Naval War College Review
Volume 65
Number 4 Autumn
Article 10
German War Gaming
Milan Vego
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Vego: German War Gaming
Milan Vego
A tedious war game is the grave of interest.
he Germans invented and developed the modern war game. By the end of the
nineteenth century, the German-style Kriegsspiel had been adopted in most
of the major militaries of the day. In the interwar years (1919–39), the Germans
greatly increased the number and diversity of war games, which collectively
became one of the main means of educating and training future commanders
and their staffs at all levels. Prior to and during World
Dr. Milan Vego has been a professor in the Joint MiliWar II, the Germans proved to be masters of the use
tary Operations Department at the U.S. Naval War
of war games throughout the chain of command for
College, Newport, Rhode Island, since August 1991.
A native of Bosnia and Herzegovina, he obtained po- rehearsing plans for pending and future operations.
litical asylum in the United States in 1976. Dr. Vego
In peacetime, they used war games to test the validity
has been an adjunct professor at the Defense Intelligence College (1984–91) and a senior fellow at the of new doctrinal documents and for force planning.
Center for Naval Analyses in Alexandria, Virginia
Though German methods of organizing and executing
(1985–87), and at the former Soviet Army Studies
war games cannot and should not be blindly followed,
Office, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (1987–89). He
earned a BA (1970) in modern history and an MA in yet many aspects of their practice could be successfully
U.S./Latin American history (1973) at the University applied today. Moreover, the role and importance of
of Belgrade and his PhD in European history from
the George Washington University (1981). He holds war gaming should be greatly enhanced in the present
a license as a master mariner. Dr. Vego has published era of smaller forces and shrinking financial resources.
eight books, including the textbooks Operational
Warfare (2001) and Joint Operational Warfare:
Theory and Practice (2008; reprint 2009), and The
Battle for Leyte, 1944: Allied and Japanese Plans,
Preparations, and Execution, plus numerous articles
in professional journals. He published his most recent
book, Operational Warfare at Sea: Theory and Practice, in December 2008.
© 2012 Dr. Milan Vego
Naval War College Review, Autumn 2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
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The rudiments of war games go back to the Gupta
Empire (AD 320–550) in India, where a chesslike game,
chaturanga, was invented.1 (Some other sources say
that a chesslike game, xianggi, originated in China.)
In the seventh century AD, chaturanga was adopted
in Sassanid Persia (AD 224–651) as chatrang. After
Naval War College Review, Vol. 65 [2012], No. 4, Art. 10
the Arab conquest of Persia in the seventh century, this game became known in
Arabic as shatranj. In the ninth century, shatranj found its way to Byzantium.2
The North African Moors spread a derivative of shatranj to the Iberian Peninsula.
Around 822 the emir of Córdoba, in Andalusia, was introduced to the game by
a Persian Muslim.3 This game became known as ajedrez in Spanish, xadres in
Portuguese, and zatrikion in Greek. The game was introduced to Western Europe
generally by Muslim merchants; its Arabic name was replaced by the Persian shah
(king), or shah mat (the king is dead), eventually becoming “check” or “chess” in
English. The game spread to Switzerland in 997, the northern part of Christiandominated Spain in 1008, southern Germany in 1050, and central Italy in 1061.
By 1200, the game had been adopted in Britain and Scandinavia.4
“Courier chess” was played in Germany at the beginning of the thirteenth century.5 It was first mentioned in the great Arthurian romance Wigalois, by Wirnt
von Gravenberg, in 1202.6 Courier chess was described in some detail in a travel
account by Kunrat von Ammenhausen in 1337.7
In 1616, Duke August II of Brauenschweig-Wolfenbuettel (or Lueneburg,
1579–1666) published under the pseudonym “Gustavus Selenus” Das Schackoder Koenig-Spiel (Chess Game or King’s Game), in which he gave a detailed
description of courier chess as taught in schools and played in the small village of
Strobeck. In 1644, Christopher Weikmann of Ulm, in Bavaria, invented a modified game of chess, which he explained in his Neu-erfundenes grosses Koenig-Spiel
(Newly Invented Great King’s Game).8 Each player had thirty pieces, and each
piece had fourteen different fixed moves, similar to those in modern chess.9
Weikmann’s game, called “war” (or “military”) chess, was designed to serve not
only as a pastime but also as a means of studying the military and political principles of the time. Weikmann’s game was extremely popular among Germans.10
A significant development came in 1780, when Dr. Johann Christian Ludwig
Helwig, master of pages at the court of the Duke of Brunswick, invented the
“King’s Game” (Koenigspiel). Helwig’s game used a modified chessboard with
1,666 squares, in various colors, each color representing a certain terrain feature, such as flat ground, mountain, marshes, forests, lakes or ponds, a building,
villages, etc. A dotted line divided the chessboard into two camps and marked
the frontier between them.11 As in chess, each piece was named for a character
common in the political and military world of the day (king or marshal, colonel,
captain, lieutenant, chancellors, heralds, knights, couriers, adjutants, bodyguards,
halberdiers, and private soldiers).12 The King’s Game was meant to encourage
young noblemen to think about important military questions and to teach them
basic elements of military art and science.13 Helwig’s game became very popular
in Germany and was quickly introduced by the militaries in France, Austria, and
Vego: German War Gaming
The “New War Game”
Between 1780 and 1824 occurred several significant developments in military
gaming. In 1797, Georg Venturini, a military theoretician and tactician from
Schleswig, invented the “New War Game” (Neue Kriegsspiel).15 It was based on
Helwig’s game but with much more numerous, detailed, and complex rules.16 A
year later Venturini transferred the game from the chessboard to a chart, thereby
converting it into something that could be further developed.17 By 1804 his game
had undergone several revisions. Venturini expanded Helwig’s grid system to
3,600 squares, each representing one square mile and colored to indicate the terrain within it. In contrast to other games then in use, Venturini’s used stylized
maps and so represented a major change from the rigid chessboard.18
This advance was made possible by the recent advent of precise maps. In 1727
the Dutch engineer Nicholas Cruquius had drawn the bed of the Merwede River
with lines of equal depth (isobaths) at intervals of one fathom; a French geographer, Philippe Buache, had used a similar method, with ten-fathom intervals, in a
chart of the English Channel prepared in 1737 and published in 1752. The same
technique had thereafter been adapted to the terrain maps.19
In Venturini’s game, pieces and moves approximated the ordinary marches
of troops. The terrain was not fictional but represented actual territory between
France and Belgium. A sixty-page rule book governed reinforcements and logistics.20 The playing pieces represented not only infantry and cavalry but also
various supporting arms and equipment. Venturini even included restrictions on
movement during winter months and incorporated the effects of proper support
and provisioning of combat arms.21 His game gained popularity in Germany,
Austria, and Italy.22
In 1811 a Prussian counselor at Breslau, Georg Leopold Baron von Reisswitz,
devised a war game on a sand table, with terrain modeled to the scale of 1 : 2,373.
The game was described in his Anleitung zu einer mechanischen Vorrichtung um
taktische Manoevers sinnlich darzustellen (Introduction to a Mechanical Gadget to
Sensory Depiction of the Tactical Maneuver). Reisswitz’s game had a maximum
of ten players on each side, neither side knowing about the moves of the other.23
Troops were represented by squares of wood on which pasted symbols indicated
various branches of service.24 Reisswitz’s game was played in a way similar to
previous games, except that the movement of the troops was not restricted to
chessboard squares; maneuvering and the marching of columns were much more
realistic than before.25 Reisswitz also used a realistic-looking terrain. The game
was directed by an umpire, or referee, known as a Vertrauter (confidant), with
several assistants. The umpire determined the course of the game after evaluating
movements and adjudicating decisions made by the players. Limited information
was given to each commander regarding the strengths and disposition of the
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opposing side, the state of roads, the season of the year, and the supply situation.26
Each player would submit orders to the umpire, who updated the terrain table
and told the players only what they would know at that point in an actual situation. The actions in the game progressed until victory could be declared for one
side or another. To determine casualties, the umpire consulted complex tables
that indicated likely attrition on the basis of characteristics of terrain, firepower,
and other factors.27
Reisswitz was fortunate to come in contact with a Prussian officer by the name
of von Reiche, who was the captain of cadets at the Berlin garrison. Reiche was
responsible for instructing Prince Friedrich and Prince Wilhelm (later king and
kaiser, respectively) in the art of fortification. He mentioned Reisswitz’s game
to the princes, who promptly petitioned for a demonstration for themselves
and other invited officials at the castle in Berlin where they lived. Both princes
enjoyed the game and told their father, King Friedrich Wilhelm III (1770–1840),
about their experience. Witnessing a demonstration himself, the king was fascinated by this new and more accurate representation of war.28
Reisswitz’s son, Lieutenant Georg Heinrich Rudolph Johann von Reisswitz,
further improved the New War Game, describing the changes in his Anleitung zur
Darstellung militaerischer Manoever mit dem Apparat des Kriegs-spiels (Instruction for Representation of Military Maneuvers under the Guise of a War Game,
1824).29 Among other things, he replaced the sand table with a large-scale map
(1 : 8,000) showing the gradient angles of mountains and valleys.30 For the first
time, combat with battalion-sized forces was simulated.31 The junior Reisswitz
recommended that the number of the players on each side be kept to four. His
game was the first to use red and blue color coding for the opposing sides, a
system still used today. The game would require at least two umpires, one for
conducting the movement of troops and the other for determining the outcomes
of attacks and recording losses.32 The umpires were responsible also for devising
a realistic and interesting initial situation.33 They would present a “general idea”
or “outline” of the situation (in modern terms, a scenario) to the players indicating the positions of the main body of troops of both sides and giving reasons for
players to conduct moves on the board.34 If there was more than a single player on
each side, one would be commander in chief and the other the commander of a
major part of the force, such as the main body or vanguard. A commander would
submit a written plan to the umpire containing the intended maneuver, orders
to individual units, orders given to other players, the intended final position of
troops, etc.35 Reisswitz quantified the effects of combat, so that results of engagements were precisely calculated rather than debated. Rules covered virtually every
contingency of operations of units up to the size of divisions and corps.36
Vego: German War Gaming
A great novelty in the younger Reisswitz’s war game was that it emphasized the
importance of general-staff officers.37 General Karl von Mueffling (1775–1851),
chief of the general staff (1821–29) in Prussia, exclaimed, “It’s not a game at all!
It’s training for war. I shall recommend it enthusiastically to the whole army.”38
He fulfilled that promise: a royal decree directed every regiment in the Prussian
army to play the game regularly.39 By the end of the 1820s each Prussian regiment
was purchasing with state funds materials for war gaming.40 The junior Reisswitz’s game was accepted by many Prussian officers, although there were initially
many detractors.41 Mueffling used staff rides, terrain studies, sand tables, and war
games for educating staff officers in the assessment of a situation to solve tactical
and strategic problems.42 Numerous war-gaming clubs sprang up in Germany.
In 1828, Helmuth von Moltke, Sr. (1800–91, later a field marshal), joined such a
club.43 However, Reisswitz’s game was often played in a very mechanical and superficial manner, because of lack of understanding by those who directed them.44
The Moltke Era
By the 1850s the Kriegsspiel had gained great popularity in the German military
and some interest in the militaries of other countries. In the second part of the
nineteenth century, logistical and fortification war games were developed in the
Prussian (then German) army.45 The elder Moltke’s tenure as the chief of the
general staff (1857–88) saw the start of systematic education and training of
future operational commanders through war gaming. Between 1858 and 1881
he personally led annual “exercise rides” (Uebungsreise), combining gaming
and rigorous on-site investigations, aimed not only to enhance the operational
thinking of general-staff officers but also to test and refine operational plans
prepared for various contingencies. The rides and games were based on the
real political-military situation of the time, enriched by historical excursions,
especially valuable to young officers.46 War games had a positive impact on the
combat preparedness of the Prussian army. For example, General Kraft, Prince
zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen (1827–92), would write, “The ability to quickly arrive
at decisions and the cheerful assumption of responsibility which characterized
our [Prussian] officers in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71 was in no small
measure due to the war games.”47 After that war, the German style of war gaming
was gradually adopted by the Austrian, Russian, British, French, Italian, American, and Japanese militaries.
