The Enlightenment: Still Burning Bright


Ateneo de Manila University Archīum Arch um Ateneo Magisterial Lectures 10-6-2020 The Enlightenment: Still Burning Bright Fernando N. Zialcita Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Social and Cultural Anthropology Commons Arete THE ENLIGHTENMENT: Still Burning Bright FERNANDO N ZIALCITA, PhD DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY We assume that we have a right to be Free THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT OUTLINE • How the flame was ignited in Europe • How the flame spread to the Philippines • How the flame continues to burn brightly today THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT HOW THE FLAME WAS IGNITED IN EUROPE The Three Social Classes in France and Europe during the 18th century: The Clergy and the Nobility on the back of the overtaxed Commoner THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT WHAT GAVE FRENCH INTELLECTUALS THE COURAGE TO QUESTION THE STATUS QUO? • The example of Galileo in the preceding century who developed a new approach: “Scienza” (Knowledge) • Conduct controlled experiments, gather observable data, use mathematical analysis to explain data • Hence: Observation + Reason. No need for external authority THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT WHICH REVOLVES AROUND WHICH? THE SUN AROUND THE EARTH? OR THE EARTH AROUND THE SUN? THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT THE CLASH BETWEEN SCIENCE AND AUTHORITY • Galileo used the telescope to investigate the movement of the planets together with mathematical calculations • Church authorities saw his “Science” as a threat to the authority of the Ancient Greeks and the Bible • Under threat of torture, he was ordered to recant. THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT THE TRIUMPH OF REASON • Galileo’s New Method was copied throughout Europe and proven correct. • Intellectuals asked: Why not use rational inquiry to make the everyday world a better place? • “The Enlightenment” = Reason combatting ignorance • The Radical Thinkers were called “philosophes” (philosophers) or “lumières” (lights). THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT MODERNITY The Enlightenment = “Man realizing his potential through the use of his mind.” Immanuel Kant ▪ “Modernity” = the view that the world and the Self can be improved through Reason. ▪ Modernity arose from the Enlightenment. THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT FIRST CONTRIBUTION OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT: EVIDENCE-BASED KNOWLEDGE FOR ALL The multi-volume Encyclopédie of 1751-1772 made available current knowledge, both theoretical and practical, to the public. However, the Church objected... THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT SECOND CONTRIBUTION OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT: FIGHT FOR FREEDOM OF THOUGHT “Intolerance has never provoked a civil war, but intolerance has covered the earth in carnage.” -Voltaire THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT Voltaire took up the case of JeanFrançois de la Barre, a 19 year old nobleman accused of blasphemy “Ecrasez l’infame!” (Crush the horror!) - Voltaire THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT THIRD CONTRIBUTION OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STRUGGLE FOR EQUALITY “Man is born free but is everywhere in chains.” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT “The so-called ”Savage” uses his body for various purposes of which we are incapable.. If he had a ladder, would he be so nimble in climbing a tree?” -Rousseau -SOURCE OF QUOTE ROUSSEAU ON INEQUALITY • Private property in land is not present in all societies. Absent in very simple societies. • Laws by the State can mitigate social inequality. • The State is a social contract. THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT IMPACT OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT UPON EUROPE • Though Voltaire and Rousseau were exiled, their ideas spread throughout Europe and the European colonies in the Americas • Legal codes were reexamined. • Attitudes changed THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT But taxation without representation still prevailed. Hence the American and the French Revolutions in 1776 and 1789 THE 1789 DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF MAN AND THE CITIZEN • Article I: Men are born and remain free and equal. Social distinctions can only be founded on the common good. • Article II: The goal of all political associations is the natural and imprescriptible are the rights of man; and these rights are liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression. THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT HOW THE FLAME SPREAD TO THE PHILIPPINES Because of the 1872 Cavite Mutiny, three innocent priests were publicly executed. Prominent citizens were deported to Guam. Colonial rule was arbitrary. THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT CONTRIBUTION BY FILIPINOS TO THE ENLIGHTENMENT: EXPOSE THE ABUSES OF COLONIALISM In his two novels, Rizal showed how colonial injustice wrecks innocent lives e.g. Ibarra and Maria Clara THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT FIRST CONTRIBUTION OF FILIPINOS TO THE ENLIGHTENMENT: THE NEED FOR PERSONAL MORALITY “There are can be no tyrants where there are no slaves – Jose Rizal THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT Because reforms were not granted, Andres Bonifacio organized a revolutionary organization SECOND CONTRIBUTION OF FILIPINOS TO THE ENLIGHTENMENT: CONTRAST BETWEEN TWO KINDS OF LIGHT “Sa ating pang-uga-ugali, nangapit ang pagsamba sa ningning at pagtakwil sa liwanag.” -Emilio Jacinto THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT INSIGHT • In standard Spanish: 1) “ilustrado” = anyone with education (ilustración). 2) “ilustrado” = anyone who believes in the Enlightenment (Ilustraci‫ٴ‬ón) • Jacinto and our other heroes: “ilustrados” in the term’s two senses • They were “light-bearers.” THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT IMPACT OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT UPON THE PHILIPPINES • Rizal was executed, Jacinto died from battle wounds • Their ideals, however, inspired the philosophy of our Republic. THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT HOW THE FLAME BURNS BRIGHT TODAY • Many countries have constitutions with a bill of rights • The UN enacted a “Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) • Churches, like the Catholic, advocate religious tolerance and democracy • Policy-makers consult science experts THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT BUT THERE ARE PROBLEMS • Science is under attack when it challenges powerful interests. E. g. saving the forests and reducing fossil fuels to arrest global warming • Human rights are also under attack. E.g. Religious intolerance, often violent, is rising. So are racism and sexism. Freedom of speech is being curtailed under populist governments THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT “Sapere aude” (Dare to know) - Immanuel Kant “Ating hanapin ang liwanag. Huwag tayo mabigham sa ningning.” (Let us look for the light and not be dazzled by glitter) -Emilio Jacinto THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT TODAY’S LIGHT BEARERS • Ibon Foundaton specializing in research on socio-economic issues. Accused of harboring dissidents • Academics who use scientific data to advocate more effective government policies • Writers and journalists who expose what really is being done by the State on particular issues. They are harassed, imprisoned or even killed. THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT Despite the growing shadows, the light shines bright THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To: Enrique Leviste, Jowel Canuday, JP Dalupang and Skilty Labastilla. Likewise to the heroes of the Enlightenment, the heroes of our Propaganda Movement and 1896 Revolution and our Light-Bearers today THE ENLIGHTENMENT: STILL BURNING BRIGHT