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1975, Nature
3 pages
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Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 2013
The call for a new ecotheology in Norway began in the early 1970s with environmentally concerned deep ecologists and continued within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway and the university system. Church oflcials and intellectuals saw ecotheology as an effective way of engaging the young in caring for the Creation. Alongside the eco-philosophical projects of redelning the natural, the deep ecologists also sought to renew religious faith. Norwegian theologians found their questioning of economic growth, technocracy, and industrialism appealing, and they sympathized with their call to save wilderness and their endorsement of outdoor life, rural communities, and modest lifestyles. Deep ecology represented for theologians an opportunity to revive the Church, mobilize a new and younger audience, and address the question of how to behave towards God's Creation.
Nature, 1975
Deposits yielding australopithecines, other fossil mammals and an industry recalling the Oldowan are succeeded by an Acheulian assemblage, overlain by flood plain silts with abundant spreads of later artifacts. The structure is dominated by an asymmetric anticline. Palaeoenvironments are reconstructed and the nature of the raw materials and of the tool makers themselves are briefly discussed.
List of scopus idexed journals July 2018
Supongamos que tenemos una placa rectangular R y determinamos la temperatura T en cada uno de sus puntos. Fijado un sistema de referencia, T es una función que depende de las coordenadas (x, y) de cada uno de los puntos de R. La función que describe este fenómeno T = f (x, y), (x, y) ∈ R es un ejemplo típico de una función de dos variables; en este caso, las coordenadas del punto donde evaluamos la temperatura. No es difícil encontrar ejemplos de fenómenos que a la hora de describirlos necesitemos utilizar funciones de tres, cuatro o más variables.
Archéologiques,, 2022
L'identification à Montréal d'un astrolabe nautique inconnu des spécialistes a motivé un examen de ces instruments conservés au Canada et en France. L'astrolabe nautique permet la prise d'élévation du soleil ou de l'étoile polaire et, ainsi, le calcul de la latitude où l'on se trouve. Celui de Montréal, fabriqué à Lisbonne en 1631, appartient à la collection historique des pères sulpiciens. Le contexte de son acquisition étant inconnu, ce travail évalue son lien possible avec les sulpiciens René Bréhant de Galinée, navigateur, et Jean Cavelier, frère du célèbre explorateur Cavelier de La Salle. L'étude considère ensuite l'instrument au sein du corpus de 11 astrolabes nautiques connus en sol canadien et français. Fabriquées en Espagne, en France et au Portugal, ces pièces jettent une lumière sur l'évolution des pratiques de navigation dans l' Atlantique septentrional aux xvi e et xvii e siècles. Ce travail identifie Honfleur comme lieu de fabrication en France. Les astrolabes nautiques participèrent à la construction sociale d'un savoir maritime scientifique lié à l'État, processus impliquant des ordres religieux dont celui des sulpiciens de Montréal. • The identification in Montréal of a nautical astrolabe previously unknown to specialists has prompted a new look at instruments of this type held in Canada and France. Mariners used the astrolabe to measure the elevation of the sun or the North Star and thus calculate their latitude. Cast in Lisbon in 1631, the Montreal instrument belongs to the historical collection of the Sulpician fathers. Since the context of its acquisition is unknown, this study examines a possible link with two Sulpicians-René Bréhant de Galinée, navigator, and Jean Cavelier, brother of the famous explorer Cavelier de La Salle. This research then considers the instrument within the corpus of 11 nautical astrolabes known in Canada and France. Made in Spain, France, and Portugal, these pieces shed light on the evolution of navigation practices in the North Atlantic in the 16th and 17th centuries. This study identifies Honfleur as a production centre in France. Nautical astrolabes played a role in the social construction of scientific maritime knowledge tied to the State, a process that involved religious orders, including the Montréal Sulpicians.
Rapporti ISTISAN, 2008
Panei P, Addis A, Arcieri R, Chiarotti F, Knellwolf AL, Panci C, Rocchi F, Vella S. Registro nazionale dell'ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder): primo anno di attività (2007-2008). Roma: Istituto Superiore di Sanità; 2008. ( Rapporti ISTISAN 08/35).
Ancient Mesoamerica, 2020
Recent research carried out at the Maya site of Nakum, located in northeastern Guatemala, has brought about the discovery of a large collection of ceramic artefacts. This substantial assemblage, apart from monochrome ceramics, includes fragments of polychrome vessels that are decorated with elaborate iconographic scenes and painted hieroglyphic texts. Most of them date to the Late Classic period (ca. a.d. 600-800), which represents the peak of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization. The style of these ceramics, their iconography and accompanying glyphic texts, supplemented in many cases by mineralogical and physicochemical analyses of the ceramic samples, indicate that Nakum was part of a broad and complex network of political and economic interactions between various sites and polities of the southern Maya lowlands in the Classic period. During the first part of the Late Classic period, Nakum seems to maintain close relations with Naranjo, probably serving as its vassal at least from the reign of its renowned king Aj Wosal. After the victory of Tikal over Naranjo in the first part of the eighth century, Nakum shows closer cultural and political connections with Tikal. Nevertheless, towards the end of the Classic era, when we observe the profound collapse of lowland Maya civilization, Nakum elites gain political independence from their former overlords.
Indo Nordic Authors’ Collective, 2023
¿Responde la política electoral a la exclusión social en Centroamérica? Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica 2021-2022
Jerusalem journal of archaeology, 2022
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2023
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2000
African Review of Economics and Finance, 2019
E3S web of conferences, 2019
Newfoundland and Labrador Studies, 2007
Lumina Literati Publishing, 2025
Open Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal, 2016
Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, 2015
Journal of Plant Pathology, 2016