Until the 1870s, war games were unpopular among the Prussian and German
officers themselves. They were cumbersome and time consuming, because of
overly complicated rules and adjudication processes, which made the games less
interesting for the players. The leading proponents of these “rigid” war games
were W. von Tschischwitz, Thilo Wolf von Trotha, and von Neumann.48 They
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tried to systematize further and improve the rules and further improved methods
for calculating losses.49 This situation changed—slowly at first, but then radically
—with the introduction of the “free war game” (Freie Kriegsspiel), in which professional judgment substituted for rules. War games became more popular and
were played more often.50 The most influential proponents of the free war gaming were Major (later General) Klemens Wilhelm Jacob von Meckel (1842–1905)
and Colonel (later General) Julius von Verdy du Vernois (1832–1910). They
argued that umpires should render decisions based not on rules but on tactical experience. Meckel in his Anleitung zum Kriegsspiel (Instruction to the War
Game, 1875) proposed that the director be freed from some rules, though not in
assessing the effects of fire.51 He was not ready to make a complete break with the
rigid style of gaming.52
In 1876 Verdy published Beitrag zum Kriegsspiel (Contribution to the War
Game), borrowing many ideas that Meckel had planned to elaborate on in his
projected but unfinished three-volume work.53 Like Meckel, Verdy was concerned
that war gaming still faced resistance among German officers. He saw the reason
in the difficulty for beginners of handling tables, calculating losses, etc.54 The
essence of Verdy’s approach, in contrast to that of the junior Reisswitz, was to
strengthen the role of umpires by eliminating all written rules.55 Verdy wrote
that war games should be conducted on the principles Moltke had used to decide
outcomes during staff rides.56 Moltke had not determined an outcome by a roll of
dice but on the basis of his expertise, experience, and judgment. The same should
be done, Verdy argued, in a war game.57
Verdy’s game required a detailed map (scale 1 : 12,000) and a general map at a
much smaller scale (1 : 2,000–3,000), plus blocks, scales, and dividers. The players were divided into two opposing groups, with an umpire and an assistant if
necessary in control. The umpire briefed the players (perhaps on the day prior)
on the general situation, providing only such information as would readily be
available to both sides in actual combat—weather, location, etc. A specific situation was outlined for each of the sides, again with only such information as would
normally be possessed by the commander to whose operations it was relevant.58
Initial orders and dispositions were then submitted to the umpire by each side.
In the 1870s, the Germans began to differentiate among three types of war
game: the “small war game” (Kleine Kriegsspiel), “large war game” (Grosse
Kriegsspiel), and “strategic war game” (Strategische Kriegsspiel). A small game
was conducted to test the effect of the fire of units, down to the smallest it was
possible to evaluate. The forces were limited to four to six companies, one or
two cavalry squadrons, and a quarter or a half of a battery.59 A large game encompassed the tactical exercise of forces up to an army division. A strategic
game was conducted by general-staff and senior officers for operations by army
Vego: German War Gaming
corps.60 The first strategic war game had been conducted in 1848 in Berlin, under
the direction of Lieutenant Colonel (later General) Vogel von Falckenstein. The
scenario was a war between Prussia and Austria, and the game made an extraordinary impression.61
In the 1880s, the Germans conducted small games, known as “regimental war
games,” simulating the employment of tactical-sized forces at each regimental headquarters once per month and over the winter.62 Large war games were conducted
chiefly for divisions and the study of their transportation and supply problems, by
senior regimental, divisional, and corps staff officers. General-staff officers played
strategic war games, encompassing the operations and employment of armies.63
The Schlieffen Era and World War I
During his tenure as the chief of the Great General Staff (1891–1906), Field Marshal Alfred von Schlieffen (1833–1913) extensively used staff rides and war games
to educate higher commanders and their staffs and rehearse his war plans. He led
sixteen rides to Germany’s western border and fifteen to the eastern. Each ride
lasted ten to fourteen days. In these rides two teams of twenty-five to thirty-five
general-staff officers each, of all grades, played against each other. The rides were
not social excursions but very intense evolutions; the staff officers worked long
hours.64 All of Schlieffen’s games involved two-front warfare with France and
Russia, sometimes also Great Britain. Thus, he assumed that the German army
would face a numerically superior enemy.65
Schlieffen’s war games were based on the plans being developed for war. The
aim was to ensure that senior commanders were thoroughly familiar with Schlieffen’s strategic ideas and that each general-staff officer knew how he judged Germany’s strategic situation. The games also enhanced the ability of each generalstaff officer to pursue the common approach once war broke out, whether or not
he had intimate knowledge of Germany’s deployment plan.66 Schlieffen generally
conducted two general-staff rides per year, in June and October. He conducted
follow-up tactical-strategic problems on issues identified that he thought needed
elaboration. They were played mostly from the perspective of the Red side—that
is, Germany’s opponent.67
In 1897, Schlieffen started to rehearse his plans for an invasion of France
through Belgium. These games ended routinely with the encirclement of the
French army. The entire focus was on the operational aspects of the German
offensive; in none of them did Schlieffen consider the possible political and economic consequences of an advance through neutral Belgium.68 (Some sources
claim that he actually recognized the consequences of violation of Belgian and
Dutch neutrality but misjudged the British attitude toward these countries.)69
The war game conducted in 1905 is the only one for which full documentation
survives. The scenario was a war against Russia, France, and Britain. Germany
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would await an enemy invasion (Schlieffen assumed that both Russia and France
would attack first), thereby avoiding violation of the neutrality of Belgium and
the Netherlands, and only then go onto the counteroffensive. Schlieffen envisaged
German victory within six weeks.70 The German army would defeat Russia first
and then shift westward to fight a combined French-British army that by that
time would have advanced into Germany through Belgium. (Despite widely held
historical views, it seems that Schlieffen doubted Germany’s chances of success
in a two-front war.)71
In the 1905 war game, Schlieffen assumed that Belgium and the Netherlands
would be neutral but would defend their neutrality; Germany would therefore
take a defensive posture on the western front. The scenario considered it possible
that in case of violation of their neutrality by Anglo-French forces, Belgium and
the Netherlands would side with Germany. German forces consisted of twentyfour army corps plus a number of reserve corps. Germany’s ally Austria-Hungary
would not enter the war until a sizable part of the Russian army had concentrated
on its border. Russia would attack East Prussia with its Niemen and Narva armies.
France would concentrate its army along the entire border, from upper Alsace
to the North Sea coast. Six British divisions would be deployed on the northern
flank of the French army in Flanders. Belgium and the Netherlands would deploy six and four divisions, respectively; the Germans rated their combat value
as not very high.72 In the game, the course of German operations against Russia
was almost identical to what was to happen in World War I, in the battles of Tannenberg and the Masurian Lakes. The Russian side committed mistakes similar
to those the Russians were actually to make in August 1914. It was assessed that
the Russians were so badly beaten that their armies would present no further
threat in the east; by the fortieth day after the start of mobilization, the mass of
the German army in the east was available for transport to the west. In the game’s
scenario, the western allies had in the meantime attacked German forces along
the entire front. The main thrust was through Belgium; the bulk of the French
active corps was deployed between Luxembourg and Antwerp.73 The Germans
now counterattacked, eventually forcing the combined Anglo-French forces to
surrender in the area of Liège.74
Schlieffen taught officers to fight intelligently and to think for themselves. His
staff problems and war games did not have “school solutions.” The players were
forced to develop their own “possibilities” (courses of action) and make their own
decisions against agile enemies. They had to discuss their answers with, and justify
them to, Schlieffen and their colleagues. Schlieffen tried to make the training of
his staff officers as realistic as possible.75 Nevertheless, Schlieffen used general-staff
rides and war games to rehearse his own operational ideas, testing how operations
would unfold in particular scenarios and how German commanders would react
Vego: German War Gaming
to enemy actions. Schlieffen also often imposed arbitrary difficulties on his own
commanders, while at the same time making situations easier for the enemy.76
Schlieffen’s successor, General Helmuth von Moltke, Jr. (1848–1916), made
great efforts to improve German plans prior to 1914. For example, when he
war-gamed the Schlieffen Plan, the results indicated that the two armies on the
outside, or far right flank, of the great wheeling movement would run out of ammunition two days before the campaign ended; Moltke therefore organized two
motorized ammunition battalions, the first in any army of the day. Yet the Germans did not simulate in their games the diplomatic and political consequences
of their actions. Hence, in the event they were to be caught by surprise when their
invasion of Belgium caused Belgian civilians to destroy their own railroads and
brought the British Empire into the war.77
The Germans continued to use war gaming during World War I. For example,
the German high command rehearsed the spring offensive (Kaiserschlacht—
Kaiser’s Major Battle) in a game played at the headquarters of the Army Group
Crown Prince Rupert. Also, in testing their plan for the final offensive in August
1918 (Operation MICHAEL), they conducted several strategic-level games.78 All
these games showed that chances of decisive success were slim.79
The Interwar Years (1919–1939)
Between 1919 and 1939 the German military, more than any other, used war
gaming as the main means for educating and training its officer corps. The reason
was that the Versailles Treaty of 1919 put severe restrictions on Germany’s forces.
Among other things, the size of the new German military, the Reichswehr, was put
at a hundred thousand, including four thousand officers. The general staff was
formally dissolved, although its main functions survived under different names.
Tanks, aircraft, and U-boats were prohibited. These prohibitions stimulated
German military leaders—led by General Hans von Seeckt (1866–1936), chief of
the Army Command (Chef der Heeresleitung, 1920–26)—to expand greatly the
number and types of war games as a main method of combat training.80
Seeckt was a firm believer in war of movement (Bewegungskrieg). This was
his greatest contribution to the development of the Reichswehr and later Wehrmacht. His idea was that the only way to prepare the Reichswehr for a war of
movement was to focus on educating officers in theoretical aspects of warfare.81
War games represented an important part of that education. After the end of
Seeckt’s tenure, the Reichswehr started to play operational war games.82
In the interwar years German operational plans were tested and rehearsed in
a series of war games. The aim was to make commanders at all levels thoroughly
familiar with the situation and also with the difficulties they would have to
overcome with respect to both enemy and terrain.83 The Germans also used war
games to test combat principles. In these games one side used the doctrine and
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tactics of the potential enemy. The “friendly” commanders were changed several
times, in order to bring the decisions of several persons to bear on principles to be
tested.84 The Germans often used war games as teaching tools for the study of the
past campaigns and operations and also for the testing and improvement of certain doctrine developed and used in the past.85 A secondary purpose of a war game
was to give higher commanders opportunities to get to know their subordinate
officers, observe their fitness under certain situations, and gain impressions of
their strong and weak points. It was even thought possible to draw conclusions as
to their qualities of mind and character. The dangers, however, of excessively onesided assessments of fitness or unfitness as manifested during war games were well
understood.86 In the interwar years the Germans stressed that an officer’s promotion should never be based solely on his detailed visual grasp of a situation on the
map or on his polished appearance during a war game, or the like.87 The officer’s
performance in the field and his character were to be the determining factors.88
The Germans believed that war games were the best way for commanders to
make known to subordinates their views on various aspects of warfare.89 War
games were an important means for the “spiritual” preparation for war and for
shaping unified tactical and strategic views.90 Yet a war game, they held, should
never be considered proof of the correctness or incorrectness of operational
thinking or of measures taken. Its outcome could be seen only as an example, and
only from several such examples would it be possible to draw useful conclusions.91
In Seeckt’s era the term “war game” (Kriegsspiel) was broadened to include
not only the traditional war game but also the planning game (Planspiel), staff
exercise (Stabsuebung), exercise ride (Uebungsreise), terrain discussion (evaluation) (Gelaendebesprechung), command staff exercise (Rahmenuebung), special
exercise (Sonderuebung), and sand-table exercise (Sandkastenuebung).92
The Germans considered the “war game,” as such, to be two-sided. Such games
were conducted from the strategic to tactical levels of command. A war game
aimed at educating all officers in the assessment of the situation (that is, the commander’s estimate). The Germans emphasized the importance of concise and
logical presentation of ideas, in making decisions and issuing orders based on
them.93 Another purpose of a war game was training in techniques and procedures
of writing and issuing orders. War games trained commanders at all echelons and
tested new methods, as well as certain fundamentals, of combat.94 The sides were
designated as Blue and Red; in a game involving allies or neutrals, they would be
designated by other colors (Yellow, Green, etc.).95 War games proper were difficult
to organize and play, because of the need to represent faithfully the enemy’s way
of thinking, doctrine, and tactical procedures.
“Planning games,” also called “planning exercises” (Planuebungen), were
generally used for tactical and operational education of the commanders at all
Vego: German War Gaming
levels.96 Specifically, they were designed for education in certain tactical concepts
and principles. The planning games were apparently the preferred method of
rehearsing plans for pending or future operations. They were played on maps
at scales of 1 : 5,000 or larger.97 The idea to be tested was given by the director
of the game; a specific episode was gamed, so that participants could acquire a
picture of the combat situation. The focus was then on decisions for execution of
the combat ideas, employment of individual combat means, and coordination.
