Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Edited by
Brent Ryan Bellamy and Jeff Diamanti
Materialism and the Critique of
Materialism and the Critique of
Brent Ryan Bellamy and Jeff Diamanti
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Published by MCM' Publishing
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2018949294
To Imre Szeman, for everything and more.
For all those broken and exhausted by the impasse and
for what yet may come.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Brent Ryan Bellamy and Jeff Diamanti: Materialism and the Critique
of Energy
Allan Stoekl: Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
Peter Hitchcock: “Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink”:
Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
Daniel Cunha: The Anthropocene as Fetishism
Katherine Lawless: Mapping the Atomic Unconscious: Postcolonial
Capital in Nuclear Glow
George Caffentzis: Work or Energy or Work/Energy? On the Limits to
Capitalist Accumulation
Elmar Flatschart: Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender:
Towards a Gender-Sensitive Materialist Understanding of SocietyNature Relations
Andreas Malm: Long Waves of Fossil Development: Periodizing
Energy and Capital
Adam Broinowski: Nuclear Power and Oil Capital in the Long
Twentieth Century
David Thomas: Keeping the Lights On: Oil Shocks, Coal Strikes, and
the Rise of Electroculture
Gerry Canavan: Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
Daniel Worden: Oil and Corporate Personhood: Ida Tarbell’s The
History of the Standard Oil Company and John D. Rockefeller
Jasper Bernes: The Belly of the Revolution: Agriculture, Energy, and
the Future of Communism
Sheena Wilson: Energy Imaginaries: Feminist and Decolonial
Amy Riddle: Petrofiction and Political Economy in the Age of Late Fossil Capital
Amanda Boetzkes: The Political Energies of the Archaeomodern Tool
Alberto Toscano: Antiphysis/Antipraxis: Universal Exhaustion and the Tragedy of
Matthew T. Huber: Fossilized Liberation: Energy, Freedom, and the “Development
of the Productive Forces”
Tomislav Medak: Technologies for an Ecological Transition: A Faustian Bargain?
Jonathan Parsons: Anarchism and Unconventional Oil
Warren Cariou: Oil Drums: Indigenous Labour and Visions of Compensation in
the Tar Sands Zone
Dominique Perron (Trans. by Wafa Gaiech): The Oil Bodies: Workers of Fort
Selected Bibliography
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Brent Ryan Bellamy and Jeff Diamanti
The critique of energy sits between two fields that condition the
present — environmental catastrophe and capitalist crisis. Marx
wrote that the past “weighs like a nightmare” on the living.1 With
global warming and the interminable crisis of capital, it is not just
the past but the future, too, which strikes fear into the human
mind. During the ongoing industrialization of the planet under
capitalism, fossil fuels have been the dominant source of energy
to power economic expansion and political domination.2 The very
fabric of today’s climate crisis is knit from the exhaust of intensive
and extensive waves of capital accumulation. Typically framed as a
consequence of bad consumer habits, the environmental problem of
energy is and always has been deeply bound to the material origins
of the commodity form — what it takes to make a thing and what
it takes to move it. Today, the lion’s share of emissions come from
transportation and production sectors of the industrial economy. By
almost every projection, the simple reproduction of existing systems
of production and distribution, to say nothing of their growth, will
doom the planet to a host of ecocidal developments — from rising sea
levels and ocean acidification to desertification in some places and
more intensely concentrated rainfall in others. Against the weaving of
such catastrophic tapestries, pundits of the coming energy transition
spread solace with the techno-future vision of a world that could be
different than the one currently soaked in hydrocarbons. Yet these
proponents of technologically smoothed energy transition miss the
forest for the trees: the question is not simply one of engineering, but
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
instead how to overcome the deep roots of capitalism’s ever-growing
energy dependence.
Whether for the requirement of aggregate economic growth or the
expansion of new horizons of value, capitalism has been historically
and logically bound to ever-increasing quantities of energy. The core
contradiction of today’s economic system is and always has been tied
to its facility with energy. A critical standpoint on the conditions of
political, economic, and ecological possibility requires a new account of
energy’s historical function, which is to say, a new account of energy’s
relationship to the production, distribution, and accumulation of
value. Materialism and the Critique of Energy develops this standpoint,
first, by revisiting the entangled conceptual and material history of
capital and energy at the foundations of materialism and, second,
by clarifying the stakes of a critique of energy for contemporary
critical theory and politics.3 Its core claim is that while the condition
of climate change today has occasioned a groundswell of interest in
energy regimes and environmental systems, only the materialist
critique of energy found at the heart of Marxism can explain why
capitalism is an energy system and hence offer a clearer sense of a
way out of its fossil-fueled inertia.4 As a collection of research on the
lineaments of energy in materialist thought, this book distills a form
of energy critique both sensitive and hostile to the many forms of
inequality, injustice, and exhaustion that populate the contemporary
political landscape.
Materialism has a long history. Though materialism’s roots as
a philosophical project stretch further back than the nineteenth
century, we are concerned with its turn toward the material structures
that began shaping social life in a quickly industrializing Europe.
Current understandings of both energy and materialism were forged
in the furnace of coal-powered innovation. The coeval emergence of
industrial capitalism and self-consciously materialist thought is not
mere coincidence; nor can their historical emergence be explained as
simple causal determination. Rather, we argue, their emergence must
be understood dialectically, beginning with a critical recognition:
the materialist tradition that emerges out of this moment is already
terminologically and epistemologically connected to the industrial
flares of a fossil-fueled world. From Ludwig Feuerbach, Marx, and
Friedrich Nietzsche to twentieth-century critical theory, Marxistfeminism, and the multiple post-humanisms and new materialisms
emerging today, streams of different materialisms flow: each is
historically shaped by the industrialization and globalization of
fossil fuels.5 This is particularly urgent given that this materialist
tradition, after Marx, remains the basis for the most viable critique
of the political-economic system, capitalism, whose rolling crises
appear increasingly indistinguishable from the looming problems
of energy and climate.
Materialism has developed two modes of tracking energy that
demystify the force unleashed by fossil fuels: on the one hand, through
the critique of political economy; and on the other, through a theory of
materiality contoured by the access to deep history and cosmic space
made available first by coal and eventually by oil and natural gas. There
is a historical dimension to these trajectories. The methodological
and theoretical development of Marxism, the tradition most strongly
associated with the first of these two modes, begins in the 1840s within
the contemporaneous surfacing of the theory of energy across Britain,
Prussia, and France. What this means for materialism as it evolves
from Feuerbach’s treatment of Christian reason to Marx’s critique of
capital is that energy is dialectically bound to economic history — not
a concept or variable independent of it, but a structuring force without
which capital could not operate. Following this originary recognition,
energy slipped away from materialist understanding until Walter
Benjamin intervened to articulate a materialist revision of cosmic
time. His dialectical apprehension would identify the stylistic force of
energy over and above its positivistic or physicalist concept. Energy,
through Benjamin’s gaze, becomes a materialist concept once more.
The following three sections examine these developments in turn.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Marxism and the Origins of Energy Critique
Marxism could be said to have two births. In the first, the fires of
the Industrial Revolution breathe forth a concatenation of social
conflict from which the labor movement and international communist
movement emerge. But a different kind of Marxism is also nascent
in the mature phases of the second scientific revolution. In the
late-eighteenth century, from the principles of motion, Newtonian
mechanics, and models designed to exhibit scientific discoveries came
political economy, industry, and the tools of the industrialist’s trade.
Sadi Carnot (1796–1832) famously drew up a theory of the caloric from
simple observations of the steam engine, and Hermann von Helmholtz
(1821–1894) refined his ideas about the conservation of energy in
observations of muscle metabolism.6 The work of the body and the
work of the machine, once ignited by the roaring furnace of fossil
fuels, allowed for the redefinition of the conceptual constellations of
science. In the collision of the industrial and scientific revolutions a
new set of variables emerged: energy and work; wealth and value;
labor and capital.
At the dawn of the nineteenth century, developments in production
and economy — mixed with increasingly sophisticated accounts of
what in the eighteenth century was still called vis viva or living force
— occasioned the simultaneous discovery of energy. By mid-century,
Lord Kelvin (1824–1907), Julius von Mayer (1814–1878), Rudolf Clausius
(1822–1888), and Hermann von Helmholtz arrived at more or less the
same law of the conservation of energy. Thermodynamics emerged
from this cauldron of scientific and industrial exchange as a key field
of knowledge. Its theories stated that the total energy of an isolated
system is constant and that energy can be transformed from one form
to another but can be neither created nor destroyed.
The theory of energy as it unfolded in this crucial decade did not
descend from the heavens, but bubbled up from the hidden abode of
industrial production. This is the remarkable insight offered by the
twentieth-century historian of science, Thomas Kuhn, whose analysis
of the “simultaneous discovery” of energy conservation frames the
paradigm through which energy would emerge — as much the effect
of economic history as it is an outcome of scientific discovery. He
opens his 1956 essay with a query: “Why, in the years 1830-1850, did so
many of the experiments and concepts required for a full statement
of energy conservation lie so close to the surface of scientific
consciousness?”7 Kuhn approaches an answer to his question in the
form of a threefold hypothesis. First, the scientific and industrial
instruments of the 1830s made available multiple instances of the
conversion process from water, wind, wood, and coal into motion or
thrust.8 Second, the dominant investment driving scientific discovery
was the economic “concern with engines.” And third, the “philosophy
of nature” running through Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Immanuel
Kant, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Johann Gottlieb Fichte,
and their shared Naturphilosophie made German thinkers, but British
and French scientists as well, “deeply predisposed to see a single
indestructible force at the root of all natural phenomena.”9 When
Kuhn makes reference to something like “scientific consciousness,”
he means it as both a cause and an effect of — at least in the case
of the doctrine of energy — an emergent mode of understanding
the economic, technical, and philosophical coherence of force. Put
differently, the “scientific consciousness” responsible for the doctrine
of energy helps generate, and in Kuhn’s account is symptomatic of,
the emergence of a new mode of production: industrial capitalism.10
The emergence of the doctrine of energy and Marx’s materialism
in the mid-nineteenth century is not sheer happenstance. Rather,
their emergence is mutually implicated in industrial phenomena.
The decisive shift from the problem of alienation in Marx’s early
writings to the more technical language of labor power of Capital
signals a growing awareness of the historical and social specificity
of energy flows bound to the worker’s exploitation. Terminologically,
labor power is identical to Helmholtz’s word for the work of energy
(Arbeitskraft), which, as Anson Rabinbach reminds us, had been
rapidly popularized across public science circles since late 1840s in
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Western Europe.11 As a technical term for the value form of human
work in the factory too, labor power simultaneously names the
objective consistency between the worker’s caloric output, the coal
power expressed in machinery, and the abstraction of both forms
of Arbeitskraft by the value form of capital at a more general level.
Arbeitskraft is the concept Helmholtz had been using in the 1840s
to distinguish energetics from vis viva or living force still resonant
with the scientific epistemology of the previous century. Between
the 1840s and the 1850s, Marx had changed his thinking on the core
concepts that would animate his critique by the time of Capital in
1867. Rabinbach argues that by positing Arbeitskraft Marx finally had
access to the concept necessary to conceive of capitalism as a totality.
This means that Marx’s more developed critique of political economy,
sensitive as it is to the energic content and calibration of Arbeitskraft,
already contains a critique of energy.
By naming the commodification of human work labor power, Marx
alerted his readership to the twofold abstraction taking place in the
production process: human exertion becomes a flow of energy in the
concrete, while at the same time being modulated by the value form
of capital in the abstract.12 The calorie burners of a human body offer
a relatively inefficient source of physical energy compared to even the
heat and light released from burning a piece of coal. Yet no lump of
coal ever got up and threw itself into the furnace of the steam engine.
Capital thrusts human and fossil energy together to extract surplus
value from the former but at a greater and greater magnitude due to
the energic efficiency of the latter. Once the conditions for industrial
capital are in place, neither coal power nor labor power can produce
surplus value independent of the other, because each form of energy
congeals unevenly into, and is in turn socially regulated by, what Marx
calls the “organic composition of capital.”13
Marxism offers a developed concept of energy by taking note of
just how entangled the capitalist compulsion to increase productivity
and the generalization of coal power were. If capitalists could keep
the factories open around the clock, then they might also seek to
implement the ever-profitable “curtailment of the necessary labourtime” by implementing labor saving techniques and machines.14 Later,
Marx adds that “[t]he same causes which develop the expansive power
of capital, develop also the labour power at its disposal. The relative
mass of the industrial reserve army thus increases with the potential
energy of wealth.”15 In this sense, Marx’s notion of labor power and
its social regulation are inextricably connected, via the dialectic of
forces and social relations of production, to the energic capacity of a
given place and time.
Marx’s concept of labor as it evolves over the course of his writing
registers, among other things, the radically disruptive and uneven
process of fossil energy’s integration into the social relations of
production. Both a familiar and a novel relation to energy is at work
across industrial capital at this time — from muscle-bound forms
of human and animal labor to productivity-lending machines in
the factories. The energy innovations of water- and steam-powered
production reduce the amount of labor time required to produce a
given commodity by a worker of average skill and productivity. The
influx of water- and coal-powered machines into the site of production
shift the balance not only in labor’s intensity, but also in its worth. The
environment through which labor was organized and sustained was
submitted to constant revision as capitalists dug deeper into the dirt to
build waterways for mills and unearth new sources of coal. In essence,
the new regime of energy generates a radical transformation in the
character of the labor-capital relation. Counter to orthodox histories
of the industrial revolution that posit coal power as a cheaper and thus
natural replacement to wind, water, and wood, Andreas Malm offers
a unique account of this historical transformation into a fossil-fueled
industrial economy. Malm outlines the ways in which coal-powered
steam engines offered a solution to a labor problem plaguing British
capitalists: namely, how to bring the site of production into the urban
spaces where the newly dispossessed were gathering.16 Coal power,
according to Malm, did not rise because of its relative cheapness, but
because of the ease of transporting coal as compared to transporting
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
water power, which had to remain proximate to the waterways. At its
origin then, fossil capital increased the productivity of a newly minted
proletariat in the same moment that it generated their class relation
to the new mode of production. Put concisely, the proletariat became
materially bound to the industrialization of fossil fuels; one becomes
unthinkable without the other.
Why Energy Needs Dialectics and Why Materialism Needs
Marx reconciles the critique of political economy with the otherwise
positivistic concept of energy dominating scientific inquiry, yet
he does so with a dialectical twist — showing energy and labor as
immanent to one another — that turns energy into a moving target.
Marx’s treatment of energy occurs shortly after Feuerbach inspired
a new direction in materialism. Energy became a core component of
historical materialism when Marx connected the surge of physical
force in the production process to a twofold abstraction of human
labor — on the one hand by coal-powered industrialization and on the
other by the value form of capital. Yet the concept of energy developed
along alternative genealogies in nineteenth- and twentieth-century
materialism, becoming an index of how materialist thinkers imagine
their relationship to the physical and the metaphysical. Briefly
tracking one such genealogy, we offer an account of how the historical
particularities of energy’s systematic usage inform its concept and
figure. These particularities include the social, economic, ecological,
and political environments in which energy is put to work.
In the history of materialism in the twentieth century there
are a number of vital encounters with energy, staged at different
levels of abstraction. Consider for instance the figure of the eternal
return so important to Nietzsche and troublesome to Benjamin:
“What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into
your loneliest loneliness and say to you… ‘The eternal hourglass of
existence is turned over again and again, and you with it, speck of
dust!’”17 Here, Nietzsche personifies the eternal return popularized
by thermodynamic theory. The idea being that a cosmic logic is
independent of the ephemeral and self-involved history of human
reason. In the person of the demon, the eternal return marks the
irony of human finitude and the metaphysical tradition on which
Nietzsche leans to make a point about cosmic infinitude. Turn to
the famous section 1067 of Nietzsche’s notebooks, The Will to Power,
and both the paradigm and promise for thinking this eternal return
become more explicit: “And do you know what ‘the world’ is to me?
Shall I show it to you in my mirror? This world: a monster of energy,
without beginning, without end; a firm, iron magnitude of force that
does not grow bigger or smaller, that does not expend itself but only
transforms itself.”18 Nietzsche turns the law of the conservation of
energy into a metaphysical conceit, a new concept of history divorced
from the moral, ethical, and philosophical constructs he found so
intolerable. Rather than as a flow made historically contingent,
energy, for Nietzsche, is encountered as the world as such.
When Nietzsche drew the thought experiment of the eternal
return out of the law of the conservation of energy, he may or may not
have had Frederick Lange’s monumental book History of Materialism
(1866) in mind, but to Benjamin the connection to Lange verified a
certain theoretical underdevelopment. Benjamin sees in Nietzsche’s
words the traces of a mode of thinking that is taken with its own
image. By the early twentieth century, energy had begun to emit a
philosophical tendency contemporaneous with its industrialization
and figured as ungraspable and inexhaustible growth.19 Both Nietzsche
and Lange had certainly encountered the materialism of Louis Auguste
Blanqui (1805–1881), even if their references to the communard were
infrequent. Blanqui’s appearance in the first volume of Lange’s History
of Materialism closes a poetic sequence opened by Lucretius in De
rerum natura. Lange drew conclusions about the fate of materialism
from Blanqui’s cosmic concept of the eternal return:
It is interesting that recently a Frenchman (A. Blanqui...) has carried
out again, quite seriously, the idea that everything possible is
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
somewhere and at some time realized in the universe; and, in fact,
has often been realized, and that too as an inevitable consequence,
on the one hand, of the absolute infinity of the universe, but on the
other of the finite and everywhere constant number of the elements
whose possible combinations must also be finite.20
When Lange tied the (in)finitude of being to the fundamentals of
materialism, he did so with what was only a faint expectation of its
thermodynamic implications. Yet, Lange’s reading of Blanqui supplies
the metaphysical coordinates that appear in Nietzsche’s eternal
return. Moreover, this reading also defined the material elements in a
way that would prove necessary for Benjamin’s materialist conception
of the cosmic.
As Benjamin conducted his research on Baudelaire, he uncovered a
connection between Blanqui’s cosmic criticism and Nietzsche’s eternal
return, and he did so, as we know, in the midst of the early rumblings
of German fascism. Benjamin’s insight into the sociopolitical
appearances of energy’s force comes first in the form of a preemptive
critique of the fascistic cult of technology:
It is the dangerous error of modern men to regard [ecstatic contact
with the cosmos] as unimportant and avoidable, and to consign it to
the individual as the poetic rapture of starry nights. It is not; its hour
strikes again and again, and then neither nations nor generations
can escape it, as was made terribly clear by the last war, which was
an attempt at new and unprecedented commingling with the cosmic
powers. Human multitudes, gases, electrical forces were hurled into
the open country, high-frequency currents coursed through the
landscape, new constellations rose in the sky, aerial space and ocean
depths thundered with propellers, and everywhere sacrificial shafts
were dug in Mother Earth.21
The great surge in forces available to twentieth-century military and
industry forces and industry processes struck Benjamin as modern
man’s contact point with the flux of the cosmos — a new “physis”
consisting of rhythms, temporalities, and spaces previously reserved
for the gods. In Benjamin’s critique, the internalization of that force
did not express an inversion whereby technology dominated man, as
the techno-utopian mastery of nature had in World War I.22 The surge
in energy expressed in the war was conditioned by capital. To imagine
otherwise was either to be entranced by the mystique of the cosmos
or by the mystification of industrial capital. In Benjamin’s treatment,
the way all three thinkers — Blanqui, Lange, and Nietzsche — were
absorbed in the concept of eternal return was a feature of thinking
about the world industrially. Benjamin, in other words, interpreted
the conceptual apparatus of the eternal return as reified thinking
— a failure to historicize that thus mistakes a perfectly consonant
image of the present for being itself: a thought that bubbles up out of
production so pure and unadulterated a product of its circumstances
that its provenance (and thus historicity) becomes unrecognizable.
It was as if they were looking at an autostereogram of factory smoke
and seeing the birth of being.
If for Nietzsche “the world” is “a monster of energy, without
beginning, without end” whose only will is “the will to power,” then
“the world,” for Benjamin, is still tied to what he called, following
Baudelaire, the phantasmagoria of industry — a world too tied up with
industry to recognize the historical specificity of thought.23 This
realization defines the allure with which Benjamin archived Blanqui’s
anticipation of Nietzsche’s eternal return and, in good Benjaminian
fashion, tied it to the historical condition that binds both together.
Cut from the same cloth, Benjamin says, the “cosmic speculation” that
both men engage in signals a new stage of materialism — a critical
state fully responsive to the energic content of history.24
Alas, both Blanqui and Nietzsche are, in Benjamin’s words,
from a “century… incapable of responding to the new technological
possibilities with a new social order,” which is to say a standpoint out
of phase with the technological rush that rapidly overtakes political
thought.25 By the time Benjamin took his own life at Portbou, it looked
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
like that incapacity had extended to the twentieth century as well.
Benjamin was overcome on more than one occasion by matter, but
this is not the same as saying that Benjamin was a new materialist,
much less a new (or old) matter-ist. For in his account the problem
with the eternal return of energy is that it provoked an unmediated
image of industrial progress, rather than a dialectical one. Here we
see the aesthetic force of capital’s facility with industrialized energy
fully formed: the fossilized mode of production projects an image of
itself as a world. In order to move from the phantasmagoric to the
dialectical, we will always need one eye on value and one eye on the
cultural modulation of nature, lest we turn to either a vitalist new
materialism allergic to historical determinability or a thermodynamic
desocialization of value immune to the political.
The theoretical appearance of the eternal return as cosmic
speculation is qualified by the rupture of fossil fuels, even if Benjamin
does not yet fully grasp the systemic capacity that capital has drawn
from them. It is clear enough to Benjamin that the war machine
facilitated by capital drew unconscionable power from the earth’s
depths, and that this power was dislocating, violent, and significant
at a cosmic level.26 Neither Nietzsche nor Blanqui were wrong in
their phantasmagoric image; rather, it is in their interpretation of
the outcome that both skip over the historical conditions from which
a reified concept of energy is made possible. Occasioned by the new
concept of energy supplied by the industrial image of thermodynamics,
these cosmic speculations verify the stylistic appearance of energy
beyond any immediate experience of it and the incomplete project of
critically grasping how it contours historical experience. That is, even
if Benjamin is alert to the way in which fossilized energy itself leads
to a materialist notion of cosmic time (or a geological time-scale, as
we will later term it), his temptation by the cosmic is proximate to
the deep time drawn up by fossil capital. This cosmological element in
Benjamin’s thinking is sometimes seen as the aberration in his claim
to materialism, a similar kind of idealism to that which he takes issue
with in the “eternal return” as it appears in Nietzsche. Benjamin’s
“cosmic time” itself functions as another example of a kind of energy
unconscious (like Nietzsche’s and Blanqui’s failure to historicize the
concept on Benjamin’s account): Benjamin, in other words, does not
fully grasp how the burning of crystallized cosmic-time in the form of
coal undergirds industrialization; yet, as with Nietzsche before him,
he somehow apprehends the consequences of energy’s historically
specific stylistic expression, without yet knowing precisely how
energy figures in the project of critical materialism.
The burning of the fossilized carbon locked away in long-dead plant
and animal matter generates a decidedly new, indeed unprecedented,
historical situation. Yet this assertion does little to discredit Blanqui,
Lange, Nietzsche, or Benjamin; instead, it simply situates the eternal
return on a geologic time-scale. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, yet energy
passes on for all of time. The problem, for us, is that we live in a fragile
habitat, and that fragility is relative to a human standpoint already
conjoined to radical social inequality. As Malm writes in Fossil Capital,
“the causal power of the past inexorably rises” once capital becomes
fossil fueled.27 One cannot separate the cosmic order made available
as image to Blanqui and Nietzsche, and in Benjamin’s critique of them,
from the economic order of the industrialized energy system. Fossil
capital’s burning away of condensed energy from past eras, previously
sequestered in the Earth, catches up with the present in the form of
billowing emissions that wrap the planet in a warming blanket. The
industrialization of energy also produces a vantage from which to
assess the ontological status of energy and its residues.
Energy’s economic elasticity and social plasticity in the form of
fossil fuels, especially once oil becomes the dominant source of global
energy in the 1950s is one kind of theoretical problem; its consistency
— its unique immunity to creation and destruction — is yet another.
Historical materialism was built for addressing this kind of challenge.
Whence, then, a critical theory of energy? Where is energy in the
critique of capital: an input on the side of labor; a force of production
on the side of capital; or, is it somewhere else? Like most good
questions, this one also has two sides. On one hand, if what interests
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
us is the political economy of energy, we can turn to Marx’s own
embedded critique of energy. Historical materialism is born in the
same breath as the doctrine of energy conservation, not as a version of
it, but as a rejection of its uncanny claim on value, history, and labor.
For a political economic framing of energy and capital, one might
search out the technical location and impact of energy in general on
the composition and scientific critique of capital. One might look,
for instance, to the human and animal calories per kilojoules of fuel
extracted, to the length of the workday, to the organic composition of
capital, and to the level of capital’s reliance on energy from fossil fuels
to maintain intensive gains year after year. On the other hand, if what
interests us is a critical theory of energy, we can follow the conviction
that Marxism works best when it conducts immanent critique rather
than an intransitive orthodoxy, and ask: how are the core concepts
that Marxism takes as its own transformed by the late twentieth- and
early twenty-first-century experiences of energy substitution at the
site of production and mounting impact of climate change everywhere
else? This approach relies less on process and outcome. Turning to an
ontology of energy, it points to a different order of question, and it has
as much to do with the influence of Lucretius on Marx’s materialism
as it does with Blanqui’s impact on the landscape of critical thinking
in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Patricia Yaeger has asked how humanists and social scientists might
reconceive cultural history in light of the energy regimes that
underwrite it. This same question might be asked of the history of
theory: what is critical theory in the age of wood, wind, coal, and
oil? Answering the question means clarifying the social structure of
energy regimes offered across various traditions. Teresa Brennan,
for instance, brings the work of Marx much closer to the economic
and environmental impasse named by late fossil capital in her book,
Exhausted Modernity (2000). Labor, Brennan insists, is an all too
human category for Marxism’s critique of the labor theory of value.
She argues that it moves too far in the direction of objectified nature
to allow us to return to an ecological standpoint. To think the critique
of the Gotha Programme while reading Capital provides one solution:
against the orthodox position that only labor provides value — and
the cult of the (masculine) body that flows from this position —
the rejoinder that nature provides it too must be read back into the
critique of the mode of production that depends upon labor power
as well as labor’s minimization. For Brennan, arriving at this point
entails adding the “law of substitution” to the Marxist critique of
The “law of substitution” follows from a critique of political
economy without a subject, where labor power is an embodied force,
but one that is nevertheless consistent with the other forms of energy:
mechanical, chemical, electrical, atomic. Thinking about energy and
labor in these terms achieves a kind of total mapping of what might
be called the labor-energy relation. Brennan writes, “time is out
of joint.… We smell this around us and know it in our bodies. We
console ourselves with the myths of hybrids… while living the divide
between a speedy fantasy that overlays us and a natural time that
knows it is running out.”28 The rising organic composition of capital
squeezes tiny quotients of labor from ever more immiserated and
precarious bodies. The concrete and electrical world of fixed capital
weighs heavy on the critical and ecological will of the polis. At the same
time, for Brennan, labor becomes at once calories, carbohydrates,
lipids, protein, and depletion as well as consciousness, language, and
international and gendered division. Brennan figures labor as at once
matter and materiality — its relation to the environments in which it
finds itself embedded is exogenously and endogenously regulated by
flows of energy. As such, value begins to disappear as it bleeds in the
background of the various flows of the “law of substitution.”
In this way, Brennan’s work risks folding labor power back into
the world of nature. It stops short by tying capital’s use of energy
to socially necessary labor time, threatened ever increasingly by
the “violent conversions” of capital’s energic disposition. As Elmar
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Altvater reminds us, nature is “not value-productive, because it
produces no commodities to be sold on the market.… [I]t is labor
which turns nature into commodities.”29 Moreover Anna Tsing
argues that nature is instrumentalized all the time as use value
necessary for exchange value — as resource and as standing reserve
— though, at any one time, the vast majority of it never enters this
relationship quantitatively.30 Instead, the standing reserve of nature
gets reconfigured as either carbon sink or fuel in the age of fossil
capital. Yet just as true for materialism and the critique of energy
is the corollary claim implied by Brennan: namely, that labor power
is itself a social relation produced out of capital’s economization
of energy’s physical force, a relation that is suffused as much with
electrical currents and data flows as it is with blackened carbon-full
skies and bleached oceans. The question for today’s materialism would
thus seem to pivot back and forth between the question of where
value comes from, and how to locate energy in the production and
destruction of economic, social, and natural environments.
However detached, Marxism’s theoretical inversion of energy into
the dynamic of capital’s reinvention of labor is not purely conceptual,
and coming to terms with the entanglements of capital and energy
regimes from the vantage of Marxism necessarily engages in a
dialectic of historicity — a coming to terms with the present as a
historical moment, rather than as an empty totality, a plurality of
pluralities, or an eternal return. It is to historicize, as Benjamin did for
Blanqui, the temptation to think the eternal return of energy — the
seduction of metaphysical immunity from economic and ecological
catastrophe. If Marxism is to stay true to one of its guiding insights
— that “[humans] make their own history, but they do not make it as
they please” — it must renew its habit of attending to the pivot located
in the critique of energy.31
The central insight that historical materialism brings to a
theorization of energy is that the relation we have to fossil fuels, and
indeed to all forms of generating, capturing, and storing or distributing
energy, is form determined by value. Edison’s major innovation was
not the filament that would illuminate a glass bulb, but the grid that
would distribute electricity from the point of its generation to the
point of its consumption. He created the mechanism whereby energy
could be brought to market. In this way, market relations, and the
capital-labor relation underlying them, came to effectively mediate
not only the price and draw of energy, but also which energy source
would dominate economic capacity, turnover time, and the technical
composition of consumption.32 While renewable technologies are
gradually displacing fossil fuels from electricity generation — though
the jury is out on whether renewables could ever make up for future
demand in a growth curve — the grid itself as social form is wired
for the accumulation of value (i.e. the former is determined by the
latter). The grid’s relation to the energy market, for instance, conceals
the origin and source of the electricity, allowing for mixed modes of
Etienne Balibar claims that “Marx’s materialism has nothing to do
with a reference to matter.”34 Following this line, one might say that
Marx’s materialism has nothing to do with a reference to energy either,
not because the concept and history of energy is not important to
Marxism, but because it is essential to separate the sense of energy
as eternal return from a dialectical sense of energy as social relation.
In Malm’s words:
No piece of coal or drop of oil has yet turned itself into fuel, and no
humans have yet engaged in systematic large-scale extraction of either
to satisfy subsistence needs: fossil fuels necessitate waged or forced
labor — the power of some to direct the labor of others — as conditions
of their very existence.35
You cannot see energy in the way that you can see a barrel of oil,
because energy in the concrete is still abstract, and an energy
system fueled by fossil fuels is more abstract still, even though it is
determinate of virtually all economic and political capacities today.36
Energy has come to determine the future of capital development in a
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
profound way. This is not to say that, therefore, energy is capital and
capital is energy: ubiquitous and allusive, forever leaving its mark but
hiding under the cloak of appearances.37 Instead they bear a family
resemblance, and not accidentally since capitalism’s global spread
since the industrial turn — its very systematicity — has been an effect
of its facility with fossil fuels. Energy thus does not merely name
the capacity for doing work, as in physics, with a focus on potential,
kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other forms of
energy, but instead makes vivid the ways any future beyond capital
must reconceive both the capacity for work and the flows of value. The
critique of energy is the critique of our structural dependence on an
environmental relation inherited from the industrial revolution; it is
a critique of the facile faith in a technological fix to climate change; it
is a critique of the many barbarisms that flow from the contradictions
of late fossil capital; and it is a critique of a fossil-fueled hostility to
the very notion of social revolution — and hence of the very notion
of structural dependence too.38
A Note on this Book’s Structure
Today a number of critical positions on the importance of energy
in social, environmental, and economic history are helping to
address what was until very recently a blindspot in social science
and humanities critique. This includes the historical work done by
Timothy Mitchell, the economic critique developed by John Bellamy
Foster and the Monthly Review Press, and the social-scientific inquiry
into energy systems offered by John Urry. Many of the authors whose
work is included here emerge from or have been in conversation with
the Petrocultures Research Group in Alberta where, in the words of the
co-authors of After Oil, a new approach to energy is today occasioned
by the impasse of energy: “Oil is so deeply and extensively embedded
in our social, economic, and political structures and practices that
imagining or enacting an alternative feels impossible, blocked at every
turn by conditions and forces beyond our understanding or control.”39
Hence many of our contributors look to unexpected traditions and
thinkers in order to kick-start a more cohesive critique of energy.
The collection opens with “Theories”: the pieces that comprise
this grouping grapple with the categories provided by Marx’s
critique of political economy and look for ways that energy might
be properly integrated into such categories. Allan Stoekl begins this
section by tracing the development of energy critique from a Marxist
perspective, specifically addressing the quantification of labor and
of energy that takes place in a capitalist system of accounting. He
begins with a crystallized overview of Marx’s critique of the theory of
value as it arrives in classical political economy and moves to consider
how the expanded use of fossil fuels confirms Marx’s insight. Where
Stoekl discusses oil and coal, Peter Hitchcock analyzes water as a
vital resource in the reproduction of social relations characteristic
of primitive accumulation, tied as it is to dispossession, energy
generation, and the slow violence of capitalism’s crude realities.
Moving into the territory of control, he asks what relation obtains
between hydropower as electricity and hydropower as governing
The Anthropocene externalizes alienated labor. This is the
argument that Daniel Cunha develops in his essay, which posits the
Anthropocene as an unfulfilled promise of humanity’s collective
stewardship over the Earth and the well-being of all. The new
geologic era represents the impacts wrought by capitalist social
relations under the direction of less than 25 percent of the planet’s
population. Cunha asks: what theoretical tools do we have in
Marxism to critique the Anthropocene without fueling the conceptual
fetishizations so dominant in environmental discourse? Likewise,
Katherine Lawless considers the material and cultural memory of
the nuclear era in relation to contemporary discourse on climate
and energy. Radionuclides are said to be the key indicator that the
Holocene has ended, and that the Anthropocene has begun. Taking
up the nuclear as power generator and as radiation’s trace, Lawless
suggests that as fields of inquiry energy humanities and memory
studies have much to gain from a critical crossing of wires. She
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
develops work on the concept of an energy unconscious — the idea
that energy systems implicitly structure habits of thought — through
its hinge in trauma and latch with nuclear power. Then, moving from
residues to the point of no return, George Caffentzis reconsiders the
“limits to growth” thesis through an analysis of Saral Sarkar’s EcoSocialism or Eco-Capitalism? (1999) and The Crises of Capitalism (2012).
Caffentzis finds much to be admired in Sarkar’s analysis, even as he
engages its problematic relationship to history and class struggle.
In the final paper of this section, Elmar Flatschart binds a form of
value-critique to the conceptualization and politicization of energy
relations. Building from his work with the German journal EXIT! Krise
und Kritik der Warengesellschaft, Flatschart masterfully weaves what
he calls “societal-nature relations” with a Marxist-feminist and an
energy-critique analysis. Flatschart demonstrates that to take energy
as a materialist category, theorists must problematize the “patriarchal,
androcentric, and sexist model of the Othering of feminized (first)
nature,” which dominates so much critical work on climate and
The contributions in the “Histories” section of the book track
problematics crucial to entwining the twin foci of the collection:
the impact of fossil fuels on materialism and materialism’s critical
apparatus for conceiving of energy and a collective politics responsive
to its capacities and contradictions. Andreas Malm, whose Fossil
Capital has been so central to the left critique of fossil fuels in
recent years, develops here a theory of “Long Waves” of capitalist
development. Deploying the work of Ernest Mandel, Malm periodizes
waves of capitalist development around technological advances and
energy advances, developing a periodization proper to fossil capital.
The framework he provides here interfaces with world-systems
theory and cultural analysis, offering a much-needed framework
for historicizing energy. The book’s focus returns to nuclear power
with Adam Broinowski’s history of nuclear development in the world
system. Broinowski’s analysis ranges to Russia, the United Kingdom,
India, and Japan. In “Keeping the Lights On,” David Thomas narrows
the historical frame and geographic scope to the United Kingdom
during the 1970s to furnish a sense of the impact of what he dubs
“the rise of electroculture.” In Thomas’s essay, it’s not the oil that’s
at stake; it’s the machines, and forms of dispossession, that oil can
power. Tracing a history of class struggle and state violence, Thomas
deepens a critical frame indispensable to conceiving of labor politics
and energy politics as mutually expressive, even as they appear to
drift apart in today’s climate discourse.
The problem of oil for collective and revolutionary politics has been
nearly eclipsed in the postwar period by the “peak oil” thesis. Gerry
Canavan asks what are we to make of so-called “peak oil” arguments in
light of alternative extraction techniques and natural gases. Canavan
engages the question of what to do when the crisis becomes not too
little oil, but too much. Going back even further, Daniel Worden traces
the cult of personality associated with corporate entities to the life
and attitudes of John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil laid the
groundwork for how corporate oil would dominate transportation and
communications industries. Worden unpacks the social and cultural
genres of big oil through Ida Tarbell’s The History of the Standard Oil
Company (1902), showing that energy critique has wide resonance
across histories and genres. The final piece in this section is Jasper
Bernes’s “The Belly of the Revolution,” which traces the long history
of agricultural development from before the birth of capital to the
present. Bernes makes a political argument as well as a historical
one: food will be a (if not the) primary concern for a revolutionary
movement to come.
The contributors to the section of the volume entitled “Cultures”
move the scope of analysis from that of theory and history into
cultural form: that of books, art exhibits, and the lived relations of
energy capital. Sheena Wilson engages with the utopian dimensions
and crucial absences of Jonathan Porritt’s The World We Made (2013) —
a book as emblematic as it is absurd in its projection a greenwashed
capitalist future. Wilson insists that critical thinkers of energy need to
also be critical thinkers of gender, race, and indigeneity, the cultural
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
histories of which are entangled to the asymmetries of fossil fuels and
fossil capital at every stage. Greenwashing the technological base of
the world after oil does more work to mask social inequalities than
it does to urge us toward a renewable future. Moving deeper into
the novel form, Amy Riddle demonstrates what a Marxist-oriented
literary analysis and energy critique have to offer one another.
Reading Helon Habila’s novel Oil on Water (2010) and Abdelrahman
Munif ’s novel Cities of Salt (1984), Riddle contrasts Habila’s use of oil
as content with the way oil works behind the scene in Munif ’s novel.
She asks, “Why the abundance of physical descriptions of oil in the
more contemporary novel?”
Turning to the realm of contemporary artistic production,
Amanda Boetzkes circles the figurative use of energies in both
political struggle and the work of machines. Taking up work from
the 2015 Venice Biennale and Fredric Jameson’s Representing Capital,
Boetzkes argues for a reading of this art through Benjamin’s use of the
archaeomodern tool — in which political energies can be gauged in
their representation as petrified objects. The final piece in this section
had to come at the end — it would be too devastating to come at the
beginning. Alberto Toscano develops a cultural theory of what he
calls “universal exhaustion.” Engaging Rabinbach’s The Human Motor,
Engels’s Dialectics of Nature, and finally Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical
Reason, Toscano posits a powerful rebuttal to Jason Moore’s concept
of “double internality” that hinges on the dialectics and tragedy of
depletion, exhaustion, and the limits to both nature and capital.
The essays in the final section of Materialism and the Critique of
Energy (“Politics”) take up the question of “what is to be done?” The
thickness of our atmospheric haze and the social consequences of
near-negative rates of profit, when stitched together, occasion new
forms of struggle. “Politics” features infrastructural assessments, a
call for direct action, and self-reflexive writing. Matthew T. Huber
argues for a revision of Marx’s “Development of Productive Forces.”
Huber tracks his argument through David Shwartzman’s call for
“Solar Communism.” While careful not to pose a definitive answer,
Huber situates his analysis as a weighing of the options with the claim
that “[h]istorical materialism is nothing else if not a commitment
to understanding the political possibilities that exist given certain
material conditions.” Jonathan Parsons’s contribution, “Anarchism
and Unconventional Oil,” could not agree more with Huber’s
insistence on gauging material conditions, yet Parson’s political
conclusions insist on the importance of direct action in the struggle
against hydraulic fracturing, bitumen mining, and other intensive
processes of alternative extraction. Finally, taking on questions of
biocapacity and surplus labour, Tomislav Medak interrogates the role
of technology in energy transition. At its conclusion, Medak’s piece
outlines a model for degrowth premised on the process, focus, and
governance of technological development.
The two pieces that end this section push against the conventions
of an academic collection, though their form as personal essays ought
to be recognizable and refreshing. Warren Cariou offers a story about
Indigenous labor in tar sands and the complicated overdetermination
of work, life, land, and struggle that emerges from the tar sands of
Northern Alberta and Saskatchewan. Dominique Perron’s piece offers
another twist to the story of oil workers in Northern Canada. Her
essay reflects on the migration of laborers from the far reaches of the
country and discusses the effects of working in bituminous sands.
Perron offers a Marxian-inflected Bourdieusian reflection on the
workers and a coda on the May 2016 wildfires that ravaged Northern
This book presents no single answer to the twin fields of social
anguish that characterize the present: environmental catastrophe
and capitalist crisis. Yet, it recognizes that these fields cannot be
eliminated, reconciled, or transformed without thinking them
together. The collected essays of Materialism and the Critique of Energy
present starting points for carrying out the work of making energy
into a conceptual category for the critique of capital and for figuring
the dynamics of historical change crucial to understanding the role
of energy in human development. Today, as the annual consumption
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of fossil fuels lurches upward, emerging economies industrialize and
postindustrial economies automate. The vague promise of a clean
transition to a renewable economy rings out as capital’s own false
consciousness of its material structure. With a projected increase
of 45 percent global energy consumption by mid-century in order
to maintain current growth rates, we are no doubt on the brink of
a major transition.40 Without a materialist critique of energy, the
transition will almost certainly exacerbate, rather than alleviate,
environmental and economic anguish.
The authors are enormously grateful for sustained, challenging, and
exacting feedback from Justin Sully, Imre Szeman, Nicholas Brown, and
Marija Cetinić on this essay.
Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Marx/Engels
Internet Archive, 1995, 1999 (1852),
Energy names both the strength and vitality required for sustained
physical or mental activity and the power derived from the utilization of
physical or chemical resources. It is also true that fossil fuels have been
the dominant source to power revolutions, the overthrow of colonial
rule, and many of the imaginings of alternative social orders, which is
not to mention the USSR, PRC, Yugoslavia, or other communist nations
(each of which relied heavily on fossil fuels).
This collection responds to a set of challenges and questions posed by the
emergent field of study called the energy humanities. For an introduction
to the field, see Imre Szeman and Dominic Boyer’s “Introduction: On the
Energy Humanities in Energy Humanities: An Anthology (Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 2017); Bellamy and Diamanti’s special issue
of Reviews in Cultural Theory titled Energy Humanities (2016); the short
treatise After Oil (2016; available in full at; and the website of
the Petrocultures Research Cluster (
See Brent Ryan Bellamy, “The Inertia of Energy: Pipelines and Temporal
Politics,” Time, Globalization, and Human Experience, eds. Paul Huebener,
Susie O’Brien, Tony Porter, Liam Stockdale, and Rachel Zhou (New York:
Routledge, 2016) 145–159.
For an account of how Marxism anticipates, and is in the unique
position to critique, the proliferation of materialisms today see Kimberly
DeFazio, “The Spectral Ontology and Miraculous Materialism,” Red
Critique 15 (Spring 2014)
Howard Caygill, “Life and Energy,” Theory, Culture & Society 24.6 (2007)
21; Russell Kahl, Introduction to Selected Writings of Hermann von
Helmholtz (Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan UP, 1971) xvi.
Thomas Kuhn, “Energy Conservation as an Example of Simultaneous
Discovery,” The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition
and Change (Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1977 [1956]) 72. Kuhn observes that
without naming energy as such, William Grove (1811–1896) and Michael
Faraday (1791–1867) in England, as well as C.F. Mohr (1806–1879?) and
Justus von Liebig (1803–1873) in Germany, simultaneously observed
both the convertibility of force across electrical, thermal, and kinetic
forms, and more importantly that this force could neither be created
nor destroyed.
Here we are referring to scientific instruments such as James Prescott
Joule’s (1818–1889) apparatus for measuring the mechanical equivalent
of heat and industrial mechanisms for converting energy such as the
wind mill, water wheel, and steam engine.
Kuhn, “Energy Conservation” 73, 96.
By the mid-nineteenth century, the manufactory system had taken hold
of Britain. Though the timing of this development is a hotly contested
historical debate, the long transition from feudalism was now nearing
its completion. T.H. Aston and C.H.E. Philpin, eds, The Brenner Debate:
Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe
(Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987) and Ellen Meiksins Wood, The Origins
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of Capitalism: A Long View (London: Verso, 2002).
Anson Rabinbach, The Human Motor: Energy, Fatigue, and the Origins of
Modernity (Los Angeles: U of California P, 1990) 55.
For a compelling political argument modeled on the poetics of entropy
see Karyn Ball, “Losing Steam After Marx and Freud: On Entropy as the
Horizon of the Community to Come,” Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical
Humanities 20.3 (September 2015) 55–78.
Though Marx rarely speaks of “energy,” he does when discussing
the industrial reserve army in Chapter 25 of Capital: “It is capitalist
accumulation itself that constantly produces, and produces indeed in
direct relations with its own energy and extent, a relatively redundant
working population…” Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy
Volume I, trans. Ben Fowkes (London: Penguin Books, 1976 [1867]) 782,
Marx, Capital Vol. I 432.
Capital Vol. I 798.
Andreas Malm, “The Origins of Fossil Capital,” Historical Materialism
21.1 (2013) 32.
Friedrich Nietzsche, “§341: The Heaviest Weight,” The Gay Science, trans.
Josefine Nauckhoff (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008) 194–195.
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power (New York: Random House Books,
1967) 549–550.
We’re grateful for Tyrus Miller’s treatment of the concept of the eternal
return and Benjamin’s fascination with it in “Eternity No More: Walter
Benjamin on the Eternal Return,” Given World and Time, ed. Tyrus Miller
(Budapest: CEU Press, 2008).
Frederick Lange, History of Materialism Volume 1 (London: Trübner &
Co., Ludgate Hall 1877) 151. The Blanqui Lange writes of is indeed the
Blanqui after whom Blanquisme, a particular revolutionary attitude,
gets its name. As Friedrich Engels wrote in Der Volksstaat: “Blanqui
is essentially a political revolutionist. He is a socialist only through
sentiment, through his sympathy with the sufferings of the people, but
he has neither a socialist theory nor any definite practical suggestions
for social remedies. In his political activity he was mainly a ‘man of
action,’ believing that a small and well organized minority, who would
attempt a political stroke of force at the opportune moment, could carry
the mass of the people with them by a few successes at the start and
thus make a victorious revolution.” Friedrich Engels, “The Program of
the Blanquist Fugitives from the Paris Commune,”, trans.
Ernest Untermann 1908,
Walter Benjamin, “To the Planetarium,” The Work of Art in the Age of Its
Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media, eds. Michael
W. Jennings, Brigid Doherty, and Thomas Y. Levin (Harvard: Harvard
UP, 2008) 58.
Benjamin, “To the Planetarium” 59.
Nietzsche, Will to Power 550.
Walter Benjamin, The Arcades Project (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP,
1999) 15.
Benjamin, The Arcades Project 26.
Tyrus Miller contends that Benjamin understands eternal return
socially and meta-historically as a critique of progress. Benjamin finds
a fellow traveler in Blanqui on this investment. “Blanqui conjoins a
temporality of crisis with a temporality of repetition,” Benjamin claims,
but he goes one step further and gives the shared time of crisis and
repetition historical weight by situating what Miller calls the “privileged
crisis point” in history—the very moment when this “cosmic order”
becomes intelligible to Blanqui (“Eternity No More” 288).
Andreas Malm, Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of
Global Warming (New York: Verso, 2015) 9.
Teresa Brennan, “Why the Time is Out of Joint: Marx’s Political Economy
Without the Subject,” South Atlantic Quarterly 97.2 (1998) 278.
Elmar Altvater, “The Social and Natural Environment of Fossil
Anna Tsing, “Sorting out Commodities: How Capitalist Value is Made
“…they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under
Capitalism,” Socialist Register 43 (2007) 41.
through Gifts,” Journal of Ethnographic Theory 3.1 (2013) 21.
circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past.”
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire.
For a discussion of grids, futurity, ruin, and politics see Karen Pinkus,
“Intermittent Grids,” South Atlantic Quarterly 116.2 (April 2017) 327–343.
These components shift, behaving differently in varied historical
contexts as well. The energy of the center is not the energy of the
periphery. Moreover, the varied historical contents also have to be taken
into account in different national contexts.
Quoted in Alberto Toscano, “Materialism without Matter: Abstraction,
Absence and Social Form,” Textual Practice 28.7 (2014) 1222.
Malm, Fossil Capital 19.
In tracking the lineaments of capital as a real abstraction, Benjamin
Noys suggests there is “no image of capital, capital itself is a kind of pure
relationality, a pure abstract relation of value, labour and accumulation,
which can only be ‘seen’ in negative.” Benjamin Noys, The Persistence
of the Negative (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2008) units/cppe/seminarpdfs/2005/toscano.pdf.
See also, “[m]oney is both abstract and real; it is a real abstraction
that, even if it does not really exist, produces effects in reality.” Oxana
Timofeeva, “Ultra-Black: Towards a Materialist Theory of Oil,” e-flux
84 (September 2017)
Timothy Morton, like other object-oriented-ontology enthusiasts, takes
global warming as the final nail in the coffin for anything resembling
revolutionary will: “We were perhaps expecting an eschatological
solution from the sky, or a revolution in consciousness — or, indeed,
a people’s army seizing control of the state. What we got instead came
too soon for us to anticipate it. Hyperobjects have dispensed with two
hundred years of careful correlationist calibration. The panic and denial
and right-wing absurdity about global warming are understandable.
Hyperobjects pose numerous threats to individualism, nationalism,
anti-intellectualism, racism, speciesism, anthropocentrism, you name
it. Possibly even capitalism itself.” Timothy Morton, Hyperobjects:
Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (Minneapolis: U of
Minnesota Press, 2013) 76.
Imre Szeman, et al., After Oil (Morgantown, WV: West Virginia UP, 2016)
International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook (Paris: OECD, 2008)
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
Allan Stoekl
Marxism and the Question of Value
In all the discussions of economic crisis in recent years, there hovers an
uncanny specter: that of the problem of energy. It’s relatively easy to
link rapacious capitalist exploitation of the earth to the contemporary
ecological crisis; it’s much harder to see beyond capitalism to another
economic regime, one that would address not just economic and social
injustice, but ecological exploitation and destruction as well.1 Of
course intuitively these injustices go together, but how precisely can
one imagine a society respectful of both labor and the environment
arising out of the collapse or destruction of capitalism in its current,
not so novel form? Is the Marxist critique of an economic regime
intimately linked to a fundamental critique of an energetic regime?
How? Or is the Marxist critique opposed to an energetic one? And,
finally — a question I will develop in the final section of this essay
— is there a way of conceiving the “commodity” (the product, one
can argue, of both human labor and energetic inputs) that leads to
a revision of the notion of value as elaborated in the Marxist and
energetic traditions?
The path of ecological economics and energetics is attempting, of
course, a linkage that seeks broadly to reintroduce environmental
and energetic concepts back into accounts of growth. I would argue,
however, that there is an important contradiction between a Marxist
critique of capitalism and the critique of capitalism carried out by
ecological economists and energeticists. In the first case, from the
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
classic Marxist perspective, the final crisis of capitalism will be an
essentially economic one: the falling rate of profit will render the larger
capitalist economy unworkable and ripe for proletarian revolution.
In the second model, capitalism’s vulnerability is due above all to the
fallibility of the growth model itself — the principle that the world’s
economy can indefinitely “grow” its money supply and its profits
on the basis of a fundamentally finite world of energy resources
and materials. The first model — Marx’s — focuses on labor, falling
profit, and the fallacy of the infinite expansion of capitalism through
profit; the second — that of, among others, Frederick Soddy, M. King
Hubbert, and Richard Heinberg, which I’ll call here the energetic
argument — highlights the material basis for the unworkability of
capitalism: the finitude of the earth and its resources.2 These are, one
can argue, two very different propositions. Nevertheless, I will argue
that, in the end, each theory provides something the other lacks and
that, moreover, there is even a certain kind of complementary relation
between them. And I will also argue, finally, that the Marxist and
energeticist models are not only connected, but that future models
of value must go beyond their seemingly inevitable dyad.
Let’s look at Marx’s model first.
Marx is forced to separate out the material basis of the
“commodity” (the thing produced through human intervention) in
a thoroughgoing way. This is a somewhat contentious point, and has
been debated practically since Capital was first published. Certainly
recent commentators, such as John Bellamy Foster, have underlined
the fact that Marx stressed the double genesis of the commodity:
“labor is the father of material wealth, the earth is its mother.”3 But
one sees very little of mom in Marx’s analysis in Capital I. The economic
analysis is all important; the ecological — and Marx certainly never
used the word — not at all.4 In N. Scott Arnold’s (rather problematic)
summary, three basic theses characterize Marx’s analysis of the value
of the commodity:
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
(1) The Law of Value (LV): Commodities that exchange in the market
have equal value.
(2) The Identity Thesis: The value of a commodity is identical to the
quantity of socially necessary labor required to produce it.
(3) The Theory of Surplus Value (TSV): The profit that accrues to the
capitalist is the difference between the value of the labor power he
employs and the value embodied in the product he sells.5
The second, “Identity Thesis” is, I think, the basis for the others, and
for Marx’s entire argument in Capital. The value of an object consists,
quite simply, in the amount of work, done by a person, or persons, that
went into it. And when a commodity is exchanged, there is, absent
the ephemeral fluctuations in the market, an equivalence based on
the inherent labor contained in the object.
But if value is identified with labor, then the question of what is
and what is not labor looks like an important one for Marxists to ask.
Arnold’s second and third theses in fact conflate “socially necessary
labor” (thesis 2) and “labor power” (thesis 3). But are “socially
necessary labor” and “labor power” the same thing? Arnold seems to
assume that they are, but the argument can be made that they are in
fact quite different.
First, one should note that Marx indeed does distinguish between
“labor” and “labor power.” Marxist critic Duncan Foley notes that labor
can produce products, which are “bought and sold as commodities.”
But, again quoting Foley, “it is impossible to give an exact sense to
the idea of buying and selling labor itself, productive activity.”6
Why? Foley does not dwell on the point. Perhaps the problem is that
labor itself is not a quantifiable element but an activity that cannot
simply be reduced to a presence in a thing. What the laborer sells is
not labor, but his labor power, which is, again according to Foley, not
the product of labor but the promise “to expend labor in the interest
and under the direction of the purchaser, in exchange for a sum of
money, the wage.”7 It’s almost as if labor in and of itself both founds
and escapes the economic relation; it is a differential, a social relation
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
that makes possible an equivalency (the value of two commodities,
compared) while itself remaining intangible. It is, on the other hand,
labor power that can be quantified, but not in and of itself. Labor is
doubled, and has to be, in other words, in labor power, and through
this doubling labor is identifiable with any physical object whose value
can be measured and compared — a physical object, in other words,
a commodity, which can just sit there and have a comparable and
convertible value.
It’s through the quantification and abstraction of labor power that
the capitalist makes his money: in surplus value there is a temporal
differential between, as Marx writes, “that part of the working day
necessary to reproduce the value of the laboring power, and the
surplus-time or surplus-labor performed for the capitalist.”8 Labor
power is something that is sold, and that goes to reproduce itself
(by allowing the worker to live). Labor under capitalism reproduces
itself through labor power, in other words. Labor can be abstracted,
quantified, promised, represented, and misrepresented only in and
through labor power, which is strictly speaking not labor. Labor
power’s performative is labor’s misrepresentation. When it is
represented or projected forward as a speech act — the constative
and performative aspects of the speech act, in other words — labor
is inevitably misrepresented: it is held to have a certain value, which
is not, cannot be, its true value (under capitalism, at any rate). The
value of labor power is inevitably double for this reason, and a double
falsification: it is the power to reproduce a certain amount of labor
(the worker receives money to eat, clothe, and house himself and his
family) and an extra quantity of obfuscated labor — misrepresented
labor — that is stolen from the laborer. The quantification of labor
power under capitalism allows this to happen.
Representation, quantification, and abstraction are thus
obfuscation; labor is wrapped up in the promise to expend (labor
power), met by the (deceptive) promise to pay (in full, anyway).
Labor itself floats at the margin, beyond representation, beyond
category, beyond quantification, absolute, only what it is not: if labor
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
is somehow alive, intimately connected with the person, and with
the necessary social activity of the laborer, it is known only through
the exchange value of commodities, objects, which are themselves
inert, passively sitting there, waiting to be compared. Dead, really, just
quantified stuff. Labor can only be known, under capitalism, through
this misrepresentation.
It is capitalism that has transformed the activity of labor to a
quantified, abstract thing, a thing that allows the capitalist to unjustly
take his share. My labor is inalienable; my labor power can be stolen.
But how are the two conjoined?
I think there is a passage in Capital that gives us an idea of what
Marx was getting at with labor (as opposed to labor power), although
the passage in itself doesn’t help us think about how to quantify it.
Marx writes:
[T]he commodity-form, and the value-relation of the products of
labor within which it appears, have absolutely no connection with
the physical nature of the commodity and the material [dinglich]
relations arising out of this. It is nothing but the definite social relation
between men themselves which assumes here, for them, the fantastic form
of a relation between things. In order, therefore, to find an analogy we
must take flight into the misty realm of religion. There, the products
of the human brain appear as autonomous figures endowed with a
life of their own, which enter into relations both with each other and
with the human race. So it is in the world of commodities with the
products of men’s hands. I call this the fetishism which attaches itself
to the products of labor as soon as they are produced as commodities.9
Note that Marx is concerned here above all in identifying labor as
the source of value in commodities, with distinguishing labor as
a “social relation” from the sheer thing status of the exchangeable
commodity. Marx seems to be thinking of social relations as a kind
of deep sociability, which one could argue is profoundly resistant
to quantification. A commodity, in other words, is not a thing that
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
somehow has an independent life separate from human social relations.
It is not a fetish, in the religious sense, an idol that exists above and
beyond human society, blissfully alone in its realm of the absolute.
Rather, it is defined as the concretization (the “crystallization”) of
relations between people. Labor is a social relation, it is the social
relation: it is the one that really counts, the one that is embodied in
the commodities upon whose use value we depend to live, and thus
to continue in our social relations.
The fetishized commodity — that which exists as does a god,
more alive than the laborers who produced it — is also the quantified
commodity: it becomes autonomous when there is a definitive number
attached to it (exchange value) that lets it exist independently of
producers and their labor. From this perspective, while labor is the
“definite social relation” par excellence, labor power is the ultimate
fetish, the sheer quantification that opens the possibility, so to speak,
of all other fetishes, all traded commodities that seem to have lives
of their own.
The paradox of this is that Marx’s materialism, which grounds
value in labor, is nevertheless at a loss to account for any value,
since labor itself — as opposed to labor power — is precisely not
quantifiable. Labor power is a travesty of labor, just as the fetishized
commodity is a travesty of labor. Labor is fundamentally resistant to
quantification and hence representation. I would even go so far as to
argue that Marx, the famous materialist, has largely disavowed the
materiality of the commodity. The true commodity cannot incarnate
labor power, for which a laborer is paid, but rather the labor that
somehow eludes representation and quantification themselves, a
kind of absolute labor. For this reason we still don’t understand how
labor entails value, or how that labor is conjoined — through the
misrepresentation of labor power — to a calculable economic relation.
Is quantifiable labor power just primordial capitalist ideology, which
will fall away after the final Revolution? Or might there be something
more to it, beyond ideology? How then can Marxist economic analyses
of surplus value (and the concomitant final crisis of capitalism) be
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
carried out with scientific certainty?
Perhaps labor is only part of the story. The non-quantifiable social
relation alone cannot explain how products are produced through
a process that involves quantification: of labor inputs, of value
that inevitably entails comparison of values. But if labor cannot be
“fetishized” in quantifiable production and products, it nevertheless
enters into relation with a quantification process. It does so, I would
argue, through a kind of holy or unholy alliance with fossil fuels. Labor
as the “social relation between men themselves” cannot accomplish
anything without the add-on of energy derived from fuel.
Value, one could argue, is clearly dependent not just on human
labor power, no matter how it is defined, but on the inputs of
energy derived from sources external to the human body or human
consciousness. Raising beams in construction, heating ore to make
steel, transporting goods in trucks or trains: all require massive
inputs of energy deriving, for the most part, from the combustion
of fossil fuels. Marx, in passages other than the one I cited above,
most certainly notes the importance of “two elements, the material
provided by nature, and labour.”10 Stuff, provided by nature, is always
part of any commodity. We always need stuff, and it comes, ultimately,
from the earth. Yet energy in the form of both bodily and machinic
fuel is not the same as mere stuff, as “material provided by nature.”
Fossil fuels not only provide materials to make other things out of
— plastics from petroleum and natural gas, for example — they also
provide the energy inputs without which humans could not produce
“commodities” on the scale required by modern industrial society.
The energy derived from fossil fuels, in other words, contributes to
the value of finished products. But from the standpoint of Marxism,
what does it mean to contribute to the value of the finished products, if
the orthodox claim is that labor is the sole source value? This energy,
one could say, is a supplement to human labor, but it is nevertheless
distinct from that labor. It is inanimate, and in its lifelessness it recalls
the nightmare of commodity fetishism: the “the fantastic form of a
relation between things.”11 Without externally derived energy, labor
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
(however one defines it) could accomplish only a tiny portion of what
it does in the current fossil-fueled economic and industrial regime —
or even in a non-capitalist one.
Yet Marx does not seem to recognize the importance of this
difference between the materials used to make things and the
materials that make labor possible. He notes it only to then ignore it.
Consider the following quotation from Capital I:
Raw material may either form the principal substance of a product,
or it may enter into its formation only as an accessory. An accessory
may be consumed by the instruments of labor, such as coal by a steamengine, oil by a wheel, hay by draft-horses, or it may be added to the
raw material in order to produce some physical modification of it, as
chlorine is added to unbleached linen, coal to iron, dye to wool, or
again it may help to accomplish the work itself, as in the case of the
materials used for heating and lighting workshops.12
Note here the fact that Marx does not distinguish between what today
we would call adjuncts (chlorine to linen) and uses of materials such
as coal and oil that provide inputs to “accomplish the work itself.” The
addition to or modification of a material, in Marx’s view, is no different
from the energetic input of coal or oil which fuels an engine or heats
a workshop. And yet the nature of these “accessories” is clearly quite
different. Adding coal to a steam engine — or hay to a horse — makes
the work it does possible; adding chlorine to linen, or oil to a wheel (to
grease the wheel, I take it) merely facilitates a process that is powered
in some way not disclosed.13 Marx here, without making it explicit,
provides a distinction between “work” and “labor”: “accomplishing
the work itself ” presumably indicates the entire work process,
incorporating both human labor and the supplemental energy of coal
or oil (or hay). Marx, however, does not elaborate on this distinction,
perhaps for fear of clouding the primacy of labor — the purely human
and social component — in the constitution of value.
This ignoring of the component provided by energy sources (coal,
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
oil, hay) is perfectly consonant with what I earlier indicated as the
nature of Marxian labor, found in the awareness of the labor process
itself, as concretized in the commodity. If labor is essentially the social
relation and our knowledge of it, while performing it, the component
of “work” added to the production process by burning oil or coal will
be largely irrelevant, or at least fundamentally external to what really
matters in the creation of value. Labor is the living social relation;
work, derived from fuel, is the offshoot of the calculable energy inputs
derived from stuff (oil, coal, natural gas, whatever).
Once used, the energy derived from fossil fuels— the contribution
of the energetic “accessory” to “work” — can never be returned. It
does not fit into an economic model of restitution that is fundamental
to Marxism: the worker regains control of his labor. A gallon of oil
burned to power an engine in a communist regime would be no more
and no less used — but not exploited, one can’t exploit a thing —
than under the worst capitalist regime. The thingness of oil bears
no relation to the profound humanity of labor. Oil’s energy is not
somehow crystallized in the commodity, as labor is held to be. I will
go further: if labor is profoundly resistant to quantification and
even representation, then, on the other hand, energy resources are
profoundly quantifiable. In fact, that is all they are: matter quantified,
matter not somehow indicating a social relation, but matter (fuel)
destroying itself, in order to make possible a kind of supplement
to labor, namely, work: a certain number of watts, horsepower, or
BTUs produced. Energy resources, after the admixture of labor,
nevertheless are a gifted resource of the earth, they help laborers
labor, but they are fundamentally alien to labor; they are the finite
(“non-sustainable”) adjunct that comes from the earth, that is taken
from it. No human has labored to put them there.
Can one argue that considerations of energy expenditure must play
no role whatsoever in considerations of the stagnation or ultimate
crisis of the capitalist system? Should we assume that energy use is
neutral and that there are no economic consequences to various fossilfuel regimes? That the oil used to power an engine is no different from
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the grease used to lubricate a wheel?
If we turn this line of questioning around, we can see another
possibility: that human labor is only part of the story and that
considerations of energy must play a fundamental role in any model
of the stagnation, and hence ultimate fall, of the capitalist system.
But the question remains, how?
We might even argue that the rather bizarre connection between
labor and labor power — between that which fundamentally resists
quantification and abstraction and that which is the very ground of
that abstraction — is made possible by another and more fundamental
connection: between labor as source of value and energy expenditure
as source of value. If labor is, finally, “living” and thus social — not
an inanimate and overweening fetish — then fuel for its part is dead
— the residue of life on earth from millions of years ago. Labor only
becomes effective when it is conjoined with inanimate energy. Labor
in its social essence (if we can speak of such a thing) might remain
fundamentally non-quantifiable, with “no connection with the
physical nature of the commodity,” and yet once labor in capitalism
(and one assumes under some future communism) is intensified by
energetic inputs from fuels it is somehow conjoined with “relations
between things.” Thus the true source of value may be found not in a
Marxian unquantifiable labor, which in a mystical fashion conjoins
with quantifiable energy inputs to create value, but rather in the
energetic inputs themselves. In this case economic crisis finds its
origin not in a “falling rate of profit” (ultimately based on inadequate
restitution of profits to a hazily conceived labor), but instead in a
crisis of growth tied to the ever-greater expense of energy derived
from fossil fuels.
But basic questions remain: how is the monstrous hybrid of nonquantifiable labor and the quantification of energy inputs possible?
What is their point of conjunction? And what then is the role, and fate,
of labor? And beyond that, of sociality itself?
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
Energetics and the Matter of Critique
Another tradition exists, which posits another source of value,
another scenario of economic stagnation and collapse, and another
solution to the fundamental problem of social inequality. As in the
Marxist model, this one stresses the idea that modern capitalism is
doomed and that a more just regime will arise through the correction
of the fundamental problem(s) that plagues modernity. And here, too,
as in the Marxist theory of value, some reckoning is missing in the old
order: a necessary reckoning that will account for the missing (or, in
the Marxist case, stolen) component of value creation.
If the Marxist model posits surplus as the invisible element that
makes the system function — the share created through the worker’s
labor that disappears into the capitalist’s pocket — in this one that
element is energy provided by external (so-called natural) sources. To
be sure, oil is pumped (sometimes fracked), refined, and transported
— all elements of its value that “crystallize” human labor inputs. But
oil’s value ultimately rests on the energy it releases that has not been
added (and cannot be) through human effort. The crucial element
here is Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROEI). Oil is of no
value if its use value is only the embodiment of the energy (human
and otherwise) invested in its production. The whole point is to get
a kind of surplus value, not from the laborers themselves, but from
nature. Of course Marx, as we have seen, anticipates the addition
of a certain value to any commodity that would come as a “gift”
from nature. But here the gift is what makes the entire operation of
advanced capitalism function — it’s a lot more than just the gift of
passive materials like wood or iron ore, which are things given form
through human intervention. Here the contribution of nature’s “gift”
is active. And indeed we can hardly call it a “gift,” since there is nothing
voluntary about nature giving it up.
An energetic theory of value makes possible an economic critique
of the capitalist economy as it is currently constituted. This theory is
associated with thinkers such as Frederick Soddy in the 1920s, and,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
in the 1930s, an American economic and political group that styled
itself “Technocracy Inc.”14 One of the key thinkers of Technocracy
was M. King Hubbert, whose later work in the 1940s and 1950s
came to greatly influence “peak oil” debates in the early 2000s. A
contemporary follower of Hubbert, Richard Heinberg, presents
the problem straightforwardly: the American economy is a growth
economy: if it does not grow, it stagnates, and stagnation is inseparable
from economic crisis. Prosperity is growth. But how is growth under
capitalism possible?15 Heinberg writes:
Currently all nations have a type of financial system in which virtually
all money is created through the making of loans. Thus, nearly all of
the money in existence represents debt.… [M]oney is not a physical
substance kept in a vault, but a fictitious entity created out of nothing
by bankers in order to facilitate the keeping of accounts.16
Here again, as in Marx, we have the concept of a value that is a fiction:
in the case of Marx, we saw that the wages paid to workers were a
fiction, in the sense that they represented only a portion of the true
value of the work “crystallized” in the commodity. In this analysis as
well money is a fiction, because it is arbitrarily created to obfuscate
— once again — the true source of value. Heinberg goes on:
All of this being so, a problem arises: From where does the money
come with which to pay back the interest on loans? Ultimately, that
money has to come from new loans, taken out by others somewhere
else within the financial network of the economy. If new loans are not
being made, then somewhere in the network people will be finding it
impossible to pay the interest on their existing loans, and bankruptcies
will follow. Thus the necessity for growth in the money supply is a
structural feature of the financial system.17
Nevertheless, one could object that the economy has continued
to expand, and spectacularly so, for a hundred years — with, of
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
course, the occasional downturn. How was this almost continuous
expansion — this growth — then possible? The answer is simple: from
a continuous growth in energy supplies. Again, Heinberg:
Until now, this loose linkage between a financial system predicated
upon the perpetual growth of the money supply and an economy
growing year by year because of an increasing availability of energy
and other resources has worked reasonably well.… Productivity — the
output produced per worker-hour — has grown dramatically, not
because workers have worked harder but because workers have been
controlling ever more energy in order to accomplish their tasks.
…With less physical economic activity occurring [due to the decrease
in the availability of energy], businesses would be motivated to take
out fewer loans. This might predictably trigger a financial crisis.18
The basic energeticist theory, then, from Soddy, the Technocrats, to
Hubbert and Heinberg and many others, is consistent: increases in
productivity derive ultimately from the energy provided by fossil
fuel inputs. In fact all of the growth in the system (of “total economic
activity, population, and money supply”) derives from ever-increasing
supplies of energy resources: coal, natural gas, and, above all, oil. A
decline in the availability of these resources will mean a decline in
the performance — and most certainly the growth rates — of the
economy. Beyond stagnation, bad enough already, one can foresee
social crisis of the worst sort.
“Cornucopians”19 on the other hand, argue against the energeticists
that “the stone age didn’t end for want of stones,” and that the oil age
won’t end for want of oil: in other words, shrinking supplies of fossil
fuels will be replaced by technological wizardry and the development
of other energy resources.20 This argument is distantly related to
that of Marx: energy supplies are fully dependent on human labor —
in human technological advances — not just in the production and
refining of supplies (crude oil to refined oil and gasoline, for example),
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
but in the very development of previously unknown or unknowable
supplies. From this perspective the possible growth of energy supplies
is limitless and is fully dependent on human labor.21
If, however, we continue to posit with Heinberg the eventual limits
to growth — the earth is, after all, finite in its energy resources — we
still have a problem. Labor is a secondary component in this model of
value: it comes down, finally, to the control of energy supplies. Labor
in this sense is pretty much just the expenditure of energy: it’s the
calories put out by the worker in the production of commodities, or,
much more likely, in the work done to control the energy derived from
external sources. There are “ecological” or “carbon footprint” models
that purport to demonstrate the exact amount of carbon-based energy
that must be expended to make a given product.22 They at least offer
the promise of the calculation of energy inputs in all products and
activities. On the simplest level we can say that as energy costs rise —
the price of oil and natural gas, for example — there will be less money
to spend on other goods and services produced in the economy. Of
course more money can always be issued (printed), but then the result
will just be greater inflation. This is indeed what happened during the
energy crisis of the 1970s. Or, since profits can no longer be derived
from the continuous increase in the production of actual goods and
services, profits will be derived, more and more, from speculative
instruments (derivatives, sub-prime mortgages, pyramid schemes,
and so on). And this is what happened in the late 2000s. In either
case severe economic contraction results: the recessions in both the
1970s and late 2000s. Even if calculating the exact numbers behind the
carbon footprint is extremely difficult, one could say that the effects
of the shrinking supply of energy inputs would manifest itself in a
precisely calculable way.
How to address the economic crisis resulting from ever more
expensive energy? The simplest method would be, instead of issuing
ever more money, and debt, the restraining of debt production by
tying the economy directly to available oil resources. This is another
way of saying that the amount of money in circulation must reflect the
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
currently available energy resources. As less energy resources become
available, the economy too will have to contract (but in a controlled,
well managed way!).23 In the words of Colin Campbell, oil geologist
and “peak oil” exponent:
To achieve [price stabilization], producing countries would not
produce oil in excess of their present national depletion rate: i.e.,
roughly speaking, the oil burnt, expended or exported must equal
the oil produced or imported. Furthermore, it would be required that
importing nations stabilize their imports at existing levels. This would
have the effect of keeping world prices in reasonable relationship to
actual production costs and let Third World countries afford their oil
Note that the price of oil here is tied not only to production but to
consumption: “the oil burnt, expended or exported must equal the
oil produced or imported.” With consumption tracking production
(which will be in decline), runaway inflation will be prevented: in
other words, excess demand over supply will be eliminated, and
economic collapse averted. But how will consumption be limited? How
will restraints or constraints be imposed? Improvements in efficiency
can go only so far.
Under an energetics model, where the labor value will be
monitored and surplus value tracked (and presumably returned
to the workers from whom it was stolen), oil production will be
monitored carefully, and the economy constrained from outrunning
available energy resources. In both cases — tying money to available
resources or a resource-minded command economy — the fictions
of economic skullduggery will be stripped from the system. The only
problem is one that is found in most versions of communism as well
(at least those versions that shy away from some form of anarchism):
some specialized body or authority will be necessary to administer
this economic and social transformation. But here there is a major
difference: in the case of regimes inspired by Marxist analysis the
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
vast majority — the working class — will presumably be better off.
The transformation of the economic system will result in a freeing
of energies and minds and a more egalitarian distribution of wealth.
In the case of the post–fossil fuel regime, however, fewer resources
will be available, given that the true source of value is to be found in
an ever-shrinking quantity of available fossil fuels. Life for many, in
the first world at least, will become more constrained, not less. And,
despite Campbell’s best intentions (that is, provisions for stabilizing
the import cost of oil for Third World economies noted above), one
can hardly imagine that things will improve in the Third World,
either. Perhaps more important, the result of this “Powerdown” (as
Richard Heinberg calls it), is not in principle one of egalitarianism,
freedom, and so on.25 While Marx’s model has at its core the promise
of a future egalitarianism — the equalization of compensation,
depending on one’s needs — Campbell’s is finally a technocratic one,
with distribution to be decided by self-selected experts. It certainly
could be more democratic or egalitarian than the current regime,
but it could also continue to reinforce an unequal distribution of
resources. What will count above all will be the stabilization of the
currency, and the rate of depletion of natural resources, along with
the end of the fiction of infinite growth and hence the forestalling
of revolution, none of which necessarily implies the elimination of
social injustice.
What’s missing in the energeticist model is clearly a strong sense
of social justice. While lip service might be paid to a more egalitarian
social structure, the energy-based theory of economy ultimately
relies on sheer quantification: EROEI, social systems designed to be
adequate to the quantities of fossil-fuel derived energy available. One
has the sense that this model recognizes what Marx’s misses — the
deep connection between quantification and value — but that it lacks
precisely what Marx’s provides: a strong theory of labor, and hence
value, as social relation. If unquantifiable labor promised an ethical
grounding for value without a way of precisely determining how
stolen labor inputs were to be restituted, quantified energy inputs
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
provide a technical measure without ethical coherence. How value is
to be grounded in both labor and abstract energy remains the crucial
question. What is the articulation point, their point of connection?
How can a future economy be imagined that would respect both the
fundamental social bond and the energetic inputs necessary for the
establishment and elaboration of that bond?
Marxism, Energy: Rethinking Economy
In both cases, value is embodied, contained, crystallized, in things.
Stuff. And in both cases the truth of things reveals the way forward
for economic stability, and, hopefully, justice. But what is the truth
of things? The Marxist model contrasts the “fetishism” of the bad
commodity under capitalism with the “social relation” of the good
commodity under communism. The Soddy/energetics model contrasts
the obfuscated value of fuel under the old growth regime (though
the word “capitalism” is generally avoided) with the new, fully
accounted-for value of fuel in the new; fuel is now fully human,
not just combustible matter from the ground, but an inherent,
comprehensible part of the new society that we will build.
In Marxism, the new, transparent commodity in which value
is “crystallized” is, in principle, fully social, and not in any sense
autonomous from human wants, needs, and labor. But, one has to
point out, the commodity is still a thing. It is still something that
always threatens to escape our complete and conscious control. We
act on it, but it acts on us, in ways that are not always foreseeable.
Some commodities are (or can be) sexual fetishes: they trouble us,
and we can become their slaves. Some are great new “disruptive”
inventions: they both make our lives easier and dislocate them. The
commodity’s needs sometimes seem to be greater than our own (this is
certainly the case with the automobile). To say that one fully socializes
an object by simply comprehending the labor it “crystallizes” seems,
well, premature. The object is never just “us.” It comprehends us as
much as we comprehend it. It grasps our lives and turns them around,
for better and for worse. The dream of labor and its products as sheer
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
social relation is always haunted by the autonomy of the object. The
thing escapes our grasp, does what it was not supposed to do, and in
its materiality resists one social relation while triggering another. It
thwarts or arouses our desire; it quantifies itself, resisting the simple
sociability of an evanescent but concrete “labor.” Labor, finally, is
inseparable from its crystallization, which defies us in abstraction:
our world is composed, whether we like it or not, of substitutable
objects, things we value (and depend upon) inordinately and which
always confuse us with sexy, quantifiable significance. How big is
it? How many can I have? What do others think of it? Can I make
them want what I have? Conversely, has any Marxist ever been able
to suggest what a non-fetish object would be? What would it look like?
How would it be used? How would it embody the extirpation of all
those nefarious human religious drives (not to mention the desiring
And oil is always oil, and coal coal, and gas gas — they are
never simply tamed, their origin as value is never simply known,
their unintended effects (climate change, fracking devastation)
never simply under our control. We can never fully master through
quantification or abstraction the inputs and outputs of fossil fuel.
Even a single quart of gasoline burned results in the release of a
small amount of carbon dioxide, a tiny movement in the direction
of harmful climate change. Fossil fuels are always the energy slaves
that resist us, that revolt against us, even when we think we have
fully mastered them. Their objecthood defies our purposes: they
interpellate, call to us to spend, to involve ourselves in modes of often
socially destructive consumption and often asocial fantasies. They
defy us by challenging us to calculate an incalculable (because of its
scale) ecological footprint.
We can always coordinate models of social crisis and attempt to see
how our mastery will ameliorate our lives and the lives of those living
in the future. But just as one theory narrowly misses what the other
theory accounts for, one has the sense that they function together
in a strange chiasmus, the Marxist model both proffering a purely
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
social labor that nevertheless inevitably betrays itself in measurable
objects, and the energetics model proffering sheer calculability with
objects that relentlessly attempt to impose themselves as social beings,
indeed as the dominant social beings, and the dominant purveyors
of sociality, of the planet. Perhaps it is less a question of trying to
imagine the strange and monstrous conjunction of sheer sociality on
the one hand and sheer abstraction on the other, and instead realizing
that the opposition itself is dependent on a certain model of selfhood
that characterizes our modernity: a self that is absolute, absolutely
self-conscious, absolutely social, but that knows itself and exercises
its mastery (both individually and as an overweening social presence)
through proxy objects that have meaning only when they’re counted,
compared, ogled, and assigned value.
One can in fact make the argument that both the Marxist and the
energetic models are creatures of capitalism. This might seem obvious
in the case of energetics, but Marxism itself is haunted by the specter
of a fetishism that it correctly associates with capitalism but that
comes to mark its own approach.26 For Marxism too is concerned with
a return of value to a true (originary) possessor (this time around the
proletariat, labor, and so on), the appropriation of “natural” products
and their utilization (which necessarily depends on quantification),
and the exploitation of literally non-sustainable resources that are
conceived as the sole property not of an individual but of a now
liberated humanity. Perhaps the dyad labor-fuel is itself at fault in
the sense that it either blankets the earth with a transcendent and
ineffable humanity, or reduces it to a “mother” that does nothing
more that give birth to great quantities of pumped and dumped stuff.
Perhaps an economic model can be conceived that neither celebrates
labor as the ultimate origin and valuation of things, nor one that
celebrates energy as something that we can only measure in the act
of using it while using it up.
Such a model, one could argue, relies more on voluntarism, gift
giving, and the like. J.K. Gibson-Graham, for example, has attempted
to work out the parameters of a “community economy” in the wake
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of economic disinvestment: despairing, laid-off workers were
encouraged to see their involvement in the economy not as one of
passive dependence (“I need a job…”) but rather one of active giving
(“what can I contribute to the community?”). The economy, in other
words, was recast as a movement much larger, and more profound,
than that of the capitalist engine of investment, profit, and banking,
with “jobs” — and workers — fully dependent on those things. The
central question is no longer what can be taken from the earth (and
what value to give it and the work it does), but rather how less stuff
can be “used” and more can be freely distributed (the circulation of
things given, loved, and repurposed). This is an economy, one could
argue, more profound than one in which labor, resources, and prices
are allocated from above. Perhaps most importantly, labor itself,
resistant to quantification and hence comprehension, is replaced
by other economic modes that are inherently outside the orbit of
abstraction: sharing. The result was the development of a number of
community organizations that helped foster a “non-market” economy
where we find, for example:
The woman who tithes (meaning giving away fully one-tenth of her
income) but not to the church — to friends and neighbors who need
it; The depressed single mother who volunteers twenty-four-hour
counseling and support services to drug addicts; The retired insurance
adjustor who does dowsing as a gift, a way of opening people to their
powers of intuition and connecting them to the environment (he is
also a spiritual counselor and gives away counseling and writings on
grieving); The woman who raises “found” children (in other words,
not her own), usually high-school aged boys.27
This is an economy where labor and energy as measurable terms
are eclipsed by an involvement that gives rather than labors and
that certainly uses energy, but not an energy dependent on fuels
for which land is destroyed through pollution and wars are fought
to assure supplies. And perhaps not even energy tied to the specter
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
of the depletion of fossil fuels. Renewable energy, tied to the smallscale economics of the sharing (and shrinking) economy, might even
sound the death-knell of the capitalist economy so dependent on
processing the stuff of personal possessions and the fuel that makes
them possible.28
Energy, perhaps, can even be reconceived as vibrancy, as Jane
Bennett calls it, which entails not so much the measure of the profitloss (in all senses) profile of fuels and the carbon footprint of inanimate
but fetishized toys as the active engagement of stuff as it works, as an
agent, in and for a society that respects both people, animals, plants,
and things (the “living” and the “inanimate”). Bennett, rethinking
Lucretius’s model of materialism in De rerum natura, writes:
A primordial swerve [as in Lucretius] says that the world is not
determined, that an element of chanciness resides at the heart of
things, but it also affirms that so-called inanimate things have a life,
that deep within is an inexplicable vitality or energy, a moment of
independence from and resistance to us and other bodies: a kind of
In a world where things can labor and create, where energy is an
“inexplicable vitality” that defies counting or exhaustion, where
people can give and share, perhaps the economic crises analyzed in
the Marxist and energetic traditions will have to be reconceptualized
as opportunities, in which the social relation and the physical relation
are seen not from the perspective of lack — never enough energy and
possessions, always too much unremunerated labor — but of fullness,
of excess.
With all that said, the questions of labor and energy remain. Both
will continue to be quantified — they will have to be quantified — but
perhaps from now on more in the context of gift-giving or sharing
rather than exclusively in the mode of jealous accounting. After the
fictions of value in capitalism (fictions that occlude the “true” value
of labor and energy inputs), we might posit other, larger, fictions —
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
or at least colorful narratives. These might entail the decline of the
exclusive and overweening self and the rise of resistant and active
objects in variable and joyous communities. Such fictions could serve
not as representations, but as markers for the futures of a society that
has learned to question the omnipotence of the labor-energy dyad.
See Adrian Parr, The Wrath of Capital: Neoliberalism and Climate Change
Politics (New York: Columbia UP, 2013).
Here I am using the term “energetics” to indicate an economic and social
structure based in a very specific type of energy use, in this case (modern
industrial capitalism) mainly involving the burning of fossil fuels (coal,
natural gas, oil). This follows from the official definition of energetics:
“Energetics (also called energy economics) is the study of energy under
transformation.” (
Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy Volume I, trans. Ben
Fowkes (London: Penguin Books, 1976 [1867]) 134.
Here I differ with John Bellamy Foster, the thrust of whose work is to
maintain that for Marx the physical and natural inputs are as crucial
to value as are those of human labor (see, for example, John Bellamy
Foster, The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace with the Planet [New York:
Monthly Review Press, 2009]). While I certainly agree with Foster
that Marx acknowledges the inputs of “nature” and the dependence
of humans on the “gifts” of nature, at the same time I recognize that
Marx’s analysis is concerned solely with determining how labor inputs
determine value.
