Dr Shekhar Ambardekar, Cardiologist and Dr. Ulka Natu Gadam, Gynecologist & Vice-President, Ghantali Mitra Mandal, Thane. Office bearers and activists of various yoga organisations around Mumbai like Ghantali Mitra Mandal, Thane, Ambika Yoga Kutir, Thane, Kaivalyadhama, Mumbai, Arogya Seva Samiti Panvel, Samartha Vyayam Mandir, Dadar alongwith students and teachers of YVN. Great contribution of Nimbalkar Guruji in modern times Yoga preaching was recollected by all the speakers on this occasion. 28 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 SATTVIK RECIPE - The Yoga Institute Broccoli Fritters B roccoli Fritters is rich in energy, gluten free and is good for children, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Broccoli is a good source of several vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, C and B9, and zinc. It helps in reducing cholesterol, blood pressure, and risk if cancer. The paneer used is a good source of protein, is rich in calcium and vitamin D. It improved digestion and is good in weight loss. Ingredients Broccoli (shredded) 1 bowl Paneer 1 cup Chickpea Flour 1 tbsp Coriander 2 cup Lemon Juice 1tsp Ajwain ½ tsp Amchur Powder 1 tsp Salt ½ tsp Oil For greasing Method of Preparation In a bowl add all the above ingredients and mix well. Divide the mixture into equal portions and shape them into small round tikkis. Brush a non-stick tawa (griddle) with a little oil and cook the tikkis until both sides turn golden brown. Drain on absorbent paper and serve hot. 29 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 ARTICLE Yoga and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam D espite the many divisions of modern life, the ancient science and art of Yoga and the timeless Indian philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam hold within them the possibilities of guiding humanity towards unity, harmony, and interconnectedness. These two concepts, deeply rooted in Indian spiritual traditions, are more relevant today than ever, offering not just physical and mental well-being but also a path towards global prosperity, abundance and sustainability. Yoga, has transcended geographical boundaries and cultural differences to become a global phenomenon since the honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, in 2014, marshalled the support of a 30 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 record number of member UN countries for International Yoga Day. Through our country’s concerted and consistent efforts Yoga has become a global phenomenon with immense potential to offer well-being, connectedness and mindfulness solutions to the fractured world that we live in today. The word “yoga” itself is derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” which means to unite or connect. Therefore, there is much more to Yoga than the simplistic idea that it is a set of asanas or breathing techniques. Beyond the physical aspect, yoga is deeply intertwined with spiritual and philosophical ideas, including the belief that everyone of us is connected at a fundamental level. This very idea of connection also lies at the heart of the philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam or that we all part of one family, one essence. In yoga, the individual aims to connect the body, mind and spirit, fostering a sense of inner balance and peace. It encourages us to connect with our inner selves, and this journey inward often leads to the realization that one is part of a larger whole, inextricably connected to the world. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, often cited in the Upanishads and other ancient Indian texts urges us to recognize that our actions impact not only our immediate surroundings but the entire world. When we embrace this philosophy, we are motivated to act with yogic mindfulness, compassion and responsibility towards the global community. At The Yoga Institute, these principles are deeply ingrained, not only in our teachings but also in the very fabric of our institution’s culture. Our doors are wide open to individuals of all backgrounds – regardless of their religion, caste, creed, or nationality – all coming together with a shared purpose: the exploration of our shared humanity. Our ultimate goal is to 31 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Shri K. C. Jain, Treasurer, IYA & Managing Trustee, Akhil Bharatiya Anuvrat Nyas Meditation Techniques to Relieve Migraine Pain A common problem faced by many adults and children is that of migraine. For the understanding of laypersons, it must be explained that migraine is not just an attack of headache. In fact, it is a condition that has multiple symptoms, of which severe headache is one. Some patients may also experience nausea, numbness and acute sensitivity to light and sound, among other symptoms. As in the case of numerous other ailments and disorders, meditation techniques can serve as a drugless solution for migraine as well. With the understanding in Meditation that all disorders have an underlying cause which stems within us and manifests in physical symptoms, migraine can also be managed and 32 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 treated as it has been identified as a neurological condition. In Meditation, through techniques such as Antaryatra (Internal Trip), Kayotsarga (realization of the true self by distinguishing between body and consciousness), Mantra Chanting and others, the patient is instructed in how to relieve the symptoms at a holistic level to find a lasting solution. Since the disorder is identified as having psychosomatic origin, the treatment