Ricardo Pereira Tassinari1
Abstract: The principal intention and meaning of Jean Piaget’s work is difficult to grasp,
particularly due to its great length and depth, and some widely spread general misconceptions
about it. In order to help clarify it, and furnish data for the discussions about it, this article aims
to expose and clarify, in general lines, Piaget’s main project: Genetic Epistemology. The intention
here is to point out its motive and constitution, from Piaget’s own published works and words. In
the end, the data analysis shows that the main intention and meaning of Piaget’s work was to build
a new chapter in Epistemology, Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy of Science, founding and
establishing Genetic Epistemology: a new inter-, trans- and multidisciplinary area, directly bound
to the scientific methods and contents, and their geneses, especially related to Genetic and
Cognitive Psychologies and History of Science. As the outcome, this area furnished various
studies of scientific notions and concepts, including their geneses, many analyses of the methods
of various sciences, and studies on the System of Sciences, as well as more detailed studies of the
elements necessary for the acquisition of knowledge, with concepts so close to the experience that
they are immediately applicable.
Keywords: Jean Piaget. Genetic Epistemology. Theory of Knowledge. Philosophy of Science.
Introduction: Broader interests and questions…
Jean Piaget is usually associated with psychology or education. This is natural
because his work is widely used in these areas, which are closer to ordinary life, and even
plays a central role in them. However, in fact, Piaget’s main interests and questions are
scientific-philosophical and are broader and more basic than those in psychology or
Although he has several publications in psychology, as well as some in education,
Piaget’s main interests and questions concern philosophical areas referred to in French as
épistémologie and théorie de la connaissance, the first term originating from the Greek:
science or study (-logie) of knowledge (épistémè). Particularly, answering those questions
was the main motivation in Piaget’s life, culminating in his main project: “Genetic
Epistemology, or the theory of scientific knowledge [l'épistémologie génétique, ou
Associate Professor (Livre-Docente) of Logic, Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy of Science in the
Department of Philosophy at São Paulo State University (UNESP). E-mail:
ORCID: Homepage:
Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
théorie de la connaissance scientifique] based on the analysis of the very development of
this knowledge” (Piaget, 1950, p. 13).
According to the Technical and Critical Vocabulary of Philosophy of the French
Society of Philosophy, edited by André Lalande (1997, p. 293), the meaning of the French
term épistémologie constitutes “[…] essentially the critical study of the principles,
hypotheses and results of the various sciences, intended to determine their logical (not
psychological) origin, their value and their objective importance.” Thus, the meaning of
épistémologie is close to that of Philosophy of Sciences. While, according to Lalande
(1997, p. 1129), théorie de la connaissance constitutes the “Study of the relationship
between the [knower] subject and the [known] object in the act of knowing.” In English,
the terms Epistemology and Theory of Knowledge (that directly seem to correspond to
épistémologie and théorie de la connaissance) are practically synonymous and have the
meaning of the French term théorie de la connaissance, as pointed out by Lalande (1997,
p. 293).
Therefore, from the aforementioned meanings, Piaget’s interests concerned
Epistemology, Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy of Science which can be treated as
aspects of a single broader area, as done by him.
Some of the main questions of this area are: How do we know if our opinions or
beliefs, or even our sciences, correspond to reality? Is it possible to know? If so, what are
the necessary (and sufficient) conditions to achieve knowledge or even science (instead
of having mere opinions or beliefs)?
Such philosophical questions go back to the beginnings of Western Philosophy
and had different answers provided by different philosophers throughout the History of
Philosophy. Piaget belongs to this series of great thinkers and aims to answer this type of
question. However, he wants to do it in a very specific way: believing that contemporary
scientific methods are the best way to get from opinions or beliefs to knowledge, Piaget
founded and developed the discipline referred to as Genetic Epistemology.
In this context, Genetic Epistemology aims to answer those questions in a very
specific way: (1) being supported by experimental scientific methods (especially
psychological ones) and (2) studying the constitution or genesis of scientific knowledge
(mainly Physics and Mathematics) both in individuals (ontogenesis) and in history
(phylogenesis). As Piaget points out:
Kínesis, Vol. XV, n° 39, dezembro 2023, p. 382-397
Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
Genetic epistemology attempts to explain knowledge, and in particular
scientific knowledge, on the basis of its history, its sociogenesis [or
phylogenesis], and especially the psychological origins [ontogenesis] of
the notions and operations upon which it is based (Piaget, 1970a, p. 1).
