Current Genomics, 2002, 3, 000-000
Non-Mendelian Phenomena in Allopolyploid Genome Evolution
Bao Liu1 and Jonathan F. Wendel2,*
Institute of Genetics & Cytology, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China and 2Department of Botany,
Bessey Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA
Abstract: Perhaps all flowering plants have experienced one or more episodes of polyploidization at some time in their
evolutionary history. Recent evidence indicates that this genome doubling may be accompanied by a variety of nonMendelian phenomena, some of which operate during hybridization and polyploid formation while others manifest more
gradually on an evolutionary timescale. Here we review these phenomena, drawing attention to recent paradigm shifts
necessitated by new insights from model plant systems. Allopolyploid formation in some plant groups is associated with
an unexplained and in some cases directed process of genomic alteration leading to non-additivity with respect to parental
genomes. Novel intergenomic interactions become possible as a consequence of the merger of two previously isolated
diploid genomes, variously leading to intergenomic colonization and/or homogenization of formerly diverged sequences.
Several epigenetic processes may accompany nascent allopolyploidy, such as nucleolar dominance, gene silencing and
mobile element activation, the latter also resulting in genetic change. These myriad phenomena do not characterize all
polyploid systems, and some nascent allopolyploids appear to be genomically quiescent. Although a direct connection to
adaptation remains to be established, the diversity of genetic responses to allopolyploid formation and their apparent high
frequency suggest that non-Mendelian phenomena contribute directly to polyploid stabilization and diversification.
Polyploidy, resulting from either duplication of a single
but complete genome (autopolyploidy) or from combination
of two or more differentiated genomes (allopolyploidy), is a
prominent mode of speciation in plants [1-8], and has also
been significant in the evolution of vertebrates and possibly
many other eukaryotes, including humans [9-16]. It is
difficult to overstate the importance of polyploidy in the
evolutionary history of plants. While estimates vary
regarding the proportion of angiosperms that have
experienced one or more episodes of chromosome doubling
at some point in their evolutionary history, it is at least 50%
and may be higher than 70% [2,6]; perhaps 95% of
pteridophytes have experienced at least one episode of
polyploidization in their past [1,2]. Many important crop
plants, including wheat, oat, coffee, potato, canola, soybean,
sugarcane, tobacco and cotton are typical polyploids.
Because most ancient polyploids have undergone an
evolutionary process of chromosomal and perhaps genic
“diploidization”, their polyploid history may be obscured at
the cytological and classic genetics levels. Consequently, the
polyploid nature of many plant genomes was not evident
until the advent of comparative genomics and whole-genome
sequencing. Recent and prominent examples include maize
[17,18] and Arabidopsis [19-21] — both species were
traditionally recognized as diploids, but in fact their genomes
harbor compelling evidence of historical cycles of genome
doubling. Given these and other recent examples from plants
[e.g. 22,23-26], it is probably safe to state that there are no
bona fide diploid species in the plant kingdom.
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Botany,
Bessey Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA;
1389-2029/02 $35.00+.00
Given the prominence of polyploidy in plants, it is not
surprising that there has been a great deal of interest in its
biological significance. Various aspects of polyploidy have
attracted attention, including classification of the various
types of polyploids, mode and frequency of formation,
significance vis-à-vis adaptation and diversification, and
correlations with life-history attributes and ecological
parameters. These subjects have been thoroughly reviewed
elsewhere [6-8,27-32] and will not be discussed here. More
recently, attention has been focused on genetic and genomic
attributes of polyploidy, including the immediate and longterm consequences of genome doubling [reviewed in 33].
Because of rapid progress in the field, there has been
growing awareness of the diversity of phenomena associated
with polyploidy, particularly its surprising non-Mendelian
attributes (i.e., those not characterized by conventional
transmission genetics). The present review is aimed at these
phenomena, with the goal of providing a convenient entry
into a rapidly expanding literature. We will revisit some of
the central principles of polyploid genome evolution [cf. 33]
as well as draw attention to recent paradigm shifts
necessitated by new insights from model plant systems.
Particular emphasis will be placed on the mysterious process
of rapid and in some cases directed structural changes that
occur in polyploid genomes upon their formation; novel
intergenomic interactions that become possible as a
consequence of the merger of two formerly isolated
genomes; and epigenetic mechanisms that may accompany
nascent allopolyploidy, such as nucleolar dominance, gene
silencing and mobile element activation. These myriad
phenomena do not characterize all polyploid systems, and in
fact some nascent allopolyploids appear to be genomically
quiescent in this respect. We will summarize experimental
data from model polyploid systems, explore the possible
mechanisms and biological significance of the various
© 2002 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Current Genomics, 2002, Vol. 3, No. 6
Table 1.
Liu and Wendel
Model plant Allopolyploids and Non-Mendelian Phenomena Reported
Plant material
5-generation-old synthetic
allotetraploids produced by reciprocal
crosses between B. rapa and B. nigra,
and between B. rapa and B. oleracea
Phenomena and references
Rapid and random structural genomic changes, including loss
and/or gain of parental RFLP fragments [35]
DNA methylation changes [35]
Novel phenotypes, including variation in flowering time [135]
Rapid random/non-random structural genomic changes, including
loss and/or gain of parental RFLP fragments [40,41,45]
Rapid and ‘programmed’ sequence elimination of low-copy
sequences [44,46,47]
DNA methylation changes [40,45,83]
Rapid epigenetic gene silencing [83]
Retrotransposon activation [83]
Rapid gene loss [83]
Gene silencing and dosage compensation [81,82,147]
Reciprocal intergenomic invasion by repeats [122]
Elimination of repeats [148]
Rapid epigenetic gene silencing [61,80]
DNA methylation changes [61,80]
Reversibility of silenced genes via epigenetic means [80]
Multiple phenotypic variation and instability [61]
Nuclear dominance [68,69,73]
Natural allotetraploids
Inter-locus concerted evolution [58]
(ca. 1-2 million-year-old)
Intergenomic colonization by repeats and transposons [55-57]
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
Natural allotetraploid
Elimination and rearrangement of rDNA [111]
Rice (Oryza sativa)
Intergeneric F1 hybrid and introgressed
lines between rice and wild rice (Zizania
latifolia) (9 generation- old)
DNA methylation changes [79,124]
Transposon activation [79]
Cotton (Gossypium)
F1 hybrids, 1-5 generation-old synthetic
allopolyploids between various species
combinations and at various ploidal
levels; natural tetra- and hexaploid
Synthetic allotetraploids between
Arabidopsis thaliana (2n = 20) and
Cardaminopsis arenosa (2n = 32); a
natural tetraploid species, Arabidopsis
suecica; synthetic allotetraploids
between A. thaliana and A. lyrata
phenomena, and discuss possible reasons for the observed
differences among polyploid taxa.
According to the classical view of allopolyploidy, the
merger of two distinct but related genomes should result in
genomic additivity with respect to the parental species. This
expectation serves as a convenient null hypothesis of the
predicted genomic contributions to a polyploid nucleus.
Naturally occurring polyploids may not, however, provide
robust tests of the hypothesis, because their genomes, as well
as those of their diploid progenitors, will have continued to
evolve since polyploid formation, thereby obscuring initial
conditions. Because of this, insights into the earliest stages
of polyploid genome evolution are likely to require the study
of synthetic experimental allopolyploids. Recent studies in
Brassica and in Aegilops-Triticum are especially revealing in
this regard, as they demonstrate that nascent allopolyploids
often do not show genomic additivity with respect to their
parents. Instead, their genomes display remarkable patterns
of non-Mendelian genomic changes accompanying hybridization and polyploidization. These studies, more than any
others, are responsible for a growing recognition of the dynamic [34] and unpredictable nature of polyploid genomes.