Drafting necessary orders was found most valuable. Planning games were onesided; the “enemy” side was played by the director.98 In that way, it was possible
to focus more closely on a given topic.99 In the Wehrmacht, planning games were
used for training officers and noncommissioned officers (NCOs) in the practical
application of doctrinal fundamentals; for the reinforcement of existing states of
combat training; for training in making decisions, estimating terrain, and using
weapons; and for evaluation of the knowledge, abilities, and character traits of
participants. The emphasis was on making decisions and employing forces to
carry out an operational idea.100 Planning games were also used to prepare officers and NCOs to occupy higher positions.101 In troop training, the duration of
a planning game was a maximum of two and a half to three hours.102
“Staff exercises” were usually single-sided and were used to train participants
in the functions of staffs in combat. The exercise simulated as many frictions and
interruptions as possible.103 “Training rides” had the same purposes as war games
and planning games. The difference was that they were conducted for several
days and mostly in the field. At the operational level, they were used to explore
problems in national defense. At the tactical level they were used for education
of the commanders and their staffs in combat with combined armies and logistics.104 Rides at the operational level often took the form of “operational studies,”
especially when they were conducted in the field. They were often two-sided but
sometimes one-sided.105
The “command staff exercise” familiarized commanders and staffs with the
command and message system essential to attainment of the objective. Operations staffs and signal troops would take part.106 The most developed exercises
of this type were the “commander’s exercise” (Fuehreruebung) and “communications exercise” (Nachrichtenuebung). “Special exercises” were conducted for
several purposes. Most often they were used to test suitability of “war organization” (Kriegsgliederung), or an order of battle, a new organization in the supply
services, the employment of new weapons, or some tactical fundamental.107
“Sand table exercises” were primarily for training tactical commanders from the
battalion level down to the rifle squad.108
Seeckt also introduced, in lieu of the prohibited Great General Staff rides,
“commander’s rides” (Fuehrerreisen) for the education of future operational
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commanders. Thereby he laid the foundations for the conduct of German major
operations and campaigns in World War II.109 The participants were exclusively
generals—group, division, and infantry or artillery commanders.110 Commander’s rides included both army and naval officers.111 The first was conducted in
1921, to explore national defense in case of sanctions by the Western powers. The
following year, the scenario envisaged defense against attack by the Czechoslovak
army.112 The commander’s rides of 1923 and 1928 explored problems of coastal
defense.113 The chief of the Troop Office (or Truppenamt, as the Reichswehr-era
general staff was known) conducted annual Troop Office rides (Truppenamtreise), also called “chief ’s rides” (Chefreise); participants were chiefs of staff and
specially selected general-staff officers.114 After the general staff was formally
reestablished in 1935, general-staff rides (Generalstabsreisen) were restored. The
Reichswehr formally became the Wehrmacht in October 1935.
In addition to war games, operational thinking was developed by means of
“operational missions” (Operative Aufgaben). They were not war games in the
ordinary sense but written studies on hypothetical problems in the future. They
were worked out by the leading general-staff officers in the Reichswehr Ministry;
the staffs of group commands, divisions, and the weapons school; and individual
officers serving in staff positions. About three hundred officers, from majors to
two-star generals, were involved in such studies. Their solutions were evaluated
by the Troop Office.115 For example, in the first “operational mission,” in 1931,
the scenario was that Germany (Blue) would be involved in a war against France
(Red) in northern France, while Czechoslovakia (Yellow), with twenty-four to
twenty-eight divisions deployed in northern Bohemia, would advance to its
border with Saxony. Germany had available twelve divisions and several cavalry
units. The Germans would be able to deploy six additional divisions to the western border. The Germans assumed that the Czechoslovak forces, not completely
assembled, would cross the border and engage eleven German divisions and one
cavalry division from Silesia and, in the area of Glatz (then part of Germany,
now in southwestern Poland), attack deep into their flanks. In the north, German
forces would feint two attacks but in general would conduct a delaying defense.116
In the first and second “operational missions” of 1932, the scenario envisaged
war against Poland (Red). (See map 1.) The first “operational mission” of 1932
was played at the level of the Army Command. The initial situation envisaged
that the Poles would deploy several armies to Germany’s (Blue) borders, with
the main effort in the western part of the province of Posen; their aim was to
attack in the direction of Frankfurt/Oder–Berlin. The Germans would use one
army in Silesia, in the Oder–Warthe–Bogen area and in East Prussia, two armies
in Pomerania, and one advancing to a position from which to attack toward the
southeast.117 Three German armies deployed in Silesia would face the Polish
Vego: German War Gaming
armies. Their task was to secure the province and bind the enemy forces. In the
solutions presented by the control team and by some 80 percent of participants,
this task evolved into a rapid offensive against one of the Polish armies. The solution of the control team required the greatest concentration of forces, combined
with the highest risk, because of the substantial weakening of the forces facing
the French.118
In the second “operational mission” of 1932, the participants played the role
of the chief of the Army Command. In the scenario, which followed from the
first exercise, while the German army in Silesia had achieved partial success, the
main attack, launched from Pomerania, had not achieved decisive success. The
question was whether, in light of an expected enemy main strike on Berlin, the
original German plan of a flank attack from Pomerania remained valid. The solution of a significant number of participants was to shift the weight of the main
effort (Schwerpunkt) to Silesia. However, after analysis of the chances of success
and the operational potentials of the enemy and friendly forces, General Wilhelm
Adam, who played the chief of the Troop Office, retained the original decision.119
In the Reichsmarine (1919–35), a special type of the war game was the “commander’s war game” (Fuehrerkriegsspiel). Participants were naval officers of the
ranks of captain and above. The games were prepared by the sections of the Navy
Command (Marinekommandoamt). The director of the game was the commander in chief of the Reichsmarine. Commander’s war games explored strategic
and operational problems of naval warfare against the background of a possible
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conflict.120 The Reichsmarine conducted commander’s war games each year from
1923 to 1927. In 1925 the scenario was a war between France and Germany; other
states were neutral. Because the postures of Italy and England were doubtful,
France did not consider redeploying its Mediterranean forces to the North Sea.
The basic idea was that France would not engage German naval forces in the initial phase of war but would attack German imports at sea. The main objectives
of the Reichsmarine were to maintain control in the Baltic, protect Germany’s sea
imports, and interfere with French shipping.121
In 1927–29, the Reichsmarine apparently focused on commander’s rides and
its participation in the army maneuver in the fall of each year. In the Reichsmarine’s commander’s ride of 1928, the focus was on interdependence of warfare
on land and at sea. The war game was conducted jointly by the Reichsmarine and
the army. The scenario was a war with France and Belgium. The hostilities broke
out after several weeks of tension, by which time the German army had mobilized
twenty-one divisions and imported war materiel from overseas.122
In the interwar years, the Germans differentiated overall between “educational”
(Belehrungspiel) and “testing” (Erprobungspiel) war games. The purpose of the
educational war game was to educate officers in the use of doctrinal documents
or a higher commander’s views on a certain aspect of warfare. The purpose of a
testing war game was to explore strategic or tactical thinking or to develop new
concepts of troop leadership.123 The war games were conducted on either maps
or boards.124
Until the early 1930s, the Germans differentiated between tactical and strategic
war games in terms of command echelon and scale. Tactical war games were
designed to provide junior commanders with decision-making experience and
train them to issue the orders needed to implement their decisions. These games
were the simplest to organize and execute. They could be conducted without regard to a war situation in a given theater;125 some of these games were one-sided.
Operational and strategic games, however, were conducted by the highest echelons. Apparently, “operational” war games as such came into use in the early or
mid-1930s, conducted by operational-level commands. A strategic war game was
much larger in scope and required greater effort on the part of organizers and
participants. They simulated warfare in a single or several theaters. In its simplest
form, an educational strategic game was meant to provide strategic education. In
a testing strategic game, the aim was to assess operational preparatory work by
higher staffs. In the Reichsmarine, such games were prerequisites for the execution of naval maneuvers.126
Vego: German War Gaming
In the same period the Germans conducted several strategic war games. In the
1930s, Field Marshal Werner von Blomberg (1878–1946), minister of war and
Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, organized several high-level games
and staff studies to explore “the problems which the military and political situation had created for Germany’s national defense and especially to establish a theoretical basis for the joint actions of the supreme command of the armed forces
and high commands of the Army, Navy, and Luftwaffe in all important areas.”127
General Ludwig Beck (1880–1944), chief of the Army General Staff, tried in
1938 (but failed) to impress Hitler, by conducting a war game, with the risks
of going to war with the Western powers. In June 1938, instead of the annual
large general-staff ride, he decided to explore in writing the question whether it
was possible to defeat the Czechoslovak army quickly before France seized the
Rhineland in the west. He concluded that although the Czechs had formidable
defenses, it would be possible to defeat them. The Czechoslovak army could mobilize as many as thirty-eight divisions; the Germans would require about thirty
divisions and three weeks to subjugate Czechoslovakia.128 Beck also asserted that
any attack on Czechoslovakia would certainly lead to the involvement of France
and Great Britain and possibly intervention by the United States—a new multifront war that would mean the downfall of the Third Reich.129 He concluded
that attack on Czechoslovakia in 1938 could only bring “catastrophic results . . .
for Germany and for all Europe.” Beck proved to be wrong about catastrophe in
the short term.130
Beck’s June 1938 study convinced him that Hitler’s assumptions about limited
war that year were mistaken; he viewed “as fateful, the military action against
Czechoslovakia, planned on the basis of these military premises, and must explicitly disavow any responsibility of the general staff of the Army for such action.”131
Germany was not strong enough. Hitler responded that the Wehrmacht was an
instrument of policy and had only to execute the missions that he gave it, not
discuss them. Beck replied in turn that he could not accept orders with which he
did not agree.132 He resigned on 18 August 1938.
The Reichsmarine conducted several strategic and operational war games in
1929–35. For example, a fleet war game was conducted in March 1931, a strategic
war game (Strategische Kriegsspiel) in April 1932, a high-command war game
(Kommandoamtskriegsspiel) in 1933 and 1934, a commander’s war game (Fuehrerkriegsspiel) in 1934–35, and a high-command ride (Kommandoamtsreise) and
strategic war game in 1935. It regularly took part in the army’s fall maneuvers
and exercises. After 1935 the newly renamed Kriegsmarine conducted strategic
war games in the winter of 1937–38 and 1938–39. It also participated in the
Wehrmacht maneuver in Mecklenburg and Pomerania in October 1937. For
example, in a Navy High Command (Oberkommando der Marine, or OKM)
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strategic game in the winter of 1937–38, “Kriegsspiel-A,” the aim was to explore
possibilities and prospects of a sudden opening of hostilities by Germany, testing operational questions and overall naval warfare, questions of high command
and organization, and the operational possibilities of ship types not yet in service.133 Among other things, Kriegsspiel-A elaborated the combat employment
of the German battle fleet north of the Shetlands; employment of the “pocket”
battleships in the Caribbean (Deutschland) and in the eastern part of the central
Atlantic (Graf Spee, Admiral Scheer), and of a heavy cruiser (Hipper) in the western part of the Indian Ocean (see map 2); war in the Baltic, and the problem of
importing iron ore from Luleå, Sweden; and the employment of the U-boats in
the western Mediterranean.134
The Fleet Command (Flottenkommando), established in September 1933
with responsibility for all seagoing forces, conducted four distinctive but related
operational war games: Kriegsspiel-B, -C, -D, and -E.135 Naval operational war
games were longer than tactical games and consisted of several smaller, tactical
games played over several days.136 The purpose of Kriegsspiel-B was to explore
the possibilities of operational warfare in the North Sea and the approaches
to the Atlantic with France in, first, a defensive posture and later offensive; the
operation orders that would be necessary during the transition from peacetime
to tension and then to war; and naval command organization in the North
Sea.137 Kriegsspiel-C examined operational warfare in the Baltic, specifically the
offensive posture of the Soviet Union, the effect on the declaration of war of a
Bruestort–Oeland mine barrier, and U-boat barriers.138
Kriegsspiel-D’s purposes were to examine the employment of U-boats in the
Mediterranean and the Atlantic from organizational and technical viewpoints;
to explore the possibilities of mining the approaches to French ports in the
Atlantic and the Mediterranean; to collect insights about cooperation between
U-boats and surface ships in trade warfare; and to test the chances of success
of U-boats armed with guns in commerce raiding.139 The lessons drawn from
Kriegsspiel-D pertained to the employment of U-boats in the Mediterranean to
cut off communications between France and its colonies in North Africa and to
tie up large French naval forces. The game also suggested that the U-boat commander (B.d.U.), Commodore (later Grand Admiral) Karl Doenitz (1891–1980),
should exercise only overall operational command and control, leaving tactical
command to the flag officer of the U-boats (Fuehrer der Unterseeboote—F.d.U.)
in the Mediterranean. The game showed that the local commander would know
the situation better and have more secure radio communications.140
Kriegsspiel-E was designed to test unified command for cruiser warfare in the
Atlantic, rehearse cooperation between surface forces and U-boats, explore the
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supply and organization of the “Staging Service” (Etappendienst—resupply ships)
for warfare in the Atlantic, and study the value of a base in Duala, Cameroon, for
operations in the Atlantic.141
The tactical war games that made up Kriegsspiel-A (designated F, G, H, and J)
were conducted by the Naval Station Commands (Marinestation) N[ordsee] (North
Sea) and O[stsee] (Baltic). Naval Station Command N conducted Kriegsspiel-F,
while Naval Station Command O played Kriegsspiel-G, -H, and -J. Kriegsspiel-F
looked at operational warfare in the North Sea in the presence of strong French
forces and explored whether a mine barrier could be laid in the North Sea in a
timely way and what its effect would be.142 Kriegsspiel-G examined operational
warfare in the Baltic should the Soviet Union open hostilities. It also asked how
far the planned mine barrier could be extended and whether it could be laid in
the face of strong action by the Soviets. Finally, it explored the defensive and
offensive use of mines in the Baltic and what forces would be required in that
theater. Kriegsspiel-H was a simulated gunnery duel aimed to test whether the
German battleships, with 380 mm (fifteen inch) guns, could engage older and
modern battleships successfully.143 Kriegsspiel-J explored the tactical details of
the intended Bruestort–Oeland mine barrier—its form, gaps, monitoring, necessary material, and again, laying it in the face of various Soviet attacks.144
The Germans also used operational war games for exploring the combat possibilities of their new panzer and motorized forces. After 1933, the Germans created
a number of experimental independent tank battalions and regiments, to explore
the potential roles of each and identify problems. General Beck wished also to
explore the use of the panzer and motorized units at the operational level. In 1935
he conducted a general-staff ride looking at how a panzer corps might be used; the
next year, a general-staff ride explored the employment of a hypothetical panzer
army. At the end of 1935 Beck recommended that the three new panzer divisions
(established in October 1935) be used as an independent force “in association
with other motorized weapons” and for accomplishing “long-range objectives.”145
The Germans considered the most important prerequisites for successful war
games to be sound organization and thorough preparation. The key people in
a game were the director (Leiter), the team leaders (Parteifuehrer), and their
subordinate leaders (Unterfuehrer).146 The director was the most important.
