International Symposium on Deep Earth Exploration and Practices
Beijing, China - October 24-26, 2018
Orogenic gold systems in 3-D space and time
John A. Percival1, Wouter Bleeker1
Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E8 Canada
Lode gold deposits (structurally hosted gold-bearing quartz vein systems) occur in deformed, low- to
medium-grade metamorphosed rocks of ages ranging from Archean to Cenozoic. They commonly form
clusters along regional-scale faults or fault systems, deposited by low salinity, mixed H2O-CO2 fluids,
representing a distinct mineral system1. Hronsky et al.2 proposed a unifying model for orogenic systems in
which three key variables must coincide in order to concentrate significant gold resources to economic
grades: 1) long-term fertilization of the upper mantle through subduction-related fluids and magmas; 2)
lithosphere-scale structures providing mantle-to-crust pathways; and 3) a transient remobilization event in
which gold is transported upward by fluids or magmas. Additionally, changes in ambient stress such as
extensional collapse may be necessary to both trigger variables 2 and 3, and to prevent erosion of the high
structural levels at which gold is trapped3.
Decades of research on Canadian gold deposits have resulted in characterization and understanding at the
deposit, camp and district scales4,5,6. The complex structural, lithological and geochemical nature of lode
gold deposits is reflected in the variety of models proposed for the source of gold, the transport media and
structural controls. A recent model, developed for greenstone-hosted deposits of the Timmins and Kirkland
Lake camps (~100 million ounces Au) in the southern Abitibi greenstone belt, recognizes a complex series
of steps necessary to form and preserve significant gold deposits3. Key among these is transient synorogenic
extension, which created deep-penetrating faults, triggered alkaline magmatism, opened synorogenic basins
that accumulated conglomerates, and, through crustal thinning, limited post-orogenic erosion of the goldbearing structural levels. In the Abitibi, the extensional phase (2686-2672 Ma) followed ca. 2687 Ma early
thrust imbrication by a few million years and was succeeded by renewed thrusting and compression (26702660 Ma) and younger strike-slip faulting along structural ‘breaks’3. The main features observed on detailed
seismic reflection profiles across Abitibi gold camps are antiformal culminations of thrust stacks, truncated
by steeply-dipping fault zones7. These sub-vertical truncation zones extend to depths of a few kilometres,
where they are underlain by sub-horizontal reflectors, inferred to represent ductile extensional fabrics in
gneisses, developed after 2660 Ma8. A significant gold deposit is present at these deep structural levels: the
Borden Lake deposit occurs in stretched-pebble conglomerate equivalent in age to the upper crustal
extensional basins.
Can such a region-specific model be applied elsewhere? Bleeker3 drew comparisons to the Archean Slave
and Yilgarn cratons and their gold-producing regions. In west Africa, the Birimian (2.2-2.06 Ga) craton
exhibits many similar features in its gold-bearing greenstone belts9. Recently, Honsberger and Bleeker10
documented a striking resemblance between Paleozoic gold systems of the Newfoundland Appalachians
(ca. 0.45 Ga) and those of the Abitibi belt, suggesting that a recurring sequence of tectonic processes may
be responsible for localizing and preserving structurally-hosted gold deposits within accretionary terranes.
Wyman, D., Cassidy, K.F. and Hollings, P., 2016. Orogenic gold and the mineral systems approach: Resolving fact,
fiction and fantasy. Ore Geology Reviews 78: 322–335.
Hronsky, J.M.A., Groves, D.I., Loucks, R.R. and Begg, G.C., 2012. A unified model for gold mineralisation in
accretionary orogens and implications for regional-scale exploration targeting methods. Mineralium Deposita
47: 339-358.
Bleeker, W., 2015. Synorogenic gold mineralization in granite-greenstone terranes: the deep connection between
extension, major faults, synorogenic clastic basins, magmatism, thrust inversion, and long-term preservation; in
Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the Understanding of Precambrian Lode Gold Deposits and
International Symposium on Deep Earth Exploration and Practices
Beijing, China - October 24-26, 2018
Implications for Exploration, (ed.) B. Dubé and P. Mercier-Langevin; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File
7852, pp. 25–47.
Poulsen, K.H., Robert, F., and Dubé, B., 2000. Geological classification of Canadian gold deposits; Geological Survey
of Canada, Bulletin 540, 106 p.
Dubé, B., and Gosselin, 2007. Greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits; in Mineral Resources of Canada:
A Synthesis of Major Deposit-types, District Metallogeny, the Evolution of Geological Provinces, and
Exploration Methods, (ed.) W.D. Goodfellow; Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division,
Special Publication 5, pp. 49–73.
Dubé, B., and . Mercier-Langevin, P., 2015. Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the Understanding of
Precambrian Lode Gold Deposits and Implications for Exploration. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File
Snyder, D.B., Bleeker, W., Reed, L.E., Ayer, J.A., Houlé, M.G. and Bateman, R., 2008. Tectonic and metallogenic
implications of regional seismic profiles in the Timmins mining camp. Economic Geology 103: 1135-1150.
Moser, D.E., Heaman, L.M., Krogh, T.E., and Hanes, J.A., 1996, Intracrustal extension of an Archean orogen revealed
using single-grain U-Pb zircon geochronology: Tectonics 15: 1093–1109.
Béziat, D., Dubois, M., Debat, P., Nikiema, S., Salvi, S. and Tollon, F., 2008. Gold metallogeny in the Birimian craton
of Burkina Faso (West Africa). Journal of African Earth Sciences 50: 215-233.
Honsberger, I., and Bleeker, W., 2018. Orogenic comparison of structurally controlled gold systems of the Abitibi
greenstone belt and central Newfoundland Appalachians: Implications for Newfoundland gold potential and
recurring tectonic drivers of gold mineralization; in Targeted Geoscience Initiative: 2017 report of activities,
volume 2, (ed.) N. Rogers; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8373, pp. 65–70.