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Fame (a cura di) Emilia Perassi "La parola fame è una parola strana. E' stata ripetuta tante volte, in tanti modi diversi. Significa tante cose diverse. Conosciamo la fame e non abbiamo idea di cosa sia la fame. La parola fame è davvero una parola strana. Dal latino famen, gli italiani hanno derivato fame, i portoghesi fome, i francesi faim, gli spagnoli hambre, con quella br que si è mescolata in hombre (uomo), in hembra (donna), in nombre (nome): parole molto pesanti. Forse non c'è parola più carica di significato della parola fame; ma è molto facile disfarsi di questo stesso carico". Scrive così Martín Caparrós all'inizio della sua monumentale opera dal titolo El hambre (México, 2014), macigno di seicento pagine che restituisce i cinque anni trascorsi a visitare
«MARMORA. An International Journal for Archaeology, History and Archaeometry of Marbles and Stones», 16, 2020
Per uso strettamente personale dell'autore. È proibita la riproduzione e la pubblicazione in open access. For author's personal use only. Any copy or publication in open access is forbidden.
Embora compartilhemos um mundo comum, as formas de percebê-lo podem variar de uma pessoa para outra. Isso explica por que cada pessoa reage à percepção daquilo que ela considera como realidade de modo diferente de outra (ROTHMANN; COOPER, 2009, extraído do Livro-Texto, p. 16). A essa maneira individual de perceber as coisas, chamamos visão de mundo.
Lastly the difficulties encountered in sailing through the narrow sea straits of the Mediterranean Sea are described, which are subject to Internal waves, affecting the surface water.
i Trading is a business that moves trillions of dollars every day, involving individuals and institutions from all around the world. There are many markets to trade and various ways to do it; this report will explore the different kinds of markets and will more in-depth study the foreign exchange market. This report also covers robot trading, the different aspects to consider when developing an automated trading system, and the process of developing a robust strategy. Finally, the report will show the trading performance of each group member and the overall team results in order to give solid examples of how the research
Rethinking Women's and Gender Studies (Routledge), 2024
In this chapter, I provide a genealogy of asexuality for Women's and Gender Studies (WGS). Focusing on political asexuality of the sixties and seventies, or an articulation of asexuality connected to the critique of the institutions of heterosexuality, romantic love, and the role of sex, I wish to disprove two common ideas that have implicitly surfaced within WGS: that political asexuality was of relevance only to white feminist politics, and that it was not only unqueer but actually at odds with queer politics. Drawing on antiracist formulations of political asexuality, I hold that political asexuality is a conceptual tool of feminist change-making and worldmaking. By thinking about political asexuality on expanded terms, I suggest that WGS might effectively develop a critical approach to compulsory sexuality through examining the importance of another antiracist feminist concept--that of erotics--as a distinctly feminist paradigm for rethinking intimacies.
A historiografia sobre os modos de resistência às ditaduras cívico-militares na América Latina destaca, principalmente, as ações dos grupos " intelectualizados " da sociedade e dos trabalhadores urbano-industriais, organizados em sindicatos e partidos políticos. Já muitos intelectuais marxistas que desenvolvem estudos sobre esses governos autoritários priorizam como sujeito histórico o proletariado. Assim, como explicar o caso de resistências a regimes militares existentes em países agroexportadores, como o Paraguai? Nesse caso, o conceito de proletariado se manifestaria insuficiente, pois não conseguiria explicar as ações de parcelas expressivas da sociedade. Assim, utilizaremos a noção de setores populares, entendida como a constituição de trabalhadores que não estejam necessariamente inseridos no processo produtivo urbano-industrial. Tendo em vista essas questões, o presente trabalho identificará as representações sobre os setores populares presentes nas produções historiográficas que abordam o período marcado pela ditadura cívico-militar do General Alfredo Stroessner no Paraguai.
This paper attempts to present a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Nelson Mandela's defense speech I am prepared to die, which was delivered in 1964 during his trial in what is often called as Rivonia Trial. More specifically, the paper tries to explore the hidden relations of power and ideologies that have been encoded in Mandela's defense speech. The main research question is: what are the ideological meanings Mandela tries to communicate through his speech, and how are these ideologies conveyed by CDA strategies? The paper draws on Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), as discussed in the writings of Fairclough (1989, 2013) and Van Dijk (1993, 2001, 2014). The analysis covers two levels of analysis: the lexical level and the pragmatic level of analysis. Both levels are discussed under the theoretical umbrella of CDA. The paper reveals that Mandela managed, by using specific CDA strategies, to communicate particular ideological meanings that reflect his political stance, as well as his rebellious spirit as the most distinguished revolutionary leader who struggles against racial discrimination in South Africa.
En: Mehmet Zahid Sobaci e Ibrahim Hatipoğlu. Eds. Sub-National Democracy and Politics through social media. Heidelberg: Springer Nature , 2018
Parallel to the challenges the transformation of political party system posits for representation, there is a growing body of literature on the role of digital social media to improve the quality of democracy. This could be a result of an increasing access to information and the promotion of a 'political dialogue' connecting citizen's and representatives, what is expected to have a positive effect on accountability and responsiveness. However, results are not crystal clear. Meanwhile, the relation between political parties and political uses of digital media in multilevel party systems (e.g with different level of competition at national and subnational levels) remains undercover. Combining both research agendas, this chapter seeks to understand to what extent politician's activity in digital media contribute to amplify and connect territorial agendas and accordingly reinforce or erode parties strengthens and linkages. The study focuses on the uses of twitter during the subnational election campaign of 2014 in Ecuador. With an exploratory aim the study focuses on a selection of intermediate and local levels (provinces-'prefecturas'-of Guayas and Pichincha, municipalities of Guayaquil and Quito).
Applied Physics Letters, 2011
Physics of Life Reviews, 2023
Routledge eBooks, 2020
Research Square (Research Square), 2024
Transformasi Digital dan Adaptasi Teknologi untuk pengembangan UMKM, 2021
Historiographia Linguistica, 2011
Neurobiology of Aging, 1990
2008 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2008
Agronomy, 2021
Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science
The Family Journal, 2014
in Vivo, 2021
V Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes, 2012
UJAH: Unizik Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2011