In a strategic game, he was responsible for issuing written assignments for all
participants, the general situation, simulated forces and their order of battle, the
mission of each side, general orders, and regulations for play.147 Beforehand, the
director prepared a “letter game” (Briefspiel) to communicate to team leaders his
intentions; the letter game served as the basis for the conduct of the game. Ideally, the director issued his orders in writing and then followed up with the verbal
Vego: German War Gaming
explanations, in order to prevent misunderstanding and duplication of work by
team leaders. The director was to maintain during game play a clear picture of the
decisions of team leaders, their basis, and the resulting employment of forces.148
Before the game, when necessary, he issued general and individual orders, and
he discussed with the parties individually the details of preparatory work, so that
play could begin on the first day.149
Normally, the director was not selected by seniority or rank but according
to his professional fitness. Among the many requirements for the position, the
director had to possess a mastery of tactics, knowledge of military or naval history, and combat experience.150 He had to be imaginative and creative, to make a
game lifelike and interesting to the players. He needed a thorough knowledge of
command and control.151 The director had to have cool, businesslike judgment
and eloquence in describing a situation—the interest of the players could not be
engaged by dry lectures.152 The director needed a good memory and to be able to
give players freedom of action and allow the results of their decisions to mature
without losing the thread of the game or sight of the object to be attained.
In fact, the Germans considered that the true art of businesslike and beneficial
war gaming lay in the personality and actions of the director. He alone had the
power to create many-sided and interesting situations in which new decisions
had continuously to be made.153 He had full responsibility for preparation, execution, and “final discussion” (Schlussbesprechung) or postgame critique;154 accordingly, he exercised complete authority.155 Preparation of the game required
thorough knowledge and understanding of all related areas, possible situations,
and their development; its execution required mental agility and close attention;
the director needed a good sense of when, where, and how to intervene in the
course of the game.156 He was required to take a realistic view of the game on the
basis of the simulated combat situation, for which he needed a thorough knowledge of staff work and a temperament suitable for the specific type of game.157
One of the main responsibilities of the director was the distribution of roles to
the participants. Normally, a team leader (commander of a side in a war game)
was selected for his abilities and regardless of rank. A team leader was responsible
for his side’s technical execution of the game and its preparatory work.158
The Germans also paid great attention to the quality of the control teams and
participants in the planning games conducted at the highest levels of command.
For example, in a planning game conducted by the Reichswehr Ministry in 1927,
among five members of the control team were Lieutenant Colonel Wilhelm
Adam, who later became a four-star general, and three majors—Wilhelm List,
Guenther von Kluge, and Walther von Brauchitsch—who would reach the rank of
field marshal. Among fourteen participants in the same planning game were two
majors (Erwin von Witzleben and Ewald von Kleist) who became field marshals,
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and ten captains, five of whom became field marshals (Ernst Busch, Albert Kesselring, Erich von Manstein, Friedrich von Paulus, and Walter von Reichenau)
and five four-star generals (Hans-Juergen von Arnim, Heinz Guderian, Gothard
Heinrici, Eberhard von Mackensen, and Gerhard Matzki). Another participant in
the game was Lieutenant Commander Karl Doenitz, later grand admiral and the
successor to Hitler.159 That so many junior officers in a planning game attained
high rank in their respective branches is not a coincidence. It implies that their
high professional and mental abilities were duly noted by their superiors.
The Germans stressed that the sides in a game should have roughly equal
numbers of weapons specialists, distributed without regard to rank. However,
the director would take into account the wishes of a team leader. Some officers
were kept in reserve; not all participated in a game from its beginning. If too
many officers were placed in reserve, the director would assign one or more to
assist him in directing the game.160
Subordinate leaders for each side were assigned only for strategic war games.
They were normally selected by the director but in some cases at the discretion
of a team leader. Subordinate leaders had a limited role. In educational games,
their roles could be changed by the director. The assignment of a large number
of subordinate leaders would complicate a game, and that had to be avoided.161
Arbitrarily, the principal elements in the design of a German war game were the
initial situation (scenario), its sections (Spielabschnitt), and duration—both as
simulated in the scenario and actual time of play. Selection of the “situation”
(Lage) depended on the game’s purpose. A situation described the groupings of
hostile and neutral powers and the events leading up to the opening of hostilities.
If hostilities had already started, the course of war on land, at sea, and in the air
to date was described.162 The situation contained everything necessary for a team
leader to make combat decisions.163 The Germans emphasized that the situation
should contain a general part dealing with the original state of affairs and a specific part with such details as organization, the condition and fighting qualities
of troops, the logistical status, signals and communications, the air situation,
terrain, and weather.164
The Germans stressed that a war-game situation should be described in such
a way as to be full of tension and potential for surprise. Its scope would not exceed what was necessary for clear understanding. The situation had to establish a
larger framework for the main topic of the game—an operational framework for
a tactical game, a strategic framework for an operational game. It encompassed
the situation on the ground, at sea, and in the air, depicted graphically whenever possible to allow easier understanding and clarity and to save time.165 The
Vego: German War Gaming
commander of each side was not to be given more information than he would
receive in an actual combat situation. The mission and the intent of the higher
commander had to be clearly expressed.166 Finally, the Germans emphasized that
a situation should be interesting, that it should contain an element of uncertainty
and not follow past patterns: “impossible” situations are not that unusual in war.
The missions and orders should be issued in full text and should be phrased with
particular care.167
The scenario of a war game usually projected a situation two or three years
in the future; its political, economic, and other nonmilitary aspects served
only as background. The Germans repeatedly stressed the need for a simple
and succinctly described scenario; otherwise, much of the fascination with the
game would be lost.168 For example, in the Kriegsmarine’s strategic war game
of 1937–38, it was emphasized that the political framework had been designed
only to allow the game to explore the possibilities of “operational” warfare; it did
not represent in any way the view of the German naval high command of what
the political situation would be in 1940. Political developments in the course of
the game—for example, entry into the war by Italy or Poland or changes in the
strategic postures of other states—were meant only to change the initial situation
and set up new missions for the players.169
The Germans warned that it was dangerous to conduct a game based on a
historical event. It was possible to reconstruct the original historical situation,
but from the very first move by either side everything would change, because the
imponderables, such as human psychology and the personalities of the individuals involved, would be very different from what they had been. Hence, unless
developments were left to the free play of the opposing sides, the game would
be unnatural and uninteresting. Still, examples from military and naval history
might be cited to good purpose if the director could elaborate from episodes he
had personally witnessed, to illustrate the influence of intangible factors in war.170
The duration of a war game depended on its purpose and scale. In general,
operational and strategic games were longer than tactical ones. In the early 1930s,
the Germans believed that a tactical war game should not take longer than three
to four hours to play, while higher-level games should last for several days or
weeks or even months. The shorter the game, the more critical it was for the
players to make quick and sound decisions. If the game was to be intense and
maintain the interest of the players, it should not last too long.171 In terms of
simulated “game time,” the Germans preferred that a section or phase of a game
should not represent a period longer than a week. A game with a longer phase
would be complicated to play because it was not transparent to controllers. It
would lack the unpredictability caused by shifts in the situation, which often
happen in real combat. Hence, it was better to play a game divided into several
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shorter phases; the number of examples would be increased and the clarity of the
situation enhanced.172
Strategic or operational war games had relatively few days of actual play.
Most of the time was devoted to “planning studies” (Planstudien), or staff studies, and discussions between the directing team and participants of problems
revealed during each phase. For example, the Kriegsmarine strategic war game
of 1937–38 started on 3 November 1937 and ended on 7 March 1938. The game
consisted of three phases. The preparation of the initial situation lasted until 22
December 1937, followed by work on the second situation until 20 January 1938,
and on the third until 15 February.173 Only six days were devoted to moves by the
players, all during an admiral’s staff ride (Admiralstabsreise) at Krummhuebel
(Karpacz today), in Lower Silesia, from 25 February to 7 March.174 The actual
days of play were 25–26 February (days 1–2), 28 February–1 March (days 3–4),
and 3–4 March (days 5–6)—there was no play on 2 March. Preparations for the
final discussion were made on 5–6 March, and the final discussion itself took
place on the 7th.175
The director controlled a war game closely. He asked direct questions and insisted
on equally direct, unequivocal, concise, and clear-cut answers. Long-winded or
irrelevant expositions were, if necessary, abruptly cut off. The guiding principle
was to bring out clearly the most important points of a subject; the director was
responsible for consolidating the thoughts of the participants on the essential
points;176 he was not to be driven off the subject when other participants were.
When the director spoke, no other person was allowed to speak. His comments
started with the side that made the first decision; he would respond to questions
in a way that fostered reflection.177 He was to express his views in a clear and definite manner but without personal acrimony. The idea of training and teaching
was to be paramount.178
The director of the game was responsible for preparing a large number of messages crafted to confront the players during game play with complex situations.179
The battle picture was constantly updated. The participants were kept informed
of the overall situation.180
Shifts from one phase or episode to the next, and the “time jumps” between
them, depended on the situation. In general, the largest “time jump” was made
at the beginning of the game, when the opposing sides were the farthest apart;
the jumps were progressively smaller as the distances were reduced. The director
could order an unscripted time jump during a game after consultation with the
team leaders of the opposing sides.181 For each phase, subordinate commanders
conducted new assessments of the situation and made appropriate decisions.182
Vego: German War Gaming
One of the director’s main responsibilities during the game was to keep a
high level of interest among the players. This means that each phase of a war
game had to be kept full of uncertainty and drastic developments.183 The director influenced the course of the game by issuing reports from friendly forces and
intelligence on the enemy that imposed substantial changes in the situation.184
The director was to play the game in accordance with the decisions of both
sides, but he did not know in advance what these decisions would be.185 He was to
allow sufficient freedom of action to the players but not to let the game to degenerate into trivialities. To this end the director could intervene through discussions
during a particular point in a game in which he could ask briefly questions, make
statements, and give his reasons. The Germans stressed that it was undesirable
for a director to interfere with the actions taken or decisions made by players or
to criticize or correct them. If the players sensed that they could not make decisions themselves, but only the director, then uncertainty, indecision, and reduced
interest and motivation would result.186 If the team leaders made tactical errors,
they were not interfered with; subsequent events would show which measures
were correct and which faulty.187
A game was to be conducted in such a way that it facilitated a free exchange of
opinions between the director and the players in conversations that the director
stimulated by transmitting his knowledge, in the shape of interesting situations
and his ideas on command and control. The director was to help players develop
their judgment and their capacity for rapidly arriving at decisions. He was to
abstain from tedious written work before the game and from long-winded theoretical discussions in the course of it.188
The Germans emphasized that warfare is full of uncertainty, that commanders
must learn to act in conditions of uncertainty, finding their way through sheer
willpower.189 For this reason the director ensured that players did not have all
the information they needed to make sound decisions. The commander of each
side in a game had to build his picture of the situation independently, not let the
director do it. Very often, commanders forgot that neighboring forces were part
of the game; this gave directors opportunities to impose unexpected events and
thereby influence the game in certain directions.190
German war games ended with a final discussion lasting perhaps half a day.
It was conducted one or two days after the last play day.191 The final session included remarks by the most senior officer present and the director, followed by
discussion with the participants. The director’s superior stated in his comments
whether he considered the plan underlying the game to have been suitable and
to correspond to reality, whether the topic for the game had been completely and
accurately grasped, and whether the purpose of the game had been achieved.192
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The written report of the final discussion was typically dozens of pages long.
It was written by the director, with the input of the team leaders, and it reflected
the level at which the game had been conducted. For example, the final discussion
report for Kriegsspiel-B of 1937–38, by the commander of the Fleet Command
(Admiral Rolf Carls), was written at the operational level, from a war-at-sea
perspective. This document, issued on 12 April 1938, was sixty-eight typewritten pages long. After a short discussion of the game itself, it focused on such
operational aspects of war at sea as struggle for sea control, the missions of the
Kriegsmarine, the importance of bases overseas and neutrals, and the maritime
theater, as well as the most important episodes of Kriegsspiel-B.193
The final discussion was not a description of the course of the entire game.
