Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
Were the Ebionites Correct?
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Michael Harvey Koplitz
This edition 2020 copyright © Michael H. Koplitz
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means without the permission of the publisher.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are
taken from the New American Standard Bible®,
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973,
1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used
by permission. (
The NASB uses italic to indicate words that have been
added for clarification. Citations are shown with large
capital letters.
Published by Michael H. Koplitz
ISBN-13: 9798634601076
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................... 7
Before you start reading ...................................15
The main differences between the Greek
method and the Hebraic method of teaching 19
Who were the Ebionites, and what did they
believe?................................................................ 25
The Resurrection Events ..................................31
Jesus’ Baptism .................................................... 35
Not knowing things ..........................................39
Jesus birth ........................................................... 43
Conclusion ......................................................... 49
Bibliography ....................................................... 53
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
This work could not have been accomplished
without Dr. Anne Davis, who taught me
Ancient (Hebraic) Bible study methods, and my
two study partners, Rev. Dr. Robert Cook and
Pastor Sandra Koplitz. We know that the
journey has just started and will last a lifetime.
The discovery of the depths of God’s Word is
waiting for us to find.
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
Matt. 20:23 He said to them, “My cup you
shall drink; but to sit on My right and on My
left, this is not Mine to give, but it is for those
for whom it has been prepared by My Father.”
Some questions arise when reading the
Scripture, especially when using Ancient Bible
Study Methods.1 If you are not familiar with this
method, a chapter about the difference between
Greek/Western learning methods and Hebraic
methods is included. Ancient Methods is
Hebraic methods with the addition of the
culture and the language of Jesus’ day. The
If you do not know Ancient Bible Study methods the author
has published several books on this topic. You can also find
information at his website,
Michael Harvey Koplitz
result is an interpretation of the Scripture the
way Jesus and His followers understood it. The
church has placed filters on the Scripture, telling
us for centuries what to believe. The Catholic
Church forbade catholic Christians from
owning a Bible until 1964 CE. By doing this
Catholic Church prevented its membership
from discovering what Jesus said and did for
It is passages like Matthew 20:23, which arise in
the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and
Luke) that bring up a concern about how the
disciples viewed Jesus and how Jesus viewed
Himself. Did the disciples think that Jesus was
God? The answer is probably not. Bart Ehrman
wrote an excellent book titled “How Jesus
Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish
Preacher from Galilee.” This book is one of
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
several other books that ask and offer
possibilities to this question. Somewhere
between 40 CE and 90 CE is when the ProtoOrthodox church declared Jesus as God.
Matthew 20:23 is one of several passages in the
synoptic Gospels that Jesus tells us directly that
He is not God. What about John’s Gospel?
That book was written after 90 CE, especially
for the Proto-Orthodox church. By then, this
emerging church, which dominated all its
competitors, believed that Jesus was God.
John’s Gospel expresses the Proto-Orthodox
church’s view of Jesus.
A reason for the Proto-Orthodox church’s
belief in Jesus as God came from its origins
being in the Mithras cult. In the ancient world,
Michael Harvey Koplitz
it was common for people to change their
allegiance from one god to another god. Paul
was a good convincer. When Paul left
Damascus and made his travels around the
Roman world, he converted Mithras house
churches. The Mithras cult had many different
names throughout history. By Roman times the
cult’s “leader” was Mithras. Paul entered these
house churches and convinced them that
Mithras was not their God, but rather Jesus of
communion, and other facets of Christianity’s
doctrine and ritual come directly from Mithras.2
Mithras was the son of god who died for the
sins of people. He was born to a virgin, and
The author wrote a book titled “Christianity’s Need for
Mithras” which discusses the conversion of Mithras house
churches into Jesus house churches.
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
Mithras will come again. There are more areas
of doctrine that connect Mithras to Christianity.
It is well documented that the faith picked up
believes from pagan cultures and made them a
part of the Christian faith. Poinsettias,
Christmas trees, and lilies at Easter are just
some examples.
The Proto-Orthodox church, based on the
Mithras house churches, changed their god
from Mithras to Jesus. Paul did interject some
of the morals and ethics of Judaism into the
churches. This interjection can be seen in Paul’s
letters to the churches which are found in the
New Testament. A lot of the discussions are
about morals and ethics.
Michael Harvey Koplitz
I have written two other books about the
possible origin of Jesus of Nazareth and His
relationship to the LORD. The first one was the
postulation that Jesus of Nazareth was a
teraphim angel sent as the Messiah. The second
was the postulation that Jesus was either the
Sefirah Tiferet or the angel of the Sefirah
This is the third postulation. Could the
Ebionites have been partially correct? Their
doctrine was that Jesus of Nazareth was humanlike anyone of us. He followed the LORD’s
commandments to the letter. After His death,
the LORD raised him from the dead and
exalted Him to become divine. The last part is
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
what this paper does not agree with, and it will
be shown why.
