Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen
Journal for Analysis and its Applications
Volume 18 (1999), No, 2, 231-246
Approximation of Levy-Feller Diffusion
by Random Walk
R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi
Dedicated to Prof. L. von Wolfersdorf on occasion of his 65th birthday
Abstract. After an outline of W. Feller's inversion of the (later so called) Feller potential
operators and the presentation of the semigroups thus generated, we interpret the two-level
difference scheme resulting from the Grünwald-Letnikov discretization of fractional derivatives
as a random walk model discrete in space and time. We show that by properly scaled transition
to vanishing space and time steps this model converges to the continuous Markov process that
we view as a generalized diffusion process. By re-interpretation of the proof we get a discrete
probability distribution that lies in the domain of attraction of the corresponding stable Levy
distribution. By letting only the time-step tend to zero we get a random walk model discrete
in space but continuous in time. Finally, we present a random walk model for the timeparametrized Cauchy probability density.
Keywords: Stable probability distributions, Riesz-Feller potentials, pseudo-differential equations, Markov processes, random walks
AMS subject clissification: 26 A 33, 44 A 20, 45K 05, 60 E 07, 60 J 15, 60 J 60
1. Introduction
0 < a <2
12— a fl<a<2
(9 real) and denote by p 0 (x; 9) for x E R the stable probability density whose characteristic function (Fourier transform) is
j30 (ic; 9)
exp ( -
( E R)
1, [17],
(see, e.g., [ 4
[19] for the general theory of stable probability distributions). In
particular we recommend [4], Feller's parametrization being close to ours. For a generic
function f on R we denote by f its Fourier transform
Ie' K x f
(x) dx
R. Gorenflo: Free Univ. of Berlin, Dept. Math. & Comp. Sci., Arnimallee 2-6, D-14195'Berlin
e-mail: gorenflo@math.fu-berlin.de
F. Mainardi: Univ. of Bologna, Dept. Phys., Via Irnerio 46, 1-40126 Bologna, Italy
e-mail: mainardi@bo.infn.it
ISSN 0232-2064 / $ 2.50 © Heldermann Verlag Berlin
R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi
and we then have, in the case of f If(")I
< 00,
1(x) = '-2ir j
E R).
For i > 0 we rescale Pa by the similarity variable x
9 a (x,t;9)
tpa (xt*;9)
to obtain
(x ER, i >0).
This function g 0 ( . , t;O) again is a stable probability density, and by interpreting x
as space and t as time variable we have in g a description of a Markov process that
can be considered as a generalized diffusion process. In fact, we have in
92(x,t;0)=t 2exp__
the classical Gauss process and in
X2 +t2'
the Cauchy process. For a few other pairs (a, 0) leading to elementary or well-investigated special functions, see [19]. A general representation of all stable probability
densities in terms of Fox H functions has been only recently achieved (see [181). The
Fourier transform of g,, being
= exp ( - ( K E R) (1.5)
we recognize g a (x,t;O) as the fundamental solution (Green function for the Cauchy
problem) of the pseudo-differential equation
ôu(x, t)
where the pseudo-differential operator .D has the symbol
(xER,JEL 1 (R))
,c)! For initial
we then have as solution to (1.6)
u(x,t) =Jg a (x -,t;O)f(e)d
and for all t > 0 then
u(-, t) E C 00 flL 1 (R)
u (x, t) dx =Jf(x)dx.
( 1.8)
Approximation of Levy-Feller Diffusion
William Feller in his pioneering paper [ 3 ] has shown that the pseudo-differential operator
can be viewed as the operator inverse to the Feller potential operator (the name
"Feller potential" is used in [161) which is a linear combination of two Weyl integrals.
Honouring both Levy and Feller for their essential contributions [11], [12) and [3] we
call the process described by (1.6) Levy-Feller diffusion.
We now give, in our notation, a formal account of the essentials of Feller's theory
(for more details see [8]). With the Weyl integrals
J (x - e)°()de
J ( - x)()d
(Io)(x) =
and (for 0
C + (a; 9)
2 but a 54 1) the coefficients
- 9))
sin ((a + 9))
and (by passing to the limit a = 2)
the Feller potentials are given as
)(x) =
c_(a, 9)(Ijp)(x) + c+(a, O)(Iço)(x).
Note that in accordance with [16] we omit the singular case a = 1.
