required in step 3 on page 136, and again its sourcing
from ArcGIS Online is not mentioned.
Some of the instructional steps within the scenarios require the provision of more information if users are to
complete each scenario. As with most GIS tutorials, individuals who take this tutorial by themselves or as a group
should expect to devote a significant amount of time to
working through each scenario.
This book lends itself best to a classroom setting where
students can ask questions of their instructor, or fellow
students who have been through the workbook scenarios.
Individuals who take this tutorial solo, and without having a basic understanding of lidar and how it functions,
could have some difficulty getting through it. Taking this
tutorial in a classroom setting where students are divided
into small groups would be to the individuals’ advantage
vs. taking it on their own.
It is noted in the Acknowledgements section that the
workbook was created with contributions from students
and teachers from the Geospatial Semester held at James
Madison University, and that high school students who
participated in the Geospatial Semester helped test each
module in order to provide feedback.
All-in-all, this is a useful tutorial workbook for individuals
who already have a basic knowledge of lidar and possess
basic GIS skills. Although some of the instructional steps
for following the scenarios would benefit from being a bit
more detailed, the authors did well in creating real-world
scenarios that represent a variety of disciplines, and the
workbook enables users with GIS experience to expand
their skill set (utilizing lidar) to solve problems that face
the environment. I would recommend this workbook to
university faculty (from select academic disciplines) with
the suggestion that they integrate the workbook as part
of an Introduction to Lidar course or Remote Sensing
Technology course.
C A R T O G R A P H I C J A PA N : A H I S T O R Y I N M A P S
Edited by Kären Wigen, Sugimoto Fumiko,
and Cary Karacas
University of Chicago Press, 2016
336 pages, 111 color plates, 1 table.
$45.00, hardcover.
ISBN: 978-0-226-07305-7
focused on one or two maps related to the contributor’s
specialty” (3), are organized in four roughly chronological Parts and then further into thematic sub-groups.
Although there are occasional references from one to another, for the most part each essay stands alone.
For the western observer, Japan is an enigmatic land. It is
both like and unlike, familiar and alien, clear and clouded,
straightforward and not-quite; and it is all these things all
at the same time. As Lafcadio Hearn wrote over a century ago, recounting the words of a close Japanese friend:
“When you find, in four or five years more, that you cannot understand the Japanese at all, then you will begin to
know something about them” (Hern 1904, 5).
Japanese cartography, like much of Japanese culture and
technology, developed in a cyclic manner. Foreign influences would, from time to time, wash over native practice;
sometimes swamping local traditions, sometimes being
absorbed and assimilated, and sometimes creating new
streams of tradition alongside those already existing. In
each case, that which remained and flourished would itself become Japanese. Cartographic Japan examines a large
number of maps representing developing cartographic
practices, and offers commentary on how many of these
streams of infiltrations, minglings, and adaptations played
out over the years.
Cartographic Japan: A History in Maps, from the University
of Chicago Press, is expressly intended to open a window
for the non-Japanese reader on a sweeping landscape of
Japanese cartographic artifacts, history, and scholarship.
The fifty-two short essays by forty-eight authors, “each
Prevailing historical, political, and social conditions always frame the environment for cartographic practice,
production, and products, and in Cartographic Japan the
three most recent Japanese historical periods are used to
divide the essays into four main Parts. These are titled:
Review by: Mark Denil
Cartographic Perspectives, Number 87, 2017
Reviews | 79
Visualizing the Realm: Sixteenth to Eighteenth
II. Mapping for the Market
III. Modern Maps for Imperial Japan
IV. Still under Construction: Cartography and
Technology since 1945.
Supporting the essays is a general Introduction, plus individual Introductions to each of the four Parts, as well
as a brief Epilogue wrapping up the historical narrative
with a look at a contemporary map. The standard sections:
“Acknowledgments,” “About the Authors,” and an Index,
are grouped at the end.
The first two Parts are overshadowed by Japan’s long-standing feudal institutional structure, epitomized by the
Tokugawa Shogunate and centered in Edo (since renamed
Tokyo). The maps in these sections form the baseline for
the overall survey, but this baseline is anything but static.
Although often considered primarily a period of isolation,
the Edo period was not one of stagnation. It was a period
of practically unbroken peace: beginning about 1600, in
fewer than fifty years Japan was transformed from a tangle of warring clans into a peaceful and peace-loving state.
There were troubles, especially in the far north and south,
and peace was only preserved by an extraordinarily vigilant military feudalism, but it was also a time of general
prosperity and cultural progress. Education was improved
and extended, books were printed and circulated in large
numbers, and art was cultivated; it was the two and a half
centuries of Tokugawa peace that laid the groundwork for
the new Japan that burst upon the world with the Meiji
revolution (Gowen 1927, 247).
