Received: 21 June 2015
Revised: 7 August 2015
Accepted article published: 1 September 2015
Published online in Wiley Online Library: 6 October 2015
( DOI 10.1002/ps.4145
Plant disease management in organic farming
Ariena HC van Bruggen,a* Abraham Gamlielb and Maria R Finckhc
Organic farming (OF) has significantly increased in importance in recent decades. Disease management in OF is largely based
on the maintenance of biological diversity and soil health by balanced crop rotations, including nitrogen-fixing and cover crops,
intercrops, additions of manure and compost and reductions in soil tillage. Most soil-borne diseases are naturally suppressed,
while foliar diseases can sometimes be problematic. Only when a severe disease outbreak is expected are pesticides used that
are approved for OF. A detailed overview is given of cultural and biological control measures. Attention is also given to regulated
pesticides. We conclude that a systems approach to disease management is required, and that interdisciplinary research is
needed to solve lingering disease problems, especially for OF in the tropics. Some of the organic regulations are in need of
revision in close collaboration with various stakeholders.
© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry
Keywords: organic agriculture; plant diseases; cultural control; biological control; soil health; systems approach
Organic farming (OF) can be defined as ‘an ecologically, economically and socially responsible way of farming, providing an enduring supply of safe and healthy food and fibers, with the least possible losses of nutrients and energy, and the least negative impacts
on the environment, as regulated by certification agencies’.1,2
Worldwide, OF has increased tremendously in importance over
the past 20 years, including in developing countries, and the
global market for organic products reached a value of almost $US
72 billion in 2013.3 OF is governed by the idea that all natural processes within an agroecosystem are mutually dependent on each
other, and that management should aim at achieving and supporting self-regulation through natural processes.4 This has been
laid down in detail in the OF standards as formulated by the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM)
( Thus,
solutions to problems are primarily sought within the ecological
possibilities of the farming system.
Cropping systems based on monocropping of genetically uniform varieties and high external inputs, typical of conventional
farming (CF), have favored epidemic development of many plant
diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes and viruses (van
Bruggen AHC et al., accepted for publication).5 – 8 The degradation
of soil structure and soil quality by loss of soil organic matter favors
root diseases. Soil fumigation creates a biologically impoverished,
substrate-rich environment favoring the explosive development
of plant pathogens that happen to (re)enter the fumigated soil. In
addition, high concentrations of nitrogen and imbalances in plant
nutrition lead to greater susceptibility to a variety of root and foliar
pathogens.9 The relation between root disease suppression and a
large number of soil health characteristics has been reviewed in
Compared with CF, OF systems generally have: (i) higher plant
diversity in time and space; (ii) rotations and cover cropping,
Pest Manag Sci 2016; 72: 30–44
which lead to a higher soil organic matter content; (iii) a higher
biomass, diversity and activity of soil microorganisms and fauna;
(iv) an increase in water holding capacity, reduced run-off and
increased rooting depth, leading to enhanced water use efficiency;
(v) improved cation exchange capacity, increased internal cycling
and reduced loss of nutrients.10 – 12 These intrinsic differences
between OF and CF systems have resulted in differences in the
occurrence and intensity of plant diseases and pests, but these are
reviewed elsewhere and will not be discussed in this review.8,13
In this review, we describe the various disease management
options in OF that can also be useful for other farmers and
researchers who strive for greater ecological sustainability. We
discuss the practices used to manage disease development and
conclude with some suggestions for research on plant disease
management in OF.
Pest and disease control in OF is to a large extent based on the
maintenance of soil fertility by balanced crop rotations, including nitrogen-fixing crops, winter cover crops, intercrops, additions of manure and compost and reductions in soil tillage.14 – 16
Correspondence to: Ariena HC van Bruggen, Department of Plant Pathology
and Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611,
USA. E-mail:
a Department of Plant Pathology and Emerging Pathogens Institute, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
b Agriculture Research Organization, ARO Volcani Center , Bet Dagan, Israel
c Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, Ecological Plant Protection, University
of Kassel, Witzenhausen, Germany
© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry
Plant disease management in organic farming systems
Table 1. General control tactics and specific measures used at different stages of pathogen invasion in organic in comparison with conventional
crop production7,13,15,96
Invasion stage/general approach
Colonization prevention
Temporal asynchrony
Non-conducive conditions
Synthetic chemical barrier
Spatial isolation
Prevent landing
Population regulation
Host plant resistance
Competition and antagonism
Unsuitable environment
Specific practices
Pathogen-free seed, debris destruction, flaming; steaming
Late or early planting/harvest with respect to pathogen or
vector arrivals
Crop rotation; repellent cultivars; enhanced soil
suppressiveness by organic amendments, biochar; calcium
carbonate, dolomitic lime, gypsum
Preventive foliar sprays with synthetic insecticides,
nematicides, acaricides, fungicides or bactericides;
botanical pesticides containing petroleum derivatives
Crops sown distant from pest/pathogen hosts, weeds,
non-crop hosts removed; barrier crops or natural strips
Vector trapping, reflective mulches, oil sprays
Frequency in organic in comparison with
conventional crop production
Similarly common; rare
More common
Longer rotation; similar cultivars; more
organic amendments; similar
non-synthetic inorganic
Occasional; barriers and natural strips
more common
Similarly occasional
Suboptimal plant quality (low fertilization), classical genetic
resistance, crop spacing
Mixed cultivars, mixed cropping, strip cropping, green
Enhanced microbial activity and diversity to reduce pathogen
populations (compost, chitin, compost teas, plant extracts,
humates, microbial products as spray or seed treatment)
Ventilation, humidity and temperature control (greenhouses),
humidity control by irrigation
More common
Various systemic and contact insecticides and fungicides;
synthetic pyrethroids
Soaps, oils, compost teas, acetic acid
Sulfur dust and sprays, diatomaceous earth, micronutrients
(Si or Zn); copper sulfate, copper hydroxide, bordeaux
mixture, potassium phosphite, potassium bicarbonate,
potassium silicate
Plant extracts without petroleum-based synergists
(pyrethrum, nicotine, neem, horsetail, seaweed, yucca)
Parasitoids (e.g. parasitic wasps), bacteria (e.g. Bacillus
thuringiensis, B. subtilis, Pseudomonas), fungi (e.g.
Trapping, vacuuming, handpicking
Absent; exceptional
More common
More common
Similarly common
Curatives after establishmenta
Synthetic pesticides
Inundative biological control
Physical removal
More common
More common; in some countries
Rare or common
Occasional (no petroleum-based
synergists or carriers)
Occasional, similar to CF
In the plant pathology literature, only systemic fungicides with kickback action are considered to be curative, but here we include any pesticides
that limit further spread of pests and diseases in the plant population.
Pest Manag Sci 2016; 72: 30–44
manure will lead to a microbially driven system and changes in
micronutrient supplies. This can greatly affect plant resistance and
the pathogen-beneficial microbial balance in the soil.9,22,23 Four
basic tactics for disease management will be discussed: (1) preventing pathogen introduction by preplant measures; (2) limiting
pathogen entry by minimizing initial inoculum; (3) regulation of
pathogen establishment by minimizing the suitability of the host
and its environment for infection and reproduction; (4) pathogen
control by employing curative methods that limit further spread.