Feller [3] has shown the operator I to possess the semigroup property
for 0<a,/3<1 with a+8<1,
and so analytic continuation to negative exponents can he justified to obtain the operator
— I = — {c+(a,9)I;°+c_(a,9)I:'}
for 0 < a 2 but a 54 1, the parameter 9 restricted as in (1.1), with (see [16))
d2 2-o
From [3], equating - 2a to Feller's parameter S, we take the symbol of the pseudodifferential operator D as
=— Jr J ' e 'In particular, we have D =
but D
R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi
For the rest of this paper we always keep in mind the distinction of the following
two cases:
(a) 0 < & < 1 and 1 9 1 :5 a.
(b) 1<a <2 and 101< 2— a
Henceforth, for ease of notation, we shall omit the arguments of the coefficients c =
c+(a,0) and c_ = c_(a,0). We have
(>0 in the case (a)
1<0 in the case (b)
c++c— —
> 0 in the case (a)
<0 in the case (b).
The reader is asked not to worry about the foregoing purely formal description of Feller's
considerations. It will merely serve us as a motivation for constructing a difference
scheme via the Grünwald-Letnikov discretization of fractional derivatives, a difference
scheme which by interpretation as a random walk model will be shown to converge (in
a sense to be specified in Section 3).
2. Random walks, discrete in space and time
In this section we define a random variable Y assuming only integers as values, its
probability distribution depending on three parameters a, 0 and p. By aid of this
random variable we define a random walk on an equidistant grid { jh lj E Z} with a
space-step h > 0. We show that after introduction of a time-step r > 0 this random
walk admits an interpretation as an explicit difference scheme for the Cauchy problem
(1.6) - (1.7), namely for
R,t >0)
ôu(x,t) =D(x,t) (x
u(x,0) -
In the next section we shall show that the probability distribution of the discrete random
variable Y belongs to the domain of attraction of the Levy distribution with the parameters a and 9, proceeding in a way which simultaneously proves "convergence" of the
random walk (if r = - 0) to the corresponding Levy-Feller diffusion characterized
by (1.4).
Let Y be a random variable assuming its values in Z, P(Y = k) = Pk for k E Z,
with probabilities Pk defined as follows. With a parameter ,u, restricted by
in the case (a)
cos -11 Icos air I
-_ --i in the case (b)
a cos--
Approximation of Levy- Feller Diffusion
put in the case (a)
= 1 - p(c+ + c_)
= (— l)zc_ ()
e N)
and in the case (b)
= — [+()
= _[_() +c+] . .
P-k (_1)c_(k
> 2).
One sees that all Pk ^! 0, and by rearrangement it turns out that
= 1 - (c + c_)
(-1) ()
= 1 — 0.
Remark 2.1. It is worthwhile here to observe the fact which will also be useful
in Section 3 that for all a > 0 the series > k _o(- 1 ) k ( ak ) z k for (1 - z) a converges
absolutely and uniforrnly 'on the closed unit disk I i 1, due to the asymptotics
()I '-.r(a +
'for k - , valid for non-integer a > 0. This asymptotics
can be deduced by use of the reflection formula for the gamma function and Stirling's
We obtain a random walk on the grid
random variables
{jh l j E Z} starting at the point 0, by defining
= hY + hI'2 +... + hY,,
(n E N)
with the Y2 as independent identically distributed random variables, all having the same
probability distribution as the random variable Y.
Let us write our random walk in an alternative way. Discretizing the space variable
x and the time variable t by grid points x 3 = Jh and instants t,, = nr, with h > 0, T>
0, j E 7Z, n E No and denoting by y, (1,,) the probability of sojourn of the random walker
in point x 2 at instant I,,, the recursion S n+1 = S,, + hY,,+ 1 (following from (2.5)) means
7J(i,,+ i ) =
(j E 7L, fl E N0 ),
and the random walker starting, at point xo = 0 means y(0) = 1 and y3 (0) = 0. for
j. 0. However, in the recursion scheme (2.6) it is legitimate to use a more general
initial sojourn probability distribution {y 3 (0)j E Z}. There is yet another possible
interpretation of (2.6), namely as a redistribution scheme of an extensive quantity (e.g.
mass, charge, or may be probability), y,(t,,) being imagined as a clump of this extensive
quantity, sitting in point x j at instant I,,. Then (2.6) is a conservative and non-negativity
R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi
preserving redistribution scheme. In fact, from all
immediately for all n E N that
^! 0 and E kCZ Pk
all y,(t) ^! 0
1 it follows
if all
y(0) > 0.
