Asian J Agric & Biol. 2023(1).
DOI: 10.35495/ajab.2021.426
Review Article
Breeding wheat for leaf rust resistance: past, present and future
Muhammad Ijaz1, Amir Afzal1, Ghulam Shabbir2, Javed Iqbal1, Muhammad Rafique1
Barani Agricultural Research Institute, Chakwal, Pakistan
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan
December 13, 2021
June 06, 2022
Published Online:
August 15, 2022
Leaf rust of wheat caused by (Puccinia triticina Eriks) proliferate under optimum
weather conditions and causes severe damage. Diseases appeared in form of epidemics
pose a real threat to food security rising the cost of food production. Breeding for
development of resistant varieties against disease has advantages for ecological and
monetary reasons, predominantly for peasants in the developing world. Sufficient
research work has been conducted regarding pathogen host interaction mechanism. Two
mechanisms of resistance are acquainted very well. Complete resistance function from
seedling to adult growth stages whereas partial resistance becomes effective at the prebooting stage and is more durable. Eighty leaf rust-resistant genes have been
documented. Among these leaf rust-resistant genes Lr12, Lr13, Lr22a, Lr34, Lr35,
Lr37, Lr46, Lr48, Lr49, Lr67, Lr68, Lr74, Lr75, Lr77, and Lr78 are adult plant resistant
(APR) genes. Fear of genetic erosion is also well known. It means cultivars grown on a
wide range with narrow genetic backgrounds and this situation is undesired as it may
invite an epidemic. It has been experienced repeatedly in past decades. Wide genetic
diversity in parents can promise to achieve maximum output from the breeding
programmes. Sources of resistance other than Triticum aestivum are rich in diversity
and consequently have been addressed adequately. Usage of relatives of wheat plant as
a source of novel genes belonging to genera Triticum, Aegilops, Thinopyrum and Secale
has generated more desired output. Molecular markers are being applied to explore
diversity in pathogen as well as in host effectively although conventional approaches
are being used as well. Status of research work carried in Pakistan has also been
discussed in abridged form. This review has been conducted with an objective to
summarize research work academic as well as applied, carried to develop strategies to
incorporate genetic resistance in wheat against leaf rust.
Keywords: Leaf rust, Brown rust, Puccinia triticina Eriks. (Pt), Disease resistance,
Molecular markers, Genetic erosion
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Ijaz M, Afzal A, Shabbir G, Iqbal J and Rafique M. Breeding wheat for leaf rust
resistance: past, present and future. Asian J. Agric. Biol. 2023(1). 2021426 DOI:
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Asian J Agric & Biol. 2023(1).
Muhammad Ijaz et al.
Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) is one
of the chief staple foods along with rice, and maize,
fulfill more than 50% the calories demand of the world
population (Afzal et al., 2020). Wheat occupies status
of king crop in terms of acreage under cultivation,
tonnage produced and quantity traded (Enghiad et al.,
2017). Production of wheat crop has increased vastly
worldwide and facilitated in curtailing malnutrition
with the deployment of semi dwarf varieties advanced
since 1960’s (Khan et al., 2013). There is about 123%
increase in population from 1960 to 2009 in spite of a
substantial increase in global population, per capita
agricultural production has still overtaken population
growth and there is 29% more food is available that
was in 1960 (The Royal Society, 2009). Despite the
brilliant achievements we have to escalate wheat
production to nourish the continually-increasing
The target can be accomplished by evolving high
yielding and rust resistant varieties. The inadequate
genetic diversity might cause susceptibility to several
biotic and abiotic stresses. Instinctive genetic diversity
for related breeding characters including resistance for
diseases is an important source that assist breeders to
determine and incorporate useful variability that may
be valuable for combating against these problems
(Sansaloni et al., 2020). Continuous emergence of
highly virulent pathogens causing rusts, bunts, smuts,
blight, spot blotch, anthracnose, leaf blight,
tan spot of wheat, and powdery mildew making worse
pressure on food security (Afzal et al., 2021). Change
in climate led to development of novel plant
pathogenic strains which might lead to serious
epidemics in near future (Santini and Ghelardini,
Three wheat rust diseases (Leaf rust, Stem Rust &
Stripe Rust) are major biotic constrictions to sustain
production of wheat worldwide continue to threaten
food security for thirty hundred years (Afzal et al.,
2018; Khan et al., 2013). Rusts in wheat are successful
plant pathogens being highly fertile and having
capacity to travel long distances (Afzal et al., 2021).
Wheat cultivation is mostly hit by rusts and substantial
damage occurs in short period of time than any other
disease. Severe yield losses have been recorded in
numerous regions caused by cereal rusts (Chen et al.,
2014; Wellings, 2011; Kolmer et al., 2009). Various
species of Puccinia are characterized in terms of
different life cycles. Rust fungi have a specific
Asian J Agric & Biol. 2023(1).
characteristic of creating novel strains frequently.
Dissimilar response of cultivars to rust as recorded in
previous year indicates incidence of novel strain.
Wheat production is constrained significantly almost
everyplace wheat is grown, by one or more of the rusts
in wheat (Hovmøller et al., 2010). Wheat experts are
challenged by the development of novel strains of rust
pathogens throughout the world (Figlan et al., 2020).
