Incomplete Cleft Palate in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Fory Fortuna, Prasetyanugraheni Kreshanti, Siti Handayani, Kristaninta Bangun
Jakarta, Indonesia
Background: Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) is a rare congenital anomaly inheritance syndrome. The
prevalence is 1.6-2.2/100.000 of 8,558,346 births in Europe. Cleft palate is less frequent malformation of this
syndrome (21,7%) than other associated malformations. The diagnosis can be obtained clinically based on
CdLS diagnostic criteria by USA CdLS Foundation. This is the first case in our hospital.
Patient and Method: A case of a 4-year-old girl who came to our attention at Cleft and Craniofacial Center
Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital for incomplete cleft palate. Parents’ major concerns was
feeding problem. The clinical investigations showed that the child met diagnostic criteria for CdLS as described
in literatures. We manage this case in collaboration with paediatric department and other related specialists,
including radiologist and craniofacial orthodontist. We performed Veau-Wardill-Kilner’s palataoplasty for the
incomplete cleft palate. Paediatric department arranged provision of dietary.
Result: This patient with incomplete cleft palate whom we treated by palatoplasty was moderately involved
by CdLS (severity score 17). After 3 weeks follow-up, we have overcome feeding problem and body weight
Summary: Patient with CdLS needs early multidisciplinary team approach management for maximum
outcome, because variety of associated malformations may present and life-threatening. Diagnostic criteria by
USA CdLS Foundation assist health care personnel recognize this syndrome early.
Keywords: CdLS, multidisciplinary team approach, incomplete palatoschisis, syndromic
Latar Belakang: Sindrom Cornelia de Lange (CdLS) adalah sindrom kongenital yang jarang terjadi. Angka
prevalensi sekitar 1.6-2.2/100.000 dari 8,558,346 kelahiran in Eropa. Celah langit-langit adalah malformasi
yang paling jarang terjadi (21,7%) dibandingkan dengan malformasi lain. Diagnosis dapat ditegakkan secara
klinis berdasarkan kriteria diagnosis yang dibuat oleh yayasan CdLS di Amerika Serikat. Ini adalah kasus
pertama di rumah sakit kami.
Pasien dan Metode: Kasus pasien anak perempuan umur 4 tahun yang datang ke Cleft and Craniofacial
Center Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Cipto Mangunkusumo dengan masalah celah langit-langit inkomplit.
Keluhan utama orang tua adalah masalah makan dan minum. Hasil pemeriksaan klinis terhadap pasien ini
mengarah pada kriteria diagnostik CdLS sesuai literatur. Kami mengelola kasus ini bekerja sama dengan
dengan Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, dan spesialis terkait, diantaranya spesialis radiologi dan spesialis
ortodonti kraniofasial. Kami melakukan palatoplasti dengan teknik Veau-Wardill-Kilner.
Hasil: Pasien dengan celah langit-langit yang kami lakukan palatoplasty memiliki kriteria diagnosis CdLS
sedang (skor 17). Setelah follow up selama 3 minggu, masalah makan dan minum telah teratasi dan
peningkatan berat badan.
Ringkasan: Pasien dengan CdLS membutuhkan manajemen pendekatan awal tim multidisiplin karena
mungkin saja terdapat malformasi yang dapat mengancam jiwa. Kriteria diagnosis oleh yayasan CdLS
Amerika Serikat sangat membantu petugas kesehatan mengenali sindrom ini lebih dini.
Kata Kunci:.CdLS, multidisciplinary team approach, incomplete palatoschisis, syndromic
Received: 30 May 2012, Revised: 15 July 2012, Accepted: 2 January 2013.
(Jur.Plast.Rekons. 2013;1:21-7)
ornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) was
first described by Cornelia de Lange, a
Dutch paediatrician in 1933.1,2 This
syndrome is also called as Brachmann
de Lange syndrome (BdLS) since he reported a
patient with similar characteristics at autopsy in
1916.1,2,3,4 It is slightly more common in woman
than man (W/M=1,3/1).1 There is no racial
tendency.1,2 Based on 23 years of epidemiologic
monitoring (8,558,346 births in the 1980-2002
From the Division of Plastic Reconstructive, and
Aesthetic Surgery University of Indonesia Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Presented in 16th IAPS Scientific Meetings In
Sibolangit, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
period), the prevalence of the classical form of
CdLS to be 1.24/100,000 births or 1:81,000 births
and estimated the overall CdLS prevalence at
1.6-2.2/100,000 in Europe.5 The most frequent
associated congenital malformations were limb
defects (73.1%), congenital heart defects (45.6%),
central nervous system malformations (40.2%),
and cleft palate (21.7%).5 First week survival of
live born infants with CdLS is quite high
(91.4%). Evidence showed that almost 70% of
Disclosure: The authors have no financial
interest to declare in relation to the content of this
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi - January - March 2013
1 Point
3 points
5 points
Birth weight
Above 2,500 g
2,000-2,500 g
Below 2,000 g
Sitting alone
Before 9 months
9-20 months
Over 20 months
Walking alone
Before 18 months
18-42 months
Over 42 months
Saying first word
Before 24 months
24-48 months
Over 48 months
Upper limb
No defect
Partial defect (more
than two digits)
Severe defect (less
than two digits)
Number of other
major malformations
More than 3
Hearing loss
Scoring: >22 Points, severely involved;15-22 points, moderately involved; <15 points, mildly involved. Ages based
on Kline et al. [1993b] using 25th-75th centiles of completing milestones. (based in part on Kline et al, 1996)
patients, born after the 37th week of gestation,
weighed <or=2,500 g. Severe limb anomalies
were more often present in males.5 The etiology
of this syndrome is still not clear.6 Mutations in
autosomal dominant inheritance of Nipped-B
homolog (NIPBL) and SMC3-related CdLS also
the x-linked inheritance of SMC1A-related CdLS
have been suggested as probable cause of this
The characteristic of CdLS are generally
divided into facial features, major and minor
criteria and diagnostic criteria for CdLS were
created by the CdLS Foundation’s Medical
Director Antonie Kline, M.D. in collaboration
with members of the Clinical Advisory Board
(CAB) of the CdLS Foundation and the Scientific
Advisory Committee of the World CdLS (SAC)
Federation (Figure 5). If genetic testing
identified a mutation in one of the associated
genes, the diagnosis of CdLS can be established.