Such redistribution schemes have been shown to be useful for discretization of diffusion
processes modelled by second order linear parabolic differential equations (see, e.g., [6],
[7], [9]) as they discretely imitate essential properties of the continuous process.
To come nearer to the Cauchy problem (2.1) we relate the time step
step h by the scaling relation
to the space
and remark that the y(t) are then intended as approximations to
zj —.
which, if u( . , i) is continuous, is also hu(x,, ta). It is again a matter of rearrangement
to show that (2.6) is equivalent to the explicit difference scheme
= hDo°Yj(in)
where (in analogy to (1.13)) hD = — {c h I + c hL°
} with the GrünwaldLetnikov discretization (see [16]) of the fractional derivatives in the form
in the case (a)
in the case (b).
Notice the shift of index in the case (b) which among other things has the effect that
in the special case a = 2 (the classical diffusion equation) we obtain the standard
symmetric three-point difference scheme. For more details and discussions see [8].
Instead of trying to work out a convergence proof for the difference scheme (2.8),
thereby using the Lax-Richtmyer theory of consistency, stability and convergence (in
effect the Lax equivalence theorem, see [5] or [141) we prefer to present in the next
section a proof in the true spirit of random walks. We leave the numerical analysis
aspect to a forthcoming paper.
Approximation of Levy-Feller Diffusion
3. Convergence and domain of attraction
We will show that for fixed t ni- > 0 the discrete distribution of the sojourn probabilities y(t) (j e Z) with initial condition y(0) = ^jo (Kronecker symbol) converges
completely to the probability distribution with density
g a (x,t;9)
(x E JR)
as n —* +00. Let us remind that this probability distribution has the characteristic
t; 9) =
fga(x, t; 9) e"' dx = exp ( — t II e''
To avoid confusion of language one meets in probability theory let us agree to use the
terminology adopted in [10]. From this source we take Definitions 3.1 - 3.4, Remark 3.1
and Theorem 3.1.
Definition 3.1. Let (F) be a sequence of uniformly bounded, non-decreasing
right-continuous functions defined on R. We say that F converges weakly to a bounded
non-decreasing right-continuous function F on JR if F(x) — F(s) at all continuity
points of F. In this case we write Fn +F.
Definition 3.2. Let (F) be as in Definition 3.1. Then (F) is said to converge
completely to F if
(i) F-4F and
(ii) F(00) — F(00) as n — 00.
In this case we write F-+F.
Theorem 3.1 (Continuity theorem). Let (F) be a sequence of probability distribution functions, and let (pn) be the sequence of the corresponding characteristic
() =fe c ' dF(r)
(te E JR).
Then (F)converges completely to a probability distribution function F if and only if
— a(ic) for all c E JR as n —* co, where i() is continuous at c = 0. In this case
the limit function cp is the characteristic function of the limit distribution function F,
() =fe' dF(x)
(r. E R).
Definition 3.3. In the cases where the functions F and F are probability distribution functions such that F-+F, let X and X be random variables corresponding to
F and F, respectively. Then we say that X,, converges in law to X.
Definition 3.4. Let (X) be a sequence of independent identically distributed
random variables with common probability distribution function F. Suppose there
R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi
exist sequences (an) and (bn) of constants, with b > 0, such that the sequence of sums
b Xk— a converges in law to some random variable with probability distribution
function G. Then we say that F is attracted to G. The set of all probability distribution
functions attracted to G is called the domain of attraction of the distribution function
Remark 3.1. A stable probability distribution is characterized by having a domain
of attraction.
Let us now state, with the notations of Sections 1 and 2, our
Theorem 3.2. Let the independent identically distributed random variables Y 1 , Y2,
Y3 ,... have the common probability distribution function F of the random variable Y
with P(Y = k) = Pk, k E Z, and Pk given by (2.3), (2.4), respectively. Let X(t) with
> 0 be the random variable with probability density ga (x, t; 9) and let G(, t ) 9) be the
corresponding distribution function,
=J g,t;9)d.
Then F is attracted by Ga( . ,t ) 9), indeed: forn — * no the distribution function of the
random variable
converges completely to G 0 ( . , t; 9), the distribution function of the random variable X(t).