The first study demonstrating extensive and rapid
genomic changes accompanying polyploid formation was by
Song et al. [35], who used newly synthesized reciprocal
synthetic allopolyploids in Brassica. Two different hybrids
were generated in each of the two parental cytoplasms, one
between the diploids B. rapa and B. nigra and the other from
B. rapa and B. oleracea. Following colchicine-doubling, F2
individuals were recovered from which progenies up to the
F5 generation were synthesized by self-pollination. Southern
Non-Mendelian Mechanisms in Polyploids
hybridization analysis using 89 nuclear probes corresponding
to cDNAs, known-function genes, and anonymous genomic
clones revealed a high frequency of unexpected fragment
profiles in each generation [see, however, 36]. These
genomic changes included loss of parental fragments,
recovery of parental fragments in the F5 that were not
detected in the F2, and the frequent appearance of novel
fragments, especially in allopolyploids involving B. rapa and
B. nigra. This latter observation reflects the quantitative
conclusion that nearly twice as much change was detected in
crosses involving the distant relatives B. rapa and B. nigra as
in the more closely related B. rapa and B. oleracea. The
changes were apparently random, as individuals from the
same and different generations exhibited a great degree of
A similar phenomenon of unexplained gain and loss of
DNA fragments was soon thereafter described from
synthetic allopolyploids of the Aegilops-Triticum group. The
wheat group provides an ideal system to study polyploid
genome evolution because several allopolyploid species are
young, their diploid progenitors are extant, and the
phylogenetic relationships among the diploid species and
between the diploids and polyploids are reasonably wellunderstood [37-39]. Moreover, allopolyploids can be readily
synthesized in the laboratory by colchicine treatment.
Perhaps of more significance, the young (~ 8,500 year-old)
natural hexaploid species Triticum aestivum (common or
bread wheat), vital to the development and present
sustenance of human civilization, is a classic example of
speciation via allopolyploidy. This species is an
allohexaploid, with a genomic constitution BBAADD,
formed from a natural hybridization event between the
allotetraploid Triticum turgidum (BBAA) and a taxon similar
to modern Aegilops tauschii (DD), with genome doubling
most probably resulting from fertilization between
unreduced gametes [37,38].
Liu et al. [40] studied RFLP patterns in nine sets of
parental lines and 3- to 6-generation-old synthetic
allopolyploids of various Aegilops-Triticum species at
several different ploidy levels. Several restriction enzymes
were used and the probes included 41 anonymous genomic
or cDNAs and two protein-coding genes whose functions
were known. To maximize genomic coverage, probes were
selected that map to proximal and distal regions of the short
and long arms of each of the seven homoeologous
chromosome groups. Contrary to the expected genomic
additivity, and in accord with the findings in Brassica,
extensive changes in RFLP patterns were observed in all
nine allopolyploids, including loss of parental fragments
and/or appearance of novel fragments. As was the case with
Brassica, some of the changes were apparently random, as
evidenced by differences in restriction fragment profiles
among individuals for a given synthetic amphiploid and
between synthetics and their natural counterparts. Some
changes, however, were uniform among all individuals
tested and showed concordance with the RFLP patterns
observed in natural polyploids. Liu et al [40] presented
evidence to show that the observed changes accompanying
allopolyploid formation were due to methylation, as opposed
to actual sequence elimination.
Current Genomics, 2002, Vol. 3, No. 6
In addition to establishing that hybridization and
polyploid formation may be accompanied by an
unexpectedly high level of genomic non-additivity, the
foregoing studies raised the possibility that some of the
genomic changes may be “directed”, as opposed to random,
as suggested by earlier work on ribosomal RNA genes in
synthetic allopolyploid wheat [41]. Classic cytogenetic data
and recent comparative genome mapping studies have shown
that the three constituent genomes (A, B and D) of common
wheat are highly syntenic to each other and to other grasses
[23,42]. Hence it was surprising when Liu et al. [43] and
Feldman et al. [44] discovered that there exists a class of
low-copy, apparently non-coding sequences in wheat that are
exclusively localized to one pair of homologues
(chromosome-specific sequences, or CSSs) or to several
pairs of homologues of the same genome (genome-specific
sequences, or GSSs). More surprising was the observation
that some of these sequences are conserved, as deduced from
Southern hybridization analysis, among the diploid
progenitors. The presence of these sequences in all diploid
progenitors of bread wheat contradicted their apparent
absence from one or more of its constituent genomes.
Feldman et al. [44] studied nine of these sequences in
both tetraploid and hexaploid natural wheat by using a
variety of aneuploid lines. Particularly useful were the
nullisomic-tetrasomic lines, in which one pair of homologues
is replaced by another pair of homoeologous chromosomes
(e.g., nullisomic for chromosome 5 from the A-genome,
tetrasomic for chromosome 5 from the B-genome), thereby
permitting diagnosis of the genomic distribution of particular
sequences. All nine sequences studied, which are conserved
in the parental diploid genomes, were invariably either
chromosome- or genome-specific in the tetraploids and
hexaploids. This observation indicated that the process
responsible for the “conversion” from ubiquity to specificity
operated twice, once upon formation of the BBAA
tetraploids and a second time coincident with the
allopolyploidization event that gave rise to hexaploid wheat.
The striking occurrence of this phenomenon at two different
ploidy levels suggested that the responsible mechanism
operated in a directed or non-random fashion. To find out
whether sequence divergence or sequence elimination
(deletion) was the underlying mechanism, a 5-generation-old
synthetic hexaploid wheat was studied, which was analogous
in genome constitution to common wheat. In this experiment
all sequences that showed diagnostic polymorphism already
became either chromosome- or genome-specific by the fifth
generation following polyploid formation, thus strongly
implicating sequence elimination as the operative process.
In a follow-up study, Liu et al. [45] monitored RFLP
fragment profiles in three to six generation-old synthetic
tetraploids, hexaploids, octoploids, and decaploids in the
Aegilops-Triticum complex, using a similar set of probes as
employed in the study of Feldman et al. [44]. Consistent
with the earlier results, rapid and non-random sequence
elimination was observed from one or more genomes in
every allopolyploid studied, in addition to a less common
appearance of novel fragments. The non-random nature of
the phenomenon was shown by the observation that in cases
where a natural counterpart of the synthetic amphiploid
existed, sequence elimination was found to have invariably
Current Genomics, 2002, Vol. 3, No. 6
occurred as expected from the hybridization profile of the
extant natural allopolyploid. For example, if the probe
sequence was B-genome-specific in natural bread wheat,
then in the synthetic amphiploids it was always eliminated
from the A-genome (or Am) parent in tetraploids formed
between A (or Am ) and S ( ≅ B)-genome diploids, and
additionally from the D-genome in AABBDD hexaploids.
Thus, only the B genome retained the sequence subsequent
to tetraploid and hexaploid formation.
The foregoing experiments established that in at least
some polyploid systems, rapid sequence elimination may not
only characterize nascent allopolyploids, but that this process
is highly “directed” and is repeatable under both natural and
experimental conditions. Albeit intriguing, we note that
because the studied sequences have a pre-selected and
anomalous property, namely, not being present in all
genomes of natural polyploid wheat, it is unclear how
representative they are of the genome as a whole, and by
extension, what the extent is of the phenomenon of
polyploidy-induced sequence elimination. In addition, the
above studies involved comparisons of synthetic
amphiploids with their parental lines (descendents of
parental plants) instead of the exact parental plants, leaving
open the possibility that segregation of parental
heterozygosity was responsible for the observed DNA losses.
One might also wonder about the consequences of mode of
synthesis of the amphiploids, which in the present case were
obtained by chromosome doubling with colchicine; although
unlikely, it is possible that unexpected genomic nonadditivity resulted from this chemical treatment. Finally,
because two events are involved in allopolyploidization, i.e.,
hybridization and genome doubling, and because the initial
F1 hybrid was not studied, it is not possible to distinguish
whether genomic merger per se or genome doubling was the
instigator of genomic change.
To address these experimental concerns and extend our
understanding of the phenomenon, Feldman and coworkers
synthesized and studied new amphiploids [46,47]. In one
study [46], 35 interspecific or intergeneric F1 hybrids, their
exact parental plants, and 22 derived allopolyploids of
Triticum and Aegilops were analyzed by Southern blotting,
using eight different CSSs or GSSs as hybridization probes.
