ISSN: 2320-5407
Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(06), 972-979
Journal Homepage:
Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/11178
Alioune Aidara Diouf and Bassirou Lo
Faculty of Sciences &Techniques, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal.
Manuscript Info
Manuscript History
Received: 10 April 2020
Final Accepted: 12 May 2020
Published: June 2020
Key words: Dielectric, Susceptibilities, Permittivity,
Reflective Index, Pulsation, Width
Spectral, Particles
In this paper we present a numericalinvestigation about the dielectric
properties. A program based on the Lorentz modelis implemented. For
the understanding of some physical parameters (spectral width, specific
pulsation and the number of particle), we varied these parameters to
observe their influences on the real and imaginary susceptibility as well
as the reflective index of the environment.
Copy Right, IJAR, 2020, All rights reserved.
Introduction:The investigation of the physical properties in the dielectric and ferroelectric materials creates a particular interest
toresearchers thanks to their applications in the field of the electronic and optoelectronic. Several authors have
already worked in this field with diverse applications such as the energy, electronic, optic etc. We know that a
material is dielectric if it does not contain electrical charges susceptible to move. Thus the environment cannot lead
the electric current and by definition it’s an electrical insulator [1] such as the space, the glass, the dry wood, the
plastics, etc. [2]. The dielectric is not however inert electrically. Indeed, the constituents of the material can present
in the atomic scale electrostatic dipoles, which interact with an applied external field. This interaction is translated
by the creation of a polarization P connected with the microscopic level in this electric field, by the polarizability
and in the macroscopic level by the electric susceptibility χ [2]. The dielectric materials [3-10] are classically likened
to isolation materials. Insulators are materials which the resistivity is extremely raised. They are characterized by an
important width of the forbidden band (4eV), the kinetic energy due to the thermal motion is consequently
insufficient. Insulators are essentially materials with Ionic connections, in which the electrons of connection are
strongly localized. There are several types of dielectric; however electric cables are often protected from a plastic
cover to avoid the exit of the electric current.
Now a day, one puts dielectric materials [6] having a strong dielectric constant between the armatures of the
condenser to increase their efficiencies. These materials belong to the ferroelectric family, in particular the products
from the titanate of Barium BaTiO3, which are used in the industry of the microelectronic for more than 50 years.
One also notes ceramic, ancestrally used, present new applications in the domains of the technology, they play an
important role in the technological challenges thrown to the industry. Most of the dielectric is also transparent in
wide frequency bands, and are sometimes used to constitute an anti-reflection, for example on certain models of
glasses. The dielectric [7] being difficult to ionize, the ambient air becomes a driver before them, that’s why one can
use them for high-voltage condensers.
Corresponding Author:- Alioune Aidara Diouf
Address:- Faculty of Sciences &Techniques, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal.
ISSN: 2320-5407
Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(06), 972-979
Model and Formalism:
To investigate the dielectric environment, Lorentz considered atoms as weakened oscillators bound between them by
springs. By applying a variable electric field, Lorentz had noted the appearance of a polarization. By making an
assessment of strengths, he defined the following strengths:
Withfv : Strength of amortization bound to the losses of energies by radiation which undergoes any electrical
charge in uniform movement.
m0 r (2)
Withfr : Strength of elastic abseiling of the electron towards the position of the studied atom.
Withfe : Electric force.
By considering the displacement “r” of an electron with regard to the core, which it is elastically connected. Such
an electron obeys the equation of the movement given by the Newton’s Law [16], so we defined the radius (r) by:
r e
m 02 2 i2
The polarization is thus defined from the position r of the electrons reason why we have:
r ne2
P ner
E (5)
m 0 i
ur ne2
ne 2
One knows P E
m 02 2 i
reprents the susceptibility of the dielectric environment [11].
So from the susceptibility one can define the permittivity [12-16] of the dielectric environment defines by
thefollowing relation:
( ) 1 4 ( ) 1
By posing 2p
4 ne2
m 0 2 i
4 ne2
: spectral Weight [17]
We obtain:
( ) 1
02 2 i
Results and Discussions: To investigate the dielectric properties in the dense environment, wechoose to look at the behavior of the
susceptibilities as well as the refractive index by making a variation of the spectral width, the specific pulsation (ω0)
and the number of particle (N). The spectral width allows us to understand the complex aspect of the amortization in
the dielectric environment. So, in the figure 1 we observe that for values of 0 , which represent the normal
dispersion, the growth of the susceptibility is a function of the increase of the spectral width Г. For values 0 ,
the susceptibility decrease rapidly, this phenomenon corresponds to an abnormal dispersion with positive and
negative values of the susceptibility. Reason why, the growth of the spectral width influences the width of the peaks
ISSN: 2320-5407
Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(06), 972-979
in the real susceptibility. Otherwise, more the spectral width is important more the real susceptibility increase. In the
figure 2, with the imaginary susceptibility, the variation of the spectral width ( ) influences the absorption of the
dielectric environment. So for values of 3 and 5 the imaginary susceptibility is null for various values of Г.
