The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Stefan Wagner, Klaus Lochmann, Sebastian Winter,
Florian Deissenboeck, Elmar Juergens, Markus
Herrmannsdoerfer, Lars Heinemann, Michael Kläs,
Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Stefan Wagner*, Klaus Lochmann, Sebastian Winter*, Florian Deissenboeck, Elmar Juergens, Markus
Herrmannsdoerfer*, Lars Heinemann
Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität München
Garching, Germany
Michael Kläs, Adam Trendowicz, Jens Heidrich
Fraunhofer IESE
Kaiserslautern, Germany
Reinhold Ploesch
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik—Software Engineering,
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Linz, Austria
Andreas Goeb
SAP Research, Software Engineering & Tools
Darmstadt, Germany
Christian Koerner
Siemens AG, Corporate Technology–SE 1,
Munich, Germany
Korbinian Schoder, Jonathan Streit
itestra GmbH
Munich, Germany
{schoder, streit}@itestra.de
Christian Schubert
Capgemini Deutschland GmbH
Berlin, Germany
* At the time of writing the author has been with Technische Universität München.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 3
CONCEPTS OF THE METAMODEL ............................................................................................... 3
DEFINITION LEVEL ....................................................................................................................... 3
APPLICATION LEVEL .................................................................................................................... 5
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE METAMODEL CONCEPTS .................................................. 6
DEFINITION LEVEL ....................................................................................................................... 6
Entity................................................................................................................................................ 6
Factor .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Impact .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Measure ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Measurement Methods: Aggregations and Instruments ................................................................ 10
Evaluation ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Additional Information: Tag and Source......................................................................................... 14
APPLICATION LEVEL .................................................................................................................. 15
Measurement and Evaluation Results ........................................................................................... 15
Values of Measurement ................................................................................................................. 17
MODULARIZATION CONCEPT .................................................................................................... 18
EXAMPLE MODEL: CLONING OF SOURCE CODE ................................................................... 19
EXAMPLE MODEL: ACCESSIBILITY OF USER INTERFACES ................................................. 20
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................................... 22
SIMPLIFIED META MODEL AS UML CLASS DIAGRAM .................................................................... 22
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Relationship between the metamodel and a quality model....................................................................... 3
Figure 2: Basic concepts of the metamodel on the definition level. ......................................................................... 3
Figure 3: Further concepts of the metamodel on the definition level. ...................................................................... 4
Figure 4: Concepts of the metamodel on the application level. ............................................................................... 5
Figure 5: Entity. ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 6: Factor. ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 7: Impact....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 8: Measure. .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 9: Aggregations and Instruments. ............................................................................................................... 10
Figure 10: Aggregation in Detail. ........................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 11: Evaluation. ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 12: Evaluation in Detail. .............................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 13: Tag and Source. ................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 14: Measurement and Evaluation Results. ................................................................................................. 15
Figure 15: Evaluation Result in Detail. ................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 16: Types of measurement results. ............................................................................................................ 17
Figure 17: The modularization concept. ................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 18: Example model visualized as a diagram .............................................................................................. 19
Figure 19: Accessibility example model visualized as a diagram .......................................................................... 20
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
A quality model specifies meaning of quality of a software product in a way that it can be used in a
number of scenarios, as, for example, to assess or to improve the quality of the software product. A
quality metamodel defines the rules that Quamoco compliant quality models need to obey. This
document describes the quality metamodel that is developed by Quamoco as the main result of Work
Package 1.3.
Instance of
Quality Metamodel
A Quality Model
Figure 1: Relationship between the metamodel and a quality model.
Figure 1 depicts the relationship between the quality metamodel defined by this document, and a
quality model that is an instance of the metamodel. A quality model is said to be an instance of the
metamodel if it conforms to the structure defined by the metamodel. The metamodel is defined on the
following two levels:
1. The definition level provides the concepts to define the qualities of a software product and how to
assess them.
2. The application of a quality model to assess the quality of a software product generates plenty of
data, for example, the measurement results and the results of the evaluations. The application
level specifies the concepts to store this data.
Concepts of the Metamodel
This section provides a brief overview of the concepts and relationships provided by the quality
Definition Level
Hierarchy A
Factor Refinements
Measure Refinements
Hierarchy B
Impact (+/-)
Figure 2: Basic concepts of the metamodel on the definition level.
Figure 2 complemented by Figure 3 visualize the concepts and the relationships provided by the
quality metamodel. Starting point of the quality model are factors, i.e., properties of a software product
that are related to quality, which can be refined by more specific factors. If a quality model consists of
different factor hierarchies it is possible to define an impact from a factor of one hierarchy to a factor of
another hierarchy. For operationalising quality it is necessary to measure factors, whereas these
measures can be refined, too.
The basic concepts of the quality model are extended by further concepts as depicted in Figure 3.
Both, factors as well as measures, characterize an entities, i.e., parts of the software product or the
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
environment. While measures just quantify factors with the help of instruments, evaluations provide a
facility to use these measures for making qualitative statements about factors.
e.g. if Clone Coverage < 20% then 1
e.g. Redundancy
e.g. Source Code
e.g. Clone Coverage
Figure 3: Further concepts of the metamodel on the definition level.
