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2019, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
5 pages
1 file
In this paper, an algorithm for automated detecting diagnostic events in video channel of video and electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring data is presented. The analysis of video sequences is focused on identifying a group of frames with high or very low (depending on the type of seizure) dynamics of informative areas according to a criterion calculated during processing of the optical flow. The preliminary results of the analysis of real clinical data are given and compared with data obtained from the synchronous EEG. The results showed the possibility in principle of reliable diagnosing epileptic seizures and distinguishing them from nonepileptic events.
Proceedings of the V International conference Information Technology and Nanotechnology 2019
In this paper, a technique for automated detecting diagnostic events in the video channel of video and electroencephalographic monitoring data is presented. The technique is based on the analysis of the quantitative features of facial expressions in images of video data. The analysis of video sequences is aimed at detecting a group of frames characterized by high activity of frame regions. For detecting the frames, a criterion computed from the optical flow is proposed. The preliminary results of the analysis of real clinical data are presented. The intervals of synchronous muscle and brain activity, which may correspond to an epileptic seizure, are detected. These intervals can be used for diagnosing epileptic seizures and distinguishing them from non-epileptic events. Requirements for video shooting conditions are formulated.
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2021
The work is devoted to the study of the frequency features of the optical flow obtained from the video record of long-term videoelectroencephalographic (video-EEG) monitoring data of patients with epilepsy. It is necessary to obtain features to recognize epileptic seizures and differentiate them from non-epileptic events. We propose to analyze the periodograms of the smoothed optical flow calculated from the fragments of the patient's video recordings. We use Welch's method to obtain periodograms. The values of the power spectral density of the optical flow at the selected frequencies will be used as features. Using the clustering algorithm, four groups of events were identified in video recordings.
Kalitzin, S.; Petkov, G.; Velis, D.; Vledder, B.; Lopes da Silva, F.; Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by sudden, often unexpected transitions from normal to pathological behavioral states called epileptic seizures. Some of these seizures are accompanied by uncontrolled, often rhythmic movements of body parts when seizure activity propagates to brain areas responsible for the initiation and control of movement. The dynamics of these transitions is, in general, unknown. As a consequence, individuals have to be monitored for long periods in order to obtain sufficient data for adequate diagnosis and to plan therapeutic strategy. Some people may require long-term care in special units to allow for timely intervention in case seizures get out of control. Our goal is to present a method by which a subset of motor seizures can be detected using only remote sensing devices (i.e., not in contact with the subject) such as video cameras. These major motor seizures (MMS) consist of clonic movements and are often precursors of generalized tonic-clonic (convulsive) seizures, sometimes leading to a condition known as status epilepticus, which is an acute life-threatening event. We propose an algorithm based on optical flow, extraction of global group transformation velocities, and band-pass temporal filtering to identify occurrence of clonic movements in video sequences. We show that for a validation set of 72 prerecorded epileptic seizures in 50 people, our method is highly sensitive and specific in detecting video segments containing MMS with clonic movements.
Computer Optics, 2021
One of the problems solved by analyzing the data of long-term Video EEG monitoring is the differentiation of epileptic and artifact events. For this, not only multichannel EEG signals are used, but also video data analysis, since traditional methods based on the analysis of EEG wavelet spectrograms cannot reliably distinguish an epileptic seizure from a chewing artifact. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for detecting artifact events based on a joint analysis of the level of the optical flow and the ridges of wavelet spectrograms. The preliminary results of the analysis of real clinical data are given. The results show the possibility in principle of reliable distinguishing non-epileptic events from epileptic seizures.
