A study on aerosol residence time in El-Minia, Egypt

2000, Journal of Aerosol Science

AI-generated Abstract

The study investigates aerosol residence time in El-Minia, Egypt, analyzing the correlation between residence time and meteorological factors such as temperature and relative humidity. Over a year, 130 aerosol samples were collected, revealing a mean residence time of approximately 9.83 days, influenced by regional meteorological conditions and without significant wet deposition. The findings indicate variations in aerosol residence times due to environmental factors.


As long as the aerosol particles (ofa given size and chemistry) are injected into, or formed in the atmospheric air they can interact with physical (e.g. radiative) and chemical atmospheric properties (Bo L.B.Wiman. 1990). These interactions depend on the particle number concentration and their residence time. The residence time of aerosol particles in the atmosphere is a function of various removal processes. Also, there could be variation of the removal rates at different continental locations of the globe due to change in meteorological conditions (C. Papastefanou, 1991). Therefore, the aim of the present work is to study the residence time and its correlation to the meteorological parameters.


Aerosol samples were collected on a glass fiber filter (5 cm diameter) at a flow rate 25 m 3 / h. The collection was performed at a height of about 20 m on ground level. About 130 aerosol samples were collected from Jan.99 up to Dec.99. After air sampling, the filter was compressed into a plastic cover and the gamma activities of 2~°pb and 2~4pb were detected by using a high-purity Germanium detector. For both radionuclides, the activities were detected for 24-hours. The time difference between the end of sampling to the start of counting was taken into consideration. The residence time has been calculated according to the formula which given by H. W. Gaggelex. 1995. The relation between (MRT) and the Temperature for each month during the year is represented in Fig. (2). It can be seen that there are inversely proportional between the residence time and temperature. This can be referred to the change in convection of the air parcels.

Figure 2

: The relation between the MRT and Temperature.