2.1 Preplant measures
When soil-borne diseases and pests are threatening plant establishment and survival, elimination of the pathogens and pests
can be attempted by sanitation and soil disinfestation. Soil disinfestation will change the soil ecosystem with the aim of reducing a broad spectrum of fungi, bacteria, nematodes and weeds.
© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry
Crop rotations are generally longer and spatial diversity is greater
under organic compared with conventional management.17 Crop
sequences are adjusted to optimize nutrient availability and minimize the risk of weeds, diseases and pests.18,19 Increased habitat
diversity is also used to enhance natural pest and disease control, among others by intercropping and planting of trees, shrubs,
wild grasses and flowering plants (Table 1).6,11 – 13 Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not used, partly because of concerns
about the unknown impacts of gene manipulation, but also to
avoid genetic uniformity, which can promote pest and disease
Thus, crop protection in OF is not directed at controlling possible pathogens directly, but at management of the environment
such that plants are able to withstand potential attacks.13 Organic
growers commonly rely on cultural plant protection methods.7,20,21
Substitution of synthetic fertilizers by organic amendments and
Several methods of soil disinfestation can be used in OF as long as
chemical pesticides are not involved, namely flooding, soil steaming, solarization, biological soil disinfestation and biofumigation.
Flooding is rarely used owing to lack of water in most areas. Soil
steaming is used occasionally for organic greenhouse production,
but this method actually goes against the production principles of
many organic growers because it creates a biological vacuum in
the soil.24 Therefore, flooding and steaming will not be discussed
any further.
Sanitation is an essential preplant measure to reduce the initial
inoculum of a wide array of plant pathogens. For example, the
initial inoculum of Venturia inaequalis, the causal agent of apple
scab, is reduced by winter pruning or by enhancing the breakdown of apple leaves after adding an N-rich organic fertilizer
(such as a byproduct of the sugar industry, vinasse) in fall and
winter.25 In organic greenhouse production, crop residues with
overwintering inoculum are commonly removed. The residues are
often composted, and care has to be taken to attain sufficiently
high temperatures by regular turning of the composting materials
to kill residual pathogens.2 Weed control is especially important
to minimize the potential spread of virus diseases. In vineyards
and orchards, diseased branches are commonly pruned away and
again composted or (less frequently) burned.26,27
In organic fields, crop stubble is treasured and will never be
burned to prevent loss of organic carbon in the form of CO2 .
Better alternatives to burning are shallow incorporation of the
debris to provide substrate to the soil food web, or leaving it
on the surface for slower decomposition to prevent erosion. In
spite of the lack of removal of infected stubble, diseases may
be controlled owing to greater soil health. For example, eyespot
(Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides) and footrot (Fusarium sp.) of
wheat were less prevalent on a low-input farm with shallow tillage
than on a neighboring conventional farm with deeper tillage, and
sharp eyespot (Rhizoctonia cerealis) was initially increased but later
suppressed after several years of minimum till.7,28 This last disease
practically disappeared in a long-term experiment with organic
fertilization in the Pacific North West.29
Cull piles of diseased crops must be avoided, however. This is
especially true for potatoes with late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans.30 Covering or removal of cull piles and removal of
volunteer potatoes and alternative hosts are even more important
for organic than for conventional farmers to manage late blight, as
other control options are limited in OF.
2.1.1 Soil solarization
Soil solarization consists of covering moist soil with a layer of
transparent plastic, exposed to sunlight during a few weeks in
the summer. Sheets of clear, UV-stable polyethylene-based plastic
are stretched across the field and glued together at their joints.31
Under a single layer of plastic, temperatures of 45–50 ∘ C can be
reached to a depth of 10–15 cm and temperatures of 40–45 ∘ C
to a depth of 15–30 cm in the field, but under a double plastic
layer (in the open field) or with a single layer inside a closed greenhouse, soil temperatures can be further elevated by an additional
5–8 ∘ C.31 The method has also been adapted to vegetable production on raised beds mulched with polyethylene outdoors, to
greenhouse production and to perennial crops.32 – 35
Soil solarization affects soil-borne pathogens and pests directly
through heat inactivation of cellular processes and indirectly by
increasing their sensitivity to antagonistic microorganisms and
abiotic stresses. It can also enhance plant growth by increasing the
A HC van Bruggen, A Gamliel, M R Finckh
Figure 1. Soil solarization applied to control broomrape for a carrot crop
on an organic farm in the Bet Shean Valley, Israel, in 2014. The seams of
the plastic sheets are connected by open flame welding rather than gluing
(photograph by Abraham Gamliel).
availability of mineral nutrients and improving soil tilth. The ultimate effectiveness of soil solarization depends on the maximum
and minimum temperatures reached and the depth to which the
soil is heated, as well as the sensitivity of the targeted pathogens.
Root-knot and cyst nematodes are sensitive in the upper solarized
soil layer (killed at 45–50 ∘ C). However, they may survive solarization in deeper soil layers (40 cm). Most plant-pathogenic fungi and
bacteria are quite sensitive (45–55 ∘ C), except for heat-tolerant
species (55–65 ∘ C).34,36,37 Most plant viruses are inactivated in the
range 55–70 ∘ C, and most weed seeds are killed between 50 and
60 ∘ C, but again there are some exceptions.38
Soil solarization is frequently used by organic growers in Israel
(Fig. 1) and Florida.31,32,39 The application of solarization requires
addressing aspects of soil preparation, tarping and plastics technology, which are essential for achieving successful solarization.
The need for application methodologies suited to each specific
solarization niche, e.g. open field, closed greenhouse and strip or
bed solarization, has led to specialized equipment, such as plastic
films with better soil heating capacity.31,39 Furthermore, the technologies for laying the plastic and anchoring it to the soil have
been improved significantly by using specific machinery, special
glues and other methods of plastic welding.31,39 Special care is
taken to recycle the plastic.
2.1.2 Biological or anaerobic soil disinfestation
Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) involves the incorporation of
fresh organic material in moist soil under airtight plastic for 3–6
weeks, depending on the outside temperature.40,41 The carbon
source provides a substrate for the proliferation of bacteria, which
deplete the available oxygen, so that anaerobic bacteria continue
to decompose the carbon source as long as the oxygen remains
sufficiently low. Strong to moderate anaerobic conditions, as measured by an oxygen probe (around 1% oxygen in the soil air)
or an oxidative reduction potential meter (between −300 and
−200 mV), are required during the treatment period. ASD is often
used by vegetable growers in the Netherlands, on strawberry beds
in California and in greenhouses in Japan.32,40,41
ASD is effective at controlling several soil-borne plantpathogenic fungi, bacteria and nematodes, including Fusarium
oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani, R. tuliparum, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Verticillium dahlia, Ralstonia solanacearum, Globodera
rostochiensis, Pratylenchus spp. and Meloidogyne spp.40,42 – 44
Moreover, the growth of most weeds is also drastically reduced
© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry
Pest Manag Sci 2016; 72: 30–44
Plant disease management in organic farming systems
after ASD treatment. ASD is not only effective for the production of
healthy annual crops but also in perennial orchards.43 The method
has been adapted for raised beds in Florida and California; the
plastic serves as mulch after the ASD treatment.32 The levels of
pathogen reduction are similar to those obtained using chemical
soil disinfestations against soil-borne pathogens and pests. In
addition, more nitrogen is available after ASD. Together, these
effects generally result in improved crop growth.