But by the presence of facial findings (eyebrows
that meet at the midline, long eyelashes, short
nose, anteverted nostrils, long and prominent
area between upper lip and nose, broad or
depressed nasal bridge, small or square chin,
thin lips, downturned corners, high palate and
widely spaced or absent teeth) and meet criteria
from two major categories (growth,
development, or behaviour) the diagnosis be
enforced. Or facial findings meet criteria for at
least one major categories and two additional
categories (major or minor).11 There are also
severity scoring available (Table 1).
According to Kline et al, management
and treatment of CdLS is based on the consensus
of CAB and SAC, which focuses on prevention
of treatable complications, and optimization of
developmental ability. Routine medical
evaluation for any abnormality condition is
needed and each age group has its own
particular issues.9
The patient is a 4-year-old female patient
was brought by her parents’ initiative to general
surgery policlinic Cipto Mangunkusumo
National General Hospital on November 2011
with cleft palate since birth. She was the first
child in the family, born of a full-term sectiocaesarean delivery with a birth weight of 1500
gr, height of 40 cm and the birth head
circumference was not measured. The present
weight, height, and head circumference were
9400 gr, 85cm, and 42 cm. Both parents were
normal and there was no history of deformity in
their pedigree.
She was admitted at hospital when she
was 16 days old because of the feeding problem
she had and then returned home without
feeding education to parents and also without
any suggestion for feeding problem and the cleft
palate. She often choked while drinking by
using milk bottle and her weight was not
gaining normally. She was sitting alone around
the age of 18 months, walking alone in the age of
2 years and saying the first word when she was
She was then suggested to come to
Craniofacial Centre Cipto Mangunkusumo
National General Hospital. Initially we
diagnosed this child with Pierre Robbins
Syndrome, based on the cleft palate, small jaw,
glossoptosis and global development delay she
had. Paediatric department found that this child
Volume 2 - Number 1 - Incomplete Cleft in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Figure( 1..4TyearTold. female. pa5ent. with. Cornelia. de. Lange. Syndrome.. She. has. synophrys,. long. eyelashes,.
droopy.eyelid,.short. nose,.broad. and.depressed.nasalTbridge,.small.and. squareTchin,.long. philtrum,.thin.lips.
with. downturned. corners. (A,B,C).. Generalized. hirsu5sm. is. present. (D).. She. has. incomplete. cleM. palate. as.
had diagnostic criteria for CdLS. She presented
s e v e r a l d i s t i n c t i v e f a c i a l fi n d i n g s ,
developmental and growth delay and some
behaviour problem (extreme shyness,
withdrawal and hyperactivity). She has
synophrys, long eyelashes, droopy eyelid, short
nose, broad and depressed nasal-bridge, small
and square-chin, long philtrum, thin lips with
downturned corners (Figure 1.A, B, C). She has
incomplete cleft palate as minor criteria of CdLS
(Figure 1.F). The over-length of the philtrum is
confirmed by OsiriX™ (Figure 2) and is
interpretated by Growth Chart for Nose and
Philtrum by Zankl et al (Figure 3). The
techniques of measuring the philtrum is by
drawing a straight line from the lower nose and
then measured perpendicularly (Figure 4).10 Her
present weight and height is below 5th percentile
for age. Generalized hirsutism is present with
low frontal implantation of hair and long skin
hair (Figure 1.A, B, C, D, E). There was no
anomaly in extremities. According to CdLS
diagnostic criteria checklist by CdLS
Foundation, USA, she has 4 facial findings, 2
major criteria and 3 minor criteria those are
sufficient to diagnose CdLS (Figure 5). Her
severity score of CdLS was 15 (moderatelyinvolved) [table 3].
