Simulation of an S-Band MILO with Adjustable
Beam Dump
Matthew Abide , James Dickens, Ravi P. Joshi, Andreas Neuber and John Mankowski *
Center for Pulsed Power and Power Electronics, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-3102, USA; (M.A.); (J.D.); (R.P.J.); (A.N.)
* Correspondence:
Received: 11 March 2019; Accepted: 17 April 2019; Published: 3 May 2019
Abstract: This paper details the design, simulation, and optimization of a low-impedance high
repetition rate magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator (MILO) driven by a compact Marx
generator. The project goals require the MILO to generate an radio frequency (RF) pulse within
the S-band frequency range with a peak output power greater than 1 GW with greater than 10%
efficiency. Its design is based on a set of base equation which provide critical component dimensions
applied to a three-dimensional model constructed within CST studio suite used in a particle-in-cell
(PIC) simulation. Additional to the geometric model, simulation of the MILO with non-ideal material
properties and a lumped element modeling of the Marx generator were performed. The results
of these simulations then informed changes to the model as to the optimizing performance of the
device. Within the framework of the model, the final MILO design achieves the design goals with
an approximate RF peak power of 4.5 GW at 2.5 GHz operating in the TM01 mode when an input
driving pulse with a peak voltage of 600 kV while providing 58 kA is applied.
Keywords: magnetically insulated line oscillator; high power microwaves; high power microwave
1. Introduction
High power microwave (HPM) sources continue to be a strong area of research for multiple
applications. HPM sources have been employed for multiple military applications including electronic
warfare or directed energy weapon systems [1]. Additionally, research within the field of plasma
science employs HPM sources as a source for plasma experimentation [2]. This has led to research
focused upon improvements in peak output power, power efficiency, repetition rate, and device
lifetime with sources which do not require an externally applied electromagnetic field.
HPM sources like the magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator (MILO) are able to supply
gigawatt power cross-field radio frequency (RF) output for such applications [1]. The construction
is a coaxial design containing a resonant cavity which interacts with an electron beam to generate a
high power microwave output pulse tuned to a specified frequency. During operation it generates
electrical current strong enough to produce a self-insulating magnetic field and thus does not require
an externally applied magnetic field for beam guidance. This makes the MILO a strong candidate for a
practical, modern HPM source.
Plasma 2019, 2, 138–155; doi:10.3390/plasma2020011
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The study of the MILO as an HPM source starts with research performed by the Mendel research
group in the late 1970s and early 1980s [3]. In addition to experimental studies, computer simulations
are a critical tool in the development of HPM sources such as the MILO. These simulations are typically
particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations that account for the particle interactions with the electromagnetic
fields within the structure. Traditionally, software simulation packages such as KARAT and MAGIC
have been employed in the modeling of MILO sources for research studies [3,4]. This study utilizes
the CST Studio Suite (CST) set of simulation packages to study a three-dimensional modeled MILO
while utilizing hardware acceleration techniques for GPU processing to reduce the overall runtime.
The accelerated simulations allowed for the accounting of material properties, simulation with
a lumped element defined excitation source, and parameter sweeping. These tools aided in the
development of a MILO designed to deliver gigawatt peak RF power output with over 10% power
efficiency operating in the S-band. The following is an account of the stages of developing a model to
best achieve the design criteria.
2. Materials and Methods
The design of a MILO has been well documented by multiple authors. This paper follows a set of
design equations as presented within a paper by G. Dixit et al. aiming to maximize the peak output
power of a MILO operating within the L-band [3]. The equations take as an input the design frequency,
cathode radius, and design criteria to calculate the approximate dimensions of the MILO device for
maximized power output.
The equations that define the radius of the anode and vane structures within the MILO are
listed within Table 1. Parameters such as the eigenvalue of the output mode (xm,n ), speed of light
(c), frequency ( f r ), cathode radius (rcathode ), slow wave structure impedance (Z0 ), and desired input
impedance (Z f ) define the vane structure to operate as desired [3].
