The Enkomi Cup: macrophotographic
damage assessment
Russell Wanhill and Alessandra Giumlia-Mair
ABSTRACT: Macrophotographs of the Enkomi Cup have been examined to assess the
cracking damage in the Cup metal, a silver alloy. The resulting interpretations and
their implications indicate that the cracks are most probably due to long-term stress
corrosion that stopped well before excavation and restoration. It is concluded that no
additional restoration and conservation measures are needed.
The Enkomi Cup is a high-status silver artifact found
in a tomb during excavations in the 1940s on Cyprus.
It is now in the Cyprus Museum in Nicosia (Acc No It dates to about 1400 BC (Organ 1977;
Schaeffer 1952) and stylistically shows Aegean and
Mycenean links. The Cup is decorated with an artificially
black-patinated copper alloy and superimposed gold
alloy inlays (Giumlia-Mair 2012). Figure 1 shows the
Cup effectively as-found in 1949, and in the cleaned and
restored condition, together with indications of some
of the long-term burial damage. Although not clearly
shown in Figure 1, the Cup handle has a bifurcated
‘wishbone’ configuration with each half of the wishbone
attached to the Cup wall by three silver alloy rivets. The
Cup itself would have been worked up from a flat sheet
of base silver. This would have been done using multiple
cold-working and annealing cycles.
The inference that the sheet metal, and also the handle,
were originally base silver comes from the green
corrosion products. These were formed by selective
leaching of copper from the Cup and handle to form a
crust of copper carbonates (Organ 1977). This corrosion
process left the original silver surfaces of the Cup and
handle unscathed, as evidenced by Figure 1b. The
selective leaching also changed the bulk composition
of the Cup, lowering the copper content and raising the
silver and gold contents. Two composition measurements,
concentrating on the three major elements, showed
the cleaned and restored Cup to have a nominal wt%
composition of 87.6Ag, 9Cu, 3.4Au (Plenderleith 1956)
and 86.5Ag, 9.5Cu, 4Au (Giumlia-Mair 2012). The
original composition is unknown, but the copper content
must have been significantly higher. From the reasonable
assumption that a pinkish tinge would be avoided in the
finished artifact, modern colour descriptions (Roberts
and Clark 1979; Leusch et al 2015; Khan 2017) indicate
that up to 20wt% Cu would not be noticeable, but more
than 30wt% Cu would have been too noticeable. On
the other hand, several cycles of working, annealing
and descaling (pickling) during the final stages of
manufacture would, if done, result in surface and near-
© 2023 The Authors.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Historical Metallurgy 54(1), 2023, 1–8
ISSN 0142-3304 (print)
ISSN 2755-0249 (online)
Figure 1: The Enkomi Cup. a) as excavated, with
an inserted B&W image of the broken-off top part
of the ‘wishbone’ handle (Plenderleith 1956); b)
after cleaning and restoration. The images were
originally hand-coloured (Organ1977; Schaeffer
1952) and lacked the red annotations: a) 1‒3 are
broken-off pieces and the outlined arrow points
to the fracture surface profile in the cup wall; b)
the letters A, B, D indicate barely visible cracking
surface copper depletion and a silvery lustre when
polished (Lechtman 1984).
The paragraphs above contain some uncertainties about
the Cup’s manufacture owing to limited information,
except for the decorative black and gold inlays (GiumliaMair 2012). However, an essential detail directly related
to subsequent long-term burial damage is the near-certainty that the final step was riveting the handle to the
Cup. That is to say, there would not have been a final
annealing treatment. The silversmith would not have
recognized a need for one, see the discussion section of
this paper, and may also have wished to avoid possible
damage to the decorations.
The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the damage that the Cup has sustained from long-term burial
and whether there are particular aspects that could be
relevant to its ongoing conservation. This discussion is
possible owing to macrophotographic evidence obtained
as a spin-off from two recent examinations of the Cup
(Giumlia-Mair 2012; Hart 2015). We note here that
taking samples from the Cup is out of the question, as is
usually the case for such valuable artifacts. Nevertheless,
the interpretation of visual observations is sometimes
sufficient, even for modern engineering components
(Kishore 2021).