This study not only confirmed the earlier result that
allopolyploidy is accompanied by rapid and nonrandom
sequence elimination [44,45], but also provided several
novel insights into the phenomenon. First, rapid elimination
of CSSs and GSSs appears to be a general, nonrandom,
directional and highly reproducible phenomenon in newly
synthesized allopolyploids in Aegilops-Triticum. Second,
sequence elimination is not caused by colchicine treatment,
as amphiploids arising spontaneously from the union of
unreduced gametes or obtained by tissue culture showed the
same pattern of elimination. Third, initiation of the
elimination process for GSSs was already apparent in F1
individuals and was completed by the second or third
generation of selfing following allopolyploid formation,
whereas elimination of CSSs started in the first allopolyploid
generation and was completed by the second or third
allopolyploid generation. This finding suggests that there
may be a basic difference in the elimination pattern for GSSs
and CSSs, with elimination of GSSs triggered by the union
Liu and Wendel
of divergent genomes (hybridization), and elimination of
CSSs by genome doubling (polyploidy). Fourth, the data
suggested that sequence elimination started earlier and was
completed sooner in allopolyploids whose genomic
compositions have natural counterparts than in
allopolyploids that do not exist in nature.
This last observation is important, in that it suggests that
specific attributes of particular genomic combinations
influence the timing and rate of sequence elimination. This
reinforces the earlier speculation [44,45] that sequence
elimination plays a role in the initial stabilization and
establishment of newly formed allopolyploids as new species
in nature. Perhaps only those genomic combinations that
could effectively “deal” with the merger of two genomes, in
part by a process of directed sequence elimination, could
survive and form new lineages; those that were less effective
in this respect may have suffered a higher frequency of
unbalanced or inviable gametes and been less fit.
In the second study [47], two different F1 hybrids
between diploid species of the Tricitum-Aegilops group were
surveyed at a large number of genomic loci using amplified
fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, with
follow-up confirmation using Southern blotting. AFLP
analysis permitted the discovery of a large number of bands
(373 and 246, respectively, in the two progenies) that could
be monitored for transmission to the hybrid and derived
allopolyploid generations. This unbiased (vs. using preselected CSSs and GSSs) and large-scale survey showed that
sequence elimination is a major and immediate response of
the wheat genome to wide hybridization and genome
doubling. Shaked et al. [47] also showed that it affects a
large fraction (see below) of the genome and that identical
elimination patterns occurred in independently synthesized
polyploid plants. Perhaps most astonishing is the result that
in one of the two combinations of diploids, up to 14% of the
genomic loci of one parent’s genome were eliminated in a
single generation, with most of the changes resulting from
hybridity (F1) as opposed to genome doubling.
A profound realization emerges from these studies on
Brassica and Aegilops-Triticum, namely, that allopolyploidy
can not only lead to the establishment of new species in a
single generation, as has long been recognized [6,8,28], but
that in the process the constituent genomes may be
dramatically and virtually instantaneously altered. At
present, one can only speculate about the immediate
morphological, physiological, and ecological consequences
of rapid and directed hybridization-induced and polyploidyinduced genomic reorganization, but the potential relevance
to adaptation and diversification is evident (see section VIII,
below). This issue takes on added importance when one
considers the prevalence of wide hybridization and
polyploidy in plants.
One question that naturally arises is whether the results
for Brassica and Aegilops-Triticum will turn out to be typical
or aberrant. It already is evident that rapid genomic change
is not a hallmark of all nascent plant allopolyploids. For
example, a recent study in cotton (Gossypium) assayed
approximately 22,000 genomic loci in nine sets of synthetic
allopolyploids using AFLP fingerprinting, yet nearly perfect
Non-Mendelian Mechanisms in Polyploids
additivity was found with respect to parental AFLP banding
profiles [48]. This result extends that inferred from
phylogenetic analysis of 20 low-copy genomic loci in natural
allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and its extant
two diploid progenitors [49,50]. Recovery of the expected
phylogenetic topology for each of these gene trees
demonstrates that since allopolyploid formation about 1-2
million years ago [51-53], most duplicated genes have not
interacted, i.e., they have evolved independently. Similar
results have also been obtained for repeated sequences, such
as 5S ribosomal genes and spacers [54]. Contrary to this
pattern of stasis and independence, some repetitive families,
including transposable elements, have spread from one
genome to the other following allopolyploid formation [5557]. Moreover, homoeologous 18S-26S rDNA arrays in G.
hirsutum have interacted to such an extent that only a single
sequence type remains, the other having been ‘overwritten’
by some concerted evolutionary process [58].
These data collectively demonstrated that in natural
allopolyploid cotton, there is a fundamental difference in the
mode of evolution between low-copy loci and repetitive
families. Yet even the latter do not appear to be subject to the
kinds of rapid genomic changes as described above for
Aegilops-Triticum and Brassica. A similar degree of
genomic quiescence accompanying allopolyploid formation
appears to be the case for the grass species Spartina anglica.
This allopolyploid taxon originated in southern England
approximately 110 years ago, from hybridization between
the native S. maritima and the introduced North American S.
alterniflora. Since its recent formation, S. anglica has
rapidly expanded its geographic range, and now is a
widespread species in salt marshes and estuaries in Western
Europe and has been introduced and is rapidly expanding its
range in Australia, China and New Zealand. One might
suggest that this ecological success is attributable, at least in
part, to its polyploidy, and that perhaps its rapid colonization
history was facilitated by “rapid genome change” of the type
reported in Brassica and wheat. Yet molecular analysis using
RAPDs and ISSRs revealed genomic additivity with respect
to parental genotypes [59]. Recent analyses using the more
powerful REMAP (retrotransposon-microsatellite amplified
polymorphism) and IRAP (inter-retrotransposon amplified
polymorphism) techniques corroborate the relative genomic
stasis of S. anglica [60]. Thus it is apparent that different
groups of plant species are subject to dramatically variable
genomic responses to allopolyploidization, ranging from
apparent quiescence to widespread reorganization. At
present, the mechanistic underpinnings of this heterogeneity
remain obscure.
It has long been noted that recently originated and
synthesized allopolyploids may be associated with variability
and instability in phenotypic characteristics, including
lethality, sterility, homeotic transformation, flower
variegation, and dominance of the hybrid phenotype by that
of one parent [see 61,62,63]. Although the genesis of these
instabilities is not understood, one plausible explanation is
that they reflect altered gene expression resulting from
Current Genomics, 2002, Vol. 3, No. 6
intergenomic interactions or incompatibilities. It is
envisioned that modification or disruption of intrinsic
epigenetic control systems could alter expression patterns
and developmental trajectories [62,64]. Until recently,
however, there was virtually no empirical data on epigenetic
changes associated with polyploidization, either natural or
The term epigenetic refers to changes in gene expression
that do not entail a change in DNA sequence. Among the
several mechanisms responsible for epigenetic phenomena,
the most important appear to be DNA methylation and
histone deacetylation [65-67]. An excellent example of the
modification and change in gene expression is provided by
recent research into the well-known phenomenon of
nucleolar dominance [68,69]. Nucleolar dominance refers to
the process in hybrids or allopolyploids whereby nucleoli
form, in association with ribosomal RNA genes, on
chromosomes inherited from only one of the two parents (or
in non-hybrids from only one of two or more rDNA arrays).
The phenomenon was discovered nearly 70 years ago in
plant hybrids, when unexpected changes were observed in
the morphology of chromosomes from the genome of one
parent [70]. It turned out that the changes reflected nucleoli
formation that manifested at the cytogenetic level as
secondary constrictions or satellites.
Nucleolar dominance has since been described and
studied in numerous plant and animal hybrids and
allopolyploids [68], but the molecular basis for the
phenomenon has remained elusive. Recently, nucleolar
dominance was studied at the molecular level in both natural
and synthetic allopolyploids in two plant genera, Brassica
[71,72] and Arabidopsis [73]. In contrast to earlier data on
animals suggesting that nucleolar dominance was due to
selective activation of dominant rRNA genes, it was found
that in plants the phenomenon results from selective
silencing of rRNA genes from the “recessive” (subdominant)
modifications [71,72]. Notably, rRNA transcripts from only
one of the parental genomes were detected in vegetative
tissues in both natural and synthetic polyploids, indicating
rapid occurrence of the phenomenon with the onset of
polyploid formation as well as its long-term evolutionary
Further study demonstrated that cytosine methylation and
histone deacetylation act as partners in the enforcement of
rRNA gene silencing [72]. Direct evidence that cytosine
methylation plays a role in nucleolar dominance stemmed
from chemical treatment with 5-aza-2’-deoxycytosine, an
inhibitor of cytosine methyltransferase, which induced a
reactivation of under-dominant rRNA genes [72,73]. The
histone deacetylase inhibitors, sodium butyrate and
trichostatin A, also de-repressed silent rRNA genes.