Human population is increasing geometrically,
whereas, food production is increasing arithmetically,
there-by the gap between demand and production is
widening. Across the world, yields gain in major
staple crops are not stagnated. The choices are:
increase area under crop cultivation, increasing the
productivity or mitigate the losses, even though the
first two are also of its prime importance later
possibility is sustainable and achievable, the task of
provision of nourishment a growing population
appraised to around nine hundred million by mid of
current century to meet the projected demands 100%
increase in wheat production (Röös et al., 2017).
Leaf Rust
Leaf or brown rust caused by Puccinia
triticina Eriks.(Pt) (Anikster et al., 1997), is the most
geographically dispersed rust of wheat (Huerta-Espino
et al., 2011). Characteristic symptoms of leaf rust
are dusty, reddish-orange to reddish-brown fruiting
bodies that seem on the surface of leaf. Numerous
spores are produced in these lesions, which can cover
nearly the complete upper portion of leaf surface.
Colour and shape of pustules distinguish leaf rust and
Stripe rust (Figure 1). Importance of leaf rust has
augmented extremely during the preceding decade,
because of the incidence of more lethal strains
of pathogen P. triticina (Pt) and the collapse of the
resistant genes that had been deployed broadly created
a situation hazardous to worldwide wheat production.
The pathogen prevails dominantly in regions with mild
temperatures and humid circumstances (HuertaEspino et al., 2011).
Rust surveillance reports
demonstrate that leaf rust incidence is more common
in practically all zones under wheat cultivation than
stripe rust or stem rusts of wheat (Bolton et al., 2008;
Huerta- Espino et al., 2011). Worldwide leaf rust is the
most important problem in Asia (central, south and
southeast), North and south America, Europe, New
Zealand, Australia, and North Africa (Carver, 2009).
Based upon the spread of uredospores by wind
currents during each cropping season, Huerta-Espino
clustered wheat region of the globe in to diverse
Muhammad Ijaz et al.
epidemiological areas including: Australia–New
Zealand, South America, Western Europe, the Far East,
Southeast Asia, Northern Africa, Southern Africa,
Eastern Europe, Egypt, West Asia, South Asia, the
USA, Canada and Mexico (Huerta-Espino et al., 2011).
This disease is anticipated to impair crop production
hereafter even more, because of forthcoming alteration
in environment (Jiang et al., 2018).
Figure-1: Infection of leaf and stripe rust on same
leaf. a- Leaf rust has orange brown pustules
randomly distributed on the leaf. b-Yellow streaks
followed by long yellow elongated uredial pustules
arranged in rows are of stripe rust.
Alteration in nomenclature of casual organism of
leaf rust
Nomenclature of the leaf rust experienced many
changes. Several taxonomist contributed their efforts
to describe the true position in taxonomic order of the
causal agent of the leaf rust in various eras (de
Candolle, 1815; Winter,1884; Eriksson, 1899;
Cummins and Caldwell, 1956; Wilson and Henderson,
1966; Anikster et al., 1997). It was proposed as P.
recondita (Cummins and Caldwell, 1956) and was
accepted internationally by scientific community.
Savile (1984) and Anikster et al. (1997) recommended
P. triticina in view of the results of current genetic and
morphological research. Anikster et al. (1997) placed
leaf rusts in different species based on their different
alternate hosts Triticum speciosissimum and Anchusa
spp. This categorization of fungi causing leaf rusts is
based on sexual incompatibility (Anikster et al.,
1997). The causal organism of wheat leaf rust is
recognized a dissimilar species from leaf rusts
infecting rye and other families of wheat based on
erotic incompatibility. Reports of phylogenetic
ribosomal DNA sequence investigating (Zambino and
Szabo, 1993), size, shape, and structure of the spore
(Savile, 1984) and morphology of infection structure
(Swertz, 1994) also support that microorganism
causing leaf rust in wheat is unique from leaf rusts
infecting other species. Leaf rust of T. aestivum L. i.e.,
bread wheat or T. turgidum L. var. durum or pasta
Asian J Agric & Biol. 2023(1).
wheat is now nominated as Puccinia triticina Eriks.
Economic significance of leaf rust
Among three wheat rusts leaf rust prevails the utmost
threatening food security worldwide (Hovmøller et al.,
2010). This is typically less damaging than those from
other two rusts (Stem & Stripe rust), but hurts the crop
more severely due to its frequent recurrence (Thabet
and Khadiga Najeeb, 2017). P. triticina, mostly infects
the leaf blades, though it attacks glume and the leaf
sheath too. Therefore, disturbs the photosynthesis
directly which leads to reduction of photosynthates
needed for healthy growth, development, and
Appearance of disease at earlier stages may damage
production more severely (Singh et al., 2002). A study
conducted recently revealed 60–70% disease severity
on the flag leaf (leaf below the inflorescence) at
heading stage may reduce yield above 30%, however
the equivalent infection at the milky stage may
damage crop produce slight as a 7% (Hunger and
Edwards, 2019). Several epidemics of the disease have
been documented in history causing severe damage.