Restoration at the British Museum
The corrosion crust was removed from the Cup and
handle by immersion in a boiling aqueous solution of
formic acid for 20 minutes, after which patches of residual cuprite (Cu2O) and reduced copper were removed
by locally applying concentrated ammonia (Plenderleith
1956). Although not specified by Plenderleith (1956), the
adhesive used to reattach the broken-off pieces of the
Cup and handle would have been a cold-setting epoxy
resin. This is inferred from Werner (1962), who provided
a contemporary description of the advantages of epoxy
resins: (i) achromatism and transparency, (ii) strength
without brittleness, (iii) good adhesion to silver, and (iv)
ambient temperature curing with low shrinkage. Werner
(1962) also summarised a method of applying the adhesive to a very fragile bowl, by brushing viscous liquid
epoxy over the inside of the bowl and allowing it to set.
A complete description of this necessarily complicated
restoration was given previously by Organ (1959).
Returning to the Cup, it was restored from the inside by
applying the liquid adhesive sufficiently to re-attach the
broken-off pieces and also reinforce a severely cracked
but still attached piece. These observations will be
discussed further below.
Figure 2: Partial view of the inside of the
Cup. The red letters A‒I refer to significant
cracking locations; J appears to be a small
crack between two rivets; the numbers 1‒3
refer to the three broken-away pieces and
the number 4 to the severely cracked but
still attached piece. Also visible are the old
and now yellowish-brown adhesive used to
re-attach pieces 1‒3 and partially re-attach
piece 4, and a modern colourless adhesive
(the wider irregular surface flanking the
cracks and especially visible below the
crack segment GH) superimposed on the
old adhesive and continuing further into the
Cup. The basic image is © A Giumlia-Mair.
Figure 3: Inside view of the Cup. The letters
H‒G‒I point to two cracked segments
displaced from the local concave profile
of the Cup, and the letters K and L point to
crack arrest locations. The dashed ellipse
indicates the perfect contour of the Cup rim
before the long-term burial damage. This
ellipse allows visualizing the deformationinduced distortion at the Cup rim: a
maximum of 1.6%, equivalent to a horizontal
displacement of 2.5 mm. The basic image is
© A Giumlia-Mair.
Figure 4: External views of the large crack
running from G to I and then to L (cf Figure
3). The right-hand image shows Cup wall
displacement from G to I and a yellowishbrown smear of the old adhesive accidentally
deposited on the external surface. The inset
(to the left) shows that the crack from I to L
is at least partly open. The right-hand basic
image is © A Giumlia-Mair; the basic image
used for the inset is from © C Hart 2015.
The inset has been circularly cropped, reorientated and very approximately matched
in colour tones for compatible viewing with
the overall view.
Figure 5: External view of the crack rim
locations A‒D and the coalescence of cracks
CF, DE and EF that led to piece 3 breaking
off (cf Figs 1 and 2). The long-term burialinduced cracking, deformation and distortion
prevented neat attachments below the Cup
rim, such that the CF, DE and CF crack
surfaces are widely separated. Other notable
details are the incomplete filling of cracks
CF and DE by the old adhesive, accentuated
by the presence of three adhesive bridges in
crack DE; missing sections of inlay, whereby
a trace and remnant between the whiteoutlined arrows just below the rim has the
appearance of a narrow crack; and the
misaligned top and stem of the handle. The
basic image is © C Hart 2015.
Damage survey
A selection of some of the recent macrophotographs of
the Cup and handle are presented in Figures 2‒5. Table
1 classifies the damage into several categories and also
records the presence of two restoration adhesives (old
and modern).
clearly crack segments CF and DE (Fig 5), are displaced
and have minor misalignments below the rim segments.
All these features result from deformation and distortion
during the long-term burial. Figure 5 also shows that the
single-stem part of the handle is misaligned, especially
the top ‘cap’. This may have happened before burial.
Silver alloy damage
Inlay and adhesive details
The combination of Figures 2 and 3 shows both an
overall association of the main cracks with the region
containing the two rivet clusters, and how the cracks
coalesced into two single cracks that eventually arrested.
This pattern and the wide CF and DE crack surface displacements visible in Figure 5 demonstrate that cracking
began at locations A, B, C and D.
Figure 3 shows that restoration to optimise alignment of
the rims of the broken-off pieces resulted in minor outof-roundness of this rim segment. There are additional
consequences: crack segment GI (Fig 4), and more
The two white-outlined arrows just below the rim in
Figure 5 point to a region where the inlay has become
detached, leaving a trace and remnant that under the
photograph lighting conditions looks like a narrow
crack. Many pieces of the gold inlays are also missing
(Figs 1b, 4 and 5).