According to the introduced concepts, the definition level of a quality model requires the following
1. A factor constitutes a property of the software product (or part of it) that is related to the product's
quality. A factor is always defined in a way that it is possible to determine the degree to which it is
present in the product. To indicate that a factor refers to a certain part of the product, the
environment of the product or to a resource, the “characterizes” relationship is used to state an
entity (see below).
2. A factor can be decomposed into a number of sub-factors by means of a "refines" relationship.
Hence, the factors of a quality model are structured by factor refinements. The decompose
relationship models a refinement of a factor. Since a quality model can focus on different
orthogonal views on quality, several hierarchies are possible. Thus, a quality model can
accommodate different types of factors like the “ilities” of [ISO 25000] (focus on communication of
evaluation results to managers), properties of activities (focus on financial value), technical topics
(focus on technical aspects), or requirements (focus on conformity).
3. A factor can influence a factor from another factor hierarchy. The influence is specified by an
impact relationship. This impact can be either positive or negative. For instance, the "Redundancy
at Source Code" has a negative impact on "Maintainability".
4. A measure defines how a specific entity is measured and therefore it provides a means to
quantify factors that characterize this entity (or a related one). The measurement can be done by
using various techniques (by a manual or tool-based instrument as well as by an aggregation of
results of refining measures). Examples are "Lines of Code", "Number of Architecture Violations",
or "Clone Coverage".
5. Entities are used to model the parts that a software product and its environment consist of. This
includes resources that are required during the development or use of the product, like, software
developers or other stakeholders. Please note that entities are used to model types of actual
entities, i.e. we use the entity “Class” to model the class concept of object orientation – but we do
not use entities to model a specific class, as for instance “MyJavaClass.java”. Entities can form a
hierarchy, which is defined by “is-a” and “part-of” relationships. For example: a developer is a
stakeholder, a class is a part of the source code.
6. An evaluation defines criteria to evaluate the extent that a factor is present in a software product.
The specification can incorporate references to measures and factors as well as thresholds that
constrain their values. An evaluation assesses a factor based on associated measures, based on
sub-factors (as part of the corresponding factor hierarchy), or based on factors from other factor
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
hierarchies that have an impact on the factor being assessed. The evaluation describes how to
come up with an evaluation result. The result can be obtained either automatically or by means of
expert judgments and is normalized to a value range between 0 and 1. An interpretation scale
defines how to present the result.
7. All elements of the quality model can be enriched with additional information. These data are tags,
i.e., the possibility to mark these elements with keywords, and sources, i.e., the possibility to
describe the origin of these elements. For keeping the diagram clear, these additional elements
are not shown in this overview.
With the illustrated concepts, quality of software products can be defined in a qualitative or in a
quantitative manner. For example, one can express that the usability of a user interface is influenced
by the consistent usage of fonts and colours or that the maintainability of source code is influenced
negatively by reusing source code on a copy & paste base. Hence, a quality model without
evaluations can be used as basis of constructive measures of quality assurance, e.g., for developer
trainings or the automated generation of guideline documents.
Application Level
Evaluation Result
Measurement Result
Figure 4: Concepts of the metamodel on the application level.
Figure 4 visualizes the concepts of the application level. The application level provides a means to
store measurement and evaluation data for the software product under assessment. For each
measure, measurement data is determined as specified by the definition level of the quality model.
Based on the measurement results, the evaluation result is determined for each factor. The process of
determination is specified by the corresponding evaluation element on the definition level.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Detailed Description of the Metamodel Concepts
In this section, we describe the concepts and the relationships defined by the metamodel in more
detail by explaining the meaning of each concept.
Definition Level
Figure 5: Entity.
An entity is a type of an element which is part of the software product, its environment, or which is a
resource required during development, maintenance, or use of a software product. Entities can be
structured using two relationships:
1. The “is-a” relationship specifies a generalization/specialization relationship, i.e., the “is-a”
relationship is used to specify that an entity is a specialization of another entity. This relation can
be used to check the model for completeness regarding factors characterizing the entities.
2. The “part-of” relationship specifies a decomposition of entities into their parts, i.e., the “part-of”
relationship is used for decomposition and for navigation in the model. Furthermore, the “part-of”
relationship is vital for the tool support.
Identifier: The name of each entity has to be unique.
Example: Example entities that describe product artifacts are “Source Code”, “Method”, “Class”,
“Requirements Specification”, “Test Case”, or “Dialog”. Entities that describe resources
used during development are “Developer”, “Version Management System”, “Debugger”, or
“Review Process”. Examples for relationships are: a "Class" is a part of "Source Code", a
"Developer" is a "Stakeholder".
Rationale: Many existing quality models, e.g., the [ISO 9126], do not explicitly model different
entities. Hence, properties such as “maintainability” or “changeability” don’t specify the
part of the software product or the environment of the product they refer to. However,
measuring and correctly evaluating such properties without this information is challenging
due to the size, diversity, and complexity of real-world software products. Consequently,
we propose to break down products into smaller and more tangible entities.