N. Scott Arnold, Marx’s Radical Critique of Capitalist Society: A
Reconstruction and Critical Evaluation (New York, Oxford: Oxford UP,
1990) 70.
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
Duncan Foley, “Labour Power,” in Tom Bottomore, ed., A Dictionary of
Marxist Thought (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1983) 265–267; 265.
Foley, “Labour Power” 265.
Karl Marx, “Value, Price and Profit,” in John F. Sitton, ed., Marx Today:
Selected Works and Recent Debates (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010)
Marx, Capital Volume I 165.
Capital Vol. I 133.
Capital Vol. I 165.
Capital Vol. I 288.
Note here that a horse does the work, for which a human would take
credit. How to separate a horse’s “work” from a human’s “labor”? Is
a horse capable of providing “labor”? Why not? Is a horse exploited
when it provides it, even though it doesn’t consciously sell it? Or is a
horse no different from a machine? Does its consciousness (or lack
thereof ) preclude its participation in the human paradigm of labor,
value, and ultimately, liberation? What if a horse has a consciousness?
Does it not count because it is not a human consciousness, an awareness
of the sociability of the horse in human society? Could on the other
hand a horse have a consciousness in general, or an awareness of its
own sociality, in relation to human society? Or horse society? What
is the difference between the exploitation of a horse laborer and the
exploitation of a human laborer? Or, following Descartes, would Marx
argue that a horse is only a sentient machine? One has the sense that
if one could somehow answer these questions one would have a much
better understanding of what “labor” is. But horses are hardly the only
“animals” that work, either for humans or for themselves… Could there
be a larger ecological theory of labor?
At least in the English speaking world, the link between economic value
and energy was put forth most forcefully by Frederick Soddy (in, for
example, The Role of Money: What It Should Be, Contrasted with What It
Has Become [New York: Harcourt Brace, 1935]); in the German speaking
world the chemist Wilhelm Ostwald had propounded it already in the
late nineteenth century (see Wilhelm Ostwald, Energetische Grundlagen
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
der Kulturwissenschaft (Leipzig: W. Klinkhardt, 1909).
The Technocrats, in their era (the 1930s), were sometimes taken as a
right-wing or even pseudo-fascist group (see Howard Scott, Introduction
to Technocracy [New York: John Day, 1933]). The recent reappropriation
of Hubbert and his “peak” theory — by Richard Heinberg and others
— glosses over the intellectual history, and politics, behind the theory
and practice of “Technocracy Inc.” It is also true, though, that Stalinist
communism, like fascism and Nazism, and even Roosevelt’s New Deal,
were seen by many in the 1930s and 1940s to be variants of Technocracy;
the social movements were therefore conflated. A prime example of this
position is James Burnham’s laudatory The Managerial Revolution: What Is
Happening in the World. (Westport, CT: Greenwood P, 1972 [1941]); George
Orwell’s dystopian view of the future (in Nineteen Eight-Four) stands as
perhaps more of a rehash and virulent critique of Burnham’s conflation
of Technocracy and power across the political spectrum (Orwell was
quite familiar with Burnham’s book) than it does as a simple criticism
of Stalinist communism (the usual reading of Nineteen Eighty-Four).
Richard Heinberg, The Party’s Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial
Societies (Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers, 2003) 170.
Heinberg, The Party’s Over 170.
The Party’s Over 171.
See Peter Huber and Mark P. Mills, The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of
Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy (New
York: Basic Books, 2006). “Cornucopians” are generally politically
conservative commentators who see energy resources, and indeed
all usable resources, not as finite, but as potentially infinite. One can
forget the “limits” to growth; the earth is, on the contrary, a cornucopia
producing endless quantities of goodies, given the infinite brilliance of
human technical innovation. A notable cornucopian, besides Huber
and Mills, is John Tierney of the New York Times. See, for example,
the Simmons-Tierney bet:–
On the ultimate value of this analogy, see “The ‘Stone Age’ Analogy
Is The Dumbest Analogy Overused By Smart Energy People,” in the
Marxism, Materialism, and the Critique of Energy
blog of D. Ray Long:
The “smartness” of the “energy people” who use this analogy is, however,
not entirely evident.
A view contradicted by many recent works, especially ones that focus
on the inevitability — and menace — of global climate change. See for
example, Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway, The Collapse of Western
Civilization: A View from the Future (New York: Columbia UP, 2014). Works
of this genre are slowly trending in the direction of a deep pessimism.
See Mathis Wackernagel and William E. Rees, Our Ecological Footprint:
Reducing Human Impact on the Earth (Gabriola Island, BC: New Society
Publishers, 1998).
One can argue that the cost of energy will rise not just because of
“peak” production, but because of the ever-greater externalized costs
of continued fossil fuel energy use — global climate change and so on.
These costs will inevitably be reflected in the increase of the overall
costs of doing business — and hence the crisis of the “growth” model
would remain the same.
See Colin Campbell, “The Rimini Protocol, 2003” at http://en.wikipedia.
See Richard Heinberg, Power Down: Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon
World (Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers, 2004).
The Technocrats in the 1930s argued that the government, and the
economy, should be run with the same efficiency and competence as
the telephone company (in those days a nationwide monopoly). See
Scott, Introduction to Technocracy.
See J.K. Gibson-Graham, A Postcapitalist Politics (Minneapolis: U of
Minnesota P, 2006) 151.
See, for example, Jeremy Rifkin, The Zero Marginal Cost Society. The
Internet of Things, The Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism
(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), where the connection is made
between the rise of the sharing economy (Uber, Airbnb, and so on) and
the decline of traditional capitalism, based as it is upon high “marginal
cost” (the costs of production and transfer), the personal possession
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of objects, and the heavy use of fuels to subsidize their cost. In Rifkin’s
future people will share and give, much less stuff will be made (think
of all the cars that will not be needed when self-drive Uber cars become
ubiquitous), and what’s left of capitalism (if anything) will be decoupled
from the production of commodities and the necessities of growth.
The economic model that started with the enclosure, in England, of
previously collectively held lands — the appropriation by the few of
previously shared resources — will be reversed, with a corresponding
rise in communitarianism respectful of those shared resources.
Jane Bennett, Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things (Durham and
London: Duke UP, 2010) 18.
“Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to
drink”: Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
Peter Hitchcock
I begin by adapting Adam Smith’s thoughts on what will be discussed
as the social division of a primary resource: “the accumulation of
water must, in the nature of things, be previous to the division of
labor.”1 This formulation would seem less controversial than the idea
of original accumulation that Marx criticizes in Smith and other
purveyors of classical political economy. For the human, water is
always and everywhere a basic component of life, a natural need of
being, and its social division decides how living proceeds — that is, life
as species being. Yet accumulation, of course, has specific meanings
within the history of capitalism, and the provision of water cleaves
to every variation in its formations. As a primary resource, water’s
role in the political economy of neoliberalism has become an intense
arena of contestation; nature, as an accumulation strategy, is now
pivotal to the endgames of accumulation per se. Globalization has
greatly intensified state and non-state activity over water and the
number of institutions, sub-disciplines, and water authorities has
increased exponentially. For instance, in 2015 the World Water Forum,
the flagship product of The World Water Council (that describes itself
as an “international multi-stakeholder platform”) held its seventh
tri-annual conference in South Korea with attendees from over 150
countries and hundreds of panels on everything from water security to
climate change and of course, the business of water.2 The governance
and management of water is paramount among these discussions,
whose subtext is necessarily political and economic (which is why the
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
forum is often the occasion for protest). While oil maintains a central
(if arguably diminishing) role in the geopolitics of capital circulation,
water’s place is clearly pivotal to a neoliberal logic of power. Indeed,
when we think of hydropower, for instance, we should maintain its
meaning as both the ability to produce power from water and as a
distinctive logic of power over water. Here I will focus largely on the
latter as a means to understand more fully the dialectical impasse in
the former. The greater the power over water, the greater the power
from water undermines equitable modes of socialization. Indeed, for
all of the abundance of water (71 percent of the Earth’s surface) the
problem of its accumulation under capitalism is also, whatever else
it is, a question about the sustainability of/by accumulation itself.
Indeed, in the following I am interested in addressing the aura of such
representation and its constitutive limits, at the edge, as it were, of
water rationality.
Water may not be possessed in the conventional sense but we
always have it. Thinking about water in terms of dispossession then
is an accumulation struggle over having rather than possession itself.
Wherever water accumulates, we can have it without owning it, or we
can collect (accumulate) it without taxation (a human has to reservoir
water at some scale) unless some entity (state, corporation, private
individual, etc.) claims ownership. The struggle over water is about
different modes of accumulation — as Marx tells us, capitalism has
no monopoly over accumulation. To have water is a necessity that
preexists any and all regimes of its possession. The comparative
scarcity and abundance of water remains crucial not just because it
is overdetermined by forms of economic desire, but because water
itself seems to slip free of the capitalist paradigms of commodification
that are brought to it. If water is both free and finite, hydropower and
hydration, atmospheric and remote, then the regime of accumulation
built on water’s multiplicity pivots on a doubled and self-eliminating
logic of accumulation. Perhaps in the limit case of an “uncooperative
commodity” we may witness the ways in which the commodity’s
function for capitalism can be overreached.
Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
For the most part, I will address the problem of original
accumulation in understanding the meaning of water for Marxist
critiques of neoliberalism.3 Clearly the struggle over water is most
pressing in the Global South and more so under actually existing
conditions of “adjustment” and modernization. The question at issue
is not about policy necessarily, but instead about how the narrative
of the provision and privatization of water asks important questions
within a Marxist critique of globalization. In the last part of the essay
I will examine the edge of such materialism by articulating the place
of both water wars and hydropower in counter-hegemonic practices.
As Arundhati Roy puts it in her discussion of activism around the
Maheshwar Dam, “We were not just fighting against a dam. We were
fighting for a philosophy. For a world view.”4 There is no magical key to
the Weltanschauung of water, but the fighting over it is also and always
already an engagement with the primary terms of political economy.
Original Accumulation
For Marxism, critiquing neoliberalism has renewed attention to
the concept of primitive accumulation, although, as I will detail, its
elaboration is no less a reinvention than the continuing dynamic of
capitalism. Before considering work like Karen Bakker’s on water
privatization (which highlights the difference between having and
owning water), and Adrienne Roberts’s on the primitive accumulation
of water (which differentiates this process in the Global South), it
is important to address the valences of primitive accumulation as a
theoretical lever.
To begin, one notes that Marx refers to the concept in Capital
Vol. I as “so-called primitive accumulation” (“die s.g. [sogenannt]
ursprüngliche Accumulation”). 5 Two points are immediately
germane. First, Marx’s critique of Adam Smith on accumulation
starts with his challenge to Smith’s aforementioned assumption
that “the accumulation of stock must, in the nature of things, be
previous to the division of labor.” This claim is, says Marx, mythical
in its pretensions since accumulation of capital is coterminous and
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
continuous with the division of labor. Second, Marx reads “previous”
as ursprüngliche, original, initial, or unspoiled, rather than as
earlier or prior. This has the advantage of avoiding simple stagism
(there are other possible meanings in Ursprung, not least as water
source), but it has tangled translation ever since. Thus, faced with
the prospect of “so-called original accumulation,” Marx’s English
translators decide to gloss the term with a little mythology of their
own and call it “primitive accumulation” (some French editions of
Le Capital acknowledge Smith’s term “previous” only to privilege
the English translation as “primitive” — since the French edition is
perhaps the most corrected by Marx himself, it is noticeable that in
its current “definitive” version “ursprüngliche” becomes “initiale”
— not quite “previous” [although the word “anterieure” is also
added] but certainly not “primitive”).6 Just as the English version of
Capital has resisted including key revisions of the definitive text in
French (subsequently restored to the German), so few have tended to
confront the terminological knot created by Marx in his enthusiastic
debunking of the Smithian idyll. The use of “so-called” is meant to
draw attention to the category error of Smith’s political economy,
but it has also mystified Marx’s reading (his “so-called” rendering of
“previous”), and this has tended to conspire in the isolation of original
accumulation as a finished historical occurrence. Thus, when Marx
notes, “[p]rimitive accumulation plays approximately the same role
in political economy as original sin [Suddenfall — the Fall] does in
theology,” the observation cancels through his own assessment, for
the attribution of “primitive” in the analysis of accumulation has
become nigh talismanic, an original sin of almost incontrovertible
proportions.7 What was once a means to displace Smith from within
a tradition of political economy might now be said to displace Marx
from within his own, to the extent that “primitive” obfuscates the
actual logic of accumulation in play. This displacement, as we will see
later, is also operative in materialist discourses on water.
In his detailed exegesis of “primitive accumulation” Michael
Perelman has approached such waywardness in terminology as
Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
a means to readdress the concept’s relevance for the present.8 He
correctly notes how Marx’s understanding of primitive accumulation
both shows the inadequacy of confining its operations to the past
while yet preserving the advantage of this distance at other moments
in his writing. Primitive accumulation is based on a violent separation
in which workers become “free” (free from their ties to the land and
especially from “any means of production of their own”). Historically,
this state of freedom for workers has been won by forcible eviction,
land enclosures, the diminution of the commons, and, as Marx
underlines, more or less straightforward brutality: “the history of
their expropriation is written in the annals of mankind in letters of
blood and fire.”9 Primitive accumulation prepares the ground for
capitalism proper by violently codifying worker dependency on the
selling of their labor. As this commodification of labor goes, so goes
all commodification under the sign of capital. The difficulty has been
thinking this accumulation strategy as a contemporary component of
capitalist dynamism, what Massimo De Angelis has referred to as “the
continuous character of capital’s ‘enclosures,’” particularly in finding
new markets, in displacing the contradictions of over-accumulation,
and in confronting the continuing irksome relationship of labor to its
operations.10 Original or “primitive” accumulation can function at the
edge of capital’s reach, like the tips of a claw attempting to grip. Since
not every space of socialization is capitalist, this mode of accumulation
is both a historical process and an active one in the present, for the
work of division never ends if such difference can be measured in
capital accumulation itself. It is also important to emphasize that the
“originality” of such accumulation also lies in its work at the heart of
“so-called” mature capital markets — this is where core features of
neoliberalism like asset-stripping and privatization are relevant, and
the continuing legal struggles over, for instance, intellectual property
become new frontiers of accumulation.
From the beginning of The Invention of Capitalism, Perelman makes
clear what is at stake in “original” accumulation:
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
The brutal acts associated with the process of stripping the majority
of the people of the means of producing for themselves might seem
far removed from the laissez-faire reputation of classical political
economy. In reality, the dispossession of the majority of small-scale
producers and the construction of laissez-faire are closely connected.11
Non-market measures (enclosures, violence, and so on) might
be required to further this process in the countryside. Perelman
Formally, this dispossession was perfectly legal. After all, the peasants
did not have property rights in the narrow sense. They only had
traditional rights…. Simple dispossession from the commons was a
necessary, but not always sufficient condition to harness rural people
to the labor market.12
In addition to separating people from a sustainable relationship to the
land, original accumulation developed a legal structure to enforce such
separation: “A host of oftentimes brutal laws designed to undermine
whatever resistance people maintained against the demands of wage
labor accompanied the dispossession of the peasants’ rights, even
before capitalism had become a significant economic force.”13 Thus, in
Perelman’s analysis of the process Marx elaborates, so-called “original”
accumulation was none other than violent expropriation, or what
David Harvey has termed “accumulation by dispossession.” Again, it
is important to emphasize that original or “primitive” accumulation
is not fixed in the past but understood as an active component of
capitalist activity. Perelman does point out, however, that Marx
sometimes presents original accumulation as a “presupposition” for
developed capitalism (he quotes Lucio Colletti on Grundrisse in this
regard), so, depending on who you read, such expropriation might be
distanced from the present.14 Nevertheless, to consider the chapter on
primitive accumulation alongside the previous one on “The General
Theory of Capitalist Accumulation” lends credence to the idea that
Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
Capital represents a dynamic collocation of components that are never
simply mutually exclusive. The becoming of capitalism is more about
the intensities of historical emphasis, contingent accumulation, than
it is the culmination of one aspect to the expiration of others. Whether
growing or shrinking, capitalism moves in its febrile totality.
Understood from this vantage, the central elements of original
accumulation can be seen all over the map of contemporary
capitalism. Perelman, for instance, remarks on the destruction of
small-scale farming in the United States in the twentieth century
which indeed bears the hallmarks of primary dispossession. The
largest migration in human history, the movement of some three
hundred million peasants from the countryside to the city in China
in the last thirty-five years, features substantial evidence of theft and
expropriation of land for primary subsistence and subsequent levels
of proletarianization that easily surpass the breadth and intensity of
such transformation in early modern Europe. Even within the city,
the curbing of self-provision continues apace (Perelman uses the
example of high-density living reducing the space for washing and
drying clothes, which makes the population dependent on private
laundry facilities). As work like Silvia Federici’s clearly shows, the
social divisions of labor in the production and reproduction of life use
unpaid labor to enforce the wage as a basic condition of socialization
in general. Indeed, it is less that original accumulation precedes
capitalism proper but that it mediates its continuing possibility.
Federici’s book, Caliban and the Witch (2004), focuses primarily
on the transition from feudalism to capitalism and explores the
tension within accumulation as primitive, original, and prior.15
Her critique of capitalist accumulation as always already based on
women’s production and reproduction of labor power extends along
modernity’s reach. As she discovers in her research in Nigeria in the
1980s, adjusting decolonization to fit neoliberalism pivots around
attacks on social reproduction, whether in the attempt to force new
enclosures of agricultural land, or via direct attacks on procreation
rates as a means to discipline labor and labor power. As in another
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
key Federici work, Revolution at Point Zero, women’s struggles over
land are not an adjunct to regimes of accumulation but are written
into discourses of subjugation and profound resistance to the same.16
The question of hydropower at this level is crucially linked to women’s
struggle over the commons and a power over resources that stands
against, for instance, the management of state assets promoted by
the World Bank, or the ease through which privatization becomes
privation. The reclamation of lands and water from avatars of
neoliberal original accumulation is ongoing and particularly energetic
in the Global South where what Federici calls the “commercialization
of nature” is most acute.17 The power over clean water is at the heart
of social reproduction and explains why feminist praxis within
accumulation is crucial to the future of the commons and the fate
of the capitalist mode of production itself. But is neoliberalism
actually an intensification of such original dispossession and how
might this process be more conceptually elaborated? Four years after
Perelman’s intervention on accumulation by what he calls “primary
dispossession,” David Harvey published his now definitive essay
on this very question.18 After a detailed exegesis of how capitalist
crises emerge and move in the contemporary world system, Harvey
suggests such spatio-temporal fixes cannot be adequately understood
according to the norms of classical political economy, nor by the superseparation of primitive accumulation from capitalism proper. Now, it
is true Harvey has to underplay the contiguous framework Perelman
outlines, but his intervention is to make of original or “primitive”
dispossession a conceptual clue to the workings of neoliberal
capitalism as a whole. For instance, if financialization manipulates
money supply and the pricing of asset classes, it is a process that
complements a similarly feverish desire to control basic elements
of social sustenance, or what Marx calls species being. Harvey’s
critique of this dynamic combines a trenchant reading of Capital
around Marx’s interrogation of “so-called” primitive accumulation
with an assessment of how this ostensibly distant process drives a new
imperialism in the present. It is important to note Harvey’s analysis is
Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
not formulaic but attempts to address aforementioned symptomatic
solutions to long-standing limits to capital accumulation like overproduction, a falling rate of profit, and various spatio-temporal
fixes that constellate the appearance of capitalism in a specific form.
Pondering the “projection of power over space,” Harvey argues
through specific examples that “free trade does not mean fair trade.”19
How does primitive accumulation fit within this picture?
The attempted maintenance of U.S. power beyond the nostrums
of the “Washington Consensus” reveals a highly complex and
networked structure of financial and governmental interests across
the globe, in which the U.S., through the World Bank and IMF, but
also through coordinated activities of the U.S. Treasury and Federal
Reserve, is able to create new levels of crisis management in the
reassignment of accumulation. Such accumulation by “other means”
is what Harvey terms “accumulation by dispossession,” a powerful
heuristic that shows the ways in which Marx’s conceptualization can
be rethought and reframed in the present. In part, Harvey’s attention
to the “predation, fraud, and thievery” of the credit and finance
industries indeed highlights an intensification of such activities,
particularly after the economic crisis of the early 1970s (which
precisely called for “accumulation by other means”).20 All kinds of
stock promotions, speculative bubbles, mergers and acquisitions (with
attendant asset stripping) illuminate the period and reveal processes
of financialization that appear relatively autonomous in their
prescriptions and effects. New mechanisms of dispossession include
WTO-inspired patenting and an expanded monetizing of intellectual
property rights, biopiracy, the privatization of public assets like state
universities, and the reappropriation of hard-won public goods like
health care, pensions, and welfare. The level of rapacity in these areas
is extraordinary and together they constitute defining elements of
what neoliberalism has come to mean. Again, Harvey’s point is about
recognizing the amplification of such processes, rather than seeing
them as an absolute break with accumulation practices of the past. But
he also usefully links such active accumulation to periodic imperialist
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
adventures when the normal business cycles of production and
reproduction seem unlikely to offer quick or sufficient return. This is
both about a scramble for resources according to the price volatility of
core commodities and a realignment of inter-state relations through
structural adjustment often limned to the dictates of hedge fund or
other speculation associated with the power brokers of finance.
There is little argument about the broad picture of the new
financial architecture that Harvey paints and, since the critique is
prefaced by long-standing connections outlined by Luxemburg and
Arendt, the place of “accumulation by dispossession” in a genealogy
of radical theorization seems both warranted and secure.21 In the
voluminous literature that has followed Harvey’s essay, however,
the specificities of accumulation by water have raised important
caveats about its sweep. For instance, Adrienne Roberts notes that
the commodification and “market governance” of water complicates
the picture of neoliberalism and “new imperialism” Harvey is at
pains to identify.22 Like Federici, Roberts focuses on relations of
social reproduction, which offer a particular valence on accumulation
strategies of the Global South. What Roberts details is a “growing
disjuncture between the scales and geographies of production and
social reproduction” as a complementary critique to, for instance, Neil
Smith’s stress on the implications of the social reproduction of nature
itself.23 This, I believe, holds crucial lessons for how we understand
the role of water as a distributed good and its meaning as a source of
power. The “neoliberalization of socio-nature” is not just a matter of
crass monetization but of a transformed logic in what we claim as
How does water signify this changed relation while yet demonstrating
that it is, as Karen Bakker avers, an “uncooperative commodity”?24
Within colonialism, the provisioning and distribution of water clearly
favored the colonizers and their surrogates not just for personal use
but for irrigation that boosted cash crops and agricultural exports.
Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
Part of the process of decolonization emphasized a redistribution
of water resources as a sign that newly-independent states were
sustainable at local and national scales. Yet increasingly, development
under neoliberalism has meant the bracketing of more equitable
sustainability, as even basic resources are factored into asset
portfolios and debt servicing. Thus, on one hand, the development
of a sustainable hydro-infrastructure links water security to state
stability; on the other hand, the growth of water as an industry also
means social discontent is weighed against the privatization of the
social itself. Whereas water crises might have once signaled difficulties
in sourcing supply, they now mean the extent to which accumulation
races ahead of sustainability as such. “Market environmentalism” has
never been so stark as it is in the business of water in which basic
metrics of affordability and access have been overwritten in order
to maximize prices and margins. In this sense, the power over hydro
has become a primary arena of social contestation (not just over
resources, but how the social itself is constellated). How does water
change the understanding of original accumulation outlined by Marx
and deepened in the work of Perelman and Harvey?
If Marx emphasizes the ways in which primitive or original
accumulation presages qualitative transformations of the social
that we now associate with capitalist dynamism tout court, is the
privatization and monetization of water simply an expression of
this process in the present, or does the “primitive accumulation
of water” as Roberts terms it, challenge the socioeconomic logic in
play? Much of the debate shows that privatization increases water
rates, eliminates utility subsidies for the poor, and raises cut-off
rates for the most disadvantaged. Roberts augments this view by
including water’s relationship to social reproduction, all of those
elements of daily life that provide the constitutive conditions for
capital accumulation in the wage (a focus that has the advantage of
understanding the gendered division of such processes). As part of
the retreat from Keynesianism, the idea of the social provisioning of
water has been recast as one about access to capital. Water may be a
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
fictitious commodity, as Polanyi describes it, but its effects are all too
tangible at differing scales, particularly the local.25 Roberts notes,
for instance, a disjunction between the transnational dimensions
of contemporary water authorities and the understanding of local
needs. When “full cost recovery” produces mass disconnections from
a stable water supply, populations can be driven to water sources
of dubious quality, with all of their attendant health risks. (Cholera
outbreaks in South Africa, for example, have been linked to this crass
rationalization of nature.) Overall, the power over hydro has shifted
the economics of the social provision of water from the state and local
authorities to the needs of families and associated communities who
are then compelled to recalibrate the terms of social reproduction
to maintain as best as possible water security’s role in everyday life.
As Arundhati Roy has argued to great effect, this displacement of
responsibility over social provision has dramatically changed what
counts as “the cost of living.”26
If original accumulation institutes the power relations for
class hierarchy, the rethinking of primitive accumulation under
neoliberalism has also produced vital critiques about how modes of
dispossession exacerbate inequalities of race and gender. Indeed, the
importance of the struggle for water foregrounds the antinomies of
combined and uneven development in its social divisions; water, in
this sense, is thus not an adjunct to globalization as a world system but
is instead a central heuristic in understanding the latter’s maturity,
limits, and contradictions. The reapportioning of responsibility in
contrast to the affirmation and protection of rights is a key feature of
the colonization of a social logic by an economic one and emphasizes
the metonymic reach of neoliberal priorities. The reduction of
socialization itself to the abstractions between price and value is not
necessarily new (as the long history of original accumulation affirms),
yet water power has distinct demands and reveals what is at stake in,
for instance, the new social movements and in modes of resistance that
seek to undo the meaning of globalization in its local instantiations.
While the fight against the deleterious effects of water power
Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
(“hydropower as also the power over water”) provides a strong sense
of empowerment, the nature of the latter is itself uneven and often
hinges on perceived national prerogatives and the self-image of the
state. Neoliberalism, however, also promotes forms of empowerment,
specifically those that encourage a stakeholder mentality with market
characteristics, that is, that paying for water at higher rates is really
only a sign of greater participation and that markets secure such social
responsibility. It is true that the relative scarcity of clean, potable
water necessitates “responsible” distribution, but here the question of
“responsible” consumption is preempted by price points irrespective
of demonstrable need. Water therefore becomes a structural antinomy
in contemporary accumulation as such.
The place of water in globalization signifies a distinct “liquidity
crisis” in capitalism: what is original to species being is no longer
originary within a system of dispossession as exchange. This presents
significant difficulties for both mavens of monetization and for those
who reject and resist attempts to recolonize the commons. Ostensibly,
for capitalism, water offers all kinds of niche market and branding
opportunities: why drink from a fountain when you can both carry
water with you and mark it as a lifestyle with singular prestige? Using
the paradox “natural means commodity,” premiums can be gleaned
from “original sources” — Ursprung indeed — and branded differences
(because water is transparent, its appearance as a commodity for
marketing often comes down to names and the shapes or quality
of the container). At this level, however, water margins are thin
because every player in the business knows that creating scarcity in
a consumer market is never an easy gambit, and especially so when
an item is otherwise considered “naturally” abundant. If the market
for branded water is commodification at its loudest, the appropriation
of water within processes of social reproduction is neoliberalism’s
signal power, a seemingly quiet dispossession (because rational or
rationalized) that has yet produced the greatest resistance. Water’s
logical resistance to commodification is tempered by the economic
and political power available from its energic capacities.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Because accumulation as privatization has been prominently vexed
over the provision of water, it has offered a significant window onto
the processes of contemporary capitalism and the forms of opposition
that interrupt them. Karen Bakker’s extensive research on water
privatization cautions against reproducing a public/private binary
in this regard because both necessitate rethinking when it comes to
the meaning of water and power in socialization.27 In part, Bakker
recognizes the significant emergence of the environmental commons,
whose advocates see the limits of market and state rationalization
as an impetus to seek viable community alternatives. The energy of
water on this level is its power as a discourse of the commons which
creatively negotiates water’s various roles as an agricultural necessity,
energy potential, and basic resource for life. According to Bakker,
the commons is not just a broad-based bottom up approach to the
redistribution of social goods but also has an institutional imprimatur
that renders the concept quite similar if not identical to governmental
structures it might otherwise be read to subtend. Seen in this light,
Bakker offers a different reading of the water wars of Cochabamba,
Bolivia — a celebrated struggle against water privatization (initiated
by IMF structural adjustment contingencies in 1998) that sought
community-based distribution.
As is well known, when large corporate conglomerates like Bechtel
and United Water enter local markets, prices often rise sharply,
and water metering becomes the standard model of distribution.
Without recounting the complex turn of events surrounding the
struggle over water control in Cochabamba, there is little dispute that
the principle of water privatization was dealt a significant rebuke
by a broad popular movement.28 The problem has been converting
strong local support for communal ownership of water resources
into a viable public-to-public model across Bolivian society, one that
would require a transformation of the public utility as an institute of
government. Just as the scale of water supply necessitates different
strategies regarding its use, so the antinomies of accumulation
interlace strategies of resistance and change. Communities of self-
Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
help preexist the nostrums of neoliberal monetization, but one mode
of social provision does not simply cancel out the other: they exist
in different logics of need. Bakker suggests that both the public/
private and local/transnational oppositions need to be mediated or
mutually implied rather than idealistically overreached. This is not a
defense of privatization but an acknowledgment that elements of its
efficiency (in contrast to more embedded forms of governmentality)
might be learned rather than ignored or discounted in advance. More
than this, however, Bakker argues that water is not in fact a “global
commons” or even a scarce resource (scarcity is “produced”) but a
basic management problem.29 It is true that appropriately scaled
management models can improve the sourcing and distribution of
water, but this seems to obviate the actually existing conditions of
accumulation that inform the power structures such management
embodies. This conditionality in and over water is most explicit when
the power over hydro is in the service of hydropower.
While the history of hydropower is long, its specific role in the
production of electricity is coterminous with industrial development
and expansion. The same question of scales of accumulation applies
in order to understand the conflicting needs of specific communities
in relation to others and, just as the difference between water
sourcing and place of consumption creates inequalities of access,
so the infrastructural control over an electrical grid greatly affects
how and where hydropower ends up being used. Whether a location
can be optimized for the production of hydropower depends on a
complicated web of factors, but here let’s think of them in specific
relation to the logic of original accumulation. It is quite possible to
elaborate hydropower economics without reference to capitalism or
indeed specific strategies of accumulation, but this can be understood
not as an evasion of political economy but as a confirmation of its
saturation.30 Mega-dam projects in particular announce a kind of
inexorable inertia in their financing, labor-intensive production,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
architectural monumentalism, and social impacts — all without
seeming to question the primary principles in their manifestation. But
surely, water power is a renewable resource? It is cleaner to produce
than anything fossil fuels can manage and is much safer than any
nuclear option. Like the sun and the wind, water at this level is vital
to any future premised on environmental sustainability.
The complexity of large scale hydropower projects requires
formidable capital inputs, contracts, feasibility studies, legal reviews,
environmental analysis, infrastructural build out, management and
maintenance networks, and expansion potential. In short, if the
source of water for the project involves local communities these
are often disproportionately arrayed before the massive interests
that mega-dams and generators represent. Whereas a water war
may develop because of a necessary intimacy in exploitation — for
example, Bechtel, in order to assure sufficient margins, must act
locally — the struggles against any deleterious effects of a megadam are violently abstract. Both the privatization of water and
the business of hydropower have their advantages: the former can
improve supply volumes and potability for instance, while the latter
can provide electricity in the absence of viable alternatives. Yet largescale dam projects in particular offer the developmental logic of water
management as a structural contradiction of capitalist history as a
whole. Thus, while it shares with water sourcing and distribution a
marked tendency to original dispossession — the displacement of 1.3
million people for the Three Gorges project and at least 200,000 people
for the Sardar Sarovar Dam are strong indicators in this regard — the
grand scale of modernization seems to trump a corresponding passion
for justice, equity, and responsibility.
In her trenchant critique of the Sardar Sarovar project, Arundhati
Roy asks the big questions: “Who owns this land? Who owns its rivers?
Its forests? Its fish?”31 This not only invokes the fate of the Adivasi,
“original” inhabitants who have faced the brunt of displacement and
dispossession, but the future of social organization itself when theft
is legalized for “the greater common good” (which is also the title of
Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
Roy’s essay). Defenders of such modernization say “not to worry”
because the age of the mega-dam is drawing to a close and that the
shift to small, minimal-impact energy producing dams is a kinder,
gentler, and environmentally friendly neoliberal protocol for the new
millennium. Perhaps.
The problem is that the combined and uneven development of
the world system calibrates the commons according to distributable
harm (and not just benefit). The principled sourcing and allocation
of water provides a litmus test of how the power over social being is
not just imagined but instantiated. Even if the crude rationalizations
for capitalism are to be expected, the structural logic of water
exploitation is complex and contradictory precisely because of water’s
imbrication in “the cost of living.” The plethora of institutions of water
management is in part a multi-pronged approach to “manage” original
accumulation as capital’s constitutive desire. Since for humans water
is not primarily a discretionary purchase, its role as a commodity
is inexorably unstable as a market metric. Monopolistic pricing
and the creation of scarcity might seem opportune, yet locally such
accumulation by dispossession has engendered intense protest and
struggle, as if what is primary in resources is coterminous with what
is paramount for social division. At this level at least, we must say
that hydropower means both a laudable element of a future defined
by renewable resources and a primary arena of power over water
that decides what is “original” in accumulation. Who wins this power
decides the power of accumulation itself.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Of course, Smith ponders the accumulation of stock, not water, but his
notion began all sorts of disputation about the “origins” of capitalism.
Here I am concerned to explore resources held in common, rather than
in common stock. See, Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes
of the Wealth of Nations, Vol. 2, eds. R.H. Campbell and A.S. Skinner (New
York: Oxford UP, 1976) 277.
See Water for Our Future: Seventh World Water Forum, April 12–17th, Republic
of Korea. The program can be accessed at http://eng.worldwaterforum7.
See, for instance, David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism (Oxford:
Oxford UP, 2005). The brevity of this tome should not detract from the
critical global issues it addresses and the polemic it advances.
Arundhati Roy, The Algebra of Infinite Justice (New York: Penguin, 2001)
180. A notion of infinite justice for infinite water is a complicated
algebra, not least because solidarity is mediated by competing equations
about climate, the commons, and geopolitics.
Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy Vol. I, trans. Ben Fowkes
(London: Penguin Books, 1976 [1867]) 873. Chapter Twenty-Six is devoted
to this subject.
The point here is not to settle debate by deferring to the French edition
over the English or German, despite Marx’s editorial interest in the
French text. It is less a problem of mistranslation or editorial authority
and more a distinct conceptual difficulty that, for instance, reaches into
what we mean by the time of capital and the fraught connection of labor
and production.
Marx, Capital Vol. I 873.
Michael Perelman, The Invention of Capitalism: Classical Political Economy
and the Secret History of Primitive Accumulation (Durham, NC: Duke
UP, 2000). See also, Michael Perelman, “A Short History of Primitive
Accumulation,” Counter Punch, April 16, 2013, http://www.counterpunch.
Capital 875.
Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
See, for instance, Massimo De Angelis, The Beginning of History: Value
Struggles and Global Capital (London: Pluto Press, 2007). Among other
crucial points in De Angelis’s rearticulation of autonomist thought, he
finds forms of enclosure all over the contemporary maps of capitalism
and a burgeoning and creative resistance to its manifestations. From this
perspective, “primitive accumulation” is not part of some Marxian “prehistory” but is a lived distillation of capitalist processes. One doesn’t
begin history after the revolution but within the material struggles
against capitalism, vibrant alternatives already posed inside and outside
its reach.
Perelman, Invention 2.
Invention 13–14.
Invention 14.
See Lucio Colletti, Marxism and Hegel, trans. Lawrence Garner
(London: Verso, 1979) 130. When Marx talks in terms of serfs with “the
presuppositions of their becoming which are suspended in their being”
he suggests that peasants are locked into pastness as process, which
grates with the interpretations of Perelman, Federici, and Harvey, who
find the logic of capital active in its present. See, Karl Marx, Grundrisse,
trans. Martin Nicolaus (London: Penguin, 1973) 459–460.
See Silvia Federici, Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive
Accumulation (New York: Autonomedia, 2004). Federici’s work here
reaches back to earlier research, particularly feminist interventions on
social reproduction that appeared in the 1970s (the Wages for Housework
movement, for instance). The project reframes the history of capitalism,
especially the transitional phase in early modernity. While Federici uses
the word “primitive” this is as much about the ironies and contradictions
of “witch hunts” as it is a nod to notions of a less-developed capitalism.
See Silvia Federici, Revolution at Point Zero (Oakland: PM P, 2012). The
title is an allusion to another pivotal feminist text, the novel translated
as Woman at Point Zero by Nawal el Saadawi.
Federici, Revolution 143.
David Harvey, “The “New’ Imperialism: Accumulation by Dispossession,”
Socialist Register 40 (2004) 63–87. Although Harvey builds on the work of
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Perelman and Federici, he is much more concerned to figure “primitive
accumulation” within contemporary articulations of imperialism so that
the concept becomes a touchstone in understanding political economy
and geopolitics after the end of the Cold War.
David Harvey, “The ‘New’ Imperialism” 71.
“The ‘New’ Imperialism” 74.
The relevant texts are Hannah Arendt, Imperialism: Part Two of the
Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1968) and Rosa
Luxemburg, The Accumulation of Capital, trans. Agnes Schwarzchild
(New York: Routledge, 2003).
See Adrienne Roberts, “Privatizing Social Reproduction: The Primitive
Accumulation of Water in an Era of Neoliberalism,” Antipode 40:4
(2008) 535–560. Roberts’s article provides an excellent bridge between
the theoretical discussions of primitive accumulation and the political
questions hydropower, the power over hydro, compels.
Neil Smith, “Nature as Accumulation Strategy,” Socialist Register 2007:
Coming to Terms with Nature, eds. Leo Panitch and Colin Leys (London:
Merlin Press, 2007) 16–36.
See, Karen Bakker, An Uncooperative Commodity: Privatizing Water in
England and Wales (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004).
The concept of fictitious commodities comes from Karl Polanyi, The Great
Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time (New York:
Farrar & Reinhart, 1944). The idea here, of course, is that water is a social
necessity and therefore does not “cooperate” with the prescriptions of
the commodity form.
See Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living (New York: Modern Library, 1999).
In this book Roy analyzes power as production and domain through
India’s development of dams and nuclear reactors. “The Greater Common
Good” in particular, is a searing critique of the Sardar Sarovar Dam
project and a template for resistance, fighting the power of hydro as an
accumulation strategy.
In addition to An Uncooperative Commodity, see, for instance, Karen
Bakker, “Archipelagos and Networks: Urbanization and Water
Privatization in the South,” Geographical Journal 169:4 (2003) 328–341;
Accumulation and the Power over Hydro
“A Political Ecology of Water Privatization,” Studies in Political Economy
70 (2003) 35–58; “The ‘Commons’ versus the ‘Commodity’: ‘Alter’Globalization, Anti-Privatization and the Human Right to Water in
the Global South,” Antipode 39:3 (2007) 430–455; and “The Ambiguity
of Community: Debating Alternatives to Water Supply Privatization,”
Water Alternatives 1:2 (2008) 236–252.
The Cochabamba water war has been extensively debated. A good
introduction is Oscar Olivera, ¡Cochabamba!: Water War in Bolivia
(New York: South End Press, 2004). The story of how transnational
conglomerates like Bechtel and United Utilities extend the reach of
World Bank structural adjustment in the Global South is central to an
understanding of primitive accumulation in neoliberalism. Here water
becomes a frontline over conditions of socialization and sustainability.
For more on the continuing struggles over water in Bolivia see Emily
Achtenberg, “From Water Wars to Water Scarcity: Bolivia’s Cautionary
Tale,” ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America 7:2 (2013) 39–41. The entire
issue is dedicated to the problem of water in South America.
Bakker, Uncooperative Commodity 216.
See Finn R. Førsund, Hydropower Economics (New York: Springer, 2015).
It is both distressing and hardly surprising that “management science”
can so insistently disconnect its calculations from what Roy calls “the
cost of living.” Power politics begins in the space of this disconnection.
See Roy, The Cost of Living 45.
The Anthropocene as Fetishism
Daniel Cunha
A society that is always sicker, but always stronger,
has everywhere concretely re-created the world as the
environment and decor of its illness, a sick planet.1
The “Anthropocene” has become a fashionable concept in the natural
and social sciences.It is defined as the “human-dominated geologic
epoch” because in this epoch of natural history it is humanity that
is in control of the biogeochemical cycles of the planet.2 The result is
catastrophic: the disruption of the carbon cycle, for example, leads
to a global warming that approaches tipping points that might be
irreversible.3 The exponential growth of our freedom and power,
that is, of our ability to transform nature, is now translated into a
limitation to our freedom, including the destabilization of the very
framework of life. It reaches its highest degree with the problem
of global warming. 4 In this context, it becomes clear that the
Anthropocene is a contradictory concept. If the “human-dominated
geologic epoch” is leading to a situation in which the existence of
humans might be at stake, there is something very problematic with
this sort of domination of Nature that should be investigated. Its very
basic premise, that it is human-dominated, should be challenged —
after all there should be something inhuman or objectified in a sort of
domination whose outcome might be human extinction.
What is claimed here is that, exactly as for freedom under
capitalism, the Anthropocene is an unfulfilled promise. Freedom in
capitalism is constrained by fetishism and class relations — capitalist
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
dynamics are law bound and beyond the control of individuals;
the workers are “free” in the sense that they are not “owned” as
slaves, but also in the sense that they are “free” from the means of
production, they are deprived of their conditions of existence; the
capitalists are “free” insofar as they follow the objectified rules of
capital accumulation, otherwise they go bankrupt. Likewise, the social
metabolism with Nature is constrained and objectified: I claim that
the Anthropocene is the fetishized form of interchange between Man
and Nature historically specific to capitalism, the same way that the
“invisible hand” is the fetishized form of “freedom” of interchange
between men.
Since primitive accumulation, capital has caused a metabolic
rift between Man and Nature. It was empirically observable at least
since the impoverishment of soils caused by the separation of city
and countryside in nineteenth century Great Britain.5 In the twentyfirst century, though, this rift has become globalized — critical
disruptions of the carbon cycle (global warming), the nitrogen
cycle, and the rate of biodiversity loss — in a way that implies that
humanity is already outside of a “safe operating space” of global
environmental conditions.6 The Anthropocene, appears, then, as
the globalized disruption of the natural cycles of the Earth, not as a
planned, calculated, and controlled disruption, but, crucially, as an
unintended side effect of social metabolism with Nature that seems
to be progressively out of control.
Perhaps the most striking example is the massive burning of
fossil fuels at the root of climate change. The motivation for it was
for industrial capital to access plentiful cheap labor in cities with
the use of a mobile energy source (coal) during the Industrial
Revolution. This was impossible with the use of hydraulic energy,
which limited industrial activity to the vicinity of waterfalls, often
located in depopulated rural areas, and increasingly so as industrial
production grew and the exploitation of new waterfalls was
needed.7 This transition from hydraulic to fossil energy, therefore,
was determined by the valorization of value; there was no intention
The Anthropocene as Fetishism
to manipulate the carbon cycle or to cause global warming, nor,
indeed, were such eventualities recognized as possibilities prior to
the mid-twentieth century. The result, though, is that, in the twentyfirst century, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is already
beyond the safe boundary of 350 parts per million (ppm) for long-term
human development. As for the nitrogen cycle, it was disrupted by the
industrialization of agriculture and fertilizer production, including
the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen with the Haber-Bosch process.
Again, there was no intention or plan to control the nitrogen cycle, to
cause eutrophication of lakes, or to induce the collapse of ecosystems.
Nevertheless, the boundary of sixty-two million tons of nitrogen
removed from the atmosphere per year has already been surpassed,
with 150 million tons in 2014.8 A similar story can be told about
the rate of biodiversity loss, and the phosphorous cycle and ocean
acidification are following the same pattern. The “human-dominated”
geologic epoch, in this regard, seems much more a product of chance
and unconsciousness than of a proper control of the global material
cycles, in spite of Paul Crutzen’s reference to V.I. Vernadsky’s and
Teilhard de Chardin’s “increasing consciousness and thought” and
“world of thought” (noösphere).9 “They do not know it, but they do it”
— this is what Marx said about the fetishized social activity mediated
by commodities, and this is the key to a critical understanding of the
In fact, Crutzen locates the beginning of the Anthropocene in
the design of the steam engine during the Industrial Revolution.11
Instead of seeing it as an unmediated effect of technology, however,
the determinants of the “human-dominated” geologic epoch should
be conceptually investigated in the capitalist form of social relations.
With his analysis of fetishism, Marx showed that capitalism is a
social formation in which there is a prevalence of “material relations
between persons and social relations between things,” in which “the
circulation of money as capital is an end in itself.”12 Capital is the
inversion where exchange value directs use, abstract labor directs
concrete labor: “a social formation in which the process of production
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
has mastery over man, instead of the opposite,” and its circulation
as money and commodities for the sake of accumulation constitutes
the “automatic subject,” “self-valorizing value.”13 Locating the
Anthropocene in capitalism, therefore, implies an investigation into
the relation between the Anthropocene and alienation, or, as further
developed by the late Marx, fetishism.14
According to Marx, the labor-mediated form of social relations of
capitalism acquires a life of its own, independent of the individuals
that participate in its constitution, developing into a sort of objective
system over and against individuals, and increasingly determines the
goals and means of human activity. Alienated labor constitutes a social
structure of abstract domination that alienates social ties, in which
“starting out as the condottiere of use value, exchange value ended
up waging a war that was entirely its own.”15 This structure, though,
does not appear to be socially constituted, but natural.16 Value, whose
phenomenal form of appearance is money, becomes in itself a form
of social organization, a perverted community. This is the opposite of
what could be called “social control.”17 A system that becomes quasiautomatic, beyond the conscious control of those involved, and is
driven by the compulsion of limitless accumulation as an end in itself,
necessarily has as a consequence the disruption of the material cycles
of the Earth. Calling this Anthropocene, though, is clearly imprecise,
on one hand, because it is the outcome of a historically specific form
of metabolism with Nature, and not of a generic ontological being
(antropo), and, on the other hand, because capitalism constitutes a
“domination without subject,” that is, in which the subject is not Man
(not even a ruling class), but capital.18
It is important to note that fetishism is not a mere illusion that
should be deciphered, so that the “real” class and environmental
exploitation can be grasped. As Marx himself points out, “to the
producers... the social relations between their private labors appear
as what they are, i.e., as material relations between persons and social
relations between things”; “commodity fetishism... is not located in
our minds, in the way we (mis)perceive reality, but in our social
The Anthropocene as Fetishism
reality itself.”19 That is why not even all scientific evidence of the
ecological disruption, always collected post festum, is able to stop
the destructive dynamic of capital, showing to a caricatural degree
the uselessness of knowledge without use.20 The fact that now “they
know very well what they are doing, yet they are doing it” does not
refute, but rather confirms that the form of social relations is beyond
social control, and merely changing the name of the Anthropocene (to
Capitolocene or whatever) would not solve the underlying social and
material contradictions.21 Value-directed social production, that is,
production determined by the minimization of socially necessary
labor time instead of by the conscious satisfaction of social needs
and desires, results in an objectified mode of material production
and social life that can be described by “objective” laws. Time, space,
and technology are objectified by the law of value. Of course the
agents of the “valorization of value” are human beings, but they
perform their social activity as “character [masks],” “personifications
of economic relations”: the capitalist is personified capital and
the worker is personified labor.22 The fetishistic, self-referential
valorization of value through the exploitation of labor (M-C-M') with
its characteristics of limitless expansion and abstraction of material
content implies the ecologically disruptive character of capitalism,
wherein “the development of productive forces is simultaneously the
development of destructive forces.”23 Self-expanding value creates an
“industrial snowball system” that is not consciously controlled, but “a
force independent of any human volition.”24 In this context, it is not a
surprise that the disruption of global ecological cycles is presented as
the Anthropocene, that is, as a a natural process. That Man is presented
as a blind geologic force, such as volcanic eruptions or variations in
solar radiation, is an expression of the naturalized or fetishized form
of social relations that is prevalent in capitalism.
In this sense, the technical structures with which Man carries
out its metabolism with Nature is logically marked by fetishism.
As Marx notes, “technology reveals the active relation of man to
nature, the direct process of the production of his life, and thereby
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
it also lays bare the process of the production of the social relations
of his life, and of the mental conceptions that flow from those
relations.”25 In capitalism, production processes are not designed
according to the desires and needs of the producers, ecological or
social considerations but according to the law of value. Taking as
an example the world energy systems, it has been demonstrated
that there is no technical constraint to a complete solar transition
in two or three decades if we consider the use-value of fossil and
renewable energies (their energy return and material requirements),
that is, it is technically feasible to use fossil energy to build a solar
infrastructure to provide world energy in a quantity and quality
sufficient for human development.26 This transition, which from the
point of view of use value or material wealth is desirable, necessary,
and urgent, is not being carried out, though, because fossil energy is
still more prone to capital accumulation, to the valorization of value:
capital went to China to exploit cheap labor and cheap coal, causing a
strong spike in carbon emissions on the eve of a climate emergency,
in a clear display of fetishistic irrationality.27 More generally, the
American ecologist Barry Commoner has shown that in the twentieth
century many synthetic products (such as plastics and fertilizers)
were developed that took the place of natural and biodegradable
products. However, the new products were no more effective than
the old ones; the transition was only carried out because it was more
lucrative to produce them, although they were much more polluting
and environmentally harmful — these new technologies were, in fact,
the main factor for the increase of pollution in the United States, more
than the increase in population or consumption.28
Of course the law of value does not determine only the final
products, but also the production processes, which must be constantly
intensified both in terms of rhythms and material efficiency, if not in
terms of the extension of the working day. Already, in his day, Marx
highlighted the “fanaticism that the capitalist shows for economizing
on means of production” as they seek the “refuse of production”
for reuse and recycling.29 However, under the capitalist form of
The Anthropocene as Fetishism
social production, productivity gains result in a smaller amount of
value created per material unit, so that it fosters enlarged material
consumption.30 This general tendency is empirically observable in the
so-called Jevons Paradox, in which efficiency gains eventually result
in a rebound effect, increased material production.31 This paradoxical
effect was first shown by William Stanley Jevons, who presented data
that demonstrate that efficiency gains in coal consumption to fuel
steam engines during the Industrial Revolution resulted in increased
aggregate coal consumption.32 What in a conscious social production
would be ecologically beneficial (increased efficiency in resource use),
in capitalism increases relative surplus value, and therefore reinforces
the destructive limitless accumulation of capital and a technological
system that is inappropriate in the first place. It is astonishing that
many environmentalists still preach efficiency as an ecological fix,
without noticing that the capitalist social form of wealth (value) turns
productivity into a destructive force.
Even the way capitalism deals with the problem of pollution is
configured by alienation: everything can be discussed but the mode
of production based on commodification and maximization of
profits. Since production is carried out in competing isolated private
production units, socio-technical control is limited to external control,
through state regulations that enforce end-of-pipe technologies and
market mechanisms. The Kyoto Protocol is the best example of the
contradictions of market–based approaches to environmental issues.
It represents the commodification of the carbon cycle, establishing
the equivalence principle, the very form of commodity fetishism, in a
sort of stock exchange of carbon. Therefore, it implies a whole process
of abstraction of ecological, social, and material qualities to make
possible the equivalence of carbon emissions, offsets, and carbon
sinks located in very different ecological and social contexts. The
abstraction process includes the equalization of emission reductions
in different social and ecological contexts, of emissions reductions
carried out with different technologies, of carbon of fossil origin
and biotic origin, the equalization of different molecules through
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the concept of “carbon equivalent” and a definition of “forest” that
does not include any requirement of biodiversity.33
However, as with any commodity in capitalism, use value —
carbon emissions reductions in this case — is governed by exchange
value. The fetishistic inversion of use value and exchange value that
characterizes capitalism implies that the effective goal of the whole
process of emissions trading comes to be money, not emissions
reduction. Empirical examples abound. The trading scheme set out
by the Kyoto Protocols does not present any incentive for long-term
technology transition but only for short-term financial earnings. In
practice, offsets allow polluters to postpone a technological transition,
while the corresponding Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
project probably generates a rebound effect that will foster fossil fuel
deployment in developing countries.34 Easy technological reductions,
such as burning methane in landfills, allow the continuation of carbon
emissions by big corporations. Some industries earned more profits
mitigating emissions of HFC-23 than with the commodities they
produced, while generating huge amounts of offsets that again allow
polluters to keep up with their emissions.35 And the comparison of
projects with baseline “would be” scenarios even tragically allows the
direct increase of emissions, for example, by financing coal mines that
mitigate methane emissions. And more examples could be cited. The
fact that global warming is determined by cumulative emissions in
any meaningful human time-scale reveals the perverse effects of this
exchange value–driven scheme: delays in emissions reductions today
constrain the possibilities of the future.36 Again a simple Marxian
critique reveals how exchange value comes to dominate use value,
as the allocation of carbon emissions is determined not by socioecological criteria, but according to the valorization requirements
or by “the optimized allocation of resources.” Thus, when the global
carbon market hit the record market value of $176 billion in 2011,
the World Bank said that “a considerable portion of the trades is
primarily motivated by hedging, portfolio adjustments, profit taking,
and arbitrage,” typical jargon of financial speculators.37 Kyoto, with
The Anthropocene as Fetishism
its quantitative approach, does not address, but rather hampers the
qualitative transition that is necessary to avoid a catastrophic climate
change, that is, the solar transition. Even though substantial amounts
of capital are mobilized with the trading schemes, global carbon
emissions continue to increase.
Under current conditions, it is increasingly likely that the
application of an end-of-pipe technology might be necessary. With
the rise of the welfare state and ecological regulation, a myriad of
such technologies were used to mitigate industrial emissions to
water, air, and soil — air filters, wastewater treatment plants, and
so on. The problem is that these technologies can only be applied in
particular corporate units if it is feasible in the context of value-driven
production, that is, only if it does not jeopardize the profitability of
corporations. It happens, though, that carbon capture and storage
(CCS) is still too expensive to be used in production units or transport
systems. Therefore, what comes to the fore is geoengineering, the
ultimate end-of-pipe technology applied on a planetary scale to
mitigate the effects of carbon emissions: the direct manipulation of
world climate itself with processes such as the emission of aerosols
to the stratosphere to reflect solar radiation or the fertilization of
oceans with iron to induce the growth of carbon-sequestering algae.38
The origins of these processes can be traced back to the Vietnam
War and Stalinist projects, one of its first proponents being Edward
Teller, the father of the atomic bomb.39 There are huge risks involved
in this approach, as the climate system and its subsystems are not
fully understood and are subject to non-linearities, tipping points,
sudden transitions, and chaos. Moreover, climate system inertia
means that such geoengineering techniques would have to be applied
at the time-scale of a millennium or longer, effectively implicating
dozens of future generations.40 In case of technological failure of the
application of geoengineering, the outcome could be catastrophic,
with a sudden climate change.41
Considering the relatively low cost of geoengineering, though, it
is likely that capitalism assumes the risk of business as usual in order
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
to preserve its fetishistic quest for profits, keeping geoengineering
as a sort of silver bullet of global warming.42 Of course there is the
frightening possibility of combining geoengineering and trading
schemes, so that geoengineering projects could generate carbon
credits in a competitive market. That was the idea of Planktos Inc.
in a controversial experiment of ocean fertilization, that alludes to a
dystopian future in which world climate is manipulated according to
the interests of corporate profits.43 It is clear that capitalist control
of pollution, either through market mechanisms or state regulations,
resembles the Hegelian Minerva’s Owl: it only (re)acts after the
alienated process of production and the general process of social
alienation. However, if the core of destructiveness is the fetishistic
process itself that is reproduced by trading schemes, and end-of-pipe
technologies are subject to failure and complex dynamics that are not
rationally accessible to the time scales of human institutions (at least
in their current forms), both market and state mechanisms might fail
in avoiding a catastrophic climate change.
Future projections of global warming by neoclassical economists
reveal the alienated core of the Anthropocene in its very essence. In
integrated climate-economic models such as the ones developed by
William Nordhaus and Nicholas Stern, the interest rate ultimately
determines what is acceptable in terms of atmospheric concentration
of greenhouse gases and its related impacts (coastal inundations,
biodiversity loss, agricultural disruption, epidemic outbreaks, and so
on), as “cost-benefit analyses” discount future impacts and compound
present earnings.44 But as shown by Marx, the interest is the part of
the profit that the industrial capitalist pays to the financial capitalist
that lent him money-capital in the first place, after the successful
valorization process.45 Interest-bearing capital is value that possesses
the use value of creating surplus value or profit. Therefore, “in
interest-bearing capital the capital relationship reaches its most
superficial and fetishized form,” “money that produces money,” “selfvalorizing value.”46 Interest-bearing capital is the perfect fetishistic
representation of capital, as the automatic geometric progression of
The Anthropocene as Fetishism
surplus value production, a “pure automaton.”47 Correspondingly,
the determination of future social metabolism with Nature by the
interest rate is the ultimate expression of the fetishistic character of
this historical form of social metabolism with Nature, that is, of the
fetishistic core of the so-called Anthropocene, no matter the magnitude
of the interest rate. In capitalism the interest rate is determinant of
investments and allocation of resources, and overcoming this is not a
matter of moral restraint or of a lower interest rate (as in Stern) but
of overcoming the capitalist mode of production itself.48
Future scenarios determined by the interest rate ultimately
negate history, since only in capitalism is the interest rate socially
determining, as it is capital in its purest form. While in capitalism
interest-bearing capital becomes totally adapted to the conditions
of capitalist production, and fosters it with the development of the
credit system, in precapitalist social formations, “usury impoverishes
the mode of production, cripples the productive forces.”49 This is so
because in capitalism credit is given in the expectation that it will
function as capital, that the borrowed capital will be used to valorize
value, to appropriate unpaid “free” labor, while in the Middle Ages
the usurer exploited petty producers and peasants working for
themselves.50 The determination of future social metabolic relation
with Nature by the interest rate is thus an extrapolation of the
capitalist mode of production and all of its categories (value, surplus
value, abstract labor, and so on) into the future, the fetishization of
history. Nowhere is this fetishization of history better crystallized
than in the term Anthropocene, which depends upon a ahistorical
concept of Man.
The sort of cost-benefit analysis that Nordhaus and Stern carry
out tends to negate not only history, but matter itself, as the tradeoff of the degradation of material resources with abstract capitalist
growth implies the absolute exchangeability between different
material resources, and hence between abstract wealth (capital)
and material wealth. For example, the most basic natural synthetic
process necessary for life as we know on Earth, photosynthesis, is
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
not technologically substitutable, that is, no amount of exchange
value could replace it.51 Synthesizing the complex interactions and
material and energy fluxes that constitute ecosystems of different
characteristics, scales and path-dependent natural histories is not
at all a trivial task on its own terms; doing so under the condition of
capitalist social relations, where material interactions and specificity
are exactly what exchange value abstracts from, appears doomed to
failure. What the analysis found in Nordhaus and Stern takes for
granted is the commodity form itself, with its common substance
(value) that allows the exchange between different material resources
in definite amounts, detached from their material and ecological
contexts. But it is this very detachment or abstraction that leads to
destructiveness: “The dream implied by the capital form is one of
utter boundlessness, a fantasy of freedom as the complete liberation
from matter, from nature. This ‘dream of capital’ is becoming the
nightmare of that from which it strives to free itself — the planet
and its inhabitants.”52
Last but not least, capital is also trying to increase its profits
exploiting the very anxiety caused by the prospect of the ecological
catastrophe, as an extension of the production of subjectivity by the
culture industry.53 For example, Starbucks cafés offer their customers
a coffee that is a bit more expensive but claim that part of the money
goes to the forest of Congo, poor children in Guatemala, and so on. In
this way, political consciousness is depoliticized in what is called the
“Starbucks effect.”54 It can also be seen in commercial advertisements.
In one such advertisement, after scenes depicting some kind of
undefined natural catastrophe intercalated with scenes of a carpenter
building an undefined wooden structure and women in what seems to
be a fashion show, the real context is revealed: the models are going
to a sort of Noah’s Arc built by the carpenter, so that they can survive
the ecological catastrophe. The purpose of the advertisement is finally
disclosed: to sell deodorant — “the final fragrance.” The slogan —
“Happy end of the world!” — explicitly exploits the ecological collapse
to sell commodities.55 Opposition and political will themselves are
The Anthropocene as Fetishism
being seduced to fit into the commodity form, even pervading climate
science itself. Climate scientists appear increasingly aware of this
pervasive pressure of economic fetishism over science when they
state: “liberate the science from the economics, finance, and astrology,
stand by the conclusions however uncomfortable,” or “geoengineering
is like a heroin addict finding a new way of cheating his children out
of money.”56 Decarbonization is always challenged to be “economically
feasible.” What is necessary, though, is that a more radical critique
come to the fore in the public debate, an explicitly anticapitalist stance
that refuses the requirements of capital accumulation in the definition
of socio-environmental policies — not the least because it seems it is
already impossible to reconcile the limitation of global warming to
two degrees Celsius and simultaneously keep “economic growth.”57
It must be highlighted that the fetishization here described
and its ecological destructiveness are a historical development,
specific to capitalism, and that is why it can be overcome: there is
nothing necessarily destructive about the social metabolism with
nature. Commodity fetishism and labor as the social-mediating
category (abstract labor) are historically specific to capitalism, and
began with primitive accumulation.58 As the globalized disruption
of Nature, the Anthropocene is the externalization of alienated
labor, its logical material conclusion.59 Overcoming it requires the
reappropriation of what has been constituted in alienated form, that
is, the decommodification of human social activity or the overcoming
of capitalism.60 Technology so reconfigured and socialized would
no longer be determined by profitability, but would be the technical
translation of new values, and would tend to become art.61 Instead
of being determined by the unidimensional valorization of value,
social production would be the outcome of a multiplicity of commonly
discussed criteria, ranging between aesthetic, ecological, ethical, and
social considerations and beyond. In other words, material wealth
should be freed from the value form. Technologies such as solar
energy, microelectronics, and agroecology, for example, could be used
to shape a world of abundant material wealth and a conscious social
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
metabolism with Nature — a world with abundant clean renewable
energy, abundant free social time due to the highly automated
productive forces, and abundant food ecologically produced, under
social control.62
Then and only then could humanity be in conscious control of
planetary material cycles and could use this control for human
ends (even if deciding to keep them in their “natural” state). In fact,
this proposition means taking the promise of the Anthropocene
very seriously, that is, humanity should take conscious control of
planetary material cycles, extend the terrain of the political hitherto
left to the blind mechanics of nature and, in capitalism, to commodity
fetishism.63 And this not only because the productive forces developed
by capitalism allow it — although up to now we do it without
conscious social control — but also because it might be necessary.
Civilization is adapted to the Holocenic conditions that prevailed
in the last ten thousand years, and we should be prepared to act to
preserve these conditions that allow human development or mitigate
sudden changes, because they could be challenged not only by human
(fetishized) activity, but also by natural causes, something that has
already occurred many times in natural history (such as in the case of
glacial-interglacial cycles triggered by perturbations in Earth’s orbit,
or the catastrophic extinction of dinosaurs due to a meteor impact).64
The (fetishized) “invisible hand” and the (fetishized) “Anthropocene”
are two faces of the same coin, of the same unconscious socialization,
and should both be overcome with the communalization of social
activity, that is, the real control of planetary material cycles depends
on conscious social control of world production.
It should be emphasized that what is here criticized as “fetishism”
does not merely describe the imprecise naming of the Anthropocene,
but the form of material interchange itself. And yet what emerges
here is a truly utopian perspective, the promise of the realization of
the Anthropocene, not as an anthropological constant or a “natural”
force, but as a fully historical species-being that consciously controls
and gives form to the material conditions of the planet. If, as the
The Anthropocene as Fetishism
young Marx puts it, alienated labor alienates humanity’s speciesbeing, the liberatory reorganization of social-material interchange
would unleash the species potential that is embedded, though
socially negated, in the Anthropocene.65 Freed from value form
and the instrumental reason that reduces nature to a “substrate of
domination,” geoengineering and advanced technology in general
could be used not only to solve the climate problem, but also, as
Theodor Adorno wrote, to “help nature to open its eyes,” to help it
“on the poor earth to become what perhaps it would like to be.”66
Advanced forces of production imply that Fourier’s poetic utopian
vision recalled by Walter Benjamin could be materialized:
[C]ooperative labor would increase efficiency to such an extent that
four moons would illuminate the sky at night, the polar ice caps would
recede, seawater would no longer taste salty, and beasts of prey would
do man’s bidding. All this illustrates a kind of labor which, far from
exploiting nature, would help her give birth to the creations that lie
dormant in her womb.67
Even the elimination of brutality in nature (predation) and the
abolition of slaughterhouses through the production of synthetic
meat seem today within theoretical reach with developments in
“genetic reprogramming” and stem-cell technology. All this goes
beyond the wildest Marcusean utopian dreams.68 Of course, this
requires a social struggle that subverts the production determined by
the valorization of value and frees, first of all, human potential. On the
other hand, with business as usual, we are likely to see our material
future on Earth being determined by the interest rate, emergency
geoengineering, and chance.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
I would like to thank Cláudio R. Duarte, Raphael F. Alvarenga,
Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro, Justin Sully, and the anonymous reviewers
for the valuable suggestions.
Guy Debord, The Sick Planet, trans. Not Bored (2006 [1971]) http://www.
Paul Crutzen, “Geology of Mankind,” Nature 415 (2002) 23. A note on
terminology: I use both “Man” and “Nature” throughout to keep with
the way the discourse surrounding the Anthropocene operates and
to indicate when I am referring specifically to that discourse. They
correspond to real social (and violent) abstractions.
David Archer, The Global Carbon Cycle (Princeton: Princeton UP, 2010),
and James Hansen, Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth about the
Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity (New
York: Bloomsbury, 2009).
Slavoj Žižek, Living in the End Times (New York: Verso, 2010) 333.
Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy Vol. III, trans. David
Fernbach (London: Penguin, 1991 [1894]) 949, and John Bellamy-Foster,
Marx’s Ecology: Materialism and Nature (New York: Monthly Review,
Johan Rockström, et al., “A Safe Operating Space for Humanity,”
Nature 461 (2009) 472–475, and Will Steffen, et al.(2015), “Planetary
Boundaries: Guiding Human Development on a Changing Planet,”
Science 347: 6223 (February 13, 2015)
Andreas Malm, “The Origins of Fossil Capital: From Water to Steam
in the British Cotton Industry,” Historical Materialism 21:1 (2013) 15–68.
Steffen, et al., “Planetary Boundaries”
Crutzen, “Geology.”
Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy Vol. I, trans. Albert
Dragstedt (n. d. [1867])
Crutzen, “Geology.”
The Anthropocene as Fetishism
Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy Vol. I, trans. Ben Fowkes
Marx, Capital Vol. I, 175, 255.
For a discussion of the continuity between the Marxian concepts of
(London: Penguin, 1990 [1867]) 166, 253.
alienation and fetishism, see Lucio Colletti’s introduction in Karl Marx,
Marx’s Early Writings, trans. Rodney Livingstone and Gregor Benton
(London: Penguin, 1992 [1844]).
Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle, trans. D. Nicholson-Smith (New
York: Zone, 1994 [1967]) 46. See also Moishe Postone, Time, Labor, and
Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx’s Critical Theory (Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 1993), and Anselm Jappe, Les aventures de la marchandise:
Pour une nouvelle critique de la valeur (Paris: Denoël, 2003): 25–86.
Postone, Time 158–160.
Jappe, Les aventures.
Robert Kurz, Subjektlose Herrschaft: zur Aufhebung einer verkürzten
Gesellschaftskritik, EXIT! (1993)
Capital Vol. I 166 (emphasis added), and Žižek, End Times 190.
Debord, Sick Planet.
Slavoj Žižek, Mapping Ideology (New York: Verso, 1994) 8.
Capital Vol. I 179, 989.
Paul Burkett, Marx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective (New York:
St. Martin’s, 1999) 79–98, and Robert Kurz, Schwarzbuch Kapitalismus
(Frankfurt am Main: Eichborn, 2009 [1999]) 10.
Kurz, Schwarzbuch 218, and John Holloway, Crack Capitalism (New York:
Pluto, 2010) 146.
Capital Vol. I 493n4.
Peter D. Schwartzman and David W. Schwartzman, A Solar Transition
Is Possible (London: IPRD, 2011)
is%20Possible.pdf, and Mark Jacobson and Mark Delucchi, “A Path to
Sustainable Energy by 2030,” Scientific American (Nov. 2009): 58–65.
Andreas Malm, “China as Chimney of the World: The Fossil Capital
Hypothesis,” Organization and Environment 25:2 (2012) 146–77, and Daniel
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Cunha, “A todo vapor rumo à catástrofe?” Sinal de Menos 9 (2013): 109–133.
Barry Commoner, “Chapter 8: Population and Affluence” and “Chapter 9:
The Technological Flaw,” The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and Technology
(New York: Knopf, 1971).
Marx, Capital Vol. III 176
Claus Peter Ortlieb, “A Contradiction between Matter and Form,”
Marxism and the Critique of Value, eds. Neil Larsen, Mathias Nilges, Josh
Robinson, and Nicholas Brown (Chicago: MCM’, 2014 [2008]) 77–121.
John Bellamy-Foster, Brett Clark, and Richard York, The Ecological Rift:
William Stanley Jevons, The Coal Question: An Inquiry Concerning the
Capitalism’s War on the Earth (New York: Monthly Review, 2010) 169–182.
Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of Our Coal Mines (n. d.
Larry Lohmann, “The Endless Algebra of Climate Markets,” Capitalism
Nature Socialism 22:4 (2011) 93–116, and Maria Gutiérrez, “Making
Markets Out of Thin Air: A Case of Capital Involution,” Antipode 43:3
(2011) 639–661
Kevin Anderson, “The Inconvenient Truth of Carbon Offsets,” Nature
484 (2012) 7.
Lohmann, “Endless Algebra.”
Damon Matthews, Nathan Gillet, Peter Stott, and Kirsten Zickfeld, “The
Proportionality of Global Warming to Cumulative Carbon Emissions,”
Nature 459 (2009) 829–833.
Jeff Coelho, “Global Carbon Market Value Hits Record $176 Billion,”
Reuters (May 30, 2012) http://www.
ETC Group, Geopiracy: The Case Against Geoengineering (Manila: ETC
Group, 2010) http://www.etcgroup. org/content/geopiracy-caseagainst-geoengineering.
Eli Kintisch, Hack the Planet: Science’s Best Hope—or Worst Nightmare—for
Averting Climate Catastrophe (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2010) 77–102.
Susan Solomon, Gian-Kasper Plattner, Reto Knutti, and Pierre
Friedglinstein, “Irreversible Climate Change Due to Carbon Dioxide
Emissions,” PNAS 106:6 (2009) 1704–1709.
The Anthropocene as Fetishism
Victor Brovkin, Vladimir Petoukhov, Martin Claussen, Eva Bauer, David
Archer, and Carlo Jaeger, “Geoengineering Climate by Stratospheric
Sulfur Injections: Earth System Vulnerability to Technological Failure,”
Climatic Change 92 (2009) 243–259.
Scott Barrett, “The Incredible Economics of Geoengineering,”
Martin Lukacs, “World’s Biggest Geoengineering Experiment ‘Violates’
Environmental and Resource Economics 39:1 (2007) 45–54.
UN Rules,” The Guardian (October 15, 2012)
William Nordhaus, A Question of Balance: Weighing the Options on Global
Warming Policies (New Haven: Yale UP, 2008), and Nicholas Stern, The
Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review (London: HM Treasury,
Capital Vol. III 459–524.
Capital Vol. III 515.
Capital Vol. III 523.
Stern, Economics.
Capital Vol. III 731–732.
Capital Vol. III 736.
Robert Ayres, “On the Practical Limits to Substitution,” Ecological
Economics 61 (2007) 115–128.
Time 383.
Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment:
Philosophical Fragments,. trans. Edmund Jephcott (Stanford: Stanford
UP, 2002 [1947]) 6; cited in Herbert Marcuse, Counterrevolution and Revolt
(Boston: Beacon, 1972) 66.
Slavoj Žižek, Catastrophic But Not Serious. Lecture video (2011). http:// Catastrophic_But_Not_Serious.
Axe, Happy End of the World! Advertisement video (2012) http://www.
Kevin Anderson and Alice Bows, “A New Paradigm for Climate Change:
How Climate Change Science Is Conducted, Communicated and
Translated into Policy Must Be Radically Transformed If ‘Dangerous’
Climate Change Is to Be Averted,” Nature Climate Change 2 (September,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
2012) 639–40, and Kintisch, Hack 57.
Kevin Anderson and Alice Bows, “Beyond ‘Dangerous’ Climate Change:
Emission Scenarios for a New World,” Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society 369 (2011) 20–44.
Postone, Time; Holloway, Crack Capitalism; Krisis Group, Manifesto
Against Labour (1999) http://www.
Sick Planet.
60. Time.
Commoner, Closing Circle; Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man:
Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society (Boston: Beacon,
1964); Herbert Marcuse, An Essay on Liberation (Boston: Beacon, 1969).
Robert Kurz, “Antiökonomie und Antipolitik. Zur Reformulierung
der sozialen Emanzipation nach dem Ende des ‘Marxismus‚„ Krisis 19
(1997): 51–105.;
Schwartzman and Schwartzman, Solar Transition; Miguel Altieri,
Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture (Boulder: Westview,
Eric Swyngedouw, “Apocalypse now! Fear and Doomsday Pleasures,”
Hansen, Storms, and Rockström et al., “Safe Operating Space.”
Marx, Marx’s Early Writings.
Horkheimer and Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment.
Capitalism Nature Socialism 24:1 (2013) 9–17.
Walter Benjamin, “On the Concept of History,” Selected Writings, Volume
4, 1938-1940, eds. Howard Eiland and Michael W. Jennings (Cambridge:
Belknap, 2003) 394.
See David Pierce, Reprogramming Predators (2009) http://www. reprogramming-predators.html,
and BBC, World’s First Lab-Grown Burger Is Eaten in London (5 Aug.
Marcuse’s skepticism about the “pacification of nature” is expressed in
Counterrevolution and Revolt 68.
Mapping the Atomic Unconscious: Postcolonial
Capital in Nuclear Glow
Katherine Lawless
During his visit to Hiroshima on May 27, 2016, the first ever to be
made by a sitting U.S. president, Barack Obama claimed that “the
memory of the morning of August 6, 1945, must never fade.”1 Not
only did he seek to preserve the memory of the dropping of the first
atomic bomb beyond the last voices of the hibakusha, he framed this
call for preservation in moral terms: “The scientific revolution that
led to the splitting of an atom requires a moral revolution as well.”
If his explicit claim is that the role of science in human atrocity can
be mitigated by a renewed moral framework, the implicit message is
that the practice of commemoration provides a symbolic ground for
this renewed morality. Accordingly, the president’s discourse of moral
revolution not only affirms the largely apolitical, ahistorical nature of
global memory culture, which tends to translate historical forms of
exploitation into universal narratives of suffering, but it also obscures
the slow violence of nuclear energy regimes by reducing nuclearity
to the moment of explosion. In seeking to preserve the memory of
atrocity, the moral revolutionary, however unwittingly, preserves the
colonial logic of nuclear energy regimes by transforming the material
exploitations of energy production into the universal grammar of
Against the idealism of the moral revolutionary, I want to
recuperate the material dimensions of cultural memory and suggest
that it might serve a different purpose in the context of postcolonial
capital: to elucidate the materiality of an energy unconscious
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
embedded in memory media.2 Postcolonial capitalism here signifies
the ways in which immaterial forms of accumulation and material
forms of labour intersect in the colonial landscapes of global memory
culture. My utilization of the term is meant to reflect the complex
ways in which enclosures of knowledge and labor reinforce one
another while contributing to new forms of accumulation through
the aestheticization of colonial capital’s material remains.3 In my
elaboration of the atomic unconscious of postcolonial capital, I
adapt Michael Niblett’s question regarding the mapping of energy
regimes in relation to cultural media. Suggesting that patterns of
capital accumulation might be embedded in cultural forms, Niblett
asks: “What happens if we map the flow of energy regime transitions
in relation to cultural manifestations?”4 In other words, what can
specific cultural media (Niblett uses the example of Gothic narratives)
tell us about the flow of energy during the transition between regimes
(for example, from coal to oil)? Following Niblett’s lead regarding this
link between material inputs and symbolic forms, I ask: What happens
if we map the emergence of global memory cultures alongside the
transition to nuclear energy? And, consequently, how does memory
media register not only cultural anxieties about repeating the past
but also the “energy invisibilities” that accompany the emergence of
nuclearity as a “green alternative” to fossil fuels?5
I begin by tracing the entwined histories of memory studies and
energy humanities and identify the vital role discourses of rupture
have played in both the preservation of memory and conceptions
of nuclearity. I follow this brief historicization by tracking the
ways in which the energy unconscious works across different
cultural mediums tasked with doing memory work, beginning
with the example of the modern museum. Drawing on the concept
of resource aesthetics, I argue that the atomic unconscious, closely
associated with the history of photography, registers a new regime
of dispossession in the uneven landscapes of postcolonial capitalism
in which commemoration becomes not only an aesthetic practice but
also a cultural resource. Finally, I assert that the materialities at work
Mapping the Atomic Unconscious
in nuclear photography — including its status as a physical object
that circulates within and through various cultural institutions; its
manifestation as the effect of light on a chemically specific surface; and
its subjection to environmental impacts that result in fading, tearing,
annotating, archiving, destruction — register contradictions between
the brute materiality of nuclear inputs and cultural representations of
nuclearity in the form of an atomic unconscious whose relationship to
memory differs significantly from the carbon unconscious. I conclude
by claiming that memory can serve as a critical methodology for the
energy humanities.
Discourses of Rupture
As emergent disciplines of the atomic age, memory studies and energy
humanities share a common genealogy: both arise from a series of
ruptures — technological, historical, moral — accompanying the
postwar condition. While the origin of global memory culture is
varied, and contested, American historian Jay Winter argues that it
proliferated after World War II due to shifting social and economic
conditions that increased both leisure time and disposable income.6
Despite this socioeconomic basis, memory studies often uses the
atrocities of the Holocaust as a touchstone, a tendency that has been
harshly criticized by Kerwin Lee Klein, who sees the memorial turn
in historical discourse as a form of cultural re-enchantment deriving
from the intersection of the therapeutic and the avant-garde.7 As a
result of this re-enchantment, memory is falsely lauded as a site of
emancipation. Memory scholar Andreas Huyssen proffers a similar
critique. In addition to the criticism of Holocaust as touchstone, he
claims that the conception of “history as trauma” that permeates
memory studies does very little to elucidate the political and material
dimensions of cultural memory.8 The effect is to reduce memory to
yet another version of identity politics.9 Indeed, affirming memory
as the organizing principle of twentieth-century historical study par
excellence, Winter asserts that “the hyphen of identity is strengthened
by commemoration.”10 However, the main difference between
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
memory and other expressions of identity is that memory movements
pose a temporal disruption rather than a simple re-signification. This
concept of temporal rupture is central to literary theories of trauma
and memory, which locate emancipatory potential in repressed
counter-narratives that speak back to and against dominant historical
narratives.11 Here, traumatic memory signifies a disruption of the
proper ordering of experience. Representations of historical trauma
stand in for an original encounter, analogically signifying the return
of the repressed, where repressed memory disrupts official historical
narrative.12 Postcolonial scholars, however, have criticized this version
of trauma theory for its colonial constitution: “following feminist
psychologist Laura Brown, they argue that the ‘event’ or ‘accident’based model of trauma associated with [Cathy] Caruth assumes
the circumstances of white, Western privilege and distracts from
‘insidious’ forms of trauma that involve everyday, repeated forms
of traumatizing violence, such as sexism, racism and colonialism.”13
Put differently, Western trauma theory fails to address the slow
violence of colonial logics, which include forms of sexual and racial
In nuclear discourse, the emancipatory potential of rupture is
tied to postwar instantiations of the twin movements of human
rights and decolonization. This relationship is best represented in
the work of Gabrielle Hecht, who states: “In the beginning, there
was The Bomb. It ended The War. Splitting the atom ruptured human
history.”15 Connecting scientific discovery and morality (albeit very
differently than Obama), she explains that the historical rupture
taking place around the time of detonation was not only scientific
but moral as well; alongside the power of nuclear technology, the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in line with movements of
decolonization, promised to emancipate those populations exploited
under colonial rule.16 Mediated by discourses of historical rupture,
however, decolonization did not lead to emancipation; rather, colonial
power was simply reoriented along the lines of the nuclear (colonizer)
and the non-nuclear (colonized).17 In a separate article, Hecht departs
Mapping the Atomic Unconscious
from the usual polarizing categories of nuclear scholarship to examine
the ways in which the intertwining “rupture-talks” of nuclearity and
decolonization play out in the lives of uranium miners in colonial
Africa.18 By making the miners and not technoscientific innovation
the focus, she exposes the “power effects” of nuclear ontologies.
By mapping the reorientation of French colonial power onto the
revolutionary imaginary of nuclear technology, she argues that
discourses of rupture had material effects: “Nuclear and postcolonial
rupture-talk combined in shaping sociotechnical practices, but what
mattered most to [the uranium miners] was how these practices
conjugated colonial power relations into real and imagined futures.”19
What becomes evident in Hecht’s work on nuclear ontologies is the
ways in which the discourses of moral and historical rupture that
underwrite contemporary forms of commemoration eclipse the slow
violence structuring the everyday labor of the uranium miner.
Elsewhere I have argued that memory is implicated in the forms
of exploitation that accompany the new global enclosures; and that
the dispossession of knowledge reinforces material dispossessions.
Sites of memory, in other words, are also sites of enclosure,
operating according to a logic that conceals cycles of accumulation
and dispossession through the preservation of the material remains
of previous stages of accumulation. In this way, enclosures of
knowledge fortify the outward thrust of capitalist expansion. This
relationship is exemplified in popular interpretations of the Harper
government’s actions toward knowledge-producing institutions,
such as the closure of seven of nine Fisheries and Oceans Libraries
whose destruction has been referred to in popular media as both
“libracide” and a “knowledge massacre.” These practices emerge
alongside a cultural paradigm I have named the preservationist
aesthetic, which frames the new global enclosures in moral terms as
sites of historical and cultural preservation and emphasizes memory’s
property form in the post-crisis cultures of late capitalism. It also
places the drive for preservation in the form of collective memory
at the heart of both new forms of enclosure and new practices of
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
resistance. Mediated by this ideology, social, political, and economic
exploitation are reframed as aesthetic problems in terms of loss,
erasure, and ruin. Hence, alongside the proliferation of memory
culture we see the corresponding proliferation of aesthetic trends
such as ruin porn. In general, the preservationist aesthetic has a
dual function: on one hand, it recovers and preserves those aspects
of common history under the name of heritage that are threatened
with erasure by the innovations of capitalist production, including
nuclear technology; on the other hand, it produces new spheres of
enclosure by colonizing those spheres previously excluded from the
production process, transforming them into aesthetic experiences. In
short, the preservationist aesthetic is an ideological mechanism for
translating material exploitations into symbolic terms (that is, forms
of extraction into forms of cultural representation). As a result, we are
faced with a paradox: in defending against the threat of erasure, of
“obsolescence and disappearance” that characterizes late capitalism,
preservationist aesthetics contribute to the creation of new spheres of
colonization and enclosure.20 In this way, the forms of representation
specific to this aesthetic regime facilitate neocolonial sensibilities by
mediating capital’s social and material resources.Thus, despite the
mandate to educate, the function of memory museums and similar
memory media is to conciliate and disarm while at the same time
commodifying and incorporating the social and material remains of
previous stages of accumulation.21
Memory media, however, are not only sites of primitive
accumulation but also resource aesthetics across which different
materialities are at work. Outlined by Brent Ryan Bellamy, Michael
O’Driscoll, and Mark Simpson in the introduction to a special issue
of Postmodern Culture, the concept of resource aesthetics provides a
framework for linking modes of exploitation (like uranium extraction)
with modes of representation (Hecht’s concept of rupture-talk, for
example).22 Beginning with the “amnesiac history” of Fort McMurray
as a storage site for radioactive waste, Bellamy et al. define the
resource aesthetic as a site of contradiction between the figural and
Mapping the Atomic Unconscious
the material that requires a dialectical understanding of the relation
between “the aesthetics of resources” and “the aesthetic as resource.”
Elaborating this constitution, Imre Szeman identifies the dual aspect
of resources, their simultaneous materiality and unrepresentability,
stating: “Resources are material in ways that, in part, evade aesthetics,
evade representation. There’s a double movement in thinking about
aesthetics and resources that I want to keep alive: one in which we
recognize their sheer necessity and blunt reality, and another in
which we try to bring them into representation.”23 In these terms,
the “blunt reality” of uranium extraction doesn’t show up in popular
discourses of nuclearity, which feature The Bomb or forgotten heroes
like the nuclear operator. Hecht, among others, has even suggested
that knowledge of the relationship between uranium extraction
and nuclearity has, in fact, been withheld from uranium miners.24
Resource aesthetics facilitate this dispossession of knowledge in
support of accumulation practices like uranium extraction.
