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Chapter I
Background of the Study
Assigning Homework to the students is an all-important aspect of the mathematics
instruction. Because it carries educational benefits for all age groups and students of
different intelligent levels, including time management and organization. Oxford Learning
Center (2016) states that homework provides students with the ability to think beyond what
is taught in the class. In addition to this, students may develop their own approach to
learning, while they are completing the homework in mathematics.Thus, homework can
improve students’ performance in mathematics learning.
However, Kohn (2006) asserts that there is not sufficient evidence for claiming that
homework underwrites to academic achievement and that students’ academic performance
will not drop even if they are not given any homework. It seems that homework has both
positive and negative effects on the achievement of students in mathematics learning. In
fact, the excessive amount of homework in mathematics learning result in the frustration
among the students and they are less active in their learning (Oxford Learning Center, 2016).
However, there is notan exact rule about how to assign homework in mathematics learning.
Because opinions and beliefs about the right amount of homework also
fluctuateenormously.Walberg, Paschal and Weinstein (1985) claim that ‘a little’ homework
may lead to more academic achievement than ‘a lot’ of homework does.
In the context of Nepal, teachers of mathematics assign homework to the students
in order to engage them at home doing mathematics. NASA report 2017 stated that
attitudes of students towards mathematics learning affect their performance in
mathematics. Furthermore, Cooper (1989a) stated that there is a relationship between
homework and academic achievement. Therefore, this research was aimed at identifying
perceptions of students towards homework assignments in mathematics learning.
Statement of the Problem
It is a commonly accepted notion that homework can improve the students’
performance in mathematics because it provides a range of drills in the problems and hence
the contents of mathematics. However, there are not unique rules to assign the homework
to the students in order to increase their performance in mathematics. It means that
teachers of mathematics provide the homework to the students in their own without
understanding the students. The homework is not specifically related to the curriculum of
mathematics regarding to making the connection between the amount of home and
allocated credit hours of the contents of mathematics.
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The work load of homework demotivates towards learning and hence students’
achievement can start to slip (Oxford Learning Center, 2016). Hallam (2004) asserts that a
certain amount of homework increases academic performance but ‘more’ of it will not cause
any further increase. Furthermore, Cooper (1989a) stated that there is a relationship
between homework and academic achievement. The perfect use of homework can have a
positive impact on the performance of students in mathematics. However, the teachers of
mathematics given a huge amount of homework to the students in mathematics learning
without considering other aspects. It has made students less active in mathematics
classroom. In this research, thus, the researcher intended to examine the following research
What was the perceptions of students towards Homework in mathematics
What are the factors that influence students’ perceptions about doing
homework in mathematics learning?
Objectives of the Study
The primary objective of this study was to explore the students’ perceptions towards
the homework in mathematics. This objective is stated in the following specific form:
To identify the students’ perceptions towards the homework in mathematics
To explore factors that influence students’ perceptions about homework.
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study would be beneficial toindividuals who are interested in the
pedagogy of mathematics. This research may also be useful to make homework less stressful
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for the students. In this way, the result of this study will be helpful for mathematics
teachers, schools, curriculum developers, planners, and other personnel allied to education
in the following ways:
Finding of this study may provide an important cue to mathematics teachers
about students’ perception towards the homework that can lead valuable
insight into assigning the homework to the students in a systematics way.
Consequently, the amount of homework is assigned to students in a less
stressful way.
This study might be all important to the school providing a clear way of how
different students perceive the homework in mathematics learning and to
encourage differentiated instructions for assigning homework to the students.
Moreover, this study would provide information about not to use too much
homework without assessing students’ existing knowledge and experiences.
This study could help researchers to uncover the critical areas related to
mathematics instruction that many researchers are not able to explore.
Apart from these, it would be useful to educational planners to conceptualize
the strategy that makes homework as the best contributor for improving
students’ achievements in mathematics.
Delimitations of the Study
Delimitation draws the boundary of the research area in which the researcher
conducts the study using different tools and research methods. This study had delimited in
the following areas:
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This was a cross-sectional survey design having a group of 120 students those
have been studying at grade 10 selected from Kathmandu Valley.
This study was focused on the perceptions of students towards homework
assignment rather than other aspects.
The data collection process was completed within 45 days including the
development of data collection tools, pilot study, and determination of
reliability and validity of tools.
Definition of Key terms
Perception. Perception refers to the way of understanding and interpretation of the
contents. It includes how students of grade 10 perceive the homework assignment in
mathematics learning.
Homework. Homework refers to extra task given to the students in order to improve
student learning in mathematics. It is also given to the students to make students busy at
their home.
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Chapter II
The review of related literature refers to systematically identifying, locating, and
analyzing documents pertaining to the issue which is planning to be studied (Gay, Mills &
Airasian, 2012). Moreover, the review of the literature means critical analysis of related
research articles. After depth and concise review of the literature, the researcher can
identify the gap between the literature and adds the significance to the study. In addition, it
helps the researcher to operationalize the new research approach by providing the general
outline of the study and avoid the unnecessary duplication. This chapter presents the
empirical review of the literature, the theoretical framework and conceptual framework.
Empirical Review
Burriss and Snead (2017) conducted a study entitled on “Middle School Students’
Perceptions Regardingthe Motivation and Effectiveness of Homework” to understand
students’ perspectives on therole of homework. The researchers used survey design on a
sample of 506 students of middle school. The result of this research shows that there were
various reasons to complete homework among the students such as practice for getting a
high score and avoid punishment. Furthermore, as a result, the study underscored that
students had negative attitudes towards homework assignment and teachers as well as
parents’ motivation toward completing homework.