The director selected the interesting and instructive moments and commented
on decisions made by the team leaders. The director was to take a stand on all
important decisions he had made himself and not only to critique those of others but suggest specific solutions.194 Both praise and criticism were to be given
sparingly; any criticism, especially in the oral session, was to be polite and respectful, especially in the presence of junior officers. The director was to state
clearly—after pointing out that no military problem has a standard solution,
that for most theoretical problems several solutions are perfectly possible, and
that his opinion was no sure path to victory—how he would have acted and why.
Every criticism was to conclude with a statement as to whether the commander
had accomplished his mission. Finally, the exchange of opinions was not to lead
to limitless discussion.195
Normally, after the end of a war game the director ordered written “planning
studies” of problems that had been identified during the game and required elaboration. For example, after Kriegsspiel-B the commander of the Scouting Force
(Befehlshaber der Aufklaerungsstreitkraefte, or B.d.A.) was directed to conduct
three planning studies. The first, delegated to the flag officer of the Torpedo Boats
(Fuehrer der Torpedoboote, or F.d.T.), was to assess the protection of German sea
communications in the Baltic and the chances of success should Soviet forces
go on the offensive. Second, the flag officer of the Minesweepers (Fuehrer der
Minensuchboote, or F.d.M.) was to assess the possibility of and chances of success
in laying the Bruestort–Oeland mine barrier after Soviet attacks on German sea
communications and also of laying mine barriers before Soviet forces penetrated
into the central Baltic. The third planning study was to explore the employment
of the U-boats and S-boats (fast torpedo boats), mine barriers, and aircraft in the
Gulf of Finland to damage or eliminate the Soviet fleet, and also the use by German forces of bases in neutral Finland or Estonia.196 The naval high command
directed a study, The Problem of the North Sea Theater in a German-British Naval
War, about seventy pages long, based on the war game.197
Vego: German War Gaming
Prior to 1939, the Germans routinely used war games to examine plans that
would be tested in large-scale exercises and maneuvers. For example, the concept
of employing U-boats in groups or screens (popularly called “wolf packs” in
the West) had its beginnings in the last few months of World War I. The idea of
employing large numbers of U-boats in groups and on the surface was revived
during naval war games in the early 1930s. Shortwave radio had now made it
possible for the first time for the U-boat command to direct from headquarters
on board a ship or ashore the movements and coordinate the attacks of several
groups of boats. This concept was first tested in practice during Wehrmacht
maneuvers in the fall of 1937. The commander of the U-boats, Commodore
Doenitz, controlled his boats deployed in the Baltic via shortwave radio from a
submarine tender at Kiel. On the basis of these exercises Doenitz requested that
a command ship equipped with the latest communications be built for the command and control of U-boats in case of war.198
In the winter of 1938–39, during the navy’s strategic war game, Doenitz
conducted an operational game to explore the employment of U-boats in the
open Atlantic, with special reference to attack in groups, command and control,
organization, the location of enemy convoys, and the massing of additional Uboats for final attacks. In this game no restrictions were placed on either side. The
officer in charge of the convoys had the entire Atlantic at his disposal and was
free to select their courses. Game play suggested that for Commander, U-boats
to exercise complete control of the U-boats in a theater and to conduct joint
operations from a command post ashore was not feasible. Doenitz then decided
that he should direct himself the broad operational and tactical organization of
U-boats in their searches for convoys but that the command of actual operations
should be delegated to a subordinate in a U-boat positioned at some distance
from the enemy and remaining as far as possible on the surface. Doenitz accordingly ordered a certain number of submarines under construction to be fitted
with communications needed for that role. Another finding of the game was that
given the number of U-boats then available and planned, the Germans could not
expect, in a war against merchant ships in the next few years, to do more than
inflict a few pinpricks.199
In May 1939, after further large-scale exercises in the North Sea, U-boats conducted an exercise in group tactics off Cape Finisterre and in the Bay of Biscay. In
July 1939 Doenitz (by then promoted to rear admiral) conducted a similar exercise in the Baltic. All these exercises proved to Doenitz that his concept of using
U-boats in groups was well-founded. (Nevertheless, the German naval high command continued to believe that in the next war U-boats would be employed individually.)200 Doenitz also used lessons learned from the winter exercise of 1938–39
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to argue that a successful war against British maritime trade would require a force
of at least three hundred U-boats, mainly of the 517- and 750-ton types.201
Rehearsing Operations Plans
In the interwar years the Germans invariably looked for potential problems
in operational ideas or plans for pending or future operations by conducting
war games, preferably planning games. For example, General Helmuth Felmy
(1885–1965), commander of the Luftwaffe’s 2nd Air Fleet, conducted on 2 May
1939 a planning game, covering a period of four to five days and based on the
then current deployment of his units.202 The main purpose was to explore the
possibility of a successful air war against Great Britain. The game was considered
so important that it was attended by General Erhard Milch (1892–1972), state
secretary for air transport and inspector of the Luftwaffe; Colonel (later General)
Hans Jeschonek (1899–1943), the newly appointed chief of the Luftwaffe General
Staff; Generals Albert Kesselring (1885–1960) and Hugo Sperrle (1885–1953),
commanders of the 1st and 3rd Air Fleets, respectively; and the director of the
command section (Fuehrungsabteilung) of the Fleet Command and several of
his aides.203
The conclusion drawn by the planning game was that should hostilities be
opened in 1939, a quick victory using airpower could not be achieved. (This
agreed with a Luftwaffe General Staff study, Operational Objectives for the Luftwaffe in Case of a War against England in 1939, of 22 May 1939.)204 The reasons
given were insufficient range of the He-111 bombers to attack the ports on the
British west coast; a limited ability to attack the British surface fleet; the inadequacy of training for attacks against sea targets and in extended bad weather
conditions; the small number of aircraft capable of long-range operations; and
the existence of too many potential targets and too large a combat area for the
number of aircraft available.205
The Germans assumed that the major part of the Royal Air Force would be
deployed to France, for “tactical” and political reasons.206 Nonetheless, the 2nd
Air Fleet concluded that the Luftwaffe’s efforts against British imports would not
have decisive effect. Instead, “terror” attacks on London would be the strongest
option; they would have a catastrophic effect on the British capital, although
they would also increase British resistance. Luftwaffe attacks on the British Expeditionary Corps could not be expected to have decisive effect, because the embarkation and debarkation ports were beyond effective range. Further, the game
suggested, attacks on British fighter aircraft would achieve only small success,
because the British had a well-organized air-defense reporting network at sea and
on the coast. This, in turn, would increase warning time for enemy fighters and
therefore their readiness for action. The game predicted heavy losses for German
Vego: German War Gaming
aircraft in attacks against enemy fighters, which also would distract from the attacks on “vital” targets.
Attacks on the British defense industry and “shadow” industry appeared to
offer the greatest chances for success. Such attacks would have long-term effects.
Because of the wide dispersal of the British airspace industry, defense would
be difficult, allowing the Luftwaffe to employ the smallest forces.207 Using this
analysis, the 2nd Air Fleet proposed to use its deployment areas in northwestern
Germany and, avoiding the defense area around London, to carry out “rolling”
attacks by its smallest units against the British air industry. Secondary targets
would be fuel depots and port installations.208
Another conclusion of the 2nd Air Fleet’s planning game was that the fragmented command structure of the German coastal air defenses would cause
considerable friction and reduce the Luftwaffe’s effectiveness. The German navy
had responsibility for air defense in the coastal fortified areas, which were also
the Luftwaffe’s deployment and logistical support areas. General Felmy proposed
the unification of air defenses to achieve a clear chain of command. For him, this
was not a matter of service prestige but a pragmatic measure for the protection
of the entire Wehrmacht. Specifically, he proposed the establishment of two airdefense divisions in the North Sea area, one between the Ems and Elbe Rivers
and the other between the Elbe estuary and the German-Danish border. (Felmy’s
proposal was ignored, but efforts were made in April 1939 to enhance coastal airdefense cooperation between the Kriegsmarine and the Luftwaffe.)209
The Luftwaffe General Staff conducted a general-staff ride in June 1939 because of the expected war against Poland. This ride included a planning game
several days long. The scenario envisaged that Germany (Blue) would carry out
a surprise attack on Poland (Red); Western European powers and Soviet Russia
were expected to remain neutral in the conflict, and Poland would not undertake
any mobilization. During the general-staff ride, the lead role in air war was assigned to the 1st Air Fleet.210 The main mission of the 1st Air Fleet was initially to
attack Polish air units on the ground and then prevent the deployment of Polish
ground forces with the mass of its forces. The Germans envisaged the employment of the 1st Air Fleet; the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Air Divisions, with their six attack
(Kampfflugzeug) aircraft wings and one dive-bomber wing (Geschwader); the 7th
Air Division, with air transport troops and one paratroop battalion; and the East
Prussia Luftwaffe Command, with one attack and one dive-bomber wing.211
In July 1939 General Franz Halder (1884–1972), the chief (from 1938 to 1942)
of the Army General Staff, conducted the last general-staff ride (Generalstabsreise) prior to the outbreak of World War II. The purpose was to rehearse the plan
for war against Poland. The movements of the Blue party were almost identical
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to those that would be actually carried out that September. For example, the
surprise mass breakout by the Polish grouping at Poznan on 9 September against
General Johannes Albrecht Blaskowitz’s Eighth Army was played during the planning game. (In the actual event the attempt failed, because of the energetic action
of General Kurt von Briesen’s 30th Infantry Division assigned to protect the flank
of the Eighth Army.)212
In the German army, deployment instructions (Aufmarschweisungen) were
drafted by the Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres, OKH). Corresponding deployment orders were then issued by lower headquarters to subordinate units.213 Such orders set the initial employment of all forces in a major
operation or campaign. In many cases the enemy situation was known in great
detail. The campaigns in the west in May 1940 and in Soviet Russia in June 1941
were thoroughly gamed in advance.214 In these campaigns, every commander
down to the company level was completely familiar with his initial mission, the
nature of the forces facing him, and the difficulties that he might encounter.215
Prior to the campaign in France and the Low Countries, the Germans used
war games and exercises of all types to prepare all officers and even NCOs. The
extended waiting period before it began gave ample opportunity to rehearse the
plans. For this reason the first days of fighting went without friction and according to plan; almost nowhere was it necessary for the higher command echelon
to intervene.216 Among other things, problems of troop concentration and initial
operations were studied. The Army General Staff conducted a war game for several days between Christmas 1939 and the new year to explore the main thrust
through the Ardennes. It was directed by General Carl-Heinrich von Stuelpnagel,
the Quartermaster-General I (OQ I) (Operations) and deputy chief of the Army
General Staff at Zossen, near Berlin. The Blue force was commanded by an officer
of the Army General Staff, Red by the chief of the general staff ’s Foreign Armies
West department (Colonel Ulrich Liss). This game was based on the German
operations plans and the enemy situation as known at the time. The Red side’s
leader was supposed to make decisions from the viewpoint of an enemy commander. The purpose of the game was to raise and discuss controversial problems
within a specially selected circle. The war game was conducted with breaks, each
new phase starting with a probable situation at a particular time. The lessons
learned were evaluated by Stuelpnagel and reported to General Halder.217 The war
game showed the compelling effectiveness of a thrust through the Ardennes.218
An Army General Staff planning game was also played, testing in great detail
the possibilities of and the time needed for traversing the Ardennes with panzer
units. All available German and the Belgian maps were used, as well as aerial photographs of terrain. The capacities of the roads, secondary routes, and parking
Vego: German War Gaming
sites had to be entered in small-scale maps in such a way as to give cartographically correct pictures of where columns and individual vehicles were at any time
and of security distances and intervals between marching units. Play was based
on the use of panzers in peacetime and in Poland. Both the war game and the
planning game gave Halder information useful for his final plan of operations.