The Slow Violence of Nuclear Memory
Mediating contradictions between cultural narratives of atrocity
(or accident-based trauma) and the slow violence of exploitation,
memory media are therefore part of an apparatus of erasure that
participates in material forms of dispossession. The modern museum
is a prime example. While museums have long played an important
role in the production of cultural value, contemporary museums
take an active role in this process in the context of late capitalism, as
Rosalind Krauss has shown.25 According to Wolfgang Ernst, museums
are “memory-producing machines” that, unlike their historical
predecessor, are “transformers” rather than mere “receptacles.”26 No
longer mere spaces for the sedimentation of historical memory, they
are vehicles through which collective memory as a cultural resource
is both produced and transmitted.27 As cultural transformers, they
are exemplars of a new mode of enclosure that converts the material
remains of previous stages of accumulation into aesthetic objects
under the auspices of cultural preservation. Take the United States
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Holocaust Memorial Museum, for example. As the inaugural memory
museum, it not only helps to elucidate the conversion of mundane
everyday objects into shrines of dispossession, it also serves as a
microcosm of the new experience-based economy in which memory
becomes a cultural resource. According to Alison Landsberg, one of
the most striking exhibits in this museum, which spans three floors
and incorporates both historical artifacts and personal possessions, is
the room on the second floor filled with “survivor shoes.”28 Drawing
on Fredric Jameson’s comparative analysis of Van Gogh’s peasant
shoes and Warhol’s Diamond Dust Shoes, where the latter “embod[ies]
the logic of the commodity” and the former retains a sense of “lived
individuality,” each shoe “bears a trace of the absent body” and in
doing so recreates a “whole missing object world.”29 These “survivor
objects,” in which religious and commodity fetishes seem to merge,
resist the alienating logic of the commodity while contributing to
a fantasy of immediacy in which the mediating object is rendered
Despite the resistance to erasure that underwrites memory’s
preservation, the preservationist aesthetic nevertheless participates
in the slow violence of nuclearity by reinforcing a series of elisions,
beginning with the elision of Hiroshima as the origin of global memory
culture.30 Further elisions include: Hiroshima’s overshadowing of
the long-term nuclear testing on the Marshall Islands, which saw
sixty-seven tests over a period of twelve years (and whose explosive
power and radioactive fallout far surpassed that of Hiroshima); the
banalization of petro-crises, such as oil spills, against the atrocities of
nuclear meltdown; an emphasis on atrocities (spills and meltdowns)
that fail to acknowledge the everyday forms of exploitation that
support these wide-scale atrocities. In the nuclear museum, these
elisions take the shape of nuclear exceptionalism, which Hecht
defines as “a technopolitical claim — emerging immediately after
the end of World War II — that there was something radically unique
about nuclear things. From 1945 onward, both cold warriors and their
activist opponents cultivated this nuclear exceptionalism. Atomic
Mapping the Atomic Unconscious
weapons were portrayed as fundamentally different from any other
human creation.”31 In “Nuclear Ontologies,” Hecht elucidates the
stakes of such exceptionalism in the following way: “Asserting the
ontological distinctiveness of ‘the nuclear’ carrie[s] political, cultural,
and economic stakes amplified by morality-talk, which tend[s] to
boil down to a simple duality: nuclear technology represent[s] either
salvation or depravity.”32 The response to the radical uniqueness of
the destructive capacity of atomic weapons is, of course, the radical
uniqueness of the potential salvation offered by forms of nuclear
energy. However, the other side of this exceptionalism, as she points
out, is the rendering banal of nuclear power, where nuclear power is
represented “not as a life-saving technology for the human race, but as
simply another way to boil water. Radiation [is] just another industrial
risk. Such representations seek to banalize nuclear things.”33 Along
with the sensational discourses of nuclear atrocity, the banalization
of nuclear power serves to elide the slow violence of such energy
regimes, in addition to the reality that other similar energy regimes
(such as coal and oil) perform similar routine elisions through the
polarization of the mundane and the spectacular.34 Put differently,
in the production of nuclear memory, the slow violence of global
energy regimes (which includes both climate change and the new
global enclosures) is eclipsed by the spectacle of nuclear atrocity and
re-presented as the preservation of nuclear memory.
The preservation of nuclear memory then is not a question of
morality but a problem of representation. Linking the erasure of
memory to processes of slow violence, Rob Nixon writes: “In the
long arc between the emergence of slow violence and its delayed
effects, both the causes and the memory of catastrophe readily fade
from view as the causalities incurred typically pass untallied and
unremembered.”35 Slow violence — “a violence that occurs gradually
and out of sight” as opposed to a violence that is “immediate in time”
and “explosive and spectacular in space… erupting into instant
sensational visibility” — is also, then, a form of forgetting.36 For
Nixon, the question becomes one of how to represent this slow
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
violence of the everyday that is effaced by the spectacular violence of
atrocity. Accordingly, he asks: “In an age when the media venerate the
spectacular, when public policy is shaped primarily around perceived
immediate need, a central question is strategic and representational:
how can we convert into image and narrative the disasters that are
slow moving and long in the making, disasters that are anonymous
and that star nobody, disasters that are attritional and of indifferent
interest to the sensation-driven technologies of our image-world?”37
In other words, how can we represent the everyday forms of violence
that fail to register as violence without reducing them to spectacle?
In the context of nuclear memory, the question becomes: how can
we represent the everyday violence of nuclearity characterized
by uranium extraction and related forms of exploitation without
reducing them to the spectacular violence of Hiroshima?
The answer lies (at least in part) in Patricia Yaeger’s concept of
the energy unconscious, to which the concept of narrative erasure
is central. Drawing on Jameson’s notion of the political unconscious,
Yaeger defines the energy unconscious as not only a “cultural code
or reality effect” but also a “field of force” whose causality lies
elsewhere and shows up as an “energy invisibilit[y]” that constitutes
a “particular kind of erasure.”38 Building on Yaeger’s definition,
Brent Ryan Bellamy describes it as a “structuring presence” that
lies “outside the narrative” of energy; in Vivasvan Soni’s words,
an “unsignifying opacity,” which Szeman describes further as an
“incapacity to name the social, political and cultural significance of
energy.”39 As sites of accumulation, memory media are also registers
of the energy unconscious, which take different forms in different
media tasked with the work of remembering. Literary critic Stephanie
LeMenager, for example, describes the energy unconscious of oil
literature as a form of “embodied memory and habitus for modern
humans, insofar as everyday events such as driving or feeling the
summer heat of asphalt on the soles of one’s feet are incorporating
practices, in Paul Connerton’s term for the repeated performances
that become encoded in the body.”40 Following Marshall McLuhan’s
Mapping the Atomic Unconscious
description of “infrastructure as media,” she argues further that
infrastructure as embodied memory is also “a meeting point of
ecology and history.”41 Bob Johnson makes a similar claim regarding
petroculture’s embodied memory in his work on the role of fossil
fuels in the production of American culture, arguing that forms of
cultural production featuring carbon derivatives not only structure
both an experience and understanding of the world, but also the
ways in which the suppression of carbon dependency drives its
reappearance as embodied memory.42 In LeMenager’s and Johnson’s
treatments, embodied memory signifies the return of a repressed
energy infrastructure.
A Methodology of Exposure
The materialities at work in nuclear photography which register
contradictions between the brute inputs of nuclear fallout and
cultural representations of nuclearity — highlighted, for example, by
the “atomic shadows” left by exposure to nuclear fallout — constitute
an energy unconscious that looks quite different from that of carbon.
The atomic unconscious that emerges in nuclear photography is less
structural and more iconic, less embodied and more diffuse, relating
to questions of visibility, invisibility, and exposure rather than habitus
or embodiment.43 Barbara Marcon, for example, talks about “atomic
shadows” as a form of testimony; Ned O’Gorman and Kevin Hamilton
refer to Atomic Age aesthetics as a “performance of collective
memory” in which the forgotten origins of nuclear hegemony are
buried within a cultural icon; and Lippit refers to the x-ray as “a kind
of living remnant, a phantom subject” that “retains the dimension
and shape of its object while rendering its inside.”44 What each of
these characterizations has in common is the “problem of exposure,”
which elin o’Hara slavik argues is central to both photography and
the history of the atomic age.45 Nicole Shukin affirms this historical
interdependency, stating that “in both their means and their ends
photography and nuclear science share a history as well as material
resources and techniques, particularly ‘exposure’ of bodies to light,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
either in the form of visible or invisible rays.”46 Accordingly, as Thomas
Pringle suggests, this allows photography to serve as a material index
or “early variety of Geiger counter” that “repurpose[es] aesthetics into
a functional diagnostic tool for the general barometry of light.”47 slavik,
and other theorist-practitioners of nuclear photography, utilize this
methodology of exposure to “make visible the unseen, to reveal what
is denied and hidden.”48
What, exactly, does this methodology, which is so intimately
connected to discourses of rupture, promise to reveal? In trauma
theory, it promises, of course, to reveal repressed memories, which
contribute to the broader cultural movement toward the re-valuing
of forgotten histories. In the context of nuclearity, however, it
promises to reveal the persistent materiality of nuclear exposure.
Following the dialectic of the resource aesthetic, it takes two related
forms: one material, the other figural. In the former constitution,
the methodology of exposure reveals the material exposure of the
photograph to the invisible rays of nuclear energy. In the latter, it
emerges in conjunction with discourses of testimony and witnessing
that render nuclear photographs, in Yaelle S. Amir’s words, “material
witness[es] to the effects of nuclear energy.”49 In her curatorial
statement, Amir describes the material persistence of nuclear traces
in the following way: “The exhibition Reactive Matters explores the
ways in which nuclear energy permeates our surroundings — its
presence lingers in the soil we tread, the water we consume, and
the roads we often travel.” While this statement sounds similar to
LeMenager’s description of oil infrastructure as embodied memory,
there is a clear distinction between the constitution of the carbon
unconscious and that of the atomic. Instead of registering as a
performance encoded in the body, atomic infrastructure registers as
alienated memory through which the remains of nuclear disaster are
animated as material witnesses. Fetishized, these material witnesses
perform a double elision: first, they stand in as substitutes for the
living witness, the hibakusha; second, as substitutes for the social
relations of spectacular violence, they elide the social relations of
Mapping the Atomic Unconscious
slow violence underwrite the spectacle of atrocity.
This brief account of the relationship between nuclear memory
and postcolonial capital demonstrates that memory is not just an
object of analysis; it is also a methodology of exposure that promises
to reveal the materiality of the energy unconscious at work within
and across memory media. In elaborating its usefulness as a critical
methodology for the energy humanities, I have demonstrated at least
three things: (1) by placing the entwined histories of memory and
energy alongside one another, with particular attention to the nuclear,
I have demonstrated how each corresponds to colonial discourses of
rupture; (2) by framing memory media (such as nuclear photography)
as resource aesthetics, I have posited memory as both an aesthetic
practice and a cultural resource that is embedded within cycles of
accumulation, as well as a form of materiality and a mode of figuration
where the former is eclipsed by the latter; and, finally, (3) by positing
memory as a site of dispossession, I have suggested that the analysis
of various memory media might help to track different expressions
of the energy unconscious, which registers, in the case of the atomic
unconscious, not only the energy invisibilities that accompany the
transition to nuclearity but also the forgotten materiality of nuclear
memory itself. Without such a materialist perspective, we are left
with the false radiance of a moral revolution whose advocates sit on
the winning side of nuclear history and whose discourses serve the
interests of postcolonial capital.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
The full transcript of Obama’s tribute speech was reprinted by The New
York Times the day of the commemoration. “Text of President Obama’s
Speech in Hiroshima, Japan,” The New York Times, March 28, 2016, http://
Patricia Yaeger, “Editor’s Column: Literature in the Ages of Wood,
Tallow, Coal, Whale Oil, Gasoline, Atomic Power, and Other Energy
Sources,” PMLA 126.2 (2011) 305–326.
For a broader discussion of postcolonial capitalism and its relation to
labor and knowledge, see Sandro Mezzadra’s “How Many Histories of
Labour? Towards a Theory of Postcolonial Capitalism,” Transversal:
Unsettling Knowledges, European Institute for Progressive Cultural
Policies, 2012,
Michael Niblett, Fueling Culture: 101 Words for Energy and Environment
(New York, NY: Fordham UP, 2017) 138.
The concept of “energy invisibilities” belongs to Patricia Yaeger. I am
using it in relation to the atomic unconscious to suggest that the atomic
unconscious is comprised of energy invisibilities that accompany the
transition to nuclearity.
Jay Winter, “The Memory Boom in Contemporary Historical Studies,”
Raritan 21.1 (2001) 52–66.
Kerwin Lee Klein, “On the Emergence of Memory in Historical
Discourse,” Representations 69 (2000) 136.
Andreas Huyssen, Present Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of
Memory (Stanford UP, 2003) 9. Memory scholars such as Shoshana
Felman discuss the relationship between Freud’s work on trauma and
the idea of “history as trauma” discussed by Huyssen. In her remarks
on Cathy Caruth’s analysis, Felman suggests that Freud was responsible
for the transformation of all history into trauma: “In an exemplary
analysis of Freud’s as yet uncharted legacy of trauma in his last work
Moses and Monotheism, Caruth remarkably, paradigmatically, shows how
the book itself — Freud’s testament on history as trauma — is the site of
Mapping the Atomic Unconscious
an inscription of a historical trauma: that of Freud’s dramatic departure
from Vienna, then invaded and annexed by Hitler’s Germany.” Shoshana
Felman and Dori Laub, Testimony: Crisis of Witnessing in Literature,
Psychoanalysis, and History (New York, NY: Routledge, 1992) 174. Indeed,
though Caruth doesn’t pen this phrase exactly (history as trauma), in
her reading of Freud she asks: “What does it mean, precisely, for history
to be the history of a trauma?” (15). Her answer to this question is: “For
history to be a history of trauma means that it is referential precisely to
the extent that it is not fully perceived as it occurs; or to put it somewhat
differently, that a history can be grasped only in the very inaccessibility
of its occurrence” (18). She concludes with the claim that “history, like
trauma, is never simply one’s own, that history is precisely the way
we are implicated in each other’s traumas” (24). History, in Caruth’s
analysis undergoes an essential transformation; the history of trauma
in particular is transformed into history as trauma in general. Cathy
Caruth, Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative and History (Baltimore:
John’s Hopkins P, 1996).
Both Winter and Huyssen have argued this perspective. Winter, in
particular, claims that “[t]he creation and dissemination of narratives
about the past arise out of and express identity politics” (Winter, “The
Memory Boom” 54).
Jay Winter, Remembering War: The Great War Between Memory and History
in the Twentieth Century (Yale UP, 2006) 36.
In Unclaimed Experience, Cathy Caruth emphasizes the logic of rupture
not only in her references to trauma’s belated representation but also
to its appearance as a “break in the mind’s experience of time” (61).
Transferring the language of psychic experience (in which the symptom
is inscribed on the body as text) to narrative representation, Caruth
argues that the trauma text is “the story of a wound that cries out,
that addresses us in the attempt to tell us of a reality or truth that is
not otherwise available,” a wound that “is experienced too soon, too
unexpectedly, to be fully known” (4).
The problem with such a model is not only that it relies on the analogical
importation of an individual model of psychic trauma into the order
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of cultural representation, but also that it is based on a fundamental
assumption that history proceeds chronologically. Walter Benjamin and
Guy Debord, as well as a number of contemporary theorists of primitive
accumulation, including Tony C. Brown and Massimiliano Tomba, are
critical of this abstract, linear historical time for its complicity with not
only the accumulation of capital but, in Debord’s words, “the victory
of the bourgeoisie.” Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle, trans. Ken
Knabb (New York: Zone Books, 2006) 51. See also Water Benjamin, “The
Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” Illuminations,
ed. Hannah Arendt, trans. Harry Zohn (New York: Schocken Books,
1968) 217–252; Tony C. Brown’s “The Time of Globalization: Rethinking
Primitive Accumulation,” Rethinking Marxism 21.4 (2009) 571–584; and
Massimiliano Tomba, “Historical Temporalities of Capitalism: An AntiHistoricist Perspective,” Historical Materialism 17 (2009) 44–65.
Michael Rothberg, Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust
This postcolonial critique of trauma theory is echoed by Slavoj Žižek’s
in the Age of Decolonization (Stanford UP, 2009) 89.
materialist critique of trauma. Following Catherine Malabou in her
elaboration of a “material unconscious,” Žižek argues that the Freudian
model of trauma is Western-centric and cannot account for experiences
of trauma that do not take the form of a sudden, unexpected event (such
as chronic civil war). Departing from Malabou, however, he maintains
that even her critique focuses to specifically on content rather than
form. Traumatic shock, he suggests, should not be understood as a
repetition of substance, but of the very act of erasure. Such a position
is useful in articulating the atomic unconscious. In this model, the
methodology of exposure would reveal not the erased content, but this
very act of erasure. Slavoj Žižek, “Descartes and the Post-Traumatic
Subject,” Filozofski vesting 29.2 (2008) 9–29.
Gabrielle Hecht, “Nuclear 2,” Fueling Culture: 101 Words for Energy and
Environment, eds. Imre Szeman, Jennifer Wenzel, and Patricia Yaeger
(New York: Fordham UP, 2017) 246.
Gabrielle Hecht, “Nuclear Ontologies.” Constellations 13:3 (2006) 322.
Hecht, “Nuclear Ontologies” 323.
Mapping the Atomic Unconscious
Gabrielle Hecht, “Rupture-Talk in the Nuclear Age: Conjugating Colonial
Hecht, “Rupture-Talk” 720.
Power in Africa,” Social Studies of Science 32.5–6 (2002) 691–727
Andreas Huyssen, “Present Pasts: Media, Politics, Amnesia,” Public
Culture 12.1 (2000) 33.
The modern prison system is one such example of the incorporation of
the remains of previous stages of accumulation. With the abolition of
slavery, which Marx argues is one of the five forms of extra-economic
violence (alongside conquest, robbery, murder, and land enclosure)
through which the processes of primitive accumulation take place,
former slaves that could not be incorporated into the wage-labor system
compose a large percentage of the prison population. See Karl Marx,
Capital Vol. I, trans. Ben Fowkes (New York: Penguin, 1990 [1867]),
and Angela Davis’s Are Prisons Obsolete? (New York: Seven Stories
P, 2003). We see a variation of this situation in the closure of former
political prisons, such as Robben Island, that have been transformed into
museums — the former inmates are often reincorporated as tour guides.
Brent Ryan Bellamy, Michael O’Driscoll, and Mark Simpson,
“Introduction: Toward a Theory of Resource Aesthetics,” Postmodern
Culture 26:2 (2016).
Imre Szeman, “When Energy is the Focus: Methodology, Politics, and
Pedagogy — A Conversation with Brent Ryan Bellamy, Stephanie
LeMenager, and Imre Szeman,” Postmodern Culture 26.2 (2016).
In the Canadian context, Peter C. Van Wyck claims that the Sahtu Dene
of Great Bear Lake, who mined uranium used in the development of
the bombs detonated in Japan, suffered a similar eclipse of knowledge.
Tracing the trade routes of fissionable uranium in Britain, Canada,
and the United States, he states: “Until the bombs were dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, virtually all of this was carried
out in secret. Workers at the mine site were apparently unaware of the
purpose of the ore, or at least this is the claim one finds most frequently.”
“The Highway of the Atom: Recollections Along a Route,” Topia 7 (2002)
Rosalind Krauss, “The Cultural Logic of the Late Capitalist Museum,”
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
October 54 (1990) 11.
Wolfgang Ernst, cited by Susan A. Crane, ed. Museums and Memory
(Stanford UP, 2000) 27.
Walter Benjamin and Rosalind Krauss both anticipated this emerging
role of the museum as processor by situating it in the context of the
capitalist mode of production, elucidating transitions in the functions
of the art object under its industrial mode and the exhibition within its
later logic respectively. In “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical
Reproduction,” Benjamin illustrates the ways in which technologies
of mass reproduction transformed the work of art from religious
to commodity fetish (replacing the divine with the social relations
of production), which results in the tipping of the scales in favor of
exhibition rather than cult value. And, in “The Cultural Logic of the Late
Capitalist Museum,” Rosalind Krauss elucidates a similar transformation
of the exhibition itself during capital’s later stages. Accordingly, Krauss
demonstrates the ways in which the synchronic or encyclopedic
museum, under the influence of minimalism, “would forego history
in the name of a kind of intensity of experience” (9). In short, it would
become “a space from which the collection has withdrawn” (4). This new
cult of experience represents the generalization of exhibition value,
or the exhibitionist properties of the modern museum extended to
their logical conclusion. Thus, while the space of exhibition was from
the outset a space for working through social and political tensions
(a role already evident in the seventeenth-century French salon), its
institutionalization within the context of contemporary capital points
to the specific role it would come to play in the processing of social and
political life, particularly in terms of aesthetic experience.
Alison Landsberg, “America, the Holocaust, and the Mass Culture of
Memory: Toward a Radical Politics of Empahty,” New German Critique
71 (1997) 79.
Landsberg, “America, the Holocaust, and the Mass Culture of Memory”
In his historical revision, Ran Zwigenberg places Hiroshima at the
center of global memory culture. Arguing that the role of the Holocaust
Mapping the Atomic Unconscious
was, from the outset, intertwined with Hiroshima, he demonstrates how
Hiroshima not only served as a reference point for the factors leading
to the Holocaust but also provided the moniker “holocaust” which
originally signified “nuclear anxieties”; Hiroshima: The Origins of Global
Memory Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2014) 12–13.
Maximillian Mayer, “Nuclear Ontologies, Technopolitics in Postcolonial
Spaces, and the Cold War as Transnational History: An interview with
Gabrielle Hecht,” The Global Politics of Science and Technology — Vol.
1: Concepts from International Relations and Other Disciplines (Berlin:
Springer, 2014) 277.
Mayer, “Nuclear Ontologies” 321.
“Nuclear Ontologies” 278.
Ned O’Gorman and Kevin Hamilton, “The Diffusion of an Atomic Icon:
Nuclear Hegemony and Cultural Memory Loss,” Rhetoric, Remembrance,
and Visual Form (New York: Taylor and Francis, 2012).
O’Gorman and Hamilton, “The Diffusion of an Atomic Icon” 8–9.
Rob Nixon, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor (Cambridge:
Nixon, Slow Violence 3.
Yaeger 309.
Brent Ryan Bellamy, “Into Eternity: On Our Waste Containments and
Harvard UP, 2011) 2.
Energy Futures,” Paradoxa 26 (2014) 145–158; Vivasvan Soni, “Energy,”
Fueling Culture: 101 Words for Energy and Environment 133; Imre Szeman,
“On Oil and Philosohy,” Contours Journal (2015), 36–40n.
Stephanie LeMenager, Living Oil (Oxford UP, 2013) 104.
LeMenager, Living Oil 27, 193.
Bob Johnson, Carbon Nation (Lawrence: UP of Kansas, 2014).
Despite my claims, the clear alignment of literature with the carbon
unconscious and photography with the atomic unconscious is necessarily
overdetermined. Their polarization is not so clear. Demonstrating
the role of photography in the production of a carbon unconscious,
LeMenager suggests that Dick Smith’s images of dead shore birds after
oil spills recall “photography as itself memory practice — a means of
taking something into the self, repurposing it for the self, giving it a story
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
and place” (38). Foregrounding the role of literature in the production of
an atomic unconscious, science fiction writers such as H.G. Wells, who
included descriptions of nuclear explosions, were read by Leo Szilard
long before he began working with Oppenheimer and anticipated the
invention of the atomic bomb. Nevertheless, in our present moment the
embodied memory of the carbon unconscious is more deeply aligned
with a literary consciousness and the atomic with the photographic. For
further discussion on the development of a photographic consciousness,
see my article “Memory, Trauma, and the Matter of Historical Violence:
The Controversial Case of Four Photographs from Auschwitz,” American
Imago 71.4 (2014) 391–415.
Barbara Macron, “Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Eye of the Camera:
Images and Memory,” Third Text 25.6 (2011) 792–793; “The Diffusion of
an Atomic Icon” 189–190; Akira Mizuta Lippit, “Phenomenologies of the
Surface,” Qui Parle 9:2 (1996) 39.
elin o’Hara slavick, “Hiroshima: A Visual Record,” The Asia-Pacific Journal
7:30 (2009)’Hara-slavick/3196/article.html
Nicole Shukin, “The Biocapital of Living — and Art of Dying — After
Fukushima,” Postmodern Culture 26.2 (2016).
Thomas Pringle, “Photographed by the Earth: War and Media in Light of
Nuclear Events,” Necsus: European Journal of Media Studies (2014) http://
slavick, “Hiroshima” 310.
Yaelle S. Amir, “Curatorial Statement,” Reactive Matters (Newspace
Center for Photography, Portland, OR, 2016).
Work or Energy or Work/Energy? On the Limits to
Capitalist Accumulation
George Caffentzis
Introduction: The Limits to Growth Paradigm
Will capitalism end in the coming decades? What are the material
conditions for its end? What, if anything, can slow the juggernaut
of capitalist accumulation and then stop it? These questions have
perturbed historical materialists since Marx and Engels wrote the
Communist Manifesto. Since the crisis that began in earnest in 2008,
they have left the strictly Marxist parochial political environs,
becoming the veritable “talk of the town.”
Historically there have been two kinds of answers to these
questions. One approach takes the internal contradictions of
capitalism — especially the tendency of the falling rate of profit
brought about by the increasing organic composition of capital — to
be the key to an answer. The other approach takes the intensity of
class struggle as its starting point. It is a class struggle generated by
the combination of the inequality of social wealth and a proletariat
increasingly sophisticated and trained in cooperation and militancy
by the development of large-scale industry. Historical materialism
has tacked from one side to the other, sometimes attempting to bring
them together. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, for instance, use
a combination of both explanations. In their account, “immaterial
workers” bring “cognitive capitalism” to its conclusion, which is a
historically specific development from the picture of industrial
capitalism and its “material workers” (to coin a phrase).1 Of course,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
“the end of capitalism” does not necessarily equate with the
coming of a revolution that will bring about a new, morally, and
ecologically superior form of production that is not based on capitalist
accumulation. After all, the end of capitalism could just as easily lead
to “the common ruin of the contending classes” as Marx and Engels
noted long ago.2
Since the 1960s, literature has developed arguing that capitalism
will end neither because of its internal contradictions nor because
of working-class revolt. Rather, some argue that its end will have a
natural twist. According to this view, Mother Nature has been stingy
with capitalists. She did not leave them enough easily accessible fossil
fuels in the cupboard of the planet’s crust. Some predict that the rising
cost of production will constrict output to a crawl when the discovered
stocks of fossil fuels have peaked.Other theorists make “parallel”
claims (on the basis of a somewhat different and more elaborate
model) which anticipate not just a peaking of fossil fuel production
but a total depletion of available fossil fuels.3 The corollary of these
views is that the physical or monetary exhaustion of these resources
will destroy accumulated wealth and the capitalist mode of production
with it. These allied socio-geological claims are often popularly
called the peak oil hypothesis and the Limits to Growth hypothesis
respectively. They are very attractive to many anti-capitalists because
they seem to provide an objective limit to capitalism’s expansion. God
might not be on the anti-capitalists’ side, from this perspective, but
Mother Nature is!
In this essay I analyze these hypotheses and find them problematic
based upon an “energy fetishism” that attributes value creation to
processes outside the ambit of human work. In a previous essay, I
offer a critique of the peak oil theory supporters.4 So, in this one I
will concentrate on the Limits to Growth argument. There have been
many presentations of the limit to growth hypothesis. In particular,
I take Saral Sarkar as the primary spokesperson of this position. I
do this because Sarkar has presented a straight-forward Limits
to Growth argument based on the role of increasing entropy in
Work or Energy?
limiting not only capitalism but any industrial society. He is to my
mind the most logically precise proponent of the Limits to Growth
view. Thus my argument begins with an exposition of Sarkar’s core
argument in Eco-Socialism or Eco-Capitalism? (1999) and The Crises of
Capitalism (2012) — two clear sighted books that reject the apocalyptic
hyperbole of many in the peak oil and “Limits to Growth” camps.5
Then, I turn to a critique of Sarkar’s account of energy, labor, and the
ends of capitalism.6 His is a wise voice addressing the anti-capitalist
movement. Let us listen.
Peak Oil and Limits to Growth
In his latest work especially, Sarkar concludes that we are in the midst
of a crisis of capitalism, instead of another crisis in capitalism. For
Sarkar, this crisis is wholly other than the one plaguing the financial
A defective mechanism can be both patched up and repaired (which
process has already been started), but an ineluctably eroding
foundation cannot. As long as the foundation can remain strong, the
system can remain alive. The foundation of today’s capitalism is its
material resource base. And this base is eroding fast and irreparably.7
Put simply, in Sarkar’s analysis the base and superstructure of modern
capitalism is not the economic and the cultural, but is rather the
material world itself and the economic system that depends upon
it. Sarkar argues that the fundamental source of labor productivity
in all ages (from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age to the Industrial
Revolution) is energy. At first it was derived from human bodily and
animal power, then from wind and water, then from the burning
of wood, then coal, and then oil and gas combustion. He concludes
his chronology with what he calls our contemporary Industrial
Civilization: “its enormous labor productivity, and its prosperity
are mainly based on fossil energy sources.”8 But though they have
supported this superstructure, fossilized energy resources “are a once
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
only gift of nature. They are exhaustible. Their stock is continually
diminishing.”9 This key insight of the Limits to Growth Hypothesis
has brought about a paradigm-shift in anti-capitalists’ understanding
of capitalism.
In Sarkar’s eyes, this paradigm shift condemns all social theories
that ignore it to irrelevance. For example, he criticizes Marx’s labor
theory of value (LTV) for taking human labor as the sole determinant
of the value of a commodity. He retorts that there are two value
producing areas that Marxists have ignored to their peril. First,
natural conditions like the weather affect the socially necessary
abstract labor time required to produce a commodity. Second, the
scientific and technological knowledge produced by people who do
not labor is crucial to the production of a commodity.10 In fact, he
seems to find human labor a negligible part of the value created in
capitalism. Consequently, he arrives at the political conclusion that
the refusal of labor does not disrupt the value accumulating process.
Worth noting up front, however, is that his understanding of
surplus value differs from a Marxist take on the subject. In Sarkar’s
account, surplus value has three sources: (1) easily exploitable natural
resources; (2) the ability of nature to absorb human-made pollution
(“sinks”); and (3) scientific and technological developments that
increase labor productivity and increase the quantity of new useful
products.11 There is no mention of the labor process at all in Sarkar’s
analysis of the sources of the surplus.
For Sarkar, since capitalism depends on an eco-surplus for its
profits and accumulation, its three sources already name the Limits
to Growth: (1) the exhaustion of natural sources of energy, especially
oil and gas; (2) rising toxicity in the form of poor soil, smog, and so
on when natural “sinks” begin to fail; and, finally on the question
of energy, (3) we have reached an entropic limit and no scientific
or technological breakthroughs can overcome the loss of the fossilenergy resource base. The optimism attached to renewables is
therefore preempted in this model. He argues that there is much
flawed optimism about renewable technology from those who cannot
Work or Energy?
distinguish between technical feasibility and economic viability.12 All
three limits lead to capitalism’s destruction, in Sarkar’s theory, and
they are already far advanced. However, in Sarkar’s schema there is a
process that seems to be irrelevant to the end of capitalism, the labor
process, for there is again no mention of the labor process or, more
precisely, the refusal to labor, in Sarkar’s account of the reduction
of surplus.
The first two blockages to surplus are obvious enough and have
been documented extensively, but the third depends upon a more
elaborate argument since it seems to be violating Karl Popper’s maxim:
“if there is such a thing as growing human knowledge, then we cannot
anticipate today what we shall know only tomorrow.” 13 (Though
Popper was, of course, an archenemy of historical materialism, his
maxim does have a point. We should never be afraid of learning from
our enemies what could be used for our struggle!) In particular, how
can we know today that there will never be a scientific breakthrough
that devised an inexpensive and environmentally safe process to
create useful energy on a large scale using a relatively cheap common
substance like tap water?14
Sarkar’s violation of Popper’s maxim is based on Nicholas GeorgescuRoegan’s efforts to apply the Second Law of Thermodynamics to the
whole economic process. Georgescu-Roegan argues: (1) both energy
and matter come in two states: available and unavailable; (2) in an
isolated (closed) system, available energy and matter gets continuously
and irreversibly transformed into unavailable energy and matter; (3)
the only source of energy on the planet that is not facing continual
degradation is sunlight, but the problem with using sunlight directly
as a source of energy is that, in Sarkar’s words, “it reaches us in a very
high entropy state... its energy density is very low. It is therefore not
readily available for most purposes of industrial production, which
require high temperatures or electric power,” and, therefore, (4) the
probability that an economically viable substitute for fossil fuels will
be found is negligible.15 A corollary to this conclusion is that since
capitalism depends upon the energy created by the combustion of
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
carbon fuels and the stock of these fuels is rapidly diminishing,
industrial capitalism will come to an end (though what will follow is
an open question). In other words, Sarkar assures us that there will
be no “energy transition” in the twenty-first century of the sort that
went from water, wind, and animal power to carbon-based, fossil-fuel
power in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
Sarkar presents a wonderfully clear critique of Marxist theories of
capitalist crisis as well as a well-argued explanation of why this crisis
is a crisis of capitalism. In fact, his critique of Marxism, especially of
the LTV, is essential to his explanation. I am, however, at odds with
both his critique as well as his explanation. In my view as a historical
materialist, Sarkar’s Limits to Growth misses a crucial element in any
account of the end of capitalism, since his dismissal of the importance
of labor for the reproduction and accumulation of capital misses,
too, the importance of its refusal for the dis-accumulation and
eventual abolition of capital. I appreciate the frustration evoked in
anti-capitalist writing when assessing the record of working class
struggle with its divisions, retreats and frequent racist, sexist and
anti-ecological accommodations with capital. But working-class
struggle against exploitation, not the diminishing stocks of oil and
gas, is the only definitive logical limit to capitalist accumulation,
“subjective” though it may be, as I argue below.16 First, however, I will
deal with Sarkar’s rejection of labor as the primary source of value.
A Critique of Sarkar’s Argument against Marx
Sarkar’s critique of Marx’s LTV has two elements: (1) natural conditions
like rainfall, climate, and weather can have a visible and profound
effect on the value of an agricultural commodity — for example, “[t]he
value (i.e. exchange value) of wheat is, in this case, partly determined
by nature”; (2) scientific and technological knowledge congealed in
machines increases the labor productivity and hence affects the value
of commodities that are in the production process; but scientific and
technical knowledge is not produced through labor: “[i]t is not correct
to subsume the activities of scientists, inventors and developers under
Work or Energy?
the general category of labor.”17 Let me take each in turn.
First, I should point out that Marx recognizes the importance of
nature in in the production of commodities from the first chapter of
Capital I:
When man engages in production, he can only proceed as nature does
herself, i.e., he can only change the form of the materials. Furthermore,
even in this work of modification he is constantly helped by natural
forces. Labour is therefore not the only source of material wealth, i.e.,
of the use-values it produces... As William Petty says, labour is the
father of material wealth, the earth is its mother.18
But material wealth is not value. Value is not a material thing, nor
even a relation among material things. Rather, it is a social form that
can be represented — unlike something like natural wealth, which
is more like an environmental condition of possibility rather than an
exchangeable quantity — and needs a socially determined equivalent
of time to circulate as value. Thus, though more rainfall might affect
the amount of socially necessary labor time for the production of a
pound of wheat, the rainfall does not create the value of that pound of
wheat. In other words, capitalism in its appearance as a commodityexchanging society is extremely “humanistic” in the sense that its
major concern is to expand its control of human life as much as possible
in order to channel that life into exploitable labor. Capitalism requires
a value-creation process that must be reproducible and whose results
can be accumulated. The idea that you could accumulate the natural
wealth of rainfall, and that you could in turn toss the accumulated
wealth of rainfall into a market where it could magically yield more
of itself without further accumulated rainfall, makes no sense. And
the reason it makes no sense is because the version of value we are
speaking about with natural wealth is use value, and not exchange
value, since it is useful for the human labor that is employed by capital,
but could never itself circulate as exchange value, let alone beget more
of itself in the style of M-C-M'. One must be careful, in other words,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
not to commit a “naturalistic fallacy” in considering value to be on
par with the natural, for though a use value (a food that tastes sweet)
might be analyzed chemically, value cannot be analyzed chemically.
I fear, however, that Sarkar does commit that fallacy. For it is not that
nature isn’t useful, in Marx’s estimation; it is just that it doesn’t create
values. Capital literally has a “lust for labor” (which can also be called
a “lust for value”).19 We can see that lust animated recently in the
mobilization of nearly a billion Chinese and Indian workers to become
part of the global working class in a period where many were arguing
we were on the verge of a “post-industrial era,” when workers are
supposed to be superfluous for capitalism!
Sarkar’s second objection to Marx’s LTV is that scientists and
technological inventors are “not workers in the Marxian sense,” but
they are crucial to the increase of labor productivity. Marx definitely
was aware of the importance of science and technology for the
increasing productivity of labor, and he definitely appreciated the
difference in the productivity of an hour of labor in a modern shoe
factory versus the productivity of an hour of labor in an early modern
shoe workshop.20 Be that as it may, scientists and technological
innovators hired by corporations today are skilled workers who apply
their knowledge and capacities to satisfy the requirements of the
company (for example, Claude Shannon, the innovator of Information
Theory, worked for Bell Labs, and his theoretical labors were part of
his job).
We now have a large category of workers who are involved in
“knowledge production and communication” from schoolteachers to
computer programmers to movie actors to shoe designers. They might
be “immaterial workers,” in the terminology of theorists of “cognitive
capitalism,” but they operate as workers in the past did. They must
negotiate labor contracts, meet deadlines, and confront real bosses
and are under the same pressure to increase productivity as industrial
workers in manufacturing economies. Almost any contemporary
production process is a complex one, with many different concrete
forms of labor of a variety of skill levels, but every level requires
Work or Energy?
human intellectual and disciplinary capacities in abundance and
the result of the work of the shoe designer is factored into the social
necessary labor time required to produce the shoe. Sarkar seems
to think that a decisive argument for his view is that the work of
immaterial workers gets paid even “for their fruitless activities” and
their payment “comes from the results of the labor of the rest of the
work of the corporation.”21 But this situation is not unique for socalled “immaterial workers.” (For a critique of this term see my book,
In Letters of Blood and Fire.22) After all, even on an assembly line a
worker is paid when the quality control check at the end of the line
rejects a certain percentage of the products s/he worked on. Who pays
for the “fruitless activity”? In most cases the payment comes from
the results of the labor of the rest of the work of the corporation.
This is especially true in product liability law where the corporation
is responsible for damages caused by defective products it sells, not
the workers who produced them.
The fundamental point I want to make here is that the LTV has
political importance, but also explains logical inconsistencies in
the physiocratic and classical value theories Sarkar inadvertently
reproduces for the contemporary era. If labor was not central in
the creation of the surplus value, then capital would be anxious to
shrink both the quantity and quality of the class of workers, but that
is not happening in the twenty-first century. On the contrary, billions
are being added to the working class and on all levels of skills (from
agricultural workers to nuclear scientists). The capitalists seem even
more concerned about locating reserves of “low entropic” workers
(to mix categories!) than in finding oil and gas deposits. For example,
between 1990 and 2014 the labor force participation in BRICS countries
— Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — increased from
1115 million to 1510 million, roughly a 35 percent increase.23 Moreover,
the powers of science and technological innovators have been largely
incorporated into the capitalist assembly line.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Critique of the Notion of the Natural Limits of Capitalism
The power of Sarkar’s Limits to Growth deduction of the end of
capitalism is that it claims to find natural limits to capitalism in the
material resource base of industrial capitalism. According to Sarkar,
as the stock of easily available petroleum and natural gas becomes
exhausted, the whole superstructure of production, circulation, and
consumption called capitalism is mortally threatened, since collective
capitalists do not have any alternative but to burn its material base
up in smoke. This process will lead to a continuous contraction of
capitalism until it faces its doom. Indeed, Sarkar argues that the
present crisis is an anticipation of the final shrinkage of the resource
Though elegant, I find Sarkar’s explanation of the crisis
problematic for a number of reasons. First, his theoretical dismissal
(and consequent empirical neglect) of what is central to capitalism
and its opponents: labor and its refusal. Sarkar is not alone with this
attitude to labor, of course. Most Limits to Growth proponents shift
the political focus from class relations to the limits of nature. Thus,
in a period of intense workers’ resistance to capitalism in France,
the United States as well as in the colonized world in the early 1970s,
there was an increased study of the Limits to Growth and the threats
to affluence arising literally from nature. The mathematical models of
Jay Forrester and the Club of Rome had the resource-hungry economy
machine driving straight into the brick wall of Not Enough (exactly
the opposite of the Zapatistas’ “Ya Basta!”) that had nothing to do
with class struggle.25 According to them, there was simply not enough
oil, not enough natural gas, not enough uranium, not enough coal,
and even not enough air to keep up the pace of post-WWII capitalist
growth, so they suggested a steady-state form of capitalism. Sarkar,
of course, has no interest in reforming capitalism, steady-state or not
(as was the political intent of the members of the Club of Rome) since
he concludes that an eco-socialist government would be a way to at
least ameliorate the harsh conditions that will follow the collapse of
Work or Energy?
capitalism due to the exhaustion of the energy resources that is now
becoming evident. All of this sounds more or less palatable from the
standpoint of environmental politics, except for a key feature of the
entire economic structure Sarkar is interested in theorizing the ends
to: the social and energic content of surplus value upon which growth
is categorically, logically, and historically built upon.
My first retort is that capitalism in its history has had a number
of energetic resource bases and, in fact, it began in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries with a “solar” base (wind, water, wood, animal,
and human power). The conquest of the Americas, the formation of
the global market, the creation of the banking system, the expansion
of the slave trade, and the enclosures of the European commons were
all realized without heat engines and their material fuel basis (coal,
oil, and gas). This original period of accumulation was followed by a
capitalism with other energy resource bases. Roughly we call them by
their substance names: from coal to petroleum and natural gas to, in
some places like France, nuclear power. Two things should be pointed
out about these bases: (1) much more than energy was required for
production, for it required quite different kinds of proletarians to
become creators of surplus value; and (2) the basic components of
capitalism were not changed in going from one energy base to another.
I will elaborate on both points.
A. Proletarians and Energy: Work/Energy
A proletarian on a ship driven by oarsmen, by sails, by coal, by oil, or
by a nuclear reactor is not the same proletarian as the one rowing,
rigging, firing, stoking, or monitoring. A different set of rules apply to
exploit their labor and a different logic of refusal applies to different
forms of motive power. So, for example, an enslaved proletarian is
hardly a crewman that would be appropriate to a nuclear submarine
or to a space colony (for the latter, see “Mormons in Space,” an essay
coauthored by Silvia Federici and myself ).26 Similarly, an assembly
line staffed by artisans would be problematic as well. This connection
between workers and the technological means of production
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
was understood by the political economists of the eighteenth and
nineteenth century like Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill whose
critique of slavery was based on its inefficiency, for no reasonable
capitalist would want to have slaves tending machines that cost many
times the slaves’ value. In other words, slave production could only
be compatible with the lowest technological level because the slave
could be expected to “labor as little as possible” and be “inefficient
and unproductive” respectively.27 So whenever there is a change in
the energy resource base of capitalism, there is a necessary change
in the social character of the proletariat that will make the new base
productive of surplus-value. What is crucial for capitalism, then, is
neither work nor energy alone, but work/energy, that is, the ratio
between the amount of work that creates surplus-value and the
quantity of enegy produced by the resource base.28
The chain of causation also goes the other way. For changes in
the work/energy ratio are caused by proletarian action. As Timothy
Mitchell has powerfully argued and documented, the reason why
there was a shift from coal to oil was not due to the superiority of the
latter substance for industrial production, but it was because miners
and their strikes began to pose a serious challenge not only to their
immediate bosses, but to the entire capitalist system by creating a
new level of class power:
Workers were gradually connected together not so much by the weak
ties of a class culture, collective ideology or political organisation,
but by the increasing and highly concentrated quantities of carbon
energy they mined, loaded, carried, stoked and put to work…. More
than a mere social movement, this socio-technical agency was put to
work for a series of democratic claims whose gradual implementation
radically reduced the precariousness of life in industrial societies.29
The move to oil was an attempt by capital to find an energy resource
base that was able to undermine this power of the working class in
the coal circuit. Many features of oil provided much more control over
Work or Energy?
the energy resource base:
The ability to weaken the labour force by dividing it into separate
racial groups, with managers, skilled workers and unskilled workers
housed and treated separately, reflected the different distribution of
oil production across the world compared to coal, and its development
after rather than before the rise of moden industry.30
This analysis is an example of why it is important to understand
the class dynamics that motivate many of the energy resource base
transitions, for they are not determined by questions of scarcity
and energy density, as the Limits to Growth theorists would have us
believe today.
B. Capital’s Historical Consistency
Throughout these many work/energy transitions since the
sixteenth century, capitalist accumulation continued unabated. This
demonstrates that the basic categories needed to constitute a capitalist
society are not determined by the energy resource bases of the day.
Profit, wage, rent, interest, value, surplus value, constant capital, and
so on do not require a particular technology with an accompanying
energy resource base. This is not to say that “anything goes,” or that,
for example, capitalism can point-for-point “return to a solar past,”
since capitalism at its dawn confronted a world population the fraction
of the present size and a circulation process operating at a fraction
of the present speed. But these differences do not affect the fact that
capitalism is a very old social system that has been able to launch and
survive many energy resource transitions due, in part, to the inability
of its oppositions to generate the social power necessary to overthrow
it. Though the energy resource bases can change, what is crucial is
that there will always be workers who have no direct access to the
means of subsistence and production whose work can be exploited
and turned into the many forms of revenue: profit, interest, and rent.
As long as these workers are willing to accept a much lower energy
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
density in the means of production (that is, a return to an archaic
technological level), then it is possible for capitalism to continue
the accumulation process, for what is accumulated is not energy,
but work. Will they? This is not clear, but there are indications of
the terrain of struggle to come is the refusal of “extractivism” — the
doctrine that roots economies on the extraction and export of natural
resources — especially by Indigenous people in Latin America.31
To go further into my critique of Sarkar’s view of the determining
character of the energy resource base, it is worthwhile asking the
naïve question: for what purpose is this energy resource base being
used? In most cases energy’s major purpose is to power machines
(from trucks and tractors to electric power plants). So this brings us
to the machine and to another naïve question: for what purpose is the
machine to be used in capitalist society? Machines are certainly not
introduced in order to reduce the pain and danger of the labor process.
On the contrary, they are introduced to increase the profitability of
the capitalists who own them via the productivity of the workers
they exploit. More to the point, machines are themselves not simply
accumulated energy from fossil fuels, but are rather the products of
past labor — dead labor, in the historical materialist idiom — full
of an accreted form of human labor waiting to be employed by new
living labor. Machines, Marx reminds us, don’t wake up and decide
to go to work of their own accord. The key issue for the individual
capitalist is that s/he purchases a machine to use in the production of
a commodity in order to keep up with the competition. But that does
not answer the question; it simply defers it to the initial adopters of
the machine in question who did not have competitive pressures to
motivate the change. The key view that opens up the possibility of an
answer is that machines are instruments in class struggle, since the
boss can threaten to replace workers who are successful in increasing
wages, reducing the workday and making claims on the productive
apparatus. Of course, the substitution is also mathematical. For the
cost of the machine (with its energy costs and its depreciation) must
be less than the “savings” in the wages and other costs connected with
Work or Energy?
workers’ struggles (e.g., sabotage).
There are additional attributes of machines that are useful in the
class struggle, as Renfrew Christie pointed out many years ago:
Dead labor in the shape of machinery has another advantage over
living labor. It does not talk back. It does not go on strike. It does
not steal. It does not resist the designs of capitalists…. Capitalists,
therefore, use the disciplines and skills of machines as substitutes
for the withdrawable skills and calculated indisciplines of their class
enemies, the workers.32
This connection between work and energy was well known to Marx
and it helped structure Capital Vol I. For it is no accident that Part
4, “The Production of Relative Surplus-Value,” which is comprised
largely of a discussion of the role of machines in capitalism is followed
by Chapter 11 on the successful struggle to reduce the working day. For
the more effective the class struggle is at the point of production, the
greater is the tendency of capital to increase mechanization and hence
there is an increased need for power generated by energy resources.
And here we can see that this energy resource base is crucial in
replacing labor power (if it is full of struggle) and intensifying its
Let us examine the relation between energy needs and class
struggle in a schematic way by assuming that the sum value of the
totality of commodities (T) is constituted by constant capital (C), value
of labor power (V) and the surplus-value (S) (T=C+V+S) and the rate of
profit of the whole system is S/V+C. A successful class struggle is one
that increases the value of labor power and reduces the rate of profit.
How can the capitalists react to increase the rate of profit? One answer
is: to increase C in order to reduce the required number of workers
and their wages (the wage bill, as it was known in nineteenth-century
political economy) V, and also increasing S. In general, therefore a
response to increased and successful class struggle is via an increase
in mechanization and hence power requirements. Indeed, one might
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
say that in a capitalist society increased class struggle would tend
to accelerate the use of energy resource base. Consequently, as long
as the struggle is kept under control, the drive to increase the pace
of mechanization is reduced and hence the need for more energy
is reduced. This is the capitalists’ version of conservation! But the
struggle that escapes control (increasing V and decreasing S) and
successfully resists the substitution by machines (keeps C level) is the
workers’ ecological path away from capitalism. No wonder why there
has been “a struggle between worker and machine”! As the Luddites
taught Marx, “The instrument of labor strikes down the workers.”33
This struggle not only puts a brake on the accumulation process but,
in the tradition of historical materialism, is the only formal path to
anti-capitalist transition.
What does this excursus into capitalist mathematics mean
for the Limits to Growth? It demonstrates that class struggle has
a profound effect on the use of energy in capitalism. It is only the
“subjective” aspect of the work process that is a limit to capitalism,
not the “natural” aspect (which at first glance to the Limits to Growth
supporters appears to be the decisive factor). The problem with this
subjectivity is that it does not have clear limits! How much working
class “patience” can capitalists count on? This is a quantity (like future
knowledge) that cannot be known in the same way that the amount
of petroleum in a given volume of subsoil. Thus, a drama is proposed
by this way of formulating the question of the end of capitalism.
For it is perfectly possible for the wage and working conditions of
workers to shrink to unprecedented levels without bringing about a
revolutionary response. Indeed, we are seeing such a development in
Greece right now where more than a century of struggles to guarantee
a less precarious life to the working class has evaporated without a
fundamental break with the system (yet). Consequently, the Limits to
Growth response to the end of capitalism seems to avoid dealing with
the decisive question: when (if ever) will class struggle reach a point
of refusal in the face of deteriorating natural conditions?
One way to answer this question is to examine it historically. In this
Work or Energy?
article I will examine only one case — that of Nazi Germany — but it
embodied an extreme case of ecological breakdown. It faced a classic
“energy crisis,” its cities became ecological hells, and it had revived
the slave mode of production. The German working class in 1945 was
definitely a prime candidate of one that had been pushed to the limits.
Case Study of the Limit to the Limits to Growth: Nazi
Berlin... has great hopes for these secret weapons as well as the
productive capacity of Dora. Upper Nazi circles think the rockets can
and should lead to a redressing of the military situation. In a sense,
then, the slaves of Dora have become the potential saviors of Hitler’s
Third Reich! — Yves Beon, a slave on Planet Dora34
In order to best understand my critique of Sarkar’s explanation and
my insistence on the subjective limit of capitalism it is worthwhile
to look at the experience of Nazi-ruled Germany during World War
II as an “extreme case” that proves the norm. When we examine this
experience we see that the so-called natural, ecological, and resource
limits that the Nazi regime faced were not final determinants of its
end. Rather we see the subjective limits presented by workers are the
primary ones.
For example, ecological limits are not given. The question, “how
much ecological degradation would the working class of the planet
accept before revolting against the agent of this degradation?”
cannot be answered with any definitive certainty. Using the standard
parameters like air quality, German cities like Dresden in World War
II experienced a level of ecological degradation at an unprecedented
pace under the British and U.S. bombing campaigns; however this
degradation did not lead to the mass exodus of the German citizenry
from the Nazi regime. Let us remember that the level and pace of the
ecological degradation in Dresden during World War II was much
more severe than the climate changes that are being predicted by the
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
projectors of climate change for Dresden in the near future. After all,
the firebombing of Dresden (and the major cities of Japan) increased
the average temperatures in the city into a realm far beyond the heat
projections for cities of the north of the Tropic of Cancer.
The record of the population of Nazi Germany under bombardment
puts the issue of limits into focus. The assumption of the Allied
military planners was that the massive bombing campaign would
lead to an equally massive defection from the regime. However,
both the British and the U.S. Bombing Surveys noted that though
the campaign clearly had an effect on morale, it did not lead to the
insurrectionary consequences they wanted to instigate with the
firebombing of Dresden and other cities to “dehouse and demoralize”!
It shows us that there is no inevitability that can be deduced from
ecological conditions, especially extreme and rapid changes. After
all, as mentioned above, modern war is an ecological catastrophe.
On the one side, in the midst of llied bombing, German industrial
production (defined both in terms of military hardware and the
profits of companies like Daimler-Benz) increased. On the other hand,
Germany faced a dramatically reduced material base, especially with
the defeat at Stalingrad (which was the main obstacle to the Nazi
march on the Baku oil fields). In effect, Nazi Germany was suffering
a classical “energy crisis.”
Paradoxically, the Nazis made up for this lack of a material energy
base in two ways. One by looking to the past and the other by looking
to the future:
As for the past, the Nazis introduced slave labor instead of bringing
German women into the factories. For as Bernard Bellon notes,
“keeping women in the home was also intended to prevent the kind
of social unrest which led to the revolution of November 9, 1918, and
the ‘stab in the back’ of conservative and Nazi legends.”35
The Nazis also experimented with violating the advice of Adam
Smith and John Stuart Mill in their desire to test the extreme limits
Work or Energy?
of capitalism when the Nazi regime put slave workers to the job of
assembling high-tech V-2 rockets between 1943 and early 1945 in
mine tunnels near Nordhausen. For though the ceiling of the cavern
where the rockets were produced was lined with the hanging bodies of
recalitrant slaves, still, as Smith and Mill predicted, the missiles were
sabotaged, many of them landing harmlessly in fields and seas miles
away from their targets. Approximately 6,000 people were killed by
the V-2s, while more than 12,000 slave laborers died in the production
of 3,000 V-2 missles. Thus the V-2 was one of the first weapons in
history where more people were killed in its production than by its
use. Thousands of these slaves died of exhaustion and disease, but
350 were hung (including 200 who were explicitly executed for acts
of sabotage). As Michael Neufeld writes in his Introduction to Yves
Beon’s Planet Dora:
Sabotage naturally remained a centeral concern, the usual punishment
was a gruesomely slow hanging on the roll call square.... [S]abotage...
had some indeterminate but significant effect on missile quality.36
This situation confronted the Nazis with the problematic produced by
mixing a slave mode of production with a high organic composition
industry. In the interest of keeping production going:
[T]he preservation of the prisoner workforce became a higher priority,
as many now possessed semiskilled training in various assembly line
jobs. The Mittelwerk company made limited efforts to improve clothing
and good rations, and [chief engineer] Rudolph was involved in the
creation of a premium wage system that allowed some prisoners to
earn prison scrip that could be used to buy a few extras at a canteen.37
The correlations between organic composition of a branch of industry
and the composition of the working class involved in that industry,
however, is not fixed.
As for the future, the Nazis deployed an extensive use of coal
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
liquification that would turn coal (mined in a more traditional manner
by the use of slave labor) into liquid fuel for internal combustion
engines. This is a technology that is still being explored in our day. And
many like Sarkar would point to its thermodynamic inefficiency, since
it takes an enormous amount of energy to transform hydrocarbons in
solid form into carbohydrates in liquid form. But for the Nazi regime,
it was efficient on another dimension, the polemodynamic (literally,
“the war force”) dimension. For in the “blitz” strategy, speed was
essential, with tanks and fighter-bombers being its prime movers
(and both demanded liquid fuel).
In both these cases, the limits of the process of accumulation the
Nazi regime instituted (which included the revival of slave labor
in Europe and the deployment of the most advanced technological
means to produce fuel for its war machines) were not determined
by the natural environment, but rather by subjective limits (to use a
short-hand term). Of course, the Nazi regime did not last for its muchtrumpeted millennium-long existence; it only existed for twelve
years. But did it inevitably have to fail? That is not clear to me now,
and it was certainly not clear to most people then. There were limits
to both the “patience” of the German citizenry and the divisions of
the slaves among them, but what they were is a mystery since, though
courageous, the number and effectiveness of collective slave and
citizen revolts in Germany against the regime were not sufficient to
overturn it. That required the combined military forces of the United
States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom to literally occupy
the country (unlike the denouement of World War I).
Defenders of the limit to growth hypothesis like Sarkar might
object that the Nazi regime was not a “normal” capitalist regime and
the war made extreme its already deviant non-capitalist tendencies.
But the Nazis were intent to preserve and expand the reach of the
fundamental structures of modern capitalism around the world, just
as long as it was German capital that took the best plums. For example,
Daimler-Benz built a good portion of the V-2 rocket for the German
military for a profit. Moreover, if a large military industry disqualified
Work or Energy?
a country from joining the ranks of capitalist states, then the United
States would be the first to be ousted. The whole point of this short
reminiscence of Nazi Germany, however, is to show that energy and
ecological crises of the most devastating sort alone will not directly
lead to the abandoning of a socioeconomic system like capitalism
unless there is an alternative available and a political force united
enough and massive enough to achieve it.
Conclusion: Refusing the Bargain of Green Capital
In conclusion, I find Saral Sarkar’s defense of the Limits to Growth
paradigm explanation a major challenge to Marxist conceptions of
the limit to capitalism, but ultimately it is problematic. Let us review
a number of reasons for such a conclusion.
First, the only limit of capitalism arises from a subjective form
of energy — work — that intrinsically is open to refusal and, via
its negative capacity, creates value. 38 It is value that capitalists
accumulate; not material use values.
Second, there have been many changes in the energy bases of the
capitalist mode of production without a change to the fundamental,
categorical structure of capitalism. There is no reason to see the
present energy and ecological state as more threatening to the
continuation of capitalism than previous transitions, for there is still
an enormous pool of labor power available for exploitation, certainly
more than in all the history of capitalism.
Third, capitalists are willing to unleash enormous destruction to
preserve their system of accumulation and class power as has been
demonstrated time and again in the last century. But they speak in
shrouded words. Think of the messages sent in the language of the
nuclear bombs exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the hundreds
of “tests” of nuclear bombs, both atmospheric and subterranean, that
were meant to remind the world population of capital’s power.
The capitalist class appears to hold the world hostage. Unclear,
however, is whether the average rate of profit will be increased by
investing in reversing climate change and preventing the complete
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
depletion of carbon-based natural resources or by sustaining energy
intensive growth that has defined capitalism since the industrial
revolution. In “climate summits” the Green faction of capital, at
least, looks to the world working class and asks of it whether a deal
is possible: “Are you willing to buy our ‘stranded asset,’ oil in the soil,
to the tune of tens of trillions of dollars and so face a long period of
a sort of indentured servitude-with-increased work and decreased
wages? In other words, do you agree to satisfy our need for surplus
value in exchange for us doing what is necessary to ‘save the planet’?”
A revolutionary retort to this “deal” will not be provided by those
who depend upon nature’s limits, but by those who organize to refuse
capital’s blackmail.
Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Commonwealth (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard UP, 2009).
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto
(Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1967).
Ugo Bardi, “Peak Oil and ‘The Limits to Growth’: Two Parallel stories,”
George Caffentzis, “The Peak Oil Complex, Commodity Fetishism and
Sasha Lilley, et al. Catastrophism: The Apocalyptic Politics of Collapse and
The Oil Drum,
Class Struggle,” Rethinking Marxism 20 (2008) 313–320.
Rebirth (Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2012).
Saral Sarkar, The Crises of Capitalism: A Different study of Political Economy
(Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint, 2012), and Saral Sarkar, Eco-Socialism or
Eco-Capitalism?: A Critical Analysis of Humanity’s Fundamental Choices
(London: Zed Books, 1999).
Sarkar, The Crises of Capitalism 352.
The Crises of Capitalism 278.
Work or Energy?
The Crises of Capitalism 278.
The Crises of Capitalism 280.
The Crises of Capitalism 282.
The Crises of Capitalism 284.
Karl Popper, “Preface,” The Poverty of Historicism (London: Routledge
and Kagan Paul, 1957).
Frankly, we cannot know for sure at this time where the science of the
future will lead any more than we can know the status of an afterlife. But
giving Sarkar the benefit of the doubt, we can reckon by the reliability
and durability of a limit law like the Second Law of Thermodynamics
— a “law” that puts clear limits on the efficiency of heat engines and
“decrees” that perpetuum mobiles are impossible — that the suspension
of Popper’s maxim is justified in this case. Indeed, a half-century before
the first formulation of the Second Law the French Academy decided
(anachronistically) to violate Popper’s maxim when it refused to
consider any correspondence with people claiming to have invented
perpetuum mobiles in 1775!
The Crises of Capitalism 289.
“Subjective” in this context is not an antonym of “objective,” but it is
its dialectical complement. Here I follow a Hegelian usage: “...the term
subjectivity is not to be confined merely to the bad and finite kind of
it which is contrasted with the thing (fact). In its truth subjectivity is
immanent in the fact, and as a subjectivity thus infinite is the very truth
of the fact.” William Wallace, The Logic of Hegel (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1892)
The Crises of Capitalism 278, 280.
Karl Marx, Capital Vol. I, trans. Ben Fowkes (London: Penguin Books,
1976 [1867]) 134.
Silvia Federici, Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive
Marx, Capital Vol. I 432.
Accumulation (New York: Autonomedia, 2004).
The Crises of Capitalism 280.
George Caffentzis, “A Critique of Cognitive Capitalism,” in Letters of Blood
and Fire: Work, Machines, and the Crisis of Capitalism (Oakland, CA: PM P/
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Common Notions, 2013) 95–126.
The data on “Labor force, total” was accessed on March 20, 2016 at data.
The Crises of Capitalism 341.
Donella H. Meadows et al.,The Limits to Growth: A Report of The Club of
Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind (Washington D.C.: Potomac
Associates, 1972).
Caffentzis, In Letters of Blood and Fire 58–65.
Adam Smith, An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
(Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1998) 438, and John Stuart
Mill, Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social
Philosophy (New York: Augustus M. Kelly, 1961) 251.
For a discussion of the Work/Energy ratio see George Caffentzis, “The
Work/Energy Crisis and the Apocalypse,” Midnight Oil: Work Energy, War,
1973-1992, eds. Midnight Notes Collective (Brooklyn: Autonomedia, 1992)
and George Caffentzis, “Introduction and Glossary,” No Blood For Oil!
Essays on Energy, Class Struggle, and War (Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia,
2017) 41–43.
Timothy Mitchell, Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
Mitchell, Carbon Democracy 36.
Raul Zibechi, “Extractivism Staggers,” accessed at compamanuel.
(London: Verso, 2011) 27.
com/2015/06/04zivechi-extractivism-staggers; Patricia I. Vasquez, Oil
Sparks in the Amazon: Local Conflicts, Indigenous Populations, and Natural
Resources (Athens GA: The U of Georgia P, 2014); George Caffentzis,
“The Petroleum Commons: Local, Islamic and Global,” Counterpunch
December 15, 2004. ww4report/105/planetwatch/petroleumcommons.
Renfrew Christie, “Why Does Capital Need Energy?” in Oil and Class
Struggle, eds. Petter Nore and Terisa Turner (London: Zed Books, 1980)
Capital Vol. I 559.
Yves Beon, Planet Dora: A Memoir of the Holocaust and the Birth of the Space
Age (Boulder, CO: Westview P, 1997) 25.
Bernard P Bellon. Mercedes in Peace and War: German Automobile Workers,
Work or Energy?
1903-1945. (New York: Columbia UP, 1990).
Michael Neufeld, “Introduction,” in Planet Dora xix.
Neufeld, “Introduction” xvii.
Letters of Blood and Fire 161–163.
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender:
Towards a Gender-Sensitive Materialist
Understanding of Society-Nature Relations
Elmar Flatschart
What is the relevance of a gendered perspective on crisis developments
located at the intersection of nature and society? How does energy
matter for such a perspective? Critics and theorists typically approach
society-nature relations from a strictly economic perspective. This
approach tends to situate the subjectivity that appropriates nature
as masculine. Uncovering the gendered character of nature relations
involves a critique of this form of reductionism and the development
of a perspective that incorporates gender as a value relation. From
the standpoint of gender, we will be better suited to explain the
core mechanisms of society-nature relations, and to reconstruct the
conceptual and material conditions of today’s overlapping crises of
labor, capital, and energy. The type of matrix my claim is meant to
test will revise the core conceptual commitments that drive theories
of economic and environmental crisis. By understanding gender
as a value relation to nature, rather than an attitude towards or
essence extracted from nature, I show that critiques of so-called
anthropocentric (or anthropocenic) history appear to be only partially
capable of overcoming the primary social contradictions that lead
to our current impasse. Moreover, they seem much less capable of
mediating the energy content of capital, let alone the value form of
Conceptually, I build on a materialist framework that retains
arguments about the real character of nature relations, but
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
significantly expand its scope by turning to approaches developed
in Marxist feminism and the Frankfurt School tradition. I thereby
introduce scholarship from the German debate that has hitherto not
been (sufficiently) received in the Anglophone debate. In the first
part, I take the categorical critique of mainstream economic theory
as my point of departure. I propose to expand the scope of economic
contradictions towards an integral and ultimately more substantial
perspective that historicizes the economy. This approach unveils a
distinctive conceptualization of the relations to nature that take the
form of “second nature,” which both obscures nature and produces
it anew in a doubly social manner. Consequently, these relations of
second nature can only be grasped in terms of a “negative ontology,” a
condition that has to be critiqued for its dominating character. Such a
venture is closely linked to Marxian critique of political economy. New
readings of Marx’s economy-critical work, as they have flourished
in the German debate since the 1970s, contributed significantly to
an understanding of abstract domination that is buttressed by the
economic forms we find in value-form analysis. Combining these
readings with a perspective on nature relations paves the way for an
understanding of crisis beyond the economical and unveils how the
latter is itself the outcome of what I call the fetishized materiality of
The crisis inside the fetishized materiality of modern relations
to nature is the main topic of the second part of this essay, starting
with the contradiction of use and exchange value. Here we shall
see that the modulation of use and exchange value constitutes the
foundational mechanism behind the relations of natural and social
matter, and I shall show how its dialectical logic can itself be in a
state of crisis. Against “externalist” ecological and eco-Marxist takes
on this issue, which restrict crisis to pure material determinations,
I advance a categorical critique following the theorem of societal
nature relations (GNV), which differentiates between “first nature”
(passively constituted, apparently “pre-given”) and “second nature.”1
I will furthermore show that capitalist nature relations are facilitated
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
by a specific energic system that combines the abstract human energy
represented in abstract labor and fossil energy in a fetishized energic
fix. I expand the argument and show how crisis is internal to the
social forms of value, money, and capital and their mediation by the
predominant energic system. We cannot discern a distinct causal
basis for either economic or ecological crisis phenomena as it is the
dialectic of both sides that matters ultimately for the processing decay
we call crisis, and this dialectic requires a take on energy relations.
I eventually draw on the work of the German Marxist Robert Kurz
and conclude that an understanding of crisis that scrutinizes the
development of the energic fix that characterizes capitalism is
essential for critical theory.
In the third part, I introduce the gender-critical approach of this
paper. This section departs from the above-developed perspective of
a Marxist take on GNV. I argue that the radical categorical critique
of GNV ultimately remains economicist and androcentric. The
apparently neutral and closed logic of production requires a mode
of reproduction that is not wholly immanent as it builds on a (first)
nature that is never represented as such, but only as “the Other.”
A dialectical approach thus has to theoretically account for the
(historical) grounds of this process of abjection or Othering. The key
to this is the uncovering of a male bias in the economic that can be
structurally related to the character of its materiality: modern GNV
boasts a binary gendered hierarchy in fetishized second nature in
which male aspects are attributed to the social and cultural side and
female aspects are Othered as pertaining to nature.
I propose a twofold itinerary to address energy as key materialist
category: the patriarchal, androcentric, and sexist model of the
Othering of feminized (first) nature should be problematized by
means of a deconstructive critique. However, we must not remain
there; the deconstructive take on the Other has to be adjoined with a
reconstructive mode of critique. I then connect what I call the energic
fix to a “male” rationale of production and this gendered energic
system relates to a feminized reproductive side, which is linked to first
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
nature. The dialectic at work is chiefly hierarchical, gendered, and
depends on the differentiation between a “closed” synchronic matrix
of second-order forms, which are chiefly found in the economic and
diachronic ruptures of this matrix. This dialectic is aligned with the
production and reproduction of the GNV and expresses the energic
mediation and its fix. The work of Roswitha Scholz provides a strong
foundation for my endeavors to approach energy and gender. Her
theorem of value-dissociation develops a promising version of an
integral gendered dialectical approach and can fruitfully be expanded
so as to tackle problems of crisis, energy, and the value form of gender.
GNV — A Critical Materialist Perspective
The financial and consequently world economic crisis that started in
2007 has profoundly reshaped the social sciences. Not only are studies
on the origins and pathways of crisis phenomena becoming more and
more prominent, but we are also witnessing a more general change of
perspective. This change is reflected in concrete research agendas, for
example, the renewed interest in questions of material reproduction
as in the debate on care economy2 and in abstract trends, like the rise
of a new materialism that is currently shaking epistemological debates
in fields that were formerly dominated by poststructuralist thought.3
All this new social scientific thought has however had surprisingly
little effect on orthodox economic theory, just as crisis itself does not
seem to have spurred significant controversy in what pass as theories
of crisis. After all, economics seems to remain a self-referential science
that is not capable of two operations crucial for every science related
to humanity — reflecting on itself and relating to its social subject
matter. As it has been argued by critical scholars, economics does in
fact not deal with “real economy” as it is produced and reproduced
by human beings, but resorts to mathematical sophistries coupled
with a formalist dogmatism when it comes to questions of historical
foundations of its models.4
What it most clearly lacks is a deliberate take on both aspects that
define the economy and matter most in times of crises — the social and
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
the substantial dimension of the reproduction of the human species.
I would argue that the methodological individualism of orthodox
economics remains pivotal to its critical incapacity. If we want to
counter these “fairy tales of the market” in order to ask the question
that really matters — what is done by whom in which way? — we
must look for a completely different framework, a new approach that
understands the material and social content of what economists take
as self-explanatory categories.5
Such a venture includes a deconstructive and a reconstructive take on
the subject matter. As Marx argued, the materialist mode of inquiry
should both encompass a critical reference to customary notions of
(political) economy, thus yielding a categorical critique and providing
a better, critical understanding of the actual social reality or, as Marx
put it, “produce at once an exposé and, by the same token, a critique
of the system.”6 Reading Marx’s Critique of Political Economy in this
vein — and not just as another theory of economics — leads in a
new direction of categorical critique. At its heart is the dialectical
relationship of the subject of change and the subjective factor in
relation to its objective foundations and its objective factor. As such,
this perspective finds but its origins in Marx’s own work and has since
been elaborated in new directions.
One of the most important elaborations, which also informed a
wide range of philosophical and scientific studies, is the Frankfurt
School tradition of Critical Theory. But it is not its most renowned
protagonists like Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, or Herbert
Marcuse that have contributed most to the questions at hand; it
is the late Alfred Schmidt — assistant of Adorno and professor of
philosophy in Frankfurt — who offers a critical starting point. In his
foundational work The Concept of Nature in Marx, Schmidt develops
an understanding of the modern metabolism of society and nature
that led to the theory of GNV.7 GNV has been discussed mostly with
respect to socio-ecological questions, but its perspective is more
general in outlook and in actual fact should be understood as the most
basic answer to the abovementioned twofold reformulation of the
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
economic question.8 GNV critiques the economy by embedding it in
a broader understanding of how society and nature are interrelating
and is thereby showing the historically specific character of modern
economic categories.
In Schmidt’s account, the interrelation of society and nature in
modern capitalism establishes a peculiar materiality, which he terms
The “materialist” character of Marxist theory does not amount to a
confession of the incurable primacy of the economy, that anti-human
abstraction achieved by the real situation. It is rather an attempt to
direct men’s attention towards the ghostly internal logic of their own
conditions, towards this pseudophysis that makes them commodities
and at the same time provides the ideology according to which they
are already in control of their own destinies.10
At the heart of this notion, we find a deconstructive approach to
economy as a category — its separation into an abstracted sphere
with its own “laws” that are beyond human intervention is turned
into an appearance. Following Hegel’s terminology, but putting it in
a critical materialist framework, Schmidt argues that “first nature”
and the genuinely capitalist second nature fall apart.11 They separate
in an oppressing way, conflating social and natural history without
people’s knowledge and control thus establishing a false identity of
nature and society.12 The highly distanced “natural laws” of economics
are thus understood as pertaining to a “natural history” that is to be
overcome in order to establish a free society.13 The ideological realm
of “necessities” that is so dominant in economic thinking and the
economy itself thus can be subverted if we look at the origins of a
society that produced these necessities in the first place. They then
appear as doubly historical categories — once as a principal historical
constitution and once as a specific ramification of modern society’s
second nature. This does however not mean that one should be so naïve
as to believe that a genealogical deconstruction by means of ideology
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
critique would make the second nature of capitalist GNV obsolete. To
the contrary, they are shaped in the form of a very durable, fetishized
materiality — a pseudophysis apparent in the commodity form, which
inseparably welds exchange and use value in an objectivity that (in
this historic formation) is as real to people as the external natural
world around us is.
The demi-reality of capitalist nature relations thus has to be
grasped by means of a negative ontology, in which the negative has
a dual meaning: meta-theoretically it stands for the fact that reality
is not sufficiently graspable in a formal (positive) methodology; and
normatively it indicates the fact that humans cannot directly access
their own social structures.14 It is the mode of meditation (Vermittlung)
that matters, and hence — in the last instance — society’s role in
shaping itself and nature.
The critique of this mode of mediation goes in line with Marx’s
critique of (economic) fetishism, which he developed in Capital. It
is already in the first section of volume one that he uncovers the
fetishism of commodities as he reveals their “mystical character,”
which encompasses the twisted form of men’s relation to nature via
labor. In abstract labor, social interaction with nature appears not as
such, but only via exchange of commodities in the economic sphere
(the market).15 In turn, value — a genuinely social quality — appears
to stem from this economic domain, hence seems to be already
“inside” the commodities — natural and naturalized things — in the
first place. In fact, commodities do have their own “quasi-social” life
— second nature — while relations between men are naturalized.
On the genuinely human, social side, (abstract) labor is exemplary
for the way activities are conducted in capitalism — their actual and
purported determination go astray, forming a dialectical contradiction
processing through time and space and alienating people.
Understood this way, a critique of energy as a social relation to
nature begins to take shape. Although Marx hardly ever mentions
energy in Capital, this does not mean that it is not there. The concept
of abstract labor has two sides, one related to nature as an externality,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the other internal to the (social) second nature of capital. Abstract
labor produces both a use value and an exchange value. In fact both
are conjoined in reality and only theoretical analysis can distinguish
between the concrete aspects of labor and labor’s value abstraction.
The mediation that links the internality of social forms to the
externality of substance, second nature to first nature, is neither
the specific value-abstraction nor the fact that something useful or
physical is produced; it is the energic dimension of abstract labor as
a totality category: the concept of abstract labor in Marx does not
ultimately make sense in the singular, but only as a universal category
that relates to total capital as the “automatic subject” that propels
GNV. Capitalism collectivizes labor although it privatizes the labor
relation. The character of labor as a social form is different from the
other peculiar social forms (such as value, money, capital) that build
upon it because it is all about the exhaustion of human energy, yet not
in any concrete, but in an abstract way. The abstract “expenditure
of human brains, nerves, and muscles” establishes the fetishized
metabolic fusion represented by second nature.16 Abstract labor as a
totality-category is necessary to understand how societal synthesis
(and consequently nature relations) is established.
Expanding on Marx, I suggest that much closer attention should be
paid to the character of abstract human energy. The form of the labor
abstraction is one determined by capital, namely, the tautological
self-perpetuation of surplus value production. M-C-M' — money that
accumulates — is nothing but the peculiar fusion of qualitative and
quantitative aspects. Capital is an entity and, at the same time, only a
quantity of something else (money); it is a relation and the relation of
relations. As such, Capital is akin to energy. Energy is the name that
we give to the capacity to perform work, but it is also intimately tied
to (physical) entities facilitating this capacity. Energy has relational
and thing-like qualities and thus matters for the way we approach
nature qualitatively and quantitatively. The connection between
social and natural determinations of energy matters for every societynature relation: energy is not only natural; it is a social relation, as the
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
emerging energy humanities tell us.17 The capitalist form of GNV is
however unique as it produces a quasi-natural fetishized energic fix that
deprives human energy of its social character once it is homogenized
under the imperatives of value and ultimately capital. This energic
fix constitutes the materiality of GNV as it mediates the relation of
substance and form in terms of capital’s teleology, the qualitativequantitative self-propulsion of the fetishized system we live in.
It is more than a historical coincidence that the energic fix
we find in capital manifests in the fossil energy system that drove
capitalism from the beginning — the very character of the value
form of energy requires a spatiotemporal determination that has
hitherto only been provided by fossil energy sources. Only fossil
energy is able to compress time and space in a way compatible with
the (technologically advanced) exertion of abstract human energy
via abstract labor and it is amongst the few forms of energy that is
perfectly suited to “outsource” ecological costs, so as to increase the
immediate performance in value-production. Modern GNV cannot be
imagined without fossil energy; but the latter can only be meaningfully
understood if it is also seen as a social relation, that is, one that has its
roots in abstract labor as abstract exhaustion of energy. Abstract labor
and fossil energy conjoin in the broader society-nature relations and it
seems nearly impossible to disentangle them, but this does not mean
that the relation is static or ahistorical. It can change from the inside.
GNV and crisis
In light of the above developed, crisis manifests not only in the
“economic” or “financial” sphere, but must be rooted in a crisis of
societal materiality as such. In order to get there, I want to pinpoint
the oppressive character of the economic forms that are manifest
in their second nature character. For this purpose, it is necessary
to acknowledge that fetishized relations (as evidenced in economic
categories) are not forming mutually homologous relations, but
always imply an unequal, hierarchical split. Society — the sphere of
second nature — is the dominant engine of social mediation, premised
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
under capital on a universal mode of domination of nature and
natural substantiality. The capitalist value abstraction as “automatic
subject” approaches and (co-)constitutes first nature as the Other.
Eventually, capitalism is all about the production of surplus value,
hence also “surplus materiality” in terms of an extended perpetuation
of (qualitative and quantitative aspects of) the energic fix. Christoph
Görg, a scholar who heavily draws on Schmidt and the Frankfurt
School tradition, formulates the problem as follows:
In Capitalism, mankind has not yet reached its potential to design
and control its societal and natural relations, it exists in detached
[verselbstständigt] relations, which confront mankind as “second
nature.” The specific purpose of these detached capitalist production
is however not the production of use values, but the production of
surplus value. The specific determination of aims ultimately defines
the process of appropriation of its inherent “natural substance”
[Naturstoff]: the relations of production dominate the nature relations.18
Relations of production dominate nature relations — this means that
economic categories as well as real economic development are not
only indifferent towards natural necessities, but indeed form a
closed system, a synchronic matrix that reverberates in the perfect
mathematical models of neoclassical economics but also materially
manifests itself in the real world. As a universal model, it knows
neither error nor crisis. If we understand how this demi-reality of
a synchronic, error-free universality is only real as it stems from
the fetishized realm of second nature, it becomes evident that this
apparent universality is always a ruptured one, as there exist various
issues that are Othered and exempted — first and foremost nature
and substantiality proper.
This “Othered” first nature could be interpreted in line of a simple
“nature-kicks-back argument,” an ecological critique of capitalism
and natural limits. In fact, there always is some truth to this kind of
externalist critique, as it has for example been formulated by German
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
eco-Marxists like Elmar Altvater.19 But as we have seen, substantiality
is — pivotally evidenced by the economical category use value —
never accessible as such in modernity, since it is intrinsically related
to the exchange-value form, which is dominating it. This tension
between use and exchange value, which expresses and instantaneously
obscures itself in the “actually existing” incarnation of value, money,
must be seen as the deep core of all economic crises.20 Both the
exchange of goods on the market (in Marx’s terms “circulation”)
and their production thus aim at the ever-increasing generation of
value, hence money that moves perpetually in the form of capital. As
such, the system is autopoietic and knows no external restraints or
ends. Nonetheless, behind this seemingly synchronic, closed system
of capital circuits, we find a hidden subtext that is only accessible if
we understand that the economic sphere is truly an outcome of the
materiality of nature-relations — one that abstracts from the real
relationality and conjures it away in fetishized second nature, thereby
ignoring the substantiality of the use-value side.
To carry the categorical critique of economy to its end then
means that we have to understand that economic crises have their
origin in the historical development of the contradiction of use and
exchange value, which never expresses itself as such, but only via
the “synchronic” realm of value and the ultimately prevailing form
of money. The synchronicity of value is concealing the diachronic
character of first-nature determinations, which are mediated by the
capitalist “energic fix.” Even the apparently most contingent crisisborne events — financial meltdowns and more general ruptures
in what Marx called “fictitious capital” — do relate to the specific
materiality that capital produces in relation to nature.21 As such,
crisis is a feature of the synchronic core of capitalism. The most basic
crisis phenomenon — the chance that a produced use value does not
manage to “attach” itself to an exchange value on the market, hence
a commodity remaining unsold — has been prevalent throughout
capitalism’s history. But this basic understanding of crisis is not all. As
capitalism is a historically developing system, the contradiction and its
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
material basis do not remain the same. Even though the phenomenal
appearance seems to be unchanged, its dialectical core can change
as relations of production and productive forces alter the nature
relations and their energic mediation. Behind the “usual” cyclical
bursts of overproduction-driven crises and their connection to the
generation of unbacked fictitious capital, there is a more substantial
reason for crisis. This cause can be located in the contradictory
relation of substance and form that only manifests itself in a crisis of
money, a development that has been grasped by the German theorist
Robert Kurz as the continuous growth of “money without value.”22
It is not possible to develop the whole depth of Kurz’s argument in
just a few words, but I shall try to delineate aspects that are of interest
for a critical take on GNV. It is perhaps best to start with the theme
of substantiality or materiality. Following a materialist framework,
authors like Robert Kurz have argued — in line with the abovedeveloped Frankfurt School lineage — that the “real-abstract” source
of capital — money — increasingly loses its basis in value-substance.
Value-substance, the form-determined exhaustion of human labor,
requires a foundation in nature via the energic mediation. If the
“mass” of use value doesn’t correspond with the mass of exchange
value, the contradictory energic mediation between substance and
form, nature and society becomes more and more strained.23 Due to
fetishism, this contradiction does not become manifest immediately
or as such, but only via a representation that is mainly visible inside
the really existing (second-nature) form, money. A development in
the substantial and social domains obfuscates its specific relation:
the increasing productivity — as evident in scientific and technic
potentialities — yields a vast stock of produced raw materials that
doesn’t correspond with the human energy exhaustion in the specific
capitalist (second-nature) form, that is, abstract labor and the value
produced by it.24 With respect to a value perspective — and this is the
(only) one that ultimately receives social validity — Kurz argues the
finitude of this contradictory development has to be acknowledged:
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
This contradictory development is only graspable from the perspective
of value, which is situated solely on the level of societal totality and
can only be ascertained by critical theory. This perspective, which is
not accessible to agents in their everyday practice, constitutes the
objective and elementary self-contradiction of the “automatic subject,”
which must by necessity of its blind dynamic historically culminate.
This means that surplus value cannot grow “infinitely” on the level of
societal totality (and the category is only valid on this level), while only
problems of the “realisation” of value come to matter; to the contrary,
the long-term historic result of the capitalist dynamic is the erosion
of value as such and thus a drying up of surplus value production in
absolute quantity.25
Now if the basis of value production in the exhaustion of abstract
human energy “melts away,” this leads to a friction in the money
form on a societal level — the actually existing mass of value does not
correspond with the mass of value substance. This misrepresentation
of forms leads inter alia to the meltdowns at the stock exchange,
where money as fictitious capital “devaluates.” The problem cannot
be solved by devaluations, as its core mechanisms are not to be
found in the strictly economic sphere but relate to GNV. Hence, the
societal-substantial potentials and their capitalist formal confines
are not corresponding anymore, while the energic fix in mediation
of substance and forms disintegrates too. This incoherence “inside”
the dialectical energic mediation is hard to grasp as such, but it can be
approached via its substantial and social consequences. Detrimental
effects of the fossil determination of the energy fix are very obvious
— climate change, for one, but also price volatility across energy,
capital, and commodity markets. Yet it is the form that matters. Crisisinduced social phenomena are more multifarious as they are mediated
by the complex social forms and their proper logic. Many social crisis
phenomena can be understood as indicators of the social energic limits
to further development if the above thesis of the fetishized energic
fix is accepted. The value form is losing its energic momentum and
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
thereby obstructs even the limited potentials that are offered by the
capitalist GNV. If abstract labor as substance of value is the necessary
(but not sufficient) basis of social synthesis, its energic crisis must
be accompanied by crisis phenomena outside of the economy. There
is no immanent solution to this “entropy of crisis”; a change in social
relations as such is necessary if anti-crisis measures are to be more
than ephemeral containment measures.
It should be evident by now that this change cannot only be
economic in the strict sense; it has to be wider in scope. I will now
suggest that an understanding of the gendered character of GNV, and
by extension the diremption of energy as force of production from
gender as force of social reproduction is necessary in order to see that
the crisis affects society as a whole and not just the economic sphere.
