Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis in Children

1985, Archives of Disease in Childhood

Book reviews Crying and Babies. Helping Families Cope. By J Kirkland. Pp 212: £16-95 hardback, £8-95 paperback. Croom Helm, 1985. An Atlas of Characteristic Syndromes. A Visual Aid to Diagnosis. By H R Wiedemann, K R Gross, H Dibbern. Pp 413: £30-00 hardback. Wolfe Medical Publications, 1985. Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.60.9.894-b on 1 September 1985. Downloaded from on June 3, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1985, 60, 894-895 be my first choice for a visual aid to diagnosis. E M E POSKIIT This book will be of use to all professionals who are consulted by parents for advice regarding 'crying babies' as distinct from 'babies who cry'. The author has worked This book is subtitled 'A Visual Aid to with CRYSOS (clinics for people with Diagnosis' and covers some of the ground Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis crying babies) and cry-study students in familiar to English language readers in in Children. Edited by R N Fine, New Zealand, Canada, and England. He is D W Smith's Recognizable Patterns of K Scharer, 0 Mehls. Pp 220: DM 68. fully aware of recent published reports, Human Malformation. Unlike Smith's Springer-Verlag, 1985. research, and methods apart from the book, Characteristic Syndromes is limited current British paediatric practice of no to 'blickdiagnosen' and contains only Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis photographs and a brief clinical account of longer prescribing Merbentyl. (CAPD) was first used in adult patients in Apparently 10% of families are unduly each condition. The reader may find the 1976 but it was not until 1980 that it was stressed by their crying babies-it is not resulting photographic confrontation with used to treat children with end stage renal only the amount of baby's crying but also 204 groups of visibly abnormal children failure. It is a technique that isnow widely the parents' tolerance level which has to be disturbing. In their brief introduction the authors used for children of all ages and preferred considered. If counselling is inappropriate, state that they have neither followed the by many. In the United Kingdom almost maternal depression and child abuse may half of all children with end stage renal occur. The author discusses typical prob- strict definition of a syndrome nor limited failure are being treated with CAPD. It a delineated category themselves to sharply lems. Parental expectations and attitudes reached maturity in 1984 when the First are explored, various plans and strategies of syndromes. Criteria for the inclusion of International Symposium on CAPD in autosomal curious. Four are synd--mes are suggested. There are useful sections children was held, to provide a forum on nutrition, chronic and acute medi- and three sex chromosomal abnormalities where specific problems could be dislists version of Smith shown. 1982 are (The cal health, dummies/pacifiers, swaddling, six sex chromosome cussed. The book contains the contributions carrying, and rocking. Comprehensive eight trisomies and X-linked hypophospha- of that symposium. abnormalities). guidelines are given for compiling case There is something here for all tastes, no other is but rickets shown, taemic notes, and it is suggested an open records whether it is the cellular biochemistry of system is adopted, where parents are given rickets syndrome. Von Gierke and uraemia or the social implications of a copy of their records to gain their acrodermatitis enteropathica are included CAPD. The papers discussing the probinvolvement. Kirkland suggests compiling but di George and fragile X, which both lems of peritonitis and the pharmacokina family tree to include patterns of be- have photographic features, are not. By etics of various antibodies are most helpful. haviour, allergies and intolerances, which contrast there are several single case re- Those discussing the cellular abnormalities may help to recognise familial trends and ports, such as 'a further microcephaly- in uraemia and the management of very possibly relieve guilt in the current small stature-retardation syndrome' accompanied by nine photographs of the small infants are thought provoking. Insituation. same child at apparently the same age but evitably the problems of growth are studied Comprehensive forms are illustrated and All paediatricians have extensively. permission is given for their replication: a without references. The increasing trend to publish the who do with specific patients diary for parents to record crying, sleeping, not fit recognised abnormalities proceedings of scientific meetings in this patterns. syndrome and feeding patterns at 15 minute intervals, way may reflect the reluctance of the and infant profile forms indicating types of Should such individuals be placed in a book journals to publish abstracts of meetings of not. this kind? I think crying and the activities when the crying Those working with sick children need but it does allow a more complete paper to occurs. be enjoyed and the figures and illustrations The central nervous system and develop- access to a reference text on syndromes. are most helpful. A final discussion of the presenting Such a text by diagnosis helps mental stages are very adequately covPred, papers by the other symposium particiwhich would be unnecessary for profes- established and well referenced combina- pants is always useful and often entertaindo more it must Yet tions of abnormalities. sionals using the book, but useful for ing and if this had been included it would parents. Suggestions for creating a basic than just add to the oddities that can be have added to my enjoyment. Neverthelibrary and a comprehensive reference memorised for exams and dragged out in less, it is a book which all paediatric section help to make this a useful book. pursuit of paediatric oneupmanship. Parts nephrologists will find valuable. of this book fail in that respect. RegretI T BROCKLEBANK JEAN POWELL tably Characteristic Syndromes would not 894