He supplemented that information by personal trips to deployment areas.219
The commanders of various corps and divisions conducted their own planning games in preparation for the campaign against France and the Low Countries. For example, General Georg-Hans Reinhardt, commander of XLI Panzer
Corps, conducted on 24 April a planning game to rehearse the deployment plan
for his corps. This planning game revealed serious flaws in the plan for Panzer
Group (Panzergruppe) Kleist (named after its commander general, Ewald von
Kleist) (of which XLI Panzer Corps was a part). Reinhardt’s corps was to pass
General Heinz Guderian’s XIX Panzer Corps, so that the two would reach the
Meuse River almost simultaneously. This meant that it would be necessary to
shift temporarily into a combat sector to the north of that assigned to Panzer
Group Kleist; the infantry corps advancing on Guderian’s right would have to
stop on reaching the Belgian-Luxembourgian border so that Reinhardt’s corps
could veer out to the right through the corridor that would be developing. Reinhardt believed that such a complicated movement was irresponsible and posed
an unjustified risk. Just four days before the start of the offensive Reinhardt was
confronted with a disaster: he was now to have only two movement routes, because of changes in the deployment plans.220
Guderian’s corps was assigned the sector of the main weight of effort for the
entire Panzer Group Kleist. It was to advance through southern Luxembourg
and the southern corner of Belgium, reaching the Meuse River at Sedan. Success would heavily depend on close cooperation with the Stuka dive-bombers
commanded by General Wolff von Sutterheim and his superior, the commander
of II Fliegerkorps (Air Corps), General Bruno Loerzer. Guderian arranged for a
four-hour bombardment by the Stukas prior to and during his crossing of the
Meuse. Guderian conducted a planning game, to which he invited airmen, about
the pending operation. He also took part in a war game organized by Loerzer.221
After the start of the campaign, on 12 May, Guderian received an order from
Kleist to attack across the Meuse the next day at 1600. He protested that order
because one of his divisions, the 2nd Panzer, would not be ready to attack with
his other two. Kleist refused to change his orders, arranging with General Sperrle,
commander of the 3rd Air Fleet, to start mass bombing attacks simultaneously
with an artillery barrage. Kleist’s order would endanger a meticulously worked-out
plan for Luftwaffe support that Guderian had made with Loerzer, of which Kleist
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had been unaware. Yet Guderian issued the same order he had prepared during the
preparatory planning game, changing only the date and time of attack.222
When the battle at Sedan started at 1600 on 13 May, Loerzer’s bombers and
dive-bombers applied the tactics that had been rehearsed during Guderian’s
planning game at Koblenz. Strangely, Kleist did not contradict Guderian’s decisions.223 In fact, during the night on 13 May, Guderian called Loerzer and asked
him whether he had received any change of orders prior to that attack at 1600.
He learned that Sperrle’s order had in fact been issued but was passed too late
to the squadrons and that Loerzer quite correctly did not make modifications in
the existing plan.224 Guderian did not receive a single order from his superiors
on what to do after crossing the Meuse. He later claimed that he received none
until he reached the English Channel at Abbeville on 21 May; in the meantime
he issued all orders himself.225
In the summer of 1940, during the preparations for the planned German
invasion of England (Operation Sea Lion, or SEELOEWE), General Ernst Busch,
commander of the 16th Army, conducted a planning game. The participants
included the division commanders, their operations and supply officers, navy
and Luftwaffe staff officers, and the commandants of the North Sea ports. The
purpose of the planning game was to rehearse the movement of the attack waves
from assembly areas to their landing beaches on England’s southern coast and the
establishment of a lodgment. Among other things, the planning game revealed
how small were the capacities of the ports between the Scheldt and Somme
Rivers, in comparison to the large number of barges, freighters, and lighters,
normally used on rivers, that had been hastily rebuilt for crossing the channel.226
Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch (1881–1948), Commander in Chief of
the Army (1938–41), attended troop exercises conducted by the Ninth Army
(General Blaskowitz) and the Sixteenth Army in the fall of 1940. General Halder
attended war games conducted by the Ninth and Sixteenth Armies in late September and the beginning of October 1940. On the basis of the lessons learned
during these war games, Halder issued corresponding orders to both armies for
the contemplated invasion of England.227
One of the early plans for the German invasion of the Soviet Union (codenamed OPERATIONSENTWURF OST, or Operational Design East) was developed
by General Erich Marcks, chief of the staff of the Eighteenth Army in Bromberg,
West Prussia, on the instructions of the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht
(Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, or OKW) in July 1940.228 That plan was
further developed by General Friedrich Paulus, Quartermaster-General I and
deputy chief of the Army General Staff, in November and December 1940.229
Paulus was responsible for coordination of all planning for the campaign.230
Particular attention was given to the distribution of forces and the selection of
Vego: German War Gaming
operational objectives; these points were rechecked and clarified in a planning
game held on 29 November and on 2, 3, and 7 December, at Zossen.231 The strategic objectives of the campaign had been determined by Hitler, while operational objectives had been issued by Halder, as chief of the Army General Staff.
The participants in the planning game were section chiefs of the Army General
Staff, several other army officers, and a Luftwaffe general assigned to the OKH.
The game’s purpose was to rehearse preparations for the operation under consideration; specifically, the questions to be explored were command and control
for reaching the Kiev–Minsk line; the employment of Army Group South, which
would be advancing from southern Poland and Romania; and the difficulties of
operations from Romania.232 Paulus conducted three related planning games: 29
November and 2 December, the Part I game (Eastern Study)—distribution of
Russian forces, Russian fortifications, discussion of the operational “possibilities”
after reaching the first operational objectives; 3 December, the Part II game (Eastern Operation, or Ostoperation)—border engagements and operations until the
Lake Peipus–Minsk–Kiev line; and 7 December, the Part III game—operational
possibilities east of that line (see map 3).233
On 28 November, the tasks of the three army groups involved were given to
their respective chiefs of staff, who independently conducted planning games to
assess those tasks. Halder’s purpose was to put the preparations for the campaign
on a broader footing.234 Participants were directed to prepare operational drafts
by themselves, without the assistance of other army group commanders.235 The
conclusion of all the game phases was that the German forces would prove insufficient if they failed to break Soviet resistance decisively before reaching the
Kiev–Minsk–Peipus Lake line.236
Another conclusion was that the weight of main effort should be the advance
from Poland.237 It was also concluded that large numbers of infantry operating
jointly with the 1st and 2nd Panzer Groups would be required to complete the
planned encirclement of the Soviet forces in the Minsk area; otherwise panzer
forces would not be able to continue their advance.238 Further, the time Army
Group North would require to capture the Baltic states would cause a delay in
the advance of its right flank, thereby endangering the left flank of Army Group
Center. The most important lesson, however, was that a quick outcome could
be achieved only by encircling and capturing the Soviet capital, Moscow. Hence,
the main task of Army Groups North and South would be to protect the flanks
of Army Group Center.239 The accomplishment of initial (operational) objectives along the line running from the Dnepr River to the south of Kiev through
Rogachev, Orsha, Vitebsk, Velikiye Luki, and Pskov to Pernau (Pärnu) would be
a prerequisite for a decisive attack on Moscow. Another lesson was that the German forces would require a three-week pause for buildup of supply lines and
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Vego: German War Gaming
resupply. The offensive could be resumed on the fortieth day after the start of
the campaign.240
Paulus conducted another planning game on 13–14 December at Zossen.241
The reason for this planning game was the need to elaborate further the planned
attack on the Soviet Union on the basis of the OKW instruction of July 1940.242
On 18 December, Hitler directed the OKW to issue Instruction Nr. 21 for the
invasion of Soviet Russia, code-named BARBAROSSA. The participants included
chiefs of various sections in the Army General Staff, a few other, senior officers,
and again a Luftwaffe general.243 The Red side was played by the Chief of Foreign
Armies, East (Lieutenant Colonel Eberhard Kinzel) and his two aides. The main
purpose was to work through the theoretical possibilities for initial troop movements, on the basis of written studies.244 This exchange of views would result
in draft initial-deployment instructions.245 The participants also examined the
options available for continuing operations after successful preliminary engagements.246 The focus was purely on strategic leadership, the current situation,
and concealment of the offensive intent; occupation of the rear areas was not
During the planning game, cooperation between the armies and panzer
armies was addressed, as well as command and control. Issues included cooperation in Army Group South between the forces deployed in Romania (Armies A
and B), those in southern Poland (Armies C and D), and the First Panzer Army;
the separation line between Army Groups North and Center; the danger to the
flank of Army Group North; the regrouping of forces after accomplishment of
the first “strategic” (actually operational) objectives on the Dnepr River–Upper
Dvina River–Peipus Lake line and the continuation of the offensive; reserves;
and Luftwaffe support to the ground forces. The question of cooperation by the
Kriegsmarine with other services was not raised.248 In the game the Germans assumed that on day X+20 of the eastern campaign, their forces, after heavy fighting in the border areas of western Ukraine and Belorussia and in the Baltic states,
would have accomplished, in terms of space and time, the initial objectives of the
campaign plan. The players’ conclusion was that a three-week operational pause
for rest and resupply would be necessary before resuming the offensive toward
Moscow. The Germans calculated that the Soviets would lose about 50 percent
of their strength in the initial battles in the border areas and would be unable to
carry out a strategic counterattack.249
The Army General Staff conducted yet another planning game on 17–20
December to explore the massive problems of supplying the German forces in
the pending eastern campaign. This game was directed by General Eduard Wagner, Quartermaster-General III (OQ III) (Supply and Transport, Organization
and Technology). The Russian campaign would require logistical support and
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sustainment for about three million men, 600,000 horses, and 650,000 motor
vehicles as far as 435–500 miles from initial deployment areas. The results of
the planning game were summarized in a study, Foundations of Command and
Control of Supply in Wide-Ranging Operations in Sparsely Populated Areas, sent
to all frontline major commands in February 1941. Halder and Paulus spoke of
the need to produce special winter clothing. However, that could not be done
without a corresponding increase in raw-material allocations, and that in turn
required Hitler’s approval. Halder asked Brauchitsch to present the problem to
Hitler. Brauchitsch did so, but Hitler dismissed these concerns, insisting that the
campaign would be over before winter.250
On 5 February 1941 Army Group South conducted an operational planning
game, dubbed OTTO, for the invasion of the Soviet Union.251 The exercise was
directed by General Halder; General Georg von Sodenstern, chief of the staff of
Army Group South, handled the details.252 Preparation for the game started on 7
January and was completed by the 27th.253 Among other things, the players predicted the destruction of some 240 Soviet divisions, which would leave only sixty,
and that the Soviets would not be able to recover from these losses. (In the actual
invasion, the Germans in fact quickly destroyed 248 Soviet divisions, but they then
faced not the sixty divisions predicted in the planning game but 220 divisions.)254
On 1 February 1941 the Army General Staff issued deployment instructions
to all three army group commanders, who then conducted planning games and
developed their operational designs. The final plans of the army groups were
prepared by exchanging views with the Army General Staff. A final meeting about
the eastern campaign was held on 4 and 5 June at Zossen, where orders from the
army-group to the division level were clarified in accordance with the common
War Games in Combat
The Germans conducted war games during pauses in combat to study problems
the actual situation on the front would pose.256 For example, on 2 November 1944,
during Operation WACHT AM RHEIN (Watch on the Rhine, popularly known in
the West as the Battle of the Bulge), Army Group B, under Field Marshal Walther
Model (1891–1945), rehearsed defense measures against a possible American
attack at the boundary between the German Fifth and the Seventh Armies. The
leading commanders and their staff officers assembled at headquarters for the
planning game, which had just started when a fairly strong American attack was
launched in the Huertgen–Gemuter Forest area. Model immediately ordered
that with the exception of the commanders directly affected by the attack, the
participants were to continue the game, incorporating reports from the front in
the course of play.257 For the next four hours the situation at the front—and in the
Vego: German War Gaming
planning game—became critical. The 116th Panzer Division (Der Windhund, or
Greyhound) had to be placed at the disposal of the threatened army. It happened
that its commander, General Siegfried von Waldenburg, who was engaged in the
planning game, was receiving a series of game orders to that very effect from
Army Group B and the Fifth Panzer Army. In a few minutes Waldenburg issued
not simulated orders at the map table but real ones to his operations officer and
couriers. His division was alerted and set in motion in the shortest possible time.
Pure chance had changed a simple planning game into stern reality.258
In the spring of 1944, General Friedrich Dollmann, commander of the German Seventh Army, had been responsible for the defense of Brittany and Normandy. He decided to conduct a planning game at Rennes on what proved to be
the very day of the Allied invasion, 6 June, believing that because of bad weather
the attack would not come that day. All his corps and division commanders were
at Rennes when the Allies landed. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, commander of
Army Group B, was also absent that day, visiting his wife in Germany. Dollmann
sent the 21st Panzer Division to counterattack, but the attempt failed. He then ordered General Fritz Bayerlein’s Panzer-Lehr Division toward the front. Bayerlein
protested that the movement would be conducted in daylight and his division
would be decimated from the air, but he followed orders. As a consequence his
division lost five tanks and some 120 other vehicles to Allied aircraft and was not
ready to counterattack until 9 June, when it was repulsed by the Allies.259
The modern war game emerged in Germany in the late eighteenth century and
the first three decades of the nineteenth. By the end of the nineteenth century,
most of the militaries of major European powers, as well as of the United States
and Japan, had adopted the German methods. The golden age of the German
war gaming came during the era of Hans von Seeckt, when the number and
types of games played greatly increased, compared with prior to 1914. The main
reason was the severe restrictions placed by the Versailles Treaty on the size and
composition of the new Reichswehr. Another reason was the extremely difficult
economic and financial situation in Germany in the 1920s.
War gaming greatly contributed to the superb level of professional education
and combat training in the Reichswehr and Wehrmacht, to which in the interwar
years no other military came even close. The Germans showed that war games
could be used effectively and creatively to educate future commanders and their
staffs at all levels of command and to train them in estimating situations and in
making rapid and sound decisions. War games greatly enhanced the preparation of their officers in all aspects of warfare, at all echelons; games also tested
new methods and checked fundamentals of doctrinal documents. The German
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experience shows that war games, in combination with the study of military and
naval history, have inestimable value for the operational thinking of high commanders and their staffs.