The Gendered Subtext of GNV
In order to approach the deeply gendered subtext of GNV, we must
return to the above-developed characteristics of its materialist
theorization. In my critique of economical categories, I problematized
the synchronic character of the approach inasmuch as it produced the
impression of a closed system. As I have shown, materialist critique
proves that the synchrony in theory represents a misled picture of
the historical development of nature relations. So far, its critique
is a purely negative one and therefore thoroughly focused on the
encountered economic categories. While this theoretical procedure
is not wrong, as it uncovers the force of fetishism surrounding its
subject matter, it can merely indicate that the universalist framework
is insufficient for a comprehensive understanding of reality. It
can however not be shown why this is the case. In its theoretical
modus operandi, much of materialist theory by necessity clings to a
categorical understanding that even in its critique reproduces the
implicit functionality of thought systems which represent a societal
reality that actually yields this functionality as a contradiction in the
first place. This does not mean that such critique is mistaken in itself
— to some degree, a materialist approach cannot but relate to a reality
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
that manifestly produces these kinds of universalist frameworks.
There are however two problems, if materialist critique remains purely
negative in this sense.
(1) Critique’s immanence vs. its normativity
If critique were purely negative, hence solely (immanently) referring
to the subject matter’s functionality, it would not be able to defend its
own normative impetus (as critique). One could for example argue
that fetishism is good because it takes responsibility away from people
and establishes a functioning system.
(2) Critique’s particularity vs. universality
If the mechanism of Othering of all aspects outside the universal
functional (economic) system is thus only implicitly uncovered (as a
product of the immanent critique) and not explicitly framed as such,
the historical critique of the oppressive character remains opaque.
If all kinds of things remain exempt from the theoretical core and if
there is no way to give meaning to the “logic” of exemption, then its
simple recognition does not tell us very much.
Both problems are obviously interrelated — the normative
momentum is deduced from the (critical) understanding of the specific
oppressive character of the relations that are critiqued. Materialist
critique however asks for the (dialectical) “logic” that determines the
connection of both sides. A powerful thesis to understand the specific
oppressive character of modern GNV is to see them as expressions
of a patriarchal rationale. Understanding the dialectics of critique
through a gender-critical framework not only means that gender
is considered as just another “issue.” It helps us to denominate the
apparently contingent diachronic breaches in the synchronic field of
social relations — the Other, that which remains exempt from the
“closed” system we find in economic forms, is then not only just another issue. By unraveling its gendered determination, the Other’s
implicit character as just a “subtext” can be turned into an explicit
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
A good starting point for such a venture is the debate around
female reproductive activities. This debate was pursued mainly
among Marxist feminists beginning in the late 1960s and focused on
the question if and to what degree “domestic labor,” as it was called,
made its way into the value form male counterparts were struggling
over in the factory. It uncovered how the particular female character
of reproductive activities was crucial for defining those activities as
it explained their categorical and real subordination.
When women remain outside social production, that is, outside
the socially organized productive cycle, they are also outside social
productivity. The role of women… has always been seen as that of
a psychologically subordinated person who, except where she is
marginally employed outside the home, is outside production; she is
essentially a supplier of a series of use-values in the home.26
Female contributions to economic activities — or, taking it one step
further, their critical contextualization in terms of GNV — has seldom
been held in high esteem both in the public debate and its critical
Marxists counterparts. Mariarosa Dalla Costa, Selma James, Silvia
Federici, and others consequently argued for a more gender-sensitive
approach that tried to give the family as a mainly feminized domain
of reproduction a larger role in materialist critique. Others have
argued against this and held that it is exactly the patriarchal nature of
capitalism that yields the stark separation, hence the unproductivity
of female domestic work.27 Here is not the place to follow all the
intricacies of this controversy, but what remains important is the
use-value orientation that Dalla Costa mentioned: namely, that women
are thought to be “closer to nature” not only qua childbearing and
the purportedly natural role in family that goes with that, but also
through the gendered concept of use-value orientation in economics
in general.28 The character of so-called feminine attributes like
sensuality, unintermediateness, genuineness, and immediate utility
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
are specifically ascribed to use-value dimensions. They are sometimes
ideologically praised as “non-identical” and “essential” residuum of
emancipation.29 But these are different ascriptions then those we
usually find in capitalism, where (any) use value is just the bearer
of exchange value. It is only in the last-instance that use value as
immediate consumption is ultimately falling out of the capitalist
realm — but even here it is associated with female activities in the
family.30 This is also where immediacy and apparently direct contact
to the natural are situated most strikingly — the private domain of the
family operates as the Othered opposite to all public enterprise and
the role of women as “natural inhabitants” of this domain is clearly
The argument is not that this kind of use-value orientation in
the private domain is completely outside of GNV. To the contrary,
capitalist relations co-produce this patriarchal domain. As pertaining
to the logic of modern fetishist forms, the naturalization relevant
in the private, “female” domain and hence the attributes assigned
to women qua allegedly “natural” and “biological” necessities are
historically produced. This did not happen by mere volition or direct
(patriarchal) institutionalizations of power, but as a consequence
of the “doubly historic” second nature of a universalizing system
that needs to relinquish everything natural — the closed economic
world — just in order to secretly project it onto something that is
completely Othered, outside the box, and apparently not of relevance
for the second-nature sociality proper. The naturalizations that have
ever since permeated the rise of “enlightened modernity” are thus
ultimately co-functional products of modernity’s nature relations: as
the dialectic of substance and form can only process in the secondnature domain, it is dependent on constantly emitting motives of
“false nature” that serve as the substantial basis for abstract universal
forms. This model can be traced back to a patriarchal basis that was
however thoroughly transformed in modernity — patriarchy and
abstract domination (qua capital) have been conjoined in a binary
logic that is starkly hierarchical and thus constantly producing
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
master-slave-type dialectics as they have initially and brilliantly
been uncovered by Simone de Beauvoir.32 Naturalizations are not
limited to gender-issues in the strict sense, though it may be argued
that they originated from the above developed separation of labor
and the concomitant constitution of nature in the early phase of
capitalist-patriarchal evolution.33 The “other Others” that matter so
much when it comes to an assessment of the oppressive character of
modernity are thus not reducible to gendered oppression, but they
have a common basis in the patriarchal model of GNV as they yield a
symbolic yet real core of hierarchical power-relations.
Looking at energic mediation, this can symbolically be framed as
the domination of an abstract energy system over contextualized
and reflexive (“renewable”) energy relations that exhibit a non- or
less contradictory society-nature relation. The currently prevailing
dialectics of energy parallel the dialectics of productive (abstract) labor
and reproductive activities, just as the symbolical representations of
production are masculinized and those of reproduction feminized.
This means that the energic mediation at the core of GNV is itself
gendered — the fetishized energic fix that combines fossil energy
and abstract human energy is symbolically “male” as it pertains to a
patriarchal way of appropriating and creating nature. This energic
regime produces a universalizing matrix that is at the same time
nature-blind and producing nature. It appears “neutral” — hardly
anyone considers gendering energy as such — but is not neutral, if
we accept that energy relations are always constitutively social. I want
to argue that energy relations, nature relations and value relations
are only possible if we see behind the capitalist abstractions that
obscure the substantial symbolic determination of these naturalized
I am convinced that such an endeavor can only prevail if the
patriarchal dimension of society-nature relations in general and
energy relations in particular is highlighted. The character of the
dialectical argument changes once we incorporate the substantial
gendered determination into our critique. This means acknowledging
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
that neutrality is actually male and everything female is Othered. The
universalist capitalist subsumption of first nature in second nature
can only prevail if is accompanied by an Othering/Othered patriarchal
naturalizing mode of dissociation. Society-nature relations represent
neither a monist fusion nor a “neutral” dialectical duality; they form
a hierarchical dialectic in which a universal (male, second-nature,
capitalist) side subsumes the Other. This Other is pivotally (first)
“nature.” The patriarchal energy fix that mediates energy relations
is related to this dialectic; in fact, energy is a way to express this
hierarchical dialectic that, in its processing, must relate to first nature
but ultimately “ends” with second nature.
First nature is not neutral or a-social; it was originally produced
in early modernity as something at odds with culture/society. In
this phase, (white, western) men and the “male” symbolic logic they
represent are developing on the basis of their opposition to everything
female that has consequentially been naturalized.34 Thus, I hesitate
to connect the primordially gendered and patriarchal character of
modern domination to sexual difference as such. Rather, I argue, it
was construed as a “functional” part of society-nature relations. In
order to grasp the character of the kind of functionality at stake, it
must be acknowledged that it can only be (totally) understood when
its symbolic subtext is highlighted. The modern development of
patriarchal relations — which indeed completely altered the meaning
of “patriarchy,” as it was subordinated to the apparently “neutral”
abstract domination of value — has a beginning that corresponds
with capitalist “primitive accumulation,” as Silvia Federici showed so
impressively in her study of early modern ideologies and subjugating
practices.35 Abstract (capitalist) and concrete (patriarchal) domination
have been intricately conjoined in a system that on a less general,
subjective level yields so many ideologies and exclusions that at times,
it seems as if there is no cohesive logic. On the most abstract level
of the functionality of modern GNV, we have to assume reciprocity
between capitalist and patriarchal logics, as it is the only relation that
can ultimately explain the dialectical character of the materiality
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
with which we are confronted. The principle of domination between
abstraction and reciprocal (false) concretion is thus to be conceived of
as a ubiquitous gendered symbolic imaginary and it is grounded in the
relation of first and second nature still prevailing in modern society.
What does this mean for the critical assessment of GNV? Following
a materialist perspective, we must differentiate between two different
modes of critique: (1) A deconstructive critique that directs itself
against the naturalizations of and ideological ascriptions to women/
the female. (2) A reconstructive critique that depicts the specific
functionality that the Other plays in relation to the universal one.
Both issues are certainly interrelated and on a very general level. It
can however be legitimate to split them apart in order to focus on one
issue. The first critique is not new — it has been frequently employed
since the rise of theoretical feminism and is a hallmark of current
poststructuralist approaches. Thus I will move on to the second.
A first step for any reconstructive critique must be the reassessment
of nature as something produced and already encountered. In this, the
female (as prototypical Other of the universal male) is connected to a
(partly imagined/socially constituted) first nature, that is the ostensibly
“static” basis for the “male dynamic” attributed to the universalizing
system of (second nature) functionality and subjugation of nature.36
This can (metaphorically) be understood as a relation of a symbolically
male materiality of a “machine” — in relation to a “natural” body37
— the body standing for the quasi-autonomous and quasi-natural
“automatic subject” of second nature, which is symbolically male.38 It
is hence clear why the female side is Othered — as symbolic-functional
representation of nature, it has to be subdued in order to substantiate
the (male) hegemonic body of the capitalist-phallic machine. In the
realm of second nature, everything “female” is, as representation
of nature, always bound to be inferior — not due to some essential
aspect of femininity, but to the genuinely produced character of
modern nature relations in which it assumes the functional role of
reproducing; restoring, not creating (right down to the denial of the
capacity to create life itself).39 Seen from an inverted perspective, it
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
is therefore crucial for the functioning of the whole system that the
female is just like nature — in the last instance — always appearing
as passive and something static that can be appropriated, used, and
The capitalist-patriarchal energic fix mediates the creation of
passive nature, as it homogenizes energic regimes so as to make
them conform to the value abstraction. This explains why energy
is always approached from a resource-perspective — the actual,
energic metabolism remains fetishized and inaccessible for social
actors. The phallic capitalist machine is driven by abstract energy
relations, but it requires some concrete determination, which it finds
in feminized first nature. Just as it should be evident that capitalist
productive labor cannot survive without the kind of reproductive
work that is usually attributed to women/feminized subjects, it is
obvious that nature eventually reproduces the energy system that
propels the production of surplus value. If this reproduction fails,
form-immanent contradictions must increase. It is important to see
that the relation to nature that energy mediates is not one sided, but
dialectical. This means that the patriarchal appropriation is never
ultimate, but also implies that nature is not conceivable without its
determination. Analyses of natural limits have to encompass the
character of the society-nature dialectic and it is crucial to understand
its gendered symbolic to really grasp the dialectic’s logic.
I propose to engage the German theorem of value dissociation
(Wert-Abspaltung) in order to attain such a renewed theoretical
perspective. The germinal theorem was first coined by Roswitha
Scholz, who formulated it in critical reference to the dialectical
approach of value critique (Wertkritik) that itself developed out of the
shadows of orthodox German Marxism in the 1980s. Roswitha Scholz’s
main idea was to conceive the basic logic of societal development in
modernity as one ruled by value and its dissociation.40 Scholz started
from the materialist feminist insight that there exists a plethora of
reproductive activities that supplement and substantiate abstract
labor relations.41 The alignment of this understanding with an
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
advanced critique of fetishism extends it greatly. This presupposes
that the above shown category-critical mode had already found its
way into the usage of Marxist categories. “Value” thus means more
than just an economic category as “dissociation” is from the outset
Societal totality is not only defined by the fetishist self-movement of
money and the tautological character of abstract labour in Capitalism.
A gendered dissociation takes place, which is dialectically mediated
with value. The dissociated is not just a “subsystem” of this form…
but essential and constitutive for societal totality. This means that
there is no immanent relation of logical deductibility between value
and dissociation. Dissociation is value and value is dissociation. Both
partake of another, but don’t become identical.42
The reciprocal causation, hence the dialectical relationality is very
important, as it demarcates a totality-category that — unlike Adorno’s
identity logic — is explicitly encompassing the Other in its framework
and doesn’t regress to a partial or positive account of the historically
real second-nature universalism. In this, Scholz’s emphasis on a
radical category-critical take on questions of theory construction
is of utmost importance, as it demonstrates how such a perspective
needs to partly discard the scientific rationality of “closed objects,” as
its very subject matter — that which is dissociated — is to some degree
only attainable via “non-logically” and “non-conceptually” envisaged
categories.43 This paves the way for a re-reading of dialectical theory
of society which gives the “cultural-symbolic” a novel place in theory
— its relative and metaphoric semantic and general approach have to
be included in the “grand theory.”44 The cultural-symbolic imaginary
it associated with certain (feminized) sectors, spheres, and practices
in everyday life and social structures and thus not only equivalent
with general delimitations of a societal “logic” on a totality level. It
has its own foundation “in” society. It is value dissociation’s central
achievement that considerations about gender do not remain at this
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
“concrete” level. Unlike many perspectives on gender or the social,
it aspires to integrate apparently concrete and particular insight
into an abstract materialist theoretical apparatus. This means that
the “hard” political-economic categories are somewhat “softened”
and thus expanded in light of the awareness that the universal
aspects need to be understood as primordially dovetailed with the
dissociated aspects. Scholz encourages us to read the “hard” categories
symbolically without dissolving the critique of political economy
in culture, as the dissociation is understood to effect the theory
construction itself. Exactly because its “hidden” dialectical connection
is a materially real one, value dissociation requires the preservation
of the gendered dualism and the relative autonomy that it prompts
for both the universalist “male” side and the Othered “female” side
and its theoretical problems.
The material, symbolic, and historical operations of value
dissociation make imperative a gendered perspective on GNV, which
affirms that (first) nature “has” a gender and as such, is relevant for
the very functionality of (second) nature-relations as it represents
the subsumed substance of the (value) abstraction that characterizes
modern patriarchal capitalism. Totality emanates from the categories
of the critique of political economy, but is not restricted to it: thus,
the relations of production dominate nature-relations. This means
that we can now understand the relation of synchronicity and
diachronicity in the GNV as one that depends on a functional relation
between value and dissociation, symbolically “male” and “female”
aspects. The proposed perspective encompasses the relationship
of production and reproduction, which can explain — and not only
deconstruct — the categorical problems of modern economic
understandings. Production of (second) nature, the value principle (as
universalist meta-logic) and male symbolic/structural connotations
then go together, just as reproduction of nature, dissociation and a
female symbolic connotation are connected. The first side produces
a synchronic matrix, the second its diachronic rupture, and it is
exactly this exempted rupture, the reproductive “in-between” which
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
constitutes the real solidification of the formal-synchronic closure
that we encounter as “economics.” The dialectic of synchronicity and
diachronicity is in crisis.
The energic dimension of the dialectical mediation foregrounds
this crisis. It is incorrect to argue that an energy crisis is only about
the depletion of (fossil) resources. This would imply an acceptance
of the synchronic argument that either the internality in economic
forms (i.e. market mechanisms) or a static (externalized) nature
determines limits. If energy is approached as a mediating relation,
the crisis cannot be reduced to “either/or,” it must encompass both
aspects at the same time. The second-nature character of the energic
fix produces nature and nature reproduces this energic mediation.
Limits like peak oil are not natural in a simple sense; first nature
must be seen as co-produced by second nature. A picture of the
economy and the nature cannot account for this, only a consideration
of the diachronicity produced by and reproducing those synchronic
understandings can help here. This means confronting determinist
naturalist arguments by pointing to the historical contingency that
the diachronic production of nature engenders. It equally means
attacking the naturalized economic determination that arguments
about the self-regulation of oil markets harbor. Bearing in mind the
fetishistic energic fix should lead us to see how the gendered dialectic
of synchronicity and diachronicity is fueling a crisis in the mediation
of energy itself. Crisis then is gendered in two ways. On the one side,
the energic fix is destabilized and its subjugation of first nature
aspects is endangered. It cannot continue to (re-)produce nature
in its “usual” way, which leads to a friction inside the synchronicity
of capitalist forms. The “male” energic appropriation of nature is in
crisis. On the other side the character of the diachronic side changes. It
loses its relation to the synchronic side, as the dialectic is destabilized.
This means an increase of contingency, unpredictability but also
plurality of expressions — some of which are radically changing the
character of first nature and the dissociated aspects of the naturalized
“female” side. The latter development may seem as if it encompasses
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
positive aspects, but ultimately, both sides still belong together. The
dialectical process that is mediated by the energy system will not
disappear as such, just as the energic fix will very likely persist even
if its contradictions increase.
I will now conclude with an attempt to deduce rough historicalanalytical conclusions by giving a few examples of how the gendered
GNV and their energic mediation have come into crisis.
Gender-Dimensions of Crisis
The functional relation of synchronic and diachronic moments in
the GNV can only prevail if a certain “ideal average” in the reciprocal
relationship is safeguarded. Crises are accordingly to be sought in
the (gendered) dialectical synthesis itself, but by tendency they will
become rampant only in actual bursts visible on the synchronic side,
namely, the apparently contingent diachronic “rupture” of a structural
ensemble understood to be of relative stability. The synchronic side
of capitalist forms and its appropriation of nature is “in crisis,” as
it is the only observable articulation of the dialectic. For example,
financial meltdowns appear to us as crises. Rising contradictions
in reproductive work or even first nature cannot be processed as
systemic crises, even if at some instance we might believe that they
are problematic. These diachronic aspects can only be understood
as crisis prone when approached via the synchronic form, like in
emission trading or “care work.” This however does not mean that
there is no substantiality to the diachronic side of crises — to the
contrary, it is ultimately this side that is foundational for the rupture,
as it constitutes the (hidden) criteria for the reproduction of totality.
We need to embrace a perspective that thinks both aspects at the
same time together — as they are really intertwined in the process
of reproduction — and apart — as they necessarily appear in social
In light of the above-developed enrichment of critical economic
categories, the synchronic dimension of social synthesis in the GNV
should be approached via the above-developed symbolic-imaginary
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
reading. The economic crises we are facing are not gender-neutral
as much of the GNV, the foundation of the economic sphere, are
themselves gendered. This means that crisis phenomena at first sight
ultimately mostly relate to the “male” domain of value. As such, they
represent an actual rupture in the equilibrium, a disruption of the
necessary telos of modern economy — the abstract and self-related
process of growth as such, that is to say accumulation of capital.
Symbolically articulating this relation reveals that the capitalistphallic machine has run out of steam. Framing this in terms of energy
means to see that it is crucially the dominant energic fix and the “male”
domain of value-productive activity associated with it that is losing
momentum. Energy is a social relation and not only a substantial one;
hence, the “running out of steam” must not be reduced to resource
crises. The steam I talk about is not only propelling engines, it is
propelling people who are themselves acting according to machinic
imperatives. Following its automatic and objective machine-nature,
economic disruptions are unfolding without social control. Crisis is
one of fetishistic mediation, just as the system is itself fetishized.
Still, it represents a diachronic breach that the logic of capitalist real
abstractions cannot tolerate. The machine “needs” to run infinitely, it
has to perpetuate the energic fix that fuels it, which becomes harder
and harder to accomplish.
This affects both the “reality” of its real-abstract categorical
apparatus and its theoretical representation in science. Not only
neoclassical theory, but even much of Marxism cannot envisage
an internal decay of economic categories. Causes of crisis are thus
typically understood as “external.” Symbolically, the refusal to accept
anything but the machine’s functionality represents a defense of an
androcentric perspective that ultimately stems from an insufficient
theorization of gendered GNV. The reproductive element is omitted
— crises call upon (political) regulation and containment, which
always aims to reestablish the former order of synchrony. Moreover,
reproduction’s imbrication in crisis is completely off the table, just
as nature and gendered aspects of its appropriation — the sublime
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
natural body of the machine — remain excluded. This very abstract
functional obstruction of (large-scale) conscious alterations in the
society-nature relations and their energic fix explains why it is so hard
to achieve energy transition. As long as no new energic fix compatible
with the value abstraction is in sight, changes in the existing energy
system are always imposed and require complex interventions that
need to stand against the broader energic momentum. They cannot
build on a systematic (synchronic) basis that is necessary as long as
capitalist forms prevail.45 When it appears evident that reproduction
is becoming more and more difficult as the secular crisis of fetishistic
materiality is unfolding, the limitations to diachronic interventions,
the possibility of an internal stabilization of the synchronic rational
are revealing themselves blatantly.
Taking into account the gendered character of GNV then means to see
that crisis-bound change — manifest in the increasing impossibility
of a synchronic and neutral “subjugating” perspective on nature due
to first nature (i.e. “ecological,” reproductive) restrictions — is always
also one in the implicit patriarchal residue of the system’s apparently
neutral logic. Crisis then indeed has a gendered subtext — it is the
destabilization of a patriarchal system that becomes evident in the
apparently most neutral and “natural” guise of the economic.46 This
destabilization doesn’t indicate that the patriarchal system — hence
the domination of everything that is Othered as non-universal —
becomes less relevant. To the contrary, as crisis is taking place in the
realm of second nature, it must rather be conceived of as a “hollowing
out” than a “shrinking.” Struggles to safeguard an (imagined) status
quo ante bellum are increasing just as real and categorical synchrony
is harder and harder to maintain. Roswitha Scholz has labeled this
Verwilderung des Patriarchats which may best translate as barbarization
or confusion of the system. That something is “getting out of order”
becomes evident not only in the economic domain; it is apparent on
a global, national, and individual level of societal relations. As I have
shown, the problem is that bourgeois consciousness will never see
how the plurality of diachronic aspects are combined and form a
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
larger systemic crisis — for official discourses, science, media, and
also the everyday life perspective, only economic crises count. Against
this, critical theory must insist that crisis is a broader and complex
phenomenon related to problems of societal synthesis as such.
The consequences for the Othered aspects — foremost first nature
materiality — are then in general detrimental ones, as strategies
of regulation — the reestablishment of systemic synchrony — are
turning into an unpredictable and accelerating juggernaut wheel.47
The “new insecurities” in society thus represent a transformation
of the patriarchal mode of domination that is concealed behind
the economy’s neutrality, as the metaphorical “objective capitalist
machine” begins to break apart and brings disorder in relation to the
subjugated (subjective) aspects of nature.48
The functionality inscribed to modern gender relations is breaking
apart. This unquestionably affects the side of the ones who are
exercising domination and thus — if not every single “man” as an
individual or every masculinity — masculinities in as much as they
are necessary buttresses of patriarchal domination. Speaking of a
crisis of masculinity is thus not wrong, but needs qualification, as it is
often normatively turned into a legitimizing ideology for reactionary
(masculinist) positions.49 Marxists should read this discourse as a
symptom of a larger confluence of crisis points. Crisis of masculinity
as understood in the here-developed theoretical context does not refer
to a normative but to a functional domain. From this new Marxist
perspective, the energy crisis was always going to produce a crisis
of masculinity. As such, the market and climate crisis generated by
the fossil fuelled content of contemporary capitalism stands for a
certain loss of control that has long been tied to a male subject position
as expression of the patriarchal, synchronic side of domination.
Without its energic fix, capital’s social structure, divisions, and
historical fabric withers into a wasteland of former subject and
object positions. The theoretical thesis stemming from a GNVperspective — we are dealing with a crisis of masculinities as such
and not just one of masculinity — implies that transformations are
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
encompassing all sorts of masculinities. Yet this crisis of “functional
masculinity” is not necessarily to be welcomed as it often enough
results in the kind of barbarization that Scholz was attributing to
crisis developments in general.50 We are finding both examples of
“re-masculinization” in terms of a return to traditional types and new
“hyper-masculinities” that can be understood as a way to cope with
the crisis of masculinity as patriarchal position of domination.51 But
not only hegemonic masculinities are struggling and thus radicalizing
in many ways, subaltern masculinities are maybe even more affected
and changing towards a new “necropolitical” model of open violence
and oppression.52
This development however does not only have detrimental effects,
if we look beyond the male side, and hence embrace the questions
of the subjective determination of dissociation that is feminized. In
fact, the crisis of patriarchal value production has correlated with a
considerable emancipation of women inside the functional, “male”
side of the value domain, which appears to be not only temporal (as,
for example, in war times) or subaltern (as in the poorest parts of the
population).53 It involves serious changes in the cultural and symbolic
logics of gender. Crisis thus somewhat paradoxically entails positive
consequences for some women and certainly helped to crack the old
patriarchal order just as it confused the “ideal average” of gendered
societal relations to nature. It did however not provide alternatives
to the symbolical masculinity of functional systemic synchrony in
the GNV. This means that women now can — to a certain degree —
perform within this male realm (when at least partly accepting male
rationales). They are however not free from their functional role in
the gendered dialectic. Being female thus still implicitly engenders
the requirement to be closer to nature, reproduction, and so on.
The new opportunities for (some) women thus imply the hardships
of a “double socialization.”54 Just as for many, they are simply not
in reach. For the less privileged femininities, the insecurity that
crisis brings about reduces them to their “natural” role (in modern
patriarchal relations) — one of reproduction and stabilization, hence
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
something like a buffer of crisis phenomena. I would parallel this to
problems of the energic mediation — renewable energy sources may
have certain place, but they must conform to the general energic fix
that is instituted by the value form and its abstract energic human
substance. Even if profitable in individual cases, they will not be able
to replace fossil energy as long as the fetishist systemic logic behind
GNV’s energy system remains intact.
If we take the insights of gendered GNV seriously, we must
realize that crisis cannot be stopped by the new pluralization and
“barbarization” of capitalist-patriarchal nature relations. In the
end, the machine loses its fuel and substance — abstract labor as
materialized form of fetishized synthesis. And its natural body is
equally stressed, as the hitherto functional equilibrium of synchronic
and diachronic aspects is more and more in turmoil. This status quo
will not cease to perpetuate unless it is consciously overcome. In the
current landscape, nothing could be more urgent than the political
task of getting our theory right, which is to say that only from a
critique calibrated to the energy content of gender, and the gendered
materiality of the value form, does anything like an emancipatory
position look feasible moving forward.
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
The term “societal nature relations” that derives from the German
gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnisse is certainly unwieldly and foreign to
English. As this somewhat reflects its origin and as seminal scholars
publishing in English keep using this or an akin term. See Ulrich Brand
and Markus Wissen, “Crisis and Continuity of Capitalist SocietyNature Relationships: The Imperial Mode of Living and the Limits to
Environmental Governance,” Review of International Political Economy
20 (2013) 687–711; Egon Becker and Thomas Jahn, “Societal Relations to
Nature. Outline of a Critical Theroy in the Ecological Crisis,” Kritische
Theorie Der Technik Und Der Natur, eds. Gernot Böhme and Alexandra
Manzei (München: Wilhelm Fink, 2005) 91–112; Christoph Görg,
“The Construction of Societal Releationships with Nature,” Poiesis &
Praxis 3 (2004) 22–36; and Ulrich Brand, Christoph Görg, and Markus
Wissen, “Second-Order Condensations of Societal Power Relations:
Environmental Politics and the Internationalization of the State from
a Neo-Poulantzian Perspective,” Antipode 43 (2011) 149–175. I stick to
an abbreviation of the German original (GNV) as it is found in the
literature (Brand and Wissen, Second-Order Condensations 689) in hope
that a discussion on a better canonical translation will take place. A
thorough explanation of this key concept is presented in the first part
of this paper.
Hans Baumann, Iris Bischel, Michael Gemperle, Ulrike Knobloch, Beat
Ringger, and Holger Schatz, Care Statt Crash. Sorgeökonomie Und Die
Überwindung Des Kapitalismus. Denknetz Jahrbuch 2013 (Zürich: Denknetz,
2013); Alex Demirovic and Andrea Maihofer, “Vielfachkrise Und Die Krise
Der Geschlechterverhältnisse. Arbeits- Und Geschlechtersoziologische
Perspektiven,” Krise, Kritik, Allianzen, eds. Hildegard M. Nickel and
Andreas Heilmann (Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Juventa, 2013) 30–49; Julia
Dück, “Krise Und Geschlecht. Überlegungen Zu Einem FeministischMaterialistischen Krisenverständnis,” Prokla 174 (2014) 54–70;
International Labor Organization, Global Employment Trends for Women
2012 (Genf: ILO, 2012); Audrey Podann, “Der Lohn Ist Die Arbeit. Die
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
in-Wert Setzung Weiblichen Arbeitsvermögens Als Emanzipatorisches
Dilemma,” Prokla 173 (2013) 563–571; Melissa W. Wright, “Necropolitics,
Narcopolitics and Femicide. Gendered Violence on the Mexico-U.S.
Border,” Signs 36 (2011) 707–731.
Diana Coole and Samantha Frost, New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency,
and Politics (Durham: Duke UP Books, 2010); Karen Barad, Meeting the
Universe Halfway (Durham & London: DU Press, 2007); Manuel De Landa,
A New Philosophy of Society. Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity
(London/New York: Continuum, 2006); Elmar Flatschart, “Matter That
Really Matters? New Materialism und kritisch-dialektische Theorie,”
Critical Matter. Diskussionen Eines Neuen Materialismus, eds. Tobias Goll,
Daniel Keil and Thomas Telios (Münster: edition assemblage, 2013)
96–112; and Tobias Goll, Daniel Keil, and Thomas Telios, Critical Matter.
Diskussionen eines neuen Materialismus (Münster: edition assemblage,
Edward Fullbrook, Real World Economics: A Post-Autistic Economics Reader
(London: Anthem, 2007); Michael Krätke, “Neoklassik als Weltreligion,”
Realitätsverleugnung durch Wissenschaft. Kritische Interventionen 3.
Die Illusion der neuen Freiheit, eds. Loccumer Initiative kritischer
Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen (Hannover: Offizin, 1999);
and Claus Peter Ortlieb, “Markt Märchen,” EXIT. Krise und Kritik der
Warengesellschaft (2004) 166–184.
Claus Peter Ortlieb, “Markt Märchen.”
Karl Marx, Letters, Marx and Engels Complete Works Vol. 40 (New York:
International Publishers, 1998) 268
Alfred Schmidt, Der Begriff der Natur in der Lehre von Marx (Frankfurt a.
M.: Europäische Verlagsanstalt 1978).
Egon Becker and Thomas Jahn, Soziale Ökologie. Grundzüge einer
Wissenschaft von den gesellschaftlichen Naturverhältnissen (Frankfurt
a.M.: Campus, 2006); and Alfred Schmidt, The Concept of Nature in Marx
(London: NLB, 1971).
The patriarchal character of this pseudophysis was not considered, but
plays a crucial role, as I will show.
Alfred Schmidt, The Concept of Nature in Marx (London: NLB, 1971) 41.
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
Alfred Schmidt, The Concept of Nature 43.
It is precisely this false identity that is uncritically reaffirmed by recent
debates on a “new materialism.” Building on a Spinozist monism and
a poststructuralist contingency thinking, they fall prey to the very
mechanisms that should be at the heart of critique of society. These
approaches must be blamed for their uncritical reproduction of societal
modes of domination, as in them, the oppressive materiality of the
identity of natural and social aspects is not problematized (by means
of historic and materialistic critique) but praised. A more elaborate
discussion of this argument can be found in Elmar Flatschart, “Matter
That Really Matters?”
The Concept of Nature 45.
Alfred Schmidt, Der Begriff der Natur 74, 209.
Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy Volume I in Marx and Engels
Collected Works, Vol. 35 (New York: International Publishers, 1996) 82.
Marx, Capital Vol. I 54.
Jeff Diamanti, “Aesthetic Economies of Growth: Energy, Value, and the
Work of Culture after Oil” (Dissertation: University of Alberta, 2015);
Matthew T. Huber, “Energizing Historical Materialism: Fossil Fuels,
Space and the Capitalist Mode of Production,” Geoforum 40 (2009)
Christoph Görg, Gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnisse, Einstiege (Münster:
Westfälisches Dampfboot, 1999) 55. All translations from German
original sources are my own.
Elmar Altvater, Das Ende des Kapitalismus wie wir ihn kennen (Münster:
Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2007); Elmar Altvater,“Die kapitalistischen
Plagen. Energiekrise und Klimakollaps, Hunger und Finanzchaos,” Blätter
für deutsche und internationale Politik H. 3 (2009); Elmar Altvater,“Viele
Krisen in einer. Die Finanzmarktkrise mit Geldspritzen zu bewältigen,
heisst neue Krisen auslösen. Denn wer wird wie Rettungspläne
bezahlen - und wie?” (2009)
php?option=com_content&view=article&id=361:elmar-altvater-vielekrisen-in-einer-&catid=65:krise-2009&Itemid=189; Elmar Altvater and
Birgit Mahnkopf, Grenzen der Globalisierung. Ökonomie, Politik, Ökologie
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
in der Weltgesellschaft (Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot 2004).
Money has to be the necessary incarnation of value because an external,
fully social entity is required in order to express the fact that in the
relationality of two commodities (namely, their respective equivalent
and relative value forms), use value is not as such present but only
functions as bearer of the equivalent value form: “the opposition or
contrast existing internally in each commodity between use value and
value, is, therefore, made evident externally by two commodities being
placed in such relation to each other, that the commodity whose value
it is sought to express, figures directly as a mere use value, while the
commodity in which that value is to be expressed, figures directly as
mere exchange value” (Capital I 71f). Money therefore is the expression
of formal developments that are instituted by the real existence of a
total value form. It is in other words money that articulates the abstract
character of social synthesis central for capitalist totality.
Marx, Capital Volume III, Marx and Engels Complete Works Vol. 37 (New
York: International Publishers, 1998) 397.
Robert Kurz, Geld ohne Wert. Grundrisse zu einer Transformation der Kritik
Der Politischen Ökonomie (Berlin: Horlemann, 2012).
Kurz, Geld ohne Wert 294.
Claus Peter Ortlieb, “Ein Widerspruch von Stoff und Form. Zur
Bedeutung der Produktion des relativen Mehrwerts für die finale
Krisendynamik,” Exit — Kritik und Krise der Warengesellschaft, 6 (2008)
Kurz, Geld ohne Wert 263 and following.
Mariarosa Dalla Costa and Selma James, “Women and the Subversion
of the Community,” Materialist Feminism: A Reader in Class, Difference
and Women’s Lives, eds. Rosemary Hennessy and Chrys Ingraham (New
York/London: Routledge, 1997) 47.
In Germany, the debate was waged quite controversially amongst Ursula
Beer and Claudia von Werlhof. See Claudia von Werlhof, “Lohn ist ein
‘Wert.’ Leben Nicht? Auseinandersetzung mit einer ‘Linken Frau.’ Replik
Auf Ursula Beer.,” Prokla, 50 (1983), and Ursula Beer, “Marx auf die Füße
gestellt? Zum Theoretischen Entwurf Von Claudia V. Werlhof,” Prokla,
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
50 (1983).
Shulamith Firestone, The Dialectic of Sex (New York: William Morrow,
1972) 7 and following.
Kornelia Hafner, “Gebrauchswertfetischismus,” Gesellschaft Und
Erkenntnis, ed. Diethard Behrens (Freiburg: ca ira, 1993) 69.
Robert Kurz, “Geschlechtsfetischismus. Anmerkungen zur Logik von
Weiblichkeit und Männlichkeit,” Krisis (1992) 139 and following.
This hasn’t changed much, although the clear separation “public-male/
private-female” has somewhat eroded in many western countries during
the last decades. Women may not enter the public (although they still
virtually never have the same privileges and can never rely on a takenfor-grantedness as men do). But they still haven’t lost their symbolic
attribution to the private, which is ultimately cemented by biological
arguments akin to the kind “reproduction of the species.”
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (London: Vintage, 2009) 76 and
Roswitha Scholz, “Der Wert ist der Mann. Thesen zu
Wertvergesellschaftung und Geschlechterverhältnis,” Krisis 12 (1992) 44.
Carolyn Merchant, Der Tod der Natur. Ökologie, Frauen und neuzeitliche
Naturwissenschaft (München: Beck, 1987) 142 and following.
Silvia Federici, Caliban and the Witch. Women, the Body and Primitive
Accumulation (London: Turnaround Publisher Services, 2004) 61 and
Silvia Bovenschen, Die imaginierte Weiblichkeit (Frankfurt a.M.:
Suhrkamp, 2003) 27.
Christine Woesler de Panafieu, “Das Konzept von Weiblichkeit als Natur
und Maschinenkörper,” in Mythos Frau. Projektionen und Inszenierungen
im Patriarchat, eds. Barbara Schaeffer-Hegel and Brigitte Wartmann
(Berlin: publica, 1984) 244–68.
This model shares many similarities with Lacan’s understanding of the
psychical apparatus. With Lacan, the male “has” phallus and the female
“is” phallus (Jacques Lacan, Ecrits [New York: W.W. Norton, 1999] 583).
He however doesn’t sufficiently highlight the relevance of the female in
the dialectical relationship that “post-festum” always appears as male
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
The fact that this symbolic imaginary is at odds with the very “creative”
role that women take in birth-giving has produced many ideological
compensations like the systematic underrepresentation of the female
body in anatomy (which is partly still prevailing) or the infamous “penis
envy” in psychoanalytic theory that can be seen as a diversion towards
an androcentric oedipal imaginary.
In many ways, the (Hegelian) term “diremption” would have been
more suitable to express the intended meaning, as the — originally
psychoanalytical — concept “dissociation” can be misleading. It might
convey the understanding that something is essentially dissociated from
the hegemonic body. This however is not the case — aspects that are
dissociated are not strictly “outside” of the universal value form, they
are a rupture within the form that produces an idiosyncratic “internal
externality” as illustrated in the process of Othering. The essence
of this figure may be better grasped if we (also) refer to the concept
“diremption,” the actual status of breaking-in-two of a thing, which
articulates the rupture-in-sameness more adequately.
Roswitha Scholz, Das Geschlecht des Kapitalismus. Feministische Theorien
und die Postmoderne Metamorphose des Patriarchats (Bad Honnef:
Horlemann, 2011) 21.
Roswitha Scholz, Das Geschlecht des Kapitalismus 21.
Das Geschlecht des Kapitalismus 24 and following.
Roswitha Scholz, “Die Theorie Der Geschlechtlichen Abspaltung
Und Die Kritische Theorie Adornos,” in Exit — Kritik und Krise der
Warengesellschaft (2005).
This does certainly not mean that investment in renewables is never
profitable. To the contrary — in light of the crisis and the frictions it
brings about, alternative energy agendas may prove very profitable
for individual capitals and even succeed against fossil ones in some
spatial fixes. My argument is targeting a very abstract level of systemic
determinations and at this level, a general transition (without prior
substantial transformations of the GNV) is very unlikely due to the
functional limits the energic fix brings about.
Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender
It must be evident by now that the natural character of crises (both as
phenomenon inside capitalist patriarchal development and as indicator
of its very demise as such) is in the last instance only true insofar second
nature as a social constitution remains historically true. Economic
crises — however uncontrolled and thus un-social they may seem — are
indeed a proof of the social character of second nature, as they elucidate
the historicity of the economy.
This can however not be evidenced in every single instance — this would
be an overstretching of propositions which — by their nature — are
valid only on an abstract level and thus by tendency. Even though “Green
Capitalism” will never be possible, is somewhat of a contradictio in adjecto
(Ulrich Brand, “Green Economy and Green Capitalism. Some Theoretical
Considerations.,” Journal für Entwicklungspolitik 28 [2012]; and Ulrich
Brand, “After Sustainable Development: Green Economy as the Next
Oxymoron?,” GAIA — Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 21
[2012]), we are witnessing minor steps towards a partial ecological
modification of tiny fragments of our societal nature relations. This
doesn’t contradict the fact that the destructive usage of natural resources
persists and indeed still grows on a global scale.
See Ulrich Beck, Weltrisikogesellschaft. Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen
Sicherheit (Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 2008). These insecurities are
nothing new, although they have certainly increased since the beginning
of the new millennium. This corresponds with the thesis of Kurz et al.
that the crisis in fact roots back to the end of Fordism and has ever since
just increased its momentum.
John Beynon, Masculinities and Culture (Philadelphia: Open University
Press, 2002) 76.
Examples for this can be found in many ways and plural global
localizations. The theoretical thesis that we are dealing with a crisis of
masculinities as such and not just a (hegemonic) masculinity implies
that transformations are encompassing all sorts of masculinities.
You could think of manifold cultural expressions, but also the
hazardous executive-type “leader” kind of masculinity that is
running finance capital (Alex Demirovic and Andrea Maihofer,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
“Vielfachkrise und die Krise der Geschlechterverhältnisse. ArbeitsUnd Geschlechtersoziologische Perspektiven,” Krise, Kritik, Allianzen,
eds. Hildegard M. Nickel and Andreas Heilmann (Weinheim/Basel: Beltz
Juventa, 2013, 42). Another example would be the new “strong-men” type
of masculinity that attracts many frustrated (male) voters in politics.
This is especially evident in the (global and internal) peripheries, where
failing state intervention and economic dismay is fostering clans, gangs
and other forms of male-societies — with often disastrous effects for
women See, for example, Wright, “Necropolitics, Narcopolitics and
Here, one may ask the question of periodization. As mentioned above,
a meaningful time frame for the beginning of crisis as discussed here
would be the end of Fordism, which certainly demarcated a break in
so many ways that the social sciences still struggle to demarcate them.
Ultimately, the problem of a (exact) periodization doesn’t really matter
for this article´s research focus, as it advances the thesis of its tendential,
yet teleological, unfolding, which starting point is by now certainly to
be situated in the past.
Regina Becker-Schmidt, “Die Doppelte Vergesellschaftung — Die
Doppelte Unterdrückung: Besonderheiten Der Frauenforschung in
Den Sozialwissenschaften,” Die andere Hälfte der Gesellschaft, eds. Lilo
Unterkirchner and Ina Wagner (Wien: Österreichischer Soziologentag
1987 [1985]).
Long Waves of Fossil Development: Periodizing
Energy and Capital
Andreas Malm
Only those who most stubbornly hold fast to their ideological
blinders would today deny that there is a link between capitalism
and emissions of carbon dioxide. The latter have grown in tandem
with the former, not coincidentally but constitutively. But it was not
always like that. Originally — and this holds however one wishes to
date the birth of this mode of production: to the fourteenth, sixteenth,
or late eighteenth century — capitalism relied on what would today
be called renewable energies: wood, muscle, wind, and water. It then
adopted fossil fuels, coal first of all. By this step — surely one of the
most fateful in its history — capitalism sired a peculiar formation I
describe as the fossil economy, most simply defined as an economy
of self-sustaining growth predicated on the consumption of fossil
fuels, and therefore generating a sustained growth in CO2 emissions.1
Picture a pair of bellows. If one of the handles is the ceaseless growth
that defines capitalism, the other is made up of coal and oil and gas;
out of the nozzle comes a blast of CO2 that fans the flames of the fire
of global warming. The more growth you have, the more forceful the
push will be, and the stronger the blast.
This observation, however, does not solve the question of how
exactly capitalist growth has been linked to fossil fuel consumption
over the course of its history; it merely poses it. The easiest way to
describe the correlation of the two would be to conceive of capitalism
as a smooth, linear curve of perpetual expansion, emitting a stream
of CO2 just as steadily enlarged. But this would be inaccurate.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Capitalist growth is a singularly turbulent process. It moves in spurts
and slowdowns, creates and destroys, accelerates and decelerates,
clears the ground of established structures for the building of higher
stages and tumbles, without fail, into depressions.2 To be sure, growth
as such rarely ceases; rather it sticks to a secular trend, the many
deviations and fluctuations moving around an upward curve.3 But
the process of growth proceeds through upsetting contradictions
rather than an even, incremental addition of output, which impel the
expansion and renew the momentum again and again, and it might be
these contradictions and the convulsions they generate that do most
to produce and reproduce the fossil economy on ever greater scales.
The dents in the curve may hold the secrets to its direction.
The Energy in the Waves
One way of conceptualizing this history of dynamic non-equilibrium,
which seems to have a promising but surprisingly overlooked potential
for our purposes, is the theory of long waves of capitalist development.
Commonly traced to the foundational contribution of Russian
economist Nikolai Kondratieff in the early 1920s, the theory proposes
that capitalism moves in waves of forty to sixty years’ duration.4 Each
wave has two phases: an “upswing” characterized by boom conditions,
succeeded by a “downswing” of persistent stagnation. The exact
periodization has been a matter of endless controversy, but a standard
chronology would look something like this5:
First long wave
c. 1780–1825
c. 1825–1848
Second long wave
c. 1848–1873
c. 1873–1896
Third long wave
c. 1896–1914
c. 1914–1945
Fourth long wave
c. 1945–1973
c. 1973–1992
Fifth long wave
c. 1992–2008(?)
c. 2008– (?)
Long Waves of Fossil Development
When Kondratieff first proposed the wave movement, he claimed
to have discovered it through sheer observation: no economic theory
predicted such a rhythm to growth.6 Ever since, the most compelling
argument for the existence of long waves has been empirical.7 Few
economic historians would dispute that growth in the advanced
capitalist countries has generally been faster in the periods designated
as upswings and slower in the downswings: some sort of alternation
appears undeniable.8 But why would capitalist economies develop in
this jerky fashion? One part of the answer, on which most theories
of long waves build, is the rhythm of technology diffusion. Truly
revolutionary technologies, with the power to electrify economies
both literally and figuratively, change the way goods are produced
and open up fresh venues for general expansion, do not come online
gradually. They come in bundles and bursts and thrive on dislocation;
only if a crisis has weakened previous technological systems can they
break through and advance.9 Each wave is consequently associated
with a certain set of technologies, and the consensus as to their
identities is wide and well-supported.10 A typical list would look like
Constellation of technologies Leading branches and core
First wave
mechanization of industry
Cotton and iron
mechanization of industry
and transport
Railways, machine-tools,
cotton, iron, and coal
Third wave
Electrification of industry,
transport, and households
Electrical equipment,
engineering, chemicals, and
Motorization of transport
and other parts of the
Automobiles, aircraft,
refineries, petrochemicals,
oil, and gas
Fifth wave
Computerization of the
Computers, software,
telecom equipment, and
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Two things strike the eye here. First, the emergence of the fossil
economy appears to have occurred in the shift from the first to the
second long wave: from one based on water to one picking up steam.
This is the conjuncture where it all began.12 Second, each subsequent
wave — with the curious exception of the fifth — seems to have surged
forward on the basis of technologies producing or transmitting fossil
energy in novel ways. Students of long waves have not failed to notice
this pattern. “In each wave dominant technologies can be identified
that are associated with primary energy sources such as coal, oil, and
natural gas,” states one; Kondratieff himself saw one of the clearest
signs of an upswing in “the rapidity in the increase of coal production
and coal consumption”; in a short paper inspired by the oil crisis of the
early 1980s, George F. Ray argued that major innovations sparking off
long waves were “either directly originating in, or closely connected
with, the production of energy, such as steam engines or the railways,”
always boosting the demand for energy, always dependent on “the
abundant supply and almost unlimited availability of fuel.”13 The
implication of this statement is significant: capitalism has moved out
of its recurring downswings and revived growth on a higher level, first
by starting, then by stoking and augmenting the fire. Picture the pair
of bellows being blown every fifty years or so, each time with greater
force, each time generating a new pulse of CO2 that rises towards the
sky for the full duration of capitalism and, most likely, beyond.
At first sight, the fifth wave is anomalous. Computers are one
step removed from fossil energy, at least when compared to steam
engines or automobiles, and yet the wave which their generalization
appears to drive has generated the most extreme explosion in global
CO2 emissions ever recorded. I will return to this apparent paradox
below. It seems, however, that, following the original switch, every
downswing has been overcome through a deepening of what is often
called “carbon lock-in.” The alloy of fossil fuels and self-sustaining
growth has been consolidated in three consecutive revivals (late
nineteenth century, mid-twentieth century, late twentieth century),
which reconfirm combustion as the venue for expansion and suffuse
Long Waves of Fossil Development
the economy with coal, oil and natural gas on a progressively
larger scale. In the process, each wave has also produced its own
“technomass,” to speak with Alf Hornborg: an infrastructure of
the (for the moment) most advanced technologies, as in railroads,
electrical grids, highways, oil platforms, tankers, airports, data
centers… the ever-growing bag between the handles, as it were.14
Some fossil technomass is flushed away by subsequent waves —
Joseph Schumpeter’s famous “creative destruction” — and deposited
in the earth’s crust. Some is incorporated by the new eras. Old
railroads, electrical grids, highways, and other infrastructures still
in use can be seen as material legacies from previous long waves, the
body of the fossil economy swelling and solidifying throughout its
history; they represent technologies bequeathed to the present.15 No
wave has, as yet, displaced any fossil fuel; coal has been a mainstay
since the second.16 Urban sprawl is an inheritance from the end of
the third and onset of the fourth.17 Coal mines and airports currently
under construction to connect the nodes of globalized production
will weigh down on future generations: and so on. The history of the
fossil economy takes the concrete form of a sedimentation of layers
upon layers — not through gradual accretion, but through successive
alluvial deposits from discontinuous, often violent long waves.
Carlota Perez, the most influential wave theorist of the early
twenty-first century, who stands on the shoulders of Schumpeter,
So each great surge [her preferred term for waves] represents another
stage in the deepening of capitalism in people’s lives and in its
expansion across the globe. Each revolution incorporates new aspects
of life and of production activities into the market mechanism; each
surge widens the group of countries that conforms [sic] the advanced
core of the system and each stretches the penetration of capitalism to
further corners of the world, inside and across countries.18
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Exactly the same thing could be said about the fossil economy, because
it has been at one with capitalism. The long waves have been capitalist
and fossil bound, diffusing new combustive technologies without
which business-as-usual would still be stuck in the steam age. Each
upswing has been punctured by a signal crisis, marking the arrival of
a structural crisis of the capitalist economy, resolved — so it seems —
by the adoption of innovative fossil fuel-based technologies across the
board, until the globe as whole resembles a bag in the bellows. Why?
By what fossil mechanism has capitalism leapt from wave to higher
wave? To be able to search for answers to these questions, I need to
engage more closely with some theory of long waves. Among the very
many proposed since the days of Kondratieff, I select one, nowadays
virtually forgotten, that of Ernest Mandel.
A Dialectic of Profits and Prime Movers
A revolutionary Marxist and leader of the Fourth International,
Ernest Mandel pioneered the resurgence of scientific interest in long
waves from the 1970s onwards. His own idiosyncratic theory was first
outlined in Late Capitalism (1972) and then elaborated in Long Waves of
Capitalist Development: A Marxist Interpretation (1995).19 Long waves,
in Mandel’s definition, are a cycle of “successive acceleration and
deceleration” of capital accumulation.20 Given that such accumulation
originates in the production and realization of commodities, upswings
will manifest themselves in high rates of growth in industrial
output and world trade and downswings in a slackening of both, a
rhythm Mandel claimed to be able to demonstrate with statistics.21
Contractions do not vanish in the upswing, but are relatively short
and mild, while years of feverish prosperity predominate; conversely,
fleeting booms are interspersed between the long and severe
recessions characteristic of the downswing.22
For Mandel, however, long waves are not only or even primarily
statistical phenomena. They are real segments of capitalist history. On
this point, he took a leaf from his maestro Leon Trotsky, who censured
Kondratieff in the early 1920s for imputing a law-like regularity to
Long Waves of Fossil Development
the waves, modeled on the shorter business cycle. No ticking clocks
automatically set off upswings and downswings, Trotsky argued;
instead, the turning points between the phases are determined by
such unforeseeable events as wars and revolutions, the colonization
of new countries, or the discovery of new resources — “those external
conditions through whose channel capitalist development flows.”23
Moreover, the two phases correspond to “entire epochs,” in economics
but just as much “in politics, in law, in philosophy, in poetry [!]”: “in all
spheres of social life.”24 They are qualitative totalities, not quantitative
artifacts, to be studied in all their complexity and, as one would say
today, contingency.25
Writing on the other side of one full wave, Mandel could add
new material to Trotsky’s picture. The first upswing coincided with
the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars; the second with
the heydays of free competition and Victorian progress; the third
with classic imperialism and finance capital; the fourth with the
golden era of mass production, Keynesianism, consumerism, the
welfare state; to which one can now easily append neoliberalism,
globalization, bourgeois triumphalism, “end of history,” network
society, digitalization, and all the other trappings of the fifth.26 In
between lay no less distinctive periods of social upheaval and strife.
Others have made similar observations, among them Eric Hobsbawm:
Each of the “Kondratievs” [sic] of the past not only formed a period
in strictly economic terms, but also — not unnaturally — had
political characteristics which distinguished it fairly clearly from its
predecessor and its successor, in terms both of international politics
and of the domestic politics of various countries and regions of the
globe. That is also likely to continue.27
It follows that the waves cannot be perfectly symmetrical oscillations
of the same length.28 Since they move “in zigzags, looping up and
down,” with Trotsky; shaped not by any single factor but “by a series
of social changes,” with Mandel; playing out on “the social, political
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
and cultural scenes,” with Hobsbawm, there is no reason to expect any
fixed periodicity.29 To this argument, however, Kondratieff presented
a powerful rejoinder. If the waves are conditioned by random shocks
— wars, revolutions, conquests, discoveries — why would there be
any discernible sequence to capitalist development? Why would such
events cluster around the turning-points — think of the revolutions
of 1848, the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the oil crisis in 1973,
the final collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 — if not because they
are symptoms of the waves, rather than their causes?30 Accidents
make for bad pacemakers. Trotsky never offered a reply, leaving it
to Mandel to try to fuse the two views: long waves are indeed epochs
bound by political struggles (Trotsky), but they are also the products
of endogenous tendencies in capital accumulation (Kondratieff ).31
How could that possibly be true?
To solve this theoretical conundrum, Mandel introduced the
concept of “partially independent variables” acting upon the capitalist
laws of motion.32 Put in the simplest possible terms: suppose inventors
have developed a major new technology, lying in wait in workshops
until massive investment will diffuse it. Suppose capitalists remain
hesitant, because the expected profits are too low to merit the outlays
— then all of this falls within the modus operandi internal to the
mode of production itself. Now suppose that the main trade unions
suddenly fall apart. A piece of anti-union legislation may have been
rammed through; ideological infighting, choked funding, or military
occupation might have caused the unions — hitherto mighty enough
to block all wage cuts — to crumble. None of these factors can be
derived from any intrinsic logic of capital. As a result, the profit
expectations receive a shot in the arm, capitalists rush to invest in
the new technology, and soon a full upswing is underway. In Mandel’s
theory, this would be a perfect case of how “partially independent
variables” — here, the change in union power — interact with the
systemic laws of motion, first holding accumulation back and then
letting it loose as the historical stage is rearranged. In itself, such an
event cannot open up a new epoch, but if it is combined with trends
Long Waves of Fossil Development
growing out of the system itself — and this is what happens at the
turning points — all the components might fall into place for a step
The accumulation of capital has certain inbuilt tendencies — to
maximize profits, to ratchet up the rate of exploitation of labor, to
raise the productivity in the struggle against competitors, as well
as to search for improved technologies, larger markets, cheaper raw
materials, and so on — that give the capitalist mode of production
its general “push.”34 But these tendencies never operate alone in the
world. Capital confronts an environment where foreign and often
volatile influences are at work: classes with varying degrees of
capacity to advance their interests, states with shifting alliances and
geopolitical ambitions, ideological traditions with long lifetimes and
irregular breaks, remains of feudalism or actually existing socialism or
the welfare state, all with their own forces of gravity.35 Such variables,
and the list could be extended endlessly, are partially independent or
autonomous, in the sense that they have roots in historical soils not
endemic to capital itself, yet cannot fail to be entangled with capital in
a world dominated by it.36 These variables are not fully inside capital,
but not fully outside it either. Capitalist laws of motion therefore
assert themselves through an interaction between intra-economic
and extra-economic forces, and it is here, in the “concrete dialectic of
the subjective and objective factors,” that the long waves arise, their
epochal essences being, so to speak, amalgamations of innumerable
variables with a certain temporal solidity, eventually cracked by new
There is reason to ask if this amounts to a theoretical solution.
Is it anything more than a blank check for analytical eclecticism?
What else does it achieve than reformulating the Trotsky/Kondratieff
antinomy on a higher level?38 A Mandelian response might be that
no formulation, however subtle and intricate, can reflect the real
jumble of causal pathways between the mechanisms of capital
accumulation and their “external conditions”: only historical inquiry
can disentangle it.39 For such an endeavor, Mandel put up certain
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
signposts. First of all, he urged close attentiveness to ups and downs
in the rate of profit, the safest indicator of how well the accumulation
of capital fares. Since the production of commodities is motivated by
the quest for profit, it will grow fast and slow as profits rise and fall;
in times of declining profitability, capitalists will be less inclined to
invest, and vice versa.40 As new technologies are introduced in an
early upswing, avant-garde investors who avail themselves of the
higher productivity will reap super-profits exceeding the average
and pulling it up in the process.41 Further into the upswing, however,
clouds will sooner or later gather on the horizon, in the shape of any
number of contradictions: too much installed machinery might turn
into a burden; too many factories might have been built for the market
to absorb the output; full employment might inflate the power of the
unions; high demand might drive up raw materials prices — with any
amount of input from the partially independent variables.42
Whatever the exact nature of these contradictions, they will feed
into the rate of profit and lower it. Be it expensive machines, driedup markets, militant labor, expensive fuels, or any other affliction,
the capitalists will experience it as a downward pressure on the
rate of profit. Here is the “synthetic index of the system’s overall
performance,” the “seismograph of history” recording and expressing
“all the changes to which capital is permanently subject”: the single
point in which endogenous and exogenous factors converge.43 It is also
the most important measure for practicing capitalists — that which
“makes the system tick.”44 Consequently, a declining rate of profit
will announce the approaching terminus of the upswing; the signal
crisis might see it in free fall; throughout the early downswing, it will
stay flat or even fall further. “Only when specific conditions permit
a steep rise in the average rate of profit” will capitalists regain their
appetite for investment and, if all goes well, launch a new upswing.45
The moment of steep rise registers the (if only temporary) resolution
of the contradictions: afflictions eliminated, profits spike. In other
words, movements in the rate of profit set the rhythm of deceleration
and acceleration by summing up the general conditions and regulating
Long Waves of Fossil Development
the motivations for capital accumulation.46
No upswing can transpire, however, Mandel argues, unless
any working-class resistance threatening to smother profits is
defeated. The eruption of a structural crisis is usually attended by
high unemployment, deflation or inflation, deteriorating working
conditions, aggressive wage-cuts as capital seeks to dump the costs
on labor and widen profit margins — all conducive to intensified
class struggle. Integral to the brew of the downswing, the contest
between the classes is an inherently unpredictable component.
Here, more than anywhere else, “subjective factors” come into
play: the organizational strength of the working class, the degree
of its self-confidence and autonomy, its militancy or propensity to
compromise and the equivalent factors in the camp of the bourgeoisie
determine the outcome.47 Capital can lay the foundations for a new
epoch of expansion only if it prevails against all enemies and social
impediments, including, but not limited to, organized labor. 48
How does such a victory materialize? What does capital do when it
triumphs? It starts a technological revolution, concentrated to one
particular sphere. Mandel explains it this way in Late Capitalism:
In order completely to reorganize the technical process new machines
are needed, which must previously have been designed.… [Q]ualitative
leaps forward are necessary in the organization of labor and forms
of energy…. The fundamental revolutions in power technology — the
technology of the production of motive machines by machines — thus
appears as the determinant moment in revolutions of technology as
a whole. Machine production of steam-driven motors since 1848;
machine production of electric and combustion motors since the 90s
of the 19th century; machine production of electronic and nuclearpowered apparatuses since the 40s of the 20th century — these are the
three general revolutions in technology engendered by the capitalist
mode of production since the “original” industrial revolution of the
later 18th century.49
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
If each wave marks a new phase in capital’s capacity to recover
profits after crisis, the magnitude and structure of “forms of energy”
relative to forms of labor are here isolated as the sine qua non of
the long waves. Power technology, in other words, is the key to the
upswing. “Once a revolution in the technology of productive motive
machines” — or prime movers, in common parlance — “has occurred,
the whole system of machines is progressively transformed.” Each
of the three historical revolutions, between the first wave and the
fifth, has remolded “the entire economy, including the technology
of the communications and transport systems. Think, for example,
of the ocean steamers.”50 If new life is to be breathed into sagging
capitalism, it must come in the most basic, most universal guise:
energy.51 Only power technology pervades every nook and cranny
of the mode of production, impelling, conveying, lifting, hauling,
heating, pumping, communicating, fetching goods of all conceivable
kinds. If a rise in profits is the economic precondition for the upswing,
a new generation of prime movers is its material embodiment.
But the links between profit and prime mover are more complex
than that. As an economic fact if not an ideal invention, the new set
of motive machines has its immediate origins in the “attempts by
capital to break down growing obstacles” to a rise in the rate of profit:
on the shop floor, first and foremost.52 When capital desperately
seeks to restructure the labor process and put it on a more profitable
footing, nothing can be more useful than a truly revolutionary power
technology. It is the battering ram, the generalizable device with
which capital destroys resistance and swings into renewed expansion.
Victory over labor, then, does not so much precede as come about
through the energy revolution, the two working hand-in-glove as the
downswing nears its end.
In a two-way process so typical for Mandel’s thinking, however,
the prime mover not only assists in raising profits but also spreads
throughout the economy as a result of those same raised profits: a
positive feedback loop, one might say, propelling capital out of its long
crisis. Moreover, the new technology can sustain the momentum of
Long Waves of Fossil Development
the upturn only if it is powerful and pervasive enough to maintain
high profits, neutralizing any threats in the short term — which, in
turn, induces capital to invest deeper in it.53 In sum, the prime mover
is: (1) adopted to remove barriers to higher profits, primarily those
erected by labor; (2) widely diffused when and as profits increase,
partly as a result of its own exploits; and (3) used for as long as possible
to ride the upswing phase of the wave, stimulating accumulation on a
grander scale. In all three moments, energy constitutes the material
solution to the contradictions of the structural crisis. Working its first
wonders in the downswing, it comes into full bloom after a positive
turning point, usually precipitated by some concatenation of victories
— not only on the shop floor, but on the world arena as a whole.
Any regularity of the long waves, pace Trotsky, is laid down by the
constellation of prime movers and their auxiliary machines.54 Even if
the activity of inventors and engineers followed a linear, continuous
rhythm, capitalism would still move in jolts and jerks, because the rise
of a new constellation could only be coterminous with a sharp rise in
profits — always a singular event, determined by the collision of all
sorts of variables, in the class struggle above all — and only permeate
the economy in heavy chunks, the shift from one power technology
to another an exceedingly massive undertaking.55 But the effects of
the energy injection are not everlasting, of course. They seem to last
somewhat longer than five years, but never as long as half a century,
the span of the upswing approximating — but no more — that of a
human generation. Then contradictions resurface again.
Power technology thereby forms the materialist endpoint for
Mandel’s attempted fusion of endogenous laws and exogenous shocks,
Kondratieff and Trotsky, accumulation and politics: a highly original
sketch of a theory, identified by the author of Late Capitalism as his
own special contribution to the field.56 In Long Waves, however, the
theme of energy disappears from sight.57 Other wave scholars pass
over it in silence. No one seems to have picked up this particular
thread from Late Capitalism and followed it backwards and forwards
through history; Mandel himself let it fall from his hands.58 Left to
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
gather dust, its potentials are quite unlike those of any other longwave theory, as will be clearer upon a brief comparison with the
foremost neo-Schumpeterian version: that of Carlota Perez.
Driving the Bulldozer
“Technology is the fuel of the capitalist engine,” writes Carlota
Perez.59 Mandel would have had it the other way around. True to
her master Schumpeter, Perez regards technological development
as a virtually unmoved mover, advancing in the workshops and
laboratories of innovators, always working to improve efficiency;
“once a truly superior technology is available,” its breakthrough
is “practically inevitable.”60 But it demands adjustment from its
surroundings. A groundbreaking innovation craves new financial
systems, new governmental policies, new forms of education, habits,
behaviors, “mental maps of all the social actors” matching its own
logic: the computer cannot stand the rigidities of the conveyor belt
or the nation state.61 It compels society to reorganize into networks.
Society, however, is slow in adapting, for unlike technology, social
relations are characterized by inertia, resistance, vested interests
pulling the brakes, always lagging behind the latest machines.62 When
new technologies appear on the scene — “received as a shock” —
society is tied to the old ways.63 These must be pulverized. The period
of installation
is the time when the new technologies irrupt in a maturing economy
and advance like a bulldozer disrupting the established framework
and articulating new industrial networks, setting up infrastructures
and spreading new and superior ways of doing things.64
Like a bulldozer without a driver, technology uproots all the inadequate
institutions and cart away the hurdles for its own self-realization.65
“Each technological revolution inevitably induces a paradigm shift” in
society at large, forcing through rejuvenation in every sphere — from
economy to mentality — in a process both necessary and painful.66 At
Long Waves of Fossil Development
the moment of the bulldozer’s first appearance, society is rooted in the
manners of obsolete technologies: a crisis of “mismatch” ensues. The
whole fabric is ripped apart, until, after two or three decades, society
has learned to behave as technology expects: an upswing follows.67
Since Perez’s waves — or “great surges of development,” as she
likes to call them — start with the “big bang” of a revolutionary
innovation, she has to turn the established chronology on its head: first
comes the crisis of mismatch, then the “full expansion.”68 Normally,
a Kondratieff wave is understood to begin with an upswing (that is,
starting in 1945) and end with a downswing (that is, until 1992), but
Perez pairs the halves in the opposite order and, for instance, identifies
the early 1970s as the onset of the crisis-ridden first stage of a surge
induced by the coming of the computer.69 Unsurprisingly, she singles
out the usual five protagonists — water-powered mechanization,
steam, electricity, motorization, information and communications
technologies (ICT) — but considers each the instigator of crisis,
while Mandel, again, would have it the other way around: each as
the creation of crisis.
In the slightly esoteric debate over how to date and define waves
or surges, profoundly different views of causality are thus on display.
For Perez, technology drives capitalist development; for Mandel, the
reverse. Perez’s theory has its counterpart in the productive force
determinism of old-school Marxists, in which social relations are
motionless fetters on technology, to be burst apart by a relentless
progress; for Mandel, the most mercurial substance of history is the
class struggle. Social relations of power, in Mandel’s view, act as “the
ultimate determination of the process of undulatory development”:
the driver steers the bulldozer so that it levels his obstacles, not the
other way around.70 In passing, Perez notices that a technological
revolution tends to center on “a source of energy,” calling forth a novel
“techno-economic paradigm” encompassing all of society — whereas
in Mandel, tensions between multiple social variables usher in new
energy technologies.71 While Perez essentially proposes an extension
of technological determinism to the history of industrial capitalism in
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
toto, Mandel can inspire a radically different agenda for research on
the history of the fossil economy, guided by two overarching questions
in necessary dialogue with each other:
(1) Have the contradictions of the downswings generated and
fashioned new fossil fuel-based technologies, and if so, how? And,
(2) Have those technologies served to resolve the contradictions and
fuelled the upswings, and if so, how?
In wave theory á la Mandel, that which takes place in one phase is
always linked to that which happened in the former. The neoliberalism
of the fifth wave can only be understood as a way out of the impasses
of the fourth, the Keynesianism of the fourth as a response to the
imbalances and catastrophes of the third, and so on — and the same
would go for the defining constellations of technology. This appears to
be a singularly promising approach to the study of long waves of fossil
development, particularly since it allows for free and full reciprocal
action between capitalist laws of motion and all manner of partially
independent variables: “Interplay: that was what it was about for
Mandel.”72 His theory, as I have rendered it here, gives ample room
for the struggle between capital and labor, but this is only one battle
among many to be brought into the picture; indeed, the theory is open
for almost anything: “Averse to determinism, Mandel advocated an
integrated analysis of the entire societal reality.”73 That was both his
greatest strength and greatest weakness. As a recent critic points out,
Mandel ended up adding variable to variable to variable to variable…
until the analytical synthesis threatened to spill out into chaos.74
On the other hand, “the great advantage of his method consists,
above all, in its openness to historical contingency.”75 The explanation
of one wave must be unlike that of any other, since each wave — as
a bounded historical period, not an interval in a predetermined
rhythm — is peculiar to itself.76 But it is also an instantiation of a
recurrent phenomenon. Mandel’s theory is messy and labyrinthine
Long Waves of Fossil Development
and intended to be so, because it is, first and foremost, a guide to the
study of “actual historical dynamics.”77 What, then, can it tell us, more
concretely, about the past, present and future of the capital-energy
nexus? This is a question for any number of other studies, but at least
a couple of signposts for further research are in order here. I offer
some brief reflections on the turns from the first to the second, from
the fourth to the fifth and from the fifth to a possible sixth wave yet
to come.
To make a long story told elsewhere very short, British industrial
capitalism surged forth on a first wave of water-power.78 But in 1825,
a signal crisis erupted in the form of a financial crash, followed by a
succession of painful, protracted depressions. Extraordinary profits
had attracted too much capital to the cotton industry in particular,
causing an over-establishment of factories and, consequently, a
massive overproduction of commodities, under whose weight the
rate of profit now plunged. At the very same time as the banks
collapsed — setting the typical pattern of interplay with partially
independent variables — the British working-class rose, relieved from
the criminalization of all trade union activity when the Combination
Laws were repealed, and for the next two decades, the manufacturing
districts were shaken by one near-revolutionary uprising after
another. It was then that the shift to steam occurred.
The combativeness of key segments of the British working-class
— cotton-spinners, handloom-weavers, machine-makers, woolcombers — blocked the path to resuscitated profits. Fortunately for
the capitalists, however, they possessed a weapon to do away with
them all: automatic machinery. Rolled out in the two decades after
1825, an army of self-acting mules, power looms, machine tools, and
other machines effectively wiped out the insurgent collectives, cleared
the way for wage reductions and speed-ups and brought the class
to the subdued, domesticated state of the high Victorian era. That
mechanical army was powered by steam. Fully developed and familiar
to manufacturers since the mid-1780s, the new power technology,
and I mean power in the dual sense of the term (as in energy and
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
dominance), overtook cheap water only after 1825, when the pressure
of the contradictions of the first downswing made the transition
Steam alone could impel the offensive against labor. Water was
embedded in the landscape and integrated in the weather, virtually
free to use but located outside of towns, subject to fluctuations in
river levels, incapable of running a concentrated mass of accelerating
machines. Steam engines, on the other hand, could be put up anywhere
and used at anytime: for their fuel was severed from the landscape,
detached from weather cycles, brought up from underground as a
dead still relic of ancient photosynthesis. Setting it on fire, capital
released a completely new source of energy to destroy the resistance
of labor. A steep rise in the rate of profit followed, allowing for an
upswing in which steam-power opened all sorts of venues for fresh
accumulation and remolded the economy in toto: a huge blast from
the bellows.
Needless to say, the shop floors of Britain constituted but one,
albeit crucial, frontier in this turn from the first to the second long
wave. The full role of steam remains to be specified in detail. To follow
the guidelines of Mandel, one would need to take into account all
the buttons that must be pushed for capital accumulation to exit a
structural crisis and revive on a higher level — not only a rise in the
rate of surplus value, but also a broadening of markets, a reduction
in turnover time, a cheapening of raw materials, and other elements
of constant capital, to name some. How did steam power contribute to
the mid-nineteenth century victories along these frontiers? A study
of the origins of the fossil economy in this first full wave movement
would need to delve deeply into the empirical data of the period
and subject it to that type of open, pluralist, exuberantly complex
analysis Mandel pioneered.79 Yet the outline of the core elements
underwriting each successive wave may nevertheless be established
as early as the first.
Now jump straight to the apparent paradox of the fifth wave.
Unlike steam engines, electricity, automobiles, or petroleum,
Long Waves of Fossil Development
computers are neither prime movers or transmitters nor sources
of energy in themselves, and yet the upswing they carried caused
the most extreme CO2 blast in the history of industrialized capital.
How can one shed light on that link? Perhaps by accepting Mandel’s
view that a major contradiction of the fourth wave was a perilously
strong labor movement in the core. As the reserve armies of labor
were depleted over the course of the 1960s and the self-confidence
of the working class soared towards the wild heights of 1968–73,
the high rate of surplus value of the previous two decades could
no longer be maintained, and a “fall in the rate of profit became
unavoidable.”80 To resolve that crisis, some profound restructuring
was exigent. Among the many preconditions for a fifth long wave,
Mandel proposed the following: “In order to drive up the rate of profit
to the extent necessary to change the whole economic climate, under
the conditions of capitalism, the capitalists must first decisively break
the organizational strength and militancy of the working class in the
key industrialized countries.”81 Did computer technology assist them
in that battle? If so, how was it connected to the increased combustion
of fossil fuels? An exhaustive inquiry is far beyond the scope of this
essay: here I offer a crude hypothesis. It runs something like this:
(1) The globalization of production broke the strength of labor in the
advanced capitalist countries. By pitting workers there against workers
in Mexico, Brazil, the post-Stalinist Eastern European economies,
but primarily in China, they all became mutually substitutable to an
extent never seen before. Armed with the capacity to shift commodity
production to distant countries and export from there, within the
framework of integrated cross-border supply chains, employers could
push unions to the wall, by threatening that “unless you accept our
demands, we will relocate.” Beginning in the late 1970s, culminating
with the admission of China into the WTO in 2001, the globalization
of production removed one of the main hurdles to a capitalist
renaissance. It gave a critical contribution to the relative rebound of
the profit rate after the dismal lows of the 1970s.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
(2) The very same process caused an unprecedented explosion in CO2
emissions. In China, the quest for cheap and disciplined workers,
with whom all other workers of the world had to compete, set off the
largest spree in fossil fuel consumption in history: cross-border chains
extending into the People’s Republic and, indeed, the four corners of
the world demanded fresh infrastructure for the supply of energy,
which, incidentally, mostly came from coal. They were held together by
the transportation of goods, components, raw materials and personnel
in vehicles fuelled by petroleum.82 Overall, the globalization of
production extended the logic of the fossil economy to new territories,
giving the main impetus for the epochal boom in combustion outside
the traditional core.
(3) Information and communications technology, or ICT, made the
globalization of production possible. One of the most revolutionary
services of this technological paradigm consisted in linking,
coordinating, lubricating world-encompassing production chains:
without ICT, globalization as we know it would have been unthinkable.
As one geographer notes, the opening of the gates to China from the late
1970s onwards coincided with the rise of virtual bridges: “In the West,
the combination of two industries, computers and communications,
began providing the enabling technology for industrial capital to seek
out and manage cheap labor on a global scale.”83 By allowing it to create
transnational circuits, ICT turned into a battering ram against the
defenses of labor, realizing the substitutability of industrial workers
and unleashing the full force of existing power technologies across
Finally yet importantly, humanity is now faced with the imminent
prospect of catastrophic global warming, the sum of all the CO2
blasted into the air since the Industrial Revolution. At the same time,
since the financial crash of 2008, central components of the capitalist
world economy — the European Union, the United States, the People’s
Republic of China — appear mired in relative stagnation of various
Long Waves of Fossil Development
degrees of depth and volatility, with some attendant symptoms
of political crisis: a pretty good match for a fifth downswing. That
conjunction gives rise to an intriguing possibility. Could capitalism
swing itself into a sixth long wave by casting off fossil fuels and
switching to renewables — just what humanity needs to stave off
the most intolerable scenarios of climate change? Every nook and
cranny of the world economy urgently needs to be disconnected from
coal and oil and gas and filled with substitutes that come close to zero
emissions: a grand transition to impelling, conveying, lifting, hauling,
heating, pumping, communicating, doing everything with the power
of sun, wind, water. Might such a universal rollout of new power
technology breathe fresh air into languishing capitalism and ensure
that we collectively back off from the cliff in time?
Probably the most elaborate case for such a future has been made
by John A. Mathews, who builds directly on the work of Perez. He
believes that the crash of 2008 signaled the descent into the crisisridden stage of yet another “surge,” which will usher in a sweeping
adoption of the renewable energy technologies (abbreviated RE)
already in store and under development, leading, via a bumpy ride
over the next couple of decades, into a rich green Kondratieff. These
beneficent technologies perfectly fit the profile of a wave-carrying
paradigm: they enable, first of all, “costs and prices to be drastically
reduced.” They are of virtually unlimited supply. They have “massive
potential for applications and so for becoming pervasive,” causing
productivity to spike, spurring other novel technologies — electric
vehicle charging systems, smart grids managed online, cities filled
with intelligent green buildings — opening up unimagined channels
for the accumulation of capital. The bottom-line is never in doubt. “The
point is,” Mathews writes, “to demonstrate that the new technology
provides superior performance and profits”: only by dint of this
quality can it be expected to trigger a proper surge.84
Hence the agent of the transition in this new wave of capital shed
of carbon will be capital itself. “It is capitalist emulation and drive for
profits that will accelerate the uptake of renewable energy sources,”
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the spirit of creative destruction harnessed for the most virtuous goal,
firms scrambling to satisfy consumer demand with the lowest possible
emissions and enriching themselves fabulously in the process. 85
More precisely, it is the financial sector that will drive the switch.
Applying another model from Perez — the arrival of new technologies
are accompanied by financial bubbles (think of the British railway
mania in the 1830s and 1840s or the more recent dotcom boom) —
Mathews predicts that the profit potentials of RE will attract frenzied
investment from venture capitalists, the whole pack of adventurous
speculators following the scent of super-profits. “If the last decade
has seen REs emerging from out of their long (prolonged) gestation
phase and into the installation phase, then we can anticipate a
‘Renewable Energy bubble’ some time perhaps around 2015–2020”
— this was written in 2013 — “reflecting the surge of financing and
credit creation into the field of REs and green technologies.”86 In this
prognosis, the future is bright green like a budding leaf. “Through
direct market connections, and through the aggregating effects of
financial instruments, the entire economy will be brought within the
ambit of new capitalist eco-calculations that bring ecological limits
to the center of concern.”87
Now what would happen were one to choose Mandel instead of
Perez as a source for speculation? The first lesson of his theory is clear:
never underestimate the ability of capitalism to reinvent itself.88
Never stick to orthodox formulas that always proclaim the end of
the road. Prepare to be taken aback by capital, whose flexibility and
resourcefulness have confuted so many prophecies of breakdown so
many times before. That said, there are a number of question marks
to be jotted down alongside Mathews’s storyline. First of all, it might
be a category mistake to conceive of a conversion to renewable energy
as analogous to any of the technological leaps experienced since the
mid-nineteenth century.89 Going from fossil fuels to renewables —
completely, no delay — is quite unlike adding automobiles, airplanes,
and petrochemicals to the arsenal of capitalist productive forces. Since
the original switch between the first and the second waves, when the
Long Waves of Fossil Development
fossil economy emerged in full, the upswings have been predicated
on technologies for more extensive consumption of fossil fuels: but
this time, we are talking about a reversion to qualitatively different
type of energy. If, since the high Victorian era, every “great surge of
development,” to use the sanguine neo-Schumpeterian terminology,
has materialized through fossil energy, this one would have to break
out of that mould and re-embed itself in the kind of energy the
very first structural crisis jettisoned. The adequate analogy would
rather seem be that singular transition — now in reverse, and on an
unfathomably larger scale.
The question to ask, then, is if capital accumulation in general and
a phase of renewed expansion in particular are compatible with an
exclusive use of sun, wind and water. Or is there something in fossil
fuels that make their energy indispensable for capital? As much as
ever, the currents that make up “RE” remain integrated in landscapes
and subject to fluctuations in weather. Can capital survive if fettered
to the places and hours where the sun happens to shine and the wind
to blow? More to the point: can it thrive within such fetters? They
would seem to contravene the logic of globalized and lean production
— a problem Mathews conveniently ignores, when he posits the sixth
surge as essentially a renewable continuation of the fifth (whereas
it has to remove carbon lock-in inherited from the fourth wave, in
the form of inter alia the oil industry).90 But perhaps some sort of
reconciliation can come about. Perhaps several different renewables
from many topographic regions can be connected in overarching
mega-grids that elevate them above the concrete determinants of
landscape and weather, making them available practically anywhere
anytime. Now that obviously requires comprehensive planning, most
probably by other agents than venture capitalists, quite likely by states
interfering deeply into the flow of energy. Can capital reconcile itself
to such meddling — let alone gain from it?
I have offered some more detailed, though rather skeptical
reflections on these issues elsewhere.91 Here I note one further
complication: all upswings so far have rested on the freedom to
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
consume vastly greater quantities of energy than the previous wave.
There has never been any other way to feed growth in commodity
production. If this history is anything to go by, a sixth upswing would
not only have to replace the current total consumption of fossil fuels
by an equal amount of renewable energy: it would have to add a
significant margin for growth — not 100 percent of oil and coal and
gas, but 120 or 150 or even more would need to be extracted from
unfossilized energy within the course of a few decades. It seems
a tall order. The alternative, of course, would be to reduce energy
consumption, beginning with its wastage: something no previous
upswing has ever had to worry about. Growing by slimming seems
alien to the workings of capital. But, again, one should not discount
its capacity for miraculous reinvention.
Then there are some straightforward empirical problems in
Mathews’s assessment. The evidence for the emergence of an RE
bubble is, to put it mildly, mixed. Total capital invested worldwide in
renewables fell by 23 percent between 2011 and 2013. It rebounded in
2014, by some 17 percent over the previous year.92 Total investment in
fossil energy was some four times larger, meaning — it bears repeating
— that for every dollar used to build up RE capacity, four other
dollars were ploughed into oil, coal, gas. The International Energy
Agency predicts a similar distribution until 2035 — no world-saving
speculative binge in sight — and notes matter-of-factly: “Getting the
world on a 2°C emissions path would mean a different investment
landscape.”93 So far, the money does not quite seem to roll into the
green Kondratieff corner. Mega-projects for concentrated solar
power in deserts — notably Desertec — “promise as many associated
investment opportunities as there are entrepreneurs to find them,”
Mathews has declared, but in reality the entrepreneurs have fled
that ship like rats.94 By the time of this writing, the Desertec project
appears to have utterly failed. The eco-Schumpeterian storyline is
built on the premise of secularly falling prices for renewables —
entirely realistic — and just as secularly rising prices for fossil fuels,
which, however, are directly contradicted by the present collapse in
Long Waves of Fossil Development
the price of oil. And then it hasn’t even considered the possibility
that it might not be very lucrative to market a fuel that is practically
gratis. Where will the profits to the energy supplier come from when
the price of solar power approaches zero?95
Finally, Mandel leads me to a rather different set of questions.
How could investment in renewable energy not only deliver profits
but underpin the steep rise in the average rate of profit required for
capital to embark on a new upswing? In what sense could it constitute
the solution to the contradictions of the fifth structural crisis? Could
it serve capital as a bulldozer by which to break down the growing
obstacles? It does not seem to be a self-driving bulldozer, not a force
advancing on its own, spreading “new and superior ways of doing
things” while society adapts more or less pliantly. Mathews seeks to
distance himself from technological determinism, but he never poses
the profoundly social question of a Marxist perspective on energy
in the waves: what source could help capital to defeat its enemies,
including itself?
The answer depends, of course, on the exact nature of the
contradictions of the present conjuncture. Let us, for the sake of
argument, accept the proposition that capital now, in a reversal of
the situation in the 1970s, suffers from too weak labor, unable to
purchase all the commodities churned out, so that over-production,
over-capacity, over-accumulation have become near-chronic maladies
of the world economy. Then perhaps giant public — note public —
investment programs in renewables could provide just the injection
of demand capital so desperately and impotently craves. But that
remains pure speculation. So far, no capitalist class has taken any
initiatives in the direction of climate Keynesianism on an epochal
scale. Under the banners of free trade and austerity, that class rather
continues to push states further away from influence over investment
and squeeze out the last drops from public budgets and working-class
earnings, and as Naomi Klein has eloquently argued, such strategies
for renewed accumulation run exactly counter to the prerequisites
for a switch.96 To speak in the terms of Mandel, climate Keynesianism
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
seems to necessitate a subjective factor, some sort of social force more
external and hostile than internal and congenial to capital. It has yet
to appear on the stage.
But then one should not forget the partially independent variables.
This time, the climate system itself might prove one such externality.
An extreme climate emergency could shove this mode of production
in an unforeseen direction. Indeed, if any prophecy about the next
phase of capitalist development can be made with anything like
certainty, it is that global warming will be a determining external
condition through whose channel it must flow. Once in there, all
known wave patterns might eventually — this sort of breakdown
cannot be excluded — come to an end along with everything else.
However, before we reach that point, and to make it slightly less likely,
a rediscovery of Mandel’s method and painstaking application of it to
the realities of our day, always with an eye on the subjective factor,
might be of a little help.
Long Waves of Fossil Development
Under this definition, non-capitalist fossil economies are perfectly
possible and have indeed existed in the shape of Stalinist formations.
For some reflections on them, see Andreas Malm, “Who Lit this Fire?
Approaching the History of the Fossil Economy,” Critical Historical
Studies, 3.2 (Fall 2016) 215–248.