Table 1. The table of key parameter design equations.
SWS fan radius
Anode radius
RF choke radius
Extractor radius
rsws =
c· xm,n
2π f r
r anode = rsws +
rchk = Z f + rcathode
rext = rcathode · exp 60Ω
Each of the following sections uses the same base set of equations to define the dimensions of the
model detailed within that section. These models are then simulated within CST Studio Suite utilizing
the Particle-in-Cell simulation provided by the software package. The results are then analyzed and
used to inform the following stage of development of the simulation models. The following sections
introduce additional simulation criteria, such as non-ideal material properties, lumped element source
excitation, as well as parametric sweeps of MILO structural components, all with the purpose of
optimizing the MILO performance. The simulations were accelerated using GPU acceleration within
CST. The simulation machine has dual Xeon processors, 396 GB of RAM, and four Intel Tesla K80 with
32 GB of RAM available to each GPU.
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2.1. L-Band MILO
The initial study focused on matching the results presented within the paper by Dixit from which
the design equations originated. Fortunately, the paper provided not only the set of design equations
but also a table with key component dimensions. The provided dimensions were then fed back through
the equations to find the dimensions of all components of the MILO. The values in the table appear to
have been adjusted from the original outputs of the design equations.
The simulation used only idealized materials, vacuum and a perfect electric conductor (PEC), with
an applied voltage pulse fed through a set of four discrete ports at the input of the device spanning
from the anode to cathode, simulation model and parameters shown in Figure 1. The pulse was an
ideal trapezoidal pulse with a 30 ns rise time, 20 ns flat top, and 35 ns fall time, see Figure 2b. The
output was captured through a waveguide port, a tool provided with CST capable of measuring a
defined set of output modes. Post-processing was applied to the captured RF output to find the output
frequency of the MILO by means of a Fourier transform.
(a) Perspective view of the magnetically insulated
transmission line oscillator (MILO) model.
Cathode radius
Anode radius
SWS vane radius
Extractor vane radius
Choke vane radius
Vane thickness
Beam dump outer radius
Beam dump inner radius
28 mm
85 mm
45 mm
54 mm
42 mm
4 mm
19 mm
54 mm
52 mm
(b) Dimensions for L-Band MILO.
Figure 1. (a) The three-dimensional view of an L-Band MILO. The boundary conditions used within
the particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation display by color, blue for a magnetic boundary and green for an
electric boundary. (b) List of critical component dimensions.
(a) L-Band MILO model cutaway view on the
YZ plane.
(b) Input voltage pulse.
Figure 2. (a) The two-dimensional representation of the MILO device on the YZ plane at the X origin.
The input of the device, the left-side of the image, has a set of four discrete ports, spaced 90 degrees
from each other, excited by the voltage pulse displayed in (b).
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2.2. S-Band MILO
The S-Band MILO was designed in the same manner as the L-Band MILO from the previous
section. This includes the types of applied materials, excitation, signal recording, and boundary
conditions of the simulation. However, additional components were added to the model to improve
the convergence of the simulation results, model shown in Figure 3. The addition of a vacuum layer
encasing the MILO before the boundary of the simulation and an improved definition of the MILO
based on parametric techniques provided better control over the MILO’s structure without affecting
the simulation results.
Anode Inner Radius
Cathode radius
SWS Vane radius
Extractor Vane radius
Choke Vane radius
Vane thickness
Beam dump outer radius
Beam dump inner radius
(a) S-band MILO model cutaway view on the YZ plane.
63.23 mm
25 mm
38.25 mm
41.22 mm
35 mm
7 mm
21.93 mm
46.4 mm
39.4 mm
(b) List of critical component dimensions
Figure 3. (a) The two-dimensional representation of the MILO device on the YZ plane at the X origin.
(b) List of critical component dimensions of the S-band MILO.