Leaf rust prevails in the Yellow-Huai-Hai River
regions in China (Kang et al., 2010). In Pakistan, the
crop suffered an assessed general injury of 86 million
US $ during the year 1978 (Hussain et al.,1980). A
research work explored that USA suffered >50%
cereal yield decline during the rust epidemic years
from 1918 to 1976 (Roelfs, 1978). According to
Mikhailova et al., 2009 in different wheat growing
regions up to six leaf rust epidemics occur in every
decade in Russia. In South Africa, 21-million-hectare
under wheat farming is disposed to leaf rust related
losses to approximately 30% each year. Over 90% of
the wheat zone in Central Asia is disposed to leaf rust
(Singh et al., 2004). Huerta-Espino et al., 2011 reported
leaf rust has potential to damage crop produce valued
up to 197 million Australian dollars annually in
Australia, the deployment of resistant varieties curtailed
damage to about 12 million Australian dollars. In Egypt
Abdel-Hak et al., 1980 reported leaf rust depressed
yield up to 50%. Depression in yield caused by rusts in
wheat were assessed by conventional means up to 2%
or more than one million ton annually in North America
during 1960s (Wiese, 1977).
Leaf rust management through breeding
Growing rust resistant cultivars in farmer field is the
most practical method of disease management (Figlan
et al., 2020). Application of fungicides at proper stage
Muhammad Ijaz et al.
is recommended in many regions to control rusts in
wheat (Afzal et al., 2020; Rees and Platz,
1975). Combination of resistance against rusts have
been a major goal in wheat breeding as growing rust
resistant cultivars in farmer field has been considered
the profitable technique of disease management. The
conservation and allocation of leaf rust resistance
genes into locally adapted varieties has been a
foremost objective of programs of wheat improvement
through breeding worldwide. Genetic basis of
resistance has been addressed sufficiently; data
generated is applied effectively in plant disease
management through breeding.
Rowland Harry Biffen pronounced the hereditary base
of resistance to stripe rust in the beginning of 1900s.
Developing disease resistant genotypes is a
complicated process. Cultivation of disease resistant
varieties not only enhances crop production but
ensures stabilized productivity. Growing disease
resistant plants assures sustainable agriculture (Biffen,
1905). Subsequently, the detection of genomic
diversity for rust resistance in wheat has been
continuing element of breeding programs but requires
substantial financial investment. To characterize
genetic diversity, plants are screened at seedling and
then near maturity phases. Test material is generally
inoculated artificially and spreader rows (highly
susceptible genotypes) are cultivated among test
entries. Test entries which show resistant response,
can be exploited as parents in the breeding for crop
improvement. Frequently several circles of selection
are essential to recover biotic and abiotic characters
beforehand an upgraded variety is released for general
cultivation in the field. Nearly one century before, two
wheat cultivars Malakof and Webster investigated to
observe their response against leaf rust (McIntosh et
al., 1995). These two genotypes with genes nominated
Lr1 and Lr2 having resistance against the leaf rust
(Ausemus et al., 1946).
Wheat breeding for rust resistance is not only
advantageous for wheat growers, but have fiscal
reimbursements to wheat improvement programs. One
hundred eighty-seven rust resistance genes (58 Stem
rust, 80 Leaf rust, 49 Yellow rust) have been
catalogued (McIntosh et al., 2017). Among these some
genes were found either repeated or terminated, thus
were detached enlisted as Lr4, Lr5, Lr6, Lr7, Lr8,
and Lr40, Lr41, Lr43 (McIntosh et al., 2013).
Genetic Erosion
The scientific community highlighted a fear
Asian J Agric & Biol. 2023(1).
concerning “Genetic Erosion” approximately half a
century ago. This term was used first by Harlan
(1972) to define the possibly alarming narrowing of
the germplasm base of the developed food crops.
Langridge et al., 2001 attributed domestication,
frequent practice of improved germplasm, lack of
extensive genetic recombination as the factors
responsible for shriveled genetic diversity of main
crops together with bread wheat. This situation is
unwanted agronomically as well as from plant
pathological point of view. In Pakistan
approximately 70% of the area was cultivated with
variety “Inqilab-91” and “PBW343” was mainly
cultivated in India. Those both carried the similar
genetic resistance gene (Yr27) that resulted in
epidemic in recent past. The risk of the immensely
infectious novel race of stem rust Ug99 to genetically
similar genotype derived from IB. IR translocation
cultivated on extensive zone is a serious threat (Afzal
et al., 2015; 2021). The Veery derivatives derived
from1B.1R translocation were grown widely in
various regions because of their preferred agronomic
characteristic and resistance against disease. This
gene bank exhibited substantial advantage in terms of
grain yield and widespread adaptation with more
disease resistance traits. The higher yielding ability
of these genotypes is attributed to post anthesis stress
tolerance of this germplasm resulting in high grain
weight (Moreno-Sevilla et al., 1995). At one phase
the incidence of 1B.1R translocation reached around
70% in spring wheat germplasm evolved in
CIMMYT (Singh et al., 2006). This translocation,
carries genes Yr9, Sr31, Lr26, & Pm8 conferred
resistance against three rusts and powdery mildew
(Purnhauser et al., 2010). The 1B.1R translocation
became widespread in wheat cultivars released in
Indo-Pakistan, China, USA, and several other
countries. Due to the high frequency of 1B.1R
translocation wheat lines in the international
cultivation sphere, Lr26 based cultivars dominated
within our germplasm during the mid-1980s and later
(Khan et al., 2002). The wide spread global
popularity of the germplasm with 1B-1R
translocation created monoculture situation and
when used initially it provided resistance to stem
rust, leaf rust and yellow rust but with the
development of new virulent races, these genes are
ineffective now (Singh et al., 2006). Several
important resistant genes, lost their effectiveness
with the emergence of novel races. Genetic erosion
in host plays key role to obligate pathogen to evolve
Muhammad Ijaz et al.
novel strains. Consequently, genetic diversity
occupies the status of pivot in plant breeding. An
effective disease management strategy is defined as
based on broad genetic support (Rahmatov, 2016).