Interestingly, treatment with both aza-dC and trichostatin A
was no more effective than either compound alone in derepressing under-dominant rRNA genes, suggesting that
cytosine methylation and histone deacetylation act as
partners in the same repression pathway at the transcriptional
level [68,69,71-73].
Current Genomics, 2002, Vol. 3, No. 6
One of the more intriguing aspects of these studies is the
observation that whereas nucleolar dominance is complete or
nearly so in vegetative tissues, homoeologous rRNA genes
were co-expressed in all floral organs. This not only proves
both reversibility of the phenomenon and epigenetic control
that acts at the transcriptional level, it suggests the possibility
of partitioning of duplicate gene function following
polyploidization, due to epigenetic phenomena alone. This,
in turn, has been proposed as an important attribute
facilitating adaptation and diversification of polyploids
These studies on nucleolar dominance demonstrate that
allopolyploidy can induce rapid epigenetic silencing of
rRNA genes from one of the parental genomes. Since rRNA
genes are exclusively transcribed by RNA polymerase I, it is
of interest to ask if protein-coding genes, which are
transcribed by RNA polymerase II, are subject to similar
epigenetic regulation that is responsive to hybridization and
polyploidy. Although in both the work on Brassica [35] and
wheat [40] synthetic allopolyploids, DNA methylation
changes in anonymous genomic or cDNAs were noted, the
relevance of these observations to gene expression were not
addressed. Several recent studies, however, have
demonstrated that wide hybridization and genome doubling
could induce rapid epigenetic modifications in both coding
and regulatory sequences, as well as in or near mobile
elements, resulting in gene silencing, novel expression and
mobile element de-repression [61,62,76-79,80, Levy, pers.
The first extensive study of gene silencing and novel
expression on a global level was that of Comai et al. [61] on
polyploid Arabidopsis X Cardaminopsis hybrids. These
authors found that lines derived from a synthetic
allotetraploid (2n = 26) between a tetraploid Arabidopsis
thaliana (2n = 20) and Cardaminopsis arenosa (2n = 32)
exhibited a great deal of variation in morphology, fertility
and flowering time. Although some of this variation could be
attributed to segregation of the parental heterozygosity of C.
arenosa, owing to the out-crossing nature of this species, the
high level of phenotypic instability observed in the F2
generation cannot be explained by Mendelian genetic
processes. These anomalous phenotypic instabilities in
newly synthesized allopolyploids implicate one or more
genetic or epigenetic phenomena. To evaluate the effects on
gene expression, Comai et al. [61] conducted a comparative
analysis of the allotetraploid and its parents, using amplified
fragment length polymorphism analysis on cDNAs (cDNAAFLP). To identify changes due to allopolyploidization, but
not to differences in ploidy level, lines of the same ploidy
level were compared. Potential gene silencing was revealed
by the observation that 20 of approximately 700 transcripts
evaluated disappeared from the allotetraploid although they
existed in the parents. Moreover, in two cases transcripts that
did not exist in the parents appeared in the allotetraploid,
suggesting novel expression. Gene silencing was confirmed
by RT-PCR analysis on independently prepared mRNAs for
three of the 10 cDNAs isolated; in all cases the presence of
the corresponding genomic DNA was verified, thus strongly
suggesting epigenetic silencing. Because the silenced genes
were identified from a sample size of approximately 700,
Comai et al. [61] estimated that at least 0.4% of the protein-
Liu and Wendel
coding genes in the F2 generation of the synthetic
allotetraploid were silenced. This is apparently a
conservative estimate, because candidate genes not silenced
from all F2 plants were not included in the calculation and
because partial silencing was not considered.
Further molecular characterization of the three genes and
their flanking genomic regions by similarity searches of
databases and by Southern blotting indicated that two genes
are associated with repetitive sequences, one being part of a
solo long terminal repeat (LTR) of a copia-like
retrotransposon, and the other having a repeat in its 5’
upstream region. This suggested a possible correlation
between gene silencing and the presence of repeated
sequences. No mutation was observed in the putative
promoter region of one of the silenced genes, providing
additional evidence that the silencing was epigenetic.
Comparison of the cytosine methylation status in the LTRs
by a pair of isoschizomers, HpaII and MspI, which have the
same recognition site CCGG but differ in sensitivity to
methylation at either cytosine, revealed epigenetic changes
associated with allopolyploidy.
Additional evidence on epigenetic gene silencing in
Arabidopsis came from a recent study on Arabidopsis
suecica, a natural allotetraploid between A. thaliana and
Cardaminopsis arenosa. Lee and Chen [80] conducted a
global comparative gene expression analysis, also using the
cDNA-AFLP method, in an accession of A. suecica and its
two extant parental species. Co-expression was examined for
over 4,400 fragments, of which about 11% potentially were
candidates for gene silencing. Follow-up cloning,
sequencing, and RT-PCR experiments verified differential
expression of parental genes in the allopolyploid for 25 of
the 110 fragments isolated, indicated a silencing rate of
about 2.5%. These genes encode a variety of predicted
proteins, including a number of transcription factors and a
transposase. The epigenetic nature of the gene silencing
events was confirmed by verifying the presence of DNA
sequences, and by reactivating the silenced genes through
blocking genomic cytosine methylation. A remarkable and
important observation emerged from analysis of expression
patterns on a local genomic scale: Lee and Chen analyzed
five adjacent genes localized to a single Arabidopsis thaliana
BAC, and found co-expression, silencing of a homoeologue
from one parent, and silencing of a homoeologue from the
other parent among the five genes studied. As stated by Lee
and Chen, this indicates that “expression patterns of parental
genes in polyploid genomes are complicated even in a small
chromosomal domain.”
The two studies discussed above were the first to
demonstrate that allopolyploidy often is accompanied by
epigenetic gene silencing and that this process can affect a
variety of genes with different biological functions.
Although the silencing events accompanied the onset of
allopolyploid formation, reversibility for at least some of the
expression changes is maintained in natural allopolyploids
with the same genomic composition, suggesting
evolutionarily stable epigenetic transformations. This in turn
suggests selection to stabilize the epigenetic regulatory
response. As pointed out by the foregoing authors
[61,62,80], gene silencing by epigenetic instead of
Non-Mendelian Mechanisms in Polyploids
mutational means in a natural allopolyploid provides the
potential for developmental or tissue-specific reversibility,
which may provide an evolutionarily adaptive regulatory
The generality of the Arabidopsis results with respect to
other natural polyploid systems is largely unknown, as few
comparable studies exist. Classic work by Feldman and
coworkers elegantly demonstrated over 15 years ago that in
natural hexaploid (BBAADD genome) bread wheat (circa
8,500 year-old), genes encoding endosperm storage proteins
have undergone a “massive and non-random” genetic
diploidization via either gene silencing or dosage
compensation [81,82]. The silencing was found also to occur
in synthetic hexaploid wheat, and sometimes regain of
expression of the silenced alleles was observed when
tetraploid wheat was “extracted” from hexaploid
populations. These observations showed that silencing was
stimulated by the addition of the third (DD) genome to
tetraploid (BBAA) wheat, and as with the Arabidopsis
experiments described above [80], silenced genes could be
reactivated, demonstrating that the expression changes did
not arise from permanent structural changes at the DNA
sequence level.
Ongoing research on synthetic allotetraploid wheat using
the cDNA-AFLP approach indicates that rapid epigenetic
gene silencing also occurs in this system [83]. In first
generation (S1) amphiploids between Aegilops sharonensis
and Triticum monococcum, analogous in genomic
constitution to natural tetraploid wheat, 60 of 3,072
transcripts were reproducibly altered in the allotetraploid,
entailing 48 apparent silencings and 12 novel activations. It
was further demonstrated that some of the silencing events
were due to epigenetic alterations while others resulted from
actual gene loss — a phenomenon not observed in either
natural nor synthetic Arabidopsis allotetraploids [61,80].
Similar to the findings in Arabidopsis, epigenetic silencing
in synthetic wheat is also associated with cytosine methylation modification, and a diverse set of genes are affected,
including some involved in metabolism, disease resistance
and cell cycle regulation. All novel transcripts that could be
assigned a putative function are from retrotransposons,
although transposition of the elements was not detected.