Remarks: Context-specific data should not be modeled as entities. E.g. programming-language
specific entities: Do not use “Java Identifier”, “C Identifier”, “C++ Identifier”, etc.
Figure 6: Factor.
Factors are one of the basic building blocks of quality models. A factor constitutes a property of the
software product that is related to the products’ quality. A factor is always defined in a way, that it is
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
possible to talk about the degree to which it is present in the product. The property can be further
defined by characterizing an entity. The terms attribute and property are used interchangeably in the
literature. Here, we chose factor to clearly distinguish it from the quality attributes defined in ISO 9126
Factors can be decomposed into sub-factors by the use of the “refines” relationship. This relationship
is used to group related factors as well as to decompose a factor along the line of the “is-a” and “partof” relationships of its entity. Using the “Impact” relationship can connect different hierarchies of
factors formed by the “refines” relationship. The “refines” relationship should result in tree-like
Factors can have a different type, depending on the concrete usage scenario: For instance, a factor
can constitute a high-level property of the software product (such as maintainability of software) or a
technical property (such as the complexity of the source code). Additionally, it can be used for
grouping or classifying. It can also be used for specifying requirements and goals of the software
product (making use of the evaluation concept attached to a factor). The type of a factor results from
the root factor of the current refinement hierarchy. So the name of a root factor gives a hint to the
concept behind the refining factors.
Additionally, the degree of which a software product complies with a factor can give information about
the degree of which the product complies with other factors. This relationship is modeled by the
“Impact” concept, which provides additional attributes as explained in chapter 3.1.3. Please note that
the hierarchy formed by the “Impact” relationship has to be acyclic.
In the remainder of this document, we notate a factor with its name followed by the “@” character
prefixing the entity of the factor, as “Name @Entity”. If the factor does not refer to an entity, the factor
is simply denoted by its name, as “Name”.
Identifier: The name of a factor in combination with the entity it refers to (Name @Entity) has to be
Example 1: Examples of factors are “Consistency @Identifier” that represents that all identifiers are
used consistently throughout a software product or “Existence @Glossary” that represents
the existence of a project glossary. The possibility to efficiently run the software is
described by “Efficiency @Execute”, whereby the factor “Consistency @Identifier” may
have an impact on it. The well-known phenomenon of code cloning is described by
“Redundancy @Source Code”, the existence of unnecessary use cases by
“Superfluousness @Use Case”. Other examples are “Completeness @Documentation”
and “Completeness @Test Case”.
Example 2: Two factors could be “Clarity @UI Element” and “Clarity @Button”. If the “Button” entity is
in a “is-a” relationship to the “UI Element” entity, the first factor is in a “decomposes”
relationship to the second one. The clarity of buttons is a special form of the clarity of UI
Rationale: The inheritance of entities and the following refinement of factors provide additional
means for the structuring of factors and thus enhance clarity. For example, the factor
“Clarity @UI Element” is once defined and can then be repeatedly applied to different
entities that are subtypes of UI elements, such as, for example, “Clarity @Button” or
“Clarity @Scroll Box”. More importantly, the inheritance allows a clean decomposition of
quality requirements. This can be illustrated by an example of the quality taxonomy from
[Boehm 1978]: “system complexity”. As “system complexity” appears too coarse-grained
to be assessed directly, it is desirable to further decompose this element. However, the
decomposition is difficult as the decomposition criterion is not clearly defined, i.e. it is not
clear what a sub element of system complexity is. A separation of the entity and the factor
as in “Complexity @System” allows a cleaner decomposition as entities themselves are
not valued and can be broken up in a straightforward manner, e.g. in “Complexity @SubSystem” or “Complexity @Class”.
Remarks: Factors generalize a number of concepts that are available in different specific quality
models. Even though these specific concepts are not explicitly modeled in the quality
metamodel, they can be expressed as factors. The following are examples for such
A factor can be of the type Product Factor. These factors are properties of the
software product that relate to parts of the software product, such as, “Conciseness
@Identifier” or “Correctness @Destructor”.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
A factor can be of the type Aspect. Aspects describe high-level factors that are
addressed by the quality model. An aspect can be decomposed into sub-aspects
resulting in the so-called aspect hierarchy. As a quality model might focus on different
orthogonal aspects, several aspect hierarchies are allowed and the metamodel does
not prescribe a specific one. Aspects can be related to different types of entities like
"Product" or "Activity".
o Product Quality Attributes define one way to decompose the abstract concept
software quality. These quality attributes, as given in [ISO 25010] (and the
predecessor [ISO 9126].), relate to the quality of the product without explicitly
considering its use. These quality attributes are colloquially called -illities,
because they contain, for example, reliability or maintainability. In the standard,
the top level attributes are refined by so-called quality characteristics.
o Quality in Use Attributes define a way to decompose the abstract concept
software quality. These quality attributes are defined in the ISO 25010 as
description of the quality in its various forms of usage. Examples are efficiency or
effectiveness. To be more precise, we add the activity that is characterised by the
attribute as entity to the factor. Activities like maintenance, program
comprehension, modification, or testing, which can be decomposed in their
respective sub-activities, provide a means to model software development cost
structures [Deissenboeck et al. 2007].