So the investigation is, was Jesus, just another
human who followed the commandments of
the LORD.
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
Before you start reading
I have been using Ancient Bible Study Methods
developed initially by the Sage Hillel to analyze
Scripture for many years. I learned the
Greek/Western method of Scripture analysis
while attending Seminary. I found that the
Greek/Western process did not explain many
of the events in the New Testament. Using a
Hebraic approach to a Hebraic document has
been opening up a deeper understanding of the
LORD’s Word. I have incorporated the culture
of Jesus’ day and His native language, Aramaic,
to expand the analysis of biblical passages.
The LORD’s Word contains various depths of
understanding. The rabbis say that there are at
least seventy depths of understanding to the
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Torah. Why? Because a person will hear the
Torah read at least that many times in their lives.
The synagogue reads the Torah through each
What is presented here is an understanding of
Jesus of Nazareth, using the synoptic Gospels,
as a human. When you read this presentation,
take note that I am not saying that this is what I
believe nor what you should believe. It is an
academic presentation.
In Hebraic studies, anything can be debated as
long as the premise of the discussion is biblical.
What is presented is biblical. Some readers will
have difficulty reading this presentation because
of what the church has taught them. The debate
is not about the church being incorrect or not.
It is a presentation of looking at the life of Jesus
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
of Nazareth using the synoptic Gospels. If you
feel that you will get angered by such a
presentation, then I advise you to stop reading
right now.
Hebraic studies allow for the free expression of
ideas. Remember that none of us have a clear
answer to the theological questions of the
world. This statement is true because of the
numerous religious expressions that exist in the
world. Christianity today has many expressions.
Today they have labels like Methodists,
Lutherans, Catholics, and many more. Also, we
have a new label for some churches, the
independent churches. These independent
churches develop what they want their
theological position to be.
Michael Harvey Koplitz
So if you are still reading this book, then you are
open to reading something extremely different
then what the church professes as the
understanding of Jesus of Nazareth.
One last statement is that I am NOT saying that
this is my theological position. I am presenting
a possibility that is worth contemplating. That
is all. Now, if you are ready and have an open
mind, please continue to the introduction or the
next chapter.
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
The main differences between the Greek
method and the Hebraic method of
Once a student becomes aware of these two
teaching styles, the student will be able to
determine if the class attended or if a book read,
whether the teaching method is either a Greek
or Hebraic method. In the Greek manner, the
instructor is always right because of advanced
knowledge. In the college situation, it is because
the professor has his/her Ph.D. in some area of
study, so one assumes that he or she knows
everything about the topic. For example,
Rodney Dangerfield played the role of a middleaged man going to college. His English midterm
was to write about Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Since he
did not understand any of Vonnegut’s books, he
Michael Harvey Koplitz
hired Vonnegut himself to write the midterm.
When he received the paper from the English
Professor told Dangerfield that whoever wrote
the paper knew nothing about Vonnegut. The
professor’s words are an example of the Greek
method of teaching. Did the Ph.D. English
professor think that she knew more about
Vonnegut’s writings than Vonnegut did? 3
In the Greek teaching method, the professor or
the instructor claims to be the authority. If one
attends a Bible study class and the class leader
says, “I will teach you the only way to
understand this biblical book,” you may want to
consider the implications. This method is
standard since most Seminaries and Bible
Back to School. Performed by Rodney Dangerfield.
Hollywood: CA: Paper Clip Productions, 1986. DVD.
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
colleges teach a Greek mode of learning, which
is the same method the church has been
utilizing for centuries.
Hebraic teaching methods are different. The
teacher wants the students to challenge what
they hear. It is through questioning that a
student can learn. Also, the teacher wants
his/her students to excel to a point where the
student becomes the teacher.
If two rabbis come together to discuss a passage
of Scripture, the result will be at least ten
different opinions. All points of view are
acceptable if each is supported by biblical
evidence. It is permissible and encouraged that
students develop many ideas. There is a depth
Michael Harvey Koplitz
to God’s Word, and God wants us to find all
His messages contained in the Scripture.
Seeking out the meaning of the Scriptures
beyond the literal meaning is essential to
understand God’s Word fully.4
The Greek
method of learning the Scriptures has prevailed
over the centuries. One problem is that only the
literal interpretation of Scripture was often
viewed as valid, as prompted by Martin Luther’s
“sola literalis” meaning that just the literal
translation of Scripture was accurate. The
Fundamentalist movements of today base their
beliefs on the literal interpretation of the
Scripture. Therefore, they do not believe that
Davis, Anne Kimball. The Synoptic Gospels. MP3.