As Piaget (1971a, p.4-5) reported, he decided to devote his life to Philosophy from
the beginning of his intellectual journey. More precisely, Piaget’s interest in Philosophy
began in the summer of 1911, when he was 15 years old. On the shores of Lake Annecy,
Switzerland, his godfather, a man of letters concerned about his godson’s excessive
specialization in Biology (who at the time had already published his first article on
malacology), explained to him the book Creative Evolution, by the French philosopher
Henri Bergson (1859-1941). This contact with Philosophy generated a tremendous
fascination within Piaget (1971a, p. 5), who related: “On returning to school my decision
was made: I would de-vote my life to philosophy […]”. Genetic Epistemology is, thus,
the result of such early broad interest and decision.
The new discipline: Genetic Epistemology
In his founding book of the area, Introduction to Genetic Epistemology, Piaget
defines the central question of the new discipline:
How does the scientific thought involved in the considered cases (and
taken with a determined delimitation) proceed from a state of lesser
knowledge to a state of knowledge considered superior? (Piaget, 1950,
p. 12).
Or, even more briefly and broadly: “How does knowledge increase?”
Genetic Epistemology considers that knowledge is a process and always in
development. In this sense, it is important to study this continuous constitution of
knowledge. As Piaget highlights:
In fact, if all knowledge is always in a state of development and consists
in proceeding from one state to a more complete and efficient one,
evidently it is a question of knowing this development and analyzing it
with the greatest possible accuracy (Piaget, 1971b, p. 6).
Kínesis, Vol. XV, n° 39, dezembro 2023, p. 382-397
Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
The main bases of Genetic Epistemology are: (1) the History of Science, which
provides material to historico-critical analysis; and (2) Genetic Psychology, which
provides material to psychogenetical analysis. Or, as Piaget sets forth:
Since the problem is that of the process law, and since the final stages
(that is, really final) are as important in this respect as the first known,
the section of development considered can offer at least partial
solutions, but only if it assures a collaboration of the historico-critical
analysis and the psychogenetical analysis (Piaget, 1971b, p. 6-7).
In this sense, Genetic Epistemology, on the one hand, uses the historical-critical
method to analyze the notions of a science and their historical geneses. On the other hand,
it uses the results obtained in Genetic Psychology to understand the geneses of these
notions in individuals, from birth to adulthood, as well as forms and reasons for the
construction of these notions. Although Piaget published very few books specifically on
the History of Science and Philosophy, the historical-critical analysis permeates his
works, especially when he compares the notions of the studied subjects with those of the
History of Science and Philosophy.
Therefore, the term genetic, as used in Genetic Epistemology and Genetic
Psychology, is related to the idea of the genesis of structures, and has no (explicit)
connection with biological genes (as the use of such a term might lead one to think). This
notion of genesis relates to the human sciences movement called Structuralism, of which
Piaget (1970b) himself is one of the representatives. According to Piaget (1967, p. 147
and p. 149): “Genesis emanates from a structure and culminates in a structure” and “Every
structure has a genesis.”
In this sense, Piagetian reflections on both aspects, psychological and
epistemological, subsidized by a structuralist-genetic perspective, will then retrace the
form of the constitution of Knowledge, and will also clarify the necessary (and sufficient)
conditions for it.
Genetic Psychology
Concerning psychogenetical analysis, from the aforementioned beginning of
Piaget’s intellectual life, deep-seated in his studies in Biology, he defined a posture that
would characterize his work: always submitting to experimental scientific tests, questions
about knowledge which depends on facts. As Piaget writes:
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Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
The first aim of genetic epistemology is, therefore, if one can say so, to
take psychology seriously and to furnish verifications to any question
which each epistemology necessarily raises, yet replacing the generally
satisfying speculative or implicit psychology with controllable analyses
(on the scientific mode, therefore, of what is known as a control)
(Piaget, 1971b, p. 7).
In this sense, in order to build an epistemology that does not deviate from the
facts, it is important to carry out an experimental study of the geneses of the notions
related to knowledge (such as, for example, classification, seriation, number, space, time,
causality, chance, etc.). Genetic Psychology, of which Jean Piaget is one of, if not the,
greatest contributors, seeks to carry out such studies. Particularly, it explains why many
of Piaget’s books have the term enfant (child) in their titles.