As pointed out by, for example, Leon Trotsky, The First Five Years of the
Communist International (London: Pathfinder, 1973) 226; Michael Storper
and Richard Walker, The Capitalist Imperative: Territory, Technology, and
Industrial Growth (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989), 202; Ernest Mandel,
Long Waves of Capitalist Development: A Marxist Interpretation (London:
Verso, 1995) 120; Chris Freeman and Francisco Louçã, As Time Goes By:
From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution (Oxford:
Oxford UP, 2002) 43, 55; Carlota Perez, Technological Revolutions and
Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages (Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar, 2002) 162. “The stage on which capitalist history is played
out is always on the move.” Anwar Shaikh, “The Falling Rate of Profit as
the Cause of Long Waves: Theory and Empirical Evidence,” New Findings
in Long Wave Research, eds. Alfred Kleinknecht, Ernest Mandel and
Immanuel Wallerstein (London: Macmillan, 1992) 174.
As emphasized with particular clarity by Trotsky, The First Five 252;
Leon Trotsky, “The Curve of Capitalist Development,” article originally
appearing in Russian in Vestnik Sosialisticheskoi Akademii, 1923, available
N. D. Kondratieff, “The Long Waves in Economic Life,” Review of Economic
Statistics, 17 (1935) 105–115. On Kondratieff, his theory, and the theories
of his many predecessors, see Freeman and Louçã, As Time 66-92. Klas
Eklund “Long Waves in the Development of Capitalism?” Kyklos 33 (1980)
383–419, remains an excellent survey of long wave theories.
Ernest Mandel, Late Capitalism (London: Verso, 1978) 122; Mandel,
Long Waves 1; Freeman and Louçã, As Time 141; Phillip Anthony O’Hara,
Growth and Development in the Global Political Economy: Social Structures
of Accumulation and Modes of Regulation (London: Routledge, 2006)
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
6; Tessaleno Devezas, “Crises, Depressions, and Expansions: Global
Analysis and Secular Trends,” Technological Forecasting and Social
Change 77 (2010) 739–761; Chris Freeman, “Technology, Inequality, and
Economic Growth,” Innovation and Development 1 (2011) 11–24; Andrey V.
Korotayev & Leonid E. Grinin, “Kondratieff Waves in the World System
Perspective,” Kondratieff Waves: Dimensions and Prospects at the Dawn
of the 21st Century, eds. Leonid Grinin, Tessaleno Devezas & Andrey
Korotayev (Volgograd: Uchitel, 2012) 48–51.
Kondratieff, “The Long Waves.” It speaks to his scientific vision that
Kondratieff discerned the wave pattern only on the basis of the first
two-and-a-half waves.
This is not to say that the existence of long waves is empirically
uncontroversial — to the contrary — but overall, it has been easier
to point to an actual rhythm of alternating upturns and downturns
corresponding approximately to the chronology above than to
theoretically explain it. See, for example, Eric Hobsbawm, On History
(London: Abacus, 1998) 36–37, 66. For recent collections of an impressive
array of data showing relatively high levels of growth of world GDP in
the upswings and low ditto in the downswings, see Devezas, “Crisis,
Depressions,” and Korotayev & Grinin, “Kondratieff Waves.”
Eklund, “Long Waves” 412–413. Even Angus Maddison, who sets out to
refute the theory of long waves, ends up endorsing a (somewhat diluted)
version of it under the force of the data: “There have been five distinct
phases of economic performance in the capitalist epoch, each with its
own momentum.” Angus Maddison, “Fluctuations in the Momentum
of Growth within the Capitalist Epoch,” Cliometrica 1 (2007) 171. (This
is gleefully noticed and discussed by Devezas, “Crisis, Depressions”
Freeman & Louçã, As Time, 139–142. Long wave theory is thus based on
the crucial distinction between invention and diffusion: “Scientifictechnical inventions in themselves, however, are insufficient to bring
about a real change in the technique of production. They can remain
ineffective so long as economic conditions favorable to their application
are absent.” “The Long Waves,” 112.
Long Waves of Fossil Development
As noticed by Espen Moe, “Energy, Industry and Politics: Energy, Vested
Interests, and Long-Term Economic Growth and Development,” Energy
35 (2010) 1732.
Based on Freeman & Louçã, As Time 141. Similar lists, with slight
variations, can be found in, for example, Mandel Late Capitalism 120–121;
Mandel Long Waves 33; Perez, Technological Revolutions 10–11, 14; George
F. Ray “Energy and the Long Cycles,” Energy Economics 5 (1983) 5; Arnulf
Grübler and Helga Nowotny, “Towards the Fifth Kondratiev Upswing:
Elements of an Emerging New Growth Phase and Possible Development
Trajectories,” International Journal of Technology Management 5 (1990): 437;
Peter Dicken, Global Shift: Transforming the World Economy. Third Edition
(London: Paul Chapman, 1998) 148; Bo Göransson and Johan Söderberg,
“Long Waves and Information Technologies: On the Transition towards
the Information Society,” Technovation 25 (2005) 205; Chris Papenhausen,
“Causal Mechanisms of Long Waves,” Futures 40 (2008) 789; Carlota
Perez, “Technological Revolutions and Techno-Economic Paradigms,”
Cambridge Journal of Economics 34 (2010) 192, 195–197.
For an analysis of this conjuncture, and more precisely of the shift from
water to steam in British industry, see Andreas Malm, Fossil Capital: The
Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming (London: Verso, 2016).
Craig S. Volland, “A Comprehensive Theory of Long Wave Cycles,”
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 32 (1987) 127; “The Long Waves”
109; Ray, “Energy” 5. See further W. Seifritz and J. Hodgkin, “Nonlinear
Dynamics of the Per Capita Energy Consumption,” Energy 16 (1991) 615–
620; Patrick Criqui, “Energy Crises and Economic Crisis: A Long-Period
Perspective,” Energy Studies Review 6 (1994) 34–46; Bruce Podobnik,
“Toward a Sustainable Energy Regime: A Long-Wave Interpretation
of Global Energy Shifts,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 62
(1999) 155–172; Jonathan Koehler, “Long Run Technical Change in an
Energy-Environment-Economy (E3) Model for an IA System: A Model
of Kondratiev Waves,” Working Paper 15, Tyndall Centre for Climate
Change Research, 2002; João Carlos de Oliveira Matias and Tessaleno
Campos Devezas, “The Fifth Kondratieff Wave: The Fossil Fuel Apogee,”
Workshop Presentation, IV International Workshop on Oil and Natural
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Gas, Lisbon, May 10–20, 2005; Göransson and Söderberg, “Long Waves”
207–208; Robert U. Ayres, “Turning Point: The End of Exponential
Growth?,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 73 (2006) 1196–
1197; A. T. C. Jérôme Dangerman & Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, “Energy
Systems Transformation,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
(2013) E554–555.
For the concept of technomass, see Alf Hornborg, The Power of the
Machine: Global Inequalities of Economy, Technology, and Environment
(Walnut Creek: AltaMira, 2001) 11, 17, 85, 94. On the construction of
energy infrastructures in the long waves, cf. Bruce Podobnik, Global
Energy Shifts: Fostering Sustainability in a Turbulent Age (Philadelphia:
Temple UP, 2006) 61–62.
“Railway systems originating in the middle of the nineteenth century
are still very important today. Electrical technology is the essential
foundation for electronic systems and the automobile has certainly not
disappeared.” As Time 145.
The relative shift from coal to oil after World War II coexisted with
continued absolute increases of coal output, as pointed out, importantly,
by Podobnik, “Toward a Sustainable” 157.
See George A. Gonzalez, Urban Sprawl, Global Warming, and the Empire
of Capital (Albany: SUNY Press, 2009).
Perez, Technological Revolutions 20. Note that Perez is by no means an
anti-capitalist: these insights do not depend upon opposition to the
Mandel, Late Capitalism; Mandel, Long Waves. A brilliant biography of
Mandel is Jan Willem Stutje, Ernest Mandel: A Rebel’s Dream Deferred
(London: Verso, 2009).
Late Capitalism 109. Emphasis in original. The waves are said to be most
obvious in advanced capitalist countries, as opposed to the lagging
peripheries of the system. Long Waves 2.
On the role of these two indicators, see, for example, Late Capitalism
141; Long Waves 6.
Late Capitalism 122; Long Waves 21. See also “The Long Waves” 111, and
The First Five 253–254.
Long Waves of Fossil Development
Trotsky, “The Curve.” An excellent rendering of the debate is Richard B.
Day “The Theory of the Long Cycle: Kondratiev, Trotsky, Mandel,” New
Left Review no. 99 (1976) 67–82.
“The Curve.”
See also, Eklund, “Long Waves” 389.
Long Waves 82. See further, for example, 76–81, 99, and Late Capitalism
Hobsbawm, On History 37.
For example Late Capitalism 133, and Long Waves 76.
The First Five 252; Late Capitalism 129; On History 66.
“The Long Waves” 112–113.
See also Day, “The Theory” 81. The third main source of inspiration for
Mandel’s theory of long waves was, of course, Joseph Schumpeter. See
also Francisco Louçã, “Ernest Mandel and the Pulsation of History,” The
Legacy of Ernest Mandel, ed. Gilbert Achcar (London: Verso, 1999) 104.
Ernest Mandel, “Partially Independent Variables and Internal Logic
in Classical Marxist Economic Analysis,” Social Science Information 24
(1985) 485–505.
Ernest Mandel, “Explaining Long Waves of Capitalist Development,”
Futures 13 (1981) 336.
Mandel, “Partially Independent” 489.
“Partially Independent” 490–495.
“Partially Independent” 492.
Long Waves 133. See also, Louçã, “Ernest Mandel” 107; William Hamilton
Sewell Jr., Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation
(Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2005) 11. One could of course argue
that these types of factors are so interwoven as to be virtually impossible
to separate — as is so often the case with an analysis informed by the
dialectical method.
As argued in “The Theory” 81–82.
See also Marcel van der Linden and Jan Willem Stutje, “Ernest Mandel
and the Historical Theory of Global Capitalism,” Historical Materialism
15 (2007) 39–41.
For a powerful restatement of this classical view and demonstration
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of its validity, see Andrew Glyn, “Does Aggregate Profitability Really
Matter?” Cambridge Journal of Economics 21 (1997) 593–619.
Long Waves 20, 110.
For a stylized scenario, see Long Waves 44–46.
Mandel, “Explaining” 335; Stutje, Ernest Mandel 190; Late Capitalism 133.
Emphasis in original. See also, Minqi Li, Feng Xiao and Andong Zhu,
“Long Waves, Institutional Changes, and Historical Trends: A Study
of the Long-Term Movement of the Profit Rate in the Capitalist WorldEconomy,” Journal of World-Systems Research 13 (2007) 33.
“Explaining” 335.
Late Capitalism 145. See also 108–9, 114, 120; Long Waves 7, 16.
Late Capitalism 110. In the rate of profit, then, Mandel fuses all the
multiple endogenous and exogenous variables in a single factor so “close
to the system’s heart as to make one understand why changes in that
factor can precipitate a change in the way in which the system as a whole
grows or does not grow.” “Explaining” 335.
Long Waves 33, 36–37, 118–19, 123, 128, 137.
In the midst of the fourth downswing — the first edition of Long Waves
appeared in 1980 — Mandel listed the conditions for a new upswing,
among them “a qualitative increase in the degree of integration of the
USSR and China into the international capitalist market,” a decisive
break of “the organizational strength and militancy of the working
class in the key industrialized countries,” “radical rather than marginal
changes in the transformation of some key areas in the so-called third
world into large markets,” “radical defeats of national liberation
movements.” Long Waves 87–90.
Late Capitalism 112, 118–119. See also 116–117. All emphases except the
first added. Note that the selection of key technologies in this schema
deviates from the modern consensus. See also Louçã, “Ernest Mandel”
117. The point here, however, is not the identity of the technologies
singled out by Mandel, but the historical role he ascribes to them.
Late Capitalism 118–119.
Late Capitalism 112.
Long Waves 33.
Long Waves of Fossil Development
Late Capitalism 115–116, 119.
Late Capitalism 137, 143–144; Long Waves 19.
Late Capitalism 145.
Late Capitalism 145.
With very rare exceptions, for example, the statement that each wave
is associated with “new machine systems, based on different sources
of energy” (Long Waves 112). In this book, however, the main theme and
purported original contribution is the theory of asymmetry in the long
waves: the turn into a downswing — the outbreak of depression — is
exclusively caused by the laws of motion of capital itself, whereas the
upturn is precipitated by a beneficial outcome of class and other political
struggles. See for example 104. This theory is dubious: there appears to
be no a priori reason to deny exogenous shocks a role in the outbreak
of crises. Be that as it may, it is the power theory of Late Capitalism, not
the asymmetry of Long Waves, that is of value to us.
The analytical poverty of energy theory in the Marxist school of long
waves is on full display in Matthew Edel, “Energy and the Long Swing,”
Review of Radical Political Economics 15 (1983) 115–130, written at a time
when Mandel’s influence was at its peak. It contains no discussion of
the above passages from Late Capitalism.
Perez, Technological Revolutions 155.
60. Technological Revolutions 38. See also 15.
Technological Revolutions 20–32, 41–43. “Mental maps” 20.
Technological Revolutions 6, 26, 153, 155; See also Perez “Technological
Revolutions” 198.
Technological Revolutions 23.
Technological Revolutions 36. Emphasis added. See also, for exmple, 145.
Technological Revolutions 41–43, and “Technological Revolutions” 188,
Technological Revolutions 15. Emphasis added.
Technological Revolutions 26.
Technological Revolutions 29–30, 48. On the “big bangs” — unexplained
events of an almost cosmological character — see 11–12, 29.
Technological Revolutions 11, 57.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Louçã, “Ernest Mandel” 113.
Technological Revolutions 8; “Technological Revolutions” 191.
Stutje, Ernest Mandel 191. Emphasis added. On the importance of the
concept of partially independent variables for opening up long wave
theory to history, see also Louçã, “Ernest Mandel” 111; As Time 58. John
McNeill contends that long waves can shed no light on environmental
history — the discipline whose doyen he is — since they are unrelated
to the temporalities of nature. “How can one harmonize this outlook
with the rhythms of climate change, which in any case are not uniform
around the world, and are surely quite independent from any economic
cycles that may derive from human affairs?” J. R. McNeill, “Observations
on the Nature and Culture of Environmental History,” History and Theory
42 (2003) 38. But this is to conflate the issue of how natural processes
impact on society with that of how social processes impact on nature: if
the latter is in focus, long waves might very well be central to the
Ernest Mandel 187. Emphasis added.
Michael R. Krätke, “On the History and Logic of Modern Capitalism:
The Legacy of Ernest Mandel,” Historical Materialism 15 (2007) 126–128.
van der Linden & Stutje, “Ernest Mandel” 41.
See also Freeman & Louçã, As Time 111, 131, 150; Rodney Edvinsson,
Growth, Accumulation, Crisis: With New Macroeconomic Data for Sweden
1800–2000 (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2005) 31,
167–168, 285–286, 289–290; Rainer Metz, “Do Kondratieff Waves Exist?
How Time Series Techniques Can Help Solve the Problem,” Cliometrica
5 (2011) 235–236. On Mandel’s different explanations for each wave, see
Late Capitalism 130–132, 145.
Eklund, “Long Waves” 414. Emphasis in original. See also Late Capitalism
145; Stutje, Ernest Mandel 169, 194.
See Malm, “Who Lit?”
This task will be taken up in Fossil Empire, the sequel to Malm, Fossil
80. Long Waves 73.
Long Waves 88.
Long Waves of Fossil Development
For a more detailed analysis of this dynamic, see Fossil Capital 327–366.
Peter J. Taylor, “Thesis on Labour Imperialism: How Communist
China Used Capitalist Globalization to Create the Last Great Modern
Imperialism,” Political Geography, 30 (2011) 175. Emphasis added.
John A. Mathews, “The Renewable Energies Technology Surge: A New
Techno-Economic Paradigm in the Making?” Futures 46 (2013) 12–16.
Emphasis added.
John A. Mathews, “Naturalizing Capitalism: The Next Great
Transformation,” Futures 43 (2011) 872.
Mathews, “The Renewable Energies” 17.
Mathews, “Naturalizing Capitalism” 874. Emphasis added.
Late Capitalism 92-93.
This mistake is also made from a Marxist standpoint by Podobnik, Global
Energy Shifts.
90. “The Renewable Energies.”
Fossil Capital.
Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Global Trends in Renewable Energy
Investment 2014; Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Global Trends in
Renewable Energy Investment 2015,
Figure and quotation from International Energy Agency, World Energy
Investment Outlook 2014 Factsheet Overview,, 1. Emphasis
“The Renewable Energies” 16.
See further Fossil Capital.
Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate (London:
Penguin, 2014).
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital in the Long
Twentieth Century
Adam Broinowski
Over more than sixty years since the 1953 Atoms for Peace program
was launched, the dominant tendency in public discourse to separate
nuclear power into peaceful and military uses has obscured the fact
that both aspects of nuclear power (pithily known as “dual-use”) are
mutually dependent and inextricably tied. Moreover, the commanding
presence of nuclear weapons in the high-stakes nuclear brinkmanship
that has dominated the post-1945 strategic and geopolitical landscape
has masked the important interlocking relationship between fossil
fuel and nuclear energy industries that has been central to the
consolidation of a U.S.-led global power bloc. If we are to properly
understand the dynamics of energy within contemporary geopolitical
formations, I argue in this chapter that we must include considerations
of both oil and gas (“black” and “blue gold”) and nuclear in an interoperable system of power relations. This system not only informs an
international hierarchy of states, but it also is based and derived from
control over access, flows, and distribution of energy and its capital
accumulation. The primacy of energy in capital power relations and
the ensuing conflicts to secure control over it that have been integral
to the accumulation process suggests that alternative methods of
renewable energy generation, distribution, pricing, and use may
completely undermine the perpetuation of this system.
The maturation of U.S. unilateralism in the twenty-first century
follows two centuries of various Euro-American liberal imperialist
maneuvers to make it safe to do business, as it were, in and with
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the resources from foreign territories. As U.S. General Colin Powell
admitted in 1998, terrorist attacks (referring to al-Qaeda’s guerrilla
attacks on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania) were “the cost of
doing business” in today’s world.1 As I will discuss in the following
section, U.S. imperialism is founded on binding military and economic
securitization, or geostrategic and geo-economic control, largely
through military, political, energy, and financial instruments.
The post–World War II division and alliance system, continuing on
from previous U.S. imperialist exploits and colonial occupations, was
established to ensure the hegemony of the United States, a maritime
power, through a permanent U.S. forward presence on geostrategic
“land nodes,” “geographical pivots,” and “choke points” around the
world.2 These have been used to advance U.S. national and so-called
free-world interests and those of its allies, which are said to be
dependent on the “free flow of oil at stable and reasonable prices” and
the “freedom of navigation and access to commercial markets.” This
means, in short, control over wells and pipelines, refining, pricing,
and trade routes (mainly sea lanes).3 This imperialist formation can
be seen as the continuation of geopolitical strategy as put forward by
British geographer Halford Mackinder in 1904 and developed with
other European geographers (Mahan, Ratzel, Kjellan, Spykman): the
encirclement and containment from the “Rimlands” by a dominant
maritime power of any rival emergent economic and military power
from the Eurasian “Heartland.”4 In 2016 world politics seems locked
into a full “great game” scenario on the global chessboard, in which
attempts by rising powers from the Eurasian Heartland are seeking
to establish some autonomy in fossil-fuel pricing, energy supplies
and distribution and to slice through U.S.-led containment to gain
control over access points in the Rimlands and shipping lanes on the
blue oceans.5 In this system, given that energy, and hydrocarbons
in particular, is so crucial to meet social and economic needs and
improve conditions; it is at the core of global political economy as
well as geostrategy.
As I conclude in this chapter, the potential for an emergent multi-
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
polar world as represented by Eurasian energic, financial, political,
and military infrastructure initiatives to sustain sovereignties amid
aggressive destabilization, could represent a major alternative to the
largely maritime control of resource distribution and the last seventy
years of Cold War bipolarity and post–Cold War neoliberal unipolarity.
This could be a positive step given intensifying militarization,
erosion of international legal standards, weakening of multilateral
institutions, destabilization of state sovereignty, and acceleration in
extreme environmental disruption in this transitional period.
It is necessary, therefore, to begin with an overview of the interimperialist competition for accumulated capital and power with
oil-based energy at its center through the acquisition of colonial
pieces in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Second,
I trace how nuclear weapons and a military alliance system added
a new dimension to the game of oil and global finance in the post–
World War II formation of U.S. hegemony through to the oil shocks
of the 1970s. Third, through pertinent details in the Persian Gulf War,
Color Revolutions, the Iraq War as part of the so-called Global War on
Terror (GWOT), and the destabilization of Syria and Ukraine as proxy
wars, I explore the intersections of oil and gas, nuclear energy and
nuclear weapons. Fourth, touching on the cases of India and Japan,
I explain how this (nuclear and oil) energy-military-finance system
compels states to ignore crucial economic, social and environmental
indicators that would logically demand a turn to large-scale renewable
energy programs. I argue that these power relations in late capitalism
(including a return to forms of primitive accumulation) as they
produce and thrive on systemic crisis are at the root of present
tensions and conflicts and their resulting ecological and human chaos.
Clearly the mode and underlying purpose of inter-state relations
must be reframed as, together with other important considerations,
they are proving to be incompatible with the health of the planetary
commons that sustains human and non-human existence.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Energy and Twentieth-Century Imperialism
With U.S.-Soviet tensions already manifest during World War II, if
not since 1917, the Cold War began with the U.S.-led introduction of
atomic weapons into the geopolitical arena, anthropogenic nuclear
materials into the environment, and the concomitant development of
nuclear energy technologies. As world energy consumption grew 179
percent between 1950 and 1972, nuclear power altered previous forms
of empire building through colonial acquisition and augmented the
competition for resources in the accumulation of capital through new
technologies, military staging platforms, and strategies of dominance,
intimidation, and deterrence.6 While an ideological program based on
existential threat of nuclear war extending from President Roosevelt’s
“Four Freedoms” speech of January 6, 1941 served to inculcate a sense
of righteousness, veil, confuse, and intimidate public consciousness,
American corporate actors in cooperation with the U.S. Department
of Defense (DoD), the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, research
laboratories, and other government agencies accrued influence and
enormous discretionary budgets through financing and development
of these weapons systems. So much so that U.S. President Eisenhower,
who held significant responsibility for its making, was moved to label
this the “military-industrial complex” in his final presidential address
in January 1961. The division system which redrew the globe in sectors
under U.S. command and determined as either pro-Communist or
“free-world” allied seemed to justify the rapid development and
deployment of nuclear weapons on land and on ships, planes and
submarines, as well as sharing and hosting agreements with alliance
countries, contributed to a system of U.S. military bases, which
officially number 737 but which are estimated to exceed 1,000.7 How
and why this preponderance of overwhelming U.S. military power
came to be is directly related to the control of energy in fossil fuel
and nuclear forms.
Together with the U.S. occupation of Cuba and the Philippines
as a result of its victory in the U.S.-Spanish war of 1898–1899, the
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
policy initiative signified in Secretary John Hay’s “Open Door Note” of
1899–1900 addressed to China during the Boxer Rebellion (1899–1901),
was designed to extend U.S. moral, economic, political, and military
power through the creation of zones conducive to Anglo-American
trade.8 By lengthening the chain of islands where U.S. ships and
personnel could refresh, refuel, and replenish supplies, the United
States established monopoly oil cartels (such as Standard Oil) and
their dynastic oligarchies as central to imperial expansion. Abundant
Indigenous oil supply in the United States fueled its rise to become
the world’s leading industrial power by the 1890s. Further augmented
by the entrenchment of U.S. oil companies in the oil-rich Gulf of
Mexico — Caribbean region (Mexico and Venezuela, or the “Western
Hemisphere”) — to which Great Britain had been forced to concede
control shortly after 1900 — provided an advantage over other great
powers (Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and Russia). Such
cartels accumulated power to the extent that many were broken up.
Even so, they diversified their projects over the course of the twentieth
century to become even more powerful multi-nationals.
When the British discovered oil in Persia in 1908, Great Britain,
with the strength of its Royal Navy, was the dominant power in the
Middle East and the Mediterranean. As ocean-going navies of the
great powers switched from coal to oil with the use of new engines,
machine weapons, and manufacturing systems prior to World War I,
both Britain and France had to draw on U.S. oil suppliers (roughly 80
percent) and also U.S. navy flotillas to secure sea-lanes for oil tankers
en route to Europe. This enabled the United States to further expand
its significant naval force by the end of World War I.
Oil production in the Russian empire which had accounted for
more than half of the world’s oil production in 1900 dropped during
the disruptive upheavals of World War I and the Russian Revolution.
In the 1920s, with the appropriation and use of oil infrastructure
and technologies initially established by western companies and
financiers, expansion of its Indigenous reserves mainly in Siberia and
access to oil in the newly unified Russian, Transcaucasian, Ukrainian,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
and Byelorussian republics, oil production recovered, and, by 1939, the
Soviet Union was the second-largest oil producer in the world, slightly
ahead of Venezuela. Unlike the United States, which continued to
secure holdings and take concessions in the Middle East and the Dutch
East Indies, the Soviet Union devoted almost all of its oil production to
the formation of an alternative political economic system and social
organization within its borders.
In the Sykes-Picot agreement signed in May 1916 and revised at
San Remo in 1920, the Arab provinces formerly under the Ottoman
Empire and important for oil distribution routes to Russia during
World War I were reshaped by British and French powers into artificial
administrations rather than diversified national economies to ensure
the flow of oil to the centers of capital. Against the wishes of various
political minority groups who sought to realize greater political
independence, these states heavily depended on foreign powers for
extraction technology and oil revenue in exchange for local goods
and services.
By the 1920s, with cheap and abundant oil supplies and revenue
from security provided for its concessions and transport corridors,
the United States economy equaled the combined economies of the
next six great powers (Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the
Soviet Union, and Japan). U.S. companies made up five of the seven
largest oil corporations (“the Seven Sisters”) in the world. In 1925,
U.S. oil production accounted for slightly more than 70 percent of
world oil production, with 40 percent coming from regions in which
it had holdings outside the United States.9 With this accumulated
capital and the development of its petrochemical industry, the United
States rapidly developed its automobile and transportation industry,
agricultural industry for feedstock, fertilizers, and pesticides, and
further invested in its military industry. With control over one
million barrels per day (bpd) by 1941, the United States accrued
significant leverage over its allies as it could fuel both itself and its
allies’ demands. In World War II, Anglo-American control over oil
sites in the Middle East and the Western Hemisphere and sea routes
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
to them forced German and Japanese imperialist powers to seek
alternatives, in the Caucasus and North Africa and the Dutch East
Indies respectively. These failed, as the Soviet forces shouldered the
overwhelming responsibility to eventually repel the German forces
from the Caucasus and Volga-Urals regions and the U.S.-led Allied
forces cut Japanese supply lines in the Pacific, contributing in large
part to their defeat.
Post-1945 New Oil-Nuclear Order
With the Bretton Woods international financial institutions
established (at the New Hampshire conference in June 1944) to
form the basis of the post–World War II monetary system, the U.S.
controlled 70 percent of world monetary gold, and the U.S. dollar was
fixed as the world currency reserve secured at $35 per ounce of gold
against other national currencies. Mirroring the Anglo-Iranian Oil
Company (producing over 100,000 barrels per day in the early 1930s),
in 1933, Standard Oil (Socal) discovered and secured oil concessions
in Dharan in 1938 and founded the California Arabian Standard Oil
Company (Casoc). Socal had merged with Texaco to form Caltex in
1936 for operations east of Suez, and then formed the Arab American
Oil Company (Aramco) in January 1944. In the same year, the U.S.
diplomatically recognized Saudi Arabia and shortly after transformed
Dharan into a U.S. military base at the beginning of 1945 in order to
better compete with British interests in Aden, Iran, Jordan and to vie
for control over the Persian corridor (established to supply the Soviet
effort against Nazi Germany). On February 14, 1945, in a famous verbal
agreement between President Roosevelt and King Abdel Aziz Ibn Saud
of Saudi Arabia (made aboard the U.S.S. Quincy), U.S. protection of
and noninterference in Saudi Arabian society and support for its
regional hegemony was guaranteed in return for ensured U.S. access
to Saudi oil supply. In August 1945, it was observed in a U.S. State
Department memo that “the oil resources [of Saudi Arabia and the
Middle East] constituted a stupendous source of strategic power
and one of the greatest material prizes in world history.”10 Further,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the Kingdom agreed not to oppose the Jewish homeland in Palestine
(future state of Israel) as long as the United States did not support an
increase of Jewish peoples in Palestinian territories.
After World War II the United States was estimated to have
briefly possessed 50 percent share of global GDP (economic output as
compared to six other major powers), largely due to its late entry into
the European theater and the negative impact of the war on Europe
and the Soviet Union.11 From a $2.2 billion budget for the Manhattan
Project begun in 1942, the United States became the first nation to
conduct an atomic weapon test on July 16, 1945. After having further
demonstrated its military prowess and intentions with two atomic
bombs dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (and in
possession of a data-monopoly over the results), the United States then
sought an international ban on atomic weapons through the United
Nations. The U.S. failed in this mission, and, in 1945–1946, the United
Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, denied access to U.S. nuclear
technology, launched an independent atomic program to develop
and test its own atomic weapons. While the U.S., as the sole power
in demonstrated possession of such technology, then established the
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in 1946, a civil agency that oversaw
nuclear energy research through the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory
run by commercial company Westinghouse, it continued to develop
mainly nuclear military applications which led to the launch of the
Nautilus, the first nuclear submarine in 1952. The first atomic test
by the Soviet Union only came in August 1949. Contrary to popular
understanding, the U.S. possessed a vastly superior nuclear weapons
stockpile as compared to the Soviet Union until well into the 1970s.
Nuclear weapons presented a major new dimension in strategic
thinking. Yet the underlying core of U.S. objectives remained to
assume Britain’s former hegemonic role as dominant maritime power
and guarantor of access to oil from the Middle East and Africa to
drive the engines of transnational capital (including Japanese) and
military operations. Amid the slow decolonization of former British,
Dutch, French, Portuguese and U.S. colonies into sovereign nation
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
states from the late 1940s on, under cover of fighting communism, the
United States designed a Cold War alliance architecture formalized in
the San Francisco Treaty of 1951, which eventually led to the official
division of the world into distinct sectors of U.S. military protection
It used its military bases to threaten, undermine, coopt, and/or
overtly attack self-determinist national movements, authoritarian
or otherwise, that were not aligned to U.S. interests (for example,
access to resources, territory and markets). Increasingly U.S. agencies
used methods at the sub-imperial level: proxy wars often based on
aggravated pre-existing ethnic, religious, and historical tensions,
economic warfare through bilateral and multilateral sanctions
on resources and pricing, and information/psychological warfare
through dominant media channels.
Through the alliance system, the Marshall Plan and other bilateral
military and economic arrangements, the U.S. also bolstered client
states such as West Germany, U.K., Japan, Italy, the Republic of Korea,
the Republic of China and the Philippines. That some were former
Axis powers with political leaders guilty of war crimes who were
rehabilitated and reinstated seemed to hold less significance as
compared to their geopolitical and geo-economic potential. Heavily
dependent on the supply of foreign energy sources, Japan and West
Germany in particular were assured of a steady supply of oil by the
United States (among other necessities, infrastructural support,
and technologies) as their economies and labor forces continued
to transition from coal. During rapid economic growth in the
1950s–1960s, together with deep and coordinated political interference
and inducements (and the profits from procurements during the
Korean War for Japan), this afforded Japan and West Germany
welfare state systems while serving to suppress popular demands
for independent unionism, socialism, real democratic reforms, and
national independence in foreign policy.
Similarly, as the Soviet Union consolidated its eastern and central
European nations in a federation as agreed at the Yalta Conference in
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
February 1945, it enlisted their resources to rebuild from significant
wartime damage (for example, oil from Romania, coal from Poland and
Ukraine, uranium and coal from the German Democratic Republic,
subsidized oil supplied to Cuba and North Korea). In parallel, over a
period of unmitigated nuclear testing between 1945 and 1963 in the
first cold war arms race, all five of the permanent members of the
U.N. Security Council (United States, the Soviet Union, U.K., France,
and China) obtained nuclear weapons. These nuclear tests were
mainly conducted on “proving grounds” in internal and Third World
peripheries, which were also sourced for raw uranium, infrastructure,
labor, and technical support. Effectively, these test sites became
“sacrifice zones” wherein the harmful effects of long-lived radioactive
fallout were deemed remote enough to be ignored and denied by host
governments and perpetrator states and multilateral institutions. At
the same time, these tests were part of a psychological campaign to
intimidate and/or deter the enemy. As with the atomic bombs dropped
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the U.S. then threatened to use nuclear
weapons many times against North Korea and PRC during and after the
Korean War, and against Vietnam during that nation’s long wars for
self-determination.12 Similarly, in the U.S. Single Integrated Operation
Plan (SIOP-62, 1960), in the event of an “attack,” the U.S. threatened
most Soviet and Chinese cities with massive, near-simultaneous
nuclear “retaliation” and long-lived consequences. This was based
on the notion that nuclear war(s) could be won and reflected the U.S.
aim to obtain nuclear primacy.13
After the Armistice Agreement to the Korean War was signed in
July 1953, in December that year the U.S. Atoms for Peace program
was launched (by President Eisenhower and promoted by the United
States Information Agency [USIA]). The program stressed the
distinction between commercial and military uses of nuclear energy
and promised to its own population and to aspirant nations a magical
uranium elixir. This superior “third fire,” it was claimed, could fuel
a “second industrial revolution” (although it would appear one was
already underway) to create a utopian paradise of cheap and eternal
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
energy self-sufficiency to power cities, shrink distances (ships, planes,
power electronic communications), distribute electricity and water to
rural areas, transform deserts into fertile fields, improve crop yields
and strains, cure the sick, and provide industry jobs.14
In 1957, a nuclear regime was institutionalized through the U.N.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), mandated to promote the
‘peaceful’ (commercial) use of nuclear power. In this regime, newlyemergent nuclear aspirant nations found it increasingly difficult to
develop this technology free of conditions. Unlike highways, trains,
hydroelectric dams, and mines, the special dual-use properties of
nuclear power plants meant that reactor types and degrees of fuel
enrichment were now controlled by the IAEA and U.N. Security
Council, thus entrenching an asymmetry between “nuclear haves”
and “nuclear have-nots.” Often described as a Faustian bargain,
nuclear energy symbolized the potential for greater independence
(for example, to mitigate nuclear and/or other types of blackmail),
leverage, and elevated stature in a cold war hierarchy, while binding
the aspiring state to huge capital, construction, technical engineering,
finance, resource, and time investments. This made new nuclear
states vulnerable to coercion from the supplier or from hegemonic
states in case they chose a route of greater military and economic
independence. While tantalized by the modernizing dream of energy
self-sufficiency that nuclear energy seemed to promise to developing
states, nuclear power tied them ever closer to power relations through
interrelated technological, fossil, geopolitical, institutional, and
capital path dependencies, unless they “went rogue” and developed
a clandestine nuclear weapons capability (as was the case with India,
Israel, Pakistan and North Korea).
The Defense of “Vital Interests”: Oil, Nuclear Power, and
By the early 1970s, the long-term structural impact of profitability
and over-accumulation produced crisis in the form of recessions,
inflation, and monetary instability in the domestic economies of
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
developed capitalist nations. Oil primarily supplied from the petrostate monarchies and secured by the U.S. Navy constituted 47 percent
of U.S. energy consumption, while Western Europe accounted for
64 percent and Japan accounted for 80 percent.15 U.S. domestic oil
production alone could no longer supply national demand.
By the late 1960s, pressure had intensified on the U.S. economy
from military spending and oil consumption from U.S. absorption
in Vietnam and demands were being made by nations like Germany,
France and Japan, flush with trade surplus dollars, to return their
gold security deposits from the U.S. Federal Reserve. As the U.S.
refused to devalue the dollar, its Federal Reserve was drained, and,
in August 1971, following the April 1971 Tehran-Tripoli Agreement
which raised the price of oil and consolidated the OPEC nations,
the Nixon administration created an international shock when it
announced the decision to withdraw the United States from the gold
standard, ending the Bretton Woods system. A strong nuclear lobby in
the United States took advantage of economic crisis to push nuclear
generated electricity as a cheap supplement to fossil fuels leading to
seventy-five nuclear reactors built between 1966 and 1975 (eventually
reaching 104 plants). The cost overruns were enormous and acted as
a significant brake on further construction.
A spike of $10 to $12 per barrel in oil prices, anticipated at the
Bilderberg Group meeting of May 11–13, 1973, was announced by King
Faisal of Saudi Arabia in September, just prior to the Yom Kippur War
(October 6–25, 1973) between Israel and an Egypt-Syrian coalition.16
In the October 1973 OPEC oil embargo, OPEC countries raised oil
prices by 70 percent, and the Shah of Iran called for a 400 percent
oil price increase in December. Consumers in the United States,
western Europe, and Japan were hit with high inflation and oil price
spikes while huge profits flowed to OPEC and Seven Sisters oil cartel
To turn a cost into a benefit, on June 8, 1974, U.S. Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger, who had been negotiating with Golda Meir
on Israel’s tactics prior to and during the Yom Kippur War, signed
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
the US-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation.
In July 1974, William Simon, newly promoted from energy secretary
to U.S. Treasury Secretary, and his deputy Gerry Parsky (later Aurora
Capital Group Chairman), met with Saudi officials in Jeddah to confirm
the details of Saudi Arabia’s financing of America’s widening deficit
with its new-found petrodollar wealth. By December of that year,
Kissinger, Assistant Treasury Secretary Jack F. Bennett (later Director
of Exxon) and David Mulford (of Credit Suisse-First Boston and White
Weld & Co) had arranged a financial mechanism with the Saudi Arabia
Monetary Agency (SAMA) to recycle OPEC petrodollars through the
U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Bank of England by
purchasing new US Treasury securities.17 The Saudis would plow
billions of their petrodollar revenue (roughly $117 billion which is
only 20 percent of its $587 billion of foreign reserves in 2016) back
into the U.S. economy by purchasing Treasury bonds, making it one of
America’s largest foreign creditors.18 These were creatively concealed
from official auction totals through “add-ons” and by aggregating
Saudi holdings together with fourteen other “oil exporter” nations.
In 1975, Bennett was sent to Riyadh to fix the agreement with the
monarchy that Saudi and all OPEC oil would be exclusively traded
in U.S. dollars (and not the Deutsche mark, Japanese yen, or French
franc), after which he moved to an executive position at Exxon. In
return, the United States agreed to continue military protection
(including with nuclear weapons) and to boost weapons sales from
U.S. arms manufacturers to a cash-rich Saudi Arabia to further its
regional control (and to other Gulf states). By 1975 all OPEC members
agreed to sell oil only in U.S. dollars, and Gulf petroleum replaced the
Federal gold reserve as security against the U.S. dollar as the global
reserve currency.19
As long as oil has been the world’s largest commodity in dollar
terms, its sale denominated in dollars maintained demand for dollars
from world central banks for their currency reserves to back foreign
trade. The flood of petrodollars to OPEC nations from loans from
big London-New York banks and from the World Bank and IMF and
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
repayable in dollars has fed back large commissions to U.S. and U.K.
banks ever since. Essentially, while price hikes in petroleum and
inflation impacted negatively in the polls in the United States, western
Europe, and Japan, for corporate executives of major banks, oil
companies, armament contractors, and their political representatives,
as well as OPEC nations, higher oil prices were a boon.
Turning point: 1980s–1990s
In 1979, strategic shifts altered the tactics of imperialist capital. As
a rash of nuclear reactors in large oil consumer countries (Japan,
the U.S., and western Europe) came online in reaction to the oil
price shocks of the 1970s, China’s Open Door reform under Deng
Xiaoping was underway following U.S. rapprochement and PRCUSSR antagonism. With the Soviet Union embroiled in Afghanistan
while the U.S. funded and supplied (weapons and training) Islamist
insurgents (Afghan Mujahedeen as progenitors of al-Qaeda) to fight
them (instigated in the CIA’s Operation Cyclone) in 1979–1980, as per
the Carter Doctrine, the U.S. continued to fund and supply weapons to
Israel, which signed an armistice with Egypt (the Egypt-Israel Camp
David accord). It also imposed harsh sanctions on former close ally
Iran (a Saudi rival) due to its Islamic revolution to further IsraelSaudi-U.S. control over hydrocarbons in the Middle East. By contrast,
the parallel ascension of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath party to power in
Iraq and the shift toward radical Wahabbism due to the Saudi Islamic
uprising at Mecca did not seem to attract U.S. opprobrium. Wahabbism
spread to Pakistan, where Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was
executed under orders from General Muhammed Zia-al-Haq. The
subsequent Iranian hostage crisis between 1979 and 1981 would then
fatally undermine Carter’s presidency, mark the beginning of the
Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988), and usher in the Reagan administration
which engaged in a second superpower arms race.
To support another boost in military expenditure, in the early
1980s, following a decade of domestic stagnation and inflation, the
Reagan and Thatcher administrations targeted domestic organized
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
labor through new privatization, deregulation, and austerity
measures, and instrumentalized through the IMF and the World
Bank.20 This method of economic crackdown had been tested in Chile
under the Pinochet regime after the coup d’etat and removal of the
Salvador Allende government on September 11, 1973.
This was augmented by the innovation of futures oil trading
(“paper oil”) introduced by Goldman Sachs in the mid-1980s. By
detaching physical oil from oil contracts so as to better manipulate
and determine its market value via American and British benchmarks
on all exchanges, major Wall Street banks used insider knowledge of
traders’ motivations to further manipulate the growth or slowdown
of the world economy. With the dollar as world reserve currency,
this more efficient financial leverage over oil prices alongside greater
control over fossil fuel refinement and distribution through U.S.
military basing and operations permitted ambivalence toward endless
inflation in U.S. federal debt ($18.6 trillion, or 111 percent debt to GDP
in 2016, up from 55 percent before the War on Terror).
Iraq War I
The priorities of this oil-military-dollar complex fortified by nuclear
weapons was clearly demonstrated in the Persian Gulf War. On July
25, 1990, President Hussein notified U.S. Ambassador Glaspie of
Iraqi intentions to invade Kuwait due to the oversupply of oil and
theft through slant-drilling by Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates
(economic warfare in Hussein’s view), which were protected by U.S.
security agreements and hosted U.S. troops.21 Glaspie recommended
negotiations and assured noninterference, which was followed up by
a friendly letter from President George H.W. Bush, the credibility of
which was supported by a legacy of over ten years of U.S. financial
and military support to Iraq. Negotiations collapsed when Iraqi forces
invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990. Hussein offered the United States
a privileged position in energy exploitation in Kuwait.22 Bush then
condemned Iraq’s actions as a contravention of the United Nations
Charter, the Arab League Charter, and the Iraqi Constitution.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
While implementing an embargo on Iraqi trade (“economic
sanctions”) and building up U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia over five
months, the Bush administration provided three main reasons to
justify U.S. invasion of Iraq to Congress and the broader public: to
protect cheap oil supplies to the U.S., to avoid a precedent of larger
nations annexing smaller ones (invoking Nazi Germany’s invasion
of Czechoslovakia and the Soviet invasion of Hungary and following
the Carter doctrine), and to intervene and stop a dictatorship that was
(falsely) accused of killing babies in Kuwaiti hospitals.23
The general public exposed to mainstream media narratives was
not informed that the CIA had aided Saddam Hussein’s return from
hiding in Egypt after his failed attempt on President Qassim’s life
(who had sought to nationalize Iraqi oil) in 1959 and his eventual
assassination in 1963, and assisted Hussein’s Ba’athist Party to take
power in 1979.24 Nor was it widely discussed that during the IranIraq War (1980–1988), fought primarily over borders, Shiia-Sunni
influence, and regional power, the U.S. supplied weapons, logistics and
precursors for chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons to Iraq, as
well as weapons, covertly, to Iran (the Iran-Contra scandal).25 Along
with being accused of orchestrating a string of domestic bombings
to exacerbate diplomatic tensions for the Assad government in Syria
in the 1980s, in 1983, the CIA pushed the U.S. government to pressure
the Hussein government, along with Israel and Turkey, to threaten
to invade Syria, which had closed off an oil pipeline to Iraq due to its
war with Iran.26
The U.S. launched the Persian Gulf War on January 17, 1991. The
Iraqi Army, depleted from its eight-year war with Iran, could not
resist Operation Desert Storm, a U.S.-Saudi forty-two-day intensive
bombing campaign followed by a massive ground offensive that
included the use of depleted uranium shells. This led to the deaths
of roughly 130,000 Iraqis. While continuing sanctions and military
strikes caused the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children, true to form, in
1997–2000 U.S. oil corporations like Halliburton sold oil production
equipment to Iraq paid for by the Hussein government through
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
misallocated U.N. Oil for Food Program funds. Such corporations later
recouped on this “investment” when the Hussein government was
forced to sell them cheap oil on the black market after the Iraq War II.
Rather than to ensure cheap oil supply to domestic U.S. markets,
however, U.S. actions and policy in these wars demonstrated a
willingness to sacrifice civilian lives in the Middle East for greater
control over revenue from oil from Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, and Saudi
Arabia through extraction, distribution, pricing, and associated
armament sales and foreign purchases of U.S. Treasury bonds to
maintain the primacy of the dollar.
As Shimshom Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan argue, while energy
control is certainly central to U.S. military interventions in the
Middle East, these have done little to keep the real price of oil low,
and that its inverse is more likely. Instead, they claim that capital,
rather than primarily an economic entity, is a quantitative measure
of organized power. They find that capital wealth is better measured
in the differential profits accumulated by a corporation backed by
state organs relative to those of rival corporations. So the capacity
for capital control via energy and military operations is at the core
of power relations — or, capital toward monopoly control as power.27
Color Revolutions
Activity related to U.S.-centered capital power relations were not
limited to the Middle East in this period. As indicated in a 1984 United
States policy directive (U.S. National Security Decision Directive 54)
to promote :silent revolutions in communist countries,” the U.S.
exerted pressure, both covert and overt, to aggravate internal tensions
in communist countries and pull them from the Soviet orbit. Due
to low GDP growth, a war of attrition in Afghanistan, intense arms
race expenditure, the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, tightening
military and economic encirclement, and divisions between ruling
factions in Moscow, Presidents Bush and Gorbachev agreed to an end
to the Cold War at the Malta Summit in December 1989. The Warsaw
Pact was disbanded in February 1991 based partially on a commitment
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
made on February 10, 1990 by West German foreign minister HansDietrich Genscher to Eduard Shevardnadze that NATO would not
expand any further to the east.
Proclamations of the end of history and post–Cold War
globalization that followed did not dampen the enthusiasm of the
United States government and its NATO allies for covert action,
destabilization, coercion, and outright invasion of sovereign states
that sought national control over energy reserves (among other
resources). Under the neoliberal Washington Consensus, a string of
Color Revolutions throughout the 1990s and 2000s (such as Yugoslavia
[1992–2000], Georgia [2003, and Southern Ossetia’s secession in 2008],
Ukraine [2004–2014], Kyrgyzstan [2005], Moldova [2009]) saw the use
of strategies to foment tensions along ethnic, religious, and linguistic
divisions. Against U.N. Security Council resolutions, Yugoslavia was
broken up and tensions created along ethnic and religious lines, and
Kosovo was annexed by NATO powers, which then expanded into
central Europe. With policy advice from U.S. think tanks and local
NGOs, similar tactics were extended to the North Caucasus and
Central Asia (and the Far East), the prize being access and control of
the bounty in these oil- and gas-rich areas and geostrategic corridors.
Post 9/11
With the pretext of hunting the perpetrators of the September 11,
2001 attacks, the United States invaded and occupied Afghanistan,
and currently maintains nine major bases and at least 400 smaller
bases and installations with NATO coalition partners excluding those
operated by joint command with Afghan government forces. This
includes the enormous Bagram Air Base, from which the U.S. could
seek to facilitate operations to strengthen control over the QatarBaluchistan-Pakistan and Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India
(TAPI) oil and gas pipelines (U.S.-Saudi backed).28 This has provided
further leverage to the U.S. to back Pakistani “rebels,” for example, to
obstruct the rival Russia-China sponsored Iran-Pakistan (IP) pipeline
through Baluchistan. Underway since the 1990s, such pipeline projects
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
promise to expand as multinational rivalry intensifies for control
over the geostrategic trade corridors in Central Asia. As the Tengiz
field oil reserves were discovered in the Caspian Sea in 1979, U.S.
bases, already present in Afghanistan and in the region, facilitated
the U.S. military and oil corporations to vie for a share over licenses
and pipelines that pump Kazakh oil with five regional nation-states
(Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan). Pipelines are
planned or already pass through Russia to the Black Sea in the west,
to Iranian clients in the south, and to China’s Xinjiang province in the
east. China’s considerable assistance to develop Pakistan’s Gwadar
port as a regional oil-gas sea-land transport hub and India’s assistance
(together with a railway) to develop Iran’s south coast Chabahar port
in the Gulf of Oman (72 km from Gwadar) further complicate these
capital power relations in Central and South Asia.29
Together with the occupation of Afghanistan, it was no coincidence
that in 2002 the Bush II administration withdrew from the AntiBallistic Missile (ABM) Treaty of 1972 while maintaining the U.S.
nuclear first-use policy. The U.S., NATO and Japan (followed by
others) then began deploying jointly developed Aegis Ballistic Missile
Defense (BMD) shields and radar in strategic areas of Europe and
Northeast Asia. Despite repeated demands by Russia and China for the
withdrawal of U.S.-NATO installations of tactical nuclear weapons, as
they violated the 1968 treaty on Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation,
these alliance partners dismissed these concerns as irrelevant as
the systems were “defensive” and were intended to protect against
missiles from Iran and North Korea. Instead they then accused China
and Russia of protecting these so-called rogue state targets. The latest
example of this scenario is the 2016 Seoul-Washington agreement to
install the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile
batteries deployed in the southern region of South Korea.
Bush II’s sequel Operation Enduring Freedom (2003) saw the
complete removal of the Ba’athist government based, ironically, on
a pretext of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD or, nuclear
weapons). General Colin Powell provided false evidence (with U.K.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
support) at the United Nations Security Council, and advanced the
vaguely defined Global War on Terror to target the same Islamist
“terrorist groups” (such as al-Qaeda) that the U.S. had been funding
to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and Russia in Chechnya and
Dagestan.30 In lieu of protecting Israel and the U.S.-Saudi (and Gulf
Cooperation Council states) oil-finance mechanism and hegemony
in the Middle East, only later was it revealed that a U.S.-led program
to recruit mercenary jihadi fighters (including former Ba’athists and
Sunnis in but not limited to Iraq) was set up to help “take out seven
countries in five years” (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan,
Iran) and to further prize open strategic territories to Capital energy
Syria and Ukraine: Recent Regime Change Plans for Pipeline
The conflicts in Syria (since 2011) and Ukraine (since 2014) are
also indicative of the centrality of oil and gas to U.S.-led aims for
monopoly control. In the legacy of CIA-led attempts to control oil
supply (Trans-Arabia [Oil] Pipeline) running through Syria to Europe
since 1949 by the destabilization of elected governments (namely,
assassinations, insurgencies, and political interference), and in
contrast to the dominant mediations of the “Arab Spring,” Syrian “civil
war” and “drought” as primary causes of this conflict since 2011, a
foreign-sponsored insurgency (loosely known as ISIS/ISIL/IS in part
comprised of former Iraq Army soldiers laid off under orders from
General Paul Bremer and asembled into Al Qaeda Iraq (AQI), Al Qaeda
affiliate Jabhat Al-Nusra renamed as Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham and Hayat
Tahrir al Sham, Jaysh al Islam, and the Free Syrian Army brigades
among others) has been central to creating favorable conditions for
the U.S. and its allies.31
In 2009, the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad rejected a $10 billion
Qatari gas pipeline project proposed in 2000 to run from Qatar (North
Dome field shared with Iran’s South Pars field) through Saudi Arabia,
Jordan, Syria, and Turkey (Qatar-Turkey Gas Pipeline) to Europe.
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
Similarly, plans have been long underway for the construction of
an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia through Syria to Europe continue.
The construction, saving costs, and expanding volume as it would be
cheaper and faster than sea transport, would be carried out by a U.S.
corporation such as Halliburton and marketed to Europe by firms
like Exxon. Iran, seeking to use Syria as a corridor for its gas, has
intervened to defend the Assad government against the U.S.-SaudiQatari-backed jihadi insurgency to weaken and overthrow and replace
Assad with a government. If they cannot replace the government with
one more favorable to their interests, rather than occupy Syria, they
seek to secure control over a strip in former Syrian territory through
which to run the pipelines.
This oil-gas link would position GCC states to dominate world
natural gas and oil markets; accrue power to Qatar, host to two U.S.
bases, and Saudi Arabia, host to a drone base and several “units”;
deliver huge revenues to U.S. corporations that refine and distribute
the oil and gas to Europe and to Ankara through transit fees as a
transect hub; and to U.S.-U.K. banks through dollar commissions. It
would undercut Russia’s major share (70 percent of Russia’s gas supply
goes to Europe) of Europe’s gas supply (Nord Stream to Germany
and the planned South Stream pipeline through Turkey), providing
a further means to isolate that nation. This could also contribute to
a long-planned greater Middle East territorial project and a NATO
corridor from Turkey to India as an alternative to the Strait of Hormuz
supply route in case of war with Iran.
Instead, with conflicts sparked from the cooption of initially
nonviolent protests in Syria and Libya in 2011, in 2012 Syria signed
off on a pipeline from Iran’s South Pars through Syria to the ports
of Lebanon, giving influence to Iran at the expense of Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, and Israel, and leaving Iran and Russia to negotiate without
U.S. involvement. In 2012, having supplied funding and intelligence
to Syrian opposition groups since 2009, the United States joined
France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the U.K. to form the Friends
of Syria Coalition and demand and conduct operations for the removal
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of Assad. From around this point, a multinational force of Islamist
Sunni mercenaries (as listed above) were armed, trained, and funded
primarily by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, the United States, NATO,
and Israel to destabilize and gain partial control of Syrian territory
and ultimately replace the Assad government.32
Again, to justify this intervention, in 2013 the Syrian government
was widely accused of using its chemical weapons (sarin) on Syrian
civilians in the Ghouta chemical weapons attack which left 1,400 dead.
Later, numerous investigative journalists revealed a secret agreement
in 2012 between the Obama administration and leaders from Turkey,
Saudi Arabia, and Qatar to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it
on Assad to provide further justification for the “moderate rebels”
and pretext for U.S. invasion and regime change in Syria. In 2013,
Russia persuaded Syria to relinquish its chemical weapons stockpile,
which it duly did. Several investigative journalists then found and
corroborated that the sarin came from Libya’s stockpile, along with
many other weapons, which were being run in “rat lines” through
Turkey.33 These accusations and counter-accusations of chemical
weapons attacks have continued since.
As this chapter goes to press, yet another chemical weapons event in
Khan Sheikhun on April 4, 2017 was blamed on the Syrian government
and used to justify a U.S. unilateral retaliation with tomahawk missiles
on the Shayrat airbase and further discredit the Assad government.
The United Nations Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons (OPCW) confirmed that traces of sarin gas found in the
attack were not linked to the Syrian government’s former stockpile
of chemical weapons. The report corroborates the assertions of the
Syrian government that armed insurgents were responsible for the
chemical attack, along with the preceding attacks.34
In October 2013, Russia then sent a flotilla to confront U.S.-NATO
naval and air forces to back down from a planned attack on Syria from
the Mediterranean. Russia provided further military assistance at
the request of the elected Syrian government since September 2015
following ISIS’s control of transit corridors and major town centers
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
including Raqqa, northeastern Syria and Mosul (and Erbil and Kirkuk)
in northern Iraq, which have oil fields (matching a possible pipeline
route). Although motivated by its strategic interests — to protect
its naval base in Latakia, one of only ten Russian foreign military
bases and facilities, its share of the European gas market, and to
curb a long-term internal Islamist insurgency — Russia’s operations
remained within international law. By contrast, the U.S.-led coalition
has claimed to be fighting ISIS while demanding that the Syrian
government negotiate to share power with non-ISIS “moderate”
groups who seek to establish a “federal system.”35 While Damascus
has largely been brought under control, bitter fighting continues with
major flashpoints in Raqqa, Aleppo, Deir Ez-zor, Manbij, Idlib, Ramadi,
Homs, and Hama.
As if in revenge for Russia’s intervention to protect Syria, a “civil
war” in Ukraine was also triggered through an illegal coup d’état to
overthrow the elected Yanukovych government in February 2014.
When the Yanukovych government defaulted on its loans to Russia and
chose to honor a Russian repayment agreement instead of accepting
an IMF austerity package, preexisting tensions were aggravated
between energy-rich (coal) but politically neglected eastern provinces
(Donetsk, Donbass, Lugansk) which favored ties and trade with Russia
and more privileged western provinces where populations favored
joining the European Union and signing on for IMF loans.
As a traditional energy transit zone and buffer state between
Russia and Europe, Ukraine has long been a target for multinational
corporations assisted by U.S. and E.U. intelligence vying for shares
of Ukraine’s resources. In 2008, for example, nuclear conglomerates
in western-Ukraine (Tōshiba-Westinghouse/Energoatom, AREVA/
VostGOK) attempted to exclude Russian involvement in Ukraine
nuclear power by converting Russian nuclear reactors (VVER WaterWater Energetic Reactors) to uranium and plutonium fuels (MOX
Mediated as a color revolution against an unpopular and corrupt
pro-Russia government, the new government was constituted with
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
members favored by the U.S. “Ukraine hands” (such as U.S. State
Department Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt)
including the former Prime Minister (Arseniy Yatsenyuk) and several
Ukrainian émigré or foreign-born parliamentary members (such as
former Georgian President Saakashvili as Governor of Odessa).
Russia assumed control of Crimea to defend its access to the Black
Sea following overwhelming electoral support for secession (over 70
percent in favor by western polls). Labeled an annexation, Russia
was punished with several rounds of economic sanctions and banned
from the G8 summit. As Russia attempted to uphold the terms of the
subsequent Minsk Protocol (no foreign interference in Ukraine),
Russian-speaking populations in eastern Ukraine, Odessa, and Crimea
were attacked and besieged on numerous occasions by government
and hard-right paramilitary forces (Right Sector, Svoboda, Azov
Brigade, Maidan, Bandera) on anti-terrorist and even anti-Communist
pretexts.37 The Poroshenko government also blocked energy supply to
Crimea (recovered with an energy bridge from Russia), while natural
gas and heating prices doubled in 2016 in Ukraine under an IMF shock
therapy program. Coalition allies such as Australia ignored Ukraine’s
declared intentions to develop nuclear weapons in the next ten years
and a significant accident in late 2014 at the Zaporozhye nuclear power
plant which has leaked radioactive material into the environment
on several occasions, and blocked uranium supply to Russia while
signing uranium export agreements with Ukraine.38 This agreement
has since been ratified.
The U.S. “Asia Pivot” and Nuclear Build-up
As befitting a global hegemon, U.S. efforts to control the world
economy have not been limited to the Middle East, Central Europe,
and Central Asia. In a new doctrine informally known as the Asia Pivot
devised in 2009 and announced by President Obama in Canberra in
2011, the intention was declared to deploy 60 percent of U.S. military
forces along an arc extending from Northeast Asia to the Philippines
and Vietnam to Australia and India. Intended to contain and encircle
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
China and Russia in the Indo-Asia-Pacific regions, the U.S. called on
regional allies to increase their military expenditure to more than
2 percent of GDP. India and Japan, two central nodes in this arc,
demonstrate how nuclear and energy supply chains are inextricable
from this strategy of military positioning and presence.
In stark contrast to the public opprobrium, heavy sanctions, and
military threats to Iran and North Korea for their nuclear programmes,
U.S.-led efforts in 2004–2005 (brokered since the mid 1990s) led to an
agreement in 2008 to bequeath India, a non-NPT member, with a
waiver to trade with members of the forty-eight member Nuclear
Suppliers Group (NSG). Although India was finally denied formal
membership of the NSG in 2016 as it would breach its mandate
not to include non-NPT states, India will likely apply again. It was
also able to use the waiver to sign with NSG members in bilateral
agreements for supplies of raw and enriched uranium and nuclear
power technologies (from United States, France, including parts from
Japan, Russia, and likely Japan). In contrast, others (such as Pakistan)
continue to be denied either a waiver or full admission to the NSG. In
return for this U.S. leveraging, India signed up to a “global security
partnership” with the United States to counter, encircle, and contain
Chinese military reach and energy supply routes, including in the
Bay of Bengal and South China Sea. Against its typical position of
independence, building on its “Look East” policy of 1991, India also
launched its “Act East” policy of more proactive engagement in Asia,
part of which is its closer security alliance with the U.S. and Japan.
India’s increased nuclear generating capacity would contribute
to boosting power for military manufacturing (such as blue-water
navy) while surplus uranium allows it to divert Indigenous uranium
to Indigenous reactors and reprocessing facilities (ten out of twenty
are beyond IAEA scrutiny) for high-grade fuel for nuclear warheads.39
These weapons would supply the new nuclear armed and fueled attack
submarine fleet (four or five Arihants) in development since the 1980s,
and which would make India the sixth nation to possess a credible socalled second-strike deterrent (with U.S., U.K., France, Russia, China)
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
and places India behind U.S. and Russia in nuclear triad capacity
(tactical, intermediate, or multiple nuclear warhead delivery from
land, sea, and air). The Arihants are also intended for anti-submarine
warfare capability against China in the Indian Ocean.40
At the same time, Prime Ministers Singh and Modi both framed
India’s contracts for fabulously expensive foreign nuclear reactors as
an attempt to avert a “power crisis” and provide for “energy-starved”
populations (roughly four hundred million) who lack modern cooking
and heating. In fact, while national energy consumption is expected
to double in the next twenty years, Modi’s “Make in India” campaign
will exploit the nation’s vast supply of cheap labor and growing
middle-class appetite for electricity for a transnational capitalist class
of investors.41 Instead of social uplift, these reactors will increase
electricity bills for Indian taxpayers while raising electricity capacity
by only a few percent. The real burden of this “atomic revolution” is
borne by urban working classes in the form of high electricity bills and
farming-fishing and tribal communities residing near uranium mines
and nuclear power installations in the form of radiation exposures
and contamination, who have sought to protect their subsistence
economies from nuclear operations since 1988.42
Special concessions for India is a familiar story in Northeast and
Southeast Asia. While Washington has often called the United States
the “indispensable nation” (presumably to “keep the peace”) it has
long aggravated regional divisions to justify its forward deployments.
The United States is the only nation that has agreed to protect favoured
states through extended nuclear deterrence which either store/d U.S.
nuclear weapons or agree/d to host U.S. nuclear weapons carriers
(for example, latent or de facto nuclear states such as Japan, ROK, the
Philippines, Australia, Canada), and the only country to “share” its
nuclear weapons (in U.S. bases and mounted on delivery platforms)
with other states (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, U.K.).
As a recipient of U.S. extended nuclear deterrence, Japan is also the
only non-nuclear NPT member state to date to possess a significant
nuclear stockpile via nuclear fuel reprocessing. While it claims to seek
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
energy self-sufficiency by closing the nuclear fuel cycle (particularly
after the 1974–1976 oil shocks), key political leaders and strategists
have long claimed Japan’s right to develop tactical nuclear weapons
in defense of the nation under the U.N. Charter. In the 1980s, during
the U.S. Star Wars (SDI) program and Soviet deployment of SS-20
intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs), Japan committed
research and development to missile defense technology. In fact,
Japan has maintained a “hedge” capacity to produce high-enriched
uranium, plutonium, and tritium for construction and maintenance
of nuclear weapons, including for miniaturized warheads.43 It has
used aggressive-defensive North Korean rhetoric and DPRK missile
testing since 1998 (nuclearized since 2006) to justify its acquisition of
BMD on par with NATO powers and boosting interoperable capacity
for U.S.-Japan “collective defence” forces further enabled by the Abe
government’s forceful reforms of Japan’s constitution.
The U.S. Asia Pivot is only a step behind U.S.-NATO military
posture in Europe. Since a U.S.-NATO missile umbrella ranging from
Greenland to the Azores in Portugal was first announced by Bush II in
2007, in May 2016 a new anti-missile shield (MK 41) facility in Romania
was opened and another planned for Poland in 2018 to join those in
Turkey and Spain. Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a series of
candid statements on this matter. In 2016, for instance, Putin pointed
out that the nonexistent “Iranian threat” was a front to carry out the
implementation and loading of the NATO Missile Defense (MD) System
positioned in Europe. This uses sea-based mid-range Tomahawk
subsonic cruise missile rocket launchers that can penetrate territories
within 500 kilometers. With advances in U.S. missile technologies
these are expected to increase to 1,000 kilometers and further. As
Putin elaborated, the MD system is only one component in a larger
system of offensive military potential: “one complex blocks, the other
launches a high-precision weapon, the third blocks a potential nuclear
strike and the fourth sends out its own nuclear weapon in response.”
Although this system is non-nuclear, as the nuclear element was put
on hold in the 1980s, Putin’s expressed concern is twofold. First, these
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
missiles could be used to target Russia’s nuclear potential, taking out
its retaliatory capability and therefore its deterrent function. The
second is the inability of Russian intelligence to determine whether
or not these missiles are nuclear, potentially forcing Russia either
to launch nuclear weapons in correct or mistaken retaliation for an
apparent nuclear attack or to launch in anticipation of a nuclear attack
(preemptive or first-use nuclear strike). If this is correct, then Putin
is correct to assert that rather than a “defense” system, this system is
an “offense” system that is intended not to “prevent aggression” but to
enable it. Putin considers this as a disruption to the strategic balance
of power underwritten by a system of mutually assured destruction
as it allows the U.S. nuclear primacy.44 Russian and Chinese concerns
appear to have been accurate, as these systems could not only
potentially neutralize their offensive missile capabilities, they could
also be reequipped with cruise missiles with significant reach into
Russian and Chinese territories to be used in a “limited nuclear war.”
The U.S. also withdrew from the U.S.-Russia megatons to megawatts
program and New START treaty signed in 2010, and committed $355
billion for smaller yet more powerful nuclear weapons over ten
years. Between 2011 and early 2016, the United States launched fifteen
unarmed nuclear missile tests (including Minuteman 3 ICBMs from
California to Kwajalein atoll).45 The Obama administration committed
$1 trillion to an overall nuclear weapons upgrade over thirty years
(long-range bombers, nuclear submarines, ICBMs, cruise missiles,
F-35 fitted B61-12 bombs, nuclear plants, and laboratories).45 The
Trump administration has confirmed this and added an extra $54
billion to defense.
With NATO-Russia military communications cut since the Ukraine
crisis in 2013, U.S.-NATO forces have run multinational “rapid
reaction” drills (40,000 troops), pre-positioned strategic bombers,
tanks, and bases and rotated troops (four battalions or 4,000 U.S.,
U.K., German) in the Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), Poland,
Norway, and also Jordan.46 While trading accusations of violations
of the 1987 Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), Russia
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
refused to join the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit. It deployed Iskander
nuclear-capable short-range ballistic missiles in Kaliningrad and
other sites within Russian borders, and also committed to new missile
complexes for Russian Strategic Missile Forces (SMF), including a
multiple-warhead ICBM (RS-24 Yars) and a new heavy ICBM (Sarmat).
Since 2014, China and Russia have been developing new hypersonic
intercontinental missiles (China-DF-ZF, Russia-3M22 Zircon) intended
to maintain nuclear deterrent capability by breaking through U.S.
missile fence systems on their borders, and avoid U.S. monopoly in
the Baltic and South China Seas. On April 12, 2016, Beijing tested a
DF-41 ICBM missile with multiple warheads that can reach the United
States in thirty minutes.46 At the time of writing, Russia and China
are considering building a joint missile defense system comparable
to the joint operated U.S. equivalent.
None of this should be surprising. In 2010, a telegram leaked from
the U.S. State Department signed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
outlined a NATO plan for attacking Russia. In 2016, an election year
in the United States, while U.S. think tanks targeted their rhetoric on
Russian aggressive “adventurism” in Europe and Beijing’s push for
“hegemony in East Asia,” economic warfare was ongoing to provoke
and/or break Russia.47 With the Iranian oil export and nuclear energy
embargo lifted in late 2015, Saudi Arabia glutted the world oil market
by overproduction, forcing down oil prices from $103 per barrel in
June 2014 (compared to an $80 per barrel average) to below $30 per
barrel in February 2016 (up to $50 per barrel in June).48 Characterized
as “cancer treatment,” Saudi Arabia gambled that it would suffer less
than the world’s other largest oil producers — Russia and Venezuela.49
Alternatives to Interlocking Unipolarity
After more than seventy years, the U.S. division and alliance
architecture is stressed from “imperial overreach” with a military
budget greater than the next twelve nations combined and increasing
every year to fortify strategic territories and energy corridors to
maximize control over supply and finance. The Beijing-Moscow “anti-
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
system” of Belt, Road, and Pipelines (Belt and Road Initiative) across
the Eurasian heartland and supported by a complex of multilateral
financial and trade institutions (such as the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization [SCO], Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank [AIIB])
indicates the emergence of a potential alternative.
As oil output in the North Sea declines, in 2016 Russia detached
Russian crude oil from the U.S. dollar to trade in ruble on the St.
Petersburg Exchange (SPIMEX). Russia further agreed to be paid in
yuan in 2017 for its oil and gas pipeline supplies (ESPO pipeline and
also Northeast Asia) to China which is the world’s largest oil importer
at 8.9 percent (6.6 million bpd, November 2015).50 China also launched
an independent yuan oil benchmark on the Shanghai Exchange (INE).
A multi-polar world could be the most significant alternative to the
dominant power system established at the end of World War II. On one
hand, as attrition of infrastructure and public services and precarity
in lower- and middle-income working classes grow more acute in
advanced capitalist societies, denying the dominance of the dollar
fixed to the world’s biggest commodity of black and blue gold (both
finite non-renewable resources) could at least expose this systemic
production of self-perpetuating and opportunistic crises to fairer
competition. Instead of the neoliberal shock tactics of proxy wars,
military intervention and “regime change”; financial manipulation;
foreign loans with heavy interest; austerity, deregulation,
outsourcing, integrated robotics (to replace labor); and extreme and
excessive resource extraction (coal seam gas, seabed mining, supertrawler driftnet fishing, water privatization, trafficking), long-term
macro and micro, local and transnational energy and infrastructure
projects could foster greater trust through cooperation and could
boost real employment, tax revenue, technology-access, new markets,
and industries. If there is a significant and coordinated push to
adopt renewable energies and reduce carbon-based dependence
it could mean avoiding desperation as vital resource depletion
hits harder as well as a cleaner environment. This could positively
strengthen supranational institutions and sovereign states to rein in
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
a transnational executive class through the universal ratification and
enforceable execution of international legal standards to create more
equitable opportunities for development and less uneven distribution
of wealth.
Conclusion: Fukushima Daiichi as Exhaustion by Capital
The spread and diversification of capitalism has depended on
the military and economic (including energy) organizational
capacities of a succession of global hegemons which have sought to
foster accumulation and control on a progressively expanding and
penetrating scale.51 In 2016, as in 1945 and throughout the intervening
decades, nuclear energy and nuclear weapons remain instrumental
in and inextricably bound to the operations and ambitions of nation
states, transnational corporations, alliances, and power blocs within
the global power apparatus. Nuclear power structures bind nation
states within a regional and global security calculus and institutional
order, while commercial or “peaceful” nuclear energy, although not
completely fictitious, has provided a “fig-leaf ” for military uses. Not
limited to chessboard security, however, nuclear weapons states, defacto nuclear weapons states, nuclear energy states, and non-nuclear
states are simultaneously entangled in a web of energy-financialmilitary power relations. The nuclear power industry represents some
of the starkest class divisions due to its centralized and concentrated
system operated by a transnational power elite and insulated within
exclusive domains of decision making and information access while
disempowered communities bear most of its weight in the form
of dispossession, loss of political agency, corruption, cheap labor,
radiation exposures, and a contaminated commons.
For decades in Japan, for example, informal laborers from the
most vulnerable parts of society are picked up by labor brokers, often
with yakuza connections, for labor on power plant construction,
maintenance, and cleaning.52 As nuclear reactors grow older they
become more contaminated and corroded (average forty-year life
span) and these workers, vulnerable to a regime of misinformation,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
become increasingly exposed to radiation. They develop chronic
illnesses, cancers, and leukaemia, and shortened life spans, which
also have generational impacts in the form of mutagenic effects.53
Five years after the Tokyo Electric (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear disaster began on March 11, 2011 (“3.11”) it would appear
that recovery, reconstruction, and revitalization is underway in
Fukushima Prefecture. With the dominant narrative under control,
the mainstream public assuaged, high radiation levels normalized,
and a planned return to nuclear power generation (with twenty-five
reactors expected to be supplying 20 percent total energy by 2030),
as distinct from the response to the Chernobyl disaster the Japanese
government and TEPCO have continued to vent, dump, incinerate,
and redistribute radioactive materials into the atmosphere, onto land
and water in Japan, and into the Pacific Ocean.
To maintain a semblance of legality, the Japanese government
institutionalized an armature of plausible deniability by raising
its legal limits for radiation exposure.54 With the support of the
international nuclear regulators, the authorities also deployed a
“risk-communications” narrative by trivializing radiation danger
and diverting focus from scientific understandings of available data to
psychological responses so as to facilitate community acceptance and
resilience in contaminated areas. To return capital loss to economic
profit for the major corporations involved and their shareholders
and investors, these social costs are being externalized and mostly
“informal labor” is being employed to convert this once high-yield
organic region of Fukushima into decommissioning and radiation
research and waste storage and incineration hubs. Meanwhile the
radioactive waste continues to be distributed around the country and
recirculated in various forms. “Debt” in the form of radiation burden
has been forced on human and non-human biota inside and outside
Japan, while those who attempt to protect their fundamental rights
to good health, well-being, and safety have been suppressed.
As graphically reinforced in Fukushima Daiichi and more recently
the Kumamoto earthquakes on July 14–16, 2016 (1,026 earthquakes
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
including two of seven-plus magnitude) and close to two nuclear
power stations, it is painfully obvious that no safety measures are
adequate to protect nuclear power plants against seismicity and other
extreme weather events (not to mention neglect, sabotage, or military
attack). Together with many other nuclear energy related accidents,
these systemic conditions outlined above indicate that utility profits,
regulatory capture, and “cheaper” electricity are only some of the
drivers of Japan’s nuclear power program.
As I have discussed above, the influence of the transnational
nuclear industry (particularly Japan-U.S.) together with other factors
such as oil pricing and distribution, financial exchange rates, and a
geopolitical alliance apparatus that includes nuclear security, means
that nuclear power in Japan is an energy and weapons hedge. When
all costs are included, however, particularly in the local economic,
social, health, and broader environmental sectors, nuclear power is
symptomatic of the deep violence of late capitalism as an apparatus
of capital power relations. In its colonization of the most intimate
bio-ecological bonds over several generations relative to different
species and its large-scale destructive capacity, it mimics Indigenous
dispossession and erosion of precapitalist economic and social
relations in abrogation of their rights to shared resources at the base
of production and sustainable environments and living standards.
In the neoliberal state-corporate accord for unlimited exploitation
of “cheap nature,” externalizing costs and risk, protecting private
assets, and emptying out public institutions to facilitate their financial
growth margins, in the aim to own and commodify almost anything,
Capital as subject is exhausting the planetary commons (as manifest
in carbon emissions, heating, ocean acidification, biodiversity loss,
accelerated consumption, and human population growth, among
other things).55 Triggering profits through energy conflicts which
stimulate price fluctuations, hydrocarbons access, weapons sales, stock
investment, financial commissions, reconstruction contracts, and
weakened regulation, its irrational kernel is exposed as it suppresses
the same social and ecological forces which repair and regenerate
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
conditions for life’s flourishing.56 If the planetary commons are to be
recognized as a common inheritance and to be legally held in public
trust for for collective and sustainable use by all people as necessary
for the continued thriving of planetary life, then understanding the
mechanisms of the nuclear-oil-dollar-weapons complex may be a
strategic step toward this goal.57
A multipolar system may offer one of the few realistic interim
alternatives to the current U.S.-U.K.-led petro-nuclear corporate state
model of “cheap” fuels, permanent war, privatized public institutions,
tax insulation for an executive class, mass incarceration, immiserated
and exposed labor, and religious and political fundamentalisms.
Over the longer term, however, reinvigorated forms and praxes of
trans-local social organization for worker-communities deploying
renewable energy systems and subsistence economies on a mass scale
could be more viable to remain within planetary boundaries. In the
present interregnum, avoiding the cooption of “mixed economies”
by neoliberal Capital and its political representatives remains a
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
Jay Hughes, “Terrorism targets citizens, Powell says,” Newsok, August
12, 1988,
Control points of the U.S. maritime power (5th and 7th Fleets) include
the Strait of Hormuz, Strait of Malacca, Panama Canal, Turkish Straits,
Danish Straits, the Bay of Bengal, as well as land-bases in the Gulf states,
Central Asia, east Europe, India, the Philippines, Japan, South Korea and
northern Australia.
See USCENTCOM, “Shaping the Central Region for the 21st Century,”
Strategic Plan II 1997–1999 (MacDill Air Force Base, Florida: Office of the
Commander-in-Chief, 1997) 5.
Halford Mackinder, “The Geographical Pivot of History,” The Geographical
Society, 23-24 (April 1904) 421–437.
This fulfills the geostrategy formulated by Zbigniew Brzezinski, The
Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives, (New
York: Basic Books, 1997).
David Painter, “Oil and World Power,” Encyclopedia of American Foreign
Policy, 2002,
The United States supports 737 U.S. bases officially recognised in sixtythree countries as of 2005 and a likely total of 1,000 bases worldwide
(including domestic military bases). See Chalmers Johnson, Nemesis:
The Last Days of the American Republic (New York: Metropolitan Books,
2006) 139.
See “Commercial Rights in China (‘Open Door’ Policy): Declarations by
France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, and Russia accepting
United States proposal for ‘open door’ policy in China,” September 6,
1899–March 20, 1900, 1 Bevans 278,
Painter, “Oil and World Power.”
Coordinating Committee of the Department of State, “Draft Memorandum
to President Truman,” Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic
Papers, The Near East and Africa, 8 (1945) 45. Prepared by the Chief of
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Merriam) and submitted to the
Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson)
early in August 1945.
William Wohlforth, “The Stability of a Unipolar World,” International
Security 24 (Summer 1999) 14–15.
See for example, Jon Mitchell, “’Seconds away from Midnight’: U.S.
Nuclear Missile Pioneers on Okinawaa Break Fifty Year Silence on a
Hidden Nuclear Crisis of 1962,” The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 10.1
Steve Rabson, “Okinawa’s Henoko was a storage location for nuclear
weapons: published account,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, 11.1 (2013) http://
Herman Kahn, On Thermonuclear War (New Jersey: Princeton UP, 1960);
Henry Kissinger, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy (New York: Harper
& Brothers, 1957).
This was argued, for example, in a report written in 1957 by M. Louis
Armand, Franz Etzel, and Francesco Giordani entitled “A target for
Euratom” cited in Roy Herbert, “Progress in Euratom,” New Scientist, 282
(April 12, 1962). In Japan, from as early as 1945 through to the mid-1950s,
media commentaries focused on nuclear power as a “vital technology”
and a benchmark of civilization. See Takekawa Shunichi, “Drawing a
Line between Peaceful and Military Uses of Nuclear Power: The Japanese
Press, 1945–1955,” Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 10.37 (2012) http://apjjf.
“Oil and World Power.”
Founded in 1954 by Jozef Retinger and Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, the Bilderberg Group invited a conservative and liberal
representatives from the United States and Western Europe to find
ways to promote Atlanticism and bolster free market western capitalism
through political, economic, and military means. The group continues
to comprise some of the major stakeholders in the world’s largest oil
F. William Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the
New World Order (London: Pluto P, 2004) 153, 162.
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
Andrea Wong, “The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia’s 41-Year U.S.
Debt Secret,” Bloomberg, May 30, 2016,
news/features/2016-05-30/the-untold-story-behind-saudi-arabia-s-41year-u-s-debt-secret. See also David Spiro, The Hidden Hand of American
Hegemony: Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets (New York:
Columbia UP, 1999).
See, for example, Robin Rowley, Shimshom Bichler, Jonathan Nitzan,
“The Armadollar-Petrodollar Coalition and the Middle East,” Working
Papers 89:10 (1989) 1–54,
Alan Freeman and Boris Kagarlitsky eds., The Politics of Empire:
Globalisation in Crisis, (London: Pluto P, 2004); Leo Panitch and Steve
Gindin, Global Capitalism and American Empire, (London: Merlin Press,
2012) 50.
Stephen M. Walt, “Wikileaks, April Glaspie and Saddam Hussein,”
Foreign Policy, January 9, 2011,
wikileaks-april-glaspie-and-saddam-hussein/, and Joseph Wilson, The
Politics of Truth: A Diplomat’s Memoir: Inside the War and the Lies that
Betrayed my wife’s CIA identity (New York: Carol and Graf 2004) 101–104.
Editor, “Text of Bush’s Letter to Saddam Hussein,” LA Times, January
12, 1991,, and Editor, “Confrontation in the Gulf:
Excerpts on Iraqi Document on Meeting with U.S. Envoy,” The New York
Times, September 23, 1990,
This testimony by fifteen-year-old “Nayirah” (only first name provided)
before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus was mediated on
American prime-time television. Only later was she revealed to be the
daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States Saud al-Sabah,
supported by the Citizens for a Free Kuwait. Amnesty International’s
corroboration was later retracted and the testimony was exposed as
fabricated by PR firm Hill and Knowlton. Susanne Roschwalb, “The Hill
& Knowlton Cases: A Brief on the Controversy,” Public Relations Review
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
20:3 (1994) 267–276.
Andrew Cockburn and Patrick Cockburn, Out of the Ashes: The Resurrection
of Saddam Hussein (London: Verso 2000), and Patrick Cockburn, “How
the West Set Saddam on the Bloody Road to Power,” The Independent,
June 29, 2007,
For more detail see, for example, Douglas Frantz and Murray Waas,
“U.S. Loans Indirectly Financed Iraq Military: Foreign Aid: Baker Pushed
through Agriculture Credits that Helped Hussein Free up Money for
Arms,” The Los Angeles Times, February 23, 1992, http://articles.latimes.
See for example, Central Intelligence Agency. Government of the United
States. “Bringing Real Muscle to Bear Against Syria,” September 14, 1983,
Approved Release Date May 17, 2008, CIA Reading Room, https://www.cia.
Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan, “The Weapondollar — Petrodollar
Coalition: Still about Oil?” Philosophers for Change, December 16, 2014,
See for example, “Politics: U.S. Policy Towards Taliban Influenced by
Oil — Authors,” Inter Press Service News Agency, May 6, 2016, http://www., citing Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie,
Forbidden Truth: U.S. Secret Oil Diplomacy and the Failed Hunt for Bin Laden
(New York: Nation Books/Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2002), and Ahmed
Rashid, Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia
(New Haven: Yale UP, 2001) 145.
Government of the United States, Department of Defense, “Nuclear
Posture Review Report,” April 2010,
Wesley Clark, Winning Modern Wars (New York: Public Affairs, 2003) 130.
This pattern has a long legacy. Since 1949, the CIA began interfering in
the politics of the newly recognized sovereign state of Syria which, with
the aid of the British and Australian forces, had expelled the French
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
Vichy colonial rulers. Flush with success from the engineered coup in
Operation Ajax that oustered Mossadegh in Iran in 1953, in 1956–1958,
for example, Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner, and the CIA together with MI6
(such as the prototypical Friends of Syria Association) arranged support
for a series of assassinations by the Muslim Brotherhood and others
in the name of “holy jihadism” against Arab nationalism putatively
to hold off communism in Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Iraq.
Actually it was to establish governments that would support American
oil, gas, weapons and geostrategic interests. See Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,
“Why Arabs Don’t Trust America,” Politico, February 22, 2016, http://, and Frank Weiner, Legacy of Ashes: The History
of the CIA (New York: Random House, 2008). This CIA “kingmaking”
activity is sharply criticized in the U.S. Bruce Lovett Report, 1956 on
covert actions by the CIA/Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), https://
the_CIA#1956_Bruce-Lovett_Report. U.S. funding for Syrian opposition
groups at least since 2005 when the Bush administration froze
diplomatic relations with Syria. The U.S. State Department provided $6
million to Barada TV (U.K.) to promote an anti-government message.
See Craig Whitlock, “US secretly backed Syrian opposition groups
cables released by Wikileaks show,” Washington Post, April 14, 2011,
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton indicated as much in an email in
which she advocated the overthrow of Assad in order to undermine
Iran and strengthen Israel’s regional nuclear hegemony. Hillary Clinton,
December 31, 2012, U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439
Doc No. C05794498, Wikileaks,
emailid/18328. See Tim Anderson, The Dirty War on Syria: Washington,
Regime Change and Resistance (Montreal: Global Research 2016) 102–103.
See also, Editor, “Turkey is key supplier of weapons, military hardware
to ISIS — Russian envoy to UN,” Russia Today, April 1, 2016, https://www.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Seymour Hersh, “Whose Sarin?,” London Review of Books, 35:24
(December 19, 2013) 9–12,; Seymour Hersh, “The Red Line and the Rat Line,”
London Review of Books, 36:8 (April 17, 2014) 21–24,
v36/n08/seymour-m-hersh/the-red-line-and-the-rat-line; Johnlee
Varghese, “Libya: ISIS takes over Gaddafi-era chemical factory, steals
tons of mustard gas, sarin,” IB Times, February 23, 2015, http://www.; “ISIS stole gas from Libya stores
and has used it, Gaddafi’s cousin tells RT,” Russia Today, December 19,
Chrisof Lehmann, “Top US and Saudi Officials responsible for chemical
weapons in Syria,” MSNBC International, October 7, 2013, http://nsnbc.
me/2013/10/07/top-us-and-saudi-officials-responsible-for-chemicalweapons-in-syria/; Richard Lloyd and Theodore Postol, “Possible
Implications of Faulty US Technical Intelligence in the Damascus
Nerve Agent Attack of 21 August 2013,” January 14, 2014, http://www.