Rationale: Aspects make the view on quality explicit. As different views can be
relevant in different situations the proposed metamodel is not limited to a single
aspect hierarchy. This allows, e.g., expressing that the factor “Consistency
@Identifier” has an impact on maintainability and on the program comprehension
activity. While all these statements are obviously related, they address different views
of different stakeholders.
A factor can be of the type Classification Item. Classification items are used to group
related factors.
o Technical Issues as proposed by Siemens/JKU [Plösch et al. 2009] group
factors by a technical view. They can be further decomposed in suitable subitems. Examples are “Memory Issues” or “Procedural Issues”.
Rational: Classification items allow the grouping of factors by issues areas that are
well known to developers and architects.
A factor can be of the type Requirement. Following ISO 9126 [ISO9126],
requirements are requested properties of the product. As discussed in WP 2.2
(deliverable 12), we call each factor that is required, a quality requirement. A
requirement in the quality model defines constraints to sub-factors.
Example: An important quality requirement for software is “The code shall be easy to
understand”. This could be concretized in the quality model by requiring the factors
“Conciseness @Identifier” or “Consistency @Identifier".
Rationale: Quality requirements are the commonly used basis for specifying and
assessing the quality of software products. They are the concept that requirements
engineers and developers are familiar with.
A factor can be of the type Goal. Goals are high-level factors that represent the extent
a product addresses the needs of a stakeholder. Therefore, goals are root nodes in a
factor hierarchy. Furthermore, goals are always referring to a stakeholder by
specifying an entity. The factors contributing to a goal are connected to the goal by the
“Impact” relationship.
Example: The goal “Satisfaction @Development Organization” could be defined by
requiring a high value of the sub-factor “Efficiency @Maintenance”.
A factor can be of the type Stakeholder Satisfaction. On a high level of abstraction,
product quality contributes to the satisfaction of specific stakeholders. This can also
be modelled using the stakeholder as an entity. Rationale: This factor hierarchy allows
modelling software quality from the view of different stakeholders (for instance
"Efficiency @Interaction" or "Correctness @DebugCode").
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
+effect : {+/-}
Figure 7: Impact.
The “Impact” concept defines an influence of one factor to another factor that is assigned to a different
factor hierarchy. The effect of the influence can be either positive or negative. If the impact has a
positive effect, the degree of which the product possesses the target factor is increased if the product
possesses the source factor. In contrast, if the impact has a negative effect, the degree of which the
target factor is possessed by the product is decreased if the product possesses the source factor.
Please note that therefore a positive impact does not mean that the involved factors are required from
a quality perspective. For each impact, a detailed justification for the impact needs to be specified. It is
crucial to provide such a rationale, since this ensures that the model contains only relevant impacts.
Example: The impact “Redundancy @Source Code (–)Maintainability” describes that redundant
source code is hard to maintain.
Rationale: The “Impact” concept provides a means to relate factors from different refinement
hierarchies prior to specify quantitative evaluations. The resulting hierarchy provides
helpful information, e.g. it can be used to generate quality guidelines as it defines the
essential impacts.
* +name
Figure 8: Measure.
The “Measure” concept is used to measure factors and is input for the factor evaluation. A measure
defines measurement methods, that is, methods to determine a value for the measure using a certain
scale. An entity can be assigned to a measure in order to specify which parts of the product are
considered during the measurement. If a measure is refined by other measures than it is
recommended to introduce an aggregation to clarify how the refined measure is composed (see the
following chapter 3.1.5).
A special measure type is the NormalizationMeasure. These measures are intended to be used only
for normalizing other measures when evaluating a factor based on measures.
Identifier: The name of a measure in combination with the assigned entity (if so) has to be unique.
Example: Examples for measures are “Lines of Code (LOC)”, “Clone Coverage”, “Number of Use
Cases”, “Test Coverage”, or “Number of Architecture Violations”.
Rationale: To operationalize the quality model, the factors defined by the quality model need to be
measured. The metamodel element Measure serves the purpose of defining different
measures that can be reused for multiple factors.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Measurement Methods: Aggregations and Instruments
* (1)
tool 1
Figure 9: Aggregations and Instruments.
The result of a measure is determined by using two different measurement methods:
1. An Aggregation is used to aggregate values of other measures.
2. An Instrument is used to determine the value directly using an external tool or a manual
An aggregation describes how the values of other measures can be aggregated to determine a
derived value. The way of aggregating measures can be determined differently; basically with a textual
specification or with a restricted aggregation using predefined operations (FormBasedMeasureAggregation); see below for currently implemented extensions.
An Instrument describes how the measurement is technically performed. In case of automated
measures, the instrument describes the technical connection to a tool; in case of manual measures,
the instrument provides a description that explains how the measurement has to be conducted by a
person and possibly tells something about the effort.
While on definition level it is possible that various measurement methods determine a single measure,
only one method can be used when applying the quality model for measuring (this is expressed by
writing a second cardinality for this relation in brackets).