The exact modes of action of ASD are still uncertain. The creation
of anaerobic conditions in the soil leads to the accumulation
of toxic products, including alcohols, aldehydes, organic acids
and other volatile compounds, as well as a low pH, which can
all affect the survival of soil-borne pathogens.41,45 In addition to
the toxic products produced, biocontrol by anaerobic bacteria
such as Bacillus and Clostridium spp. may contribute to pathogen
inactivation. A shift in the microbial community composition has
been demonstrated, while the microbial diversity is unaffected.44
ASD induces microbial changes in the soil that are relatively
persistent.44 These often result in general disease suppression that
can remain active for several years.42
Pest Manag Sci 2016; 72: 30–44
namely neutral pH, moderate temperature and high soil moisture
content, are important.49 Better results are observed in light
soil relatively low in organic matter than in heavy soils rich in
organic matter, where movement of volatiles may be reduced.
Incorporation of plant materials can also affect disease control
through alternative mechanisms besides their production of
biotoxic volatile compounds, for example by microbial activation
and changes in microbial community structure.55,56 The method
has been optimized and frequently used in Australia, and is now
also implemented in Israel and China.49,55
The effectiveness of biofumigant green manures can be
improved by combining them with soil heating.54,57 For example,
the combination of solarization and chicken compost reduced
both root-knot nematode galls and Pythium on lettuce compared
with the effect of solarization alone.58 However, the implementation of solarization combined with the incorporation of organic
amendments involves adjustments in the cropping system,
including rotation of the appropriate crops.
2.2 Limiting pathogen entry in organic crops
Practices preventing entry by pathogens, namely the use of clean
seeds or vegetative propagating materials, crop rotation, spatial
isolation and removal of certain weeds, hold for both OF and
CF. Diseases can also be avoided by planting susceptible crops
at times of the year when certain diseases or vectors are less
pervasive and by taking measures to prevent virus transmission by
2.2.1 Healthy seeds and planting materials
Seeds and planting materials used in organic crop production
must originate from certified organic sources, provided that organically produced materials are available.59,60 Officially registered
seeds and vegetative material must be true to type, pure and free
from plant pathogens and pests. For economic reasons associated
with the limited scale of organic production, only a restricted number of organically grown cultivars are currently available. Conventional cultivars are often used, because breeding for agronomic
and disease resistance characteristics suitable for OF is still in its
infancy.61 Thus, diseases that are commonly controlled by fungicides on conventional seed, such as smuts and bunts of cereal
crops, may become problematic when conventional, susceptible
cultivars are used for organic production, where seed treatment
with fungicides is not allowed.62 To promote the selection and production of well-adapted local varieties, seeds may be produced on
organic crop production farms, but the health status of such seeds
could be jeopardized.60,63
Organically produced seeds must be extracted from fruits by natural means such as fermentation. The addition of hydrochloric acid,
which limits bacterial infections in conventionally produced seeds,
is not permitted in organic seed production. Chemical seed treatment after extraction is not allowed either. There are three main
seed treatment methods for organically produced seeds: (1) physical methods; (2) treatment with plant extracts; (3) seed coating
with biological control agents or their extracts.64 – 66 As physical
methods, hot water or steam treatment, followed by drying, can
be used in organic seed production.65 Various plant extracts (ethereal oils), organic acids and biological control agents have been
tested for the control of seed-borne pathogens.64,65,67,68 An emulsion of thyme oil and a solution of ascorbic acid were most promising, although these can be phytotoxic at too high concentrations
and have not been registered yet for organic production.69 Several biocontrol agents are commercially available to treat organic
© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry
2.1.3 Aerobic soil disinfestation – biofumigation
Aerobic soil disinfestation, which is usually called ‘biofumigation’,
is based on the generation of toxic volatiles in the soil by certain
organic amendments. Some high nitrogen amendments, such as
fish meal, blood meal and feather meal, generate ammonia which
is toxic to a wide range of pathogens and nematode pests and can
reduce various soil-borne diseases.46,47 In addition, volatile fatty
acids can be emitted by some animal manures.47
The most common biofumigation method is the cultivation,
maceration and incorporation into soil of green manure crops that
contain precursors of toxic compounds. Examples of such precursors are glucosinolates, which are commonly produced in members of the Brassicaceae family, including rapeseed and mustard.48
During plant decomposition, the glucosinolates are hydrolysed
and various toxic compounds are released. The best-known
and highly active compounds are isothiocyanate derivatives
(ITC). The particular glucosinolates produced are characteristic
for the plant species. For example, Brassica napus primarily has
non-ITC-releasing glucosinolates, while Indian mustard, B. juncea,
mostly has ITC-releasing glucosinolates.34 This species has been
effective in reducing populations of Ralstonia solanacearum and
various nematodes (Meloidogyne chitwoodi, Tylenchus semipenetrans) and fungi (Sclerotinia minor, Rhizoctonia solani).49 Allium
spp. are known to release aliphatic disulfides, including dimethyl
disulfide.34,50 In practice, Allium spp. are not often used for biofumigation, although they are used as rotation crops. Rotation with Chinese leek (A. tuberosum) can successfully suppress Panama disease
(caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense) on bananas. The effects are
related to direct effects on spore germination and survival, which
can be considered as a biofumigation effect.51 Besides Brassica and
Allium species, plants in many other genera have been reported
to have biofumigation properties, e.g. certain members of the
Boraginaceae, owing to their pyrrolizidine alkaloid contents.52,53
The effectiveness of biofumigation with green manures is
affected by crop species and cultivar, the amount of biomass
produced, crop age at the time of incorporation, its moisture
content, the size of fragments and the depth and distribution
after incorporation into soil.54 For biofumigation with brassicas,
care has to be taken that the plants are incorporated into the
soil shortly before flowering when the glucosinolate contents are
highest.54 In addition, factors that favor glucosinolate hydrolysis,
A HC van Bruggen, A Gamliel, M R Finckh
Table 2. Tomato corky root (Pyrenochaeta lycopersici) severity (percentage total root length with brown transversal bands) in conventional and
organic farming systems in a greenhouse experiment in Wageningen, the Netherlands, and in a field experiment in Davis, California (van Bruggen
AHC et al., accepted for publication)13,191
a Number of years after initiation of the experiment.
b Mean severities of four blocks.
c Standard error of the mean.
d Tomatoes were grown continuously in this experiment; in commercial organic greenhouse production a three-year rotation is required.
e Two-year rotation in the conventional system (tomato–wheat); four-year rotation in the organic system (tomato–safflower–bean–corn plus winter
cover crops).
f Four-year rotation in the conventional system (tomato–safflower–wheat/bean–corn); the same organic plots as in the comparison with the two-year
conventional system.