too begins from the inside. Using autosuggestion, the patient direct the mind to gradually relax. By helping patients gain control over their thoughts, to make their mind calm and put a break in the rapid chain of thoughts, attempt is made to introduce positive behavioural changes, and consequently, physical changes. By relaxing the mind, the thoughts and the body, Meditation techniques help the patient in managing symptoms of migraine such as severe headache. There is also scientific evidence to support the claim that meditation can be useful in managing the pain and other symptoms of migraine. A study by Amy Wachholtz, Christopher Malone and Kenneth Pargament in 2017 concluded that patients suffering from migraine who practiced meditation daily for 20 minutes a day for 30 days continuously reported reduced frequency of migraine attacks. If you suffer from migraine and would like to avail a lasting solution for management and treatment of your migraine symptoms, visit the Adhyatma Sadhana Kendra, a Preksha meditation centre in Delhi. At the Kendra, you can learn meditation techniques to manage migraine and obtain a drugless solution under the instruction and guidance of trained experts. Through a combination of Meditation, lifestyle changes, diet and nutrition changes, and Naturopathy treatment, you can find relief from migraine. 33 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 recognize the divine essence within each of us. This is the essence of the yoga journey – a unifying thread woven into the tapestry of yoga ashrams across the nation. While every yoga ashram may have its unique teaching methods and distinct practices, we all harmoniously strive toward a common objective: leveraging the power of yoga to alleviate humanity’s myriad challenges. This serves as a prime example of the Universal Unity principle in action. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam encourages us to appreciate the diversity of cultures, languages, and traditions that enrich our global family. This celebration of diversity resonates with the concept of yogic attitudes or the four parikramas of karuna, mudita, upeksha and maitri and vice versa as well. An awareness and acceptance of these parikramas in our daily 34 lives allows us to assimilate more closely with others despite our differences and to maintain a state of equanimity despite the extant externalities. At The Yoga Institute in Mumbai, we provide a classical interpretation of Yoga for individuals embarking on their path of selfdiscovery and personal growth. Our perspective emphasizes that Yoga essentially involves cultivating a serene outlook on life by embracing the four yogic parikramas. Technically, Yoga is the science of mastering the mind, and as such, our instructional approach is firmly rooted in classical Yoga principles, emphasizing the cultivation of a compassionate and affectionate disposition towards others. In its essence, Yoga inherently fosters the growth of universal unity. The world as it is today, stands to gain tremendously from the ancient wisdom of yoga and the philosophy of Vasud- NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 haiva Kutumbakam. Global issues like climate change, economic inequality and pandemics highlight the urgent need for cooperation and understanding. These provide a moral compass, guiding us towards responsible and compassionate actions in the face of these grave modern challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, has shown us how interconnected the world truly is. The virus knew no borders, and the only effective response was a collaborative one. It gives me pride to recount how India was at the forefront of the endeavour to foster equitable access to vaccines and healthcare during the pandemic. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam too underscores that, in the face of shared challenges, we must put aside differences and work together for the common good. To embrace the philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and Yoga and integrate them into our lives, education and awareness are crucial. Schools and educational institutions need to go beyond the rigours of traditional academics and incorporate the wisdom of these lived traditions in the lives and thoughts of their students. Yoga and meditation need to be integral components of educational programs, helping young minds cultivate the four parikramas and other yogic bhavas. Organiza- tions like Indian Yoga Association have a pivotal role to play in promoting these ideals and designing the mindset of the future generations of our country. The Indian Yoga Association has proactively devoted its efforts towards this objective. I would like to commend the Indian Yoga Association for their efforts in disseminating the ideals of a yogic lifestyle and values worldwide despite differences of geography, culture and traditional societal value systems. Yoga teaches us to connect with our inner selves, promoting inner peace and selfrealization. Meanwhile, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam reminds us that we are part of a global family, encouraging us to treat every individual with love, respect, and compassion. As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, these philosophies serve as a guiding light, reminding us that we are not alone but part of a vast, diverse, and interconnected global family. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” By living with these principles, we can indeed be that change. 