Example: The factor “Validity @Reference” describes that pointer accesses in a software product
only access valid memory. A measure for this factor could be “Number of invalid pointer
accesses”. To determine a value for this measure we aggregate the results of the
application of the PC-lint tool. PC-lint reports such facts with the error codes 413, 794, and
613. Therefore, each result of the particular instruments is assigned to a particular
measure, and these three measures are aggregated to determine the value of the
measure “Number of invalid pointer accesses”.
Rationale: At some point in the quality model, it is necessary to specify how to determine the values
for the measures. The “Aggregation” and the “Instrument” concept provide the means to
specify the determination of values.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Extensions for Aggregations in Detail
Figure 10: Aggregation in Detail.
This section shows some details for the aggregations that are basically explained above. These
additions are currently implemented for the quality model and can be extended if required.
The textual aggregation is extended by a specification with a particular syntax (QIESL) that allows a
set of mathematical expressions. With the predefined operations (FormBasedMeasureAggregation) it
is possible to make a union for measures that are of type FINDINGS or to calculate the mean for
measures that are of type NUMBER.
Example: The measure “Number of invalid pointer accesses” is determined by three measures of
the type FINDINGS that are provided by the tool PC-Lint (413, 794, and 613). These three
measures can be simple aggregated for the superior measure by using a FindingsUnionMeasureAggregation:
413 - Likely use of null pointer 'Symbol' in [left/right] argument
to operator 'String' Reference
613 Possible use of null pointer 'Symbol' in [left/right] argument
to operator 'String' Reference
794 - Conceivable use of null pointer 'Symbol' in [left/right]
argument to operator 'String’ Reference
FindingsUnionMeasureAggregation: Number of invalid pointer accesses
* (1)
{ uses.factor -> forAll(f | f.influences(evaluates.factor)
or f .refines(evalutes.factor)) }
Figure 11: Evaluation.
The “Evaluation” concept provides a mechanism to define how to evaluate a factor. The definition of
an evaluation is based on the measures associated to the factor, the sub-factors of the factor, or the
factors having an impact on the factor. The definition can be either informal or formal. Basically
provided types of evaluations are a manual evaluation, a textual specification or an evaluation with
predefined operations (FormBasedEvaluation); see below for currently implemented extensions.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
An evaluate() method should be implemented by each evaluation and return a result value between 0
and 1. This value will be interpreted for the evaluation by the defined scale; at the moment this scale
allows specifying a maximum score.
The quality model specifies one or more possible evaluations, whereby at the time when applying the
quality model for a concrete assessment a single evaluation for each factor must be chosen (this
cardinality is written in brackets).
There are three possible strategies for evaluating a factor:
1. Direct: The measures that are directly associated with the factor are used to evaluate it.
2. Sub-factors: The factors that are connected through a “refines” relationship are used.
3. Impacts: The factors that are connected through an “Impact” relationship are used.
Example 1: Supposing that scores are used as a scale for the evaluation of the factor “Redundancy
@Source Code”, the evaluation using the measure “Clone Coverage @Source Code”
could be defined as follows:
Clone Coverage @Source Code (Measure)
Measurement Scale
0 –
5 – 15
15 – 25
25 – 35
35 – 50
50 – 100
Redundancy @Source Code (Factor)
Evaluation Scale
Interpretation Scale
Please note that this is only an example and that the mapping from measure result to a
score will be typically done by using a (linear) function.
Example 2: The evaluation of the factor Maintainability is based on the evaluation results for a factor
that refines maintainability (e.g. Modification) and two factors that have an impact on
maintainability (Redundancy @Source Code and Completeness @Documentation). The
evaluation could be defined as weighted sum of the evaluation scores of these three
factors (in this example, the maximum points are 100 for each factor):
Influencing Factor
Redundancy @Source Code Maintainability
Completeness @Documentation Maintainability
Conformance @Architecture Modification
Weighted Sum:
Rationale: The measurement data described by the “Measure” concept needs to be evaluated to fully
operationalize the quality model. Many previous approaches to quality modeling and
measurement do not clearly distinguish between measurement and evaluation. It has
been found that this often leads to a questionable validity, as the approaches tend to
compare apples and oranges. Hence, the metamodel proposes a clear separation of the
two fundamentally different concepts.
Remarks: At the moment, the only implemented interpretation scale is a linear scale from 0 to
MaxPoints. Other scales (e.g. school grades) can be defined if needed.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Extensions for Evaluations in Detail
based on
* (1)
Figure 12: Evaluation in Detail.
This section shows some details for the evaluations that are basically explained above. These
additions are currently implemented for the quality model and can be extended if required.
The textual aggregation is extended by a specification with a particular syntax (QIESL) that allows a
set of mathematical expressions. With the predefined operations (FormBasedEvaluation) it is possible
to evaluate a factor based on a single measure with a linear function (increasing or decreasing), to
aggregate the evaluation results of several factors by assigning ranks or weights for the influencing
factors or to evaluate multiple measures with a linear function and aggregate them with different
weights for one factor. When using a linger function for a measure, there is the possibility to specify a
normalization measure or to define a range (e.g. on method or class level) to identify the ratio between
the affected code and the total source code.
