Research design


The research design refers to the overall strategy that we choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring we will effectively address the research problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data. Note that our research problem determines the type of design we should use, not the other way around!

ADVANCED BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE COURSE The study of Advanced Biomedical Science is mainly centered on contemporary understanding of disease pathophysiology; current and emerging diagnostic procedures as well as aspects of therapy, research design and Evidence-based practice In this course I will put more emphasis on 1 Research design 2 Evidence-based practices 3 Introduction to disease pathophysiology 1) Research design Definition The research design refers to the overall strategy that we choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring we will effectively address the research problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data. Note that our research problem determines the type of design we should use, not the other way around! THE MAIN TOPIC When we're in a state of doing our own research we need to be critical by adopting a critical approach by exploring the assumption and believes associated with the method we choose to use .These believes are important as they guide us in our choice of the topic, our selection of the participants or sample process, our choice of data, collection methods and analysis methods, even in a manner of which we disseminate our findings and results. These believes and assumptions often called our world view and shape our priority of forces and factors such as the discipline or fields of our studies, the believes of our lecturer and tutor, our own reading and our own past research experience Understanding the nature of the relationship between the research and the researcher is very important because some researchers argue that research is value free and other say that research is value laden In education, there are three broad world views - The realistic prospective ;( positivism, post positivism and critical realism) - Naturalistic prospective ;( interpretivism and constructivism) - Advocacy or participatory perspectives; (critical theory and action research)” Researchers have different reasons or objectives to carry out their research - Some seek to discover a set of natural laws that govern our behavior and thought - Others want to understand the human general interactions, - Some even say that research is political when we want to change the society where we leave If the social world is made up of objective events and actions that we can interpret and measures, then research become subjective Now because a research design depends on purpose and nature of the problem, one single design cannot be use to solve all types of research problem, meaning a particular design is suitable for a particular problem The realistic based research. This adopts the deterministic philosophy and seeks to identify laws that govern behavior, that focus on courses outcomes to fix predictors and having intention to generalize their findings. For the most part, researchers try to remain objective in to touch for those objects being researched; also they rely heavily on use random samples and statistical techniques. The realistic - based research types are -classical randomized controlled experiment (here we set up two groups, one is a control and the other undergo some experimental treatment) -survey research (here we take a snapshot of the populations so that we can examine the relationship between concepts, or differences between groups) -evaluation research (this one draws an aspect of both experimental and surveys design to evaluate teaching programs and practices 2) Naturalistic research This argues that the social world is far too complex to be reduced to a set of universal rules and behaviors, and what's important is our interpretation of this world and how they influence our behavior. This approach becomes subjective depending on the contest -ethnography (a typical naturalistic approach focus on the understanding of a particular culture and group) -phenomenology (focus on all the meaning of the individual associated with a particular concept or experience -case studies (a study of an issue usually involved in an in depth focus in a particular setting or contest) 3) Advocacy or participatory research -action research usually practitioner based where the teacher try improve their own teaching practices or their students learning experiences -social research (focus on a particular disadvantage group or ethnic group and through this research the participants’ situation change General research Methodology Educational research has 4 main techniques in their toolkit - documents analysis techniques (involve in collecting documents such as report and diary and then searching for particular Id or concept, this can be done in a quantitative way or counting occurrence or a qualitative way by exploring the content ) - Observation techniques (involved observing individual or group for particular behavior or interaction, once again by counting specific occurrence or by documenting the interaction) - Questionnaires techniques (they contain questions that can be converted to numbers then analyze using statistical methods. They can also contain more opened questions that let to qualitative exploration) - Interviews techniques (they can be well structured to allow comparison between groups, conversational to collect in-depth information or anywhere between the two extremes It is very important to match the technique we choose with the design we choose Conclusion We need to think about -our own believes and assumptions, about the aim of research and what we believe can be achieved through research - The assumption associated with a particular design and type of research - How different methods (interview, questionnaires) can be used with consistency within a design with their contradictory and initial believes and assumptions about research References T E S T TRUE OR FALSE? 1 research problem determines the type of design we should use, not the other way around! 2 social research contain questions that can be converted to numbers then analyze using statistical methods 3 when doing a survey research we take a snapshot of the populations so that we can examine the relationship between concepts, or differences between groups 4 the research designs is referred to the overall strategy that we choose to disintegrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way 5 Questionnaires techniques contain questions that can be converted to numbers then analyze using statistical methods 6 The realistic based research adopts the deterministic philosophy and seeks to identify laws that govern behavior that focus on courses outcomes 7 It is very important to match the technique we choose with the design we choose MULTIPLE CHOICES 8 Naturalistic research approaches contain the following a) Ethnography, phenomenology, case studies b) Phenomenology, action research, social research c) Action research, case studies, Ethnography d) Ethnography, action research, social research 9 - Documents analysis techniques involve in collecting…………………. such as report and diary and then searching for particular Id or concept a) Reports b) Samples c) Documents d) Diaries 10 The research design refers to the overall ……………. that we choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way Choose the wrong answer philosophy strategy function method 11 a research design depends on purpose and nature of the .........…... one single design cannot be use to solve all types of research problem, meaning a particular design is suitable for a particular…………… solution strategy answer problem 12. The realistic - based research types are a) Classical randomized ; survey research; evaluation research b) Phenomenology, action research, social research c) Survey research; evaluation research; action research d) Phenomenology; action research; Classical randomized 13 ………………………is not part of the educational research techniques toolkit a) Questionnaires techniques b) Observation techniques c) Survey techniques d) Interviews techniques 14; Advanced Biomedical Science is mainly centered on contemporary understanding of disease…………………….. a) Research design b) pathophysiology c) evidence-base practice d) Diagnosis A N S W E R S 1 TRUE 2 FALSE 3 TRUE 4 FALSE 5 TRUE 6 TRUE 7 TRUE 8 a) Ethnography, phenomenology, case studies 9 c) documents 10 c) functions 11 h) problems 12 a) Classical randomized; survey research; evaluation research 13 c) Survey techniques 14 b) pathophysiology 10