Albuquerque: NM: BibleInteract, 2012.
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
God placed more profound, hidden, or secret
meanings in the Word.
The students of the Scriptures who learn
through Hebraic training and understanding
have drawn a different conclusion. The Hebrew
language itself leads to different possible
interpretations because of the construction of
the language. The Hebraic method of Bible
study opens avenues of thought about God’s
revelations in the Scripture never considered.
Not all questions about the Scripture studied
will have an immediate answer. If so, it becomes
the responsibility of the learners to uncover the
meaning. Also, remember that many opinions
about the meaning of Scripture are also
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
Who were the Ebionites, and what did they
Simply stated, the Ebionites were a group that
followed the ways of Jesus of Nazareth,
believing that He was the Messiah but not God.
You will not hear about them in your local
church because they were declared a heresy by
the Proto-Orthodox church when it grew large
enough to grab power. The Proto-Orthodox
church destroyed all other forms of Christianity.
Once that was accomplished, the ProtoOrthodox Church became the only sanctioned
church in the Roman Empire.
Unfortunately, the Proto-Orthodox church
destroyed the documents and records of all its
Michael Harvey Koplitz
competitors. The Gnostics, who believed that
Jesus of Nazareth brought the Secret Word of
God, which Moses received on Mount Sinai and
was lost over the centuries, survived and is in
publication today. The Gnostics placed their
writings in jars that ended up in the garbage
dump at Alexandria Egypt. They were
discovered in 1948 and have been studied and
read ever since then. The Proto-Orthodox
church snuffed them out in the second century
There were other Christian movements that the
Unfortunately, we will never have their writings.
The Catholic and Orthodox churches have
decided that everything their leadership decides
is not beneficial to them a heresy. Many people
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
have died over the centuries because their
objections to the church were declared heresy.
In 1517 the Reformation began, and Martin
Luther’s writing was not destroyed. He was told
to recant his theological position as heresy. He
refused, and that sparked the ready to explode
church. If the printing press was not invented
seventy years earlier,
none of Luther’s
theological ideas would have survived.
What about the Ebionites? There are people in
Christian churches today who do not believe
that Jesus of Nazareth was God incarnated. The
church does not hunt them down as it did 1900
years ago. However, when they are discovered,
they are usually escorted out.
Michael Harvey Koplitz
The Ebionite theology that this research paper
question is the belief that Jesus of Nazareth was
made divine after his death. The idea of a
resurrection was fresh in the Near East. This
idea came with the Greek and the introduction
of Hellenism. It was a new concept that had
believers and opponents.
If the idea of the separation of the spirit and
body is real, then when each human dies, their
spirit will separate from their body and will
return to God. The only difference between
Jesus of Nazareth is what happened after the
The custom of the day was to return to a grave
on the third day after death. It was believed that
the visitors to the grave could be heard by the
deceased. One would be saying their final good28
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
byes. The difference with Jesus of Nazareth is
that it is believed that he was seen that day and
several times afterward for forty days. The
historian Josephus notes in his writing that
Jesus of Nazareth was seen after his death.
That does not mean that Jesus was divine. It
does mean that his spirit could be heard and
possibly seen before he departed the Earth.
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
The Resurrection Events
The synoptic Gospels disagree with what
happened on the third day after Jesus’ death. If
the three Gospels are compared to John’s
Gospel, there are a lot of interesting points to
In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus instructs the
women at the grave to tell the disciples to meet
Him in the Galilee later that day. However, the
disciples are in Jerusalem. It was not physically
possible for the eleven remaining disciples to
travel from Jerusalem, where the crucifixion
occurred to the Galilee. That was a seven-day
journey. However, Matthew’s Gospel says that
Jesus met his disciples in the Galilee the night
of the third day. That timeline just does not
Michael Harvey Koplitz
work. Also, Matthew’s Gospel says that Jesus
ascended to Heaven right there. Jesus left
behind what is called the Great Commission.
Mark’s Gospel had nothing after Jesus’ death.
Later on, after the writing of this Gospel,
several verses were added to the end of the
book. Jesus meets with his disciples on the third
day to give them instructions and then ascends
to heaven.
Luke’s Gospel has several times that Jesus
appears to one or more of his disciples after His
resurrection. Eventually, he ascends to Heaven.
The Book of Acts is supposed to be a
continuation of Luke’s Gospel. However, Acts
commences with Jesus’ ascension, which is
different in Luke when compared to Acts.