Epilepsy is a brain pathology that affects approximately 40 million people in the world. The most utilized clinical test for epilepsy diagnose is the electroencephalogram (EEG). For this reason, nowadays are being developed multiple tools devised for automatic seizure detection on EEG signals. Automatic seizure detection is becoming popular in modern epilepsy monitoring units since it assists diagnostic monitoring and reduces manual review of large volumes of EEG recordings. This paper presents a platform which performs continuous multi-channel detection and analysis of seizures for epilepsy patients. This paper presents a method of analysis of EEG signals, which is based on time domain analysis. Signal from each channel was divided into different frames of a predetermined length and higher order statistical features were calculated for each frame. Clinical data recorded from normal subject and epileptic patient were used to test the performance of the proposed method .It was demonstrated that the new scheme was able to classify the normal and epileptic EEG with an accuracy of 97.77% with less computation.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2002
It is common that epileptic seizures induce uncoordinated movement in a patient's body. This movement is a relevant clinical factor in seizure identification. Nevertheless, quantification of this information has not been an object of much attention from the scientific community. In this paper, we present our effort in developing a new approach to the quantification of movement patterns in patients during epileptic seizures. We attach markers at landmark points of a patient's body and use a camera and a commercial video-electroencephalogram (EEG) system to synchronously register EEG and video during seizures. Then, we apply image-processing techniques to analyze the video frames and extract the trajectories of those points that represent the course of the quantified movement of different body parts. This information may help clinicians in seizure classification. We describe the framework of our system and a method of analyzing video in order to achieve the proposed goal. Our experimental results show that our method can reflect quantified motion patterns of epileptic seizures, which cannot be accessed by means of traditional visual inspection of video recordings. We were able, for the first time, to quantify the movement of different parts of a convulsive human body in the course of an epileptic seizure. This result represents an enhanced value to clinicians in studying seizures for reaching a diagnosis.
Studia Philosophiae Et Juris, 2023
Монгол улс төрийн мэргэшсэн албыг төлөвшүүлэх чиглэлд бодлого, үйл ажиллагаа төлөвлөж ажиллаад багагүй хугацаа өнгөрчээ. Гэвч төрийн албаны мэргэшсэн байдлыг хангахад учирч буй томоохон сорилтын нэг нь патронаж юм. Өгүүллийн хүрээнд судлаачид патронажийн тухай ойлголт, түүний улс төрийн хандлагын талаар цэгцтэй ойлголт өгөхийг оролдсон болно.
Akreditasi Rumah Sakit adalah suatu pengakuan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah pada manajemen rumah sakit, karena telah memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan. Adapun tujuan akreditasi rumah sakit adalah meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kesehatan, sehingga sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia yang semakin selektif dan berhak mendapatkan pelayanan yang bermutu. Dengan meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kesehatan diharapkan dapat mengurangi minat masyarakat untuk berobat keluar negeri. Sesuai dengan Undang-undang No.44 Tahun 2009, pasal, 40 ayat 1, menyatakan bahwa, dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pelayanan Rumah Sakit wajib dilakukan akreditasi secara berkala menimal 3 (tiga) tahun sekali. Meskipun akreditasi rumah sakit telah berlangsung sejak tahun 1995 dengan berbasis pelayanan, yaitu 5 pelayanan, 12 pelayanan dan 16 pelayanan, namun dengan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta makin kritisnya masyarakat Indonesia dalam menilai mutu pelayanan kesehatan, maka dianggap perlu dilakukannya perubahan yang bermakna terhadap mutu rumah sakit di Indonesia. Perubahan tersebut tentunya harus diikuti dengan pembaharuan standar akreditasi rumah sakit yang lebih berkualitas dan menuju standar Internasional. Dalam hal ini Kementerian Kesehatan RI khususnya Direktorat Jenderal Bina Upaya Kesehatan memilih dan menetapkan sistem akreditasi yang mengacu pada Joint Commission International (JCI). Standar akreditasi ini selain sebagian besar mengacu pada sistem JCI, juga dilengkapi dengan muatan lokal berupa program prioritas nasional yang berupa program Millenium Development Goals (MDG's) meliputi PONEK, HIV dan TB DOTS dan standar-standar yang berlaku di Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Target yang telah direncanakan pada akhir tahun 2011 hampir mencapai 60% dan diharapkan pada tahun 2014 target Kementerian Kesehatan RI terhadap akreditasi rumah sakit ini diharapkan mencapai 90%. Standar akreditasi rumah sakit disusun sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit dan menjalankan amanah Undang-Undang Nomor 44 tahun 2009 tentang rumah sakit yang mewajibkan rumah sakit untuk melaksanakan akreditasi dalam rangka peningkatan mutu pelayanan di rumah sakit minimal dalam jangka waktu 3 (tiga) tahun sekali. Dalam rangka peningkatan mutu tersebut maka diperlukan suatu standar yang dapat dijadikan acuan bagi seluruh rumah sakit dan stake holder terkait dalam melaksanakan pelayanan di rumah sakit melalui proses akreditasi. Disamping itu sistem akreditasi yang pernah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 1995 dianggap perlu untuk dilakukan perubahan mengingat berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sehingga dibutuhkannya standar akreditasi rumah sakit ini. Perubahan tersebut menyebabkan ditetapkannya kebijakan akreditasi rumah sakit menuju standar Internasional. Dalam hal ini,
Hoy vamos a trabajar con los contrarios. Vamos a desarrollar más las terapias creativas, porque si no, parecería que sólo existe la maldad, el maltrato, o las formas represivas. No es así, porque existen también lo creativo, lo solidario, lo imaginario placentero , el arte, las locuras amorosas , aunque no se noten tanto, porque lo otro impacta mucho más. Veremos entonces cómo generar vida, porque la muerte no se puede evitar, pero sí se puede generar vida, porque si la vida sucede, no existe la muerte, y si existe el afecto no existe el odio. En Termodinámica se dice que el frío no existe, sólo existe el calor, y el frío es ausencia de calor, que es un movimiento de partículas; a más movimiento, más temperatura. Como nuestra temperatura es de 37°, si la temperatura ambiente es menor, sentimos frío, pero todavía hay calor. Desde ese enfoque, podemos decir que la locura no existe: sólo existe la cordura, y la locura es falta de cordura. La locura es lo que pasa cuando no podemos estructurar en forma coherente la realidad, y es entonces cuando se produce la confusión, el caos. Pero , en realidad, el caos no existe, sólo existe el mensaje. La muerte es nada, es no vida. Esto tiene que ver con aquello de ver el vaso medio vacío o medio lleno, en el clásico dibujo de Gestalt. En realidad, el vaso está siempre por la mitad, pero lo que nosotros podemos es optar entre ver lo que tenemos o lo que nos falta. La creatividad comienza por fabricar vida. Pensemos, por ejemplo, en las Oyitas. Es un lugar de muerte: allá en la villa las condiciones son espantosas, los chicos tienen frío, hay miseria. Nosotros no podemos borrar eso, pero vamos y ponemos vida, alegría, y resulta que cuando hay alegría, lo otro disminuye, y desde la alegría podemos combatirlo. Nosotros fabricamos vida. Yo me considero un fabricante de vida. Empecé a hacerlo en uno de los lugares más espantoso de la Argentina, en el manicomio. Allí la gente está abandonada, empobrecida, un desastre. Sin embargo, nosotros, en el fondo del Borda, fabricábamos vida. En la Peña Carlos Gardel (el libro lo testimonia con
The use of ICT in the teaching and learning in local secondary schools in Nandi County has not been realized because of challenges arising from accessing electricity. This study focused on the electric power accessibility challenges facing the use of ICT equipment in secondary schools in Nandi County. The specific objectives of the study included; the determination of the use of alternative sources of energy in schools, the investigation of factors affecting the use of the alternative sources of energy in the powering of ICT equipment in schools, and the assessment of the schools principals' attitudes towards the use of alternative sources of energy in local secondary schools. The study was conducted through a survey research design. Purposive sampling techniques were used to select the sample for the study. The data was analyzed by the use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program. The findings of the study revealed that there was lack of electricity supply to many secondary schools; there were frequent power outages in the schools supplied with electricity; the cost of electric power use was high; the use of generators to generate electricity was expensive, and renewable sources of energy were not used to power ICT equipment in many secondary schools. The conclusions arrived at were that it was difficult to use ICT equipment in secondary schools in Nandi County because many secondary schools lacked access to electricity; there were frequent power outages in the schools supplied with electricity; cost of electricity was high; the cost of running generators were also high and there was lack of use of cost-effective alternative sources of energy. This study recommends that the government should supply electricity to all secondary schools, initiate renewable sources of energy projects to cater for the electricity deficit and the power distribution companies to use modern distribution methods to help reduce the power outages.
Remote Sensing, 2023
Lifelong Lifewide Learning, 2021
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Critical care (London, England), 2017
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