Figures 2 and 3 show the now yellowish-brown old
adhesive and a modern colourless adhesive. As stated
previously, the old adhesive is most likely a cold-setting
epoxy resin, which would have been colourless when
applied but has discoloured with age. The initial lack
Table 1: Classification of damage and restoration visible in Figures 2‒5.
Damage features
crack arrest
• smear
gold inlays
of colour explains why the yellowish-brown smear
indicated in Figure 4 was not noticed during restoration.
Discolouration of the old adhesive (Fig 2) also reveals
that restoration to re-attach pieces 1‒3, and partially
re-attach piece 4, was sparingly done along the edges
of pieces 1‒3 but not along the crack segment GI. Nor
was the old adhesive applied along the crack segments
IL and HK (Fig 3). Additional evidence of this minimal
approach is provided by Figure 5, which shows incomplete filling of cracks CF and DE.
As stated in the introduction to this paper, the main
purpose is to discuss the damage sustained by the Cup
(mainly the cracking but also some local deformation
and distortion) and determine the relevance of the
damage, if any, to its conservation. Before this can be
done, it is necessary to describe the types and causes of
cracking that have found been to occur in ancient silver
artifacts. The cracking is designated as embrittlement
because silver alloys, including ancient and historic ones,
are normally ductile and malleable (eg Taylor 2013).
Ancient silver embrittlement
There are essentially three kinds of ancient silver embrittlement:
• General corrosion, manifested as the slow conversion of the metal surface to silver chloride (AgCl)
in high-purity alloys (Gowland 1920; Organ 1977;
Scott 1996), and copper corrosion products in base
silver alloys, eg copper carbonates as in the case of
the Enkomi Cup (Organ 1977). Strictly speaking,
general corrosion is embrittling only when much
of the underlying metal is lost, for example the lyre
from the Royal Graves at Ur (Organ 1977).
• Selective corrosion: interdendritic in castings (Scott
1996); intergranular in mechanically worked and
annealed artifacts (Vaníčková et al 2007); and both
intergranular and transgranular in artifacts retaining
considerable amounts of cold-work after finishing
(Wanhill 2013; Wanhill et al 2008). The study of six
corrosion-embrittled high-silver artifacts of widely
different age and provenance has led to the conclusion that the intergranular and transgranular corrosion and resulting embrittlement are due to stress
corrosion cracking (SCC; Wanhill 2013). Except for
fully annealed artifacts, eg a Romanesque kaptorga
(Vaníčková et al 2007), the stresses are residual
stresses owing to retained cold-work and externally
applied stresses from the soil weight during longterm burial (Wanhill 2013).
• Certain elements cause intergranular microstructural
embrittlement of silver and silver alloys (Gowland
1920; Sisco and Smith 1951; Thompson and
Chatterjee 1954). The latter authors investigated
accelerated (elevated temperature) age-embrittlement
of Ag-Pb and Ag-Pb-Cu alloys. This study was
prompted by the brittleness and chemical compositions of ancient silver coins that originally would
have been ductile. Thompson and Chatterjee (1954)
concluded that lead precipitation from supersaturated solid solution in the silver matrix resulted
in embrittlement. However, atomic segregation to
grain boundaries is most probably sufficient to cause
embrittlement (Wanhill 2002; Wanhill et al 1998).
A synergistic combination of SCC and ageing-induced
microstructural embrittlement is possible. However,
only one artifact, an Egyptian vase, has until now been
reported to have this combined damage (Wanhill 2011;
Wanhill et al 1998). The vase metal is very fragile and
owes its current survival to extensive non-reversible
restoration with an organic material functioning as an
adhesive, and also as a filler where large pieces were
missing (Wanhill et al 1998).
Further, it is important to note that the metal adjacent to
and remote from general corrosion and SCC is normally
not embrittled. In other words, the undamaged metal
retains its normal mechanical properties unless becoming microstructurally embrittled. Even so, age-induced
microstructural embrittlement, although intrinsic and
resulting in generally fragile artifacts, does not necessarily destroy them. An example is a partially cracked
but otherwise well-preserved Roman kantharos (Wanhill
2011; 2018). It is also fortunate that microstructural
embrittlement appears to be less prevalent in ancient
silver artifacts (Wanhill 2018).