A study carried out by Tam and Chan (2016) entitled on “What Is Homework for?
Hong Kong PrimarySchool Teachers’ Homework Conceptions” aiming at how teachers
thinkabout or perceive the nature and purpose of homework. They used a mixed method of
study along with a survey questionnaire over 317 teachers and interview among 38 teachers
in Hong Kong. The result of this study indicates that teachers focuses on a positive
perspective towards the homework assignment for students because participants believed
that it serves various academic and non-academic functions. However, the nature of
homework such as drilling and non-drilling made tension among students.
Buchel (2016) studied on “English Homework: What Makes Sense?” to enhance the
purpose of this article is to persuade English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers and
teacher trainers that homework is indeed beneficial by presenting multiple examples of
high-quality homework assignments, as Dettmers et al. (2010) found in mathematics. The
research finding until conclusive evidence is found about when to start assigning homework
and how much to give, perhaps the best thing teachers can do is to take a healthy look at
their own practices and ask themselves if they are serving the needs of their learners and if
their homework principles reflect good teaching principles.
Limin Gu (2015) conducted a study entitled on “Swedish Lower Secondary School
Teachers’ Perceptions and Experiences Regarding Homework” to investigates homework in
Swedish lower secondary schools: teachers’ perceptions and experiences about it and their
understanding of its potentials and challenges for students’ learning and development. the
researcher used survey method and data collected from survey method to the sample is
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201. The main result indicated that most teachers assign homework and believe it will
benefit students’ learning when it addresses consolidating and reinforcing knowledge
already taught and increases skills through repetition. Further,the findings highlight the
educational implications of critical reflections on the design of homework and the quality of
homework assignments.
Flunger et al. (2015) examined the effort students put into homework. After
acknowledging that most researchers look primarily at time spent on homework as the main
indicator of a study, they examined the amount of effort put forth by eighth-grade students.
Students were divided into five groups for the purpose of analysis, based on their responses
to a Likert-scale questionnaire. Students were labeled as fast learners, high-effort learners,
average students, struggling learners, and minimalists. These categories were based on time
spent, completion, and effort on homework. Flunger et al. (2015) noted that time is often
poorly estimated by students because they do not distinguish between active work and the
time they say they dedicate. They found that effort was a better indicator of success than
time spent on homework. Those students who put more effort into homework achieved
better results than those who put in more time. In the Flunger et al. (2015) study, the time
spent on homework showed that students who were struggling or who were easily
distracted often reported spending more time on homework
Zuzanek (2009) analyzed student perceptions of time spent on homework and
found that the attitudes students had about homework skew their reporting of how it
negatively affects their ability to participate in other activities. Zuzanek stated that the
results showed students’ unstructured time (i.e. television watching, electronic gaming, and
socializing) were more affected by homework. However, additional homework correlated to
better grades. While students did not show a high interest in doing homework, they
reported being more interested in homework than spending time in class.
Jackson (2007) suggested that research could not reveal the impact of homework.
He stated that anecdotal evidence was powerful but did not translate into quantitative data.
It was not possible to quantify nonacademic purposes such as developing good habits. By
the time students reached secondary school age, they had accumulated many years of
homework practice and begun to rebel against it. During the elementary and middle school
years, students learned that teachers minimized homework because fewer students did it as
they progressed through the grade levels. Homework became a punishment for teachers
who had to plan separately for those
who finished and those who did not. When students began high school and homework
affected achievement, they had amassed too many negative experiences with homework.
According to Jackson (2007), well-designed homework played a significant role in secondary
success, but he emphasized that early elementary homework should be carefully
From the review of these literature, it seems clear that only few research focused on
homework assigned to the students as means of reactivation of mathematics learning at
beyond the school hours. However, the amount of homework to be given to the students in
mathematics learning is vary from teacher to teacher. This variation and overload of
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homework in mathematics may hinge on achievement of students in mathematics (Oxford
Learning Center, 2016). There is a relationship between homework and achievement in
mathematics (Copper, 1989a). Furthermore, students’ perceptions and achievement of
students in mathematics are related to each other. However, there may not be investigated
that how studentsperceive the Homework in mathematics learning, including time
management for homework, approaches to homework and time spending on homework.
Therefore, this study hasfocused on exploring perceptions of students towards the
homework assignments in mathematics in the context of Nepal.
Theoretical Framework
One theoretical framework that taps into homework management is self-regulated
learning (Zimmerman, 2008), particularly from the perspective of volitional control
(Boekaerts & Corno, 2005). Volitional control is mainly concerned with issues of
implementation (an implementation mindset) that occur after a goal is set, to protect the
intention to pursue that goal in the face of an array of alluring distractions, enticing
temptations, or competing personal strivings (Corno, 2004). Particularly, it is characterized
by the self-regulation activities of purposive and persistent striving, including, for example,
planning goals, setting priorities, budgeting time, coping with distractions, controlling
motivation, and monitoring emotion (Boekaerts & Corno, 2005).