35 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Practice of the Month Shalabhasana S halabhasana also known as locust pose strengthens spine, lower back, hip joints, arms, legs, and pelvic organs. It relieves body from constant backache. Technique Lie flat on his stomach with arms stretched out ahead. Knees have to be kept straight and feet together. Lift your legs and arms up together while inhaling. Head is to be lifted up keeping chest off the floor as much as possible. This position should be hold for 10 seconds and then return to normal position. 36 Benefits Shalabhasana strengthens the lower back, pelvic organs, legs, hip joints and arms. It tones the sciatic nerves. It alleviates unfavourable conditions of diseases of the stomach and bowels. Enhances circulation to the spine and the whole upper body. It favourably activates the kidneys, liver and all the organs of the lower part of the body. Limitation Those suffering from hernia, hyper tension, heart ailments, peptic ulcers and pregnant women should avoid Shalabhasana. People with a protruding belly will have difficulty lying in prone position. NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Academics and Accreditation Membership Data (Till 2019 and After) Type of Members Till 2021 Yoga Volunteer Members 1649 Yoga Professionals Members 2261 Life Members 313 Eminent Yoga Professionals 10 Associate Centers 68 International Associates 04 Member Institutes 39 2021 2215 1473 115 -- 2022 1100 1018 67 -- 2023 756 1182 93 6 Total 5720 5934 588 16 49 47 35 199 05 03 02 01 1 -- 12 43 Personnel Certification Body (PrCB) For Promotion of Yoga, Indian Yoga Association has taken an initiative to make Personnel Certification Body approved under the Scheme for Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals owned by Yog Certification Board (Formerly was owned by QCI) launched by Ministry of AYUSH. IYA has created an independent entity within itself named as IYA PrCB by giving functional autonomy to it. The focus of the Scheme for Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals, as it is being called, is to certify the competence of Yoga Professionals who provide Yoga training as Teachers or Instructors etc. Upcoming Examination Dates of the Yoga Certification Board Examination Date & Month IYA PrCB [Yoga Certification Board] December 2, 2023 December 9, 2023 December 16, 2023 December 23, 2023 December 30, 2023 *The Examination Fees has been reduced for all the Levels Contact us:; 37 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Upcoming Batches Foundation Course in Yoga Insignia Course Date Venue Institution Fees (English) December 1December 7, 2023 On Campus Kaivalyadhama INR 14,000 USD 310 Certificate Course in Yoga Insignia 38 Course Date Venue Institution Fees (English) December 1December 30, 2023 On Campus The Yoga Institute INR 55,000 (English) December 1December 30, 2023 Non-Residential The Yoga Institute INR 30,000 (English) December 1December 30, 2023 Online The Yoga Institute INR 25,000 (Hindi) January 15March 9, 2024 Online The Yoga Institute INR 25,000 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 (English Medium) January 15 – February 15, 2024 Lonavla, Maharashtra Kaivalyadhama INR 60,500 US$ 1950 INR 15,000 US$ 200 (English Medium) You may apply anytime Online Kaivalyadhama (English Medium) March 17- April 13, 2024 Neyyar Dam, Trivandrum, Kerala Sivananda Yoga Vendanta Dhanwatari Ashram *INR 25,000 for Practical Dormitory: INR 60000 I USD 1800 Twin Share Common Bathroom: INR 213328 I USD 2680 Twin Share Room: INR 223676 I USD 2810 AC Twin Share Room: INR 281784 I USD 3540 39 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 NEW MEMBERS ASSOCIATE CENTRES Advait- Yog Siddhant Therapy Centre Advait is on a mission to promote wellbeing and create a beautiful, healthy, and happy world. It operates as a dedicated team with over 15 members committed to improving the world’s health through yoga and various therapeutic practices. The Institute offers Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga, Garbhsanskar Activities, Facial Yoga, Kids Yoga, Weight Loss Programs, Therapies, Counseling & Consultation for Lifestyle, Certified Teacher Training Programs, Yognidra, Mudras and Meditation 40 Aadi Yoga Studio Aadi Yoga Studio believes in integrating mind, body and spirit in everyday life. They have been working toward promoting wellness holistically. They offer courses in Breathing Techniques, Traditional Yoga and others. NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 LIFE MEMBERS Shri Ajay Agarwal Smt K ANDAL Shri Ajay Agarwal is the founder of Agarsant Consulting and is an accomplished professional with 21+ years of experience in Infrastructure Industry in the areas of Construction Claim/ Dispute Management, Business Establishment & Development, Corporate Affairs, Regulatory Affairs. Smt K. Andal is a Senior faculty at Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram. She is presently working as Senior Consultant and Yoga Therapist in Yoga Therapy Department of KYM. She is also the Director of KYM Mitra – One of the wings of KYM working towards providing Yoga Practice for the under privileged section of the society. Smt Rekha Shenoy Yogachariya Jnandev Giri Smt Rekha Shenoy has done Advanced Power Yoga Teachers Training Course, 200 Hours Ashtanga Yoga Teachers Training Program, course in classical hatha yoga and yoga therapy. She wants to spread the power of Yoga and enhance the physical health, mental health, and evoke the spiritual aspect of individuals for a simple and healthy lifestyle. Yogachariya Jnandev Giri is the Founder and Director of Gurukula in UK and Portugal, Founder of Sanatan Yoga and is the Gitananda Yoga Chikitsa Achariya, ICYER, Puducherry. He has compiled and written and published more than 12 books on various subjects around yoga, yogic lifestyle, health and wellness. 