For 3 5 , the imaginary susceptibility presents a peak which increases with the spectral width. Reason why, to
make more absorption in materials with dense properties, the augmentation of the spectral width ( ) on the
imaginary susceptibility is better. The investigation of the reflective constant is very important in the dielectric
materials because it allows the understanding of the optical behavior in the dielectric environment.Reason why, the
figure3 represents the influence of the spectral width ( )on the reflective index. So we note that the spectral width
( ) increases the capacity of the environment to be reflective. Moreover, certain authors [18, 19and 20] have
already used this parameter for the investigation of certain materials such as ZnO, CdS etc.Besides, the vibrational
character of the materials plays an important role in the investigation of the structural properties of the physical
systems, so one of the parameters responsible for this phenomenon is the specific pulsation ω 0. The figures 4, 5 and
6shows the influence of the pulsation ω0on the dielectric properties of the materials. The variation of ω0 reveals that
the susceptibilities and the reflective index decrease with the increase of the specific pulsation (ω 0). This is due to
the fact that the specific pulsation is inversely proportional to the susceptibilities and the refractive index. Reason
why an increase of the specific pulsation creates a change of the curves from the reflective index but decrease the
maximal values of the peaks of refraction and susceptibility. In the dense dielectric material, the investigation of the
statistical physic is mandatory. With the physic of particles, the large number of particle is closely linked to the
strength of oscillator in the dielectric materials reason why its influence is noted in the dielectricproperties. So the
figures 7, 8 and 9, display the influence of the number of particle on the dielectric materials. Unlike figures 1, 2 and
3, the curves of the susceptibilities and the reflective index increase with the augmentation of the number of particle.
As result, we observe an importance of the refraction as well as the absorption. The Lorentz model is an good
model for investigating the dense dielectric properties but also it is very used to study the behavior of phonons and
transitions inter-bands. Reason why, certain authors have already used it to investigate the reflectivity of certain
materials such as YMnO3[21].
Figure 1:- Evolution of the real susceptibility according to the spectral width.
ISSN: 2320-5407
Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(06), 972-979
Figure 2:- Evolution of the imaginary susceptibility according to the spectral width.
Figure 3:- Evolution of the reflective index according to the spectral width.
Figure 4:- Evolution of the real susceptibility according to the specific pulsation.
ISSN: 2320-5407
Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(06), 972-979
Figure 5:- Evolution of the imaginary susceptibility according to the specific pulsation.
Figure 6:- Evolution of the reflective index according to the specific pulsation.
Figure 7:- Evolution of the real susceptibility according to the number of particle.
ISSN: 2320-5407
Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(06), 972-979
Figure 8:- Evolution of the imaginary susceptibility according to the number of particle.
Figure 9:- Evolution of the reflective index according to the number of particle.
Conclusion:The present paper was dedicated to model and investigate the physical dielectric properties of the dense dielectric
environment. The work led during this study brought numerous answers on the influences of the number of particle,
the spectral width and the pulsation in the dielectric properties. However, several studies deserve to be pursued. In
particular, the study of the dielectric properties in the artificial fibers and also the importance of its applications the
industry and new technology. Several investigators have already implanted a model to investigate the properties of
materials according to their membership [22-23]. But in our case one of the perspectives is to implement a model
which allows to investigate any type of materials.
Computer Simulation:
! Program_Dielectric_Simulation
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
parameter(alpha=3.5,a=5,e=1.6,cmass=0.91 ,Om0=4)
parameter(epsi=1 , tau=1 )
realbN1,bN2, D, fKRe, fKIm
ISSN: 2320-5407
Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(06), 972-979
open(Unit=1 , File=' Real Susceptibility Dense ')
open(Unit=2 , File=' Imaginary Susceptibility Dense ')
open(Unit=3 , File=' Permettivity')
open(Unit=5 , File=' Reflective Index')
do Om=0.01,40,0.01
!In A Dense Environment
bN1=(Om0**2 - Om**2)
D=((Om0**2) - (Om**2))**2 + (Om/tau)**2
!Real Susceptibility
!Imaginary Susceptibility
! Permettivity
epsR= 1+(fKRe + fKIm)
! Reflective Index
! Display& Record
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