Cup crack pattern
The crack pattern mentioned in Table 1 and shown in
Figures 2 and 3, began along the Cup rim at four locations. The crack origins A, B and C are offset to the left
of the centreline between the two clusters of rivets. The
cracks cross-linked and coalesced as they grew away
from the rim, forming two longer cracks that eventually
arrested. An explanation for this crack pattern is given
here, relying on several assumptions:
• A combination of residual stresses from the riveting
process and the weight of the soil (burial stresses)
during long-term burial. The assumption of residual
stresses remaining after riveting is the near-certainty
that a final annealing treatment would not have been
used. The silversmith would not have been aware of
the modern concepts of residual stresses and stress
Figure 6: Suggested long-term stable orientation of the Cup
during burial, based on the overall positions of the main cracks
and their origins at locations A, B, C and D. NB: the horizontal
tilt appears exaggerated in this representation. Original image:
The APSIDA Repository of the UNESCO Chair on Digital
Cultural Heritage at the Cyprus University of Technology.
concentrations (the rivet holes), but only that the
handle had been attached without visible damage
to the Cup.
• The predominance of burial stresses, since the Cup
wall thickness is only about 0.9mm along and beyond
the main crack locations A‒D.
• The Cup orientation during long-term burial. To
promote cracking from the rim and achieve the
offset of the crack origins A, B and C from the area
most influenced by residual stresses (ie the area
surrounding the rivet clusters) it is suggested that
the Cup was in a long-term stable orientation such
as in Figure 6. Note that the suggested orientation
also helps to explain why the Cup handle broke just
above the wishbone, presumably owing to cracking
induced solely by burial stresses.
Cracking details: identifying the type(s) of
The Cup damage possesses several features that can
assist in identifying whether the cracks are due to SCC
or age-induced microstructural embrittlement, or both.
Figures 1‒5 and Table 1 provide the main observed
features, namely several crack nucleation sites, the
crack coalescence pattern, crack arrest, open cracks,
and deformation and distortion. The following remarks
about these features are derived from empirical knowledge about ancient silver embrittlement (Wanhill 2002;
2011; 2013; 2018; Wanhill et al 1998) and basic fracture
mechanics (Janssen et al 2002):
• Crack nucleation: Generally speaking, SCC frequently begins at several locations, while brittle fracture
usually begins at a single location.
• Crack coalescence: SCC and brittle fracture often
result in secondary crack branching in the direction
of crack growth. However, brittle fracture does not
usually proceed by crack coalescence in the manner
illustrated by Figures 2 and 3. Note that this is a
negative statement with respect to brittle fracture,
rather than a positive one favouring SCC.
• Crack arrest: Both SCC and brittle fracture can
arrest. However, the meandering of crack segment
HK and the considerable length of crack segment
IL (Fig 3) disfavour brittle fracture. Brittle cracks
tend to be macroscopically straight and grow rapidly,
developing kinetic energy that can be used partly to
increase the crack length, even when the applied local
stresses markedly decrease. Thus if the segment IL
were a truly brittle crack the Cup would probably
have fractured completely.
• Open cracks: Open cracks are typical of fractures
with associated (sometimes very limited) plasticity,
unlike brittle cracks, which tend to be narrow.
• Deformation and distortion: The fact that the broken
off pieces 1‒3 and still-attached piece 4 underwent
deformation and distortion, visible especially in
Figure 5, shows that the uncracked metal has not
been microstructurally embrittled. Instead, this
type of damage is most likely a consequence of
SCC progressively weakening the attachment of the
pieces, thereby introducing stress concentrations in
the uncracked and unembrittled metal ahead of the
cracks and enabling localised plasticity-induced
deformation. This scenario is plausible because the
Cup wall thickness is only about 0.9mm at the main
crack locations and therefore has low resistance to
Implications for restoration and conservation
The points above, taken together, mean it is reasonable
to conclude that the cracking damage in the Cup is the
result of SCC, and that the Cup has not undergone microstructurally-induced embrittlement. However, at the
time of the Cup’s restoration, in the early 1950s, it was
thought that ‘old silver is invariably much more brittle
than silver that has been recently cast’ (Plenderleith
1956, 217). This statement, based on much experience
in restoring ancient silver artifacts, is understandable
but not entirely correct. For example, part of the much
later restoration of the well-known Khan Cup involved
the reshaping of strongly deformed fragments supported
by a rubber backing while applying light pressure with
burnishing tools (Stawinoga 1997).