seeds against pathogens. The effectiveness of these products is
frequently not as good as that of synthetic fungicides, but they
are important in organic plant production, as they frequently have
plant-growth-promoting characteristics.70
Vegetatively propagated plants, such as potatoes, strawberries
and flower bulbs, must also start with certified, clean planting
materials.71 Organic potato production from organically produced
‘seed’ is frequently affected by black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani)
during emergence, and the quality of the product can be reduced
by visible sclerotia.59 Production of healthy, certified seed potatoes
is therefore essential. Interestingly, some organic growers have
fewer problems with black scurf if they use seed tubers produced
on their own farm as opposed to organic certified seed tubers
produced elsewhere. There seems to be a Rhizoctonia decline
phenomenon at certain organic arable farms.72 Certified seed
potatoes also need to be free from Phytophthora infestans, as late
blight constitutes an even greater problem in OF than in CF.73 – 76
2.2.2 Temporal isolation
Crop rotation, avoidance of early-season planting of warm-season
crops and avoidance of late-season planting of cool-season crops
are means of temporal isolation of the pathogen as a management
tool. Also, planting times can be adjusted to avoid heavy aphid
flights or periods when other diseases are known to surge.77
For example, organic growers in temperate regions avoid severe
damage from late blight by planting early-maturing presprouted
potato varieties early in the growing season, so that tubers have
grown to a reasonable size by the time late blight becomes
Crop rotation prevents inoculum build-up over the years and
allows the natural decline of various pathogens (Table 2).17 Crop
rotations are usually longer in OF than in CF: in Europe, about 7 and
3 years for organic and conventional field crops respectively. The
rotation in OF may include a multiyear grass or grass/legume ley
or alfalfa crop contributing to the formation and maintenance of a
healthy soil.7,17 It may also include winter cover crops for nitrogen
fixation or a reduction in nitrate leaching.79 The choice of the
cover crop is important to reduce the chance of disease outbreaks
and nematode damage in the following cash crop.5,19,20 Cover
crop mixtures usually perform better than single species owing
to optimal niche utilization and reduced spread of diseases and
pests.80 Some cover crops are planted as trap or allelopathic crops
for nematodes. The first to identify and develop a successful trap
crop using brassica varieties against sugar beet cyst nematodes
(Heterodera schachtii) was Julius Kühn in 1858.81 However, the
brassica plants need to be carefully managed as they will enable
multiplication of the nematodes if not killed in time. Trap crops
that can attract nematodes but do not allow their reproduction are
even more attractive. For example, Crotolaria spp., Mucuna spp.,
Tagetes spp. and some brassicas can be used in a crop rotation for
this purpose.49 Marigolds (Tagetes spp.) are effective in controlling
polyphagous nematodes such as Pratylenchus or Meloidogyne spp.,
even though not all marigold species are equally effective for all
nematodes in all soils.52
Although crop rotation is an effective approach, it has a limited effect on disease development if the pathogen is carried over
long distances by wind.82 In addition, pathogens with a wide host
range and persistent overwintering structures, such as Sclerotinia
sclerotiorum, are difficult to control by crop rotation, unless cereals and grasses take a prominent place in the rotation. Diseases
such as white mold can therefore be really problematic on organic
farms that specialize in vegetable production or have a too short
rotation.80 For certain Fusarium species, the host range is so wide
(e.g. F. avenaceum) that only comprehensive soil health management will help to avoid problems.17,83 Overall, the limited problems
with root diseases on organic farms can be attributed largely to the
longer rotations in OF than in CF.
2.2.3 Spatial isolation
Spatial isolation refers to separation of the pathogen from a susceptible host plant or a population of susceptible host plants. It can
© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry
Pest Manag Sci 2016; 72: 30–44
Plant disease management in organic farming systems
be divided into horizontal isolation (separation of fields by natural
vegetation or wind breaks) and vertical isolation,84 for example by
deep plowing of infected plant residues.85,86 Horizontal isolation is
more common in OF than in CF, especially by natural field margins,
and will be discussed in more detail in Section,85
Deep plowing can remove inoculum out of reach of a susceptible
crop. For example, white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) of various
dicotyledonous plants can be controlled by burying the sclerotia.
However, repeated deep plowing can bring the sclerotia back to
the surface, possibly resulting in severe infection in later years,
because sclerotia may not decay in deeper soil layers low in
microbial activity.86 For ecological reasons, deep plowing should
preferentially be avoided. Shallow tillage is preferred in OF in order
to eliminate weeds and create a seedbed for the new crop.
2.2.4 Vector control
Viruliferous vectors can be prevented from probing by the use
of straw or plastic mulches or oils that repel aphids.87,88 Straw
mulch is effective in reducing potato virus Y infections because
the texture of the straw seems to confuse the aphids.89 The
most effective plastic mulches are those based on aluminum
reflecting a maximum of daylight, including UV. These films cause
disorientation of aphids and whiteflies and reduce their approach
to the crop.90 Reflective yellow mulches are widely used in open
field production in the summer in arid areas in Israel.91 The mulch
attracts whiteflies onto the hot film, resulting in their mortality.
However, this effect lasts only for the first growth period until
the full canopy is developed. Yellow plastic mulches were not
effective in Florida, probably because of climatic differences.92 In
greenhouse production, good protection of crops against aphids
and whiteflies can be achieved by covering the structure with
UV-absorbent film combined with insect-proof nets.93 Apparently,
the reduced level of UV light causes confusion in the insects, which
need UV light for navigation.
Natural enemies will help to keep aphid or whitefly populations
in check but will be less effective in very warm weather when
aphids reproduce rapidly. Moreover, a reduction in aphid or whitefly populations will be insufficient to control virus diseases, in particular non- and semi-persistent viruses.94 Nevertheless, the application of approved pesticides to prevent vectors is also common
on organic farms, as described in Section 2.4.1.
Pest Manag Sci 2016; 72: 30–44
(P. infestans) appears in isolated sections of potato fields, spread of
the disease may be slowed by quickly destroying infected plants,
for example with a flamer. Killing the infected but living potato
tissue and all healthy plants within 5 m of the infection site halts
further spore production.18,75 However, to be effective, fields have
to be scouted almost daily to catch early infections, making this
method unlikely to succeed in general. For the control of many
other diseases, OF resorts to the maintenance of soil and ecosystem health.