As discussed in section III, above, nine sets of synthetic
cotton allopolyploids recently were examined using AFLP
fingerprinting of genomic DNAs, yet there was nearly
perfect additivity with respect to parental AFLP banding
profiles [48]. This study included a modification of the
standard AFLP procedure designed to assess possible
changes in methylation status; by comparing EcoRI + HpaII
digests to those from EcoRI + MspI, differences for the two
isoschizomers should reflect the presence of cytosine
methylation at internal Cs of CCGG sites. Nearly 10,000
AFLP fragments were evaluated by this method, and
comparison of the parental fingerprints with those of the
corresponding allopolyploid revealed nearly complete
additivity. These results showed that de novo cytosine
methylation changes at CCGG sites did not occur to an
appreciable degree in the synthetic Gossypium
allopolyploids. Relative to Brassica and Triticum, therefore,
Current Genomics, 2002, Vol. 3, No. 6
nascent Gossypium allopolyploids appear to be genomically
It seems important to distinguish between epigenetic
phenomena associated with polyploid formation from
longer-term epigenetic modifications. As noted above, these
are not wholly separable, as some of the epigenetic responses
to allopolyploidization in Arabidopsis appear evolutionarily
stable. In contrast, allopolyploid formation in Gossypium
does not appear to be associated with radical methylation
changes, yet our current work on expression analysis of a set
of fiber development-associated genes in natural tetraploid
cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), which probably is 1 – 2
million years old [53], reveals a number of cases of
differential expression that may be caused by epigenetic
modification (unpublished data). At present, it is safe to say
that epigenetic gene silencing in both rRNA genes and
protein-coding genes is an intriguing and frequent phenomenon that accompanies allopolyploid speciation in plants. The
genomic extent and timing of onset of epigenetic alterations
are likely to vary widely among various plant groups, as are
its immediate and long-term evolutionary consequences.
Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile DNA sequences
that are widespread in the genomes of eukaryotes.
Traditional explanations for the ubiquity and abundance of
TEs include the “selfish DNA hypothesis”, which states that
the abundance of TEs in a host genome results from the
ability of TE sequences to replicate faster than the host, and
the “junk DNA hypothesis”, which holds that the bulk of TE
populations are inactive and neutral to the host and hence
may accumulate without fitness consequences. Neither of
these hypotheses, however, address whether TEs have
significance with respect to the evolution of the host. In the
last decade in particular, many studies have provided
evidence that TEs can be a major source of genetic diversity
in plants, and that they can respond to environmental stimuli
by modulating potentially adaptive genetic change [reviewed
by 84,85]. Transposable elements are now implicated in a
diverse array of evolutionary significant phenomena,
including genomic restructuring, insertion mutagenesis
conferring tissue-specific or developmental regulatory
changes, and epigenetic effects.
That TEs are responsive to biotic and abiotic stresses has
been well documented, particularly for several characterized
“active” retrotransposons in plants. Retrotransposons, also
called class I elements, transpose by a “copy and paste”
model; that is, the transposition intermediate is an elementencoded transcript (mRNA) rather than the element itself.
Retrotransposons encompass two classes: non-LTR
retrotransposons (including long-interspersed nuclear
elements, or LINEs, and short interspersed nuclear elements,
or SINEs) and LTR retrotransposons. LTR retrotransposons
are flanked by long terminal repeats and usually encode all
of the proteins required for their transposition, i.e., they are
autonomous. Nevertheless, even LTR retrotransposons are
largely quiescent during normal development, indicating that
their activity is tightly regulated by the host.
Current Genomics, 2002, Vol. 3, No. 6
Recent studies in diploid plants have demonstrated that
repressed LTR retrotransposons can be activated by stress.
For instance, the expression of both Tnt1 and Tto1 from
tobacco is induced by different biotic and abiotic factors that
can elicit plant defenses [reviewed by 86]. These two
elements were also activated by tissue culture and their
expression was further enhanced by protoplast isolation.
Interestingly, expression of Tos17 of rice, which is also
activated by tissue culture, is not further elevated by
protoplast isolation, suggesting that the transcriptional
control of Tos17 is different from that of Tnt1 and Tto1 [87].
Activated retrotransposons may transpose into various
genomic loci, with some preferentially inserting into lowcopy genic regions, resulting in heritable genomic and
phenotypic changes [88-90]. It has been further shown that
different cis-acting regulatory sequences exist in the LTRs of
retrotransposons, raising the possibility that these may be
differentially regulated or responsive to different stimuli.
That this is the case was recently demonstrated in tobacco,
where three different Tnt1 families were shown to be
induced by different stresses [91]. This result is significant
not only in that it demonstrates differential coevolution of
families of retroelements with their host genomes, and a
concomitant responsiveness to physiological stresses, but
also provides an important perspective on the great diversity
of retroelements that exist in plant genomes.
These cases of retrotransposon activation were stimulated
by experimental manipulations, such as tissue culture and
various chemical treatments, and hence their relevance to
natural processes may be questioned. An important
demonstration of retrotransposon activation in natural
populations was recently described for wild barley
(Hordeum spontaneum) from Israel [92]. The element family
in question is the LTR retrotransposon BARE-1, which
comprises up to 3% of the large (1C ≅ 5pg) barley genome
[93]. BARE-1 levels and accumulation are correlated with
edaphic and microclimatic conditions over broad ecological
scales in barley, but differences may be remarkable even
within a single canyon, where thousands of insertions appear
to distinguish wild barley populations from adjacent sites
[92]. A nearly three-fold range in element copy number
exists among populations on the moister, north-facing and
dryer, south-facing slopes of the canyon, suggesting lability
of the element to environmental differences. Indeed,
statistical analysis shows a significant correlation between
BARE-1 copy number and one or more ecological variables,
such as water availability.
Remarkably, earlier studies by these authors identified
ABA (abscissic acid)-response elements within the BARE-1
LTR promoters [94], thus reinforcing the suggestion that the
proliferation of BARE-1 is stress related. In addition, BARE1 copy number does not change unidirectionally, as intraelement recombination between the LTRs is an active
process, resulting in loss of the internal domains of the
element and generation of solo LTRs. This indicates that
recombinational loss of the element is an important factor
limiting BARE-1 accumulation in natural barley populations.
Significantly, the geographical sites with the highest BARE-1
copy number, i.e., those from the most water-stressed
environments, have the highest ratio of full-length to solo
LTRs, suggesting again a connection between environmental
Liu and Wendel
stress and dynamics of the element [92,95]. These
relationships between BARE-1 activity, water-stress, and
adaptation may be more than coincidental. It may be, for
example, that selection is operating on one or more aspects
of genome size that we presently do not perceive of as
adaptively relevant [96]. In contrast to whole-genome
selection, perhaps retroelement activation has led to
adaptively relevant insertions that affect drought-tolerant
pathways or other ecologically relevant physiologies [95].
The wild barley example underscores the notion that TEs
are not only abundant but are also a highly dynamic
component of plant genomes, capable of “sensing and
responding” to various stresses. Noteworthy in this respect is
Barbara McClintock’s prediction, made nearly twenty years
ago, that interspecific hybridization may constitute a
sufficiently traumatic shock to the genome that dormant TEs
would become activated and could thereby restructure the
genome [97]. Because uncontrolled TE activity may lead to
deleterious insertions, one might expect that these mutations
would be tolerated in polyploids to a greater extent than in
diploids due to the buffering effects of gene duplication
[64,98,99]. Although direct evidence for a cause and effect
relationship between wide hybridization (including
allopolyploidy) and TE activity remains elusive, several lines
of evidence are consistent with McClintock’s hypothesis.
Most of this evidence is indirect, such as the realization that
most of the inter-genic space in the maize genome [which is
an ancient tetraploid 18] is occupied by accumulated
retrotransposons [100-103], or the observation that in
allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium), species-specific repeats,
including apparent TEs, have colonized the alternative
genome since allopolyploid formation [55-57]. Similarly
indirect but supportive evidence for hybridization-induced
retroelement activation stems from classic work in
Nicotiana. As shown by Gerstel and Burns over 30 years ago
[104], interspecific hybridization between N. otophora and
N. tabacum induced rapid and dramatic heterochromatin
expansion in one of the N. otophora chromosomes, whose
length could be magnified by a factor of 20- to 30-fold.