Volitional control is especially important to the task of homework management
because goals of homework tasks are typically set by teachers; the main charge for students
is to navigate the demands of doing homework (i.e., engaging purposively in maneuvers that
effectively protect homework intention). They are asked to maintain the needed focus and
effort to complete homework assignments, with less structure, supervision, social pressures,
and time constraints than exist in the classroom (Wolters, 2003). They are required to
independently manage homework, including organizing the study environment, allocating
their time, preventing or minimizing homework distractions, maintaining or enhancing the
strength of homework intention, and coping with negative emotions surrounding homework
tasks (Corno, 2004).
Informed by Corno's model on volitional control, Xu and Corno (2003) developed
five features of homework management, including arranging environment, managing time,
focusing attention, monitoring motivation, and controlling emotion. These features of
homework management constitute a set of skills that have often been assumed, yet rarely
examined empirically (Cooper & Valentine, 2001). Taken together, these efforts to manage
homework reflect an underlying self-regulation construct that has been independent of
academic achievement and ability measures in other research (Stanford Aptitude Seminar,
Conceptual Framework
A conceptual framework refers to the connection of the research variables in the
study as in compact form. The conceptual framework is developed based on the researcher’s
understanding about the research variable and research process using some aspects of the
theoretical framework. It maps out the actions required in the course of the study given his
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previous knowledge of other researchers’ point of view and his observations on the subject
of research (Regoniel, 2015). The conceptual framework “sets the stage” for the
presentation of the particular research question that drives the investigation being reported
based on the problem statement (McGaghie, Bordage & Shea, 2001). It is the narrow form of
the theoretical framework by which study variables and circumstances of the study are
presented in thediagrammatic form.
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The researcher has developed the following conceptual framework:
Time Spent on
Objectives of
Homework in
Approach to
Performance in
Management to
In this conceptual framework, there are five components for identifying perceptions
of students towards the homework assignment in mathematics learning. As it can be seen, a
clearly specified plan specifying the objectives of the homework is related to three
components directly including time management to homework, approaches to homework
and time spent on homework. However, indirectly related with performance of students in
mathematics. Time management to homework refers to the how students manage time for
each task completion. Time spent on homework refers to both productive time and nonproductive time that students spend on doing mathematics homework. It is directly related
with objectives of homework and performance of students in mathematics. Approaches to
homework refer to what learning approach student prefer to complete the homework in
mathematics. It also includes the learning preferences to learn more about mathematics
during non-school hours. Performance in mathematics refers to overall achievement in
mathematics that is measured by time series analysis.
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The conceptual framework of the affecting factors of homework
Adjusted homework
Scheduled feed
backs factor
Affecting Factor of
Style of
In this conceptual framework, there are six components for identifying Affecting factors
students perception towards homework. As the Aim of second objective of this study to find
the motivational factors affecting student. perception towards homework these. Six factors
were used to prepare the Google questionnaire schedule. These factors are tick by teacher
of mathematics these factors are affecting students perceptions towards homework.
Adjusted homework factor refers to teachers homework to their student in term of student
level of intelligence and difficulty level of contents. Scheduled feedback refers to providing
feedback to the student on regular basis. Environment factors refers to mathematics
learning environment outside of school climate. motivational factors refers to intrinsic
nature of the work, but not necessarily to the surrounding circumstances or the
environment. Style of assignments refers to many different types of assignments set at
schooling mathematics. Individual skills refer to students skill such language reasoning and
Chapter III
This chapter presents the design of the study which is adopted by the researcher for
this research purpose, sample and population of the study, data collection tools and
mechanism of their validity and reliability, data collection process and data analysis
procedures. In addition to this data section, this chapter also includes ethical considerations
that the researcher considers throughout the investigation as the last section.
Design of the Study
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The researcher used survey design to complete this research. A survey is an
instrument to collect data that describe one or more characteristics of a specific population
(Gay et al, 2012). Survey can be used to answer the questions about the people’s opinion on
the exigent issues. Moreover, it can be used to gather information
about a group’s beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and demographic composition (Gay et al,
2012). There are different types of the survey design and, in this study, the researcher will
use cross-sectional survey design. Cross-sectional survey design is a survey design in which
the researcher collects data from a sample group of individuals at a single point in time. The
researcher usedthe cross-sectional design of survey because the researcher’s intention was
to identify the students’ perception towards the homework assignment, and it is effective
for providing a snapshot of current behaviors, attitudes, understanding of the phenomena
and belief of the population (Gay et al, 2012).
Sample and Population of the Study
The population of the study was the grade 10 students those studying mathematics
under the national curriculum stream of Nepal in Kathmandu Valley. The sample of the study
was a group of 120 students. Furthermore, 30 teachers of mathematics were also taken as
the sample of the study and they were participated through google questionnaire. The
sample of this study was drawn based on random sampling techniques from population of
the study.
Sources of Data
The researcher usedboth primary and secondary sources of data in order to answer
the research questions. A set of questionnaire and semi- structured interview were taken as
primary sources of data. Moreover, the researcher visited the computer database such as
Scribed, NCTM and Eric in order to organize the literature review and such piece of
information was used as secondary sources.
Tools of Data collection
For the purpose of collecting primary data, the researcher used the questionnaire
and semi-structured interview.
