Bibliographic Citation Index 2023

2023, Bibliographic Citation Index 2023

This index list in alphabetical order includes research peer reviewed papers, books, reports, theses and dissertations, as well as popular books, papers and television documentaries, referring to published or otherwise available works or research in history and archeology by the undersigned. The index does not claim to be complete. If you have knowledge of missing items you are welcome to email me information on: Carl L. Thunberg, 2023-12-31

Bibliographic Citation Index – Carl L. Thunberg – 2023 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This index list in alphabetical order includes research peer reviewed papers, books, reports, theses and dissertations, as well as popular books, papers and television documentaries, referring to published or otherwise available works or research in history and archaeology by the undersigned. The index does not claim to be complete. If you have knowledge of missing items you are welcome to email me information on: Carl L. Thunberg, 2023-12-31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Backman Jääskeläinen, Julius. 2022. ”De dog i Grekland: Skandinaviska XXrunstenar och grekiska färder”. Kandidatuppsats. Historisk-filosofiska XXfakulteten, Institutionen för arkeologi och antik historia. Uppsala universitet. XXp. 12. Barabino, Victor. 2023. Que savaient les Islandais du xiie siècle au sujet de la XXMéditerranée? Le voyage du jarl Rögnvaldr Kali Kolsson en Terre sainte. XX(What did the Islanders from the Twelfth Century know about the XXMediterranean? The Jarl Rögnvaldr Kali Kolsson’s Expedition to the Holy XXLand.) In: Médiévales 2023/1 (n° 83), Éditions Presses universitaires de XXVincennes. pp. 197-198. Beronius Jörpeland, Lena; Göthberg, Hans; Seiler, Anton; Wikborg, Jonas (eds.) XX2017. at Upsalum – människor och landskapande. Utbyggnad av Oskustbanan XXgenom Gamla Uppsala. Arkeologerna Statens historiska museer, XXUpplandsmuseet och Societas Archaeologica Upsaliensis. Uppsala. pp. 394– XX395. ISBN 978-91-983901-3-1. Brohult, Linus (ed.) & Eriksson, Benny (prod.). 2023. Vetenskapens XXvärld: Vikingakungarnas krigare. Ingår i: SVT Play, Film/video [Elektronisk XXresurs]. Produktionsår: 2023. Ansvarig utgivare: Anna Schytt. Sveriges XXTelevision. Carl L. Thunberg, Slaget på Fyrisvallarna i ny tolkning. En kritisk XXundersökning av källsituation och forskningsläge. Med introduktion av en XXfjärde tolkningslinje, Göteborg 2012: Background material (Benny Eriksson XX[producer]: mail 2023-06-18). Bäck, Mathias & Westberg, Tomas. 2017. ”Keramikkonsumtion - en indikator på XXsocialt och politiskt sammanhang”. In: Lena Beronius Jörpeland; Hans XXGöthberg; Anton Seiler; Jonas Wikborg (eds.), at Upsalum – människor och XXlandskapande. Utbyggnad av Oskustbanan genom Gamla Uppsala. XXArkeologerna Statens historiska museer, Upplandsmuseet och Societas XXArchaeologica Upsaliensis. pp. 394–395. ISBN X 978-91-983901-3-1. Dimitrov, Dimitar Alekseev. 2021. Archaeology of Odinism. Krasna poliana 2/ XX211 G 4, 8. Sofia. Bulgaria. 2 Dzik, Michał, Gogosz, Remigiusz, Morawiec, Jakub & Poniewozik, Leszek XX(eds.). 2022. W świecie bogów, ludzi i zwierząt. Studia ofiarowane XXProfesorowi Leszkowi Pawłowi Słupeckiemu. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu XXRzeszowskiego. Rzeszów. p. 68. Freson, Michelle. 2018. ''Gene Fornby: The Ancient Swedish Village That XXPredates the Vikings''. In: Ancient Origins. Reconstructing the Story of XXHumanity's Past. Ancient Origins © 2013 - 2022. Stella Novus. Guimon, Timofey et al (eds.). 2021. Dísablót: сборник статей коллег и XXучеников к юбилею Елены Александровны Мельниковой (Eng: Dísablót: a XXcollection of articles by colleagues and students for the anniversary of Elena XXAleksandrovna Melnikova). Kvadriga. Moscow. p. 56. XX XXISBN 978-5-91791-425-1 Laust Krambs, Karsten. 2017. 'Danegæld' part 1 - mønternes diversification XXperioden 979-1016, (The diversification of the coins in the period 979-1016). XXp. 6. Laust Krambs, Karsten. 2017. 'Danegæld' part 2 - historiske runesten fra XXperioden 900-1025, (Historical runestones from the period 900-1025). p. 5. Lindström, Håkan L. 2019. ”Berättelserna om Erik Segersäll och hans XXäktenskapskarriär”. In: Föreningen för Västgötalitteratur, Meddelande, XX2019/1. Föreningen för Västgötalitteratur. Skara. pp. 9-10. Lloyd, Ellen. 2018. Spir Mountain Cairns: Prehistoric Ancient Monuments to the XXDead in Northern Sweden. In: Ancient Places. Featured Stories. Manea, Irina-Maria. 2016. Valhalla Rising: The Construction of Cultural Identity XXthrough Norse Myth in Scandinavian and German Pagan Metal. PhD Thesis. XXUniversity of Bucharest, Faculty of History. p. 178. Markussen, Jonas Lau. 2019. The Ingvar Expedition. XX 3 Article on: Melnikova, Elena. 