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2023, XV Doctoral Workshop in Archaeology: Nautical and maritime archaeology
2 pages
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The central theme of the workshop is nautical and maritime archaeology. It will cover the study of shipwrecks and other archaeological-maritime contexts, as well as questions of economics, urban planning, logistics, technology and even geography and climatology related to maritime archaeology, in addition to the relevant contributions of experimental archaeology. This workshop is aimed particularly at PhD students in Archaeology, Ancient History, Architecture and Physical and Natural Sciences in relation to the Human Sciences, from universities or research centres throughout Europe and the Maghreb. The aim is to create a space for the exchange of experiences and the analysis of practices and methodologies in the different research traditions. Renowned researchers participated in the workshop as tutors. These tutors represent different disciplines: underwater archaeology, maritime and nautical archaeology, maritime economics and trade, port archaeology, ancient history and experimental archaeology, lending their expertise and experiences in their respective fields to the workshop. - Darío Bernal Casasola, Universidad de Cádiz; - Giulia Boetto, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre Camille Jullian, Aix-en-Provence; - Carlos de Juan, Universitat de València; - Anna Salzano, Università degli Studi di Salerno; - Christoph Schäfer, Universität Trier
Anuario de Arqueología
En este Anexo se presenta un informe de las tareas de monitoreo y rescate llevadas a cabo en el patio de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Campos de traballo internacionais como ferramenta na posta en valor de xacementos arqueolóxicos. Os xacementos arqueolóxicos como ferramenta de educación patrimonial.
WORKSHOP "Arqueoloxía en áreas de montaña: últimos desenvolvementos e retos de futuro na Península Ibérica" Consello da Cultura Galega, Santiago de Compostela Mércores, 27 de marzo de 2019
Se analiza la situación de la arqueología en la comunidad de Madrid, poniendo especial atención a los factores que están perjudicando la investigación cientifica
El Proyecto Primitiva Complutum: primeros resultados de la campaña de excavación de 2017 en el cerro de San Juan del Viso (Villalbilla, Madrid)
Ceramicas emirales y califales excavación arqueológica Antiguo Conservatorio de Onda (Castelló)
Norba Revista De Historia, 2009
This article seeks to highlight an old question which has a renewed importance in light of the contemporary domination of emancipatory politics by the human rights discourse. In it I examine the nature of the concept which we call 'human rights' and the objections to its validity which Marxists commonly raise. It pays particular attention to the ambiguity in the Marxist treatment of the human rights discourse, the difference between the general concept and the current liberal conception which dominates, and the role of law where human rights are theorised as legally protected political claims. I argue that the question is more complex than it first appears and that seeking too simple an answer may run the risk of inadvertently replacing Marxist critique with a distinctly a-critical dogmatism
In the late 20th century, building skyscrapers became a controversial issue among the architectural profession. They questioned the ability of tall buildings to adapt environmental issues as well as to provide a realistic answer to modern environmental problems. In the 21st century, the phenomenon of building skyscrapers has been acknowledged by the majority of architects, planners, landscape architects as well as by societies. Today we are witnessing the emergence of new cities, towns, and villages, which consequently created new locations, cultures, economies, climates and purposes for which skyscrapers now may make logical sense. However, the architectural profession should be concerned of formulating new design criteria and principles appropriate for reinventing the skyscraper as something green, and environment-user friendly. This paper will explore ways of managing the embodied energy content of a skyscraper in order to both, enhance the social aspects of the building and cont...
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