Piaget’s decision to always submit fact-dependent questions about knowledge to
scientific experimental tests led him to (strongly) contribute to Genetic Psychology before
founding Genetic Epistemology, as an early part of it. It may be said that one of Piaget's
greatest contributions to Epistemology, Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy of Science
was to make an epistemology, theory of knowledge and philosophy of science in which
its concepts are so close to the experience that they are immediately applicable, building
models and verifying them, to answer the questions present in these areas.
For this reason, Piaget came to found Genetic Epistemology very late in his life.
The book Introduction to Genetic Epistemology, which founded Genetic Epistemology,
was only published in 1950, when Piaget was 54 years old, 38 years after the beginning
of his career. However, in its Preface, Piaget (1950, p. 5) points out: “[…] if we have
guarded against too-quick generalizations, regarding the constitution of this Genetic
Epistemology whose outlines we are trying to establish today, we have never lost sight of
such a goal.”
Although Genetic Psychology is at the base of Genetic Epistemology, one should
not confuse them with each other. As Piaget points out:
Genetic psychology is a science whose methods are more and more
related to those of biology. Epistemology, on the other hand, is
generally considered part of philosophy, necessarily answerable to the
other philosophical branches and thus including a metaphysical attitude
(Piaget, 1971b, p. 26).
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Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
Thus, Genetic Epistemology constitutes a broad area, a part of Philosophy, which
deals with various issues related to Knowledge, broader than Genetic Psychology, aimed
at building psychological models of the human capacity to know.
Genetic Epistemology Contributions
In this way, from the analysis of Piaget’s books (as in the Bibliography of first
editions of Jean Piaget’s books at the end of this paper), a general view on the
contributions of Genetic Epistemology to Epistemology, Theory of Knowledge and
Philosophy of Science is possible. First of all, various studies of scientific notions and
concepts and their geneses (such as space, time, causality, chance, speed, force, atomism,
physical and mathematical quantities, geometry, etc.) can be mentioned, as well as
analyses of the methods of various natural and human sciences (such as structuralism and
dialectics) and studies on the System of Sciences. In addition to them, we have more
detailed studies of the elements necessary for the acquisition of knowledge (such as, for
example, studies related to perception, representation, identity, classification, seriation,
mental operation, logical necessity and possibility, formation of notions of conservation,
generalization, contradiction, meaning, comprehension, learning and memory).
Genetic Epistemology also provides contributions to other fields of Philosophy,
in particular, contemporary Ethics and discussions about the nature of human beings,
with, for example, studies on the formation of structures necessary for morality or
Inter-, trans- and multidisciplinarity of Genetic Epistemology
Last, but not least, a central and principal characteristic of Genetic Epistemology
is that of its inter-, trans- and multidisciplinarity. Particularly, Piaget (1972a) was the first
to define and use the term “transdisciplinarity”. For Piaget (1971a, p. 28), said
characteristic made “possible a scientific episte-mology”, such as he has “always dreamed
I had therefore dreamed of a “genetic epistemology”, which
would delimit the problems of knowledge in dealing with the
question “how does knowledge grow?” which concerns both its
formation and historical development. But the criterion of the
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Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
success of a scientific discipline is intellectual cooperation […]
(Piaget, 1971a, p. 28-29).
Particularly, searching for such “intellectual cooperation”, in 1955, 5 years after
publishing the founding book Introduction to Genetic Epistemology, Piaget created the
Centre international d'épistémologie génétique (CIEG), with the support of The
Rockefeller Foundation. As Ratcliff and Tau (2018, p. 1215) wrote, the CIEG “functioned
at the University of Geneva between 1955 and 1986. This Center led by Jean Piaget had
the collaboration of hundreds of researchers from around the world and from different
disciplines.” Particularly, a series of 33 books, called “Études d’épistémologie génétique
[Studies of Genetic Epistemology]”, generally abbreviated as EEG, results from the CIEG
work. As Piaget wrote in the EEG 1:
The objective of this Center in Geneva is to ensure the possibility of
teamwork among specialists from different horizons, in order to
address, for a given time, the study of the issues delimited by scientific
epistemology, from the perspective of development. More specifically,
the Center strives to organize, year after year, the collaborative work of
psychologists and representatives of some other particular science, for
the study of some epistemological problem related to this second
discipline, choosing preferably the problems that can be addressed from
genetic way (Piaget, 1957, p. 1-2, apud Ratcliff and Tau, 2018, p. 1218).
