ISAFRUIT Pillar 1 Consumer driven and Responsive supply Chains


Pillar 1, "Consumer driven and responsive supply chains", will contribute to the ISAFRUIT general objective of increasing consumption of fruit and fruit products, and includes the following specific objectives:

P I LLAR 1 . CON SUM ER D RI VEN A N D R ESPON SI VE S UPPLY CH AI N S Pillar 1, “ Consum er driven and responsive supply chains” , will cont ribut e t o t he I SAFRUI T general obj ect ive of increasing consum pt ion of fruit and fruit product s, and includes t he following specific obj ect ives: 1. I ncrease and im prove t he int eract ions am ong researchers, producers, ot her supply chain act ors and consum ers, t hrough t he use of pillar 1 as research guidance for ot her I SAFRUI T pillars and t he Fruit I ndust ry. The developm ent of new product ion and processing syst em s for fruit and fruit product s in order t o im prove qualit y, safet y, convenience, availabilit y, consum er healt h and price require insight int o consum er behaviour and supply chain dynam ics. The supply chain form s a driving force behind consum er behaviour and also reflect s exist ing ( cult ural) pat t erns of consum er behaviour. 2. Bet t er underst and t he forces t hat drive consum pt ion of fruit and fruit product s in order t o st im ulat e consum pt ion of t hese and new developed product s in a variet y of sit uat ions and cont ext s. Relevant concept s include consum er percept ion, preference, choice, purchase, and consum pt ion. Regional and cross- cult ural differences require a t ailor m ade approach. 3. I dent ify suit able organizat ion and m anagem ent st ruct ures t hat m axim izes supply chain innovat iveness and perform ance, in t erm s of effect iveness and efficiency, in dynam ic and/ or developing m arket s. The organizat ion and cont rol of product iondist ribut ion chains in com pet it ive m arket s not only affect food safet y and consum er healt h, but also t he availabilit y of high qualit y product s, convenience, and price, and finally influence consum er welfare. 4. I ncrease t he level of applicat ion and dissem inat ion of product and process innovat ions developed in ot her pillars. Det erm inant s of successful adopt ion include charact erist ics of consum ers, product s, and t he supply chain. Supply chain innovat iveness will result in synergy from individual act ors’ at t it udes and cooperat ion.