2017, International conference - september

Globalization is the most widely debated and discussed phenomenon in all over the world. The world opinion is divided on what constitute globalization and whether the globalization is good or bad? Handful of scholars’ perceived globalization as the only way to make the hunger free and prosperous. On the contrary evidences shows that poverty, both absolute and relative has increased in the countries where these policies are implemented. The various world bank reports supports those evidences. This has raised the serious doubt about achieving the millennium development goals, more particularly the first goals to ‘eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by the year 2015. Globalization whether good or bad almost every nation state is bound to become a part of a global economy. Some thinkers called it a ‘new world order’. In this so called new world order which does not exists today in its fullest form, what will be the stats of welfare and where would the poor go?. The privatization and liberalization of the Indian economy has shaken the very social fabric of the Indian society. The caste system in Indian which is based on the principle inequality whether those inequalities (social and economical) are going to diminished or perpetuated further in the period of globalization? Are they be able to compete with the changing scenario? What will happen with their occupation? Are they able to get quality education? What changes globalization has brought into their lifestyles? Do they have new skills so as to get the benefits of globalization? Is there any social and occupation mobility among them in view of globalization or are they stagnated? Etc. needs to be answered if they have to become a citizen of a global communitydreamed as a knowledge society. The neobuddhist in India are the most vulnerable group assumed to be severely affected by the policies of globalization. The earlier state policies of protective and positive led a microscopic section of that population to come up from the vicious cycle of poverty and discrimination. Few of them were on the verge of coming out of age old social and economics slavery. The sudden changed in the role of the state as a facilitator of economy has long-term implications for the poor and disadvantages section like neobuddhist in India. Dr.b.r.ambekar and his legacy to uplift rhea poor has suffered a set back. Akola district which comes under the vidarbha region in Maharashtra, even if, comically and industrially the district is relatively backward as compared to theother districts, on political front it has always been referred as a model of dalit Bahaman politics. The district came into liomelighr recently in connection with series of farmers suicides. There were some organized protests against the log by the delist based political parties and some social organization reported in the news papers. Akola being a native district of the researcher, had added advantage in understanding the various dimensions and the issues pertaining to the problem under study. Keeping this in mind the study was undertaken with the following objectives.

the department of economics, thiruvalluvar University, serkkadu, vellore, tamil nadu 8. GLOBALIZATION AND ITS IMPACT IN INDIA – A STUDY Dr.G.YOGANANDHAM, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Thiruvalluvar University, Serkadu Vellore. S.SAMPATH, Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Economics Thiruvalluvar, University Serkadu Vellore. Abstract INTRODUCTION G lobalization is the most widely debated and discussed phenomenon in all over the world. The world opinion is divided on what constitute globalization and whether the globalization is good or bad? Handful of scholars’ perceived globalization as the only way to make the hunger free and prosperous. On the contrary evidences shows that poverty, both absolute and relative has increased in the countries where these policies are implemented. The various world bank reports supports those evidences. This has raised the serious doubt about achieving the millennium development goals, more particularly the first goals to ‘eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by the year 2015. Globalization whether good or bad almost every nation state is bound to become a part of a global economy. Some thinkers called it a ‘new world order’. In this so called new world order which does not exists today in its fullest form, what will be the stats of welfare and where would the poor go?. The privatization and liberalization of the Indian economy has shaken the very social fabric of the Indian society. The caste system in Indian which is based on the principle inequality whether those inequalities (social and economical) are going to International conference - september 2017 diminished or perpetuated further in the period of globalization? Are they be able to compete with the changing scenario? What will happen with their occupation? Are they able to get quality education? What changes globalization has brought into their lifestyles? Do they have new skills so as to get the benefits of globalization? Is there any social and occupation mobility among them in view of globalization or are they stagnated? Etc. needs to be answered if they have to become a citizen of a global communitydreamed as a knowledge society. The neobuddhist in India are the most vulnerable group assumed to be severely affected by the policies of globalization. The earlier state policies of protective and positive led a microscopic section of that population to come up from the vicious cycle of poverty and discrimination. Few of them were on the verge of coming out of age old social and economics slavery. The sudden changed in the role of the state as a facilitator of economy has long-term implications for the poor and disadvantages section like neobuddhist in India. Dr.b.r.ambekar and his legacy to uplift rhea poor has suffered a set back. Akola district which comes under the vidarbha region in Maharashtra, even if, comically and industrially the district is relatively backward as compared to the 58 competing in the new era of globalisation - challenges and prospects (Volume II) other districts, on political front it has always been referred as a model of dalit Bahaman politics. The district came into liomelighr recently in connection with series of farmers suicides. There were some organized protests against the log by the delist based political parties and some social organization reported in the news papers. Akola being a native district of