Although this work predated molecular analysis, it could
well be an example of TE activation by allopolyploidy, as
suggested by Comai [62], because heterochromatin is
predominantly composed of TEs.
Perhaps a more direct form of evidence emerges from
recent studies of interspecific hybrids in both animals and
plants, where particular classes of retroelements were
specifically monitored. For example, wide crosses in
Drosophila may lead to P-element mobilization and hybrid
dysgenesis [105]. Similarly, interspecific hybridization
between the two wallaby species Macropus eugenii and
Wallabia bicolor leads to a massive increase in copy number
for the KERV-1 retrotransposon [76]. Element activity in this
case is accompanied by genome-wide demethylation,
suggesting epigenetic repression of the element in parental
species and derepression in the hybrid. Moreover, as a
consequence of the runaway replication of this
retrotransposon, centromeric regions of one set of parental
chromosomes in the hybrid are dramatically extended, as
evident by cytological analysis. Comai [62] has drawn
attention to the similarity between this last observation and
those from tobacco, mentioned above. From a mechanistic
Non-Mendelian Mechanisms in Polyploids
standpoint, activation of quiescent TEs in nascent
allopolyploids may reflect the compromise in methylationbased epigenetic control systems that occur when divergent
genomes are united prior to or followed by genome
doubling. As a result, dormant TEs can be released from
suppression and become transcriptionally and even
transpositionally activated.
In plants, recent work has shown that the copy numbers
of several classes of LTR retrotransposons are significantly
elevated in rice lines into which genomic DNA from wild
rice (Zizania latifolia) has been introgressed [79]. The
elements apparently are only active briefly (completely
inactive by the 9th generation), presumably due to rapid
silencing. Copy number increase was associated with
cytosine methylation changes (both hyper- and
hypomethylation), suggesting epigenetic repression of the
elements in the wild-type rice genome and/or methylationmediated repression in the introgression lines.
Characterization of the flanking regions of one of the
transposed elements, Tos17, indicates that eight of the nine
isolated insertions are known-function genes (Liu et al.,
unpublished data), showing that this element has a
propensity to target genic regions and increasing the
likelihood that hybridization-induced retroelement activation
has functional significance. Perhaps not coincidentally, the
introgression line with the highest copy number of Tos17
was found to have a Tos17 insertion in the coding region of
an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) gene; this
polymerase has been shown in diverse organisms, including
plants, to be involved in posttranscriptional gene silencing
(PTGS) [106], thus suggesting a possible role of PTGS in TE
repression. As mentioned earlier, Tos17 is also activated by
tissue culture [107], thus implicating a common mechanism
of activation resulting from either wide hybridization or
tissue culture. Perhaps these stresses are “perceived” by the
rice genome as a sort of genomic shock (sensu McClintock),
leading to TE mobilization through epigenetic changes or
other means.
Although few natural plant hybrids and polyploids have
been experimentally evaluated for TE activation, it already is
apparent that rice is not unique. Recent cDNA-AFLP
analyses in first generation synthetic Aegilops-Triticum
allotetraploids has led to the discovery of transcripts not
detected in either parental diploid [83]. The novel transcripts
that could be identified were from retrotransposons,
indicating transcriptional activation of TEs, although no
immediate transposition was detected. It seems certain that
additional examples of dormant TE activation will emerge in
the near future, as more model polyploid systems are
studied. Thus, as suggested earlier [33], an important
dimension of polyploidy may be bursts of genic and
regulatory evolution mediated by transposable element
insertion during polyploid formation or shortly thereafter.
Allopolyploid formation entails a biological reunion
between two genomes that have evolved independently for
thousands to millions of years. Merged together into a single
nucleus in only one of the two parental cytoplasms, the
Current Genomics, 2002, Vol. 3, No. 6
newly cohabiting genomes no longer evolve independent of
one another but instead are interdependent and interact
through a variety of molecular genetic mechanisms.
Examples include homoeologous recombination or other
interactions that lead to inter-genomic exchange of
chromosome segments [e.g., in tobacco 108,109], intergenomic concerted evolution of divergent sequences
[58,110,111], and inter-genic, inter-genomic recombination
or gene conversion [112]. These and other mechanisms
potentially lead to novel function and have adaptive
significance, as suggested not only by their prevalence but
by quantitative genetic studies that demonstrate significant
intergenomic epistasis [113].
There now are numerous cases described of intergenomic interactions following allopolyploid formation,
exemplified by recent studies of allotetraploid cotton
(Gossypium). Phylogenetic and sequence divergence data
indicate that the two ancestral diploid genomes (AfricanAsian A-genome and American D-genome; n = 13) of
allotetraploid cotton (American AD-genome; n = 26) last
shared a common ancestor 5-10 million years ago, and that
they became reunited in a common nucleus, in the A-genome
cytoplasm, approximately 1-2 mya [reviewed in 53]. During
the millions of years that the diploids were evolving on
different continents, significant genome-size differences
arose, so that modern representatives of the two progenitors
of allopolyploid cotton have DNA contents that differ by
nearly a factor of two (2C = 3.8 pg and 2 pg, respectively,
for A- and D-genomes). Not surprisingly, the single-copy
fraction is similar, indicating that the genome size
differences reflect differential accumulation and/or
elimination of repetitive sequences during the millions of
years of independent evolution of the diploids in different
hemispheres [114]. Allopolyploid species have nearly
additive genome sizes with respect to the diploid progenitors
(2C = 5.8 pg).
This near-additivity of allopolyploid genome sizes may
be construed as suggesting that there have been few genomic
interactions following merger of the two diploid genomes in
the mid-Pleistocene. Recent work, however, shows that this
is not the case. Zhao et al. [115], for example, isolated 83
non-cross hybridizing sequences corresponding to the most
abundant repetitive DNAs in the G. hirsutum genome. Slotblot and Southern hybridization analyses performed on both
diploid and allopolyploid Gossypium species demonstrated
that approximately three-fourths of these repetitive
sequences are largely restricted to the A-genome, and that
these repetitive DNAs collectively account for
approximately half of the genome size differences between
the two diploid progenitors of allopolyploid cotton. In
contrast, only four of the repetitive DNAs were found to
originate from the smaller, D-genome. The existence of
genome-specific repetitive sequences permitted an
evaluation of their genomic integrity following
polyploidization. When 20 of the 83 repetitive families were
used in fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments
in allopolyploid cotton, most families that are restricted to
the A-genome at the diploid level exhibited hybridization
signal not only to the A-genome chromosomes but to the Dgenome chromosomes as well. Although there was
considerable variation among the different repetitive
10 Current Genomics, 2002, Vol. 3, No. 6
Liu and Wendel
sequences in the degree of hybridization, most families
exhibited an even distribution of signal among the
allopolyploid chromosomes. These data show that since
allopolyploid formation, colonization of alternative genomes
by formerly genome-specific repetitive sequences has been
common in cotton.
molecular cytogenetics and phylogenetics continue to
converge on the problem.
This phenomenon of inter-genomic “horizontal transfer”
was studied further by Hanson et al. [55,57], who examined
eight repetitive families of unknown-function and a
characterized LTR-retrotransposon. Of the eight repetitive
families, two were A-genome specific while the other six
hybridized strongly to both genomes of the allopolyploid G.
hirsutum. No signal was detected for any of these six
repetitive sequences, however, when they were used as
hybridization probes against chromosomes from the diploid
D-genome. In the case of the retrotransposon, although it is
exclusively A-genome specific at the FISH level, clear
signals were detected on all 56 somatic chromosomes of
tetraploid cotton. These data, as well as the data of Zhao et
al.[56], established that since polyploidization there has been
substantial colonization of the D-genome by A-genome
repetitive elements, although not to the extent that this is
reflected in DNA content estimates. Alternatively, the
constant DNA content or C-value suggests that horizontal
transfer of repeats has been compensated by DNA loss on a
comparable scale. From a mechanistic standpoint, several
processes of inter-genomic interaction are implicated,
including DNA “overwriting” through gene conversion,
intergenomic recombination and exchange, and particularly,
the activity of TEs. In this respect it is noteworthy that, apart
from the characterized retrotransposon, database searches of
the 83 cotton repetitive DNAs yielded matches only to
known transposons [56].