2.3.1 The soil environment
As a result of various organic amendments and a great variety of
crops, including cover crops, soil quality is generally better in OF
than in CF. In particular, water penetration and holding capacities
are frequently better in organic than in conventional soils.10 Consequently, drought stress is less prevalent and yields can be higher
in OF compared with CF in years with insufficient precipitation.97
The ability of the soil to provide the right amount of water is
one of the most important soil physical factors influencing plant
health. In compacted soil with local flooding, water molds such
as Pythium, Phytophthora and Aphanomyces are triggered to produce zoospores that swim towards and infect host roots under wet
conditions.98 Higher aggregate stability in organic systems significantly reduced tomato root rot, caused by Phytophthora parasitica, compared with conventional systems.13 Improved porosity by
earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) resulted in a reduction in Verticillium and Fusarium wilt on various fruit and vegetable crops and
cereal foot diseases.99 – 101
Drought stress can be partially alleviated by irrigation. However,
flood irrigation may result in greater susceptibility to root diseases
and increased pathogen spread compared with drip irrigation. For
example, lettuce corky root (Rhizorhapis suberifaciens) and drop
(Sclerotinia minor) are enhanced by furrow irrigation but reduced
by drip irrigation.102 – 104 Also, the spread of Phytophthora root rot
of pepper (P. capsici) is enhanced by furrow irrigation.105
Improved soil quality in OF is also expressed in the soil chemical
environment. On long-term organic farms, where stable organic
matter has built up in the soil, nitrate concentrations are generally lower than in conventionally managed soils. Soil and plant
nitrogen concentrations can have a profound effect on plant disease severity.8,9,18,106 High nitrogen concentrations in soil and
plant tissues, in particular nitrate, may predispose a crop to several root rotting or wilt pathogens such as Fusarium spp., as well
as to biotrophic foliar pathogens such as those causing powdery mildew and rusts and some necrotrophic pathogens such as
those causing rice blast and leafspots on wheat.7,9,23,107 – 109 Similarly, several bacterial diseases are promoted by high nitrogen
levels.103,104,110 Plants high in nitrogen also support large aphid,
leafhopper or planthopper populations, potentially resulting in
increased virus transmission.13,77,111
Soluble phosphorus contents are generally lower in OF than
in CF, where phosphorus fertilizers are applied. Organic farmers
can replenish phosphorus by application of rock phosphate,
which releases phosphorus only slowly, or by fertilization with
animal manures, especially from monogastric animals, that
are rich in phosphorus. In soils low in available phosphorus,
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonize plant roots more
extensively, potentially protecting the plants against pathogenic
root-infecting fungi.7,112,113 However, AMF are seriously affected
by plowing.114
Shortages of some elements may enhance susceptibility to
certain diseases, for example potassium shortages increase the
© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry
2.3 Regulation of establishment of pathogens in organic
Once a pathogen has entered a crop field, various conditions can
either enhance or suppress its infection, multiplication, spread
and thus establishment in the field.83,95 These conditions include
environmental conduciveness, host quality and resistance, including resistance diversity, the presence of suppressive agents in the
community that regulate epidemic development or a combination of these factors.13 In addition, physical impedance to spread
by enhanced distances or physical barriers between hosts can
contribute to vector and pathogen regulation. Natural disease
control can be accomplished by increasing the diversity in the
terrestrial and soil food webs in the agroecosystem, for example
by enhanced vegetation diversity and a variety of recalcitrant
organic amendments.4,7,12,96
When detected early, disease spread might be slowed somewhat by removing and destroying infected plants or plant parts
while taking care not to transport the disease by hand or on
infected tools and equipment to healthy plants. When late blight
risk of Verticillium wilt in cotton, and calcium shortages enhance
susceptibility to Pythium root rot.9,23 Calcium is usually not in short
supply in organic soils owing to the organic amendments and
relatively high pH, but potassium availability can become critical
on organic farms unless it is replenished by potassium in manure
or potassium–magnesium sulfate rock.112 Especially important in
this context are also the balances among nutrients, e.g. Ca/Mg.9,23
The addition of organic substrate will enhance the activity of primary decomposers, mainly bacteria and fungi, and
the associated food web, in particular bacteria-feeding protozoa and nematodes and fungivorous collembola, mites and
nematodes.5,112,115 – 119 Primary decomposers can act as antagonists of plant pathogens by competition for nutrients, antibiosis
and parasitism, while the micro- and mesofauna can contribute
to control of plant pathogens by predation.7,118 For example,
suppression of damping-off by Pythium and Rhizoctonia species
1 week after the application of fish emulsion was attributed to
microbial activity.115,116,120 Furthermore, earthworm populations
can be enhanced by organic amendments and contribute to
improved soil structure. The combination of improved soil structure, increased microbial activity and the long-term build-up
of antagonists appeared to be responsible for a reduction in
Rhizoctonia bare patch disease on wheat over time.28,29
In addition to increased microbial and faunal activity, enhanced
biodiversity has been associated with root disease suppression.7,9
Organically managed soils generally have a greater microbial
and faunal diversity and evenness than conventionally managed
soils.10,117 This may increase the chance of the presence of specific antagonists or predators. Higher diversity of non-pathogenic
strains of particular pathogenic fungi or bacteria has also been
documented.7,121 These non-pathogenic strains are thought to be
responsible for the suppression of pathogens of the same genus
or species.122 In addition, complex evolutionary dynamics after
organic amendments may play a role.116,123 Over time, the selection of specific antagonists, such as Streptomyces species, may
become more prevalent in particular crop rotations.
The actual mechanism involved in disease suppression may vary
according to the type of organic matter applied, the pathogen
present and the environmental conditions. No matter by which
mechanism, regular additions of hard-to-decompose organic
amendments, such as plant residues high in lignin and cellulose,
mature green waste compost or composted animal manure, to
soil generally enhance disease suppression.14,22,96,124 – 126
2.3.2 The aerial environment
Many foliar diseases are enhanced by moist or humid conditions. Organic management aims to provide air and light and
to reduce relative humidity by thinning, pruning, leaf plucking,
removing weeds, using a wider planting distance, planting parallel to the wind direction or ventilating the greenhouse.24,85 Leaf
removal in grape vineyards is a common practice to control diseases such as Botrytis rot and powdery mildew on grapevines
in both organic and conventional vineyards.26,127 On the other
hand, organic arable crop growers sometimes attempt to suppress weeds and increase yields by creating a dense, quickly closing canopy by narrow row spacing and high seeding rates. Unfortunately, this results in a microclimate that is highly suitable for
the development of various foliar diseases. Low-growing living
mulches between crop plants may be a better option.128 In addition, excessive fertilization with easily available nitrogen sources
such as animal slurries at planting time will create dense canopies
of luxurious, relatively weak foliage that is highly susceptible to
A HC van Bruggen, A Gamliel, M R Finckh
various diseases, enhanced by a humid microclimate. Such a situation would be highly conducive for late blight development.129,130
Diseases such as late blight and downy mildew can best be managed by selecting growing sites with good air circulation, full
sunlight and low humidity, without excess nitrogen, especially if
resistant varieties are not available.131 In addition, mulching the
soil in greenhouses for the production of tomatoes and cucumbers can reduce the severity of late blight and downy mildew.132
Finally, the greenhouse temperature can be increased so much,
for example by solar heating, that the oomycete causing downy
mildew of basil can be killed while the plants survive.133
The choice of irrigation method also affects the
microclimate.102,134 Sprinkler irrigation can enhance dispersal
of pathogens and increase the leaf wetness period and the
humidity in crops, increasing the chance of infection and spread
by foliar pathogens. This holds especially for bacterial pathogens
and fungal pathogens that are splash dispersed. The timing of
irrigation can be adjusted to prevent extended leaf wetness periods and disease outbreaks.135 Moreover, the use of drip irrigation
will also reduce the incidence and severity of both foliar and root
pathogens.102 In spite of its benefits, drip irrigation is not more
common in OF than in CR.
Standing water may have a different effect on disease development, however, as it may increase temperatures at night
and reduce them during the day, reducing leaf wetness overall,
although soil-borne pathogens may become problematic.