Which is correct? The idea that the same author
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
penned both books does not fly because of the
apparent differences in the same story.
John’s Gospel was written to comply with the
new Proto-Orthodox church’s beliefs. Since
this flavor of Christianity was based on the
Mithras cult, one can see Mithras in John’s
Gospel. There are several events of the postJesus resurrection. The big difference with the
other Gospels is that John’s Gospel says that
Jesus gave the disciples the Holy Spirit that
evening. In the current Orthodox church, the
belief is that the Father and the Son created the
Holy Spirit that night. Well, that is interesting
because, at the beginning of John’s Gospel, the
Holy Spirit comes upon Jesus when John
baptized him in the Jordan River.
Michael Harvey Koplitz
So did the women see Jesus, or did they feel him
appearance. Alternatively, was the resurrection
stories of Jesus added to the Gospels when the
Proto-Orthodox church took control of the
writings. Mithras resurrected from the dead
three days after his death. If Jesus replaced
Mithras, then Jesus had to rise from the grave
on the third day after his death.
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
Jesus’ Baptism
Jesus came to the river Jordan where his cousin
was performing the mikvah ritual. This
cleansing was for the forgiveness of sins. The
people believed that the LORD forgave sins
through the mikvah, which enabled poor Jews
to atone for their sins. The church states that
Jesus was without any sin. Since Jesus grew up
from an infant to a man, he probably disobeyed
his parents along the way. In Luke’s Gospel,
there is a narrative of the family being in
discovered that he was not with the caravan.
They found Jesus in the Temple, discussing the
Bible with the priests. Jesus is told in that
passage that he sinned against his parents. The
Michael Harvey Koplitz
church insists that Jesus did not sin. However,
the Infancy Gospel of Thomas has narratives in
it where the young Jesus does sin.
Young kids sin by not obeying their parents.
Every generation since the human model was
introduced had children disobeying parents. It
is expected that children will test the boundaries
to learn and grow. Jesus would have done this
Therefore, Jesus wanted to go through the
mikvah in order to cleanse himself of these
childhood sins before he could start his
messianic ministry. If Jesus were God incarnate,
then he would have never disobeyed his
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
The Holy Spirit sends Jesus into the desert
If Trinity doctrine is correct, why does the Holy
Spirit lead Jesus into the desert? The Holy Spirit
would just think “go to the desert,” and the Son
would go. Being three in one, if the Holy Spirit
were thinking about it, then certainly the Son
would know of it. The Gospels say that Jesus is
directed into the desert by the Holy Spirit.
Mark 1:12 Immediately the Spirit impelled
Him to go out into the wilderness. 13 And He
was in the wilderness forty days being
tempted by Satan; and He was with the wild
beasts, and the angels were ministering to
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
Not knowing things
One area that the Gospels bring up is when
Jesus will return. The concept comes from the
Mithras cult and becomes incorporated in
Christianity because Paul converted to
Christianity the Mithras house churches. The
real question is not will Jesus return, but rather
Jesus says that he does not know when he
would return. If Jesus was God incarnate, how
can he not know when he will return? Jesus
said in the Gospels that only the Father knows
the time. If Trinity doctrine is true, then
whatever the Father knows the Son and Holy
Spirit know. One part of the Trinity cannot
hide information that is contained in the
Godhead. All three would share information.
Michael Harvey Koplitz
So, how can Jesus be called the Son, a part of
the Godhead, and not know what the plans of
God are? Logic says that this does not work.
A church explanation is that Jesus divested
himself of his divinity when he came to Earth.
This process can be found in Philippians
chapter two and is called Kenosis. Paul’s
theology is that when Jesus came down to
Earth that he left his divinity in Heaven. When
he ascended to Heaven, he regained it. Some
events are recorded in the Gospels that the
church says indicates that Jesus had divine
healing powers while on Earth. The church
points out that Jesus was not a physician, but
instead, he performed miracle healings. If so,
then Paul is incorrect, and Jesus did bring his
divinity with him. If so, then he knew when he
was to return.
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
There is a bit of confusion when placing
several Gospel stories together about whether
or not Jesus had divine knowledge and power.
The disciples of Jesus did not see him as God
incarnate. They did see him as the Messiah
whom the LORD promised to send to Israel.
There is a big difference between being God
incarnate and being the Messiah promised.