the researcher, had added advantage in understanding the various dimensions and the issues pertaining to the problem under study. Keeping this in mind the study was undertaken with the following objectives. GLOBALIZATION The team globalization means international integration. ► Opening up of world trade, development of advanced means of communication, internationalization of financial markets, growing importance of MNC’s, population migrations and more generally increased mobility of persons, goods, capital, data and ideas. ► It is a process through which the diverse world is unified In to a single society. ► Economic impact of globalization in India ► Multilateral agreements in trade, taking on such new agendas as environments and socials conditions ► New multilateral agreements for service, intellectual properties communication, and more binding on nation governments than any previous agreements. ► Market economic policies spreading around the world, with greater privatization and liberalization than in earlier decades. ► Growing global markets in services. Peoples can now execute trade services globally – from medical advice software writing to data processing that could never really be traded before. INDIA’S PROBLEM WITH GLOBALIZATION ► some section of people in India, basically poor and very, tribal groups, they did not feel the heat of globalization at all. They remain poor & poorest as they were. ► Increased gap between rich and poor fuels potential terrorist reaction. ► Ethical responsibility of business has been diminished. ► Youth group of India leaving their studies very early and joining call centers to earn easy money thereby losing their social life after getting habituated with monotonous word. ► High growth but problem of unemployment. ► Multi party rule, hence political ideology intervenes globalization (reservation, labor law reforms). ► Price hike of every daily usable commodities. IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATIONS ON AGRICULTURE IN INDIA ► Agriculture acquires 17% of India’s GDP in 2008. ► 60% of population still depends on agriculture for their livelihood. ► Occupied 43% of India’s geographical areas. ► Agriculture scientists are applying new technologies and instrumental in growing crops. ► Different state governments of India are taking initiative to literate the farmers. asian management economics commerce association (ameca) 59 the department of economics, thiruvalluvar University, serkkadu, vellore, tamil nadu TECHNOLOGICAL & CULTURAL IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION IN INDIA ► Telecommunication and software industries are booming in India. ► Entertainment sector in India has a worldwide marker. Bollywood movies are distributed and accepted worldwide. big international companies (Walt disney,20th century fox, Columbia pictures) are investing on this sector. ► Famous international branda (Armani, Gucci, nike, omega etc. )are investing in the Indian market with changing of fashion statements of Indians. TECHNOLOGICAL & CULTURAL IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION IN INDIA. ► Access to television grew from 20% of the urban population (1991) to 90% of the urban population (2009). Even in the rural areas satellite television has a grown up marker. ► In the cities internet facility is everywhere . extension of internet facilities even to rural areas. ► Global foods chain /restaurants has already found a huge market in the urban areas of India. ► Lavish multiplex movie halls, big shopping malls and high rise residential are seen in every cities. GLOBALIZATION’S INDIRECT EFFECTS In their excellent review of the literature on the PHH and PHE, Copeland and Taylor (2004) Credit some of the recent success in uncovering impacts of globalization on the environment to the pairing of theory and empirics. In the early 1990s, International conference - september 2017 researchers identified that globalization is likely to impact the environment through three principle channels, scale, and technique effects The composition effect measures changes in emission arising from the change in a country’s industrial composition following trade liberalization. If, for example, liberalization induces an eonimy,s service sector to expand and its heavy industry to contract, the country’s total emissions will likely fall since the expanding sector is less emission intensive.Following resource reallocation within countries, a second indirect environmental effect from liberalization is the scale effect; more efficient allocation of resources within countries shifts out the global production possibilities frontier , raising the size of the industry pollution base, resulting in greater global emissions other things being equal. Finally, the technique effect refers to the plethora of channels through which trade liberalization impacts’ the rate at which industry and households pollute. These channels include changes in the stringency of environmental regulation in response to income growth or the political climate surrounding regulation; the technique effect also includes technology transfer facilitated by trade. CONCLUSION Flowing with globalization ,India is shining in nearly every prospects. India is getting a global recognition and slowly moving towards to become a major economics and political strength. Though the development is progressing rapidly ,still many basic problems like rural poverty, corruption and political instability remained unsolved. 60 competing in the new era of globalisation - challenges and prospects (Volume II) It was indicated in the paper that it is important to differentiate to differentiate the concept of globalization from internationalization and regionalization. Li was also indicated that globalization hade some specific effects on the economies of the developing countries of Africa. It was indicated that under certain circumstances globalization can lead to higer unemployment and an increasing sleekness in the distribution of income between development of the respective countries. 2) Antle, J.M. and G. Heidebrink (1995), “Environment and Development. Theory and International Evidence” Economic Development and Cultural Change,43,pp.603-625. 3) Website : Reserve bank or India, Ministry of finance & commerce, India Indian chamber of commerce IBFF IFFCO IBN Google images. REFERENCES 1)Aitken, b.j. and a.e Harrison (1999), “do domestic firms benefit from foreign investment? Evidence from Venezuela”, economic development and cultural change , 43 , pp603-625 asian management economics commerce association (ameca) 61