Types of resistance
Two different mechanisms exist that control
inheritance of disease resistance in plants (Afzal et al.,
2021). Monogenic inheritance is determined by a
single gene which is transferred from parents to
descendants. In the same locus two alleles of this gene
are located. This inheritance pattern characterizes
sporadic variations in traits and is also termed
as qualitative
inheritance where a trait is determined by two or more
genes. These two genes can be located in two or
more loci. This pattern of inheritance is termed
as quantitative inheritance and demonstrate a
continuous variation of a specific trait. This pattern of
inheritance does not follow Mendel Principles of
inheritance, and hence is called as non-mendelian
Resistance conferred by genes that are distinguished at
the seedling growth stage and continue functioning
throughout the plant life, thus known as ‘all-stage
resistance’ also called as R resistance (Singh et al.,
2016). R resistance is monogenic (Cloutier et al.,
2007) and results in a hypersensitive response (HR)
(Mondal et al., 2016), leading to generating novel
strains virulent against the genes which were resistant
before. That is why it is not unusual that a resistant
genotype based on R type resistance causes the
discarding of new variety after a very short time of
their releases (Niks et al., 2015). Quantitative
resistance is categorized by reduced speed of disease
development (Slow rusting) by increasing latent
period and does not follow genetic interaction with the
pathogen as in case of complete resistance. Plant
breeders depend on both types of resistance to develop
disease resistant genotypes through breeding.
Working with monogenic resistances is easy but often
not durable. Thus, quantitative resistance is favored.
Elongated latent period, low susceptibility, small size
of uredia, lessen interval and number of spore
production are the factors that cause reduced disease
development under field conditions (Sareen et al.,
2012; Wilcoxson, 1981; Navi et al., 1989). The
phenomenon of slow rusting is to live and let live, a
Asian J Agric & Biol. 2023(1).
situation in pathogen and host that ensures long lasting
resistance (Sareen et al., 2012).
Adult plant resistance also known as APR is effective
typically in adult plants, and resistance conferred by
such genes is fractional, contrary to most R genes. In
general APR genes but not all confer resistance to all
strains of a rust pathogen species and a subclass of
these confer resistance to numerous pathogen species
belonging to Mycota. Quite a lot of genes resistant
against leaf rust are classified, and slow rusting APR
genes have been postulated in high yielding varieties
(Huerta-Espino et al., 2011). The genetics of APR to
leaf rust in bread wheat line PI 250413 collected
initially from Pakistan was inured b x a single
recessive gene. This b x a recessive gene not known
previous studies inherited independently of LrI2, Lr13
and Lr22, three known APR genes (Dyck and
Samborski, 1979). Ellis et al., 2014 described three
genes Lr34/Yr18/Pm38, Lr46/Yr29/Pm39 and
Lr67/Yr46 categorized as slow rusters. Appearance of
leaf tip necrosis (LTN) phenotype is linked with these
three APR genes (Hiebert et al., 2010). These genes
are dominant in CIMMYT release germplasm lines
singly or in combination with other minor gene
(Hiebert et al., 2010; Herrera-Foessel et al., 2011).
Area under disease progress curve (Das, 1990) is used
to identify slow ruster and fast ruster (Madden et al.,
Sources of genes resistant against leaf rust
Gene symbols for wheat have been designated in the
catalogue. Eighty leaf rust resistant genes (Lr1 to
Lr80) have been designated besides numerous
undesignated genes and are used in wheat breeding.
Most leaf rust resistance genes are race specific
demonstrated by a hypersensitive response (HR) of
sudden cell death that happens at the border between
fungal haustoria and host cells in the epidermal and
mesophyll coatings. Different genes treat typical
phenotypes (Figure 2). For example, the response of
wheat genotypes with Lr3 is branded by clearly
defined hypersensitive flecks while genotypes
with Lr2a
flecks. Lr3ka, Lr3bg and Lr11 are displayed by small
uredinia encircled by chlorosis, and genotypes
with Lr16 have trivial uredinia surrounded by
Muhammad Ijaz et al.
Sr. No. IT*
Host Response
No uredia or other macroscopic sign of infection
Nearly immune
No uredia, but hypersensitive necrotic or chlorotic flecks
Very resistant
Small uredia surrounded by necrosis
Moderately resistant
Small to medium uredia surrounded by chlorosis or necrosis
Moderately susceptible
Medium-sized uredia that may be associated with chlorosis
Very susceptible
Large uredia without chlorosis or necrosis
*Infection type
Figure-2. Infection types of wheat leaf rust used in disease assessment at seedling stage adopted by Johnston and
Browder (1966).