2023. ”The Mediterranean in the Old Scandinavian Image of XXthe World”. In: N. Price, M. H. Eriksen, C. Jahnke (eds.), Vikings in the XXMediterranean. Proceedings of an International Conference Co-organized by XXthe Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish Institutes at Athens, Athens, 27-30 XXNovember 2019. Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at XXAthens, Volume 14. Norwegian Institute at Athens. Athens. pp. 41, 49. XXISBN 978-618-85360-4-3 Ottosson, Peter. 2022. '"Vikingafynden sågas: 'Förfalskning'". Trelleborgs XXAllehanda, 1 January, 2022. Reportage: Peter Ottosson. Expert group: Kurt XXVillads Jensen, Jes Wienberg, Wojciech Filipowiak, Mats Roslund, Carl L. XXThunberg, Michael Andersen, Maria Cinthio, Anders Ödman, Mateusz XXBogucki, Przemysław Urbańczyk. Trelleborgs Allehanda, 2022-01-01 XX(updated 2022-01-04). Owe, Jan et al. 2022. Svensk runbibliografi 1880-2022. Riksarkivet. XX!/Search?id=116&start. Pedersen, Anne & Sindbæk, Søren M. (eds.). 2020. Viking Encounters: XXProceedings of the Eighteenth Viking Congress. Foreword by Her Majesty the XXQueen of Denmark, Patron of the Eighteenth Viking Congress, Denmark, XXAugust 6–12, 2017. Aarhus University Press. International distributors: XXOxbow Books Ltd. pp. 275-277. ISBN 978 87 7184 265 4 Price, Neil, Eriksen, Marianne Hem & Jahnke, Carsten (eds.), 2023. Vikings in XXthe Mediterranean. Proceedings of an International Conference Co-organized XXby the Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish Institutes at Athens, Athens, 27-30 XXNovember 2019. Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at XXAthens, Volume 14. Norwegian Institute at Athens. Athens. pp. 41, 49. XXISBN 978-618-85360-4-3 Rosborn, Sven. 2021. Vikingakungens guldskatt: Om upptäckten av ett unikt XXmanuskript, kung Harald Blåtands grav och placeringen av fästet Jomsborg. XXTomas Sielski. Malmö. p. 360. ISBN 9789198678000. Rosborn, Sven. 2021. The Viking King’s Golden Treasure: About the Curmsun XXDisc, the discovery of a lost manuscript, Harald Bluetooth´s grave and the XXlocation of the fortress of Jomsborg. Tomas Sielski. Malmö. p. 360. XXISBN 9789198678017. 4 Rosborn, Sven. 2021. Vikingekongens guldskat: Om opdagelserne af et mistet XXmanuskript, Harald Blåtands grav og fæstningen Jomsborgs beliggenhed. XXTomas Sielski. Malmö. p. 360. ISBN 9789198678024. Rosborn, Sven. 2021. Aspects regarding the source material of Harald XXBluetooth’s grave in Poland. Academia 2021-11-04. p. 12. Saenko, Alexandr. 2021. ”The battle of Fyrisvellir as dualistic ’Cornerstone’ of XXSwedish and Danish historiography”. In: Humanities and Law Studies XXScientific Bulletin, 1, 2021. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution XXfor Higher Education, Moscow, pp. 67-72. Sediyani, İbrahim. 2020. ”Kafkasya Ne Azerî’dir Ne Ermenî; Kafkasya Kürt’tür XXve Kürt Topraklarıdır”. In: ÇandName, 04/10/2020. eKovara Çanda Kurdî ya. XXSal 2. Turkey. Sediyani, İbrahim. 2020. ”Kafkasya Ne Azerî’dir Ne Ermenî; Kafkasya Kürt’tür XXve Kürt Topraklarıdır”. In: Son Haber, 09/10/2020. Antalya. Shepard, Jonathan. 2021. “Looking Along the East-Way from Gotland”. In: T. XXGuimon et al (eds), Dísablót: сборник статей коллег и учеников к юбилею XXЕлены Александровны Мельниковой (Eng: Dísablót: a collection of articles XXby colleagues and students for the anniversary of Elena Aleksandrovna XXMelnikova). Kvadriga. Moscow. p. 56. ISBN 978-5-91791-425-1 Sorgenfrei, Simon. 2018. Islam i Sverige de första 1300 åren. Bromma: XXMyndigheten för stöd till trossamfund (SST). p. 298. ISBN 978-91-983453-2XX2, 91-983453-2-X. Stejskalová, Helena. 2023. ”Mytologický zrod run_ O jejich šíření se měl postarat XXBůh Ódin”. In: Epocha Plus, Epocha Speciál, 24.11.2023. XX( Thoeming. Alix. 2013. "Here Shall These Stones Stand, Reddened With Runes": XXExploring Interconnectivity and Similarity in the Rune-Stones of 10th-12th XXCentury Sweden. Department of Archaeology. University of Sydney. Sydney. 5 Walther, Sabine H. 2022. ”Svíþjóð in mikla. The Invention of a Classical Past for XX’Scandinavia’ in Snorri Sturluson’s Ynglinga saga”. In: Michał Dzik, XXRemigiusz Gogosz, Jakub Morawiec & Leszek Poniewozik (eds.), W świecie XXbogów, ludzi i zwierząt. Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Leszkowi Pawłowi XXSłupeckiemu. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego XX(University of Rzeszów Publishing). Rzeszów. p. 68. Wolf, Kirsten & Mueller-Wollmer, Tristan. 2018. The Vikings: Facts and Fictions. XXSanta Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. pp. 17–22. ISBN 978-1-4408-6298-4. Zachrisson, Torun. 2020. ”Sigtuna: An Urban Hub in the Viking World, and its XXRoots”. In: Anne Pedersen & S. M. Sindbaek (eds.), Viking Encounters: XXProceedings of the Eighteenth Viking Congress. Aarhus University Press. XXInternational distributors: Oxbow Books Ltd. Aarhus. pp. 275-277. ISBN 978XX87-7184-265-4 6