From the foregoing account it is evident that
hybridization and polyploidy can trigger a number of nonMendelian genetic responses. Given the diversity of
sequences involved and their differential response dynamics,
it seems probable that these non-Mendelian changes are
mediated by at least several different molecular genetic
mechanisms. Although in nearly all cases relatively few
details are understood at the molecular genetic level, the
recombination [108,109], gene conversion or other
homologous genetic interactions [40,44,46,47,55-58,110112], transposable element activity [55-57,79,83,91,92],
epigenetic changes [40,44,46,47,61,62,80], and a suite of
more mysterious mechanisms. These mechanisms were each
introduced and described briefly in the relevant sections,
above. Here we note that heritable DNA methylation
modifications have been detected in all cases where rapid
genomic changes are observed [35,40,44,46,47,124] and
appear to be minimized in systems like Gossypium where
rapid genome change does not appear to accompany
polyploid formation [48]. The importance of epigenetic
mechanisms is also underscored by the studies on
Arabidopsis allopolyploids [61,80], where cytosine
methylation was found to be the underlying cause of the
observed gene silencing. Thus, in nascent plant
allopolyploids both rapid genomic changes and gene
silencing often are caused by an epigenetic and hence
potentially reversible mechanism; as noted above, the
evolutionary significance of this realization is not clear, but
may be related to the adaptive success of polyploidy in
The intergenomic interactions described for Gossypium
allopolyploids likely are common in other plants. Thus, the
phenomenon of interlocus concerted evolution among the
constituent genomes of allopolyploids, as originally
described for Gossypium [58], has been reported in a number
of other plant systems [111,116-121]. Similarly, intergenomic colonization by repetitive sequences from
alternative parental diploid genomes has been reported in
wild allotetraploid wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) [122]. In
this case genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) analyses
demonstrated that repetitive sequences from the ancestor of
the B genome have spread throughout the A and B
chromosome sets in tetraploid wheat, and to a lesser extent
the phenomenon has been reciprocal; i.e., there has been
some movement of sequences or gene conversion in the
alternative direction. Not all allopolyploids, however, are
equally susceptible to processes of intergenomic interaction;
in N. tabacum, for example, GISH investigations [123]
reveal little evidence for inter-genomic colonization of the
type observed in cotton and wheat, despite the fact that
rDNA arrays are subject to concerted evolution. Because
there still are relatively few studies on “intergenomic
horizontal transfer” following polyploidization it is difficult
at this time to assess the prevalence and significance of the
phenomenon, as well as the factors that are responsible for
the variation among plants in the degree to which each
responsible mechanism operates. Insights into these
questions are anticipated in the coming years, as the tools of
Among the more remarkable and mysterious phenomena
associated with polyploidy is irreversible DNA loss, as
described in Brassica and wheat, which apparently is not
associated with DNA methylation or other epigenetic
phenomena. Thus far, virtually nothing is known about the
molecular mechanisms that mediate this response. Ozkan et
al. [46] ruled out several possibilities as the cause of
sequence elimination, including colchicine treatment,
intergenomic recombination, DNA methylation, cytoplasmic
effects and TE mobilization. Shaked et al. [47] suggested
several possibilities, including gene conversion between the
homoeologous alleles, site-specific recombination, and
crossing over between direct repeats that flank the eliminated
sequences, followed by loss of the excised circle. As
suggested by Shaked et al. [47], insight into the relevance of
these speculations may emerge from characterizing the
deleted regions, their flanking sequences, and the boundaries
of the eliminated DNA segments.
As noted in section II, not all newly formed
allopolyploid plants appear equally susceptible to the kinds
of genomic instabilities that characterize wheat and Brassica.
Examples of relative genomic quiescence include Gossypium
(Malvaceae) and Spartina (Poaceae), which have rather
Non-Mendelian Mechanisms in Polyploids
different life-histories and phylogenetic relationships. This
observation suggests that as more plant groups are studied a
high level of variance in genomic responses to allopolyploid
formation will continue to be revealed, both with respect to
magnitude and mechanisms. The reasons for this difference
among plant groups are even more puzzling and poorly
understood than are the mechanisms responsible for
polyploidy-induced sequence elimination. In Gossypium
there does not appear to be a relationship between genetic or
cytogenetic distance and non-Mendelian genomic
aberrations, and as discussed by Liu et al. [48] this same
disconnect exists in other plant polyploids between
multivalent formation or other manifestations of structural
differentiation and rapid genomic change as revealed through
Southern hybridization or AFLP analysis.
Given that the degree of genetic or chromosomal
divergence between the parents has relatively little predictive
value with respect to genomic aberrations in the nascent
allopolyploid, what might be the most important
determinants? It may be that specific DNA sequences and/or
proteins involved in non-homologous chromosome
interactions are responding differently in the various
allopolyploid systems. Comai [62], for example, recently
speculated that mismatch-repair systems in plants might be
compromised when divergent genomes are united. He
suggested that high levels of genomic mismatch might titrate
available pools of mismatch repair enzymes, and thus nonhomologous interactions (such as ectopic recombination
between TEs) would go uncorrected and be revealed as
genomic instability. Perhaps these and other proteins
involved mediate the level of non-homologous chromosome
interaction, and do so variably among different plant
allopolyploids. An additional clue may have been offered by
the recent demonstration of species-specific differences in
DNA double-strand break repair pathways in plants [125]. It
may be that differential activities (or different inducibility
thereof) in one or more enzymatic systems responsible for
DNA repair are responsible for the different responses to
allopolyploidy. Finally, epigenetic systems such as DNA
methylation/demethylation [65] may mediate genomic
interactions through effects on ectopic recombination
[126,127], and as discussed in section V also may be related
to activation of quiescient mobile elements [64,76,99,126];
to the extent that these mechanisms differ among
allopolyploids, we might therefore expect variation in levels
of genomic instability.
Because it entails the sudden merger of two differentiated
genomes, allopolyploidy is a remarkable and dramatic form
of speciation. As shown in this review, myriad genetic and
genomic adjustments may accompany this “shock” as the
progenitor genomes, long accustomed to diploidy, respond to
the requirements of the new cellular environment. These
many adjustments need to accommodate the constraints of
essential cellular processes [128] and must do so in an
ecological context that may or may not be novel with respect
to those of the parental diploids. Thus, allopolyploid
speciation entails numerous and varied molecular
evolutionary alterations that are required to coordinately
Current Genomics, 2002, Vol. 3, No. 6
regulate the newly formed allopolyploid genome in guiding
growth and development and reproduction. Our glimpse into
non-Mendelian phenomena, as discussed in the present
review, provides a small portal through which we might
begin to appreciate the nature and scope of molecular
evolutionary change involved in allopolyploid speciation.
Although our view at present is mostly obscured by
ignorance, it is of interest to speculate about the adaptive
relevance of non-Mendelian responses to polyploidization.
A. Polyploidy-Induced Sequence Elimination
Promote Chromosomal Diploidization
Because allopolyploidy usually entails the merger of
genomes that are sufficiently homologous that
homoeologous chromosomes may pair during meiosis, the
earliest generations in allopolyploid formation must
experience strong selection for exclusive bivalent pairing.
This is evidenced in modern allopolyploids by the common
observation that homoeologous pairing is much lower than
one might expect from chromosome associations formed in
hybrids between the extant parental diploids. One of the best
examples of this phenomenon is wheat, where both
tetraploids and hexaploids exhibit exclusive bivalent
formation. Both historical cytogenetic analyses and modern
comparative genomic data show that the homoeologous
chromosomes of the different diploid species of Triticum and
Aegilops are structurally similar and colinear [e.g., 23,42].
Classic genetic studies demonstrated decades ago that two
dominant genes, Ph1, and to a lesser extent Ph2, are
responsible for the exclusive diploid-like meiotic pairing
behavior in polyploid wheat [129-131]. Recent molecular
cytogenetic data suggest that the function of Ph1 is to act as
a ‘local editor’ to ensure specific centromere association
between homologous chromosomes [132]. However, based
on the observation that Ph1-like genes are not found in
allopolyploid species of Aegilops, which also exhibit diploidlike meiotic behavior and, the fact that hexaploid wheat
plants deficient for Ph1 exhibit low levels of homoeologous
pairing, Feldman and colleagues have argued that factors
other than the Ph genic system are involved in meiotic
pairing in polyploid wheat [44,46].