Race-specific Lr genes are effective in seedling plants
and remain effective in the adult plant stage (Bolton et
al., 2008). Approximately 44% are derived from wild
ancestor and non-progenitor species, whereas
remaining are derived from Triticum aestivum. Most
of genes among these wild relatives of wheat,
particularly the tertiary gene pool, hold a huge
diversity of disease resistance (R) genes (McIntosh et
al., 2017; Qureshi et al., 2018). Lr1, Lr3, Lr10 and
Lr20 have been used in breeding often and distributed
usually in wheat varieties globally (Dakouri et al.,
2013). Genes with their resources other than common
wheat are enlisted in the Table 1. New sources of
resistant genes are indispensable to ensure sustainable
wheat production against unceasingly and fast
developing novel races of rust pathogens (Boshoff et
al., 2018).
However, the resistance conditioned by some genes, is
best expressed in adult plants. In wheat genotypes that
have combinations of resistance genes, the gene with
greatest resistant infection type is epistatic to genes
with less resistant infection types. Another
distinguishing feature of adult plant resistance genes is
production of extended diversified proteins than
proteins produced by R genes. Lr12, Lr13, Lr22a,
Lr34, Lr35, Lr37, Lr46, Lr48, Lr49, Lr67, Lr68, Lr74,
Asian J Agric & Biol. 2023(1).
Lr75, Lr77, and Lr78 are genes which become
effective at adult stage (Singh et al., 1998; Suenaga et
al., 2003; Hiebert et al., 2010; Herrera-Foessel et al.,
2011; Herrera-Foessel et al., 2012; Singla et al., 2017;
Kolmer et al., 2018a; Kolmer et al., 2018b). All APR
genes are not durable eternally. A priority of breeding
work is to improve the resistance to rust by describing
more genes in wheat that confer resistance at adult
stage and to comprehend how this works and how
these interrelate when several R and APR genes are
loaded into a single genotype (Ellis et al., 2014).
Conventional breeding
Conventional breeding programs depend on the
screening of selected germplasm for making crosses
with most required characters like disease resistance,
terminal heat resistance, early maturity with high
yield. Individual plants are screened as seedlings
under glasshouse or in the field as adults to determine
genetic variation for resistance against leaf rust.
Especially, multilocational trials are conducted with
an objective to assess the resistance at the adult stage
to know durable resistance genes. The known sources
of resistance are added in susceptible cultivars with
desirable agronomic features. Frequently several
cycles of crossing and screening are carried to improve
Muhammad Ijaz et al.
various abiotic and biotic characters before a genotype
is released for commercial cultivation.
Borlaug began shuttle breeding (Borlaug, 1968).
Procedure involves cultivating wheat germplasm at
two dissimilar sites having different geographical and
ecological presentation. Shuttle breeding approach
accelerates the breeding program, as two consecutive
generations are grown per year (Forster et al., 2014).
This approach enabled selection for durable disease
resistance, photoperiod insensitivity and wide
adaptation result improvement in productivity of
breeding (Ortiz-Ferrara et al., 2007). Phenotypic data
in the field is recorded to detect the desired genotypes
(Velu and Singh, 2013). Still, complications related
with phenotyping under field conditions comprised of
reliance on meteorological conditions, the prevalence
of undesirable pathotypes, is time and labor intensive.
Virulence in pathogen is developed in short duration
so emphasizing speed breeding (Govindaraj et al.,
2015). Despite, national wheat improvement
programs are using this technique in many countries
Table-1. Sources of Leaf Rust Resistant Genes
(Other than Triticum aestivum) (McIntosh et al.,
2017; Chhuneja et al., 2015)
Sr. No.
Lr21, Lr22a, Lr32,
Aegilops. Tauschii
Lr39/Lr41, Lr40, Lr42, Lr43
Lr28, Lr35, Lr36, Lr47,
Ae. Speltoides
Lr51, Lr66
Triticum monococcum
T. dicoccoides
Lr53, Lr64
T. timopheevi
Lr18, Lr50
Ae. Ventricose
Ae. Umbellulate
Lr9, Lr76
Tinopyrum ponticum
Lr19, Lr24, Lr29
Secale cereale
Lr25, Lr26
T. intermedium
Ae. Kotschyi
Elymus trachycaulis
Ae. Sharonensis
Ae. Geniculate
Ae. Triuncialis
Ae. Peregrina
Ae. Neglecta
Application of new techniques in wheat
Plant breeding with developed tools seems to play a
principal role for the probable future. Application of
molecular genetics in wheat is not easy. The
hexaploidy besides the low level of polymorphism
between elite varieties the crop provides substantial
challenges for those trying to develop molecular
Asian J Agric & Biol. 2023(1).