As Piaget highlights:
It is therefore clear that any study in genetic epistemology, whether it
concerns the development of some sector of knowledge in the child
(number, speed, physical causality, etc.) or of some transformation in
one of the corresponding branches of scientific thought, presupposes
the collaboration of specialists in the epistemology of the science
studied, of psychologists, historians of science, logicians,
mathematicians, cyberneticians, linguists, etc. The method of teamwork has been the one followed by our Centre international
d’épistémologie génétique at Geneva. This book is therefore in many
respects a collective one (Piaget, 1972b, p. 16).
For an overview on the EEGs, a list of all of them can be found at the end of this
Finally, it is important to note that, besides such work in the CIEG, Piaget
continued to produce his own books (as can be seen here in the Bibliography of first
editions of Jean Piaget's books) with co-workers, particularly attesting the inter-, transand multidisciplinarity of his work. An excellent example of it is (Piaget et al., 1967):
Kínesis, Vol. XV, n° 39, dezembro 2023, p. 382-397
Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
Logique et connaissance scientifique [Logic and scientific knowledge]. This 1,345-page
encyclopedic book contains the parts: nature and methods of epistemology, logic,
epistemology of mathematics, epistemology of physics, epistemology of biology,
epistemology of human sciences, classification of sciences and principal contemporary
epistemological currents. It was produced with co-writers: Léo Apostel, Louis de Broglie,
Olivier Costa de Beauregard, Jean T. Desanti, Dominique Dubarle, Lucien Goldmann,
Gilles-Gaston Granger, Pierre Greco, Jean-Blaise Grize, Jean Ladrière, Jean Leray, André
Lichnerowicz, Benoît Mandelbrot, Benjamin Matalon, François Meyer, Czeslaw
Nowinski, Seymour Papert and Jean Ullmo.
Conclusion: New chapter in Epistemology, Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy of
In the end, the main intention and meaning of Jean Piaget’s work was to build a
new chapter in Epistemology, Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy of Science, founding
and establishing Genetic Epistemology, as described in general terms here: a new inter-,
trans- and multidisciplinary area, directly bound to the scientific methods and contents,
and their geneses, especially related to Genetic and Cognitive Psychologies and History
of Science. As the outcome, this area furnished various studies of scientific notions and
concepts, including their geneses, many analyses of the methods of various natural and
human sciences, and studies on the System of Sciences, as well as more detailed studies
of the elements necessary for the acquisition of knowledge. It constitutes an
epistemology, theory of knowledge and philosophy of science that has its concepts so
close to the experience that they are immediately applicable, building models and
verifying them, to answer questions present in these areas.
Of course, an oeuvre of this type, and its outcomes, are extremely useful in many
areas, mainly in Education as well as in Psychology (particularly, Child Psychology and
Cognitive Psychology), which explains the strong association of Jean Piaget’s name with
these areas.
Bibliography of first editions of Jean Piaget’s books
The references are preceded by the English translations of book titles. When
available, titles of already translated books were used, which is indicated by an asterisk
Kínesis, Vol. XV, n° 39, dezembro 2023, p. 382-397
Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
after the item numbering. Piaget’s books in the series Études d'épistémologie génétique
are listed separately at the end. For a complete list of all editions, see the Jean Piaget
Foundation website (data source here):
[1] The Mission of the Idea: La mission de l’idée. Lausanne: La Concorde, 1915.
[2] Research: Recherche. Lausanne: La Concorde, 1918.
[3]* (With collab.) The Language and Thought in Children: Le Langage et la pensée
chez l’enfant. Neuchâtel, Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1923.
[4]* Judgment and Reasoning in Children: Le jugement et le raisonnement chez
l’enfant. Neuchâtel, Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1924.
[5]* The Children’s Representation of the World: La représentation du monde chez
l’enfant. Paris: F. Alcan, 1926.
[6]* The Child’s Conception of Physical Causality: La causalité physique chez
l’enfant. Paris: F. Alcan, 1927.
[7]* The Moral Judgement of the Child: Le Jugement moral chez l’enfant. Paris: F.
Alcan, 1932.
[8]* The Origins of Intelligence in Children: La Naissance de l’intelligence chez
l’enfant. Neuchâtel; Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1936.
[9]* The Construction of Reality in the Child: La construction du réel chez l’enfant.
Neuchâtel; Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1937
[10]* (With B. Inhelder) The Child’s Construction of Quantities – Conservation and
Atomism: Le développement des quantités chez l’enfant – Conservation et atomisme.
Neuchâtel; Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1941
[11]* (With A. Szeminska) The Child’s Conception of Number: La genèse du nombre
chez l’enfant. Neuchâtel, Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1941.