Proof. Using the scaling relation (2.7), namely r = ph o , and the substitution
= nr of time, we get
h = (t/(n))*,
and comparing (3.3) and (2.5) we see that X,, = S,, the random variable taking values
in the grid {jhlj E 7L} at the fixed instant t, = nr = t. In view of Theorem 3.1
and the fact that (ic, t; 9) is continuous at ic = 0, it only remains to prove that the
characteristic function of the sojourn probabilities yj(tn), namely the function
t; h) =
y,(t) e'',
with tn = t,
tends for all icE R (as h — * 0) to ü0(,c,t;9) = exp (- t i c e' (5 ""). Let us calculate
(c, t; h) for ease of notation via the generating functions
of the transition probabilities and the sojourn probabilities. The series in (3.6) converge
absolutely and uniformly on the periphery J zJ -* 1 of the unit circle, representing there
a continuous function, and due to the fact that the random walk occurs on the grid
{jhi, E 7L} change to. characteristic functions j3(c) and (ic,tn) is accomplished via
Approximation of Levy-Feller Diffusion
= e 1 '' (ic E R). Using the binomial series for (1 - z), absolutely convergent on
Izi = 1 if a > 0 (see Remark 2.1), we readily verify the identities
p{c+(1 —
- 1 -
+ c_(1 — z_}
in the case (a)
in the case (b).
{c+z(1 - z) + c_z(1 — z')}
From the discrete convolution (2.6) we deduce (z, t) = (z, 0) ((z)), and the special
initial condition y(0) = jO for j E Z gives (z,0) 1, hence
In view of (3.4), (3.8) and the fixation t
as n —
= ((z))'.
= t,, = nr we have to show that, with z = e"",
exp (-
More clearly, using (2.7) and t
t; h)
t; 9)
= t, = nr, we have to show that the function
= ((e""))
has the property
lirn Q(K, t; h) =
t; 9).
Let us first treat the case (a): 0< a <land 1 9 1 a. Then
z11cIhsign x )°+
= 1 — 1L{c+(1 —
c_(1 —
=IKI sign , and
We see that j3(e'°") = 1, whereas we can get the result for ic < 0 by complex conjugation
of that for , > 0. So, for notational ease, we treat in detail the case r, > 0. In this case
j5(e1ch) = 1 -
sch) + c_(1 — e")}
and for small h by Taylor
(1 — e")
= (— ikh + O(h2))°
= (_0 0 ( K h) a (1 + O(h))'
= e(,ch)a + o(ha+l)
0 — etc)0
= e'
f (kh) + O(hc).
Inserting this into (3.7) we find
= 1—
h{c^ei!P +c_e!t} + O(h')
By use of (1.10) for c and c_ and the complex
omple' represntation of sin
forward calculation yields for (fixed) r. > 0
+ O(h'')
= 1 - ,1 1 k 1 l 'e'i
a straight-
+ O(h''),
R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi
for t < 0 by complex conjugation
= 1 - ,2 1, Ih 0 e_ t + 0(h")
So, finally, for all ic e
ji(e") = 1—
+ 0(h')
and by (3.9)
t; h) = = _tI,cIc i(s
PC) 12' + 0(h),
hence, as desired, (3.10).
In the case (b): 1 <a < 2 and 1 9 1 2 - a, we have by (3.7)
= 1 - i{c+e'(1 -
+ c_e"(1 -
and in comparison to the case (a) we have because of et P( h = 1 + 0(h) within {. . .} the
additional asymptotic term
0(h)(1 -
+ 0(h)(1 -
= 0(h'),
hence again (3.12) for all c E R, and again we arrive at (3.10) U
It is instructive to take a look at the very special case a = 2 and 9 = 0 (the classical
diffusion equation Uj = u 1 ). In this case
Az) = 1 + 12{ - 2 +
= 1 +- e
and one finds ((e'))
}2 = 1— 4psin2
- exp(— ti 2 ) as h - 0.
4. A random walk model, discrete in space, continuous in time
Consider the difference scheme (2.8) which is equivalent to the redistribution scheme (or
random walk model) (2.6) with the coefficients given by (2.3) or (2.4), respectively. By
sending the parameter i - 0 (letting the time step T tend to 0) we obtain an infinite
system of ordinary differential equations
= h' ;y1(i)
y (0 )
e Z)
Approximation of Levy-Feller Diffusion
describing a time-continuous redistribution scheme over the grid {yh j E Z} in time
i 2 0 of the form
y(t) = ;qkYj_k(t)
(j E Z).
Interpreting y3 (t) as a clump of an extensive quantity sitting in point x = J at instant
we have, for (4.2) to describe such a redistribution scheme, the balancing conditions
qo <0
20 (0 k E Z) }
= 0.
