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Certificate I, Professor MS. SUSHMITA MUKERJI hereby certify that Mr. /Ms. SANTOSH KUMAR MATADIN GUPTA, TYBMS Student of Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies, has completed a project titled "CADBURY COMPANY WITH RESPECT TO ITS MARKETING STRATEGY ", in the academic year 2010. The work of the student is original and the information included in the project is true to the best of my Knowledge.
This introduction to Islamic jurisprudence (usul al-fiqh) summarizes its major concepts and presents the contemporary debates among historians concerning the historicity of the Islamic sources of dogma, and of the dating of early Islamic law. It describes the classical practice of the law, in the formulation and elaboration of the legal rules (fatwas, furu' works, mukhtasars and so forth) and in the paradigms of legal practice in the courts. It summarizes various types of Islamic substantive legal rules (in mu'amalat), hudud and ta'zir, bodily harm and diya, marriage and family law and some apects of economic law, in particular taxation, contracts and the marketplace.
referencia alguna a la figura del comendador mayor. Sin embargo, pocos años más tarde la documentación nos muestra a los primeros personajes que ejercieron tal cargo, actuado como representantes del maestre ante los distintos monarcas y formando parte del Consejo elector de la Orden. Ocupando tan privilegiado lugar en la organización santiaguista, resulta lógico que los encontremos estrechamente ligados a la política seguida por la Orden dentro de cada reino. El presente trabajo resulta una muestra de lo anterior por lo que se refiere al reino de León-lo que incluye a Extremadura-y dentro del siglo xiv.
This paper examines nascent alternative approaches to "commoning" and "common goods" that have been developed over the last decade by a unique coalition of lawyers, grassroots initiatives, and local governments in Italian cities, notably Bologna and Naples. The aim is to flesh out and to critically appraise two variants of a strategy for advancing urban commons in the direction of Integrative Governance, civic equality, power-with, solidarity, plurality, openness, and care for the city: the "Bologna Model" and the "Neapolitan Way." The argument is that the two strategies diverge in crucial respects, the former being more top-down and potentially compromising than the latter. Both, however, bear promise and potential for commons-oriented change, opening up processes of new social invention, deeper democratization, political contestation, and counter-hegemonic intervention.
Analele Universităţii Spiru Haret,, 2003
The starting point for embarking upon this endeavor was our desire to understand the very statusa paradoxical onethat wine holds within Islam. On the one hand, wine is prohibited under the Islamic law, but on the other hand, wine represents an outstanding element pertaining to the Islamic mysticism.
Cristino Bogado: Poema Rendy o el delirio de la lengua Entrevista a Cristino Bogado Por Carlos Vicente Castro A Cristino Bogado —uno de los poetas latinoamericanos más singulares por el despliegue barroco de su poesía transfronteriza— le da pereza moverse de Lambaré, una ciudad situada a orillas del río Paraguay. Como diría él mismo: “tranquila, rural, con la soundtrack eterna de los pájaros mañaneros”. En el delirio del encierro pandémico ha escrito Poema Rendy, un carnaval referencial, semántico y rítmico, una poema (Cristino dixit) de largo aliento, irónica, sexual, idílica… un mix subversivo que atenta contra el purismo cultural y la delimitación lingüística. Cristino es novelista, poeta, colabora en medios culturales con el seudónimo Paranaländer y gestiona las editoriales independientes Jakembó y Felicita cartonera. Según el diccionario guaraní, rendy significa arder.
Council Democracy: Towards a Democratic Socialist Politics, 2018
This chapter aims to shed new light on our understanding of the development of council theory through an analysis of the early political experiences of council delegates in Hamburg at a formative stage of revolutionary activity and thought in Germany. We examine the minutes of 76 meetings of the Workers’ and Soldiers’ Council of Hamburg from 6 November 1918 to 24 March 1919 in order to offer a rich portrait of a key moment in the development of council theory. What we observe from the debates is that there is no single official position of council communism, but rather a set of shared underlying concerns and a number of different ways in which these ideas were put to work in different political contexts. The collapse of the legitimacy and authority of the old order and the organisation of councils into a force capable of taking de facto power opened the possibility of radical transformation. Yet attempts to theorise and create a new society were impeded both by ideological hesitation and the practical realities of attempting to govern in a divided and conflict-ridden society. The actions and theories of council delegates reflected a number of pragmatic compromises and competing interpretations over the proper structure and role for the councils.
Disusun oleh : Kelompok 4 -Ref'ah imaniah (11711078) -Khafifah indah sari (11711097) -Hasan (11711095) -Ahmad sarwani (11711102) Kelas 1 C Jurusan pendidikan agama islam Fakultas tarbiyah ilmu keguruan Institut agama islam negeri (iain) Pontianak 1438/2017 zz KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur senantiasa dihanturkan kehadiran Allah SWA. Atas limpahan rahmat dan nikmatnya sehingga kami dapat menyusun makalah Metodologi Studi Islam dengan pokok pembahasan "PENGETAHUAN TENTANG SUMBER DAN KARAKTERISTIK ISLAM". Selawat serta salam kepada junjungan kita nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai nabi besar penghantar ilmu pengetahuan bagi seluruh umat manusia. Ucapan terimakasih kepada dosen pengampun yang telah memberikan kesempatan dan dukungan sehingga kami mampu berdiskusi dan saling bersilahturahmi. Rekan-rekan satu kelompok dan mahasiswa yang selalu bekerja sama dan memberi dukungan. Sebagai bentuk kecitaan terhadap bangsa dan negara untuk terus berupaya memajukan pendidikan bangsa dalam mengisi kemerdekaan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Археография и источниковедение Сибири. Вып. 1 (43).С. 321-335, 2024
Journal of Aircraft, 2009
SSM - Population Health
Asian Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 2013
Agronomía Colombiana
Antioxidants, 2022
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2010
Preventive medicine, 2018
The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2012
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2002