2.3.3 Plant resistance
The use of cultivars resistant to diseases, insect vectors and nematodes is at least as critical to successful OF as it is for CF. Many
organic farmers prefer open pollinated cultivars to hybrids, even if
the former are more susceptible to certain diseases, because open
pollinated varieties generally have more genetic variation than
hybrids. However, when diseases can severely limit crop yield,
organic farmers try to use the most resistant varieties available
to them. For example, organic growers generally avoid potato
cultivars that are extremely susceptible to late blight. Instead, they
choose cultivars that have more general resistance to this disease
and mature early to avoid epidemic development.75,136 Similarly,
it is very important to organic producers of perennial crops such
as apples to select cultivars with broad resistance to the main
For several of the most damaging plant diseases, such as tomato
late blight and white rot (Sclerotium cepivorum) of Allium species,
no horticulturally acceptable resistant cultivars are available.
However, intensive screening efforts are under way to find potato
cultivars with broad resistance to late blight.136 Commercial seed
companies rarely invest in the development of resistant cultivars
for specialty or minor vegetable crops. Moreover, a cultivar that
is resistant to one disease may be quite susceptible to another.
Yet there are also vegetable crops with resistance to multiple
diseases. Some plant selections may have excellent resistance to
soil-borne pathogens and nematodes but be horticulturally unacceptable. In that case, horticulturally desirable crop scions may
be grafted on resistant rootstocks of a different species or genus
in the same family.138,139 Grafted annual crops mostly belong to
the Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae with resistance to Fusarium
(F. oxysporum) and Verticillium (V. dahlia) wilt, root rot by Phytophthora spp., corky root (Pyrenochaeta lycopersici), bacterial wilt
(Ralstonia solanacearum) and root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne
spp.). As grafted transplants are relatively expensive, they are
primarily used for intensive vegetable crops, for example in
© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry
Pest Manag Sci 2016; 72: 30–44
Plant disease management in organic farming systems
greenhouses. On the other hand, the use of grafted fruit trees
or vines on disease-resistant rootstocks is very common also in
conventional orchards and vineyards, because perennial crops
could not be replaced easily if they were to succumb to a disease.
Examples of disease-resistant perennials grafted onto resistant
rootstocks are fire-blight- or Phytophthora-resistant apple trees
and aphid- and nematode-resistant grapevines.26,140
The mechanisms underlying resistance range from physical
features such as a waxy epidermis to toxic secondary plant
compounds.141 Some of the resistance features have a broad activity against many pests and diseases and are based on multiple
genes. Other forms of resistance are specific and governed by one
or a few genes, which may be overcome relatively easily by the
pathogen. For example, new races of Peronospora farinosa f. sp.
spinaciae, the causal agent of spinach downy mildew, periodically
appeared in California, causing significant damage to the previously resistant spinach cultivars.142 However, not all single-gene
resistances are equally easily overcome. Especially recessive qualitative resistances seem to be based on different mechanisms that
have proven to be very stable.143,144 Prominent examples are barley
mlo powdery mildew resistance, which has not yet been overcome
since its introduction in 1976, the resistance in cabbage against F.
oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans, which has been effective since the
1920s, and the resistance to corky root of lettuce by R. suberifaciens,
which has been effective since the 1980s.129,144,145
Some forms of resistance only become effective upon induction.
There are two types of induced systemic defense: systemic
acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systemic resistance
(ISR).18,146 The first can be induced by various pathogens,
pests, chemicals and other damaging agents, and is mediated
by the salicylic acid pathway. The second is mainly induced
by plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) or fungi and
involves enhanced production of jasmonate and ethylene, which
can inhibit root and foliar plant pathogens as well as some insect
pests.70,146 ISR may be more common in organically managed
plants, as it is strongly affected by organic amendments such as
composts or chitin.16,70,125,146,147 The ability of compost to induce
resistance depends on the batch of compost, the recolonization
of the compost after the heating phase, the pathosystem and the
soil type.126,148 Several species of PGPR, such as Bacillus spp., have
been isolated that are effective at inducing resistance to particular
below- and above-ground fungal pathogens and even viruses.70,94
Under some circumstances, both SAR and ISR can be induced,
affecting the resistance level additively. A number of chemical
compounds, such as salicylic acid, potassium phosphite (also
named phosphonate), silicate, specific plant extracts and microbial metabolites, can induce resistance in plants when applied to
the foliage.23,109,149,150 Almost none of these chemical products
has been approved for organic production at this moment in time,
except when obtained from natural sources.151
Pest Manag Sci 2016; 72: 30–44
host in a mixture may also give rise to induced defense reactions,
including the production and emission of volatiles that may in turn
induce a resistance response in neighboring susceptible plants.6
In spite of the potential benefits, crop mixtures are rarely used in
current organic agriculture in the northern hemisphere, primarily
owing to technical problems with cultivation and harvesting. An
exception is the planting of mixed undercrops, which is common
in organic orchards. Moreover, planting of cultivar mixtures, especially of cereal crops, has been widely adopted in some regions,
and also in conventional production systems.6,107,108
Extensive research has been done on the effects of intercropping, strip cropping, crop mixtures and mosaics of crop fields
to control late blight of potatoes. Resistance and species diversity in the field may counteract late blight development to some
degree.75,154,155 However, this effect is not sufficient to provide protection unless combined with several other methods, and even
then, if the climatic conditions are too favorable to the disease,
organic farmers have little means to combat late blight effectively
except for copper sprays.75
2.3.5 Enhancing and augmenting biological control
Enhancing natural control is preferred over the application of
biological control agents in OF. Natural control is enhanced by
increasing the diversity in the terrestrial and soil food webs in the
agroecosystem.4,5,7,12,96 A complex microbial community as found
in organically managed soils and on plant surfaces generally contains a variety of general antagonists and parasitic microorganisms
such as Pythium oligandrum or Trichoderma species that suppress
pathogenic fungi. Organic farmers sometimes try to increase
microbial populations and diversity on plant surfaces by applying compost extracts, also called compost teas, especially in the
United States.64,96 The effects are variable, depending on the starting material, the composting and fermentation procedures and
period, the water ratio, added nutrients such as molasses, temperature and pH.157 The application methods also vary and need to be
optimized to enhance the effectiveness of compost teas.158 Compost extracts from manure and plant materials have sometimes
been used to slow down late blight development on potatoes
or tomatoes.158 – 160 Extracts from composted olive wastes were
most effective in controlling tuber blight.161 However, the use of
compost tea is now regulated in organic production owing to
concerns about possible contamination with human and animal
pathogens, especially when molasses is used to enhance microbial
growth on the plant surface.162,163 Similarly, suspensions of microbial communities are sometimes mixed into compost heaps or
sprayed directly onto the foliage, especially in tropical countries,
with the intent to enhance microbial community diversity and
increase resistance against pathogens. However, the effectiveness
of these suspensions has not been sufficiently proven in refereed
The other approach to biological control is direct application
of biocontrol agents, also called augmented biological control.