Questionnaire. The researcher used the questionnaire based on five point Liket’s
scale to identify the students’ perceptions towards the Homework. More importantly, the
researcher developed the questionnaire by modifying the two set of questionnaire
developed by Huisman (2016) and Turanli (2009). The Questionnaire comprised30 items
across the four dimensions of the questionnaire, after ensuring the validity and reliability
and validity of the questionnaire. The distribution of items across each dimension of the
questionnaire is presented in the following table I:
Table I: Distribution of items across the dimensions of perception scale
Number of
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Where, OHWM = Objective of Homework in mathematics
TSMHM = Time spend on mathematics Homework
ATMH = Approaches to Complete Homework in mathematics
TMTMH = Time Management in mathematics homework.
Semi-structured Interview. The researcher usedsemi-structured interview to explore
more about student perceptions towards Homework in mathematics. The semi-structured
interview was taken with ten students who participated in the survey. The semi-structured
interview was comprised of 4 open ended questions, however, each item related to one
dimension of the survey questionnaire.
Questionnaire for Teachers. The researcher developed the questionnaire using
google questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted 6 items intended to identify factors that
affects student perceptions towards Homework in mathematics. The reliability of this
questionnaire was ensured by calculating Cronbach’s Alpha. The reliability coefficient was
0.89 which was good with reference of the interpretation criteria of George and Mallary
(2003). The validity of the questionnaire was ensured by subject experts. The researcher
retained 6 items in this study.
Reliability and Validity of the tools
The researcher conducteda pilot study to a group of 20 students those represent the
population but not included in the sample of the study. The researcher organized the data
and performed SPSS 21.0. Then the calculated Cronbach’s Alpha (the reliability coefficient)
was 0.8. This reliability coefficient was very good with reference to the interpretation criteria
provided by George and Mallery (2003, 231). It means that there was greater internal
consistency of the items in the scale. The validity of the data collection tools was ensured by
expert judgement.
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Data Collection Procedures
The researcher visited the schools and requested the permission to conduct survey.
For the purpose of rapport building teachers of mathematics and school principals, the
researcher provideda general overview of the research project. After granting the
permission from the teachers of mathematics and school principals, the researcher
conducted the survey. During the distribution of the questionnaire to the students, the
researcher provided general information about how to fill up the questionnaire. Moreover,
the researcher helped the participant in language difficulty if they had in the questionnaire
reading. The researcher administered the questionnaire among the 120 students into three
phases. In the first phase, the researcher collected data from 35 students and in the second
phase the researcher took 55 students and in the third phase, the researcher collected data
from 30 students.
After collecting the questionnaire from the participants, the researcher started
storage and analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire. Then the researcher
conducted a semi structured interview with 10 students who took the part of survey. More
importantly, these interviewees were selected randomly from 120 sample of the study. The
researcher then contacted to the teachers of mathematics where survey was conducted to
take part of the study. The researcher collected the emails from the 30 teachers of
mathematics to collect data. Then the researcher sent questionnaire to the teachers of
mathematics and their response was accepted up to 12 days. After receiving the data from
google mail the researcher used google analytical method to analyze the data. Then the final
form of data wasstored and protected using a computer software.
Data Analysis and Interpretation Procedures
After collecting the data using a questionnaire and semi-structured interview, the
researcher started the data analysis. The researcher calculatedmean and frequency of each
item of the questionnaire assigned by the participants using SPSS 21.0. Moreover, the
researcher used google analytical method to analyze the questionnaire data, collected from
teacher. The data obtained from the semi-structured data were analysed using thematic
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approach in which the researcher transcribed the data then generated the codes. After
generating the nodes, the researcher generated the codes. Based on generated codes, the
researcher made secondary themes and then based on secondary themes, the researcher
developed the primary themes.
As far as the interpretation of the questionnaire data that is mean, SD, Percentage
and frequency. The frequency of the data wasinterpreted based on the majority and mean
was interpreted based on the interpretation criteria provided by Onwubuya E.A Nennam
.M.G and Ugbaja M.O(2015).More specifically, The three-point Likert scale mean score of 01.5 is low indicates negative perception,1.6-2.0 is high indicates a positive perception,2.1-3.0
very higher indicates a positive perception
Ethical Consideration
In the research work, a number of ethical issues were considered to make data
collection more standardization and conformity in writing the report of the study. In this
survey design, the researcher considered the following ethical issues:
The researcher had granted permission from the school principals and
institutions where the survey was going to be conducted.
The researcher informed the participant if therewas necessary for recording
filming or photographs.
The researcher did not use the name of the institution without its permission.
The researcher usedcomfortable language in the data collection process that is
easily understandable to the participants and report writing.
The researcher did neither fabricate the data nor falsify in the reporting.
Chapter IV
This chapter encompasses the analysis and interpretation of the data collected.
The chapter is organized in terms of objectives and research questions stated in the
chapter I. For the purpose of analyzing the data obtained from the questionnaire, SPSS21.0
statistical analysis software was used setting 0.05 confidence level. More importantly, the
mean and standard deviation of each item was interpreted with reference to the
interpretation criteria provided by Onwubuya E.A Nennam .M.G and Ugbaja M.O(2015).