The earliest maps discussed are amongst the oldest existing maps of Japan. The sub-section “Japan in the World”
explores the Japanese view of the place of Japan in the
world: a view even then already reflecting aspects of the
wider world’s view of both itself and of Japan. Other sections in Parts I & II present views of “Domestic Space,”
“Mapping the City,” “Sacred Sites and Cosmic Visions,”
and “Travelscapes.”
The transition of feudal Japan into the Imperial Japan of
the Meiji Restoration and Renaissance is the unifying
theme of Part III. Japan, in this period, began a wholesale
Cartographic Perspectives, Number 87, 2017
importation of western technology and practice, diving
into a veritable tsunami of learning, adopting, adapting,
copying, and improving. In this dynamic time Japan leapt
onto the world stage: exploding illusions, elbowing aside
competitors, and slapping down challengers, as well as
acquiring, and administering, colonies. This newly westernized Japan, however, was still Japan, and traditional
threads remained present and discernible in the new-form
The maps in Part III begin with early Japanese moves into
modern nautical charting, as native map makers learned to
use the tools of the circling and intruding foreign powers
to counter their threats to the homelands. Going forward,
other modernized approaches were mastered and adapted
to cadastral records and to disaster relief, while increasingly sophisticated maps were used to analyze, propose,
and implement increasingly sophisticated solutions in infrastructural and urban administration and planning both
at home and in the growing Empire. By the 1930s and
1940s, Japanese cartography, like other aspects of Japanese
technology, was in the vanguard of the world standard,
and this up-to-dateness included the production of map
products targeted at the engineering of consent; at home,
in the colonies, and abroad.
While the Empire came to a sticky end, Japan, and
Japanese mapping, went, and continues to go, on.
The essays in part IV offer precious perspectives
on an era of rapid change. While interested
readers can readily turn elsewhere for studies
of party politics, social movements, or international relations, the contributors to this final
part of Cartographic Japan have elected to revisit
some of the chief themes that have preoccupied
Japan’s mapmakers since the Edo era: urban
life, people on the move, sacred landscapes, and
hazardous events. Along the way, their contributions illuminate the broad arc of postwar
Japanese history, from recovery to growth to
newfound vulnerabilities. (188)
Just as the Shogunate formed the background for the first
two Parts of Cartographic Japan, the beginning of Part IV
is dominated by the 1945 foreign invasion and occupation.
US tactical maps, for example, illustrate the evolution of
battlefield aims from interdiction of Japanese war-making
capacity towards plain and simple mass firebombing, and a
Reviews | 80
post-surrender map of central Tokyo makes visible the reality of a hostile occupying army’s dominating boot-print.
A map setting out one of the competing legal claims for
control of Mount Fuji, at issue only as a result of invader-enforced politico-religious reforms, highlights the persuasive power of a map in arguing a wholly novel position
before a wholly new judicial body on a question that would
never previously have arisen. Effects of the defeat and occupation trauma still echo today, long past the revival of
Japanese industry brought on by the Korean War, the subsequent end of official US occupation, and the still-slowly-ongoing withdrawal of “friendly” occupation troops.
After dealing with these matters, however, the essays in
Part IV move on to discuss the wealth of cartographic
innovation being brought to bear on the issues of “urban
life, people on the move, sacred landscapes, and hazardous
events” (188) mentioned in the quotation above. These are
some of the most interesting essays in the volume.
Physically, Cartographic Japan: A History in Maps is sturdy, well bound, and very much the high quality book one
expects from the University of Chicago Press. Listing for
$45, it is not unreasonably priced, and is a good value all
This is perhaps not a book one should expect to read
straight through; the essays are short and succinct, but as
Cartographic Perspectives, Number 87, 2017
a steady diet are perhaps a bit staccato for ideal digestion.
There is, nonetheless, a tremendous wealth of information here, clearly coming from a great depth of expertise,
and this reviewer has not found a single essay in the volume that was not engaging and worthwhile. The texts are
aimed at non-Japanese readers, but a slightly more-thannodding familiarity with Japanese history and culture is
a great help in getting the most out of the texts. Be advised that Cartographic Japan: A History in Maps is neither
a primer on Japanese mapping nor on Japanese history.
This book’s greatest shortcoming is in its small illustrations. Each map discussed is shown, often with an additional detail image and many times with English annotations, but almost all of the maps are so dramatically
reduced in size that they are very difficult to read. The
English annotations, too, are sometimes less than sophisticated in application, but that so many interesting maps
are shown so small is very disappointing. That said, there
are no poor illustrations in Cartographic Japan: it is just
that one could wish for larger ones.
Gowen, Herbert. 1927. An Outline History of Japan. New
York: Appleton.
Hearn, Lafcadio. 1904. Japan: An Attempt at
Interpretation. New York: Macmillan.
Reviews | 81