[12] Classes, Relations and Numbers – An Essay on the Groupings of Logistics and on
the Reversibility of Thought: Classes, relations et nombres – Essai sur les groupements
de la logistique et sur la réversibilité de la pensée. Paris: J. Vrin, 1942.
[13]* [The Formation of the Symbol in the Child –] Play, Dreams and Imitation in
Childhood: La formation du symbole chez l’enfant – Imitation, jeu et rêve, image et
représentation. Neuchâtel; Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1945.
[14]* (With collab.) The Development of the Concept of Time in Children: Le
développement de la notion de temps chez l’enfant. Paris: Presses Universitaires de
France, 1946.
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Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
[15]* Child’s Conception of Movement and Speed: Les notions de mouvement et de
vitesse chez l’enfant. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1946.
[16]* The Psychology of Intelligence: La Psychologie de l’intelligence. Paris: A. Colin,
[17]* (With B. Inhelder and A. Szeminska) The Child’s Conception of Geometry: La
géométrie spontanée de l’enfant. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1948.
[18]* (With B. Inhelder) The Child’s Conception of Space: La Représentation de
l’espace chez l’enfant. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1948.
[19] Treatise on Logic – Essay on Operational Logistics: Traité de logique – Essai de
logistique opératoire. Paris: A. Colin, 1949.
[20] Introduction to Genetic Epistemology – (I) Mathematical Thought: Introduction
à l’épistémologie génétique – (I) La pensée mathématique. Paris: Presses Universitaires
de France, 1950.
[21] Introduction to Genetic Epistemology – (II) Physical Thought: Introduction à
l'épistémologie génétique – (II) La pensée physique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de
France, 1950.
[22] Introduction to Genetic Epistemology – (III) Biological Thought, Psychological
Thought, Sociological Thought: Introduction à l’épistémologie génétique – (III) La
pensée biologique, La pensée psychologique, La pensée sociologique. Paris: Presses
Universitaires de France, 1950
[23]* (With B. Inhelder) The Origin of the Idea of Chance in Children: La genèse de
l’idée de hasard chez l’enfant. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1951.
[24] Essay on the Transformations of Logical Operations – The 256 Ternary
Operations of the Bivalent Logic of Propositions: Essai sur les transformations des
opérations logiques – Les 256 opérations ternaires de la logique bivalente des
propositions. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1952.
[25]* Logic and Psychology. Originally published in English, this book is based on three
lectures given at the University of Manchester in 1952. Translated by W. Mays and F.
Whitehead, with an introduction by W. Mays. Manchester: Manchester University Press,
[26]* (With B. Inhelder) The Growth of Logical Thinking from Childhood to
Adolescence – An Essay on the Construction of Formal Operational Structures: De la
logique de l'enfant à la logique de l’adolescent – Essai sur la construction des structures
opératoires formelles. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1955
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Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
[27]* (With B. Inhelder) The Early Growth of Logic in the Child – Classification and
Seriation: La genèse des structures logiques élémentaires – Classifications et
sériations. Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1959.
[28]* The Mechanisms of Perception [– Probabilistic Models, Genetic Analysis,
Relations with Intelligence]: Les mécanismes perceptifs – Modèles probabilistes,
analyse génétique, relations avec l’intelligence. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France,
[29]* (With Paul Fraisse and Maurice Reuchlin) History and Method: Histoire et
méthode. In: Experimental Psychology Its Scope and Method: Traité de psychologie
expérimentale, vol. I. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1963.
[30]* (With P. Oléron, B. Inhelder and P. Gréco) The Intelligence: L’intelligence. In:
Experimental Psychology Its Scope and Method: Traité de psychologie
expérimentale, vol. VII. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1963.
[31]* Six Psychology Studies: Six études de psychologie. Genève: Ed. Gonthier, 1964.
[32]* Sociological Studies: Études sociologiques. Genève: Droz, 1965.
[33]* Insights [Wisdom] and Illusions of Philosophy: Sagesse et illusions de la
philosophie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1965.
[34]* (With B. Inhelder, M. Bovet et al.) Mental Imagery in the Child – A Study of the
Development of Imaginal Representation: L’image mentale chez l’enfant – Étude sur
le développement des représentations imagées. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France,
[35]* (With B. Inhelder) The Psychology of the Child: La psychologie de l’enfant.
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1966.
[36]* Biology and Knowledge – An Essay on the Relations Between Organic
Regulations and Cognitive Processes: Biologie et connaissance – Essai sur les relations
entre les régulations organiques et les processus cognitifs. Paris: Gallimard, 1967.