41 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Shri Ramachandran Ramesh Smt Shobana Srinivasan Shri Ramachandran Ramesh is the senior yoga teacher of the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM). He is a Yoga Therapist Consultant at KYM. He had learned under Yogacharya Shri T.K.V. Desikachar and completed his Teacher Training about 20 years ago. He has also served as Senior Manager Accounts at KYM for more than 21 years. Smt K. Andal is a Senior faculty at KrishSmt Shobana Srinivasan a graduate in Indian History and a Post Graduate Diploma holder in yoga, presently holds the position of the Director of Department of Healing Chants KYM. She is a senior yoga therapy expert at Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram with over 20 years of yoga experience. Well versed not only in Asanas and Yoga Therapy she is also an expert in the di- Shri N Srinivasan Smt Padmini Narendran Shri N Srinivasan is associated with Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram for over twelve years. He is a Senior Yoga Therapist Consultant and Teacher. An expert in Yogasana Classical Techniques he has been part of all teacher trainings at KYM and trained many budding teachers in Asana techniques. Strong in Classical Vinyasa, he has been a faculty for many Indian and international groups at KYM. Smt Padmini Narendran is a senior faculty at Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM). She is a Yoga Therapist Consultant and Healing Chant Teacher at KYM. She has anchored special programmes combining the ancient Indian rituals in the modern context from the Yoga point of view. She has also conducted many sessions for corporates. 42 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Shri Nimish Dayalu Dr B Rajalakshmi Shri Nimish Dayalu is the founder and CEO of Asanly, a wellness app company that aims to make yoga and meditation accessible and affordable for everyone. As a certified yoga and meditation coach, he has over 20 years of experience in practicing these ancient Indian practices. Dr B Rajalakshmi is the Medical Officer (Siddha), AYUSH, Department of Indian System of Medicine & Homoeopathy, Govt of Puducherry. She is also the Co-Ordinator for Puducherry Medicinal Plants Board. She is also pursuing PhD in Yoga Therapy from Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry. Dr Nisha Thakker Smt Nirmala Devi Dr Nisha Thakker is a Yoga Therapist. She is currently associated with Yoga Vidya Niketan. She is also teaching at the Dip. in Yogic Therapy, Naturopathy and Natural Living. She was recently was felicitated with “Punyashlok Ahalyadevi Holkar Puraskar” by the Govt. of Maharashtra and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Nobel Puraskar” by International Human Rights Council. Yogachariya Jnandev Giri is the FoundSmt Nirmala Devi is associated with Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram for more than fifteen years and is an expert in Yogasana Classical Techniques. An expert teacher, she has been part of all teacher trainings at KYM and trained many budding teachers in all subjects. She is also very strong in Classical Vinyasa. 43 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Smt Rajeshwari Ranganathan Smt Rajeshwari Ranganathan is a yoga teacher, consultant yoga therapist and senior faculty for yoga teacher training courses with Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai (KYM) from last two decades and programmes conducted by KYM. She is also a qualified teacher of Healing Vedic Chanting. Smt Ramamani Kalyanaraman Smt Ramamani Kalyanaraman is a senior yoga therapy expert at Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram with over 20 years of yoga experience. Well versed not only in Asanas and Yoga Therapy, she is also an expert in the diverse philosophy of Yoga, different texts of Yoga, Bhagavad Gita, Pranayama and Meditative Practice. She has extensively taught all the aspects of Yoga and Healing chants to many International and Indian students. 44 Dr Rama Reddy Karri Dr Rama Reddy Karri is the Director & Consultant Psychiatrist at Manasa Hospital, Rajamahendravaram, Andhra Pradesh. He has been honored with the prestigious Dr. DLN Murthy Oration Award in 2017 and the Dr. J.K. Trivedi Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018. Smt R Remadevi Smt R Remadevi is a senior faculty of the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM). She is a Yoga Therapist Consultant and Teacher at KYM. Her teaching career includes consultations and classes of Yoga for Therapy, class room teaching of all aspects of Yoga and Ayurveda to Indian and international students. NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 Shri Vinod Joshi Shri Vinod Joshi is a Trustee of Yoga Vidya Niketan. He is associated with YVN from last four decades. He offers Yoga Counselling to patients. He has been felicitated with Jeevan Gaurav Puraskar by Yoga Vidya Niketan and Yoga Ratna Award from New Age Yoga Institute, Mumbai Smt Swapna Jawari Kapisha Smt Swapna Jawari Kapisha is an experienced Yoga instructor with over 14 years of experience committed to make a difference in the educational field by applying wide knowledge of Yogic philosophy & psychology. She is presently pursuing PhD in Yoga from SVYASA Bangalore. 45 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 46 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 47 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 48 NOVEMBER 2023, ISSUE-45 49