The Germans paid close attention to the preparation and execution of war
games. Directors of games were selected by fitness for the position rather than
rank. They had to possess not only solid knowledge and understanding of the
theoretical and practical aspects of warfare but also strong personalities and
In the war games themselves, the Germans stressed the importance of simplicity and realism in the initial situation. Political aspects of the situation provided
only the framework for a game; they were not allowed to dominate it. The Germans emphasized repeatedly the importance of thinking and presenting ideas
succinctly and logically. They paid great attention to the thorough preparation
of a war game and devoted far more time to discussion and reflection than to the
actual play. The Germans also invariably expended considerable effort in writing
planning studies on the problems identified during a game. One of the perhaps
most important elements of the German way of war gaming, however, was the
final discussion, verbal and written—not a mere formality but a thorough analysis of the most important episodes and the lessons learned.
War games were routinely used at all levels of command in rehearsing current
and future plans, for which the “planning game” seems to have been the preferred
vehicle. In most cases the Germans were able thereby to identify problems that
might arise in execution. Another benefit was that all commanders and their
staffs became intimately familiar with the situations in the prospective operating
areas. This made it much easier to carry out the operation.
The German way of war gaming was the product of the German national
character and way of warfare. It cannot be easily transplanted elsewhere, if at all.
Yet many aspects of German war gaming in the interwar years could be adopted
today. For example, war games should be conducted often and at all command
echelons. The diversity of war games should be greatly increased. Game design
should emulate the focus on simple and interesting initial situations and on
concise and logical presentation of ideas. Lengthy and prolonged game play is
less valuable than extensive preparation and discussion. A game should end with
thorough analysis of its most important events, reflecting the level of command
at which it is conducted. Problems identified during a game should result in written staff studies. Current and future plans should invariably be rehearsed in planning games or map exercises. War games should be also used for force planning.
Much greater emphasis should be placed today and in the future on enhancing
the quality of professional education and training, and of war gaming in particular. This is especially critical in an era of shrinking forces and severe budget
Vego: German War Gaming
restrictions. Resources for war gaming and professional education should be the
very last to be cut in the face of national economic difficulties.
1. Horst Walther, Robert Prader, and Franz
Teszar, “Planuebungen. Eine militaerische
Entwicklung und ihre Nutzung im militaerischen und aussermilitaerischen Bereich,”
Oesterreichische Militaerische Zeitschrift, no. 4
(July–August 1993), p. 332.
2. David Schenk, The Immortal Game: A History
of Chess (New York: Doubleday, 2006), p. 11.
3. Ibid., pp. 46–47.
4. Ibid., pp. 50–51.
5. “The Chess Page,” p. 6, The Tale of Sir Robin,
6. Rick Knowlton, “Courier Chess,” Chess Collector 18, no. 1 (2009), p. 13.
7. Ibid.
8. Philipp von Hilgers, “Eine Anleitung zur Anleitung. Das taktische Kriegsspiel 1812–1824,”
Board Games Studies 3 (2000), p. 60.
9. John P. Young, A Survey of Historical Developments in War Games (Bethesda, Md.:
Operations Research Office, Johns Hopkins
Univ., March 1959), p. 7; Walther, Prader, and
Teszar, “Planuebungen,” p. 332.
17. Rudolf Hofmann, War Games, MS P-094
(Washington, D.C.: Office of the Chief of
Military History, Historical Division, Headquarters, U.S. Army, Europe, 1952), p. x, U.S.
Army Military History Institute, Carlisle, Pa.
18. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 23.
19. Ibid.
20. David B. Lee, “War Gaming: Thinking for the
Future,” Airpower Journal (Summer 1990),
p. 41.
21. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 22.
22. Ibid.; Deryl S. McCarty, War Games and
Logistics (Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.: Air
War College, Air Univ., April 1988 pre-cat.),
pp. 3–4.
23. Hilgers, “Eine Anleitung zur Anleitung,” p. 66.
24. Young, Survey of Historical Developments in
War Games, p. 15; Perla, Art of Wargaming,
p. 23.
25. Young, Survey of Historical Developments in
War Games, pp. 15–16.
26. Ibid., pp. 2–3.
10. Young, Survey of Historical Developments in
War Games, p. 7.
27. Matthew Caffrey, Jr., “Toward a HistoryBased Doctrine for Wargaming,” Airspace
Power Journal (Fall 2000), p. 2.
11. Ibid., p. 9.
28. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 24.
12. Peter P. Perla, The Art of Wargaming: A Guide
for Professionals and Hobbyists (Annapolis,
Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1990), p. 17.
29. Lee, “War Gaming,” p. 42.
13. Ibid., p. 18.
14. Young, Survey of Historical Developments in
War Games, p. 11.
15. The new war game was described in
Venturini’s Beschreibung und Regeln eines
Neuen Kriegsspiel zum Nutzen und Vergnuegen
Besonders Aber zum Gebrauch in Militairschulen [Description and Rules of a New War
Game for the Benefit and Pleasure but Especially for Use in Military Schools] [1797].
16. Young, Survey of Historical Developments in
War Games, p. 11.
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30. B[aron] von Reisswitz, Kriegsspiel: Instructions for the Representation of Military Manoeuvers with the Kriegsspiel Apparatus, ed. W.
E. Leeson (Huddersfield, U.K.: Netherwood
Dalton, 1983), p. 1. Originally published
as Anleitung zur Darstellung militaerischer
Manoever mit dem Apparat des Kriegs-spiels
(Berlin: Trowtisch and Son, 1824).
31. Walther, Prader, and Teszar, “Planuebungen,”
p. 333.
32. Reisswitz, Kriegsspiel, p. 33.
33. Ibid., p. 31.
34. Ibid., p. 32.
Naval War College Review, Vol. 65 [2012], No. 4, Art. 10
35. Ibid., p. 3.
36. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 25.
37. Philipp von Hilgers, Kriegsspiele. Einer
Geschichte der Ausnahmezustaende und
Unberechenbarkeiten (Munich: Wilhelm Fink
Verlag/Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoeningh,
2008), p. 67.
38. Lee, “War Gaming,” p. 42; Young, Survey of
Historical Developments in War Games, p. 17;
Hilgers, Kriegsspiele, p. 66.
39. McCarty, War Games and Logistics, pp. 3–4.
40. Bernhard Berger, “Gespielte Vorbereitung
auf den Ersten Weltkrieg. Die operativen
Kriegsspiele in Oesterreich-Ungarn,” Oesterreichische Militaerische Zeitschrift, no. 5
(October–November 2000), p. 595.
41. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 29.
42. Walter Goerlitz, Der Deutsche Generalstab.
Geschichte und Gestalt 1657–1945 (Frankfurt,
a.M.: Verlag der Frankfurter Hefte, 1950), p.
43. Walther, Prader, and Teszar, “Planuebungen,”
p. 333.
44. Hofmann, War Games, p. xi.
45. Walther, Prader, and Teszar, “Planuebungen,”
p. 333.
46. Goerlitz, Der Deutsche Generalstab, p. 124;
Wilhelm Meier-Doernberg, “Moltke und
die taktische-operative Ausbildung im
preussisch-deutschen Heer,” in Generalfeldmarschall von Moltke. Bedeutung und
Wirkung, ed. Roland Foerster (Munich:
Oldenbourg Verlag, 1991), p. 46.
47. Friedrich Immanuel, The Regimental War
Game, trans. Walter Krueger (Kansas City,
Kans.: Franklin, 1907), p. 12.
48. W. von Tschischwitz, Anleitung zum Kriegsspiel [Introduction to the War Game] (1862);
Colonel Thilo Wolf von Trotha, Anleitung
zum Gebrauch des Kriegsspiel-Apparatus zur
Darstellung von Gefechtsbildern mit Berücksichtigung der Wirkung der jetzt gebräuchlichen Waffen [Introduction to the Use of
War Game Apparatus for Presentation of the
Battle Pictures with Consideration to the Effect of the Common Weapons] (1870); First
Lieutenant von Neumann, Das RegimentsKriegsspiel. Versuch einer neuen Methode des
Detachments-Kriegsspiel [Regimental War
Game: An Attempt of a New Method of the
Detachment War Game] (1877).
49. Arthur Scott Mobley, Jr., “Unlocking the
Potential of War Games: A Look beyond the
Black Box” (Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, February 1988), p. 23.
50. Caffrey, “Toward a History-Based Doctrine
for Wargaming,” p. 6.
51. Francis J. McHugh, Fundamentals of War
Gaming, 3rd ed. (Newport, R.I.: Naval War
College, March 1966; repr. 2012), p. 34.
52. Mobley, “Unlocking the Potential of War
Games,” pp. 24–25.
53. Ibid.
54. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 31.
55. Lee, “War Gaming,” p. 43; Hofmann, War
Games, p. xi; Mobley, “Unlocking the Potential of War Games,” p. 24.
56. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 31.
57. Mobley, “Unlocking the Potential of War
Games,” p. 25.
58. Ibid.
59. Edmund Edler von Mayer, Eine Studie Ueber
das Kriegsspiel (Vienna: Verlag des Militaerwissenschaftliche Vereins, 1874), p. 12.
60. Ibid., p. 13.
61. Hofmann, War Games, p. xi.
62. McHugh, Fundamentals of War Gaming, p. 36.
63. Ibid.
64. Robert T. Foley, ed. and trans., Alfred von
Schlieffen’s Military Writings (London: Frank
Cass, 2003), p. 6.
65. Ibid., pp 11–12.
66. Ibid., p. 11.
67. Ibid., p. 108.
68. Berger, “Gespielte Vorbereitung auf den
Ersten Weltkrieg,” p. 599.
69. Foley, Alfred von Schlieffen’s Military Writings,
p. 119.
70. Ibid.
71. Ibid.
72. Ulrich Liss, “Graf Schlieffen’s letztes
Kriegsspiel,” Wehrwissenschaftliche Rundschau, no. 3 (1965), pp. 162–63.
73. Ibid., p. 164.
Vego: German War Gaming
74. Ibid., p. 165.
75. Foley, Alfred von Schlieffen’s Military Writings,
p. 9.
76. Ibid., p. 11.
77. Caffrey, “Toward a History-Based Doctrine
for Wargaming,” p. 8.
78. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 41.
79. Young, Survey of Historical Developments in
War Games, p. 78.
80. Rudolf Hofmann, War Games, p. 12, MS
P-094, Studien der Historical Division, Headquarters, United States Army Europe, Foreign
Military Studies Branch, 1952, ZA 1/2014,
Bundesarchiv-Militaerarchiv, Freiburg im
Breisgau, Germany [hereafter BA-MA].
81. Karl-Volker Neugebauer, “Operatives Denken
zwischen dem Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg,”
in Militaergeschichtliche Forschungsamt, Vortraege zur Militaergeschichte, vol. 9, Operatives
Denken und Handeln in deutschen Streitkraeften
im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Herford/Bonn: Verlag E. S. Mittler & Sohn GmBH), pp. 102–103.
82. Ibid., p. 103.
83. McHugh, Fundamentals of War Gaming, p. 38.
84. Ibid., p. 37.
85. Ibid., p. 38.
86. Marinekriegsakademie [Naval Academy],
Anleitung fuer Seekriegsspiele (Berlin:
1928), p. 7; Hofmann, War Games, pp. 7–8.
87. Lee, “War Gaming,” p. 46.
88. Hofmann, War Games, p. 8.
89. Hans Zenker, Einfuehrung in den Admiralstabsdienst (Hamburg: n.p., January 1924; repr.
1979), p. 12.
90. Marinekriegsakademie, Anleitung fuer
Seekriegsspiele, p. 7.
91. “Schlussbesprechung des Kriegsspiele-B-des
Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine 1937/38
durch den Flottenchef am 12. April 1938,” p.
4, PG 344821, roll 2260, Microfilm Publication T1022: Records of the German Navy,
1850–1945, National Archives Collection
of Foreign Records Seized, Record Group
[hereafter RG] 242, National Archives and
Records Administration, College Park, Md.
[hereafter NARA]; “Erste Besprechung der
Published by U.S. Naval War College Digital Commons, 2012
Lagebearbeitung beider Parteien (Ausgangslage),” p. 4, RM 20/1099, BA-MA.
92. Hofmann, War Games, p. 12, ZA 1/2014,
93. Hofmann, War Games, p. 2.
94. Hofmann, War Games, pp. 6–7, ZA 1/2014,
95. Ibid., p. 13.
96. Walther, Prader, and Teszar, “Planuebungen,”
p. 331.
97. Hofmann, War Games, p. 22, ZA 1/2014,
98. Hofmann, War Games, p. 3.
99. Hofmann, War Games, p. 14, ZA 1/2014,
100. Paul Mahlmann, Die Planuebung. Ein taktisches Lehr- und Lernbuch, 2nd ed. (Munich:
Verlag von E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 1942), p. 9.