[37] (et al.) Logic and Scientific Knowledge: Logique et connaissance scientifique.
Paris: Gallimard (La Pléiade), 1967.
[38]* (With B. Inhelder, H. Sinclair-De Zwart et al.) Memory and Intelligence:
Mémoire et intelligence. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1968.
[39]* Structuralism: Le structuralisme. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1968.
[40]* Science of Education and the Psychology of the Child: Psychologie et
pédagogie. Paris: Denoël, 1969.
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Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
[41]* Genetic Epistemology: L’épistémologie génétique. Paris: Presses Universitaires
de France, 1970.
[42] Genetic Epistemology. Series of lectures delivered by J. Piaget at Columbia
University. Translated by Eleanor Duckworth. New York; London: Columbia Univ.
Press., 1970.
[43]* Psychology and Epistemology – For a Theory of Knowledge: Psychologie et
épistémologie – Pour une théorie de la connaissance. Paris: Gonthier-Denoël, 1970.
[44]* To Understand is to Invent – The Future of Education: Où va l’éducation. Paris:
Denoël Gonthier, 1972.
[45] Epistemology of Human Sciences: Épistémologie des sciences de l’homme. Paris:
Gallimard, 1972.
[46] Essay on Operational Logic: Essai de logique opératoire. This book is the 2nd
edition of Traité de logique: essai de logistique opératoire, revised by Jean-Blaise
Grize, with a J. Piaget’s 2nd edition introduction. Paris: Dunod, 1972.
[47]* The Child and Reality – Problems of Genetic Psychology: Problèmes de
psychologie génétique – L’enfant et la réalité. Paris: Denoël Gonthier, 1972.
[48]* Adaptation and Intelligence – Organic Selection and Phenocopy: Adaptation
vitale et psychologie de l’intelligence – Sélection organique et phénocopie. Paris:
Hermann, 1974.
[49]* (With collab.) The Grasp of Consciousness – Action and Concept in the Young
Child: La prise de conscience. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1974.
[50]* (With collab.) Success and Understand: Réussir et comprendre. Paris: Presses
Universitaires de France, 1974.
[51]* Behavior and Evolution [Behavior, Motor of Evolution]: Le comportement,
moteur de l’évolution. Paris: Gallimard, 1976.
[52] (Edited by B. Inhelder, R. Garcia, J. Vonèche) Tribute to Jean Piaget – Genetic
Epistemology and Equilibration: Hommage à Jean Piaget – Épistémologie génétique et
équilibration. Paris et Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1976.
[53] (With J. C. Bringuier) Free Conversations with Jean Piaget: Conversations libres
avec Jean Piaget. Paris: R. Laffont, 1977.
[54] My Ideas: Mes idées. Paris: Médiations (Denoël-Gonthier), 1977 (This book is a
translation, by E. Duckworth, of Jean Piaget, The Man and His Ideas, New York: E.P.
Dutton, 1973, from an interview by R. I. Evans).
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Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
[55] 1980 (With collab.) The Elementary Forms of Dialectics: Les formes
élémentaires de la dialectique. Paris: Gallimard, 1980.
[56]* Possibility and Necessity – Vol. 1, [The Evolution of] The Role of Possibility in
[Child’s] Cognitive Development: Le possible et le nécessaire – Vol. 1, L’évolution du
possible chez l’enfant. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1981.
[57]* Possibility and Necessity – Vol. 2, [The Evolution of] The Role of Necessity in
[Child’s] Cognitive Development: Le possible et le nécessaire – Vol. 2, L'évolution du
nécessaire chez l’enfant. Paris et Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1983.
[58]* (With R. Garcia) Psychogenesis and the History of Science: Psychogenèse et
histoire des sciences. Paris: Flammarion, 1983.
[59]* (With R. Garcia et al.) Toward a Logic of Meanings: Vers une logique des
significations. Genève: Murionde, 1987.
[60]* (With G. Henriques, E. Ascher and coll.) Morphisms and Categories – Comparing
and Transforming: Morphismes et catégories – comparer et transformer. Neuchâtel:
Delachaux et Niestlé, 1990.
Études d’épistémologie génétique (EEG)
The Études d’épistémologie génétique (Studies of Genetic Epistemology) (EEG)
are books resulting from the activities of the Centre international d'épistémologie
génétique. The (seven) EEGs that do not have Jean Piaget as (co)author are not preceded
by numbering. All volumes were published by Presses Universitaires de France (PUF).