Example 1: According to example 1 in the section before we evaluate “Redundancy @Source Code”
with the measure “Clone Coverage @Source Code”. Using a SingleMeasureEvaluation
we define a LinearDecreasingFunction with lowerBound=0 (%) and upperBound=100 (%).
For clone coverage of 15% we get the evaluation result 0.85 (which will be interpreted as
85 points if MaxPoints are 100). If we have no measure that detects clone coverage
directly, we could use a measure "Number of Cloned Lines" and use "Lines of Code" as
normalization measure for our evaluation.
Example 2: According to example 1 in the section before we evaluate the factor Maintainability by
three other factors with a WeighedSumFactorAggregation. The influence of these factors
is determined by their weights (0.5, 0.3, and 0.2) and results to 0.39 (i.e., 39 points if
MaxPoints is 100) if the evaluation results for the three factors are 0.2, 0.7, and 0.4.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Additional Information: Tag and Source
Figure 13: Tag and Source.
Tags allow assigning keywords to model elements. A tag has a unique name that should be short and
concise to express the idea underlying the tag. Optionally it is possible to add a description for a tag.
Tags can be used when applying the quality model for a project to flag the progress of some process
(e.g. the current assessment process) or to show some other unforeseen information.
Sources have a unique name and an optional description and give hints about the origins of the
particular model elements.
Example: Tags that are used to flag the progress of the process can be for instance "Evaluation in
work" or "Evaluation completed". Possible sources are for instance "ISO 25010" or "IEEE
Std 1219-1998".
Rationale: Tags can help to filter elements by any criteria. Sources can cite the origin of the particular
model element and reference to additional background information.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Application Level
Measurement and Evaluation Results
When measures and evaluations are applied to the software product, concepts are needed to store
their results. The following figure illustrates the results of measures and evaluations:
+lower: {0..1}
+upper: {0..1}
Figure 14: Measurement and Evaluation Results.
Measurement Result: A measurement result contains the result of a measurement performed on a
software product. The measurement is performed by using the corresponding measurement method
as defined on the definition level. If the measure uses an aggregation of other measures, then the
measurement result is based on the measurement results of the other measures and is obtained by
applying the specification of the aggregation. The type of the measurement result value depends on
the type of the measure and therefore on the instrument that performs the current measure (number or
findings, see chapter 3.2.2).
Example: The measure “Clone Coverage” determines the probability that a random code line is part
of a clone. When it is applied to the source code of the software product, the result is a
measurement result with the unit percentage, e.g. Clone Coverage = 0.2 (20%).
Rationale: The existence of this metamodel element is a direct consequence of the separation
between definition and application level.
Evaluation Result: An evaluation result contains the result of the evaluation of a factor. The
evaluation is performed as defined by the specification of the corresponding evaluation on the
definition level. An evaluation of a factor can be based on the measures associated to the factor as
well as on the evaluations of the factors which decompose the factor or which have an impact on the
factor. Likewise, the evaluation result is based on the measurement results collected for all the
required measures as well as on the evaluation results collected for all the required factors. The result
value of the evaluation has a range between 0 and 1 and can be interpreted by the evaluation's scale
(MaxPoints). The value is stored as an interval with a lower and an upper value to allow some
uncertainty because of incomplete data. Furthermore, there are currently additional evaluation results
implemented for the extended evaluations (details about the extended evaluations can be found in the
extension section of chapter 3.1.6 and details about the according evaluation results can be found
Example: Based on the measure “Clone Coverage“, we can evaluate the factor “Redundancy of
Source Code”. The specification of the evaluation distributes the percentages obtained
from the measure over maximum reachable points. For a “Clone Coverage” of 20%, the
evaluation result would be a for instance 0.7, i.e. 70 points on the interpretation scale (out
of 100 MaxPoints).
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Rationale: The existence of this metamodel element is required to store the evaluation result for a
factor - either based on measures or based on derived factors.
Extensions of Evaluation Results in Detail
{ Evaluation instanceof SingleMeasureEvaluation }
+lower: {0..1}
+upper: {0..1}
{ Evaluation instanceof MultiMeasureEvaluation }
Figure 15: Evaluation Result in Detail.
This section shows some details for the evaluations that are basically explained before. These
additions are currently implemented for the quality model and necessary for the extension of the
evaluation as shown in chapter 3.1.6. All result values are stored as intervals with a lower and an
upper value to allow some uncertainty because of incomplete data.
For a SingleMeasureEvaluation the result is stored as SingleMeasureEvaluationResult. The attribute
ratioAffected stores the ratio between affected code by this measure and the total source code. This
information is only available if there is a range specified at the corresponding measure evaluation.
For a MultiMeasureEvaluation the result is stored as MultiMeasureEvaluationResult. Each
intermediate result one measure is stored as MeasureRankingEvaluationResult and connected with
the particular MeasureRanking. Similar to the single measure result there is a ratioAffected attribute to
store the ratio between affected code and total source code.