markers and to usage in genomic studies. New studies
are in progress to analyze the genetic base of various
traits in wheat with the evolution of Amplified
polymorphism (AFLP)
microsatellite marker systems. With intention of
developing varieties having good degree of defense
under disease pressure, numerous combinations of
‘slow rusting” genes are prerequisite. Availability of
molecular markers facilitates the process of gene
pyramiding (Chukwu et al., 2019). Race specific genes
originated from wild relatives are frequently allied to
genes conferring unwanted characters. Breaking this
link and implement R genes into breeding programs is
not easy but requires expertise. Complications linked
with genomic characterization of unfamiliar genes
comprise little physical resolution of cytogenetic
methods (Lukaszewski et al., 2005) and restricted
potential of simple sequence repeats (SSR), short
tandem repeats (STR), and simple sequence length
polymorphisms (SSLP) shifting to the tertiary gene
pool also known as gene pool three (GP3) (Mullan et
al., 2005). These issues constrained the utilization of
these valuable sources for development of wheat. An
extensively debated genetic engineering technique,
though not used widely, is host induced gene silencing
(HIGS) of important genes in the pathogen. This line
of work comprises articulating small interfering RNAs
in the host that may be transferred to the pathogen and
induce silencing of genes imperative for pathogen
virulence (Nunes and Dean, 2012 ).
However, the progress in genomic tactics and the
availability of numerous genome sequences has
permitted the quick access to genes in wild species.
This has qualified the advance of gene-specific
molecular markers for fast gene characterization
through MAS. Markers support in pyramiding of APR
or R genes or in assortments to evolve wheat cultivars
resistant against rust with greater durability (Singh et
al., 2014).
Gene pyramiding: an approach to achieve durable
Pyramiding of numerous resistance genes improves
durability of resistance against wheat rusts including
leaf rust. Durable resistance may be attained by
incorporation of many genes encoding partial
resistance pyramiding because classical breeding is
not suitable as it involves concurrent trials of the wheat
breeding materials with diverse races of pathogen
before a selection is completed. Typically, it is
impossible for a systematic program of breeding to
Muhammad Ijaz et al.
continue all required tests for rust races desired for this
effort (Khan et al., 2013). Hence, MAS is a suitable
alternate to facilitate rapid development of rustresistant cultivars. STS or SCAR and CAPS are useful
markers available for identifying leaf rust resistance
genes such as Lr1, Lr9, Lr10, Lr19, Lr21, Lr24, Lr25,
Lr28, Lr29, Lr34, Lr35, Lr37, Lr39, Lr47 and Lr51
(Chelkowski and Stepian, 2001). Genes Lr1, Lr9,
Lr19, Lr24, Lr26 and Lr34 were used for MAS of
wheat genotypes and Lr1(31.7%), Lr19(1.7%),
Lr26(20%) and Lr34(10%) were found in genotypes
under study. Genes Lr9 and Lr24 were not recorded in
any of the tested genotypes (Ren et al., 2018).
Microsatellite SSR and AFLP markers for Lr genes for
instance Lr3bg, Lr18, Lr40, Lr46 and Lr50 have been
advanced (Purnhauser et al., 2000). Though enzymatic
marker (endopeptidase Ep-D1c) for Lr19 has been
commercialized (Chelkowski and Stepian, 2001) even
then sufficient work is needed to exploit complete
conveniences of biotechnology in crop breeding and
genetics to crop improvement against stresses.
Gene cloning for developing leaf rust resistance in
Nucleotide binding site (NBS)-leucine-rich repeat
(LRR) proteins, confer resistance against diseases in
plants. Lr1 (Cloutier et al., 2007), Lr10 (Feuillet et al.,
2003) and Lr21 (Huang et al., 2003) are genes in wheat
characterized by arrangements that translate these
specific proteins for leaf rust resistance in wheat have
been cloned. Molecular representation of these genes
delivers an exceptional biotic scheme to explore the
communication in resistant gene, development and
assortment. This will permit more handling of disease
resistant genes to recover the durability of resistance
by genetic amendment of wheat.
Diversity in Puccinia triticina
Leaf rust is a challenging disease because the pathogen
exhibits high diversity, there is a continuous advent of
novel virulence profiles and the pathogen displays
flexibility to a broad array of environments
(McCallum et al., 2016). Puccinia triticina is common
with varied population structure and experiences rapid
evolution to generate novel races virulent against
resistant cultivars (Prasad et al., 2020). As deliberated,
the rapid change of the pathogen can overtake the
improvement in resistant genes deployed in cultivars.
That is why scientific community could not attain the
goal of cultivation of wheat in rust free situation (Afzal
Asian J Agric & Biol. 2023(1).
et al., 2020). Several research works published on race
analysis in P. triticina reveal pathogen is diverse
highly all over the world.; (Ali et al., 2020; Hussain et
al., 2015; Kolmer, 2019; Gultyaeva et al., 2016;
Kolmer et al., 2012). Utmost presently vital strains
(pathotypes) have changed through mutations in
prevailing populations or travelled from other,
frequently unfamiliar, zones (Huerta-Espino et al.,
2011). Mains and Jackson (1921) were pioneer who
demonstrated physiologic specialization in P. triticina
produced on 11 differential wheat hosts (Mains and
Jackson, 1926). Three of the differentials were not
continued ultimately (Johnston and Mains, 1932), and
the lasting eight became known international as typical
differentials (Mains and Jackson, 1926). In Australia a
selection of Mediterranean used has Lr2a in addition
Lr3a (Singh and McIntosh, 1985). 0–4 scale is used to
designate infection types (Stakman et al., 1962).