[61] EEG 1: (With W. E. Beth and W. Mays) Genetic Epistemology and Psychological
Research: Épistémologie génétique et recherche psychologique. Paris: PUF, 1957.
[62] EEG 2: (With L. Apostel and B. Mandelbrot) Logic and Equilibrium: Logique et
équilibre. Paris: PUF, 1957.
EEG 3: (By L. Apostel, B. Mandelbrot and A. Morf, with introduction by J. Piaget) Logic,
Language and Information Theory: Logique, langage et théorie de l’information.
Paris: PUF, 1957.
[63] EEG 4: (With L. Apostel, W. Mays and A. Morf) Analytical and Synthetic
Interrelationships in the Subject’s Behavior: Les liaisons analytiques et synthétiques
dans les comportements du sujet. Paris: PUF, 1957.
Kínesis, Vol. XV, n° 39, dezembro 2023, p. 382-397
Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
[64] EEG 5: (With A. Jonckheere and B. Mandelbrot) The Reading of Experience: La
lecture de l’expérience. Paris: PUF, 1958.
[65] EEG 6: (With J. S. Bruner, F. Bresson and A. Morf) Logic and Perception: Logique
et perception. Paris: PUF, 1958.
[66] EEG 7: (With P. Gréco) Learning and Knowledge: Apprentissage et
connaissance. Paris: PUF, 1959.
EEG 8: (By Leo Apostel, A. R. Jonckheere and B. Matalon) Logic, Learning and
Probability: Logique, apprentissage et probabilité. Paris: PUF, 1959.
EEG 9: (By A. Morf, J. Smedslund, Vinh Bang and J. F. Wohlwill, with a foreword by J.
Piaget) The Learning of Logical Structures: L’apprentissage des structures logiques.
Paris: PUF, 1959.
[67] EEG 10: (With M. Goustard, P. Gréco and B. Matalon) The Logic of Learning: La
logique des apprentissages. Paris: PUF, 1959.
[68] EEG 11: (With P. Gréco, J.-B. Grize and S. Papert) Number Construction
Problems: Problèmes de la construction du nombre. Paris: PUF, 1960.
[69] EEG 12: (With D. E. Berlyne) Behavioral Theory and Operations: Théorie du
comportement et opérations. Paris: PUF, 1960.
EEG 13: (By P. Gréco and A. Morf) Elementary Numerical Structures: Structures
numériques élémentaires. Paris: PUF, 1962.
[70]* EEG 14: (With W. Beth) Mathematical Epistemology and Psychology [ – Essay
on the Relations between Formal Logic and Real Thought]: Epistémologie
mathématique et psychologie – Essai sur les relations entre la logique formelle et la
pensée réelle. Paris: PUF, 1961.
[71] EEG 15: (With L. Apostel, J.-B. Grize, S. Papert) The Filiation of Structures: La
filiation des structures. Paris: PUF, 1963.
[72] EEG 16: (With E.W. Beth, J.-B. Grize, R. Martin et al.) Implication, Formalisation
and Natural Logic: Implication, formalisation et logique naturelle. Paris: PUF, 1962.
[73] EEG 17: (With P. Gréco, B. Inhelder and B. Matalon) The Formation of Recursive
Reasoning: La formation des raisonnements récurrentiels. Paris: PUF, 1963.
[74] EEG 18: (With T. V. Bang, P. Gréco, J. B. Grize et al.) The Epistemology of Space:
L’épistémologie de l’espace. Paris: PUF, 1964.
EEG 19: (By Vinh Bang and Eric Lunzer) Spatial Conservations: Conservations
spatiales. Paris: PUF, 1965
Kínesis, Vol. XV, n° 39, dezembro 2023, p. 382-397
Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
[75] EEG 20: (With J.-B. Grize, K. Henry, M. Meylan-Backs et al.) The Epistemology
of Time: L’épistémologie du temps. Paris: PUF, 1966.
EEG 21: (By Magali Bovet, Pierre Gréco, Seymour Papert and Gilbert Voyat, with
introduction by J. Piaget) Perception and Notion of Time: Perception et notion du
temps. Paris: PUF, 1967.
EEG 22: (By G. Cellerier, S. Papert and G. Voyat, with a foreword by J. Piaget)
Cybernetics and Epistemology: Cybernétique et épistémologie. Paris: PUF, 1968.