2.3. S-Band MILO with Materials
The desire to operate the MILO at a high repetition rate requires it to withstand intense heating
during operation. Constructing the anode structure, including the slow wave structure (SWS),
from highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), a material with high thermal conductivity, enables
the efficient transfer of heat during operation mitigating the negative effects of heat buildup such
as material erosion. Accounting for the electrical properties of HOPG improved the accuracy of the
simulation of the MILO. Within CST, a material property was assigned to a volume in three-dimensional
space. The material property accounts for the electrical, mechanical, and thermal effects of the material
during simulation. CST provided a material library containing a set of predefined materials, though for
materials not included, a manual definition of the material may be provided through CST’s material
dialog box. The location of the applied materials to the model are shown in Figure 4.
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Figure 4. The S-Band MILO with color indicating the location and type of material applied to the model.
Materials fall into two broad categories within CST, normal and anisotropic. Anisotropic materials
may have varying values of their electric, thermal, and mechanical properties depending upon
orientation. CST did not contain a definition of the material properties for HOPG which had been
decided for use of the SWS of the MILO. While able to define HOPG as anisotropic within CST,
the required discretization of the simulation mesh to support such a large volume of anisotropic
material with high electrical conductivity would require the number of mesh cells on the order of 109 .
The hardware available for simulation would not be able to preform such a task.
Instead the HOPG was defined as a lossy metal. A lossy metal is a material type within CST
which accounts for factors such as skin depth through some preprocessing. This reduces the required
mesh size for the simulation on the order of hundred of thousands, well within the capability of the
available hardware. Unfortunately, lossy metals must be isotropic in definition. Assuming the surface
currents which form on the fins of the SWS have the greatest impact upon device performance resulted
in two simulation setups to evaluate the device performance with the applied material.
HOPG electrical properties, shown in Table 2, vary upon which axis the current is flowing within,
having high electrical conductivity within the basal plane, AB plane, and low electric conductivity
along the C-axis. As the material’s orientation may influence efficency, a pair of simulations were
conducted to confirm which orientation of the HOPG is best. The simulations assumed the anode
material was isotropic and had the electrical properties of either the AB plane or C-axis. It was
assumed that by aligning the HOPG’s c-axis with the axis of symmetry for the MILO results in the
better performance as the surface currents are met with the minimum resistance.
Table 2. Conductivity of highly ordered pyrolytic graphite [5].
Material Property
Resistivity (AB)
Resistivity (C)
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2.4. Marx Co-Simulation
Simulations which account for a realizable excitation source, such as a Marx generator, can be
achieved through a process of co-simulation. This tool is available within CST by means of their
schematic package, the setup shown in Figure 5. The co-simulation allows for a time-dependent
simulation to be setup to run with the PIC simulation. These simulations were fed together such
that activity of one is accounted for by the other. This allows a lumped element model of a Marx
generator to feed the discrete port inputs of the MILO. The Marx generator used in the co-simulation
will eventually be revised to match a physical equivalent, but for now the Marx was matched close to
the input impedance of the MILO at approximately 12 Ohms.
Figure 5. The schematic of the circuit used for the co-simulation within CST studio suite. The Marx
generator is designed to match closely to the theoretical impedance of the MILO, approximately
12 Ohms with an erected, open-circuit voltage of 1.2 MV. The yellow box is trigger signal which
activates immediately upon the start of the co-simulation dumping the Marx energy into the MILO
visible to it’s right.
2.5. Parameter Sweep
Finally, design optimization was performed by sweeping the value of key dimensions.
The simulations were performed with ideal materials with the assumption this is a close approximation
for HOPG constructed with the c-axis aligned with axis of symmetry of the MILO. These results were
eventually merged together in order to maximize the performance of the final device. The anode return
path ignored the impact of the HOPG c-axis electrical conductivity as the anode is constructed by a
stack up of alternating materials. The gaps between vanes were constructed from stainless steel with
connecting bolts providing a high conductivity return path for the current.