101. Ibid., p. 8.
102. Ibid., p. 9.
103. Hofmann, War Games, p. 14, ZA 1/2014,
104. Ibid., p. 17.
105. Ibid., p. 15.
106. Ibid., p. 4.
107. Ibid., p. 15.
108. Ibid., p. 5.
109. Erich Vad, “Operative Fuehrung: Grundlagen,
Merkmale und Perspektiven,” Oesterreichische
Militaerische Zeitschrift, no. 2 (March–April
1998), p. 130.
110. Neugebauer, “Operatives Denken zwischen
dem Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg,” p. 107.
111. Waldemar Benke, “Planspiele” der deutschen
Marine—die Fuehrerkriegsspiele der Reichsmarine 1922–1928 (Annahme-VerlaufBewertung) (Hamburg: Fuehrungsakademie
der Bundeswehr, November 1986), p. 4.
112. Goerlitz, Der Deutsche Generalstab, p. 329.
113. Benke, “Planspiele” der deutschen Marine, p. 4.
114. Neugebauer, “Operatives Denken zwischen
dem Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg,” p. 106.
115. Ibid., pp. 105–106.
116. Ibid., p. 107.
Naval War College Review, Vol. 65 [2012], No. 4, Art. 10
117. Ibid.
143. Ibid., pp. 15–16.
118. Ibid.
144. Ibid., p. 16.
119. Ibid., pp. 110–11.
145. Williamson Murray, Experimental Units: The
Historical Record (Alexandria, Va.: Institute
for Defense Analyses, May 2002), p. 14.
120. Benke, “Planspiele” der deutschen Marine,
p. 4.
121. Ibid., pp. 10–11.
122. Ibid., p. 12.
123. Ibid., p. 4.
124. Marinekriegsakademie, Anleitung fuer
Seekriegsspiele, p. 8.
125. Ibid.
126. Ibid., p. 9.
127. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 42.
128. Ernest May, Strange Victory (New York: Hill
and Wang, 2000), p. 71.
146. Friedrich von Cochenhausen, Anleitung fuer
die Anlage und Leitung von Planuebungen und
Kriegsspielen mit Beispielen und Aufgaben zur
Fuehrerschulung, 2nd ed. (Berlin: Richard
Schroeder Verlag, 1936), p. 5.
147. Marinekriegsakademie, Anleitung fuer
Seekriegsspiele, p. 22.
148. Ibid., p. 25.
149. Ibid., p. 28.
150. Ibid., p. 9.
151. Hofmann, War Games, p. 8.
129. Goerlitz, Der Deutsche Generalstab, p. 468.
152. Immanuel, Regimental War Game, p. 14.
130. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 43.
153. Ibid., p. 20.
131. May, Strange Victory, pp. 71–72.
154. Walter Mussel and Hubert Wallitschek,
Uebungen und Planspiele (Hamburg/Berlin:
R.v. Decker’s Verlag, G. Schenk, 1965), p. 28.
132. Goerlitz, Der Deutsche Generalstab, p. 468.
133. Der Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine
(admiral Raeder), “Plan der Kriegsspiele
1937/38,” p. 3, PG 34480, roll 2259, T1022:
Records of the German Navy, 1850–1945, RG
242, NARA.
134. Beilage zu 103-9-5, Oberkommando der
Kriegsmarine, Kriegsspiel A 1938, Bilder
zur Schlussbesprechung, PG 34149, roll
2259, T1022: Records of the German Navy,
1850–1945, RG 242, NARA.
135. Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine, “Plan
der Kriegsspiele 1937/38,” p. 5.
136. “Erste Besprechung der Lagebearbeitung
beider Parteien (Ausgangslage),” pp. 5–6.
155. Immanuel, Regimental War Game, p. 20.
156. Mussel and Wallitschek, Uebungen und
Planspiele, p. 28.
157. Hubert Wallitschek, Planuebung Technik
(Regensburg/Munich/Vienna: Walhalla Pretoria Verlag, 1967), p. 4.
158. Marinekriegsakademie, Anleitung fuer
Seekriegsspiele, pp. 10–11.
159. “Durchfuehrung von Uebungen und
Uebungsreisen—Allgemeines,” 1927–1928,
RH 2/73 Oberkommando des Heeres/
Generalstab des Heeres, BA-MA.
160. Marinekriegsakademie, Anleitung fuer
Seekriegsspiele, pp. 10–11.
137. Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine, “Plan
der Kriegsspiele 1937/38,” p. 6.
161. Ibid., pp. 11–12.
138. Ibid., pp. 7–8.
162. Ibid., pp. 22–23.
139. Ibid., p. 9.
163. Ibid., p. 23.
140. Schlussbesprechung Kriegsspiel-D F.d.U. (admiral Doenitz), 1938, 4 April 1938, pp. 21–22,
PG 34481, roll 2260, T1022: Records of the
German Navy, 1850–1945, RG 242, NARA.
164. Hofmann, War Games, p. 10.
141. Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine, “Plan
der Kriegsspiele 1937/38,” pp. 10–11.
142. Ibid., p. 13.
165. Erich Brandenberger, “Offizierlehrgaenge
Berlin, Lehrgang IA, Teil I: Anhaltspunkte
fuer die Anlage von Kriegsspielen und
Gelaendebesprechungen,” Berlin, October
1932, p. 450, MS P-031a, German General
Staff Project Training and Development of
Vego: German War Gaming
German General Staff Officers, vol. 30, 1950,
ZA 1/1879, BA-MA.
166. Hofmann, War Games, p. 9.
167. Ibid., p. 10.
168. Ibid., p. 151.
169. Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine, “Plan
der Kriegsspiel 1937/39,” p. 1.
170. Hofmann, War Games, p. 11.
196. OKM—Operatives Kriegsspiel 1937/38,
Kiel, 2 June 1938, pp. 1–2, PG 34481, roll
2260, T-1022: Records of the German Navy,
1850–1945, RG 242, NARA.
197. “Der Nordseekriegsschauplatz in einem
deutsch-englischen Seekriege. Eine begrenzte
Studie nach dem Ergebnis und Material des
Flottenkriegsspiels im Winter 1938/39,” RM
20/1117, BA-MA.
171. Brandenberger, “Offizierlehrgaenge Berlin,”
p. 451.
198. Karl Doenitz, Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty
Days, trans. R. H. Stevens (Annapolis, Md.:
Naval Institute Press, 1990), p. 32.
172. Zenker, Einfuehrung in den Admiralstabsdienst,
p. 25.
199. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 43.
173. Besprechung fuer Amtschef A, p. 5, RM
20/1093, BA-MA.
174. Ibid., p. 4.
175. Ibid., pp. 13–14.
176. Hofmann, War Games, p. 156.
177. Brandenberger, “Offizierlehrgaenge Berlin,”
p. 452.
178. Hofmann, War Games, p. 169.
179. Brandenberger, “Offizierlehrgaenge Berlin,”
p. 454.
200. Doenitz, Memoirs, pp. 21, 32.
201. Holger H. Herwig, “Innovation Ignored: The
Submarine Problem—Germany, Britain and
the United States, 1919–1939,” in Military Innovation in the Interwar Period, ed. Williamson Murray and Allan R. Millet (Cambridge,
U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998), p. 239.
202. Karl Gundelach, “Gedanken ueber die Fuehrung eines Luftkrieges gegen England bei der
Luftflotte 2 in den Jahren 1938/39,” Wehrwissenschaftliche Rundschau, no. 1 (1960), p. 41.
182. Ibid., p. 453.
203. Karl-Heinz Voelker, Die Deutsche Luftwaffe
1933–1939. Aufbau, Fuehrung und Ruestung der Luftwaffe sowie die Entwicklung
der deutschen Luftkriegstheorie (Stuttgart:
Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1967), pp. 161–62.
183. Ibid., p. 452.
204. Ibid., p. 41.
184. Ibid., p. 453.
205. Ibid., p. 43.
185. Hofmann, War Games, p. 2.
186. Immanuel, Regimental War Game, pp. 49–50.
206. Gundelach, “Gedanken ueber die Fuehrung
eines Luftkrieges gegen England,” p. 43.
187. Ibid., p. 50.
207. Ibid.
188. Ibid., p. 19.
208. Ibid., p. 44.
189. Brandenberger, “Offizierlehrgaenge Berlin,”
p. 455.
209. Voelker, Deutsche Luftwaffe, p. 162.
190. Ibid.
211. Ibid., pp. 163–64.
191. Zenker, Einfuehrung in den Admiralstabsdienst,
p. 25.
212. Liss, “Graf Schlieffen’s letztes Kriegsspiel,”
p. 166.
192. Hofmann, War Games, p. 13.
213. Young, Survey of Historical Developments in
War Games, p. 89.
180. Ibid.
181. Ibid.
193. “Schlussbesprechung der Kriegsspiele-B-des
Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine,” pp. 1–68.
210. Ibid., p. 163.
214. Hofmann, War Games, pp. 81–82.
194. Brandenberger, “Offizierlehrgaenge Berlin,”
pp. 466–67.
215. Young, Survey of Historical Developments in
War Games, p. 90.
195. Hofmann, War Games, p. 13.
216. Perla, Art of Wargaming, p. 44.
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217. Young, Survey of Historical Developments in
War Games, p. 84.
234. Philippi and Heim, Feldzug gegen Sowjetrussland, p. 31.
218. Liss, “Graf Schlieffen’s letztes Kriegsspiel,”
p. 166.
235. Hofmann, War Games, p. 60.
219. Young, Survey of Historical Developments in
War Games, pp. 84–85.
220. Karl-Heinz Frieser with John T. Greenwood,
The Blitzkrieg Legend: The 1940 Campaign
in the West (Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute
Press, 2005). Previously published as KarlHeinz Frieser, Blitzkrieg-Legende. Westfeldzug
1940, 2nd ed. (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1996),
p. 114.
221. Heinz Guderian, Erinnerungen eines Soldaten
(Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 1998), p. 87.
222. Heinz Guderian, Panzer Leader, trans. Constantine Fitzgibbon (New York: Da Capo,
1996), p. 101.
236. Philippi and Heim, Feldzug gegen Sowjetrussland, p. 31.
237. Boog et al., Das Deutsche Reich und der
Zweite Weltkrieg, p. 234.
238. Ibid., p. 230.
239. Ibid., pp. 234–35; Goerlitz, ed., Paulus, p. 121.
240. Boog et al., Das Deutsche Reich und der
Zweite Weltkrieg, pp. 234–35.
241. Goerlitz, ed., Paulus, p. 109.
242. Ibid.
243. Ibid., p. 110.
244. Hofmann, War Games, p. 61.
245. Goerlitz, ed., Paulus, p. 110.
223. Ibid., p. 102.
246. Hofmann, War Games, p. 61.
224. Ibid., p. 104.
247. Goerlitz, ed., Paulus, p. 110.
225. Karl-Heinz Frieser, “Der Westfeldzug und
die ‘Blitzkrieg-Legende,’” in Ausgewaehlte
Operationen und ihre militaerhistorischen
Grundlagen, ed. Hans-Martin Ottmer and
Heiger Ostertag (Herford/Bonn: Verlag E. S.
Mittler & Sohn GmBH, 1993), p. 395.
248. Ibid., p. 111.
226. Hofmann, War Games, p. 54.
227. Walter Goerlitz, ed., Paulus. “Ich stehe hier auf
Befehl.” Lebensweg des Generalfeldmarschalls
Friedrich Paulus (Frankfurt, a.M.: Verlag fuer
Wehrwesen Bernard & Graefe, 1960), p. 102.
228. Ibid., p. 109.
249. Ibid., p. 122.
250. Philippi and Heim, Feldzug gegen Sowjetrussland, p. 31.
251. Philipp von Hilgers, War Games: A History of
War on Paper, trans. Ross Benjamin (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2012), p. 157.
252. Hofmann, War Games, p. 37.
253. “Ausbildung der Generalstabsoffiziere,” 19
December 1940, pp. 4–5, RH 19 I/70, Heeresgruppe Sued, BA-MA.
229. Alfred Philippi and Ferdinand Heim, Der
Feldzug gegen Sowjetrussland 1941–1945. Ein
operative Ueberblick (Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1962), p. 31.
254. Caffrey, “Toward a History-Based Doctrine
for Wargaming,” p. 12.
230. Horst Boog et al., Das Deutsche Reich und
der Zweite Weltkrieg, vol. 4, Der Angriff Auf
Die Sowjetunion (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlag
Anstalt, 1983), p. 233.
256. Hofmann, War Games, p. 6.
231. Philippi and Heim, Feldzug gegen Sowjetrussland, p. 31.
259. Samuel W. Mitcham and Gene Mueller,
Hitler’s Commanders (London: Leo Cooper,
1992), p. 129; Richard Brett-Smith, Hitler’s
Generals (London: Osprey, 1976), p. 104.
232. Boog et al., Das Deutsche Reich und der
Zweite Weltkrieg, pp. 234–35.
255. Philippi and Heim, Feldzug gegen Sowjetrussland, p. 48.
257. Ibid., pp. 19–20.
258. Ibid., p. 20.
233. Hofmann, War Games, p. 58; Goerlitz, ed.,
Paulus, p. 109.