Feldman et al. [44] proposed that rapid and non-random
sequence elimination, as described in this review, may
provide an alternative mechanism for enforcing exclusive
homologous chromosome pairing. It is envisioned that
elimination of low-copy, non-coding sequences from one of
the two genomes of tetraploid wheat and from two of the
three genomes of hexaploid wheat would instantly convert
the targeted sequences from conserved to genome-specific,
in the process perhaps forming a major class of homologuespecific sequences. Sequence elimination thus would
chromosomes in a single step, and this polyploidy-generated
de novo difference could presumably serve as a physical
basis for exclusive homologous pairing.
The suggestion that non-random sequence elimination is
essential to the initial establishment and stabilization of
nascent allopolyploids [44] has gained indirect support from
the recent report [46] that sequence elimination is both non-
12 Current Genomics, 2002, Vol. 3, No. 6
Liu and Wendel
random and highly reproducible and that sequence
elimination occurs early, during both hybridization and
allopolyploidization. Particularly interesting is the
observation that sequence elimination was more prominent
and occurred earlier in synthetic allopolyploids that have a
natural counterpart than in those that do not exist in nature.
This result, as well as the positive correlation between
sequence-elimination frequency and fertility [46], raise the
intriguing possibility that allopolyploid speciation will be
evolutionarily promoted in species groups that evolved a
predisposition for the (at present, unknown) mechanisms of
molecular interactions that underlie sequence elimination.
Presumably, these mechanisms will have originally evolved
for other purposes.
Despite the attractiveness of this speculation, no data
demonstrate a direct connection between sequence elimination and homologous chromosome pairing. Indeed, the
possibility exists that polyploidy-induced sequence elimination has no adaptive significance, and that it constitutes a
dramatic but ultimately unimportant side-effect of allopolyploid formation, resulting from unavoidable molecular
genetic interactions that arise from the union of two
differentiated genomes. Presumably additional clues as to the
function, if any, of polyploidy-induced sequence elimination
will emerge as more is learned about the responsible
mechanism(s), and as it is investigated in additional systems.
B. Do Non-Mendelian Changes
Diversification and Adaptation?
A widely accepted explanation for the success of
polyploidy in plants is that polyploid formation is
accompanied by an instantaneous doubling of the raw
material necessary for adaptation to changing environments
or new ecological niches [6,8,29,31,32,133]. Although this
proposition is reasonable and has been discussed for over 50
years, to date a direct connection between genome doubling
and adaptation has not been shown, but instead has been
inferred from circumstantial or correlative evidence. Given
the technological advances of the last decade, whereby it is
now possible to isolate and study the function of
homoeologues in polyploids, the exciting opportunity is
presented to discover functional diversification among
duplicated genes, perhaps establish an actual cause and effect
relationship between functional diversification and either
physiological or morphological innovation, and thereby
possibly demonstrate polyploidy-facilitated adaptation.
The existence of a suite of non-Mendelian mechanisms in
polyploid evolution adds a new wrinkle to the long-standing
speculations about polyploidy and adaptation. Perhaps rapid
structural or epigenetic change in nascent allopolyploids
generates functional divergence or novel metabolic
interaction, which conceivably could translate into
phenotypic novelty visible to natural selection. Also,
epigenetic modifications may lead to permanent genetic
changes via the creation of mutational “hot-spots”[134].
Various hints of these connections have emerged from recent
studies using model plant polyploids. In the synthetic
Arabidopsis allopolyploids discussed earlier in this review,
phenotypic mutants affecting a large number of traits were
recovered [61]. Although these variants were not subjected
to analyses of reproductive success in experimental or
natural settings, the mere fact that such variation was
generated, at least in part, by non-Mendelian genetic
phenomena associated with polyploidization raises the
possibility of adaptive significance. In this regard the recent
demonstration of de novo phenotypic variation for flowering
time in newly synthesized Brassica allopolyploids [135] is
noteworthy, as phenological aspects of the reproductive
cycle are undoubtedly subject to intense selection in many
natural settings.
Additional clues into the potential adaptive significance
of polyploidy have emerged from recent work involving
allopolyploid cotton. As discussed earlier, there is no
evidence for either rapid genomic changes [48] or long-term
intergenomic interactions between low-copy, genic
sequences [49,50] in this plant system. However, indirect
evidence for novel genetic interactions following polyploidy
has emerged from studies of QTL affecting the quality and
quantity of fibers [136], and by comparative morphological
analysis of fiber development in diploid and allopolyploid
Gossypium species [137]. These studies and others suggest
that expression novelty, perhaps mediated by either
epigenetic or genetic alterations, has been rendered possible
by the union of divergent genomes into one nucleus and
In addition to expression novelty per se, one aspect of
polyploids that may have contributed to evolutionary success
is genetic diploidization, either through mutational or
epigenetic means. Genetic diploidization in the present
context refers to the phenomenon whereby expression levels
in a polyploid are reduced to those of one of the diploid
progenitors, by either gene silencing or dosage compensation
[29,33]. Heretofore it has been assumed that this process is
achieved on an evolutionary timescale by slow mutational
processes. As discussed in the present review, however, both
structural changes and epigenetic gene silencing may
actually accompany polyploid formation from the outset (see
sections II and III). This increases the likelihood that some
of the silencing events are physiologically and adaptively
significant, in ways we have not as yet perceived.
If gene silencing events associated with nascent
allopolyploids are relevant to evolutionary “stabilization” or
actual “adaptation”, it is unclear which of several possible
epigenetic mechanisms may be involved. Homologydependent gene silencing (HDGS) could induce gene
silencing, but as was pointed out by Matzke et al. [64], there
is no evidence that HDGS has contributed to genetic
diploidization in polyploids. Instead, a novel type of
epigenetic silencing that occurs solely as a consequence of
change in ploidy level has been demonstrated in Arabidopsis
[138]. Comai [62] proposed that several types of epigenetic
processes may have played a role in allopolyploidy-induced
rapid epigenetic silencing and phenotypic instability,
including mechanisms such as paramutation [139] that are
based on homologous (allelic or ectopic) interaction.
In some polyploids mobilization of quiescent TEs and an
elevated tolerance to their activity may bear directly on
adaptation [95]. As discussed in section V, compelling data
Non-Mendelian Mechanisms in Polyploids
have accumulated to indicate that TEs are a significant
source of genetic diversity [84,85]. The finding that TEs may
be associated with genic regulatory regions further suggests
an important role for TEs in gene evolution [140-144]. A
case in point is the rice disease-resistance multigene family
Xa21, into which 15 transposon-like elements have been
inserted [145]. While 13 of the elements transposed into noncoding regions (including the 5’ upstream region and
introns), two elements inserted into coding regions and
created ORFs that encode truncated proteins with potentially
altered biochemical functions due to changes in
hydrophobicity. It was suggested by the authors that TE
insertions may have generated disease-resistance genes with
novel properties [145]. In addition to this example, many
TEs have strong promoter sequences [e.g., in LTRs of
retrotransposons 146], suggesting that element insertion may
lead to altered expression patterns. In addition, the
possibility exists for TE-mediated ectopic recombination to
produce swapping of promoter regions and hence novel
expression patterns. Thus, we are probably just beginning to
appreciate the numerous avenues by which TEs may
generate genetic novelty, and given the potential activation
caused by genome merger, this may especially be the case
for polyploids [33,99].
A final and potentially important role for TEs may be
element-mediated, rapid, de novo karyotypic evolution,
which may facilitate reproductive isolation and genome
stabilization. As demonstrated in hybrid wallabies [76],
expansion caused dramatic genomic remodeling in the
hybrid genome and hence rapid differentiation from the
parental genomes. Although this phenomenon remains
relatively unexplored in other organisms [78], and is
mechanistically mysterious at present, TE activity and the
associated genomic alterations may be central to the process.
Hence, explorations of the myriad effects of hybridizationinduced TE mobilization are likely to continue to yield new
insights in the coming years.
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