Toanalyze the interview data, the researcher used thematic approach.The interview
data has added to each section of the questionnaire to enrich theinformation that
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supplemented to draw the result of the study. For the purpose of analysis of obtained data,
the researcher reduced the five-point Likert scale into three points. That is, Agree (Strongly
Agree, Agree), Neutral and Disagree (Strongly Disagree, Disagree). Thus, the obtained data is
analyzed in the following subheadings:
The objective of Homework in Mathematics
The objective of homework in mathematics intends to improve students’
achievement in mathematics. There were 9 statements related to the objectives of
mathematics learning and the place of homework in mathematics. Mean, SD and per cent
(frequency) of each item are presented in Table II. The result of each item was derived based
on the majority of the Onwubuya E.A,Nennam .M.G and Ugbaja M.O(2015). frequency and
mean interpretation criteria provided byThus, the summary of the students’ perceptions
towards the objective of homework in mathematics is presented in the following Table II:
Table II: Student Perceptions towards the objective of homework.
SN Statements
The assigned
homework is
I usually find the
I usually find the
Our teacher/s
usually assign/s
usually helpful for
me to understand
the related topic.
necessary for my
short term goals
homework useful
for my long term
Students’ Perception towards … | 17
SN Statements
My teacher
checks regularly
I think it helps to
prepare for tests
I think it helps to
develop good
I think it helps to
challenges me to
very difficult
if I have done the
and improving
techniques and
working habits
opportunities and
time to reflect on
own learning
Table II shows that students of mathematics, about 68 % ofthem, have positive
perceptions towards Homework in mathematics. Moreover, nearly all the students
mentioned that homework is useful to learn detail about the topics and problems. Majority
of the students, about 91.6 % of them, mentioned that homework helps develop new
techniques and habituate on doing mathematics. This figure is the same for their thinking
that it supports for preparation of tests by improving performance.
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Under half of the students, about 41% of them, mentioned that their teacher of
mathematics did not assign complicated homework. However, more than half of the
students did not say anything about it. Nearly three in four students believed that
homework provides opportunities to learn more about mathematics and provides time to
reflect on learning. More than half of the students thought that homework challenged them
to think.
From the table II, it can be seen that the combined mean of the objective of
homework in mathematicsis 2.02 which is higher than the averageobjective(Onwubuya E.A.,
NennamM.G. and Ugbaja M.O.(2015). The students seemed positive about theobjective of
homework in mathematics because they feel that the use of homework improves their
overall performances and future success in the field of mathematics. In this regards, the
researcher asked: How does homework improve your final grade in mathematics?
The respondents replied: homework provides the chances of correction at home and
school and the same content were learned twice. Consequently, it had become easy to solve
the problems in the examination. Practice on mathematics related problems also made
students to be habituated to solve problems daily. They followed that practice makes the
man competent.
The semi-structured interview discovered that Homework in mathematics improve
the final grade in mathematics. It means that the use of ample homework succinctly
increased students’ performance in mathematics.
Time Spent on Mathematics Homework
Time spent on mathematics homework refers to the amount of time spending on
doing mathematics at home. However, it is a relative term in this study, it refers to how
much teacher assigns homework to be completed within the certain time frame and what
does it teach students about learning mathematics in their own pace such as independent
learning initiation. Several studies have researched the relationship between the amount of
homework given to students and their academic achievement, but there is no consensus on
the results.
There were 6 statements related to this section of the questionnaire. Mean, SD and
per cent (frequency) of each item are presented in Table III. The result of each item was
derived based on the majority of the frequency and mean interpretation criteria provided by
the Onwubuya E.A., Nennam M.G. and Ugbaja M.O(2015).summary of the students’
perceptions towards the time spent on Mathematics Homework is presented in the
following Table III:
Table III: Student Perceptions towards time spent on Homework.
Our teacher/s
Students’ Perception towards … | 19
usually assign/s
It is good to
spend more
Time should be
created for
The amount of
too much
time in doing
homework than
other subjects
students to
make up school
work during the
school day.
inundates in
each day.
On average, how much time do you spend a night on homework?
I don’t do homework
Less than 1 hour a night
1-2 hours a night
2-3 hours a night
I do 3 hours or more a night
Table III shows that students of mathematics, about 53.12 %of them, have positive
perceptions towards Homework in mathematics.Moreover, the majority of the students,
Students’ Perception towards … | 20
about 75.8 % of them, mentioned that homework teaches them responsibility in
learning.Nearly, 82 % of students spent more than two hours a night doing mathematics
homework, however, only 31.6 % mentioned that their teachers gave too much Homework.
Furthermore, they believed that the amount of homework in mathematics has been
increased day by day.
More than half of the students thought that it was good to spend more time in doing
mathematics homework rather than other subjects and 60 % of students expected to be a
time-space to complete homework at school periphery. In thesecircumstances the
researcher asked students: Do you think much time spend on homework really improves your
The students replied: students thought that homework demands productive time
and students need to spend time accordingly because of mathematics Homework. By nature,
a teacher of mathematics generated an arduous task for students which took too much time.
So productive time spending on mathematics associated with final grade in mathematics.
It seems clear that doing mathematics as the form of homework may positively
related to students’ final grades. Keith, Diamond-Hallam and Fine(2004) found that students
who spent more time doing homework achieved at a higher level than those who spent less
time. However, Kitsantas, Cheema and Ware (2011) stated that more frequent, shorter
assignments are more effective than less frequent, longer assignments, which is related to
the concept that students’ motivation decreases the longer they spend on an assignment.