Example: These elements store evaluation results for factors that are retrieved by evaluating
measures. According to the examples in chapter 3.1.6, we store the evaluation result of
0.85 for the measure "Clone Coverage @Source Code" as SingleMeasureEvaluationResult. As this measure has no range, the ratioAffected attribute is not set. The evaluation
result for Maintainability (0.39) is not stored, because it can be recalculated by using the
evaluation results of the three influencing factors whose evaluation results can be either
re-calculated, too, or are stored as results of measure evaluations.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Values of Measurement
The types of measurement results depend on the type of the measure. The following figure illustrates
the basic types which are needed for storing measurement results:
{ Measure.Type == NUMBER }
{ Measure.Type == FINDINGS }
Figure 16: Types of measurement results.
NumberMeasurementResult: The measured value is a number with any meaning, depending on the
description of the measure. The value is stored as an interval with a lower and an upper value to allow
some uncertainty because of incomplete data.
FindingsMeasurementResult: A finding represents the violation of a rule in the software product. For
the evaluation we are interested in the number of findings ("count") for one measure. At the moment
no additional information (e.g. location of a finding) is required.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Modularization Concept
Root Model
Dependent Model 1
Dependent Model 2
Dependent Model 3
Dependent Model 4
Figure 17: The modularization concept.
A quality model can be separated into modules (files). As you can see in Figure 17 the dependencies
between models are hierarchical, i.e., there is one root model and depending models can reference to
one or more superior models. Contrary, superior models do not reference to any subordinate
(depending) model. Depending model can, for instance, extend the root quality model by refining
factors with new specific factors, by measuring factors with new measures, by adding new evaluations
for factors or by introducing new instruments and tools for existing measures.
Every quality model can introduce new elements of all available types which can be used in the
current model. Some types can use elements of superior models (and vice-versa new elements can
be used again in depending models). The following references from a depending model to a superior
one are possible:
A new factor can refine a factor in a superior model.
A new factor can have an impact on a factor in a superior model.
A new evaluation can evaluate a factor in a superior model.
A new measure can measure a factor in a superior model.
A new measure can refine a measure in a superior model.
A new aggregation can be defined for a measure in a superior model.
A new instrument can be assigned to a measure in a superior model.
A reference from a dependent model to a superior model can overwrite the corresponding element
there, i.e., only the most specific element is used. For instance of there exists an evaluation for an
factor in the root model and a depending model provides an evaluation for the same factor, then the
original evaluation will be ignored and only the evaluation of the depending model is valid (as long as
the depending model is in use).
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Example Model: Cloning of Source Code
To demonstrate the usage of the metamodel, a small example model is presented. In this example, a
small model that defines quality in terms of cloning of source code is shown. Figure 18 illustrates the
example model as a diagram. Each rectangle of the diagram denotes an instance of a metamodel
concept (namely the concept mentioned after the colon). Each line in the diagram denotes a
relationship as defined by the metamodel (namely the relationship mentioned as label). The example
model for cloning of source code makes use of most concepts and relationships defined by the
Reading : Entity
Average Clone Length : Measure
Source Code : Entity
i1 : Impact
Efficiency @Reading : Factor
e2 : Evaluation
Redundancy @Source Code : Factor
Clone Coverage : Measure
e1 : Evaluation
i2 : Impact
Analyzability : Factor
e3 : Evaluation
mr1 : Measurement Result
er2 : Evaluation Result
er1 : Evaluation Result
mr2 : Measurement Result
er3 : Evaluation Result
Figure 18: Example model visualized as a diagram
As a starting point, we define the following model elements:
1. Comprehending existing code is an essential activity in software maintenance. To express this, we
use the factor “Efficiency @Reading”.
2. We know that code cloning has a negative impact on the reading activity and, hence, introduce an
impact with a negative effect on the factor.
3. Code cloning manifests itself in the source code. Therefore, we introduce the entity “Source
4. Code cloning is a special form of redundancy. We express this by defining a factor “Redundancy
@Source Code” that refers to the entity “Source Code”.
5. This factor is associated with the earlier defined impact to express that redundant source code
negatively affects the effectiveness of reading source code.
6. Next to the activities, our model should also include the so called “ilities”. In a bottom-up manner,
we consider which “ilities” are influenced by the factor “Redundancy @Source Code”. To express,
that code cloning negatively influences “Analyzability”, we introduce a second impact that
associates the factor with the “ility”.
For measuring and evaluating, we define the following quality model elements:
1. We plan to quantify the factor “Redundancy @Source Code” by means of two measures. The first
measure determines the average length of clones in lines of code. Therefore, we associate a new
measure called “Average Clone Length” to the factor. The second measure determines the
probability that a random code line is part of a clone. Therefore, we associate a new measure
called “Clone Coverage” to the factor.
2. Based on these measures, we can now define an evaluation for the factor. The higher the Clone
Coverage, the worse the verdict of the evaluation. A higher average length of code clones further
adulterates the evaluation. We create an evaluation for the factor, and refer to both measures
through the use relationship.
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
3. For the two remaining factors, we can now define an evaluation which has access to the factor
evaluations of all incoming impacts. There is only one impact on the factor “Efficiency @Reading”
that can be used to evaluate the factor. Consequently, the evaluation has to interpret the verdict
for the impact in terms of the activity. The procedure is similar for the factor “Analyzability”.