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The simulation sweeps focused on four different parameters of the MILO model which will change
as if the position of the beam dump was changed after the MILO is constructed. The parameters,
shown in Figure 6, were the extractor gap, stub position, stub radius, and the overlap distance of the
beam dump and the cathode.
Figure 6. Center cut of the MILO model within CST studio suite with markers placed to indicating the
parameters which are individually varied in four different parametric sweeps.
3. Results
The following results are presented in the same order as the setups detailed in the previous section.
Simulation results shown were focused on RF output power and frequency bandwidth.
3.1. L-Band MILO
The constructed L-band MILO, dimensions defined in Figure 1b, performed as expected providing
a peak instantaneous output power within the 5 GW range at 1.78 GHz, seen in Figure 7.
(a) Instantaneous output power.
(b) Fourier analysis of output.
Figure 7. Calculated output characteristics of the L-band MILO. The results are obtained though a
waveguide port placed at the output boundary of the model. The input voltage is an ideal trapezoidal
pulse with a peak voltage of 600 kV.
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3.2. S-Band MILO
Continuing to the S-Band MILO model defined in Figure 3b, the results show that average peak
output power dropped from a maximum of 5 GW to approximately 4 GW, see Figure 8. The resultant
frequency was far below the expected design frequency of 3 GHz, see Figure 9. A study by Fan et al.
provides a set of equation which serve to modify the initial results [6]. These equations account for the
losses within the LC resonant cavity which are ignored in the base design equations. The modified
expected frequency was still higher than expected, but may be further accounted for by the properties
of the RF Choke before the SWS and the extractor downstream of the SWS.
(a) Instantaneous output power.
(b) Peak Instantaneous output power.
Figure 8. Measurement of the instantaneous output radio frequency (RF) power of the MILO with the
figure on the left showing over the entire simulation runtime and right for a time where the power is at
its peak. The results are obtained by integrating the three-dimensional power flow over a surface just
before the output boundary of the model.
(a) Input Current
(b) Output Frequency Analysis
Figure 9. The current waveform feeding the discrete ports which excite the MILO and the frequency
analysis of the RF output. The total current is the summation of each of the plotted waveform,
approximately 60 kA during peak draw.
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Since the excitation waveform was defined as ideal the measured current flowing through the
discrete ports defined the MILO impedance. At peak operation, the MILO had an impedance of
approximately 10 Ohms, drawing an average of 60 kA with 600 kV applied.
3.3. S-Band MILO with Materials
The inability to simulate the model with HOPG with anisotropic conductivity resulted in two
different simulations to account for material orientation. The simulations assumed that the conductivity
was isotropic and vary by selecting the conductivity in the basal plane or the c-axis. As the construction
of the device will provide a return path along the outer shell through a material with a higher
conductivity, such as stainless steel, this assumption will hold valid as the concern is the currents
within the SWS.
3.3.1. Basal Plane (AB)
Due to the high electrical conductivity the results do not vary much from those simulated with
the ideal materials, see Figures 10 and 11. This is due to the high electrical conductivity of the basal
plane of the HOPG, graphite, and steel.
(a) Instantaneous output power.
(b) Peak Instantaneous output power.
Figure 10. Measurement of the instantaneous output RF power.
(a) Input current.
(b) Output frequency analysis.
Figure 11. Measured input current waveform through the discrete ports and the Fourier transform of
the RF output.
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3.3.2. C-Axis
Contrary to the basal plane results, modeling the HOPG by its c-axis material properties causes a
drastic impact on the performance of the modeled MILO, displayed in the plots of Figures 12 and 13.
The output power drops down to a peak output power of approximately 1 GW no longer operating
within TM01 mode.
Figure 12. Measured instantaneous power of the RF output of the MILO.
(a) Input current.
(b) Output frequency analysis.
Figure 13. Measured input current waveform through the discrete ports and the Fourier transform of
the RF output.