In analogy to our redistribution scheme (2.6) of Section 2 system (4.2) also is conservative and non-negativity preserving. In fact, it can be shown (we leave this as an exercise
to the reader) that system (4.2) under conditions (4.3) - (4.4) is uniquely solvable if
i I(°)I
and that then
I y ( t )I
00 for all t > 0. It can further be shown that then
for all t > 0. If furthermore yj( 0) > 0 (j E Z), then y1 (t) 2 0 (j E Z) for all I > 0.
The interpretation of (4.2) with (4.3) and (4.4) as a redistribution scheme means:
lqoly j (t) is the rate of outflow from the point x 3 = jh being transferred to other points,
and this must equal the sum of the rates q k y(t), received by the points Xj+k (k 54 0).
Using in (4.1) again the Grünwald-Letnikov discretization (2.9) we find the following.
In the case (a) 0 < a < 1 and 101 <a:
cos- )
q o = -h - "(c+ + c_) = -h°
= h_a(_1)Ic+() (k EN)
= h_(_1)k+1c_() (kEN).
In the case (b) 1 <a<2 and 101<2— a:
q o = h(c+ + c_)cx = -ah
= -h
= (_1)kh_aC^(k
= (_l)kh_a c_(k
[+ ()
c+] I
+ c_], q_j = -h°[_ () +
(k 22)
) (k
R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi
By playing again with infinite sums of binomial coefficients it is readily verified that
(4.3) and (4.4) are fulfilled.
For solving system (4.2) with initial values y (0 ) (j E Z) with >, I(°
)I < _ and
q(z)=r >qkzk
(z, t) = >Yk(t)Z k
converge absolutely and uniformly on the periphery Izi = 1 of the unit circle, and system
(4.2) is then (with Izi = 1) equivalent to
ô(z,t) =
y(t)zi =
hence we have the z-parameterized ordinary differential equation problem
O(z, t)
= (z)(z, t) (t
20, 1.1
(z, O) = >Yk(0)zk.
The solution is
(z, t) = (z,0) et( z ) ,
or simply
(z, t) = t(z)
( 4.9)
in the special case y(0) b j o , for j E Z which means (z, 0)
By inspection (using the binomial series) we see that
q(z) =
+ c_(1 -
— h {c + (1 - z)
— h{c+z'(1 - z)'
Changing to characteristic functions via
of Section 3 for small h
+ c_z(1 _z_1)a} in the case (b).
z = e'
(n E
h— O
(K t; h) =
R), we take from our calculations
+ 0(h).
Then with (4.9) we get for (K,t;h)
in' the case (a)
:= (e",t)
exp ( - tIicIe''"
in analogy to (3.10) the limit relation
sc)!t) =
( #c, t; 9)
We have ' interpreted (4.2) as a time-continuous redistribution scheme. We can
interpret it probabilistically as a random walk model discrete in space (over the grid
{ j hlj E 7L}), but continuous in time. At any instant i of time the random walker can
jump to another grid point. After arriving at a point Xm he will remain sitting there
for a random time interval whose length is exponentially distributed. More precisely:
Approximation of Levy-Feller Diffusion
when we know that at instant t he is sitting at point Xm, then the conditional sojourn
probabilities for sitting at points x j are = *5mj (j E 7L) and (4.2) gives by
re-conditioning the equation
= — lqoIim(t),
for the time interval [t*, i+i) of sojourn at Xm. Its solution is iim(t) = 1 - _ lqol(t_i)
(t > 1), from which we deduce that the time i the wanderer remains sitting at any pbint
Xm is exponentially distributed with parameter Iqo I. Hence, the random walker, after
arriving at point Xm sits there for a random time interval of length t and then jumps
to another point x 3 in instant t = t + i. The conditional probability of jumping to the
point x3 (with j 54 ni) is then given as
1fff. For general information on time-continuous
discrete Markov processes we refer the reader to [15). It should finally be remarkedthat
the conditional density iim(t) (t > t) can also be obtained in the limit of r - 0 from
the conditional geometric probability distribution relevant in the random walk model
(2.6) with the transition probabilities of (2.3) - (2.4) and the scaling condition (2.7).