Matt. 24:36 “But aof that day and hour no
one knows, not even the angels of Heaven,
nor the Son, but the Father alone.
the acoming of the Son of Man will be bjust
like the days of Noah. 3
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
Jesus birth
Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem is puzzling because of
the predictions found in the minor prophets
understanding is one of the reasons that Jews
have a difficult time accepting Jesus as the
Messiah. The prophecies of the Messiah do not
indicate that the Messiah is the LORD returning
to Earth. When the Proto-orthodox church
decided that Jesus was God incarnate, Jews had
a difficult time accepting this concept.
Why? Because the minor prophets said that
when the LORD returns, the Day of the LORD
will be invoked. The Day of the LORD is the
end of time. Judgment would occur across the
Earth. Evil people would be removed from the
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Earth, and the righteous people would rule.
Eventually, a new Heaven and new Earth would
be formed where evil does not exist.
When Jesus was born, the Day of the LORD
did not happen. According to Luke’s Gospel,
there was fanfare and rejoicing because the
Messiah was born. Luke does not say that God
incarnate was born. He says that the Messiah
was born. The early church in Jerusalem,
composed mainly of Jews, viewed Jesus as the
Messiah. They continued to bring their
offerings for the forgiveness of sin to the
Temple at Jerusalem. The concept of Jesus as
God who died to forgive all sins was not a part
of the Jerusalem church. Around 90 CE, that
group of Christians disappeared from history.
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
The converted Mithras house churches were
flourishing and banned together to become the
Proto-orthodox church. Mithras was god
incarnate. Mithras was going to return. Mithras
died for the forgiveness of sins for the world.
Mithras required baptism. Mithras had a
communion ritual almost identical to the
church. The converted Mithras house church
declared Jesus of Nazareth God, the substitute
for Mithras.
This substitution happened because Paul went
north and west, telling Mithras churches that
they were worshiping the wrong God. Jesus
took the place of Mithras. Jesus became known
to Proto-Orthodox Christians as God. Any
group that claimed to believe in the Messiahship
of Jesus but not the divinity of Jesus was quickly
snuffed out by the Proto-Orthodox church.
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Luke 2 4 Joseph also went up from Galilee,
from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the
city of David which is called Bethlehem,
because ahe was of the house and family of
David, 5 in order to register along with Mary,
who was engaged to him, and was with child.
While they were there, the days were
completed for her to give birth.
And she
gave birth to her firstborn Son; and she
wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a
manger, because there was no room for
them in the inn. 8 In the same region there
were some shepherds staying out in the fields
and keeping watch over their flock by night.
And aan angel of the Lord suddenly bstood
before them, and the glory of the Lord
shone around them; and they were terribly
But the angel said to them,
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
“aDo not be afraid; for behold, I bring you
good news of great joy which will be for all
the people;
for today in the city of David
there has been born for you a aSavior, who
is 1bChrist cthe Lord. 12 “aThis will be a sign for
you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths
and lying in a 1manger.”
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
There are numerous examples in the synoptic
Gospels that point to Jesus being a mere human
being. The Jewish-Christians in Judea and the
Galilee kept bringing sacrifices to the Temple in
Jerusalem until it was destroyed in 70 CE. Why
would they continue to do this if Jesus died for
their sins and was a God? If the writings of the
Jerusalem Church had survived, we would have
an answer to that question and many more.
Paul’s house churches were converted Mithras
churches. The evidence is clear on this question.
So, Jesus of Nazareth was made a God when
Paul substituted Jesus for Mithras. For that
form of Christianity, Jesus was a God. For the
other early forms of Christianity, He was not.
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Jesus was followed like any other rabbi. He was
an outstanding teacher who said some
incredibly profound remarks during his lifetime.
His understanding of what the LORD wanted
from people was insightful and extraordinary.
Jesus followed the LORD’s way and spoke the
LORD’s word up to and including His time on
the cross.
Jesus’ reward was His being exalted in Heaven.
His life was one of service to others. He died to
demonstrate to us that what He said was truly
from the LORD. He walked his talk and never
swayed from it.
Whether Jesus was God incarnate or not, Jesus’
method for living a godly life of high ethics and
morals is the way to be an excellent member of
society. If everyone in the world followed Jesus’
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
words and actions, this place would become the
Kingdom of God.
You do not have to attend a church to be a
disciple of Jesus. Churches did not exist in
Jesus’ day. Worship and praise to the LORD for
all blessings is a part of following the ways of
Jesus. Do not restrict yourself to one kind of
way of understanding Jesus.
Whether Jesus was a mere human or God
incarnate should not take away from the
prestigious life one can have by following Jesus’
Michael Harvey Koplitz
Was Jesus Christ a Mere Human?
1986. Back to School.
Davis, Anne Kimball. 2012. The Symoptic
Gospels. Comp. Anne Kimball Davis.