This results seem to agree with our assumption about the preferable orientation of the HOPG
relative to surface current flow. Fortunately, as the basal plane is easily aligned as such and connects to
return path through the anode shell, which is constructed from a metal with a high electric conductivity,
to ground these result do not lead to much concern.
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3.4. Marx Co-Simulation
The modeling of the MILO with a realizable excitation source, such as a Marx generator, provided
valuable information about its potential performance. The MILO not only did not produce a RF output
below the minimum voltage threshold, approximately 300 kV, but the oscillation during operation
resulted in the MILO having a time dependent impedance [1]. Simulating the system where these
parameters were variable during simulation provides valuable feedback about its expected operation.
The monitored input voltage at each of the discrete ports feeding the MILO had the expected
oscillations as the impedance of the MILO varies in time, shown in Figure 14. The amplitude of these
oscillations drastically increased as the MILO began to produce a RF signal. This directly related to the
modulation in the current through the device.
(a) Input current.
(b) Input voltage.
Figure 14. The measured input waveforms which are fed to the MILO model during co-simulation of
the device. These were measured by a monitor placed within the schematic model and compared to
the recorded values from the PIC simulation.
Though the signal may differ, the peak output power, shown in Figure 15b, of the device was close
to the same value measured with the ideal trapezoidal pulse from Figure 2b applied and the output
frequency, show in Figure 16, stays about on target. As the requirements for running a co-simulation
within CST were resource intensive this was advantageous as the idealized pulse may be used for an
approximation of peak output power.
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(a) Instantaneous output power.
(b) Peak instantaneous output power.
Figure 15. Measured instantaneous power of the output RF signal of the MILO.
Figure 16. Fourier analysis of the output signal frequency.
3.5. Parameter Sweep
The following were the results of the parameter sweeps performed over the extractor gap, stub
location, stub radius, and cathode beam dump overlap. The simulations were performed with an
idealized model with the idealized voltage pulse from Figure 2b applied. This lacked the addition
realism that co-simulation and simulated material properties provide with the benefit of reduced
runtime and an acceptable approximate answer.
3.5.1. Extractor Gap
The base variation of the extractor gap distance did not show a great amount of impact on either
the frequency or peak output power of the MILO device. The simulation of the extractor gap set at
11 mm took longer to achieve PI-mode operation which explains the delay to max output power seen in
Figure 17a as there is mode competition. After PI-mode operation was achieved, the competing modes
drop out and the peak power was approximately equal to the other simulated extractor gap distances.
The input current and output frequency remained consistent throughout each simulation, shown in
Figure 18.
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(a) Instantaneous output power.
(b) Peak instantaneous output power.
Figure 17. Calculated instantaneous output RF power over a set for five different models with varying
extractor gap distances.
(a) Input current.
(b) Frequency analysis.
Figure 18. The total input current and the frequency analysis of the output signal of parameter sweep
of the extractor gap.
3.5.2. Stub Radius
The output power does change slightly by varying the radius of the stubs that connects the beam
dump to the anode, Figure 19. These variations of the peak output power are small however with
minor differences in peak output RF power. A similar conclusion can be made about the frequency of
the RF output, Figure 20.
Plasma 2019, 2
(a) Instantaneous output power.
(b) Peak instantaneous output power.
Figure 19. Measurement of the instantaneous output RF power over a set for five different models with
varying stub radius.
(a) Input current.
(b) Frequency analysis.
Figure 20. The total input current and the frequency analysis of the output signal of parameter sweep
of the stub radius.
3.5.3. Stub Location
The movement of the stub location had a noticeable impact upon the peak output power and
frequency response of the MILO, shown in Figures 21 and 22. This was related to matching the output
frequency of the RF signal at a quarter-wavelength to achieve constructive feedback resulting in higher
output power [3].
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(a) Instantaneous output power.
(b) Peak instantaneous output power.
Figure 21. Calculated instantaneous output RF power by varying the stub location.
(a) Input current.
(b) Frequency analysis.
Figure 22. The total input current and the frequency analysis of the output signal of parameter sweep
of the stub location.