Theodore Postol, “Assessment of White House Intelligence Report of
April 11, 2017 About the Nerve Agent Attack in Khan Shaykhun, Syria,”
public correspondence, April 17, 2017, available at
A declassified 2012 U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency document made
several clarifying revelations that included that Al-Qaeda Iraq drove
the opposition in Syria from the beginning; external and Western
powers identified with this opposition; the establishment of ISIS
would derive from the Syrian insurgency comprising Salafists, Muslim
Brotherhood, and AQI; the establishment of a “Salafist Principality” or
a “Sunni Islamic State” in East Syria was desirable to desired to “the
West, Gulf Countries, and Turkey,” “safe havens” (or “no fly zones”
permitting “humanitarian intervention”) were recommended in
areas conquered by Islamic insurgents; this could destroy a unified
Iraq and could renew re-entry of terrorist elements into Iraq. http://
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
237 This point has been followed and examined,
in varying degrees, by numerous journalists, authors, and analysts.
See, for example, Stephen Gowans, “The Pentagon’s Plan to convert
the Islamic State Caliphate into a US-backed Syrian Rebel puppet
regime,” Global Research, May 5, 2016,
the-pentagons-plan-to-convert-the-islamic-state-caliphate-into-aus-backed-syrian-rebel-puppet-regime/5523653?print=1. Further, it is
important to recognize that Israel, in the aim of weakening the SyriaIran-Hezbollah alliance, has strengthened its ties with Saudi Arabia and
other Sunni states contravening traditional alignments.
Rosatom produces MOX fuel in Beloyarskaya in direct competition with
French producers in the Rhone and Languedoc-Roussillon regions,
with U.K. producers in Sellafield (and possibly Hinkley Point) and U.S.
producers (potentially at Savannah River).
Paul Moreira, “Ukraine: Le Masques de la Revolution: Reponse au
critiques,” Mediapart, January 30, 2016,
paul-moreira/blog/300116/ukraine-les-masques-de-la-revolutionreponse-aux-critiques, and Phil Wilayto, “Eyewitness Odessa:
Anti-Fascist Resistance in Ukraine,” Counterpunch May 13, 2016.
“Radioactive leak at major Ukrainian nuclear plant — report,” Russia
Today, January 1, 2015, The Ukrainian Defense Minister Valerie Geletei
stated that it would develop nuclear weapons to protect itself. “Ukraine
may create nuclear bomb in 10 years — experts,” September 17, 2014,
Just hours after India signed an agreement with Canada to buy 3,000
tons of uranium in 2015, India tested an Agni III nuclear-capable ballistic
missile. Evan Dyer, “Arms control experts say Canada sends the wrong
signal to countries that play by the rules,” CBC News, April 17, 2015, http://
N.C. Bipindra, “India close to first nuclear-armed submarine,” Sydney
Morning Herald, February 27, 2016,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
html. Sangeev Miglani and Greg Torode, “Wary of China’s Indian
Ocean activities, US, India discuss anti-submarine warfare,” Reuters,
May 2, 2016,
The World Bank estimates that nearly four hundred million Indians have
no access to electricity. See “Energy,” World Bank, http://go.worldbank.
The U.S.-Japan amalgams Tōshiba-Westinghouse and Hitatchi-General
Electric are contracted for six AP1000 nuclear reactors, while France’s
AREVA (with parts from Mitsubishi) are contracted for several European
Pressurised Reactors (EPRs). They are intended for Mithi Virdi in
Gujarat, Kovvada in Andhra Pradesh, and in Jaitapur. Russia’s Rusatom
already built reactors in Koodankulam since 1988. Indian Indigenous
reactors are in Chutka and Fatehad. See also, MV Ramana, “India’s
nuclear power failures warn against exports,” The Conversation, October
16, 2012,
See Adam Broinowski, “Sovereign Power Ambitions and the Realities
of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster,” Fukushima: Dispossession or
Denuclearization, eds. Nadesan, Boys, McKillop and Wilcox (The
Dispossession Publishing Group, 2014) 24–52.
Vladimir Putin, “Putin’s Warning: Full Speech. Vladimir Putin speaking
to journalists of the world’s leading news agencies on the sidelines of the
20th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF 2016),” June
17, 2016, available at
David Alexander, “US test-fires its ICBMs to stress its power to Russia,
North Korea,” Reuters, February 26, 2016,
Editor, “Russia’s, China’s real hypersonic gliders able to break US
THAAD system,” Sputnik, April 30, 2016,
world/20160430/1038881534/russia-china-hypersonic-gliders.html, and
Minnie Chan, “China, Russia ramping up tests of hypersonic gliders
to counter new US strategy: analysts,” South China Morning Post, April
28, 2016,
Nuclear Power and Oil Capital
Atlantic Council, “Alliance at Risk: Strengthening European Defense in
an Age of turbulence and competition,” Atlantic Council, February 2016,; and CSIS, “NATO Summit and Energy Security in light of
the Ukraine crisis,” CSIS, September 17, 2014,
F. William Engdahl, “Russia breaking US oil price monopoly,” New
Eastern Outlook, January 9, 2016,
Engdahl, “Russia breaking US oil price monopoly.”
According to William Engdahl in “Russia breaking US oil price
monopoly,” Russia exports 75 percent of 10.5 million barrels per day
(bpd) (2013) of oil (Urals Blend mixture) of which Europe (mainly
Germany, the Netherlands and Poland via the Nord stream) buys 80
percent (3.5 million bpd), as compared to Saudi Arabia (890,000 bpd),
Nigeria (810,000 bpd), Kazakhstan (580,000 bpd), and Libya (560,000
Nancy Fraser, “Behind Marx’s Hidden Abode: For an Expanded
Conception of Capitalism,” New Left Review, 86 (March-April 2014) 55–74,
and see also Giovanni Arrighi, The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power
and the Origins of our Times (London: Verso 1994) 66.
88 percent of 83,000 workers in Japan’s nuclear sector and 89 percent of
10,303 workers at Fukushima Daiichi in subcontracting service positions.
See Editors, “Radiation Doses 4 Times Larger for ‘Outside Workers’ at
Nuclear Plants,” Asahi Shimbun, July 26, 2012,
For more detail, see Adam Broinowski, “Informal Labour, Local Citizens
and the Tokyo Electric Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Crisis: Responses
to Neoliberal Disaster Management,” eds. T. Morris-Suzuki, E. Soh,
New Worlds from Below: Informal Life Politics and Grassroots Action in 21st
Century Northeast Asia (Canberra: ANU Press, 2017) 131–166.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
1 mSv/y to 20 mSv/y for civilians; 20 mSv/y to 100 mSv/y and 250
mSv/y in emergencies for nuclear workers; 100 Bq for food and liquids
in general, 50 Bq for infant foods, 50 Bq in milk, 10 Bq in water; 8000
Bq/kg for waste.
For a detailed explanation of this concept see Jason Moore, “Putting
Nature to Work: Anthropocene, Capitalocene and the Challenge of
World-Ecology,” Supramarkt: A Micro-Toolkit for Disobedient Consumers, or
How to Frack the Fatal Forces of the Capitalocene, eds. Cecilia Wee, Janneke
Schönenbach, Olaf Arndt (Gothenburg: Irene Books, 2015) 69–117.
The uranium by-product (spent fuels and nuclear waste) must be cooled
in storage pools on site for roughly a hundred years before it is to be
relocated to storage caskets and/or underground vaults for storage
periods that far exceed the human species’ planetary existence (100,000
year average). This material is insecurable as it is beyond the capacity of
human society to safely contain it from the environment, considering
extreme weather, political and economic instability, conflict, and other
Similar struggles include protecting farmers and small producers from
seed patenting under WTO intellectual property provisions, open source
software, and free internet information.
Due to renewable energy nuclear power is declining. France plans to
reduce from 80 percent to 50 percent nuclear-generated electricity.
Post 3.11, the German government transitioned from 30 percent to 24
percent renewable energy of total electricity supply. Subsidized at
€16 billion, new businesses are estimated at €40 billion per year and
additional employment at 400,000 people. Although nuclear energy is
20–30 percent of electricity supply in East Asia (Japan still near zero
in 2016), 20 percent in U.S., 2 percent in South Asia, 1 percent in Latin
America, and near zero in Africa and the Middle East, several nations
including the U.S. are forced to close old plants due to age limit. See
also Emily Steward, ABC, October 29, 2014,
Keeping the Lights On: Oil Shocks, Coal Strikes,
and the Rise of Electroculture
David Thomas
Writing as the belle epoch drew to its acrimonious conclusion amid a
hail of pickets and truncheons, Raymond Williams took issue with a
stagist model of social analysis that has remained a stubborn feature
of historiographic writing into the present. Williams complained
that a scholarly preoccupation with “epochal” social formations often
occluded recognition of the historical movements and tendencies
that were concurrently active “within and beyond” the “dominant”
regimes.1 Intent on moving beyond this kind of blinkeredness,
he prompted cultural sociologists to focus more intently on the
effects of “residual” and “emergent” forces, thereby attempting to
grasp historical and cultural processes in all their contingent and
mutually determining dynamism.2 In this chapter I apply Williams’s
triadic conceptualization of social process — one attentive to the
effects of residual, dominant, and emergent forces — to the study
of energy systems and their attendant “energy cultures.” I attempt
to draw out the political implications of these imbricated systems’
different technological and social compositions. Repurposing the term
“electroculture,”3 I claim that a distinctive set of social formations and
relations of production emerge in the wake of the 1970s energy crisis,
as policymakers start to develop electricity into the signature fuel —
and material medium — of a sweeping cybernetic restructuration
of the global energy system.4 Yet, in accord with dynamics that
Williams found to be typical of historical process, the mainlining
of these new technologies not only changed the structural practices
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of the dominant petroculture, it also served to reactivate residual
modes of class struggle that had first been developed in the heyday
of steam. As Britain’s miners attempted to assert their interests in
the context of a changing energy system they used modified versions
of their old steam-era tactics to force the British government into
an embarrassing series of political capitulations. The short-term
success of their struggle hinged on the historical irony that the U.K.’s
electricity — the lifeblood of the cybernetic turn — was in large part
a product of domestically mined coal.
In discussing “energy cultures” in this fairly loose and expansive
fashion, I define “culture” in the broadest possible sense, and again
I follow Williams in considering it as the shared experience of
“the institutions, manners, habits of thought, and intentions” that
together constitute a way of life.5 Yet in focusing on energy I also
take up Imre Szeman and Dominic Boyer’s claim that “[w]e can no
longer fully understand developments in culture, society, politics,
and economics without paying attention to the role played by energy
in each domain.”6 I build on this contention by attempting to parse
the distinct forms of life and modes of struggle that arise through
the socio-ecological production of the different — and overlapping
— energy systems that are concurrently operative in a given time
and place. For energy systems do not simply “power” life in a hidden
or subterranean fashion. They are instead lived in such a complete
way that we can begin to identify “the institutions, manners, habits
of thought, and intentions” that are proper to each. Despite the near
self-evident truth of this claim, however, it has taken a surprising
amount of time for historiographic analysis to acknowledge how
fully questions of energy have determined the unfolding of political
struggle and technological development. Indeed, as I review key
materialist accounts of the miners’ strikes and the cybernetic turn,
it is clear that — with the notable exception of George Caffentzis —
contemporary commentators have a tendency to overlook energy’s
central significance. Thus at the same time as this paper seeks to revive
some of the central categories of Williams’s historiographic theory, it
Keeping the Lights On
also seeks to address the energy lacuna that reside at the heart of his
account of this cycle of struggles.
The Body Electric — Defining Electroculture
The logic of understanding steam and petroleum systems as “residual”
and “dominant” is perhaps obvious enough not to warrant too much
explanation. But the idea of petroculture being slowly modified
and displaced by the emergence of electroculture is arguably
more contentious. Can electricity even be said to be a fuel? There is
something inherently ambiguous about the abundant and precisely
controlled electron flows that now mediate and animate so many
facets of life and work in the present day. For one thing, we can never
be entirely sure of their provenance. Though “noiseless and, at the
point of conversion, absolutely clean,” we know that electricity is
produced through diverse means.7 Some, such as nuclear fission and
coal combustion, threaten titanic forms of ecological misadventure.
Others, such as solar and hydro, promise to help the world system
evade the grim prospects of climate change and nuclear disaster. No
such ambiguity surrounds the combustion engine. We have but to turn
the key to see the chemical agents of anthropogenic climate change
escaping from the tailpipe. Yet in activating an electrically powered
device we are left unsure if the current that supplies it is carrying us
into a cleaner future, or a hotter, darker, and dirtier tomorrow.
Electricity’s ambiguity stems from the fact that — unlike the other
fuels that we routinely use in the course of a day — it cannot be traced
back to a signature raw material such as natural gas or oil. In the
bulk of its industrial and commercial forms, we encounter electricity
as a flow of electric current produced through the turbine-driven
rotary stimulation of electromagnetic fields. Channeled through the
conductive mediums of wires and cables, traveling at somewhere
between 50 to 99 percent of the speed of light, electricity is deployed
on a planetary scale with industrial force. Moved with infinitesimal
precision through silicon microchips in the near instantaneous
interplay of billions of mutually responsive transistors, electricity
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
serves as the universal medium of late capital’s social-machinic
cognition. This comprehensive range of applications has allowed
developers and policymakers to use electricity as a terraforming agent,
a means of propulsion, and an unrivaled means of informational
production and exchange. Energy historian Vaclav Smil writes that the
“precise control” of electrical delivery now ranges “from less than one
watt for the most efficient microchips to multi-gigawatt flows in large
national or regional grids,” while its “focused applications” can be
found “on any conceivable scale… from micromachining to powering
the world’s largest excavators and the world’s fastest trains.”8 The
near universal range of the potential use values of electricity — even
commercial electric flight now seems within reach — allows global
governance to countenance the possibility of a wholesale transition
to a post–fossil fuel economy.9
Yet although the distinct features of what I define as electroculture
begin to predominate in the wake of the 1970s energy crisis, it can
of course be argued that electroculture began its emergence much
earlier. Key breakthroughs in electrical engineering — including
the development of experimental electrical trains — were made
throughout the nineteenth century, and the world’s first electrical
supply network was operational by the century’s close. The rapid pace
of technological innovation that characterized the two world wars
also led to key electromagnetic communicational developments such
as radio, sonar, and the proto-computer, the Turing machine. In the
immediate postwar period, electric lighting and consumer electronics
such as refrigerators and radios began to wind their way into the vast
bulk of households in high-income countries, while state subsidized
research and development departments established the foundations
of what Ernest Mandel describes as a “third industrial revolution.”10
It was not, however, until the oil shock of the 1970s that global
governance began in earnest to build toward deploying electricity
as its signature fuel and its key instrument of worker control and
production management. Doubtless, much of the groundwork had
been laid in the immediate postwar period. Written at the close of the
Keeping the Lights On
1960s, Mandel’s magisterial Late Capitalism had already identified the
harbingers of a “third industrial revolution” centered on computing
technology and the intensified automation of the productive process.
Yet Mandel’s work, so pioneering and prescient in its vision, was
still in some respects the fruit of a more energy-innocent age, one
that had not yet been compelled to fully countenance the complex
socio-ecological contingencies and consequences of capital’s everdeepening dependency on fossil fuels. Indeed, from our own vantage,
it is genuinely surprising that the 1975 English translation of Late
Capitalism declines even to index the word “energy.” Historiography’s
apparent reticence to grasp the historically determinative significance
of energy is, however, in no way characteristic of attitudes in policy
making circles of the era. Arriving only a few years after the first
publication of Mandel’s magnum opus, the 1970s energy crisis brought
the matter of energy to the forefront of policy making agendas. And
as the initial computational research that Mandel so exhaustively
documented concurrently issued in the development of the microchip
— Intel launched the world’s first commercial microchip, the 4004,
in 1971 — the stage was set for the full emergence of electrocultural
After Oil? — The Energy Crisis and the Electrical Fix
The emergence of electrocultural policymaking in key economies such
as the U.S. and the U.K., unfolds through two key initial phases. In its
first phase the dominant concern of policy makers — spooked by the
prospect of peak oil — is that of energy efficiency. Yet, in time, the
immediacy of concerns over the burgeoning stagflation crisis begin to
override the initial long view. In the U.K., electrocultural policymaking
enters its second phase at the cusp of the new decade as Tory party
think tanks begin to consider redirecting information technology as a
means of improving the “economic efficiency” of the entire productive
process. As other governments plotted a similar course, and as the
original goal of energy efficiency was made increasingly subordinate
to the concept of cost efficiency, the total energic inefficiency of
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the world system increased dramatically. Commodity production
became a fully globalized phenomenon, distributed across immense
intercontinental tracts of time and space. The search for deeper profit
margins (“cost efficiency”) saw capital reaching out beyond the old
industrial zones, undertaking kilowatt-hungry logistical projects
whose end goal was the exploitation of less politically enfranchised
workforces. As this tendency became increasingly normative, the
effect of this cybernetically orchestrated, just-in-time productive
process was to make global GDP contingent on a globalized energy
system that relied on continually escalating levels of electrical
input. Concurrently, under the ideological banner of “globalization,”
shipping lanes and supply lines multiplied and proliferated, leading
to the consolidation and expansion of a global seaborne petroculture.
This restructuration led to massive carbon outputs, and dependency
on coal (and, ironically, oil) has only substantially increased year
over year in the aftermath of the oil crisis. In their initial attempts to
improve capitalism’s energic efficiency, planners accelerated carbon
emissions as they increasingly redesigned the global energy system
around coal, an energy-dense fuel whose combustion is now regarded
as the single greatest source of global carbon emissions.11
The proximate causes of our own climate quandaries are, then,
in evidence in the “fixes” that capital’s developers and policymakers
supplied to an earlier series of problems that first erupted around
the so-called energy crisis. The “oil shock” had been very keenly
felt in the United States; indeed, disquiet rippled throughout oildependent economies of the global north. With oil production in the
U.S. in apparently terminal decline, the Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) began to flex its new-found political
clout, enacting an oil embargo in response to the U.S.’s support of the
Israelis during the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. The resulting shortfalls in oil
supply had complex and varied consequences, helping to destabilize
the already sluggish global economy, and forcing the Global North to
reconsider the geopolitical ramifications of its oil dependency. A new
“energy security” discourse emerged in key policy making circles of
Keeping the Lights On
high income countries.12 Oil companies began to diversify, investing in
coal production in low-income countries, while governments began to
consider how they could lessen their dependency on OPEC. In addition
to the immediate geopolitical considerations, the jarring prospect
of fossil fuel exhaustion — prefigured by the depletion of the U.S.’s
vast oil reserves — lurked in the background, and determined the
subsequent strategizing by elites.
The response of planners and experts was more considered than a
simple reshuffling of their primary fuels. As elites began to consider
the prospect of transitioning away from “the oil-auto assembly line
economy of the post-war era” their emphasis was not just lessening
oil dependence, it was also on increasing the efficiencies of the
entire energy system.13 In 1975, key U.S. energy advisor — and one
time member of the Manhattan Project — Edward Teller drafted
a document that exemplified this logic. Moving away from the
rough parity that had been established between oil and electricity
consumption in the U.S.’s postwar years, Teller’s “Energy: A Plan for
Action” “envision[ed] a radically new system where electricity would
demand 50 percent of the total energy, with transportation reduced
to 11 percent.”14 Though anti-nuclear activism and concerns over
profitability hindered the development of the nuclear generators that
Teller saw as crucial components of this plan, and though electricity
use has yet to overshadow transportation to the extent that Teller
projected, his roadmap for energic consumption proved influential.
The erstwhile dominance of oil slipped into decline as coal began to
regain its market share. And as the planners’ IT-driven restructuration
began to unfold, the British coal industry, which had been in constant
decline in the postwar period, temporarily regained political traction.
But to supply this emergent electro-economy it would initially be
necessary to once again ramp up coal production and bring a new
generation of nuclear reactors online. Britain was at the forefront
of these developments, with the publishing the government white
paper the Plan for Coal in 1974, and the commissioning of a new series
of nuclear reactors the following year. At the heart of the Plan for Coal
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
was a new cybernetic flow monitoring system, dubbed MINOS (Mine
Operating System), a “highly centralized, hierarchically organized
system of remote control and monitoring in mines comprised [of ]
a series of computerized systems, which allowed control room
operators, as remote supervisors, to collect data and monitor the
work of the miners.”15 This system offered an exemplary instantiation
of the strategy that Teller proposed, in which cybernetic systems
were mainlined as a means of pushing back against the “inefficient”
depletion of the earth’s reserves of usable energy:
Computers have been introduced in central control stations to control
inertia for the purpose of optimizing the use of energy by drawing
at any time on the cheapest available source of electricity. These
computers are also beginning to be used to store and display data
about the state of the major components of the generating plants and
transmission lines.16
In the British context — and extending somewhat beyond the plan
Teller proposes here — cybernetic technology would be used to
manage the energy commodity chain’s every stage, from extraction
of raw materials, to distribution of the final product. Faced with
the contradictory demand to ensure economic growth while
reducing inefficient energy expenditures, the precision with which
electricity could be delivered and monitored helped establish it as
the informational medium and preferred fuel of the cybernetic
restructuration. The functioning of the global economy’s fixed
capital rapidly became, in Smil’s words, “universally” contingent “on
electronic monitoring and automation” as “electricity’s role as the
controller, regulator, and enabler of materials and information flows
became… fundamental” to every aspect of the productive process.17
From this juncture onward capital became more and more irreversibly
dependent on electrical current, to such an intrinsic and intensive
extent that it would soon become easier to imagine the end of the
combustion engine than the end of computing.
Keeping the Lights On
By increasing efficiencies, engineers hoped to forestall the danger
of resource depletion. Yet in a historical irony that was intrinsic to
this particular strategy, the very methods used to ward off the danger
were themselves dependent on electrical current. Planners found
themselves locked into a recursive loop in which they improved
energy efficiency at the same time as electrical demand underwent
ongoing expansion. Smil identifies the essential fallacy at the heart
of this “anti-limitationist” approach by repeating “Jevons’s venerable
paradox” that “it is wholly a confusion of ideas to suppose that the
economical use of fuel is equivalent to a diminished consumption. The
very contrary is the truth.”18 But despite its apparent contradictions,
the anti-limitationist strategy helped to kick-start the frenzied
pace of innovation that has defined the tech industry since the
early 1970s, leading to the “rapid doublings of performances” and
“relentless decline in prices” that has characterized the industry in the
intervening decades.19 A relatively simple material strategy underlies
the subsequent complexification of computational technology,
in which developers sought an “ever-denser” concentration of
transistors on microchips, in order to accelerate the number of
multiple inter-transistor exchanges that could be executed in
increasingly tiny fractions of time.20 Innovations within this sector
reshaped the productive process, and its attendant social relations,
to such a comprehensive extent that it became difficult to grasp the
full scale of their impact.
Importantly, however, it has thus far proved all but impossible to
replicate the technological gains made in the area of microprocessing
in the domain of energy production itself. While consumers in highincome countries have been acclimatized to exponential growth rates
in the speed and complexity of information technology, we have yet
to find “any established energy production or conversion technique”
capable of following the “path of improving performance” that
characterized the “microchip era” that was initiated in 1971.21
One way to conceptualize the divergent technological tendencies
that have subsequently defined electroculture is to distinguish
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
between the system’s “input” and “output” sectors. In the latter
sector, microprocessing technology spearheaded a massive cybernetic
transformation of the productive process, one that was premised on
unlocking the unique material properties and use values of electricity.
Although the effects of these developments were certainly felt in
the former sector — most notably in management’s deployment
of cybernetic flow-managing technologies in mines and power
plants — no comparably radical revolution of electricity generation
actually materialized. Instead, as the projected transition to nuclear
stalled it could even have been said to have undergone a prolonged
regression, as policy makers and investors increasingly fell back on
technologies whose fundamental operational principles were known
to the nineteenth century. Identifying this problem, while critiquing
the key fallacy at the heart of capital’s stubborn attachment to its antilimitationist energy strategy, Smil writes:
Any expectations that the future performance gains of renewable
energies in general, and solar PV [photovoltaic] electricity generation
in particular, will resemble the post-1971 record of packing transistors
on microchips are thus a consequence of succumbing to what I have
called Moore’s curse, an unfortunate categorical mistake that takes
an exceptional performance as a general norm of coming technical
In referring to this “categorical mistake” as “Moore’s curse,” Smil
alludes to Gordon E. Moore, the computer developer who first forecast
microprocessing’s decades of exponential developmental growth.
Writing in 1965, Intel’s cofounder correctly anticipated the annual to
biannual doublings of transistor density that defined technological
advance in the coming decades. This phenomenon — which has only
begun to wane in very recent years — was subsequently dubbed
“Moore’s law.”
Smil’s somewhat classicist recasting of Moore’s prediction
is designed to illustrate that the cultural experience of these
Keeping the Lights On
developments fatefully warped popular understanding of
technological innovation. In contrast to Teller’s hopes, it has thus
far proved all but impossible to reconcile the conservation of usable
energy with the rapid development of an ever-more automated and
energy-hungry productive process. In Smil’s estimation, the only
reason that this situation surprises us is that consumers in highincome countries have been habituated to the lived experience of
Moore’s law, and have thus come to mistake an exception set of
circumstances for a universal norm. A more sober appraisal of the
underlying dynamics forces us to confront the fact that planners are
given little scope to reduce absolute energy consumption when energy
demands are at the same time being universally expanded in order to
sustain the continually rising organic composition of capital.
From “Energy Crisis” to “Climate Crisis” — The
Developmental Arc of Electroculture
There are, however, some signs of progress in the domain of renewable
energy generation. Peter Simon Vargha — Chief Economist at
Hungarian oil and gas company MOL — avers that there is good reason
to anticipate a more rapid and economically viable energy transition
than agencies such as the IEA (International Energy Agency) have
tended to project. Indeed, highlighting “collapsing” renewable energy
installation costs, Vargha argues that we are fast approaching a crucial
“tipping point” in an emerging energy transition.23 Writing in 2015,
Vargha noted that rapidly changing energy markets have seen the
IEA compelled to modify its renewable energy outlooks in a more
favorable direction, with every recent report heralding a progressively
larger market share for the emerging technologies. His reading of this
overall trajectory was apparently confirmed as the IEA’s 2016 WEO
(World Energy Outlook) report recently trumpeted the “decoupling”
of global emissions and economic growth.24 An encouraging, but by
no means, specular development lay behind the sweeping rhetoric:
The IEA had found that global carbon dioxide emissions had held
steady at 32.1 billion tons, “having remained essentially flat since
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
2013.”25 The institution’s “preliminary data” suggests that emerging
renewable energy markets played a key role in these developments
and attributes much of the apparent success to progressive Chinese
policy making initiates. They concluded that China’s “restructuring
towards less energy-intensive industries and [its] government’s
efforts to decarbonize electricity generation pushed coal use down.”26
To what extent this reduction of carbon emissions and coal usage
simply indexes the much-storied slowdown of the Chinese — and,
indeed, global — economy is something that the report declines to
Yet however capital’s energy future actually unfolds, thanks in
no small measure to Smil’s decades of research, the basic outlines
of electroculture’s historical development are now clear. While the
development of electricity’s potential applications unfolded with
intensifying velocity, the technologies used to produce electricity
stagnated and became increasingly dependent on fossil fuel driven
turbines. While decades of climate science struggled to divert policy
making attention from “energy crisis” to “climate crisis” these
divergent trends continued to ramify leading to a contemporary
situation in which capital’s championing of the apparently
“immaterial” tech industry manages to both mask and exemplify its
underlying and ongoing dependency on the carbon-driven engines
of anthropogenic climate change. For the time being, the net effect
of these dynamics is that the signature products of the tech industry
— the microchip, device, server, automaton, and network — form a
complete postindustrial circuit with the power plant and the strip
The situation in which we find ourselves is not, as I have already
begun to suggest, simply a product of random contingencies
or inadequate foresight on the part of planners. The conflicted
developmental arc of electroculture was determined as capital’s
general laws of motion — specifically the tendency of the organic
composition of capital to rise — became embroiled with the complex
material structures and feedback loops of the world’s ecological
Keeping the Lights On
systems. Compelled by its inner laws of motion to intensify the
automation of the productive process, capital has become more and
more deeply dependent on electricity, the indispensable fuel of its
most sophisticated technologies, and the effective material lifeblood
of its key monopolies in the tech industry.
It is no accident that it is within these fields that capital’s
postindustrial circuitry works at the highest rate of profit. Indeed,
as the viability of the entire postwar valorization process became
increasingly contingent on more and more rapid cycles of technological
renewal, innovators in key sectors were well placed to effectively
monopolize the “technical process.” As Mandel demonstrates, in the
postwar period “technological rents” become a key means of profit
extraction as “discoveries and inventions which lower the cost of
commodities but cannot be generalized (at least in the mediumrun) become generalized throughout a given branch of production
and applied by all competitors.”27 The structural dynamics that
underlay the exercise of “technological rent” are facets of the general
functioning of monopoly capital itself, where “difficulties of entry,
size, of minimum investment, control of patents, cartel arrangements,
and so on” allow key players to function as the gatekeepers of economic
survival.28 George Caffentzis identifies a similar set of fundamental
patterns at play within the energy sector. In a key essay from the
early 1980s, Caffentzis argued that utility companies and extractive
industries were now effectively extracting a “power tribute” from a
vast network of consumers who depended on electricity for the very
reproduction of life.29 It was not only the productive process that
demanded escalating energy inputs, but the reproduction of human
bodies was now a predominantly electrocultural phenomenon.30
Yet while this deepening electro-dependency resulted in an
intensely sophisticated productive process, capital has yet to evolve
a means of generating electricity that has proved capable of freeing it
from the prospect of massive ecological blowback. In understanding
this divergence it helps to recall there are two very different kinds
of material and infrastructural challenge under discussion here.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Microprocessing — the beating heart of the automotive turn — relies
on the construction of tiny, intensely complex, channels and gates for
electrical current. To give an idea of the current complexity of the
technology we could look to the Xilinx, which chip boasts the largest
FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array), containing more than twenty
billion transistors. Energy production entails the massive planetaryscale harnessing of the world’s contingently concentrated animate
forces. The different scales of magnitude on which these tasks are
necessarily pursued should not be overlooked, for as the mathematical
biologist D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson demonstrated in his study of
organic life forms, the intrinsic potentialities of material enterprises
are always in key respects determined by the divergent ways in which
physical forces impact material structures of different size.31 Indeed,
the scale of fixed capital’s energy appetite has increasingly forced
planners into a corner. As governments backed away from fission
generators — in deference to public fears over the potential scale of
nuclear disasters, and in response to unpromising returns on their
investments in nuclear power — they retreated to the use of fossil
fuels, a familiar set of energy sources that still, in time, served as the
causes of a wholly unfamiliar set of world-ecological quandaries.32
Yet in many respects the apparently divergent prospects of nuclear
disaster and climate crisis simply recognize the same fundamental
problem: postindustrial capital’s energic appetite now necessarily
plays out on a fully planetary scale, with fully planetary consequences.
Lights Out — Syndicalist Struggle in the Age of
With these far broader considerations in mind, I want now to return
to the case study that anchors this essay. For despite the conflicted
and confounding outcomes of the anti-limitationist turn to electricity,
for the British coal miners of the 1970s the changing policy-making
climate arrived as an unanticipated boon. In the golden age of Fordist
petroculture, oil cut radically into coal’s market share, but in the years
following the oil crisis of 1973 this transition slipped into reverse.
Keeping the Lights On
In the immediate postwar period, British coal supplied more than
90 percent of Britain’s inland energy consumption: “This coal was
priced below what it would fetch on the market, in order to subsidize
the profits of the rest of British industry. Miners were constantly
exhorted to produce, first by the 1945–51 Labour government, then
by its Tory successors.”33 But in 1957 the industry went into steep
decline as cheap oil began to displace coal as heavy industry’s chief
fuel. Things worsened in the 1960s as the development of the North
Sea gas fields and the use of diesel engines on the railways deprived
Britain’s National Coal Board (NCB) of two of its key markets: “Coal
dropped from 85.4 per cent of inland energy consumption in 1955 to
46.6 per cent in 1970.”34 As demand slowed, the NCB looked for ways
to cut production costs, inaugurating a period of rapid mechanization.
Here, the “most important development was the spread of power
loading, which involved coal-cutting and loading in one single
mechanical operation.”35 By 1968, 92 percent of British coal was
power loaded, a dramatic rise from only 23 percent in 1957. As Alex
Callinicos and Mike Simons write, “[t]he result of these changes for
the miners was catastrophic. In 1955 there were 698 collieries. By 1971
the number had fallen to 292.”36 Concerns over global oil supply thus
arrived at a particularly opportune moment for Britain’s miners. As
electricity emerged as the indispensable medium of capital’s postFordist restructuration, some of King Coal’s old luster returned. The
emergent energy economy’s intensifying reliance on the signature
raw material of the steam era had the effect of revitalizing the
residual strategies of Britain’s trade union movement. Thus rather
than a simplistic sequential development of energy infrastructures
and corresponding modes of struggle — in which new political and
technological modalities simply displace the old — we instead observe
complicated interrelations between residual forms of class struggle
and newly emergent productive forces.
The decade’s definitive conflict arrived in 1974. Yet prior to the
1974 strike, global elites and labor unions had already begun to sense
the slowdown that prefigured the oncoming global recession. In
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the years immediately prior to the oil crisis both parties had grown
restive. On the cusp of the technocrats’ full-fledged summons to postFordist electroculture, trade unionists had begun a return to modes of
combative self-assertion not seen in Britain since the prewar period.
In a pattern that would define British coal worker militancy in the
aftermath of the belle epoch, the miners’ first strike in 1972 — the
first in some fifty years — targeted the nation’s power stations. Arthur
Scargill — the leader of the NUM during the famous 1984 strike — was
then a rising force in the NUM’s newly militant wing. Looking back on
the successes of the early 1970s he describes the miners’ methods: “We
produced a thousand pickets in an hour and a half on Ipswich dock,
and stopped the dock in an hour. We left a token picket at the docks,
moved on, and closed down the power stations one by one. Within
two days we’d shut the whole of East Anglia.”37 In tandem with the
cessation of coal production, the miners’ picketing strategy allowed
them to choke off the coal supply to East Anglia’s power stations.
On the ground, the conflict played out as an essentially logistical
struggle that relied on identifying crucial chokepoints in the country’s
energy distribution systems. Yet these logistical struggles ultimately
took their bearings in relation to a more theoretically grounded
appraisal of the coal industry’s changed structural position in Britain’s
real economy. The miners had ascertained that the circuit of money
capital was now in key respects dependent on the electrical circuits of
Britain’s domestically powered grid. With this knowledge in hand, and
against the backdrop of a waning oil supply, the miners exerted their
new found political clout. Faced with energy shortfalls in oil and coal,
Heath capitulated to the miners’ demands, leading to a bump in pay
rate that would set the terms for the subsequent strike of 1974. Only a
year after the miners’ successful strike, Heath responded to escalating
levels of inflation by freezing pay levels throughout the public sector.
This policy produced a pushback from workers who had seen real
wages fall into decline under the very same set of economic pressures.
By 1973 the NUM was squaring up for another strike. In
preparation, union leaders mandated a work-to-rule policy, eating
Keeping the Lights On
into the nation’s coal stocks. When the miners finally struck again
in 1974 Heath put in motion a contingency plan that proved one of
the most comprehensive political miscalculations of recent British
history. In response to the threat that the miners now posed to the
viability of Britain’s coal-fueled power stations, Heath returned to the
kind of emergency measures that Britain had relied upon in the course
of the Second World War. In an attempt to manage consumption, and
preserve the nation’s scanty coal stocks, Heath mandated a “ThreeDay Work Order” which dictated that commercial use of electricity
be restricted to only three consecutive days in a week. The policy —
popularly known as the Three-Day Work Week — revived the concept
of rationing which had been such an entrenched part of the besieged
islanders’ wartime psyche.
Yet as “the lights went out” across the country, the Three-Day Work
Week served as a punctual and spectacular demonstration of how
contingent the postwar economy had become on electricity. This was
an ill-designed form of political theater that effectively functioned as
a monumental illustration of the miners’ resurgent power at the heart
of Britain’s emergent electroculture. Compounding his first mistake
Heath then called a snap election, proposing that it would determine
“Who governs Britain?” The conservative government lost, returning
Labour to power with a mandate to lessen industrial tensions.
In the miners’ conflict with Heath it had become evident that the
question of “who governs” — the question of sovereignty and popular
legitimacy — was now in part contingent on who controlled “the
lights.” In the course of the strike of 1974, in their attempts to stake
their claims to energy sovereignty, Pierre-François Gouiffes writes
that “[b]oth parties deployed quasi-military resources during these
conflicts.”38 It should be no surprise, however, that the government’s
and the miners’ different assemblages of strategies and tactics should
be recognized as “quasi-military resources” for, as Deborah Cowen has
demonstrated, the very concept of logistics originated in the context
of military planning. Indeed, the militaristic rationale of logistical
practice has remained a crucial feature of its exercise, even in its most
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
superficially benign applications.39
The same field of conditions that produced the planners’ turn
to electricity had thus presented Britain’s miners with a complex
confluence of pitfalls and opportunities. The bitter experience of
contraction in the postwar years left the miners acutely aware of
the threats that technological developments posed to the workforce.
Yet taking heart from the new centrality of coal, and fired by the
resentments of workers who were increasingly feeling the pinch as
global boom turned to global downturn, the miners aimed to redefine
how the Plan for Coal was implemented. For, while the miners could
scarcely stand to reject the government’s plans to revitalize their
industry, it was clear that the cybernetic project at its heart promised
to erode worker autonomy.
Given this field of conditions, what subsequently ensued was
a struggle between the residual steam-era political strategies
of a resurgent syndicalism and the new strategies of elites who
increasingly repurposed electrocultural technologies in reactionary
fashion. In their subsequent negotiations with the newly incumbent
Labour government the mining unions attempted to hold ministers
to their commitment to expand coal development while resisting
the fully fledged implementation of MINOS. This strategy was still
in effect in 1983, on the cusp of the confrontation with Thatcher. At
the national level, the NUM’s Interim Assessment of MINOS “focused
upon the job loss projections which confirmed the existence of a
major pit closure programme.”40 Yet “[r]ank-and-file miners who
were experiencing the impact of MINOS upon the labour process…
were equally concerned with the issues of deskilling and control.”41
In the course of the miners’ discussion of the subject the NUM’s South
Kirby branch put forward a motion that was ratified at the union’s
1983 conference:
The draft agreement sought to establish a procedure for negotiating
technological change with the status quo prevailing until agreement is
reached. The agreement would have preserved jobs through reductions
Keeping the Lights On
in working time… Moreover, it would have eliminated computer-based
work-monitoring systems like FIDO which would be unlawful under
the Swedish and Norwegian Work Environment Acts.42
Miners had long been famed for their success in holding Taylorist
management techniques in abeyance. In 1925, Cater Gooderich argued
“the very geography of the working place inside a mine” underpinned
the miner’s longstanding capacity for autonomous self-assertion. The
characteristic technique of pit mining in the early days — the room
and pillar method — saw men working in small teams, compelled
to determine “where to cut and how much rock to leave in place to
prevent cave-ins.”43 As Gooderich puts it “the miners’ freedom from
supervision is at the opposite end of the spectrum from the carefully
ordered and regimented work of the modern machine-feeder.”44
The miners’ evasion of full-bore Taylorist working conditions had
thus been contingent on the ways in which their remote working
environment — deep pits sometimes saw teams of men working over
a kilometer underground — insulated them from the prying eyes of
It was now evident, however, that innovations in the
microprocessing sector threatened to considerably expand the
surveilling capacities of management. As computer monitoring and
data collection techniques penetrated into the full depth of the mine, pit
miners found themselves exposed, for the first time, to the possibility
of constant real-time remote supervision. Moving information at near
light speed from periphery to center, new cybernetic technology
would allow management to vault the informational distance between
coalface and command center. Harnessing the material properties
of electricity, engineers furnished management with the capacity to
assess situations and dictate actions in the most remote locations.
Under such conditions, miners could no longer count on maintaining
the modes of autonomous self-management that they had exercised
in the days prior to the microprocessing revolution. The precision and
speed with which electricity could be controlled promised to become
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the speed and precision with which workers could be managed.
As we already have seen, in the postwar period, Taylorist
production methods had already made some significant incursions
into the miners’ workspace. Yet, relative to other sectors, miners
continued to enjoy high levels of workplace autonomy, and indeed,
though in decline, the old room-and-pillar method was still in use
in many quarters. As Timothy Mitchell observes “[t]he militancy
that formed in these workplaces was typically an effort to defend
this autonomy against the threats of mechanization, or against the
pressure to accept more dangerous work practices, longer working
hours or lower rates of pay.”45 The miners drew on this residual set of
concerns and tactics that as they assessed the proposed introduction
of MINOS. Of particular concern was FIDO (Face Information Digested
Online), a crucial component of the larger system, one “that would
allow extensive levels of [coalface] supervision over and above that
which had previously existed.”46
In forestalling the implementation of this fully electrocultural
environment the miners attempted to revitalize a second set of
strategies that were, in Timothy Mitchell’s view, the most effective
feature of their old modes of militancy. Mitchell argues that while
the autonomous nature of their working experience had given miners
a taste for self-determination, they were only able to exercise and
defend this autonomy as they came to understand their crucial
position at the heart of the steam economy’s commodity chains.
Strikes in the energy sector proved unusually powerful political tools
because of the dispersed and widespread impact of energy shortfalls:
“the flows of carbon that connected chambers beneath the ground to
every factory, office, home or means of transportation that depended
on steam or electrical power.”47 The outcome of these dynamics was
that “[t]he flow and concentration of energy made it possible to
connect the demands of miners to those of others, and to give that
argument a technical force that could not easily be ignored.”48 For a
time, electroculture’s full emergence actually amplified the potential
reach of the old methods. For in the decade or so that stretched from
Keeping the Lights On
the oil crisis to the 1984 strike, control over domestic coal flows
effectively acted as a proxy for control over the nation’s electricity.
The strikes of the early 1970s not only reminded the miners of how
effective these residual methods could still prove to be, they also
served to underscore how essential electrical circuits had become to
the smooth functioning of the valorization process — to the circuits
of investment, production, circulation and consumption that lay at
the heart of capital’s real movement.
But just as the unions were reviewing the ways in which the Plan for
Coal could be turned to their advantage, so too with the Conservatives
intent upon regaining the upper ground. These were the years that
geographer Matthew Huber defines as the incubation period of
neoliberalism.49 In Britain, a chastened and radicalized conservative
movement licked its wounds and began to await the opportunity to
outmaneuver the miners. In particular, the conservative think tank
the Selsdon Group had learned from the miners’ successes. They
mirrored the miners’ strategies, drafting a new playbook of logistical
tactics that explicitly understood political power in relation to the
nation’s grid system. Thus as the Conservative party began to draft a
new economic strategy, one of its keys concerns was circumventing
the miner’s control of the British economy’s energy inputs.
“The Enemy Within” — The Ridley Plan and the Changing
Face of Energy Security
The Ridley Plan was circulated in 1977, and it proposed to reverse the
British recession through the application of a new mode of quantheavy corporate governance.50 The first step toward the marketization
of Britain’s nationalized heavy industries was obtaining and
publishing “unit costs.” Ridley spelled out his rationale in the terms
of new “cost efficiency” protocols: “any attempt to improve efficiency
must start from unit costs.”51 Obtaining this information would allow
the government to measure the economic efficiency of every sector,
breaking each field down into its smallest constituent units in the hope
of isolating, and expelling, elements that were punching below their
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
weight. This was, of course, an atomizing discourse, which inherently
subjected industries and workers to a panoptic mode of surveillance.
Not for nothing was this process defined, by its exponents, as one of
Ridley was explicit that this mode of economic rationality marked a
departure from the kinds of industrial management that had prevailed
in the postwar period, in which production costs had been determined
by a “mixture of the political pressures and the union pressures.”52 In
such a context “striving after efficiency” had tended to be “fruitless
— because the financial inputs and the financial outputs were the
product of political determination.”53 Informational analysis would
play a key role in restoring industry to market “rationality.” The shift
of emphasis — from concerns over energy efficiency, to concerns
over cost efficiency — is key to understanding the subsequent shape
of Britain’s economic reorganization, and defines two of the initial
phases of the emergent electroculture.
In laying the ground work for the British energy sectors’ entry
into a more fully “globalized” energy market — a project that
entailed restructuring the large publically owned industries that
had prevailed since the postwar nationalizations — Ridley argued
that the new Tory government’s “principal instrumental of control
should be to set each concern a financial obligation to achieve.”54 This
new mode of “financial discipline” — government by audit — was
tasked with establishing that “the required rate of return was entirely
inflexible.”55 Spelling out this facet of his plan, Ridley deployed a
phrase that was to serve as the Tory’s primary cudgel of the mining
sector: “If the required rate of return on capital was not achieved,
either management must demonstrate that it was taking effective
action to rectify the omission, or it must be replaced. Effective action
might mean that men would be laid off, or uneconomic plants would
be closed down, or whole business sold off or liquidated.”56 The goal
of unit cost analysis was to identify and expel cost inefficient — or
“uneconomic” — units. It should also be noted that audit management
and computational technology were natural bedfellows, and the drive
Keeping the Lights On
to render the productive process in the terms of unit costs was in
key respects also a way of making it legible to the fast emerging
computational matrix.
It is in the context of these cost efficiency discourses — which
emerge in dialectical interaction with declining rates of profit, and the
renewal of syndicalist struggle — that the Conservative government
finally proved able to push the domestic energy market into completion
with emerging extraction industries in low-income countries, many
of which were in the Global South. The rise of electroculture’s second,
reactionary phase is crucial in the development of what we might
term the last and largest phase of the fully dominant petroculture, a
moment that arrives as the emergent force of microprocessing helps
to orchestrate and stabilize the expansion of the just-in-time process’s
seaborne, and petroleum-powered, distributive matrix. Cowen
describes the intensified relationship that subsequently developed
between information technology, audit governance, and the logistical
management of increasingly far-flung supply lines:
At least as important as the rise of computer technologies that enabled
new kinds of cost calculation… total cost analysis itself identifies for
a firm the “opportunity to increase its profits that it could not have
identified or taken advantage of in any other way.” Total cost analysis
produced new sources of profit with very different kinds of effects on
corporate strategy, and this strategy was inherently spatial. Whether a
firm invested in more warehouses, changed the location of production,
or invested in more transportation infrastructure would all be
decisions made relationally in the broader interest of total cost, or
overall profitability.… Because of the “interdisciplinary” nature of the
analysis, senior executive support was necessary to undertake total
cost analysis, thus propelling logistical questions to a much higher
level of management. In fact, with the adoption of total cost, corporate
strategy became ever more defined by logistics.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Electronic technology’s capacity to effectively collapse the
informational distance between core and periphery would prove an
indispensable material instrument of this new mode of governance.
The spatial expansion of the productive process, the multiplication
and coordination of supply lines, production plants, and distribution
centers, would all be synchronized through the key electrocultural
command centers of the newly emerging logistical giants.
Yet before British policymakers could begin to initiate this
project it proved necessary for them to break the power of the trade
union movement. In managerial circles the preferred term for this
undertaking was “modernization,” a phrase that implicitly consigned
the objectives and commitments of the trade unionism to a now
obsolete past. Roughly seven years after the Ridley report’s first
circulation, the Thatcher government began to follow through on its
recommendations, announcing its ambition to “modernize” Britain’s
mining industry. The appointment of infamous union-breaker Ian
MacGregor as head of the NCB signaled the government’s turn to a
more confrontational industrial strategy. As the first details of the
plan began to hit the presses the government declared that it intended
to close twenty “uneconomic” pits. The language was that of the Ridley
Plan, and as the government prepared for inevitable strike action,
they drew on the contingency plans that Ridley had outlined almost
a decade ago. The report itself had actually been leaked to the press
in 1978, and The Economist accurately summarized its contents in the
following terms:
(1) The group believes that the most likely battleground will be the
coal industry. They would like a Thatcher government to: (a) build up
maximum coal stocks, particularly at the power stations; (b) make
contingency plans for the import of coal; (c) encourage the recruitment
of non-union lorry drivers by haulage companies to help move coal
where necessary; (d) introduce dual coal/oil firing in all power stations
as quickly as possible.
Keeping the Lights On
(2) The group believes that the greatest deterrent to any strike would
be “to cut off the money supply to the strikers, and make the union
finance them.” But strikers in nationalized industries should not be
treated differently from strikers in other industries.
(3) There should be a large, mobile squad of police equipped and
prepared to uphold the law against violent picketing. “Good nonunion drivers” should be recruited to cross picket lines with police
The strategic core of the plan entailed circumventing the strategies
that the trade union movement had employed to exert control
over crucial energy flows. And as the Ridley Plan made clear, the
Conservative’s government’s new energy strategy was not directed at
engineering energy efficiency, it was instead designed to accomplish
cost efficiency. In exercising this approach, the Ridley Plan instructed
Conservative policymakers that they would be compelled to find new
methods of ensuring a docile and compliant workforce.
By this juncture, the Tellerist goal of energy efficiency was already
utterly subordinated to economic considerations, and the energic
and environmental cost of outmaneuvering the miners accordingly
gave the Selsdon group little pause for thought. Instead, the ensuing
struggle coalesced around the miners’ claim to not only have a say in
wages and working conditions but to actually collectively determine
the nature of their work. Essaying the fundamental stakes of the
conflict, Raymond Williams unequivocally took the side of the
miners, arguing that “to deny it or even qualify” the miners’ claims
to self-determination was to “subordinate a whole class of men and
women to the will of others.”58 Williams writes that, as the struggle
unfolded, “the term management mutated in the eyes of miners into
a label defining the desire of the powerful to run a business for solely
financial, rather than social, profitability.”59 As we have seen it was not
only the miners that took this view of cost efficiency discourses, the
Ridley Plan itself understood the stakes in precisely the same terms.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Yet the same logic that declared that an enterprise would be run
“for solely financial, rather than social, profitability” also played out
in an ecological register.60 Indeed from today’s vantage it is perhaps
best to rethink Williams’s contention in the terms of Jason W. Moore’s
world-ecology — audit governance proved to be a way of organizing
not just the input and outputs of production, but nature itself.61 In
their attempts to revive the ailing economy, technocrats subordinated
the industrial working class — and the energic flows of the worldecology — to a managerial calculus that gave little consideration
to socio-ecological “costs” that could not be rendered in the terms
of “economic rationality.” It is curious that this dimension of the
struggle largely escaped Williams’ notice. Indeed in his contemporary
commentary on the 1984 Miners’ Strike, Williams outlines the four
“keywords” that, to his mind, defined the fundamental stakes of the
struggle. The word “energy” is not found among them.62
Although the vying parties were focused of the foundational
role that energy played in the struggle, even contemporary
observers as astute as Williams found it hard to conceptualize how
radically emerging technologies were changing the socio-ecological
praxis of political struggle. Part of the explanation for Williams’s
uncharacteristic oversight is perhaps found in the fact that although
elites would conclude this series of struggles through a vast cybernetic
reorganization of socio-ecological forces, the final event in Britain’s
postwar mining struggles was internally structured around the
question of worker autonomy. MacGregor understood the full
dimensions of the miners’ claim to self-determination. He was on
record as stating that his primary concern over the mining sector
was not the depletion of coal reserves, or the threat of cheap imports,
it was rather that the miners had “evolved a feeling that [they] can
be isolated from the benefits to the community as a whole — [they]
can operate in a vacuum if you will, and set [their] own conditions
for… operation.”63 The concern, then, in the 1984 strikes was explicitly
that of worker autonomy, but it was at the same time clear — at least
to the parties engaged in the struggle — that the effective exercise
Keeping the Lights On
and maintenance of this autonomy was now contingent on control
of electricity’s circulation.
Cost efficiency management and worker self-management were
thought, by both sides, to be fundamentally incompatible. It was
precisely for this reason that the two parties assessed the value of
cybernetic technologies in inverse terms. In the context of a sluggish
economy, information technology offered social planners access to
data that could be used to squeeze additional surplus value from their
workers, a project that would entail fragmenting the effective exercise
of solidarity, allowing managers to isolate and pick off the weakest
members of the herd. From the miners’ vantage it was evident that
these technologies would decisively disable the material conditions
on which the effective exercise of their autonomy was contingent. Yet
in forestalling these developments the miners had at their disposal an
array of techniques that had very recently proved capable of unseating
the nation’s government. As the final decisive strike loomed into view
the miners and the government found themselves at opposite ends
of electroculture’s divergent “output” and “input” sectors. For the
government to bring the full weight of its emerging electrocultural
apparatus to bear, it was necessary for them to first wrest control of
the nation’s electricity generation from the miners’ hands.
The events of the 1984 strike itself are well documented. The
Ridley Plan’s tool box of strategies and contingency plans finally
prevailed over the miners, in the course of a year-long struggle that
was waged at greater length and cost than either party had originally
thought possible. In addition to the modes of logistical cunning that
the Thatcher government employed, the unvarnished use of brute
force became an increasingly integral element of their strategy as the
confrontation came to a head. The effectiveness of the NUM’s pickets
was countered with the newly militarized police force that Ridley
had first proposed in 1977. In preparing the public for these televised
displays of state force, Thatcher infamously characterized the miners
as “the enemy within,” a phrase that bought the quasi-military nature
of the conflict entirely to the fore, as the uninterrupted flow of
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
energy supply lines was explicitly redefined as a matter of national
security. According to the same logic NUM senior management also
became the target of Britain’s security establishment. MI5’s assistant
director Stella Rimington personally oversaw “the most ambitious
counter- subversion operation ever mounted in Britain,” a project that
saw MI5 launch “the country’s largest-ever bugging and telephonetapping effort.”64 By this juncture, mining communities found
themselves threatened with surveillance, cybernetic discipline, and
a militarized police force. It is no accident that that these politically
oppressive conditions so nearly foreshadow the experience of
“surplus populations” in the post-Fordist economy. The experience
of immiseration and disenfranchisement that has characterized
life in the postindustrial rusts belts has been maintained through
a fortification of the repressive arm of the state that has in many
instances relied on the signature technological capacities of the
cybernetic turn.
Currents of Capital — Electroculture in the Wake of
Yet although many features of the mining disputes were products of
new dynamics brought into play by an emergent electroculture, other
features were as old as what Andreas Malm calls “fossil capital.”65
Nothing better illustrates the paradigmatic aspects of the miners’
struggle than the fate of Britain’s mining industry in the aftermath
of the failed strike. Reviewing the consequences of the wholesale
implementation of MINOS, David Allsop and Moira Calveley observe
that in tandem with the rise of “immaterial laborers” tasked with
managing and “informating” the productive process, the same
restructuration also produced a more highly-surveilled and datadisciplined coalface workforce: “[The] technology has allowed for
the creation of information systems that have become ‘information
panopticons,’ which are so all-encompassing that they ‘do not even
require the presence of an observer.’”66
The material properties of electricity were instrumental in effecting
Keeping the Lights On
this state of affairs, allowing for the construction of vast “surveillent
assemblages” that afforded management greater — and more
centralized — control over a “fragmented” and globally distributed
workforce.67 The fragmenting impact of this electrical apparatus was
evident to sociologists who surveyed working conditions in British
pits of the mid-1990s who found that “the predominantly Taylorist
design philosophy, with its emphasis on the removal of workers’
skills and autonomy, has a negative impact on workers and serves to
limit the potential of the new technologies, as well as stifling worker
ingenuity.”68 Here, then, was the lasting impact of the emergent
electroculture in Britain’s mining sector. Britain’s “rank-and-file”
miners had clearly offered a more incisive appraisal of the long-term
consequences of automation and cybernetic flow monitoring systems
than was proffered by the techno-utopian theorists of immaterial
labor. To paraphrase E.P. Thompson, the British working class was
present at its unmaking.
The handful of workers that managed to keep their jobs now told
of working conditions that proved less emancipated than scholars
such as Maurizio Lazzarato had once anticipated:
[Y]ou have got Big Brother watching from upstairs, so if you have a
stand down, they will know up there and questions are asked (Tailgate,
underground supervisor).
They sometimes put the brake on if I am cutting too fast for them to
cope with the coal that is coming off (Mechanics, face worker).
They know what we are doing all the time and sometimes they slow
down the machine (Winders, face worker).
We are easily clamped and easily got at (Tailgate, face worker).69
The techno-utopians were not wrong, however, to identify the vast
technical ambition of the new age of automation. Among managers in
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the mining sector it has now become fairly commonplace to anticipate
the development of entirely unmanned coalfaces:
We have the technology to take the men off the face, we haven’t done
that yet. They have coalfaces in Australia that have no men on them,
but they have a different union system and union agreements. It is
only on the coalface and in the headings, where machines are operated
underground. Everything else is operated from the surface, conveyors,
bunkers and stage loaders are all automatic (a U.K. Coal automation
The end result of these kind of strategies has been the widespread
blackboxing of the energy production process. The trajectory inherent
in the energy security discourse of the early 1970s arrived at a strange
apotheosis in which the energy production system was increasingly
rendered secure, not against the depletion of fossil fuel reserves or the
machinations of petrostates, but against workers themselves.
In truth, the need for wholesale automation is largely moot.
Manned by small corps of engineers and technicians, heavily
automated fixed capital allows for a workforce so small that it can
be kept compliant with a handsome salary. As Nick Dyer-Witheford
has recently demonstrated, in the post-Fordist economy elites have
increasingly relied on automation to ensure the docility and security
of key sectors of the economy.71 In the decades prior to its recent
dissolution, the fate of the U.K. mining sector provided an exemplary
case of a broader tendency that continues to play out on a global
scale.72 These considerations draw attention to another facet of the
turn to microprocessing that has perhaps been underplayed in the
course of this discussion; for the microprocessing revolution has not
only facilitated the precise remote management of workers, it is also
— in tandem with the ongoing refinement and miniaturization of the
electric motor — allowing for the machinic reduplication of even the
most complex and highly-skilled forms of human labor.
In the face of automation on this kind of scale, the characteristic
Keeping the Lights On
modes of self-assertion that the miners had once so successfully
practiced have dwindled. Yet the net result of the rise of electroculture
has not been to universally draw workers into the informational sector,
as Lazzarato and others had once proposed.73 Instead, alongside new
crops of engineers and informational managers there has arisen an
increasingly vast vulnerable sector of precariously employed service
workers, who have as yet not successfully asserted their interests. As
George Caffentzis puts it “[t]he burly, ‘blue collared’ line worker seems
to blur in the oil crisis, diffracted into the female service worker and
the abstracted computer programmer”:74
And it all feels so different! Your wages go up but they evaporate before
you spend them, you confront your boss but he cries that “he has bills
to pay,” and even more deeply, you don’t see your exploitation any
more. On the line, you literally could observe the crystallization of
your labor power into the commodity, you could see your life vanishing
down the line, you could feel the materialization of your alienation.
But in the service industries, your surplus labor seems to be nonexistent, even “non-productive,” just a paid form of “housework,”
cleaning bedpans, massaging jogger’s muscles, scrambling eggs.75
Yet those that have managed to hang on to a wage in the service sector
seem by some measures to be in a more favorable position than others
among the growing numbers of people unable to access either a viable
legal income or a stable means of subsistence. Many of those expelled
from the industrial sector have had to contend with what we now
know as characteristic features of life in the post-Fordist rustbelts,
the triple-fronted trap of “destitution, drugs, and prison.”76
It is salutary to note that elites are hardly in a position to welcome
this increasingly volatile state of affairs. Indeed, in Marx’s terms,
we can see that capital has again emerged as a limit to itself. Yet the
present form of its self-limitation proves in key respects particular
to our own historical moment, and proper to the socio-ecological
characteristics and energetic demands of post-Fordist electroculture.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Contemporary capital’s rising organic composition has not only left
it entangled in a toxic, and climatically disruptive, coal dependency,
it has also seen it unable to reincorporate living labor back into the
productive process. As the research collective Endnotes write:
[C]omputers not only have rapidly decreasing labour requirements
themselves (the microchips industry, restricted to only a few factories
world-wide, is incredibly mechanised), they also tend to reduce
labour requirements across all lines by rapidly increasing the level
of automation. Thus rather than reviving a stagnant industrial sector
and restoring expanded reproduction — in line with Schumpeter’s
predictions — the rise of the computer industry has contributed to
deindustrialisation and a diminished scale of accumulation — in line
with Marx’s.77
In short, the success of elites in countering the threat of worker
militancy has also undercut their capacity to secure adequate rates
of return on capital; the same strategies that secured the energy
production process against sabotage and disruption have also spurred,
rather than rectified, the ongoing freefall in rates of profit. Clearly,
the emergence of electroculture — and the signature capacities and
technologies that define it — has been instrumental in producing this
field of conditions.
Yet in contrast to the original forecasts of Marx and Engels, Bue
Rübner Hansen finds that “[w]hat is interesting and challenging”
about today’s situation “is that, unlike the immiseration thesis of the
Communist Manifesto, [today’s political strategy] is not predicated on
a thesis of the gradual embourgeoisement of the world, or on the
homogenization of the proletariat. The reality of surplus populations
poses instead the issue of a generalized crisis of reproduction, and the
multitude of survival strategies that arise from it.”78 The practices of
Britain’s mining communities during the year of the strike actually
anticipated many of these “survival strategies.” As the Thatcher
government struggled to render Britain’s mining communities
Keeping the Lights On
superfluous to the functioning of the nation’s economy — as they cut
off the supply of money, and rerouted crucial goods and energetic
flows from increasingly far flung corners of the globe — mining
communities were thrown back onto the kinds of hard-scrabble
survival tactics that have come to define the globe’s burgeoning
“surplus” communities in the aftermath of the informational turn.
Electroculture “After Oil” — Conclusions and Conjectures
Looking to the future as the global economy generates larger surplus
populations, and as the energy demands of fixed capital continue of
necessity to rise rather than decline, capital faces two key threats to its
popular legitimacy that it has as yet no means to combat. The success
of the British government in the early 1980s, and the experience of
Britain’s mining communities in those decades, ironically prefigured
these dual dilemmas. Having once managed to cut off the monetary
supply to mining communities while at the same time ensuring
a steady supply of coal, elites now seem unable to incorporate
increasingly large numbers of their surplus populations into the wage
relation, and are as yet unable to wean the global economy off the
coal dependency that serves as the primary engine of anthropogenic
climate change.
As we have already noted, significant moves have been made
toward a transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources,
and in recent months the IEA’s newest report has offered solace to
those venture capitalists and governments that remain blithely
optimistic that “innovation” can supply capital with adequate
carbon neutral electrical inputs. Yet even analysts such as Vargha,
who adopt a relatively optimistic stance, tend to concede that
Smil’s more circumspect appraisal of renewables is founded on a
formidable body of scholarship. Indeed, in course of his critique
of the IEA’s historically cautious appraisal of renewable energy
markets, Vargha poses a rhetorical question that lies near the heart
of contemporary energy policy debates and investment strategies:
“[S]o will solar and wind energy become dominant in a few years in
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
energy demand?”79 He answers by deferring to Smil: “Of course not.
As Vaclav Smil has argued convincingly, such transitions are generally
slow, because energy investments are capital intensive — we need a
large new infrastructure to supply it.”80 In the course of the paper
that Vargha cites, Smil explains why — despite robust government
subsidies and widespread public support — the renewable energy
industry still meets such a small fraction of global energy demand:
“The slow pace of this energy transition is not surprising. In fact,
it is expected. In the U.S. and around the world, each widespread
transition from one dominant fuel to another has taken 50 to 60
years.”81 The fundamental challenge is infrastructural. Of the various
renewable alternatives on offer, Smil finds that only solar energy
can hope to match the quantitative heft of fossil fuels. But even
allowing for the abundance of solar energy, Smil argues that a key
impediment to a rapid solar transition is the fact that contemporary
energy systems are contingent, not just on vast quantities of energy,
but on vast quantities of densely concentrated energy. Developers
have thus far only discovered this energy density in fossil fuels and
nuclear fission. Consequently, a wholesale transition to renewable
energies will “necessitate a fundamental reshaping of modern energy
infrastructures.”82 Before it is able to collect and concentrate sufficient
quantities of energy in the world’s metropolitan zones and production
plants, a post–fossil fuel energy system will have to compensate for
the relatively low density of renewable energy dispersal, casting a
wider net, and spreading a new photovoltaic apparatus over large
expanses of the earth’s surface. The kind of dispersed energy input
infrastructure needed to accomplish this feat is poorly served by our
own fossil fuel system which is presently dominated by the need to
globally distribute highly concentrated fossil fuel energies, extracted
at a relatively small number of key input nodes.83
It is here that the attempt to engineer an anti-limitationist
response to anthropogenic climate change seems set to encounter
profound challenges. The rapidity of information processing advance
was in part premised on unlocking the intense energy density of
Keeping the Lights On
the raw materials — coal, in particular — that fueled it. The pace
of change that defined this era serves as no guide at all to the speed
with which technology will develop if it is made to rely on weaker
energy streams. In truth, however, such considerations seem for the
time being entirely theoretical concerns, for, under capitalism, the
viability of a renewable energy infrastructure will always remain
contingent on its capacity to meet the ever-expanding demands of the
planetary assemblage of fixed capital. Should innovations within the
renewable energy sector fail to meet this demand, we can anticipate a
return to nuclear power and intensified investment in geoengineering
technologies such as carbon capture. Although the IEA’s newest report
tenders a more promising appraisal of the nascent capacities of
renewables that the agency had thus far adopted, it remains the case
that the end goal of a wholesale energy transition extends beyond
simply arresting the ongoing expansion of fossil fuel demand pushing
out toward the more distant prospect of actively reversing it. Whether
this latter goal is actually compatible with “business as usual” remains
the fundamental conundrum of all contemporary anti-limitationist
energy policy.
Still, caveats aside, as global governance attempts to transition
to a renewable energy base — leveling increasingly punitive
legislation against the oil and coal industries — we can clearly observe
electroculture moving into a third phase, one that sees it consolidate
its new position as the dominant field of force within which other
residual and emergent energy cultures now make their way. Naturally,
the old petroculture infrastructure will continue to exert a profound
residual influence in the decades to come. Indeed, as Kate Gordon
remarks, “[e]ven if they’re now, finally, cost-competitive at the
point of sale, low-carbon technologies are still working within an
infrastructure — a utility regulatory system, a power grid, a highway
system, a combustion engine-centric fueling system — built for a
world powered by fossil fuels.”84 Yet as capital attempts to supply
itself an anti-limitationist fix to the problem of anthropogenic climate
change, and as it remains apparently irreversibly locked into its
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
self-defeating attempt to evade secular stagnation through an everintensifying automation of the productive process, there can be little
doubt that its assemblage of electrocultural technologies and research
hubs will remain indispensable tools.
Here a word of caution regarding the political potentialities of
the transition to renewable energy infrastructure is in order. It has
become a cliché to point out that fossil fuels are a form of solar power —
one condensed, through the contingencies of the geological past, into
locally distributed deposits of fossil-stored energy. The cliché is worth
repeating, to the extent that it helps us conceptualize the full scope
of this nascent infrastructural project. The size of the terraforming
projects required to synthetically replicate this geologically-scaled
process of energy concentration — one that took place over the course
of five hundred million years — should at least lead us to raise the
question of how benign renewable energy infrastructure would prove
to be under the anti-limitationist prerogatives of electrocultural
capital. It is quite conceivable that utility-scale solar facilities would
in time — and in the course of attempting to not simply supplement
but actually supplant and replace the existent fossil fuel dependent
apparatus — develop a sprawling and uncanny resemblance to the
Athabasca tar sands, those sites of late petrocultural sublime that
Edward Burtynsky’s aerial photography helped to make infamous.85
Though the development of such utility-scale projects would help to
significantly reduce carbon emissions, while releasing fewer toxins
and pollutants, their vast scale would also threaten to transform the
ecological dynamics of large tracts of the earth’s surface, rendering
them less hospitable to Indigenous life forms, and setting in motion
a series of socio-ecological aftereffects that would in all likelihood
serve as the proximate causes of a new set of ecological quandaries.
In Moore’s terms, we must remember that all energy systems and
human economies are “co-produced” with nature, and that in our
understanding of the contemporary moment — and the emerging
“futures” that it bears within it in potentia — “[o]nly a conception
of historical nature will suffice.”86 With these qualifications in
Keeping the Lights On
mind, I offer two tentative conjectures about the likely outlines of a
“renewable-driven” electrocultural capital.
(1) Even if the transition proves economically viable, fixed capital’s
demand for solar-rich space is likely to follow a similar pattern to its
voracious appetite for the time-condensed energy of fossil fuels. The
IEA estimates that world energy consumption is due to rise thirtyseven percent by 2040,87 a figure that seems somewhat conservative
in light of the doubling of global energy consumption since 1971.88
During the same decades conservative estimates see the global
population projected to rise by two billion, to over eleven billion total.
The amount of arable land required to sustain this population will
expand accordingly, and as the land footprint of a renewable energy
infrastructure also rises — the projected square mile to megawatt ratio
is still hotly contested, but a 2013 NREL (National Renewable Energy
Laboratory) report puts the figure at 8.3 acres per MW — it becomes
harder and harder to imagine a scenario in with an anti-limitationist
strategy can perpetually prevail.89
(2) A “successful” transition to a renewable — or, for that matter,
nuclear — energy base seems unlikely to have immediately propitious
political consequences for the world’s burgeoning surplus populations.
For, under capital, such a transition would effectively guarantee the
ongoing technical viability of the electrocultural apparatus that
currently subjects them to surveillance, immiseration, and digital
control. The one caveat to add here is that the project of constructing
the sprawling infrastructure of a photovoltaic energy system would
— in the initial years of its construction — likely demand a significant
uptake of labor, though only in the very short term. Whether capital’s
beleaguered financial system and cash-strapped governments are
actually capable of coordinating such a feat remains to be seen.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
However these political and technological questions are ultimately
resolved, it seems safe to conclude that there is no end to capital’s
electro-dependency in sight. While it is now technologically and
politically conceivable that capital could entirely transition away
from the combustion engine, there is no prospect of it departing
from electricity, which functions as the material medium of its
digital brains, and which is capable of being repurposed into its allbut-universal fuel. Just as the concept of petroculture has proved
an important means of understanding how the world-system found
itself in its contemporary climactic predicament, the concept of
electroculture exposes key features of how capital will attempt to
sustain its anti-limitationist energy strategy in the face of climate
change. Yet as Williams first pointed out decades ago, if these kind
of periodizing concepts are to remain incisive — and if our analyses
are to “connect with the future as well as the past” — it is crucial that
we avoid abstracting them into static systems.90 We must instead
remain attentive to the residual and emergent forces that are even
now attempting to make the way within and beyond electroculture’s
newly consolidated dominance.
Keeping the Lights On
Raymond Williams, Marxism and Literature (New Delhi: Oxford UP, 1977)
Williams, Marxism and Literature 121.
The term “electroculture” was first coined to describe a set of techniques
that employ electromagnetic technology to stimulate plant growth. My
differing use of the word takes its bearings in relation to the concept of
“petroculture,” an analytical concept that was developed to explore how
oil use has shaped technological, political, and cultural practice. In the
spirit of Williams’s historiographic intervention, I suggest that we can
understand petroculture and electroculture as distinct but mutually
determining socio-ecological forces. I argue that as electrocultural social
formations emerge we can see them modifying and at last displacing the
signal social forms and material practices of the dominant petroculture.
George Caffentzis, In Letters of Blood and Fire (Oakland: PM P, 2013) 11.
Raymond Williams, Culture and Society (London: Penguin, 1958) 313.
Dominic Boyer and Imre Szeman, “The Rise of Energy Humanities,”
University Affairs (February 12, 2014)
Vaclav Smil, Energy Transitions: History, Requirements, Prospects (Santa
Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2010) 39.
Smil, Energy Transitions 39.
Michael Cruickshank, “Siemens Develops Most Powerful Electric
Aircraft Motor Ever,” The Manufacturer (March 25, 2015) http://www.
Ernest Mandel, Late Capitalism (London: Verso, 1978) 192.
International Energy Agency (IEA), Excerpt from World CO2 Emissions
from Fuel Combustion (2015 Edition) (Paris: International Energy Agency,
Matthew T. Huber, “Foreign Oil and the Territoriality of Dependence,”
in Lifeblood: Oil, Freedom, and the Forces of Capital (Minneapolis: U of
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Minnesota P, 2013) Kindle edition.
In Letters of Blood and Fire, 16.
In Letters of Blood and Fire 17.
Chandler in David Allsop and Moira Calveley, “Miners’ Identity and
the Changing Face of the Labour Process within the U.K. Coal Mining
Industry,” Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 6 (2009) 61.
Edward Teller, “Energy: A Plan for Action,” Power & Security, eds. Edward
Teller, Hans Mark, and John S. Foster Jr. (Lexington, MA: Lexington
Books, 1976) 1–82.
Energy Transitions 39.
Energy Transitions 150.
Energy Transitions 121.
Energy Transitions 121.
Energy Transitions 121.
Energy Transitions 124–25.
Peter Simon Vargha, “Does the IEA’s New World Energy Outlook Miss
the Global Transition?” Energy Post (November 30, 2015) http://www.
“Decoupling of Global Emissions and Economic Growth Confirmed,”
International Energy Agency (March 16, 2016)
newsroomandevents/pressreleases/2016/march /decoupling-of-globalemissions-and-economic-growth-confirmed.html.
“Decoupling of Global Emissions and Economic Growth Confirmed.”
“Decoupling of Global Emissions and Economic Growth Confirmed.”
Late Capitalism 192.
Late Capitalism 192.
In Letters of Blood and Fire 30.
See Jasper Bernes’s piece in this collection for an account of how
energy-intensive agriculture and the reproduction of the body become
foreshortened as form of energy capital.
D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, On Growth and Form (Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 1945).
Vaclav Smil, “The Long Slow Rise of Solar and Wind,” Scientific American
(January 2014)
Keeping the Lights On
Alex Callinicos and Mike Simons, “Towards Confrontation,” Marxists
Internet Archive
“Towards Confrontation.”
“Towards Confrontation.”
“Towards Confrontation.”
Arthur Scargill, “The New Unionism,” New Left Review 92 (1975) 12.
Pierre-François Gouiffes, “Margaret Thatcher and The Miners: 1972–
1985 Thirteen years that changed Britain,” PFG Pierre-Francois Gouiffès
Deborah Cowen, The Deadly Life of Logistics: Mapping Violence in Global
Trade (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2014) Kindle edition.
Jonathan Winterton and Ruth Winterton, Coal, Crisis, and Conflict: The
Winterton and Winterton, Coal, Crisis, and Conflict 20.
1984-85 Miners’ Strike in Yorkshire (Manchester: Manchester UP, 1989) 20.
Coal, Crisis, and Conflict 20.
Timothy Mitchell, Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil
(London: Verso Books, 2011) 20.
Carter Goodrich, The Miner’s Freedom (Boston: Marshall Jones Co., 1925)
Mitchell, Carbon Democracy 20–21.
Allsop and Calveley, “Miners’ Identity” 61.
Carbon Democracy 20–21.
Carbon Democracy 20–21.
Huber, “Toward a Historical Ecology of Neoliberalism,” Lifeblood.
Nicholas Ridley, “Economy: Report of Nationalised Industries Policy
Group,” Margaret Thatcher Foundation. http://www.margaretthatcher.
Ridley, “Report of Nationalised Industries Policy Group” 3.
“Report of Nationalised Industries Policy Group” 3.
“Report of Nationalised Industries Policy Group” 3.
“Report of Nationalised Industries Policy Group” 3.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
“Report of Nationalised Industries Policy Group” 3.
“Report of Nationalised Industries Policy Group” 4.
“1978 Economist on the Ridley Plan,” Marxist Arborist Group (March 5,
2009) http://www.marxist.
Raymond Williams, “Mining the Meaning,” Resources of Hope (London:
Verso, 1989) Kindle edition.
Williams, “Mining the Meaning.”
60. “Mining the Meaning.”
Jason W. Moore, “Cheap Food & Bad Money: Food, Frontiers, and
Financialization in the Rise and Demise of Neoliberalism,” Review: A
Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center 33 (2012) 227.
“Mining the Meaning.”
Quoted in Katy Shaw, Mining the Meaning (Cambridge: Cambridge
Scholars Publishing, 2012) 31.
Seumas Milne, “What Stella Left Out: The Truth About MI5’s Role in
the Miners’ Strike Will Not Come Out In Rimington’s Memoirs,” The
Guardian (October 3, 2000) http://www.the
Andreas Malm, Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of
Global Warming (London: Verso, 2016).
“Miners’ Identity” 59.
Kevin D. Haggerty and Richard V. Ericson, “The Surveillant Assemblage,”
British Journal of Sociology 51.4 (2000) 605–622.
Jonathan Winterton, “The 1984–85 Miners’ Strike and Technological
“Miners’ Identity” 64.
“Miners’ Identity” 63.
Nick Dyer-Witheford, Cyber-Proletariat (London: Pluto Press; 2015)
Change” The British Journal for the History of Science 26.1 (1993) 13.
Stephen Chen, “Coal Mining ‘Robots’ Cut Costs and Risks but Threaten
Jobs,” South China Morning Post (September 23, 2014) http://www.scmp.
Keeping the Lights On
Maurizio Lazzarato, “Immaterial Labour,” Generation Online http://www.
In Letters of Blood and Fire 26.
In Letters of Blood and Fire 26–27.
Benjamin Noys, Malign Velocities (Croydon, Zero Books: 2014) 54.
Endnotes and Aaron Benanav, “Misery and Debt” Endnotes 2 (2010)
Bue Rübner Hansen, “Surplus Population, Social Reproduction,
and the Problem of Class Formation,” Viewpoint Magazine 5 (2015)
“Does the IEA’s New World Energy Outlook Miss the Global Transition?”
80. “Does the IEA’s New World Energy Outlook Miss the Global Transition?”
Vaclav Smil, “The Long Slow Rise of Solar and Wind,” Scientific American
(January 2014) 54.
Energy Transitions 119.
Energy Transitions 119.
Kate Gordon, “Why Renewable Energy Still Needs Subsidies,” Wall Street
Journal (September 14, 2015)
See also Petropolis, directed by Peter Mettler, NTSD, (Toronto: Mongrel
Media, 2010) DVD.
Jason W. Moore, Capitalism in the Web of Life (London: Verso Books, 2015)
International Energy Agency (IEA), World Energy Outlook 2014: Executive
Summary, International Energy Agency (Paris: International Energy
Agency, 2014) 1. publications/freepublications/
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change
2007: Mitigation of Climate Change, Contribution of Working Group III
to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, eds. Bert Metz, et. al. (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007),
and British Petroleum, BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2015
(London: British Petroleum Co, 2015) 42. https://www.bp. com/content/
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Sean Ong, Clinton Campbell, Paul Denholm, Robert Margolis, and Garvin
Heath, Land-Use Requirements for Solar Power Plants in the United States,
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), (Golden: National
Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2013).
90. Marxism and Literature 121.
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
Gerry Canavan
The nightmare, in good nightmare fashion, has something
absurd and nearly inescapable about it: either we will
begin running out of oil, or we won’t.1
“What happens,” Brent Ryan Bellamy asks, “when the apocalypse,
correctly foretold by the right portends, does not come to pass?”2
Leftists in the United States have had to contend with multiple
versions of this problem since the end of the Bush administration
and the election of Barack Obama signaled the collapse of the Left’s
alliance with the Democratic Party around 2009 — but nowhere is
this sense of deflated apocalypticism more pointed, I would suggest,
than in the complicated and intertwined double helix of energy
and climate politics. For a time in the mid-2000s the urgent union
of these two crises seemed to offer a sort of silver-bullet argument
against late capitalism. At times the question of “peak oil” matched
or even exceeded the salience of climate change as a driver of
pessimistic futurological projection; the petroleum energy basis on
which contemporary capitalism depended was not only radically
destabilizing the climate of the planet (which, bizarrely, was by
itself an insufficient argument for change) but was actually running
out altogether. There simply was no future for petroleum-based
capitalism. As Imre Szeman’s crucial articulation of the “oil ontology”
of twentieth-century capitalism suggests, oil has undergirded the
production chain of everything in the twentieth and twenty-firstcenturies, from agriculture to worker mobility to transportation and
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
distribution to the boundless creation of plastic consumer goods —
and so the prospect of an imminent oil-less future seemed at the time
to suggest an inevitable near-term endpoint to capitalism as such.3
The moment of reckoning was finally at hand; things simply could
not continue on as they had. Civilization still faced the old choice
between socialism and barbarism — but, either way, something would
have to change.
The energy boom of the 2010s, coupled with the Democrats’
retaking of the White House and the consequent retreat of the
party apparatus from oppositional rhetoric, completely upended
these ideological assumptions. First, Obama was popularly taken to
be the wise guarantor of the future just as Bush was taken to be its
idiot destroyer; the focus of liberal (as opposed to leftist) activism
consequently shifted away from issues that might counter or threaten
that position. More importantly, however, the discovery of a major
new fossil fuel energy source in hydrofracking (as well as new ability
to utilize oil reserves once thought inaccessible through such practices
as deep-sea drilling and oil-shale extraction) suggests that the true
moment oil “peaks” may yet be many decades or even centuries in
the future. Meanwhile the location of many of these new reserves
within the geopolitical boundaries of the United States has inverted
the familiar, moral-panic rhetoric around “energy independence” to
remap the U.S. itself as the globe’s leading petrol state. The seesaw of
Kunkel’s “nightmare” seems now to have tipped permanently in the
“we won’t” pole of the dialectic. The wish has been granted: there
is plenty of oil after all, so much oil in fact that at time of writing
consumer gasoline prices had plummeted to prices so low they have
not been seen since the 1990s.4 But this is the sinister sort of wish
granted by the monkey’s paw or by an evil genie: there is plenty of oil
for us to permanently raise the temperature of the planet, drastically
raising sea levels around the globe, while threatening to toxify the
freshwater-table of huge portions of the U.S. in the bargain.
A green Marxism which had allowed itself to become invested in
peak oil as proof of capitalism’s incipient vulnerability now faces a very
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
different sort of futurity, one in which capital seems more vital and
more energized than ever. This chapter thus looks back at the ideology
of peak oil and the impending energy scarcity it implied alongside the
emergence of hydrofracking as a hydrocarbon-extraction technology
and the cultural dominance of post-Obama liberal optimism in order
to situate a new Marxist politics of energy. I use peak oil’s example
of apocalypse-gone-wrong to show the pressing need for Marxist
ecological critique that is not predicated on a logic of impending
collapse but which is rather able to challenge capitalism in a moment
of triumph: a moment like our era, when renewed possibility of rapid
economic growth goes hand-in-hand with horrifying prospects for
new and permanent ecological devastation. Marxists must find ways
to confront the new energy “normal” — glut over scarcity, expansion
over decline — that now structures the global economic system, as it
rapidly and recklessly generates new financial, legal, and social forms
around the fracking industry with which liberal politics is already too
complicit to critique, control, or oppose.
Whatever Happened to peak oil?
As a concept, “peak oil” is organized around a number of claims that
are not only valid on an abstract theoretical level but which have
been empirically — if somewhat problematically — confirmed in
the historical decline of actual oil production in different localities
(most famously in the United States in the 1970s).
(1) The natural processes that produce petroleum in the Earth’s crust
take place on a million-year geologic timetable far exceeding the
timetable of human use (or, indeed, the world-historical lifespan on
the human species as such), rendering petroleum by definition a finite,
nonrenewable resource.
(2) Oil within a bounded geographic region (whether local or global)
will tend to be produced in a roughly bell-shaped curve, as rapid
discovery and extraction first cause exponential growth in the rate of
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
oil production which reaches a peak and then declines, as discoveries
of new reserves peter out and what oil remains in the ground becomes
harder, and thus more expensive, to extract.
The bell-curve model was generated famously by M. King Hubbert
in 1956 and accurately predicted oil production patterns in the U.S.
in the late 1960s and 1970s, among its other confirmations. The
pre-hydrofracking peak for oil production in the U.S. occurred at
9.6 million barrels in 1970, precisely in Hubbert’s predicted range
between 1965 and 1971, and oil production declined along a Hubbert
curve for the following four decades, also as he predicted.5
Peak oil is not, of course, the day oil “runs out” altogether — the
United States is still producing oil using traditional drilling methods to
this day. Peak oil represents instead the moment when oil production
in the locality ceases to grow — the apex of the curve when you are,
roughly speaking, halfway through your total extractable reserves.
Hubbert’s theory of peak oil — implicit, in some sense, in the
notion that oil is a finite resource that must run out eventually —
suddenly rose to great cultural prominence in the U.S. and elsewhere
during the 2000s, as multiple production indicators seemed to predict
that global peak oil was imminent or even perhaps had already been
reached. (The uncertainty derives in part from lack of reliable data
around oil reserves, especially in OPEC nations.) In the mid-2000s it
was common to see predictions that global peak oil had already been
reached, often around 2006, with various academics, lobbying groups,
the International Energy Agency (IEA), and even the Texas oil magnate
T. Boone Pickens coalescing around that date. Other predictions and
studies placed the supposed deadline around 2010, with an even wider
consensus approaching universality if one expanded the locus of
concern to “in the next few decades”; relatively few observers believed
peak oil was further off than that, or indeed that it would never be
reached, with those advocating for this Panglossian, “cornucopian”
position typically associated with either oil companies or oilproducing states.