The Fertile crescent region of the middle east is the
center of origin of Puccinia triticina, where alternative
hosts exist; nevertheless, the population of Puccinia
triticina is clonal in most parts of the world (Bolton et
al., 2008; Kolmer, 2005). Wheat varieties under
cultivation in Australia possess genes Lr1, Lr3a, Lr13,
Lr13+, Lr14a, Lr17a, Lr17b, Lr20, Lr23, Lr24, Lr26,
Lr27, Lr31, Lr34, Lr37, and Lr46 confer resistance
against leaf rust frequently in combination (2 or 3
genes) and a lot of cultivars possess Lr34 (Wellings et
al., 2012). The matching genes with virulence against
pathogen were also perceived in the pathogen
population for the successions of genotypes released
(Park et al., 2002). In Australia the leading pathotype
population of wheat leaf rust is 104-2, 3, (6), (7),11
detected first in1984 in Victoria, subsequently it
underwent mutations repeatedly to generate its clonal
ancestries, and the other pathotype prevailing less
recurrently with clonal ancestries is 122-1, (2),3, (6),
(7),11 (Park, 2012).
Status of leaf rust in Pakistan
Asian Countries including Pakistan, which are top
producers of the wheat of the world could face up to
70% yield damage attributed to leaf rust (Singh et al.,
2004), In Pakistan, the disease remains a serious
hazard to wheat cultivation in Northern and Central
Punjab, where the environment makes the
circumstances promising for this disease. Now leaf
rust becoming serious threat in northern areas and
KPK due to change in climatic conditions. In a study
the surveillance of three years showed Punjab wheat
production effect more with disease than other areas
Muhammad Ijaz et al.
(Khan et al., 2020). Leaf rust prevails in Pakistan,
(Yamin et al., 2021) most consistent in the central and
southern areas of the country responsible for severe
damage in produce (Channa et al., 2021) can cause
damage yield up to 40% in susceptible cultivars (Khan
et al., 2013). There were many rust epidemics
observed in Pakistan with different level of losses
(Duveiller et al., 2007). Four major wheat rusts
epidemics were recorded in Pakistan during 1978,
1994-95, 1997-98 and 2005 (Bahri et al., 2011).
During 1978 leaf rust epidemic in early stages hit the
mega cultivar Mexipak and triggered a huge loss of
10.1% of amounting US$86 million (Hassan et al.,
In Pakistan, alternative hosts for pathogen are not
recognized; hence it is dependent on the clonal
urediniospores phase from year to year. Pathogen
subsists on wheat during the summer in western region
highlands and then spreads to the wheat-producing
parts of Indus basin in provinces of Punjab and Sindh
(Nagarajan and Joshi, 1985).
Surveillance of rust exploiting seedling differentials is
very enlightening in describing topographical
spreading of virulence pattern of P. triticina, their
virulence variation and how phenotypes modify in
response to selection of host. Near isogenic lines are
greatly effective while differentiating virulence/
avirulence structure of the leaf rust pathogen
population. These lines are employed for specific rust
resistance genes studies (Kolmer and Liu, 2000) to
enable deciding comparative incidence of pathotypes
and virulence phenotypes (McIntosh et al., 1995). To
prevent yield losses, the continuing development of
resistant cultivars requires data of the recognition of
novel races and varying virulence patterns of rust
fungus. For the identification of resistance genes,
continuous modeling of prediction, recurrent
monitoring is shaped in country. For development of
wheat cultivars with resistance against leaf rust, the
field inspections have been effective resource for
biological investigation of pathogen (Channa et al.,
2021). Isolates obtained from surveys of virulence can
be exploited for assessing the genetic differentiation of
Puccinia triticina genotype by means of procedure of
molecular markers. Virulence investigation is
beneficial to diagnose dominant virulence phenotypes
in the leading wheat producing regions, and to detect
the virulence deviation of the pathogen, to explore the
concentration and dispersal of new phenotypes and
designate if genotypes of wheat with key resistance
genes of leaf rust have had a discriminating effect on
Asian J Agric & Biol. 2023(1).
the pathogen population. Keeping the above
objectives, research is carried out regularly to
recognize virulence variation of leaf rust isolates from
several portions of Pakistan. Single uredinial isolates
are investigated on 24 near isogenic (Thatcher wheat)
lines which fluctuate for single Lr resistance genes to
designate races. Work conducted by Channa et al.,
2021 is expressed here as an example. Collections of
disease samples were conducted from farmers’ fields
from diverse agroecological sites (Badin, Sanghar,
Larkana, Tandojam, and Sakrand) of Sindh province,
during two years (2015 and 2016) with an objective to
detect the diversity in virulence. Results of the work
showed spores from two sites (Tandojam and Sakrand)
were not viable and could not be restored and only
urediniospores of three locations (Sanghar, Larkana
and Badin) were revived. None of the pathotypes had
virulence to Thatcher wheat lines with leaf rust
resistance genes Lr23 and Lr42. Though Lr24, LrB,
Lr10, Lr14b and Lr20 genes showed susceptibility
response with all tested pathotypes. Based on
virulence, ten virulence phenotypes (MSPTDS,
recognized among the ten isolates, nominated with
six-letter code. Two phenotypes RTPTPS & RTSTNS
showed broad spectrum, both were virulent to 19
resistance genes of leaf rust while pathotype JDBQGJ
had narrow spectrum as compared to all other tested,
with virulence to just 8 resistance genes of leaf rust.
