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Animal Welfare, 2014
The adaptability of horses and donkeys to different types of activity has seen the European equine industry become an important economic sector, giving rise to increasing concern regarding equine welfare. As part of the AWIN (Animal Welfare Indicators) project, this review focuses on scientific literature to find potential animal-based welfare indicators -the initial step in developing a valid, reliable and feasible on-farm welfare assessment protocol for equines. Forty-nine indicators were considered and classified in accordance with the four Principles and twelve Criteria developed by Welfare Quality®. Only practical indicators specifically for on-farm use were included, those requiring the use of specific instruments or laboratory analysis were excluded. Academic scientists, partners and collaborators of the AWIN project, discussed and agreed on validity, reliability,
The consumption of pharmaceuticals for human and veterinary uses shows an upward trend, as well as their release into the environment. Pharmaceuticals are found in discharges after wastewater treatment, in surface waters, soil and tap water. Although these concentrations are generally low, there is a growing concern about the possible long-term effects on humans and aquatic organisms due to a prolonged exposure to these compounds. The treatment of such water is very specific and complex, and regularly requires a combination of different treatment methods to render such water harmless and fulfil the legislative criteria for discharges into the environment. The paper lists the sources and potential adverse effects of pharmaceuticals on the environment and includes data about the composition of wastewater generated in the production of pharmaceuticals in the process of chemical synthesis, with indications of exact phases in the process when they are generated. An overview of convention...
Bulletin KNOB
The Belgian architect Victor Horta (1861-1947) spent most of the First World War in the United States. Over the course of three years, from December 1915 to January 1919, he explored how the American skyscrapers, standardized dwellings and ingenious urban planning might serve as a model for a modern, post-war Belgium. Yet Horta’s memoirs had very little to say about his discussion of American architecture or any influence his travels might have had on his post-war work. This article consequently breaks new ground in examining the various talks on the subject that Horta gave in the 1920s. Horta’s lectures actually provide a good picture of how he started to see American architecture as a model for the future. In American architectural practice, serial production, standardization and economies of scale facilitated a simplification of the design – a solution Horta also proposed for war-torn Belgium. By way of illustration, the article describes the affinity between Horta’s more classic...
Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, CEN; Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador, 2014
Koncepcja publicznych praw podmiotowych opracowanych przez Tadeusza Bigę jest fundamentem pojmowania tego zjawiska w polskich naukach prawnych. Autor wyróżniał dwa rodzaje publicznych praw podmiotowych, klasyfikowanych z uwagi na ich skuteczność. Pierwsza to publiczne prawa podmiotowe w ścisłym znaczeniu, gdy jednostka może żądać ściśle określonego świadczenia od władzy. W drugim przypadku jednostka posiada jedynie "interes prawnie chroniony", a nie prawo podmiotowe w ścisłym znaczeniu, gdyż może jedynie żądać, aby zajęto się jego sprawą, nie posiada jednak bezwzględnego roszczenia o pewne ściśle określone świadczenia.
Acento y longitud vocalica en el tepehuano del sureste , 2015
En este trabajo se examina la relación entre acento y duración vocálica en el tepehuano del sureste de Santa María de Ocotán, Mezquital, Dgo.
By sequencing 727 ancient individuals from the Southern Arc (Anatolia and its neighbors in Southeastern Europe and West Asia) over 10,000 years, we contextualize its Chalcolithic period and Bronze Age (about 5000 to 1000 BCE), when extensive gene flow entangled it with the Eurasian steppe. Two streams of migration transmitted Caucasus and Anatolian/Levantine ancestry northward, and the Yamnaya pastoralists, formed on the steppe, then spread southward into the Balkans and across the Caucasus into Armenia, where they left numerous patrilineal descendants. Anatolia was transformed by intra–West Asian gene flow, with negligible impact of the later Yamnaya migrations. This contrasts with all other regions where Indo-European languages were spoken, suggesting that the homeland of the Indo-Anatolian language family was in West Asia, with only secondary dispersals of non-Anatolian Indo-Europeans from the steppe.
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Новите свети мъченици: Култът към светците, блажените и мъчениците на кръстоносното движение от XI-XIII в. - В: QUOD DEUS VULT. Сборник в чест на проф. дин Красимира Гагова, Мediaevalia, 2013, с. 227-255., 2013
Nature Physics, 2018
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 2013
Revista Internacional de Acupuntura, 2014
Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana, 2013
J. Mª. González Muñoz, en J. A. Chavarría Vargas y J. A. López Sáez (eds.), Lanzahíta (Ávila). Historia, naturaleza y tradiciones, SEVAT, Madrid, 2004, pp. 61-74, 2004
Life Sciences, 2005
Scientific Reports
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 2016
Venezia Arti, 2024
Medieval Art, Modern Politics, 2025
Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2016
Parasites & Vectors, 2014
Austral: Brazilian Journal of Strategy and International Relations, 2020