Approaches to Complete Mathematics Homework
Approaches to complete mathematics homework is the preference of doing
homework at home, either by the help of their parents, tutors or on their own. Homework,
based on the definition, is completed outside of school. Therefore, teachers cannot help
students with various issues arising during homework and students approach several
methods to complete it in time. Instead, often the only adults available to help students are
their parents. There has been a wide range of research related to parental involvement and
There were 11 items related to this section of the questionnaire. Mean, SD and per
cent (frequency) of each item are presented in TableIV. The result of each item was derived
based on the majority of the frequency and mean interpretation criteria provided by
Onwubuya E.A., Nennam .M.G and Ugbaja M.O(2015).Thus, the summary of the students’
perceptions towards approaches to complete mathematics homework is presented in the
following Table IV:
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Table IV: Student’s Perceptions towards Approaches to complete mathematics Homework.
SN Statements
Agree Neutral
I usually find
homework assignments
I usually get help from
my family members to
I have enough
resources/books to use
My teacher usually
helps us correct my
I do Homework for
practicing skills
An incomplete
assignment should be a
Homework is difficult
for me to complete
Homework is a way for
me to raise my grade if
My teachers accept late
homework without
me to do my homework (94)
I have problems getting
Mean SD
do the
for my homework
through repetition
I have low test scores
giving a penalty
My parents encourage
Students’ Perception towards … | 22
SN Statements
started with my
Agree Neutral
Mean SD
Table IV shows that students of mathematics, more than half of the students, 53.01
% about of them, have positive perceptions towards different approaches of doing
homework at the outside of school. Moreover, the majority of the students, about 87.5 % of
them, mentioned that their teachers usually help them correct their mistakes. Nearly, 71.6 %
of students did Homework for practising skills through repetition.
However, only 35.6 % mentioned that they feel difficulty in starting to do
mathematics homework on their own, nearly one in four students did not complete by
themselves. More importantly, more than half of the students were interesting in doing
mathematics homework. The same figure for the students those ask ancillary support in
their homework. In such regards, the researcher asked: How do your family members
support you in the completion of homework?The students reacted
The parents are concerned with their children’s Homework. Some parents hired
private tutors for their children, especially supporting mathematics Homework. Some parents
directly involved their children’s homework and other mathematics learning.
It seems clear that some parents offer little to no assistance for students at home.
Other parents provide far too much parental assistance going as far as completing their
students’ homework for them. This was also supported by Corno and Xu (2004).Parental
involvement varies from student to student and, it is clear that such support has different
results. Moreover, Corno and Xu (2004)avowed that both of these scenarios can negatively
influence a student’s academic performance.
Time Management to Mathematics Homework
Time management refers to how students give more time to work on priority
subjects at their home. There were 4 statements related to this section of the questionnaire.
Mean, SD and per cent (frequency) of each item are presented in TableV. The result of each
item was derived based on the majority of the frequency and mean interpretation criteria
provided by Onwubuya E.A, Nennam M.G and Ugbaja M.O(2015).Thus, the summary of the
students’ perceptions of time management is presented in the following Table V
Students’ Perception towards … | 23
Table V: Student Perceptions towards Time Management
I usually
cannot have
The due time to 55
submit the
I think it helps
to improve
regarding doing (61)
time to play
games due to
homework is
usually enough
to do it
abilities in time
and performing
tasks more
I feel difficulty
homework and
Students’ Perception towards … | 24
Table V shows that students of mathematics, about 53 % of them, have positive
perceptions towards time management to the homework. Moreover, the majority of the
students, about 74.1 % of them, mentioned that homework helps them to improve their
abilities in time management and performing tasks more efficiently. A perfect half of the
students felt difficulty regarding dong mathematics homework and time management.
However, nearly 46 % of students disagree that they did not have time to play games or
other recreational activities during off-school time.
In this regards, the researcher asked: Is it difficult to manage time for mathematics
Homework? How?The students replied: Homeworkhave due time to submit and however, it
would become difficult when other subject teachers also assigned too much homework. At
that time, students felt awkward to segregate time to mathematics homework.
It seems clear that students manage time for mathematics awkwardly due to the
flow of homework in other subjects.
Factors Affecting students’ perception towardsHomework
Student perceptions towards Homeworkcan be influenced by different factors such
as types of homework and home environment where students complete their homework.
The researcher had identified six factors that influence student’s perceptions towards
Homework in mathematics. These are discussed below:
Adjusted homework factors. Adjusted homework refers to teachers assign
homework to their students in terms of students’ level of intelligence and difficulty level of
contents. It means that each student has their own amount of Homework in mathematics.
Scheduled feedback factors. Scheduled feedback refers to providing feedback to the
students on regular basis. When looking at the factor of feedback, students, in general, say
that teachers are discussing, collecting, checking, or grading their homework
Environmental factors. The factor of the environment indicates a mathematics
learning environment outside of school climate. It refers to the place where they complete
their homework.
Motivation Factors. Motivational factors are intrinsic nature of the work, but not
necessarily to the surrounding circumstances or the environment. Motivating factors include
achievement, advancement, autonomy, personal growth, recognition, responsibility, and
work itself.
Style of Assignments. There are many different types of assignments set at
schooling mathematics. They may be short or long. However, their proper use in
mathematics is supposed as advantageous.
Students’ Perception towards … | 25
Individual Skills. Individual skills refer to students’ skills such as language, reasoning
and mathematics. In order to complete the mathematicshomework, students need
mastering over these skills.
The researcher used google questionnaire to collect data from the teacher of
mathematics to identify factors affecting student perceptions towards homework in
mathematics. Per cent of each item is presented in TableVI assigned by teachers of
mathematics. The result of each item was derived based on percentage. Thus, the summary
of the teachers’ opinion about these factors is presented in the following Table VI:
Students’ Perception towards … | 26
Table VI: Factors affecting student perceptions towards homework.