Among the sites virulence variability of leaf rust was
recorded also. Most of recognized races were virulent
to more than one of leaf rust resistance genes.
Resistance genes (Lr42 and Lr23) recognized as
effective can be utilized to attain leaf rust resistance in
wheat. Further, the investigation offers virulence
profile of the area may help to manage the leaf rust
The Wheat Productivity Enhancement Program aimed
to boost the production of wheat in Pakistan by
supporting research that led to the evolution of
innovative disease-resistant ideal agronomical
management of wheat varieties producing in
abundance. The key objective of the project was to
enable attempts of agricultural research institutes in
Pakistan to restrain hostile effects of rusts in wheat—
together with the immensely infectious Ug99 stem rust
disease — through deployment of inherently resistant
varieties. The administration of Pakistan’s target to
accomplish self-reliance in wheat production just
became more realistic with the release of new varieties
Muhammad Ijaz et al.
of wheat (Subhani-2021, MH-2021, Dilkash-2021,
Bhakkar-20 and MA-2020.). The varieties, were
developed for different production environments in
the Punjab province of Pakistan, drawn from
germplasm from the International Maize and Wheat
Improvement Center (CIMMYT). These new seeds
could support the country’s 8.8 million hectares of
area under wheat cultivation turn out to be more
productive, climate-resilient and disease-resistant — a
welcome progress in an area where climate change
circumstances impend continuous wheat production.
Many molecular studies have been conducted to
identify resistant gene in cultivated and wild species to
enhance the resistance of cultivated species against
disease. The development of molecular markers for
specific leaf rust genes permits the recognition of these
genes autonomously of the phenotype. Molecular
markers can be exploited in marker-assisted selection
for an effective combination of genes in the
pyramiding approach to produce a more durable
resistance (Feuillet et al., 1995) For the purpose of
genetic dissection scientist used molecular techniques
like gene pyramiding and Marker assisted selection,
markers are exploited to recognize sources of
resistance (Naurin et al. 2021). Scientists succeeded in
their efforts and identified many gene in wild and
cultivated varieties of wheat (Inamullah et al., 2021;
Ismail et al., 2021; Ali et al., 2016; Hussain et al.,
2011). Use of these genes will be helpful in breeding
programs for the development of resistant varieties
and to make increase in production.
Wheat leaf rust, is one of the most damaging diseases
of wheat have caused loss in yield during previous
decades. Due to the fact that pathogen causing leaf rust
in wheat is obligate in nature, this situation leads to
evolution of novel race in response to deployment of
cultivar with hypersensitive response. Awareness with
virulence pattern of pathogen is crucial for each one
engaged in wheat breeding for rust resistance. That is
why crop is surveyed by experts regularly during the
crop growth stage when there is opportunity of disease
appearance, analysis of rust samples collected from
diverse location is conducted under glasshouse
conditions to monitor change in virulence pattern
wherever research is conducted to develop varieties
resistant against three rusts including leaf rust. Leaf
rust virulence analyses is conducted in several labs all
over the regions under wheat cultivation. Quite a lot of
illustrations of the emergence of unusual races of
Asian J Agric & Biol. 2023(1).
unidentified source are attributed to frequent
migration and mutation. Developing rust resistant
genotypes need a continuous source of new and
durable genetic resistance. Genetic diversity in host
plays key role in crop improvement. Parents with
diverse origin generate more desired output in crop
improvement not only incorporating resistance against
biotic stresses but against abiotic stresses as well.
Enhancing, and stabilizing wheat yield through
deployment of disease resistant cultivars is a
multifaceted task and is not possible to address by a
single technology or approach. Technology for
instance speed breeding can aid to cultivate plants fast
and accomplish several generations in short duration.
A multidimensional technique is compulsory to
assimilate the modern breeding skills to quickly detect
new resistance factors lying concealed in collections
of seed bank. This help widen the genetic base of
contemporary wheat germplasm. Slow rusting
varieties have been durable; however, this type of
resistance is multigenic. Techniques in biotechnology
are used to accelerate breeding wheat for durable
resistance. Molecular markers are useful tools used in
identification of diversity in host as well as pathogen
and generate concise data. Gene pyramiding and
cloning are techniques being used successfully to
hasten the process of crop improvement against biotic
stresses including leaf rust. Similarly, using of the
modern genotyping platforms, could lead to the fast
exposure of innovative genomic regions at the bottom
of leaf rust resistance. Such tools sanction plant
breeders to stay one step forward of the quickly
developing pathogen.
Disclaimer: None.
Conflict of Interest: None.
Source of Funding: None.
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Contribution of Authors
Ijaz M: Reviewed and improved the article
Afzal A: Significantly promoted to the
commencement and plan of the article and
understanding the pertinent literature
Shabbir G: Reviewed and improved the article
Iqbal J: Drafted and remarked the work.
Rafique M: Supervised the project. Author and
coauthors contributed fully developing manuscript
in present arrangement.