Patient was coming back to our
department on February 2012 and the patient
was prepared for palatoplasty. Her general
health was acceptable without cardiac or
respiratory problem. The additional requirement
tests (general analytical, radiology of thorax and
electrocardiogram) did not show any alterations
that might contraindicate the general anesthesia.
Under general anesthesia the
palatoplasty was done using Veau-WardillKilner’s technique. Paediatric department
arranged continue provision of dietary and
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi - January - March 2013
Volume 2 - Number 1 - Incomplete Cleft in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Coming to a Diagnosis:
Positive mutation on CdLS gene testing; OR
Minor Criteria
Musculoskeletal (>one or more of the following)
Absent arms or forearms
Facial Findings and meet criteria from two major
categories (growth, development or behaviour); OR
Three or more of the following or small hands and
feet and/or missing digits with two or more of the
Facial findings and meet criteria for at least one
major categories and two additional categories
(major or minor)
Curved 5th finger
Abnormal palmar crease
Dislocated elbow/abnormal elbow extension
Facial Features
Eyebrows that meet at the midline and > three or
more of the following:
Short 1st knuckle/proximally placed thumb
Long eyelashes
Short nose, anteverted nostrils
Partial webbing between 2nd and 3rd toes
Chest or sternum deformity
Hip dislocation or dysplasia
Long, prominent area between upper lip and nose
Broad or depressed nasal bridge
Small or square chin
v Thin lips, downturned corners
v High palate
Widely spaced or absent teeth
Major Criteria
Growth (>two or more of the following)
v Weight below 5th percentile for age
Height/length below 5th percentile for age
Head circumference below 5th percentile for age
Neurosensory/Skin (three or more of the following)
Major eye malformation or peripapiillary
Deafness or hearing loss
Mottled appearance to skin
Development (>one or more of the following)
Droopy eyelid(s)
Tear duct malformation or inflammation of eyelid
Developmental delays or intellectual disability, with
speech more affected than motor skills
Excessive body hair
Small nipples and/or belly button
Other Major Systems (three or more of the
Learning disabilities
Gastrointestinal malformation/malrotation
Behavior (>two or more of the following)
Attention deficit disorder plus hyperactivity
Obsessive-compulsive characteristics
Constant roaming
Self-injurious behaviour
Extreme shyness or withdrawal
Autistic like features
Diaphragmatic hernia
Gastroesophageal reflux
Cleft palate or submucous cleft palate
Congenital heart disease
Abnormally placed opening or urethra on penis
Undescended testes
Renal or urinary tract malformation
Figure(5..Anomaly.findings.for. from. Cornelia.
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi - January - March 2013
Table(3..Pa5ent’s.severity.score.of.CdLS:.17.(moderately.involved) 9.
Birth weight
1500 g
Sitting alone
18 months
Walking alone
24 months
Saying first word
12 months
Upper limb malformation
No defect
Number of other major
Incomplete cleft palate, droopy
eyelid, hirsutism
Hearing loss
Total Score
growth monitoring.
Seven days after the treatment the patient
was scheduled for a visit. First week after
surgery chocking occurs sometimes. Three week
after surgery we found no complaint in feeding
and weight was increased to 10 kg.
CdLS is a rare multiple congenital genetic
anomaly. The clinical hallmarks of this syndrome
are the facial features.2,9 Diagnosis is based upon
phenotypic findings compiled by consensus
among some members of the Clinical Advisory
Board of CdLS Foundation USA (CAB) and the
Scientific Advisory Committee of the World
CdLS Federation (SAC).8,11,13 This syndrome
affect almost any organ system commonly
neurodevelopment, craniofacial, gastrointestinal,
and musculoskeletal. Some organ system
requires early management protocol during the
first day of life like craniofacial structures
anomalies can affect the viability of a neonate
because of their impact on airway/or
swallowing.12 So patients with this syndrome
needs an immediate integrated team approached
consists of specialist from a wide variety of
disciplines, medical ethics, and social work to
provide holistic care for maximum outcome.13
The patient in our case had her late first
consultation with plastic surgeon at 4 years of
age, due to her parents’ concern about feeding
problem those were choking when drinking, and
her body weight was below the children on her
age. Her severity of CdLS was moderate. As
Kline et all purposed management and treatment
since infancy continued by routine medical
evaluation, it is now more arduous to treat this
patient with maximum outcome. Our on going
plan for this patient are monitoring growth via
C d L S - s p e c i fi c g r o w t h c h a r t s , d e n t i s t r y
evaluation 6 months, paediatric ophthalmologic
evaluation annually, audiology testing every 2-3
years. We also plan for speech therapy.
Patient with CdLS needs early
multidisciplinary team approach management
for maximum outcome because variety of
associated malformations may present that can
lead to global developmental delay or even
death. By knowing distinctive facial features of
this syndrome, health care personnel will be
greatly assisted to recognize this syndrome early.
Kristaninta Bangun, M.D.
Plastic Surgery Division
Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital
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