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
The global peak is obviously quite different, and much more
disastrous, than any local production peak; oil can be transported from
this locality to that locality relatively easily — but if the oil production
of the entire globe has peaked without any novel energy form on the
horizon to take oil’s place at the heart of capitalist production, that
would appear to augur permanent economic recession and longterm civilizational decline, even, perhaps, a rapid and permanent
collapse. The threat posed by global peak oil, in other words, exposes
something fundamental about the nature of the global economy.
The capitalist world market is predicated on permanent year-overyear growth — small declines in the rate of growth are considered
economically catastrophic, much less actual declines in GDP — and
growth has historically corresponded closely with increased energy
consumption. Consequently, an inability to continue growing the total
amount of oil available to the system suggests a permanent constraint
on the possibility of permanent economic growth forever (the fantasy
logic on which the entire financial system is predicated).6 Even a
relatively small shortfall (which, post-peak, would grow larger each
year) would upend this foundational assumption of contemporary
global capitalism, threatening the stability of the entire system and
presaging economic catastrophe in both the short and long term.
Even supplemented with new sources of renewable or non-renewable
energy, nothing like the total energy available during the golden age
of oil is likely to ever return without new oil.7
The prospect of global peak oil was thus a vision of an imminent
end of the world at least as we have come to know it. Alongside
and often in concert with other 2000s-era apocalyptic fears, the
popularization of peak oil as a concept contributed to widespread
mass anxiety about the shape of the near-term future, as well as
spawned marginal survivalist, or “prepper,” discourse communities
(facilitated by online media), in which people concerned about peak
oil attempted to prepare, now, for the harsh struggles coming in the
post-oil world.
One of many figures gaining international notoriety on the strength
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of peak oil fears — perhaps, indeed, its most globally influential
prophet of doom — has been James Howard Kunstler, author of The
Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change, and Other
Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century. The extended title
alone suggests how seamlessly different anxiety categories could
be integrated within the panicked ideology of post-9/11 America;
Kunstler’s book is itself quite self-conscious about this phenomenon,
inviting its readers on the first page to see peak oil as the ontological
equivalent of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a crisis for which the country
is similarly unprepared:
Even after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, that collapsed
the twin towers of the World Trade Center and sliced through the
Pentagon, America is are [sic] still sleepwalking into the future. We
have walked out of our burning house and we are now headed off the
edge of a cliff. Beyond that cliff is an abyss of economic and political
disorder on a scale that no one has ever seen before. I call this coming
time the Long Emergency.8
Peak oil loomed this large because
The American way of life — which is now virtually synonymous with
suburbia — can run only on reliable supplies of dependably cheap oil
and gas. Even mild to moderate deviations in either price or supply
will crush our economy and make the logistics of daily life impossible.9
Popular documentaries like The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and
the Collapse of the American Dream (in which Kunstler appears as an
expert) similarly linked oil with the very idea of America itself. The
cultural narratives Kunstler attaches to oil — the dialectic between
abundance/prosperity/progress vs. deprivation/catastrophe/collapse
— and the vision of America as a sleeping nation poised on the
brink of its own destruction is predicated on the same foundational
assumptions that underscore the larger politics of the period, drawing
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
on images of imminent disaster that were deployed both on behalf of,
and as critique of, the Bush administration.
The idea of peak oil is thus revelatory of how America understood
itself in the Bush-era mid-2000s: a fragile superpower living on
borrowed time, facing a moment of final reckoning. Such fears cut
to the heart of U.S. self-perception, inverting the techno-utopian
optimism that had historically structured its popular culture
— an optimism that was itself the ideological by-product of the nowsputtering fossil fuel economy, as Chad Harbach writes:
America and the fossil-fuel economy grew up together; our triumphant
history is the triumphant history of these fuels. We entrusted to them
(slowly at first, and with increasing enthusiasm) the work of growing
our food, moving our bodies, and building our homes, tools, and
furniture — they freed us for thought and entertainment, and created
our ideas of freedom. These ideas of freedom, in turn, have created our
existential framework, within which one fear dwarfs all others: the
fear of economic slowdown (less growth), backed by deeper fears of
stagnation (no growth) and, unthinkably, contraction (anti-growth).
America does have a deeply ingrained, morally coercive politics based
in a fear that must never be realized, and this is it. To fail to grow — to
fail to grow ever faster — has become synonymous with utter collapse,
both of our economy and our ideals.10
Peak oil likewise became, from the perspective of the peak oil
community, the secret paranoiac key to explain everything that was
happening in the mid-2000s: the sometimes inscrutable behavior of
the Bush administration (first and foremost the disastrous invasion
and occupation of Iraq) becomes perfectly comprehensible, the
argument goes, when understood as an attempt to establish a
permanent American military presence on top of the world’s largest
remaining oil reserves in an attempt to manage the coming decline,
over and against hostile imperial competitors like Russia and China.11
It was even understood by many such thinkers to be the hidden truth
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
lurking behind the global Great Recession that began in 2007. The
central idea was that we were already living with peak oil, whether
or not it was technically already here: on the level of speculation
and preparation, the world was already adapting to the miserable
constraints peak oil would soon place upon us all.
Moreover, regardless of the concrete production data or the
actual timetable, the math of peak oil was said by its proponents
to be implacable: nothing could prevent the collapse of industrial
civilization and the return to a generally pre-twentieth-century
standard of living, as visualized in multiple media, including
Kunstler’s own prognosticative science fiction novel, World Made By
Hand [2008], set “sometime in the not-distant future” (as well as its
sequels The Witch of Hebron [2012] and A History of the Future [2014]).12
The novel depicts the breakdown of civil society in the United States
— the collapse of electricity, mass media, and consumer capitalism;
military coups; a “fiasco in the Holy Land”; the abolition of Congress;
brushwars with Mexico; a return to religious fundamentalism —
and the necessary return to hyperlocal production of food and other
goods.13 Implicit in that return to a nineteenth-century standard of
living was the prospect of a mass die-off of the human race; it was a
common observation of peak oil proponents that the population of
the earth was approximately one billion people in the pre-oil age,
which Kunstler and others posit is “about the limit that the planet
Earth can support when it is run on a nonindustrial basis.”14 Only a
seventh of the people alive today would even survive the transition
to the poverty-stricken, disease-ridden Long Emergency, almost a
full decimation of the human race. And the prize of survivorship
would disproportionately go, in a cruelly Social Darwinist logic, to the
meritorious few who heeded Kunstler’s warning and prepared now.
“The future sure isn’t what it used to be, is it?” one of Kunstler’s
characters asks another in World Made By Hand.15 Whereas once
technological progress was imagined to transcend all possible technical
or ecological limits — the happy Star Trek future — the ideology of
peak oil saw the energy limit as transcendent above all considerations,
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
and soon humanity would come crashing cataclysmically down.
What’s worse, oil replenishes in the Earth’s crust far too slowly to ever
give humanity a second chance at a techno-utopian future, having
squandered this one. Not only the American nation, but the entire
species, would be extinct many millennia before the oil came back.
Oil after Peak Oil
It would be perhaps a bit unfair to say that Kunstler and his acolytes
— and I would certainly have counted myself among them, at least
intellectually — were wrong, exactly. The peak oil prophets of doom
were right in the sense that technological modernity really has
been radically dependent on oil as what Matthew Huber calls its
“lifeblood”: oil is essentially stored-up free energy, releasing far more
energy than it costs to extract, allowing tremendous amplification
of mankind’s powers and fueling all the technological wonders of
the twentieth century.16 They were also correct that it would not
take a large decrease in our ability to extract and produce oil to send
the world spiraling into severe economic depression. If that decline
increased year over year and became permanent we really would be
looking at a steep permanent decline in the global standard of living,
likely including severe dislocation, wars, deprivation, and hardship
as people attempted, in crisis mode and under new conditions of
austerity, to retrofit local production to replace what has become
a global marketplace. All this without even mentioning the knockon social catastrophes promised by carbon-sourced climate change,
which would themselves be harder to respond to in the austerity
mandated by a slowed-down post-oil economy.
What’s more, oil is still a finite resource and will begin to run out
eventually; the clock is still ticking on generating an alternative source
of energy to power civilization before that happens. Something like
peak oil is a necessary and inevitable consequence of the natural
conditions that produce oil and the economic forces that govern our
extraction of it; an economy that never transitions away from oil onto
some other form of energy storage (whether renewable, like solar or
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
wind, or, ecologically disastrous, some substitute derived from our
still-ample coal reserves) will eventually experience a peak oil event.
It is clear, however, that despite these caveats the concept of peak
oil no longer has much political salience as an apocalyptic prediction
about the future. We’ve stopped worrying about it. What happened? I
suggest a number of factors have collided to make peak oil proponents
lose the influence they had garnered over the liberal-left in the mid2000s. First, as suggested, the election of Barack Obama as president
in 2008 reorganized the liberal left around a politics of optimism
rather than pessimism, as well as around a politics of continuity
rather than resistance. One can note a similar deflation not only
in other wings of the environmental movement but in the antiwar
movement, which largely evaporated following his election even as
the wars continued. The global economic collapse of 2008 masked oil
scarcity significantly by causing demand to plummet; the crisis was
severe enough that global carbon emissions declined for the first time
in decades (as well as causing a significant crash in oil prices that
have still not returned to their mid-200s peak). In the years since
2009 there have been genuine social investments in alternatives to
oil, especially in a rapidly expanding solar market, that have allowed
some of this declined reliance on carbon energy sources to become
But one of the major factors in the decline of peak oil as a culturalideological phenomenon is the fact that peak oil has, seemingly
counter to Hubbert’s logic, actually been reversed within the United
Hubbert’s model explicitly excluded petroleum derived from oil
shale and oil sands, focusing exclusively on conventional drilling.
This assumption was justified in part by the longstanding technical
difficulty and inefficiency of extracting oil from such sources, which
had suggested that they may never be tapped in any significant
way. However, recent technological innovations have turned these
geological formations into important sources of both petroleum
and natural gas hydrocarbons; a side-drilling technique called
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
“hydrofracking” in which oil shale formations are dislodged with a
blast of water and chemicals, developed by a Texan driller named
George Mitchell in the late 1990s and refined in the decade following,
has now made them viable as oil and natural gas reserves. The effect
of the so-called “shale revolution” on the market since 2010 has been
so significant as to allow the United States to regain its pre-1970s
historical position as the top producer of hydrocarbons in the world
(overtaking Russia). In 2013 and 2014, the last year data was available
at the time of my writing, the United States had even overtaken Saudi
Arabia as the top producer of petroleum hydrocarbons.
Figure 1. U.S. Crude Oil Production versus Hubbert Curve. Wikipedia.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
The unexpected return of the United States to the position of
the world’s leading petrol state — at least for the time being —
has sparked an economic boom in many otherwise economically
isolated or depressed areas, most famously in the Bakken oil fields
of western North Dakota, a state which was able to sustain economic
growth even through the catastrophic Great Recession of 2007–2009
(as well as through the following period of very slow growth that
followed elsewhere in the early 2010s). Similar periods of outsized or
countercyclical economic growth have been seen in regions of Texas,
Wyoming, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and other U.S. states as well.
Increased and improving extraction of unconventional oil from the
“tar sands” of Alberta in Canada — said to match the conventional
oil reserves of the entire rest of the world — have similarly fueled
outsized economic growth in that region.
Figure 2. Estimated U.S., Russia, and Saudi Arabia petroleum and natural gas
production. U.S. Energy Information Administration.
The fevered “gold rush” atmosphere of the current hydrocarbon
revolution has induced a race to legalize and promote hydrofracking
across the country and indeed across the world, oftentimes with little
or no public debate or oversight. Indeed, as I was finishing this chapter,
Britain was just beginning to award licenses for shale exploration
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
across England and Great Britain. As Mother Jones has recounted,
promotion of oil shale extraction by U.S. oil firms was a major priority
of the Clinton Department of State following the election of Barack
Obama in 2008, leading to development projects across Eastern
Europe and Africa, and continued to be so under John Kerry’s tenure.17
While not all of these development projects have been successful —
in part due to nuances in property law that make the United States
an especially attractive place for fracking projects, and in part due to
local anti-capitalist and anti-U.S. resistance movements — the amount
of currently recoverable global shale gas resources numbers in the
thousands of trillions of cubic feet while the amount of shale oil (or
“tight oil”) is estimated to constitute over four hundred billion barrels,
constituting decades of fossil-fuel consumption at current levels.18
Hydrofracking has, in just a few years, utterly reversed the moods
and discourses previously associated with oil capitalism: rather than
seen as the exhausted token of a capitalism whose internal vitalism is
slowly wearing down — the harbinger of a coming collapse — oil is
once again seen as plentiful and ubiquitous, both a source of economic
growth and the guarantor of a consumer-capitalist with a long
future ahead of it. While something like a peak oil event still awaits
industrial civilization if no successor energy source is ever developed,
the combination of oil shale and oil sands development now places
this event significantly into the future, well beyond the typical scope
of planning or political struggle in the present. Capitalism has been
Energy, Law, and the Monkey’s Paw
The good news, then, is that peak oil seems to have been something
of a false alarm: a genuine threat to global safety and to the future of
industrial civilization that has been averted, at least for now, through
the development of new sources of energy. But the bad news implicit
in the Benjamin Kunkel quote with which I began remains just as
crucial: while the fracking of natural gas provides an energy source
that releases less carbon and fewer pollutants into the air than coal
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
plants, and is likely at least part of the reason for the decline in U.S.
carbon emissions since 2005, it is still a fossil fuel and will nonetheless
contribute to the climate crisis going forward. (Indeed, multiple
studies indicate that when methane leaks at the site of extraction
are taken into account, natural gas fracking may be as bad for global
warming as coal.19) Moreover, to the extent that hydrofracking
corporations gain political influence as a result of both their growing
wealth and their ability to create local economic booms, they will
likely use this power not only to combat their own regulation but to
prevent state support for noncarbon and renewable sources of energy,
a so-called “lock-in” effect that could stymie environmentalist efforts
to finally move beyond hydrocarbons.20 Additionally, to the extent
that hydrofracking lowers energy costs, it also lowers the potential
market value of new battery and energy-efficiency technologies,
disincentivizing private investment in these sectors even as the fossil
fuel industry consolidated the political power necessary to block
publicly funded research.21
Hydrofracking also poses significant environmental risk simply
in its own terms. The years since the beginning of the fracking boom
have seen countless studies on the negative consequences of fracking
on public health, including a Yale University study that indicates
people living close to fracking sites are twice as likely to develop
respiratory illness as people living further away; another from the
University of Missouri ties fracking to disruption of the endocrine
system a phenomena that has been linked to heightened risk for
cancer; another shows a risk to newborn babies born near fracking
sites; still another links fracking to premature births and high-risk
pregnancies; and on and on.22 According to a 2013 estimate, more than
fifteen million Americans lived within a mile of a fracking well — a
number that will inevitably climb as more and more oil shale begins
to be extracted.23
The water table may represent fracking’s worst environmental and
public health threat. Despite a recent report from the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) claiming “we did not find evidence that
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
[hydrofracking has] led to widespread, systemic impacts on drinking
water resources in the United States,” there have in fact been
thousands of cases of new well-water contamination confirmed in
Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Texas, and elsewhere since the fracking
boom began — though government complicity and nondisclosure
agreements following lawsuits often prevent a direct link between
fracking and well-water contamination from being confirmed.24 (In
North Dakota, the state is not even required to tell the public about oil
spills, meaning 300 spills and 750 “oil field incidents” went unreported
just between January 2012 and October 2013, according to an an
Associated Press report.25) A University of Texas study discovered
extremely high levels of arsenic near fracking sites, above EPA limit
for safety, in 2014.26 Even the EPA’s own exculpatory study confirmed
the presence of fracking chemicals and wastewater in multiple sites
while denying the problem was systematic:
In fact, at the five sites EPA selected for its retrospective studies,
they found problems everywhere and most of the time, the only
available explanation was fracking. An aquifer was contaminated
with wastewater and tert-butyl alcohol in North Dakota and EPA
concluded that the only possible cause was a blow-out during fracking;
in Northeastern PA, where gas is often naturally found in water
supplies, 9 out of the 36 wells EPA analyzed were newly contaminated
due to fracking activities (25%); salty groundwater contamination
in Southwestern PA likely came from a fracking wastewater pit; in
two of the drinking wells EPA studied in Wise County, TX, the only
explanation consistent with the EPA found contamination was brines
from fracked rock layers and a third drinking well may have also been
similarly polluted; and in Raton Basin, CO, EPA found pollution but
couldn’t “definitively” link it to the coalbed fracking done in the area.27
In California, state officials allowed fracking companies to pump
wastewater directly into its underground aquifers, in defiance
of EPA standards, at the height of its current historic drought;
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
another California firm was found and fined for simply pumping its
wastewater into an unlined pit, making groundwater contamination
extremely likely.28
Public access to water is threatened by fracking in another sense
as well: as the American southwest battles unprecedented drought,
the oil industry’s new demands on water for its fracking wells have
contributed to water scarcity; in some counties in Texas, for instance,
the fracking industry alone is responsible for 25 percent of local water
use, exhausting reservoirs and underground aquifers.29 Elsewhere
in the country fracking firms have sued to gain access to water over
and above local residents.30 In light of the extreme toll hydrofracking
takes on local water resources it would perhaps not be too extreme
to describe fracking as a process for turning water into natural gas
and oil.
Meanwhile the fracking rush has made North Dakota the most
dangerous state in the country to work in: 17.7 deaths per 100,000
workers, five times and the national average and far and away the
highest rate of any state in the United States. The rate was 7 in 100,000
before the fracking boom began.31 Since a 2015 study, it has also been
linked to a steep rise in earthquakes in fracking zones, including a
day in August 2014 where Oklahoma registered twenty earthquakes
in a single day.32
Despite an obviously pressing need for study and regulation of this
new industry, localities, states, and the federal government have not
only pushed for deregulation of drilling and fracking but have even
made it impossible to acquire necessary information about fracking
or publicly discuss its possible negative consequences. California,
for instance, does not track the use of chemicals in fracking at all,
and as of July 2015 has performed only a single water contamination
study.33 In a court case in which the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection has admitted severe misreporting and
multiple errors in its determination about the contamination of a
local well, even the drilling company itself “was unable to provide
information to the court about what chemicals it uses, despite being
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
requested by the court to do so multiple times.” The chemicals were
provided to them by third-party manufacturers, and so even the
drillers don’t know what they were using.34
Many states have either passed laws or developed regulations
that conspire to keep fracking chemicals secret. A well-known and
well-litigated “gag” law in Pennsylvania even prevents doctors
from discussing fracking chemicals with their patients in pursuit
of treatment; the state Department of Health has also instructed its
employees not to discuss the negative health effects of fracking with
residents, according to whistleblowers.35 This logic of obfuscation
and secrecy has been extended even, absurdly, to a lifetime ban on
two children aged seven and ten from ever talking to anyone about
fracking, even other children, for the remainder of their lives, as part
of a settlement between their parents and the drilling company that
allegedly destroyed the family farm.36
The United States’ federalist system of government, in which legal
authority is vested across multiple overlapping levels of government,
is being mobilized to help the fracking industry grow. In cases
where localities have attempted to ban fracking, the overawing state
government can overturn such bans, as has already happened in
Texas and Oklahoma. When individual states require disclosure or
regulation burdens on drillers, the federal government can neuter or
obviate those requirements, as bills currently under consideration in
the Republican-led Congress would. Only three states — New York,
Vermont, and Massachusetts — have permanently banned fracking; of
these, only New York is known to actually have natural gas reserves.
Meanwhile hydrofracking projects are currently underway in over
twenty-five states, at more or less every location in the country where
such shale reserves are known to exist.
The future prospects for the current boom vary: some indications
exist the shale revolution may be relatively short-lived, a “resource
curse” like that seen in oil-rich countries in the Global South that
enriches absentee drilling billionaires while leaving behind pollution,
abandoned wells, and ghost towns in its wake, while other projections
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
suggest that some major oil shale and natural gas formations in the
U.S. alone may in fact be viable drilling sites for decades (to say
nothing of the prospects for hydrofracking the rest of the world).
Either way, fracking provides the Marxist left with an important object
lesson about the immense power and flexibility of the contemporary
neoliberal state, and the radical difficulty of intervening against the
total capture of the local, state, and federal agencies ostensibly meant
to regulate drilling in the name of the public interest. Hydrofracking
has in just five years become a major part of both the U.S. economy
and the global energy marketplace without any significant legal
or regulatory challenge at all, with government officials at all
levels frequently intervening to undo or preemptively prevent any
oversight whatsoever. The allure of an energy-sector economic boom
is simply too attractive to risk being left behind — especially insofar
as the negative effects (in accordance with the typical patterns of
environmental racism and environmental classism) have thus far
typically been felt on isolated and impoverished localities, rather than
felt in rich and politically influential suburban enclaves or across the
state as a whole.
To the extent that liberals and the left took up peak oil as a slogan,
they have therefore missed entirely the much more significant threat
to the common good originating not from having too little oil, but
from having too much. Indeed, hydrofracking has been misleadingly
presented to the public as the quasi-miraculous answer to both horns
of the crisis Kunkel named, a supposedly environmentally friendly
solution to the coming energy scarcity disaster. In promoting an
atmosphere of crisis, the left has in some sense done the drillers’
advance PR for them.
But hydrofracking has a more generally applicable lesson for the
left as well, beyond the particularities of the energy field. I cannot
help but think of a response from a Marxist economist I received
several years ago after giving a talk on ecological Marxism and the
concept of ecological debt at the Center for 21st Century Studies at
the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. My respondent thought the
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
environmental critique of capitalism had certain merit, but worried
that it was being taken up from a position of fear; the Left, he said,
had been so traumatized by the catastrophic failure of the Soviet
project and by the triumph of neoliberal capitalism that followed, it
was turning to environmentalism out of the wounded desire to never
be wrong again. He saw ecological Marxists like myself as making the
fundamental ideological error of wishful thinking, committing the
analytic sin of inevitabilism — as well as signaling a retreat from the
pressing issues of labor and exploitation we no longer believed we
could win on in favor of an ostensibly scientific certainty on which
we believed we could never lose.
David Harvey has issued a similar warning. In a 1998 debate
with John Bellamy Foster in The Monthly Review, Harvey argues that
“the invocation of ‘limits’ and ‘ecoscarcity’ as a means to focus our
attention upon environmental issues makes me as politically nervous
as it makes me theoretically suspicious.” This kind of apocalypticism,
Harvey said, risks becoming a depressive anti-humanism that both
disempowers political work in the present and is fundamentally
at odds with the Marxist project of human liberation.37 But it also,
perhaps most crucially, misleads the left into trusting that natural
limits and automatic historical processes will somehow passively do
the work of opposing capital for us. In fact, as Harvey notes in a later
2010 essay:
The history of capitalism is replete with many phases when “nature” is
held to be an ultimate limit to growth. But the Malthusian scenario has
never as yet really grabbed hold. This history is a very good example
of how capital, when it encounters limits, exhibits considerable
ingenuity is turning them into barriers that can be transcended or
circumvented (by technological changes, opening up new resource
regions and the like).38
This is, it goes without saying, a precise anticipation of the way
the hydrofracking boom of the 2010s has completely dislodged and
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
discredited the apocalyptic futurity of mid-2000s peak oil proponents,
written in advance of its imminent happening.
Naturally, Harvey qualifies this proclamation immediately:
“Because capital has successfully done this in the past does not
necessarily mean, of course, that it is destined to do so in perpetuity.
Nor does it imply that past episodes of supposed natural limits were
negotiated smoothly and without crises.”39 There are still limits; the
technological power of humankind is by no means total or absolute.
But all the same the collapse of the pessimistic ideology of peak oil
in the face of hydrofracking suggests that the radical flexibility and
adaptability of capitalist technological innovation in the face of
apparent hard limits can never be underestimated.
The true site of “limit” is not material or natural, but social — and
thus inevitablism of any sort, whether positive or negative, remains
the left’s most seductive and dangerous cognitive trap. After peak
oil — exactly as before it — the future is a site of class struggle:
over the rights of workers, property owners, and municipalities to
resist the exploitative, bottom-line thinking of privately held energy
corporations; over the possibility of collective or governmental action
to shape economic markets; over the rights of citizens to protect
the integrity of their own water supply; over the constitution of
the regulations, laws, special protections, and public expenditures
whose terms will define our environmental and energy future. If
hydrofracking indeed saved America from a deep depression — or
from some even worse nightmare future after oil — that fact only
registers the ongoing radical dependence of contemporary capitalism
on its fossil fuel energy basis. The deep vulnerability made visible by
that ecstatic swing from peak-oil panic to hydrofracked prosperity
thus proves the field of energy production as a crucial strategic target
for the resurgent socialist left. What capital has admitted it can’t live
without, the left must seek to control.
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
Benjamin Kunkel, “Forum: War on Global Warming/War on Terror,” n+1
6 (Winter 2008)
Brent Ryan Bellamy, “World Building and World Destroying in the PostApocalyptic Mode,” unpublished manuscript.
Imre Szeman, “System Failure: Oil, Futurity, and the Anticipation of
Disaster,” South Atlantic Quarterly 106.4 (Fall 2007) 806.
For brief primers on the global market forces that have driven this
price collapse, see Karl Grossman, “How Fracking Is Driving Gas Prices
Below $2 Per Gallon,” EcoWatch, (December 16, 2015) http://ecowatch.
com/2015/12/16/fracking-gas-prices, and Brad Plumer, “Why Crude
Oil Prices Keep Falling and Falling, in One Simple Chart,”,
(February 8, 2016)
See M. King Hubbert, “Nuclear Energy and the Fossil Fuels,” presented
at the American Petroleum Institute (March 1956), http://www. The oil production numbers
confirming Hubbert’s peak at 1970 and the decline since are available
from the U.S. Energy Information Administration at http://www.eia.
gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrfpus1&f=a. See also
Fig. 1.
Critics are calling this structural need for continuing expansion of the
energy basis for capitalism “energy deepening.” See Jeff M. Diamanti,
“Energyscapes, Architecture, and the Expanded Field of Postindustrial
Philosophy,” Postmodern Culture 26.2 (2016).
Vaclav Smil, “The Long Slow Rise of Solar and Wind,” Scientific American
282.1 (January 2014) 52–57.
James Howard Kunstler, The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil,
Climate Change, and Other Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First
Century (New York: Grove Press, 2005) 1.
Kunstler, The Long Emergency 3.
Chad Harbach, “The Politics of Fear, Part III: Business as Usual,” n+1
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
(December 4, 2007)
See, for instance, Kunstler, The Long Emergency, chapter two. For an
in-depth discussion of Kunstler and other peak-oil pundits see Matthew
Schneider-Mayerson, Peak Oil: Apocalyptic Environmentalism and
Libertarian Political Culture (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015).
James Howard Kunstler, World Made By Hand (New York: Atlantic
Kunstler, World Made By Hand 15, 142.
Long Emergency 6.
World Made By Hand 142.
Matthew Huber, Lifeblood: Oil, Freedom, and the Forces of Capital
Monthly Press, 2008).
(Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2013).
Mariah Blake, “How Hillary Clinton’s State Department Sold Fracking
to the World,” Mother Jones (September/October 2014) http://www.
U.S. Energy Information Administration, “World Shale Resource
Assessments,” (September 24, 2015)
See Joe Romm, “Methane Leaks Wipe Out Any Climate Benefit of
Fracking, Satellite Observations Confirm,” Climate Progress (October 22,
See M. Lazarus et al, “Natural Gas: Guardrails for a Potential Climate
Bridge,” Stockholm Environmental Institute (2015)
Chris Mooney, “Why Cheap Natural Gas is Thwarting the Battery and
Energy Storage Revolution,” Washington Post (October 2, 2015) https://
Emily Atkin, “People Who Live Near Fracking More Likely To Become
Sick, Study Finds,” Climate Progress (September 2, 2014) http://
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
311; Christopher D. Kassotis et al, “Estrogen and Androgen Receptor
Activities of Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals and Surface and Ground
Water in a Drilling-Dense Region,” Endocrinology 155.3 (December 2013); Emily
Atkin, “Preliminary Studies Show Potential Health Risk for Babies
Born Near Fracking Sites,” Climate Progress (August 28, 2014) http://; Samantha Page, “Study Links Fracking To Premature Births,
High-Risk Pregnancies,” Climate Progress (October 9, 2015) http://
Katie Valentine, “More Than 15 Million Americans Now Live Within
One Mile Of A Fracking Well,” Think Progress (October 26, 2013) http://
Environmental Protection Agency, “Executive Summary of the Draft
Report, Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing for
Oil and Gas on Drinking Water Resources” (June 4, 2015) http://www2.
pdf, and Lindsay Abrams, “Water pollution confirmed in multiple
states,” Salon (January 6, 2014)
Kiley Kroh, “Nearly 300 Oil Spills Went Unreported In North Dakota
In Less Than Two Years,” Climate Progress (October 27, 2013) http://
Emily Atkin, “Scientists Find ‘Alarming’ Amount Of Arsenic In
Groundwater Near Texas Fracking Sites,” Think Progress September
2, 2014)
Sharon Kelly, “EPA’s New Fracking Study: A Close Look at the Numbers
Buried in the Fine Print,”, (July 3, 2015) http://www.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Stephen Stock, Liza Meak, Mark Villarreal, and Scott Pham, “Waste
Water from Oil Fracking Injected into Clean Aquifers: California Dept.
of Conservation Deputy Director Admits that Errors were Made,” NBC
(November 14, 2014)
html, and Associated Press, “Calif oil firm illegally discharged fracking
fluid,” (November 16, 2013)
Suzanne Goldenberg, “A Texan Tragedy: Ample Oil, No Water,”
The Guardian, (August 11, 2013)
See for instance Samantha Page, “A $600-Million Fracking Company Just
Sued This Tiny Ohio Town For Its Water,” Climate Progress, (March 24,
Tim McDonnell, “North Dakota Is the Deadliest State to Work In,” Mother
Jones (May 8, 2014)
Kate Sheppard, Jaeah Lee, and Brett Brownell, “Confirmed: Fracking
Triggers Quakes and Seismic Chaos,” Mother Jones (July 11, 2013) http://, and Emily Atkin, “Oklahoma
Gets Hit with Twenty Earthquakes in One Day,” Climate Progress (August
20, 2014)
Samantha Page, “California Has No Idea What’s In Its Fracking Chemicals,
Study Finds,” Climate Progress (July 11, 2015)
Emily Atkin, “Pa. Official Admits Errors In Investigation Of Whether
Fracking Waste Spoiled Drinking Water,” Climate Progress (September
30, 2014)
Andrew Breiner, “Pennsylvania Instructed Its Employees To Ignore
Residents Sickened By Drilling,” Climate Progress (June 20, 2014) http://
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking
Suzanne Goldenberg, “Children Given Lifelong Ban on Talking about
Fracking,” The Guardian (August 5, 2013)
David Harvey, “Marxism, Metaphors, and Ecological Politics,” Monthly
Review (March 1, 1998)
David Harvey, “The Enigma of Capital and the Crisis this Time,” (August 30, 2010)
Harvey, “The Enigma of Capital.”
Oil and Corporate Personhood: Ida Tarbell’s The
History of the Standard Oil Company and John D.
Daniel Worden
The evil oilman is a powerful and recurring figure in twentieth- and
twenty-first-century culture. Perhaps most widely disseminated in
the character of J.R. Ewing on the TV series Dallas from 1978 to 1991,
and then again from 2012 to 2014, the evil oilman exerts his shadowy
power over both the extraction and transportation of oil, seeking
to corner the market, inflate prices, and consolidate his power over
producers and consumers alike. The real-life precursor to this often
fictionalized oilman figure — not just J.R. Ewing, but also Jett Rink
in Giant (1956), Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood (2007), Tex
Richman in The Muppets (2011), and Hap Briggs in the TV drama Blood
& Oil (2015), to name just a few — is John D. Rockefeller, especially as
he is portrayed in Ida Tarbell’s The History of the Standard Oil Company
(1904). A central text in the history of investigative journalism,
Tarbell’s History represents Rockefeller as a monomaniacal, secretive,
and pernicious businessman, a man who crushes independent and
small oil businesses and repeatedly seeks to, and eventually does,
establish a criminal monopoly. While notable for its role in the history
of investigative journalism, Tarbell’s History is also a petrofiction,
one that fuses individual desire to corporate structure and personal
emotions to fossil fuel. While Tarbell’s intent in narrating Rockefeller
and Standard Oil’s intertwinement was most certainly to critique
this monopolistic consolidation of corporate power in one individual,
it also problematically provided a model and rationale for thinking
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of corporations as individuals. What this has accomplished, today,
is a set of ideologies that endow corporations with the imagined
personalities of their chief officers, and this is particularly acute in
representations of the petroleum industry where chief executives
are often represented as oil workers, thus rendering invisible the
laborers and structures that make oil available as fuel and that
naturalize the refined petroleum that powers much of our society.
Indeed, by thinking of Tarbell’s representation of Rockefeller and
Standard Oil through Marx’s account of how civil society, sovereignty,
and personhood function in capitalism, I will argue that the figure of
the oilman and the corporation he embodies function as the major
mode through which personhood overwrites and occludes ways of
thinking of capitalism as a structure or system.
As Tarbell’s representation of Standard Oil makes clear when
viewed dialectically, oil facilitates the ideological slippage from
the inhuman to the human — oil as natural substance gives way to
entrepreneurial individualism as natural substance, gives way to
corporate structure as equivalent to individuality. A more literary way
to think of this is as a series of tropological shifts. The personification
of a corporation is a metaphor, as is oil’s routine figuration as “blood” in
American culture, most recently rendered overt in the 2015 television
series Blood & Oil, set in the Bakken oil fields of North Dakota, but
familiar in other petrofictions such as There Will Be Blood (2007) and
the negative formation of “No Blood for Oil” common in protests
against the 2003 Iraq War.1 These metaphors become metonyms in
Tarbell’s history, as Rockefeller is figured as the whole out of which
oil and the corporation emanate as parts. The breakdown of distance
between personhood, oil, and corporateness signals a collapse from
metaphor to metonymy, a collapse that occludes our ability to think of
corporations as nonhuman agents and, therefore, as objects without
human rights and subject to other kinds of regulation. As Joshua
Barkan argues, the allowances granted to corporations that would
result in corporate personhood were initially meant to make the
corporation “a tool, enabling the state and individuals to deal with
Oil and Corporate Personhood
problems of government under conditions of scarcity.”2 As Barkan
notes, the corporation’s unique status as an entity safeguarded from
the free market by its claim to personhood even led Marx to posit that
the corporation was a precursor to socialism, yet that possibility of an
escape from the logic of the free market has, in a perverse dialectical
maneuver, become not an alternative to subjecthood under capitalism
aimed at the public good but instead the ideal form of subjecthood
within capitalism.3 Being able to think of corporations — and of
oil — as objects, not subjects, must be central to any critical project
committed to imagining modes of life without either — modes of life,
in other words, where both corporations and oil can be discarded,
neglected, and left behind.
The collapse of the inhuman into the human, and especially of
natural substances into the products of human labor, is a central
ideological position of capitalism. In the first section of “Critique of
the Gotha Program,” Marx critiques the social democratic platform
in Germany, shorthanded “the Gotha Program,” for its anti-dialectical
claim that “[l]abour is the source of all wealth and all culture.”4 Marx
counters that “[l]abour is not the source of all wealth. Nature is just as
much the source of use values (and it is surely of such that material
wealth consists!) as labour, which itself is only the manifestation
of a force of nature, human labour power.”5 The elision of nature’s
own contribution to value allows “the bourgeois” to “falsely [ascribe]
supernatural creative power to labour,” thus forcing others to become
subservient to those who have simply claimed ownership over nature.6
This supposition is key to a Marxist critique of oil, for in our cultural
imaginary, the oilman takes on the primal value associated with oil
itself. The oilman becomes, then, the carrier of “supernatural creative
power” — he (and it is always a “he,” it seems) has not just found oil;
he has made oil and, in turn, made nature valuable. Yet what is made
external from this formulation is both the work of nature and the
wage labor paid to facilitate and enable the extraction, transportation,
refinement, and delivery of oil. As Ross Barrett has noted in his reading
of the Drake Memorial commissioned by Standard Oil at the turn
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of the twentieth century, which features Charles Henry Niehaus’s
primitivist sculpture The Driller, “the collective and technologically
mediated process” of oil extraction is figured as “a Spartan struggle
between the individual body and the natural landscape.”7 The chief
oilman, then, not only exploits but subsumes and renders invisible
both laborers and economic structures, casting oil’s extraction
and availability as a magical act of individual exertion. Oil, and its
prototypical character, helps fetishize both the sources of and figures
for value as such.
This confusion of nature with labor is compounded by the
confusion of personhood with corporations. In a dialectical shift, the
oilman who creates value from nature also comes to embody not just
an individual but a corporation. This corporation, however, exists
not only as a political entity, but as an individual as well. To draw
from another moment in Marx, his “On the Jewish Question,” one
of the contradictions inherent to the capitalist state is the division
of civil society from politics, a division that has produced a sense of
the corporation as both political sovereign and mere individual. In
the passage below, Marx describes the way that the divide between
politics and civil society functions as a divide between the sacred and
the profane:
[M]an leads, not only in thought, in consciousness, but in reality,
in life, a double existence — celestial and terrestrial. He lives in the
political community, where he regards himself as a communal being,
and in civil society where he acts simply as a private individual, treats
other men as means, degrades himself to the role of a mere means, and
becomes the plaything of alien powers. The political state, in relation
to civil society, is just as spiritual as is heaven in relation to earth. It
stands in the same opposition to civil society, and overcomes it in the
same manner as religion overcomes the narrowness of the profane
world; i.e. it has always to acknowledge it again, re-establish it, and
allow itself to be dominated by it. Man, in his most intimate reality, in
civil society, is a profane being. Here, where he appears both to himself
Oil and Corporate Personhood
and to others as a real individual he is an illusory phenomenon. In the
state, on the contrary, where he is regarded as a species-being, man
is the imaginary member of an imaginary sovereignty, divested of his
real, individual life, and infused with an unreal universality.8
This schism between the individual as “profane” and the individual as
belonging to an “unreal universality” matures into a mode of economic
regulation in the figure of the oilman where the corporation itself
appears worthy of human rights despite its nonhuman status: another
name for an individual that also possesses sovereign authority. An
outgrowth of the oilman who forges value out of nothing, or so we
believe, the oil corporation populates the political imaginary as a
rational individual, representing the will of the oilman, and is excused
as a “profane” actor because everyone behaves badly sometimes,
makes mistakes occasionally. Because we cannot think of human
beings as merely profane beings, this passage from Marx implies,
we can certainly not think of imaginary entities like corporations as
merely profane things. Instead, we endow them with supernatural
powers. This tension between the supernatural and the profane marks
not just people, but also corporations. And, as I will argue through Ida
Tarbell’s The History of the Standard Oil Company, John D. Rockefeller
occupies this tension, a tension between the supernatural and the alltoo-human that projects the oil tycoon as a personal embodiment of
the corporation. Through Tarbell and her construction of corporate
power, the oil magnate and his corporation become a target for
criticism but also, more importantly, a site where we expect to
encounter another human, rather than a system. Because of this, the
oilman and the oil corporation that he represents come to embody not
just a facet of capitalist production, but also the state and civil society,
insofar as those entities stand as external arbiters of capitalism that
are nonetheless fully enmeshed in capitalism’s modes of production.
Because the corporation is figured as human, society itself takes on
its qualities and modes of consolidation, thus refiguring the very
concepts of subjecthood and sovereignty.9
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
The right to endow a corporation with human properties was
fully ratified in the recent Citizens United Supreme Court decision.
Though not “natural persons,” corporations nonetheless have the right
to free speech, as agents in a democracy.10 Like so many maneuvers
in neoliberalism, this understanding of corporate rights takes a Left
critique of corporate power and negates it. Just as conservatives and
creationists use the discourses of tolerance and identity politics to
assert their right to representation in public school curricula and
university faculty, the granting of human rights to corporations takes
a long-standing criticism of corporate power — that it acts as an
agent in the social and political world, thus overpowering individual
and other collective agencies — and affirms it, finding in corporate
personhood a reinforcement of, rather than an infringement upon,
basic freedoms. As Jane Bennett has argued in her analysis of the
U.S. electrical power grid, we lack the ability to think of nonhuman
entities as possessing agency. Instead, she argues, “wherever it looks,
social science tends to see only the social activity of humans… The
agentic power of human-nonhuman assemblages… appear as merely
an effervescence of the originary agency of persons.”11 Bennett goes
on to argue that the 2003 blackouts in North America trouble this
androcentric view of agency, because the blackout was not the fault of
one, or even a set of, individuals, but instead the fault of an electricity
assemblage, including human traders, executives, and engineers,
but also electrical current, wires, transfer stations, and computer
programs. Coming up with ways to think nonhuman agency could,
she argues, allow us to “detach ethics from moralism” in our responses
to the multifaceted energy crisis.12
Bennett’s new materialist critique of anthropocentrism comes
at the end of the long twentieth century, however, while Tarbell’s
intervention reads as a prologue to the fossil-fueled anthropower
of the twentieth century’s sovereign figure. In the United States, Ida
Tarbell played a major role in developing the terms of the Left critique
of corporate power. Relatively moderate in her politics, and certainly
not as leftist as her fellow journalists on staff at McClure’s Magazine
Oil and Corporate Personhood
in the early twentieth century — Lincoln Steffens and Ray Stannard
Baker — Tarbell applied the biographical approach that she had
developed in her early magazine studies of Lincoln and Napoleon to
her most famous contribution to McClure’s, The History of the Standard
Oil Company, originally published from 1902 to 1904.13 In Tarbell’s
account, John D. Rockefeller is indistinguishable from Standard
Oil. Indeed, the personal qualities that Rockefeller biographer Ron
Chernow cites in his subject — “The life of John Davison Rockefeller,
Sr., was marked to an exceptional degree by silence, mystery, and
evasion” — are also the qualities that made Standard Oil such a
promising target for Tarbell’s profile of a trust.14 Standard Oil hid
behind shadow companies, was notoriously secretive in its operations,
and was the subject of constant rumors in the oil press. For example,
after the Spindletop oil field started producing in Texas, a state in
which Standard Oil would be severely limited in its operations due
to the state’s strong antitrust legislation, a rumor circulated in the
state’s newspapers: “[T]hese papers printed as fact an incredible
account of an alleged Standard Oil project to build, under cover of
darkness, a pipeline from the Gulf of Mexico to the Spindletop field.
The reported purpose of this secret project was to pump salt water
from the Gulf of Mexico into the field, thereby stopping production by
Standard [Oil]’s competitors.”15 While inaccurate, claims of this sort
were nonetheless believable because of Standard’s secretiveness and,
moreover, the sense that Standard Oil was, ultimately, an expression
of a single individual’s will.
Tarbell’s description of Rockefeller further supported the collapse
of the man into the corporation:
If Mr. Rockefeller had been an ordinary man the outburst of popular
contempt and suspicion which suddenly poured on his head would
have thwarted and crushed him. But he was no ordinary man. He
had the powerful imagination to see what might be done with the
oil business if it could be centered in his hands — the intelligence to
analyse the problem into its elements and to find the key to control.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
He had the essential element of all great achievement, a steadfastness
to a purpose once conceived which nothing can crush.... [H]e was
willing to strain every nerve to obtain for himself special and unjust
privileges from the railroads which were bound to ruin every man in
the oil business not sharing them with him. He was willing to array
himself against the combined better sentiment of a whole industry, to
oppose a popular movement aimed at righting an injustice, so revolting
to one’s sense of fair play as that of railroad discriminations. Religious
emotion and sentiments of charity, propriety and self-denial seem to
have taken the place in him of notions of justice and regard for the
rights of others.16
Standard Oil and Rockefeller are conflated here; they both “creep”
and “burrow.” And, most tellingly, Rockefeller’s own concerns have
been far too personalized, just as Standard Oil is too monopolistic
of a corporation. A well-known Baptist and supporter of religious
charities, Rockefeller, according to Tarbell, is focused too much on
himself, ignoring the more altruistic moral imperatives, such as
“justice” and “regard for the rights of others.”
In Tarbell’s account, Rockefeller himself was the shadowy,
controlling force behind Standard Oil’s operations. Following the
oil war of 1872, which saw the forcible dissolution of the South
Improvement Company, one of Standard Oil’s first trust incarnations,
Tarbell writes, “[i]t was the Standard Oil Company of Cleveland, so the
Oil Regions decided, which was at the bottom of the business, and the
‘Mephistopheles of the Cleveland company,’ as they put it, was John D.
Rockefeller” (History 41). Rockefeller appears to have “a power verging
on the superhuman — a power carrying concealed weapons, fighting in
the dark, and endowed with an altogether diabolic cleverness... The Oil
Regions as a whole looked on Mr. Rockefeller with superstitious awe...
[as] a dread power, cruel, omniscient, always ready to spring” (History
125). These passages figure Rockefeller as a demon, a superhuman
being. Tarbell’s History, though, finds the practical realities behind
these oil field myths, showing the processes, for example, by which
Oil and Corporate Personhood
Standard Oil gathers data on other oil producers. This deflation —
Rockefeller is not, in fact, Mephistopheles but instead a mere mortal
— has been appropriated by the celebratory discourse of corporate
personhood. What was, for Tarbell, an exposé of monopolistic power
has now become a justification for the inherent validity of corporate
agency. The fact that a single man can amass such power, and appear
to have such supernatural control over a vast industry, is broadcast
through popular oilmen antiheroes like J.R. Ewing as menacing but
aspirational, as the natural outcome of the petroleum industry and
the target of entrepreneurial fantasies.
In Tarbell’s History, Rockefeller’s hands are a recurring metonym
for the corporation. Unlike Adam Smith’s invisible hand of capitalism
and its benevolent regulation of the marketplace, Rockefeller’s hand is
tyrannical; independent oilmen are caught in “Mr. Rockefeller’s steel
glove” (History 127); “the oil is in Mr. Rockefeller’s hands, and he, not
the producer, can decide who is to have it” (History 213). Rockefeller
is also compared to Napoleon, as a leader with imperial ambitions:
“Mr. Rockefeller again bent over a map of the refining interests of
the United States. Here was the world he sighed to conquer... [W]e
may suppose him to have begun his campaign as a great general with
whom he has many traits in common — the first Napoleon” (History
62). Rockefeller’s role as sovereign is reinforced here with Tarbell’s
reference to Napoleon, the subject of one of her earlier works for
McClure’s magazine. Just as the sovereign’s body famously illustrated
in Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan extends outward to his lands, so does
Rockefeller’s own body and consciousness extend below and above
ground, subsuming oil, pipeline, railroad, worker, and refinery into
his sovereign claim. Granting personhood to corporations also entails
the corporatization of people, it seems. This vision of Rockefeller,
then, entails a biopolitical revision of the subject. The body itself gets
recast as the capitalist mode of production.
The “hands” imagery would be reiterated in the Supreme Court’s
1911 decision that forced the dissolution of Standard Oil, where the
phrase “hands of Standard Oil” is used to describe the company’s
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
holdings.17 The slippage in the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the basis
for the Court’s decision, between a corporation and a person — the
court clarifies that a “corporation” is a “person” in the act — points
to the tradition of granting corporations rights, especially the right
to enter into contracts. Enforcing the Anti-Trust Act, Standard Oil
argued, was a slippery slope; after all, couldn’t any contract appear
to be a step toward monopoly? Today, in an increasingly neoliberal
environment, this logic is clearly ascendant, over and against its
dismissal by the court as violating the principle of “reason” by which
any judge, or the public, could distinguish a monopoly from a mere
business. What this amounts to, then, is that no matter how much
an illusion we know corporate personhood to be, the granting of
emotions, desires, character, even political perspectives is common
and even natural in our understanding of corporations. Standard Oil is
miserly and domineering, and therefore John D. Rockefeller is, too, or
vice versa, just as Chick-Fil-A is homophobic or Whole Foods Market
is environmentalist. Just as commodities take on the qualities of
personhood in capitalism, so do corporations. In the History, Standard
Oil has “not a lazy bone in the organization, nor an incompetent
hand, nor a stupid head” (History 152). This personification serves to
give form to an organization that otherwise seems to have “no legal
existence. It was a force powerful as gravitation and as intangible”
(History 160). A critique of capitalism should not only acknowledge
how, for example, a corporation like Whole Foods exploits prison labor
in order to deliver purportedly “sustainable” products, but also how
the personal qualities associated with corporations are structural
components of their ability to project profit-making as a social good.18
Throughout Tarbell’s History and in her later two-part profile of
John D. Rockefeller, published a year after The History of the Standard Oil
Company in McClure’s, Rockefeller is cast as a miserly figure, someone
who rejoices at the slightest rebate or saving:
[Rockefeller] watched the details with a hawk’s eye — not a cent must
go astray — not a pint of oil be lost — not a rivet or bung be wasted.
Oil and Corporate Personhood
“Pay a profit to nobody,” he began to say, and it was he and his partners
who, themselves, went to Oil Creek for oil, and so saved commissions;
he who made his own barrels and so saved a middleman’s profits; he
who hauled and loaded, bought and sold. Nobody but him must make a
cent on his oil, from the well to the lamp. It was combine, save, watch.
A sort of mania for saving seemed to possess him. It was over this he
brooded from morning to night, and it was the realization of this alone
which awakened in his face, already grave with incessant reflections, a
sign of joy. Indeed, the men who worked there in Cleveland at his elbow
will tell you to-day that the only signs of hilarity John D. Rockefeller
ever showed in those days were over a good bargain. This would make
him clap his hands. Let it be a very good bargain, and he would throw
up his hat — kick up his heels, hug his informant. This was joy for him,
this was the satisfaction of passion — this good bargain.19
Once again, this personification of Rockefeller is both critical — his
Scrooge-like behavior makes him a ridiculous, even pathetic, figure
— and also humanizing. By demystifying Rockefeller and by so closely
associating his own personal traits with Standard Oil’s corporate
practices, it becomes difficult to see where the corporation ends and
the man begins. The unfortunate byproduct of this, today, is that it is
difficult to conceive of corporations as mere objects. Doing so seems
to connote some kind of harm, a denial of rights, when in fact this
points out how metaphor has collapsed into metonymy, rendering the
ascription of agency to non-human entities hard to fathom.
The illustrations of Rockefeller included in the History and in
Tarbell’s subsequent character study also emphasize his shadowy,
secretive character. Among these illustrations, one of which is
captioned ironically as a “casual portrait”; this “casual portrait”
nonetheless portrays a stoic Rockefeller in a business suit, gazing
seriously and directly at the viewer. In the History, Tarbell quotes
an independent refiner from Titusville’s description of Rockefeller’s
behavior during a meeting between independent refiners and
Standard Oil:
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Everybody talked except Mr. Rockefeller. He sat in a rocking-chair,
softly swinging back and forth his hands over his face. I got pretty
excited when I saw how those South Improvement men were pulling
the wool over our men’s eyes, and making them believe we were all
going to the dogs if there wasn’t an immediate combination to put up
the price of refined and prevent new people coming into the business,
and I made a speech which, I guess, was pretty warlike. Well, right in
the middle of it John Rockefeller stopped rocking and took down his
hands and looked at me. You never saw such eyes. He took me all in,
saw just how much fight he could expect from me, and I knew it, and
then up went his hands and back and forth went his chair. (History 47)
This omniscience and muteness signals an alternative to figuring
Standard Oil as an extension of Rockefeller’s person. Instead,
Rockefeller here appears as a cipher, more mechanical than human.
This nonhuman quality is perhaps the starting ground for thinking
of corporations — especially those vested in energy — as other than
human. The flows, desires, knowledge, and actions of such entities
merely appear, at first glance, to be reducible to human agents.
As Roger and Diana Olien summarize Tarbell’s History in their
book Oil and Ideology, Standard Oil is portrayed as a ruinous force
in the otherwise Edenic days of the early oil industry.20 Privileging
and romanticizing individual producers, Tarbell, for the Oliens, is
one of a series of writers in American culture who fundamentally
misunderstand the oil industry, making the public skeptical of it and
its profit margins; ultimately, they argue that federal regulations
have been by and large dysfunctional because of unfairly negative
representation of the oil industry, and they cast oil companies as
victims of nefarious pubic discourse. The Oliens’ apologist account
of the oil industry, though, is blind to the ramifications of the oil
industry and oil culture for any conception of the future. And,
arguably, this is where any question of oil must inevitably arrive. Any
understanding of petroculture must ask not just historical questions
about oil culture’s formation, but also future-directed questions about
Oil and Corporate Personhood
the effects and residues of those formations. The Oliens fail to see,
for example, that the history of negative representations of the oil
industry is not a record that should be corrected but a record that,
instead, needs to be reaffirmed, over and against constructions of
corporate agency as somehow beset in our contemporary, neoliberal
moment. The corporate personhood that violated Anti-Trust laws in
the late nineteenth and early twentieth century is, today, vindicated
in the Supreme Court and viewed as a natural way of constructing
the public. If we think of corporations not as speaking agents, as
Citizens United asks us to, but instead as cagy, silent, secretive agents,
as Standard Oil and Rockefeller were, then corporations might seem
to be outside of the bounds of human rights. Corporate personhood
is embodied not by the benevolent, invisible hand of the marketplace
but the monstrous, ever-grasping hand of Standard Oil, a figure that
is best thought of not as an affective body but as a material object or
assemblage. Leftist politics have long found promise in personification;
in identity politics movements, imagining “liveable lives” is a political
act, and the denial of personhood — or, some parallel to personhood
for animals, even plants and objects — a violation of human rights.
Just as we must struggle to imagine a future without oil, we must
also struggle to depersonalize corporations, to depersonalize entities
that might have been initially personalized to be better dissolved.
Moreover, we must recognize how civil society itself has been
figured according to the logic of corporate personhood documented
so influentially by Tarbell at the beginning of the twentieth century
and later codified into law in the United States in the early twentyfirst century. Since the turn of the twentieth century, oil corporations
have been represented as subjects engaged in the primal magic of
producing oil, and therefore fostering the possibility of civil society.
Today and in the future, as we engage in the necessary work of finding
alternatives to petroculture and the logic of capital it underwrites,
we must seek to undo the elision and invisibility of the labor and
exploitative structures that underlie petroculture and that render its
conveniences difficult to resist.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
For an account of how this process worked in Victorian England, in a
way that also privileged the individual as the focal point of what were
otherwise structural shifts in capital, see Anna Kornbluh, Realizing
Capital: Financial and Psychic Economies in Victorian Form (New York:
Fordham UP, 2013).
Joshua Barkan, Corporate Sovereignty: Law and Government Under
Capitalism (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2013) 64.
As Barkan argues, corporations “are one of the primary institutions
by which states, social groups, and individuals regulate, channel, and
direct life toward value” (12, emphasis in original).
Karl Marx, “Critique of the Gotha Program,” The Marx-Engels Reader, 2nd
ed., ed. Robert C. Tucker (New York: Norton, 1978) 525.
Marx, “Critique of the Gotha Program” 525, emphasis in original.
“Critique of the Gotha Program” 526, emphasis in original.
Ross Barrett, “Picturing a Crude Past: Primitivism, Public Art, and
Corporate Oil Promotion in the United States,” Oil Culture, eds. Ross
Barrett and Daniel Worden (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2014) 56.
Karl Marx, “On the Jewish Question,” The Marx-Engels Reader 34.
This is in keeping with the way that Antti Salminen and Tere Vadén
describe oil’s function in capitalism, as a “surrogate God with very
straightforward utility” (2). What this implies, similar to my claim
here, is that the qualities of sovereignty and personhood are laid onto
the oilman and the oil corporation, thus placing these figures and their
products outside of the realm of profane, or the changeable, and into
the realm of the seemingly eternal and sacred. Therefore, oil extraction,
refining, and consumption is naturalized. See Antti Salminen and Tere
Vadén, Energy and Experience: An Essay in Nafthology (Chicago: MCM',
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), No.
08-205, Supreme Court of the United States (January 21st, 2010) Legal
Information Institute,
Oil and Corporate Personhood
Jane Bennett, “The Agency of Assemblages and the North American
Blackout,” Public Culture 17.3 (Fall 2005) 455.
Bennett, “The Agency of Assemblages” 464.
For more on muckraking journalism and McClure’s, see David Chalmers,
The Social and Political Ideas of the Muckrakers (New York: Citadel, 1964),
and Ellen F. Fitzpatrick, ed., Muckraking: Three Landmark Articles (Boston:
Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1994).
Ron Chernow, Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (New York: Random
House, 1998) xiii.
Joseph A. Pratt, “The Petroleum Industry in Transition: Antitrust and
the Decline of Monopoly Control in Oil,” The Journal of Economic History
40.4 (Dec. 1980) 821.
Ida M. Tarbell, The History of the Standard Oil Company, ed. David
M. Chalmers (Mineola, NY: Dover, 2003) 42, 44. Hereafter cited in
parentheses as History.
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey v. United States, 221 U.S. 1 (1911),
Supreme Court of the United States, (May 15, 1911) Legal Information
See Allison Aubrey, “Whole Foods Says it Will Stop Selling Foods Made
with Prison Labor,”, (October 1, 2015)
sections/thesalt/2015/09/30/444797169/whole-foods-says-it-will-stopselling-foods-made-by-prisoners. Thanks to this volume’s editors for
bringing this story to my attention.
Ida M. Tarbell, “John D. Rockefeller: A Character Study,” McClure’s 25.3
(July 1905) 235–238.
Roger Olien and Diana Olien, Oil and Ideology: The Cultural Creation of the
American Oil Industry (Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2000) 83–118.
The Belly of the Revolution: Agriculture, Energy,
and the Future of Communism
Jasper Bernes
In the days when man’s members did not all agree
amongst themselves, as is now the case, but had each
its own ideas and a voice of its own, the other parts
thought it unfair that they should have the worry and
the trouble and the labour of providing everything for
the belly, while the belly remained quietly in their midst
with nothing to do but to enjoy the good things which
they bestowed upon it; they therefore conspired together
that the hands should carry no food to the mouth, nor
the mouth accept anything that was given it, nor the
teeth grind up what they received. While they sought in
this angry spirit to starve the belly into submission, the
members themselves and the whole body were reduced
to the utmost weakness. Hence it had become clear that
even the belly had no idle task to perform, and was no
more nourished than it nourished the rest, by giving out
to all parts of the body that by which we live and thrive,
when it has been divided equally amongst the veins and
is enriched with digested food — that is, the blood.1
Many on the left still subscribe to a view of technology that G.A. Cohen,
in his reconstruction of Marx’s thought, called “the fettering thesis.”2
From this perspective, the technological forces that capitalism employs
in its quest for productivity-driven profit are the foundation upon
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
which an emancipated humanity will erect its new dwelling. Humane
cultivation of these forces is, however, “fettered” by capitalist social
relations. Capitalism is pregnant with what could be, a deployment
in the conditional tense of given productive forces. In a resonant
moment of triumphal phrasing at the end of the first volume of Capital,
Marx describes capitalism as tending toward a moment of crisis, its
property relations an “integument… burst asunder” by the maturation
of increasingly centralized and concentrated productive forces. The
consequences, for Marx, are clear: “The knell of capitalist property
sounds. The expropriators are expropriated.”3 At a critical point in the
development of capitalism, the fragmented, unplanned allocation of
wealth that characterizes production for profit in competitive markets
no longer conforms with the complex, industrialized labor process of
modern workplaces: only socialist planning and the supervision of the
direct producers themselves can make effective use of the technology
whose adolescence the bourgeoisie oversaw. Today, many will advance
these arguments only with significant caveats, avoiding some of its
more embarrassing iterations. Few would argue, for instance, that the
deskilled, socialized labor of the factory system contains the germ of
a new world in the making. They will not hesitate, however, to pour
new wine into old bottles and say much the same thing about 3-D
printers and self-driving cars.
The fettering thesis appears throughout Marx’s mature writings,
especially in those rare, speculative moments when he considers
the transition to communism. It sits uneasily, however, with a view
developed most pointedly in his writing on large-scale machinery,
in which the factory system actualizes capital’s control over labor,
confiscating “every atom of freedom, both in bodily and in intellectual
activity.”4 For much of the twentieth century, the fettering thesis
dominated Left thinking about technology. Beginning in the postwar
period, however, numerous Marxists set to work developing a critical
theory of technology. Herbert Marcuse, Raniero Panzieri, and Harry
Braverman, as exponents of the critical insights offered by the
Frankfurt School, operaismo, and labor process theory, respectively,
The Belly of the Revolution
revealed the many ways in which the productive forces of capitalism
were saturated with the political imperatives of capitalism. 5
Today, few people can fully ignore this critical legacy. Even the
“accelerationist” authors of Inventing the Future (2015), whose primary
hypothesis consists of a hyberbolic deployment of the fettering thesis,
acknowledge that contemporary technology is sometimes inextricable
from capitalist function at the level of design.6 Their solution seems to
be a sort of mix-and-match theory of transition, in which we discard
unusable technologies (nuclear weapons: bad) and cultivate useful
ones (antibiotics: good). Such a view is possible, however, only if
one thinks of technology as a series of discrete tools, rather than an
ensemble of interconnected systems. I have attempted elsewhere to
intervene in this discussion by providing a different way of looking
at the problem.7 Rather than assume the Olympian point of view and
ask ourselves what we would do with given technologies if we were
allowed to rearrange things as we wish from one end of the earth to
the other, we need to start with a much more difficult question: how
do revolutionary struggles beginning in the here and now find a way
to meet their needs, survive, and grow, while producing communism?
Looked at from this perspective, there may indeed be arrangements of
given productive means that are impossible because there is no way
for them to unfold as the result of class struggle. History is, in this
sense, like a board game in which there are appealing configurations
of pieces that the rules render impossible. These arrangements can
never result from a sequence of play.8
The standard assumption among Marxists and many others is
that, despite its toxic excretions, the more developed technology
becomes, the easier it will be to produce communism. But what if
these technologies actually make it harder? What if they are also
fetters, blocking attempts to break free from class society? This is
obvious when it comes to the technologies for repression, surveillance
and warfare, which have effectively removed certain revolutionary
strategies from play. But consider, for example, the energy system
upon which industrial and postindustrial capitalism is built. Few
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
people doubt that fossil energy use drives climate change by packing
the air with greenhouse gases, and that these effects will massively
constrain human and extra-human life over the course of the twentyfirst century and beyond. The problem is that the energy system and
the technology it powers is not at all modular; it is not possible to
swap out dirty energy and swap in clean energy, even if all political
obstacles were removed and some polity found itself able to rearrange
the building blocks of industrial society as it saw fit. The technology
they would inherit works with and only with fossil fuels. This lack of
modularity is clearest in the case of the more than one billion vehicles
built around combustion engines; these can be replaced by non-fossil
energy only by manufacturing batteries through highly energy- and
resource-intensive processes. At present, even if one were to ignore
everything but the arithmetic of greenhouse gases — and given the
highly destructive mining processes these batteries require, this
means ignoring quite a bit — the benefits of such an energy transition
are uncertain, especially if overall energy use continues to grow year
on year. As for electricity itself, while one can generate it from cleaner,
renewable sources such as wind and solar, the inconsistency of these
sources means that, if people want continuous, on-demand energy
(and most current technology requires it) they would need to invest
massively in resource- and energy-intensive technologies for storage
and transmission that would render the emissions-reducing benefits
of such reconfiguration uncertain. The technologies of capitalism
fit together into technical ensembles that exhibit a strong degree
of path-dependency, meaning historical implementation strongly
influences future development, precluding or making difficult many
configurations we may find desirable. The authors of Inventing the
Future are, by contrast, path autonomists. Their blindness to the way
that technological systems fit together into non-modular ensembles is
what leads them to assert, incredibly, that “clean energy technologies
make possible virtually limitless and environmentally sustainable
forms of power production.”9
The fettering thesis continues to manacle thinking about revolution
The Belly of the Revolution
and technology in part because no alternative perspective has been
consolidated. In the pages that follow, I build upon my previous work
and consider the obstacles, infrastructural and technological, that a
twenty-first-century revolution will encounter. I take as my primary
object of inquiry agriculture and the food supply chain, the belly of
the revolution, as I call it, not only because revolutions will either
provision themselves or die but because agriculture and food supply
depend upon all the other technical systems of industrial capitalism:
energy supply, manufacturing, and logistics. In the ancient political
fable I use for my epigraph, the belly admonishes the rebellious
organs of the body, reminding them that if they revolt they die, since
all nourishment passes through the belly before being distributed
outward. This is the counterrevolutionary lecture that capitalism
continually whispers into the ears of would-be rebels; its words are the
technical arrangement of the means of production, the organization
of the land and its powers.10 The two “revolutions” capital effected in
the last half of the twentieth century — the green revolution and the
logistics revolution — are really counterrevolutions. Together, they
have reorganized agriculture and the food supply system in such a way
that real revolutions must break with them or perish. Furthermore,
as I will show, although many leftists continue to believe that these
technologies provide the basis for an ecological reorganization of
industry capable of warding off the worst effects of capital’s ecological
destabilization, whether within capitalism or beyond it, these hopes
are misplaced. Our best hope is communism, and communism means,
as we will see, breaking the spine of this industrial infrastructure and
ending the tyranny of the belly.
In order to respond to these old agrarian fables, we need a new
theory of technology, one that reckons with path dependency. We also
need to return to an insight that has been lost but which was at the
center of Marx’s thinking — technology is nature, an organization of
natural elements and powers.11 The productive forces are social forces
through and through, determined by the social relations of capitalism,
but they are also natural forces. Technology utilizes, reconfigures,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
and shapes nature, but part of what a path-autonomous view of
technology overlooks is that the qualities and characteristics of natural
forces themselves, along with social relations, determine the range of
possible uses a technology affords. Here I find two new contributions
to Marxist ecology, Andreas Malm’s Fossil Capital and Jason W.
Moore’s Capitalism in the Web of Life, quite helpful.12 Malm argues
that the direction of capitalist development and industrialization was
influenced by the difference between coal-fueled steam power and the
water power that preceded it. As technologies, coal power and water
power feature entirely incongruent profiles that have to do with the
different natural forces they recruit as much as the social relations
through which these natural forces are organized and developed;
capitalist development selects from and eventually synthesizes these
forces, based not only upon their ability to meet human needs but
upon their fit with the imperatives of accumulation. Steam power
cannot be made to do what water power can do, nor vice versa. The
limits these technologies present to those who would adapt them
are double: they have to do with their social character but also the
material character of the powers and forces they use.
The natural and the social are not two separate layers, one base
and the other superstructure, but intermixed. In Moore’s account,
capitalism is a way of “organizing nature”; capitalist reproduction
involves the reproduction of certain social relations and institutions
as well as the reproduction of nature in forms conducive to capitalist
accumulation. Moore for his part emphasizes what he calls “the
double internality” of “humanity-in-nature/nature-in-humanity.”13
Reprising Marx’s own dialectical understanding of human labor,
where “man acts upon external nature and changes it, and in this
way… simultaneously changes his own nature,” Moore reminds us
that humans are animals, whose social and cultural forms regulate a
constant transformation of the material world, including themselves.14
An attentive reader of Justus Von Liebig’s works on soil chemistry,
Marx borrowed from Liebig the term stoffwechsel (metabolism) and
used it to describe human activity in the most expansive sense.15
The Belly of the Revolution
Liebig’s term helped Marx to think about the transformative character
of human activity, “a process between man and nature, a process by
which man, through his own actions, mediates, regulates, and controls
the metabolism between himself and nature.”16 Largely associated
now with biological processes internal to human bodies, metabolism
is a particularly salutary concept for thinking the double internality.
Metabolism captures the connection between the social belly and
the belly as such. Neither Malm nor Moore put things in exactly this
way but the implications are clear: the productive forces of capital
are natural forces, their productivity derives not only from the
organization of people and processes but also from the characteristics
of various material elements, from powers of water, earth, air, and
fire, from biological, chemical, and physical processes, from gravity,
electro-magnetism, and the forces internal to atoms.
Town, Country, and the Double Internality
The romantic or post-romantic perspective on these matters opposes
nature and technology — the machine in the garden and against
the garden, the tractor as leveler of wilderness.17 But the garden is
also a machine, a way of organizing nature. In a certain sense, the
difference between these views is semantic. If nature means a forest,
then it makes sense to see it as opposed to technology. If nature means
something like fire, though, then it is easy enough to see it as both a
spontaneously emerging extra-human force and a human technology.
Agriculture and the food system mediate between these different
meanings of the word “nature,” since a farm is a collection of living
things organized toward human needs, and unlike an oil refinery
much more clearly both social and natural.
Agriculture is also the place where the relationship between
capitalist social relations and labor-saving innovation is first
established, as Robert Brenner’s persuasive account makes clear.
Brenner’s writing on the transition to capitalism is, among many
things, an argument against technicism and against the fettering
thesis.18 The emergence of capitalism in the English countryside
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
did not naturally evolve through the increase-seeking decisions of
peasants and lords, such that the underlying productivity gains in
agriculture made feudal property rights into “fetters.” All things being
equal, the direct producers and their exploiters under feudalism
would struggle against each other in ways that stabilized feudal
relations and inhibited increased productivity. Only a shock to this
system could introduce a new set of specifically capitalist property
relations in which producers were compelled to exchange their
product on a competitive market in order to reproduce themselves.
Medieval agriculture relied on fallowing to restore soil fertility, but
in the sixteenth century a new agricultural regime emerged, chiefly
in the Netherlands and England, based on crop rotation rather than
fallowing. Planting of fodder crops would follow the planting of
cereals, with no rest for the land. This had two advantages for soil
fertility — the fodder crops, such as clover and alfalfa, were nitrogenfixing rather than depleting, but they also fed animals that produced
manure and thus fertilized the soil. Peasants were unable to adopt
the system, however, given the open field system of property rights,
where fallow lands were common property on which anyone could
graze their animals. If anyone tried to plant fodder crops there, they
would run the risk of having them eaten by someone else’s animals.
Furthermore, the new system required more animals, not only to
graze on and fertilize the newly cultivated lands, but also to replace
human labor, since the activity required per cultivated acre increased
massively in the crowded calendar of the crop rotation system, with
more animals and lands requiring care and work.19 Most peasant
producers were without these resources, relying on the labor of a
single family and, at most, one or two animals. For all these reasons,
crop rotation was adopted in the sixteenth century only when common
lands were enclosed and the peasants turned into wage laborers who
could then be set to work on larger, non-fallowing farms involving
increased animal power and new tools. As yields per acre and per
worker increased, the peasants whose lands had been enclosed were
no longer needed as agricultural wage laborers. This provided the
The Belly of the Revolution
engine for development elsewhere. As the productivity of labor in the
countryside increased, ex-peasants dispossessed of their right to the
land migrated to the towns, forming the labor pool for industry. Fed
by the surplus of grain and meat, the towns fattened into cities. The
takeaway here is that the reorganization of human society prompts
a reorganization of nature. Changes in the relations of production
prompt a change in the productive forces, whereas the fettering thesis
imagines the reverse.
Agriculture is a complicated area of study in part because it is
easy to confuse two important forms of technical change — landsaving innovations, which increase yield per acre, and the more
familiar labor-saving innovations which increase yield per worker.
The first agricultural revolution involved both types, but the chief
importance of the crop rotation system was in land-saving. Afterward,
and until the twentieth century, land-saving innovations were few
and far between. Most of the important agricultural innovations of
the nineteenth century were labor-saving and involved better use of
draft animals through new tools and motorless machines for plowing,
cultivating, and harvesting.20 Moore argues that nineteenth-century
increases in yields came primarily from aggressive farming on
heretofore uncultivated land in the Americas, stripping it of nutrients
and then moving on to new plots once the fertility plummeted.21 The
nineteenth century also saw a scramble for fertilizer imports —
first guano from South American islands, then saltpeter from South
American deserts, but these extractable deposits were scarce and
the imminent depletion of these resources formed the context for
Marx’s reading of Von Liebig and his critical commentary about the
self-undermining character of capitalist agriculture. For Marx, the
nineteenth-century crisis of soil fertility originated first and foremost
from the division between town and country, which the transition
to capitalism from agrarian society deepened rather than overcame.
By concentrating workers and the natural fertilizers they produce in
cities, capitalism “disturbs the metabolic interaction between the man
and the earth, i.e., it prevents the return to the soil of its constituent
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
elements consumed by man in the form of food and clothing; hence it
hinders the operation of the eternal condition for the natural resource
of the soil.”22
As Marx saw it, the solution to this problem, the rebalancing of
the metabolic interaction between humans and the land, involved
a revolutionary project that has largely been forgotten despite its
centrality to most nineteenth-century conceptions of society after
capitalism: the overcoming of the division between town and country,
returning human excrement to the land from whence it came. People
forget that this was one of the revolutionary measures (many of them
comparatively modest, and easily incorporated by liberal reformism)
outlined by Marx and Engels’s Communist Manifesto: “Combination of
agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the
distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution
of the population over the country.”23 The first part has already been
achieved by today’s factory farms and industrialized food systems, but
once we read on we see that Marx and Engels imagined something very
different: the breaking up of big cities, the localization and dispersal
of food production, so that it was close to where people actually lived,
and the dispersal of industry throughout the countryside, so that
its polluting effects were mitigated. This was not a passing fancy
but something that Marx and Engels referred to continuously from
1848 on, taken up by many of the socialists they influenced. Today,
questioning urbanization or imagining the destruction of cities as
part of a communist revolution is seen by accelerationists and other
proponents of the fettering thesis as concomitant with primitivism,
despite the centrality of these objectives to the nineteenth-century
radical tradition.
Finding agreement on this point with the utopian socialists he
typically criticizes, Engels puts it rather pointedly in Anti-Dühring:
The abolition of the antithesis between town and country is not merely
possible. It has become a direct necessity of industrial production
itself, just as it has become a necessity of agricultural production and,
The Belly of the Revolution
besides, of public health. The present poisoning of the air, water and
land can be put an end to only by the fusion of town and country;
and only such fusion will change the situation of the masses now
languishing in the towns, and enable their excrement to be used for
the production of plants instead of for the production of disease.24
For Engels, this does not mean isolated, autarkic villages. He remains
a proponent of decentralizing some productive processes and
centralizing others. Bebel, discussing the same thematic in his book
Women and Socialism, notes that it is “due to the complete remodeling
of the means of communication and transportation… that the city
populations will be enabled to transfer to the county all their acquired
habits of culture, to find there their museums, theaters, concerts
halls, reading rooms, libraries.”25 The abolition of town and country
requires extensive coordination, and the communication of both
goods and information. However, some things do not need to be and
should not be so communicated. He continues:
Each community will, in a way, constitute a zone of culture; it will, to
a large extent, itself raise the necessaries of life. Horticulture, perhaps
the most agreeable of all occupations, will then reach the fullest bloom.
The cultivation of vegetables, fruit trees, and bushes of all nature,
ornamental flowers and shrubs — all offer an inexhaustible field for
human activity, a field, moreover, whose nature excludes machinery
almost wholly. Thanks to the decentralization of the population, the
existing contrast and antagonism between the country and the city
will also vanish.26
On this point, contrary to received opinion, the Second International
writers share a good deal with anarchist communists such as Piotr
Kropotkin and Elisée Reclus, who also imagined an intermingling of
industry and agriculture and, contrary to later mischaracterizations,
saw need for balance between self-sufficiency and communist
distribution among productive sites.27 The difference between the
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
anarchists and the Marxists will of course concern the mechanisms
whereby such coordination is achieved. Even on this point, however,
Marx and Engels were less statist than many supposed, locating the
ultimate power of decision in the hands of the people themselves,
though both did have more faith in the possibility of a layer of
administrators and technicians who could decide what goes where.28
Moore argues that interpreters of Marx’s writings on metabolism
have reinstantiated a Cartesian duality (society vs. nature) that the
concept was meant to transcend.29 In places, Marx describes an
“irreparable rift in interdependent processes of social metabolism,” a
formulation that has sometimes been read as describing a rift between
nature and humans rather than, as Moore has it, a rift within “singular
metabolism.”30 The split between town and country becomes, in this
dualist reading, an ontological split between humanity and nature.
What Moore proposes in the place of this cloven understanding is
a picture of human and extra-human nature as a “flow of flows of
matter and life.”31 Humans are biological organisms, Moore reminds
us, whose activity, building up matter into bodies and transforming
living and nonliving things, is regulated by language and culture
and other oddly powerful mediations such as value. But thinking
the unity of humanity and nature does not overcome the practical
rifts in this flow of flows; it does not overcome the division between
town and country, which is a real break within matter, not merely
a theoretical one. For Marx, there was no contradiction between
thinking humanity as a part of nature and separate from nature; this
was because, at a practical level, humans were a part of nature that
had separated itself from nature. Through labor “man regulates and
controls the metabolism between himself and nature” and at same time
“confronts the materials of nature as a force of nature.”32 This is not
an epistemological division so much as a real one, and dealing with its
effects requires practical reorganization of the relationship between
humans and nature, not a mere rethinking of the problematic. Moore
has little to say about this practical reorganization, and misses what is
a fundamental point for those of us investigating these matters from a
The Belly of the Revolution
revolutionary perspective: the abolition of the division between town
and country and the metabolic rift stands as part of the realization of
the double internality, the instantiation of a state of affairs in which
humans no longer stand over and against external or internal nature.
Filling in the Rift
The union of industry and agriculture that Marx and Engels and
others advocated has happened, but not at all in the way they
imagined. In one sense, the old oppositions between town and
country have vanished in the developed world and in most of the
developing world too. One can browse the web via smartphone
from many a backcountry road. Farms operate with million-dollar
machines as complex as those in any factory. And yet, the rifts remain,
widening every year; our food travels ever-greater distances from
farm to table and undergoes complex industrial processes before
being digested by us. The fundamental issue which Marx and Engels
identified, that the resources which are taken from the soil are not
returned to it, remains with us in a transmuted form. Soil fertility
is limited first and foremost by the amount of biologically available
nitrogen; such nitrates and ammonia are produced regularly from
atmospheric nitrogen by bacteria, a process that can be sped up by
certain crops, such as legumes. Biologically available nitrogen is also
found in decaying plant material and in manure and human waste.
The rate at which nitrogen can be converted to a usable form is limited,
however, and even the most careful management of inputs and waste
material runs the risk of depleting the soil. Without nitrogen, plants
cannot produce protein, and without plant protein humans and other
animals cannot produce themselves.33 The nitrogen cycle is “singular
metabolism” in a very basic sense, a chain of biochemical reactions
moving from the air to soil and back to air, passing through the bodies
and bodily excretions of plants, animals, and humans. In the twentieth
century, the limits of various systems of managed organic inputs, such
as the crop rotation discussed above, were radically transcended by
the invention of the Haber-Bosch process, which uses natural gas to
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. As such, the amount of
nitrogen now available is constrained only by the supply of natural
gas. The invention of nitrogen-fixing technology averted the imminent
crisis of soil fertility Marx and Engels identified, obviating the need
to return organic wastes to the land, and therefore widening the
metabolic rift while filling it in with megatons of synthetic fertilizer.
One of the most intriguing moments in Malm’s Fossil Capital (2015)
may help us theorize the shift to synthetic nitrogen, developing our
sense of the ways in which productive technologies incorporate both
social and natural forces whose character strongly determines their
possible use. Malm helpfully extends Marx’s categories of formal and
real subsumption in order to explain the difference between water
power and steam power.34 Most attempts to expand these important
categories misconstrue their original meaning for Marx, or attempt to
make them the basis of an impossible periodization.35 Subsumption
is often seen as identical to commodification — that is, producers
are subsumed when they are made market dependent and begin to
produce for exchange. Subsumption as Marx defines it, however, has
to do with the labor process and with capital’s control over workers.
Formal subsumption occurs when capitalists take over an existing
labor process, owning the means of production that peasants or
artisans formerly possessed as well as the products generated by
those means of production, and paying wages out of the revenue they
earn. Yeoman farmers or artisans who produce for the market using
their own labor are not in this sense formally subsumed, even though
the products of their labor were commodified. Real subsumption
occurs when capitalists not only own but reorganize and materially
transform the means of production, in order to increase productivity
and profit. Malm’s extension of these categories works because it
concerns the labor process and direct capitalist control. For Malm,
nature is formally subsumed in the case of energy sources, like water
power, derived from what he calls “the flow” — a category that also
includes solar and wind power. The flow is curiously resistant to
commodification; it can be appropriated but not exactly owned, since
The Belly of the Revolution
it does not have a precise location, diffused throughout the landscape
and atmosphere in ways that resist contract. It is also unpredictable;
levels of rivers swell and subside in ways that cannot be controlled,
clouds cover the sun for days, and wind rises and falls.36 This makes
water power inferior to things like coal, despite the fact that it is
free as a result of its uncommodifiability. Coal and other energy
sources like it form what Malm calls “the stock,” and these things
can be really subsumed by capital, meaning that, with coal, capital
can produce energy when and where it wants it, disciplining and
regulating nature’s provision of motive power. In the context of the
early nineteenth-century class struggle, Malm argues, the turn to
the stock was necessary — capitalists who used water power were
exposed to destabilizing class struggle by their need to stay close to
water sources, where workers were in short supply and could thus
drive up wages. Furthermore, water power displayed great seasonal
variation. The mills would capture water in a mill pond overnight
and then let it out during the day; in the summertime when water
was low, this could power only a short working day, such that mill
owners made up for lost time when the water returned in the autumn,
driving their workers toward very long days. When the Factory
Acts of the 1830s were passed, limiting the working day, this latter
practice was rendered impossible, further compromising the ability
of water power to compete with steam. Despite being cheaper, the
unpredictability of water power combined with the resistance of labor
to render water capitalists less competitive. Only steam power could
deliver the needed predictability. Water mills did, of course, involve
complicated mechanisms unavailable before capitalism and therefore
featured a really subsumed labor power, but Malm argues that really
subsumed labor is incompatible with an only formally subsumed
nature. Factories need a steady energy source that can be increased
or decreased at will.37
Jason Moore would perhaps critique Malm’s use of these categories
for their latent Cartesianism. If nature is seen as something that
can be subsumed, formally or really, then it is treated as something
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
external to humans that is only brought under human control through
technology. But as I argue above, this terminological precision risks
occluding very real differences in different types of relationship
between human and extra-human nature, making it difficult to gauge
how much extra-human nature is or is not radically reorganized by
humans. Perhaps the useful term, in addition to subsumption, is
synthesis: in the case of coal power, gasoline, electricity, and nuclear
power, natural forces are not simply appropriated by humans but
actively synthesized by them. The implications of synthesis and
real subsumption for the discussion of the nitrogen cycle above are,
I would hope, obvious: in the system of managed inputs, the lifemaking powers of nitrogen are formally appropriated through the
conservation and recycling of organic wastes, crop rotation, mixed
farming, and the planting of legumes. With the Haber-Bosch process,
these powers are actively synthesized by humans.
Food and Logistics after the Green Counterrevolution
Malm’s use of the terms “stock” and “flow” is an interesting
modification of their standard usage by economists, where the
first refers to a simple mass of value (or commodity units) and the
second to a rate, given in value or commodity units over time. Joan
Robinson, quoting Michał Kalecki in conversation, is remembered
for her acerbic description of economics as “the science of confusing
stocks with flows,” because people tend to treat these two measures
as commensurable, comparing GDP (a flow) to national debt (a stock),
for example.38 Though not commensurable, one can make the two
things into a ratio: debt to GDP, for instance, or the profit rate. Stock
is simply what builds up where inflows, into a bank account or a
factory, are greater than outflows, and thus the relationship between
the incommensurables can be modeled mathematically, as one can
model the relationship between the depth of a river in feet and its
rate of flow.39 Malm’s use of the terms means to indicate a distinction
between energy flows that build up into a meaningful stock and those
that do not. The inflows of wind and solar energy are always passing
The Belly of the Revolution
into outflows in ways that never form a stock, unlike the chemical
energy of former biomass contained in coal deposits. In political
economy, the concepts offer ways of thinking about the relationship
between revenue, investment, costs, and value transferred. The fixed
capital invested in a waterworks would typically be measured as a
stock, an initial outlay sunk into machinery at a particular date in
time, but one might also calculate its depreciation as a flow of value
transferred to the goods the mill produces. Likewise, the coal used by
a steam-powered plant will typically be measured as a flow (of value
or tons per year or day), but one might also measure it as a stock, by
taking its level at a particular moment or its average level over the
course of the year. This is where Malm’s usage gets interesting, and
perhaps confusing, since the turn to coal and the stock that Malm
describes was a turn to an increased flow of circulating commodities,
traveling ever-further distances, and requiring a vast transportation
network, itself powered by coal and itself requiring the very coal flows
it made possible. Conversely, the waterworks that preceded the turn
to steam required no circulating energy inputs but did involve costly
fixed capital investment. The free use of the flow was a way of avoiding
cost flows for energy inputs but involved fixed capital stock, and the
turn to the stock was a turn to flows of energy inputs.
In the postindustrial era, the so-called “logistics revolution” has
focused on reducing stocks through a careful management of flows.
The goal of “just-in-time” production is to reduce standing inventory
as much as possible, by making sure that inputs arrive at the plant
exactly when they are needed. Since stock is usually treated as the
average level of inventory, this kind of distribution system ends up
being “capital saving,” inasmuch as it reduces the level of capital tied
up in production, freeing it for other uses. Capitalists measure their
profit rate as flow of net profit over capital invested for a given period
of time, taking the average level of circulating capital; therefore, by
reducing the latter, the rate rises (though there is the question of
what happens to the capital freed up and whether capitalists can find
productive uses for it, which is no easy matter). But inventory is not
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the only cost that capitalists seek to reduce. Fixed capital is inferior to
circulating capital because it must be paid for far in advance of its use,
making accurate prediction difficult. If demand for the product that
a factory produces falls precipitously, one cannot go back in time and
change the size of the factory one built, whereas circulating capital
can be adjusted as one goes in order to correspond to existing demand.