SN Factors
Not Serious
Most Serious
Adjusted Homework
20 (6)
20 (6)
60 (18)
Scheduled Feedback
26.66 (8)
20 (6)
53.34 (16)
The environment of
6.66 (2)
53.34 (16)
40 (12)
13.34 (4)
86.66 (26)
homework completion
Style of Assignments
33.34 (10)
60 (18)
6.66 (2)
Individual skills:
36.66 (11)
33.34 (10)
30 (9)
language, reasoning and
Table VI shows the adjusted Homework factors significantly influence the student
perceptions towards mathematics homework. Moreover, motivational factors highly
affecteddoing homework in mathematics learning. Scheduled feedback and individual skills
such as language, reasoning and mathematics have equally influence on students’
perceptions towards the Homework.
Thus, from this analysis, it seems clear that there were six factors that significantly
affect student perceptions towards Homework in mathematics. These factors were
individual skills of language, math, and reasoning along with motivation, quality of the
assignment, teacher feedback, and the environment in which homework is completed.
Chapter V
This chapter conveys the summary and findings of the study, conclusion and
implication of the study based on the analysis and interpretation of data in previous
Students’ Perception towards … | 27
Chapter IV. Then finally the recommendation for future research areas are presented.
Summary and Findings
This is a cross-sectional survey design intended to identify how students perceive
homework in their mathematics learning. This study was completed within Kathmandu
Valley taking 120 students of grade 10. The sample of the study was selected based on
random sampling techniques. The researcher developed the questionnaire and semistructured interview schedule to collect relevant data from the sample of the study. The
researcher piloted the questionnaire and semi-structured interview at the beginning of the
survey and, then the researcher calculated the reliability and validity of the data collection
The researcher administered the questionnaire among the 120 students into three
phases. In the firstphase, the researcher collected data from 35 students and in the second
phase the researcher took 55 students and in the third phase, the researcher collected data
from 30 students. After collecting data from two types of questionnaire, the researcher
stored the data. Then the researcher used computer software in order to keep the data
secret and safe.The questionnaire data were coded and then decoded using computer
software, and the researcher performed the SPSS 21.0 statistical package.More specifically,
the researcher used SPSS 21.0 to calculate the mean, standard deviation, and frequency of
each item assigned by students of grade 10.
After the analysis of the questionnaire, the researcher conducted the semistructured interview among 10 students who took the part of surveys. The interview
questions were related to each dimension of the questionnaire. More importantly, the
researcher recorded the interview using the mobile recording. After conducting the
interview, the researcher transcribed data. Then the researcher used Thematic approach to
analyze the data in which the researcher generated the secondary theme based on
transcription of interview data. The primary theme was generated based on secondary
The researcher then used google questionnaire to identify the factors that influence
student perceptions towards Homework in mathematics. Thirty teachers of mathematics
where survey was completed were participated through email. The analysis of the data
obtained from google mail was developed based on google analytical methods. Specially, the
researcher used per cent of each items assigned by teachers of mathematics. The researcher
analyzed the interview data together with the questionnaire data.
Based on the data analysis performed in chapter IV, the researcher found out the
following findings:
Student perceived Homework in mathematics positively. More specifically,
students had positive perceptions towards the objective of homework in
Students’ Perception towards … | 28
mathematics, time spent on mathematics homework, approaches to complete
mathematics homework and time management to mathematics homework.
Students understood that assignments in mathematics were useful to them to
understand the related topic.
Homework in mathematics had helped to develop good learning techniques
and working habits.
Students could find opportunities to learn more mathematics and time to
reflect on own learning through Homework in mathematics.
Nearly, 82 % of students spent more than two hours a night doing mathematics
homework, however, only 31.6 % mentioned that their teachers gave too much
It was found the teachers of mathematics helped students correct their
mistakes in homework and did not give too much complicated homework,
however, the amount of assignments in mathematics is increasing.
Students used repetition of solving approach to complete homework.
Some of the students were encouraged to do more mathematics at home
because it improves their ability in time management.
There were six factors: individual skills of language, math, and reasoning
along with motivation, quality of the assignment, teacher feedback, and the
environment in which homework is completed, affecting student perceptions
towards Homework in mathematics.
Motivational factors and adjusted homework factors influenced student
perceptions towards Homework in mathematics.
It is a common notion that assigning homework to the students improves their
performance in mathematics learning because it provides an ample opportunity to the
Students’ Perception towards … | 29
students to practice mathematical problems, which demand a lot of practice to master over
it. However, there is no cogent way to assign homework to the students to boost their
performance and hence perceptions towards mathematics learning at the schooling.
Students did recognize the purpose and benefits of homework in mathematics
learning and acknowledged as motivational factors to complete homework. More
importantly, students would like to solve mathematics related problem at their home as
well. The students expect to rectify their Homework from their teachers or tutors and
provide feedback on their performance.
In homework, students have followed repetition of practice in order to master these
contents. Furthermore, homework makes them competent in any exams. Consequently,
homework contributed to final grade of students in mathematics achievement. This is also
supported by Huisman (2016). Furthermore, Huisman (2016) stated that poor homework
completion currently results in lower grades for many students. Thus use of homework in
mathematics learning increases students’ achievement in mathematics.