When we have defined the evaluation, we can execute it on a concrete software product, e.g., the
editor for quality models developed as part of Quamoco:
1. We evaluate the QM Editor by looking at its source code.
2. We apply the measures on the source code which results in measurement results. For example,
we measure an average clone length of 10, and clone coverage of 20%.
3. Based on the measurement results, we apply the factor evaluation which leads to an evaluation
result. This evaluation aggregates the corresponding measurement results into a grade as defined
by the evaluation. To determine the evaluation result we take both measurement results into
4. Based on the evaluation result “e1”, we apply the evaluation for the factors “Efficiency @Reading”
and “Analyzability” which results in further evaluation results.
Example Model: Accessibility of User Interfaces
The following small example demonstrates how to use the metamodel for modeling quality as
compliance to quality requirements. Accordingly, the example model defines quality in terms of the
accessibility of a user interface that is used by people with limited color vision. Using the same
notation as in Section 4, Figure 19 illustrates the model as a diagram.
Color independence @UI
Element : Factor
i1 : Impact
e3 : Evaluation
Using color and pattern :
Including a text cue whenever
color cues are used :
Ensuring that additional visual
cues are available when text
color differences are used to
convey information : Measure
Using a contrast ratio of 3:1
with surrounding text and
providing additional visual
cues on focus for links or
controls where color alone is
used to identify them:
Effectiveness @Perceive by
people with limited color
vision : Factor
Color independence @Nontext element : Factor
e1 : Evaluation
e4 : Evaluation
Color independence @Text
element : Factor
i2 : Impact
e2 : Evaluation
Satisfaction @People with
limited color vision : Factor
Figure 19: Accessibility example model visualized as a diagram
First we create the core elements of our quality model and define the following factors:
1. For this example, we assume that a high-level accessibility goal demands that the needs of people
with limited color vision are satisfied by the software product. We model this goal by the factor
“Satisfaction” that relates to the stakeholder “People with limited color vision”. (A stakeholder, in
this example, is modeled as an entity that feature an “is-a” relation to the “Stakeholder” entity.)
2. To fulfill the goal, the factor defines that several use cases need to be accomplishable in an
effective manner, as, for example, the use case “Perceive”. (To indicate the actor, the name of the
use case is amended by “people with limited color vision”.) For the precise definition of “effective
manner”, the factor “Effectiveness” that relates to the use case “Perceive by people with limited
color vision” is modeled. (A use case is modeled as an entity that feature an “is-a” relation to the
The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
“Use Case” entity.) The relationship between the use case-based factor and the stakeholderbased factor is captured by an impact that is defined from the first to the latter. The impact is a
positive one, since the more effectively the software product can be perceived by people with
limited color vision, the more satisfied they are with the product.
3. A software product is effectively perceived by people with limited color vision, if the user interface
is independent of colors. For the precise definition of color independence, the factor “Color
independence” that relates to the entity “UI Element” is modeled. (To indicate that an “UI Element”
is a part of the product, it is linked to the entity “Product Part” with an “is-a” relation.) The
relationship between the product-based factor and the use case-based factor is captured by an
impact that is defined from the first to the latter. The impact is again a positive one, since the more
color independent a UI element is, the more effectively the software product can be perceived by
people with limited color vision.
4. We refine the factor “Color independence @UI Element” by looking at specializations of UI
elements. For example, an element of the UI can be either a non-text element or a text element.
This knowledge is modeled by two entities that feature an “is-a” relationship to the “UI Element”
entity. Consequently, we create the refined factors “Color independence @Non-text element” and
“Color independence @Text element”.
Then we extend the model by the ability to measure and evaluate it by defining the following elements:
1. The factors “Color independence @Non-text element” and “Color independence @Text element”
are sufficiently concrete. Hence, we determine them directly by measures. To measure the factor
“Color independence @Non-text element”, we define the measure “Using color and pattern”. This
manual measure requires a reviewer to check whether non-text elements that encode information
in colors provide appropriate patterns to display this information without colors. In the same way,
we can also define measures for the other factor “Color independence @Text element”.
2. Based on the measures, the factor “Color independence @Non-text element” can now be
evaluated. Therefore, we define an evaluation for the factor that returns findings for non-text
elements that are not color independent. For the factor “Color independence @Text element”, a
similar evaluation can be defined based on its measures.
3. Based on these evaluations, we can define an evaluation of the factor “Color independence @UI
Element”. This evaluation unites the findings produced by the evaluations and sets them in
relation to all UI elements to obtain a grade. The percentage of non-conforming UI elements is
linearly distributed over school grades.
4. Based on the evaluation of the product-based factor, we can define an evaluation for the use
case-based factor “Effectiveness @Perceive by people with limited color vision”. Since there might
be also other factors influencing or refining this factor, we specify the evaluation as a median over
all the grades that are returned by their evaluations.
5. In the same way, we could also define an evaluation for the stakeholder-based factor “Satisfaction
@People with limited color vision”.
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The Quamoco Quality Meta-Model
Simplified Meta Model as UML Class Diagram
Quality Model
+effect : {+/-}
+degree of influence
Measurement Result
Evaluation Result
* +value