We can now state a theorem analogous to Theorem 3.2, namely
•Theorem 4.1. Let a random walker start in point 0 at instant t = 0 and jump
over the grid points j h (j E Z) with h > 0, the probabilities y 3 (t) of sojourn in point
jh at instant t 2 0 evolving according to (4.2) with y2 (0) = jO•Then for fixed t >
o the distribution function G 0 ( . , t; 9; h) given as Gc,(x, t; 9; h) =
y(t) converges
kh<x -
completely to Ga(•
,t;9) as h — * 0.
5. A random walk model for the Cauchy process
For completeness we present a random walk model, discrete in space and time, for
the omitted case c = 1, namely for the Cauchy process (ci = 1 and 9 = 0). This
model cannot be obtained via the Grünwald-Letnikov approach, neither directly nor by
a passage to the limit ci
1. We have, with the notations of Sections 1 - 3 the process
=t -1 P(
(x E
with the Cauchy probability density
7r(x 2 + 1)
The corresponding characteristic functions are
Pi(-; 0) = e N
t; 0)
Let Y be a random variable assuming its values in Z with P(Y = k) =
defined as follows. With a parameter it restricted to 0 < it
= 1-r
for k E 7L
R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi
Then all Pk ^: 0 and >kEZPk = 1. Indeed,
k(k+l) — — Ti)
Proceeding as in Sections 2 and 3 we produce a random walk on the grid
with h > 0, letting the walker start in point 0 at instant 0. We define
S =h Yi+hY2+...+h y
{jhlj E Z},
where the Yk are independent identically distributed random variables all having their
distribution common with the random variable Y. By allowing the walker to jump in
instants t,. = nr (r > 0, n E N) and using S, as the random variable assuming values
in the grid { .yhj E 7Z} we have a random walk. We relate the steps h and r of space
and time by r = p h and again define generating functions
ji(z) = > pi z3
(z, t,,)
with y j (tn) as probability of sojourn in point x 3 = jh at instant t, = nr. Then
(z, t) = ((z))72, and in view of
our aim is to show that for all tc E R and
t > 0 the limit relation
e_ t II
as h — 0
holds. This limit relation then implies that the distribution of the random variable
Y lies in the domain of attraction of the Cauchy distribution, more precisely that the
distribution of the random variable
converges completely to the Cauchy distribution C 1 (., t; 0) with
Let us prove (5.3). We observe that the series E jc z pj z 3 converges absolutely and
uniformly on the periphery 1z = 1 of the unit circle, hence represents there a continuous
function so that the following calculations are legitimate. In fact,
k(k+ 1)
= 1— (1— z 1 )log(1 — z)
for Izi
We tacitly take the limit 1 for z = 1. Then
= 1— {(i — z')log(l —
+ (1— z)log(1 —
Passing to the characteristic functionvia z = e
= 1—
{(1 — cos(kh))logll —
z ' )}.
E R) we get
— sin(ich) arctan 1
Using lim.+, arctan u = ±we obtain for h — + 0 the asymptotics
= 1—
which implies (5.3).
{l K I h 2 + o (Iic l h )} =1 - ikI h + o(h)
Approximation of Levy- Feller Diffusion
6. Concluding remarks
It is instructive to observe that in view of Theorem 3.1 our proof of Theorem 3.2 can
be re-interpreted as a proof of existence of Levy's stable distributions (for a 5A 1). In
fact, assuming to be ignorant of these we can find them as limiting distributions by
sending n - in (3.3). And gratis (the discrete probabilities being all non-negative
cannot become negative in the limit) we get that the limiting densities are everywhere
non-negative, for all values of the parameter a between 0 and 2, with omission of the
value 1. For this we actually need neither the theory of the inversion of the Feller
potentials nor the method of positive-definite functions. Thus we have an alternative
way of solving a problem that surmounted Cauchy's capabilities [2] who had considered
the functions exp(— IKI°) as candidates of cosine transforms of probability densities but
could only prove them to have this property in the special cases a = land a = 2. Levy
in [11], (12] introduced the whole scale of stable densities, Bochner in [1] has given an
elegant proof for the full range 0 < a 2 that the inverse Fourier transforms of the
functions exp(_I,cI o ) are non-negative, hence probability densities. He used the theory
of positive-definite functions that we can avoid. A well readable account of Bochner's
method can be looked up in [13].
Acknowledgements. We are grateful to the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle
Ricerche and to the Research Commission of Free University of Berlin for supporting joint efforts of our research groups in Berlin and Bologna. This paper is one of the
fruits of this collaboration. We appreciate the careful work of the referees, in particular
the constructive-critical comments of one of them.
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Received 18.06.1998