Although many potential biocontrol agents have been identified, relatively few formulated products have been approved for
disease control in organic crop production, as petroleum-based
synergists or carriers cannot be used in organic formulations.151
Lists of approved ‘microbial inoculants’ and ‘microbial products’ in the United States can be found on the website of the
Organic Materials Review Institute ( In the
EU, biological control agents that are registered for organic agriculture can be found under Council Directive 91/414/EEC and
Council Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007.165 Approved biocontrol
© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry
2.3.4 Increasing crop diversity
Mixing species or varieties differing in resistance to specific
pathogens can curb the epidemic spread of some foliar and root
diseases owing to loss of inoculum on non-host crops.6,80,129,152,153
However, the effect of diversity on epidemic development is scale
dependent.84,152,154 – 156 Pathogen spread and epidemic development is primarily determined by the number and distribution of
susceptible plants in the mixture or crop mosaic; the longer the distance between susceptible plants, the slower the spread.21,80 Resistant plants in a mixture form obstacles and traps to pathogens
and their vectors. Incompatible combinations of pathogen and
products are sometimes used as seed treatment or as soil drench
in the greenhouse, for example various species of Gliocladium,
Trichoderma, Streptomyces, Pseudomonas and Bacillus, primarily
for the control of soil-borne plant pathogens.151 Some B. subtilis
strains are used against foliar diseases, for example against Botrytis
cinerea on grapevines and fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) on apples
and pears.165 The yeast Aureobasidium pullulans is also used to
control fire blight.140,165 Nematode populations could potentially
be reduced by species of the fungal genera Myrothecium and
Paecilomyces or the bacterial genera Burkholderia and Pasteuria.166
Biocontrol agents are frequently used in apple orchards.140,165
However, they are applied only occasionally in organic annual
crop production, except for natural enemies of insect pests and
vectors, especially in greenhouse production.24 For example, the
greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum has been controlled successfully by the parasitic wasp Encarsia formosa. In the
field, products based on various Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies
are frequently used.
The mechanisms underlying successful biological control vary
from niche competition, antagonism and parasitism to predation.
These modes of action are more likely to control below-ground
diseases and pests than aerial diseases, which are much more influenced by microclimatological conditions. When microbial products are applied on seeds or soil, they may also induce systemic
resistance to diseases of above-ground parts. For example, tomatoes drenched with a suspension of Trichoderma harzianum or
Streptomyces griseoviridis had reduced levels of early blight or
gray mold, respectively, compared with the untreated control.151
A recent approach to biological disease control is through the use
of endophytes, with substantial progress reported for bananas.167
However, the application of biocontrol agents is not always successful, especially when applied to field soil. This may be due to
the large microbial diversity and buffering capacity of organically
managed field soil.168 For example, an antibiotic-producing strain
of Pseudomonas fluorescens did not survive as well in organically
managed as in conventionally managed soil.169,170 It effectively
controlled take-all disease (Gaeumannomyces graminis) in conventionally but not in organically managed soil. The greater biodiversity in organic agroecosystems may reduce the effectiveness of
augmented biological control agents.169
2.4 Curative control of pathogens in organic crops
Curative control techniques involve application of measures after
a pathogen has established itself in the crop. There are limited
options for curative control allowed in OF. In principle, the use of
synthetic pesticides is prohibited in OF. If there are exceptions for
restricted use, these pesticides are specifically listed. Pesticides
from natural sources such as plant extracts or toxins produced
by bacteria are often allowed after a thorough case-by-case evaluation, provided that no synthetic materials are used in their
formulation. Mined products are usually also allowed, e.g. silicate
from diatomaceous earth. In most countries, copper fungicides
are considered ‘mined, natural products’ and are allowed for use
against bacterial and fungal diseases, but the number of countries
with restricted use of copper fungicides is increasing, especially
in Northern Europe.149,171,172 Table 1 provides a representative list
of fungicides and insecticides, plant products, microbial agents
and other naturally available materials typically approved under
organic standards. A detailed list of products allowed for organic
production in the United States can be found on the website
of the Organic Materials Review Institute (
For Europe there are European and national regulations that are
A HC van Bruggen, A Gamliel, M R Finckh
constantly updated online.173,174 Many organic farmers try to
avoid using them except in emergency situations, because they
do not like to be seen with a spray rig for fear of being unjustly
accused of fraud.75,76
2.4.1 Pesticides and plant or microbial extracts
Copper fungicides have been used primarily to control diseases
caused by Oomycetes (downy mildews and late blight), but also
other foliar diseases that are difficult to control without fungicides, such as apple scab, tomato anthracnose, various coffee diseases and black Sigatoka disease of bananas.25 – 27,74,75,165,172,175,176
However, copper is not only toxic to bacteria and fungi but also
to plants, especially during periods of cool wet weather when
many plant pathogens thrive.177 At recommended concentrations
to control plant pathogens, copper is also toxic to various soil
organisms such as earthworms and many microorganisms, even
at sublethal concentrations.165,178 Repeated and excessive use of
copper can lead to accumulation in soil and in the food web.
Accumulation of copper in food products is toxic to humans as
well. For this reason, commercial copper products are listed as
‘regulated’, meaning that the total dosage is limited to prevent
the build-up of toxic levels of copper in the soil, and the use
of copper is quite controversial and may be banned in the near
Sulfur fungicides are widely used to control powdery mildew
on various crops and scab (Venturia inaequalis) on apples and
pears.27,140,165 It is applied as wettable sulfur (in the field and
orchards) or finely ground sulfur dust (mostly in greenhouses and
vineyards). Sulfur is generally quite effective in controlling powdery mildews, but much less effective than synthetic fungicides for
control of apple scab, especially under high disease pressures.180
Wettable sulfur combined with copper hydroxide or with lime sulfur gave better control of primary scab, but resulted in more phytotoxicity than wettable sulfur alone.180 Sulfur can also be phytotoxic
by itself, especially at temperatures above 30 ∘ C.151
Bicarbonate salts can also be used for disease control in organic
agriculture.165 Potassium and sodium bicarbonate have been
cleared by the United States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) as exempt from residue tolerances.181 Sodium bicarbonate
(baking soda) is allowed for the control of various diseases by
most regulatory agencies, but is not as effective as potassium or
ammonium bicarbonate.151,181 Bicarbonates are effective primarily against powdery mildews, apple scab and necrotic leaf spot
diseases.181 The effectiveness of bicarbonates can be enhanced by
an approved spreader-sticker like soap or oil.151,182
Oils are not only used as spreader-stickers but can also control
some fungal diseases and hurt or repel insects. Some mineral
oils, vegetable oils and fish oils are permitted for use in organic
agriculture.151 Mineral and plant-derived oils are particularly
effective against powdery mildews, and may enhance host plant
resistance.183 Oils can also inhibit insect vectors by interfering
with the gas exchange, degrading tissues or altering the behavior
of the insects. Some oils inhibit the ability of aphids to acquire and
transmit viruses.184 Moreover, insecticidal soaps (potassium and
ammonium salts of fatty acids) can be used as surfactants combined with (natural) pesticides, and can also have direct effects on
soft-bodied insects such as aphids and whiteflies by disrupting
the cuticle layer.151 The effects on plant diseases such as powdery
mildews are quite variable.151 As their name suggests, insecticidal
soaps have been registered for insect control in organic agriculture, but most of them have not been approved yet for use against
plant-pathogenic fungi, except coconut soap.140,165
© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry
Pest Manag Sci 2016; 72: 30–44
Plant disease management in organic farming systems
Extracts from several plant species can be toxic to a variety of plant pathogens and insect vectors. The extracts are