Labor costs are similar, given the difficulty of firing workers, either
because workers will strike and shut down plants when fired or there
is legislation preventing arbitrary dismissal. By making the circulation
and coordination of various inputs easier, the contemporary
logistics revolution should really be understood as an outsourcing
and contract-production revolution. Instead of producing goods or
services directly themselves, many firms reduce their permanent
employees as well as their fixed capital investments to the lowest
level possible, engaging a network of contract producers and service
providers as needed and according to changing market conditions.
The result is that capital’s power over labor — now fragmented and
dispersed across the logistical grid — increases massively. As I have
argued, such logistical restructuring cannot in any way be understood
as a simple increase in efficiency. Though costs of circulation and
transportation are reduced through more efficient technologies, the
gains wrought from these restructurings come largely from their
ability to drive wages to the floor and force workers to accept the
greatest possible insecurity. This critical understanding of logistics
extends the critique of technicism and productive force determinism
one finds in Malm. Indeed, the turn to logistics and the turn to steam
are remarkably parallel, undertaken in both cases in order to disarm
an insurgent laboring population.
Food is logistical now, too. Under the coordinative power of the
supermarket system, food travels farther than ever before. But
even where source and destination are proximate, the logistics of
agricultural inputs — from seeds, to fertilizers, to machinery —
are themselves complex and likewise dependent upon long supply
chains for their production. And so on and so forth, until after a dozen
The Belly of the Revolution
iterations, the commodity circuit more or less turns back in on itself.
Grain and other stable agricultural products have been traded across
vast distances since at least the first millennium BC, but in the postwar
period international agricultural trade has expanded massively not
just by volume but by type of good traded. From 1973 to 2013, the
volume of agricultural exports grew by 250 percent. Some of this
can be attributed to the underlying growth in agricultural output
during the height of the Green Revolution, as chemical fertilizers
and pesticides began to be used in great volume. But total output only
grew by 142 percent during this period.40 In money terms, the increase
was sharper still: the real value of exports grew 1,364 percent. Part of
that astronomical increase derives from the commodity and energy
boom that occurs from 2002 to 2012. The real value of agricultural
exports increased six times more quickly from 2001 to 2013 than it
did from 1973 to 2001, but the steeper increase also reflects a shift in
the type of agricultural products imported and exported during this
period, from bulk goods to “high-value products” such as fruits and
vegetables, enabled by new refrigeration technologies and long-range
transportation and logistic networks. By 2013, 19 percent of the food
that Americans consumed was imported.41 As indices of international
travel, these numbers are only partly useful in estimating the extent
to which logistics has canalized the food system and with it the
productive flows of the earth. A tomato may travel farther from farm
to refrigerator when grown in California and sold in Washington, DC
than when grown in Mexico and sold in Colorado.
The effect of all this has been a reorganization of agriculture in
many areas toward high-value cash crops and away from staples and
cereals, which are now imported from places where they can be grown
with the most capital-intensive, high-yield techniques, such as the
American Midwest. One of the reasons for the logistics revolution is
that productivity increases are not uniform across different sectors,
and even today, there are many activities that remain unmechanized.
For example, while the manufacture of components in electronics is
highly automated, the assembly of these components is not, and so
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
assembly companies, Foxconn being the most notorious, are located in
places where wages are lowest. Similar processes hold in the garment
industry, where textile production is automated but sewing is not. In
agriculture, most of the labor takes place during harvesting but this
work has only been automated through more or less crop-specific and
highly expensive machines, leaving a number of fruits and vegetables
to be harvested by hand, despite the near-total automation of other
crops. What Bebel says about the machinery-exclusive nature of
horticulture still holds true in many areas 135 years later. Harvesting is
seasonal, too, meaning that the labor needs of modern farms fluctuate
massively, shrinking to zero for much of the year and then ballooning
at harvest times. Under capitalist social relations, only a population
of marginally employed and underpaid workers, dismissible for any
reason, can satisfy the fluctuating labor demand of farms. In the
U.S. and Europe these needs are met by populations of informally
employed immigrant laborers, though often logistics enables retailers
and distributors to go directly to zones and countries with large
unemployed populations and low wages to purchase labor-intensive
foods. The result is that the distribution of agricultural capacity over
the crust of the earth has little to do with the direct food needs of
the nearby population, and everything to do with the antagonistic
conditions of production for profit.
Malm argues that the real subsumption of nature, and the need for
consistent, predictable energy sources has to do with the imperative to
really subsume labor, to create massive machine works that can be run
at all hours and at any speed and that will determine the discipline,
pace, and quality of work by the character of their material design. But
the unpredictability of labor, he notes, is constitutive and impossible
to extirpate fully. No technology yet exists whereby capital can control
the human nervous system and compel motion directly; there is still
need for coercion and incentive of one form or another. Even in
slavery, with the most violent coercion imaginable, the laborers have
the power to refuse work and suffer the consequences. Indiscipline
can only be controlled, not eliminated. The unpredictability of nature
The Belly of the Revolution
is, also, difficult to eliminate completely. However much the nitrogen
cycle is really subsumed in modern agriculture, the productive
powers of the earth analyzed and manipulated at the molecular level,
agriculture remains a high-risk business, dependent upon climactic
factors that are impossible to anticipate let alone control. Like labor,
the weather can only be managed indirectly. The result is that few
small- or medium-sized farmers producing for market can survive
without relying on complex forms of credit, insurance, state subsidy,
price control, or other support. The prices of agricultural products
fluctuate wildly, and the intervention of powerful distribution and
supply monopolies has the effect of imposing terms on producers.
After the final and total defeat of the global peasantry, meaning
that nearly all farmers are market-dependent, food prices always
run the risk of being sent to the floor by competitive forces. The
result is that states often intervene in the market. (The U.S. has for
decades, as many know, paid its cereal producers to destroy excess
grain in order to maintain market conditions, such that the price of
U.S. grain is often far below its actual production cost). Given such
interventions, and the effect of profit taking at every level of the chain
from farmer to consumer as well as complex forms of credit, there
is often little relation between the prices that consumers see and the
actual production costs of agriculture. For example, the expansion
of commodity futures and other agricultural derivatives means that
small rises in cost due to changing conditions can be amplified into
massive price explosions, as seems to be partly the case for the nowdeflating commodity and food boom of 2003–2012. This has the effect
of creating massive overinvestment with the ultimately perverse
result that, once conditions settle down, such strong deflationary
pressures emerge that revenue can no longer cover costs, initiating a
wave of bankruptcies that bring down costs for the next generation
of producers. Production for profit stamps agriculture, with growers
changing the crops they offer according to the shifting winds of the
market and a series of complex guarantees from states. What is grown
first is money, and only then food for human needs.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
The rise of contemporary logistics has enabled a shift from socalled “push production” models. In push production, suppliers build
out capacity and output, first, and then subsequently clear the market
through promotions and sales. In “pull production,” output is linked
directly to demand signals, with retailers replacing inventories as
they are sold. The limit case, and the ideal for firms like Walmart
and the network of suppliers, is one where items aren’t produced
until they have already been purchased. Inventory never builds up
anywhere, and stocks are kept near zero. Pull productions effect a shift
in power from producers to retailers or, in some cases, distributors. In
agriculture, one notices that distributors such as Cargill and Archer
Daniels Midland have enormous power, but retailers or producers
for consumption such as Walmart and McDonald’s can also cut out
distributors and go directly to farmers. Under logistics, supermarkets
become a new locus of power.
The combination of the logistics and green revolutions has led to
an increasingly wasteful food supply system. One might think that
elimination of standing inventories from retailers and distributors
would make for less waste, but unlike manufacturers, food producers
have far less ability to alter their output. Agriculture has relatively
long turnover times, and farmers have to make decisions about
output levels far in advance of actual sale, all while anticipating
the possibility of a bad harvest due to uncontrollable factors. They
often make advance contracts with distributors and retailers, but
given unpredictability, find it more profitable to overproduce, as the
costs of producing too much are lower than the opportunity costs
of producing too little. In other words, push production remains
the norm in agriculture, despite the demand-side dominance of the
industry, and thus producers are often left with more food than they
can sell at decent prices. Supermarkets also have stringent aesthetic
and quality standards, rejecting agricultural products that do not
conform to rather superficial consumer values. And because retailers
and distributors now dominate, their contracting allows them to
switch from supplier to supplier, forcing the costs of compelled
The Belly of the Revolution
overproduction further down the value chain. This dynamic results
in a staggering scale of food wastage, with somewhere between 29
percent and 34 percent of all food produced globally not consumed.42
In industrialized countries, a good portion of food wastage happens
during consumption, as food rots in refrigerators or pantries. But the
relative power that logistics has given retailers and distributors over
farmers is a big part of the problem. As the edges and vertices of the
food system multiply, so too do the cracks into which food might fall,
never reaching human bodies. The reorganization of the food supply
by the green revolution has doubtless led to increased output per acre,
but it has done so while massively amplifying waste and severely
compromising its ability to meet human needs. The system looks
highly inefficient even before we begin to consider energy-intensive
and water-intensive methods for production and distribution, and
how much they contribute to total carbon emissions and, in turn,
destructive climate change that will adversely affect food production.
In Moore’s account, the ratio of energy calories to food calories has
almost doubled since the 1970s and grown by almost ten times since
the 1930s under “petro-farming” conditions. 43 Scaling up such a
system to meet the needs of nine or ten billion people will be difficult,
to say the least. Doing so while reducing overall emissions and energy
use will be impossible.
Revolution and Agriculture
With a few important exceptions, the social revolutions of the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries were agrarian revolutions,
undertaken in societies that had not yet fully transitioned to capitalism
and where agricultural production was still mediated by the conflict
between peasants and landlords. Some of these revolutions were
led by peasants, as in China, or by alliances between peasants and
workers, as in Russia and Spain. In many cases, the rebellious workers
were newly proletarianized and still retained some connection to
peasant traditions and values. The question of land reform was central
in all these cases, as the peasantry was squeezed by the encroachment
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
of capitalism on one side and the rapacity of the old regime on the
other. To say that these social revolutions were agrarian means that
their dubious successes had the effect of accomplishing, through
various processes of expropriation and violence, what the normal
development of capitalism in many other countries could not: in
Russia and China, the landlords were eliminated and the productive
use of the land entirely reorganized. In other parts of the developing
world, the old landed powers retained their hold for much longer,
even after the peasantry had been more or less dispossessed, and as
a result reorganization of agriculture there has been much more slow
going. Yevgeni Preobrazhensky, one of the most clear-sighted of the
economists that the Bolsheviks had on their side, explicitly describes
what needed to happen in the Soviet Union as a form of “primitive
socialist accumulation,” displacing the peasantry and converting the
land to new use, though he doubtless imagined something different
than Stalin’s genocidal collectivizations.44 By 1936, the Soviet Union
was producing 112,000 tractors per year, nearly double the number of
1933 and only slightly below the number of motor vehicles produced,
part of a massive push to industrialize agriculture.45 By the 1970s,
the Soviet Union was the world’s second largest producer of both
potassium and nitrogen fertilizers.46 Though the Soviet food system
was mired by chronic shortages and inefficiencies in production
and distribution, something that derived from the contradictions
of what Hillel Ticktin called its “non-mode of production,” this was
not for want of industrializing nature. Indeed, the peculiarities of
Soviet accumulation made it particularly wasteful, even judged by
the standards set by capitalism.47 Since defects marred nearly all
final goods, the system tended to overproduce raw inputs (steel,
coal, or cement) in enormous quantities, and to generate stockpiles
of intermediate goods that could not be utilized because of bottlenecks
in the supply system.48 The fact that the Soviet system could produce
things like fertilizer more easily than it could produce wristwatches
or radios no doubt contributed to its high utilization.
An authentic twenty-first century revolution, breaking with
The Belly of the Revolution
capitalism and all class society, will likewise have to be an agrarian
revolution, though in a far different sense than those described above.
It will have to radically transform the way food is produced and
distributed, not only because the present food system is wasteful, toxic
to humans, and environmentally destructive, and not only because
climate change stands to radically alter what can be grown and how
and where it can be grown, but also because, even more importantly,
the capitalist organization of nature as agriculture will, if relied on,
entirely incapacitate such revolutions, guaranteeing the restoration of
class society. Agriculture as we know it now is saturated with market
relations; the distribution of various domesticated organisms across
the surface of the planet, as well as the inputs which make their
cultivation possible, has been undertaken with an eye toward the
maximization of profits first and satisfaction of human needs second.
Based on the historical record, we must assume that revolution will
break through — that is, defeat the reigning powers, and find itself
in possession of the means of production — in isolated zones first, as
part of a global revolutionary wave. The partisans in such situations
will find among their most immediate tasks the maintenance of an
adequate food supply, most likely under conditions of civil war. In
modern societies, maintaining the food supply depends, in turn, on
several other essential industries and infrastructures: for water and
energy, for transport, and for the manufacture of the goods used
directly or indirectly by agriculture.
Revolutions cannot survive persistent food shortages, inasmuch
as the absence of food activates the most powerful forms of selfinterested and survival-oriented activity, even among those who are
committed to the revolution — pilfering, hoarding, marketeering.
Exhorting people to sacrifice and discipline will only work for so
long; eventually a split will emerge, between the activist minority
fanatically devoted to the revolution, even unto the point of death, and
those masses whose attachments are weaker, who want the revolution
to succeed but will withdraw their support when the risks are too
high, the prospects uncertain, and the miseries unbearable. In most
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
revolutions, the activist minority turns, at this point, from moral
exhortation to violent coercion, inducing even more demoralization,
distrust, and disaffection. The Bolsheviks provide an object lesson;
having earned the distrust of a partially sympathetic peasantry during
the war years, when the Red Army was in the practice of seizing grain,
they encountered intractable underproduction and hoarding of grain
during the 1920s. The Bolsheviks concluded that they could regain
control over agricultural production only by violently dispossessing
the peasants, arrogating to themselves a degree of state power that
assured the revolution was definitively dead, albeit a better-fed
sort of dead. In Civil War Spain, where many of the partisans were
significantly more skeptical of state power and violent coercion, and
committed to democratic ideals and participatory, locally controlled
organization of agriculture, the fact that the Francoist rebels controlled
the rich grainlands and cattle-grazing areas of the Southwest meant
that the Republic and its armies were continuously undersupplied.
The predicament induced all manner of cynical, opportunist, and
survival-oriented behavior among peasants and townspeople that
only increased as the militants betrayed their democratic ideals and
instituted forms of military policing and punishment in order compel
compliance.49 Revolutions that rely on such police action in order to
insure compliance — which is not at all to argue against the use of
violence as defense against counterrevolutionary forces — effectively
sign their own death warrant.
Fortunately, twenty-first-century revolutions will not have to
reckon with the problem of the peasantry, especially if we define
peasants as those who produce for their own subsistence first and
for the market second. Almost all global agricultural production is
market-oriented now. In developed countries like the U.S., while
the number of farms has stayed the same for decades at around a
few million, many owner-operator enterprises generate negligible
output (with the owners usually working elsewhere); a few hundred
thousand farms generate most output, a number that has fallen decade
after decade as average farm size rises. As such, the number of people
The Belly of the Revolution
who control the land differs from that of Russia or Spain by a few
orders of magnitude, and most of these farms are highly capitalized
if also noncorporate enterprises that employ significant numbers
of workers. These people will need to be won over to the cause or
expropriated, but they form an incredibly tiny minority compared
to the great masses of people that would be involved in such an
undertaking. In less-developed countries, control over agricultural
resources is more fragmented and involves a higher number of
underclass people, but still fewer people than the thoroughly peasantbased societies of old.50
More significant will be the problem, seen already in the Spanish
case, that revolutions confront when they discover that neither the
necessary means of subsistence, nor the means to produce such means
of subsistence, exist within the revolutionary zone. In such conditions,
partisans will have to decide between, on one hand, trading with
capitalist partners for necessaries and therefore organizing production
for export or, on the other hand, radically reorganizing agriculture
in order to meet endogenous need. If the partisans choose trade,
they expose themselves to the powerful disciplinary effects of the
global market and the law of value, needing to produce at competitive
levels, even when they do not confront more active intervention in the
form of embargo and blockade. Capital flight happens immediately
in conditions of political instability, and in all likelihood, by the
time the reigning powers have been deposed, international capital
markets will have exerted profound disciplinary pressure, offering
credit under the most punitive terms. Since exchange rates are
connected to the credit system, everything imported will cost much
more. Unless revolutionaries try to go it slow and not freak the credit
markets, guaranteeing their total ineffectiveness (see, for instance,
the sad fate of SYRIZA), the only solution that import-dependent
revolutions will discover is to hyperexploit their producers in order
to maintain competitive terms. But revolutions generate conditions in
which managerial control over the workplace breaks down entirely;
productivity levels will certainly fall, especially if wages and money
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
continue to be used, fostering antagonistic relations in the workplace.
The only way to raise productivity for partisans in such conditions
will be through indirect and direct violence — instituting systems
of incentive and punishment that will run, probably very quickly,
from the use of piece rates to the establishment of work camps. This
is precisely what happened in Spain, accepted as baleful necessity
even by the erstwhile libertarians. The result: massive demoralization,
insubordination, and all but the most fanatical turned against the
revolution as a matter of survival.
Recognizing that this way lies certain failure and that revolution
will not break through globally in the short time frames that would
be necessary to prevent the relative isolation of revolutionary
zones, one can only hope that partisans will try a different way,
reorganizing agriculture (and everything else) in order to meet
existing needs independent of trade with capitalist enterprises and
powers, or with, at the very least, a very small amount of such trade,
not large enough to induce the crippling effects described above. I
take as my framework here a view that the horizon of revolution in
our time involves “communization” of all resources and relations:
that is, the immediate abolition of money and wages, of state power,
and of administrative centralization, and the organization of social
activity without these mediations on the basis of direct, personal, or
immediate social relations.51 The inherited impasses of the logistical
reorganization of production are one of the reasons why I think
revolutionaries will turn to communization, but they will do so in
situations in which various factions are trying out different paths
and in which state power and trade may continue to exist at the same
time as people are breaking with them, inaugurating a revolution
within the revolution and attempting to organize in order to meet
their needs directly.52
As far as food production goes, this will mean, by necessity,
a return to the old nineteenth-century project of abolishing the
division between town and country and recognizing more clearly
Moore’s double internality, a project that will involve everything
The Belly of the Revolution
from neighborhood gardens and urban farms to large-scale farming
projects at the suburban perimeters of various towns and cities as
well as the replanting and reorganization of vast tracts in agricultural
heartlands. Even when the revolutionary zone is rather large and
production at a distance of thousands of miles is possible, the
sensible path will be to localize food production as much as possible,
not only in order to cut down on energy use in transportation but
also to establish a situation in which some large portion of people’s
food needs is immediately available and ready to hand, within some
reasonable distance, making it much harder for them to be subjugated
by a bureaucratic layer, a hostile power, or an emergent attempt at
capitalist restoration. Partially localizing the production of foodstuffs
and other necessaries would obviate the need for money or pseudomoney, wages or labor tickets, allowing the ready-to-hand goods to be
distributed on demand, with a relatively low level of administration.
Production and distribution of the fruits of social activity could, on
this basis, happen voluntarily and freely; even if money and exchange
persisted on the fringes for a time — most likely due to the presence
of different factions, pursuing different revolutionary paths — if most
of what people needed to live were organized this way successfully, on
a communist basis, communism would stabilize. And if it stabilized
it would spread, as the existence of people meeting their own needs
and thriving without the mediation of money, wages, or violent
compulsion would be enormously destructive for capitalism and class
society elsewhere. It would mean either the beginning of the end for
class society or the moment at which class powers gathered their forces
to extirpate the threat. Although the aspiration of communism is to be
global and universal (if also full of endless internal variation) and to
establish a situation in which everything belongs to everyone and no
human has more of a claim on the necessaries of life than any other, it
must begin somewhere. Previous generations of communist theorists
have misunderstood the transition to communism as temporal in
nature, passing through the intermediate stage of socialism, when
it is in fact better thought of as spatial transition: the geographical
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
spread of an immediately social communism that is contagious for the
precise reason that it is fully realized. Such geographical extension
will itself take time, however, and even though communization means
the establishment of immediately communist relations, the material
basis of such relations as well as the processes through which they are
effected will no doubt develop, deepen, and stabilize in time.
In a thoughtful essay on contemporary logistics, Alberto Toscano
asserts, contra my views here and elsewhere, that “the world
market remains, in however arduous a way, a presupposition (not
a framework!) for any transition out of capitalism.”53 Toscano
suggests that I am more right than I know: the reorganization of
global production has made breaking from the world market not
only difficult but impossible. On one aspect of the problem, we
agree: revolutionaries will undoubtedly use, when possible, the
technologies of transportation and storage upon which the world
market depends. But they will find such resources inadequate and
even, in some cases, inimical to their needs: located in the wrong
place, designed in the wrong way, and so on. The world market is a
presupposition, inasmuch as it is the world revolutionaries inherit,
but it is a presupposition that will provoke, by its very inadequacy,
new techniques and methods. The market is more than a means for
distributing necessary goods in space; it is the circulation of such
goods as mediated by exchange, stamped by the contortions of the law
of value. Markets involve numerous activities — banking, retailing,
advertising — that have no reason for being aside from exchange and
no purpose except for the reproduction of the commodity form, that
is, production for exchange.
Many of these counterarguments derive their force from a
commitment to Marxist modernism, a belief not only in the progressive
character of technological development but the “civilizing” effects of
the world market, which, for all its violence, breaks down national and
cultural barriers and provides the basis for international proletarian
solidarity. For many, the scenarios described above violate a deeply
held commitment to “internationalism” and an allergy to “socialism in
The Belly of the Revolution
one country.” Evaluating the contemporary conjuncture with a crudely
dogmatic schema inherited from the 1917 revolutionary sequence,
these critics confuse a set of normative positions on international
proletarian organization and solidarity with a description of the
actual conditions in which revolutions will unfold. Obviously, it would
be better if revolution could break through in several parts of the world
all at once. But revolutions occur on the basis of what is, not what
ought to be. The problems described here depend very little on the
character of organizing; even if there are proletarian organizations
linking struggles in different parts of the world, proletarians in
zones where they do not control the resources will be limited in their
ability to help the revolutionary zones, except inasmuch as they force
revolutionary breakthrough where they are. This should not in any
way be seen as an acceptance of the framework of national boundaries
and the nation state as the basis for a revolutionary unfolding. On the
contrary, the immediate establishment of communist reproduction
and relations, making it easy for people to feed themselves directly and
without money or centralized administration, dissolves state control
and national designation, producing rifts within and across national
boundaries. The opposition of “internationalism” to “nationalism”
discounts the ways in which Marxist internationalism was, in practice
and as far as the Second and Third Internationals were concerned,
something that proceeded through nation states and on the basis of
nationally coordinated blocs of proletarian power mediated by the
world market. The necessary turn to communization described above
would do more to destabilize the nation and state power than those
forms of “internationalism” that take these institutions as their basic
Neither would this revolutionary trajectory involve what Toscano
calls a “re-ruralization, where social form is based on comradeship,
friendship, or some kind of band of brothers bond.”54 Overcoming
the division of town and country would mean the end of the rural,
through processes involving at a minimum tens of millions of people
and probably hundreds of millions if not billions; it would involve
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
the coordinated distribution of necessary and useful things at all
sorts of scales from the immediately local to the intercommunal and
across the revolutionary zone. The salient distinction, however, is
that such coordination would take place under conditions in which
as many basic and necessary goods as possible are generated close to
those who need them, making it much more difficult to dispossess or
disempower people, who would both understand and have control
over the processes that matter for them. This is what is at stake in
the abolition of the division between town and country. Nonetheless,
one need not fear a retreat into autarkic, isolated communities,
which is as impossible as remaining tied to the world market. Many
infrastructures, such as those for water or energy, will require
coordination at scale, as will the generation of many necessary and
useful goods. Furthermore, not all food production can be shifted
close to where people live, nor can people be quickly shifted to the
places where food is grown without great suffering, and until a
reorganization of towns and cities through processes of voluntary
resettlement can take place, people will no doubt rotate seasonally
out to the agricultural heartlands where food is currently produced.
In the scenarios described above nearly everyone would have some
hand in growing the food they eat. In such a state of affairs, agriculture
would doubtless become more effort intensive in the developed world,
as breaking with the world market will leave many without access
to the machines and fertilizers and pesticides that industrialized
agriculture uses today. This is not such a problem: as a share of total
human effort, the amount of time devoted to agriculture in countries
such as the U.S. could increase by a factor of ten and still not account
for a very large part of people’s overall activity. In the developing
world, agriculture would no doubt become less effort intensive by
eliminating the need for the poorest producers to work the most
marginal plots of land with the worst techniques and equipment.
This is not to imagine anywhere some regression to premodern
techniques and relations. Agriculture will be immediately social,
rather than organized by family or clan (or capitalist firm), and people
The Belly of the Revolution
will doubtless continue to employ many of the technologies, if not
the chemicals, used to grow food today. There will surely be tractors
and other machines for working the earth and harvesting its fruits,
trucks for the transport of produce, but these will, I suspect, exist
alongside methods that rely more on the human hand, associated with
permaculture, mixed planting, and other “traditional” techniques.
In certain areas, people may find it impossible to meet their food
needs without synthetic fertilizers and as such will have to figure
out, for instance, how to run the ammonia plants and supply them
with natural gas or track down phosphorus and potassium deposits.
In any case, the use of such fertilizers will surely decline, if they are
not eliminated altogether. Agriculture under such situations will
involve a mix of high and low technique, where methods are selected
for their suitability for human needs and their ecological imprint
rather than their usefulness in production for profit.55 Though many
like to imagine “planning” as only referring to centrally administered
production occurring at national or international scales, any activity
that is social at any sort of scale will involve planning — though not
central planning — and partisans in the scenarios I imagine will
need to engage in various infrastructure projects: for irrigation,
for the recycling of organic wastes, and for energy generation and
Revolution and its Motive Forces
Speculation of the sort I engage in here is essentially impossible
without making assumptions about the kinds of choices people might
make in such a scenario, and this implies speculating, as well, about
the reasons for those choices. I take as my baseline an assumption
that people organize their lives with an eye to their own survival
and well-being and the survival and well-being of those they care
about, where the radius of care can be as small as the family nucleus
or “friend group” but far more expansive as well. This makes thinking
about a less destructive organization of nature both human and extrahuman extremely difficult. Most attempts by anti-capitalists to think
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
through meaningful political response to the ongoing ecological
catastrophe that is capital fail because of their inability to reckon
with human motives and with the fundamentally human-centered
character of human action. The absence of significant response
to the mass extinction wave sweeping the planet, not to mention
the mounting certainty that anthropogenic ecological change will
have profoundly negative impacts on human life in the near future
indicates that, unless their immediate well-being is at stake, people
are unlikely to engage in the risky, difficult action that revolutionary
change requires. The exceptions to this comparative quiescence
almost always occur in the case of groups, such as Indigenous or
agricultural communities, whose livelihood and social forms are
endangered by ecological destruction. Those who would point to the
radically different conceptions of human nature and its relationship
to extra-human nature that occur in various cultural formations
are no doubt correct, but these conceptions usually articulate the
interdependence of human and extra-human forces and therefore do
not provide exceptions to the rule of human-centered action, only an
awareness that valuing human life means valuing extra-human life
as well. Revolutions emerge when human reproduction is at stake,
though in some cases people are more aware that human reproduction
is also the reproduction of nature. To summarize, the argument of the
preceding pages might be understood thus: if twenty-first century
proletarians communize the food supply and reorganize agriculture,
overcoming the division between town and country, they will do so not
because this accords with their ideals but because these communist
measures will emerge as the best, and indeed only, way to meet their
needs in a revolutionary conjuncture, given the path dependencies
of productive resources they inherit from capitalism. Seen from
the vantage of the ideal, however, these measures will fortunately
also involve a profound break with the toxifying food regimes of
capitalism, dumping less carbon into the air and less nitrogen into
the oceans and fewer poisons into the groundwater. These ecological
benefits will emerge, however, as a result of choices that are more or
The Belly of the Revolution
less anthropocentric.56
Despite its lucid account of the path dependencies fossil fuel
technology engenders, when Malm turns to the present crisis of fossil
energy, he ends up relying on a normative theory of motives or perhaps
no theory whatsoever, giving us an account of what we must do or
should do rather than what we can do. In the first pages of the book, he
illuminates nicely the strange temporality of anthropogenic climate
change. The consequences of fossil energy use present a singularly
difficult problem for collective action: by the time their effects are
felt most pressingly, obliging people to act in order to preserve their
well-being, it will already be too late. In a phrase in which we can hear
echoes of Marx’s discussion of rising organic composition — that is,
the rising relative weight of dead labor to living labor — Malm tells
us that, with fossil energy, “the causal power of the past inexorably
rises.”57 At a certain point, the moment of “too late,” one witnesses
the “falling in of history on the present,” as the weight of past action
breaks through the ceiling. Unfortunately, Malm’s answer to this
predicament leaves much to be desired, relying on wishful thinking
rather than sober realism. Malm rejects the “revolutionary” response
to ecological destruction — that is, the response which says capitalism
is incapable of averting ecological disaster — for the simple reason
that revolution will not come quick enough to stop a temperature rise
of two degrees Celsius. But deciding that two degrees is your line in
the sand does not necessarily mean that anything will be done to stop
it. And, of course, too late is relative. There is, when it comes to these
matters, bad and worse. We appear to have long missed our chance
to avert the bad, if not the worst, and sober analysis may require
accepting this fact and preparing accordingly.
Malm’s own account of the origins of fossil capitalism and the turn
to steam appears to put in question his confidence that climate change
can be averted from within capitalism simply because it has to be. His
central claim is that capitalism can return to the flow as an energy
source, leaving behind the carboniferous stock. However, as he knows,
the very properties of the flow which led capital to turn away from
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
it remain a powerful obstacle to such a transition, haunting wind
and solar power just as much as they did the streams of the English
midlands. The flow is unpredictable; it cannot be turned on and off
at will. This causes a problem for industrialized societies that run on
the premise that energy is available on demand, part of an “abstract
spatiotemporality” in which neither distance from energy source nor
the variable rhythms of natural forces matter at all. One can store the
electricity generated but doing so requires manufacture of energyintensive batteries, such that the ultimate environmental benefits of
such a switch are unclear. In confronting this problem, Malm returns
to an intriguing counterfactual account he developed when examining
the decline of water power: it might have been possible, he tells us, to
build massive waterworks, capable of delivering steady, reliable
energy to various factories, across large distances, had capitalists been
able to solve their coordination problem. The competitive urgencies
of production for profit, however, made this impossible. If it were the
twentieth century, the state might have undertaken such projects, as
it would eventually with the highways, railroads, utilities, and other
vital infrastructures individual capitalists could not fund on their
own. Now, however, it is not the nineteenth century but the twentyfirst, and Malm argues that we might “return to the flow” through a
massively coordinated global effort, led by states and international
organizations, in which the variability of flow energy (due to diurnal
rhythms and weather) is rendered predictable through a planetary
network of energy transmission from flow sources. Since the sun
is always shining and the wind always blowing somewhere, longdistance transmission can, potentially, overcome the unpredictability
of the flow, rendering it as homogeneous as stock energy and as capable
of meeting the abstract spatiotemporality of capitalist production. It
is not at all clear, however, that the energy and emissions accounting
will really work in the favor of such scheme — even with high-voltage
direct current, much electricity is lost in transmission and those losses
increase as a function of distance traveled. Second, the transformers,
power lines, and wind and solar fields will themselves require massive
The Belly of the Revolution
energy outlays to build and install and those costs will also increase as
a function of transmission distances. To build clean and cheap energy
generation, one will almost certainly have to use dirtier, less-efficient
energy, and this may render any benefits nil.58
Even if we were to allow for the possibility of producing the
materials in such a way that net emissions fall, why would states
engage in such a process? As Malm indicates, the resources mobilized
by such an undertaking would be massive, on the order of tens of
trillions of dollars at least. He makes a comparison with World War
II, which is a good benchmark. World wars, however, represent
immediate existential threats for states and capitalists and also offer
strong opportunities for capital to profit; they also involve alliances
that, because of the antagonistic character of warfare, are actually less
extensive than the sorts of alliances Malm envisions. The temporality
of future threats still obtains in the case of states, and, furthermore,
the hurdle is much higher, since a significant fraction of capitalists
(petro-capitalists, in particular) will be ruined by such a turn. One
must imagine, then, either an international political elite willing
and able to act in the interest of human life in general, or a social
movement capable of exerting massive pressure on the state. The
first scenario is absurd, and the second returns us to the question
of motives and the belatedness of action. Such a social movement
will appear only when severe consequences of anthropogenic climate
change have already begun to manifest. Even if such a turn were
likely in the next decade, these states would face the problem of
social democratic governments everywhere: infrastructure projects
of this sort require, as their primary condition, that states first
ensure general conditions of profitability. Otherwise, they will find
themselves without sufficient credit or tax revenues. How does one
maintain conditions of profitability while ruining a large sector of the
capitalist economy and spending trillions of dollars on unprofitable
utilities? And how does one do this with a stagnating world economy,
mired by low profit rates and high debt overhangs? Here and
elsewhere, latter-day social democracy depends on scenarios far less
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
plausible than the revolutionary ones. Malm might be said to offer
a strange inversion of the fettering thesis; instead of attempting to
overturn the social relations of capitalism in order to accord with the
underlying technical possibilities, he imagines reconfiguring those
technologies to suit the requirements of abstract spatiotemporality.
Both approaches capitulate to the extortionist logic of the parable of
the belly, and therefore preserve, in one form of another, the very
forces which will ensure their failure.
In short, we have to accept that our only hope of averting the
worst effects of the present ecological crisis lies in the rekindling of
revolutionary class struggle in our time, either in response to the first
effects of climate change or the continuing meltdown of the world
economy. Belatedness, however, is at this point a given, and such a
revolution will be forced to reckon with the problems of a warming
planet, rising sea levels, acidifying oceans, creeping deserts, depleted
water supplies, and the human displacements to follow. The biggest
problem for such revolutions will concern energy: how to continue
to supply electricity? How to run or replace the motorized machines
which require refined petroleum? Answers to these questions will
vary from place to place. For the next couple of decades, few areas
will find it possible to break free from the stock completely, but by the
same measure they will also find themselves compelled to conserve
energy sources massively, devoting energy to the most important
human needs, in ways that capitalism never could. Renewables will
likely form a part of this, though people will need to reckon with
the mining processes that some of these technologies involve. The
so-called “rare earth” minerals that solar panels and wind turbines
require are not actually very rare at all; the extraction processes they
involve are, however, so environmentally destructive and toxic at
present that they are currently confined to countries, such as China
and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, willing to convert hundreds
of square miles into toxic “sacrifice zones.” In any case, without profit
or price mechanisms and without a need for continuous growth,
diurnal or seasonal variability of energy supply would be much less
The Belly of the Revolution
of a problem. Though certain systems will require continuous energy,
communism will prove itself much better able to adapt to the rhythms
of flow energy, turning machines off and encouraging afternoon naps,
perhaps, when the clouds cover the sun or the wind dies.
There are no guarantees, it should be clear: the revolutionary
horizons described in the preceding pages are happy outcomes
surrounded by tragedy and affliction on every side. The obstacles
that capitalism has placed in the path of revolution, defeating all
half-measures and vacillations, are formidable indeed. This is a
cause for optimism as much as pessimism: because of capital’s
total transformation of the earth, an immediately communist
reorganization of human society makes rational sense today in a way
that it did not in 1917. In any case, these are the futures visible from
here. Not what must happen, but what can.
I am grateful to Jeff Diamanti and Brent Ryan Bellamy for their
encouragement and editorial rigor, and to Alden Wood, Joshua Clover,
Amanda Armstrong-Price, John Clegg, Juliana Spahr, Aaron Benanav,
Jason Smith, and Ali Bektaş for reading and commenting on earlier
In Livy’s history of the Roman republic, patrician Menenius Agrippa
relays this older Greek fable of the body politic to the plebeians who have
seceded from Rome in protest and encamped on a nearby mountain.
Livy, History of Rome: Books 1-2, trans. B. O. Foster, Loeb Classical Library,
no. 114 (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1948) 253.
G.A. Cohen, Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A Defence (Princeton: Princeton
UP, 1978) 326–341. For a critical response to the technicism of Cohen, see
chapters 2 and 3 of Derek Sayer, The Violence of Abstraction: The Analytic
Foundations of Historical Materialism (Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1987).
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy Volume I, trans. Ben
Fowkes (London: Penguin Books, 1976 [1867]) 929.
Marx, Capital Vol. I 549.
Harry Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital (New York: Monthly
Review Press, 1975); Raniero Panzieri, “The Capitalist Use of Machinery:
Marx Versus the Objectivists,” Outlines of a Critique of Technology
(London: Ink Links, 1980) 44–69; Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional
Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society (Boston: Beacon
Press, 1991).
Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams, Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism
and a World Without Work (Brooklyn, NY: Verso, 2015). See in particular
the section “Repurposing Technology” at the end of Chapter 7, which
engages with my argument in Jasper Bernes, “Logistics, Counterlogistics,
and the Communist Prospect,” Endnotes 3 (September 2013) 172–201.
Bernes, “Logistics, Counterlogistics, and the Communist Prospect.”
I am thinking here of the concept, in evolutionary game theory,
of “evolutionarily irrelevant equilibria.” While most neoclassical
microeconomics and game theory model situations of equilibrium,
these disciplines rarely consider how such stable states may be arrived
at from an out-of-equilibrium situation. Evolutionary game theory tries
to distinguish between equilibria that are viable, that might emerge
from an out-of-equilibrium situation, and those that are not. Samuel
Bowles, Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution (Princeton:
Princeton UP, 2004) 63.
Srnicek and Williams, Inventing the Future 5.
Capital Vol. I 481–2.
Notice how, for Marx, capital’s power is a scientific organization
of natural forces against labor, establishing a ternary rather than
purely binary relation: “The special skill of each individual machineoperator, who has now been deprived of all significance, vanishes
as an infinitesimal quantity in the face of the science, the gigantic
natural forces and the mass of social labour embodied in the system
of machinery, which, together with these three forces, constitutes the
power of the ‘master.’”(Capital Volume I 548.)
The Belly of the Revolution
Andreas Malm, Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam-Power and the Roots of
Global Warming (Brooklyn: Verso, 2016), and Jason W Moore, Capitalism
in the Web of Life: Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital (Brooklyn: Verso,
Moore, Capitalism in the Web of Life 5.
Karl Marx, Capital: Volume II: A Critique of Political Economy, trans. David
Fernbach (New York: Penguin, 1993) 283.
For a fascinating history of the metabolism concept, see Hannah
Landecker, “The Biology of History: From the Body as Machine to the
Metabolic Community,” (Talk, IAH, Boundaries of the Human in the
Age of Life Sciences, November 6, 2015). Parts of this essay began as
a response to Landecker’s talk:
jasper-bernes/. Many thanks to Heather Davis and Michael Berubé for
the invitation.
Capital Vol. I 283.
Leo Marx, The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in
America, 35th anniversary ed. (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000).
Robert Brenner, “Property and Progress: Where Adam Smith Went
Wrong,” Marxist History-Writing for the Twenty-First Century, ed. Chris
Wickham (London: British Academy, 2007), 49–111.
Marcel Mazoyer and Laurence Roudart, A History of World Agriculture:
From the Neolithic Age to the Current Crisis (New York: Monthly Review
Press, 2006) 313–353.
Mazoyer and Roudart, A History of World Agriculture 355–372.
Moore, Capitalism in the Web of Life 248.
Capital Vol. I 637.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto (New York:
Penguin Books, 2002) 244.
Quoted in CDW, “The Transformation of Social Relations,” International
Review 14.25 (1996).
August Bebel, Woman Under Socialism (New York: New York Labor News
Quoted in CDW, “The Transformation of Social Relations.”
Marshall S. Shatz, Kropotkin: “The Conquest of Bread” and Other Writings
Press, 1904) 316.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
(Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995) 68–74, and Elisée Reclus, The Evolution
of Cities (Petersham: Jura Books, 1995),
See Kristin Ross’s writings on the aftermath of the Commune for an
account of the way these themes cut across the lines drawn between
anarchists and Marxists. Kristin Ross, Communal Luxury: The Political
Imaginary of the Paris Commune (Brooklyn: Verso, 2015).
Capitalism in the Web of Life 75–91.
Karl Marx, Capital Volume III, trans. David Fernbach (New York: Penguin,
1991) 949.
Capitalism in the Web of Life 84.
Capital Vol. I 283. For a dialectical exploration of these themes, see Alfred
Schmidt, The Concept of Nature In Marx (Brooklyn: Verso, 2014).
For a discussion of the nitrogen cycle and its manipulation by humans
throughout history, see Vaclav Smil, Enriching the Earth: Fritz Haber, Carl
Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production (Cambridge: MIT
P, 2001). Nearly every agriculture system has emerged as an attempt to
conserve or, in the case of slash and burn, gain biologically available
nitrogen, as well as other important nutrients (phosphorus, potassium).
For a history of these systems, see Mazoyer and Roudart, A History of
World Agriculture.
Malm, Fossil Capital 309–315.
For a corrective account, see “History of Subsumption,” Endnotes 3 (April
See Hitchcock in this volume.
Intriguingly the argument formally resembles the fettering thesis with
2010) 130–54.
its idea of mismatch between energy source and labor process. Unlike
the fettering thesis, though, Malm’s argument describes a mismatch
between different technical regimes, rather than between technique
on the one hand and social relations on the other.
Joan Robinson, “Shedding Darkness,” Cambridge Journal of Economics 6.3
(September 1, 1982) 295.
For a lucid, though technical, treatment of simple and expanded
capitalist reproduction in terms of stocks and flows in time, see Duncan
The Belly of the Revolution
K. Foley, Understanding Capital: Marx’s Economic Theory (Cambridge:
Harvard UP, 1986) 62–90.
Calculated from Table A1A WTO, “International Trade Statistics 2014,”
Alberto Jerardo, “Import Share of Consumption,” United States
Department of Agriculture (2016), Economic Research Service, http://
Calculated from Jenny Gustavsson et al, Global Food Losses and Food Waste:
Extent, Causes and Prevention (Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization
of the United Nations, 2011) 5.
Capitalism in the Web of Life 252.
Eugenii A. Preobrazhensky, The Crisis of Soviet Industrialization (London:
Palgrave Macmillan, 1980) 20–30.
Donald A. Filtzer, Soviet Workers and Stalinist Industrialization: The
Formation of Modern Soviet Production Relations, 1928-1941 (Armonk: M.E.
Sharpe, 1986) 126.
CIA, “Soviet Fertilizer: Expansion of Output and Exports,” March 1975,
CIA Reading Room,
Hillel Ticktin, Origins of the Crisis in the USSR: Essays on the Political
Economy of a Disintegrating System (Albany: M.E. Sharpe, 1992) 33.
Filtzer, Soviet Workers and Stalinist Industrialization 254–271.
Michael Seidman, Republic of Egos: A Social History of the Spanish Civil
War (Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 2002), and Michael Seidman, Workers
against Work: Labor in Paris and Barcelona during the Popular Fronts
(Berkeley: U of California P, 1991).
Many of these semi-peasants are forced by the overproduction of the
market elsewhere to farm with the most rudimentary of techniques on
the most marginal land, contributing very little to overall output, which is
to say that overproduction in certain countries leads to underutilization
of the land elsewhere, and a large population of people who remain
in the countryside but are more or less dispossessed. Mazoyer and
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Roudart, for instance, argue that problems of undernourishment in the
developing countries and not at all technical but in fact social (History
of World Agriculture 440–491).
For a good description of communization as practice, see Gilles Dauvé
and Karl Nesic’s explanation from Troploin:
I borrow this conception of communization as revolution within
revolution from Theorie Communiste: R.S., “Self-Organisation Is
the First Act of the Revolution; It Then Becomes an Obstacle Which
the Revolution Has to Overcome,” Revue Internationale Pour La
Communisation, September 2005,
Alberto Toscano, “Lineaments of the Logistical State,” Viewpoint Magazine
4 (Fall 2014)
Toscano, “Lineaments of the Logistical State” 4.
For an account of the necessary mixture of high- and low-tech in
future agriculture under conditions of climate change, see the article
“Contemporary Agriculture: Climate, Capital, and Cyborg Ecology,” Out
of the Woods, July 27, 2015. They emphasize the plasticity of “traditional”
farming systems and their ability to incorporate practical, modern
technologies where useful.
This is a difficult point, and one that requires more attention than I
can give it here, not least because of the difficulty of speculating about
human motives in general. While revolutions are ineluctably humancentered, not all action is, and people are for the most part not simply
indifferent to their effect on extra-human nature. Given a choice
between two ways of arranging their lives that seem more or less equally
acceptable, where one will lead to the degradation of ecosystems, the
death or diminishment of species, most people will choose the kinder
path. They will even, in many cases, give up substantial comforts for
the sake of the birds, rivers, and forests. But these values are, for the
majority of people at least, too weak on their own to provide the motive
force for revolutionary change. One way to think about a classless
The Belly of the Revolution
society of the sort described above is as a situation where, inasmuch
as everyone’s needs are met, people can value the flourishing of life
as such for its own sake. Furthermore, once people are no longer
driven by the day-to-day demands of survival, on the one hand, or the
imperatives of accumulation on the other, they can begin to think about
the generational effects of their actions and may care about human
effects on extra-human nature for reasons that are, in the end, humancentered. I hope to develop a theory of revolutionary motives adequate
to these questions elsewhere.
Fossil Capital 9.
For a more pessimistic take, see this piece by former researchers at a
Google-sponsored initiative to develop cheap renewable energy. They
argue that even if one could develop renewables to replace all electricity,
it would still be impossible to reduce emissions significantly, partly
because capitalist producers would not switch over quickly enough.
Their argument assumes, like Malm, transition within capitalism.
Ross Konigstein and David Fork, “What It Would Really Take to Reverse
Climate Change,” IEEE Spectrum, November 18, 2014, http://spectrum.
Energy Imaginaries: Feminist and Decolonial
Sheena Wilson
We understand nothing about impasses of the political without
having an account of the production of the present.1
One of the many radical changes inaugurated in the United States on
January 20, 2017, was an environmental vision dramatically at odds
with the COP21 agreement, which had dominated headlines only
a year earlier.2 Under the banner of “The Most Important Climate
Stories in 2015,” Wired magazine led with “The Paris Agreement”
and an image of the Eiffel Tower, explaining the significance of the
fact that after twenty-one years of trying, 194 countries had come
together to agree not only to a climate target but to the rather “lofty
goal” of “keeping average global temperatures well below 2 degrees
Celsius, and as close to 1.5 degrees Celsius as possible.”3 Now, with the
Trump administration’s position on climate change, the commitments
of the other 195 signatories to the climate agreement become all
the more urgent. The competing interests articulated in these two
moments of media spectacle can be read as figures for the ongoing
impasse that defines current climate politics in North America and
beyond — what I see as a result of an atrophy of the imagination that
blockades transformative action. In this chapter, I explicitly relate the
affective impasse of the politics of energy to its material production,
reproduction, and uneven distribution, to ask: What does energy do?
What is energy for? What from the age of oil is not working? And, most
critically, for whom is it not working? More specifically, this chapter
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
triangulates the historically specific confluence of cultural, affective,
and economic imaginaries by grounding this discussion in the worldafter-oil that Jonathon Porritt creatively, albeit polemically, sketches
out in his book The World We Made: Alex McKay’s Story from 2050 (2013).
Through an intersectional feminist reading of this text, I illustrate
the limits of current mainstream imaginaries, and I argue that taking
leave of oil as our main energy source could provide opportunities
to develop more socially just ways of living that put the concerns of
those most exploited — women, people of color, and the global 99
percent — at the core of energy transition politics. What is required
to achieve this is an energy transition that confronts and comes to
terms with the systemic violences of the age of oil that rely on logics of
white-supremacist-cis-heteropatriarchal-neoliberal-setter-colonialpetro capitalism deployed in the names of development, economic
growth, energy security, and a host of other seemingly innocuous
terms, which abstract the ongoing pillage of natural resources and the
exploitation of bodies marked by race, class, and gender around the
world. The antidote to these ways of thinking and being in the world is,
to my mind, the reintroduction of Other knowledge systems and world
views, including but not limited to feminist and Indigenous, which can
help us collaboratively imagine and collectively move toward socially
just — decolonized and feminist — energy futures.
Energy Impasse
We currently find ourselves at an impasse, unsure about how to
transition to less carbon-intensive energy systems on the scale and
within the timeframes required by the climate crisis. This energy
impasse is the political, economic, and environmental deadlock
created by the limits of Western ontologies and epistemologies that
need to be newly thought. The task ahead is daunting, but is also
rich with possibility. Instead of thinking of impasse as simply a
“foreclosure of possibility,” it can be understood (as we in the After
Oil collective have argued) as a moment of “radical indeterminacy...
in which we might activate the potential obscured by business-as
Feminist and Decolonial Futures
usual.... This moment is the transition to a society after oil.”4 A society
“after oil” does not imagine a world without any oil products, but
rather a world that is not predominantly powered by fossil fuels;
in other words a world whose social systems and cultures are no
longer shaped by the relations of petro-capitalism but by alternative
configurations of energy and political economy. Which energies power
future economic and political systems, and how they give form to our
lives, depend on how we think and mobilize through this impasse. The
impasse is the outcome of a complex set of contradictions inherent
to the political economy of fossil fuels. In short, the path to transition
is laden with political blockades, largely of our own making, as we
confront infrastructures and superstructures of a society mired
in and largely committed to ways of being and doing that are, in
and of themselves, the root cause of the current crisis: imperial
extractivist cultural values and their related economic valuation.
Creative energy solutions of all varieties — social, economic, political,
techno-scientific — are being stymied by Western worldviews, which
inevitably define the contours of our systems, social realities, and,
therefore, in many cases, the limits of our imaginaries. How people
embark on an energy transition in different local communities and
at a global scale has the potential to either intensify the inequities
that have been generated by oil-fuelled capitalism, or allow for the
reintroduction of other non-patriarchal, non-Western ontologies
erased by histories of conquest and domination in the interest of
profit. Feminist, Indigenous, decolonial, and anti-capitalist visions
for caring newly and differently for our ecologies can in turn create
ecologies of care.
Many of the potential trajectories of the energy transition impasse
are as yet unmapped and unmappable, as are their outcomes. To
mobilize energy transition, therefore, demands the courage to act in
the face of multiple unknowns. A transition away from fossil fuels
has no template. There is insufficient knowledge of how we adopted
earlier forms of energy and shaped our systems to suit those sources.
Even when models of transition exist, they prove inadequate to the
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
current challenge: never before in human history have we had to
make an intentional energy transition on a global scale at such speed.
We have an unreliable understanding of energy histories, and the
ecologies of the future are taking shape in often unpredictable ways.
These unknowns are disconcerting and destabilizing. But it’s precisely
for these reasons that affect has an important role to play in energy
transition, as it so clearly does in the many current efforts to resist or
deny the need for change. Any materialist critique that fails to account
for affective production will fail to fully conceptualize the impasse we
find ourselves in. Without a comprehensive understanding of past
energy transition, we must have, as Lauren Berlant counsels in Cruel
Optimism, an “account of the production of the present” to imagine
an alternate future.5
It is in this light that Porritt’s The World We Made is of interest,
not for the vision of the future it promotes but for the fact that the
future imagined in the book captures and illustrates the dangerous
and irresponsible ideas that dominate our contemporary mainstream
media and political discourses. Porritt’s future is grounded in the
zeitgeist that promotes incremental technological and economic
solutions as all that are needed to manage the current environmental
crisis. It is a fantasy that promises those of us in the West that we
will be able to conveniently replace one form of energy for another
and continue to live as we always have. This self-serving vision is
increasingly informing both right- and left-leaning political and
economic corporate and government practices and policies, gaining
support among leading capitalists and entrepreneurs around the
world.6 The flawed fantasy of The World We Made is one of radical
sameness — business as usual disguised as radical innovation —
that does not account for the different paths that alternative energy
production can and will necessarily forge. Nor does it express any
self-awareness of how privately controlled paths constrain the ways
that we might imagine commonly held alternative energy.
It is urgent and necessary to identify and unmask those
imaginaries, of which The World We Made is only one example, that
Feminist and Decolonial Futures
limit the possibility of the moment by promising to salvage the
“benefits” of the age of oil. The benefactors of such imaginaries are
largely found in the Global North; thus the flip side of their promise is,
of course, the perpetuation of the inequities of the age of oil suffered
by the most precarious citizens (women, children, people of color,
and those located in the Global South). In undertaking an analysis
of these imaginaries, it is critical to interrogate successful visual
and textual rhetorical strategies being deployed to dominate specific
energy transition directives, in order to reorient them to promote
other energy transition possibilities. These could help to build the
interest and momentum necessary to trigger a more socially just
energy transition informed by a range of feminist and Indigenous
knowledges, and allow those 195 countries to realize not just a 1.5
degree target, but new futures organized differently around other
energy sources. In so doing, we can begin to collaboratively uncover
past stories and weave future narratives that reintegrate feminist (at
times possibly Marxist-feminist) and Indigenous knowledges and
histories that have been scrubbed from patriarchal capitalist accounts
of the present.
The ontologies of modernity that have shaped the global present
limit our ability to imagine other futures. For women, Indigenous
people, and for most in the Global South, these ways of thinking the
world are not of our own making; they have been passed down to us
and have now been proven obsolete. Prevailing modern logics have
been, through time, sanitized of non-patriarchal modes of thinking
and being, namely feminist and Indigenous modes. While some of
these date back millennia, grounded in religious and cultural beliefs
about what it means to be human and to live in society, much of what
we have inherited are products of Western Enlightenment modes of
relating to the world.7 Cartesian dualism nurtured a worldview that
separated mind from body, human beings from nature and from one
another, resulting in racial and gender subjugation, conquest, and
colonialism. Adam Smith’s vision of social and moral harmony through
self-interest was radicalized and formalized into Rational Choice
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
theory. Then there are the scientific (and pseudo-scientific) notions
of survival of the fittest that have fed notions of economic competition
between individuals, classes, and nation states. Likewise, Keynesian
models of utopian progress and economic growth are just some of
the many theories and worldviews that inform our current Western
realities, with our high standards of living and our excessive and
consumption-heavy ways of being.8 Starting with Westphalia in 1648,
modern humans have reproduced the nation-state structure rather
than the historically small local communities organized through social
obligations to family and community. These post-Westphalian logics
were (and continue to be) organized around control of labor forces,
nature, and resources. They were (and are) intended to strengthen the
nation state and, at least at the level of ideology, to benefit the body
politic. However, in a less abstracted sense, they also function for the
profit of an elite few. These logics were never formulated to function
cohesively on a planetary scale. Therefore, new logics are needed to
address global governance within a generation or two from inside our
current conundrum and without the luxury of objectivity or distance.
Art, Research Creation, and Positive Affect: Strategies for the
As both members of local communities and as part of a larger global
network of systems, we must aim to collectively move from knowledge
to transformation (knowledge => transformation) before all of our
creative energy and will to transform has burned out or, as Lauren
Berlant says, before “the situation destroys its subjects or finds a
way to appear as merely a steady hum of livable crisis.”9 In an effort
to motivate change, environmental campaigns have presented us
with endless facts, stories, and images of climate crisis and our own
destructive potential. Despite herculean efforts on the part of many
progressive individuals and organizations around the world, nations
and their populations seem incapacitated to (re)act. The significant
shifts required of us at the scale necessary — from global governance
(both in terms of the policies produced, as well as the role of the
Feminist and Decolonial Futures
nation state, which is proving inadequate to the challenge) to the
reproduction of daily life — have simply not occurred. Business as
usual carries on and, in fact, economic crisis is exploited as profitable
opportunity, manufacturing endless needs/desires and greenhouse
These grim realities and our failure to respond adequately
have provided a heightened awareness of the disjuncture between
knowledge and transformation. As Slavoj Žižek has articulated so
brutally, riffing on Fredric Jameson, “it seems easier to imagine the
‘end of the world’ than a far more modest change in the mode of
production, as if liberal capitalism is the ‘real’ that will somehow
survive even under conditions of a global ecological catastrophe.”10
However, I’d argue that doomsday eco-narratives are not working
to produce fundamental change. In “It’s Not Climate Change, It’s
Everything Change,” Margaret Atwood, one of Canada’s greatest
living novelists and an avid advocate for the environment, creatively
outlines a range of competing optimistic and pessimistic future
narratives. Positioning hopeful and foreboding visions against one
another, and in relationship to what is needed next, Atwood’s essay
taps into potential solutions — some of which already exist and others
that are emerging.11 Similarly, scholar Stephanie LeMenager rightly
articulates, in theoretical terms in Living Oil, “the relay of media →
empathy → action.”12 From a feminist or Indigenous perspective,
empathy, not just knowledge, clearly plays a role in action or stasis.
In fact, the potential of positive affect (such as empathy), deployed
from a right-of-center perspective, has been instrumental in creating
the current moment, whether for ideological and political ends or as
part of advertising campaigns promoting consumer lifestyle as the
key to happiness and satisfaction. Recent strategies by environmental
activists and artists have, likewise, experimented with more positive
affective visual and textual narratives that allow room to imagine our
way out of the current conundrum.
One of the first and most extensive examples of this tactic — to
mobilize optimism and happiness in relationship to climate change
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
— is Jonathon Porritt’s fiscally and politically conservative vision for
environmental mitigation and sustainable capitalism in The World We
Made.13 In a 2013 CBS interview, Porritt claims that through this book
he has attempted to engage people’s affect to make environmental
issues “personal” (that is, accessible).14 Indeed, Porritt’s fictional
scrapbook aims at moving us through the impasse caused, in part, by
what LeMenager has termed “petromelancholia”: the grief felt for the
end of (petro-)modernity and our collective mourning for the loss of
cheap and easily accessible oil (in a time before tar sands extraction,
ultra-deep ocean and ice/Arctic drilling, and fracking). As a creative
research project of the future, The World We Made aims to creatively
bridge the gap between knowledge and transformation by addressing
the petromelancholia that leaves us immobilized: subverting these
feelings with positive affect — with optimism.
As a variation on what Naomi Oreskes and Eric M. Conway have
termed a science-fiction historical novel — or more specifically a
collective science-fiction historical scrapbook — this book makes
full use of visual and textual rhetoric, addressing both the age of oil
and arguably the age of the image, as photography is itself a product
of oil.15 Published by Phaidon, this research-creation piece also aims
to attract an audience interested in art and high culture. The story is
narrated by fictional character Alex McKay and his students, reaching
from 2050 all the way back to the year of McKay’s birth in 2000, but
focusing on the last nineteen years of his career.16 It makes use of
its multi-genre platform of text/story and artwork. A bright sunny
yellow cover that parallels the positive science-based vision of the
future wraps around graphs, maps, hand-drawn sketches, aerial
photography, microphotography, handwritten notes, blueprints,
copies of posters, magazine covers, manifestos, and other political
materials. The combination of text and image not only narrates but
visualizes for readers and audiences a future already physically
mapped out in vivid color. Published in October 2013, the story flirts
with nonfiction, including endnotes and an index of researched
materials, weaving together seamlessly the speculative elements
Feminist and Decolonial Futures
with existing technological experiments around the world. At this
level, the book plays a game with readers: it allows for — demands
even — an interactive engagement with a wide range of issues related
to environmental reform. Porritt creates a sense of urgency around
addressing the looming environmental crisis through the insertion
of fictional responses, critical to achieving eventual success, which
are integrated into the near future of the story’s chronology (almost
simultaneous to the book’s publication in 2013).
On one hand, this book creates a space for us to imagine something
other than a blind destructive forward march toward apocalypse.
There is much to be learned from this book, in terms of form, and
its use of art, photography, creative research, and positive affect —
techniques that might ideally be employed to other more progressive
ends, to help readers imagine other futures. On the other hand, while
this book is a model for what art and creativity can contribute to
imagining and driving change, it is simultaneously a cautionary tale.
The World We Made: Flawed Imaginaries of Life After Oil
The impasse demands new imaginaries. Futurecasting, in whatever
form it takes — art, literature, film, the mainstream media — often
illustrates the limits of our imaginaries. What poses as innovation in
energy and environmental discourses is too often, upon closer reading,
a mere repackaged/re-glossaried perpetuation of petro-capitalist
relations greenwashed with tech solutions, fulfilling Jameson’s
claim that narratives of the future are actually rearticulations of
the present. In “Progress Versus Utopia, Or, Can We Imagine the
Future?” he explains that science fiction’s “deepest vocation is over
and over again to demonstrate and to dramatize our incapacity to
imagine the future... the atrophy in our time of what Marcuse has
called the utopian imagination, the imagination of otherness and
radical difference.” He goes on to conclude that science fiction ends up
becoming a mediation, willingly or not, “of our own absolute limits.”17
Read critically, The World We Made exposes the limitations of the
increasingly accepted, if misguided, vision of the future whereby
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
anxiety around the disappearance of oil is turned on its head and
supplanted with fetishized notions of alternative energy, aiming
to sustain the webs of relations, as though alternative energies will
cause very few disruptions to the middle-class standard of living,
worldviews, or ways of being. What we must be careful to remember
in our rush to implement alternative energy systems, as though
they in and of themselves hold the key to cleaner and therefore
more socially just futures, is that energy itself does not create
transformation. It is the valuation of energy sources and the ways in
which they are socially, economically, and politically integrated that
will be transformative. Oil did not create climate change, although
it is often fetishized as the “stuff ” of life that produces not only
wealth but also war and a host of other dehumanizing outcomes.18
Moreover, according to David Harvey, “‘resources’ can be defined only
in relationship to the mode of production which seeks to make use
of them, and which simultaneously ‘produces’ them through both
the physical and mental activity of the users.”19 In short, capitalist
practices that use oil to fuel growth, and not oil in and of itself, have
created greenhouse gas emissions on a scale sufficient to alter the
climate. In Porritt’s imagined future, solar and wind farms fuel the
“good life.” Technological solutions are promoted as the main way
to address climate change in The World We Made, much as in popular
discourse and in the halls of power, despite the inadequacy of tech
alone to address the core causes of climate change. In the book, air
travel caps are in place and “slow travel air cruisers” exist. Virtual
tourism is a $500 billion dollar industry that provides a full sensory
experience through internet and second life platforms. In this future,
the virtual is described as augmenting the real.20
Communications technologies, in fact, feature as the solution to
the restrictions on mobility described in the book, without accounting
for their resource intensive materiality. Alex McKay’s home, for
example, includes a media room with two video walls that serve
multiple purposes: one a background to suit the mood, the other a
means to communicate with and maintain relationships with friends
Feminist and Decolonial Futures
and family.21 This vision of the future is troubling at several levels:
it reproduces the social atomization of early twenty-first century
life, rather than designing more communal ways of being; it sustains
people’s distance from the outer world including nature, rather than
developing more intimate relationships with the environment; but
at a basic environmental level, the energy intensity required to
sustain this type of virtual life is problematic.22 Popular conceptions
of wireless communication technologies render them immaterial
and invisible, when in reality the infrastructure of servers and cable
networks that power and disseminate virtual worlds are resource
intensive, using enormous amounts of energy and water. In an ironic
reversal, the sci-fi nightmares of isolation in Ray Bradbury, E.M.
Forster, Kurt Vonnegut, and Philip K. Dick and the sociological anomie
of the theorists of alienation (especially Herbert Marcuse) are here
presented as positive and, indeed, not only desirable but ecological.
The social-atomization-presented-as-luxury is a naïve fetish of the
commodity à la Debord. Screens and communications equipment are
taken to be wondrous manifestations of social relations, while they
actually inhibit the formation of community-based relationships.
Porritt mistakes the symptoms of the worldwide division of labor
for the solution to globalization’s problems. Furthermore, as Mél
Hogan’s research explicitly details, virtual realities and big data,
not to mention surveillance and privacy, “can never be disconnected
from the material infrastructures that allow and render natural the
epistemological state of mass surveillance.”23 As her analyses make
blatant, social media companies, surveillance, and big data are all
“deeply material.”24 The greening of big data is part of a particular
worldview invested in solving the problem of our carbon-intensive
(auto)mobile lives through communications technology, without
recognizing the corresponding footprint. This is just one example
of how technological solutions allow for a sleight of hand, whereby
those aspects of daily life we associate with high emissions (daily
commutes and air travel) are replaced by what we assume are lowenergy solutions (paperless practices and wireless communication),
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
without accounting for the energy required to sustain these tech
habits at the level of manufacturing — which is the largest cause
of global emissions. Even if alternative energy could fuel all of
the energy demands of this high-tech virtual life, the production,
distribution, and maintenance of solar panels on the scale needed
would be a massive industrial project, not without a significant
environmental footprint.25 All energy sources have their limits, which
puts a fine point on the fact that even a transition to more renewable
energy sources still requires radical social and cultural adjustments
in regards to our relationship with energy: how much we use and for
what purposes. The issue at stake is not our energy sources but our
excessive and unabating appetite for energy consumption.
I argue that Porritt’s optimistic future falls under the category
of “cruel optimism.” This is Berlant’s term for “the condition of
maintaining an attachment to a significantly problematic object,”
which looks optimistic but in reality limits our ability to flourish.26
For Porritt, the object of attachment is capitalism, with its high-tech
immaterial fetishes that disavow labor as the ongoing source of value,
which are bound up in what Berlant defines as the good-life fantasy.
This fantasy harks back to Aristotelian notions of a moral and happy
life over the long term; in Berlant’s analysis, however, the fantasy is
gutted of its authenticity, and we are living in constant pursuit of a
dream that remains somehow out of reach. In her critique, she details
how this chimera of late monopoly capitalism has produced precarity
and disparity, the very antithesis of the promise of the American
Dream: the twentieth-century mirage, made possible by fossil-fueled
capitalism. Practices of lending and borrowing have created a new
class able to own cars and homes. Oil’s energy density facilitated
mobility, (sub)urban sprawl, and high-speed communication, all
of which have reified the illusion of individual autonomy. Perhaps
most important to this fantasy is the illusion that the successes of
the “self-made man” are the result of his own choices — with little
regard for the ways that the conditions for his success are entirely
facilitated by the collective infrastructures of cities, roadways, and
Feminist and Decolonial Futures
telecommunication networks intended to support a vision of white
middle-class America (and Canada), built on the heteronormative
nuclear family. Porritt’s imagined future sustains the American Dream
into the mid-twenty-first century — Capitalism 2.0 — by imagining
ways to salvage capitalism and the environment as though the survival
of one is not reliant on the destruction of the other.
Instead, Porritt’s text touts these technology fixes to the way we
live and move about the world as not only sufficient to mitigate climate
change, but as positive in other respects, such as contributing to “Gross
Domestic Happiness.”27 On the inside cover, the character Alex McKay
writes that, in 2050, “the world’s countries are both more stable and
more content.” Overall, happiness is a pervasive message throughout
the book that affirms the future is generally a more fair and happier
place, linked to more cooperative models of capitalism. The chapter,
“Work, Wealth and Wellbeing” includes a chart illustrating how the
hours of work demanded each week in the European Union have been
significantly reduced from 38.2 in 1995 to 24.8 in 2045.28 As a result,
the future is a generally happier place.29 McKay says, “By the early
2020s that age of selfish consumerism was over, personal ownership
became much less important, while renting, sharing, swapping and
bartering became the new norm.”30 This rhetoric, however, is not
upheld by events as played out in the narrative. For example, the carshare program, which suggests a cooperative initiative, is, in fact, run
by a capitalist for-profit organization. The work McKay does in the
community garden is also part of a for-profit TimeBank project that
pays through local currency. On first read, this TimeBank suggests
a renegotiation of social-economic relations: a contribution of time
to communal projects for the collective good. But exchanging labor
for a local currency (wages) maintains a specific capitalist relation,
rendering moot a shortened workweek, if a second job at the
community garden is an imperative: McKay does “25 hours of work
each week as a teacher, another 5 hours (unpaid) as a governor of
another school, and then about 10 hours a week on different activities
— coordinated through our very active local TimeBank and paid in
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
local pound — including working on our Community Farm.”31 Porritt
proclaims the value of the shortened workweek, only to elaborate
that citizens in 2050 are actually working more or less the same
amount of hours, simply being paid less in regular currencies and
more in local currencies, which ideally supports local economies, but
which, of course, would forcibly limit mobility for certain members
of society, while other more affluent members would be able to
convert surplus local dollars to more widely accepted currencies.
Furthermore, this exploration of a secondary local economy, where
value is linked to labor time, fails in that it continues to reproduce
capitalist relations. The capitalist mantra “time is money” literally
becomes formalized through this imagined time-based currency: it
is a solution not dissimilar from the nineteenth-century Proudhonist
time-chits that Marx himself critiqued.32 This future vision of labor,
however, is further complicated by the fact that certain types of labor
(that is, those performed outside the twenty-five-hour workweek),
are reframed as leisure. And, ironically, it is some of the most labor
intensive forms of classical labor — gardening and farming — that
are reinvented. It was this very labor that the promise of technology
was meant to save people from having to perform. Once again, the
status quo is sold as innovation. This future text imagines an idyllic
relationship to the land and to food-systems.
This fantasy remobilizes eighteenth-century romantic notions of
nature that grew out of the first industrial revolution. Porritt’s future
— like many imaginaries of the future driven by capitalist imperatives
to maintain as much as possible of existing systems of domination
and extraction of resources and labor — feeds into notions of the
entrepreneurial spirit of the late twentieth and early twenty-first
centuries that leave the majority of the world’s population living
more precarious lives, working more for less remuneration, striving
to claim as their prize not only greater material comfort but the everelusive promise of more free time. But free time is on the decline in the
present and seems not really to exist in this future imaginary either;
despite the narrator’s assertions to the contrary, simple mathematics
Feminist and Decolonial Futures
unravel this claim. Porritt’s vision greenwashes an invocation of
present employment conditions in the West that are increasingly
contractual, precarious, and inadequate.
In short, the concepts of high-speed communication and slow
travel technologies are mobilized as solutions to the energy and
environmental climate crisis in very specific ways that protect what
is really at stake: capitalism itself. Porritt’s future world is founded on
an ideological belief that capitalism is the only economic system that
can address the current crisis, what he calls “the least worst economic
system we have.”33 His claim is that the current system merely needs
to be tamed (which is the title of one of the later chapters “Taming
our Capital Markets”). In his nonfiction book called Capitalism: As if
the World Matters (2005), he uses the term “sustainable capitalism” to
define a tamer version of existing market dynamics. However, Porritt’s
representation of the relationship between the cooperative commons
and capitalism are conflicted. There is an uneasy relationship between
the loyalty that he maintains to the capitalist paradigm, his desire to
expose its failings, and the extreme injustices it has created in our time
— if not the future. In the future world of Alex McKay, capitalism’s
failings are mitigated at the local level through community-based
sharing initiatives. Multinational corporations are disciplined by
the market when entrepreneurs realize it is profitable to behave in
environmentally sustainable ways. McKay explains that
There are still plenty of very successful multinationals — although
fewer and fewer every year, it has to be said, as people around the
world show their preference for more local and national businesses….
So capitalism is still thriving, but in a very different way from 30 or
40 years ago. Nobody planned it that way... [but] given where we are
now, something about today’s more sustainable version of capitalism
must be working.34
In this future narrative, a reconfiguration of the market is represented
as a “natural” outcome of the self-regulating mechanisms of
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
capitalism — the invisible hand — rather than as part of political
will.35 Meanwhile, the inequities of the future are reported rather
unselfconsciously as imperfections of the system that we can all
feel guilty about, but which are inevitably part of a common-sense
understanding of reality under capitalism. Much like combined and
uneven development in the present, Porritt’s vision relies upon the
erasure, or at best subsistence, of large parts of the planet to ensure
safe, quiet (almost pastoral) lives within cities in the disambiguated
What Porritt’s book illustrates best are the ways an uncritically
affective, cruelly optimistic loyalty to capitalism will limit our
possibility to imagine new systems. The optimism of cooperative
capitalism sustains itself on innovations as no more novel than private
property, entrepreneurism, profit, and perhaps most strikingly,
the unselfconscious need to maintain the inequities inherent to
capitalist relations. For example, in The World We Made, solar energy
is considered a source of capital. It is described in terms that fall
under private capture of solar energy, much like existing systems in
California, where solar panel owners are able to manage their own
energy needs and sell any excess energy back to the grid. This is not
a social commons model for energy management. Rather, it is an
enterprising system where those with capital — in this case privately
owned solar panels — can benefit and enclose, develop and exploit
what could otherwise become common solar resources as a revenue
generating initiative to subsidize privileged lives, while others are shut
out. In twenty-first century North America, energy commons project
(or publicly owned utilities) are often discussed as impossible, or even
radical.37 This is, however, symptomatic of our ahistorical posture —
trying to make change from within a system that we cannot step out of
— because until quite recently (into the 1980s and 1990s in Canada, for
example), utilities were largely government owned. Profits fed back
into social programming: roads, schools, and so on. Porritt’s future
plays on a worldview that takes as a given that solutions are found in
free markets. While it might appear optimistic to readers of the “rich
Feminist and Decolonial Futures
world” to believe that the current climate crisis provides opportunities
to be seized, it is a vision sustained on the grim miseries of resource
shortages, displacement, and ultimately death for a vast percentage of
the world population.38 As Porritt puts his theories into practical — if
imagined — application, the world that unfolds reveals the contours
and limits of a vision that brushes over but fundamentally relies on
the slow violence of environmental devastation, particularly as they
manifest under capitalism (cooperative or not), exposing upon closer
reading the cruelty of his optimism.
The coming energy transition will demand much more of us
than simply the use of alternative energies. Neither can it be solved
with technical or economic solutions alone. What does energy do? It
shapes the societies we build, create, and live in; an energy transition
is therefore also social and cultural. As such, it is not solely the
responsibility of individuals. Transformation demands collective
political action and an associated social movement that will hold
industry and government to task — not to mention individual citizens
who will have to radically transform their habits and ways of being.
An energy transition adequate to the challenges of climate change
demands of us the complete reinvention of daily-lived reality. We
must rethink everything from the clothes we wear, to where those
clothes are manufactured, to what we eat and where it is grown, to
how we wash those clothes and dishes, to how we collect and use
natural resources including water, solar, and wind — and ultimately
how, and how fast (or slow), we move about in the world and how
we live together in community: sharing our food, energy, shelter,
labor, and lives. In short, an energy transition requires us to exchange
what Ruth Irwin has described as our solipsistic, modernist, and
consumerist worldview, which “foreshortens our imagination and
ability to find alternatives,” for an “integrated, embodied, future
oriented ‘world-scape.’”39 Imaginaries of a future, where technology
allows for only modestly transformed lives, are part of a larger project
concerned with maintaining capitalism.
While Porritt might have intended his book as a contribution to the
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
deployment of optimism as a strategy, this book should be seen as a
lens onto the present that exposes the cruelty of the optimistic sales
pitch of sustainable capitalism, which relies on unevenly distributed
slow violences of capitalism and climate crisis. This fictional account
illustrates beautifully (the text itself something of an objet d’art) that
the fulcrum of sustainable capitalism is capitalism itself — sustaining
capitalism — not the environment or even human life.
Wasted Lives and Troubling Erasures: Decolonization and
In the future world of Alex McKay, capitalism’s failings are mitigated
or managed.41 Within the book’s global context, gender and racial
inequities are unselfconsciously reproduced as the outcomes of
national mismanagement. There is some acknowledgement, to be
fair, of the environmental struggles that will be faced by people in
developing nations as a result of climate change, but the issues of race,
class, and gender in the West are largely absent, with only a passing
(troubling) reference to Canada’s oil sands.
The book foretells a rather unimaginative re-invocation of the past
as future, through a neocolonial project that demands that African
countries again reclaim their sovereignty:
Initially, this expansion was driven by what was described as “the
worst resurgence of colonialism since the time of slavery,” as both the
big agri-tech companies and the land-hungry countries like China and
Saudi Arabia bought up vast tracts of productive land in Africa.… But
all that “land-grabbing” came to a dramatic end after the Great Famine
in 2025, as one African country after another took back control of its
own land.42
In the scrapbook, poverty is mitigated but not eliminated. In fact, the
numbers of the poor have increased, “but the lives they lead today are
very much more comfortable than 30 years ago and fewer than half a
billion are now living in absolute poverty.”43 A Solar Salvation scheme
Feminist and Decolonial Futures
in Nigeria is described as “an extraordinarily generous commitment,”
and so, while Porritt claims elsewhere in the book that the need for
charity has been eliminated, the economic relations of the rich world
and poor world maintain very similar geographies to the present, and
the language of aid and “generosity” reproduce current global power
relations.44 Nigeria is no less short of sunlight than it is of oil and yet
the country is clearly not thriving within the continued capitalist
relations of the mid-twenty-first century. The narrator acknowledges
the injustice of these events, but accepts these as historical struggles
that have been resolved. This narrative strategy leapfrogs the impasse
of the present, in all its complexities and potential for building
knowledge toward other outcomes that has not yet been imagined.
What’s skipped over is precisely what Berlant articulates as an activity
of living that demands “a wandering absorptive awareness and a
hypervigilance that collects material that might help to clarify things,
maintain one’s sea legs, and coordinate the standard melodramatic
crises with those processes that have not yet found their genre of
event.”45 This leapfrogging leads to the enclosure of other possibilities
that might be produced by thoughtfully exploring decolonialization
and reintegrating feminist thinking into future systems.
When the narrator does mention the tar sands, the foreclosures
of Porritt’s sustainable capitalist future are violently articulated as
the ecocidal and genocidal project of extractivist Canadian politics.
McKay describes “a disastrous release of waste water from one of the
largest tar sands operations, contaminated with mercury, lead and
other toxic elements, killed off almost every living creature along a
160-kilometre stretch of the Athabasca river. It’s taken the Athabasca
a full 30 years to recover.”46 What such “recovery” after death looks
like in the landscape after thirty years is not detailed. This ambiguous
vision for the future feeds into concepts of “reclamation” that are
part of larger discourses of scientific and managerial control. Such
techniques are grounded in the colonial worldview of terra nullius
that continue to justify the claiming and settling of land in what is
now recognized as Canada. Just as a wetland cannot be reconstituted,
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
neither can there be ‘recovery’ from death and genocide, whether it
is the extermination of flora, fauna, or human species. Furthermore,
the concept of claiming or reclaiming the land raises the question:
claiming for whom? Given the historical context, it is only wise to
be skeptical of any project that claims or reclaims territory. Many
real-world reclamation projects in Northern Alberta take what were
once wetlands belonging to Indigenous communities and transforms
them first by extracting the oil and then by landscaping them into
new environments much better suited for living and building on —
settling — than the original wetlands.
In the fictional rendition provided by the story, the deadly tailingspond breech compromises 160 kilometers of downstream territory
that includes Indigenous communities such as Fort McKay, Fort
Chipewyan, and others beyond, many of which are using treaty rights
as a mechanism to resist the ongoing colonization of their lands by
government and industry. Rather than acknowledging the historical
and ongoing struggles of these communities, who are being brutally
impacted by the violences of late capitalist oil production right now, the
book enacts an eco-genocide of Indigenous communities, mentioning
only their erasure as part of the inevitable fallout of oil extraction
and petro-politics — not as a result of ongoing capitalist relations. No
mentions of land and treaty issues or pipeline blockades are raised.
Instead, dissenting Indigenous voices are silenced through exclusion
from the text overall, erased from the land by a tailings bond breech.
Capitalism and the project of modernity (mobilized by the modern
nation state) require as their prerequisite the erasure of certain
bodies. In Canada, for example, colonial logics have produced and
continue to perpetuate cultural genocide, displacing Indigenous
peoples to reserves, forcibly removing their children from homes
and communities (first in the form of residential schools and later
as part of the Sixties Scoop and ongoingly through child protective
services and policies) and by continuously disregarding land and
treaty rights into the present in the rush to “develop” minerals
and resources. In recent years, over twelve hundred Missing and
Feminist and Decolonial Futures
Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) have been documented. The
mere existence of Indigenous women, argues Audra Simpson, is an
affront to the colonial project, since they are the historical owners/
guardians of the resource and oil-rich lands now occupied by settler
Canadians. In short, the exploitations of the age of oil fueled by carbon
intensive energy are not simply the result of a disconnect from the
environment and other species. These exploitative attitudes are reified
in the relationships between people as well, whereby some classes
and cultures of people believe themselves to be superior to others,
resulting in the extraction of labor for surplus value, and ultimately
the dehumanization of those who become a barrier to profit margins
— which in its most extreme form results in the murder and genocide
of those deemed superfluous.
Porritt’s storified version of the future exemplifies a dominant
strand in environmentalism. Many green capitalists of his ilk are
unwilling to muddy accepted narratives of progress. As such,
they gloss over the systemic violences intrinsic to any colonial
project that, by definition, demands territorial takeover and the
displacement of peoples. Porritt fetishizes the systemic violence of
the past (our present) as the outcomes of oil and not as intrinsic to
logics he aspires to maintain, namely capitalism; meanwhile Porritt
imagines the violences of the future as being in the service of progress
toward greater equality among those who survive — a perpetually
elusive promise. The logics of colonialism that are evidently still
in operation in these imagined futures cannot be resolved under
capitalism, because one is dependent on the other in its reliance on the
exploitation of labor and resources for the accumulation of capital.
The World We Made illustrates our failure to imagine new futures, given
that these futures mirror post–World War II independence movements
that failed to achieve autonomy, as nineteenth- and twentieth-century
nation-to-nation (colony-to-empire) relationships were replaced by
alliances with multinational corporations.
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
Oil is a Feminist Issue. Energy Transition is a Feminist Issue
In The World We Made one of the few references to women is in
relationship to population control — a strategy aimed at controlling
the bodies of women, largely women of color in developing nations.
In omitting women and their perspectives, the book reproduces the
marginalized status of women around the world, along with the many
ongoing struggles of race, class, and Indigenous rights. Porritt writes
these issues out of the historical account of sustainable capitalism,
much as these perspectives have been written out of the official
historical record. The category of “woman” is, of course, diverse and
fraught, given the “viscous porosity” unacknowledged by classic
dualistic ontologies of nature/culture, sex/gender, and so on that
require a rematerialization of the social that “takes seriously the
agency of the natural.”47 All of this means that different categories
of women are impacted differently by the networks of oil. However,
Porritt’s text lacks even a basic awareness of how the culturally
constructed relationships between women and things — many of
them either products of the petrochemical industry and/or powered
by oil — directly shaped women’s lives in the early twenty-first
century: the ways in which spectacles of resistance continue to
be performed by or draped on the female body. From the runways
of high fashion to the hallways of high schools in popular culture
and late capitalism, women’s images, and women as a concept, are
widely recuperated to drive consumerism and to serve national petropolitics and imperial expansionist aims.48 Porritt’s text also fails to
acknowledge eco-feminist theories that aim for greater gains in a
post-oil culture.
The discussion of population control becomes a key moment
for the text to redefine the term environmentalist, reclaiming it for
fiscal conservatives invested in mitigating environmental damage
as an opportunity to reinvent and sustain capitalism. In the text,
abusive language is used to deride the “not just stupid, but cruel”
approach of that “great army of environmentalists and left-wing
Feminist and Decolonial Futures
politicians in Western countries... [who thought] the real issues were
poverty, injustice and overconsumption” — not population control.49
Through this naïve pop-Malthusianism, the book project, and the
project of sustainable capitalism are de-linked from other “radical”
environmental movements. In the context of this story, radical
comes to name any movement interested in transforming the social
and power relations of late capitalism, making it quite explicit that
sustainable capitalism is about redirecting environmental concerns
away from any vision of the future that will disrupt not only capitalist
accumulation, but its patriarchal, heteronormative, white racialized
For important historical reasons, many feminist environmentalists
resist discourses around population control, refusing to accept that
women’s sexuality be controlled by patriarchal logics, institutions,
and socially held values that limit a woman’s control over her own
body without first demanding social changes on the part of both
men and women. Population control discourses perpetuate women’s
alienation from their bodies, imposed by patriarchal cultural values
and norms.50 It has been over a quarter of a century since Marxistfeminist scholars Vandana Shiva and Maria Mies articulated ecological
concerns as feminist issues. They challenged ecofeminists to “see the
devastation of the earth and her beings by the corporate warriors, as
feminist concerns,” since “it is the same masculinist mentality which
would deny” women the right to their “own bodies and [their] our
own sexuality, and which depends on multiple systems of dominance
and state power to have its way.”51 The thinking of Shiva and Mies,
combined with Berlant’s more recent theorization of cruel optimism
— which analyses how people adapt to crisis over time, seeing it as
ordinary and integrating the contradictions into their own social
relations as part of a new normal — demand that as twenty-first
century moderns we step away from current reality to take a long
hard look at how we have adapted ourselves to ideas that in themselves
are so contradictory that they can do nothing but perpetuate the
status quo, while we continue to act as if these same ideas have the
Materialism and the Critique of Energy
potential to mobilize radical transformations. Once again, promises of
innovation are used to sell the status quo; the emperor has no clothes.
This myopia requires that the world be assessed from new perspectives,
namely feminist ones. The environmental movement has, in fact, been
identified as a women’s rights and feminist movement.52 However, the
blanket identification in Porritt’s book of Other perspectives as radical
strategically undermines both feminist movements and progressive
environmental resistance movements, many of which are led by
women activists and Indigenous communities around the world.
In short, women and feminists are virtually absent from this history
of the future — exactly as they are from the historical accounts to date:
those stories and records that have disrupted our ability to archive
and build feminist knowledges across generations and cultures. To
reinvigorate feminist knowledge in the present and future, we can
look to examples of other feminist cultures, such as the traditional
(historical) feminist practices within European cultures largely erased
by the witch hunts, the enclosures of the commons, colonization,
and capitalism. 53 Many Indigenous communities also provide
other models of thinking through gender identities, kinship, and
community relationships. These knowledges working symbiotically
will provide new entryways to rethinking our relationships to each
other, to our communities, to other species and the planet. Donna
Haraway makes a call to consider as kin all life on earth. Earthlings,
she says, “are kin in the deepest sense, and it is past time to practic