Although Plenderleith (1956) discussed heat-treatment
as a general means of restoring the ductility of ancient
silver, followed by careful reshaping, this would not
have been an option for the Enkomi Cup owing to the
risk of further damaging the gold inlays. Instead he
chose the minimal approach using adhesives described
above. This has been supplemented by a later application
of a modern adhesive.
The main question arising from the present investigation
is whether the results suggest additional reinforcement
and/or care to be advisable. The answer is apparently
no, for four reasons:
• The two final crack segments HK and IL grew well
away from the area of assumed residual stresses encompassing the rivet clusters. Such residual stresses
would anyway have been relieved by the earlier
cracking of pieces 2‒4 (Fig 2). It is assumed that
piece 1 was too far way to be affected by residual
stresses, and that the burial stresses and environment
were responsible for its cracking and detachment.
• The final cracks both arrested. Given the time that
the Cup was buried, more than 3,000 years, it is most
likely that crack arrest occurred some considerable
time before excavation, ie with a weight of soil still
on the Cup.
• After excavation there are no stresses on the Cup
and only a normal air environment in its communal
display cabinet. This means that if the cracking
during burial was SCC, as is most probable, there is
no possibility of it recurring.
• Both the Egyptian vase (synergistic embrittlement)
and Roman kantharos (microstructural embrittlement) mentioned above were investigated in detail
(Wanhill 2011; 2018; Wanhill et al 1998) after small
pieces of silver alloy metal became detached during careful handling and cleaning. These types of
continuing damage have apparently not happened
to the Cup.
Nevertheless, it is obvious that the Cup should always
be handled with care, as befits its condition, rarity and
high status.
An investigation of this kind, without detailed scientific
evidence, cannot provide definitive conclusions. A
summary stating the most probable interpretations of
the findings has to suffice. Detailed examination and
interpretation of the features shown in the macrophotographs strongly suggest that the silver alloy cracking
sustained by the Enkomi Cup is due to long-term stress
corrosion cracking (SCC) caused by internal residual
stresses and burial stresses, in combination with the
burial environment. Three pieces containing four crack
origins broke off from the Cup but not before they
were slightly deformed and distorted, indicating that
the silver alloy was ductile, ie not microstructurally
embrittled. Piece 4, still attached to the main part of the
Cup, was contiguously cracked with pieces 2 and 3, and
also slightly distorted. The final segments of cracking
have arrested, most probably well before the Cup was
Given the findings, their interpretations and implications, and no evidence for subsequent detachment of
small pieces from the Cup owing to microstructural or
synergistic embrittlement, it may be concluded that no
additional restoration and conservation measures are
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The authors
Russell Wanhill is an emeritus principal research scientist from the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre,
active in co-authoring and editing books on aerospace
materials and technologies. Particular interests include
practical fatigue crack growth failure analyses, quantitative fractography, stress corrosion cracking of aerospace
alloys, and embrittlement/cracking/corrosion of ancient
metals (bronze, iron, silver).
Address: Oosterom 20, 8303KL, Emmeloord, Flevoland,
the Netherlands.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair is head of the research laboratory at the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian
Academy of Sciences in Moscow. She taught archaeometallurgy and archaeometry at the universities of
Salzburg (Austria), Trieste and Udine (Italy), lectured
at universities in Europe and Asia (Osaka, Bangalore,
Trivandrum, Tokyo, Nara), and studied objects belonging to important museum collections in the UK,
Canada, Germany, Romania, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria,
France, Greece, Cyprus, and Italy. In 2000 she founded AGM Archeoanalisi, specialising in archaeometry
and metal analysis. She has published c250 papers,
books and conference proceedings and organized archaeological exhibitions and over 20 international
conferences. She is member of the standing committee
of BUMA, President of the standing committee of
Archaeometallurgy in Europe, Vice-President of the
Classical Bronze Conference and Secretary of the
Archaeometry Commission of the International Union
of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP).
Address: Leiterg./Via della Costa 4, I-39012 Merano
(BZ), Italy.