There are six primary factors individual skills of language, math, and reasoning along
with motivation, quality of the assignment, teacher feedback, and the environment in which
homework is completed, affecting student perceptions towards Homework in
mathematicsthat influence the student perceptions towards Homework in mathematics.
More importantly, motivation and adjusted Homework in mathematics has leading role to
change student perceptions towards doing homework in time and productive way.
It is affirmed that use of Homework in mathematics has largely contributed to
overall achievement of students in mathematics. So it is necessary to use aptly in
mathematics on the regular basis using differentiated instructions. Furthermore, homework
in mathematics provides bottomless opportunities to learn mathematics in the trial and
error approach. Parental involvement in mathematics Homework also advantageous, it
provides them to learn their children’ progress in mathematics. Thus, it can be drawn that
use of homework in mathematics can be advantages to student to learn more mathematics
and up rise their confidence, creativity and novel problem solving and reasoning skills.
Implications of the Research
The results of this study may lead valuable insight into the improving the
national achievement of the students in mathematics and giving the worth in applying
the active learning for mathematics in the classroom. The result of this study has a
wide range of application from curriculum designer to the actual practiser of
mathematics. Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, the following are the
significant implication:
The national curriculum of mathematics should be amended based on the
Students’ Perception towards … | 30
assumption of use of homework in mathematics learning. Moreover, there
should be focused on differentiated instructions regarding Homework in
The teachers should be encouraged to perfect amount of Homework in
different topics on mathematics and with reference to students present and past
progress and state of knowledge through on job training package and other
disseminated seminars.
The technology should be used in mathematics widely. The technology makes
easy to assign homework in mathematics, and teachers of mathematics must
use technology based homework assignments submission and check with
instant feedback.
Students should be encouraged to participate in a range of group and
individual learning activities that are practiced in class and out of the
classroom. So that they could engage mathematics learning at home.
Students’ Perception towards … | 31
Recommendation for Future Research
Results of this study indicate that students have positive perceptions towards
Homework in mathematics. The following recommendations are identified for future
research regarding homework in mathematics:
It has been recommended to conduct research into the impact of eliminating
homework grades. Vatterott(2011) suggested that homework should not be
included in grading practices.
It recommended that conduct large scale, longitudinal research on homework
effectiveness. Thissuggestion was also made by Cooper et al. (2006).
The another study can be conducted using qualitative research to examine
teacher, parent, and student perspectives of Homeworkeffectiveness and
The researcher could conduct an experimental study with teachers giving the
experimental group specific training in homework design and its supply
among students of diverse backgrounds, and compare student outcomes at the
end of the study.
It recommended to conduct a quantitative study among schools that do not
assign homework regarding mathematics instructions and schools that do
assign homework in mathematics. Standardized test scores could be analyzed
to determine the impact of homework effectiveness.
The research further research could be conducted an experimental study in
which teachers provide students with homework options in mathematics.
The research further researcher could be carried out a qualitative or
quantitative study to examine the perceptions of parents of students in
Students’ Perception towards … | 32
different grade levels on the impact of homework in overall performance in
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Appendix A
Survey Questionnaire
Dear students,
This is not a test of mathematics, but a questionnaire for which you have all the
Please read the statements carefully.
Tick (√) which you prefer the most.
SN Statements
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
The assigned homework is
usually helpful for me to
understand the related topic.
I usually find the assigned
homework necessary for my
short term goals
I usually find the assigned
homework useful for my
long term goals.
I usually find the homework
assignments interesting.
Our teacher/s usually assign/s
too much homework.
Our teacher/s usually assign/s
very difficult homework.
SN Statements
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
I usually cannot have time to
play games due to
mathematics homework.
The due time to submit the
assigned homework is
usually enough to do it
I usually get help from my
family members to do
mathematics homework.
I have enough
resources/books to use for
my homework
My teacher checks regularly
if I have done the assigned
My teacher usually helps us
correct my mistakes.
It is good to spend more time
in doing mathematics
homework than other
I do Homework for
SN Statements
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
practicing skills through
I think it helps to prepare for
tests and improving
I think it helps to develop
good learning techniques and
working habits
I think it helps to provide
opportunities and time to
reflect on own learning
I think it helps to improve
students’ abilities in time
management and performing
tasks more efficiently
An incomplete assignment
should be a zero.
Time should be created for
students to make up school
work during the school
Homework is difficult for me
to complete
SN Statements
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Homework is a way for me
to raise my grade if I have
low test scores.
My teachers accept late
homework without giving a
Homework challenges me to
Homework teaches students
My parents encourage me to
do my homework.
I have problems getting
started with my homework.
The amount of homework
inundates in mathematics
each day.
I feel difficulty regarding
doing mathematics
homework and time
30. On average, how much time do you spend a night on homework?
I don’t do homework
Less than 1 hour a night
1-2 hours a night
2-3 hours a night
I do 3 hours or more a night
Appendix B
Survey Questionnaire: Teacher’s Edition
SN Factors
Adjusted Homework
Scheduled Feedback
The environment of
homework completion
Style of Assignments
Individual skills:
language, reasoning and
Not Serious
Most Serious
Appendix C
Semi Structured Interview
How does homework improve your final grade in mathematics?
Do you think much time spend on homework really improves your grades?
How do your family members support you in the completion of homework?
Is it difficult to manage time for mathematics Homework? How?