obtained by water extraction or various solvents. Several plant
extracts are allowed under organic guidelines, provided that
they are not formulated in petroleum-based synergists or carriers
( For example, yucca and citrus extracts are
listed as commercial products for organic agriculture. However,
it is difficult to find scientific evidence for the effectiveness of
most plant extracts. For example, horsetail (Equisetum) extracts
have been applied to control diseases such as peach leaf curl
and powdery mildew, but the results may be variable. One of the
active ingredients could be silicate, because horsetails contain
relatively high concentrations of silicate in the foliage.9 Similarly,
home-made extracts from horseradish roots (Armoracia rusticana),
from dock (Rumex sp.) and from nettle (Urtica sp.) have been used
to control various necrotic leaf spot diseases and downy and/or
powdery mildews.147 Both horseradish roots and dock are well
known for their antioxidant properties. Extracts from chives and
garlic have also been tested against various fungal and Oomycete
diseases. Allium species emit a volatile compound, allicin, that has
fungicidal properties.159,185 Extracts from many herbs, spices and
medicinal plants are being tested for their effects on various plant
diseases.172 For example, a formulated and available plant-based
fungicide is the organic pesticide Tillecur® based on mustard
extracts, which successfully reduces stinking smut (Tilletia caries)
when applied as seed treatment on wheat.65 However, only a few
products have been approved by organic regulatory agencies, for
example lecithin, which is extracted from soybeans and is effective
against various powdery mildews.165
Several microbial extracts can promote induced resistance, for
example cell wall fragments of Penicillum chrysogenum (PEN).150,186
PEN is active against a wide spectrum of pathogens affecting a
number of host species as it contains one or more of the substances, or substance groups, that trigger the metabolic processes typical of induced resistance. In addition, an extract from
brown algae or kelp, laminarin, has been approved for use in the
EU.174 Kelp extracts are also on the OMRI list. These extracts could
become an excellent alternative to copper fungicides in organic
In spite of the fact that some of the plant and microbial extracts
may be effective compared with untreated control plants, the
extracts are often less effective than synthetic fungicides. Therefore, an integrated approach to plant disease management, including optimal cultural practices, is even more necessary in OF than in
CF systems.7,15
Pest Manag Sci 2016; 72: 30–44
pests.61 Similarly, dusting of fine sulfur particles for the control of
powdery mildew and mites has been widely used in organic greenhouses and orchards.24,171 Such application techniques result in a
high and uniform spray deposit on both the upper and under sides
of leaves, enhancing the probability of effective control.
CF systems are typically maintained by continuous external inputs
to provide nutrients and keep pests and diseases under control.
Organic farmers strive for a healthy ecosystem with high biological
diversity, minimal nutrient losses and natural buffering capacity
against diseases and pests.9,12,95 However, it takes many years
for new microbial and chemical equilibria with relative stability
to become established after the conversion from CF to OF, and
during the transition period, several pest and disease outbreaks
may occur.188,189
Nevertheless, epidemic spread of many plant diseases can be
curbed as a result of greater crop diversity in time and space and
the use of natural vegetation, barrier and cover crops. After a transition period of about 5 years, soil-borne diseases are commonly
suppressed in OF, including fungus- and nematode-transmitted
virus diseases, provided crop rotation is sufficiently long.8 Shoot
diseases are either more or less severe in OF than in CF, depending
on the particular pathosystem and climatological circumstances.15
Diseases that are promoted by high nitrogen contents in plant tissues, such as some rusts and powdery mildews, are usually not
problematic in OF.13,111 However, foliar pathogens that survive in
crop residues or on weeds can be enhanced in OF, depending
on the level of natural control achieved. Insect-vector-transmitted
virus diseases can also be more problematic in OF owing to the
smaller scale and thus the proximity of field margins containing
alternative hosts and virus vectors, although reduced nitrogen
availability may curb virus vector activity.77 In addition, diseases
caused by multiple-cycle pathogens for which no adequate resistance is available, such as late blight of potatoes, can constitute
a severe problem for organic farmers in humid areas, as effective
control measures do not exist.165 Lack of resistances represents a
major problem in many minor crops. To overcome this, concerted
breeding efforts for OF will be required, with the involvement and
participation of organic farmers.190
Many of these plant disease problems cannot be solved in
short-term small-scale controlled experiments but need to be
addressed at a higher integration level, especially considering
long-term effects of soil management. Even more than conventional farmers, organic farmers need to reach various objectives
with a coherent set of cultural practices.17,71 Optimal farming
systems will need to be designed that satisfy the requirements of
sustained profitability, regional self-reliance, crop and ecosystem
health and minimal environmental impact. To this end, existing
and desirable farming systems can be analyzed and redeveloped using crop growth, nutrient cycling and farm management
models.17 This kind of research requires a systems approach in
which scientists from various disciplines work together. Strategic decisions that are geared towards minimization of pest
and disease outbreaks and long-term sustainability could include
regional deployment of crops, optimal rotations and integration of
semi-natural and agricultural areas in the region and on the farm.
In addition, organic regulatory agencies need to revise certain decisions with respect to the materials that are allowed for
disease control. For example, there is no scientific reason why
sodium bicarbonate would be allowed while the more effective
© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry
2.4.2 Pesticide application
Effective spraying technology must take into account the nature
of the active agent: biocontrol microorganisms or their metabolites, plant extracts or fungicides. Biocontrol agents must be kept
alive, and need to be formulated and applied with special care.
Storage and application of microbial metabolites, plant extracts
and fungicides should abide by the same principles governing
the application of conventional pesticides in order to accomplish
pest control. Unlike synthetic pesticides with systemic capacity,
the above-listed pesticides have limited mobility. Hence, optimal
coverage of the target plant organs is needed for their effective
Equipment that produces fine droplet sizes dispersed in air can
effectively deliver the spray to all target surfaces, and the use
of aerosols has been effective at controlling a wide spectrum of
potassium bicarbonate is not cleared for use by many certification agencies, although both salts are equally innocuous for the
environment. However, a full risk assessment would be needed.
Another example is the acceptance of copper as a fungicide for OF.
The negative environmental side effects have been demonstrated
in many scientific publications, but the historical use of copper in
Bordeaux Mixture to control downy mildew of grapes before the
large-scale introduction of synthetic organic fungicides seems to
provide a precedent for copper use in organic crop production.172
As the demand for organic products continues to grow, so too
will the need for improved production systems to fill this demand.
Increasingly, organic production takes place on small-scale farms
in developing countries, often under conditions of high environmental stress. Nevertheless, owing to improved soil quality and
greater water use efficiency, OF can be more productive under
those circumstances than CF with limited synthetic inputs.97
OF can thus contribute significantly to providing food security. However, more research is needed to optimize OF under
those conditions minimizing pest and disease outbreaks. A concerted interdisciplinary effort will be required to attain these
goals. The recent book Plant Diseases and their Management
in Organic Agriculture contributes to this effort by devoting
several chapters to the production of organic food crops in
the tropics.76
We would like to thank all coauthors of the book Plant Diseases
and their Management in Organic Agriculture, who indirectly contributed to this review. Thanks are also due to our employers, who
gave us the opportunity to collect the literature and compile the
1 Finckh MR and van Bruggen AHC, General introduction, in Plant
Diseases and their Management in Organic Agriculture, ed. by Finckh
MR, van Bruggen AHC and Tamm L. APS Press, St Paul, MN, 3–11
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Pest Manag Sci 2016; 72: 30–44