[76]* EEG 23: (With J.-B. Grize, A. Szeminska, Vinh Bang et al.) Epistemology and
Psychology of Functions: Épistémologie et psychologie de la fonction. Paris: PUF,
[77] EEG 24: (With H. Sinclair, V. Bang et al.) Epistemology and Psychology of
Identity: Épistémologie et psychologie de l’identité. Paris: PUF, 1968.
[78] EEG 25: (With Bunge, F. Halbwachs and T. S. Kuhn) Causality Theories: Les
théories de la causalité. Paris: PUF, 1971.
[79]* EEG 26: (With R. Garcia) Understanding Causality: Les explications causales.
Paris: PUF, 1971.
[80] EEG 27: (With collab.) The Transmission of Movements: La Transmission des
mouvements. Paris: PUF, 1972.
[81] EEG 28: (With collab.) The Direction of Moving Bodies during Shocks and
Pushes: La direction des mobiles lors de chocs et de poussées. Paris: PUF, 1972.
[82] EEG 29: (With collab.) Formation of the Notion of Force: La formation de la
notion de force. Paris: PUF, 1973.
[83] EEG 30: (With collab.) The Composition of Forces and the Problem of Vectors:
La composition des forces et le problème des vecteurs. Paris: PUF, 1973.
[84-85]* EEG 31-32: (With collab.) Experiments in Contradiction: Recherches sur la
contradiction. Paris: PUF, 1974. 2 v.
[86]* EEG 33: The Development of Thought – Equilibration of Cognitive Structures
[The Central Question of Development]: L’équilibration des structures cognitives –
Problème central du développement. Paris: PUF, 1975.
[87-88]* EEG 34-35: (With collab.) Studies in Reflecting Abstraction: Recherches sur
l'abstraction réfléchissante. Paris: PUF, 1977. 2 v.
[89] EEG 36: (With collab.) Research on Generalization: Recherches sur la
généralisation. Paris: PUF, 1978.
Kínesis, Vol. XV, n° 39, dezembro 2023, p. 382-397
Teaching material: “Genetic Epistemology”
[90] EEG 37: (With collab.) Research on Correspondence: Recherches sur les
correspondances. Paris: PUF, 1980.
BETH, W. E., MAYS W., PIAGET, J., Genetic Epistemology and Psychological
Research: Épistémologie génétique et recherche psychologique. Paris: PUF, 1957.
(EEG 1)
LALANDE, A., Vocabulaire technique et critique de philosophie. Text reviewed by
the members and correspondents of the Société Française de Philosophie and published
with their corrections and observations. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1997.
PIAGET, J., Introduction à l’épistémologie génétique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de
France, 1950. v. 1.
PIAGET, J., Introduction. Le “Centre international d'épistémologie génétique” et
“Études d’épistémologie génétique”. In Beth, Mays, Piaget (1957), pp.1-11.
PIAGET, J., Six psychological studies. Translated by Anita Tenzer. New York:
Random House, 1967.
PIAGET, J., Genetic Epistemology. Series of lectures delivered by J. Piaget at
Columbia University. Translated by Eleanor Duckworth. New York; London: Columbia
Univ. Press., 1970a.
PIAGET, J., Structuralism. Translated and edited by Chaminah Maschler. New York:
Basic Books, 1970b.
PIAGET, J., Insights and Illusions of Philosophy. Translated by Wolfe Mays. New
York and Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1971a.
PIAGET, J., Psychology and Epistemology: Towards a Theory of Knowledge.
Translated by Arnold Rosin. New York: The Penguin Press, 1971b.
PIAGET, J. L’épistémologie des relations interdisciplinaires. Text resulting from J.
Piaget’s lecture at the event L’interdisciplinarité: problèmes d'enseignement et de
recherche dans les universités, held at the l'Université de Nice, France, from September
7th to 12th, 1970. In: L’interdisciplinarité: problèmes d'enseignement et de
recherche dans les universités. Paris: OCDE, 1972a, p. 131-144.
PIAGET, J., The Principles of Genetic Epistemology. Translated by Wolfe Mays.
London and New York; Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1972b.
PIAGET, J. et al. Logique et connaissance scientifique. Paris: Gallimard (La Pléiade),
RATCLIFF, M. J., TAU, R., A networking model. The case of the International Center
for Genetic Epistemology. Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, vol. 18, nº 4, 2018, pp.
Received: 15/08/2023
Approved: 18/12/2023
Kínesis, Vol. XV, n° 39, dezembro 2023, p. 382-397