3.5.4. Cathode-Beam Dump Overlap
Finally, the sweeping of the overlapping of the cathode and beam dump showed some significant
impacts upon the peak RF output power, see Figure 23, able to be provided by the MILO. The simulation
indicated that increasing the distance the cathode overlaps with the beam dump increased the output
power of the device. This relationship was not linear and our sweep did not cover enough data points to
show this. The input current and output frequency remained consistent over all simulations, shown in
Figure 24.
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(a) Instantaneous output power.
(b) Peak instantaneous output power.
Figure 23. Calculated instantaneous output RF power by varying the cathode beam dump overlap.
(a) Input current.
(b) Frequency analysis.
Figure 24. The total input current and the frequency analysis of the RF output of a parameter sweep of
the cathode beam dump overlap.
4. Discussion
The simulation of the S-band MILO with ideal materials confirmed that the dimensions from the
design equations result in a baseline device which will meet the design goals. Ideally, the MILO will
produce an RF pulse in the TM01 mode at 2.55 GHz with a peak RF power of 4 GW. The addition of
material properties for a more realistic simulation provided some challenges in simulation of a large
bulk of anisotropic material.
Though neither simulation fully accounts for the electromagnetic interaction with an anisotropic
material such as HOPG, the simulation of the HOPG basal plane characteristics is more accurate
to the operation of the physical MILO constructed from the material. The orientation of the HOPG
such that the c-axis is aligned along the length of the MILO allows for the highly conductive basal
plane to carry the surface currents generated by the RF. Furthermore, the return path of the current
flowing through the anode sees a low impedance since an alternative return path exists by means of the
containment structure. The containment structure will be of a metal with a high electrical conductivity
with a current path through the basal plane from the vanes and stubs connecting the beam dump
to the anode. These factors contribute to the conclusion that modeling the HOPG as a lossy metal
with the characteristics of the basal plane will result in a more accurate model than the alternative
c-axis characteristics.
The co-simulation model provides the most important information regarding operating the MILO
with a realistic driving source. Additionally, analysis of the results demonstrates that the peak RF
output power is comparable to the simulation with the ideal trapezoidal input voltage pulse. This
reduces the time required for simulation as the rise-time of a realistic pulse will not drastically impact
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the peak RF output power allowing for shorter simulations which yield equivalent information about
the RF output.
Based on the results with non-ideal material and lumped element excitation, parametric sweep
simulations of the MILO component dimension were performed with ideal material properties and an
ideal excitation pulse. Parametric sweeps were performed on the component dimensions which proved
most critical for optimizing performance. This physical construction will include a bellows-type linear
translator which will allow for manual movement of the beam dump in relation to the rest of the MILO
structure. This allows for the cathode-to-beam dump overlap distance to vary allowing for adjustment
to maximize the peak output power. These parametric sweep results provide valuable information for
the design of the actual device. For example, the results suggest that maintaining a constant distance
of the stub placement relative to the beam dump will maximize the potential of the output power of
the signal while minimally impacting the effect upon the frequency. The radius of these stubs may be
increased to accommodate the force applied by the resting of the beam dump upon them and shaped
to allow for sliding across the interior of the device. The weak relationship of the extractor gap distance
means that the variation of the beam dump’s position impact upon the RF output will primarily be
dominated by the cathode-to-beam dump overlap.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.M. and Y.Y.; methodology, M.A.; software, M.A.; formal analysis,
M.A.; investigation, M.A.; resources, M.A.; data curation, M.A.; writing—original draft preparation, M.A.;
writing—review and editing, J.M., J.D., R.P.J., and A.N.; visualization, M.A.; supervision, J.M., J.D., R.P.J. and A.N.;
project administration, J.M.; funding acquisition, J.M.
Funding: This research was funded by the Office of Naval Research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
CST studio suite
Graphical processing unit
Radio frequency
High power microwave
Magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator
Slow wave structure
Highly ordered pyrolytic graphite
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