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2020, Disability in industrial Britain
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Academia Green Energy, 2024
Electricity power stations are the primary source of carbon dioxide production. The combustion of fossil fuels in these power stations releases CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases occur throughout the life cycle of electricity generation technologies, including extraction, processing, transportation, and combustion of fossil fuels. Nowadays, the development of smart cities plays a crucial role in reducing CO2 emissions. By integrating technology and sustainable practices into urban infrastructure, smart cities aim to minimize energy consumption and emissions. The research mentioned focuses on creating models that correlate CO2 emissions with the installed capacity of power stations and the energy they produce. Polynomial quadratic regression is applied to establish these correlations, enabling the assessment of both present and future CO2 emission values. The construction of new infrastructure for smart cities aligns with the goal of fostering a low-carbon economy. The study also considers the potential contribution of thermal energy to CO2 reduction efforts. By analysing power generation models, researcher aims to identify strategies to meet emission reduction goals. The construction of new infrastructure for smart cities aligns with the broader goal of fostering a low-carbon economy. This involves implementing policies and technologies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. Carbon dioxide emissions contribute significantly to global warming, leading to climate change and patterns of extreme weather. The data on CO2 emissions encompasses gases generated from the burning of fossil fuels, highlighting the importance of reducing reliance on these sources of energy.
Horizons, 2004
This work is a retrieval in the full sense of the word, as Johnson not only critiques Marian scholarship and devotion in a useful manner but also proposes a comprehensive theological framework for the consideration of Mary. Beginning with "the state of the question," Johnson opens her study by surveying the divergent responses to Mary by contemporary women in a variety of cultural contexts. In continuity with her earlier work, Johnson will take a liberationist approach to feminism, which means that women will be asked to speak for themselves, that they will be treated as historically conditioned subjects, that the culture surrounding them will be subject to a "hermeneutic of suspicion," and that the privileged point of observation will belong to those marginalized from political, economic and ecclesial power by the intersection of patriarchy with issues of race or class. Part 1 then turns to a survey of recent feminist theological approaches to the study of Mary, focusing on both critical appraisals and a broad range of creative retrievals. In part 2, Johnson focuses on two highly problematic theological "roads" that emerge over and over in Marian reflection, the notion of Mary as idealized womanhood and the notion of Mary as a fully-or quasi-divine Mother. Both of these readings have reflected and supported patriarchal ecclesial and social structures which rest, in turn, on gender dualism. In particular, Johnson finds this dualism (and its accompanying heterosexism, racism and classism) at the root of the cult of idealized womanhood, and calls for a rejection of "traditional masculine-feminine dichotomy" in favor of an "egalitarian anthropology of
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This thesis was focused on the extensive use of drillhole (DDH and RC) multigeochemistry information for exploration purpose in a brownfields environment around Escondida Porphyry Deposit Copper (PDC) cluster. Initiate with data base integration following with a strategy for data management ,use of statistical approaches and definition of geochenmical exploration targets around Escondida. After drill core and rc chips review of those exploration targets and later drilling, was evident the success of this exploration approach, because were found copper exotic copper mineralization (Hamburgo), copper enrichment extension (extension sur) and large porphyry deposit with high grade copper mineralization (Pampa Escondida)
manajemen dan eksekutif dalam bentuk kapemilikan bisnis
Locul desfăşurării: Şcoala cu clasele I -VIII "Miron Costin", Suceava TEMA:AGRESIVITATE ŞI VIOLENŢĂ Participanţi : părinţi care au probleme de relaţionare cu copiii lor.
e-Spania Revue interdisciplinaire d’études hispaniques médiévales et modernes, 47, 2024
The Irish Times, 2022
Revista de Ciências do Estado , 2024
Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, 2019
FEBS Letters, 1985
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2018
Jurnal Farmasi Higea
Organic Chemistry Synthesis & Study of Dibenzylideneacetone, (1E,4E)-1,5-Diphenylpenta-1,4-dien-3-one., 2024
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)